August 4, 2017 FFNF Highlights

ASPIRE Universal Essam Abadir, CEO; Mike Monteiro, CPO; and Kim Ireland, VP Healthcare, CEO Smart Innovation Lab

o The founders and CEOs are involved full time at Aspire and have collective experience with more than $5B in tech and healthcare exits.

o The Aspire Team is led by experts in AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), biochemistry, healthcare IT, and cyber-security with degrees from top institutions like MIT, Harvard and Stanford.

o The Aspire Approach {X} (Good idea) +AI + IoT = Moonshots (Extraordinary results very, very quickly)

o Aspire employs more than 45 people with industry-leading backgrounds in startup, science, app development, math, AI, design, and engineering.

o X is similar to Aspire; however, they have infinite financial resources.

o Aspire Universal is the Apple of Healthcare analogy. (See Below)

ASPIRE APPLE Universal Established new relationship with carriers Samsung, Facebook, Smart Health and suppliers Google, AT&T Innovation Lab

Launched iFund at start of Venture capital and to encourage 3rd ASPIRE Apps party apps. Most VCs Ventures jumped in after launch Transformative CONNEXION technology platform IPhone / iOS HEALTH

Apple Stores, customer service, New retail model CLIO Health integrated online help and brick and mortar

1 o The Smart Health Innovation Lab is the first of its kind collaboration that brings together payers, healthcare delivery systems, and technology companies to help new technologies gain adoption in health systems and insurance reimbursement faster. Capital Blue Cross and Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health are partners. o ASPIRE Ventures - Investments and app solutions by ASPIRE Ventures: 1) Wylei - Machine learning to help marketers achieve 1to 1 personalized marketing at scale. Billions of AI-driven ad targeting impressions, now being integrated by Facebook and Salesforce. 2) MedStatix - A patient experience platform to help medical practices improve their performance. More than 2X the patient reviews than ZocDocs, with deeper, validated data for patient matching. 3) Tempo Health - Smarter solutions for managing diabetes. Published results, algorithms beat doctors from on e of the best in the world at predicting blood sugar levels - A feat IBM Watson attempted but failed. 4) Fusionetics+ - NBA teams and Under Armour negotiating contracts. 5) Nanodyne Labs - Breakthrough microfluidic sensor technology. Breakthrough graphene production process for incredibly sensitive sensors, partnering with Fuji on electronic ink production. o CONNEXION HEALTH - The Connexion is like the iPhone and iOS of healthcare. The platform performs a variety of automated health assessment, connect them to health systems, and house innovative apps like Fusionetics+, Vita Vista, MedStatix, and others. Large health system and insurer pilots have been established and contracts are under negotiations. o CLIO Health consists of a 140,000 sq. ft. facility being built from the ground up to integrate new technology and innovative processes for a new retail model in healthcare. The tech-powered, patient-centered approach will focus on keeping people well rather than waiting to treat them when they are sick.