BPSCNotes Mock Test-9 QUESTIONS RESPONSES 42 Total points: 42 responses SUMMARY QUESTION INDIVIDUAL Accepting responses
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[email protected] All questions carry equal marks. No negative marking 1. Who is considered as the 'founder of muslim rule' in India? 1 / 1 A) Mohammad Bin Qasim B) Mahmud Ghaznavi C) Mohammad Ghori D) Qutubuddin Aibak E) None of the above/ More than one of the above. Feedback Ans-C The foundation of Muslim rule in India was laid by Mohammad Ghori towards the close of the 12th century A.D. However, long before that Muslims had started making attempts to enter India. The Erst such attempt was made in the middle of the 7th century A.D. which however, proved a failure in 711-713 A.D. the Arabs under Muhammad- bin-Qasim, nephew of the Governor of Basra attacked India and conquered Sindh and Multan. The next attempt to capture India was made by the Turks of Ghazni. Subuktgin and his son Mahmud (995—1030) attacked Punjab which was then ruled by the Shahi dynasty. Subuktgin defeated the Shahi ruler Jaipal and deprived him of his trans Indus territory. The rest of the territories of Jaipal were wrested by his son Mahmud. The credit for laying Erm foundation of the Muslim rule in India goes to Mohammad Ghori. Ghori seized the throne of Ghazni in 1173. After the death of Ghori, his Viceroy Kutub- ud-Din Aibak set up Slave dynasty in India.