Of Pi Beta Ph'
THE OF PI BETA PH'. DE£E~IBEB 1943 THE AR R OW O F PI B ETA PHI ..... ,,, ..........................................................,, ........ '10'"'''' .. """"" •• ,"',''', ..... , ........... ",,,.,,',, ............ ,,.,,'' ................. "." .... " .01.".01' .. OFFICIAl. ORGAN OF THE ~ PI BETA PHI FRATERNI1Y F ...... Y 1861 STAF F Offiu 01 Publication: 206 National Bank Bldg., Decatur 16, Ill. Arrow Edilor: AohE TAYLOR ALFORD (Mrs. T. N.), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. AHiJWII Edilor and BIiJinnJ Manager: GLADYS WAllEN, De<atur. Ill., or 115 Robin. son Ave., San Diego, Calif. A/Jlmn. CllIb Edilor: LOITA JOHNSON W~JR (Mrs. Benjamin). 8" 6th St., Charles ton, III. Chltpl" Lei", Editor: CANDACB SECOR ARMSTRONG (Mrs. James G.), R.R. I, Box 489. Orlando, Fla. News from lillie Pigeon : BETH BRAINARD LEROY (Mrs. H. G.). 142 Forest St., Win chester, Mass. Exchanl.'s lind Col/el.e Noles: NITA DAY CARMAN (Mrs. Ernest), 761 Wilson St., Ltguna Beach, Calif. F,om Pi Phi P~nJ: MAi.]ORlE BRIGHT SHARPE (Mrs. W . E.), 945 Summerland Ave., San Pedro, Calif. "What a F,aJ"nit] Girl Thinll': CANDACE SECOR ARMSTRONG (Mrs. James G .), R.R. I, Box 489, Orlando, Fla. A"ow Filt: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 206 Natio nal Bank Bldg., Decatur 16, III. Arrow Cont,ibutor;.' WHITNEY SWITH; MARGARElTA SPENCE DRAXE ; FLO LELAND THOMPSON; HOPE lCJ.MBROUGH MCCROSKY; 1I.Wy ELIZABETH lAsHER. VOLUME 60 December • 1943 NUMBER 2 Our Magazine Agencv Is Doing a War Service, Too! It's hard for those of us who stay at home to realize that in many parts of the world, magazines are beyond reach. We are glad to print below, therefore, portioos of an advertisement published by Tim •.
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