Reports Minister Had Done Previously
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public relations. He cultivated a presidential style, which no Prime REPORTS Minister had done previously. For some, this style, and his close- ness to some newspapers, was too much. Members of the cabinet were David Lloyd George: The Legacy reportedly particularly upset at Conference fringe meeting, 9 March 2013, with having to meet in Inverness Town Hall in order to accommodate Kenneth O. Morgan and David Howarth; chair: Lloyd George’s holiday. Celia, Baroness Thomas Lord Morgan also noted that Lloyd George was the first Prime Report by David Cloke Minister to write his memoirs, and to make significant amounts n the 150th anniversary of his democracy into British parliamen- of money as a result. This may also birth, in a joint meeting with tary politics more powerfully and be a reflection of the fact that he Ithe Lloyd George Society at the with more lasting effect that any- was the first Prime Minister not to spring 2013 Liberal Democrat con- one before him, including Joseph come from a financially privileged ference, representatives and Group Chamberlain. He used the force background. members were invited to consider of populism (notably in the Lime- the legacy of David Lloyd George – house and Newcastle speeches in not just for Liberalism, and for the 1909) and the power of the media Party party, but for the country as a whole. to get things done. This was most Lord Morgan acknowledged that Baroness Thomas opened the notable in the confrontations with Lloyd George had divided his party meeting with a vignette which the Lords over the 1909 People’s in 1918, but in his view this was a highlighted the extent to which Budget and the subsequent Parlia- reflection of what had happened Lloyd George has played such an ment Act. Lord Morgan did not during the war. Nonetheless, the integral part in the lives of Brit- believe that Lloyd George intended split between the pro- and anti- ish Liberals. Her family owned a the Lords to throw out the budget government Liberals had been very postcard of a great Welsh disestab- but he was quite prepared to face rough and ready and there were a lishment rally, with Lloyd George them down if they did. Quite number of casualties in the process. wagging his finger at the audi- extraordinarily, he had urged his This in turn led to the division of ence; up in the organ loft was her cabinet colleagues to spend as much the party and serious consequences grandfather. they could in order to build the case for all Liberals. It was interesting Lord Morgan, introduced as the for land duties. He wondered to the to note that two of Lloyd George’s world’s greatest expert on Lloyd audience – and to Lord McNally in great heroes had been Joseph George, was called upon to reflect particular – whether a member of Chamberlain, who himself had upon LG’s legacy to the country. any other cabinet had had a similar split the Liberal Party, and Theo- David Howarth, former Liberal experience! dore Roosevelt, who broke from Democrat MP for Cambridge, con- In his campaigning for the Par- the US Republican Party to form fined his remarks to the impact that liament Act Lloyd George indulged Lloyd George the Progressives. Lloyd George had on his party and in what Lord Morgan described as The resulting peacetime coali- the lessons from that for the Liberal democratic confrontation, despite was clearly, tion (on which, incidentally, Lord Democrats. It would be fair to say the opposition of the King, the Morgan believed he had written that one presentation was rather Archbishop of Canterbury and in Lord Mor- his best book) had achievements at more positive than the other! other members of the Establish- first, especially in the area of social Lord Morgan recalled that when ment. Interestingly, given later gan’s eyes, reform. It created a different kind he had spoken on behalf of Lloyd developments in Liberal policy, of politics, at least for a time, and George at the Group’s 2007 fringe fearing a Conservative major- the first one much reflected on since the 2010 meeting on the greatest Liberal, he ity Lloyd George did not want an general election. However, Lloyd had lost out to John Stuart Mill. He elected House of Lords, but rather modern George’s coalition was inherently wondered whether, now that the an enfeebled one so, that the elected unstable; coupled with the smell of Liberal Democrats were in govern- House would always prevail. Prime Min- corruption and conspiracy, exem- ment, members might look more plified by the scandal over the sale favourably upon him! ister, creat- of titles, this meant that one of his He considered first Lloyd Premiership ing, as he legacies was to make coalitions George’s legacy to the country. Lloyd George was clearly, in Lord inherently unpopular. (As an aside, Three Ps stood out: Parliament, pre- Morgan’s eyes, the first modern did, so many Lord Morgan noted that the atmos- miership and party. On all of these, Prime Minister, creating, as he did, phere of the Lloyd George coalition Lord Morgan claimed, Lloyd George so many of the institutions of the of the insti- government had been well caught in had a quite extraordinary impact. modern premiership: the Cabi- Arnold Bennett’s novel Lord Raingo.) net Office, special advisers (in the tutions of In addition to splitting the Lib- famous ‘Garden Suburb’ in the gar- eral Party and discrediting coali- Parliament den of Number 10) and personal the modern tion government, Lloyd George For Lord Morgan Lloyd George handling of foreign policy, indus- enabled the Labour Party to brought the force of mass trial disputes and the government’s premiership. become the majority party of the Journal of Liberal History 79 Summer 2013 23 REPORT: daVid llOYD GEORGe – tHE LEgacY left. Lord Morgan recalled George widening of the scope of unem- During the inter-war years Bernard Shaw’s advice to the ployment insurance. Lord Morgan Lloyd George was the major politi- Labour Party conference in 1918: noted that Lloyd George was often cal proponent of Keynesianism ‘go back to Lloyd George and say accused of pursuing the low road, and, indeed, anticipated him in “nothing doing”’ – very sound but many of the great minds of pub- the 1924 and 1925 Liberal Summer advice, in Lord Morgan’s view. lic life had worked closely with him Schools. The slogan ‘We can con- Lord Morgan then turned to in pursuing this agenda. quer unemployment’ demonstrated some general reflections on the Whilst Lloyd George’s jingo- a leader who was not paralysed by broad cultural changes initiated ism and militarism during the First the idea of debt but believed that by Lloyd George, which had had World War meant that it was not depression could be counteracted a very direct, powerful and long- Lord Morgan’s favourite part of his by promoting growth, investment lasting impact, down to the present career, it demonstrated that he was and employment. It was a posi- time. First, Lloyd George helped to an extraordinary leader. In con- tive characteristic of both Keynes make Wales a political reality. He trast to Churchill, he succeeded and Lloyd George, Lord Morgan had not been alone in this – Lord despite not having full control of argued during questions, that their Morgan acknowledged that there the House of Commons and despite ideas evolved. had been others who were influen- the Generals playing politics and In summing up Lord Morgan tial, notably Tom Ellis – but Lloyd conniving with the Court. The war argued that Lloyd George’s adop- George, through disestablishment made the state much more power- tion of new ideas and desire to and through tackling the power ful in social, economic and cultural move forward was a positive con- of the Welsh gentry, made Wales a spheres and this too was part of trast with the other great British more democratic nation, increas- Lloyd George’s legacy – includ- war leader, Winston Churchill. The ingly confident of its own capacity. ing votes for women, which he had appeal of Churchill was a nostalgic Cymru Fydd (Young Wales or Wales always supported, and a strength- one and he himself fought to main- of the Future), which he helped ened role for trades unions. tain an outmoded class system and lead, clearly anticipated devolution. This concern In foreign affairs, Lord Mor- a fading Empire. By contrast, Lloyd In elaborating during questions, gan acknowledged that Lloyd George was a critic of the class sys- Lord Morgan added that the con- for social George has been much-criticised tem, of the Establishment and of cept of home rule was a fluid one, for the part he played in the crea- conventional wisdom: ‘a critic who but he was confident that it meant reform did tion of the post-war world and the changed his world’. As depicted something like the devolution of entrenchment of the principle of in his statue in Parliament Square, our own day. It was something that not end in nationality that we still have today. Lloyd George points the way for- Lloyd George wished for other Beyond Europe, two of his crea- ward. And as Lloyd George him- countries of the Empire, not just 1914. The tions, Palestine and Iraq, caused self said of Abraham Lincoln at the Wales, and had seen implemented 1918 coali- serious problems which proved to unveiling of his statue, also in Par- in South Africa in the aftermath of be mishandled by successive gov- liament Square, ‘he lost his nation- the Boer War.