In Memoriam 359
IN MEMORIAM 359 IN MEMORIAM Year of THE ALPINE CLUB OBITUARY Election Rickmers, W. R. (resigned 1916; re-elected 1929; resigned 1939; Honorary Member 1958) . 1899 James, J. E. 1908 James, W. W. 1909 Sloman, H. N. P. 1922 Hadfield, C. F. 1926 Montgomrey, J. E. 1928 Aitchison, I. G. 1933 Pryce, H. L. 1936 Greg, R. L. 1 954 Aitken, J. R. 1962 GEORGE DIXON ABRAHAM G. D. ABRAHAM, who died last March, was born at Keswick on October 7, 1872. All visitors to Keswick will know the photographic shop, G. P. Abraham Ltd., and as a mountain photographer Abraham held a high place in his day. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Alpine Club in 1954. Dr. T. H. SOMERVELL writes of him: George Abraham was one of the pioneers of rock climbing on British crags. Many hundreds of climbers, perhaps thousands, owe their own enjoyment of climbing directly or indirectly to George Abraham, not only for his own activities on British rocks (accompanied so often by his brother Ashley, and by Owen Glynne Jones), but also because of his facile pen in describing climbs in his books. Although some of our local rock climbs were first made by Collie, Collier, Haskett-Smith, and others most of them members of the A.C. the person above all others who really introduced rock-climbing in Britain to so many was George Abraham. This was not merely because of his own participation in the sport, but chiefly due to his writings, of which The Complete Mountaineer (Methuen, 1907) and British Mountain Climbs were the most popular.
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