i have details- concerning dave burgess- the world president & owner of the hells angel on trial for child pornography- and want to take the witness stand to testify against him. i also have been trying to gather proof about dave burgess and troy regas child pornography ring since 1994 and i have information that shows that dave burgess is not the only one who is involved with the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pictures of children being sexually abused that was found in dave burgess computer-- i have been searching for proof since 1994 when i used to work at the mustang (brothel in 1994- i walked over by the bridge where dave burgess old bridge brothel is located next to the old mustang ranch and discovered a child pornography magazine laying next to the water by the bridge and i was appalled--- i regret that i didn't take the magazine and keep it for proof-- because when i saw it i was so much horrified and shocked that i threw it in the river and ran away as fast as i could, crying uncontrollably and really freaking out--i told some anna marie - who is now deceased ( she is johnny collettis brother and shirley collettis daughter, and she was a close friend with me for the short tyme i knew her before she died, and when i told her about what i saw she began crying and told me never to tell anyone about this or i would be in danger and i became angry and asked her if she was involved in these things , molesting and pictures of little children.... she told me yes, and uncontrollably cried

(very quiet though - because she was in my room at the mustang ranch while i was a hooker they're -- and it was her shift as a floor maid- we were working the late shift 11 pm to 11 am, she demanded i give her the child porn magazine i found by the bridge, and i told her i didn't have it- that i had thrown it in the river and i was very mad at her at first because she wouldn't tell me why i would be in danger if i told anyone about it,, and then she sat for a long tyme in room- which was dark with only a candle flickering--candles weren't allowed in the girls rooms at the ranch-- but anna marie let me anyhow-- and also we used to smoke joints together in my room and blow the smoke out the window -- and spray freshener-- anna marie was rally really cool, i had thought until i realized she was involved in the child porn thin-- well at first i was mad and then as she sat they're in silence quietly weeping, i realized that she must be a victim,,. rather than a victimizer,, and i asked her if she had been sexually abused also and used in child porn magazines,, and she looked at me and here eyes became wide and she almost looked hopeful but terrified and i promised i wouldn't tell anyone, if she told me the truth=-= and i also told her if she wouldn't tell me the story and who is involved -- i would tell everyone what happened and portray her as being the criminal rather then the victim-- and she became so afraid and said she would .. be murdered or killed if she ever told anyone, and asked her if dave burgess and troy regas and the mustang ranch and old bridge ranch had anything to do with it and she said yes-- and she told me that joe conforte was also involved and when he left the country for tax evasion , dave burgess became the head of the porn ring, with troy regas next in power, and then and ingrid regas and yvonne regas and told me the perry's- the old twins who owned the ranch property were also involved-- she would not say her brother jonny colletti or her mom shirley colletti were in it-- i asked several tymes about what really happened with shirley and jonney colletti and joe conforte-- and she wouldnt tell me,, she only told me that she had been used in it since she was a little girl and that the regas family & joe and shirley conforte & dave burgess and the perrys were the ones that blackmailed and victimized her ( anna marie ) and her mom shirley colletti and her brother jonny colletti . this was when jonny colletti and dave burgess and troy regas were reno renagades and were not yet hells angels, she also told me that they __dave burgess and troy regas had some business deals going on with the hells angels and would soon be hells angels - and use the hells angels members across the globe to -- increase the profits by using the club members to ( do the dirty work)) she told me the mexian mofia had pretty much taken over the meth business and the hells angels were going broke and were somehow pushed out by the mexican mafia -- as being the biggest suppliers of meth in the usa-- and told me this thing with the mexicans and hells angels had started in la and holly wood and the hells angels were pushed out of that area,, she also told me the hells angels didn't have a real leader anymore when sonny barger stopped participating in the drug activity that had been the main income for the hells angels-- well she told me sonny barger still partied and kept in touch with the hells angels and supplied, some coke meth weed for his biker brothers and did drugs but only sold to the hells angels at the bike runs and party's and get together -- and she told me that if things worked out-- that dave burgess & troy regas would become hells angels and the money for the club would then depend on the profits of the child porn rather then drugs--- she told me troy regas and ingrid regas and yvonne regas were blackmailing dav burgess and wanted to take his brothel (the old bridge) from him and told me that dave burgess hardly got any of the profits from the ranch and the the main ones who got the money were troy regas- yvonne regas and ingrid regas-- she also told me that yvonne regas make the most money per hour at the old bridge ranch and that troy regas was growing rich from the child porn and that the regas family had gotton rid of joe conforte and shirley colletti and told me that jonny was still in the reno renegades with dave burgess and troy regas but told me that if the reno renegades became hells angels , that jonny colletti would quit the club-- ray also quit when the reno renegades became hells angels and ray was a friend of mine he quit using drugs and drinking and became s cristian and ray also used to be a runner and cook at dave burgess brothel until the renegades became hells angels and jonny colletti and ray did not upgrade to hells angels, when dave and troy did because they knew they would be slaves to dave and troy and have to help them commit the crimes and cover them up -- of this up and coming child porn ring-- she told me that it *(the child porn ring was very small ___ )) at the time that i had talked with her which was 1992 or 1993- & maybe 1994-- i cant exactly remember when i i first began to work at the ranch,, but i think it was in october 1992 or 1993,, anyhow i didnt stay working at the ranch for long period of tymes, id work for 3 or 4 or 5 days and take the month off, even though its required for the hookers to stay 10 to 14 days -- i always got away with working when ever i wanted which was only a few days a month maybe 3 to 10 days a month-- anyhow i say i was good friends with anna marie colletti and when i say this i mean we hit it off right away and smoked weed together and she let me sleep on shift and burn candles in my room and do what i wanted -- so in reality, i had only known anna marie a short tyme and we only saw each other when i was on shift at the mustang ranch and she was working as floor maid -- on my shift-- so i didnt know her home number or go to her house or know really anything private about her -- until that one talk we had when i found the child porn magazine ===i am so ashamed to say that -- i didnt exactly keep her secret -- i only entrusted what anna marie had told me to bridget the floor maid at the mustang ranch and toby-- a floor maid and then i begin to notice a chill from anna marie when i was on shift and she wouldnt tale to me or smile or anything and also bridget the head floor maid - who was extremely mean and very very strict with the hookers on shift wouldnt let the working girls sleep on shift or break too many rules she was really strict and did not smile or be friendly to any of the hookers but did not say anything to me when i would go to my room to sleep on shift or only work 3 or 4 days at a tyme when the other girls had to stay living at the ranch 10 to 14 days at a tyme before they could take off-- so i found i got away with pretty much everything

-- shortly after -- anna marie colletti ended up dead, i heard from jonny colletti that it was a drug overdose--- but i dont beleive it i really beleive _ considering the circumstances of anna marie telling me what she told me and then me getting drunk and high and going and telling bridget and toby what anna marie told me, i truly beleive anna marie was murdered -- of course i cant prove it-- but i can tell you this anna marie was not a junkie heroine addict -- joe confortes son--little joe was though( a heroine addict) and lived for free at the mustang ranch back then nancy-- who used to work at the mustang ranch for many years -- (blond hair and glasses and was loved by the mustang ranch family__ also told me-- one day that i needed to leave reno and the mustang ranch and go back to illinois -- and then whispered to me-- that this is what anna marie would have wanted for me ' so i can only assume _she was warning me that i needed to leave or end up like anna marie'' __dead___ since anna marie coletti died-- the guilt had consumed me and so i did not ever tell anyone else what she told me -- because i feel, since it is most likely my big mouth .. that got her killed , that if told anyone else what anna marie had told me that her mom shirley coletti and her brother, jonny coletti might also be killed-- so know that i dont knoe for sure anna marie was murdered-- but , well, yes i do , in my heart of hearts -- i do beleive -- or knoe -- anna marie was murdered because of the way things went down and also because of nancy-the dearly loved manager and floor maid of the mustang ranch--(i think she was manage, wait, no bridget was the manager at that tyme, but nancy was very close in rank and power with bridget-- maybe the 3rd in power-- anyhow== because of what nancy said to me,, that anna marie would want me to leave reno and the mustang ranch-- (i feel ) was nancy's way of telling me that anna marie had been murdered because of my big mouth,, and so i could write for days about many things since 1992- thru now -- but i will stick to the basics for now-- this is going to be my 1st statement or first of several .. and i will continue to send you more information, as to my experiences working at the mustang ranch and old bridge ranch and kit cat ranch and living in reno and carson city and sparks nevada and lake tahoe and my interactions with people over the years -- who were-are in the cult clan-- under dave burgess troy regas-- but right now i just need to get this 1st of many statements to you right away and it is 510 am and i want to get this faxed off to all of you i intend to fax this statement to-- and so i will tell you some basic info that i hope will convince the prosecutors and the judge and jury to let me take the stand and testify against dave burgess and tell what i know about the child porn ring. about 5 years ago, a x hells angel named stick _ who was kicked out of the hells angels because of me , who also was selling hells angels club secrets to outside sources -( let me come over to the hells angels headquarters in sparks nevada (where stick lived) and we did some partying and also i had been pressuring him and hounding him telling him i knoe about the child porn ring and how dave burgess and troy regas also kidnap women and use them for rape and snuff films and human sacrifice and sell them on the black market and he let me completely look anywhere i wanted at the hells angel club house for about 10 hours-- and they're was blood on the carpet trailed down the hall from a closet that had a opening at the ceiling of the closet-- a hidden opening- that the ceiling of a closet in the club house led to somewhere else , he told me not to go up they're --if i ever wanted to see day light again he told me the blood trails down the hall were from a black man who had been beaten almost to death,, but told me that the black man, who's blood was on the carpet, from the closet , trailing down the hall was still alive .. and that he was being kept alive for a snuff film,, he also told me that mark presser who lived west of reno on twin lakes off of 4th street behind the glory hole restaurant, was involved and was a mother hen and told me that i may be able to get more info from mark if i play my cards right, and start sleeping with mark presser,, and so i did,, and found out some things that you need to kn oe,, mark presser- who was at that tyme, was a forest ranger who used his job as a front to be able to get rid of the dead body's of the missing children and women and black men.. he was getting rid of what was left of the murdered children and women and black men in the reno forest preserve & pee vine mountain,, i saw at mark pressers house, the way they got rid of the body's of the murder victims they're was a big big black kettle that kind of looked like the witches kettles that they brew their witches brew in-- anyhow this thing was enormous and was located on the property on the right hand side next door to mark pressers house.. and this lot was vacant and had a big empty barn and they're were these cans that were in containers that kinda looked like gas cans but weren't and had some chemicals in them that i learned burned the flesh completely off of the bones and then the boned would be crushed up into little pieces and the mixed with tar and gravel and some other rocks to create a rock of its own,, and then scattered about thru out the desert and pee vine mount ian and the different areas of reno nevada forest preserves-( i wonder if the chemicals also made it impossible to get dna samples from the crushed up bones made to look like rocks consisting of gravel and tar and the murder victims bones-- i believe that investigations should check into this & definitely should find out -- these rocks are scattered all over reno nevada -- everywhere and obviously no one has realized what these rocks are but it is very easy to see the little pieces of white bone in these tar clumped gravel rocks that are made to get rid of the murder victims remains-- and -- really i could write a book with the stories i have over the past 14+ years- but i will stick to basics for now-- mark presser also told me that he knows where troy regas murdered & buried 2 little girls who had been kidnapped-- and mark presser told me this happened when troy regas was a teenager mark presser also told me how troy regas k keeps women who they kidnap in closets for months and not give them any food -- and starve them and rape them and beat them -- mark presser told me troy would go beat the hell out of the women regularly because troy regas loves to beat and humiliate them and told me troy regas hates women with a passion and told me troy regas takes out his hate for what troy regas's mom yvonne has done to troy since he was a little boy__ i never learned what yvonne regas did to troy regas- but i was told that jay regas went to prison to keep troy regas out (even though troy regas was facing over 400 years if convicted , the charges were somehow dropped against troy rgeas - and anyhow - i was told by mark presser that troy regas and yvonne regas had both conspired against jay regas somehow to get jay regas out of the way and some arrangement was made where yvonne regas would marry jay regas brother-- and ingrid regas would marry dave burgess and i dont know the details -- but what i do remember being told i will tell you later when i have more tyme to write-- right now its almost 6 am and i have to get this statement faxed off by 7 or 8 am and i will be sending exact copys of this statement to all tv stations in reno nevada - las vegas nevada - lake tahoe- washington dc - cheyenne wyoming florida , north and south carolina , utah, oklahoma - and a few more states-- all tv stations in the states mentioned and the major police departments , and most of all, this letter will be going to the judge and police station and prosecutors in wyoming who are hearing dave burgess trial-- i knoe his trial started last monday and may soon be ready to end , its crucial i get this letter out before the trial is over -- because dave burgess isnt alone in this child porn ring-- and i have since 1993 been determined to get to the bottom of this and shut this black market child porn snuff film human sacrifice meat market down,, --okay, let me see, i really need to finish this statement in the next 15 minutes because i still need to go on line and get fax numbers for all who will receive this statement --- okay ,, so also stick , the x hells angel also told me they're are 2 trailer parks on the left side of 4th street west of reno nevada before you get to may-berry that are loaded with families and children who are used in the child porn ---and the children and family's are in a satanic cult under the re gas family , and told me that the child porn ring -- before the hells angels was took over by dave burgess and troy regas, i was told the child porn was small and the children consisted of the children of the family's in the regas family satanic cult-- and told that kidnapping children across the usa and maybe other country's for dave burgess & troy and ingrid and yvonne regas is new, i was told that when dave burgess and troy regas were reno renegades- the child porn was small and the children who were kidnapped were a very very small number and was told that the story county police department helped cover up the media coverage for the locals.. and told that in these trailer parks on 4th street i would find children used in the child porn -- who were born into it( a satanic clan __ that was generational in reno nevada for many many generations-- and so i was pointed by mark presser to the second trailer park on 4th street nearest to may berry,, to a house where a man lived who picked up missing children from various places across the usa and brought them to reno-sparks-lockwood-carsoncity-and other surrounding areas -- this trailer is on style street off of 4th street west of reno , before mayberry street -- it is on the left hand side of the road right before mayberry , make a left on cool river off of 4th street and a left on style street and curve around to the left on style street and the mans house was the 3rd house on the left -- anyhow i got the couple drunk and had a threesome with them to get them to let get in the house-- i (after the threesome told them i didn't have anywhere to go and asked if i could stay they're for about 3 days -- and so my plan worked perfectly-- when they went to work__ the couple , and i still dint remember their names-- ( i'm sorry about that - i remember where the trailer is -- but i dint remember names well.. actually i kick myself every day for not being more better and thorough in my attempt to gather info on this child porn ring-- back then - until recently , my intentions were not to expose or cause trouble for dave burgess or troy regas or anyone in the satan cult or porn ring---my plans were to find the children __ and i thought that i could get the people involved in committing these crimes to change ,, and i truly believed that deep inside of them all, that they're was a good person who needed help,, and i also understood that they are all born into this and that the same crimes they commit were committed against them since they were born,, so i (for a long tyme_ tried to love these people and desperately tried to get them to use their powers and connections and money and resources for good - instead of evil and have tried to show them how to be earth kings and earth fathers and earth mothers and needless to say-- it hasn't worked -i have been in dave burgess and troy regas ;s face for years and years and years-- trying to get them to be good earth kings and earth fathers-- and always tell them i know about this child porn ring-- i am not sneaky and i always tell dave burgess and troy regas in emails __ about 100 a week -- i tell them i will expose them and shut their entire empire down by shining the universal spotlight on them and i told them if they didn't become good loving earth kings and earth fathers and use their powers to protect and save and heal this earth- that i would expose them to the world with their pants down to their ankles with blood and cum dripping from their lips and fingers and dicks-- anyhow - no one ever believed me about this child porn ring --and the ones that did , helped cover it up for them-- anyhow when dave burgess recently was caught with the pictures of the hundreds and hundreds of pictures of the children being sexually abused,, i finally knew that what i had heard and learned and thought & believed about them is right-- i must tell you,, if anyone cares enough -- you will make sure that you find out who those children are in dave burgess's pictures - because i am partial it will prove to have pictures of missing and dead children--- and so -- okay ,, back to when i had the 3some with the couple in the trailer park-- the day after the all night threesome - i was left alone in the trailer-- and slept in until about noon and some kids knocked on the door and was looking for the guy who lived they're __ damn i wish i could remember his name,, but i can tell you he grows or grew pot plants in his back yard -- anyhow the boys and a little girl wanted the guy to come take them to play -- the kids told me that this guy was their best friend and always played with them (basketball and took them out to exit 22=23 mustang lockwood mustang ranch property, where troy regas would let them ride dirt bikes-- and so since i had been pointed by stick and mark presser that this trailer park was full of children used in the child porn ring-- i was pretty sure these kids were victims,, and so i became friends with them , and i sat them down and told them (( i knew that they were sexually abused and used in child porn and taken pictures of naked and forced to have sex with adults while people took pictures-- now its important that you realize that many tymes - the only way i was able to get info,, was for me to say (to pretend_ that i knew these things as facts rather then hunches and hearsay-- and so the children immediately confessed that i was right-- they thought i knew -- and immediately became afraid -- and o told them dont worry , that i was a friend and told them the same thing happened to me as a child-- i was sexually molested since age 3 - 12 but not very often and not photographed-- my molester was my adopted dad, but i let the kids think i was also used in the satanic pornography since a child-- and then i comforted them and told them i understand -- and hugged them,, and told them they wouldnt get in trouble,,and i got them to tell me - that mark presser -- who lived down the road off of 4th street behind the glory hole right before mccarran w. of reno was a mother hen and took care of about 40 missing children and kept them fed and bathed and entertained the period of tyme a child was they're - the oldest boy used in the porn ring told me that all the time that they're are new kids who come from all over the usa and told me that the guy who's trailer i was at picked up the kidnapped kids across the usa and then took them to mark pressers house and a few other places -- but told me mark presser was the main mother hen who kept the kids most of the time, from the time they were brought to reno till the time when the missing kids disappeared or went away-- the boy told me he was very sad because he recently had met a boy who had become his favorite best friend ever -- and became very very close to the boy ((who was a abducted child__ and the boy who i was talking to in th trailer park cried and told me that his favorite best friend ever -- was gone -- murdered right in front of him,, the other 2 younger boys and a even younger little girl sat quiet most of the time __ well the little girl talked quite a bit hours later but the first few hours i talked with these kids the oldest boy did the talking -- and told me that children are brought in all the tyme and never ever stay more than a month -- and the abducted children and sometimes women-- are raped and tortured and photographed several tymes within about a months time and told me they eventually are murdered and when they are finally killed--- it is always filmed---- it was one of the other 2 younger boys who told me they are quite often taken to the mustang lockwood property -- because troy regas has dirt bikes and lets them ride them -- he told me sometimes occasionally they also are allowed to bring one of the missing children to ride dirt bikes with them - who they become good friends with-- the oldest boy told me his uncle is a reno cop and is also in the child porn ring and told me dave burgess and troy regas have both sexually abused them and told me that troy regas was the one who seemed to be in charge of everyone and told me that everyone in the cult clan had to obey troy regas -- and that troy regas was kinda nice to them ,, bit told me that troy regas was not nice to anyone else in the cult clan and told me he was very very mean to their mommys and the adults -- but told me that troy never was mean to them and let them ride troys dirt bikes-- -- i dont knoe if troy was nice to all the kids in the satan cult clan or just them,, but anyhow i have much more to say but i have got to get this letter sent off to all of the tv stations and the prosecutors and judges and police that are hearing dave burgess trial and i still need to spell check and do a web search and get all the fax numbers for who i will send this statement to -- but the oldest boy i talked to lived on style street second house on the right and the guy who transported the missing kids from other states to reno nevada live don style street in the trailer park off or 4th street west of reno in the 3rd house on the left my cell phone number is 702 581 5084-- you can call me anytime day or night-- i will try to answer but if i don't make sure you leave me a message and a contact number and i will call you back right away as soon as i get the message and i will check my messages all the time -- any how,, i have much much much much more to tell you--- and i will--- -- i will be sending statement #2 and# 3 and 4# and so on within the next 2 or 3 days - but will send # 2 this evening-- i sleep in the day -- please know that i wont talk to anyone who just shows - up at my house__1270 burnham ave#1037, la's vegas nevada is where i live and i say that because i want you to knoe where i live in case i end up dead or missing -- you will be able to knoe,, anyhow i will only talk to or answer any questions in person, if arrangements are made . so if you want to talk to me or ask questions - call me , if i dont answer - i will call you back, pry right away- i promise it wont take me long to get back with you== but if any police or people or reporters , or tv media or anyone at all , decide to just show up at my house without making a appointment or previous arrangements with me, i will not answer the door-- or talk to anyone ,, and also will be mad __ just kidding . i wont be mad,, but i will be unavailable,.. okay -- i think this covers it for now,, actually , i will be sure to write again and send statement # 2 within 24 hours-- all my love to you all from tonya elizabeth kane (aka treee)