VOL. XV111. NEW YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER i 5, 1890. Ncatt,rtt 5,350.

And the said bidder as to the whole rouse hereinabove de>cril,ed -linll L= I,nun, i, and any person or company using or operating a railroad upon the track,, or ul.,,o an hart .,f the :racks constructed upon the said route, under ant[ by viii tic of the con,cnt hereby given or the sale hail in TIS A uvcrally hound with the 4 Y- pursuance thereof as to the tracks so used I;y It or him ,hall be jointly and -aid bidder whenever and as ;~ ,n a: notified by the local authwit:es havim~ charg, of sand -erect ur __ avenue forthwith to lay a foundation anti pave the swLtec of lire avenue between its trash. the ~y rails ut it, Uacks, anti two feet utsidc of and adjoining the rail< of it, track„ wiJt L'clijan of such ~' other approved pavement as may tie decided upon and directed to Ire ]gill Iry the local authorities ~~ -vP having charge of said avenue, the foundation of ~aici pavement to be also as directed to lie Lid by said authorities. a Fifth That the car, to be used on such railroad or exte•nsi,:n may be rq)eratcil h animal

~~•. Sixth-Titan any person or company who -hall use or operate a railroad upon the trawk+. or any. part of the tracks, constructed upon the route heremal ove de,ciibe,l, under and b} virtue of the consent hereby given, or the sale Its in pucuance there 1, shall be subject to the same ron~lid,ms, liabilities, obligations, duties and payments in respect to such use of opcudion by him, ''r it, if, or upon such tracks as the l,idler to tchom the sale shall be made un,'.er till, consent would Ire subject, were such use or operation made by such bid ,lcr ; and to cut,iputing any pc rccittage tip in :gross receipts that may thereby become payable, the tint Omit thereof shall lie o,nipute~l upon a fate of five cents as having been received as hart ,~f the go s, receipts font every Ira„et ger silt ;I al ride APPROVEl) PAPERS. Upon any part of the route hereinabi se de-cribed, arid irteSpsc:iccof tl,e tact whether such I .i,- n_er _____ enters or leaves the car at any point up e the said route, ants the I i,hlet to a ltuiu -u Ii -a'e .h ill be made shall be jointly and severally liable with any such person or company for any dci ault u: any Afprnce,l Papers for the sueek ending December 13, 19O. such conditions, liabilities, obligations, duties an,l payments. Seventh-I'hat the payment of the percentage upon dross receipts, payable tin, le the bid .it Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain he placed on the sidewalk, near the curb, such sale, shall lie made annually on the tot clay tit November for the year ending oil the tent pre- in front of No, 520 Eighth avenue, near the northeast corner of Th;rty-sixth street, under the direc- ceding thirtieth (lay of September. tion of the Commissioner of Public AYorks. I-ighth-That the said Harlem bridge, A]urri,ania and 1' oil Railway I , ito anv shall provide for the expense of publication of the afu,e-aid notice of sale before the w iii, to e ,halt Ii, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 25, 1890. published ; and the company which at Said sale shall be the highest hi,lcler sisal)• it the t. me au.[ Received (ions his Honor the Mayor, December 9, 1890, without his approval or objections place of sale, reimburse the said Ilarlem bridge, Mlurrisania and fur.lhant Railway l'ompativ fur thereto therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 410, Laws of 1882, the same became ! all expenses for prii.ting and pul lishing necessarily i tie tine' I be it ill n the application an i -al,. adopted. . herein under I lie piovutiii of said chaps, r 252, Lutvs of 1`8.1, aim l sail chapter 642, Lars I iSS6. Ninth-'l'his consent is given and said sale. shall lie made upon the eypres; wtdcr,t u~lin;; that the conditions herein stated chit not relieve the said bichler, or any per,ou or conipat:y i erating a Ite,ulvc,l,'I hat the annexed bills of John J. AIeAdams, for forty-nine dollars ; '[ Feodore Guusel, railroad upon any of the tracks con trio test under this consent, from iii conditions, obligations, dollar,, mud let.,er, for scvrn fift-v cents ; (. for ,sixty-eight dollars, and C. 11. Koster, for one liabilities, payments or duties to which they might have been liable in the absence it such c utlition-, In hundred ,dollar, articles furnished an ,l services randerod on the occasion of the funeral of Tcnth II at if the bidder shall not Ito it Is *alt ,l set ml) security the said Gnn• nit •lier stay the late 1Iclermiii Louis "chlantp, be ants are hereby ordered to be paid by the Comptroller, who cancel the bid and rell this consent and the license in the am ic manner as i, pun i le l I)y chal,ter is hereby authorized an, directed to thaw a warrant to favor of each of the persons named in this 642, Lawn of t886. resolutionlot, the amount , n:crated, on their several bills hereto annexed, and charge the amotuits l'.teveuth-The company that shall lie the succe„ful bi,lder shall -tipulate to n , lull lete tl:e to the appropriation for ' C'tty Contingencies. branch railroad hereby authorized, and run cars thereon, within a period of nine montlt after Adopted by the Board of Ahlcrnten, November 25, 1890. obtaining the privilege. Receivers fn,nt his I lon„r the Mayor, Iieeeniher 9, 1890, without his approval or objections \nd he it further Resolved, That the sale at public aucuun of the right. fraud i.e alai pet t!ege thereto ; therefore, as pr vided ut sect,uu 75, chapter 410, I,aws of 1882, the same l,ecame mentioned above shall lie attended :u u] concluc ter l 1 r the Comptroller of the City ut News A urlc..,u, adopted. shall lie theld at a place in the City of New fork to Ire designated I,y the sail l omlthallet, .ul on the earliest practicable clay to bedesigua let I by said I ouiptrtiler, or at such titre to tthich the tnie may be adjourocd from time clay specified ill the mute so published, not excec,ling twice, for a p<-did Resolved, That an improved drin icing- ftuu lain, for ratan and beast, be placed near the corner not encecdiug four weeks in the aggregate', and ,only after notice of the time, place ::it ;arm., of Ilouston and Thompson streets, to hunt of the premises No. to8 \Vest I bust in street, under the thereof, and ofthe route to be sold and of the curdiiions upon n hick this a,nscut i, liven, shall Ir:vc direction of the Comunssiouet of Public AV'ork . I been pul.lished by said Comptroller three times a week for at least three week,, in U+o tlaily w-tv;- Aclopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 25, t8,to. papers in said city, to be designated by his Horne the ii aye it ,al I c;t_v : ail if the bolder .,hall Received from his honor the \[ayor, I)ecemoer g, i8go, without hi, approval or objections i not furnish satisfactory security the said Comptroller may cancel tile bid :utd sell the co ;:-e: t :t:,d thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 410, laws of 1882, the same became I the license in the same manner as is provided by chapter 642, Laos of i 856. aduptecl. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Novemi'er 25, 1890. Approved by the Mayor, December 9, 1890. Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain he placed at or near the southeast corner of Atusteidaut avei.ue and (lute I luudred and Eighth street, under the direction of the Commissioner i Resolved, That permission be and the saute is hereby given to William ff. Jack-o:t t„ enterns of I'ubhc AV'oils. vault hr front of his premises, Ni, 31 East Seventeenth street, a distance of six feet ten inches :Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, -November 25, 1890. I beyond the curb-line, as shown on the accumpantine, ci iagrans, upon payment c-f the a;u:tt tee, Receivers from his honor the Mayor, I)eccutber cf, 1890, tvitiiout his approval or objections provided the work be done in adurable and substantial wanner, and that the said \\ illta,n 11. Jacks ii thereto ; therefore, as provided ill section 75, chapter 410, Laws of 1882, the saute became ! shall stipulate with the Commissioner of Public 1\ orks to save the city h:umless from any 1, .,, or aJot~tetl. damage that may occur in consequence of the building of sail vault, during the prugres; , t the work or subsequent to the completion thereof ; the tit orle to be dune at his ,non enl 'cut se, un'ii r the direction and to the satisfaction cif the Commissioneriii of public AYorks ; site] mu S'S'lie rea;, On the 27th day of January, t'go, an application in tcritin ,en n to c r. roue was made to the Com- ! only during tie pleasure of the Cummou Cou ncil. nton Council III the City of Ne%v York by the I I aria tu Brtclge, Alon•isania and 1'ordham Railway Company for c tnsem It to the construction, maintenance, rise and operation of a branch or extension Adopted by the lit ard of Aldermen, November 25, t8(;0. of their present railroad upon, list tug anti along or titer avenue, in the 1\vcuty-tlnrct 'Sward of Approved by the 'slayer, December 9, I8y0. said city, from One 1-hundred and Forty-sixth street to t Inc IIunchreel and Sixty-first street ; and \Vherea.s, •l he said Common Council caused puhlic notice .1 such application, and of the time anti place where the same would be first consi, let ecl, to be given by publication for at least fourteen Resolved, "that permissic,n lie and the sane is hereby given to 1\ ill limit II. _lack-s n to s-s.!end day-; in two daily newspapers in the City of New 1".0 l:, t., Out in theI-. New York 'S'S orld " and vault in front of his premises, No. 56I ant Eighteenth street, a distance of eleven feet tc n inches lennnci the ' New York Daily - I Imes," which papers is ere designated for that purpose by the Mayor of the curb-line, as shown on the auucxed diagiatu, nl>,m Ira: ntent of the usual fee, prvi,le I the cork said city ; and be clone in a durable and eul),tantial manner, and that the sail \Villiant If. Iacks:au shall stipulate \Whereas, After public notice given as aforesaid, such application has been duly considered by wi Commissionerntf blic ttt Ins r cl.mi t.g, bat the *aid Compton Council ; mayY the I race cf ll c t milks ofs nn tleauht ydu nt.l tss fromI 6 e'any n the se Resolved, That the consent of the Common Council of the City of New \-ors: be and the ,ante . rluent to the completion thereof ; t1 -•e is urk to I ,l ne at the exl ensc .,f the at I \\ illtant II. I.v.h,o n, is hereby given to the said Harlem Bridge, Morrisania and horclham Railway Company to the con- under the direction of the hommissioner of Public A1 t rk, ; such ] ermission to continue trio '.using structton, maintenance, use anal operation, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth, of a branch or the pleasure of the Common Council. extension of their railroad through, uhrnt and along said Cuurtlaud avenue, us follows : Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, :November 25, 189o. Beginning at or near the point or place where Courtland avenue, rat the Twenty-third Ward Approved by the Mayor, I)ecemlx•r 9, i8go. of the City of New Yorke, iutersecti North t'hird avenue aucl One I lundred and horny - sixth street ; thence running northerly through, upon ants along said Courtlanel avenue, with double. tracks to a point on the northerly side of last Una Ilturdred and Sixty-first street and said Courtland avenue, Resolved, That One IItwdrel and Sixty-seventh street, froiu :'Stun stcruant i'v' nine to Dill-,l,:cal together with such ,witclie,, sidings, turnouts, turn-tables and suitable stands as may lie necessary roast, lie regulated, graded, coiled, guttered and flagged, miller the direction of the I 'out m is, time for the convenient operation of said branch or extension. of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance Iheivf,r be ac) pted. Resolved, That the conditions upon which the said consent is hereby given are as follows, to wit : Adopted b the Board of Aldernu n , ~vctuu l,eriSc25 c Approve d by the Mayor, lecentber , First-That the provisions of chapter 252 of the Laws of 188¢ pertinent thereto shall be 9, t8go. ) complied with. - 5econd-That the right, franchise and privilege of using the said Courtlanc] avenue, between Resolved, That One I [unfired anti '1\senty-;eventli street, saud i in talmi stud s ad o'halI be „I Id at public from Boulevard to I-liver- tIe I give or avenue, he regulated and piadei, the curb -stones set an el si lett all Inc flit, el aspire Iino feet auction t to the biddercwlt etht shall tthe anti i iterateicon ,l rr.til~o. d cumcanun~atnze 1 o construct, P Y, - ide through the Cell tic tlmereof, under the chitccuuu . t tilt I nut nns-loner of I'tthli 1V r : ut l maintain and operate a street railroad in the City of New York, and which will agree to give the that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. largest percentage per annum of its gross receipts to Ile taken upon such route, with adequate secur. ity by a bond or undertaking in writing and under seal, in such form, condition, amount and I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 25, IfSrjo. sureties as shall be required and approved by the Comptroller 01 the said city for the fu]tillment of I Approved by the Mayor, I)eectnier 9, iSgo. the said agreement and for the connnence use nt and completion of such rathroad or extension, accord- ing to the plan Cr plans and on the route fixed fur its construction, within the time designated and prescribe[ therefor by the provisions of chapter 642 of the I.ass's of iSS6. Resolved, '[Chat a crosswalk of twc, coteses of blue st, .ne, with a r. ,w of pavi rig - lilt I-',,meter Third-That in the construction of such railroad or extension, the equipment, material.; and. ~ the courses, the laid across One flunclrc'cl and Sixteenth street, ;It its intersection xith tl:e r:,-.crly woek employes shall lie of the best quality and character, and that the cars thereon shall be run as i and westerly sides of First avenue- ; the material: to he used fur said Wi rlc t , Inc i r:ci e-stare of frequently as the convenience of the public may require. North river blue stone of the din:eu,i,5ns and accoreling to the speci lien tion-, it, w used in the I nepart- 1'ourth-That the bidder to which the aforesaid sale shall be made, and any per,ou or corpora- i mien of Public Works, trader the dinetlilt of the I- on nun ls-ioncr cal 1'uI-lie- 1V'ork, ; anti t!t tt the lion using the tracks or any part of the tracks eoustrueted or sail under or pursuant to this consent, ( accompanying ordinance therefor Ire adopted. shall comply with all reasonable ordinances or re


Resolved, That the flagging and the curb now on the sidewalks in front of Nos. 805, 807, 809 The following communications were received, read, and, and Sit htr,t avenue be relaid and reset, where necessary, and that new flagging and curb be On ordered to be placed on file, viz. : fttrni,herl there the present flagging and curb are detective, as pruvi,letl by section 321 of chapter From the Cottus'I to the Corporation-Transmitting for verification the return to the writ of 410, Laws of 1882, as amended I,y chapter 569, Laws of 1887, under the direction of the Commis- mandamus issued by lion. Richard O'Gorman, Judge of the Superior Court, respectin the removal sioner of public Works ; amt that the ;tee ,unparrying ordinance therefor be adopted, ofcertain fluntulg ctruetures northerly of the approach to Pier, ucw 47, North river, and also request- ing verification of answer in the matter of Michael Magee, a former employee of the Department. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, I)eceuiber 2, 1890. Requests complied with. Approved fry the Mayor, December 9, 189o, From the New Vork City Civil Service Boards -Reporting that Francis E. Moon, Chief Clerk, passed the prescribed examination and is therefore eligible for promotion. From the Commissioners of (,uaranunc--Requcsttng a berth for their tug "State of New Resolved. That the sidewalks on the south side of One Ilundred and First Street, from Ninth to port:," at Pier '' A," North river. The Secretary directed to advise that the provisions of chapter Tenth avenue, be fla,ged full width, where not already done, and that the flagging and the curb 4$4, I.atvs of ISS4, prolnbit this 1)epartmeut from granting their request. now un the .sidewalks be re-laid and reset where necessary, and that new flagging and curb he From the Finance I)cl,artment-7•ransmitting certified copy of a resolution adopted by the furnished iv her, the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided Ity section 321 of chap- Commissi„uers of tire Sinking Fund, November IS, 1890, consenting to and apin'oviitg the change ter .Ito, Laws 1552 ; as atncude I by chapter 5b9, Laws 1887, under the dirccuon of the Comnris- of lines of Pier, new 14, North river, was received, read, and together with the plans, ordeied to he sioner of Pul,lic AV'orks ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. placed on file, and the Secretary directed to enter the resolution in full on the minutes as Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, I)ecrtrnher 2, 18go. follows : Approved by the Alayor, December 9, iS9o. Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinnking Fund do hereby consent to and approve of a change in the dimensions and location of Pier, new No. 14, NNorth river, front the dimensions and location therefor, as laid down in the plans determined by the Board of Dock Commissioner, on the Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a row of paving-block between the courses, 13th rlay of April, 1871, and appnwed and certified by the Commissioners of the Sinking hued, April be lairs across One Ii urtif red and fifty-fifth street, at its ii ter.;ection tcitlr tire westerly side of Avenue 27, 1871 ; in accordance with the plans prepared and submitted by the Contnri5:ioners of Docks, and St. Nit'hulas ; the materials to lie used for said truck to be bridge stone of North river blue stone of their resolution approving thereof, adopted August 9, 1890, and as described therein as follows : the r Inns cn,iuun and according to the 5l, critic atloins now used in the I)epartntent of Public AVoiks, The northerly line extemled of pier, new 14, North river, to be 321.72 feet distant northerly under the dircetioo of the Conimissiuner of I'ubhc \\orks ; arrl that the accompanying ordinance front the north side of Dey street, measured along the easterly side-line of West street, and at right therefor be adopted. angle., to the bulkbeatt - line as established in 1871. The said Pier, npw No. 14, to be seventy-five feet in instead of eighty feet wide, as laid down in Adopted l,y the Board of Aldermen, I)ocemher 2, 1890. the plan of 1871, and to be extended out to the pierltea'l-line fret by the Department of I),,cks on Approved by the Mayor, I )eccmbkr 9, tSgo. the 3d day of July, i8go, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 482 of the laws of 1590. From The New fork Steam Company, Lessee-Requesting pernnsstnn to place a floating duutp- ing-guard on south side of I'ier, old 23, ,North river. Application denied. Resolved, That the sidewalks on Seventy-eighth street, from Boulevard to Riverside Drive, be From hint and I)onaltlson-Requesting that the time for vacating the hulklicad between flagged full tctdtlt, where not already dune, anti that the flagging and the curb now on the side- Franklin and ll:u'rison streets, North ricer, be extended until December lo, 1890. Application walks I,c relaul and reset, where nccu,sarv, and that nctc flagging and curb be famished where the denied. pre-cut Ilagt;ing and curb arc rlef ctite, as pots itic cl by sectir,n ,2t of chapter 410, l.aty, of 1882, as horn Erskine W. Fisher -Requesting a test of two barrels of Portland cement, and inelosing amended by chapter 569, 1,atrs of ISn7, under the direction of the Contmts-ioner of I'tthlic Works twenty dollars to pay the cost thereof. The action of Co.umissioner Matthews in directing the and that the accumpun}iug ortiiiiance thcrelorbc adopted. Engineer- in-Elite f to make said test and report the result, w a., approved. Adopted l v Lire hoard of .Al.Irnuen, I )ecember 2, 1890. From Patrick Paul-Requesting permit to place a w•atchutan's-house on Pier 60, East river. Approved sty the tluyor, I )eceniher 9, 18roo. Referred to the Dock Master. Fr m'1'he New York Central and Iludson River Railroad Company, respecting the proposed rental for land tinder water to be occupied by a float,brirlp,e northerly of Pier, new 63 North river. Ke:ulvcd, That the n:une of Ilenry R. AlcCready, recently appointed as Commissioner of Oil motion, the resolution adopted November 13, ISgo, was antendecl as follows : ""fire annual Deeds, he corrected and amended so as to read Iii rry 11. McCready. rent to be one fir'm>and dollars instead of twelve hundred d„Ilars, and in case of renewal, eleven hundred dollars instead of thirteen hundred dollars, as expressed in said resolutiun." Adopted by the 1 loin d of Aldermen, I)cceniber 9, 1890. From .1). V. Swaiusou-On behalf of the otcnets of Picts lo, ii and 12, East river, stating that the Orders issued for dredging thereat will be compiled with. From The National Transit Company-Aclatuwledging receipt of permit authorizing the plac- Re-'slvest, 'fiat the name of John 11. Burton, recently appointed a Commissioner of Deeds, be ing of ril,-rap south of Ninety-eight>a sh'cat, North river. cutrectcrl o a, to read John 17. Brim„is. Froin The 7n7etrol'oli'an Tel.-ph„ne and'l'elegraph Company-Requesting permission t" place .A.loptud by the It, ard of ,11r'ennen, December 9, 1890. two guy-poles at the corner of Eleventh street and Thirteenth avenue. permit granted, the said poles to be erected under the direction and supervision of the Engineer-in-Chief, and to remain only during the pleasure of the hoard. From Augustin Vials Ii and James Sire wail, sureties of the Atlantic Dredging Company, consent- ku,oltctl, 'I hat the name of Daniel 1'. flays, recently superseded as a Commissioner of Deeds, mg to an extension of time until December I, 189o, to complete the work of drudging at 'Ihirty- Ise aid it is h ore by c' rrected so as to read '' Daniel 1'. f lays, whose term has expired," instead of I )ani':1 1'. I la«, who has !ailed to qualify." third and Fatty-fifth streets, North river, under Contract No, 328. From William W. Ilegenran-Renewing application tin' an extension of tittle Ii 'r the completicii .Ad, pte, i by the R.ard of Aldermen, Decenri er 9, 1890. of the work of building a new Pier and dumping-board foot of One IHundred ano Tenth street; Ilarlern river, under Contract 'N0,339. Time extended fur sixty clays, as requested, October 30, 1890, provided the written consent of the sureties lie filed in this Department. Re-s' it,ni, That the name if :\lfred IIonneli, recently appointed a Commissioner of Leeds, be From Dock Master \foods-Reporting that a fire occurred on the 17th instant, under the and it is hereby c, ,rrectcd so as to read Alfred R. Bunnell. dumpiw;-hoard, foot of Forty.-eventb street, North river, cltunaging said pier. From ]lock Master Coggeshall-l:epurting the sinking of steamer "Chief," at the foot of Jane Ado ten by the Board of Aldermen, December 9, 1890. street, North river. From Duck Mosier Cove --Reporting repairs required to the pavement in front of Pier, old I.'RANCIS J. "1•\\ OMEYX Clerk C„nrmon Council. 32, East river. Notify the Long 1slamt Railroad Cowpony to repair. '1' ire Treasurer, Commissioner Matthews, submitted his report of receipts for the week ending November 19, 1890, amounting to $26,224, 34, which iv as received and ordered to be spread in full DEPAR''MEN'I' OF DOCKS. on the utintucs, as follows _.. _. I I \ sl cial meeting of the Board of Docks of the City of New York, held at the office of the 1)1Trn Dint' Ft

04 F '' ...... z8th it., N. R., on aces... I,oco 0o CLASS r. CLASS 2, CLASS 3 CLASS 4. $I,70O 00 Now 14 t; Neidlinger, Schmidt & Co. ,.,1 I qrs, tent b'.id. 63ct to 64th sts., F. R.. 5187 to Nn. Fro." Repairing TOTAL. U: edeing.i Repin to Fxtcnsion tot `1011 Panting 17 ..,.. tltt. fool 63,tst.,1t.F,..... x2.`10 Pier.tier. Pier. Cubicc y, Shad cn Pier. I 7 Afaiuc Stcamshi ll Co...... Pier 38 and h'' hhd., Is. R,.' 3,coo co

17 " ...... , I moss rent pfm. W. Pier 38, F:. P .....' 33 ax J„I, it Gil lie,, e'ith security (leposit, 631 8 2 oo az0,478 00 , $9,925 00 $46,685 co 0 .-•.• 40C 813,4 " 17 I p,'ion Stcck Yard Co.....:... I qrs. rent Pier at 57th st, N. R...... I 750 00 x I. 11. rtaats, '• " 65o...... 500 x'.,8(0 00 16,900 00 15,500 00 49,560 00 „ 17 •fh, mat Cunningham...... bird. foot , mti st., F. R..... So 00 3 I'l, \C:dsh, S,ro.... , qoc 17,000 00 t8,co) 00 5,000 CO 40,800 00 J 17 Old Cutoey Steambo:.t Cs.... i " pfm. N. ofl'ier, olds8,'N. R.I 677 25 li.:C.C1onin `: ', 6510 40c 14,450 cc 15.000 00 II,740 00 41,990 00 ., „ ., 17 ... pfm. S. 31 50

17 C. T. Van Snntvoord...... Pier at and st., N. R...... 625 Os On nn,tion, 'hire Secretary was directed to transmit to the Comptroller the security deposits manic l,v ,aid 1ritltlers, and accompanying their estimates, whereupon the following resolution was ~7 " Pier at rrst., N. R...... 875 co aduptctl '• 17 brown & Flcming...... t hd. pfm. S. 39th st., F. R.. 227 90 Rca,lved, That the cunu'aet opened this (lay for repairing and extending, Pier, new 46, near the foot of West '1•cuth street, -North river, for repairing and painting the shed thereon and for dredging 17 H. L. Herbert & Co...... n qrs. rent bird. zath Sr., E. R...... Iz5 co thereat, be and be,'cby is aw:nrded to Joseph Walsh, he being the lowest bidder, upon the approval Clark & Seaman ...... plan. bet. Piers 8 & g. N. R.. 375 00 of the sureties be the Coml,ti1,ller. 17 On motion, The Board adjourned. 17 William Crulkshank...... " extension to Pier 9, N. R., aoo 00 AUGUSTUS T. DOCIIARTY, Secretary. 17 Iron Ste. mboat Co...... " Pier, new r, N. R...... 7,525 00 17 Nathaniel Wfse ...... " bird. pfm. E. ,o61h at...... 150 00 A meeting of the Board of Docks of the City of New York, held at the office of the Board, Pier Battery place, Thuisday, November 20, 1890. 17 B. Romaine & .Co ...... bhd. foot 4th st., E R 3750 Pteecnt-l'renidcut Poet. Msnhatan Railway Co. .... 1. nit'., N. of 159th st., H. R ,,so 00 Commissioner 7,Iatthcw'-.. 17 Cram. $16,239 46 Nov. , 7 The minutes of the meetings held the 12th and 13th instant were read and approved. $25 00 • I. ems is C. Popham, on behalf of the Ie,-ecs of the bulkhead at the foot of Thirty-sixth street, 18 Ehrenreich Bros ...... pfm. . 63d st., E. R...... East liver, app_'ared her-re the I'lr,ard, unit stated that the erection of the proposed new Pier, at the 18 Hoboken Improvement Co.,.. Ferry structure south of foot of 'Thirty-sixth street, Vast river, would interfere with and embarrass the business at present Barclay street, N. R.... 2,151 06 carn,:cl on at tine Ic,t ul caid street. 1,750 00 I'. 1?Ilery Anrlcr

DECEMBER 15, 1890. THE CITY RECORD. 3977 - ------I I):%1e 24th. Report on Secretary's Orders No,. 7335. 7627, 8362, 8622, 9723, [0173, 10198, I0236, DATE. Fsoa, Wnont.----, FOR WHAT. Amour. 'I'or.1L. Lt:ru>- 1e27o 10420, 10432, 10435. 10447, 10459, 104v5, 10406, 10500, 10502 and 10509, that he had t "°' supervised the fill lug-in of Commerce avenue au'-I Ilashwood and Powell place, ll.rrleiii river ; the — Improvement of land under water un both side., of si iris Dock ; the erecuun of a crib-bulkhead on 1890. l8go the Harlem river, between Railroad avenue an d Mutt Ilaven Canal ; pavingn l tell ecn tiers, old 20 and 21, North river ; filling-in between hwcuty-..sixth and 'Twenty-seventh otreel,, North river ; Nov. .8 Edward Abeel ...... Wharfage, District No. 4, N. k ...... 865 to removal of turn-table in front of ferry foot of (.hristupher street, North river; the erection of derrick masts on Pier, new 45, North river ; the dumping of a bank of solid material In front of 18 William 'I'. Cogueshall...... 6, 86 90 the cribwurk between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-cigluh streets, North river ; the placing of a x8 Charles Parks ...... 8, ao6 94 temporary furnace upon the bulkhead between Piet, new 56 and 57, -North river ; :akin,, up flag, stones in front of Pier, new 42, North river ; cutting holes on the line of each gutter in the deck x8 George A. Woods ...... •' to •, 2A8 03 planking of the approach to Pier foot of Fif[y -tiftic sued, North river : repaired .,heel un I'icr, new , North river ; reference to repairing Piers at Bogart an'l lilooniticld streets, North river ; that to II. F. Kenn' " rs4 38 56 the order to prepare plans, specifications anal furns of contract for extending Piers, new 25 and 37, j8 Henry A. Palmstine ...... , " , E. R ...... 49 19 i North river, was superst-ded by Secretar%'s Or,lers Nos. 10543 and 10544 ; superintended dretlgiug in the half slip adj„ining the south side of Pier, new 43, Nur'th river ; dint the order to rep.1ir Pier ,• r8 Charles S. Co ye ...... " 4za qo "3 new 29, East ricer, was superseded by Secretary's Order No. 10540, and [hat lie had repaired Pier x8 John J. Ryan ...... ...... ~ ,. 5, " ...... 98 69 old 23, North river. ews, reported tath he had reve iv.t,I the followi ng e-timate 18 Joseph I:, Erwin...... 1'he Treasttrer, Commissioner Matth 7, ...... 86 8z for furnishing the llepzrttnent with Portland cement, hr!,kcnstone, manila rule, linseed oil, etc. •• r8 Cohn I. 1liartin ...... •• x26 70 1ize Hundred 13 arrels (2nd-k. selling 1brtlanti ('ement. x8 James W. Carson ...... ,r, " ...... I 47 o Sinclair & Raison ...... 2 51 ice barrel. James Brand ...... 18 Joseph F. Meehan ...... . .. 13, ...... I 6z 64 I3aetjer _ Me vet stem ...... z 5552 Dickinson firo,.& King ...... 2 ----, 8,284 88 Nov. r9 55 .. Hael,ler & C' ...... 2 7J --- Marcial & Co ...... 3 00 626,004 34 1 Sa5,224 34 lire liundred Cubic Yards 11ro%•en .,/en,. Daniel E. Donovan ...... 81 6o per cubic yard — -- - Alexander J. Howell ...... I 63!,_ Respectfully submitted, John A. Booker...... [ do JAMES MATTHEWS Treasurer. Brown & Fleming ...... 1 64 Front the I?ngincer-in-Chief 1st. Report for the week ending November r5, 1890. 1'er Linseed Oil, .Jfanila A',,/s', /-bpiiiUra anti tic; weirs to .V eanz (:,urg.-, etc. ad. Reporting that the armature plates at outer end of Pier, foot of Twenty-sixth street, East If. A. Rogers ...... `349 20 river, require refa,tcning. The Engineer-in-Chief directed to repair. Alexanderl'ollock ...... ...... ..... ,52 65 3d. Reporting that a temporary plant: approach should be placed ocer the filling cast of new 'I he action 1)f the ' 1'1ea:itlrer in awat'Lbug the ender 3 to Sinclair ` Iiahson, Daniel E. I ),,tlovan Pier, foot of Forty-filth street, North river. The Engineer-iii-Chiet directed t , do the work and It. A. Rags,,rs re-p_ctively, they being the lowca 'ii lclem, a t,pmver. required. 7'lle Secretary rep',rtcd that the I)ay-roll f,,r the Geucial Rep:ci,, and C:on-truction Force for the 4th. Reporting non-c' I'll 'Ile 11 Cerrien t of dredging at bulkhead hettve I Pier; 59 and 6o, East weed: ending N use iii her 14. 1893, arunu lit im„ t„ S, 109.41. had been approle'I and audited and river. Notify the Knickerbocker fee Company that when permit was granted for the erection of a tt:aiiolllltted t,i the Fii!ance 1 )eparttnent fcr may meet. olatfornl, it was conditioned that the work of dredging sllotild be carried on in conjunction there- On motion, the Secretary wa; directed to notify Ii,cic Ala,tcrs P.dnlstine, (oye au'I Ryan that with, add in the event of their failure to dredge, the permit i-sued will he recukeri. the is- irk of buildiu.{ Pier foot uf'ht, cot y _i'htl) ;beet, h::ut river, wva- anul,letcll October 17, 1590, 5th. Reporting repairs required to the south half of Pier, ohl 33, \ortll river. Notify the and that said bier is now ready fur the berthing of v -s«1~. lessees to repair. The Auditing Committee suhnlittecl an audit '0 liliecn hill, nr cl.tinl<, anwtnttmg to Sn,Si_1.21. 6th. Reporting repairs required to southerly halt of Pier, old 34, North river. Notify \Vest Shore which was approved and audited, and ordered to be full on the ii nate,, its f .hunt, Railroad ('ontptny to repair. On Constructrolz .trn,znz!. 7th. Reporting dauLcrous hole in bulkhead near the westerly side of Pier 15, East river. Audit N. N,onc. .-1nt nut. Notify John F. Doyle, agent, to repair. 11 4 ellcB'S>s13ah Cu., ....1 4 5n 8th. i'teporttu nnu-coultneuccnlent of the work of removing sheds, houses, etc., at One 1 fun - _ 177 63 g 11464. t lruce ...... c7red and Fifty-uinlh street and Eighth avenue, 1lartem river. 11465. Cot su hi, late' I Gas t,umpany-, gas-stove, etc ...... 10 00 9th. Reporting that tilling was received during the week ending November 15, 1890, at East 114(u6. ).lecher, Payne & Cu., coal ...... 56(i oli Ninety-iuurtu Street 'Section for which no tickets were collected. The Treasurer authorized to collect 11467. I laehler & Co., cement ...... 24 00 the amount dtte. 11468. 1'. W. I )evoe -Co., draughtsmen's supplies ...... ...... 5o to moth. Reporting that he had directed that I;ihorer Acting \Vatchmin William Warren be not 11469. John A. Bilker. sand ...... 66o 6o again as;igued to duty as .'vctiug Watchman, and recommending that his action be approved. 11470. Zimdar, & Ihunt, repairs to pneumatic bells ...... j 4o Action approved. [1471. 11. A. Rogers, nlachini;t;' supplie...... 3,446 9S with. Rcl,orting that lie had directed that Laborer Acting Watchman Thomas Molloy be not 11472. Arnold, Constable & Co., shade ...... ...... 15 03 again assigned to duty as Acting Watchman for thirty days and recommending that ]its action be 11473. 1. dots Dredging Company, iredtiiug ...... 3,946 00 approved. Action approved. ---- 59.320 93 Izth. Submitting maps for change of lines of Pier, new 2-;, near the foot oft larrisius street, North cln C,'neral li,/air.; .dre,urut. river, and rec.oitoiic'tt,ling that the location of said pier be approved, and the maps forwarded to the Atlantic Dredging Company, ch'cdgitig ...... ...... 5S Oil Commissiouen of the Sinking Fund for their approval. 11474. 11 Bell tiros., spruce ...... 420 Whereupon the 6)11 wing rest lulion bras adopted 475. 44 I r47b. Charles L. Bucki & Co., yellow pine ...... i5 9.6 Resolved, That this board cleenh it aclvi.;able to change the lines and location of Pier, n' t, 23, --- -- 514 S near the foot of Ilarri;un street, North river, trout the lines and location therefor as laid down on the On :l 111' zi L''.c~.vacc : lea /tilt. plan determined by this Board April 13, t871, and :s i, pted auil certified by the I'omm oil oner., of 11477, James S. Barron 8. Cu., looking-g1 .1s-. s,-t ', etc .. .. . ...... .I8 qo the Sinking Fund April 27, 1871, as follows : The northerly line of Pier, new 23, 1, be 760 feet distant southerly front the southerly side of igSs Pisces uetv 24, as now built (irresl,ective of the spurs on same), in.;lead of n feet distant from Pier, acty 24, as laid oui on the plan of 1871, aforesaid ant the side Into.,; of Pier, lieu, 23, to form an angle with the established bulkhead-line of 90 54' '!n the southerly side of said line;. The length RI IAill mm 1..t1'1' ,.N. of Pier, new 23, to be 676.52 feet on the northerly side and 679.6o feet oil the southerly side there- 11 Bills or Claims on C,,utstructi,tu _,cci,tltlt ...... ... .... . .... .. .... . 61,3202 9; of, extending to the pierhead-lime established Iry the Department of I)ocl.s July- 3, 1890, and 3 General Repairs Account ...... 5t approved by the Sinking lured Commissioner., Judy 24, 1890, instead of 578 lest on aforesaid plan 1 ~ 4 ;8 I \nuual Expense Account ...... 45 90 of 1871. The tvtclth of Pier, new 2-3, to h 70 feet instead of 8o feet as on aforesaid plan of 1871, all of which is shown on plan ,uhmitted in duplicate heretcitlt by the Engineer-in-Chief. 15 Bills or Claims atuounting to ...... .. $9.854 2l Revolved, That the Cumulissioners of the Si tilt lug Fund be and hereby are rcc nested to consent to and approve the change in length, width and location of the new• pier Coot ,f I Ian'iso❑ street, Respectfully ,uhinittoi, -North river, to be known as Pier, new 23, as above set forth. 1.\Ilti IlA'll• lll:\\8, I Auclitin 13th. Reporting the mooring of ov.ster boats to the spring piles at bulkhead between Piers, old J. 81-:iBG1-;AN'I' CRAM, j Committee. 57 allot 55, North river, together whir the application of the Oyster Dealers Association for permission New York, Noveml;er 14, 1893. to do such work as may lie necessary to keep their barges loge time rat said bulkhead. Permit f;ranted The action of the President in transmitting the same, with tecluisilions for the amount, to the to drive two spring-piles, locate stringers, put ill the necessary gas and water pipe., and lay a Finance Department fur payment, approved. plank walk between sold Piers. ol'I 57 and 5$, North river. The work to lie done under the clirec- The following requisitions were passed tion and supervision of the Engineer-in-Chief, and be and remain only during the pleasure Of the Reg.s'er N', FNr w hut. Board. The applicatioi, to chive [)ties on pierhead line denied. $599. Repairs, floating prop_,rty ...... ...... Iatiutatcd c,'-t, 5tai 74 .. .. 14th. Recommending that the Department of Public Charities and Correction lie requested to 860o. ...... . '- 345 00 rein'ce the lervsil.elas Ilushital, located in front of the bullaleacl foot of Twenty-seventh street, 86oi. Three cocoa mats, etc ...... ...... .. zq 00 East river. Recommendation adopted. 8602. Ten thous:utd feet three inch,prucc ...... ...... '' 210 Co 15th. Special report on Secretary's Order No. 7C92, Iecotunlending that the permit granted to 3603. Three toils forge coal...... ...... ...... '' it) 50 the New York, New l haven and Ilartford Railroad Company, October 24, 1887, to fill-in foot of 8604. Services of dredge at Castle (dardcu ...... ...... 9-) 00 \\hllis avenue, Harlan rlvsr, Ise uevuke,l. Recommendation adopted. 8605. Two coils of manila nq,e. etc ...... .... ...... '' 323 00 16th. Special report on Seers aary'-,Order No. 617$, respecting the -,IovaI of cribworl: near Sbo6. Repairs, floating properly. ... 52 00 One Hundred and Fiffy-north street, I larlein river, and recommendinC that [he clai rants be required 8607. Pell thc,usand feet of thew-inch spruce ...... '' 210 00 to remove, and iu the event of failure on their part to do said work, the same be dente by the force 8608. hardware...... . ...... '' 145 Co of this Department. 86o9. About 28.5c0 feet irony-inch spruce ...... I''slinlated cost, S;7o 00 On motion, referred to Cimunissioner Crane. 861o, Services of tlrGdgc, ctl.., at Franklin Street Secti1111...... '' 4So 00 17th. Additional report on Secretary's Order No. 9125, recommending that the permit granted 8611. Coal ...... ” Soo 00 the Riverside and Fort Lee Ferry Company, to extend rack of ferry-slip foot ell One Hundred 8x12. Blue print I~al,er ...... 25 20 and Thirtieth street, North river, be revoked. Recommendation adopted. 8613. Services of Tug, per hour ...... ...... '' 5 00 8614. 15th. Report on Secretary's Orders Nos. 933 6 and 98t8, as to non-commencement of dredg- Piles...... ' 6,(150 00 0, 933 ing ordered between Fortieth and Forty-first and Forty-second and Forty-third streets and at the Perry 8615. l'iles ...... ...... '' 2,700 00 premises foot of Forty-second street, North river. Notify the owners or lessees of said premises that in the event of failure to continence said dredging within ten days front receipt of notice the Requisiti~,u Ni,. work 'v ill be done by this Department at their expense and the cost assessed upon the property ~ 75 copies l,ro;:osals and specifications for huil.ling flier, new 14, N',rth ricer. occupied by then as provided by sections 721 and 882 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 513. 1 75 '` '' drec'gwg at 't sventieth street, I•ast river. 1882. ,75 dredging Pier, new 14, North riser, 19th. Report on Secretary's Order No. 9464, respecting the dredging ordered in the slip between 514. Stationery, etc. Piers, old 23 and 24, North river. On motioa, the Board adjourned. 20th. Report on Secretary's Order No. 9546, recommending that the permit granted the 1'res- AUGUS'I'US T. 1>1)C11AR'11-, 'Secretary. dent and Faculty of Manhattan College to erect a floating shed or house at One Hundred and 'Thirty-sixth street, North river, be revoked. Recommendation adopted. 21st. Report on Secretary's Orders Nos. 9765 and 9766, in reference to the election of a fence, DEPARTMENT acing between Piers, old 25 and 28, North river. 22d. Report on Secretary's Order No. 10503, respecting the condition of and repairs required 11EALTH Dn'ARTIIEN•1' OF TI[E CITY OF Nrw YORK, to bulkhead between Piers 47 and 48 East river. Notify the owners that if the repairs are not NEW VortK, December 2, 1890. made in ten days the premises will be fenced off from public use. 23d. Report on Secretary's Order No. 10521, submitting specifications and forted of contr. ct for The Board met, pursuant to adjo.trnnsent. M. I)., the Health Officer of dredging at the bulkhead between Piers ii and 12, and the half slip adjoining the westerly side of Present—Commissioners Charles G. Wilson, Joseph 1). Byrant, Pier 12, East river. the Port. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion, ordered to be placed on file and the following resolution adopted Resolved, That the specifications and form of contract as prepared and submitted by the Ike Attorney and Counsel Presented the fallowing Reports Engineer-in-Chief of this Department for dredging at the bulkhead between Piers Ii and 12, and the half slip adjoining the westerly side of Pier 12, East river, be and they hereby are approved, Weekly report of suits commenced and discontinued, judgments obtained and costs collected subject to the approval of the Counsel to the Corporation as to form, and the Secretary he and Orders received for prosecution ...... 197 hereby is directed to have a sufficient number of blank forms of proposals printed and proper adver- Attorney's notices issued ...... ...... ...... 266 tisements inviting estimates for doing said dredging inserted in the various newspapers designated Nuisances abated before suit ...... 177 by law, Civil suits commenced for violation of Ordinances (Sanitary Cud() ...... : ...... 15

97 THE CITY RECORD. DI:c1;lf1sl:i: 15, 18go

Civil suits commenced fwr other causes ...... 2 7 Per,nits Granted. Nuisan:es abated afar c. mmencement of suit ...... 34 Suit, disronti rum I—Itv I: lard.. ...... 41 Judgments for the I lepart:nent—Civil suits .. ...... 1 No. BI's,NRSS-MATTER OR Tt1,Nc. GRANTED. i ON PREsIISES AT Exectr.iuns issued ...... ...... 4 Judgments for the People -I riminal suits ...... 8 Civil outs now peudinl; .. ...... ...... 216 o8 To retain and u-e manure box ...... Sou heast corner Riverview terrace and Dock street, its now .St urru Muck. pcuding ...... 197 Money pawl into the Court Criminalsuits ...... $120 7039 To keep two cows ...... lict+ve,-11 It oulevard and 1'enth avenue Done Hundred iii,I fifty-eighth and IIne hundred and Fifty-ninth street.",. \\-eckly r sport of cai-_s wherein nuisances have been abated and recotumendation, that actions 7040 To board and care for three children...... Nn. 248 \Vest S •veotecnth street. be dic.outinue(l. 7,141 7O fill in low lilt Js behind Grit, (privies; at ...... Harl,'m ittie r, soull side Crolmvell's Creek to One On motion, it was Hundred ou'l I' ifty.second street. k_ulc d, 'I'hit the n,ti nts against the folluwiuo-named persons for violations of the Sanitary Code be di.con lilt uc(1, without costs, to wit Permits Denied. NAME'. I No. . NAsns. I No. No. BoslmEss..IATror, OR THING DFStFO. Os l'Renlsr's :AT Emom.,el Str,ous :...... zlzy glary \IcGinty...... 119zr Emanuel Strau ...... z6to 1. seer Colin... ...... 2953 56o TO keep z chickens ...... Nn. 5; Sullivan street. 1'r. Ala a. C„rr ...... .. 1,52 Nlax 1.ev...... ...... x973 561 To keep and kill chickens ...... No. zS Pull street. Ab:d,am Jo-cph ...... :ii7 \lic6,ct P01)3)20...... 3013 Hmry t; rah:uu ...... ...... 2146 Wihi.on Pinner...... 31)19 Fran . e. A. Clark ...... i35 Mary 1: I lw,nclle ...... 3ozo Irish %I,.Iz3er ...... 2,51 William 'Furl• ly...... 3023 Rosa Hass.. ...... a6b1 \hu y.\1 aican...... 3095 Orders Saspend•d, Extended, Modified, Rescinded or lt'r•/t'ra'it'. Fr,ue,is A. Chick ...... ..... 2584 1 ca \errs li...... 3 3 Jhn I. ISrlcy ...... ...... .. ... 2(87 5101 ill J.l :ruby...... .... 3obz SillyJ. 5'ockU,n ...... ...... 2712 Jule, 1.aluy...... 3063 Ch iI I :) I le S.. Paul ...... 2786 Saplwn l.,,e) joy...... 3069 z7..,ri 3.,70 an Illt:. Henry Nayirer ...... Stephan l;,vejoy...... OR Os Pl:r.+uses nT Joseph S',)t'Colws ...... z:z5 'I haddius K. St tiler...... 307t Ex'rENot:o ro i RratARK:. R,'ulren `atinstr:in ...... ...... r°5u S,'hlesinhcr...... 3076 Floe At NI ,. ...... 2852 Slary \f Kcan...... ...... 3105 Charles VV'ois ...... z'i57 Foist S;unnut,...... 3115 \Vilson ...... 8 \l"illialll Werner...... L,mcs 1.. 28- .... 31zr 4294 No. 6 \Vest Ore Hundred and Thirty-third -Henry 1.. H:+as ...... 1)911 street ...... May it, 18). 7961 No. 319 East Ono Hundred and 'third street ...... Suspended during the pteasu re of (lie Board. 8853 Third avenue aid One Ifundred an d fifty- ...... Suspended as luny the hnnse remains unoc- Report oil complaint in repect to sidewalk vault at NO. 78 Warren street. sixth street ...... ...... { copied. Report n, respect to a violation of section 155 of the Sanitary Code, by the \Veils-Fargo Ex- 9111 Nos. i•g and 71 East Ono Hundrert and'She 3 street ...... I ...... Canceled. press C',nip.isy, in In ingitig a (lead ho ly into the City without a transit perlllit. 10164 Na. 426 East One Htmdred and Forty-ninth street ...... 11ay t, 1891 7%e S,riut,trl' Cornrilte. I'resenkd Ile,. following A'r orts: 11566 No. t93 Division street ...... ...... R"sanded. r_41r No, 340 Enst One Hmidred and Tenth street ...... fitOth lied not to require iron drain from the \\Geld',' report front Ri\t't-st(le Hospital (sttlall.pox). front wall of the house to the street sewer, V\c:•kiy report fain, 11 verside Iluspital (fevers). provided the porn it, of or(ler situ 'Ii re- Werkly rcl,ort fri,m Reception I IoSpital. I;nes to the house-drain under cellar floor be fully complier with at once. \\ cckly rellnrt fr:,lu AVillaid Parker I lo,pital. rz6oz No.zoc Seventh street ...... I May t, 1891 For ealance of or der, provided the cellar be Revort nn changes in the hospital Service. kept clean and fret' (roan water. ke'.olvcd, That the fulO ing changes in the Hospital Service be and are hereby approved. rz7oo No. 3o2 East One Hundred and Tenth street ...... Suspended during the pleasure of the Board, or as ion„ as the water-closet is main- tained in it go ,d suli- ary condition. 1:434 j No. tgg East Seventy-sixth street ...... .... ••.•••• Suspended dunu:; the pleasure of the B.,ard, Nouns. Post: lots. SALARY. TRANSFERS. DATE. for valance of outer, 15,7t No. rat Hester street ...... .. . Dec. 15, 18go 16087 North side One Hundred and I-ifty-first street and Railroad avenue ...... Star. r, 18)1 Annie Rn•nke ...... C]lamberm, id...... $144 00 Transfer from Waitress..... Dec. r, t8go, 162o2 No. Ito Charlton street ...... .... . Dec. zo, r8yo Mary \1ct'abe ...... Wauress...... , tqz oo `• Chambermaid '' r, ' 19301 West side Eighth avenue, second house) .11ay r, 1891 Pros ed the privy vault be disinfected, south Sixty-,cvenrh street ...... I I cmpticd and cleaned at once. 16355 No. 904 First avenue ...... ...... toditred not to require a new house-drain. t78rg No. 3t6 Fast Seventy seventh sn eet...... Dec. t5, t$yo For balance of order 'fhe I inanec Committee presented the following bills which were approved and ordered for- 18147 No,. rr to r ; Rivington strrei ...... May' t, t89r ward•:II t , the Comptroller for paymcnt 18639 No. zoS\Vent One H undred and Third street. ••••••-•••••• Extended during- the pleasure of the hoard, provldcd thv wafer-closet lie properly trapped and tlusbrd, and the opening ut the innd-drain m the yard be properly N:\?It:S. --—-- AMOUNT. ----- NAMES. _--- A1101:\T. closed, 19142 Nos. 38 and 40 Sixth avenue ...... Modified not all require water-closet. rgzgt ! t No.8tr First avenue ...... Apr. 25, t8gi For balance of order. '+1cKc-_, e \ k„bh'ns ...... $23 75 Lard S Taylor...... $rz 40 19 No...... C,s 1. iii.. nil ...... ...... ,o 13 Cox & Cameron...... , g 50 I 54 Rescinded. 0 ozv9381 fNos. 84 \4 and Si Attorneyte street...... Modified not to require compliance with that W. sl' l cml ...... 1 13 0 J. rny...... 0 73 Itla6.' ;: VV'itliams ...... 45 6o ills Moran ...... t8 oa tort' nit of order rchuing to ceiling immediately over the stood -houses, pro. \5'l5 10111)1 \ t.o...... 43 8 Stewart £tt Co ...... 61 79 Ir. H. 1.,'_I;ett K ('n ...... r3 • Iq S. K. Cnn,;c 11f.:. Co...... a 65 c ided the balance of older be complied with at once. \ae,l, \lies. l;o ...... ...... r6 gz San hurl Perri'. 511. Cc...... 412 33 minit sale Bro...... ...... Het=chhauer...... 1g_ oz I No.3r6 East One Hun'lred and Fourteenth) 5 94 1, 144 o0 struet ...... Jan. r, 1851 (tot. & \%ilkins ...... 2 75 .I. 3ioC.Utley ...... ' 166 66 For completion of the work 1,14 t-.1 nibLs ...... 127 75 Thomas F. White...... 3,000 00 f Extended during the pleasure of the Board , far portion of order relating to sever con- 19505 No. 444 East One Hundred and 'Thirty. nection, provided the stable drainage be I eighth str nt...... J discharged into a cesspool of proper con. struction and balance of miler be complied i/sr jo1/0min•;• C'antwunirahi'ilns Were Xeceived/rom the Sanitary Su/ir•rixtcnticrrl; with at once. 19534 1 No, 217 Elizabeth street...... Jail. r, 1691 \V'eddy eels) t of the Sanitary Superintendent. 2976o No. 46; Second avenue ...... Weekly report of the Chief Sanitary Inspector. 19838 ' No. 27 Hester street ...... \\-cekly ref i'l of the ('lie mist and Assistant Chemist. No. 6zi Greenwich street...... 19946 Jan. 15, ,. \Vicel:ly t of wok putf,rued by the Inspectors of Offensive Trades. 20019 Nos. 159 and 161 East Fifty-third street..... tern 2011 Non. 6)8 and 6)83.5 Water street...... May r, VV')rkly report On mantic dumps. zolgz No. 009 Sixth street ...... Jan. to, Weekly reports on condition of offal and night-soil boats. 20223 No. 017 \Vest Twentya,inth street ...... Stay r, \1'rrkls tell ,its (m condition of slaughter-houses. 20203 Nu.6o8 Water street ...... Dec. 20, 1890 20368 No. 67z East One Hon.ired and Forty- t • • • , • • • • • • • • • Extended until the Croton main is supplied Reports on overcrowding in tenement-houses. seventh street ...... 1 to the street. ISeh Or' S nu app licatil,ns fill permits. 2049. No. 697 Morris avenue...... Slay r, 2891 Provided all fowls be removed from the cellar Reports oil applications for relief farm orders. 5 at once and the cellar be kept in good Rr'Ix,rt of an inspection of manure carts at the various dumps. sanitary condition. 205 02 No. to Willett street ...... •...... • Suspended doting the pleasure of the Board. Monthly report oil condition of streets and the removal of ashes and garbage. . 2o56 3 I No. z 3z East Sevent y' fourth straet...... Modified to re•trem onlyone window to each bedroom opening into the hall. zo0-6 4137No. East Ninetieth street ...... May r, 1891 For ventilating inner bedrooms, provided I/ieI 'liarain{' Co,nnuueic,rtio rs were Received from the Chief Inspector of Coithzgious Dcraases: the balance of order be complied with at 01105'. Weekly report of work perfortnell by the Division of Contagious Diseases. 20580 No. 97 Storton street ...... Dec. zz, 1890 For introduc'ng water into the rear house. Weekly report of work performed by the Veterinarian. 00587 No. 243 West I,ifty_fifth Street ...... I Apr. t, 2191 zo6o' No. 2.11 East 'Twenty-seventh street...... I May t, 2o661 No. r6 Jackson street ...... " t, Provided the walls and ceilings of the apart- 7/n' f ,llozwl/C Cont'nturrcaliaus lucre Received fro n Ile lie 'rs.ler of Records meuts be cleaned and whitewashed. 25674 Nos, 425 and 427 West Fifty-seventh street.. ' r, Weekly lettets. zo710 l No. 672 Greenwich street ...... 'I \\ eckly abstracts of births. 2 878 I (Mo.litied not to require compliance +rith the Weekly al :stracts of still -births. 20728 No. 430 Fist One Hundred and 'twentieth 1 J ”" .. ({ pu tiun of order relating to the waste -pipe Weekly abstract of marriages. street ...... (,, Hu ........... of basm and bath-tub. Weekly mortuary statement. 20731 I No. 758 Seventh avenue and No. zoo West) flay r, r'igt 11'or the bedroom windows, provided the Weekly abstract of deaths from contagious diseases. Fiftieth street ...... l balance of order be complied with at once. ( For portion of order relating to the \\-cckly report of Clerk:. 20763 Nos. Sor and 503 \Nest "1'weuty-seventh t, r „ cellar ({ S Teel. of No. Sot West Twenty-seventh Reports on delayed birth relurns. i s[reer ...... . , } I Report on application to correct clerical error. 70768 Nos. 511, 516 and 518 West Twenty-seventh street ...... ...... r, 20825 Nos 47 and 55 Baxter Street...... t, Oz'ercrowdinC in Tenements. 20848 Nos, 6o and 70 Jackson street...... r, 20893 No. 932 Eighth avenue ...... t, I \1'hereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the following tenement- 2'874 No. 934_Eightl, avenue ...... Modified net to require a window opening houses in the City of Nccv Vork are so overcrowded that less than six hundred cubic feet of air- into the front room o7 each floor from space is afforded to each occupant in the said houses ; tee a-)ommg rodroom,l ilmid the valan_e of order was extended to May t. 189x. It is Ordered, That the numberof occupants in said tenement-houses be and are hereby reduced 20885 No. 258 \Vest Ni teteenth street...... May r, r8gt as full it's no8go No. 212 West Thirty-fifth Street...... Rescinded. z'9ra Nos. 107 and to) Thompson street...... Rescinded, 2n914 Nos. 311 and 313 West Forty-fourth street... Stay •t 189. zogz4 No. 156 Essex Street...... Dec. 21, t8go Provided the roofs be repaired at once so as REDUCED TO not to leak. FR'In'r OR 20972 No;. 57 and 59 Buster Street...... Feb. 05, ” Provided the cellar and water-closet apart- I.ocATlos. REAR Housil . FLOOR. LESSEE. ments are cleaned at once. Adults. Children. zog84 No.4a4 East Fifty-eighth street...... ,. Dec. IS, x8go 01014 No. 234 East Seventy-fourth street...... May it, 210 r5 , No. 236 East Seventy-fourth strcmt ...... Aug. 1, 189, For the bedroom windows, provided the second floor seater-closets be thoroughly No. 88 Bayard street, •. • „ • • w. Si t •, • • -. • • . • • • r cleaned and disinfected at once. z63o "Third, r....~ C.. Davie C ndon...... I t 3 axot6No. 238 East S venty-fourth street...... May I, 2551 No. g7 Bayard street ...... Third, f.....I Pauline Pascata...... 3 r 21017 '~I Nos, 24; and 246 East Seventy-luurth Street r, " For bedroom windows, provided the balance 2652 ` ...... Third, r...... , Joseph Destatano...... 3 2 of order be complied with at once. 26,3 .. ...... .I Fourth, f..... Sedore Straneo...... 3 z 21019 No. 159 Dlott street ...... 1 Dec. ra, tSyo 26;4 No.- g 8 Ba y.Ord street, rear... ,..... Second ...... Moses B^rnsrein...... x 6 2159 No. ttz Madison s'reet ...... Apr. it, t8gt z655 No. 107 I3ayard street...... Fifth, r hall.. Angelo Gardelle...... t -• 41100 No.953 Second aveaue ...... I Dec, zo, r8 ,o For balance of order. , 2655 Nos. 6 and 8 Berthingham 01134 No. 6t street...... ' ...... Third, e. s., r. Ladincky Einshell...... 3 3 2657 Nos. 6 and 8 Bermingham' 21363 I No. a:7 First s err street ...... II .. ay..?..i t ... Ex ended during the pleasure of the;Board. street...... Third,w. s., r. Manuel Goldstein...... t 6 I)I:CI:\1BER 15, 1890. THE CITY RECORD. 3979

.lpfhli,alions for heIteJ Jrout Orders lhni,/. I ,' ,t :(•,t. eel., to f'lttmbuey and l/r,ritta,g,' flans I-ic:>Iccd, That the 1,11's> lug amcn(lments to plumbing and drainage liar., lie :oil are hereby apprr>cc,l: NO.oa No. ot~ ON PJ.Exnsesnr Os' Ps,-si ra n'r PI1n No. 9613. l'l,r se wan lieu-c, No,s. J74 and 376 Washington strcct. 10052. I or one dwelling, moth side of Ninetieth street, one hundred COI -ixty-five feet ea,t of Nn, 5 Sullivan street. 20201 N . 32 Madison street. kics rsid. Di-t> e, 15797 10950. For one 0 nc!nent. 11-111 eott corner of Eighth avenue anll t> ;.e [ lion hr of atrl 8evente''uth 16731 NO.35 (-larkson s!rect. 20209 Nu. 6.t7 \Pater street. trees, e .mlitioually. 177SS it No. 30! Fourth avenue. 20282 I Nu;. 7-31 to 757 First avenue. 11202. For five>lsrelliugs, rao -isle 1,f ILmtilton avenue. twenty-f,ur feet south of (tn_ If',nll;ed 17796 No. 187 1 tester street. 20295 No. 65(i Water .strict. and Forty -secou,I . treet. 15273 No. 422 E:t,t 7'i,irteenth street. 20.356 Nn.,. i5 awl 77 Allen street. 11274. Freight ten.::neat,, -on t::we,t corner of Eighth avenue and (Inc Ilundred awl I- ,rty-fifth 19205 Nos. 72 to So I )ivisi,m street. 20355 N>. a(S I:n,o,ue ,beet. street. 19215 No. 64 Forsyth street. 20 N>. 937 1,,t arenue. 373 11546. 1"> >r one cluh.h ,use, east Side of Eighth avenue, Fifty feet eouth of One I iamlre,l and 'rlrcuty- 19293 No. 132 \Vust 1 hirtieth street. 2063.3 No. 543 \Vest l orty-ninth street. sixth street. 19343 No. 189 1Icnry Street. 2071,$ \o. 428 Forty-nuntit street, West 11575. hor one liote!, -outhea_s! corner of Ihr a,lway and Fort itth ,[rest. 19345 No. 320 Cast Twenty-ninth street. N'>. 405 Sixth street. 20749 £ 1747. [',>r twu tenunent-, south ride f On' I Iunrlrc 1 an, l Ili:rty - _•ventli -trvet, one hu lre,! and 19409 No. 107 Front Street, 20805 No. S73 !'t-,st One I lundred and Sixty. twenty-five feet cast if Lincoln avenue. 19622 ', Nos. 210 t„ 216 E ,t Sixty-fifth street. ninth street. Ig63S No. 134 Lttdloty street. 20807 No. 877 East One IFun>ired and Sixty- 12160. 1- or oil,' ,v: rcli:'u,e, Nos. 7r) t., Si; (;ru;l>v struct, 12.57. For one ,lv oiling•, No 2 11 ss, 1•: Arty-third street. 19716 N>. 141 %ttorne" street. ninth street. 12188. For two tencmenls, Sul : of Une I lundre, 19763 No.25.3 Stantonstreet. 20905 No. 420 Sixth street. I ci d Thirty-fifth street, three ltunrlr~d and se>enty-1 ve Ic•a east nt AVilli, accrue. 19773 Nos. 166 and i6S Varick street. 21012 Nos. 57 anti 5q West Forty-seconl 19850 4 No. 176 Ludlow street. street. 4,1/on of (it' ii'.,ra on /yans /or Li_gld anal Veil/la/Ion of 1%t_ /'ll.,,oing Tenent,vtl-l>ous.•s: 20006 No. 378 1iroome street. 21153 1 No. 131 Madison street. Kes la-el, That the following plus for light and ventilation he and are here!,}' aph r: veil, upon the conlli!iuns ,1 e., rih'',l iu tic ;>ermits is,ued in e:-ch ea e, anti the said Iitans inn I speciti> ti: ns are her-li- no I Ii -'I its acconlance the•et5 ith h'eso Aide otr.>-. Plan N,. Resolve,!, That the Register of Records he awl i, hereby directed to record the following S283a. Fur one tc tie lien t, north side of Sixty-fifth street, tm, Iiundre,l Ic--t wc.t If ('entral Park, birth certificates : West, as anu•mled. 8306. I'ur'inc tene!:melt, 5,,.66 Pitt street. 83e8. I tie > tcnemcntc, tact ci 'c of Madisau avenue, forty - six fe,-t I•lec_n inc I,•_- mirth of (Inc fomi)Is. I Dais. Ilut-,dr_,I and 'fined sLrect. 8309. For one tenement, n„rtliea,t earner of Madison avenue amt t Ire Illu!.Ire'l and Thtr,l strict, Tabl''I fm- .-l,n,trdnrrat. i. hi, G>Ilins ...... --- Born...... June 3, rSgo J, Resolved, That the folio.-, plans for light and ventilation he an,l are hereby tabled for 2. Catherine Dalton ...... 1 .. to amcnllnient 3. Richard O'('onnell ...... " ...... . .. tt .< Penn No. 4. l'huma., A. Lielbcl ...... ...... 14, 5. In>cph J.tlaciccy ...... .. ...... " 25, 8205. For two tenements, north ride '>f One Hundred anal Forty-second Street, tnvo hundred feet .. 6. \\i~lia,n l.ahilly .. ... ... ...... . ...... ' ...... July 1, ea,t of Willis avenue. 7. Female child of James F. and File>> J. Nial-,>ne...... " ...... 6 f olulirns lo Iii- .111o,-net . S. F.dwani anI Alice \Ichal~ary ...... " G Resolved, That the fullowincg violations of law in respect t-> light and ventilation of tcacment- 9. John 31. 2111 Sarah J. Vlc(iinn ... ...... ...... j 7 hon->e,, i,e and are herel'y ref -rred t„ the A!turney JO. Edmund Mulct loo,. 2044, 2097, 2102, 2224, 2245, 2249. 2254. . " 15, .. 11. Mar L. V. Reid ...... ...... ...... .. Re.solaed, That the 1>1 lowing villati 'Os of law in respect to i In itbing and drainage of new 12. Male chill of James and bertha I)ttnn .. ...... ...... I 15, ., houses, lie and are hereby referred to the Attorney. 13. Samuel \\roods ...... ...... I 15, No-. 3 3923, 14. 11u,,h and Raymond I low lett ...... .. r6, 647, 3768, 3799. 39U1, 3914, 3919, 3921, 3927, 3937, 3935, 3962. 15. Male chill of Michael and Nora ICinn ...... ...... ~ " 31 , .'One/arr Ilrrrc.rn. .. 16. fames Austin...... Aug 17, he fol has-in g is a record of the work performed in the Sanitary Buicau for week ending 17. r-einale Child of E. 1). and L. G. Wardell ...... " ...... I '' t3 L1 Novenil1Cr 29, ISgo : iS. John McAvcy ...... ...... " ...... There [,'ere 7,969 inspections made by the Sanitary Inspectors and the Sanitary Police. 21 19. \\•illiam Cox ...... ...... " There were 527 c ngibaints returned by the Sanitary inspectors amt Ih, Sanitary I 'lice. Male child of William anti E. Mc l.3oberts ...... 20. ...... 26, "There were 199 complaints received from citizens and referred to the Sanitary Ins! sector and Female child of William C. amt 'f. 21. Farrel ...... ...... Sept. 6, the ha nit ary IClice for investig- tion and report. 1,ol ert and Catherine Berryman...... 22. ... ... 10 '!'here were issued) to till- consignee-s of vessels, to dischargc cargoes, In vouchers from the 23, 1)auiel J. and Annie E. Dunn... ...... .... " to, I-health Officer of the I'orl, 46 permits. Rosanna Curry ...... ., r3 .< 24...... There ,r ere issued to consignees, to discharge rags (in On 1k, under hinds), 5 permits. Female child of John R. and J. Sanderson ...... 25. " ...... " 20 There were issued under the Sanitary Code, 4 miscellanea-us permits. There were issuerl to seasen-ets to empty, clean and disinfect privy sinks, t per>nit. l:c,olveil, That the Register 'It Rceor,Is he and is hereby directed to amend the record of V//el Slalisli,s. death of J,>hn 1. r'viegll. who dic.l June tg, ISSo, I,,,- changing the mine of l'evie;ih to 1luugh, the same being a cleiical cl!ol. Resolved, flit the fiction of the L'oaud of October 28, modify ng that part of Order No. 117.1!, un preuii,c- No. >17 Clttystie sheet, le,lun-ing that the cellar soiling b_ plastered or sealed with Vt cr. rvutst, - i tongued and g!ouvc,l bu.u,!,, not less than thro. rluarters of an inch in thickae s, lined with build'>rs' lining paper,be awl is I 1 r shy rescinds 1, Resolve!, That John C. C'nllur, Clot imp t r, Iilyist,m of I'Iun>l>ing and Ven!ilation, be susl,eudect from duty , n accou>it ,,i if ah-cncu set h, ut le,, e, and that he Ise inf s!ncd that such r, —i absence is the cause of h,, I>mpu,ed retn~,val and that lie (lilt f e allowed an oi)p.,1tunity of tuakin an exl>:unatiun at the n,eetiug of the board on fne,.lati, I )rceml,cr o at 32 o'cl,,clt t'. vl. 184 .. 90 2.97 .... .... .... 9 to .... z~.t Resolved. 'fl it F Iwarl I. Steele, .r Cleric in this Department, lie ,usl>und.rd from lute on Iti:fir: ...... ...... 1 ;x8 .. rzz zz.6:: .... account ul absence without lows and that he I,c iul need that such ah,Lruce is the cause of his pro ..•. .... z6 ;r .... lc3 posed re r Ival and th.z_ lie will be all >trcd au ol,potlur.ity of mailing an explanation at the meeting I)e.ahu ...... C54 71 .... zn.66 6'> to 83 I 117 - .... G>_t of the Board on 1 ne,,lay, I Ieee nl>cr 9, at ; o'clock i•. it, The lieu rtui of the charge I.rcterred ar;a!net I iii ector McGowan as-is coutii,ued, ;And wit Si tilI t-i: iii ..... ...... .. 7o 6 .... ac, ;' .... .... .... .... -a messes were examined •tali \l r. Al>Cuwnu ma) le Ills explanation. Mr. Met ownn also suhmttte,l his resignation, which aas said on the table, and the charges tcere ou loot ill) dismissed. [he 654 deaths represent a '!oath-rate of 20.66, against t 5i.43 for file Previous lice I,, and 18.50 f,,r the corresponding wcok of i The f ,lloa'ing Contoteuricatioos were Recoil front the Chiul), an;l of ri from violence. `I'hc death; from Other cause- varied little. \V'eekly report of work performed by the Division of Plumbing and Ventilation. Weekly report on light and ventilation of tenement-houses, plumbing and drainage plans Tlie death, front diphtIi aria were most numerous in the Tied ftl> \V'aril, and from scarlet fever in the Nineteenth Ward. of new buildings. Report of absence without leave of Clerk Fitzpatrick. I.aid on table. Report of ahsel:ce without Inane of Cleric Steele. 4,r>e/!'sir of Crolntt Watt' Jon' Jlondgt•, Pec,utber 1, iSgo. h'.srrl(s /u.> '> ss.4 in Grains per Resolved, flat the rccuimuenrlations of the Chief Inspector of Plumbing and Ventilation be U.S. Grt/latt of 231 C't,i,ic lnchc c. and the same are hereby approved. ddcleon of lira floard on flats for 1'ltoniiu, and Drama',.- of Elie following !looses Apl,earance ...... . ...... - . Sli.;htly turl,id. Color ...... ...... -.-.-.„...... I.i'htyellow brown. Resolved, That plans for plumping and drainage of the f dlowing houses be and are hereby I hlor (heated t;, loo° Fahr.) ...... 1•;unt marshy. approved ul>un the couditin Is contained in the statement of the action of the Board attached to tite Chlorine in Chlorides ...... .•.-.,.. ...... -..o.ito. specifications submitted with the plans, and the saiu plans and specifications are hereby modified in Equivalent to Sxlium Chloride ...... ...... o.iSi. accordance therewith IPhosphates .. . .. . .. . ...... . .. . . . ...... -In>e. Plan No. Nitrites ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... None. 111617-2. For two tenements, south side of Eighty-first street, two hundred and sixty-five feet six Nitrogen ill Nitrates and Nitrites .. ...... 0.0096. inches west of Avenue A. 1” rte Ammonia ...... . ...... . . ...... ..... . . . .....['race. 12201. For one dwelling, south side of Gambril avenue, two hunrlr,-d feet cast of Marion avenue, Albtt>ninoi,l .\nlmonia ... . . ...... 0.0:61. Lime, .l Before t„>7l111_r - as amended. I I.n'flness equivalent tr. (.arhr:.late of - - - - - , 2.4027. 12300. For one dwelling, south side of One Hundred anti Seventy-fifth street, one hundred and ) :Mier boiling ...... - .2.4027. seventy-five leet we,t of Franklin avenue, as amended. Organic and volatile (loss en ignition) ...... o.`y>. 12303• For one dwelling, south side of One Hundred and Sixtieth street, two hundred and tllirty- \iin~'ral matter (non -volatile ...... ...... 4.665. seven feet four inches east of St. Nicholas avenue, as amended. l'ot:tl solids(I,y evaporation) ...... 5.540. 1231o. For stable and dwelling south side of One hundred and 'flirty-ninth street, adjoining Railroad avenue, c:>uditioually. 12325. For drainage, one building, nuitheast corner of Amsterdam avenue and One I luudred and Sixty-sixth street, conditionally. lnrtivsis 0/ Croton if,rler for lllonde)-, Derem'-,•r i, ttigo. JIesttlls F_.I15ressed to harts by 12334. For draina e, five dwellings, south side of Seventy-sixth street, one hundred and twenty-five 11','itiltl in On,- 1ltrtari-r-,/ T/rotrsaod. feet west of Columbus avenne. 12280. For eight tenements, east side of Figluh avenue, from One Hundred and Eighteenth to One :\ppear:Tnce ...... ...... Slightly tm rbid. Iiundred and Nineteenth street, as amended. C'>! or ..... . . . .. . ...... . ...... ...... I.i,-ht yellow brown. (),lor(hcatel to too° Fahr.) ...... F•,,nt marshy. 7able,f for Aoueitdnti•n1. Chlorine in Chlorides ...... ..... ...... .....o.1Sq. Idluivalcnt to Sodium Chloride ...... 0.31 I. Resolved, That the following plans for plumbing and drainage be and are hereby tabled for Phosphates...... ...... Nine. amendment: Nitrite.;. ...... \one. Plan No. Nitrogen in Nitrates ant Aitrues ...... ...... o.ntGS. 12313• For three dwellings, north side of Eightieth street, three hundred and eighty-seven feet nine Free Ammonia ...... 1-race. inches west of Columbus avenue. All,umiuoid Ammonia ...... 0,01 10, 12314. For one dwelling, southwest corner of I3athgate avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Before boiling ...... Ilarauess equivalent to Carbonate of Lime, - .4.12. street. After boiling ...... 4.12. 12315. For one tenement, north side of One Hundred and Twenty-second street, eighty feet east of Organic and volatile (loss on ignition) ...... 1.50. Second avenue. Mineral matter (non-volatile) ...... S.00. 12316. For two tenements, Nos. 669 and 671 East One Hundred and Forty-second street. Total solids (by evaporation) ...... 9.50. 12317. For one tenement, southeast corner of Seventh avenue and Fifty-third street. 12318. For three tenements, southsicle of One Hundred and Sixteenth street, one hundred and forty By order of the Board. feet east of Morningside Park. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary.

3980 THE CITY RECORD. I)I•:~:1•:.'sIBEP' l;, I`yo.

Ia e,lcctl, Tli i1 ;lii' ic.;odtttiolt adopted October 17, L8go, authorizing a ]ease r,f said ]n•en,i,e; CO_.I'I'--,. !ONERS OF T H F S I N I'i I N G 1 N U OF for live years, Irian May 1, 1890, he and i, hereby rescinded. TIII'; CITY OI' E`'Y YORK. Which re,olution, were unanimously adopted.

The Comptroller pre-crated the follo%%ing statements and re;olutit,ns to pay fines for cruelty !'r:'. :'nrtr;~ •~/ (/r. (',,;nrxtri,~tt,r, / [!!r Srrr/.°fu; Ford a! « J/•rtirt.; /rehl u1 the ,7ht~• or's 0//ice to children and to animals : at I o'clock 1'. .11. on ThursdrrI', Bcc'mrkr II, 1890. Fines for Cruelty to Children have been im posed and collected by the. Courte of I;ceeral Sessions Present-1 lugli J. rant, Mayor ; Frederick Sniyth, Recorder ; Theodore \V. Myer, Comp- anti Special Se,siuns urding tile month of November, 1899, as per statement iii lotw'in. "(lie case; troller: 'l'hmnet, C. T. Crain, Chamberlain, and ]Talton Storm, Chairman, Committee on Finance, were .severally prosecuted by the sew York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and the amount cullectc,l has been deposited in the City 'treasury to credit of the Sinking Fund for the Board ref Aldermen. Payment of Interest on the City Debt. The minutes of the meeting held December I, 1890, were read and approved, Pursuant to section 5, chapter 122, Law.; 01 1876, the said society is entitled to the amount of said lines, viz., 5I,585. The Recorder pre,ented a petition of the Roman Catholic I )rphan Asylum of the City of New 1. 5, BARRETT, General 13ookkceper. York, by it; atttrrnrys, Turner, McClure & Rolston, for a release, to quiet title, from the city, of all FINES Pr,R h:RuEL'1'Y TO CIHILDRI?r. its right, title and i iii ere;t in and to a lot of ground on the southwest corner of Lexington avenue Collected be Court of Gcucral S:'ssi,rrrs. and (one I lurid red and Seventeenth street, designated on the Tax Map of the Twellth ]Ward to have 1890. Nov. 13. Randolph Burger ...... $25 co been formerly included on flit front part iu the easterly half of the Old f-lanein Road, which lot, `• 24. John Stcvcus ...... 1,000 00 as alk'gell, slid not foram a part of said load. 51,025 00 ]Which ,v a:; referred to the C•m,ptroller. Collecic,1 by Ctur/ of .Special Sessraus. Nov. 6, Mary Ilalf .. ...... .... $250 CO 7. Marcus Uohlhunz ..... ...... 25 00 t_omptrollcr prc :cuteil the I slowing report on the sale of School-house Iioncis, oil The 12. Charles Sn,ith ...... 25 00 December 2, 18,y~• 12. Ilarbara Ifeindorf ...... 25 co CITY of Si.ty VOICE—F1NsNcn. I)EPARtMt-NT, 17. Edward Lowenthal ...... 25 00 Co~1r'1'ROLLER'S OI FICE, - 19. Samuel lti•cnbtuh ...... ...... 2_5 00 Decembcr 4, iSr9o. 19. 13o illios \Ioscopolus ...... 10 CO 19. Charles I Ieyw~,od ...... T, oh <• Corrt,uisstnners f Ili,, S'rh f-inc I•itml: 25 00 i9. Freticricin Behrens ...... 2~ 00 Ui:TI.EyIins - On the 2tl Clay of December, at 2 o'clock r. M., sealer l roposal,, after'lue aclver- 21. 3Ii,'hael J.'I,vnch ...... ...... 25 co tisement in pursuance of law, were rec,avect lry the t-'on,ptrr,ller for $18.3,360.70 Consolidated Stock, 2I. Ann C,,s-erly ...... 25 00 Sch~t,l -huure Ilonca of the City of New \"url; (exempt trout city and county taxation), bearing 24. (;ustav'Chotnas ...... ...... 25 00 24. Frank 1Knapp ...... 25 00 interest :,t the rate of three per cent. I,er annum, and were opened by the Comptroller in the pres- 26. \William Zubone ...... 25 00 ence of the Chr mire rl nil n, a, foll, m'-, to wit : 56o Oct Iticlder:=. :l mount. Rate. '1'otal ...... St,5b5 00 'frow'ance t'otnpany ...... 6o, coo co 102 26 of November, 1890, and payable to the said society pursuant to section 5, chapter 122, Ina I , f 6o,000 00 102 51 1876. 60 70 102 76 63,3 Which resolution was unanimously adopted. Mletngn litau Savings Bank ...... 25,000 00 nu_~s 5 New York Security and ]'mist Company ...... 25,coo 00 IOM 39 The fines for cruelty to animals, as per statement following, have been imposed and collected 25,000 00 1022 oo by the Court of Special Sessions during the month of November, 1890. The cases were severally 25,000 00 [02 50 1 prosecuted by the officers of the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animal,, as certified 25,000 00 103 00 by the Clerk of said Court; and the amount collected, eighty-six dollars ($86), ha:; been deposited in 3 5o I' the City Treasury to credit of the Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest on the City Debt. 25,000 00 10 Pursuant to section 6, chapter 490, hit's of 1888. the said fine, are payable to the said society. 25,000 00 104 00 , I. S. BA]'RETT, General Bookkeeper. Auburn Savings Bank ...... 50,000 ca 100 00 Rotes for Cruelty to Animals Imposeef and C'n(leete«' hp Court of SrSec/a/ Sessions. flan el .5. Moran & Co ...... 183,360 70 101 40 1890. 1890. The Coin mis,ionets of the Sinking Lund...... 183,360 70 100 00 Nov. ;. Robert fieiser ...... 85 00 Nov. 24. Samuel Cohen...... , . , G5 co 6. Henry Ellerhttsch...... 500 " 24. Charles Kautz ...... 10 00 Total...... Ni1,529,803 50 17. Samuel Brenwasser...... 5 00 " 24. Joseph Knoche ...... 10 00 20. 'Thomas I larris ...... 5 00 " 26. Peter 1. Reinders...... 5 co 20. Henry Garlic ...... 5 on " 28. fobn Dunn...... 5 00 (If tire foregoing proposals for ~183,360.70 of Consolidated Stuck, School-house Bonds of the 21. William Norman ...... I 00 " 28. Robcrt Koller ...... 5 o0 City of Nest 1"tork, the whole amount was awarded to the highest bidder, with the approval of the 21. Timothy Rafferty...... 5 00 " 28. John I larris ...... 5 00 omm!s,:oner of the Sinking Fund pre rut at the opening thereof, as follows 24. Joseph Fellows ...... 5 Co " 24. Dennis Flynn ...... 5 00 Total...... $86 00 Awarded to. Amount. Rate. Ness York Security \. 'Crust Co ...... 525,000 00 $104 00 Rerolvcd, That a warrant payable from the Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest on the Harvey Fi,k & Sons ...... 158,360 70 103 54 City Debt be drawn in favor of the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to :animal; for the 'l'otal ...... $183,360~ 7 0 sum of eighty-six dollars (586), being the amount of fines for cruelty to animals imposed and col. lected by Court of Special Sessions during the month of November, 1890, and payable to the said '1'IIEO. NV. MYERS, Comptroller. Society pursuant to section 6, chapter 49c, Yaws of 1888. Which was tier opted and ordered on tile. Which resoiutioo was unanimously adopted.

The l omptroller presented the following communication from the Fire Department, and a ~ The Comptroller presented the following statement of Croton [cater-rents paid ill error, with resolution to pay rent due on premises No. 160 East I hirty-thirel street, occupied by tl,e Fire resolution to refund the same to the parties entitled thereto : Del arunen. Applications have been made, as per statement herewith, for the refund of Croton water-rcut; IIEAI,Dt'AI9 1s FIRE DEi,AR'I'4ttiiT, paid in error. The applications arc severally approved by the Connni sioner of Public ]Works or 1U3. 1 L [ F.AS1' S1 Decetn.ber 3'll S1o:EE'f, 57AND 1 1( Clerk of Arr ears, and the amount so paid, as per statement herewith, ten hundred and sixteen NI:w 1'oRI:, llecember 3, 1890. dollars and twenty-five cents (SI,ot6.25), has been deposited in the City Treasury to credit of the Itnrr. Commission r., of Me .Sinkir{; Pima.' Sink;rag Fund for the Payment of Interest on the City Debt. GIN rLi Minx—I have the honor to inform you of the adoption of the following resolution by I. S. BARRETT, General Bookkeeper. the l eso ef Fl I' Cu the shun o rs on thet Itrrtr R,r"istcr Reftortz.ds. d, ']'hat the sum of one hundred and 160two dollars be and is hereby ap pr opriated for Ie nt of Adolph L. Kerker ...... $,Io 00 Max Goetz...... premises kn w nd as two ol 1'h e y -third street (rear( b.)Henry to } R. 2 co payment of rent of the Gaylor ...... 3 00 William Mumu, n:; administrator of the estate of Richard E. Mount, deceased ; the said sum being for rent Clarence W. 1.. Keys...... I I oc I • U. Sigel ...... too Sr. Joseph's (lane...... of said prend,es from May I, i$90, to November I, 1890, at the rate stipulated in the lease which 00 John Vosteen ...... ... o Henryenr I.1 Halligan, atgent...... 74 expire,] dsn May I, [Selo. And the Commis-,inners of the Sinking Fund are hereby requested to 5 400 Carolina iii elding, agent ...... 3 on C-onstantine & Co...... 12 25 al,pro,t• .,f such payment. Peter Fairy ...... 22 co James L•, explanation of the request contained in the above resolution to approve of the same, I desire Fellows...... I Io co William, Henry Knox, attorney...... 56 00 Samuel Ilorwich, agent ...... 2I 00 to state the fulluwin 6 oo That helore tie expiration of the lease of the premises referred to, efforts were made to obtain \William Ritchie ...... Hyman (.otschel...... 4 Peter Gaffes, ...... oo F. Ii. Johnson, agent...... because the prot,crty was at the time involved in y" S J ....• • 7 00 a renewal, which was found to be impract,cable, Estate of Jordan I.. Mott ...... 22 Mrs. S. F ter That the Comptroller, in a 75 J...... 5 00 litigation, and no one cr,uld be found having authority to negotiate. Sadie Caro ...... 7 00 Claims Haaren ...... .. o0 communication to this Department, under date of the 11th instant, states that '1 for settlement of 3 Philip H. Shelley ...... 3 00 Samuel the rent due after May I, 1890, 1 would suggest that a resolution may be adopted by the Com- Barclay ...... I 00 Mary Von Hatter ...... 9 co James A. Bancker...... providing for its payment to \lr. Henry R. Mount, as mis,,ioncrs of the lire Department, Elvina Matafan ...... 6 oo Le Boutillier Brothers ...... admiuistratrn, etc., and rerluc;tiug the l'onuntsioners of the Sinking 1' and to approve of such i 18 po ]•homes F. co Margaret Duchardt ...... payment, to obviate the necessity of making a lease for that short period." D'fcAvo y ...... 5 5 00 c Jose P h Kleinschnitt er ...... 50 , Paul L. Ho Ym...... As .soon as an tu,dertamling as to the teens of a new lease from November I, 1890, can be g 7 . ...... ,0 70 A. B. Hutchings, agent ...... .... 17 00 A. Julius Muller...... Io 00 arrived at with the new owner, application will be made therefor to your Ilonorable Body. C). M. Hitchcock ...... 3 00 John G. Pfeiffer, agent...... L6 00 Very respectfully, 8 40 HENRY D. PURROY, President. William H. Kuntz, agent ...... Joseph O'Connor (meter)...... 34 00 Morris Jones ...... 13 0o C. L. Gustav I,...... eonhardt • 2 00 Whereas, A resolution ,vas adopted bythis Board on October t 7> 189 0. authorizin g a lease for 00 P Henry Carlough ...... 3 Paul Huebner...... .... 00 the use of the Fire Ile1 arhucnt ofpremises on the rear of No. rho East'I'hirt •-third7 street, at the TJoseph P Norden...... - .. I oo .Thomas J. F•itch...... 43 oe old rental of two hundred and four dollars ($204) per annum, for the term of five years from May I, William C.'I'rageser, agent...... I 13o Charles Pfizenmayer, executor...... 7 50 James II. Brush (two cases)...... 36 00 John V. B. Clarkson.. 1800; and Jo n )...... 4 00 C. Burnist(t . case'...... t6 0o h P. Leo, gaentn.. (two cases) • , . , . I I 00 \Vhercas, 'I he said remise, were in liti ation and the lease so authorized could not be exe. 0 P 6' O. C.C. Quirk, agent (two cases,)...... IS 7o Mary 1ti'. Morgan ...... 300 cuted byhenry R. ~[ouut, ac ministrator, the ormcr lessor for an time after Novemberr i, by HenryY W. Riddell ...... I 9 6o Michael V,olbach, agent ,,.. 3 00 Julia Clare ...... Marks R1 , , . , , • , , , , , , ...... reason of a change m the owncrshi Is of the >rouertI y ; ~ 149 Albert T. Kruse, agent ...... 9 oo inks Ti McCauleyMcC...... 5% hercas, The I oard of Ftre Cmnmi,sioners adopted l resolution our December 3, 1890, request 25 00 a Edward Maher...... 2020 0o I __ ing this Board to approve of the payment of the sum of one hundred and two dollars ($102) for rent Luiz A. da Cunha, agent (two cases)... 29 00 I $982 6o clue from, May I to November I, 1890 ; (,outs H. Kircher, agent ...... $3 00 Resolved, That the Comptroller hue and is hereby authorized and directed to pay Henry R. Clerk of Arrears—Rtfunds. Mount, as administrator, etc., the sum of one hundred and two dollars ($102) for rent of premises in B. W. Clarke (sale) ...... $14 It) the rear of No. 160 East Thirty-third street, occupied by the Fire Department for the period of six R. Ettinger (sale) ...... .. ...... 9 55 months, from May I to November I, 1890, from which last date a new lease is to be made to the -- 33 65 City by the present owners, upon terms and conditions to be arranged by the Fire Department; and Total ...... 1,0125 further

DECEMBER 15, 15yo. THE CITY RECORD. ;cjtir

Resolved , That a warrant, payable from the Sinking Fund for the I'avmcnt of Interest oil the EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 1`INANCl. 1'LI'-1RI'31EN I,

City Debt, be drawn in favor of the Chamberlain for the sum of tell hundred awl sixteen dollars and N. '• r, 5te't•'rt l,wldin , Chamber, ,tree[ aid broad. I• ~ttl. , I,I I twenty-five cents ( 51,016.2 5) , for deposit in the City Treasury to tite credit of I, Croton \\"ater Rent ttl .l.a. ill g r 1 , U eu t r3 ii I ater'-rents, as per statemen t 1 iS r,unrr C•:,: mltr llcr I i sin A. Refunding Account ," fo r refundin g erroneous payments of Croton w Nimil,crrof h'tn.r.,, n_,I ,n iin:,uul, Icrcrtcd th rrr 5rtn,r•,, D urla • C-ni,troller. ! for, in the week ending, Friday, December 12, 1890. herewith. _uuil,u- /:rnrarr. Which resolution was unanimously adopted. — ---" - - - " -- - ------N. ,y, 0 ,, , Ste,vnrt IsuildinG, Chambers street and tlnmrIIvay, n. Ii. to 4 r. .St. .crwu.v ur , v', rE. a•rt•. r. Nl vOn First itr. is. r: •:.r.~. tri A 'i , 1d A ud The Comptroller presented the following statement of fines for violations of the Sanitarylaws, I„vlt, E. At~,-ntn.ii' ~cc„nd Auditor. by selling oleomargarine (and adulterated milk, with resolution to pay the amount, as provided by_____—_I _ /10 , .1 ,., 5111, 0/0 law: S uurd.y,, Dec 6 `94 a 'firon a nd .Les. rsmr tts ur.! lt~'„• r liv..' .r rj Fines, as per statement following, for violation of sanitary laws, by selling oleomargarine and Nos. ; r, 3 3, );, ,7 , 39 Ste.v~art l:uiiding, Chambers Jl, m,:l c. 8....., .' '78 2; street and t,ruad,ra t Si, adulterated milk, have been imposed and collectedthe i,trt of Special It. toV. t the City 1j•1 2j Lit A rR S,nnl, Collector ~,t A

I•i7tes Lu/ivstd t[ucter Chaj~ter 430, Lames 0/ 1887, and C-In,~tn r 550, Laws of [888, Pursuant3 to section t, subdivision of chapterI l:rrr,'a:r r,/ rke Cirr Ci::t„rLe,lai,:. o, Laws of 1888, I hereby' dcsi.(Hate the 11 Ne,v \n s7 Stcwart Iluii,linq, Climb r treet and 1889. 1't lO 1'r,l',er Leitung ” and "Nest \'uI I l roily Nets.,” lirr,:rclaa)', y :,. ,1. u: 4 1..1. (let. Io. John Reinhardt.... $25 00 Sept. 17. Ilerman AV-ohrman. 25 00 2I I i„s :::lily papers printeal in the City of New '1n,sI:,, l: 1. Coo,,., C'its Chnmhcri:,in. Nov. iS. Francis Vosgroue .. 25 00 17. Charles Buhrfiend. 25 00 York as the neu',l,apet, in ,chick the advertise- '' uf,r• •J rr•r e t}• /a}„rr„trr. 1890. 17. Fred. Neuharilt ... 25 00 meat, of the public notice of the time all(, place 30. hYederlcl< liru;el:e . 25 00 t7. "fheodorc L'urke... 25 00 1n.',; Rcarlc su cc t, st e,ca rt Iht it d i n~-,,9 a . %.i II 4 I .ra. tan. of attcCion sales in the C' itsi r:f \c w 1'nrl: shall be 1 „rr:: l . 'I'l u,l t: r. ~t.-~r:. City J" mauler Feb. 3. Samuel Levy .....25 CO 17. Peter Vorrath..... 25 O0 published. y i. lose l,iebcrnlau.... 25 00 17. Solomon Miller ... 25 00 IJLGII J. (il::ASI', lla,'or. LAW lli!I'ai~'1'~1F:A'1'. 24. George Walker ... 25 00 '' 17. Bernard Lippman.. 25 00 ! _4• f ]corgc blcycr..... 25 00 17 titnton B rand ..... 35 co — — — — I `ilrr: / II C'r„ur.;rl t., r4:• C fara',ox. .A1.UOi ni-siy SI. tns n, ler,'a third and [north lionrs, , •` 27. John G. I'apc..... 25 00 17. henry Rcickers .. 25 00 ~ l Ni;tc 1I R I:, cl,rttaty I, 188<1• ( ~. I. t.. ; r. •.I. rclaps, I. 27. Jacob Slim . _ .... 25 OO 24.1 Fillip Ileltne,.... 50 00 '' \Vu.l.l:,,l It, CI-,t C nio' I is, its'C•rp:'rttten. 'Star. 3. George \laltin .... 25 CO 24. I?divard Koster.... 50 00 Pura[[:,nt to .ccltnu r) 'if rit ptei 339, Laws t,l \•;I:I,,.,c 'I'. C, n ill.. (I let C I•:rk. '' to. Mendel Levy ..... 25 00 24. Jacob Steffen; ..... 150 00 1883,1 hercSy tle,ignale Ille •' I l;tily Nett;" and 12. Jacob h,V...... 25 00 , 0 24. Charles IIcinbockel 25 00 I the 11 Ncw York \l, n'nlu'{ ''uinal,'' tiro of the %', " r!„• /9ltr :IA,,. ',r,aror. 12. ” nth:ul Cohen .... 25 00 24. i+:'lnar holly...... too co daily papers printed in the I 1 I New 1' ,tl:, N a, ,te•,k_i 1, street, y 1..t 1 4 r. M. l'ul i,c \:Ilrit istrat.,r. 31. Il.u'ris :Af,c itch .... 25 00 24. f'h,tlle, 13aac1< 25 0o in ,vl,ich nuttceofeacll ,ale ul unrc•rlremul l's„ n, little 9. Theodore Moeckiier 25 00 24.11curyI'.Augt ... . 25 00 or pledges I,y politic auction tin ;aid city, by oUi,,,,/ ,tr,,r; r, L'//,'.', a /:f ,v.,n.r „'l.;;a.:a! 12. Louis Silverstein .. 25 Oo -- 1.125 oo pn,cubrokcr•, Khali lie iwl,li,hctl for at Toot :Ix Stcu.u't l:uildin„ J ra.ldway and l'l,.twLc.: -tree:.., .%. 00 --- -la y's , iuus thereto, mail otherv. i -e u''•Iclt.r . 9. I.eo 1loltl StrieCker.. y I,rc , 11 11 4 r.•,. tie ,t. t7.7 into \':,u f)n, .s ... 25 0o Total ...... I, 75 0o l:L'lill 1. 1JRN`.T. :,Iaom, i'us t;. If. \II-rein, :\tt, ncy. i7. I )avitl Sticlln ... . 25 00 I;.,I: r. lL,rk. lResolveil, That a warrant, payable front the tiin Ii. lug I unll Gn' !It, Payment of 1:Iterest on the iii,.• „r no. O ,rpo„rr,i,::vrrrurl. O! FICIAL DIRECTORY. City Debt, he dra,rn in ffavor of the C h aniherlaiu for thirteen hundred and seventy-five Mortars — I;: , kttire• I. :I•.:'. lA'1't?111•:N'1 O1• 1111% 111)l;ES III fIAI t; ,'. :I,,a.,C, t r'att:., it , (til.3i5), to It' deposited in Il,e City Treasury to credit of State Dairy Culnlnlssioners 1' und, to S im'sv h ail tl r' P,J•li r)liice' in the City nr in,en ,It -- be distributed put it ut to tan' : s:titl -out being Lhc amount of fine~ for sellin oleonttu.,aline :tnd !'ll In n:I ,t ,t hi: , th Courts re,uL,rly open .lud 'nil r speed ,. :-fit 11 h rc sink fh -trc adulterated ntilk, imposed oil collected I,y the Court of Special Sessions t)etuber I, 18 g, to Otto nth ( ri. ,tr: held ; tr tncr„Ili ii, h : Iicr 31, 1993, as per statement hure,vith. 11 U.I:artnients.urd (.uwts: N' - \Intl pry .- u tto'u.'., ii 4 i' tit. l.n Iv, r IVI•: ; ,t•:I'AR I'\tI:N'1 . t' I. I'. t t~ v 1_nt l,'ll.t.,,v H. Kln, 1\'llich re,olutiun nas itn;mimuusly adopted. ''' C: 'r( C1, .F. It',I,:.. lit r;n, t -LI„I t I:,rean of

The Comptroller presented the following preamble and resolution to) pay' espcnses ate-nilin No. r City 1tal, is 51 t., 4 r. )1- ; Saturdays, +• :'• r° I, `I• I'I`I'A R'I'M(`."!' (It t.'li:Val 1'11 iN IS cot t I:C• the laciu of corner-slOne of the new (~rimm;il Cum'[ building; I1 Uf; }l J. 1 1 _N'I',S \I \5'••t. 31 S. tirha~; t Ir,X. \V'hel'CaS, :A consni1ttCC ,A"a5 a, Sotlltod Iiv this Iboat'tl Ott Octoiier 17 to make arrangements for Sriretary and Chief C .inrk-

laying the col-[ter'-stone if the tour Criminal Court building ; and ,11„r o, '., ,i/re r,./;«ra' (-`ire. N'o. rC timid :,,c'om'p retina,' I'.I:'t':'ntli street, A. M. to I No. , City Hilt, y A..11. to 4 I•..MI. 4 Whereas, Certain ltereosriry exl)Citses were lltrt,rrcd to carry out that object ; 11 r.•:r.r 11. DANut1. ENcl•:IMARu, hirsl 11;rshal. 1.u'''u Irusi,la nt : t ~r:' ,Rar F. Ut:lrros ho ohlv That the Comptroller he and is hereby atlthoriz-d to thepaym aututt of expenses FRANK 1 5ra,nrI ]tar=hnl. l:up. k'uruI I lit A:;cuI 1l:Lin:iI S. A. Crsn u,'. Oil s, inetti el out of the npprul it Ilion entitled "[:otumissiouer, of the Sinking Fund, I?xpenses of," nrlurti:t :,,.v. t•.., r. >r. 5 tsrdays, Ct)AIA1 ISSION i•:It.' O1 ACCOUN'I's. for t8go, as follows : Contra a.. l't Laud lCntincu• , fur 11':irk anJ AI:,. Rooms ttqnud ,i0, St c,rarl Iinildint, y .5.0. In 4 1 M lcr lad. I„ r Iluild inp, kep:u rs :,iii! sr.pplies, (Sills and '1.O P. lx. (_nutty', for ptl ll tttd up plalforll,, :1s per :lgl'eenselll alld ()111 re'iiderecl ...... $200 00 i 11AL Itiia” I', If:,l. ill: to.. 1•:I„,'N1, 1'. 1:,,I:1s1•:I:. A,0=000ts, I, I. Si. t:: 4 I'. iI. S Inii ,'a\'s, t_ '11. C HARI.i.c lo I chmd A. Storrs, for sundry expenditlues, as per I illy and statentent of items of I 1 I:, r,t.l, I _r. ---- (t n-L r I :,: rhli<.e knots, extensc ..... ...... t)4 57 AQI,'I:ISIUCT CO9I'Sl1SItl)\L:Ia. Ii q •o , , \l'ii l I: v IA..,Ki , iuperintcnr'cnt. Iii, L ,r,n, zoy, Sic„' artLmlch,:q, 5th Ho<,r, 9 A..11. lit 5 r. Si. JA',ii,. C. Iii ','sip President; Juus Total...... . ... 5294 57 C. iiil'iIssrc, Sccrct:rrl : A. Irr-l. r:c, Chief 1:,oiuecr: J. C. Lt: rt.r:r, A,idiinr 111:1,315 \t t:N I ill' 1)i )CKS. hich ,sere unaniniou.,ly adopted. \V- I::,ttcrc, 14, r A. I. 'rt!I nvcr, l u ,: l':.1. l'. I to .ir,- It .3'..' , 'I'. I i ,,' is', C'.', The Comptroller presented the following pfeamble and res,lution authorizing the i,sut• of IttiARD (II"ARM(IRY cl)5)l5)liy,II(NI Rs. 1't is MAJOR, Chntrn,nn ; 1's•t'.:,: 'u i u 11t:r.-,I: stn•-vr 91,000,000 Jock 1101111s. c,, 'I'nxes nsl, Assi•:ss. ivsls., Secretary. R'hereas, The Board of Coril Inis,iuners of Docks niloptecl a re,olutiou un Nove:nher 26, re- Address Al G, t.F: V.a., Stains/.citing; I;uih.'iag,'1'rv„n R ow. OIlirrreall a/ Ii 9,/i',' /i,5ister. able. The Comptroller presented the following preamble and resolution on the Old Arsenal Building, No. ;t Chambers street, y ..s Si. t , 4 r, .,. Each estimate must state the name and place of resi- damaged by fire : Jocrru Ricer, Register. dencc of the person making the s:une,and his place of bus, se's; the n.tmes stall person interested with him therein and, if no other be .0 interested, it shall dis. \Vhereas, "I'he building belonging to the City, corner of Elul and White street;, known as the y,,,,•,r,r of .f/,net /,rrpr,'.'n„r,•,r;.'. tinctly state that[ fact; that it is made without any con. "Old Arsenal," was damaged by fire on the night of the 9th instant, leaving only the ,walls standing; No. jr Chambers street, y A. ci. to q r.:,,. neetinn with ally' other person making an estimate for Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and directed to examine into the facts as regards \\,1' 111. Superintendent. the same ,e:,rk, and ,vith:,ut collusion orfcurd ; and that no member of the Conimnn Council or other otlicer of the injury to the building and report to this Board at the meeting an estimate of the cost of lOo m rt, c'/ '`,P;e,,,'S. the Corp„rati:m is directly or indirectly interested No. 31 Ci is berg street, 9 A. IT. to 4 V. nf. repairs)airs to make tine premises tenantable, aail whatdisposition thereof he considers advisable. j therein or in any portion of the profits thereof. Each III,R:\CR I.(,O'1115, I•,n4111Ce C-III-(.It:iC"e, estimate mist be made in strict conformity to the ordi- nances of the City and the specifications ; it must be Which were unanimously adopted. lqrrreau o/ /'''/iris-, ' aped s,rpp/tes. verified bl' the oath of the party making the same, ac- No. It Chambers street, g A. It. to 4 V. +t. companieS by the consent and oath ar:dli rtnation of two The Comptroller presented an application from Horace S. Ely, agent, for [lie ren_wal of a WILLIA„ G. 1'.tiRcrs, superintemient. sureties, householders :,r freeholders nt the City 1of Nete York and placed in a 'eacrl encelupe '1 lie en- lease from the City to Elizabeth Braille of land originally uuc:er water, Nos. 24 and 26 Peck Slip, for 15 ,,.,, , o/ U air,• 1'urt,eyor. solo' m:rst be indorsed. '' I:-tintatc for printing and a term of twenty-one years front May I, 1891. - No. 31 Clia» it:ers street, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. st t)i,trihuling 'I ii : Crry Rl:cru;u,'' together with the W,%i. Which was referred to the Comptroller. H. Itt see. Water Purveyor'. name an,I place flu husincss of the party making the eslim;tle, and the date rot its prr sentation. /i,n-r,eu n/ /•amft., aunt Gat. The security required on cite contr.,et trill be thirty-four The Comptroller presented a report of E. F. McLean, Engineor of the Finance I )el,arunenI, on , No. 3t Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 e. M. thous:md -t4,00-) dollars. Sn-ellt•:n 'SIcCuanucic, tir,uermtendent. buildings proposed for office; of the Commissioner of Streets of the I sventy-third and 'Twenty-fourth No estininte ,will be considered unless accompanied by /p are:ua 0/ J7rerrs and Roads. either a certified check Si pun Hue of the National banks \\ ard5. of the City of Nev. York, drawn to the order of the Comp- No. i t Chamber street, 9 A. +t. to 4 r. St. troller, or money to the amunt rot one thnusu,d seven Which report teast referred o thel Comptrol er with the request that lie would have further JOHN 13. rnuA, Superintendent. hundred and [[c(nt)' ;51,720 dub hits. Such check or examination made to find a building suitable for the purpose. and repel I to the L'oartl as soon as Bureau o/ htru„r/ran es money iii List not be inclosed in the scaled envelope con- t:lining the estimate, but must be handed to the Super- practicable. No. t Chambers street. 5 A. nt. to 4 t•, nt. visor of this City Record or clerk ,rho has charge of the 5)IICHARL '. CI:MMINGS, superintendent. estimate-Fox ; :utd no estimate can be deposited in said Adjourned. _ A'ee,te, a/' City IGrlt box until such check or monet• tins liven esantined by said :dfc,.r or clerk and foltnd to be correct. All such RIl IIARI) A. S 'l Ol\RS, Seereiary. - MARTIN J. KEFSE, City Hall. de.i,osit<, except that of the .ttccrasful bidder, will he

3982 THE CITY RECORD. Dt:c1: 111E1.i 1.5, 1890.

returned to theersons making the same within three 'I he time o11owed for Lite ,:completion of the whole the (nrc l•nimr , L.Iz ern c•nt and shall not at 'm }~ time mtcr w ~mdinS, s lines cla.cla ss - anti gra do•s of and discontinuinS days after the contract is awarded. If the success- work 'l1 lie CNDh} U AND FIFTY CU\ - t he ~aubrtn 'ss t'r ,n of 'm cc'n u late d is,ut c• or c nmil'am of and clueingcl l r t ,• in whole•c ,r in part , certain avenues ctre et s S v 1 F 6. P ful kidder shall releaser neglect, within five days after LL DAYS, statement. nor assert that there w:+s any misnnder- and roads, extending ~ nd 1".n ~•' m„ ~ oul onc~rs Ito take notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to standing in regard to the mature or amount of the work their places, avd fixing ti 'e grades of the several streets execute the same, the amuttnt of the deposit made by NI„nra<,, An„cr-r.n:sun>:Et,. I to be dr,ne. within the above-described limits. him shall be forfeited to an retained by the City of :yo linear feet of brick sewer, circular, two and Bidders will he r.. ,ptired to complete the entire work )laps showing tlez contemplated changes are now on New York as liquidated A, nieces for such neglect or right-tenths foot in diameter, including to the snti,faction of the De!mrtmcnt of Public Parks, exhibition in said o!iee, refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the ruhl,lc tnasonry cradle, and cxclu•ive of and in subst.ntitd accord:mcc with file>lie iftc:nion.; for , A1,111'.R'f GAI,i,lUP, time aforesaid, the amount of the deposit will be re- spurs for house conn•_ctions. the work :ofd the plans therein rlerr•_d to. No extra \V 81.DO IIUTCHINS, turned to him. 405 linear feet of brick sewer, circular, two feet conipcnsatinn levied the- amount payable for the sev- - N:1 I HaA S'l'RA US, A contract will not be made upon an estimate unless sit: inches in di:urc-tor, including rubble cral class's of work before cnumeruted, which shall he Y.11:1, 1) it appears thcu the ,.,rty making the e,tim-ite Iris a masonry cradle, and exclusive of spurs for -tctu:,lly perfornlcd at the prices therefor, to h._ specified Comm ir;siouen of Public P:trks. printing establishment in the City of N,:w \'nrl:. house connections. by the lowest bidder, shall Inc due or pn}-aLlc for the 11110 undersigned cheers reserve the right to reject entire acerb. ioa linr„r fc• t '.f eighteen - inch pip, sewer, includ- any ur ell prepn=als if in th;, it judgment the same may The estimates reccis-cd will be publicly opened by the CAS COMMISSION. lie for the best ien.rc-t of the lily. in•t om,tnvrcmo fo . nd:dion .and cradle, mad head of the s:,icl Department ut the place and hour last --. -. -- -...------ -- ----- Cr pi, s of the specific .tionslou' the form of contract to c :cl .slvo of spurs for hnnsc e nneetinn=. ab„vemcntiourd:lndrelic!. I12O105.A1, ANI) CONIl._AC'I' FOR ILL'R- 6u linear bcot III twelve -inch pipe ~ewcr, inclurlinS be entered inn, may bo h;,d ;It t'uc ,dlicc of the Supervisor 1?ach bill or estimate ch;tll cont.,iu and state the name \ISI liNf i 01 FIk X'111(; AND i IAIN- of file City Record, NO. 2 Pity, Haif. cmlcrete in nu:d::tion :md cradle, .old es. and place of rcadcncc of each of the persons nutkin;; file Dated Ni,:'.' Pane, Decent orb, mhgo, elusive of spire fir huusc couucctions. =•talc ; th e name , o f all perso ns intcres tcdwith him nr 1'elI\I \u, 1; L1 C II I, 1 1AI L?, HUGH J. GRANT, So spurs for house cnttncctiuus, over and above them therein ; and if no Other person be so interested, it \layor. the cost per foot of ecwer. .hall distinctly state that I.OA ; that it is made without DEP.AR'1'11F:NT OG PUPLIC WORKS, \'II,I,I:\\I 1L Cl•ARK, to manholes ccntplcto. any..... auction with any other person makinti ('sums I to I lie Corporation. z receiving-basins complete. mate Iirt the same I,nrpose, :md is in all r poets fair 1 O CONTRAC I ORS, 'r11Oi,1A5 F. 1,11.141 IV, loo cubic yards of ruck to he excavated and re- and witlloet collnsinn or fraud ; and that no mcntber of - - - Cone miseiuncr of 1'ul,lic W'orks. in aced, 'hc Common Cuumail, head of a dep;lruncnt, chief of a 20 colic yards of concrete in place exclusive of pROi'OSAf S FO1Z ESTIMA'1'IS4 FOR FCIR- burcatt, dt;ptlt}- tbcrcof, orclerk therein, or other nislliig, Oper:u inganda ilaintnining I-lectric co ncretc cr nn! lc for pipe sewers. olficer of the Corporal tion, is directly or indirectly inter- Lamps for th•_ period commencing nn Jamlary t o m lit, 20 cubic y :u-ds Of broken stone, for foundations in DEPARTMENT OF STREET ested therein, or in the supplies or wort: to lvhich it ;and eudin;; I )cc_ mhcr 3 l, mI9,, for l .i_. hting such of the place. re Luis, or in any 1rt,rtiur. of the pen fi is thcn:nL The fellmvinl;-named Sirccts or Paris of Street., Parks and CLEANING. 3 , , 00 feet (11. 'Si.) of lumber furnished and laid. bid or estimalc nmst be verified b}- the oath, iu Sc ruling, pal blic Places of the City of New York, as may be deter- '1 he tint, allowed for the completion of the whole making the estimate, that the \f)"I iisl'; of the p:u'ty or )iii tice ..tined upon buy the ,Meyer, Comptroller and Comntis- work is SIXTYC)ASECU'l'IVE WIIRKIN(; DAYS. sev,:rd nmtters ct:, fed therein are in all rer Pects true. ioncr of Public Works after' the estimatee arc opened, Where more than one person is inta'c'stcd, it Is requisite talc. ; NL:aneR 4, Ai;m'r: eoa nool': u. the utade :nni snllscribed 115' all that vcrift,:rltinn lac ,ivenue I3, from Houston street to Fourteenth l-.f,YY)NS HAVING, 13CL.KIIl1AUS'Iii PII.L,1N 65o linear feat of eighteen-inch pipe scorer, includ- file parties Interested. w York 1::,}, cam pn,eure materiel street ..... . ...... ...... ... . ..... . to lamps. P tho violent,: of No im; concede foundation and cradle, and cx- Each bill nr estimate shiIII,e accompaoic 115 the con- for IL I purf c ;rh,;,, street • 1:n 's, etc., so I as Avenue D, (runt Iloustott street to Fourteenth clusive ni .spurs for house connections. sent, in wrifinq, of Leo huusch,lriens or Irshnldels iu strict ...... I2 istsn n,iIcntcd I y the Uep:,rtnient of ti t t Cir; n tq-free 470 linear feet of ffteem inch pipe sewer, inrhalinq the City ul Nco York, with their respective places of '',by applyie In tie l r , ,, a,er of Streel First arcane, ..... Hsu.ton... street 1. Paur- concrete foundation our cradle, and exclu- business or resid nce, tc t' cff-A that if the coma:pct be t3 „ a, in , ''s Stctcnrt It ul,lieg on making ther;timatc, they will, on ..tccd thsweet ...... ...... sive of slurs liar h„use connections. atvardedtothepct 1 h rd avenue, Cron hutvcry to I-larlcm IfAN5 = I;1::\'l III:. 400 linear feet of twelve-inch pipe se}eer, including; its I cigq so ar.nrdcd, 6ccnme bannd.As his sureties for its C.,nima.on'r o, str, r-t Clang Bridge ...... ..... ... .. .... . rz5 concrete foundation and cradle. and exclu- hcitb fill performance ; and that if be sh:ill omit or refits' Third avenue, from Harlem Bridge to Willis ,ay' to the Corporation any sive of spars for house connections. to exccutc tits waste, the} v: ill l avrntic .... front ...... .. ...... con 20 195 spurs for horse connections, over and above diffcrulcc bctwcca file sum to which l,e w-ould lie culitled DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. Fourth avenue, from L'owcn. to Forty-second the cost per foot of sewer. on its cnmpletinn and that o'hich the Corporation may be street ...... ... ... ...... ...... . . 15 manholes eotnpieta. obli::crl to pay to file person ur persons to whom the con- 33 Drr;,rn 'a',': of PEt he Pnines, Fifth avcntti front \'i ushin;;tun tiyuare to I receiving-b.tsin complete tract mall be award-d at any subccyttent Icttin;, ; the 4 , I ;r I mlu n•.t: Rs Seta:ET,? Fifty ninth street ...... ...... . ..... So Nin e. 15o cubic yards of tuck tc' be excavated mrd : inuunt in each '.. a,• to be.:lh:uhltcd upon the estimated Nraw 8': o, I 'ecember l2, 18yo. The '.vtl, .acme, from (-amain' street to Thirty- rem rn ed. amutnn of the %t,rl: by which the bide arc tested. third strcct ...... aunscnt :lLnvc m<:utinncd a hall be aecnmpanicd by the 5 cult'.. yards r.1 concrete in pl^cc, cxcii sire of 3 avenue, from Foe rtecnt t street to •• - oath or affirmation, in wri tiny, of cock nI the persons ~cF'e cencrut, r racily for pipe snlcc•r. F'ift}• -ninth street . ...... ..... .. TO CONTIIACTORS. siy;nin{; the -a-, timt bc. is a householder nr frcchulder 43 moo', feet H, \!, of lumber form 'had and Lit! Ei - ' nvenu_, from Fu,lrtecnth street to .. mm the City ui A,:,c 1'nrh, and is •.rnrf h tile amount e file The time :dint:, d 4,r lit' :nl!;In•tl ,u iii' the whole 1'' EAI,F:1) I11I1S lilt. F:4l lvIA'I FS 1(11< RADA ccu city v~quirc I Ior the conll,1 Ginn of this r„ntract, .. work :till lie Etch IV CON i'.CIJTIVF: IV(I nKINU LIT :nii ur, front Fourtc.ntli street to S of the G,llnwin -menti'mcd w irk-, with the title of DAYS. Fifty-ninth sheet ...... er ...... 42 '. the work :Old cite of the bidder indorsed thereon, :nId ah„vc iris liaL;lil.ics as Lail, etotui ur nl6c nci.c' N ur.n:r,R 5, Anove-ntcsrtoxeu. eel I:,ith Phirtecuth :1 t ' fiarn Gansevvurt street to also the number of the work, as in the advcrticcment, ;it I th:R he has offered himself as curet}• in ...... - 0 linear feet of tz-inch pipe sewer, includint; con- to -acute the b,mml rcquit'c' II) . liloundicld street ...... 3 will be received by the De!,:, rtmeet of Public }'arks ;Lt 47 and rrith the intention from 'Sixth avenue to Fourth its offices, Nos. 4o and 5r (.hantbere street, until eleven crete fmmdation and cradle, and uxclnsivc section :7 of chaplcr 6 of the Revi=ud "'die:utces of the CI II of spur, for hnu,e connections. ❑venue ... .. . ... ...... ,. ., t to o'clock A. ran. on Vi eninesdcq•, llcccmber 24, r3 .o: City o1 New Yuck, if the coutr:,ct shall he :marled to ~trcet, fr coalnt ~ecuu d avenue to lit 6o spurs for 1n,use cnurcctiuus, over and al ovc the per,on or persons for:, hunt he consents to become Leath No. I. FOIZ Rl-'Ut'L.A'l'ING AN I) PAVIN) WI'T'H the cost per f>ut of newer. river ...... t2 The adequacy and •nlficiencv of the sell it\ Fourteenth c_u'ccy from '8 mu! rive:- to 1?nst TRAP-I.l,(H:K 1.881<8! FIN I' '1111' CAR- 5 mmlbolcs complete. a ffr_rcd to be :Ipprovcd by the Cumpu'uller of the Cit}• of , over...... eet , I r ...... 4r l4lA ''F:\1'AY (IP, \NI) LAN ; CRr)SS- 65o cubic yards of rock to lie excavated and me- Ncw York. \VAI,I::; IS ON F HUNDRED AND I wcuq•-ti!ird street , Irani \urth river to bast or estimate will he received or consid::rcd FOiTY-PIF7'll 'sI IZI.F:'1', I.14:181'I'HIRD 5 cubic }anis c;I concrete iu place, csclu'ivo of No bid riser ...... 36 •' AV};NU1:'I'll ti'f'..AisN't AVENUE. unless , by eiti:cr a certified Eleek upon 'l'hirty-fourth street, from North riv_r to East cradle for !,ipo-•- .vacs. of r,00c feet 'i. 31.' :1 I lInt t' lurninh_d and laid one of the National ur rtate baulks u the City ricer ...... ... ...... ... 37 .. ('I)Ntif RUC'l'ING HI:11 I-RS AND 'Sow York, drawn to the order of flit, o onipt roller, Ni,. e. 1•'11R ']'he time alh,-n-cd for the culald,nion of the' whole Forty-second street, from North river to East :\l'PUIZ'I'I,\'A\I la l lNE 11UNI)R1-:1) work will be SIXIV CONS.:'' Ul'1V1: AVORKI`(; or money, to the antoluu of live Per cm'noun of the river ...... 38 erfornt- 8 ANItt'IX I'Y-PIIt5f SI'RI•:I.I', ]if.'I'WI-:I•:\ DAPS. amount of the s-Trit • rec 1eired for the Lcithful 1 Nifty-ninth siren from 'lb :n~cnuc to \1'AeIIlNG"fI)N :\NU El. ftl\ \VI.- :utce of the contract. Such check or money must stir Ninth avenue ...... 22 III 'II I'S , UI', file sccdccl envelol,e containing the esti- Nl Fa, AND IN AVE.- N:'. mu,, C, Alto.. in nt rs'rtud rn. Le inclosed in One hundred :md 'Twenty-fifth street, from 1;F:I'V1'1:I:N ONI: IIL'?.I)l1i•:U :1X]) mntc, but must be handed to thculTiccr or clerk :if the I act river to Ninth all' sue ...... 23 ElF'l'V.i-IGII'1'H SI'kI:F,I' AND ONE 470 linear fectof b2-inch pipe sewer, including con I lap:,ruuon t x 110 has elm artic ofthe estimate-boeu,..orltin I )ml- H unfired and 'Thi nut-eighth strect, from IIUNDRI I) AND aIXTY-SF:CO)Nll crete foundation and cradle, and exclusive estimate can be depu>ited in said bos mail such check or 'Third avenue In M ini m on ..semi' bridge... 6 SIRLE I', of spurs for house cannretious. money bas been ex:unined by said entree or clerk and I ;arclly street, from lirnadway to North river 7 Co spurs for house connections, over and above totmd to lie correct. All such deposits, escept that of limitary 1 'ark ...... ...... ...... 20 No. 3. Ft )IZ C(IAS'L'RUI '"1'1X1 SEVV It NS ,8N1t the cool per foot of sewer. the successf l bidder, trill Fe returned to the persuus lileeckcr street, front Bowery to Thirteenth .\ I'I'L' 1''I'E X:\NC IN IN (IN I.. I I I'\oRCI) 5 ma nbnles comp) etc, making the same within three d;p•s aft_•r the contract is street ...... 34 AN'II SLV EN 18.1 11114 II S"1' REf.f, Ilk. 90 cubic yards of ruck to he excavated and me- nc+nrded. If th e successful Lidder sha ll rclns•s or I ,loouttield street, between Nest street and J4 'I WI-:P.\" 'I'll 4 'S 1•:14 1'I lilE .8SJ) HAR- tnoccd. neglect, within five d:nys after notice that the contract 'I'hirtecnth arenuc ...... r " I.181 RAILROAD AND A I'(ilN - I' ;5 5 cubic yards of concrete in place, exclusive or has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the Bowery, from Park Ro, to 'Third mac nine .... 28 111.1' \\'E:;1' Ill" A'~Tli1)\Y AVENUE. concrete cradle for pipe-sewers. amount of the deposit nt ode by hir•t Shall be forfeited to I3ruadna)', from Iiattcry fleece to 1,ifty-ninth Ni,. 4, I'(114 Ct)A51'RUC PING SEWERS AND .,e00 feet : 13. AI. of lumber furnished and laid. aunt retained by the City of New York, its li,{uidated street ...... .. 99 " 4P1'L' Ill 1::AANI:I;S IN (1311'. HUNDRED The time :Illuwed for the cnmplation of file whole work danr,l cc for such neglect or refusal ; but if lie shall Canal street, aeon Ibeseery to North river. ..- 2, lANl IIF'"rlEI'lI a'rltl:l1'I', I;ET\VEI-N will be 1'ORTY CONSECUTIVE WORKING DAYS, the contract within the time aforesaid, the Catharine street, from East lirundwny to Fast R:AII,Rf).hit AVFNI'li, I:\S'C, ANII amowrt of his ,'.ennsit will be returned to him. riser...... 7 COiJl:'1'LANI) A\'1:\1,114. Nn. 7, Anovi -NIEN11(lNEt. Nil. 'line price must Inc -,. ritten in the estintate:utd Centre street, from Brooklyn Bridge to 570 linear feet of r8-inch pipe sewer, including con- alti„tit:lted in fig in,',, and ;.11 eel ie,.itcc sv,hl he considered lh-Dottie street ...... 15 •' No. 5. 11112 C(1Ar'i'RCC'17N(i ~l .Sl•,1A'ICR ANLI i ts I if'ornutl which ifs not contain bids for all items for Clu,rltber.a street, from North river to East AI'I'1, I:'fl-:NA\CI•.° 1N (N1: IlCNI11Z1:1) crete foundation and cradle, and exclusive which bids ;,re herein called, or which contain hid, for of spurs for house connections, river ..... ...... zi ANT) FIF I V-l:lt;lf'l'il S!'Itf.ifl', 11<1)31 for bids are not herewith called tor. t{o linear feet of r5-inch pike sewer, including con. items which Christopher street, from West street to Sixth '1'1HIND A`.'F:SUL'ill KI:fll'S A\- P.NI'I:, Permission will not be given for the withdrawal of any crete foundation and cradle, and exc9usivc avenue ...... ma ANT) IN 1:1;111'S AVEN111,, 1:1,I\\F.l-N No bid still be accepted from, or sou- of spates for house connections. bid hr ''aloha'. ('its Hall Park...... 3 (INF: 11l'Nl112 kD AND FIFTY-1:1r'11 l'II tr :as:,riled to, any person who ism arrc.u~s to the t Sao linear feet of Iz-inch pipe sewer, including con- act Cortland[ street, from 13roadwa}• to North AV'll IINE II(iADELI) ANI1 111TY- Corl.oreu ion span debt or contract, or ache is a defaulter, crete foundation and cradle, and exclusive river...... SFVIlNIH SIRE1•'1'S. as surer}- or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Last Broachvay, front I. hatham Square to of spurs for house connections. Cornoratiun. Ni,. 6. ION C' N.STk1'C'1'INC A atiVA'I'II AND II) spurs for house connections, over and above i;raud street ...... 20 A !'I'l']4IF'S ASCI?, IS tFe F. IICV1JK F:D '1be amount in •.chich security will lie rcyui red for the East Ill car Park...... ...... 15 `< the rust per tout of sower. performance of the several contracts is as follow:: ANTI I'll I'1'-PtICR'fH SI'1; I',El', iiE- 9 mani,ulcs coml'dete. Fulton street, from North to East river...... 17 'I'Wi'. ;N 31(111141' AVLNUE 8'S II A For Number i, above-mentioned...... 96,500 dO Gan;cvourt Market Syuarc ...... t3 2 receiving-basins complete. 2, •' ...... 6,uao 00 I') II I' i t ; PICT-.T WE', I' I )F' CUL'RT- Boo cubic yards of rock to be excavated and re- t;nnsevourt street, betv+ecn West street and 3. ,' ...... 2,uoo no I hirv_cnth avenue...... EAND Al'1'.N CF.. moved. 4• .. •••...... 2,50, 00 Greenwich street, front Battery place to No. 7, FOR Ctl>- < Ikl'CI'1AG \ SEWER ANY) ma cubic yard. of concrete in place, exclusive of •' 5 '' ...... 0,000 00 Chambers street ...... .. .. .... 11 .... tS API'Ult'I'I .A'sCES IN GGNI- HUSI)Rhl) concrete cradle for pipe-sewers. 6. •' ...... 8_o uo 2,000 feet (II. AI.) of luutber furnished and laid. Grand street, from En river to Sullivan :\ND II R'I'V-'1'l1IRD .5TRl'''1', IBE ...... 3,00a 00 street ...... 33 ,. IWI:I.N RRIIIIK A\D el'.:\31\'S AVI•:- • 7, The time allowed for the completion Of the whole ,• 8, " -,...... --.. 8.ouo oo Harlem Bridge (Third avenue), fixed spans... 4 ,• ".1'I:~, AND IN S1'. ANN'S AVENUE, work will be (INE HUNDRI•I3 CONSECUTIVE '• r), ...... 4,500 ao Ilou>ton street, from East river to Mulberry RF:'1'R"FIN ONE IIUNLIREA) AND WORKING ]LAYS. me, .. ...,...... 4,a.:o vstreet ...... .. z3 FIIK'fF.51everal con- ml c EI'I INC CI'I,1 J,' )°- Fa, FI,.11i(;I\G work will be (ENF HCNDRFU a8 NI) '1'VVENTY street ...... ...... 64 tract, which the successful bidders vall be rcyuircd to I, Fifth from Canal street 1111: 41111: WALKS, I.:\VI'SG CROSS. CONSECUTIVE 81014K!.sU DAYS. execute can be had at the office of the Secretary, ;old outh avenue, to 88 8l,KS ,AA"U 1<1lllJILUINt! RI•CI•;IV- VVashin1ton square ...... 14 the pl:ms cm be seen ono information rel t to them Stu}•vesutt Park, west ...... 8 \'t;-C.\-IN'e IN (1\E. III'NI)RIQ) AND Ni,, 9, Atuvl--ynENT10vED. can I had art the office of the 1)cp;:rtmcu t, Nos. 49 and S G1'l: N'I'l ...Ili .-ITRI'.l1I', Illi'l'%V I-:EN tituyve ant Park, east ...... 8 z,600 cubic yards of earth excavation, 5x Chambers street. in 1\ t'ila'I'Ek :IV1•:N Ci? ANII TIi11( l) 2,5cc cubic yards of ruck excavation. Stu}"•- ve.s ' nt street, from Eighth street to•I'enth A1.1311:RT GALLiIP, street ...... \\ I•;NUF:. 6,ro mvide yards of filing. \VAI,DO HU'1'CIIINS, 3 i,8 an Iinear 1ect of new curb-stones furnished and set.. '1'ontpkins Park ...... 16 No. tc. I1)11 1411 1 1.81'I';(3,GRADING, `;E'1'PING NATHAN' SI'RAUS, Park ...... 75 linear feet of mId curb-.tones taken up and react, PAUL DANA, Union 9 Cl'IZ1)-••'J'tl'Il•:S AND FI,A';GINC '1111: shington Park ...... ...... Is SiLlI•,\\':11,(a 1\ JI<\\'l'GS aI'RF:1:T, 7, too square feet of new flagging furnished and laid. Commissioners of Yublir larks. \\ 4 0 square !cot of old 11ng!ttug taken up and relaid. West street, from Battery place to 'Ve's't 1k: r>I t''a'lI)N AVENUE 10 STF:I;131NS tclevcnth street ...... 5o t, ;6o square feet of new brid):e-stones for cro.stvalks Dr•;l'Altr alIe. 1' Oi: Pt '11I I(: t'an --, A \'F:NUI:. West Uruadw:p•, from Chambers street to furnishccl and l::id, NI)e. 49 AND 51 C11astneuo; SrRe_Er, cc No. it. IF1)11 1ZI-:C1'LA-IIN(; ANSI REI;RA1IING zoo cubic yards of dry rubble masonry in rctaioing- Canal street ...... Io NEw Putney December 8, ISyo. i 'ill 11<1<1's A8'rNIJP, P,E'I'WEE\ ONE w:dle and culverts. West Washington 1larket ...... 12 'it'NUi.11) .131) I11' IY-'Illlh'f) AND Whitehallerect, from Yowling Green to South r receiving-basin to Inc taken down and rebuilt. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .. ONI, IICNL)lIh-D i-IFTY-SIXTH N Contmiss'mncre of the Department of Public Ferry...... 6 '-;1'REEl'S. The time allowed for the conrulotion of the whole work Parks, in the City of New York, will, at their office, will he ONE II17NI)Ri-,U ANDTVVEN'1'Y CON- Nos, 49and 51 Chambers street, in the Emiftrants' Sav- _-x,386 lamps. Special notice is ;riven that the works mu+t be bid for SI;CU'11V'E Si ORK1Al; 1),1Y5. scl,aratclr ; that is, mar'- than one work must not be ings Bank Building, in said city, on AVednesday, I leeena- included in the some eel, Inate or envelope. N,'", 'c,: to, :1uov a-sine'toes u, bcr 2.5, t 89c, at ri o'clock A. AT., hear and consider all ~ Also- statements, Objections and evidence that may then Itladison Avenue Bridge, north span ...... 2 lamps. N 'au srR I, An"rr:-strs'rn,si-si. 5,•:00 cubic yards earth excavurtion. and there he offered in reference to tie, contemplated One 1-Iundred and Thirty-eighth street, from t,5no cubic yards rock excavation. revision of the street systmn, in pursuance of the pro- 'Third avenue to Southern Boulevard...... 9 6,561 syu:,re yards of cent' trap-Llock pavement. 3,000 cubic yards fulling. 510 Let of new bridge -stones for crosswalks visinns of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887, in the Twen- Southern Boulevard, from I'hirch avenue to 0 linear feet new curb-stone furnished and set. lurnishcd .and laid. 2,45 ty-third and 'Twenty-fourth \Vurds, viz. : One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street.... z8 " 9„0o square feet new flag'ing furnished and laid. lst. In that part of the " Hunt's Point District," Alexander avenue, from Southern Boulevard The time ;allowed for the completion of the work is too cubic yards dry rubble masonry in retaining- NINECY CIIN. ECU11811 WORKINI; DAYS. 'I \venty-third \yard, banded by Southern Boulevard, to One Hundred and Forty-second street.. 8 walls and culverts. Nest Farms road, Iimnx river and Long Island found. Willis avenue, from Southern Poulevard to :50 linear feet 15-inch pipe culverts, including Nu\tnt, s, Anovr:-;arsrlor,Et. 2d. Cnange of lines and location of 13ainbridgc ave- One Hundred and Forty-eighth street.... 14 inlets. 270 linear feet of fiftcr_n-inch pipe sewer, including nue, between East One Hundred and Eighty-scveoth Courtland avenue, from One Hundred and 'I he time allowed for the completion of the whole and Welch streets, Twenty-fourth Ward. Forty-eighth street to One Hundred and coneret-a fnuudatiun cull cradle, and exchl- work will be (IN F: 1IUNDREI) WORKING DAYS. sive of spurs for house cunncctione. 3d. Change of grades of streets front East One Hun- Sixty-first street ...... .. .... 14 980 linear Iset of awoke-inch pipe sewer, including dred :rod 1• ifty-third to One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Brook avenue, from One Hundred and Thirty- No, II, ARuivE-sIENNTlONEU. concrete In' : nd:ainn and cradle, and exclu- strecq and from Railroad avenue, East, to Courtland fourtit street to One Hundred and Sixty- 'ive of spurs Inr house connections. io,sco cubic yards of filling. avenue, Twenty-third Ward, first street ...... .. ...... 22 140 spurn for house connections, over and above 4on cubic yards dry rubble masonry for retaining. 4th. Change of location and width of Camman street, Washington avenue, from Third avenue to the cost per foot of sewer, walls. from Fordham road to Harlem River 'terrace, 'I wcnty- One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street.. 38 14 manhole, cuniplete. to" linear feet me-inch pipe drain, including inlets. foerth N'ard. Mott avenue, from One Hundred and 'Thirty- 2 receiving-basin- complete. 'I he time allov:ecl for the completion of the whole work 5th. Change of location and lines of a street known as eighth street to Fleetwood Park...... is 2,500 cubic yards of ruck to be excavated and will be ONE HG\DREU CONSECUTIVE WORK- I icidston read, from the southern line of the \Vetmore Lincoln avenue, from Southern Boulevard to removed. 1.\G DAY,. estate to its intersection with Riverdale avenue, Twen- One Hundred and'l'hirty-seventh street.,. 5 " to cubic yards u: concrete in place, exclusive of Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examina- ty-fourth 1Yard. Morris avenue, from One Hundred and For- concrete cradle foripe sewer, tion of the location of the proposed work, and by such The general character and extent of the contemplated tieth street to One Hundred and Sixty- s,00, feet (13, 11.) of lumber furnished and laid. other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of changes consists in changing the location, width, course, fottrth street ...... 22 i0

I)I.cFXTBrR 15, 1890. THE CITY RECORD. 3983

r Boston avenue, from One Hundred and Sixty- Should the person or persons to whom any contract is as his or their sureties for its f.uthfnl performance ; I I'he entire met rk is to be cnmpbied within :- rl:rys fifth Streetect to Southern Boulevard ...... zo lamps, so awarded neglect or refuse to acct• n the contract and that if said person or persons shall onttt or refuse after untie_ to c,,mmence ii curb ha. Lcou ,,rivenE by the Third avenue, from Willis avenue to One P within five days after written notice that the =amc has to execute the c„nurser, they will Imp to the Cnrpnra- Commis'i ,ncr of Public Work,. ✓ for each Huns red and Seventy-first street...... ay been awarded to his hill or estimate, or if lie accept, but then of the wChity of id p Turk an • mhihfeeciuraivoul bcieOn- '1'hc d:mcn•c. to be I aid i, 1- the' tr. y - t .~r 6c time Westchester as en«e, from Brook avenue to does not execute the contract and give the proper se- h•c s um t oa~h'tc h .:st id f,r< c n nor ,crsons tvntt k1 1lie ~-cu- en- da1 'that thc~rmt r:,c t may bc~ unfit- Iftllc ~d .t t_ t Prospect avenue ...... to 11 curity, it may be readvertised a.. I relct as provided by titled upon its cnnlplctir,n, amid that which said Cnr- sl ,ccilicQ fur tire c"m plcti~m th, root shall have cspircd. St. Ann's Avennc, from t lne Hondred and law and ordinance. potation way be nl>ligel to pay to the person to whom un:, by a ,-louse in the nuntraet, fixed and liquidated at Thirty-fourth street to One Hundred and Bidders ;,re informed that no ch:viation front the speci- the cnntn..u-t nlay Lc n•.v:rrdcrl at any ^_curity I-, quirc,.l 'or the I'diliful I,crfortu,rnce if the they will lie publicly opened by said Cornmtssioner and lowest bidder per lamp in such particular street, avenue, I'Ile ada,!ua.:}• aml snlfcir-C) of the =co.trity nffcrea c ntract. Such c,cek „r t itey rno't not he inclosed read, park or place. will lie scbject to n',, ,r

and fern ul real estate in the City of Nev. York I ram t55, V. tiun ma t• be oblim3ed to pay to the pe'r,nu or per,mt= to bec• mc surety. Tito- adequacy sufficiency o: the avenue, from 'Thirty-eighth to 'fhirt v-ninth street, and by t857, prepared under the direction of the Commissioners whom the contract mull be n •'n rded at any suhsequent security offered to he approved the Comptroller of both sides of Eleventh avenue, frrmt I hirty-eighth the City of New York, street to a point distant about y8; iect y inches north of of Records. letting ; the amount iu etch ea,e to he calculated upon No I,id or estimate will be considered anless 'Thirty-ninth street. Grantors, grantees, suits in equity, insolvents' the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are shall he accont- ar:ompanicd by either a certified check upon one of the No. ii. Bath sides of I (no- I ltmdred and Thirty-sixth and Sheriff's sales in 6t vohtmes, lull bound, tested. The consent above mentioned price ...... ...... $too Oc parried by the oath or ahlirnration, in writing, of etch - National inn State bank, of the City of New York, dr:nvn street, from Seventh to Eighth avenue, and to the to the order of the k omptroller, or money to thr .unnunt cxtcot of half the block at the intersecting avenues. Tire same in 25 vnhmles, half hound ...... 50 00 of the persons signing the same, that lie is a 1 msebolder I Complete sets, folded, ready for fir ndini....--.. 15 00 or freeholder in the City of New• York, and is worth )f five per eentum of the amount of the security required No. t:'. Nardi id—of I Ire Hundrerl:md Tenth street, ',rich check Records of Judgments, 25 volumes, bolmd . -... to no the amount of the security required for the completion I for the faithful performance of the contract. from Fifth to Lenox avenue. or mane}' must Nn r be inclosed in the sealed envelope Orders should be addressed to Ir Mr. Stephen Angell, of this contract, over and above :dl his debts of every All persons whose interests are offer tell by the above- containing the estimate, but must be handed to the Bonn 03, Stewart Building." nature, and over:uul above his liabilities :u hail, surety named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, officer or clerk of the I )cl,artment who has charge of or either of them, are requested to present their obicc- I If EODUlt!'. W. 11 \- fR>, and otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a the intention to execute i the estimate-tux, and nu estiltcuc cam be deposited in tions in -writing to the Chairman of the Board at ol.lro lice. surety in goori faith and with the Lond required by secturn I , of chapter o of the said box until such check or money has been examined Assessors, at their office, No. 27 Chain tiers street, within by said officer or clerk and found to lip correct. All thirty days front the date of this notice. Revised Ordinances I f the City of Nc%v York, if the contract shall Ile :guarded to the person or persons li)r such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will The ahoee-descril,ed lists will lie transnitted, as pro- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHAR- he returned to the persons oinking the cone within , to the Board of Revi-ion and Correction whom he consent. to hecume sut-ety. The adequacy cided by law- ITIES AND CORRECTION. three clays alter the contract is awarded, It the success- „1 ,Assessments, for confirmation un the trth day of and sufficiency of the . ecurity offered to be approved hy the Comptroller of the City of New' York, lid bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after January, 189r. Det'.AImrxIr~T :.n P ((1 (1 (1 ms a',! ( I lu.)_'-rltN, notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to EIIWA Eli Cli3ON,Chairman, No hid or estimate will be ennsider_•d unless accom- N,,. 1 6 'Mingo Si I I.. J of the execute the same, the amount of the deposit trade by- PATRICK 11. HAVF.R1'Y, parried by either n certified check upon one New him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City 01 CHARI.I':S 1•:. \CENDT, titxte or National banks of the City of Comptroller, or New York, as liquidated damages for such neglect or BDWARI) CAHILL, York, drawn to the order of the '10 CON I'RA(_'TORS, money to the anoint of five per ecntttm of the refusal, but if lie shall execute the contract within tine Board of Assessors. time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be re- : I e or Tin': Boom, ,'r, 1 amount of the security required for the faithful perform- ance of the controct. Such check or money must tOT turned to film, No. 27 Gl t-a 1. r. 0'- 01)11.1.. 'r, Should the person or persons to whom the contract No.,t' \'hole, if.'., , , 18ya ROPO S'ALS FOR IIOSPITAL SUPPLIES. be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the esti- Seined bids ar estimates for furni,hing the follow- mite, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the may inc awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract P that the same ing ho-pital supplies, viz. llepartment is-ho has charge of the estimate-box, and within five days after written notice has been awarded to his or their hid or proposal, or if lie or FINANCE no a timate can be deposited in stud box until such I, - S titles to be do/levied in iu.rtarnre,ris rig may to rr- check or money has been examined by said :diicer or they accept, but do not execute, the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as r Ni is Vice , qI . ett'r/erin theyear rFq r. clerk and found to be correct, All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora- I ,.s>rlt llnrao,..I.xr, q,zco gallons, more or less, of two-stamped copper tion, anc] the contract will be readsertised and relet as G:.urtoil! a t'- I ii tie., rli,tillcd RYE: WHISKEY, to be delivered persons making the same within three days after the provided by law. Ucccmbrr a, mEc. J in lots as required during the year 1891. contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days :titer notice that the Bidders will write out the amcunt of their estimates in To be not less than ti:ree year:: old front addition to inserting the same in figures, date of warehouse-entry stamp ; each in- contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, NOTICE, TI I I'ROi)N.RTY-O\VNI:Ia. nun- Payu)ent will he made by n requisition on the Comp- voiee to be accompanied 1)3-a ,gaueer's cer- the amount of the deposit nude by ]aim shall be fcited to and retained by the City of New York, as troller, iu accordance with tire terms of the contract. PURSUANCE? OF SECTION q97 (IF THI'. tificate. Any alteration in tire Unitecl The form of the enntraet, including specifications Stctes Int,'rn:d Revenue Tax on distilled liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, but if lie I " New York City Consolidation Act of rbfe," the shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at Comptroller of the City of Nevv fork hereby gives pub- spirits during the year 18or shall caned so the oilmen of the Department ; and bidders are cspeciall} much of this contract as m:,y remain un- amount of his deposit will be r-'turned to hint, lic notice to all persons, n ucr, of property affected cautioned to examine each and all d its pro"sines lilled at the time when the act making such Should the person or persons to whom the contract I uy the assessment lists in the m:utcr of acquiring title may be awarded neglect or refuse to acct lit the contract carefully, as the L'oard of Public Charities and Cor- to locust avenue, from East (Inc Hundred and 'I hirty- alteration shall go into effect. has recti,+n will insist upon its absolute enforcement in every 3,000 gallons, more or less, of pure MT7:I)ICIN Al. within five days after written notice that the same -ccrmd to East (Inc Hundred and Forty-first street. and been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, inn if ire inn particular Walnut n.'enuc, from La,t Onc I hundred and 'I hirty- AD-01-1 )1., of not less than qq percent, by Dated Nt•-w Yolil:, 1 )cc, ml,l:r mm,, ISyo, volume of absolute Alcohol, to be delivered they accept but do not execute the contract and give the amd tr, One Hundred and forty-first street, which IIENRl- IL 1'( ill I'1':R, I'rc.icknt, in lot, as required during the year 1891 propersecurity,lieortheyshallbeconsideredashaving sere confirmed by the Supreme C ourt, October go, 181,0, abandoned it and 'ts in default to the Corporation, :md CHARLES E. tin \1 'nil iN7, M. D., Coin ntissioner, of November, t800, in the Any alteration in the United States Internal : rid cmcred nn the afth day- the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided EDWARD C. CI I 1.111 IV, Commissioner, Reseal n f'!'iti-s r,f Assessments kept in the " Bureau Revenue;l'ax on distilled spirits during the by law 1'nblic Charities and Correction. for tin: I'oilection ,d :Assc-sments end .-Arrcelrs of faxes the year t8yr shall cancel Sri mulch of this lac ,rn tr J7Gr I/rs/itr:r.err,,~+fres r,rrnt: ,/ (it ill -- - mews and of Water Rents," that tm less the contract as shall remain unfilled at the time nd \ con~' rr:ape i f r., ,/, r/'r+ti~uc Ffor a r•tu Dr:r.t lrl ands't' or 1 .1 CHnun'ms Anl C,Rltec Irex,I ,nl ,unt asessed for br refit in any person or properly ,:hen the act making such alteration shall • liarr'd to <.ta rn,rr i/re s/::- Jr rrt•ous for J,e rfirrrlrr r.e Nc . (6 THIRD Mile 1. >ha!1 uc paid ,eitbin sixty days after the date of paid go into rIffed. rf film' rt''firfr•s, cfr.. r rrir'rr~, r j» e „rrt/.'iln rrr,i,' •entry of the .-r essiriron-, interest will be collected an"rnceo yards, nt• re of le,. , of BLEU PIED H(1t- 1'I'1'A1. I;AU7i, equal to 'ontplc, in no- r.;ti,uatrs, CON 1 RA(_ J ORS, hr—rein, as provided ill diem „8 „f ,aid New York Bidders will state the price for each article, by ',vhieh To I its-I :,nsolidntion Act of 188:•," yard pieces, to he d Irs'erenl in lots, as rc- tire Lids will lie tested. -- _ Seetiun ye if the slid act provides that, " If any such quirccf, of about 12,0 ,o yards at a time. S,oco pounds, Inure or less, of ANS(lRIILNT Ill/tiers ivull their estimate I'ROPUSALS Fold I'()UI:I'RV FOR'1' Iii'. aces rneel shall rem::in unpaid It the period of .ixty orrt in t of CU f'I'( IN , free from im rarities, equal to ina(hlitum the am un 1 I::\I=[Jr)I. ri;,y':: mite r the date of entry thereof iu the said Record Payment will he made lip a requisition on the Contp- oI 'Titles of Assr'ssnlent,, it shall he tire duty of the cunplc, in one-pound rolls. to lie dclivcred in 50-potted bo-es, property trtarked, and in troller, in accordance with the toots rd the contract, or ccfGos authorized tn cc let and receive the anunlnt of from time to time, as the Conuni.,ioners ntav detcrminc, EALI D RIDS OR I:STI NIA'I ES 1 (1R FU !L\ I ~i I- such assessment, toehar,'.:, r-,dlcct and receive interest lots, :Is required, of ahot.t 410 pounds at u m^ Poultry tr+r the '_ arendin", I+ecenther tint'. 'hitoi form of tin earthofI )a , i cut, cull lee olaicatinn s, and r> 1 '.hereon at the rat, cd seven per c:_nntor per annum, to ,hmving the manner of p:p'ment, con be uhtained ut the will Ice received at the office of the Department of 1'uLlic 3,500 pounds, mare or less, of ABef)RRI'IN'I' Charities and Correction, No, (S'I'inrd :n-enue, in the Ile c:dculated front the d.rto of such entry to the date of office of the I )ep::rtment, :Hid bidders are motioned to I,IN I', vocal to samp!c, Hi ouc-pound rolls. until ]n o'clock A. Si,, Tuc.d ;y, rvrnenL „ examine c: cb and :+11 of its proci,ion< carclillly, as lire City of \eve York, i.e above assessments ore p:rp:rble to the t 'eilector of to be dclivc roil in 5,-tlouttd boxes, properly 1 lIe' pct son mm per,ons makin; :any I of Public Chciruics :ntd Correction trill insist upon 1)cccntb t , 18yr.. - Asses' ments (md I fork of Arrears at the ci ture;ul for marked, and it, lilt, as required, about 4e0 to sl : ll Ilion. h the stole in a se;dcd em:_- ins 'absolute enforcement in every particul:u', bid or estlm the I ollectionot Assi'ssreorits:,uet Arrears in! 'Itv:esand pounds at a time. r I:::tunate for Pmlltry for file Dated Ni me Y,, ]ice-nt')er lo, tiyo, lope, indors'd `• 1 I I 'ntc. ;md of VAatcr Rants," Room 3t, Stewart :utd wall his nrthcit untie run n:unes,.md the .l.-cs'tm, H1•:N R1- 11, 1'OR'1'l'II t'resident, year t8 )I, , hctwccn the hours of y a, At, and z r, At„ and 'L—;Lticles to he d / z•trui' iu jilt ,rrmr rrJirr tier date of ~rc.u:ntation, to the hc:,d of said Ile I,artnient a t Illim, , L'I-I Aid! lI 1':. Sl:Alil(1\ti ]1.11. Commissionct• 1 made thereon oil or before January z7, a:oard g/' f/ru' roe/hurl ns or before time day and hour above :Il p::ymenls I~:U\\'AIiU C. tiH ha•il1', t'ommis~ioner, the aid olrice, oat t 8t , 11111 be exempt from interest us above provided, 4,oco polio about Conti's \\'H II'F, CAS II I.E Ynblic Charities and Correction, rl:rrned, at which time and place the bids ice estimates .rid a'1cr rime will be subject to a char e at f;( )A f, in ont;imll hnxcc, weight to he dc- _, _ received will he publicly opened by the President rum Intere=I :,t therail: of ,mtcn per cent, per , mount Irom termined oil tie! iict v, and public AVeigher's said I lcparttnent and read, the (1,,to- nut run' ill the Isci r,rl, r,+ 'I ltic's of A-se'es- cert ficate thereof, tog'ther with the tare Dnr'AuTsrec-1'ot:Pl- nt.IC(.Ifr\RITI1'4:\\U(.InruRIuCTIt1N, l 'lurid Ii U.{ItU III: I'I'I.I.o' Cil\'trI lt•- .GNU C()IiRI-C1'10\ mmrrt- in sad Durant, to th,: lit.' of p tyment. '-Is tested by to boxes , to lie furnished by No, 66 Triter, A%'L•c;I:e_ I litet:RI1 null' Itl(;ill 1rl ni'.ldu I' AI.1. nIU. inn I 8'.1.11 }.' l llh(ll l(IRK \V, 3151•:It e, the contractor. tt Ut:N\II n 'I-U el I IIIR 1' ill-. 11 nl l(: ni l l Rn- I, :s-~ 1'R (-• her. 100n pound' I , PI',R`.I.SAI N1'1,1' WHli'l, TO CON'I MAC"! OR t tl)Ii.II t. I l l,(,N 64, ell t~-I,:1 q , I, tw. ,t: ISE_, mcccI,,;iIb : (' KIaIIJC D, of the No hid or cstint.tte will 1 aim cptcd from, w' con- Vf)'IIC1; (II SA 1•I: Ill - I•.',NI)C:\\I)'ll:\P:- ' sta ndard of the 1'. S. If rmaco,toIle I tract :nearded to, any person tehn is in nrrear, to the I'RUI'1.15 U 5 1 1)1 C( )NI ll'.NCI;I) (()\\ Corporation upon debtor contract, or who is a defaulter, \IIoNT;- 1'OR l]N1'All) ASS loSS\1EN'I'S. i delivered ii, ane-pourid html ala',nnlettered bottles, properly labeled .with red-1, ttered MILK, 1S1)I. as suety or otherwise, upon any' obli;ration to the " Carbolic Acid' and"Poison"label) :Inc] Corporation. 'us }'r,lt e—Flt,scmi Lu: r,tr, turn a'f, Cray or Ni In 1 lt[alitlrl~ ~n i)nllnIN 1?ALED AIDS (112 1•:-Or IyIATRS FOR Pi'R- The award of the contract will be made as soon as nil l(I:.l tin '.')IF.. C4II,LI.CTI ISO F.\ I'S T\U too ounces 5U1,Pfl,I'II. 01- (!CO 1N1': of the noshing Condemed Cow's Milk for the year 159t practicable after the opening ol'the hills, AND Aosl ss>uaut'1 S ARRFAR', of '1'Azns =t:utdard of the U. 's, Pharmacopoeia, to be will be reed itech ut the office of the Department of I Deliver}• will be required to 1)e made from tinge to ceti iii' A4'nTla< Rlcx-rs, delivered in to^-ounce tin cans. Public Charities ❑ rid Correction, No, 66 Third avenue, time, and ill such quantities as may be directed by the D'H.toxc, No. ^80 liru.tuwat STesvaR t I 20 pounds pure American CA's 1(1K O11,, in the City of New York, until to o'clock A. M. of staid Cnmmissinnern. _November 8, t& o. J Crysrtl AVhite," in 5-g:.11un boxed vans. I uesday, December 23, 18ya, The person or persons Any bidder• fm this contract most be known to Ile NUI':Id 'lilt DI1:1mstits sin d:lc and rrnaiuin unpaid, to the 5, too gross No.6, l,ngross No, 7, row gross turns' IUI:U Ih stun-' 64, cur sr-ton I882, I it shall divticictly without any connection tm ith any other person making t„1L_ctnun :d As,es•nients and ('leek :if Arrears, at his No. 8, all to be delivered in 5-gross bags, No hid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract Rwardcd to, any person who is in arrears to the Cur- an estimate for the sn uc purpose, and is in all rrspccr, (1ffice in the hin.u)cc Uepartuent, R :om Nun. 'S Stewart properly marked. iuiltii ng, No. -So I;ro::dway, together in ith the interest porttion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, I lair and without :. olhtcrion or fend ; and that no member thereon, at the rat., of coven per cent per nnuuut, to the —will be receis eel at the Department of Public Charities as surety or ut}terw ise, upon any obligation to the Cor- of the Common Council, head of a department, c!licl time of payment, with the charges of this notice and and Correction, in the City of Nev York, until lr: poration. of a bureau, deputy thereof, or cleric therein, or other the adcertiserric nt. o'clock A. M. of 'Tuesday, Uccemher a:, t8yu. The The mu-arc of the contract trill be made as soon as officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- And if def:mult •-ball be made in such payment, such person or persons staking any hid or estimate shall practicable. after the opening of the bids, ested therein, or in the supplies or w'urk to wltich it Lands and tenements v: ill he sold it public auctlon, at furnish the c;unc in a sealed enrc!ope indorsed, ''Bid or Uclivery will be required to be made Irons time to relates, or in any pardon of the profits thereof. The the County Cm, urt-huu,e in the City Hall Park, In the Estimate for Hospital supp!ic,," with his or their name tinge, and in such quantitres it may be directed I)), the I bid or estimate must be verified ov the oath. in writing, City if Neer York, on Alood:ly, the ad day Id March, :,r names, and the slate of presentation, to the bead of said Commis,ioners, I of the party or parties making the cstimnte, that the IR.yl, at Iz o'clacl: noon, for the I:nce't terns of years said I leparuueut, :it the said office, ou or before tired to Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- end l matters suucd therein are in :dl resp,-cts neue, ;or avhich any person >h;dl offer to tike the same in and hour above named at which time zeal dace the gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must lVhcrc more than one person is interested, it is requisite nn sider:diun of adranein, the amount of the assess- bids or estintates received will 1)e publicly opened by have satisfactory testimonials to that effect ; and time that tile t' cltfn ic'a flux be made and subscribed by .1;1 th e' mcnt so due and nnp:rid, and the interest and l: harges the president of said I lcpartm•,nt and read, person or persons to whom the c. ntra,:t maybe awarded p;trues t ntcrested. there(m, as aloe'- ` 1'd all ether enstti and ell:,rges 'flit: HI,:\ItU I OF PUBLIC CII:\RI'['it:e AND CORRECTION will be required to give security lirr the perinrnlanee of Each bid or estimate shall Inc acconipauiect by tire con- that may, have na.:rued therclm ; and such sale slumnih be I: r•:sr:Rvlcs 'f ate Itt(.HTTU Icl_JO:cr:v,l- was oR IabTlntnrra the contract by his or their bond, with twl, sufficient j sent, in writing, of tw•o householders or freeholders in er,ntinued from time tl: tunic until :dl the land. and tune- it. nr.l:Mn.l) To etc run 'run•: rUBLIC INTI.:Iacs'r, its rtio- sureties, each in the penal :unuwrt of '1'E\ the City of New York, with their respective places of tI1Crino :l` timhoertised f:-r s:lh: tih:dl he call, VII)ttri IN sec-n aim's 6q, CIiAI'f llii quo, lest , ()Fu .882. '1'HOURAtiD t$LU,uttO` 1)ULI.A KS. business or residence, to the effect that if the contract And mrtice is hereby further elvcn that a detailed No bid or estimate will he accepted from, or contract I':ash bid or estimate shall contain and state tire name be awarded to the person making the estimate, they ,tatcntent of the ass'_-sments, the ownership of the awarded to, ,,n person who is in arrears to the Corpor- and place of residence of each of the persons staking the will, on its being so •awarded, I,oconte bound as his propertr uss•_ssad, :md no which the assessments are ation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as same ; tire names of tell persons interested with him or sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he '1'Ic ono unpaid, is publisbcd iu :t p:unphlet, and tha surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- them therein ; and it no other person be so interested, it ' shall omit or refuse to execute the sale, they will cnpies of the pnntphlct lute depu'lted in the office of the tion. shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with- pay to the Corporation any difference berveen the sum to Collector of :\sses,tnents and Clerk of Arrears, in tine The award of the contract will be made ax soon a, out any connection with any other person making an which he would be entitled on its completion and that I immce Deparuneurt, and will he delivered to anp per- practicable after the opening of the bids. estin)ate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair which the Corporation may he obliged topay to the person >nn applying for the same. Delivery will be required to be made from time to and without collusion or fraud : and that no member of I or persons to whom the contract may he awarded at U. 1-1 IR'ltI'IR S3I17'H, time, and in such quantitic' as may be directed by the the Common Council, head of a department, ehicf of any subsequent letting; the amount in each case to be Collector of Assessments and Clerk of Arrears- said Commissioners. a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other calculated upon the estimated amount of the Poultry by _ .__ __-_.. --. ------Any bidder fin' this contract must be known to be en- officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- which the bids are tested. The consent above nten- -- -- — 1' nsauce Uer.tRralcs'r, I gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must ested therein or in the supplies or work to which it boned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, Ht'nr Cr FOR 'I He Gn-t,ECIION ,ii I',t.x¢s, I have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and tit e relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. 'the bid in writing. of each of the persons signing the same that No. 57 Cnastne Rs Si rings Si lute 501 Di 11.un(, person or Persons to w ham the contract may be awards d or estimate must be verilicd by the oath, in 'riling, Ile is a householder or freeholder in the City of New Nets Ynec, Uecentber , 189... I will be required to give security for the performance o f of the party or parties making the estimate that the York, and is worth the amount of the security required the contract by his or their bond, t ith two sufficien t several matters stated therein are in all respects true, for the completion of this contract, over and above all fifty (5o) per cent NOTICE it) " I':A\I',-AV'ER". sureties, in the penal amount of Where more than one person is interested, it Is requisite his debts of every nature, and over and above his of the EtiTI;\IATED amount of tire contract. that the % 1-nil rlc.oTtou be made and subscribed by all , liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith and with the H E RECEIVER OIF 'TAXES ((F TIHE Cl I V Each hid or estimate shall contain and state the name the uarties interested, T of New York hereby gives notice to all persons and place of residence of each of the persons making th e Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the intention to execute the bond required by section ma of w'ho have omitted to pay their taxc- for the year r8 ,o, same ; the name, of all persons interested with him err consent, in writing, of two householders or freehold- chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Now to pay the sc me to hun at Iris u!ilce an or before the them therein : and if no other person be so interested, i t crs in the City of New York, with their respective York, if the contract shali be awarded to the person or to the effect that if persons for whom lie consents to become surety, The first day of ,January, 18,,t, as provided 1,y' section 846 sh:dl distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made withou t places of business or residence, of the N ew Y ark City C on,nlidation Act of dcfa. ;my cunncction with any other person making au estimat e the contract he awarded to the person making the adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be Upon :uty such t: c renulining unpaid on the first day i for the s:une purpose, and is in all respects fair and with estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become approved by the Comptrollerof the City of New York. will be considered unless ac- of December, mSno, one per centum will be charged, out ,.allusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Cont - bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and No bid or estimate received :old collected iu addition to the amount thereof ; man Council, head of a departnt nt, chief of a bureau that it he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, coonpanied by either a certified check upon one of the pay to the Corporation any difference be- National or State banks of the City of New York, and upon such tax remaining unpaid on the first deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of tinyc they shall day of Lmuanv, 18,l, interest will Inc charged, received I Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein fsveen the sun) to which he untold he entitled on its drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money the Corporation may be to the amount of five per centtun of the amount of and collected upon the amount thereof at the rate of or in the ,applies or work to which it relates, or in any completion, and that which -even per ccntum per annum, to be calculated 'rum the [ortiou of the profit, thereof. 'l he bid or estimate mus t obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the con- the security required for the faithful perform- tract may be awarded at any subsequent letting; the once of the contract, Such check or money must NOT -ixth day of October, 18go, on which day the asses,- he verified by tire oath, in writing, of the party or parties amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti- ment rolls :end warrants for the tries of uago were making the estinrtte, that the several matters state d delivered to the said Receiver of 'I :roe', to the date of therein are in all respects (rue. Where more than nn c amount of the Condensed Cow's Milk by which the bids mate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the pap mcnt, purstmnt to seetinn 8;j of said act. person is interested, it i; requisite that the verification are tested. 'file consent above mentioned shall be accom- Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no GEORGE W. \Ic LEAN, lie made and sllb-cribed by all the parties interested. panied by the oath oraflirmation, in writing, of eacitol the estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or Receiver of T;txes, Bach hid m' estimate shall he accompanied by the con - persons signing the same, that he is a householder or free- money has been examined by said officer or clerk and sent, in wri ting, of two householders or freeholders i n holder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of f ofthe security required for the completion of this con- the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons 1ZEAL l- 5TA'hlc II'CUI~I)S the C. Sty of New York, with their respective places o business or residence, to the effect that if the contras L tract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and making the same within three days after the contract over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; is awarded, If the successful bidder shall refuse or REAL Ile awarded to the person making the estimate, they will H E ATTENTION 017 1.A W YERS, r and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith neglect, within five days after notice that the contract Estate Owners, 1llonetary lustitutions engaged in on its being so av:aided, become bound as his curet er fo T its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or re- and with the intention to execute the bond required by has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the m:.kin,ti loans upon read estate, nod all who are interested n section 27 of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to in pawlding themselves with facilities for reducing the iuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporatio :my difference benceen the sum to which lie would be the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated a't of examinations and searches, is invited to these to the person or persons for whom he consents to I damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he shall Official Indices of Records, containing all recorded trans- entitled on its completion and that which the Corpora

D1x1,,.1rrl:[: J;, iS9o. 'I' FT E CITY RECORD. ;1) ,o.5

execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the IIE1'ARTMFV- OF Pt'i'.LIc C1t.11:r111 ScI, Cn,RRFcI,r ,1, ci ill be rcinch at the nfl-.rc nnf tile Dc: tnt:nt r:. 1'uulic snr5Ls' ,or rthcrv:. c, ui '1 an)' l;1', -u t t , . • Cr;r- amount of his deposit will be returned to hire. Ar,. r lluxu Atecr c. I Charities ;nnd ('ou'cction, \n. 'r Third atenue, In the porod'm. Should the person or 1iors,nns to St horn the contract City of \ u 1'nl until .r 1 u}- A. ,1. of I Iesday, fhe award em the cnutra, t will !-. m,lrlc ,l, s:,,n ,.s may be awarded nc,.lect or rile so to 'icccpt the contact -- 1 )cccmb r -3, rm'y ,. I'he per. n n' p•.:r.-uns making any pr.,ctie:I,l,' : tt r t'1Ie openin.; e; to hid'.. within five days after w'rittca notice that the saute has , },irl or m'etinr.,tc ehtlll iilrnish lh'' a:tmc in ❑ ,ralcd Ilclivers: t:ill i,r re'ptired to b,: manic from time to been ,warded inn his or their bid or proposal, or if Inc or ,I O C r '' 'iVA( itRS o u se' L p In I ,r.c•d "Rid „t 1 tun:rtc I'm' o,•»o •1',ms t- 1 nil in n. h I,tantitics ,,s m n F•• clircc[ed by the they accept, but do not exocute the contract and it'e W'hit': 4 -h Cal.'' and tl itll 1 i nnr their name r,r names. s 11 Cnmnnn uti i n re. the prupar security, he or they shall be considered ;I, I. ` .( - ,,nil the nhato f pr—enLailn, to the head of said Am bidder for thi, cntr—t ntust liu-nisin rtlsfactury baring abandoned lt, and as in default to the Corpora- I P1,C)P S_I,,: J W 'i 11 1:I.V1: I l UN Il 1,L[) I)clnm'.rtm,•nt, Lrt tl c >aid '>Ihre, on or 'n:(, re till- di;' and testimonial. th;lt he is en-'a_ed in the bluntness of tion, and the contract trill be rendvertised and relet as ~ TONS Ol', 1\ ii [T1': .\tiI I ('I'AL. II 'n' d, 'us c ea no' d, at which tints and l4ace the Yids ur ” Catcher" in Ilse City of N: ne fork, :rmi ha, the plant provided by law. I taunt r •_ived will lie I,1,1' ly upeued by the 1'rc,i- tic',,.' sari' to earn' not pr,. of fly and n-.rulnrlt the con- Ai dersd is ill wn te unit the umono t of their estimate in I dcnt of a1 .! I rcp,,rtmcnt and read. tneI if it 1e. awarded. t the entire. •tti,f,u iron o,- the "flit: It vti 1 F' (:marl nuns Ao s Cer'nnola rc ,, ' f_tim i;ocmmmls'rs mu Iinn l bs Charities and Correction ; and addition to linserting the saute ltl flgltres. C I'..hi .1'.11 I llUe Ink l ,, 17 'll:}'I ES 1'()R FIIRN I,H- Paynv^nt will be made by a requisition un the Comp ~7 inn mein• hwulrccl (r, rn) tons of AAhite Ash Coal, RF!ZFK t:, Tint. :.l(.I tt' To , RI:JI:IT ' I.I. IUDs mu:; csTI- time 1 r.- in icr I'm; — to ohuul the contr t any'- `,11'll'+ Ir lien.:,1Fl1 7l, Ili- 11111 TlII- 1'incite tslen.1'I.'1, - ;till be r_I::in-d to rite scurrit} rrl; troller, in accordance with the terms of the cn,ntract in ace,:rd ieee r as required, duri n. the near r8gt, and f, I'he form of the contract, including specifications, and l,, be recut cd at the ',Mice of .me frm'Il,F t, 1.1 SECTION 64. c u.v'rr:rc Oro, f..luti I':- rm,ut's ':' clic ':ntrarl, byv hi =or their h:,r'I,'•, nun t.. itll the .1,ecifications, will 88z. •dill, icn' s.:n.tic,, •.:o -h in tin-.' lconch :,nr:'.nt t FIFTI showingthe nlanncr UI1 ay lcnt, c,m m lie obtained at the the I )epartment of Public Charaic=_ and Corrcet ,'un, No and bidders arc cautioned to 'I'111)I- t.\VI) IU/ILL.t It" -10,1)1)11. office of the Department; 66 'Third avcuuc, in the (; ity of Netr York, uatil to No bid or estimate will he accepted from, or cuntrac.r examine each and all of its piano i,iuns carefully, as the o'clock A. it. of 'Tuesday, I levers ber 23, rf '' . Tre a ,rardr•d to, ins' person who is in arre:lrs to the t of Board of Public C. inn ritics and Correcuun serif insist person or persons makin_ dm}' bid or estimate shall porat;or n inn del , -cr crntr w 1 c k :. cicf:,u;tcr, in ,cute uvl nil „• ,, 1'I'.n . .i of thep r upon its absolute enforcem sent in ever}' pclnccular. furnish the s:une in a :c led envelope, indorsed "Rid surety or otLcru ices upon au} )bltation to time Corpora- unpile ii 'n 5 , n- ; IF',.; 11 ta n-'nnins lultc r. t,, l Dated Nlac Yrrr,l,, Doc' nl ber to, r89o. nr F,tinlcuc fur too, Tons White A'h Coal,'' with his tion. loth him :r t!wm th r_,u , :.nil if nn „tLcr pclsun :,_ HI?N RY H. P( fR'f 1:R, President, or their name or names, and the data of presentation, f-Itc award of the contract will be made as soon as so inb:n:etucl, it ,h.,ll distin•.tly ,t:rte th:.t tact ; also CHA111 b:S F. SI31311lAS, ill. f)., Commissioner, to the head of said I )epartI, eat, at the said ulhce, on practicable mftcr the openin4 of the bids. that it is ode],: witlunut nay' •-oml_t.ti:,n with ally other LiDYcARl) C. Sll l?1?FIY, Comnticsiuucr, or before the cute :toil boor:d)ore named, a['..'h icb time per-„n m:,kin-, :m '_stim:(t.: Ibr the sum-: purpus_, [ ublrc Charities and Correction. I nobvery will be required to be made front time t , ;,rid place the bids or eat inl:nes received trill be publicly time, and in such quantities ;ts may be directed by cite and is in :,II rc=ncct, i.:ir. awl without r.'dlnsisn or Opened by the President of said I )etstrtment and read. fraud ; and tl~.0t no me;alr)r of the C-,nunun Council, Prr.t a'nllavr or PI'nLrc Gt.tat nit'snSu Commune ION, said Cunnnissiuner,. ( THE BOARD OF II 11T IC CnARrr 1:0 :Vu CuloBFcrlow tiny i)idder for this contract olu't be knnurn to Inc head of ., d•:I,:u'lnl•:nt, '.hint” uF a Lancet, dcput~ No. 66 '1'HII:D ,hvucc rt. 1 P.r:5Enivee i HE IUGH'r Tn ,FJRCT ALL BIDS nt< rsTtAtA9'Hs enga„ed in and toll Inns for the business, and must thsrcuf nr cleric thcr.-in, or „Thar of iocr of tl:v C''rpnra- In. DEF)lEi) TO Ur: Font Tiro: PUtn.IC rcI'FICEST, AS havcsati -factory' tcstinu,niils to that effect; andtheper- n, is din•cctlt' or inrlireclll inter•:': tcd tiler, fn, Orin th-• T~1 CON"1'KtlC1UR S. Panclur.0 tx src'TtiN 64, c ii; "muz 410, l..tus of ,88z. son or mmcr-nns to rh:,nl the contract nta}' on ;nr,rrced ,uppliee or tti'mk to ltiliclt it nab.tcn, in in cult porno,, or _ ) ) )c _ An mm! or ectinrate will be accepted front, orcontract -,-ill be roquircd to dice security fi,r till- perfnrmanre ' f the prntitc there„f. I1 it_ i,id', r caimat,: muet ,be verile,l PROP( SAL S 1 ( kIRESII ('O\ \ S Milk , at'atded in, :utyperson who is in arrears to the Cor- the cnntrnct by his or their bond, with ,tin sntiicirnt 1y Ih r•m ath, I rltin:; 1 ii:'-1 .' rI ',r part;•:, m:,l;inc the estim:u , the t dn' s trr I Lino r'. ,tared th•:rsin are ISgL porut ion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, sureti' s, ca,: In in thy' in -ml um:unt ,It 1,44VP1 ne surety or etheririse, upon any obligation to the Cur- TIIQ)l- y:1 %I) !U'111,OIhO 1)1)1.1..11(, in all nospeets true. XYhor. n-re th.u: ,,nc liar 'in I. tn- t•.:rcnud, it is r.:yuisitc that th-: v_rilic.ui:,u i,: made ,,nil [U PD hills OR 151'I1IA'I'l'S 1012 FUR- ~ The award of the contract will be made as soon as 1':ach bid nr estimate.,• s h a II cnnttin and :aa[c the near: sub-oilers l,y ..1l the parties interest :d. nishinZ Fresh Cow', 31ilk for the year t8ot will I practicable after the openi toe of the bids. and place of residcnce "f e;rch of the p:r,nns ntakinmi the saute; the mules r'f all person' inter.:ct:d with hint or Bach bid or estinlat'_ stall be accmm,,nni-:,l his' tine c,nr- be received at the eflice nl the I tcpartment of Public I Delivery will liee required to be made from bole to co unt, in writnn of t,,.) Iii csei,ol;len, c,: I:c,•ilulrl,'r, in. C haritics and _Correction, \o, nit Third ,nvenua, in the ~ tints .mil in Such quantities as maim be directed by the then, thcmur ; an dl if no other persun hue so interested, it shall distinctly statctbat fact; alcu that it is nl,tdc w-ith- ill,, City of \etc York, with then r. - I,', tit mine of Cit V of New 1 ark, tmtil ro o'clock A. if. of Tuesday, , said Cnnunissioners. Lusiro. , or residenc,:, to the ctint diet it tile c"ntra':t be 'I persou nr persons inakin.g any uut sun- col:ne,ti, in with ;aty other p'_rsmt making an December z3, 1890. Any hidden fist ti cnntrart mr,st be known to be cn :rwardoil to tire p, r.,,n m:dun, th;. :111. tics tiles' trill, nr. htd or c.>timate chill ftu mail file >amc in .1 Cos~'s - estimdt'- f •t' the .amc purpuse, sold is in I rosmuci t: fain gaged iu and well prepared for the husines,, and mist ,cm' aitllout colt r inn or :ranch; and tb,t in member of it, Lei fig cnan'r1 d, i,r.,.onn' sound,t- his:nl tl .Incrit, oti31 i-elopc, indorsed " ]fill m' Luinrale fur Fresh Cow's ~ fithtul perfo n a n •.. ; an,l flint if Ile 'hall omti t roust. and n ilh his or their name have sntisfactery testimonials to that effect ; and the ( unto, a C,uncil, Leant ,-ii• ,t I )ep:uvncnt, chief nl :t 31 ilk fur th<- year tF,)1, 'id to ti to cxc,aac th,- ,:unc, th,:y ,hall pay to tin-- Corporatiu1.. n:, ntcs, and file date of presen[ntiun, to tile head of said file person or pm'rons fire cannel-[ may be btu'eau, dcp::ty thcreoi, or clerk th-ein, nr other officer riled trill be rcl ptin.:rI to cive Security per- any dilfcruncc bctwc:.•n the stun to which ln_ u, ulcl Ir: ich t t or b c~fu rc the d-'1 y • anti . 'ii h.r the of the I nrpurauon, i,. directly or imlirecth' nut:n'ccted

3986 T H.E CITY RECORD. DECEMBER 15, 1890.

g'the securityfor, the r} erformance of the contract h y his ii to the Corporation upon debt oror contract,----- or who is a 11FJ'AirT\I ENT OF Pc'ImLIC CLI AK:TIlcc AND CO RFeCTtos,) surety and otherwise ; and that he has offered himself or their hood, with tun sufficient sorutics, each in the defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation Nu. 66 'Ctln:n AvFsce, as a surety in good faith and with the intention to exe- penal amount of TEN THOUSAND 10,(Itl(1 to the Corporation. N tav Yuatc. Deco bluer r,, t 89c. cute the bond required by law. The adequacy and suffi- Do LLAIt S. plank forms of proposal; and specifications, which are N ACCORDANCE W[TH AN ORDINANCE OF ciency of the security offered will be subject to approval Each bid or estimate shall contain and stall, the name to be strictly complied with, can be obtained on app) 'err- I the Common Council, "In rehuion to the burial of by the Comptroller of the City of New York after the and place of residence of ,;. r_L of the persons In,, kinu tire tion at the office of the Department, and all information strangers or unknown persons who may die in ninny of the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract. same; the names of all per,ous iuterc=ted with hin, nr I furrtished. public institutions of the City of Ncw York," the Cunt- The amount of security required upon the execution them therein ; and if no other person he sn interested, it Dated N rv: Yuat:, December 3, t8go. ntissiooers of Public Cbaritics and Co, rectinn report as of the contract will be THREE::CHUUSANI) DOL. shall distinctly state that Let; also that it is nmdc with- follows : fARS. - out any connection with any other person making an cs. j Ii FNRY H. PolTf;R, ['resident, Should the person to whom the contract may be C1IAR1.1:'c 1•:. SI \1 \10\i1 M. D., At Morgue, Bell-tic Hospital, from 947 Nast Ta enty- timate for the same purposr:, amlie in all respects fair fourth street—Unknown man, aged 3; years ; g feet awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within and '::ithout collusion or baud ; ana that no mcmLur . I I:f iWAR]) C. tiHI I-Iily, five days after written notice that the scone has been Commt ione rs 1 is Cab:,rides and Correction. high ; sandy hair, gray es _es. Had on hrnwn coat, cork- the Common Council, head of a dc}~srtment, chief of a r, screw coat, brown check ve-t, blue flannel rants, pink awarded to his loch or proposal, and that the adegttscy bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk tier,:in, or oth',r ofli- and sufficiency of the security offered has been ap- I n-:rAlerular of CILINI rtes AND vux c" ION, and white shirt, wohite cotton drawers, whits socks, laced eer of the Corpor iion, is directly or inriiree.tly inter- shoes, black derby hat ; letters '''1'. 1'. " tattooed oil left proved by the C.ntpt roller, or if he accept but do not No. 66 '1'tluau Avi,.Nue. execute the contract uud give the proper security, he ested therein, or in the supplies or work U, which it arnt. relates, or in :my portion nl the profits thereof. The _ -- At Hommopathic hospital, Ward'- Island — Kate shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in bid or a timate must be verified by the I. uh, in writing, I O (2ON'I'RAC')'OR Vii. 11T:utning, aged ;o years ; 5 feet t inch high ; blue eyes I default to the Corporation, • nd the contract will be re- of the )r:uty or parties makin4 the cistitnate that the brawn hair. 1-fad on when ndmittcd black cloth waist, advertised Old rulet, as provided by law. several (litters stated therein are in all respects truce l'ROPOSAI.S FOIE }'OULTRV. black worsted jersey, buttonuc gaiters, black straw hat. No e-timate will ire accepted from, or a contract Where mrrc tlinnon, per, on is interested, it is requisite Nothing kuotvn of their friends or relatives. aw:'trded to, any acrson who is in arrears to the Cor- that the c r.larlc•t"rtu'< be made and salb'cribed by :ill 1 pnration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as FOR FUR- By order, the poetics interested, t~ FA1,1.11) LIDS OR ESTIMATES G. F. BRITTON, Scerctary. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cur- Eaclt bid or estmtate shall be aeeompanied l,y the con Ili hing poration, and no estimates cvihl be accepted Irons, or a sent, ,n writiun;, of two bnuccholdvrs or Irechold, rs in -1br ut ,,coo pounds of Poultry. contract awarded to, any person not having at the time the City „f New fork, with their rctipectree phrees of For use no Christmas Day. of making Ili., estimate flJl, suitable onrl sufficient CIVIL SERVICE SUPERVISORY facilities for performing the work specilierl in his business ii, residuuce, to the effect that if the tnntr:rct Le Jo —,sill e received at the office of the Department of AND EXAMINING BOARDS. cstimata. awardod to the person making the e stluctte they sell, ,n Public Charities ,iud Correction, iu the City of New its in rile ,o aw lorded, become bur n I iii' eel cu ' for is No estimate rill be received or consider'-d unless Von1:, until to o'clack :t. iL of \Ccdncsday, l)ccenibcr Nr:tt \'niRln Cc ii t t .. et. tea Bin ame ns, accomn ntcdi • 1 ,Y ctthcr a certified chr• _c k open one of the faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or tel Ise t7, I ten. The person or pees one making any bid C ,rr-u l NoIN, to veer tile tire same. they shall pay to the Cnt(arstion National ur State hanks of the City of Ncw York, drawn or esunctte shall f iruivvit the same in a scaled envelope, N~wYuI'K I, Uccemhcr rz t8v o, to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the any diffcn~ncc br the sum to wi iii, 6l, tc r,uld be i " liid or ISstin,ate 1br Poultry," with his or ind',reed UBLIC NOTICE IS Iil'.RI•:RV GiVRN 'CHAI' amount of five per centwn of the amount of the pre- entitled un its rnml [Item n and that which the C,rporation I names, and tile cb,te of presentation, their name or an open competitive eeamination will be held at lintinary security required for the faithful performance nay 1_ r,b ligcd to, lr.,y to tin: person or per'en, to cchmn to the head of said Department, at the said office, on P the contract Clay be ant :ruled at any subsequent lettin4 ; the rooms of the New York City Civil Service Ifoards, of the contract. Such check at, money must not he or before the day and hour above named, at which in the Cooper Union, as fidlows : inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, the acorn, nt in each case to he calculated upon the csti- the bide or estimates received will he time and place I lecember IQ, 1890, SUPERVISING NURSE AND but must be handed to the Secretary of tlru Cnmmis- mated amrmntol the Fresh Pick, etc., by v:odl 1 the bids publicly opened by the head of- said Department and tested.'lice 'liceonc co-entabu ve-emi„ucdm sh:,ll tie accnm- HOUSkli p;gi'ER in the Department of Charities and sioners of Taxes and A;sessnunts who has charge of read, Correction. the estimate-box ; and no estimate can he deposited. parried Ly the o:lth or afirutntion, in writing, of each of 'F'hc 1 n_partment of Public Charities and Correction December tg. RODMAN. in said box until such check or money has been the persons sif'ning the entire than he is a b,,,schnldcrcr reserves the right to decline airy and all bids or e,ti- 1.EE PillI_LIPS, examined by said Secretary and found to he rorrect. irecholdcr in the City of A'•_tv V,.rk, and is wnrtb the motes if deemed w he for the public interest, and to Secretary and Executive Officer, All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, amount of the security re nil r,r the completion nt this „ev"pt ant}' hid or estimate as a whole, or for any one or L will be returned to the u arsons making the saute, within contract, nverand dclii Isis debts of ever!: n:,fun•, and more articles inc'uded therein. No Lid or estimate kill New YORK C1Ty CIVIL SERVICE IirAaus, three days after the contract is awarded. If the suc- over and above hisliriilitics as hail,' ursy orolhcrleise; be accepted from, or contra;. t awarded to, :my person and that he has ofL:red I;imsclf as a corny in good faith Courmu UNION, cessfttl bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five clays echoic it, arrc:ors to the Cor p„rr.,tion upon debt or con- NEW YONm, April 3, r8go. after notice that the contract has keen awarded to him. and with the inu-nil, e to execute the irc,n,i n:,iui red by tract, ar wbo is a defaulter, a, surety or otherwise, upon section to of clr.ipter 7 ul the Revisal Ordinances of the to execute the same, the amount of the tleposit made ~ins' obli;;atinn to the Corporation. by hint shall be forfcib_d to noel retained by the City of City of New York, if tire rc ntrlict shall be :nvarderl The :,ward of the contract will be made as soon as NC)'I'ICE. to the p,'rsnn ur pssons hr w bunt l consents to became I New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or ie practicable after the opening of the bids. r. Office hours from A. at. until 4 P. M. surety. The aAcquacy :Ind 'all cicncy of the cecnrity 9 refusal; but if )tc shall execute the contract within Delivery will lie required to be nude of Poultry on n. Blank 'tpplLsuJons for positions In the classified the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be offered to be approved by tile Comptroller of the City q'ednesduy, Uccember a, :£go, before 7 o'clock A. it., service of the city may he procured upon application at ul New fork, returned to him. all in accordance with specifications. the above office. Permission will not be given for the withch:nral of any or estimate will he considered unless ❑ No i;id ac- Any bidder Ion this contract must lie known to be en. 3. Examinations will be held front time to time the bid or estimate, and the right is expressly reserved by either a certified come k upon one rompanred by of gaged in :utd well prepared for the business, and must needs of the several Departments of the City Government the Conunissioners of Taxes and A•sessments to reject the Satiuna] ur State banks of th,• City lit is tie York, and the hove satisfactory tc•tintonials to that effect, may require. When examinations are called, al] persons any or all bids which may be deemed prejudicial to the ii race,, to the order of the G,mptrel lcr, or moor'}', :v the person or persens to whom the coiltract may be awarded who have filed applications prior to that date will he public interests. amount .,f five per o,u tact of tole :mu ant of the security wit be required to give security for the perfornsmce of notified to appear for examination for the position Illank forms of contracts and specifications therefor required for the faithful p,-rn,rmamx of the contract, the cutnract 1,y his or their Loud, with two sufficient specified. arc on file and may be examined nit the oboes of the Such check or money must cmii be i tic iew e1 in the scales sureties, each in tha penal a riouut of fifty '. 50, per cent. 4. All information in relation to the Municipal Civil Contmi:sooners aforesaid. Blank forms for bids or pro- encch,pe containing the estim:uc, but mist ire hand, ~d to of the e-timaterl amotmt of the contract. Service n"ill be given upon application either n person pos:Js and proper envelopes for their inclosure can :also the officer or elr-rk of tl.c ll a1 ,ardor n who hasc :horgc„~ f E'.ach Lid ur estimate shall cn nt:rin and state the name or by letter. Those asking for information by mail be obtained at the above office of the Commissioners on the estimate- box, :cod no estimate can 'Ire deposited in ' and place of residence of each of the persons making the should inclose stamp for reply. said box until such check or money has been e, aleincd by application, rune ; the n:uncs of :Jl persons interested with hint or g. bite classification by schedule of city employees fly order of the Commissiom:rs of "1axes :cod Assess- said officer or clerk and found to he correct. All such c ticent therein ; and if no other person be so interested, as follows : ments. deposits, except that of tire successful bidder, will be re- it shall distinctly state that tact ; also that it is made Schedule A shall include all deputies of officers wort MICHAEL COC.ICVIAN, turned to the persons mekine the suns within throe dn}'s without any runnuction with any other person making couuni=sinners duty authorized to act for their principals, 'f IiO\IAs I., I'ISI I'd ER. If the succes-lul Liulcl r after the contract is a:cnrded. an estimate for tile same purpose, and is in all respects and all persons tlecessarily occupying :t strictly confi- 1ulW:\ R ll L. I'A R R IS. .hall refuse or nr giert, w itl:in five days after nntioc that fair and without n,llu=ion orfraud ; and that no member dential position. tile contract has been awarded to him, to csccute the or the Common Council, Lead of a department, chief Schedule II shall include clerks, copyists, recorders, same, the amount of the deposit made by hint sluall Inc of a bureau, deputy thcrcuf, or clerk th^rein, or other bookkeepers and others rendering clerical service, forfeited to :nod retained by the City of New York, as officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly in ter. excett type-writers and stenographers. DEPAi2T1*,IENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. liquirl:ur•d damages for such ocele, t or refurJ ; but it ested ther:tn, or in the supphe, or work to which it Schedule C shall include Policemen, both in. the Police he shall '5,-elite the contr:lct si tic in the time aforesaid, relates. or in any portion of the profits thereof.'1'he Deportment :cod Department of Parks, and the uniformed Iic:rar:c.n:,sr otc Pl' Wnlo-, the amount of his dui crsit will be rcturncd to bin. bid or estimate must lee verified by the oath, in writing, force in the ['ire Department, and Doormen in the Police Cm,tnnssimNt'a's OF, tc l:, Should the person nr persons to ",%horn the cnntrirt of the party or parties making the estimate, that the I )cuartntcnt. [builds 6, Nu, 3 1 CuAsn'.r.N; Simmer. r, may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the cnutra,,t sc eral platters stan:ri therein are in all respects true. Schedule 1) shall include all persons for whose ditty NEw Ymcrre, December it, iSgo. within five days after written notice that the same his Where more that one parson is into rested, it is requisite special export knowledge is required not included in been awarded to his or their bid or propos 1, or if he or that the rrnartacarrIus be nude and s:lbscribcd by all the Schedule E. TO CON'l'I:AC'I'OI-iS. the) acculit but do not execute the eomtnrast and give particv interested. Sdr edule if shall include physicians, chemists, nurses, the proper security, Inc or they shall be considered as Poch bid or est imatc .hall lie accompanied by the con- orderlies and attendants in the city hospitals :cod IDS OR ESI'1\IA'I'I/S, INCLOSED IN A having abandoned it and as ill rlcl:,,alt to the Corpora- sent, in v- IiLing, of two householder, or freeholders in as}•ltuns, surgeons in the Police Department :utd the B c_caled envelope, ii' In' f::r '/fl, njr!ir :a✓r/,- clad t/rr tint and the contest Brill ire readecrti,ed and rclet Ira the Ci tyss of issue York, with respect ivy place ct I)epartment of public Parks, and medical officers in I lie r.,rru%rf /la' Ir'rlrfrr ix»:c ,/L'rra„r r"/", fir' nrr„./rr ry' provided by Ica. e or r to d to li to the ceffect feet that if the col. t et Fire Department. ,, li.,,v,'~nt, will lie received at } ice -vi ,`/ee :vnr7; rc in t/u ,,,,7 " F:'d t fees e tl' I write_ o t tt the antou nt of t Ieit• estimate in ' Lc awarded to the person making the estimate, they Schedule F shall include stenographers, type-writers this Office until in o'clock ci, on AVcrinesday, December addition to inserting the sans in li-cures. will, oil its belee =n awarded, become bound an his sure- and all persons not included in the foregoing schedules ¢4, 1890, ;,t which place and hour they will lie publicly Paymcnt will be made by a requisition on the Comp- tics for its faithful perfrrmnnce; and that if Inc shall except laborers or flay workmen. opened by the head of the Department. troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, Schedule C shell include all persons employed as o,uit or refuse to exccut< the s:lme, tire} shall pay to the No, I. FOR R!:G111.:\'1'I>;G ;\NI) C.R:\l)ING from time to time, as the C,ntmiscio ire is tnny determim:. Corporation :try dif(_rence between tine shut to which lal,nrc"s ur day wm-knien. ONE HUNIRrl, ,vyu oIXTY-FIF1H Tltc I:'rm ri the I ontra,:t, including speed ications, wort ; he would be entitled un its completion ;urd that which Position. falling month iu Schedules :\ and ti are exempt shnwin, the manner of payment, caul Inc obtained at the Irnm Civil Service cxcunination. sTEtiI'fl'. from 1.1—lith avcmro it, tic ac- the Corporation nay be r bliged to pay to the per-on or v:trd, ANU Il-1'liN(, CCI:I) tifOAE;4 office r,f the Dcartii nt ; and bidders :,re especi:fly l,crsuns to wbnm the c, mlract may 1,e awarded at any I_tip ill 11,1,11'S, eau Uonerl to examine arch emid fail of its provisions c;lre- Secretary and ICsccutive l )ffcer, AND IFL_AGGINC SIDEWALKS'Iii Fib I-:- subsequent letting ; the :amount to each case to be IN. fully, as the Geard of PnLlic Charities and Correctione:latlated tq n In the estimatedateount ❑ m of the •,cork by will insist upon its absolute enfurccment in every par- t,"Ilich the bids are to-ted. 'Pile consent :,brave nten- No e, FOR 1613;UI,ATIAl; AN!) 1':AA'fort: 001 111 tiettlar, tiuncd shall be accumpcoued by the cliff or affirmation, DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASPHALT I'1VI, AtIbN t' ON CONCtAi/I"C bated N r:«- Yool v, Decenttcr r , nSgo, in writing, of arch of the persons ._igning the same that ASSESSMENTS. f r bI N UA 1'1l )\ 1'HE ('A;iRIA(;E\lAY It his LY 11. I IIte'1'l:R, Presidart, he is:, Luusehnlder or 1rccholder in the City ,;f New OF SIX"!'la?]Tit S'CRI-E'I', from Avenue C:I1:\R t,i 1 tit \t hiI t\ti, 31, L., Commiavoncr, C to the East river, so far nrc the same is York, and is worth the amount of the security rcyuired -sus"vtv'rs,) 1,1c' ARI I C. I.l (DV, Commissioner, lJtcr.v t lrNr or '1 tv. vet 1 within the lint its of grunts of land under 1'or th sal 11 lion of this contract, over and :`.ace all c u:, 1't.uli, CJc,rid . and Correction. Ci can cttvsun rotcI's' f1 t I water. his d bts r,f every nature, and over and ubovc his STAR Is T_erl too I Id ulcer;, Fur Ix T oa, foal ilities ao I , nil srrety or ooh nt ise ; and that lie has Nose Y,)life, December c, t8gc. Each estimate nnlst contain the moos and place of Dm,.%x tilt'. of In Cii ~t.,, C ct,i echo,, oii'n ri h:ni-elf a rray in 4ncud faith and with the residence of the person nmd.iug the s;mte, the naives of No. r 'I'nu:u Ao,Li rc. } alt tcutiuu to •x,cut the i—ild required I } ,cr ti on rz of all persons interested with him therein, and if no other chapter 7 of the ices isci C)lrlinances ul the City of -New PROPOSALS FOR ilIN I )TNG BLOCI,7 person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that inlet. York, it the contract shall be awardco to the herein INDEX AlAI'S, That it is made Without any connection with any other PR(11'(f x,115 I' O!: 500 'II )N5 OF FRI•at I or per=c,ns for whom be consents to become surety. person nuking an estinmtc for the s;tnte work, and is in The adequacy :cod sufficiency of the security olcred to V f \' I'.1) 11 ll I1 I': :1S1I 57 hi: CURL all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. T't at no be:tpprovcd by the Comptiol)crof the City of \ew fork. member of the Contnton Council, head of a department, 1' OIC 1lIL (JUh-I)1)OR 1'f fiR. Nu I,id or csnnurte will be considered unless ac- TO CON"1'R_1CTORS. chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, nr clerk therein, or cnml,unied by either a cenonfrerl check upon one of the other officer cf the Corporation is directly or indirectly Rttl '/)S.hi '1n' ha) AND INUORSI:L AS 'S tall or swooned banks of the City of New• York, PROPOSALS FOR lial'1A[A11•:S. interested in the estimate, or in the work to which it re- P „vc, trill he received by the ID .red of Public dr.,v, n to the order of the Cnmptrollcr, or mnncy, to the lates or in the profits thereof. Charities :utd Correction,: t their office, until tr o'clock amount of five pereentum of the amount of dm security IDS OR PROPOSALS i OIZ IITNDING THE Each estimate mast be verified by the oath, in writing, ref Friday, LecrmIer tg, tkro, at which time they ', required for the faithful performance of the contract. B Block Index Vlaps, called for in the approved of the party making the same, that the several matters will lie publicly opened and read by ills president of Bich check or money must Nrrr he inclosed in [he sealed forms of contracts and specifications on file in the office therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the said Pr,ard, fur g. tuns Fresh Vlined White Ash envelope comainimr, the estimate, but must be handed to of the Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments, will consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders Stove Cn,,1, of the best quality, each toll to consist of the (officer urnil of the Lap:u omen[ who bas charge of be received at this office until two o'clock r- 7.t, on in the City of Ncw York, to the effect that if the eon- Es Llu.;;s:,mI pr,unris ; to be well scrccned ❑ad dc- the estint me -bus, and no estimate cam be deposited in the. ,7th day of December, uSr,o, at which place and tract is awarded to the person making the estimate, they livered in such ,pointitics and in such parts of the sitsaid box until such check or money has been examined hour the}' will be publicly opened by the Commissioners will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his may be required in c pecifications, and ordered 1)rom by said officer or clerk :cod found to be coerce I All such of Taxes and Assessments, and the award for binding sureties for its f:athful performance ; curl that if he time to tints•, southuf 1':igbty-fourth street,to be subject deposits, except that of the s ucccssful bidder, will be said maps will he made by said Commissioners as shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, they will to such inspection as the Cc missioners may direct. and returned to the persons making the same, within three soon thereafter as possible. pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to meet their cep ,rural as to the yuallty, quantity', time (Iris aps after the rcontract is awarded. If the successful Any person making an estimate shall furnish the to which he would be entitled upon its completion and or neglect, within five days after and manner of rIclive ry in every respect. bidder .hall refuse same io a scaled envelope indorsed " Estimate for that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the ounce th:;t the contract has been awarded to hint, to Binding Block Index Maps," and also the name of the person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any lime' :,: rd of the: contract will be made Ins soon as j execute the same, the amount of" the deposit made by subsequent letting ; the amount to be calculated upon practic:able after the opening; of the bids. person making it, and the date of its presentation. film shcdl Inc forfeited to and retained by the City of New Each estimate shall contain and state the name and the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are Ni proposal will be considered un less ;mcompani ms lirluidated danl:r,ges for such neglect orrefusal ; tested. the consent, in writing, of two householders on free- ' York'Y place of residence of each of the persons making the it he shall execute ode coat race wir t t rntimeafore- same ; the names of ceII persons interested with hint or The consent last above mentioned must be iccom- holders of the City of New Yorl:, with their respective ssaid,theaid amount o1 his deposit will be u, mrtt m e a trac t panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of places of t,usiness or resiJcnec, to the effect them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, that if the I 'Sbould the person or persons to whom the contract the persons signing the same, that he is a householder contract be awarded unr!er that proposal, they ,.ill, on it shall distinctly state tha t fact ; also, that it is made tnay, be nw.arded neglect or refuse to accept the contract withotu any connection with any other person making or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the its being so awarded, become hound as sureties in ttithin five clays after written notice Eliot the same has an estimate far the same purpose ; and is in all respects amount of the security required for the completion of four thousand (54,020) dollars each, for its faithful per- been :[warded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or the contract, over and above all his debts of every lormance ; which consent must ire ccrifiem by the jnstifr fair, and without collusion urn fraud ; and that no member they accept but do not execute the contract and give nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, cation o; each of the persons signing the same for double of the Cummou Council, head of a department, chief of the I;ro 1 ,er security, he or they shall be considered a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer or otherwise, and that lie has offered himself as surety the amount of surety required. 'the odequacy and ntra it :cod e in default to the C a- n, c urt he co of I lie Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested in good faitlh with the intention to execute the bond sulhciency of such security to be approved by the istiou, curt the contras[ will be readvertts;d and reclatelict as Comptroller. therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, reuuired by law, provided iry law. or in any portion of the profits thereof. The estimate No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by No Lid or estimate will he received nr considered !>'idJrrsarc rrutfiout:f toesra rust L/te s/cufeatinns must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or either a certified check upon one of the State or National unless aecoril,nnied by either a certified sine-ck upon for ifarfictrl,;s ,/ the antic/i's, etc., reg:rirr•d, !•Core parties making the estimate, that the several matters banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order one of the National or >itat, banks of the Uhy of mug//,r;; Ntrir tsfinrrlrs, stated therein are in all respects true. Where more th:ut of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five New York, dr:,wn to the ,rrdcr of the Gmtpt roller, l;iddcrs will >tate the price for each article, by which one person is interested, it is requisite that the verifica- per centtuu of the amount of the security required for or mono}_, to the amot:nt nt lire per I.cnemn of the the Lids will Inc tested. tion inc made and subscribed by all the parties in- the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or am„wlt of the sc,vrity required for the Ltilhlill perform- Itidders rill write out the amount of their estimate in tcrested. money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope con- ance ,f the contract. Such check or moue}' must our addition to inserting the saute in figures, inch bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con- t:tining the estimate, but oust be handed to the officer be inclosed in the scaled envch,p, summoning the esti- I'ay ment will be nude by a requisition nit the l'omp- sent, Ili writing, of two hnuscholders or freeholders in or clerk of the Department who has charge of the In:ue, but most be hauled to the ,'lOc 'cm r,r clerk of the ter, dlcr, in accordance with time terms of the mutrac[, or the laity of Ncw• Yorlc, with their respective places of estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said Department who has charge of the ,estimate-box, and nn p'„t„ time to time, as the Commissioners may d ctcrrnine, business or residence, to the effect that if the contract box until such ctteek or money has been examined by estmtale cat Le depr,sited in said box until such check or kidders arc informed that un deviation from Lhe speei- Sc awarded tc the person making the estimate, they said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such mo„cy has ben examined by s"tirl o,hlccr ur clerk and be allowed, utiless under the written will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be found to be correct. fic:uions will All such deposits, except that of instruction of the Commissioners of Public Cha,ities sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall returned to the persons making the same within three the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons and Correction, omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the days after the contract is awarded. If the successful making the same within three clays alter the contract is N o bid or e:tim:ac will be accepted from, nr acontract Corporation any difference between the sum to which bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after awarded.If the s.lceusefin bidder h:Jl refuse or ;,ttarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Con- he would be entitled upon its completion, and that notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to neglect, within fuse Jays after notice that the contract which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by has been awarded to poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as him, to execute the same, the surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpo- person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of amount of the del, sit made by hirn shall be forfeited to ration. at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated The form of the agreement, including specifications, be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained' w}tich the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned time aforesaid, the amount of the deposit will be thn. contract within the execute time aforesaid, the at the office of the Department, shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writ- returned to him. amount of his deposit will he returned to him. Dated New Vomne, December 6, 189'. ing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS The hoard of Public I parities and Correction reserves HENRY H. PORTER, President, householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is RESERVES THE R1GH'1' TO REJECT ALL BIDS the rig ht to reject all bids if dccmee for the best inter- CHARLES E. SISI\IONS, M. D., Commissioner, worth the amount of the preliminary security required, RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WORK IF gists of the city, and no prnpns.J will be accepted from, EDWARD C. SHEEHY, Commissioner, and in the proposals stated, over and above all his debts HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF or a contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears Public Charities and Correction of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, THE CITY.

DLCE~IBE1d 15, 1890. THE CITY RECORD. 3987

cem S,'r 3I, tS,I, butte days in ,-1 :,ive, tvtl( be received Clank f.rm,of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes person making an estimate for the same work, and is in nntruct, ncer amt above all hi, dabs, r,f etcr}' nature, in which to inclose the sau,e, the specdieations and all respects fair and without collusion or frutd. That nn and over and ahoac Iris liabiliti.'s .,s bail, surety, or by the C o:mmio,iuncr of I' 'she, A1'nrk, ',1 the City of •.,, ut fucsd.ry, arreernents and any further inlorntation desired, can be member of the Cammun Council, head of a depeu'tmcur, otherwise, and that he has r,ffcrcol himself as surety in \cw Smirk, at his office, ,until 1- ,';. I'" obt.,incd at Roont ;, No. 30 bombers street. chief of a bonus, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or good faith, with the ,ntvuti,m to execute the hand rr.- I)_eember t , r-s ., ut which tine .unl 14-c the cstt- 'I'H(>6. F. I:I I.ROV, other officer of the Corporatiori, is. directly or indirectly yuired by law. mates received will hue pablicly uper,' I. Commis'tuncr of Public Works. interested in the estinutte is in the stork to tt'hich it No •stimat,: will be con' unb:ns accompanied Any hors in m- eking :,n estimate le,r th,r a',oee-men- relates or in the profits thereof. by either a certified check upon ore of the 'snoe or tinned supplies shall furnish the same in a scaled en- I )1:)'.ssi ex's' r,F' P:'CLIC 1\ (,RICu, Each estim:Ue nunet Ile verified by the oath, in writing, National banks of the City of Netc York, drtncu to 'cl ,pe al ,:,i ,l flit,., ut or I f,,re the d.n' rmd hour above Ci.a+nssrm:,ea's (fresco, of the party nc,king the same, that the leveed m:rtter., i the (order of the Cuo,ptruller, ur n,uney to the air uitut of named, which em'clopc elt.,ll be indorse, a Ill, the name Roost 6, Nn. 3, Cu.-»t rnRs Seaver, therein stated are true, and must be accompsuied Ly the five per centum of the a uuunt of the s_eurity required or n ,Ines of the person for per,on. I,rc,cuting the same, Nnty Yonfc, December it, t8vo. J consent, in suiting, of two householders or freeholders for the faithful periormance of the contract. such the d.,t^ r,f ii. presentation, and Sr statement of the a orb in the Citv of New York, to the effect that if the. ontract check or money must sine lie inch,ted in the scaled to whir i, it r-I:u.s. envelope conIalning the estimate, but must be his,: led h, FO lON"IRAC1'URS. is awarded to the person making the e,timnte, lhey „ill, (5,1, crs ae'' r",l uired to state in their esti mats their the officer nr clerk ,if time Dcp,,runcnt 11 Iu, has ri s,mu'ge d upon its being So awarded, heconte bound as his '-,reties i on— and place of residcnSED IN A said box until such check ur mnm_y has I-en ex.unincd iutcr -t_-d stills them thcr_tn, and if no auto per.'n he sc;Jed envelope, ,,//h Cyr r//al l Ili, aoork rrudtirr or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor- ,n inh•rc-tcl, th•y t II dt-tin tlt -stub,' time f,c[; ;ds',, B • l ,e . •he sum to which lie by said of icer or clerk and 1,,und to he c. erect, All =uch p; ,, „ r rider,'ix f„.o+ ,6 :/,',',',',,a. rr Len Net xul'rsm n! poration any diffcrcn :c,ct ccn t that it is, ttiti tt any ,In,n.ctiou with any 'other would be entitled upon its completion, and tiuu tt hich de buocitc except that of the successful bidder, will be flee is','.'/ as i,: 7Lsr a,Iz,rrti.rr'nrt,N, will be received at this returned to the persons urakinK time same within three per'',n makin;; ,ms' estimate hr the -:line purpose : and office until to o'clock at. Wednesday, Decemher 04, ,69o, the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the perswn to that it is in 'dl rc.pcc is c,ir, and wtths,ut toll—i'm or .'hum the cootrtrt shall be awarded at suit' suh.equcnt days after the contract is cr c:,rscd.It the succcodul at which place and hour they will lie publicly opened bidder sh;Ql refuse ,,rnrglect, t,ithin fire days :,(ter fr.unl , :,n,l .ml,v that m, mcmi,en n( the (_'',m,,,, iii C„uncil, by the head of the Dep:,rtment. letting ; the uutuunt to he calculated upon the est!nutteci head of a depurtntent, thief nI a Lurcuu, deputy' thereof arnuunt of the work by tv hi,h the bids are tested. notice that Ibe contract has heel, :y -ardcd to him to execute the same, tire am„tuft of the do p,,,it made by nr clerk inertia, r'r ', thcr ,diiccr,,f the I',,rp.,r,ttiou, is No. :. F iR FURNISHIN(: 1IA1'I/RIALS AND The consent last above mentioned mutt be accoin- biome tly or iudirrstly interested therein, ,,r in the PERT( )k\ll NU WORK IN Till'. FUR- punled by the oath orafrpoat,un. in writir,sg, ofeach of th-: him shall he furteited to and retained by the City of sunplics rsr w.,rk t,, which it relot_,, or its .any p'.rtion NISHINI; AN1) SP:'I' I IN(, 'OUR NW persons si;!ning the same, that he is it bnucebuldcr or Ne,, 1ark, :,s liquidated darn,,ges for such neglect or refusal, but if he ,hall execute the , mfr: ct within the 'f the ,r,dits t'tcre'd : whit It -,tiut.u•a< nt,u-t Is crrilic,l 'TL \ \I Ill )I I,I;R'. IN l ii I. NEW COURT- I reeholder in the City of New York, ,,nd is worth the II)' the "ath, in tvritinc, of the party nerkin, the HOCO,', C'I'.fV IIA1.f, PARK. amount of the security required Gar the completion of time afuresvid, the amoturt .d the dapu,it , ill he retarded If to hits. cstiu,atc, that the = mcr.,l tnnlLrs 'tt_d therein are No.=, 1K TAKIN(; I I''llHE I'AVI, IEN'ITNO\V the cwrtract, over and abmc all his debts of every to ail rc, IN I,IYER'I'V S'I'LELI', from Nassau nature, and over :uul above his liabilities as bail, surety, '11115 COAIIn11SSIONl/I( (Si” 1'CIILIC R'OPK", p'-r_t, true; %-here m, re than one person is RI•:,F:RYF:S'I.III RI(1IIT'I(1111:JIx:'f' 51,1, 1111; interested, it is royui-ire that tip', cerificati it be made street to a line about as, tent westerly, and or other,- ice, anti that he has offered himself ;,s surety and sub,crib-d by all the parties iutT'sted. I IFIII .\VI,NF'I'., from 'Thirty-sixth to in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond RI'.C1:1\'11,) I-(11{ .1N V I':1 R'I'IC(; I.,\ I{ \1"t )RI: II” 1'hirtt-s5 ccntt, stre^_t, and LAYING A reuuircd by lam'. 111/ DI?1•:/17 IT FOR TII F: L'F:S'I' IN'fERI(S1'a(Ih I';arh cstimnt-s shall be ac s,mtlamic,l by the consent, (IRA NI tE- BLOC Ii 1'AV I?\1F:N1', the No est mrstn will lie considered unless accompanied '1'11E CI'I'V. in writing, of cut'' is, uscbuldcrs or (redo'ldcrs of the Granite- blocks to be furnished by the Depart- by either a certified check upon ant of the State tsr (flank li,rnrs of bid or estimate, the proper envclupcs City„I Netc A'urk,:oith t/rr, .:./c', 1/''-/o/. mu-.'' bar irtrs.c terms of Public \York,. NatiomQ hanks of the City of New York, draw, to the in which to inol„se tin: s.mtc, tile -p,'cilir.nions a ltd rrn-r, to t!tc effect that if t!tc contract be ,,carded Xo. ,. I'tiR RI•aa'l..\11N(; .\ND I'A\'ING \I'IT1f order of the Comptroller, or money to the tunnunt r,f tire at; recmoets, ;l,(1 any 6trther inf srnt:tti uu daared, can Se t-~, thepersun ur ;n_ r.,un, rima1:inc; the sill, tll!y .%ill, „n it, :\SI'H:\L'1' I'AVF:\II:N'I' THE CAR- per cenum, of the antntmt of the security required liar ubt nincd nt Ruum t. ;r Ch:unb'rs street. bcin4 sr' ;rn'.trd._d, h_er,mc h sw,d -is hi, r th':ir sureties !:IAt t'W':(\' IIF 'I\V(':N'1'Y-N I'\TH the faithful Joel f-nuance of the conu'a,t. Such check rr TIIOS. F. GII.Rt1/, fur Its t:,itluitl pert o',e' ; and that if he nor they shall S1R I',!'. I', f,. ,m Fittli avenue to liroudwa'. e,, 1,5' not-t Not be inclosed in the sealed envclupc Csnnmissi..ocr d 1'ubhc A'nrk=. omit or r__fusc to cxee ate the same, misty trill pay to the No. a. Ptt1, '1' .AKIN(; UP :ANI) REt.AY IN(; 'I HI.. 'ontainin¢ the e'timnte, but must be handed to the Corp,,fati.m of the Cit}'r,I N,:w 1 'ark :my- rlitfercncc bc- PAV; iII' \'I' NOW IN ONE HI'NI)REI) officer ur clerk u( the Lleparuneut n ten has ch:u-ge of the Dm.rsR r.,tc>'.i r 1''. sUe Vt ,uses, I h,a:u tl tot Io w 6ir h he or they ,tv r,ld b- emitted ..1N1) SINFII 51'R1:I:1', from Lc,,.ington estimate-bos, and nu estimate can be dclmsited in said Cn•as:,s wst'o'; Ot , ter:. upon its eph_tinn, and that tchirit the cupid C.,r- as tout to East river. box until such ,:heck or money has been ex:unined by Roost 6, N,. 31 Cm, )Girt;,s SlRX.F:r, purati,iu may be obliged to pay to the per,.m trust' is mlii N - 1., 1I{ TAKING U1' ANI) REI,-APING THE said officer or clerk ouch found to he correct, All such Noss S-u tS lute 1:5TlMAlES, INCL Oil':D IN .5 p:utisd by- the,"ath ,.r.dlirm:rti'm, in tc ritiq„ nl each ''l 'I'V1'1•:S I'I It tell SI'RF:EI, lion, tir:cnnd to notice that the contract has been awarded to bin, to scaled curclopc, vvr'fl l4, fitly n' ,'t, ,,''r/,' au/ the the person, vi:gninq th,' same, that he is :t le,uscholder B „r freobs,lder ill the City of N,'w York, and is tr„rtb 'Third :,tome; ((NI. HC:NI)RI':I) AND execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him n,rrnr 'is' f.:r lidfrr / -,,ors,,/l;r, r,„u, r,L, , t/e auuria's rj TR'I:N fY-I IIIRU st RI•:PI', ru,,, First to shall he forfeited to and retained by the City of New the work is f¢- rr%r"'rfisr,aut, trill be rcccieed at itrcua, nt n, .,nity:u realm's, fur d,c c"mplcli i-ccund ❑venue, amt ONE H(/NURED York, as liyuid.tted dama,cs fix su,:h neglect or refusal ; this otrme until 1¢ o'clock vt. oil 'Tuesday, I (ecemher t6, o f time c.~ nunpct and ,tatcd in the,rut m,al~ user and :\NU 'I\VKV'I'5 Ii tt%I(TII tit RI/El', front hilt if he >h:dl esecut,- the,. ,,utr;uct within the time sphere- eSyo, at which piece :md hour they trill be publicly :doc,viI ahis debts of everyn -ure~,u 'p./,t o/ 'rrur ,f r /r,.' "ecerth to I .ighth 5,5',, mine. said, the ,,mount of it deposit will I c returned to him. opcncci I,,' the had of the Del ortincnt. !r!s'r, er r(h ri/ ,r i /r :oi• r that Its has oft'.r,tI him. 1f .us a surety in cciii t nth and with an in- \c.• 1O1: 7'AKINU L'1' ANU RELAYING l'HI•: THE ('()AtAI IS'ION I•,R 10' ('Chi IC WORKS No, r. l•OP. A1,I1:R:A'TUN .ANU IA1PRO)VI, VIEA"T YAVLAIItN 1' notv in the folluwina mooed ILESERVI•:S THI•: RI( ;HT DI RI',lF:C'l' A1.1, BIDS toad.,, to execute the b„ml required by l:ur. The 'trier', UAI:III,NItR1.DANU'fA1I. 'I't) Sl-:Wi:R IN LU1>L')VV STR1:I-.1', be- ad pr,cv and .:uli i •n :t of the xc unity , fl- red will he \TV- RECKIVE1> bolt ANY PV{'l'!CF.'i.A l{ 510(4( IF r,e,'en I )cl:mrev and ],roonv- st eets. S: YIN ill SIRF:1.1',from'i.cth to"evcntb, HE I )F:1:AlS I'1' FOR 'FH F, Bl;S l' lA'l l-:RI(r'1S OF —1,iect. 1 5 approval bs the C umptr 41st ,d the City of .,nd from `cvenlh to ! ighth nrcrose (IN I'. '1'iHE CITY. No. a. FOR EX'1'1':NSi')N OF SE\VER IN N,-sr 5',nk. HUNI (RI I) AND 'I'\\'I:NI'Y-I:IGH'L'll thumb f,,rms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes IW'IN'l'Y-E1(;II ill HI', 1)ctwscn +hah to:,, e an dlumin:rtine pn •.:r of not le-, 51141'. L' I', treIn Sc situ to Lexington avcnuc it, which to inclose the s.mte, the specifcatiuns and lust ricer end ('iv',; avenue, ,,',nnec ti ng with th:u, 'i-ditc, n amdh:, when tested :,t : dist.rncc r.f not '(NI': IIUNI)RI?U AND 'tWEV'tY- agreements, and ;my further information desired, can be present s_swcr built by Dcparunc put 'b Docks, I--so darn un•: mils front the plucc „f m.mruacture, on this F'I ;il-flI SI-R1':1.1. (rum Sixth to tict,.nth obtained at Room 15, No. ;t Chaol (iv rs street. No, 3• FOR SEll ER IN FIRST :1VENI:I•:, hctween impro, ed form of time L'unscn I 'his.' ntcb•r, by it ~u~g venue, and ((NI, HUNDREII AN I) '11105. r`. Gtl,l.1 ) v, Furty-Fourth ;unit Furry-fifth .u'c ets. Lethel v t: pule arg:md l,urner, c;dcubaecl on a cnn- 'i'HIR'l'l'-( IRS'(' S'1'Rlail', front Sixth to Cam nil ssioncr of Public \1"orks. No.;. F0I1 SF:WF:R I\ SEVENTY - NIN'1'II sumptiun of five cm/i,: feet of gas per hour. 'fhe reuttdc;r Seventh %acme." tu1'RE1•'P, between Itotth•vard and Anutcr- duly test,, h„wever, is- ill he maeie with a Intrncr rusts ill li::c h c ettmate must contain the snide and place of I IFt'.soTMC', EN'r or I'Fu,.tc AVORKS, dam a—l— ,,i,t,in f'n,m the gas the ,rent—t ,ounumu of light, and resEt, ncc of the person making the saint, the mates of 1 I,I 1sstocFln's Oat:,, B, No.5. FOR SEWE R S IN ONE HUNDRED :1ND pr,,cticahle for us, 1L}' tin-: consumer, and co nsi:nrimrg ar all persons interested tritb hint therein, and if no other Ni,, 3t Cm:vnua's STart--u SIX I' F:I':.N'l' H "'iV{EF:-r, bctwcen .\mstcr- Use rate of five cui,ic feet rd gas per hour. 'I' he testing person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact. NEo Yr,rc, December ., 1890. dam aee•nue and \torn ingside avc lie, West, c:mdlc shall be of sperm of six to the pound, and con- ]'host it is made without any connection with any outer tonne-_tin•„ s, ith present sewers in said suuting. a, near as possible, one hundredand twenty person ,taking an estimate for the same work, and is in UI;LIC NOI'ICE IsHERE1fY GIVEN 'I'IIAT avenues. ,train., nl ,Imrntaceti pr h„ur, and uu candle shall 6c all re sp'-cts fair and without collusion or fraud. '('hat no P it petition of the property owners, with m:tp and No. 6. UOR Sh:AVER IN OSF: HUNDRED AND u s„d thr testing which consume. Ic-s tktn one hundred member of the Common Council, head of a department, and plan, tun' changing the grade of Inmd I-orrace so SIXTY-NINTH 5 I'll EIl', bootee, Amster- and 1',., rtccn or inure than nruc Lundred :utd twenty-six chief vi a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or that it will cnniorm faith the pr-ent grndc of Sylvan dnnt and Eleventh :uenues. ,grains of spermaceti per hour. And ;is regards purity, outer nllicer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly place, is now peudin,g befurc the Common Council, F:;tch e-tincuc mu,t contain the name ,,,it place of the gas sb:dl b: Irce, within limits not inittriutt, to the interested in the estinnue, or in tIre work to which it re- All persons interested in the abo,-e change n; grade, re'idence of the person undoing the s:une, the ramie, of public health, from ammonia, sulphuretcd hydrogen, lates or in the profits thereof, and having ohje,:tions thereto, arc requested to present all person: intere-,ted with film therein, and if no Other and other sulphur and noxious compound,. Ea.!, cctimate must lie c critierl by the oath, in writing, the same, in writing, to the undersigned, Commissioner per.ou be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact. to ol'Puhlic Works, at his Office, No. 31 Chambers street, Kidders ;ire required state in their cstimatec the of 0-.r ,.arty ,taking the saute, that the several matters That it i, made witho'. tt any connection with coy other several ntarkcte, armories, buildings and edicts to which there:: zt•,tc,l are true, and must lie %camp;urieil by the New York City, nn or before: the tyth day of I lecember, person making all estimate for the ,once work, and i, in Else)' propose to supply and the illumimrtin 8qo. R:,•, .g power Con-cm, 5. mu tc ritm4, of two householders or freebulders ;dl respect; fail- and without 'nllusinn or fr:md. '('hut of the ga-s they propose to furnish. in the City of Nvi, York, to the effect that if the con- 'the map, showing the present and the proposed no nteml,cr ul the Cnnmtuu Council, head of it deperrt- tract is awarded to tIre person making thecstimute, they grades can he seen at the office of the Chief Clerk, ment, chief of a bureau, slot,.sty thcrcuf, or r 1, rk Iluddcr.s are also required to state one definite and die. will, upon its being so :ncarded, become bound as his Room y, No, 3t Chambers street. therein, or other o ficer of the Corporation, i; directic tinct price for each thousand cubic feet of gas furnished sureties for its faithful performance ; and that it lie shall Respectfully, or indirectly interrStcd in the estimate or in the work to 'whether the quantity he rm,re ur less) to each sir any of refuse or ncele,:t to cxcrntc the same, they will pay to '1110s F'. GI (ROY, which it relate- or in the profit, thereof. the fullnwin.g puhli': markers, armories, buildings and the C' rl,orat ion any Iitf,r,nce between the sum to Commissioner of Public Vorks. Each e,tim:rtc must lac verified by the oath, in trriting, olfi,:es of the cite, :md thix price must be written uttt in which he would Ise entitled upon its eomp!etiun and that of the party making, the same, that the several matters fall, and also inserted in figures, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC \N,IRICS, therein stated are true, and must he accompanied by the which the Curpuration may be obliged io page to the \\'%shin;,t*,n Market. CostAu5,I,,NFR'F 0,,' ice. I~ consent, in writing, of two huusebulders or freeholder, in person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any ( atharinc -, suhsequen t letting ; the amount tr, be calculated upon Room 6, No. ,r Cu,su'Ers S-coEor, the City of New York, to Elie effect that if the contru,'I is NEW YO RCR, December 3, t8yo. awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, Foltnu t l,e e-timmed autouut of the work by trhici, the bid are 1?s,ex •• upon its heat;; so :ncarded, become bound as his sureties toted. Ccntr< "It's consent l:,st above mentioned must be accom- TU CONTRACTORS. for its faithful perfurm:uice ; and that if lie shell refuse or neglect In execute the sane, they will pay to tire Cur- Clinton panicd I-v the ualh or atlirntatioa, in writing, of each of Union poration any difference between the sun, to sob ich he the persons signing the =nmc, that be is it huuscltolder IDS OR ESTI\IA'I'ES, INCLOSED IN A '1'antpkins •. would be entitled upon its cnmpletiun and t! at which or freeholder in the City of Ncw Yurk, :ntd is north the B sealed envelope, milk t/rr /11/,' o/ tke error& amid the Jefferson amount of the security required for the completion of the nrrnrr ''/ t',, 1 i,/r/tr' irdnrs, it fherrnrr , Telco Ih,' rru,ula'r n/ the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to contract, occr and above all his debts of overt/ muure, (/rr ,,,,1r/,• n.r !u MGr ride v:'isrrr,'u.', will be received :it whom the rnntruct shall he awarded at aim subsequent First I tistrict Police Court and User and above In. liabilities as bail, surety, or this office until so o'clock nt. un Tuesday, Dceemhcr t6, letting ; (Inc amount to he calculated upon the estimated 'second -. others' ise, and that lie has offered Itim.,elf :I, surety in r8 u•, in ,chick place a td hour they trill be publicly :unnunt of the work by u- hirh the bids :ire tested bird good f„ith, with the intention to execute the bond re- apened by the head of the I)epartmnent. l'hu cnnscot last above meat luncd must Imo acrnm- I.mrtb •. .. quired lay lawtw. p:mied by the oath or ;dfirmatiun, in ,criting, of each ul Fifth No, t. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH Sixth No estim:ue will be considered unless accnnlpamed by ASI'HALl' PA\F.\lltN'r, 11N TIIE the persons signing the s:uue, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of Pu'cc. York, and is worth the either a certified check upon one of the State or National I'RESF.N'l' ',TONF:-BLOCK PAVh:11111NI', F'ir.r I )i-tri,_t Civil Court. amount of the security required for the completion of banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order THI? CARRIAGEVVAY OF SIX'I'Y.eJX'I'H Second .. .. the contract, oeer and ab''vu all his debts of every o: fife Comptroller, nr money, to the amount of live 'shRI•:ll l', from Lexington to 'Third avenue, Fourth '. .. nature, and over and above his liabilities as hail, surct,•, per centum of the amount of the security required for and SIXTY-SI•:VF:NTH S'1REET, front Fifth or otherwise, and that lie has offered himself :t, surety the faithful performance of the contract. ruck check or I.cxington to Third avenue. Sixth money must Nor be inclosed in the sealed envelope con- in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond No. z FOR REGULATING; AND PAVING WITH 1•:ighth taining the estimate, but must be sanded to the officer required by law. Ninth AS1'HAL1' PAVEVIF:N 1', ON CONCRETE No estimate will he considered unless accompanied by or clerk of the Department ,,ho has charge of the Tenth •• •' F0UNUA hi) )N, TIP.. CARR1:1G1/WAY either it certified check upon one of the State or National estimate-box, and no estimate can lie deposited in said Clock, Third District Cslrt-haute loser. box until such check or mouev has been examined by OF SIX I'Y- I HIRD ,TREEF, from :.lads- hanks of the City of Netie York, dreu'n to the order said officer or clerk and found to he correct. All such son to Fifth ;nveoue. of the Cumlxro!ler, ur mnncy, to the antuunt of Tice Armory, Seventh Rcgmtcu[. deposits, except that l,1 the successful bidder, will be No. 3. FOR '!'AILING UI' AND REI•A\ING THE per ccntunt of the amount of the sacurity required for I'i„htlt returned to the persons making the same within three I'AVI/AIEN I' NOW IN SIXTH AVL:A'UE, the faithful performance of the contract. Such chock Ninth days after the contract i; awarded. If the successful from Fifty-ses'enth to Fifty-ninth street. or money must cur be inclosed in the scaled dice 'lie '• 'I\velfth '• bidder '-hall reht,e or neglect, within five days after No, a• FOR 'PARING UP ANI) RELAYING THE containing the estimate, but must lie handed to the 'Twenty->ccond Regiment. notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to PAVF,III1EN'1' now in t!te follotcing- officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of Sixty-sumoth .. exec ate the sane, the amount of the deposit snide by named streets : ONE IIUNDRF:11 .1\D the cot imatc-box, and no estimate can he deposited in Scvcutr-first '. him shall Ile forfeited to and retained by the City of '1'1V1•.LF('Fl SIR l•:E"L, Iron Third to said box until such check or money has been examined First Battery Artillery. New, York as liquidated damages for such neglect or Lexington avenue ; ON 1/ H UNDREII by said officer or clerk end hand to be correct. All Second ' '• reds-sit : but if he shall execute the contract within the AND FIFTEENTH SI-RiET, from such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will Troop "A," No. 1,0 West Fifty-sixth street. time atoresaid, the amount of the deposit will be Fourth to Lexington avenue; ONE IfUN- be returned to the persons maki n); the same within Re~istcr's Office, returned to him. DREII AND EIIGHTEEN'I'll SI'RI•:F:1', three days alter the contract is :warded. If the suc- City Record Itnok Bindery. cessful bidder .shall refuse ar neglect, within fic-e d:,ys THE C'()\I11LS51f)NER OP PUBLIC \VORKS from Fourth to Lexington avenue ; ON 1/ Court of ipcci.d Sessiuus. RESERVES THE RIGI111'1) REJECT ALI, BIDS HUNDI{EI) AND 'I'\VI?NI IF; I'H after notice that die contract has been awarded to him, to Ncw Cunrt-house. execute the stone, the amount of the deposit made by RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WORK IF SI' REV'1', from Lexington to Madison nve- Brown 'Ions (Court-room; Ctlilding. HE DEEMS I'I' FOR '[111/ LEST INTERE,I'S OF nue, and ONJ; HUNI)RI•:D AND him shall be forfeited to and retained by time City of City Ifall. THE CITY. 'I'R'F.N- I'Y-SF:C(>N D STREET, from Fourth New, York as liquidated damages for such m„leet or Cnrparattun Counsel's Odicc. Blank form: of hid or estimate, the proper envelopes to Lexington avenue. refusal ; but if tic shall execute the contract within the Corporation :\tturncy's t )Vice. in which to inclose the same, the specification', and time ufnres.,id, the amount of Eh,; dcposiI s:'ill be Each estint:ue must contain the mane and place of 1 )(flee of Public .-ldmini-tcuur. agreement, and any furtbcrinforutxtion desired, can be returned to Itim. Office of lewd of :Assc,,,,r,. residence of the person malting the saute, the names of all obtained at Room t„ No. 31 Chamber-, street, 'IUIV C(»IJli-oIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ( lflseo of Dep:n'ttnc'nt of I 'mil !ic Work.. persons interested with hint therein, arid if no other per- 'PROS. F. GILROY, REST:RVI•:5 lllb: RI(;IlI'll) RI/JI•:CI' AI•I. BIDS 011ice of 1 lcpartment uf' faxes. son lie so interested it Shall distinctly state that fact. Commissioner of Public \Yorks, RF:CI•:IVF:D FOR ANN' PARI'ICUI,:AI{ VA'r)RK IF Dog Pound, 1':nst ((tie Hundred and Second street. That it is made without any connection with any other ]II•: [(ELMS II' f'OR'1'111•. IllCs-l' IS'1'F:RI,Sl's (IF' Commn Jail,. person making an estimate for the same work, cad is in ail E CI IN. C'orpurati„n Yard, Fast

Public Bath, foot of Fforatiu street, N. R. SUPREME COURT. In the matter of the application of the Board of Street t'ARCEt, "A." 'hwenty-ninth street, N. R. f )pening and Improvement of the City of New York, Beginning at a point in the western line of Webster 'I hirty-sev„nth street, F:. R. In the matter of the application of the Board of Street for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- avenue, distant 782.84 feet northerly from the inter- Fiftieth street, N. R. ( (henna and Improvement of the City of New York, monalty of the City of New York, relative to the section of the northern line of Burnside avenue with the ” •• Fifty-first street, F. R. for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- opening of ONE HUNDRED AND 'l'WFNl'IETII western line of Webster avenue. Seventy-cicirth stroet, F. R. monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir- S rREF:T, front 'Tenth avenue to the Broadway 1st. Thence northerly along the western line of •' One If undred and 1 welfth street. ing title wherever the same has not been heretofore Boulevard, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New Webster avenue for 5t,uz feet ; E.Ii. acquired to EAST O\F HUNDRFD AND'IHIR- York ad. Thence westerly, deflecting tot' 3o' on" to the One Hundred and 'Thirty-first 'I'Y-SECOND STREET although not yet named by left for x59.17 feet ; stroet, N. R. proper authority;, extending from Locust avenue to 3d. 'Thence southerly, curving to the left on the arc One I lundred and '1 hirty-eighth Brook avenue, in the 'I'sventy-third Ward of the City OTICF, IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE RILE, of a circle whose radius, drawn through the western street, F. F. of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid N of costs, charges and expenses, incurred by Photometrical Room, I:awcry and Grand street. reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, extremity of the preceding course, forms an angle of out and designated as a first-class street or road by 53 Seventy-ninth street. the Department of Public Parks, will he presented for taxation to one of the Justices of r n og't northerly with said course and is 2,5o0.o feet Offices of N.Y. City Civil Service Board. the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the for 50.09 feet; County Court-house at the City Mall, in the City ofNew 4th. Thence easterly for 25.98 feet to the point of the amount of security required is g2r,,ren, but the O'T'ICE IS IIEREBYGIVEN THAT THE Bill, York, on the 2?d day of I )ecember, nap ,, a,t to.3o beginning. same may he reduced at the optim of the Mayor, Alder- N of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason men and Commonalty of the City of New York, if an of the proceedings in the above entitled matter, will be o'clock in the forenoon of that day-, or as soon thereafter PARCEL " B." as counsel can he heard thereon ; and that the said bill award for a portion is made warranting a ie, amount presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Su- Ilcginning at a point in the eastern line of Webster preme Court, at the Chambers thereof in the County of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the security. office of the Department of Public Works, there to avenue, distant 2,483.97 feet southrely from the intersec- 'I he award of the contract, it awarded, will he made Court-house at the City Hall, in the City of New York, tion of the southern line of Fast floe Hundred and on the 24th day of I tecember, rho, , at to.3o o'clock in remain for and during the space often days. a, soon as practicable after the opening of the bids. Dated New Yomx, December to, 1890. Eighty-fourth street with the eastern line of Webster the forenoon of that day, or ;is -iron thereafter as coon. avenue. Ni, estimate will he received or considered unless set can be heard thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, 1)ENIS A. S('1?LLI"SY, Chairman, accomlmmed by either a certified check upon one FRANCIS A. hi \RI)LN, tst. ']'hence southerly, along the eastern line of \Veb- charge. and expenses has been deposited in the office of ster avenue for 5nu feet ; of the State or National honks of the City of New FRANCIS RIEDEL, the Department of Public Works, there to remain for 2d. ]'hence easterly, deflecting tot° at' nn" to the York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money Commissioners. and diming the space of ten days. left for ra, .78 feet ; to the amount of five per centum at the amount I rated NEW' Voete, December t2, rSgo. CARROLL BERRY, Clerk. of the security required for the faithful performance 3d, 'I hence northerly, deflecting 8t' eat oott to the JAMES L. WELLS, left for 50.57 feet ; the contract. Such check or money most nor be In the matter of the application of the Board of Street JOHN CONNELLY, 4th. 'thence westerly, for 318.34 feet to the paint of inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate Opening and Improvement of the City of Nese York, TI10S. J. MII,LF:R, beginning. but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart- Commissioners. for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- ment who hasccharge of the Est int:nc-hox, and no JOHN P. Dens, Clerk. monalty of the City of New York, relative to the PARCEL r C." estimate can he deposited in said box until such check openigg of DYCKMAN STREET', from Kingsbridge Beginning at a point in the western line of 'Third or money has been examinerl by said officer or clerk In the matter of the application of the Board of Street mad to Exterior street, in the 'Twelfth \b'ard of the avenue, distant 198.08 feet northerly from the intersec- and found to be correc . All such deposits, except that Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, City of New York, as the same has been heretofore tion of the northern line of Tremont avenue with the of the successful Lid rler, will he returner] to the persons for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- laid out and designated as a first-class street or road western line of Third avenue. making the same within three clays :after the contract is monrdty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring by the Department of Public Parks, rst. Thence northerly, along the western line of awarded. lithe succeeclitl bidder shall refuse or neglect, title wherever the same has not been heretofore Third avenue for 50.04 feet ; within five d;tys after notice that the contract has been acquired, to I' AST ON' HUNDRED ANT) '1IIIR- ed. ']'hence westerly, deflecting 87 5o' 3011 to the left awarded to film, to execute the same, the amount of the 'IY-'1'Hlltll SI'RF:b:T although not yet named by- for 402.30 feet ; deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained proper mrthority , extending from the westerly- line OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL 3d. 'thence westerly, deflecting t' 4o' oo'r to the left by the City of New York, as liquidated d:-rcages for of I .oeust avenue to the easterly line of 't rinity or N of costs, charges and expenses incurred by for t0.03 feet ; such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the con- Cypress avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, 4th. ]'hence westerly, deflecting t= gzt 23tt to (lie right tract within thetime aforesaid, the amoturtof his deposit of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of for 044.03 feet ; will be returned to him. and designated as a first-class street or road by the the Supreme Court, at the Ch:unhers thereof, in the 5th. Thence southerly, deflecting go' 031 4ot' to the I Iepartment of Public Parks. County Court-house, at the City Hall, in the City of loft for 50.0 feet. The right is revere crl, when an e.timate is made con- New York, on the and day of December, t8go, at m.3o taming bids 5,r supplying gas to oils or more of the 6th. Thence easterly, deflecting 89' g6l zort to the left o'clock in the forenoon of that d:ty,oras soon thereafteras markets, -trmorie', buildings, offices, etc., as aforesaid, UTICF: IS HEREBY GIVEN THA'1' 1'HE for q.l.t.z; feet ; bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by counsel can be heard thereon ; and that the said bill of 7th. 'Thence easterly, deflecting t" 52t 231' to the left. to accept from such co-timatc or bid so much thereof as N costs, charges and expettscs has been deposited in the reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled mutter,_ for 60.03 feet t may be the lowest in resp' ct to cant particular market office of the Department of Public Works, there to re- armory, building or office as afrrrccaid, :aid to reject will be presented for taxation to one of the lustices of 8th. 'I hence easterly, for 424.31 feet to the point of main for and during, the space of ten days. the rawainder of such c.t imate or 1,id which may not be the `upremc Court, at the Chambers Cheroot to the beginning. County Court-home at the City Ball in the City of Dated New Ynec, Ilccentberg tlgo. the lowest as aforesr, hi. I lie contract for lighting any 1(111 N' AVH,ALI:N, Chairman East One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street is a particular tm,rket, armor%, building, office, etc., lift New Vork, on the 24th day of l)ecembcr, nSoo, at CIIARLf'S STR.A(ISS, street of the first-class from I'iebuut avenue to Wash- be :nvurdcd, if awvarckrl. to the law sit bidder rm the toss o'clock fn the forenoon of that day, or as soon ington avenue, and of the third-class from Washington thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon ; and that JOHN H. Kl rCHF:N, lighting of each particular market, armory, building Commissioners. to Third avenue. office, etc. the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been CARROLL llrxut , Clerk. And as shown on certain maps filed by the Com- Binders are informed that no dcviatien from the speci- deposited in the office of the Department of Public mi,sioncrs of the 1 )epartntcnt of Politic Parks in the fieati„nc will he :dlowed, unless a written permi .sign \\" orks, there to remain for and during the space of ten office of the Register of the City alit County of New days. In the matter of the application of the ('ounscl to York, in the rube of the Secretary of State of the State shall have been previously obtained from the Commis- the Curpnration of the City of New York, for and sioner of Public Works. Dated Nines' YORE, December rz, thou, of New York, and in the I tepartntent of Public Parks. lAb11i5 L. \VF:LE.S, in behalf of the 111ayor, Aldermen :ltd Commonalty Dated Nett Yuri., Ucccmber 3, x890. 7h._ right is also reserved to discontinue the lighting JOHN CO NNFI,LY, of the City of New Yorlc, under :ltd in pursuance WILLIAM H. CLARK, of any of the public markets, armories, buildings, lilt )5. J. MILLER, of chapter 4'16 of the laws of 1S'5, to acquire title, offices, etc., to which gas shall lie famished, if at any Counsel to the Corporation, Commissioners. wherever the same has not been heretofore ac- No. 2 'Tryon Row, New York City. time gas should not be required in any such public JouN P. Dt'NN, Clerk, quired, to that part of 'I'WI?LFIH AVENUE ex- market. armory, building or ulllcc. tending from Seventy-ninth street to (hie Hundred 7'he right to dedinu all estimates is rc•srved, it In the matter of the application of the Board of Street and'I'wenty-ninth street, in the Twent) -seeond:utd In the matter of the application of the Board of Street deemed for thy_ intcrc

to its at our office, No. aoo the State of New York, in and for the First Department, ing from about 8 feet to about 168 feet westerly of the t st. I h, noe ,,,I therly, along tire cistern line of llruad- I in writing, ddy vcrified, westerly line of Edgecombe road, excepting front said ,v:r} fn ,r , feet ; Bruachc:cp Ififti, tl.,,r , in the saidcity, on nr before the to he he d at the Chambers of said Court, in the County we, the s:,id Court-horse, in the City of New York, on the rgth day area all the streets, avenues and road,, or portions •d. 'thence easterly, deflecting y. to the left for - twentieth cloy ul Uccemer, r4Vin. and that ' nrrs, will hear p.vnes s, ubjecliug within thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unini- 51 t.'4 feet; of December, :89n, at the opening of the Court on that s.,id twentieth clay Iii day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard proved land included within the lines of streets, avc- qd..1 hcncc easterly, deflecting t8 -8' 5o" to the right rite ten seoek r!:,}'s r:ext after the nues, roads, public squares and places shown and laid for 3r2.(6 he'll; I Icccm Scr, no ., and for thus purpose ueuul tie io attend thereon, for the appointment oft Commissioner of Esti- of said ten drys at four mate in the above-entitled proceeding in the place and out upon any map or slaps filed by the Commissioners 4th. '1l :coca easterly, deflecting 6 o;' nc' to the right elate _,t r,ur -aid office on c: ach of the Department of I 'uhlic Parks, .pursuant to the for 88,r-; feet ; u 'cnck r. It. stead of John J. 5canne11, resigned. nd our ,aid estimate and Dated Now Yutte, November on, provisions of chapter 604 cf the Laws of t874, and the 5th. "I hence =outheast,rly, curving to the right on the : Second—"I hat the ah-tract fates amendatory thereof• or of chapter qm of the T-aws arc of a circle- l:mgcnt to the precc ding course, w'husc a"cs,mcnt, tugcthcr with our damage mud b_nctit map;, WILLIAM H. CLARK, other docu- of t8£a, as such area is shown upon our hencfit map radius is - feet fire 4 ).9 8 Ivet ; and also all the :diidavit,, e-tintntcs :utd Counsel to the Corporation, been No. z'1 ryon Row', New York City. deposited as aforesaid. Iri,, Thence snuthcrly, nn :t tille tangent to the pre- meats tt,ed ley u, ill nnikin-' nor report, have Fourth-- I'llat our report herein will he presented to ..ding course for 33}.,ig feet ; depa.ited with thy_ Cnmmi,.toner ,f Puidic Works of the the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a 7th. 'Thence southwesterly, cursing to the right nn (-ity of New Yurk, at hi, utiice, No. I, I ham burs,treet, In the matter of the application of the Board of Street the ttrcnty-first Opening and I mproreruc nt of the ('it y of New York Special 'Perot thereof, to be held atthe C haml;era the arc rd a circle tangent to the preceding course, w Lose In the said airy, there to remain until for and on behalf of the 11avur, Aldermen and Com- thereof, in the County Court-bosa_, in the City nt radius is goo feet fur 3z6,n1 feet, to a point of reverse rim of I lecentber, 16, . benefit monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring New York, on the ^3d day of January, IS ),, at the curve; Thirst-'I'h:,t the limrts of our assessment lot include :dl those Ito, pieces or par, Is of Land, situate, title, ---,lieruver the saute ha, not been heretofore opening of the Court nn that day, and that then aesi 8th. 'Thence southwo-terly, on the are of a circle acquired, to ff ATil•ESI RIYkif'I FRR.ACE!althottgh there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard 'use radius is 413.9+ fe•_t for 345.62 feet, to In point of Ivii_ and being in the City of Nc-.+- l-„rk, wbi.:h, taken thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be reccrse curve: tugcthcr, tuneb,,uuded and dcscrihemi as follows, not yet named by pruper authority), extc nding from One Cedar avenue to I ordham road, in the "I"seenty-fourth confirmed. 9th,- Thence southerly, oil time arc of a circle whose sic.: N,'rtherly Ly the s- ,uthcrly line of 11'est I lundred and 'l'hirti_tb -tr„et and the southerly title of 11'ard of the City of Ness York, as the saute has been I rated Now YtRr:, November 24, t&yo. radius is r,6', feet for 337.87 feet, ton point of rev-erse line of 1711.1:1:R'I M. SIII-:IR, Ii+., Chairman, carve; I \l;lnb:n :iri sir,-ct ; et-terly be the westerly heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class Ituuh:v:rr(I I,r I',hce .rims tcesterly line of street or road by the Department of Public Parks. R'llslatA1T N. ARSlS'l'RONG, nth. 'I hence southerly, en the :ire of a circle w}tos_' nth :n• sum the C()NRAD 1I. NSIYTII, radius is ✓, 161 fe-_c for 513.116 feet ; A1 •_.t F:nd :lvcucc ; ... utilerl, 'ny tit, unrtln rly line of Contmi--ioners. r'Ilt. 'l'hu,cr• c,totcrl}, anlnliug the r'tdins of the pro- 11Y'-ttics-, atvninth -its' t ; :oat wcstorl} by the east- my line ''I l.tnds , t the N si 1urk , cntr.d and Hudson E.THE UNIIERSIGNEII l'U\I\IIS'SIONERS C +nl:ot.l. I;nnRRo', Clerk. cedingr cr,,u-,, d thn u._t h it, sn: dtcrn extrcntit}' for W of ICstimatc and Assessment in file ahove- i5.37 felt : - Riser Contpan} from West 5twenty-ninth entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- In the matter of the application of the Ponrd of Street math. 'l'It,:sec snutheastcrly, c:urinti to the left ou time street Ill 'A cot (Inc Ili rhreri ,ud I mcnty-ninth street, ested in this proceeding and to tire n vncr or owners, t)pcuina and I niproventcnt of the City of New York, arc of a circle ++hnmc radius, dra+vn (rum site ca-tern es- and time hi:,h +c:ucr line Ill the f In•Imun ri+-,-r front Nest occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and for:utd on I -half of the Mlay'or, tlderm en and Cum- trentity of the prccading course, dcllects _t 4- ' ,';” to t )rte llundred and I'.l ant}'-ninth street to \\ cot One improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to mon.dty of the City of NeseNew York, relative to the the left from its prolong.It ion and is _1.41 Feb or Hundred ;utd "I hirti_th str•_,:t ; excepting trust said all others whom it may concern, to wit : opcnim, of ONE HUNURI•:D .\ND SI-:YENII- t7t o6 f,,et ; area all the strc•_ls, avenue-•. and road,, ,.r put Lions First- l hat we have completed our estimate and TllI RI ) FIRER I', from Tenth a,enue to the Kirtgs- ,,tit. I hence easterly, nn it line tan cut to H:c pre- thereul, hcn_turi,re le-,ally , lieu. d, as such :urea is assessment, and that all per,ons interested in this pro- ccdin'g course, for 66.27 feet ; oh„wn upon out' bcnctit nt.,p dcilosth:d :is adore-aid. ',ridee road, in the l'we".fth Wttrd of the City of Now ust to ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and York. t fth. Thence northeasterly, dcllcctim, rS, l ” nl - I ourth—'1'h:rt utu- rinsee t hcrcin scull be I,r-n-cited having objections thereto, do present their said obi,-ctians the left for .16, 2, feet, to the southern till, III;ilcs pLtce ; I the Supreme (.'„art of the venue if New lurk, at ;I in writing, duly verified, to its at our otilcc, No. z8o 15th. "I hence wasted}, un the :arc of ., cir,le t+'hi, his pcei.,l I sharer,:; to, Inc bcld ut the Clrnnl,er, thereof, Broadway Room 4', in said city, on or before the roth E, 7'llhill:UN1)EISS1t;NEl) Cl)MMI.,SIt)NItcrly, dellccting y8' 13' 31" to Public 'Works, for and on behalf of the Alayor, Abler- Opening and I mproventent of the City of Nosy York, occupant or o,cu pmts of all houses and lots and e the ]eft for m47.4 feet to tine eastern line of Burnside men and Commonalty of the l ity of Ncw York, for and oil behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- i,uprovcd or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to ❑ relative to the opening of F.I(1WCOMBI•: R(IAD, venue ; unitedty of the City of New, York, relative to acquiring all others whom it may concern, to wit : 3d, thence southerly along the eastern line of liurn- from one Hundred and Fifty-Illth street to fine title, whcrcvcr the same his not been heretofore ac- First—That We have coutplctcd our estimate and Hundred and Seventy-fifdr street, in the Twelfth s:de avenue for 'u ye feet quired, to CEDAR AVENUE (:dthough not yet assessment, and that all person, inters-tcd in this pru- 4th, I-hence suuthe.t-teal}- for r3z.o7 feet to his,, point Ward of the City of Nosy Y ark, as the sonic ha: been named by proper authority), extemling faun the west- cecding, or in any of the lands affected thcrchy, ;utd heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class of beginning. erly line of hedg' ick acentte, opposite the juncuon of having objections thatto, do present their said uLicr- 1'ARCItt. street or road by the Department of Public Parks. llurn,idc avenue mid Sedgwvick avenue, to Ford ham tions io writing, duly verified, to u, .tt our ullice, No. road, in the Twenty-fourth \Card of the City of Nosy 280 Broadwav, Roost q, in said city-, on or bcfurc the Beginning at a point in the western line of Third ave- uue, distant 371.6; feet north of the intersection of the THE UNPF.RSICNE11 CO\INilSSli)NF:RS York, its the saute has been heretofore laid out and 31st clay- of 1 tecemher, t£yo, and that see, tire said Cont- r, designated as a first-class street or read by the Depart- ntis-iunrrs, twill hear parties so objecting within tell esters side of I bird eve sus and the northuru line of W of Estimate and Assessment in the abcnc- +Tremont avenue. entitled natter hereby give notice to all persons inter- ment of Public 1':trks. week day, next after the ,aid 31st day of Ilecentbcr, 1690, and for that purpose will Inc in at endunce ut our not. Thence northenstetit' al' u4 the western line of ested in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, )'),;rd avenue fur 5 '.e-,; feet occupant or Occupant,, of all houses and lots and URSUANT Ti) THE STATUTES IN SUCH said office un each of said ten days at a o'clock r. 't. cases made and provided, the Mayor, aldermen Second—That the abstract of our said cstimatc and zd. 'I hence m:rth+rcstcrl}', deflecting 87' 5r' to the improved or unimproved lands affc etcd thereby, and P left for foe 70 feet ; to all other-, whom it may concern, to seit : and Commonalty of the City of New York hereby ,give assessntten t, togehcr with our dam:,t;c and h_nctit nounce that the Counsel to the l orporation will apply to malls, and also all the atiidavits, estim.ucs and other 3d. Tbcnre m,rthw'esterly, deflecting o' off' to'' to the First—That we have completed our estimate and as- right fir 145.09 feet to the eastern line of A1'ebster sessnient, and that all persons interested in this pro- the Supreme Court in the First Judicial District to the docuntrnts used by its in staking our report, iutvc flee' mm State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of ,ccnuc; ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and c 4th. ;'hence southerly along the eastern line of having objections thereto, do present their said objec- held at Chambers of said Court, in the Count' Court- the City of New York, at his otiice, No. ,t Chambers house, in the City of New York, on Tuesdac, the 2311 day street, in the said city', thrrc to remain aurtil the and day \Cc6sler avenue for ; 3 let ; tions in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, .\o. =t it. I hence southeasterly, deflecting 89' 491 azl' to son Broadt+ay fifth floor,, in the said city, on or before of December, t8yo, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of of Lmuarv, t 89r. that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard 'Third—I hat the limits of our as -cssmcut for he nefit the tuft for 446._'„ leer; the fifth day of January, t8-t, and that eve, the said 6tll. 'l'hcnce southeasterly for 809.65 feet to the point Commis-ioners, will hear parties so objecting within the thereon, for the appointment of a Commissioner of include all those: lots, pieces or parcels of land sine uc, Estimate tied Assessment in the atovc-entiticd procced- lying and being in the City of New York, wehicb taken of beginning. ten week-days rest after the said filth day of January, 1' 1,c t:l. "C" 1891, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our ing in the place and stead of Louis J. Heintz, who has to,gethc r arc bounded :slid descril,ed as h,lluw s, viz. : resigned. Nurthcrl}' by the centre line of block be tWc,n one }tceinning at a point in the eastern line of Third ave- satd office on each of said ten clays at one o'clock I. or. Second—I hat the abstract of our said estimate and Dated Nose Yoatc, November an, 18go. Hundred and Sixty-ei.glrth street and rune I lundred :tad nue, dist:ut 314.99 feet north of the intersection of the assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, WII.I..IAM H. CLARK, Sixty-ninth ,tract; cast_ rly by westerly line of I'enth easterly line of Ihi rd avcuue:utd the northern line of and also : 11 the affidavits, cstinmtes and other docu- Counsel to the Corporation, avenue ; southerly by the centre line of the block Inc. 1'rumont avenue. ments used by us in making our report, have been de- No. z Tryon Row, New York City. ('lime Ilundreo and Sixt}'-scr:nth -treat and (Ii,': Hun- 1st hence northeasterly along the eastern line of posited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the dred and Sixty eighth street ; westerly by easterly line I'tord :avenue for 50.,,3 feet ; of Kingsbridge read, excepting front said area all the vd, 'Thence southeasterly, dcllecting .,3' 21' 3.1'' to the Cit of New York, at his office, No. 31 Chambers street, In the matter of the application of the Ilnard of Street in the said City, there to remain until the sixth day of lands inch' rdecl seithiu die lines of streets, event es and right 6,r 458.74 feet'. Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, roars or portions thereof hcrclnfnre Ira.d ly ul,'. nod, as Id. I hence southwesterly, deflecting go- to the right January, td ,t. for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Cont- such area is shown upon our benefit maps dcpusitc,i as for 5o foot Third—that the limits of our assessment for benefit monalty of the City of New York, relative to squiring aforesaid. 4th. ('hence northwesterly for 45=.62 feet to the point include all throne lots, pieces or parcel: of land situate, title, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac- Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to of beginning. lying and being in the City of New York and included U uir ed to FORT INI)EPF:NI)F:SSCE SI'REEL' the Supreme Court State of site of Now York rt a pecial RiotFas One Hundred and vevcnt} •-eighth street is 5 o within the blue dotted line shown upon our benefit map thougg hyetonamed e bypropeP P r authorit y),r extend- '1'crm [hereof to be 1clt • d :tt the 'bombers thereof in feet w 'tdc ,:d m is a ,tract of site first class. depositedositcd as aforesaid, which said line indicates the ing Iron its junction wilt Boston avenue to t;roauway, the Count}' Court-house in the tiny of Ncue York, on the And as shown ,it rcrtaio maps filed by the 1_ontmis. limit of our assessment districtrtes and to which reference in the I wenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, :5th day of Iumuary, t89t, at the opening of file Court sioners of the I Icpartun nt lit Public Parks in the oliice is hereby made for the purpose of showing the prop- as the same has been heretofore laid out and desig- on that dcq', and that, then and there, ur as soon there- of the Register of the City and County of New York, crty assessed by us for the benefit of this improve- nated as a first-class street or road by the I lepart. after as counsel can be heard thereon, it motion will be in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of ment and which property is bounded and described ment of Public Parks. made that the said report lie confirmed. New York, and in the Department of Public Parks. generally, as follows : Northerly by the prolonga- Dated Nose Yotatc, - nvcntber ry, 181,0. Dated New leas, November a,,, t89o. tion easterly, from the easterly line of Edgecombe road, URSUANT TO THE STA I'U'CES IN SUCH JAMES J. NEALIS, Chairman, WILLIAM H CLARK, of the northerly line of One Hundred and Seventy-fifth P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given J. I.UIS'ARi ACKLEY, Counsel to the Corporation, street ; easterly by an irregular line varying in distance that an application will be made to he Supreme l'ourt THOMAS 1.illLl.h-R, No. a 'Tryon Raw, New York City, from about 65 to about 418 feet easterly of the easterly of the stare of New York, at a Special Term of said Commissioners. line of Edgecombe road and extending from the pro- Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, in the County Jonv P. Dtn,v, Clerk. longation easterly of the northerly line of One Hundred Court-house, in the City of New York, on '1'uesd;ty, the In the matter of the application of the hoard of Street and Seventy-fifth street to the westerly line of the lands z3d day of December, rdgo, at the opening of the ourt Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, of the Mavor, Aldermen and Commonalty used for on that day, or as soon thereafter as cutmsel can be In the matter of the application of the Counsel o the for and .,It behalf of the Mayor, AIdermen and Com- aqueduct purposes, the westerly line of the lands of heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Corporation of the City of New York for and on monalty of the City of New York, relative to the the Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty used for aque- Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of openin.gof ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-'THIRD duct purposes, and the centre line of the block between The nature and extent of the improvement hereby the City of New York, under and in pur,uauce of 51'itICF:T, from Tenth avenue to f(dgecombe road, Edgecombe road and Exterior street, extending intended s the acquisition of title, in the name and on chapter ;9v of the Latvs of 1885, to acquire title to in the Twelfth 51' and of the City of New York, as the from a line drawn at right angles with the easterly behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the the additional lands req'iired for Riverside Park, as same has been heretofore laid out and designated as line of Edgecombe road at its intersection with the City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the defined, laid out and established by said Act. a third-class street or road by said Board. easterly line of the said lands of the Mayor, Aldermen lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the and Commonalty, used for aqueduct purposes, to the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the open- northerly line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street; ing of a certain street or avenue known as Fort Inde- E, IHE UNUERSIGNEDCOMMI.,ti1()NF:Rh E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS southerly by the northerly line of One Hundred and pendence street, extending from its junction with Boston W of Estimate and Assessment fn the above. W of Estimate and Assessment in the aIove- Fifty-fifth street ; westerly by the centre line of the block avenue to Broadway, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- between Edgecombe road and Avenue St. Nicholas and City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid ested in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, extending from the northerly line of One Hundred and out and designated as a first-class street or road by the occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and Fifty-fifth street to the easterly line of the said lands of Department of Public Parks, being the following proved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty used for aque- described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz: others whom it may concern, to wit : all others whom it may concern, to wit: duct purposes, the easterly line of the said lands of the Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Broadway First—That we have completed our estimate and First—"Chat we have completed our estimate and as- Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty used for aqueduct distant 57 .15 feet so therly from the intersection of the assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro. .essment, and that all persons interested in this pro- purposes and by an irregular line between Avenue St. southern line of Van Cortlandt Park with the; eastern ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and ceeding, or in any of the lands ailected thereby, and Nicholas and Tenth avenue and Edgecombe road, vary- line of Broadway. having objections thereto, do present their said objections having objections thereto, do present their said objet- 3990 THE CITY RECORD. DECEMBER 15 l,90

Lions in writing, duly vcrilinnI, to es at our o ice, 'ecnnd-TL;,t the abstract of nor said estimate nod avenues, reads or portions thereof, heretofore legally Fourth-That our report herein will be pre sont.J n, No. coo Iirn:,dw;,y filth floor , in the c.irl city, it n bc• assessment, together with our d;umtcc ;mil benefit maps, '~i opened, and all the unimproved lands included within the supreme Court if the State of Now York .it a Sn".-in tore the seer ntcenih d,nv if ii, ember, iS o, and that we, and Aso all the :dfidavit, estimates mini otherdecuments ! the lines of streets,avenucs, roads, public squares an(I 'I'crtn thereof, to lie held at the Chambers th_creot, in the Inc said Com micirmcrv, will hear parties Sin objecting used h}• ns in making our report, ieee been deposited places sin tvn or land nut upon any map or maps filed County Cu,urt-house in the City of New 1 ark, on the within ten week-dnivs tie nit after the said seventeenth si rth the Commissioner of Public 1Vorke of the (nip of by tire Comm iesinve rs of the Department of Public 17th dayof Decenuler, t Rgo, at the opening of the Court day of I), cember, t89o, and for that purpose will be in New Y„rk, at his office, No. t Chambers strut t, in the Parks, pursuant to the provisions cf chapter 5o4 of the on that day, ;and that then and there, or as snnn there- attendance at our said o(hcc on each of sail ten days it said city, there to remain until the ninth ninny of I.atvs of t874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or of after as crn, nscl cat be heard thereon, a motion will be one dch,ck r. aI. Ueccmhcr, ,S5e. chapter 4to of the taws 01 t882, as such area is shown made that the said report be confirmed. Second-1 hat the abstract of our said estimate and -third-'that the limits of our assessment for benefit upon our benefit map deposited as ale resaid. Dated Sow Vans, October rR, ,Soo. assessment, together neith oar damage and benefit amp,, m, all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate Pourth-'1 hat our report herein will be presenteei to J ShIllS L. WEI.T•S,, and also all the:dfidav its, estimates and other ducu- ! lying and being in the City of New York, which taken the Supreme (Curt of the State of \ew- York, at n JOHN cr)NNF,LLY, meets used by its in oinking our report, have been + together are hounded and described as follows, in: Special 1'erm thereof, to be held at the Chambers I HOs, J. Mn1,1,FR, depn=ited with the Commissioner of Public 1Vorks of N 0rtherly lip the centre line of the block hetween (Inc thereof, in the Coumy (spurt-house, in the City of New Co flu nit tssio'tera. the City of New York, at his office, No. 3r Chambers Hundred and I wentieth street and tine Hundred surd York, on the seventeenth day of December, 1890, at the JOHN 1', Dees, Clerk. street, in the said cii , there to reru:,nn until the 'I\venty-ti rst street easterly iv the westerly line of opening of the Court on that day, and that then and eight,enth day of December, r8y•. Truth avenue ; Southerly by a fine parallel wcith and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can lie heard In the matter of the application of the I;nard of otreet I bird-! hat the limit, of r.let a«essnent for benefit di,t;mt too feet and it inches southerly from the south- thereon, a motion twill be made that the said report be Opening and Lrnprovcment of the (:it)' of Non York, include all those lots, pi•_ces or parcel, of land .ttoate, I erly line of (Inc Hundred and Twentieth street ; and confirmed. for and on behalf of the DIa)'nr, ,ldernten and t'om- lying and [icing in the City of New York, which taken westerly by the r, sterly line of Boulevard t excepting U:ucd Nrac Vino, rlctol or t8, ISno. monalty of the City of New York, relative to aniuintng togethcr nr': Lmmdcd and described as follows, viz.: from said area all the streets, avenues and roads, or j 1A 'ii is I.. WI'.t.1>, Chairman, title rvherevcr the canoe has rat I,cen heretofore Northerly by the centre lice of the block between, tine portions thereof, heretofo re legally opened, as such Jill IN CI INN FIIV, acqutredto EAtsI' (l\ I•; HUNDRED AND TH!R- Hundred and ri.cty-tiinl str._at and One Htmdred and area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as afore- I H(IMMAS J. MILLER, IHIRI) 5')'REI•:T (although not yet nulumum n,howvn Second-T'hat the I'anal all the unimproved lands included within the lines of in Pursuance of the provisions day r,f I Iecentber, tSgo. upon .,it benefit map deposited Its aforesaid. Improvcmcnt, umier and streets, avenue,, roads, public squares and places shotrn Laws of 1887, has heretofore 7-bird-'that the limits of our assessment for benefit Fourth-']'hat our report herein will be presented to of said chapter 320 of the or !aid out upon any nip or maps filed by the Comntis- that lifte per cent, of the expense to be inch,dc al those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, the Supreme Court of the State of NeW York, at a determined s,ners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to for such park should lie lying and Loins; in the City of New York, which, taken Special Term thereof, to be held at the ('panthers incurred in aceurrii g the land the provisions of chapter 604 of the Laws of "- .. n 1 assessed upon the Nlay,r, Aldermen and Commonalty togcther, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: ti;cr.., n,, in the County Cottrt-house, in the City of New laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter Oro of the laws Vu 'nil, and that the bal:utcc of such Northerly by centre line of block between East Ons York, on the seventeenth day of December, Ace, at the of the (ity of Neu of t88s, as such area is shown upon our benefit map expense should he asse.sed upon the property, persons Hundred and Thirty-sixth street and Fast One Hun- opening of the Court on that day, and that then and deposited :ts aforccaid. benefited by the acquisition nl such I Bred ansI I lrirty-seventh street ; easterly by tvesterly there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard and l estate. to be Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to the ii within which such part or La!- 1 line of Locust avenue ; southerly Lv centre line of thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be park, ant, thin the vim Supreme Court of the State of New York at a Special the said expense should be asscssr_d should lie block betweon fast One Hundred and - thirty-fifth street confirmed. ance of and (Cast Ilne 1!r ndred and lit i nib' - sixth street; wcsterly- Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the as follcnec name( y: llcginni n); at the poi a tofintersection Dated New Yoxe, t )ctober IS, rS^yo. line of 'Sleety -mutt h street with a line by easterly line of 'outhern L'oulevard ; excepting from County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the I:\ }BSS L. A'ELLS, Chairman, of the southerly seveutecnth day of December, r8go, at the opening of the drawn tl:rrn,gh the ..cntre of tine block be. wcen Occond said area all the streets, avenues, roads, or portions (t)H'S' CONNELLY, soon Third avenues, and nursing thence suuthcrly thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unim- Court on that day, and that then and there, or is 'THOMAS J. \TILLER, :rvenueand thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion the line clratrn through the ,-entre of the blocks Proved bands included within the lines of streets, avenues, Commission .vv, :don}; will be made that the 'iii! report he confirmed. between o' coed and 'Third aecnncc to the norther], roads, public sgcares and places shown or laid out upon JOHN P. Dunn, Clerk. - along the any map or maps filed by the Comnnssioners of the lie- Dated Nrav Yot.s, October t8, t800. line of Sscenty-six it street ; thence easterly JA\II S L. \t'h:LLS, Chairman, oortherly line ,.f revcnty-cieth strict to : he bulkhead- P,artmcnt of Public Parks, pursuant to the provisions of JOIN CONNELLY, river t thence northerly along coapter 604 of the Laws of i87e, and laws amendatory line of the East THOMAS J. MILLER, JURORS. said bulkhead -line and the crstei 1}• line rd ISieervicse thcreot, or of chapter 4n of the Laws of t882, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as afore- Commissioner,. [lark to lite southerly line of E. iglty-sixth street ; thence NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER OF JURORS westerly along the s.,utherly Ii Inc .,f I hihty-sixth street said. JOHN P. Dunn, Clerk. c, esterly line of Avenue L; thence nortbcrlyFourth-1' hat cntr report herein will be presented to the IN REGARD 'I'() CLAIMS FOR EX- to th , In the matter of the application of the Board of Street along the w„ steely line of Avenue It in ill', westerly lint Sapretne Coin, t of the State of New York, at a special terns EMPTION FROM JURY DUTY. Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, along the westerly line thereof, lobe held at the Chambers thereof in the County r I the marginal street ; thence for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- margin:,( street to the southerly line of Ninety- Court-house in the City of New York, on the 17th day of the monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir- thence westerly along the southerly line of I )ecember, r8gn, at the opening of the Court on that ninth street ; ing title, wherever the same has unit been heretofore Roo.,t t27, STnVAR-r 13rtt.ot cm,, or place of beginning• d;O', and that then and there, or a; soon thereafter as INinety-ninth street to the point acquired, to EAS"I' ONE HUNDRED AND '1'HIR No. z8o L'ROADWAY, THtxo Fu.noe, I hind-'I hat the limits of our assessment for benefit coumol call lie heard thereon, a motion will be made '1Y-FOURTH SIR FE I' although not yet named by \rw Ypres, June t, nSga. include all those lots, hides or parcels of land, situate, that the said report be confirmed, proper authority, extending front the State gent I Dated -Ni,­ Yoeic, ( )ctoher t8, t8go, LAINIS FOR EXEMPTION FROM JURY lying and being in the area last described. line in the East river to the easterly line of the South. JAMES 1,. WI• (IS, Chairman, duty will be heard by the daily at my office, from Fmtrth-That all parties or persons whose rights may FOHN CttNNF.I.1.Y, ern Boulevard, in the 'L seeety-third Word of the City C lie affected b • the said estim::te and assessment, and of Nose York, as the same has been heretofore laid 9 A. v. until 4 P. ut. 1 THOMAS J. MILLER '(hose entitled to exemption sure; Clergymen, lawyers who may object to the same or part thereof, may, out and designated as afirst-class streetor road by the Commissioners. physicians, surgeons, surgeon-dentists, professors or within thirty' days alter the first publication of this Jottt F.. vss, Clerk. Department of Public Parks notice, file ti,eirobjections to such estimate in writing teachers in it college, academy or public school, editors, editorial writers or reporters of daily newspapers, with us, at Our office, Room No, z36, on the fifth floor In the matter of the application of the Board of Street of the Stewart L'r.i!dsec„ No. co liroIdAva •, in the said license.( pharmaceutists orpharmacists,actually engaged Opening and Improvetnent of the City of New York E,THEUNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS in their respective professions and not following anyother city, us prodded by section 4 of chapter 3root the l .aws of Estimate and Assessment in the above- for :met on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and ('om- W calling; militiamen, policemen, and firemen; election of r887, :m that we, tine said (:ommis=loners, will hear entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- moo It) of the City of New York, relative to acquir- officers, jury non-residents, and city employees. and parties objecting, at Room No. r7, l ay„r, :A]dcrmen ;unit Corn- way Itoom 4 , in said city, on or before the third t800. their clerks or subordimttes to serve, reportin,; to me ntonalty it lie 1. ity of Acme \mink, relative to tl.c day of 1 )ecember, t 8q., and that cue, the said Comntis- 'Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit any attempt atltribery orevasion,and suggesting names openingr,I t)AP. fl[ - VURh:U ,AAII N',]INIILI1I sinner=, trill hear partic. so oijcaing within ten week- include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, for enrollment. Persons between sixty and soeeuty s7H VLi , from "Tenth :, c'cuuc to the I;roadway I:nul- day-. neat after the -,aid third day of December, r8go, lying and being in the City of New York, which, taken years of age, summer absentees, persons tentnorarily card in tine Twelfth hi inn! of time (ity of N etc Sbrk. and R,r tlutt purpose will be in attendance at our said together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: ill, and United States jurors, are not exempt. office oil each of .rdd ten clays at z o'clock I•. at. Northerly by centre line of block between East One Hun- Every man must attend to his own notiFe. It is a 1-:, TIIll UNIIF:h lUNl,u CO3I3II-St(1\It1a Sec and-'I hat the abstract of our said estimate and dred and I hirty-fourth street and Fact One Hundred and misdemeanor to give any jury paper to anotiter to W of l:stim;rtc ;,ud A''cs. meat in the nbove- assessment, together with our damage and benefit 1 hirty-fifth street : easterly by State grant line in the answer. It is also punishable by fine or imprisonment entitled m:,tter, hcrcby give uutice 101! persons inter- map-, and also all the affidavit,, estimates and other East river; southerly by centre line of block between to give or receive atq' present or bribe, directly or indi- ested in this procccuing and to the owner or owners, documents used by its in making our report, have been tact One Hundred and 1' birty-third street and Fast One rectly, in relation to a jury service, or to withheld any occupatrt or r,ccui ants, of all hr,uscs ;and lots and deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of Fl undred and ']'hint '-fourth street, prolonged easterly to paper or mike any false statement and every case will improved or uuim proved lands affected thereby, and to the City of New York, at his office, No. 3t Chambers the State grant line ; westerly by a line parallel with be fully prosecuted. all (,titers whom it tune concern, to wit : street, in the Said city, there to remain entil the fourth and distant 35 feet and ihtmv of a foot from the westerly CHARLES REILLY, Fir-t-That we mace completed our estimate and day nI I [eeemhcq ,8q-, line of Cypress avenue and by the southerly line of the Commissioner of Jurors. assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- Third-Tint the limits of our assessment for benefit Southern Boulevard ; excepting from said area al ceeding, or no any of the bolds affected thereby, and include ;dl those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, the streets, avenues, roads or portions thereof, having objections thereto, do prcxnt their -aid objec- lying and being in the City of New York, which taken heretofore legally imjmened, and all the uniml roved THE CITY RECORD. [ions in w~n❑ n'y„ dul} crifcdc r , to its at oar office, No. together are boundede anyI c!cs r.nib ed as folluw s viz.; lands included within the lines of streets, avenues, zoo }iro.tdwa ty 1fifth floor'1, in the ..uds ' city, on or before Northerl y by centren liec of block between East One roads, public squares and places shown or laid THE CITY RECORII IS PUBLISHED DAILY the eiy,lrth (ill)' of Itecentber, rbu1o, and tht,t we, the said Hundred and thirty-second and Fast one Hundred and out upon an map or maps filed by the Commissionersmissioners Sundays and legal holidays other than the ggeneral Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within T hirty-third etreet ; easterly by westerly line of Locust of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the pro- election day excepted, at No, s Lit) Hall, New York the ten week-days next atter the said eighth day of avenue ; southerly by a line parallel with and distant visions of chapter 604 of the Laws of 1874, and laws City. Price, single copy, 3 cents; annual sub,cripuon December, t8no, and for that purpose will be in attend- too feet from the southerly fine of East One Hundred amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 of the Laws of $9.3o. anec at our said office on each of said ten days at one and Thirty-second street ; westerly by the easterly line t88z, as such area is shown upon our benefit map depos- W.J. K. KENNY. Supervisor. o clock r. nt. of Brook avenue, excepting from said area all the streets, ited as aforesaid.