want this on my motorcycle, my car, my mountain QUICK Throttle MAGAZINE PO Box 3062 • Dana Point, CA 92629 bike, everywhere! 949-388-3695 AUGUST 2014
[email protected] • www.quickthrottle.com Now about that sound...you’ve heard the clip, you’ve maybe heard it revving on the dyno-type platform they’ve been setting up on the Livewire tours. Well, it doesn’t quite sound the same on the road, but close. Yes, it’s got the turbine sound, just not enough of it. I told the H-D guys, “When you finally ship these things, make the sound as raunchy as possible.” Sure it’s cool, but I want more of it. If I can’t set off car alarms with my pipes, I gotta have something right? Now I have heard it’s actually louder than the Zero and other electric bikes. H-D Sportbike looks aside, we were very intrigued. Why? claims they “designed” the sound that way. They We Ride Harley-Davidson’s Because we knew from the Tesla Roadster in 2008 also told me the sound can be affected by how the that this technology could provide “instant torque” gears are cut. I did notice, when riding around with New Electric Motorcycle and remain very fast throughout the entire power those other Livewire’s, that it was very reminiscent curve. Our interest was also piqued when we heard of the scene in “Return of the Jedi” when they’re By CD, Editor of QT Magazine the sound it made, or a recording of it at least - it sounded like a cross between a turbine engine and That’s right, we rode it the Jetson’s flying car.