171 I [XXV11 YE A*.] . , t H B \UART LAND GAZETTE.


that Mr. CONSTANTINOPLE, June 16. N N, «, n tter* received frt>m Portugal, mention, Wilkes» Antagonift, Capt. Forbes, who has a Regi­ GREAT Number of Excefles' Aug. i. It is faid, that a commercial Treaty of great ment in that Service, was lately married at Lifbon, to having been lately committed, Advantage to this Nation, is already far advanced be­ a young Lady of a noble Family there, and ronfi- by a Set of young Men, who tween the Court of London, and hitfublime Highneft dcrable Fortune. endeavoured to nir up an In- the Grand Signior.- --___. - A*g-. S.-Frtfli Difficulties have urifen, we h«w, ret SurrecVion, it determined the . ?y Letters front Senegal we learn, that through the peeling the Commiffion of Supervisors of the Eaft- Grand .Signior to flay in thi* indefatigable Induftry ol Governor O'Hara, not only Jndia Company's Affairs in India. The Miniltry in­ City, inltcad of going to paf* the King of Barach, but divert other African Princes, fill on feeing the private Inftrucfions to the Supervifors, the Summer at his Country have been brought over to the Englifh Interelt. as well as the Commiflion, which the Directors are -\ Scat, called the Daout Pacha. Aug. j. Letters from Berlin import, that the Re­ backward in complying with. Thefe Rioters had broke open turn of the Couriers had of late been obferved to be Great Doubts have arifen with refpeft to the Legali­ and Peterfburg $ by above Commiffion to the IT tt j,n the Doors of the Greek Churches, car- very frequent between that City ty of the Power given by the and grofsly which it was conjcftured fome Affair of Importance is Supervifors, ami it is faid the Miniilry think it a Point Ined off the Plate and Ornaments, they have re- They even prepared to de- in Agitation between the Two Courts. of fo much national Confequence, that I .billed the Ecclefiaftics. in the Naval Depart­ of it to fome great Perfons in Imolilh the Temple of Balkli, when, being hindered It is now currently reported, femd the Confideration Audacity to make great ment, that his Royal Highntfs the Duke of Cumber, the Law. bribe Guards, they had the of be commenced againlt a Ten of thefe Villains have been fent to land, will early Spring fail with a Squadron It \3 laid a Profecution will Rdiftance. having one or Two Merchant of this City, for daring to offer a' Prifon, by Order of the Sultan, and condemned to the Line to the Mediterranean, patriotic A Flags under his Command ; with this Armament fome Bribe of 5000 1. to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, for uft the Remainder of their Days in Confinement. of a lucrative publifhed by tin Transports will go out, to relieve the Garrifons of the Securing to 'his Son the Reversion noft rigouroos Ordinance is juft the French which he himfelf now enjoys. that all Peripnt who are found in Gibraltar, Sec. and it is even faid, that if Place-in Jamaica, Porte declaring, on the Illand of Corfica, that a Gentleman declared the other Day, Amu, committing the leaft Diforder in the Streets, will perlilt in making a Stand We hear this Force will be properly exerted againlt them. that trom the Fluctuations of India Stock, he has al­ lull not only he punifhed with Death themfelves, but Weeks, leems to Several of the old large Ships of the Line, we hear, ready cleared 55 per Cent, within thefe Ten fun all their Families t this Proclamation to aft next Sum } a Profit not to be wondered at, to the City. are determined to be cut down, in order, on a confiderable sire reBoreclTranquiUity than Guard-Ships, fie. considering the Stock has Ibmetime* varied ij per Cent, jth j. It was reported fome Time ago, the Grand Spring, in a more ufcful Manner Aug. 4. A Correfpondent afki, " Cannot the Friends in the Courfe of the Day. Wnior had ordered the Grand Vifir to enter Poland, many, that the Diffi­ was, at firlt, of the prefent Adminiltration dilplay the Virtues of Aug. 10. It is imagined, by i: the Head of the Ottoman Army. This from Miniltry have thrown in the Way, to but it fince found to be their Patrons and Paymallers, without detracting culties which the looked upon ai ill grounded, Practice they have the fending out the Supervisors appointed by'the Eatt- with a Manifesto which the Porte has com- the Merit of Lord Chatham j which confident within thefe few Days ?" Our Cor- India Company, is in order to carry Some Point in Fa­ nunicated to all the foreign Minilters refiding here, begun to renew Commifli­ relpondent adds, «' If thefe Hirelings write 'til they vour of Mr. Vanlittart, by new modelling the ind by which the Grand Signior declare* War againlt with;fupremePower; the are blind, they never will convince the Public, that on,and feuding him either alone, or the King of Poland. N«verthelefs, according to fuppofed that the Arrival of a certain the Grand Vifir, inftead Prince and People were not happy during that great It is likewife Ull Advices from Moldavia, they arc fo now." Earl, has conduced much tothe Confidence of forming into that Kingdom himfelf, has fent thi- Man's Adminiltration, or that cf lurching Algiers, by Way of Gibraltar, the above DcSign, an more moderate views Seemed Sa- tier an Army, under the Command of Mehemet Pa- They write from con fid er the Con­ that out of Five Hundred Men that compofed the Ca­ tisfaftory until tint Time. When we t'u, Beglerbey of Romelia. It is pretended, that which has Ib long Suhlilted between this No­ the Confederates ravan to the Ranks of the River Niger, Two Hundred nection hunt Potocki, one of the Chiefs of out and home, bleman and that Gentleman's Siller, and his Influence in Consideration of i5,ooo^iaf- and Seventy.fire died on their PaSlage ofBor, has engaged, to be tired of an Undertaking at­ in the Meafures of Admiiiiltration, there feems all *he to deliver Up to him the Strong Fwtrefs of Ka- fo that they began i* above affcrted. tres, tended with fuch Hazard, and very little Advan­ Realbn poffible for believing what minieck. 4^ Several Policies are opened .about the Royal Ex­ Saturday a Moonlh VefTel tage. AIICABT, Jtne 47. Laft appointed to po change, on the SuccrSi of Mr. Moor's Machine. The Sight of this Road, whereof the A*$"ft 5. The Three Supervisor* to receive ippeared within Eaft-India Company's Service, are to I* general Terms are T<-n Guineas in Hand, King1! Galliots, who were there, having Intelligence, out in the travels Twenty Miles in bound under fuch legal Restrictions, as Mtffrs. Yoi k One Hundred if the Machine immediately hoilled Sail to give them Chace. After each Three Hours, on any Turnpike Road, in Two the Commandant and Wedderburn Shall fabricate, and it is allured, purfuing her Four or Five Hours, obliged to enter into Months from Augult. the Galliots joined him, and gave of the Three Supervifors will be handed a- ind Three others of forfeitable, on Condition that either Augufl 11. An Anecdote has lately been her a BroadSide with Guns loaded with broken Pieces Bond of 100,0001. Ll'qi who for fome Time of them interferes with any Branch of Trade during bout tint Samuel Vaughan, of Brali (Grape-Shot.) This Gun-Shot forced the pi»ft has appeared as a very warm Patriot, has written con- their refpeftive Superviforfhips. The immenfe Profits Corfair to bring too and furrender. The Crew unfairly, a Letter to the Duke ol Grafton, offering the Sum of killed and J wound- and Sums of Money which might have been the -- fiftedof+i Men, 5 of whom were by appointing a Secretary, joool, for the Reverfion of the Office of Clerk of brought in here, but She is to be yet undifcoverably made, A Patent Place, eJ. The Velfel is the Eaft-India Directors to make no Crown in Jamaica for his Son, being lent to Carthagena. have determined very much advanced in Years, fuch Appointment; but they have hit upon a middle and the prelent Poflefibr . BAKU, J«fr I. Jt is faid that the Count de Vaux &up«i vifar*, - .. who is. the only Survivcr of Three, to whom the Patent '. King, to leave lo.'ooo"" Modej-trrat « -to- f«y,-.-emclvof the Thro* ' ' Im received Order* from the him a Writer, or free was originally granted. | and tint his Majclty, is allowed to take out with affeft to excufe him, Men in Garrifon in the Illand is to aft as a Secretary i So that the The Friends of Mr. Vaughan Mark of his Satisfaction for this Conqueft, h.til Merchant, who ihele Places are ufually difpofed of n a Profits will now accumulate to the Supervifors by giving out that :figncd him, as Governor General, an Appointment great by thofe in Power for valuable Considerations, which themfotves, Share and Share alike. of Perquifites of Office j ef7j,oooLiviesa Year. have lately paffed in the News- are looked on in the Lijfht Ju'y 18. The famous Count de Tot- Great Altercations HanU* it is obferved that if the Gen­ PmtsBunc, between George Onflow, Elqi and Parlbn but, on the other titben, alter having received hit Pardon, at hat been Papers, tleman had not been conl'cious of the Criminality of of the F.mprefs, in Home, concerning a Sum of Money paid by our Mr. of Se­ Mentioned, entered into the Service alks this QueS- the Meafure he would not have taken the Oath General, and will be employed in the Burns, for a Place. A Correspondent Mayor, which it is faid he did. Quihty of Major a Gentleman in Power fhould keep crecy before the Lord Anny. He hath alfo been decorated with the Enlignt tion, " Suppofing The faid Mr. Vaughan, we are told, in a Vifit he he h.nh a MiftreSs, and luch Lady Should receive a Sum of Mo­ took if the Order of St. Anne. Belides which, Place made to a certain Patriot in St. Georgc's-Fieldi, of Major ney from a Man, to procure from her Keeper a Blunder in not Micited the Payment of the Appointment Ib received by the Mif­ Notice that he had committed a groU Moment of his having been put in for him, whether fuch Money of the Letter; to which the other re­ Otr.tral from the to be given to, or received by her keeping a Copy loarinement to this Time. If her Majelty fh-juld treSs, could be faid plied, that in hi* Opinion tbe greatclt Millake was bis 18,000 Keeper t" k1 mi him (hit Favour, he will receive about laid, at the not keeping the Original. Ruhblei. ' Yefterday Several considerable Bets were of the Marquis of Rock- War would be declared It it laid that the Friends ACouiier is juft arrived here Well End of the Town, that and thole of the Earl of Chatham, will have TOULON, Julj iS. againll the French, before the Firft Day ingham, "omPirii, with Order* to the Intemlant of the Ma- by the Englifh a Meeting before the opening of the next Seffion, in of Vell'els to Corfica, in order of February next. confider of a proper Plan for adopting Such '»>e, to fend a Number Home, we hear, has declared he will order to lu bring h^k Battalions of the King's Troop*. Tbe Rev. Mr. MeaSures as will preferve the constitutional Right* of are not detain any CouuSel to plead his Caufe if Mr. Onf­ PA»H, j^ 1+- Many considerable Bankrupcies is determined to claim the People. molt important one, it that of low Should proleciite him, but A private Gentleman in the Upper Part of the Ijlkfd ol here. The Cultom and Right of an Englilhman, to il t Marquis Roux de Corle, that Merchant of Mar- the ancient County of Wicklow, Sn> Ii eland, has within thefe who, in our lull plead hit own Caufe. Though Cultom, Precedent, Months inoculated, according to Dr. Jt'Heifo considerable, fo magnificent, it, yet it it faid he Three orFour had declared War in hit own and fome Law Statutes, are againlt DimSdale's Method, no lefs- than 156!, with unparal- '^uirel with England, for and endeavour to regain that noble NJIIIC a^.iinft that Kingdom. Hit Bunkrupcy it coin- will Stand up lelled SucceSs, who were Supplied by him with Medi­ u pwted at Twenty Millions. Privilege to the People. cines nnd Neceflaries, and without any other Fee or of Our Clergy, it is faid, at prefent apply themfelvet Pleafuie arifmg from the Reflection TL *' 4> T'le l6th °f 'al* Month a violent Storm promising Road to Reward than the tbe Abbey Church of to the Study of Politics, at the moil having freed fo considerable a Number of the Com­ I bunder did great Damage to being computed there are not more than of Mantes. It fell firlt on the great Preferment, it munity from Ib fatal and depopulating a Diftemper. i. Corentin, near 4000 Living! in the Kingdom, and above Sooo Cler. «H, winch it broke all to Pieces ^ it then ran along Aug. 15. By the Couriers that are continually gaffing |'t Roof a,,d Timber Work, (tripped off great Quan- , gymen to fupply them. and repalfing from Fonthill, the Seat of our illuftripus We hear Dalrymple, Efqs who hat received Shelburne'f in Wiltfhire, ;"'f« of the Lead Work without melting it, aniTfhi. the Honourable Alderman Beckford, to Lord Beams, Public Mark* of Approbation from in Buckinghamshire, we begin to ' lr«u into a Thousand Pieces feveial large together with a Prefent of and Lord Temple's It then entered llic Eaft India Company, entertain great Hopes that not only ne-iv Mr* will be '"out Setting Fire ,o any Part. for hit great Improvement! and ufeful DiSco- the Mouldings and Cornices. One Wo- 50001. appointed to the Miuiftry but alSo MeaSures inlirt'.y "iilim Side very In Navigation, it going out to make a Settlement either for lrjn, who was in the Church, was thrown topfy tur. nt'iu will be Soon adopted, for it is impolitic Yards Diftance from whence fhe in the Ifland of Saloo. the Safety of the King or of the People to have the old '!' ami carried fome They write from Sweden, that there it a great Scar, Though , ' at Prayers; another Woman had her Head Drefs in and tyranical MeaSures any longer continued. city of Money in that Country, and particularly Realbn In the World to be dif- '""> oir by the Shocks. Both of them are but (lightly of the bad Cir. the Subjeft has all the the public Treafury, in Confequence with the fanguitiary and defpotick AdminU funded. The Thunder then Hrurk a Window of ha* been brought by the In- fatisficd and cumftances into which it Itration of the lieilforiTexecrated Faftion, yet it ii not i Au'r' from thence it entered into the.Gallery and Praftices of the French, that there is a a which it threw down, and triguet fo much the Man at the MeaSures that now gives ' ' AbbeSj's Wardropc, NecelTity for making every Saving in the national Part of the Britifh Empire. 'r.ded iu ProgreSs before the Door of the Abbey. general Alarm to every Difburfements. . It it rumoured that the Rev. Mr. Home is poflefled . MA.NTUA, July ^6. The celebrated Paoli is now of the- above (economical Plan, it it He fets out In Confequence of every written Mellage which puffed between a cer­ ."' and lives in a very elegant Manner. defigned to re-call all the Miniltert to foreign Courts Bufinels of an being it is faid, to have a tain Set of People in negotiating the y few Days for Vienna, of a higher Claft, and fend only Confuls and Agents | alfo a Bond which w*t given by l«mmana in the Emperor's Service. the American Patent, and th« other being a gieat"Expence, without doing Col. _ - to Mrt. B- , a* a Security for the trtm itt Fnnttm tf POLAND, J»(y il. Letters from as Matters are now Situated. the great leaft Service to the State, Place, or leturn of the Money. Thefe Materials, it is . jurmnicck, of tbe ilth Innant, advife, that far this m»y hold good with Refpeft to the in the Coyrf* to giv« Battle to the How laid, the Rev. Gentleman will produce Wan Army is in full March Swedlfh Concerns at the Court of London, they, who the Court of King't-Btach, if a . fo tkat w» may fuon «xp»i\ grtat of kit Plcadingt in Newt. f-md Vifir i ' - T re acquainted, with lh»oi, can b«ft judge. A*g. 19. There are more important Subjefts on the A few Days UO an Emetic was admmiftered to t 1-76 ProlWution fliould be commenced before the firft Day Right Honourat? able Lord Holland, and to the Surprj« I of next Terih j if not, it is laid he will favour tbe Carpet at ptxfent, thai nave ever been before; Matter of public DifcuiTion. of all prefent, he catt up One Millht Sterling.'.Hit Public with a Perufal of them in the News-Papers. the- Emetic to be continued every It is now (aid that a certain Gentleman in the City It, is now faid that the Friends of a noble Lord will Phyfichm* entered be the firft that will move in a great Aflembly./or hit Month til December, 1774, when ftrty Mi" at wrote Two Letters to a Noble Duke, the Second about for, will be returned Ten Days after the former} the Firft hot producing Accounts to be laid before them, fo Confident are they prefent nnaccounted any Anfwer, he accompanied the Second Letter with a of the Rectitude of his Proceedings. Intereft. A Petition from the City of Weftminfter was read The following Circumltance* attended the Robbery long Affidavit, of a very particular Nature. of Lord Weymouth. -His Lordfhip, with hit Lady It is faid that Lord Holland is indefatigable in pre­ Oh Wednefday at the Globe Tavern in the Strand, and onanimoufly agreed to. , wai riding in their Coach down Ember-Lane, near paring his Accounts, in order to have them as forward Mr. Onflow'1 in Suiry, when tbe Highwayman firrt as poflihle by the Meeting of the next Seflion, if they It it fomewhat remarkable, that the Electors of Weftminfter, have chofen the Day that St. John the rode by the Coach, and at the fame Time pulled out a fhould then be called for; only Lady Weyniouth feeing, Ihe-imme­ By Accounts from Verfailles we hear that an Englifh Baptift wai beheaded, for their AlTetfcbling in Weft- Piftol, which minrter-Hall, to confider of a Petition to hit Majefty. diately cried our, " See the Piftol I" and fainted »wav ~ Otntleman has lately been taken into Cuftody there, Weymouth direclly threw his Purfc out for defrauding a Fiench Nobleman of a confiderable They write from Worcefter, that both the City and on this Lord County are almoft unanimous in forwarding a Petition of the Coach Door, wherein were Twenty Guineas Sam of Money at the Game of Hazard. The Dice the Fellow to ride off at fait ai poffible' weie cut open on the Spot, and found to be loaded. of Grievances, though Minifterial Influence has been and ordered greatly exerted to prevent it. It is faid, this Highwayman war convifted of a Rohl It is faid the Offender will be lent to the Gallics. ' for Tranfportation, about' Six Lord Bute travelled in fo private a Manner while Jie A Letter from Bridgewater mention*, that at the bery, and fentenced Meeting at the Races for the faid Town, the Senfe of Months ago, but received hit Majefty't Pardon fitnej was abroad that he was not accompanied during the Weymouth, which in fome Refpecl vtiifiti " whole Time of hit Retirement by any more than Two the Gentlemen then p'rcfent was taken with Regard Ito by Lord petitioning, who were all unanimous for a Petition, the oldlproverb, Save a Rogue Jrun the Galfaai and private Gentlemen, Mr. Charles, formerly Preceptor Tbrtat. to the late Prince Frederick, and Mr. SimmontN. and the Sheriff was defired to advertife a County- be'U cut jour it prohibited Meeting for that Purpofe. We hear from Dantzick that the Tartar* have made We hear that a Reverend Duellift into the Ukraine, defblated all the preaching in the Diocefe of London. A Correspondent defn es to know, that as the Minif- ft fUdden Incurfioq Ant;. 17. The Letterthat lately appeared in the pub­ tiy have feized on Grants ; caufed America almoft to Country, and mauacred and canned feveral Thoufinut prohibit Trading with us$ entirely overthrown, the of the Inhabitants into Slavery. lic Papers, purporting to be from Samuel Vaughan, of In. Efq; to trip. Duke of Grafton, is entirely a Forgery, Freedom of Elections ; and are now finking a moft A Correfpondrjit has fent the following Piece powerful Blow at the Ealt-Ihdia Company ; what will tellijence. On Monday tbe loth of April Lift one and (lincreafes daily, tation Bufmefs. alfo at one of tbe Gentlemen who presented the Livery and carries off vaft Number*, which has occafloned the HARRISON LANE. _pf London's Petition to the Crown, it Will be necelTary Court to (end for moft of .the Regiment* employed in HEREBY give Notice to my Creditors, that my1 '-to reqoeft a eategtrital Anfwtr to the laid Petition on tbe Conqueft of that Ifland back to Fiance. not complying with their Propofali, A Morning Paper fayt, a Right Honourable Defaul­ Reafons for the i4.th of this Month, unlefs the Grievances com­ I have not complied plained of be redr^ffed before that Day. ter declared at his own Table, within thefe few Days, are, that my pretended Friends A Certain Mi»ifter in the late Reign, whofe Virtues to feveral Gentlemen, that he wai fo far from being with their kind Offers, and my Creditors have taken *~~5nd Abilities were at a Pitch with thofe of the -noble forry-vt the public Arrangement 'of his Honour and It- tb« Advantage* they pofltbry cotild to ran tne to Duke who is fo defervedly the IUI of the People, was Integrity, that he fliould hold k a* the happieft Inci­ Expchces, which have involved me fo low in the honeft and wife enough to confefs, that his Reafon for dent of hU Life | being no Ways doubtful, but that he World, that I cannot Commence'Law-Suits agninft . refilling a very confiderable Bribe for obtaining a Place fhould clear himfelf from the Imputation in a Manner fuch IVrfons as r.re jullly bwing me upward* of Half was becaufe he hail received a much greater the Day that would Place him beyond the Malice of his Ene­ «as much as would difcharge my feveral Creditors lii-fore on the fame Account. Some particular Circum- mies, and feat him where they would leaft of nl with Claimj, and I have no other Method to obtain my lUnces mult apologize for a Requelt which is here made him to be \ namely, in the good Opinion and Coivfi- denct of the People. Liberty, than by applying to the next Ocacral Af- to the Duke of Grafton, to inform the Public whether Fa­ Mr. Vatif han't Offer of coool. wai not refu&d !>ecaufe On Wednefday Night I.ift, at tbe Meeting, of the fcmbly of this Province, to pafs an Aft in my R. W.'s of 5500 I. had been already accepted? Electou for the City and Liberty of Weltminfter at the vour, and by giving up my Bflate both Real and Many Merchant* in Jamaica have called a Sale for Globe Tavern in the Strand, Robert Jones Efq; of Pirfonal to my Creditors, to redeem my Body oht of rhrir Negroes, and are about to fet off with their Effedls Hill-Stieet, Berkley-Square, was in the Chair, and the Jail in Cbdrlts Coiinty. for Sew-York, on account of the Slacknefs of Trade. made a very eloquent Speech. A Letter from a certain JOSEPH WATERS, Son of Jos.pH, They -write from New-York that Workmen and patriotic Alderman, declaring his firm and determined Manufacturer* of every Kind are continually arriving Refolution to fupport them, to the utmoft of his Power, AN away from the Subfcriber, living on Elk~ there and at Philadelphia from England, fo that in a wa* read, and met with univcrfal Approbation. RiJgt,«tge, on thetne i yth of CBobtr lad, a brown few Years they (lull be able to fupply every Neceflary . There will be no Petition from the County of Hert­ Mulatto Man, named CHARLRS FENTON, be­ among themlelv'es. ford, a* the Court Party, being very powerful, have tween i ^ aad 20 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 8 or 9 The Woman who had the Honour of a late Inter­ fruftrnted every Attempt to aflemhle the Freeholders. Inches high, hat a large Scar on the fore Part «f his view with a great Admiral at Portfmouth has within Letters from Cork mention, that feveral Outrages 1 **" Head, and a down Look when any Ways weamined : thefe few Days been introduced to another great Per- have been lately committed in the dead Time of the him, Two new Ofnabrig of Rapparees, Had on, and too!: with tbiuge, and it u (aid will be provided for. Night in that County, by a Number one white ditto, Two Country mill'd Jacket:, I A Letter from Mantua, dated July ijth, faysi Gen. who are out in Arnuj they lately, on the Barony of Shirts, Paoli arrived hue Yefterday, with M. Saliceti, and Iveragh, deftroyed Eight Bullocks, and Twenty-eight one Pair of Ofnabrig Tronfers, a Sagathy Goat, and was prefented to the Emperor of Germany, who gave Heifers, belonging to William Fuller, Efqi by hough­ blue1 Breeches, Three or Four Pair of Stockings, hint a very obliging Reception, and permitted him to ing and maiming them in a barbarous Manner. one Pair of Shoei or Pumps, a new Carter Hat, with be prefent at the AfTetnbly in the Evening. Paoli is Letters from Leghorn mention, that it "is thought fundry other Things. -Whoever takes up faid entertained at Court, aad will continue fume Days in the Malecontents of Corfica only wait for the.Re-*m- Servant, or fecurcs him, fo as the Subscriber may thi* Country. barkation of the French Troops, on their return borne, get him again, fliall receive, if taken in the Pro­ Saturday Two young: Girls were brought before the to break out into open HoAilities. vince, Pony Shillings j if brought home. Throe Lord Mayor for ail'aultmg each other in tbe Street, They write from Gibraltar, that Two Sallettine Pounds; and, if out of the Province, Five Hounds, and allb lor charging each other with a Robbery. It Zehecks, mounting Twenty Gunt each, are now cruiz­ appeared before hit Lordfhip that they were each un­ ing between the Streighti Mouth and Cape Rouge, paid by (w4)____HENRY HOWARD. happy common Pro/lit ules, both under 16 Years of on the African Coalt, and had taken feveral Porfu- FIVE POUNDS REWARD. Ap | and tbrir Mothers expreflrd the moft tender Af­ gtirfe Prizes. < OStktr jo, 1769. fection for them, as well as their utm'olt Abhorrence . We' hear that this Morning an Expreft wai fait off AN away from the Subfcriber, laft Sunday Nigl-t, for their Manner of Life, and begged of his Lord/hip from the Office of Admiralty, Charing-Croft, to the an F.ngli/b Convict Servant Man, named JBSSC to recommend them to the Magdalen Charity, declar­ Commillioncr* of the Dock-Yards of Portfmouth and JORDAN,R about 15 Years of Age, 5 Feet n f ing at tbc fame Time, that young as they were yet, they Plymouth. Inches high, has a pale Complexion, gray Eyes, liiht weo fWuced by fpeclout and unmeaning I'romifei of We hear Admiral Edgecombe will be appointed to fair Ihort Hair, am) it by Trade aSuoemaken Had Perfoni waolr ktation in Life ought to have prevented fucceeil Admiral Pye, in the Command of the Wind­ on, an Ofnabrig Shirt, red Breeches, with Troufer* di(hono«i. However, hi* Lordmip, with bis wonted ward IfUnd Squadron, in the Weft-Indiei. over them, Two Jackets, the Under one a knit fcailrt, Humanity, wai plealed to recommend them ai they It'll now confidently faid that Weftminfter-Hall will the other a blu* flower'd Scree \ -he alfo took with dcfircd i and at the fame Time reminded them from not be fliut againft the Elector! of Weftmiufter, who him his Sboc-mitkers Tools, and a forrel Horfe, about Isenrc to be Cautious how they put Confidence in have appointed a Meeting there next Ttiefelay to con- 14 Hand* hi^h, with a white Blare down his F*c*. MB*, who for a momentary Gratification would forfeit fiderof a Petition to his Majefty on the prefeht Situa­ and an o!4 Saddle and Bridle ( it i. fuppofed he had a Honour, Juftice, and Reputation, to the inevitable tion of Affair*\ and further that no fuch Step wai ever Companion with him, as the Subfcriber has alfo miffrd Ruin off the young, unthinking, foft, and amiable intended. ' a Horfe, branded on the near Buttock H. Whoever, jtort of their Sex, who ought in Juftice to claim our We hear that on Tuefday, the Inventor of the Ma- takes up the laid Servant and Horfes, and bring* them Tfcutettipfi, alfb declaring, he felt himfelf fenfibly hurt, ' chine to travel without Horfes, laid a Wager of »oo to the Subscriber, living near J«ttt/Wu, if ttktu with­ that any Creature who bore the divine Image, fhould Guinea* to too, at Gerrard's-Hall-Inn, in BlCng- in tlie CoUnty, Forty Shillings far tli* Fallow, and ip far dcrtale himfelf, a* to be guilty «f a young Wo- Lane, with an eminent Merchant, that his faid Ma­ Twenty for the Creature* i or if out of the County msm** Ruin, whom he ought to fuppwt in the Path of chine fhould arrive at York fooner than the York and brought home, Five Pounds Reward, paid by Mtulrtj. »»d to deem it a Piece of Gallantry. Waggon, which is to be determined next Week. JOHN HJUSIMU! 'T^ by mt from v * r : -i: Ofhhtr C, 1760. from a Wreck off C*>e-Pii*t, the 14-th and at(h of 0Sober, ' Part of a j Inch T~M°L VM a fandy colour'd Broad-Cloth r» It SOLD, at PVBUC HNDVE, ty tb< 9*l/cr£ J. Skipper, William J,b*fa and bound in Annapolis, en Wedntf- Cable, about 25 Fathom, with feme Piece, of Buttonhole* on each Side btrt, at thi Coffee-Houfe ; Binding, a Pair of -Bucklkin Fiftuntb Day of November In/taut, tte fd- Rope. The Veifel appear* to have been a Sloop 0 Worfted dmy tbt Owaer alay remarkable for having Spot, of Paint in the lowing IraeJofL'and and Negrttt, nnvtytd t» thai, her Decks and Stern moftly gone. r The e right Knee | feveral good Bridle, and Trvfl by Mr. John Wilmot, we. have the above- pn proving Property* * 'e^ '"} their in alto taken, and old' onc TRACT of Land, called Dinah'i-Pm»tj, grant­ _(3w) . BDWAUD NOELi fundry trifling Thing, tied iu^a Piece of lying on a much wore. It ed to Jcbn fPilmtt, for 215 Acre., UST PUBLISHED, and a Pair ofBioA pretty A SUvtr-Rn, in J ,ken a* a very particular Favour, if. the Draft of Pift-Crttk, called And to bt SOLD at tjn PaiHTiNc-Orricfi, Co be at Mr. Reynoldft, County, and near John Logidmfli, who will Ihow umrn who happened of ^ the Race., would be kind enough to have their the Land. Likwife Six likely Negroes, confiding '"*«-arched, a. it i* greatly fufpefted Tome of Men, Women and Children, one 'of the Men it a MARYLAND "ALMANACK, been concerned in the above^- and Tanner. The Title and Terms of Sale Foa THI YEAR 1770, m.i have Sawyer and.eriftrtain- Whoever can give Information of the above Theft, may be known, by applying to ONTAINING many inftruOive r»«ive Fifteen Shilling. Reward, from NICHOLAS MACCUBBIN, ing Pieces, both in Profe and Vcrfe ; together Mr. Rtjntldi. C Diforders ip- **y WILLIAM SMITH. Hoftler to ______JAMES DICK. with Receipts for the Cure of different Robfitn Cbilat, living cident to thi. Climate, tfr. Price, a. ufual, 5 /. of of Septem­ in Baltimore County, taken up a* TOLEN or STRAY'D, on the 18th per Dozen, or Eight Copper, fingle.______"on the Barrens living on the Head of t,r« a light gray MARE, almoft white, about « ber, from the Subfcriber, R E W A R D. (hod before, butha.no S in Aunt~Arumdtl County, a bright bay TEN P O U N D S v H old i A Hand* high, i. , South River, September 16, 1769. ' Rrand. The Owner may have her again, MARE, about 4 Yean old, i j or 14 Hands high, Back, a ROKE Jail lafl Night about Eleven o'Ctock, I ty and _paying Charge.. branded bn the near Buttock B, hat a long , proving like a Standing the Following Prifoners, viz. aT the Plantation of Tbomaj King, in Star in her Forehead, a- Mane much B about ; rJrtHERE i» cut, only a fmall Place JACOB, a Negro, a ihort thick Fellow, T Pr'tnce-Getrgf* County, taken up a. a Stray, a Mane, but never has been formerly the Pro- 4 Tail, paces and gallops flow Feet 7 or 8 Inches high ; he was brown b.y HORSE, about n Hand, high, between for the Bridle, a Sprig of Am*-Ari,nJtlGo\in- no perceivable Brand. The been broke. Whoever orin?;. faid peity of Mr. Benjamin ITtljl, ,nd < Yean old, ha. and has lately Hugh Salt, of Turk County, may have him again, on projrtng Property and (hall have Twenty Shillings Reward, ty, and fold to a certnin 0*ntr Mare to me, is remarkable for having both . Pounds for the Thief, if convicted, in Pe*njjhan.:u ; he pjying Charge*.______^______and Five and it fuppofed to be hArLoure,d ibmc . ' ; ' ______BALDWIN LUSBY. his Ears crnpt, HERE i* at the Plantation of Jamei Wilfr*, taken where about Mr. H'rljb\ Plantations. op a. a Stray, a black MARE, about 13 Hand. will be ready to 5 Feet 10 or 1 1 hind Feet, HE SLOOP PATOWMACK, WILLIAM WOODMAN, about kj-b hi* a Blaxe in her Face, Two white Eight or Ten Day* : looking Fellow, and had trot, and gallop.. The Owner _ fail for Philadelphia, in Inches high, k| is a down to'perceivable Brand, her any back Freight, for cither Ofnlbrig Shirt and Troufcrs. , hive her again, on pVoving-J-ropvty^ad paying Thofe who will give on an old PmtMxatt or Patawmack. Rivers will much oblige / Whoever fccures and brings back faid Prifoner*, - "r~T> THE « Their bumble Servant, (hall have Ten Pounds lor both, or Five Pounds for WILLIAM SYDEBOTHAM. each; paid by DANIEL CHAMIER, I C. Sheriff of Baliinure County. p U B L 19, 1769. (8w)^______H E Want of a proper SCHOOL for the In- felt by the Inha­ AN away from the Subfcriber, living in Fre- Tt It LET in BLADF.NSBURG, Iruaionof Youth, (everely STONE HaUSE, Tbitant* of FreJeruk County, induce, them to fubmit dtrltk County, about the tjjA of Autuft lad, COMMODIOUS to the Confi- R named SANDY, he fc* been Poor Rooms on a Floor, with a Kitchen, lit following SCHIME of aLoTTaav a new Negro Fellow A well of the Benevolent and Generoui, which it U better than a Year, can talk pretty Out Houfes fufficient, and Garden. A Perfon fcntion in the Country will meet with einieftly hoped will meet the Approbation and En- but I don't know whether he can tell my qualified for keeping a good Table, fee Science 'ain, there, as a coyarenient of all thofe who"wi(h to ame, altko-' he can tell hi. own very plain, and is Encouragement from many Gentlemen Maryland, C inrifo in every Part of about £ PMt 6 Inches high: Had on, a Cotton private Eating-Houfe. The Fund, appropriated by Aft of Afletnhly to* the but ha* WILLIAM DIGGES. 1xtng inhifficient Jacket, »Ofnabrig Shirt, Crocm Troufcrs, (tf)______Public School in Frederick County, and a Mole on tbt Building*, it i* propoied by thi* no Hat 4r Cap ; ha* very bad Teeth, Tt bt fold, ml Putlic VcnOMt, by tbt Snb/criben, at to ereS the neceflary i* thought he will Page, «» tbt Lottery, to raife Nine Hundred Dollar., to .aid that kis Cain with long Hair in it. It latt Dwlling'Plaxtatitii tf Margaret Ferry, where he was broV from. « tbt \-iio Daj of Nove»- Deficiency. make far Pataffct North SiJt of Severn,- J——— r, tuff tf Thru ntufaMd TICKITI, at Tow Dollari. Whoever takes up faid Negro, and brings him to mill bt if tub } light H»xdred and Fifty-tv» «/ vMeh the Subfcriber, (hall have Forty Shillings Reward EVERAL white Semnts, Men and Women, uilboft any DtduSitn, via. taken at a great Diftance, and if near liome, what that underftand the Farming Buftnefs. Alfo i Priae of 2co Dollar*, ia a $0 Dollar*. allow*, paid by < S Horfes, Cuttle. "Sheep Hogs, fcfr. - - aoo ' the Law all the Stock of i too (w3) _____ZEBHANIAH BEALL. Likewife ffveral good Featlirr Beds and Furniture ; a *$« of Planta­ being confined in Amnt-ArunJel Three Ferry Boats, and a great Variety * too sod 'H E Subfcriber tedious to menta­ __ County Jail for Debt, hereby give. Notice to hi* tion and Houfho'.d Furniture, too 6 300 to apply to the next Uene- tion. The Sale to begin at 11 o'Clock, and con­ 2OO Creditor., that he intends 8 jjd Aflembly for Relief. ROBERT NIXON. tinue 'til all are fold. »(w}) »5 i8cr ) JOHN MRRRIKEN, Execators. 10 400 C AT A WAY R A C E S." HAMMQND. V Jiao . P I S _____NATHAN $ooS»rai*'d. O BB RUN FOR, at Pi/tattnvey, on Juf received frem LONDON, Tueftlay the Seventh Day of Nrvtmber Inlt. PARCEL of the Qu BEN'S PEARL WASH.: Set T for (heir fuperior Ex- A PURSE OF TWENTY POUNDS, BALLS, fo well known ukt, 2148 A Sun-burning, Freckles, Spots or GILDING, .the tellence, in removing free for any Hoais, MAKI, There is no Soap or Preparation what- 3000 Tickets, a Dollar, each, 6000 Dollars. Mile Heals, to carry Weight and Pimple*. -beft ofThree Three ever, \v«ich produce with fo much ceriainry7"tEiT for Site, -v/r. aHorfe, tfr. of Fourteen Hands high, the Sk:ri, and ME, there are a little more than agreeable Whitenefs and Softncf. of Bjr the above ScM i to carry One Handred and Twenty-fix Pounds, fmooth, pure and Two Blank* and an Half to a Prize, and the Profit, at the fame Time render* it fo Saddle and Bridle included, and to raile and fall Price Two Shilling* and ittiined, are Fifteen per Cm. on the whole. Pounds plamp : They are fold, of, the Drawing i* Fourteen Pounds the Firft Inch, and Sewn at Job* Heftnrn't, Peruke- When the Ticket* arc difpofed lower. Six Pence Currency, Notice of which to be given in the for every Inch they may be higher, or in Annaptlit, and no where elfe in this Pro­ to begin (previou. on the fame Terms, maker, MAIYLAND GAIBTTI) irr the Court-Houfc of the On Wednefday the Eighth, \ where may be had, LA* Coua'i famoaa at leaft, BE RUN FOR, vince aid County, in Prefence of Six of the Manager, and at the fame Place, will OINTME.NT for thickening and prcfcrving the a* (hall think proper tad u many of the Advtnturer* A PURSE OF FIVE POUND Si Hair, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence the Box; to attend. wou'd be unneccf- ITJfoa, Tbt- with the Entrance Money of both Day*, which is further Encomiums on their Uufe The Manager* are, Mcflteur* Jtmmtban the Nobility and Jofepb IVooJ, Tbomat Pritl, conjectured will amount to about FIFTEEN fary, being fo well known among mu Bnu!ej, George Murdotk, fevrral YCTTS paft. (tr) Cefrer Sbaaf, Cbarlti Biattej, Samuel Stall, jun. N»r. POUNDS more, Gentry in Europe, for am Brute, Andrew Heiigb, Entaj CamfbeU, Cbri/ofbet The HORSES fiwthe Firft Day, to be entered 14, 1769. HA, John Can, L+irwuk tVeltner, Peter Grt/b, Tbo- with FaAKcu KINO, on Monday the Sixth, by T» ktftU h Ibt Stbfcribtr, ml PUBLIC SALE, /. lit na Hull, HicboLu Tut, Sammtl Hngbei, Tkmal Jtbat, o'Clock, and to pay, if Subfcriber., One bigbejl BiiUir, «« tke ntb Day tf November Inf. be on Twelve »nd Jamti Brand, who are to give Bond, and in the Pound, if not, One and Six-pence, BOUT >oo Acre* o4 valuable Land lying IN Fre. Difcharge of their Tnift. Shilling Traft of Land Otth for the faithful and itat the Poft, double. The winning dtrick County, being Part of a A Lii of the Prize* to be published in the MARY- caU'dA fbe Abbtuii u fUtft Deligbt, adjoining to Mr. Drawing i. finimeil, Hoasi, Wr. the Firft Day, only excepted. by Col. "oGAZiTTa, at foon a* the to determine all Jtfefb Cbaplinf* Plantation, and willed Prite* to be paid off, without *ny Deduc­ Proper Judge* will he appointed to b? fold by hi. Executrix, tion,»d tt* r- 7 ______^ RJiMmrd Sfriyg, decealed, I ifpute* that may arife.______before a certain Day mentioned in the (aid Will, where­ in the Province, £ * - Any Money pafling current PARCEL of choice Dauo* and genuine in fince (he failed i and, at that Authority wai ptrfonal obt rtceiv*a in the Sal« of the Ticket., and the fame Executrix, not delegatory, or tranfmutabte to by the Patent MEDICINES, juft come to Hand, to the to b« accepted in Payment of tin Priaw drawn WILLIAM any other Perfon, the Ltndi defcended to the Heir at fcrtunate Adventurer*. areA to be fold on the lowed Terms, by the legal Title, Dr. JOHN Law of the Teftator, in whom reft, WILKIM., at Avtapolii, for Account of Deed., for the lame, tnnn mad* vin,ifirrlinttn'i Bal- and all other Sale., or _'" the Printing-office, in Annapoli*. SrAaMAWK, of Philadelphia, by him, an invalid* and of none EffeA in Law, of (am, Walktr't, Jefuit* Drops, an inWlible Cure for the Public ar» hereby warned, to prevent Rein* which have been lately'granted the Venereal Difeafe, all Weaknefle* of the Fraud., Trefpifle., tfe, HEREAS CMAITIM from whatever when the W in the Province, of New-York, Nr+u-Jerfej, ia both Sexet, however obdinate, and The Sale will be nude on the Premife* Epifconal Clergy, with Canfe proceeding, likewife for the Stone, Gravel, Opinion of the ableft 'Lawyer* on the Continent, re­ ifn*]jfaa*m, by which,the to any Pti- lundry refpcctable and worthy Gentlemen of the Laity, aad all fcorbutic Cafei Balfam of Honey for Con- lative to the Right of Title, will be (hewn are erected into a Corporation, for and all Complaint* of the Breall; fon inclined to bid for the fame. . « thofe Province*, fmaptionj, Cold*, SPR1GO; Heir at h« Kelief of the diftrefted Widow* and Children of Bardana, for the Rhematifm and Gout; Bri- RICHARD E*g- Elixir rV . fgy. '" t*>« Communion of the CTTurch of mJk Tooth-Powder, which prefervet the Teeth from B>iliimiri*Tt*vMt OOvler 4. 1769. Amenta, ^-The Clergy of the cftabtifti'd *" . in decaying, renders them white a* Ivory, and the JUST ARRIVED, from L1VKRPO.OL, ir'-A in UaQl**a', are hereby requcfted to meet on 1.1. and the Houfe Breath perWUy agreeable ; Anatrfon\ Pill*, /. the BaiOAMTiNB DISPATCJC1T «« Fhird Wednefdny in November next, at all viciou* contaiftWiltW every in Atenaftlii, in order to con- C. D. highly efteemed for purging away CARGO of Dry GOODS, f Mr. Samuel UiJMeton, and found Di- which will be difpot'd (der ""' »g«e upon a Plan, and to apply to thi Legif- Humours, rcllorinp a good Appetite, Article for this Seafon» ' * Charter to aitabliDi a Society for the tame gdbon ; Bntijb Oil; Dajfy'* Elixir; Sugar Plumbs, offA on frood Term*, by larity, within thi* Province. a certaia Cure for Worm* of all Kind*, in Men, (4w) ftUDSON & THOMPSON. J-r Jamti't Fever Powder*; TT by Bartt»Uaru> Wotmcn, aad ChjWren j Dr. my Creditor!, that Subfcriber. being impowered Remedy, HEREBY give Notice to all of /-**<*«. Aflignee to the late Dr. Hilft Bffenco for fore Eyes, a fure to the next General Aflembly 7 * u the Sight; Bate- I intend to apply /»»» rbilfrt an(] Company, Merchant, of the fame greatly flrengthen* and patf«rV« to pafs a Law in my Favour, on and Cordial; King't Honey thi. Province, to receive all Debtt due to the faid Ptihtot iman'* Drops; Godfr^ft up all my Eftate, both Real and Perfciml, ,J, a. well a. rirgbu, hav. to Pill* j Court Plainer ; Oil Turpen-' delivering jn Uarjla Water ; Lotker't to my Creditor*, that?! may obtain my Liberty, ami le who are indebted to the *forefaid Jttm tine ; Nipble Glafles; Emeticks i Purge*; Rhubarb ; bf difcWged from ** '"-'* " '-:| "IT^ and Company, that thty wiM make iminedJau Powder of Jefuit* Bark ; Ifinglafs \ S>ago j Manna > ^ FRANK LEEKE. P>yn.ent Salt* > Spermaceti, tff. (}m) U») RALPH FOR8TER. ENKNIVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, LANCET^ T*fiN PISTOLES REWARD. frlVE POUNDS REWARD. ___ FLEAMS, &c. ground by the Subfcriber at his TOLEN the 4th oifthis Inftant, at Night, out of Baltimore-Town, Augnfl j0, ,';«,. ITS?Houfe near the Governors, in Annapolis. S Mr. DICK'S Stable, at London-Town, a dark AN away YeftertUy Evening from tin Subfcriber (4w) PHILIP WILLIAMS. brown' HORSE, fuch a Colour as is commonly R an Englifh Convict Servant Man, named 1ONA* called black, with a Star in his Forehead, and his Tail THAN STICKWOOD, born in Cembridgejbirt, he ii If. B. He carries on the Cabinet Bufmefs as ufuaJ. nick'd and dock'd, he is partly Englijb Blood, which about ai Year* of Age, 5 Feet 8 or o Inches' high is difcoverable in his Appearance. The Horfe has grey Eyes, (hort dark colour'd Hair which curls a fit' To be fold, by the Subftriber, at Public Vendut, on tie, he has been fick fometime, looks very yellow tfettnefday and Tburfday of tbit November Court, been ufed to a, Carriage, and trots well, that being and popri Had on, and took with him, an old Hat' at the Hou/e of Jacob Myers, '« Baltimore-Town, his natural Gait, but he paces when he is rode, Ofnabrig Shirt and Yrouferi, light blue Cloth Jacket EAR Two Hundred very valuable LOTS, on though very aukwardly; his Tail was fpoil'd in the with Sleeves and Metal Buttons, the Under Put of the Pbilpot'i-Point, and fundry valuable Planta­ Nicking, and hangs in a very particular Manner; he. Sleeves are let out witli deep blue Cloth; blue Yarn tionsN in'Baltimire Foreft, Part of the Eftate of Brio* has lately been fired in one of his hind Legs, which Stockings, good ftrong Shoes, odd Buckles, Irijk occaftons one Ancle to be bigger than the other, and Linen Snirt, red and white Calico Jacket with Horn; Pbiltct, dece*fed, and fold to pay off the Creditors his off hind Hoof is very remarkable, being much Buttons covered with tbe Calico, a Pair of Rujfit of laid Deceafed's Eftate. As it is not probable wore with dragging in his Pace.-- Whoever Drab Breeches with white Metal Buttons, a good that the whole can be difpofed of at that Time, the fecures the Horfe and brings the Thief to Jufticc, ftriped Silk, a fpotted Linen, and an old black Barct* Sale of what fl»all rcmnin unfold, will be continued fo that he be convicted, {hall be paid by me, Ten bna Handkerchief., a Pair of blue ribb'd WorlUd as aforcfaid on tile Wednefday and Thurfd.iy of Piftoles; or, whoever brings the Horfe, to Mr. Stockings, and One Pair of fcarlet Carters. every fucceeding Affize and County Courts, "til the Whoever takes up the faid Servant, and fecuret him Diet, at London-Town, or me Rt AKuapolii, (hall be fo that the Subfcriber gets him again, (hall have Thirty whole are fold. Attendance will be given at the rewarded for their Trouble. before-mentioned Time and Place, by the Subfcriber, Shillings if taken Twenty Miles from home, if Forty ANTHONY STEWART. Miles Three Pounds, if out ot the Province the above who is duly authorifed by Mrs. Maty Pbilpat, Ex­ N. B. It is fnppofcd the Horfe was lulen by a Fel­ Reward (including what the, Law all^t) and reafona­ ecutrix of faid Eftate, to manage the Bufmefs and low, who that fame Night rob'd Mr. Maykiity, of ble Charges if brought home, paid by fettle the Accounts thereof. JAMES KELSO. this City, of fome Money, and >.-. Evit of a (w6)______WILLIAM GOQDWIN, Saddle and Bridle : He induced a '' who lixigi-d Thofe Gentlemen who have bought Lots at in Mr. A/ayii/ry's Shop, to open i. r i>oor and let. To be S O L D to tbt kit-bejl Bidtirr, at tbe Town of the former Sales, are once more requefted to call for him in, from whence he Hole the .»' .ney, and per- Dumfries, in Prince-William County, Virginia, on Iburfday tbe i6tb ef November In/I. their Deeds.. ______fuadcd the Boy to go with him, but iic i- ft the Boy in B. who is fince rettrccd tn hit Maflcr. H E BRENTON TRACT of LAND, .containing Bladenjlurgb, September 27, 1769. T about 7000 Acres, in Parcels, as will be thought AN away from the Subfcriber, living in Phila­ T7~bl 7!5i iy tbe^Subjcribcrj, at Start bell for the Purpofes exprcfled in a Deed of Truft, Pig-Poiiit, on Patiyceut River by from Mellrs. George and Robert Brent, to the firrt Three R delphia, an Engiiib Servant ^ian, named BOUT £. 950 firft Cod of Goo.!-., for Current Subscribers, and from Mr. George Brent, to the other THOMAS TAYLOR, by Trade n Shoemaker, he Money, Sterling Bi.ls of Exc;,.;ugc, or fhort Subfciibers. The Sale being advertifed jointly, by is of a low Stature, flim made, mark'd with the Credit,A on very rcafonable Terms. all the Truftees, who will join in the Deeds. Thole Small-Pox, and has dark H.IK : Had on, a brown Jac­ inclinable to puiclule, may be aflured of meeting with ket without Sleeves, black Buckfkin Breeches, Check __ STEV/AR:. & NORRIS. no Difappointment. Time of Payment will be given for Shirt, an old Hat. He hns changed hisName, and W I'!. I/I A M F A R I S, Part of the Money. (ow) calls himfclf JOHN SMITH, and has been confined CLOCK AND W ATC li M A K-E R, WILLIAM BRENT, T in Baltimore Jail, but through his falfc Name was At tbe CROWN /tWDiAL, near ! >. < / * .-/», im Weft-» DANIEL CARROLL, S-Truftee*. difcharged : He has been feen on the Road between Street, ANN.M-'H.I'., HENRY ROZER, J . this Town and Annapolis, arid it is fuppofed he is EGS Leave to inform the f Creditors of gone towards Virginia. Whoever delivers the whomB lias been a Kinifher leviral Yfetrs to the cele­ WILLIAM CARRJ Mr. Ribt. Brfi. faid Servant, to Tbomai Hyde, in Annapolis, or to the brated Mr.AUam) and carries on the above BufinefTe* Subfcriber, (hall receive Three Pounds Reward, in in all their various Brandies. The Gold, Silver- CATHARINE RATHELL, MILLINER, Lieu of what the Law allows. fmiths and Jewellers Bufineflc* he flill carries «n in the FROU LONDON, ______JOSEPH GAVIN. neateft and be ft Manner. He alfo executes any Or­ der* he may he favoured with for Chair Work, having Hat open'ft Sliop at tbe Houfe of Mr. W". Whetcroft, Jeweller, in Weft-Street near tbe Town Gettt, and Tt be SOLD, by the Subfcribtr, at Public Salt, Ho tbt lately fupplied himfelf with a good Workman, and hat now for Sale, feveral Dozens of very neat bat tbe jMnving Gnat let Jifiofe tf ai a low Advance, bi^btft Bidder, en Tut/day the z\ft of November jor ready Money emty, viz. Infl. for Stirling Cafe, good London Bill* if Ex- black Walnut Chairs. Thofe who (hall pleafe to honour him with their Commands, may depend on be­ HITE Sattin, India and other Chint'zes, Calico/ tbange, or Current Monty, ing faithfully fenred on reafonable Tennt, and with W(Ginghams, Muflin, Cat-Gut, flower'd Gauze HREE Acres of Land, lying in Pifcetta^tay, the utmoft Difpatch. H* continues to keep Tavern, Aprons, Cloaks, Cardinal's, Hats, Bonnets, a fafhion- in Prinee-Gtcrft's County, whereon is a good having fupplied himfelf with the heft of Liquors, Hay able Allbrtment of Caps, Egrettes, Fillets, Bieaft TDwelling-Houfc, Thirty-two by Twenty-eight Feet, and Oats, where Gentlemen will meet with polite Flowers, a large AfTbrtment of faihionable Ribands, Four Rooms below ana Four above, a good Store- Treatment and the belt Accommodations fur thfQl- Hats for Youths and Boys, Riding Hats and Feathers fur Houfc, Twenty by Sixteen Feet, ceiled round with fel vet and Horfts, from Ladies, Gold Bands, Biittons and Loop*, Silk Piece* Inch Plank, and an Eight Feet Shed, the Length of Tbeir very butnbU Servant, for Gentlemen* Breeches, black, white, and coloured WILLIAM FARIS. Silk Hofe for Gentlemen, fpun Silk ditto, fuoerfine the Houfe double (luddcd, a large Kitchen, with a A/. S. He gives ready Money, and the belt Pricet India Cotton 'ditto, both for Ladies and Gentlemen, Brick Chimney and Oven, a Stable, built with for old Gold and Silver______Worded and Cotton ditto for Children, a very neat Two Inch Plank let into the Ports, Thirty-fix by Pafte Necklace aad Ear-Rings, Frrncb Bead Ear-Rings Twelve Feet, with a large Hay-Room above, a AN away from the Subfcriber, living on Ktnt- and Necklaces, Box and Ivory Combs, chafed aqit Meat-Houfe, Twelve Feet Square, built as the Sta­ R lllandi in Queen-Ann*1* County, on Monday plain Silver Nutmeg Graters, very neat enamelled ble, with fevcral other Out-Houfes, a good Garden, September 25, a yellow Negro Man, named FILL, pitto, Jet Bunches, Ivory Cafe», with Sntelling-Bottles, about Eight Hundred Feet Round, all newincnft about a3 Years of Age, middle Stature, .and it. very iiihaml Meafure*, Kid, Lamb »nd Silk Gloves, and and Mulberry Ports, faw'd Rails and Pales, and a talkative: Had on, when he went away, an old Mitts for Ladies, with all Sorts of wedding, mosrning, large Yard, puled in Round the Houfe : The Land Felt Hat, blue Jacket, and a ftriped ditto without and other Fans, Silk, brown Thread, Doe, Back, Sleeves, Country made Shirt, ftriped Country Cloth Lamb, Woodcock, Wafti-Leither, and white Gloves (or lies clofe to the Creek, which makes it covenient for Gentlemen, neat Shoes and Pumps for ditto, Children* any Trade or Calling. Alfo will be Sold, a young Breeches. At there is a Canoe taken from the lower End of the Ifland, it is fuppofed he has made and Girls Shoes of all Sorts, white Trimmings, new Negro Woman, foiric Horfes, Cattle and Hogs, and fafhion'd Riband Ruffs, very fine plaited Stocks and fundry other Neceflarie* too tedious to mention. over for Thomas's Point.- Whoever takes up Stock Tape, Ladies Riding Stick*, Blond Silk, and Credit will be given for one Half of the purchafe the faid Negro, and fecures him, fo that his Matter Cotton Thread-for working, Watch Strings, Irije Gar­ Money for the Land and Houfes, on giving Bond may get him again, fhall receive, if taken on the ters, Garlands, Feather and other Muff*, Pocket and Security if required, by Ifland Fifteen Shillings; if out of the County Forty Handkerchiefs, Sattin Cap* for Boy*, Sewing Silki, (ts) ALEXANDER BURRELL. Shillings Reward, and reafonable Charges if brought Thread* and Tape* of all Kind*, Court Plaifler, home, paid by______JOHN COCKEY. Skeleton and Skein Wire, with many other Articles. N. B. If I dont fell the above Houfes, I will Rent dr Lcafe them upon moderate Terms. < JUST IMPORT ED, h tbe Brig VENUS, Captain C A T T E L L, tC, HE FuLLiMo-MiLL at the Mouth of Petnaent Baltimert-YrwH, September 12, 1760, from IRELAND, River, is now provided with a good Puller, and HE Subfcriber hereby gives public Notice P A R C E L of healthy Indented SER­ Tready for Work | fuch as fulling-, dying and prefling that he has begun Inoculation, at his Dwel- A VANTS, Men and Women, among whom all Sorts of Clothes and Worlied Stuffs, fcarlet and Tling-Houfe, which funds dillant from Baltimore- are the following Tradefmen, -viz. Weavers, Shoe­ blue excepted, unlefs dyed before fent to the Mill. Town, Half .1 Mile, is a' healthy Situation, and an makers, Blaclcfmiths, Bakers, a Miller, Houfe- As the infupportable Inconvenience attending the Col- Carpenter, Sailmaker, Braider, Hatter, Schoolmaf- lection of a Number of /mall Debts, from various dif- agreeable Profpeft. His Price as before, Two tant Parts of the Country, mult be obvious to every i'llloles for Inoculation, and Twenty Shillings per ter, and fundry Farmers. They are to be difpofed of on board the faid Veflel, now lyi»p at Baltimore' one | and as this expenfive Undertaking was begun Week for Board. And as the Sickncls is fo trifling, and profecuted, principally to encourage the Manu­ and the Confinement none, the Expence need not Tewn._____(tfj_____JOHN STEVENSON. facture of Woollen Country-Cloth, at a Time when exceed Five Pounds Fourteen Shillings, or Six Annapoln September »|, 1760. the oppreffive Meafuret, lately adopted and purfued Pounds Currency ; and> may be inoculated any JUST IMPORTED, by the Mother-Country, render it indifpenfably ne- Month in the Year, 'July and Auruft excepted. FROM LONDON, ceflary, for our own Well-being, that every Individu­ In tbt INDUSTRY, Coptat* GHEIO, and ti be SOLD, al fhou'd manufacture as much at in hit Power lies. I (hall be obliged to thofe wno will favour me by tbt Subfct^r, at bit Sttre in CHURCH-STBEET, with their Curtom ; and they may depend on being It is hoped that no Offence will be given if the Pro. ANNAPOLIS, prietors defire the Money for fulling, &C. to be fent carefully and tenderly dealt with, by LARGE and compleat AfTbrtment of EUROPEAN by the Perfon who is to receive the Cloth, at it is ab~ Their bumble Servant, ' A and EAiT-htuiA GOODS, which he will fell folutely neceflary to fupport the Work. All Pcrfont HENRY STEVENSON. reafonable on ftiort Credit, and advantageonfly for who will favour me with their Cloth, may depend on N. B. Thofe who intend coming, are defired not ready Money. CHARLES WALLACE. having it finifhed off in the bell Manner, and with all N. B. This Importation of Goods was ordered by pofTible Difpatcb ) and to prevent MifUkei the Owner to change, their Manner of Diet, or ufe any Pre­ Invoice in February laft, which wat received in May, paration before hand, at it it rather prejudicialthan of every Piece of Cloth, it requettecl to put the initial and Part of the Goodt purchafed i Thus much is de- Letters of hit or her Name in the Web. othcrwife. figned for the Obfervation of the Curious. (if) WILLIAM SCOTT- *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>cxxx^ AlttfAPOLIS: Printed by ANNE CATHARINE and WILLIAM GREEN, at the PRINTING- OFFICE: Where all Perfons may be fupplied with this G A Z E T T E, at 12 j. 6 d. a Year i ADVERTISEMENTS, of a moderate Length, are infcrted the Firft Time, for 5*. and it. for each Week's Continuance. Long Ones in Proportion to their Number of Lines. At fame Place may be had, ready Printed, moft kinds of BLANKS, T viz. COMMON and BAIL BONDS; TESTAMENTARY LETTERS of fcveral Sorts, with their proper BONDS annexed* BILLS of EXCHANGE } SHIPPING-BILLS, &c. &c. All Manner of PRINTING-WORK performed in the neateft and" moft expeditious Manner, on applying as above. GAZETTE.


Commons, complaining of that Meafure, defeated | N T I N O P L E, July 17. political Intereft of themfelves, or Friends j having, by late Experience, found how neceffnry it is, for the and it is with the utmoft Reludtance we now find our- I Monday the loth Inftant, a felvcs conftrained to appeal to your facrcd Perfon, from Fire broke out in this City, Service of the Nation', not to be fwayed by any Thing, but perfonal Merit in fach high Appointments. whole Jultice and Goodnefs we can alone hope for which raged with great Fury Redrefs. i for i» Hours. It burr.t for On Friday, a Turtle of a very confiderable Weight, I drawn by Six Horfes, and a Puncheon of Rum, were We therefore moft humbly implore your Majefty, L I near a Mile in Length, and as that you would be gracioufly pleated to give us fuch TY it happened near the Hippo- fent as a Prefent to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, from Sir Fiancis Bernard, in America. Relief as to y»ur Royal Wildom fhall feem meet, by an [ » drome, St. Sophia, and the Aug. 19. We are told by Letters from Berlin, that Exertion ot that Prerogative which tlir Conltmition Porte, it confumed a great it is preiumed, the intended Interview between the has fo properly placed in your Majelty's Hands. And Number of the principal Pa- Emperor of Germany, and the King of Pruffia, has your Mnjelty's Petitioners fhall ever pray, S;c." v. T . laces, fome fmall Mofques, principally for its Objett, the concerting efficacious Mea­ The Petition was figned by 1494 Freeholders, which, . ir.d near 600 Houfes. The Grand Signior was pre- fures for putting an End to the Troubles of Poland; Number was deemed fufficient, at feveral Oc.it'.cmen, feot the whole Time, and moftly on Horfc-back, whertin both thofe Monarchs are effcntially interefted, who were appointed to prcfcnt it, were obit;'.--'!, next tiling away large Sums of Money. from the Vicinity of Pan of their iefpeftive Dominions. Week, to go into diltant Parts of the Kingdom, and ROME, July »6. The Harveft this Year K very plen­ Letters direttly irony Conftantirfcple affure, that the as they are certainly a great Majority of the FreehoU tiful, and Corn bears a very moderate Price. We Ottoman Porte, has declared War againlt the King of ders refident in the County. tire likewife Reafon to hope that the Vintage will Poland. In feveral Part* of tbe County the Petition was never 'pron fine. The fame Letters fay, that Aley Bey had fo happily once offered, owing to the want of Time for that Fur* VIENNA, July a6. This Morning, at Nine o', conduced the War againft the Bey of Upper-Egypt, pole. At Emperor arrived at the Cattle of Sconbrun, in per- that he had obliged him to defray the whole Expence The gener.il Affembly of moft of the great Officer* ftrt , from the Tour which he has made of it, and to cede to him a large Extent of Country of State, held Yclterday at St. James's, it is now laid, trough the different States of Italy. well peopled. -.- was to have a Conference relative to the Surry Peti. WARSAW, July 19. Several Lettert from Podolia, tion, which w.is prefented this Day to his Majefty at nnfirm the total Defeat of the Turks under the Se- Exlraa of a Letter 'from Dtvrcn, AuguJI 17. St. James's Palace. nfcier i the Trenches before Chocrim were opened " Yefteiday was held here, a numerous Meeting of ExtretQ of * Letter from Port/month, Augufl aj. the Freeholders of the County of Wilts. .About »» ky the Ruffians the Day after the Viftory. The Dif- " Ycfterday failed out of this Harbour, the Fre« tirbincts in the Ottonian Army encreafe every Day. o'Clock, William Talk, F.fqs Sheriff for tr.e County, took the Chair, and acquainted the Gentlemen, that ^erick, Nicholfon, for Maryland. This Morning ar­ A treat Mifunderftanding fubftlts between the Grand rived, and came into Harbour, the Ship Brilnnnia, Tifraid hi* principal Officers i his Troops are ^filing the prefmt Meeting wa».w..Cuuli.quau;c of an Adver- tifenient publifhcd at the unanimous Requeft of the Hardie, from Carolina, being the Ship that was on the if towards Bender. The Janizaries have mutinied, Rock, but is fince got off without any Damage." ud murdered one of their Pachas. Grand Jury at Salifluuy, and if any Gentlemen prefent had any Thing to offer, they were at Liberty fo to do. Aug. »6. We hear that the Parliament will meet fot The melancholy Situation to which this Kingdom Dilpatch of Bufmefs in November. nreduced is (till the fame. The Confederates conti- In Confcquence of which, Mr. T.ilbut informed the metocommit all Kinds of Exceffes, the Confequcnccs Gentlemen, that he had t'uawn up the Heads of a Pe­ Extrad of a Letter from Gibraltar, dated July 15, 1769. d which will long be felt by the Provinces where they tition, and if they would give him leave, he would " A Report prevails here, that General t*aoli is at irt, or have been. According to Advices from Li­ read the lame fa.' their Approbation, which he did, Leghorn, with a confiderable Number of his Followers, thuania, their Number is much diminffhed in that the Purport of which was, " That they concurred in and that his Brother Clement in Corfica, is in fuch a Grind Duchy, fince the Cor pi of the Sieur Ricrzynfki the Grievance let forth in other Petitions already pre­ Situation, as to be likely to give the French much «j defeated by Col. Gallitzin. This Bierzy.iiki is fented to the Throne, and in which tjicy hoped to be Trouble, thev not being able to get any Water in that the Perfon who carried off fome Hundreds of the redrcffed, particularly in the Two following, viz. Tbt Part of the Ifland, where they are at prefent." , Troops in the Pay of Prince Radzivil. He is actually Ri$tj of LitJitni, in im/>o/mg a Member on the Co»*ty of ExtraS of * Letter from Par'u, Afgufl 14, on the March towards Little-Poland. fji.l.&lcx not July tlt&id\ and tbe pardoning a CoavifJ " It is faid that the King doth not think another By the hft Letters from Conltantinople we learn, for A/in e Ruffians very little ; nevertheless that Prince liament, and Mr. Wilkes at the Expiration of his Con­ that Place," and has encreafed his Army to near 80000 Repnin, for fear of being obliged to raife the Siege of finement, to be admitted to take his Seat for Middlefex, Men i which obferve the drifted Diitijiline, in Conf'e- the Place through Want of Provifions, had declared in it being the only Mean* to appeafe the Minds of the qucluc of the Regulations introduced among hit Council ot War, in Oppofition to all the other ge­ People, and to caufe the prefent Mode of petitioning Troopt, feveral of whom are Officers of confiderable neral Officers, for an Affault. The fame Advices add, entirely to fubfidc. He recommended other falutary Rank in his Service. The fame Letters add, that the above tht upwards of 50,000 Greeks waited only an Oppor­ Meafures, very likely to reftore Peace and good Order Monarch daily employs feveral Thotif.md Perfont tunity of joining the Ruffia .s ; that a Number of them in the People, and unanimity among the Great. in fitting for the Sea a numerous Squirt ion of Gallics, from Tartary, hid effected their Junction \ and that A Letter from Leghorn mentions, that Jit is thought by which it is conjectured an undeitaking is meditating the Newi of the Serafkier's Defeat had fpread Conftcr the Malecontents of Corfica, only wait for the Re-em­ by fome French, Spanilh, and Irifli Renegadoes, a- Mtiontition into the Grand Vifir'ivilir i Army.Army, barkationuarnaiion of01 theme Frenchnci».u Troops,* ""» on- their return home, gainft fome of the Powers who have Settlements in the NAH.ES, Aw i. The Harveft has been very plen- to t,,.^ out into open Hoflilities. waiwd Mediterranean. tiful this Yea? in every Part of hit Sicilian Majefty't Aygiv ,4. Th',, Day, the followin" "O l? _..- on his Majefty at St. James's, with the Petition from Extr*a if a Litter from the Hague, Augufl »».- Dominions. L " "- -» " « i-m«V wit ' The French Ambaffador at this Court has pre. PARIS, Any. »J. A Veffel, which arrived at_ Havre the Freeholders of the County of Surry t Th« Hon, Peter King, Sir Francis Vincent, Bart. Sir Jof. Maw- tented a Memorial to the following Purpoit i "The » few' ~ from St.. Domingo,, In the dead of underfigned has the Honour to communicate to your Night lar.dr.l. feveral Paflengers, wlio were received by bey, Bart. Jofeph Martin, Efq; An. Chapman, Efqi Exempts, that were waiting in Poft-Chaifes to receive and Jofeph Clarke, Efqi SirAnt.Abdy, Bart, met High Mightineffes, by order of the King his Muflcr, the above Gentlemen, previous to their going to Court, that in Confluence of the Treaty concluded with the them wiih fon« Detachments of the Marechsiiffc j the Republic of Genoa, the 151)1 of May, (768, by which next P.iv the Vcfi'cl difappeared, and no Perfon was to at the Thatched-Houfe Tavern t but being greatly indifpofed with the Gout, could not attend them to . that Republic cedes to France the entire Sovereignty be found that came from on board her. This Myftery, of Corfica, his Majefly, alter having driven out the joined to the. Silence of Adminiftration on the Kvent, Palace. late Rebels to the faid Republic, tovk Pofletfion of that mAcs it conjeftiired, th:tt the Prifoners were fome fe- On the King's Return from the Drawing-Room, Sir Francis Vincent, Bart, the worthy Reprefcntative of Ifland, and united it to the other Dominions of hit ''.itioiu People from St. Domingo, whom the Governor Crown, that all the Ports thereof would, tor the fu- kid thought proper to fccure in that Manner» and the County, prefented the Petition, to his Mftjefty, which was moft gracioufly received, and is as follows i ture, be umlrr the faint Government as tl.it of France, (Qint Politicians carry their Sufpicions fo. far, at to and under the lame Regulation* in je(;>t£t to Trade im>giiie thev formed the entire Council of the Cap*- for f'ufpending their Trade «h« Gi and Vifir, after fkirmifhing with different Bo- for a Year, which feems to be a Prelude to their total «« fell on both Sides i but that the Ruffian Ge­ Friday Night there was a numerous and refpeclahlt nual had at length been obliged to repafs the Niefter curity of all their Rights, is allb the Foundation of your Meeting of the Electors of Wcftminfter, at the Globe? "« i?th Inftant, whofe advanced Guard, under the Majefty'ti We cannot therefore forbear being alarmed, Tavern in the Strand, when the Draft of » Petition to Command of Prince Proforowflti, wa» encamped at whtn we fee that firlt Principle violated in the late In- hit Majefty was read, and unanimoufly approved of. T*o Leagues Diltance fix>m Katniniec. ftance of the Mid.llefex Election. It is confuted to the Cafe of Middlefex i and the Prayer We have feen, Royal Sire, with great Concern, an is faid to confift of a RequcXt, that his Majefty would L O N D O N, Application of the Freeholders of the County of Mid- Aug. 15. The Miniftry have come to, a Refolution, Ulelilx, made by their humble Petitiuu to tb« Houirof b* gracioufly plufal to diflblvt this Pailiaratnt, aai to auoint no provincial Governor*, merely for tht 189

call another is Toon as pofllble. One of the CAmpanjr thertt. Capt. Bring failed this Morning in feafch of To bt SOLD, at Public ITtntbu, on Saturday t», tt,L took Notice of a Resolution in the Com in on Journal*, Four more Pettiadgers, df which he has received Intel- «/ November Infant, 5 Vol. 13. P. 767. Anno 1701. 14 Will. HI. which i» in ligence."- --* * VALUABLE Tract of Land, laid out for la«i ^V. Acres, lying on Patnxent River, in Prut«.C ' *. thefe Words: " Refolved, That it it the undoubted N E W - Y O R K, Oaobtr 30. " Right of the People of England to petition or addrefk County; about 4 Mile* above Snovidtn, Iron-Work. Yetterday Sen'rilght a Meflenger from Shrewlbury It i* well watered and timbered, and the Soil annea " the King, for the calling, fitting or diflblving of cante to Town with the following melancholy Account, ' Parliament*, and for the redrefling of Grievances." to be very good for Wheat, Corn or Tobacco. vie. That on Friday Evening, the xoth Inftant, the Sale to be at the Houfe where Mr. Tbomai Rtcbu.The And on Saturday the following was diftributed at a Wind being Southerly and moderate, and the Hand-Bill among the Electors of Weflininlter. formerly kept Tavern, which is about one Mile i having been fome Time very thick and foggy, the the Land. For Terms apply to the Subfcriber. " Tt tbt luortby indeptudiHt EltSars of tbi City and Sloop Live Oak, belonging to Mr. Jacobus Van Zant, PHILIP Libtrtj of K^t/lmtMfttr. of thi^City Merchant, Capt. Foy, Matter, from _ Spanilh St. Domingo, bound in to this Port, being Hungri River, OQobtr " GENTLEMEN, T« ** SOLD by the SUBSCRIBER, ml a l *' You have been called on by public Advertife-x nearer the Land than they imagined, had the Misfor­ tune to run aground on Squan Beach, a little to the SLOOP which carries about aooo Bulhels, re­ ments to meet in Weftmintter-Hall, on Tuefday next, markable for her fall failing, extraordinary' wt|J the igth Inltant, at n o'clock hi the Forenoon, for Weftward of Shrewlbury Inlet, where the Veflel, being A deeply laden, and a large Swell from Sea fetting right built and fitted, and free from Worms, has only made the Purpofe of conGdering on a Petition to his Majef- Three Trips to PbileMpbia, and Five or Six in the ty on the prelent alarming State of the Conllitution. on upon the Beach, in a few Thumps went all to Pieces, and was Intirtly loft, with all her Cargo Bay i Like wife a finall SCHOONER** F.et Keel. Every Method has been taken, and will be taken by As the SLOOP has a Trip or Two to make to Baltimtri mean Suggeftions, falfe Reprefentations, and unfair which was very valuable, confiftjng of Sugars, Maho­ gany, &c. and upwards of 10,000 Dollars in Specie : (he may be view'd there, and the Terms, Vc, known and undue Influence, to render this Meeting abortive. of Mr Nicholat Jo»ti, Merchant there, or You are told, that you will not be joined by the fiber Four of the People only efcaped with Life, vi>.. th{ ot ftnfiblt, that you will have no Men of Confiquincc Mate, Two Seamen and a Spanilh Merchant, who ______. JOHN BENNETT. among you, and that not one Half of the Electors of were caft afhore on the Beach, where they fourid them- HE Subfcriber, late from the Borough of La^ Weftminfter will fign fuch Petition BE NOT DE­ felves next Morning, but could give no Account how cafftr, in die Province of PtnHjfrl-vania, takes CEIVED t it it by fuch Infinuationj the Enemiei to our they got there i They were terribly bruifed and man- this Method of informing the Public, that he has King and Country mean to effect their Purpofe, and gled, efpecially the Merchant, who was ftark naked, had opened a large and commodious Houfe of Entertain­ to keep you at home, by perfuading you that your his Flefh miferatSly torn, and by lying fo long in the ment, in the Town of B alt imere, at the Corner of Neighbour will not attend Difaffoint tbeir nvicktd Water, was like a dead Corps, and fcarce any Skin Gay and BoJtimtrt Streets, oppofite the Market- Endtavours every honeft Man will be with you. left on his Back i The reft of the People, 14 in Num­ ber, were all unfortunately drowned, among whom Houfe, lately occupied by Mr. Amtrrva Stigar, aad, and remember that the honeft Man itfobtr, fnj< and may be known now1 by the one Tun and Batch*, grt'at. Attend this Meeting, weigh well the BuCnefs were Mr. Campbel, Super Cargo of the Veflel, much of it, and then obey the Dictates of Honour, Con- lamented by all who knew him, and the Family of the where all Gentlemen, who pleafe to favour him, fcience and Love of your Country, her gracious King, unhappy Spanilh Merchant, (confifting of hit Wife, may depend ongood Entertainmcn , from Laws and Liberties." his Son, about 8 Years of Age, and his Daughter a fbtir vtij bumbU St^vaat, This Day at n o'clock, the Electors' of Weftmin­ young Lady, of about 16 or 17) who is by this diftref­ __ (w6) ______JOHN LITTLE. fter, to the Number of about Seven ThouftVid, af- fing Stroke of* Providence at once deprived of all his Calvtrt County, OSebrr 17, ,769. fcmbled in Wettminfter-Hall, to petition his Majefty Fortune and Family. Twelve of the People, we hear HEREAS I WILLIAM SANSBUKY, has had « for a Redrefs of Grievances. At 1 1 o'clock Sir Ro­ are fine* taken up and buried on the Beach. W fuhdry Times fufficient Reafon to know, that bert Bernard, Bart, was called to th» Chair, which PHILADELPHIA, 03obtr 16. my Wife HANNAH, did defile my Marriage Bed, to fa- was placed on the Steps of the Court of Common Extrafl of a Lttttr from London, dattd Aug.'f. tiify her luxuriant, unlawful and bafe Defires, andai Pleas. Robert Jones, Efqi moved for the Petition | (he the faid HANNAH, did agreeably enter into Ar- he expatiated in a moft fenfible Manner on the prelent " There is now a general Stagnation of Public Bufi- ricle* of Separation on the ijth of this Inftant, and is important Crifis, and then laid, he had been Chair, nefi. Addrefles to the King, they fay, are preparing now left me to provide for myfelf, I do hereby caution man of the Committee appointed to draw up the Piti- in all Parts of the Kingdom, and fome are fanguine enough to believe that his M y will lay them be. the Public, not to Credit heron my Account, as I will tion, and that in Confcquence of their Directions he pay no Debts of her contracting, to any Pr ron or Per. would prefent the fame to Sir Robert Bernard, who fore the Parliament, at the Opening of the next Sef. fons whatever. ______WILLIAM SANSliURY. fan. Wilkes continue* quiet in the King's-Bench, wonld read it for their Approbation. Accordingly OMMITTED to Prittt-George't County JuTi Sir Robert read it, and it was received with unanimous but hi* Silence i* judged to be political. The Majori­ Applaufe. When the Qucftion was put, whether they ty of the Citizen* of London efpoufe the Caule of C the Two following Perfona, -viz. Sarah Wtkb, approved of that Petition, it was carried unanimoufly, America very warmlv, and it feems now a general about 5 Feet high, fair Complexion, pretty much and the Electors began immediately to fign it. Opinion, that the Ac1», refpefting the Colonies, will mark'd with the Small-Pox, (he fay* (he belongs to Mr. Almon moired, that the fame Committee, who be repealed early in the Seflion." Mr. John Wiftmox, near CtJar Point. William had drawn up the Petition, might be appointed to wait ExtraS of a Lttttr from London, Aug. 19. Foarfob, about Six Feet high, dark Complexion . on a Number of Gentlemen, reqaefting them to attend " I have lately been favoured with an Account of a Hu on, a red fhort Jacket, and a Pair of long Cot­ his Majefty with the faid Petition. This was Plan, for conciliating American Affair*, which has ton Troufers. likewife unanimoufly approred. been laid before the Miniftry, and I hear it is approved The Owners are defired to take them away and Mr. Martin then moved, that the Thanks of the of. To the beft of my Remembrance, the Aft for pay Charge*.______JOHN ADDISON, Sheriff. Hall be given to Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. obliging Ship* from Lifbon, &c. to come to Fal- F~0 And Mr. Almon alfo moved, that the Thank* of mouth, is to be repealed, under certain Regulation* ; UR POUND9 REW A R D. the Hall might be given to Robert Jones, Efqi who an annual Requifition .from the Provinces, in Lien of Oaobtr 26, 1769. bad been Chairman of the Committee. the other Taxes ; and a total Sufpenflon, or a Repeal, AN away from the Subfcriber, a Mulatto Ser­ It is not a little remarkable, that the Chair for the of thofe Ails lor the Purpofes of a Revenue, with R vant Man, named HUMPHRY HILL, about Chairman had been originally placed on the Steps be- other conciliating Meafure* are propofed." 28 Yean of Age, 5 Feet 8 or 10 Inches high, hi* tween the Courts of Chancery and the King's-Bench ; Nofe remarkably flat, much addicted to Card-play­ but the Electors not liking that Situation, defired it ANNAPOLIS, Novomltr 9. ___night be placed on the Steps of the Court of Common On Tuefday next, the General Aflembly of this Pro­ ing, and is impertinent to thofe who have no Autho- Plea*, where, they faid, G aural Warrants were fir ft vince are to meet here." a riry over him : Had on, and took with him, an Half condemned. We hear from Baltimore-Tonun, that on Monday lalt, worn brown colour'd Coat, a white Linen Wailkoit, It is certain that there were at leaft 7000 Perfons the fpaciou* County Jail lately erected there, wa* burnt One old brown ditto, a Pair of white Fullain Bree­ prefent, the greateft Part of whom were Gentlemen of down i but how the Accident happened, we have not ches, lin'd with Country Cotton, One Pair of blue confiderable Property \ and by Two o'Clock it was yrt been able to learn. Worfted Stockings, a Felt Hat with a Silver Band, conjectured more than 1000 had figned. ExtraS of a Lttttr from a Gentleman in London, to bit Brafs Buckles and old Shoe*. It is fuppofed he has The Purport of the above Petition was, to requeft that Fritnd in tbit Province, dated Augult 11, 1769. an old Indenture with him, and a Difcharge on the ii* MajeJly^woulii diflolve the prefent Parliament, and " Your Relolve* of not importing any Goods, i* the Back thereof. Whoever takes up, and fccurej, call a new one a* fpeedily as ponible. beft Mode to get Kedrefs,' all other Matter* are no­ Immediately after the Surry Petition had been pre- the fiid Servant, in any Jail, (hall receive Forty thing let who will Advife j but I fee there are large Shillings, befides what the Law allows, on giving fented to the King on Thurfday, a Right Hon. Pay. Quantities ftill exported to all Parts of America every mailer ridiculed the Petition in the Drawing-Room, Week, for we can fee the Imports and Exports, which Notice thereof to the Subfcriber, living in St. Alarj't and enquired of a certain popular Baronet, the Repre- are printed every Day, which every Merchant takes in County; or if brought home, Four Pounds, befides fentative of a neighbouring Borough, what were the as do the Coffee-Houfes, here can be no Deception, fo what the Law allows, paid by Objects of it ? The latter told him, it was confined to that if your Refolve* and Actions don't agree, it will be (w2) WILLIAM WALTER. one Point, but complained of trrxieious Ctu*ftllert, ad­ of little Service." N. B. It i* fuppofed he went away with one Ruth ding, at the fame Time, that he knew beft whether bt was included in that Number. The Paymafter (aid ExtraB of anotbtr Lttttr from London, of tbt famt Hilt, who i* gone from Charles County, to her Son aloud, ^that a Friend of bis had gone to the Place in Date. William Hill, a Bricklayer by Trade, remarkable' South wark, where the Petition was advertifed to be " You will hear from all Quarters, the prefent Dif- for a Hare-Lip He ran away about Two Yean . figned, but could fee only Three Skint of Parchment, pofition of the Miniftry towards Amtrica, and of a Plan ago, his Place of Refidence unknown.______without any other Writing on them but Names, of Reconciliation being formed, but their Difpofition TEN POUNDS REWARD. and was told that the Petition itfelf was in ano- i* not, I believe, fixed one Moment, and yon may de­ EU-Rin'ge Furnace, OOottr 24, 1769. ther Part of the County, fo that People figned pend on it, that no Plan i* yet fettled. However, without-knowing for what. The Baronet told him, keep fteady to the Spirit, as well as the Letter of your AN away from the Subfcriber, the Two follow- hit Friend had mifinformed him t there never had been Refolves, which Neceflity has compelled you to come R ing Convift Servant Men, viz. but ont Skin in Southwark, and on that the Petition to, and the fanciful Ideas of Pow'er, which fome here THOMAS DAVIS, an IriQunan, 27 Years wa* moft certainly written. The Paymafter perfUled have framed, will foon vanifh." of Age, 5 Feet 11 Inches high, a, ftraight well in the Charge, as he was told by a Perfon of Credit, a % Tbt Piece fated A. B. eamt to Ham/ too late, to bt made Fellow, of a fair Complexion! fpeaks good Friend of hi*. On which the Baronet told him, he had inftrttd tbu Wtttt, but ivtU certainty have a Place in Englifh, ha* long black Hair, and wears it club'd, been miflod, and that his Friend, ivbotvtr bt

vj, between the *4th and i8tr • t r v* &>j»i in uunju'E.rioDuiv County, OStber 30, 1769. Broad-Cloth COMMODIOUS STONE HOUSE, boretefler Inft. the Subfcriber, a fandy colour'd Kitchen, from the Subfcriber, on the on each Side and bound Four Rooms on a Floor, with a w awav about j Jacket, with Buttonhole, well , vellow Negro Man, named FRANK, Binding, a Pair of Buckfkin AHoufes fufficient, and Garden. A Perfon ' wel1 made» ftronK round with Worfted the Out meet with , or * I"chel h'8h» " a thick remarkable- for having Spot, of Paint in for keeping a good Table, t wlll R and is very impudent j Breeches, Bridle, and qualified a* a irtir much given to Liquor, Infide of the right Knee ; feveral good from many Gentlemen there, Scar on one of his Arms, occa- old one* left Tn their Encouragement DIGGES. L?hM 'a remarkable with in Girth* were alfo taken, -and private Eating-Houfc. (tf) WILLIAM £ A hv the Bite of a Perfon he was engaged trifling Thing, tied in a Piece of a blue Fear- Place, with fundry It Public fondue, by tbe Suhfcrikers, at tbt p- lit i Had on and took with him, and a pair ofBoots pretty much wore. 7» bt fold, at p- lit and a brown Cloth dit- black Cloth, if the of Margaret Page, on iht It Iicket, a Wtlflt Cotton, be taken a. a very particular Favour, late Dulling-Plantation a new ditto not made, Fuftian would Mr. Reynolds'*, tf Severn, on tbe ijtb Day if Novem­ old Ofnabrig Shirt, Gentlemen who happened to be at North Side white Stocking* and a new Pair of Pump*. be kind enough to have their ber/*/. S-rthes get him again, during the Races, would Womenk Shaver fecures faid Fellow, fo that I as it i* greatly fufpefted fome of EVERAL white Servants, Men and what they are lawful - Negroes fearched, Alfo receive Five Dollar* befide* muft have been concerned in the above. that underftand the Fanning Bufinefs. , them above Theft, Hogs, fcfr. lrcnj,,ledto,from Whoever can give Information of the S the Stock of Horfes, Cattle, Sheep WILLIAM GRAY. from all Furniture ; may receive Fifteen Shillings Reward, Likewife feveral good Feather Beds and living in Kent Hoftler to Mr. Reynolds. ' of Planta* r» AN >way fr°m tne Subfcriber, WILLIAM SMITH, Three Ferry Boats, and a great Variety on the »$th of Oaober laft, a OtJober 15, 1769* tedious to menu* R County, Maryland, an tion and Houfhold Furniture, too Man, named ROBERT HAINEI, CHARTERS have been lately granted and con* '" Servant 7 or « HEREAS tion. The Sale to begin at i i o'clock, an, about »» Year* of Age, and 5 Feet in the Provinces of New-York, Nevti-Jerfey, him, a dark cp- W Clergy, with tinue 'til all are fold. (wi) .high : Had on and took with and Pennsylvania, by which the Epifcopal Cloth Coat, with flower'd Block-Tin and worthy Gentlemen of the Laity, JOHN MERRIKEN, Executor*. ' Half-worn nap'd fundry rclpeclable for and dark colour'd Lining, a purple Provinces, are erefted into a Corporation, _____NATHAN HAMMOND, Buttons, without in thofe Children of cet, with red Flannel Lining, the Relief of the diftfefied Widows and T O THE the Nap almolt worn off, a fhort Under the Communion of the Church of Eng­ joni, and and the the Clergy, in PUBLIC. the Fore Part, made of ftriped Flannel, in America. The Clergy of the eftablilh'd for the In- ditto Ofnabrig Shirt., land, to meet on HE Want of a proper SCHOOL Hind Parts of blue Fearnought, Two Church in Maryland, are hereby requefted (evertly felt by the Inha- Two Pair of old long Trou- next, at the Houfe ftruclion of Youth, One white Sheeting ditto, the Third Wednefday in November T County, induce* them to fubmit Shoes, with Buckle*, old Stocking Middltton, in Annapolis, in order to con- bitants of Frederick Confi- feti Half-worn and a of Mr. Samuel the Legif. SCHEUI of a LOTTERY to the Half-worn Hat, an Ofnabrie Wallet, and agree upon a Plan, and to apply to the following which it i* j«A laid Ser - fider for the fame deration of the Benevolent and Generous, Glad Bottle. Whoever take* up and fecures lature for a Charter to eftablifti a Society the Approbation and En* have him again, (hall this Province. _____ earneftly hoped will meet tint, fo that hi. Matter may excellent Charity, within all thofe who with to fee Science Reward, befide* reafonable Char- c, 1709. couragement of h»ve Forty Shilling* Ofloter in every Part of Maryland. (w+) MICHAEL BYRNE. Ay tbe Sutjcri- flourifli to the pi. paid by bt SOLD, at PUBLIC CENDUE, Fund* appropriated by Aft of AfTemhly on Mat- Tt IVednef- The inefficient rr^AKEN up by the Subfcriher, living at tbe Coffee-Houfe in Annapolis, on Public School in Frtdtriik County, being iQth of 0&o- btri, the fol­ it i* propofed by thi* \ ibnuTtlrbmans Ifland, on the day tbe Fifleentb Day of November Infant, to ereft nfifting of Bodies. the Land. Likwife Six likely - - I2J .i Dunn, one of tHe Men is a i' HERE is at the Plantation of Hcztkiah Men, Women and Children, - - 100 - * • '*od * MARE and Terms of Sale living in Kent County, a fmall bay Sawyef and Tanner. The Title - - 50 . - *• 300 have her to i 20b ^"\ TCOLT, not dock'd. The Owner may may be known, by applying " 2C - Charges. MACCUBBIN, — ^ — ipin,on proving Property and paying ,, . NICHOLAS - -, If - i . 1 80 Odober }o,~rj6o. l°w'_____ JAMES DICK. i i tO A - - 4*> .---'. to tbebigbeft BIDDER, at the Sub- OSober 19, 1769* ~ ~ 4 - - - 3120 fi be SOLD on Mon- in Frt- fcriter's Dwelling Plantation, on Herring-Bay, AN away from the Sabfcriber, giving 9ooSmrai*'d. for ready Sterling Cajb, R' laft, iej tbe t$tb of November next, derick County, about the 2C/A 'of Auguft 852 as may hit the Parcbafieri, . ^ been Prizes, - ,. tr London Bills if Exchange, Negro Fellow named SANDY, he hat 2148 " likely, healthy Country-born a new pretty Blanks, 1 PARCEL of young, Country better than a Year, can talk Men and Women, ufed to Plan­ in the mv /\ NEGROES, but I don't know whether he can tell 3000 Tickets, 2 Dollars each, 6000 Dollar*. Bufmef*. plain) and u tation LANE, altho* he can tell his own very plain, (>w) HARRISON Name, Cotton little more thart j Feet 6 Inches high: Had on, a By the above SCHEME, there are a Notice to my Creditors, that my about but has a Price, and the Piofit* HEREBY give Jacket, Ofnabrig Shirt, Crocus T roofers, Two Blanks and an Half to not complying with their Prdpofals, and a Mole on per Cent, on the whole. Reafons for no Hat or Cap ; has very bad Teeth, retained, are Fifteen i* I pretended Friends have not complied thought he will the Ticket* are difpofed of, the Drawing ire, that my his Chin with long Hair in it. It is When be given in th« Offers, and my Creditor* have taken bro'tj from. to txgin (previous Notice of which to with their kind make for Patapfct Ferry, where he wa» Court-Houfe of the they poflibly could to run me to brings him to MARYLAND GAZETTE) in the all the Advantages Whoever takes up faid Negro, and of Six of the Managers at leaft, have involved me fo low intthe Reward if faid County, in Pretence Expences, which the Subfcriber, (hall have borty Shillings of the Adventurer* a* (hall think proper I cannot commence Law-Suit* again ft near home, what and a* many World, that taken at a great Diftance, and if attend. are juftly owing me-upwardi of Half - - - JO , 'fact Pcrfons -as the Law allows, paid by"~~ The Managers are, Meflieim JW/km as would difcharge my feveral Creditors BEALL. MurJock, Jofrft K'o»J, Tbtmaj Pricet as much my (w?)______ZEPHANIAH mas Bowles, George and I have no other Method to obtain of Septem­ Cbarlet Beattey, Samutl Beall, jun. Nor. Claims, Af- TOLEN or STRAYED, on the 18th Cafper Shaaf, Cbri/lopbef than by applying to the next General Head of Bruce, Andrew Heugb, Eneas Campbell, Liberty, ber, from the Subfcriber, living on the manJ Peter Grojb, Tbo* Province, to pafs an Aft in my fla­ bay E,ielin, Jobn Gary, Lodtvuick Wtltner, fcmbly of this River, in Anni-Arundel County, a bright Hugkei, Tbtmas Johns, by giving up my Eftate both Real and South high, mas Neilt, Nicholas Tice, Samuel vour, and of about 4 Yean old, 13 or 14 Hands who are to give Bond, and be oft my Creditors, to redeem my Body out MARE, Back, a and Jamn Brand, Perfonal to on the near Buttock B, has a long the faithful Difcharge of their Truft. Charles County. branded Oath for the MARY­ the Jail in her Forehead, a Mane much like a Standing A'Lift of the Prize* to be publifhed in WATERS, Son of JOSEPH. Star in Place Drawing is finiflied, JOSEPH but never has been cut, only a fmall LAND GAT.ETTE, a* foon as the living on EU- Mane, flow paid off, without any Deduc* AN away from the Subfcriber, the Bridle, a Sprig Tail, paces and gallops and the Prize* to bfl laft, a brown for orines faid Ridgt, on the icthof OSoter has lately been broke. Whoever tion. Province, R FENTON, be­ and Reward, ft. B. Any Modey parting current in the Mulatto Man, named CHARLES Mare to me, (hall have Twenty Shillings Tickets, and the fame* about 5 Feet 8 or p to be received in the Sale of the tween 19 and zo Years of Age, and Five Pounds for the Thief, if convifted, of the Prize* drawn by tha on the fore Part of hn LUSBY. to be accepted in Payment Inches high, ha* a large Scar ______BALDWIN Adventurer*. when any Ways examined: genuine fortunate Uanageri, and at ' Head, and a down Look PARCEL of choice DRUGS and » TICKET* It be bad if any of the him, Two new Ofnabrig Hand, in Annapolis. _____ Had on, and took with Patent MEDICINES, juft come to _____tbe Printing-Office, Two Country mill'd Jackets, WILLIAM Sale, tt the Shirts, one white ditto, Ato be fold on the loweft Terms, by Tt bt SOLD, bjtbt Sutjcriber, mi tfublic a Sagathy Coat, and ate JOHN of November one Pair of Ofnabrig Troufer*, at Annapolis, for Account of Dr. ' bigbefl Bidder, in Tuefday tbt till Four Pair of Stockings, WILKINS, Bal- Bill* of Ex­ blue Breeches, Three or. of Philadelphia, vix. Turlinton't Int. fir Sterling Cafi, gnJ London a new Caftor Hat, with SFARHAWK, Cure for one Pair of Shoes or Pumps, Walker's Jefuits Drops, an infallible change, or Current Money, takes up faid fam, the Reins Pijcata h" * p*'e Complexion, gray Oil ; Daffy't Elixir ; Sugar Plumbs, a good Garden, a Shoemaker i Had eegeftionftjon .j BritilbBritijh Oil ; UaJJft ble, with feveral other Out-Houfes, »ir fhort Hair, and is by Trade * > for Worms of all Kind*, in Men, Feet Round, all new Locuft Ofnalirig Shirt, red Breeches, with Troufer* a certain Cure about Eight Hundred °n, an a knit fcarlet, ; Dr. James's Fever Powder* ; faw'd Rails and Pales, and a over them, Two Jackets, the Under one Women, and Children and Mulberry Pofts, i he alfo took with for fore Eyes, a furc Remedy, in Round the Houfe : The Land the other a blue flower'd Sergerge Dr. Hill's Eflence large Yard, paled for _\ ftrengthens and preferves the Sight; Batc- lies clofe to the Creek, which make* it covenient his Face, greatly Honey a young '4 Hand, high, with a white Blate down inan's Drops; Godfrey's Cordial ; King't any Trade or Calling. Alfo will be Sold, it i* fuppofed he had a j Oil Turpen- and Hogi, and and an old Saddle and Bridle 5 ; Lockers Pjlls; Court Plaifter Negro Woman, fome Horfes', Cattle the Subfcriber has alfo mifled Water | Rhubarb ; to mtntiont Companion with him, a* tine ; Nipple Glafle* ; Emeticks ; Purge*P fundry other Neceflarics too tedious on the near Buttock H. Whoever i Manna; of the porch a fe a Horfe, branded Powder of Jefuit* Bark j Ifinglafs ; Sago Credit will be given for one Half faid Servant and Horfe*, and bring* them (im) on giving Bond »>k« up the 1 with: Salt* ; Spermaceti, Uc. _ Money for the Land and Houfe., 8^ff_rlber'JivJni.n.??.r ^«-H«. -ifj'lf" ] t!If. for the Fellow, and —— s T P U B L Is ED. and Security if required, by "> «he County, Forty "Shilling* U ALEXANDER BURRELL. tne Creature*} or if out of the County to be SOLD at the PRiNTiNO-Ovnci, (u) J'L ty for paid by And the abote Houfes, I will Rent »nd brought home, Five Pound* Reward, N. B. If I dont firll JOHN HE8SF.LIUS. them upon moderate Term*.______"ALMANACK, or Leafe in Creditors, that MARYLAND U at the Plantation of Tbtmtu King, HEREBY give Notice to all my FOR THI YEAR 1770. " HERE Stray, a Aftembly entertain- Prutct-Gnrgt't County, taken up a* a I intend to apply to the next General /^ONTAINING many inftruftive and high, I ctwecn 4 I in my Favour, on ; together Tbrown bay HORSE, about n Hands ing Piece., both in Profc and Verfe perceivable Brand. The both Real and Perfonal, different Diforder* in­ Rod 5 Year, old, has no delivering up all my Eftate, with Receipt* for the Cure of havt him again, on proving Prcptrty and that I may obtain my Liberty, and Wr.. Price, w ufual^ 5 /. Owner may to my Creditors, Jail. cident to thi* Climate, paying Charge** bt discharged from 0uetn-"Annft County or Eight Coppers fingle. JOSEPH GILL. ptr Doztn, 'T82

fti atte Jaia,/olJ, vjty tattbi umiyiiivcr,Suk/criber, aiat 'Public -"••• 'Vtttdtt, ...--., ...s ^tablc, at ( Lcadon-Tvun, a dark Works, the Two following ConvicV Men,R a«Z.JOHN HILL an EnSkjbm^ about-T EAR Two Hundred very valuable LOTS, on brown HORSE, fuch a Colour as is commonly called or Thirty.rive, Years of Age, dark CcmpU x ion"" ^ Pbilpofi-Poini, and fuiidry valuable Planta­ black, with a Star in his Forehead, and his Tail wears his own flibrt black Hair ^ he is about F' ' tions in Baltimore Foreft, Part of the Eftatc of Brian nick'd and dock'd, he is partly English Blood, which Nine or Ten Inches high i Had on, w||CI, i,e Philpot, deccafed, and fold to pay off the Creditors is difcnverable in his Appearance. The Ilorfe has way, atl Olhabrig Shiit, Crocus Troulcrs, old r,,»" of faid Deceafed's Ellate. As it is no: probable been ufcd to a Carriage, and trots well, that being Jacket, old Kelt Hat, and old Shor,. ' °IU Cotton that the whole can be difpofed of at that Time, the his natural Gait, but he paces when he is rode, JOHN SMITH, a Gypjy, about Twenty.five v,, r. nf Sale of what (hall remain unfold, will be continued though very aukwardly ; his Tail was fpoil'd in the Age, Five Feet Nine or Ten Inches high, of [ as aforefaid on the Wedncfday and Thurfdav of Nicking, and hangs in a very particular Manner; he dark Complexion, and is cloath'd in the lam* lu every has lately been fired in one of his hind Legs, which as //,./. Whoever takes up the faid Swwnu ftSi fuccceding Aflize and County Courts, 'til the receive on delivering them, ii taken Tvrcnrv'lvTi whole are fold. Attendance will be given at the occafions one Ancle to be bigger than the other, and his off hir.d Hoof is very remarkable, being much from home, Thirty Shillings, and if fi,, y fag"" before-mentioned Time and Place, by the Subfcribcr, out of the Province, Fifty Shillings for each (inclui1 ot v/ho is duly authorifed by Mrs. Mary Pbilpot, Ex­ wore with dragging in his Pace. Whoever what the Law allows) paid l>y v ing ecutrix of faid Eftate, to manage the Bufmcfs and fecures the Horle and brings the Thief to Jullice, (tf) THO'. SAM'. & JOHN SNOWHTM, fo tnatTie~be convicted, (hall be paid by me, fettle the Accounts thereof. Ten AN away from 'the SuDltriber, living in Jnna. (, 2W) JAMES KELSO. Piftoles; or, whoever brings the Horle, to Mr. Dick, at LenJon-Tcnun, fclit, an indented Servant, named IOHM or me at Annapolis, (hall be BURRR . Thofe Gentlemen who have bought Lots at rewarded for their AGE, by Trade a Clock and Watch' Trouble. maker, borfi in the the former Sales, arc once more requefted to call for , ANTHONY STEW ART; Weft of England, about Five Feet Eleven Inches high, of a dark their Deeds.. ______Ar. B. It is fuppofcd the Horfc was (lolen by a Fel­ Com- low, who plexion, mark'd.,much with the Small-Pox, and hai OST in the late Storm, on the Eighth of Sep- that fame Night rob'd Mf. Maytury, of this City, of forne Money, Ihort black Hair: Had on, and took with him, i tember, under Sharped Ifland, an Anchor and a and Mr. Evil of a Dmb Saddle aiid Bridle : He induced Colour SurtOut Coat, ait (hort, Check Shirti NineL Inch Cable. The Anchor weighs 504/4. a Boy, who lodged ftriped Linen Troufers, in Mr. Mcybury's Shop, to open the Door Caftor Hat, and Country and as Two large Spars were lafhed to the Cable, and let made Shoes. \Vhocver fccurcs the laid Servant and a proper Buoy only that it would not watch, it" him in, from whence he ftole the Money, and pcr- and fuadcd the Boy delivers him to the Subfcriber, (hall have Five" muft certainly have been taken up by to go with him, but he left the Boy Pounds feme Veflel. in Baltimcrf, who is fince returned to his M.-.llrr. Reward, and reafonable Charges, paid by If the Taker up will deliver the faid Anchor ______FRANCES KNAPP, and Cable to Meflieurs Lux and Boiuly, of Baltimore- To lie soTBTSOLD, fy tl-c Suhjiritifl, at ttmr Xtci at 7o- Pig-Point, en Patuxcnt River by ff'Mc/'ale, Auguft 31, i-60. BOUT £. 950 firft Coll of Goods, for Current AN awny on Sunday laft from the Subfcribcr, pabannock, he (hall receive a Reward of Five Pounds. in ^ucen-Annc\ County, near the Red Lie's (4w) THOMAS HODGE. Money, Sterling Bills of Exchange, or Ihort R Credit, on very reafonable Terms. Branch, an Englijl) Convift Servant, Man, named ___ STEWARD Se NORRIS. NATHANIEL POWELL, about 30 Years of At^e, Baltimsre-Toivn, September 12, 1769,' W~l L L I~A~M "F A R I~S, ~ a dim made Fellow, thin Vifage, of a dark Com­ HE Subfcribcr hereby fives public Notice plexion, wears his. thick black Hair, which grows T that he has begun Inoculation, at his Dwel- CLOCK AND WATCHMAKER, very low down his Forehead, (peaks In the Welt ling-Houfe, which (lands dillant from Baltimore- At the CROWN am/D\M., "far tL- C.'.mch, in \\ clt- Cour.irv Di.-ilrct, he is a very briflt Fellow, and has Toian, Half a Mile, is a healthy Situation, and an Strcet, ANNAPOLIS, a Down-Look, lie undcrftunds Ptoui'ifiirg, RVh'pTne agreeable Profpeft.. His Price as before, Two EGS Leuve to inform the Public, that he has en­ gaged Two exceeding good Workmen, (one of and Mowing : Had 'on, when he went away, a liqht Piftoles for Inoculation, and Twenty Shillings per B colour'd Jacket, with long Skirts, Check Shirt, a Week for Board. And as the Sicknefs is fo trifling, whom l>a> l>een a Finiflier leveral Years to the cclc- brated Mr.Allam) and carries on the above Buflncllei Pair of Snuff" colour'd Breeches, fpcckled Worftcd and the Confinement none, the Expence need not in all their various Branches. The Gold, Silvcr- Stockings, with Holes in the Heels, a Pair of Shoes, exceed Five Pounds Fourteen Shillings, or Six fmiths and Jewellers llufmcfles he Hill carries on irrthe with a Hole in One of the Upper Leathers.___ Pounds Currency ; and may be inoculated any neateft and beft Manner. He allb executes any Or' Whoever takes up faid Runaway, and fccuros him in i Month in the Year, July and Autuft exccpted. ders he may be favoured with for Chair Work, having any Jail, fo that his Mailer may have him again, I (hall be obliged to thofc wno will favour me lately fupplied himfelf with a good Workman, and (hall have Three Pounds Ten Shillings Reward, and with their Cuftom ; and they may depend on being has now for Sale, feveral Doy.enI of very neat reafonable Charges, if brought home, paid by carefully and tenderly dealt with, by black Walnut Chairs. Thofe who mail pleafe to honour him with their Commands, may depend on be­ ROGER COLMAN. Their humble Servant, N. B. The fame Perfon was taken and committed .. , ing faithfully ferved on reafonable Terms, and with HENRY STEVENSON. the utmoft Difpatch. He continues to keep Tavern, t.o Lancafter Prifon, by the Name of Nathaniel N. B. Thofe who intend coming, are defired not having fupplied himfelf with the belt-of Liquors, Hay Brmun. __ to change their Manner of Diet, or ufc any Pre­ and Oats, where Gentlemen will meet with polite Kent County, Auguft 6, 17697 paration before hand, as it is rather prejudicial than Treatment and the belt Accommodations for them- HE Subfcriber hereby informs the Public, otherwife. felves and Horfcs, from , ' . Tbtir wry biunble Servant, that he is now in complete Order for keep­ ingT Ferry, from Rotk-HaU-H'biteboujo to Annaptli,, To beS O L X ." WILLIAM PARIS. D to tbe bifbef BiJ.lrr, at tbe Toivn «/" N. B. He gives ready Money, and the belt Price* Baltinure-Tvwn, or elfewhere : He has Two of the Dumfries, in Prince-William County, Virginia, on for old Gol'l and Silver______completed large new deck'd Boats belonging to the 7 bur/Hay tbe B«y for that BU£BC/S, - with good able Tcri5e>, living on Ktnt- about 7000 Acres, in Parcels, as will be thought R I/land, in ^uten-Annt't County, on Monday Hands ; and, as he keeps clean Beds, with the beft beftT for the Purpofes exprefTeil in a Deed of Truft, September 2$, a yellow Negro Man, named FILL, Entertainment, and carries Paflengers at cheaper from MefTrs. George ar.d Robert Brent, to the firft Three about 23 Years of Age, middle Stature, and is very Rates than any oth'er in that Bufinefs, he hopes Gen- Subfciiheri, and from Mr. George Brent, to th- other talkative : Had on, when he went away, an old tlvmcn Paflengers will be inclined to favour him Subfcriber*. The Ssle heing advertifed jointly, by Felt Hat, blue Jacket, and a ftriped ditto without with their Cultom. Mondays and Tuefdays are all the Truftees, who will join in the Deeds. Thofe Sleeves, Country made Shirt, ftriped Country Cloth his Packet Days from Reek-Hall to AnnapJii, and inclinable to purchafe, may be afTured of meeting with back to Rock-Hall. Subfcriptions are taken at the no Difappointment. Time of Payment will be given for Breeches. As 'there is a Canoe taken from the lower End of the Ifland, it is fuppofcd he has made cheapcll Rates. Quick Difpatch and civil Uf.igc Fart of th« Money. (9w) will be given to all. WILLIAM BRENT, ~\ over for Thomas's Point. Whoever takes up by * --* DANIEL CARROLL, STrufteei. the faid Negro, and fecures him, fo that his Mailer Tbtir bumble Servant, HFNRY ROZER, j may get him again, fliall receive, if taken on the ______JAMES HODGES. HECTOR ROSS, ") Trufteei for the Ifland Fifteen Shillings; if out of the County Forty WILLIAM W M F. T C R O F T, JOHN GIBSON, ) Creditor* of Shillings Reward, and reafonable Charges if brmight GOLDSMITH and JEWELLER in Weft-Street, WILLIAM CARR.J Mr. Robt. Brent. home, paid by______JOHN COCKKY. Annapolis. 1765, JUST IMPORTED, AVING purchafcd the Servants lately belong­ HE FuiLinc-MiLL at the Mouth of Patuxent In the Brig VENUS, Captain C A T T E L L, H ing to Mr. Kntipf with all the Materials tor River, is now provided with a pood Fuller, and from I R EL|A ND, carrying on the Watch and Clock-making Bufi- readyT tor Work j fuch :r» fulling, dying and preffing P A R C E L of healthy Indented S F. R- nefles hereby informs the Public, that he Repairs all all Sort* of Cbtl.es and Worlted Stuffs, fcarlet and A V A N T S, Men and Women, among whom forts of Clocks and Watches, in the boil and molt blue executed', unlefs dyed before fent to the Mill. arc the following Tradcfmen, viz. Weavers, Shoe­ approved Manner; and as he has a complete Appa­ A> the ii iiipi'ortable Inconvenience attending the Col­ makers, Blackfmiths, Bakers, a ^Miller, Houfe- ratus for cutting Wheels with more Expedition and lection of a Number of fraall Debts, froin various dif- Carpenter, Sailmakcr, Brazier, Hatter, Schoolinaf- fcxaclncfs than ufual, they may depend on having tant Parts of tl.r Country, muft be obvious to every ter, and fundry Farmers. They are to be dii'pofed their Work done in the mod carclul Manner, and one i and as this expcnfive Undertaking was begun of on board the -faid Veflel, on better Termi and profrcuted, principally to encourage the Manu­ now lying at Baltimtrt- than heretofore. facture of Woollen Country-Cloth, at a Time when Tvw*._____ (tQ _____ JOHN STEVENSON. He alfo carries on the Goldfmiths and Jewellers the opprcflivc Meafures, late'v adopted and purfued Annaptlit September ^S Bufmefles in .the molt cxtenfivc Manner, as he has by the Mother-Country, render it indifpenfably ne- JU ST IMPORTE D, imported a great Variety of Materials, and has ex­ ccilary, for our own Well.being, that every Individu­ FROM LONDON, treme good Workmen for the executing the above al fliou'd manufacture as much M in bis Power lie*. In tbt INDUSTRY, Captain GREIG, and to Branches. Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who pleafc |t i* hoped that no Olfcnce will be given if the Pro. . ly tbt Subfcriber, at bit Slor,e //? CHORCH-STRE4T, to favour him with their Cuftom, may depend that prietor* rtefire the Money fur fulling, &c. to be fent ANNAPOLIS, the utmoft Exertion of his Abilities to merit fiy their the Perfon who is to receive the Cloth, as it i* ah. LARGE and compleat AfTortrnent of EUROPEAN Eftecm, (hall be his whole Study and greateft folutely neeeflary to lupnort the Work. AH Perfoni and EAST-INDIA GOODS, which he will fell Am­ who will favour me with their Cloth, may depend on reafonableA on Ihort Credit, and advantageoufly for bition. , having it .finifhed off in Oie beft Manner, and with all ready Money. CHARLES WALLACE. N. B. He ha« a great Variety of icady made Work poflible Difpatch | ami to prevent M^Ifakes the Owner N. B. Thii Importation of Good* was ordered by by him, which He will Sell at the molt reafonable of every Piece of Cloth, is reqiieftetl to put the Initial Invoice in February Ult, which was received in May, Rates. , , . Letter* of hit or her Name in the Web. and Part of the Goods purchafed i Thus much is de- . He gives the beft Prices for old Gold, Silver (if) WILLIAM SCOTT. flgned for the Obfervation of tbe Curious. end Silver-Lace. (tf) - *XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OCXXX>00^ ANNAPOLIS: Printed by ANNE CATHARINE and WILLIAM GREEN, at the PRINTING- OFFICE : Where all Perfons may be fupplied with thisG AZ E TT E, at izs. 6 d, a Year; ADVERTISEMENTS, of a moderate Length, are infcrted the Firft Time, for $/. and i/. for each Week's Continuance. Long Ones in Proportion to their Number of Lines. At fame Place may be had, ready Printed, moft kinds of BLANKS, viz. COMMON and BAIL BONDS; TESTAMENTARY LETTERS of feveral Sorts, with their proper BONDS annexed; BILLS of EXCHANGE; SHIPPING-BILLS, &c. &c. All Manner of PRINTING-WORK performed in the ncateil and moil expeditious Manner, on applying as above. r* YEAR. ] T fa E ' [ N°.>i262, ] TLANDGK Z E T T E.

R 8 "D A Y, .-. NOVEMBER 16, 1769.

Cultivation (hould bcodifcontinued in Maryland and C*til County, November i, 17*9- W A. R 8 A? W, y*fy ji. pla" '" tbl Ga*"" " HE Karaman Pacha hat beheaded the Serafkier, Virginia, at ha* been threatened by the Planter*. who after the Loft of the Battle retired to Choc- The Difpute between the Government and the India ,{, fr T Company, in relation to the Commiflion that i* going Your humble Servant, lim, which the Grand Vifir teems to abandon to it* to be tent abroad, U amicably fettled to mutual Satis- . - ' A. B. Fate. The latter (till keep. \\t Petition near Bender, fadlion. TH» PRINTERS, Irom whence it it aflerted he daily.fendt out a Detach­ Some Letter, from Amfterdam mention, that the HAVE underftood, our late ment of 30,000 Men, to interrup'i the Operations of Dutch Eaft-India Company are preparing to fend out Emiflion of Money wa* regu­ the Ruffians, perfuaded that.by-this Meant he will »e, i*fulnvi.d <«f U! b^by hj* M-i^fty I for ;hr Support of the Poor, complained of a. a great RuflTant, being furelhat It ohnot hold out long, ar« wife ordered ; »nd in the mmriri Tliiie alf >-.* T im! increafing Burden in molt Counties, and what i. unwilling to facrifice a Number lence of the Moor* vhich fliould be applied to the Relief, and Comfort of the Fortreft a great Number of Uorfe* and other Cat­ who ii.fult the French Flagt in the Medit'rra- tle, not having Provender for them. nean, had given O.ilert for a" Squadron of Men tie HelpU-li. The exceflive Dearnef. of Labour, i. alfo a common MADHID, A*g. 4. We have rt opived the moft difa- of War to be fitted cut at Toulon to'bombard-Algiers, Topic of Complaint i If i. really a Misfortune to the greeable Accounti from (everal Province* relating to and other piratic.il Towns on the Barbery Coalt. « VicicAis, .when the yfages they receive for the Labour the Harveft, which ha* turned out very pooily, efpeci- Private Letters fiom the Ha^ue advile, that thr Ruf- of one Day, will fuppprt them' in Intemperance for ally in the Kingdom of Caftile. Thi* ha* coitfideiablf fiant have been forced by the Turk* to raife the Siege Three Dayt. I have'Ceen informed, that the Wage. raifed the Price of Bread, Oil, *nd other Provision* in of Choczim, and that after j defjierate Attack they I;ad in England, are annually afcertained by Proportion. The Council of Cattil* have iffued a ri- been obliged to rep-af* the Niello with great " "'"' - J : - *"*—————-•inn* o y the Exportation of Grain and tion, and a very confiderable Loft. The long depending Affair relative to ^_...... _,

v> I K»-n • , s*-n- -,- ———— ------, Paoli, which (lie Dutch have lo long evaded, it now, by feme miltiff* ivito.' proclaimumvmnu th«fc»•••*•* .-.....-,Rstet, and-— that" ~, all , Labourer.*_<. l^r (pirited Mc.iluiet brought to a Crifis. ate compenabler- _ . . to ferve, byi.i__« the Day,r»—. in... the»k» Tim*W>l^iin*N>t accompanied by Count Gentili, and tht Abhe Servific, arrived in thii City. They have been received by It it (aid thai a Chief Juftice in Eyre hat ftrongly Ihy ind,Corn Harveft How. far fimilar.Regula- and, having recommended Perfeverai.ee in the prefent Niode uf Acf. ticnt may fuit the Circumftance* of thii Country, I every Body with the greateft Pi feen what 1* moft curiou* here, Ycttcrday for miniftration, a^, according to hit Opinion, r.ot one (hall not undertake to fay» but, furely, foroe better f :ep hat been taken I y the Miaill-y but <*hnt is per- Pmvifion, than now fubfiftt, ae.iinft the Exaftions of AmtUrdaw. Labourer*, and for the Correction of the Dlflotwe IMMI-- lectly confident witli the Principles of our Coolliiu- l.lic. well defervet to be confidered. We want Mo- L O N D r.lV We want a better applied Provifion for the Aug. *. We arc aflured that a Scotch Gentleman, The many Petition! now forming in feveral Cuunfiea named 'I ait, nai invented a Machine to go without of the Kingdom have (o greatly .lurmcd the Miniftry poor We want Induft*y Perhapt the Mean* ol that their private Contereucet were never known to be fu,';Ming the one, and, at the fame Time, of pro. Horfw, (aid to he fviperior to Mr. Moor't Machine, which hat made (o much Noife in the World, and ha. dt frequent. "•' ir-tin;, the other, in a confiderable Degree, maybe It u now fnid by the Friends of th« Miniftr/, in or- f.lltn upon. Thefe I (hall propofe in few Word*. . mewed it to hit Majelty, whole Approbation it h:it met with. The above Gentleman invented thii Ma­ der, it it fuppofed, to intimidate People from nVning, Su|n-ofe <>>e Sum wanted, in Addition to the Mo­ or promoting Petitioni to the Crown, that a certain nty bitty emitted, to be 70,000!. Currency, more or chine about Thirty Yean ago, while a Lad, and ulVd to convey himfclf from hit Father'* Honf* to School Alfembly will undoubtedly take fuch at arc already k(i i This additional Sum being ftruck according to presented under their ConliJeration, hut that their Ke- the Denomination* of the late Emiflion, might be di- and back again in the Evening. We are adored that there are not lef* than 5000 (olvet upon them will be of n very different Nature »ideu into Fourteen Parts, proportioned to the Num- from thole expeAed by the Complainants. W of T.x.'blet in each County, and delivered to Gypfies, Vagrantt, and Smuggler*, who have taken Sandiuary in a Wood between Guildfbrd and Naphill. Every Day drawing nearer to November, public Tiullecs to be appointed therein refpett.vely, to be Converfation--luiit* more and more on Impeachment., hid out hy them in purchafing Lands, building Houle*, All the Farmer* and Inhabitant* thereabout! have fuf- fercd more or left from thele rapaciout Vagaltonds, linprilbnmeuM, penal Executions, &c. mil providing the proper Mean* for the Maintenance, A great many f euple jffirm, tnat a certain Premier Employment, and Correction of the Helplefs, thclndi- who fubfill chiefly by plundering People of their Geefe, Fowls, Ducks, or whatever come, in their Way. Four­ ha. declared, he will not take upon him to c.mducY E-nt, and the Idle. The Money thu* diftributed, AH'airt al the Meeting of a great Affcmbly, untefi the might be repaid by the refpective Countiei, by an an­ teen Piece, of Cannon, mounted upon Carriage*, fet out on Saturday, by order of Lord Albcmarle, who, E of C will give bit Advice, and alfo take upon nual AlfefTment of a Part proportioned to the Sum re­ him a Part in the M . ceived hy each, and to the Number of Year, to be , together with the neighbouring Gentlemen, are deter-, mined to difpoflefi, by Force, thii Neft of Thieve* It it faid, that foon after the D of O left prtfixed lor the Circulation of the Whole. A Ptfifon, Stowe, a M-Ucnger wit difpatched from' thence to or Perfont heing appointed for the Receipt of the In- from preying upon the honeft Farmer*. Wentworth Houle, in Yorkfhire. Mme from the annual Aflefimentt, to be hi. or their It was thit Morning reported that General'Draper i* to be appointed to the Command of the Britifli Force* It it confidently reponeJ, that a certain Gentleman Diisy, alfo, to let out the Money again, at foon a.re- hath, for fome Time pall, been extremely bufy in fiud, and applied for, at Four prr Ctnt. The iu North. America, in the room of hit Excellency Ge­ fcekii.g after, and collecting Picccdratt to make it ap­ Debtors, who fhsll take up the Money on Loan, to dil- neral Gage. pear, that the Right of Election it not in the collective, ilisige their Debts, in Dollars, or Gold at a fettled Kate We ate now informed that all Treaties for change of Adminittration are at an End. TheMiniftry are rr- but reprefcntative Body of the People i anil that he by the Ounce, (hould they not pay In Paper, and the will produce an undeniaMe Proof of it, by fliowing, Holders of the Paper to receive in Exchange for it, Dol­ fblved to be firm, and great Wapert arc laid, th* at the- Meeting of Parliament, they will be fupported with a that when the Parliament prolonged themtelvct from lar., or Gold at the fame Rate, when the Period for fink- Three Yean to Seven, they then entered their Right «|'S lhall irrivej whatever may be the eventual Gain to greater Majority than in the loft Setiion. On Saturday lull a Writ wai uTucd from the Court of Election, by chouling their whole Body for Four the Huhlic, to be fubjea to the Difpofal of the Affembly. Yean | fiom whence he affeitt, it it very cleat, they If the new Money, on the Plan fuggetted, would, of Common Pleat in the Temple, in the N»rae of the Right Honourable George Onflow, Elqi Plaintiff', a- have fuch Uight of Election) for if they had not, then immediately fall into general Ufe, my Propofition all the Actt that I'.ive been palled fince we have had *ould ftop here j but, perhapt, it would take up fo piinft John Home, of New Brentford, Clerk. Thi* Caufe it expeAed to come on in the Court of Common Septennial Parliament!, mult, iu Conlequcnc-. have tnuch Time, before there would be an actual Cir- been illegal, ai they were made by a Power that had culation ol it, that, in Order to fupply our prefent Pleat the next Term, before Lord Chief Juftice Wil- mot. The Courtfel mentioned fome Time to lie retain­ no Right to make tbem. w»nt», it might be expedient to augment it to a l»rKer We hear that n Stop will be put to Enfi/ntand Cor­ Sum, of which a Proportion might be immediately let ed by Mr. Onflow cannot plead for him io thit Court, except thofe only who are-Sergeant*. We are inform­ onet* purchafmg Companies for the future. ow upon Loan at 4 ftr Cnt. on proper Security, A Minifter from the Court, of-France and Spain, il to fuch at (hould apply for it, and the Exceft, fo lent, ed Mr. Home ha* retained Sergeant Glynn, and Ser­ Silver faid to be coming (hortly here, which Occafioni mainy "liglit be funk by deftroying, from Time to Time, geant Leigh. Speculationt. thcfPaper at it (hould come in, 'til the Sum left might Augufl iv It U reported that it it now deter­ mined the Parliament (hall not meet untU after Cbritt- Stft. $. We hoar that a Letter lately puhlifhed, he reduced to the above 70,0001. if, with what we charging Three great Perfoni with Delinquency, re- now h»ve, that (hould be deemed a competent Sum for mat,Monday laft hit Grace the Duke of Grafton, and tpeoting the lali Treaty of Peace, hat made great Com­ the Occafioni of a circulating Medium. motion* among the People in Power | cither it muft feveral of the Nobilityjfdined wilb Earl Temple, at occafiou an Enquiry that cannot fail to.be attended Stowe. ' From tbe Mtddlt of March io lit Mlddlt of Septem- The Ditke of Grafton'. late ViCt to the Rigfct Hon. with extraordinary Conicoucpcet, or a rigorous Prote- hfr, th Labeitrtri Day, in England, ii rtrktnta frtm the Earl Temple, at Stowe, hat occafioned variout cution of the Perfon who hat brought the- Charge. It it fiid that 160 Captaint of the Royal Navv^ had fi-vt in tbt Morning 'til Stwtn al Niftl——fiuo Houn Conjeclurei in the political World. Jtr Brtnlfajt anj Dinner, art alkiL'td, and Half an Hour It it computed that hit Majetty'i Revenue will fuftain formed the lau table and truly B>iii«>• ii frtm Tiuitigbt to Twilight, and an Hour and a* per Annum, on th* Article of Tobacco, iu cafe it* Infult offwtd to ihe whole Corps, by appointing Half aUtiutJ for Urtftjtfft , ~ '184 of LIT.TI* fbro-you, with a State of every Thing which lui been fa bi L IE 7 by the Subfcribtrt en rcafanalle Ground- BA^-'^ young a Captain a* Sir J n L y, Knight, to done-in ConfequenCr of thofe Accounts, and (hall be Kent, the Command of the Perftan Gulf, with plenipotentiary fupremely happy it you can fugged to me any Mode ART of a Traft of Land, called, Gailber'i-Park, Sway, was too grof* an Affront to be put up by Gen­ of Proceeding by which the facreit Laws of our Coun­ lying in Anne- Arundel County, near Hataffcg River! tlemen who had ferved both their King and Country, try may again recover that free Courfe, which can AlfoP a Plantation, called, Dear. Old- t'ieldi, in faid during the latt Wan, with tiiftinguifhcd Bravery, and alone give Permanence and Security to this refpeflable Coijnty. Likewile a fmall Traft of Land; called, 7im- good Conduct i and that to appoint a Junior over their ber-Neck, lying in Frederick County, on ttw/mj's Ri- Heads, could not but be conCtiered abroad, as well Government. ver, with a commodious Stream of Water for a Ful- as at home, as a Mark of Uifrtfpc.., which tan- Gentlemen of tbt Ctuncil, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen »f the Houfe oj Burgc/et, lii.giMill, and a Fuller may have Encouragement. ol but be fenfibljr felt by every bra»e Officer, and by I think myfelf peculiarly fortunate to be able to in* And, a Traft, called, Green-Spring, in (aid County, every Man of Honour. ,. form you, that in a Letter dated May the ijth, I have and one called, Addition, with a commodious Place on WUUam Sunday'Night his Royal Highnef* the Duke of Glou- the Main Road lor a Tavern. The firll applying (hall celter arrived at his Houfe in Oiolvenor Street, from been allured by theEarlofWtf^tfrei^i, tha this Majclty's prefent Adm'miftration have at no Time entertained a have firlt Choice. his Tour through different Part* of Germany, Den- HENRY GAITHER. maik, &c. and Yeftcrday he waited on her Royal Defign to propofe to Parliament to lay any further Higliii.ls the Princefs Dowager of Wales, at Carleton- Taxes upon America for the Purpofe of railing a Reve­ November 14, nue, and that it is their Intention to piopofe iuth* Houle, where he dined. FOR N E W - Y O R K, The Rippon Man ut War, from Bofton, is arrived next Scllion of Parliament, to take off the Dutii* upon Glals, Paper and Colours, upon Confideration of I'.ich HE Sloop SALLY, belonging to Mr. Antbtnj at Po.tlmouth. We hear that Governor Bernard came Paflengtr in Duties having been laid contrary to the true Princi M'Culloch, and the Subfcriber, John Fijjey pies of Commerce. ' ' * T the above Ship. Mailer, will lail about the 24th Inftant from h'y*. rts. •- It it nought the Publication of Dr. Mufgrave's Let­ It may poflibly be objected, that as hit Maiefty't River, where Ine is cxpefted to return before Cbrift. un- )«•}"•*• ter will occaiiun fome Pcrlons to make an immediate prefent Adminiftration are not immortal, their Succef- mat, and will take in Freight at New-fork, for Mary. t Robert Knox, fors may be inclined to attempt to undo what the pre­ -K*1 T-'iir into foreign Parts. fent Minitters (hall have attempted to perform ; and land, 1 he Subfcriber intends for New-York, by Land, GOSPOIIT, Sept. i. The Ship's Company of the in order to difpatch the Bufmcfs of faid Veflcl, nnd Chatham Man of W.ir wu» paid off laft Monday, and to that Objection I can give but this Anfwer: That it \ T the Men behaved renmrkubly honell to their Creditors. is my firm Opinion, that the Plan I have dated to you will carefully execute any Commiffions that may be Several of them ha-e enteied on boaj-d the Bofton will certainly take Place, and that it will never be de­ intrufted to his Care. III Frigate, Sir Thomai Adam* Cojnmander, fitting out parted from, and fo determined am I, for ev er to abide ( Zw) THEODORE WEDERSTRANDT. in tV- -i.ii bour, bound for Virginia, on a Station for by it, that I will be content to be .declared infamous, if I fo l>e.S O L V, for Sterling C*)b, or good London do not to the laft Hour of my Life, at all Times, in Billi of Exchange, Three Year.. all Places, and upon all Occaflons, exert every Power ST. J O H N'*, in Antigua, September 13. T R A C T of 500 Acres of Patent Land, well H'Clure. with which I either am, or ever (hall be legally inveft- timbered, with red, and white Oak, and large William Nol Lalt Ni^ln the Store of Mr. Francis Martin, was at- cd, in order to obtain and maintain for the Continent PoplarA Trees, lying in the Forks of Gunpowder, Balti­ ' tenv.'tcd to be let on fire, by fome Negro or Negroes. of America that Satisfaction, which I hive been autho- C,. Mrs- more County, about 18 Miles from Baltimore-Town, 4. cholfon, Chefter-1 It luckily happened tnut Mr. Benjamin Roberts, who rifed to promife this Day, by the confidential Servants from jofpa, on GunpoiuJer River,, where there is an live* oppoi.te, dil.o.eicd the Smoke, and extinguifhed of our Gracious Sovereign, who, to my certain Know­ Infpeftioii-Houfe, » from Onion'* Iron-Works, about 0. Mrs. Ogle, it. On his examining the C.iUl?, he found fome Rag* ledge, rates his Honour fo high, that he would rather the fame Dilfance from Nottingham Forges, and jJrom p Jonathan PH and ot-.er comhullit) e Matter fet on Fire, clofe to the part with his Crown than preferve it by Deceit. a Merchant Mill that purchafes great Quantities of Ifftfkin'i Ferry. woodin K u» ut the Window. There wa* a large Quan­ ANNAPOLTS, November 16. Wheat i It is remarkable fora healthy and pleafant j). William R tity of KU.II in faid Store, which would certainly have Situation, having a Profpeft of the Bay, and Part of Rev. Robert Read coni'ime'i the whc.ic Neighbourhood. On Monday laft arrived here the Ship Ptillii, the Eaftern. Shore > About 150 Acres ot cleared Land, We are int'onn d, that many Negroes have lately S. William St George H'ilkinjon, Maficr, from Liverpool, bound to chief of it frelh and under good Fencing i a Dwelling. C»p. Adam Spe been heard, in their nocturnal Perambulations, to me­ ^,,,M.Baltimore, -...., having..-...-t, had.. Ten- Weeks ._.._Paifage .- : She Houfe with a Stone Chimney top'd with Brick | a ntw nace, the to.il Dellruftion ot this Town, and that one Sirwart, Lower (pokefpoke the following Veflels, >' «» Garden, wittr Lort.fr F«frr,-g« -frem -off -tj« " On the ijd Ult. about an Hour after Sunfet (one V. William of the dark-ifl rainy Nights I ever remember) we were ShiprCB. f , -/-. bound ij - KSc^l,?-1! /nSi | Francis Widdom alarmed with the River's having broke it* Bank*. In a for London, 40 Leagues to the Eaftward of the Capes, a great Variety of other Fruit Trees. The Soil is ex­ Ridont's, Johr few .Minute* tin wiiule Town \v is under Water, and out Two Days, all well. cellent for Wheat and other Kind of Grain, and will Willfbn, Mer. I about Twelve Houfes, with their Inhabitants and Mer- The Honourable EthttarJ Lloyd, having applied to produce good Tobacco and Hemoj Some Meadow, Ci.andifc, fwe|>t inlo tne Ocean. All the other Houfe* in* SOLU, the Lord Proprietary for Leave to refign nU Scat as a and more %iay be made with Eafe ; it abounds with to tbe Purcbf and Stores were filled with Water, and every Perfon Member in the Upper Houfe of Aflembly, and one Springs, fo a* to tender it vaftlv convenient, if laid tmn'ili.ig with ExnH'>ufe, and Balthazar le Blanc's Houfe, done accordingly. early next Fall. For further Particular* apply to me aie .imoiip thofe c.urie.t into the Sea, with every Thing On Tuefday laft, came into this Harbour from for «4S Acres, th.n wa* in them. One of Mr. Louis le Blanc's Stores, on the Premife*. Lind as level ai Virginia, his Majefty's Ship the Huffar : She was THOMAS LINGAN. ii well waterec with hit Clerk, Cotton, &c. were fwept away. In thi* faluted by a Difchargeof the Cannon on the Battery, hon id Scene about p People are loft. Our Lofs here __ Calvert County, November 7, 1769. ments and a vej is coii-|>t*ed at 80,0001. Currency, in Houfes and which Compliment was returned by Captain Comer, ' L *HE Subfcriber once more requcfts all(thofe who or Purchafers, Mtrdu.ulne carried away j and in the feveral other who, with his Lady, we hear, came up on a Vific to X are indebted to him, to make fpeedy* Payment: ing gne Half d ___ Fails of the Idund, to very near as much. Our gene­ his Excellency the Governor. Thofe who do not comply with this Reouclt, may Security for t r ral Uillitli here is proportionrtbly greater by thelnun- A few Day* ago, Col. William Fitzbugb, wa* depend on being dealt with, according to law. dinable to pu da.iun than yours by your late dreadful Fire. fworn in one of his Lordfhip's Council of State in JAMES INNESS. fcriber before art indifputab N E W Y O R K, November 6. this Province. N. B. Wheat, Corn, or Oats, will be taken in fj bt SO Ll The Gv-.ieral AfTemMy of this Province, are to meet On Tuefday laft, the General Aflembly of this Province were to have met here, purfuant to Proro­ Payment. ______'______1-w h?ie "n ruM'.Uy tlie »ift Inttant, Circular Lcttei* Annapolii, November 3, 1709. VALUA hiving been wiote to the ref|>rc.ive Members, re- gation, hut the Badncfs of the Weather, and contrary Winds, having hitherto prevented a fufficient AN away from the Subscribers, on the zgth of Acres, I qul. iiv; their Attendance on that Day. Oclober lall, Two Irijb indented Servant County,A abo Iji ordri to amend ihr Breed of tiheep, ii poffible, Number of Members Irom coming to Town to com- R It is well wat we aic uuuieU, one ML U.-lbnn, ha* imported into pofe a Houfe ; and this being our Day of Publica­ Men, viz. DANIEL M'CRITCH, alia* M'Grttf,, a Car­ to be very g< New Londqn, from Bdibary, Two Rams, which are tion, we are forry we cannot have the Pleafure of penter by Trade, about 5 Feet 5 Inches high, pale Sale to be a1 much b-'x,cr, and ruei W.x>l, than any of our Ame­ inferring hi» Excellency's Speech in the Gazette, un­ formerly kep rican S'lecp. On? of thofe Ram< is faid to be of the Completion, ihort and bow legged, has a down 1 the Land. 1 truv Turkey Biced, the Tail of which alone generally til next Week. Look: Had on, an old brown Wig, but his Hair We are informed feveral Member* of the Aflem­ (*.) weigh from 6 to ta Pounds, and are molt delicious is growing, and is very black, brown Jacket, double bly have been waiting on Kent-Ijlana, fince Monday Ht S Mutton. Any Perfon bringing a Ewe to propagate breafted, (h»n bluck ditto, alfo double brcallcd, laft, for a Pafl'agc acrofs the Bay, and are expcflcd ca/ln . fiom the broad Tail Ham, pay One Shilling and Six Leather Breeches, Yarn Stockings, and black Shoes. Tthis Mcthoi Pcnic Lawful Money. in Town every Moment. GEORGE CAVENDISH, alto a Carpenter by On Saturday the 21 ft of Oclohcr, died, in Balti­ opened a la W I L L I A M S B U R G. Trade, about 6 Feet high, round ihoulder'd, and more County, Mrs. Tabttla SbtrciUne, Relift of ment, in t 7hr S P F. E C H of tit Excellency tbt Right Honourable his Toes l.ip'd .one over the other: Had on, and Major Yhtmai Sheredive, formerly of the fame County, Cay and I N O H B O R N t. bason de B O 1 E T O U R T, took with hi,.., a Bearfitin Jacket, with a Cape, bit MajrJIy'i Lieutenant and Governor-General of tbe in the yoth Year of her Age. This Gentlewoman Houfe, lai was endowed with many good Qualities, and per­ blue Cloth ditto, Norway Buck Breeches, Rujp* may be k Colony and Dominion of firgiuia, and Vice-Admired of Drah ditto, a Pair of white Thread Hofe, a Pair of formed the various Stations of Life with an un- where .ill tbe Ju.-ne, to the General AJftmbly, convened at tbe Ca­ mix'J YrKu ditto, One Check Shirt, and One Dow­ pitol, on Tuifdaytbe jib Day oj November, 1769. blemilhed Character; having been a faithful Wife, may deper a kind and indulgent Parent, a humane MLllrefs, a las d'.to, aad black Shoes. Gentlemen of the Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen Whoever takes up faid Servants, and brings them kind Neighbour, benevolent Friend; and, to her of tbe Houfe of Burg,/ei, to the Subfcribers, (hall have Five Pounds Currency own Sex, an agreeable Companion. HAVE again received the King'* Command* to for Datiel M'Critct, and Three Pounds for Cavtn- 1. meet yjnu in4 General" • Allen-hly•.••... forr.° the.L. DifpatchT\:r——.1. of_ r the public Bufine.'s of thii Dominion, and I hope I AN- Tt be SOLD by tbt Suhfrriber, living near Nottingham JAMES BRICE, need not obfei ve to you that this will be bell done by ______JU13B FOWLKR. van Temper and Moderation. in Prince-George'/ County, tbe following Tradi, »r Rj:> Years I allure you that I ihill obey my Royal Matter'* Parcelt of Land, lying in tbe County aj'orejaiil, viz. TOLEN from the Subscriber, living nrar Aiititatam, Nofe rem Command* with the trued Satisfaction, by concurring HEELER'* PARK, containing «oj Acres, ly­ on the. i 9tb of Oclober, a light roan UORSK, about ing, and with you in fuch Mea.nre* as may bed promote the ing about Half-way between Nottingham and Sf\ Hands j Inches high, i* a natural Pacer, ha« no Hajipinefs of his Majclly's Subjeft* in Virginia. WPifcatav>ay. Tbe Land i* levtl, and fit Tor farming. ri:y over Brand, a fwitch Tail, fome Saddle Spots on hii Back,. worn brc Mf. Speaker, and Gentlemen oj' tbi Houfe of Burge/ei, About Ten Acre* of it cleared, the reft in Wood*. and his Mane hangs on the near Side. Whoever le- The King having been pracioufly pleafed at our Part of a Traft, called ALLISON's FORREST EN­ cure* faid Hoc ft, lo that he may be had agiiin, ft One old C;irncl- Delire, to refer to his Board of Trade to re- LARGED, containing 148 Acres, lying between Bla- have Three Pound* Currency Reward, and F. chcs, lir conli.rer the Boundary Line betwixt this Colony and deM/burg and G targe-Town. About 17 Acres of which Pounds for the Thief, if convicted. \Vorfted the Chfrvtrn, which had been agreed to by that Board, is cleared, on which is a young Orchaid. There is on THOMAS Bralt Bi: the faid Land, about 15 Acres of valuable low Ground 1 ;.i.i .lircftcd toscauaint you, thai in Confequence of HEKl. is at the Plantation of J»ltn *. -- - . an old I that Reference and Re-con.ideration, a Report has fit for Meadow. Hack th PERRIK s-FARM, containing 50 Acres, lying a- in» near Annupalii, taken up as a stray, a "»» been made in Favour of a more extended Boundary, Tblack HORSE, with a Star in his Forehead, mo.' «» the fail! atul thnt his Majefty will confent to the propofed Al- bout a Mile and a Quarter from the Kafltrnbrancb-ferry, on the Raid leading from Upper-Marlborougb toward* round, bi anded on the near Buttock A, on the neir Shilling .ten:!->n, upon Condition that the Colony will make Shoulder H, paces, and trots, is about i j Ham's l.ign. Notice Provi.iun to defray the Expence of the Negotiation ne- the faid Ferry i This i* all Woods. THE ADDITION to FOX-HALL, containing n . The O*ner rosy have him again, on proving Pro­ County ceir.u) for that Purpofe. I have it therefore in Com­ perty and pa. ing Chaige*. mand from his Majeity, to a(k of hi* Houfe of Bur- Acres i This Land lies near a Run, called Oxon-Run. what t) telle*, to euiblc him to carry into immediate and com- Any Perfon inclinable to purchafe the above Land*, HEUF. i. .it the PVantation of Jojbua Dorfey, )"«r. (v . nle.it Execution, that very defirable Object. may be inform'd of the Title and Terms, by applying T at Mi-Ridge Landing, taken up as a Stray, a W N. , Tt««rpropoled Alteration, together with a Rate of to_____(w4)______JOHN F. A. PR1GCTJ. HORSE, about 10 Year* old, 14 Hand* »nd an H« IM, v the Exprnce w^ich I am told will n«<;e.Taiily attend it, fo be SOLD, at PUBLIC t'ENDUE, b/tbe'Subfcribtri, high, lias a Snip, is (hod all round, and is a natmai Pacer, And a fmall bay Mare COLT, Two \eari U'lllia, fhall be immediately laid before you. at Herring Creek Church, OH Monilaj the totb Inft. for for a I old, branded thu* O. ., 1 mult likewifebeg your Attention to manv alarm- Current Mmy, Slerlmr Calb, or Bi

  • TOLEN or STRAY'D, on the ;8tli of Sepum- 181 lENKNTVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, LANCETS, her, from the Subfcriber, living on the Head tJf remaining in the PosT-0»- tec. ground by the Subfcriber at hit S :- ./__ * /, ,_ South River, in Aau-Arundtl County, a bright bay Ch.rle, WILLIAMS'. MARE, about 4 Years old, 13 or 14 Hands high, branded on the near Buttock B, has a long Back, a OUNDS REWARD. Star in her Forehead, a Mane much like a, Standing Mane, but never has beiPcut, only a fmall Place t £M-Jtf4f£* Furnace,*• Mi«i««~t., O3tbtrv —.... 24,( . 1769. AN away from the Subfcriber, the Two follow­ for the Bridle, a Sprig Tail, paces and gallops flow ing "Convift Servant Men, od Settle- lour'd Half-worn Cloth Coat, with flower'd Block-Tin ThVPu, chafer Button,, and ..dark colour'd Lining, a purple nap'd menu and a very good Aj '" n Crtdit, o» pay­ To bt SOLD, by I be Subfcriber, at Public Sale, to ikt crtaw ^ H.ilfthick Jacket, with red Flannel Lining, -without bi^beft Bidder, on 7'nt/Jirf the i\jl of November or Purchafers, may have Button,, and the Nap alraolt worn off, a Inort Under ing qne Half down, and giving ntThofe in- Infl. far Sterling Cajb, good London Biilt of Ex- Security for the Remainder, i ditto, the Fore Part, made of ftriped Flannel, and the to*the Sub- Hind Part, of blur Fearnought, Two Ofnabrig Shirt,, ' (btngt, or Current Money, dinable to purehafe faid Land, ',e,, which HREE Acres of Land, lying in Pifcataway, fcriber before the Sale begin, One white Sheeting ditto, Two Pair of old longTrou- }___ OHNS fen, Half-worn Shoes, with Buckles, old Stocking in Princt-Gtorge's County, whereon is a good ire indifputable. ' x Leg,, Half-worn Hat, an Ofnabrig Wallet, and a TDwelling-Houfe, Thirty-two by Twenty-eight Feet, Glaf, Bottle. Whoever take, up and fecure, laid Ser- Four Rooms below and Four above, a good Store- " —— *--... w! m iiriin. (hall Houfe, Twenty by Sixteen Feet, ceiled round with Inch Plank, and an Eight Feet Shed, the Length of the Houfe double ftudded, a Urg^e Kitchen, with a h i. well watered and timbered, "^.J^^! * «?,,. VwPRFBY eive Notice to my Creditors, that my Brick Chimney and Oven, a Stable, built with tbt a Car- I keafonsfornot complying with their Proposals, Two Inch Plank let into the Pods, Thirty-fix by high, pile ic that my pretended Friends have not complied Twelve Feet, with a Urge Hay-Room above, a 4 ' • las a down wTth £r JndVrs, and my Crcduonhave taken Meat-Houfe, Twelve Feet Square, built as the Sta­ ut his Hair ble, with fcveral other Oat-Houfes, a good Garden :ket, double ^HTSubfcribcr. late .rom the b3^n^ ^^hXh.ve^iUlvedall me fo low in the ^^t^n^red• Feet" - Round,•»-..-! ail.11 new«_., Locyftt nfi,t ile brcattcd, T X £ the Province of P,,^Av«*<«, takes »JJ* ^ l cannot commence Law-Su.t, agamft d Mu,^. P(,fts, fWd Rails and Pales, and J black Shoes. arpenter by ilder'd, and o Claim,, and I have no other Method to Obtain my [ad on, and nent, SrTty, than by applying to the nex< General At Go, and Boliimor, Streets, opppftte Srv other NecefTaries too tedious to menuon. ith a Cape, Houfe, lately occupied by Mr. Andrt Stigar, and fcmbly of this Province, to pafs an, Aft in my Fa rches, RuJ/ia vour, and. by giving up my Eftate_both cledUwllbe given for one Half of the yurchaie may be known now by the one Tun Srs to rdeem my Body out of Soney for the land and Houfe,, pn, giving Bond fe, a Pair of where all Gentlemen*, who plcafe to favour him, Perfonal to d One Dow- may depend on good Entertainment, from and Security if -l-'^XANDER BURRELL. the Son of J...M., : brings them WILLIAM F A R I S,* N.W *. I" <*»«n fen thc *°Z.^ l wi" Rcnt nds Currency I or Leafe them upon moderate Terms. s for Cavtn- K CLOCK AHD WATCHMAKER Augufl 31, 1769. AN away on Sunday laft from the Subfcriber, ES BRICE, liAK^^-dfig^^-ffisr^;K vant Man, named HUMPHR^_HILL,_.bout AC^^ ^ ssi^r^S ^ .^ ^ 1"*"that he h., en j FOWLR. _ in $»etn-Anni* County, near the Red-Lion ranch, an Englijb Convift Servant Man, named \\ IORSK, about Pacer, ha« no i on hi) Back,. Whoever le- (I again, ft & d, and F^e and Mowing : Maapn, wnen nc wtm "-/, - -- - Dran Buckle, and oia anocs. u « lu^^ colour'd Jacket, with long Skirts, Check Shirt, a U'OjHllK, .IV- an old Indenture with him, and a Dilcharge on tne Pair of SnulF colour'J Breeches, fpccklcd Worftcd stray, a finsll Hack thereof. Whoever takes up, and fecures, Stockings, wilh Hole; in the Heels, a Pair of Shoes, eliead, (Iw.t »» the faid Servant, in any Jail, (half receive Forty with a Hole in One of thc Upper Leathers. f\, on the near Shilling!., heftdesiwhat the Law allows, on ewing Whoever takes up faid Runaway, and fecures him in ij Ham's l-.ieh. and oat,, wn..« "- "" Notice thereof to the Subfcriber, living in St. Mary s fcr them- any Jail, fo that his Mi.llcr may have him again, , proving Pro- County; or if brought home. Four Pounds, Derides Treatment and the ben fdve, and Horfes. from fhall have Three Pounds Ten Shilling**Rcw.ird, and what the Law allows, paid ' reafonable Charges, if brought home, paid by encourage the Mann Nine or Ten Inches high : Had on when he went a S the S«bfoi*>er, a fandy colourM Broad-Cloth fachire of Woollen Country-Cloth, at a Time when way, an Olnnhng Shirt, Crocus Tro'ufer,, 0|j c * Ticket, with Buttonholes on each Side and bound the oppreflive Meafures, lately adopted and purfued Jacket, old Felt Hat, ana old Shoes »-V»OB ' iv'in.l with Worrted Binding, a Pair of Buckflcin by the Mother Country, renHrr ii iiu!if;'rn.'.ibly ne- JOHN SMITH, a Gypjy, about Tweniy.five Yean of Bisrches, remarkable for having Spoil of Paint in the ceflary, for our own Well -being, that every Individu­ Age, Five Feet Nine or Ten Inches high, of a very Infrie of the right Knee) feveral good Bridles and al fliou'd manufacture as much as in his Pcvrer lies. dark Complexion, and is cloatird in the fame Manner Oiiilii were alfo taken, and old ones left in their It is hoped tlwt no OrFenre will b<; t'- v«P if the Pro­ as Hill. —— Whoever take* up the faid Servants (hall Pines, with fundry trifling Tilings tied in a Piece of prietors delirc t.'ie Money for fulling &c. to b; Tent receive on delivering them, if taken Twenty 'Mile! black Cloth, and a Pair of Boots pretty much wore. It by the Perlbn who i* to receive tl'i- Cloth, as it is ab. from home, Thiny Shillings, and if Fifty Miles ot would be taken as aveiy particular Favour, if the folutely necelfary lo (upport'the Wf-rk,. -All Persons out of the Province, Fifty Shilling* for each (induiline Gent'emcn who happened to be at Mr. KtjmtUi't, who will favour me witli their Cloth, may denrnd on what the Law allows) paid l>y ' during the Knew, v/puld he kind enough to have their olf in the brft Manner, and n-i;h all (if) THO'. SAM'. &-JOHN SNOWDFN. ^Nepro«-s fVarcht.l, as it i* greatly fufpected fo'-.ie of having It finilhnl in the above. poflible Dil'nitch ; and to prevent Miltakes the Owner thrin muft iu\e liten concerned of every Piece of Cloth, ii reqnrtted to put the initial AN away fror-i the Subfctiber, living in ^rj,n. Whoever tan give Information of the above Theft, or her Name in t!ic Wrh. may receive Fit'tren .Shillings Reward, from Letters of his R petit,- an indented Servant, named I U I J N »» WILLIAM SMITH, Hoflfcr to Mr. RtynoLU. ftQ______WILLIAM SCOTT. li IM< R A G E, by Trade a Clock and W/tch m.lker, bf5rn TiT the Weft of" EnglaM, a"hout Store at T O T H To I't SOT..D, by t)x Sutjcribtri, at tbtir Five Feet Eleven Licht-r. hip.h, of a dark com­ I C. Pip-Point, em Patuxent -River ty Wlnlrfelt, P U B L firft Coll of Good*, for Current plexion, majk'd much with the Small-Pox, ar 1 h« HE W*nt of a proper SCHOOL for the In- BOUT /i-Qco (liort black Hair: Had on, and took with him, a Ib tiflion of Youth, (everely frit by the Inna- Money, Sterling Bills of Exchange, or (hort Shirt, T A Terms. Drab Colour Surtout Coat, ciit fhort. Check bi'ints of FreJericIi County, induces them to fuhmit Credit, on \-ery reafonable flriped Linen Troufcrs, Caftor Hat, and Country the following SCHEME of aLOTTHRY to tl.c Confi- ______STEWARD & MORRIS. made Shoes. Whoever fecurcs the faid Servant, dention of the Benevolent and Gcneio'is, which it is (hall have Five ea'neftly hoped will meet the Approbation and En- Bvltimore-To-itm, Srftemter i 2, 1 769, and delivers him to the Subfcriber, couraeement of all thofe who wi(h to fee Science H E Subfcribcr hereby give* public Notice Pounds Reward, and reafonable Charges, p:iid by flctiriib in every Part of Maryland. T that he has begun Inoculation, at his Dwel- _____ ' . FRANCES KN.Vl'P. The Funds appropriated by Aft of Aflemhly to the ling-Houfc, which (lands diltant from Baltimort- I L L I Public School in FreJeritt County, being inliirticient W A M W H E T c TVuni, Half .1 Mile, is .1 healthy Situation, and an GOLDSMITH and JEWELLER' in Weft-Sticct, 'to etefl the neceflary Buildings, it is propoied by this agreeable Profpeft. His Price as before, Two Hundred Dollars, to aid that Annnpolis. Lottery, to -ratfe Nine Shillings per Piflolcs for Inoculation, and Twenty AATNG piirchafccl the Servants lately belong- Board. And as the Sickneft is fo trifling, 7e arty) jif Tbrct T*»»/;w.Y TICKETS, at Tnuo Dollart Weekv for ing to Mr. Kneipf'vi'nh nil the Material for Ex pence need not tact ( £if bt Hundred ,and Fiftj'twvo tj lubicb will it and*' the Confinement, none, the carrynHing on the Watch and Clock-ma!:ir'r 'Juii- Five Pound* Fourteen Shillings, or Six , • ftrlunatt, itiitbiut any Drt/utfion, viz. exceedC) r.efTcs hereby informs the Public, th-t he Rvpnii* ::11 Currency; and may be inoculated any I Prize of 250 Dollars, is zco Dollars. PoundsPi forts of Clocks and Watches, in the heft .\nd moft aoo - - - 200 IV Aurufl excepted. I - - Month in the Year, July and approved Manner; and .ib he has a complete App^- - : * - ' - 2<0 ' ' wno will favour me i*t .- I (hall be obliged to thofc -ratut for cutting XVh«cU -with inirc-Uxpcdiiioit «ud - - 200 W their C?uftom ; and they may depend on being '....,.,.. a - - 100 - with Exaiflncfs than ufual, they may depend on having with, by •-. •: 6 - - 50 - - - 300 carefullya and tenderly dealt their Work done in the moft careful Manner, and a. ' 8 - - 2C - - 200 Tbtir burntle Servant, On better Terms lhan heretofore. . . ,..r IX >s - - 180 HENRY STEVENSON. He alfo carries on the Goldfmiths and Jewell.-rs ' 4O -. 10 .- - - 400 ^ N. B. Thofe who intend coming,.are defircd not Bufincfli-s in the mod extenfive Manner, as he lias 78O. 'i 4 - - - 3'=o t(to change their Manner of Diet, or ufc any Pre­ imported a great Variety of Malt-rials, and has tx- oooSmrais'd. _paration before hand, as it is rather prejudicial than treme good \Vorkmen tor the excdHlng the above Prizes, othcrwife. Branches. Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who p'.-.ife Blank*, 2148 to favour him with their! Cuflom, may J,r Shaaf, Chai-lti Beattri, Samuel Beall, jun. Nor. B SlnKngs Reward, and reafonable Charges if brought JACOB, a Netjro,. a fliprt thick Fellow, about 5 maid Bruff, Andre-'.v Heugh, Eneai CjmpMl, Cbrijtopher Feet 7 or 8 Inches high ; he was formerly the Pro­ £itelia, Jtt/tCary, Ln.loiuick Wtltntr, Peter Groflt, Tht- home, paid by______JOHN COCK.EY. ma.' Ntill, -Nictolai Tire, Samuei Hu$bet, Thomas Jobni, perty of Mr. Benjamin Wtljl), of Anne-Asumifl Coun­ ( «.i'l Jamti Brand, who are to give Bond, and be on JUST IMPORTED, ty, and fold tba certain Hu&h Stott, oiYork County, ' Oath for the faithfulDifcharge of their Trul\. In tin Brig VENUS, Captain C A T T E L L, in Pennjylvania ', he is remarkable for having both A Lift of the Prize* 10 be publifhed in the MARY- from IRELAND, his Ears cropt, and1 is fuppofed to be harboured fome LAND GAZETTE, ?•. Court M the Drawing i* nniflied, P A R C E L of healthy Indented SER­ where about Mr. H'eljb's Plantaiions. and the Prue* to be paid off, without any Deduc­ VANTS, Men and Women, among whom WILLIAM WOODMAN, about 5 Feet 10 or n tion. ., ' P. areA the following Tradcfmen, viz. Weavers, Shoe­ Inches high, he is a down looking Fellow, and had N. B. Any Money pairing current in the Pi-ovince, makers, Blacklmiths, Bakers, a Miller, Houfe- on an old Ofnabrig Shirt and Troufer*. to he received in (lie Sale of the Ticket*, and the fame Schoolmaf- back faid Prifoners, to he accepted in Payment of the Prize* drawn by the Carpenter, Sailmaker, Brazier, Hatter, Whoever1 fecures and brings fortunate Adventurer*. ter, and fundryl Farmers. They are to be difpofed (hall have Ten Pounds for both, or Five Pounds fot \* TICKET* to t>t bad tf any if tbt Manager i, ami at of on board the laid Vcflel, now lying at Baltimort~ each, paid by DANIEL CHAMIHR. tbt Printing-Office, i* Annapolis. (tf) JOHN STEVENSON. (8w) Sheriff of Baltimore County.

    ANNAPOLIS : Printed by ANNE CATHARINE and WILLIAM GREEN, at the PRINTING- OFFICE : Where all Pcrfons may be fupplied with thisG AZ E TT E, at ids. 6d, a Year; ADVERTISEMENTS, of a moderate Length, are inferted the Firft Time, for $/. and i/. for each Week's Continuance. Long Ones in Proportion to their Number of Lines. At fame Place may be had, ready Printed, moft kinds of BLANKS, viz. COMMON and BAIL BONDS j TESTAMENTARY LETTERS of feveral Sorts, with their proper BONDS annexed; BILLS of EXCHANGE) SHIPPING-BILLS, &c. &c. AH Manner of PRINTING-WORK performed in the neateft and moft expeditious Manner, on applying as above. A fe X [ Nb. 1*63- r XXV* YEAR. ] \ tTHE AR T L^ND ; G A 7. E T T E.

    1769. T H U R S D AY, NOVEMBER

    his mew- Po- red Flag, and ordered him on board ; that on that the Harvett in Norway,-.Denmark, Sweden, under a Guard G H O R N, Jiilj 17. of Europe, ing has Pals, the Captain ordered him E l.ind, Prulfia, and other' Northern Parts oh board his Brig, |ilu».. I.ETTF.RS from Corfica advife, that there is the greatett of 18 Men, while they went .*....- < in th« turn out very bad; but of his Stores a ad Necefliuies j took T that a Canon of Evagno, Italy, Sicily, and other Parts of the dercd hi* Cabbin had attacked, Plenty of Corn in Ms Books and Inftruments, Shirts, Wearing Pieve of Vico, ever known. ' away uck his Mate »oo Men, » Piquets be­ Mediterranean, re'ceiv- Apparel, and feveral Thiqgsof Value, ftr with Aug. 16. On Tburfday laft Sir John Lindfay very ill, threaten­ longing to the French, and in Chief of the feveral Times, ana ufed all his People Go- ed his ConimifJion of Commfcnder if they did not open their Cheft;^ kilted 59 Men j that the India i and Yefterday he killed ing to ftab them Squadron deftined for might take what they plealed » tliat one of .vernment, notwithftandingthis Hand, on Occafiun of the above Promo­ that they the Ship in order to maintain hit Majelty's their Slaves told him, while he wa> on boat.I, Intuit, tion. j that they had the Tranquility of the Illand, of Probability, belongi-d to the Emperor of Morocco It is Paid, with great Appearance N9vo Sallee on a Cruize, had t.«ke» had offered to pardon that Ec- Miiultry will fpcediiy take Place} lately failed from which that a Change in the Spanifh Ships, and plundered a great many if he would return to his Obedience, C m will agaio.fui'eriniend the Na­ feveral and then, th4t Lord will be others. Ti.ey detained him 'til Evening, tional AtTairs; and, what is Hill mot e fmgular, own Veflel. 4- The Tartars, already weary of with whom it has ordered him mi board las ^KALISCH, A»g. united with fome certain great Men, from Londonderry, on the joth leparated from the Turkifh Army, in he declared he never would Captain Crawiord, the War, have been repeatedly aOcrted, 58, (poke a Brig from Lifbon for Bolton to return to their own Country. ult. in Long. order of Chocxim, have any Cortnexion. 7 Weeks out. WAUIAW, Aug. 17. To free the Town wiio had lately a'very unpopular Cha- are informed, Army Two Corps, A N^oblcman,, the Place By Captain Msy, from Lifbon, we iht Grand Vifir detached from his raf)ir| wp arc.all'aijed is every Day regaining Men of War, of the Thirty Thouland Man The Public, as it is well that a Fleet of jo Sail of Ruffian ore of Forty, the other he once held in' f he1 Opinion of the Sail of Danifli Men of War, were Corps did not think proper to wait,, his Influence with a certain Line, joined by 10 firft of thefe Two , kKowo he hat ufad all the Baltic up the Mediterranean, againlt of the Ruffians, who were commanded; bf in Behalf of a Patriotic Gentleman, going from the ilit Arrival j. ty* Great Perfonage, the Algerines, who had declaied War agtintt the Generals Stoffeln, Bruct, at^d Proforowfki Punifhutent is generally thought to be much the above Account the igth of July,^ whofe Danes. He further informs, that rthcf was repulfed, a firft Tim; on more fevere than his Otftncei have dclerved. Lieutmant of a Daniih of this Month. At the- which has been was brought 10 Lifbon by the and a fecond Time on the ift ' Aug. 19. General Paoli's Baggage, that they were all in the Sound oa Srmhis (Tnrfcifk Horfe) attempted a arrived laft Week" in the Man of Wai, and farne Time 1000 for lome Time expefted, of Auguft. On the i6th of September, Two but met with fuch Refinance from i < Squadrons aver in the Ship that brought Loid the ictli 6 Sail of Si'ly, to re-enter River; it cftrne Days after he left Lifbon, he fell in wi;h j or of Ruffian Cuirafliers, that they were forced from Leghorn. Deck Ship, \vho rind the Polt, n Report Exeter of an un­ Algenncs, One of them a Two the Town. At the Departure of We are informed, that fince the Arrival him too ; after detaining him had opened itiGiat« to the he has been repeated­ feveral Shot and brought prevailed, that.Choceim popular Nobleman- fjoin abroad, Time, Two VefTels hove in Sight, which they and that Pot&cki, with a Number of Confe- o'njy "by feveral now in Powtr, but for fome him Ruffians, of War; ly ipplied to, not took to be Englilli Frigates, when they (uttered rltutes, had furrendered tbemlelves Pr ifonen in the Oppolinon, on the prelent State of firlt taken away fome dreadtul Accident by others his fixed to proceed on his Vcyagc, bfving Bkcscu, Aug. »o. A molk Affairs, and that he has abl'olutcly declared Inttnimcnti. At the lime he before. Yesterday.:. The either diredly or in- of his Comrades, and happened here the .Day D(termtnstion"not to interfere, law Two Xcbccks bring a Snow too, but upon a Tower, in which were feveral to Government. left them he l.ilt Lightening fell dirc&ly, in M.itters relative not know who (he was. On the 141(1 of Pounds Weight of Opnpowder, and blew Day, precifely at Twelve o'Clock, does a long Thouland Eight' A»X. ji. This Month, in Lat. ij, 15, Long. 61, 5,5, he law it up into the Air with a horrible Explofion. of Proprietors of the Eaft-lndia Stock met. a Ship, under Jury Main . been entirely de- the Court by inform­ VtlUI, which he took to be a Pilacei, and 97 other Hoilfrs, have Sir George Colebrooke opened the Bolinefs ttunding to the S. E. but btiug to 1800 Perlbns buried in Directors had re­ nd Mizcn-Mutti, Itroyed by it, and more than ing the Court, that uft Night the lie could nut l|Uon, ail to Pieces. We cannot, as yet, form any jult in regard to the fole Command that the Charming Polly Capt.. Accident.) £ornmilfion, been figncil From Cork we learn, oftheLofs occafioned by this melancholy M-i)elty> Ships in the Gulph of Ptffia, has (\iled from thi, Poit, with a ile'.jiifd it cannot be lefs tlian Amfmlrnent, " that in Henderfjn, who hut, according to Appearance, and Iraled, with this further of Malt, arrived there on th: 19111 of Au^u.l, next Officer in Command Loa.l Colector, 300,000 Venetian Ducats. cafe of Sir John's Death, the where (he was at firft refuted Entiarie by the A*g. »t.'It is pretended, that the Engtifh his Department." away with the PAHS, (hould fucceed to _ he (uppofmg the .laid Captain had run offered to reflore Canada, if the King of France the Pleafure to allure the Public, that there Captain produced a News* have prohibit all We have and" Vcffci anil Cargo, 'til the will give up their PotTclTions in India, and will moft certainly be a Petition from the large the Tra.ilacliont ot the united lull i- ^ in thofc Parts. notwithstanding all tha^ias Paper containing ; whiill Commerce to their Subjects opulent County of York | bitanti of this City relative to the laid Malt (aid and attempted to the Contrary. fiuce been publilhcj th.-re, and LONDON, been intend, on Mi­ Transactions liave the Perfon mentioned in We hear that the Livery of London .i|, Mrs. fur cull, it is hoped they will loon be taken, his Lordlhip will Packet, Capt. Falconer, it defervw. from whence it is conjectured, that Wilfon, a public Friend, and Mr. Abel jaiue«, Lurrc! Offence may be punifhed as Pott in Ihe Adminiftratinn, . Rachel wuh rcpreient<-il to the King, that about foon be appointed to fome ot this City, Mercl-ant. Capt. Falconer carries It having been fays, the prodigious Increafe of the contrary to A^ise- ago the Ship Black Piince, William ACoiiefj'ondcnt ite him a Qazntity of Goods imported Fight Months and Navy is entirety alarming, and (hould inftig M.ifter, belonging to Mr. John Fowler French IllCllt. »h«km>, Old Calabar1 the Great to liy afide Contention* and P irty Squabbles, the 41)1 Inft. his Honour .the Gover­ others, Merchants in Briftol, bound to effential Interefts Nt-v.jii. On about 44 Per- and '.mite in taking Care of the moft pleafed to appoint Andrew Alien, Elq-, to thai on the Coaft of Africa, having on board Demand a powerful nor w.n in tha about Two Months after am) Security of the Nation, which Office of Attorney-General of this Province, fi'M, Roys included j that up, and ready to defeat the At­ religr.ed. ^ '" being within * Week'i fail from the Navy ever well kept Room of Benjamin Chew, Elqi wLo they left Briltol, artful and natural Enemy. . ahouj jo of the Ci ew (moft of whom are de- tempts of our JutidStpt.*$, 1769." Cojft, Captain Nrvtmbtr 6: Exlra& if a Lttttr fnm Li/ha, fcriucil in the Lift) mutinied, and bound the BOSTON, learnt that this tot/ther with the us laft Week a Pair of Silk 41 Having juft now, on Change, tn>ve out, the Mt'i of VV.u llbnds, and ran alhore a^Petit Trou, on the the Merchants and Mole; tint ('ley \verc in took Care of them, Laft Monday in the Afternoon Air in the Stream than in the Hil'tun'tola, where the Sp'animdi met at the Court-Houfe, and en­ of a War, as *r w.u liirl our Am- the Ship; and all the Cargo, other >, ofthisTcwn, great Ex|>eft.itioiv Plan or mnl helped in unloading a very fpiiited and conltitutional, Agree- b.ill'ad\)r at Midr'ul had found out tiuir Ircret Iron, was taken out, and put under the tered into Day, i :i:id that the except the went of Non-Importation, tq continue from that Scheme, aiitl was gone home to Knghmd Oiden of the Governor. impoling Duties on Paper,- Giafs, &c. was put undrr Conftncm<-nt, I'T let­ a Petition will be moved for by the 'til the late Act S| nnilh Miiiifter talkvd We are informed One Copy of this Agreement is ting him into the Secret \ ih;it it was publicly of the County of Lincoln at the Races, mall be repealed. Trailers and Ferrol, freeholders ligned by 47 of- the principal Merchants and of there, that the Spanilh F.rfts at C»di?. begin the 4th of 8epi«m'>cr. have met French Fleet, in order to which fays, " It in this T»wn, and w« fuppofe other Copies wert ^o '«e ioined by a Ur, CavXain Pom, be­ Clijnge the Bill of ttvu. Lung. 15, fctur>lay lilt the Bii^ We hear, Jn Cafe the Committee of on the icth of September, in Lat. j6, 34, (late commanded by dipt. Rohin- tit the London Tavern, Sallee Men of War, of 3* longing to London Pivlit», at the next Meeting <6, he fell in with Three who died on the P:uTage,

    _^'> her Main and.Miien-mals about the latter End of Sept. arifing from the pleating Profpeft your Lordfhip hath bstion of his juft, equitable, and prudent A-.lminiftrj. in a violent Gale of Wind ; and afterward;, in lying too fo kindly opened and difplayed to'us, to be dallied by tion, we cannot withhold our Eulogy In Conle" in the,fame li.tle, a Sea Itruck the VelTel, and walhed the bitter Reflection, Oiat any tutuie Admiiultiarion »)uence of his Heady Adherence to the Duties of |ui t!ic Matter, Mate and 7 Hands, overboard, who were will entertain a Wifh to depart from ihat Plan, .whiclt- btatioh, hi» firm Alien ion of the Rights of the Lord ail drowned ; alfo carried away the Boats, Quarter-Rails, affords the furelt and molt permanent Foundation of Proprietary, and his Maintenance of the Privilege of tvt Stanchions, and every Thing oft* the Deck} (he had 5 pu'jlic TranqUility and HappinelVt No, my Lord, we the People, he defervcdly gained their Apnjaule« I* Il.indi and a Paflenger on board, and » « then bearing are fure our inott gracious Sovereign, under whatever whim he faithfully aiifwered his Lordfliip's Expeftati* bimp away for Antigua j 911 the igtli in Lar. 31 i 11, Long. Changes m.ty happen in his confidential Servants, will on, and jultly entitled himftlf to his molt 63 : 30, ("poke a Schooner, from Virginia, for Jamaica, remain immutable in the Ways of Truth and Jultice,< 5 Days our; and on the joth, in Lat.<)7 i 11, aSout and that he is incapable of deceiving Uis fuitiiiul Sub­ We entirely agre« wilh your Excellency, tint (he 115 Leagues to the Eaftward of Cape Henry, he (poke jects | and we elteem your Loid (hip's Information not real Interrlts of the Lord Proprietary and the ' the Ship Swan, from Maryland, for London, 5 Days only as warranted, but even lancTitied by the R >yal' ofthii Province are inleperable ; and, if any Evidence out, all well. Woid. weie wanting to confirm the Principle, the concuin Captain Badger, from Maryland, inform?, that he Your Lordfliip's great Regard and Attention to the Sentiments ol his Lorillhip and the good People of n"*" faw a Ship afhore on C.ipc Heniy ; that the Matter of a Welfare and true Intcrelt* uf llii» Colony, dad brfore Prwnce, in Favour of a Gentleman, who inrariah'l'* Fiihing Boat acquainted' him, (he was from London, endeared you to us all j but your generous and 'noble made it the Plan of .his Adminillration, would arat)/ aud had Convicts on board, who had attempted to run Declaiations, upon this Occauon, denuiul our waimeit. lup.-iy it. * away with the Ship, which obliged the Captain and anil moft grateful Acknowledgments. From tl:e fhort Time your Excellency has bern Crew to fire on them, when Two of the Convicts were We will, my Lord, immediately take un-ler pur moft amv-ng us, it cannot be exjwfled that you can have ki.led. 4kriuu« Confideration the important B'liineis, upon framed Inch a comprehenlive Knowledge of the Cir- 'Which we are now aflrmSled, elpecially t';at Part of it, ciimltanceiof the Country,- as to be able to recommend WILLIAMSBURG, Number 9. ywi have been pleafed particularly to recommend j we an-«d*«jiiiite Piovifion 61-Laws | l>«t the Intimation you To THE PRINTER. will proceed wilh that Temper and Moderati .a, which Ivivs ,ivrn, <>\ a mote liberal Eltablilhment for the In SIR, i< neccfTiry to give Weight and Di:;nirv td our Deli- ^ - .! "t YMUtl., gives us the moll lively impmr " H E following Paragraph in a Letter from an l>«-r;«(ions; and we do aiiuie your Lordfliip, tin; we »<•( J'Ol!- : KxieiU IKr's Regard to the Profptrity of (h( American, and a true Friend of Li'irrty, n'-w in (hall think owfelves (iir*ntin^ly hip;»y, if, in rondtict- ;, a.ul c..limit our w.nine It Ackni Lciuion,T to h'u Friend in Virpi'iia, who ln< allb a real iiikj the arduous and momentous Aftaiis of t!i> ^( . ijiott:UUK inteicftingIIIIPIciung Ol>ji.ctu;>|t.ci we fti.il!in.ii: pav all due Regard for Liberty, ought to he made puh'ic, as it will Country, we_mould, in the K:id, r.tive the A ; >-<-,- AtM-ii";i.»ri, as well », t" every other uteful Rtgi>btion ffive the Virgi..ians an Opportunity of being grateful bition Of a Ruler, we fo very cor.iially lior.oai a::d w'-i«.'« i.isf mUer -xcur to- ourleives, or be propeici . to fo worthy a Governor, as I am lure they always eftcein. nf.--eric«i 6y tin- Itr-vigttt Motives of Duty, wilh to be. To viticb tit F.XCELLENCY w*i phaftd to retura skt Lo.idon, July 19, 1769. t .' >!ifideia(i in <.f )V'ur nsar A'litnce to the PrVorii-" JaOowKg A N S W E K : i...i .uiiU (ii_ J ...... ,1 ^_/ _ / K' w" «' Lord BOTBTOURT, to his honour, has w: ne t.. , :.. ! 'uani«-ll<:d wilh'(he d.-rpcit Seiife of yout " much in your Favour. Since the Advitrs from Vir- Mr. Sfifaler, anJ Gtnllemtn ej the Htffe tj Burgefti, ccheRCy** Atteation to »he Piofvtrity of ' jfinia and Button, it i' generally b-. lic'ved the Ame- OUR kind and affectionate Addrtfs br>ghtnu my may be itiuivd, Sil, tlui we fli.ill ever exirT ' rican Revenue Acti will h" repealed, though feme Y Profpeft, and fills me with the d-!'gSllu! Ex- zeiinus K-tdeavours, to lendtr your Admi...... _, " weighty People" are airiiiift it. Molt here think the .pcctation of completely anfwering the rurpcfes of mjr a^r-eahle to his Loidfhip, ynurfeif, and the People"of " Americans are in thr Right." Roval Matter. May the Almighty feeure-to me that thit Pritinie. dcfirable Objefr, by directing your Cpunfels for the November to, 1769. ' CHARLES HAMMOND. To bit ExctUncj tbe Rigbt Hinourablt NORBORNE Advantage and Profperity of all his Majelty's extentlre Baron dt BO F E I O U R T, Aw Ma^Hy's Lieute­ . Dominions, and m»> yoa continue a loyal, free and fo tubirb tu EXCELLENCY -wai pieojtd Itrtt*r* it* nant and Gtvernar Gfiernl tf tki Colony r.n.t Dominion h^ppy People, till Time (hall be no more. foU+uHng A N S W E R i ij VIRGINIA, an.l Vice Admira* tj tbej'ame. Gentlemen of tne Upper Houfe tj' a/mbiy, ANNAPOLIS, Novtmlvr 33. The Ifimble ADDRESS of the COUNCIL. OUR affectionate Addrcl» is a favourable Prefara The SPEECH of bit EXCELLENCY ROBERT EDEN, to me of a permanent Happinefs in niy (iovcinT MY LORD, Ef'H Gtvtrntr anJ Ctnaiutxdtr n C.birf in « ./ over the mentY If my Endeavours to merit a 'Cominmnce E his M.ij«nV« dutiful Subjects, the Council of Province af Maryland, 0* Fruity tbi l^tb tf Novem­ of your Affections prove fuccefsful, I (hall look upon Virginia, now met in General Aflembly, re- ber, 1769. the honourable Trult, which by his Lordfhip's Favour . turnW yrttfr Excellency our fincerrft Thanks for your Gentlemen tf ike Upper and Ltwir Honfei tf A/emblj, I now hold, as the moft fortunate Circumftanie in a kind Smech at the O"-ning ol,t'.ns StfTion, and for the Life entirely devoted to the Service of this Province Oppoit'inity you havr nffo: Jed us of difpatching the ROM my Defire ol accommodating the Public public Biiftnefi of this Dominion. Your Excellency Bufinefs to your private* Affairs, I have delayed ___ROBERT EDEN! callingF you together; nor mould I, did not the Exi­ my he allured tViat tiie ft-versl Matters you have fo ft bit ExceiLEHCY ROBERT EDEN, Ify Govern e.'tnelUy recommende-1 to the Legislature at this Time, gencies of Government make it necefTary, now meet you, merely to notify the Lord Proprietary's Appoint­ and CommaiUir in Ctief if anJ tvtr tbi frevive / will be attended to, and confidered by the Council, Maryland. wilh all t!'.e Temper ntd^Jvl ideration which the Im- ment of me, to fncceed Colonel Searfe, as Governor of this Province j to merit which Honour, and the Truft •tbe bumble ADDRESS tf Ike HOUSE rf P' :tincc of them rrqiiiie* i and, that we (lull give a DELEGATES. clieeiful an.) reidy Compliance with all fuch Mrafures thus repofcd in me, I (hall ever confider it to be my a« may beft :>rmnote the Honour of the Crown, and indifpenfable Duty to promote, on all Occafions, the Aftn it pleaj't Tour Excellency, t e U riiiinrf* cf his Majelty's Subjects of Virginia. Profperity of Maryland. E, his Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal SuftjecH, T >e Information your Excellency his been oleafed to Gentlemen of tte Loivrr Htuft, W the Delegates of the Freemen of MarjlanJ, in s?.ve us, of t'ie Intention of his Majelty's Miniftrrs to Convinced, as I am, that the real Interefts of th» General Aflembly convened, return your Excellency p-or"'e in tl«r next Scflion of Parliament to take off Lord Proprietary, and the People of (his Province, our fincere Thanks, for your kind and altcctiou.ua the Duty upon Paper, Glaft, and Colours, is extreme­ are infeperahle, I meet this AOembly with the moft Speech, at the Opening of this Seffion. We cordially ly agreeable to >.s ( as a Repeal of the Revenue-Aits agreeable Prolbect. From your Attachment to congratulate you upon your Appointment to luccted will be the m-tt effectual Method to liei.1 the Dif- the Welfare of your Country, from your Knowledge your worthy Predeceffor, Colonel Starpe, in the Go­ * fvieiicet that have unhappily luSfifted between Great- of its Circumdajiccs, and fiom your Moderation aud vernment of this Province, and upon your fafe An ml Brit.iin 11.d her Colonies, and to rcftore tlut Harmony Prudence, I derive the moft perfuilivc and pleating with your Lady and Family, to take upon you i!-e a ! mutual nlulence which are fo neced'.iry for the Expectauon that this Srlfion will be diltinf,uifhed, by Adminillration. The Honour of -this great and im- Wc'f;>re and Prolperiiy cf both. We acknowledge, ti'e Benefit, which a di'paflionate and amicable Inter­ port»nt Truft you cannot fail,fail. Sir, of" meriting, fo w I : par ic'ilar Sa*'' faction, that our moft ("anguine courfe cannot fail to pri-ducc, by the Propriety of your kng a» you confider it your indifpcnfable Duty EA;nct.»»"jBt ttpan tfxtfr fe«e«llfncv'ibstet'ien Arrint in" Tt-c 4**«x.Winy,-imd-Hy-tKc Utitity-of thole' Laws wbith «wte^-oa--aU^O«x»fMm»,-«Jte-IVo<'pCTity-gl^^ t>lo.:ty, tutebtc.i fully anlWered, by the Experience fliall be en ict and, while we indulge oui felves with the pleafmi; rSot- .we hav.- -.'rf.i'iy I'.u! of ynur prudent, wife, and enui- Hit Lordfliip has been pleated to allure you, in the pect of a mild and equitable Government, permit us t:il>le Admin.(tration t and we look upon it as a fure Mtfiage I am now toliavethe Honour of delivering to to allure your Excellency, that it will ever give us Preface of Happinefs to this Country. you, tnat if you will prepare the Plan for the further Pltafure, when we can, in any Manner, contribute-10 L*! Improvement of the Province, his Encouragement make your Adminiltration ealy and agreeable to yuur- 7» ivb-fb bit EXCELLENCY ivai pleifrd it return ibt fhall not he wanting. Ulf, and honourable to the Loid Proprietary. J)lto-winS ANSWER) 1 ho' I warmly wim, that a well founded Provifion Your Del";re of accommodating the public Bufinefc Gentlemen tf tbi Council, for a more liberal Inftitution of Youth may be cftabliln- to our private Affairs, demands our fincere Acknow­ ledgments | and, as .the Exigencies of Governnic.it ACCEPT with the ufnoft Tbankfulneft your very ed here, vet, I do not undertake, at this Time, to re- commend particular Objects to your Attention i The have nude it ntcell.iry to call us together at this Turn-, i.i'-»:iona!« A-ldrels, and am proud to acknowledge we Ihall with Cheerfulncls fubmit to the Inconvenien­ Ithat I f! y ihik rcfpectable Dominion. and, if that Interval had been much longer, your Ex­ perience would probably anticipate my Recommenda­ Convinced as we are, with your Excellency, th»t the tions ( but, give me leave to a flu re you, you may al­ real Interelts of the Lord Proprietary and the People of I- 'it Exeflltny tbe Ri<;kt Honourable NORRORNE ways rely upon my moft cordial Concuirence in every ,|his Province are inlcperable, we venture to hope, Ihat Karen dt H O T E T O U R T, Hi Majefj'i l.ientenanl Meafure you may Propofe, conducive to the Welfare our Conduct, in the Courfe of the Sellion, will (o and Gmernor-General tj tbe f.'ohny and Dominion of and Happinefs of the Province. manifeft our Attachment to the Welfare of our Coun­ VIRGINIA, ami fict-Admiral oj' ite fame. Gentlemen efbolt Houfej, try, that your Excellency will not be difoppointed in the The humble ADDRESS of the HOUSB of BURGESSES. I am fenfible I (lull be judged of by my Actions, and Expectation you are pleafed to entertain, being deter­ MY L O R D, not by any AlVurancet I may now give you of my mined to purfue the Bufinefs, with that Temper and E bit IvUjelly's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, future Conduct j to that Teft I moft readily fubrait, Moderation, and to cultivate that amicable Intercourfe, W the Buigrflci of Virginia, now met in General and fliall be truly happy when I leave you, to be able, fo eflentially necellary to the Attainment of thole Bent- Aflemhly, beg Leave to return your Excellency our like my PredecefTor, to lay my Hand on my Heart, i« fits which are the Objects of oar Meeting. fincere and unfeigned Thanks for your very kind and Confidence of having acted folely on the Principles' It gives us great Satisfaction to be allured, in the affectionate Speech at the Opening of this Seffion. here-laid down, and, of having merited, by fo doing, Meflage with which his Lordfbip has honoured ui and It gives us Rie-at Pieafuie, that we have again the the Thanks of thole over whom I have the Honour to which your Excellency was pleafed to deliver, of Honour of Meeting your Loidlhip in General Aflem­ prefide. - his Willingnefs to jncourage any Plan for the Improve­ bly, a* it affords .us »n Opportunity of renewing to ment, or Addition, to the Happinefs, of his Province, your Excellency, the Itrongrlt Airurances of our un­ It bii EXCELLENCY ROBERT EDF.N, Efv; tu his Parliament a Repeal of the Act im- Government of this Province, and fife Arrival with pofirig Duties upon Glafs, Paper, and Colours \ efpe- have a jutt Cliim to our molt fintere Thank* Aud, your Family i and to tender our beft Thanks to you though we join you in wiihing for a well founded Pro­ c:J-ly, as we cannot doubt but that the fame Wifdont for your very obliging Speech at the Opening of this aiul Gnixlnefs, which have already induced his Majeftv vifion for the more liberal lultitutiou of Youth, yet, Scflion. we hone we (lull (land excufcd in nut enlrm.g upon a favouia'xly to regard the humble Entreaties of his Whilft we indulge the moft fanguine Hopes, that the faithful Snhjrcts in America, will ftill farther incline Confideration of that Matter a; this Time, when the Advancement of the true Inrereltt of the People will fevere Seafon of the Year i> fit neaily uppro.icliiug. tbe Roy-itBie.iR to an Exertion of his Majelty's gra- mark the honourable Character of yqur Excellency's rious and benign Influence, towards perfecting the We receive your Excellency's Afl'urances as aa Adminiftration, give us Leave to exprefs our warmeft Earneft of your future Conduct We perfuade our- Happinel' "f nil his People. Wilhes, that the Rrltdence of yourfelf and Lady among It adds gitatlv, my Lord, to our Satisfaction and fclvcs that by that Teft they will be jultified i and we us, will be made agreeable, by all the Returns which cannot but indulge oni (elves with the warmelt Ex;>e£*»- Comfort, to le.ir.i from your Excellency, that his Ma- are due to the moft engaging Affability and. Compla­ j«-fty'« pi Cent Adtniniltiation.hnve nt no Time enter­ cency. tions that you will always have the Hippiiicft to re­ tained a Drfgn to proyolc to Parliament the l*yin(; any The Juftice we owe to a Character, really eftimable, ceive, for naving acted folely upon the Principles you farther Taxes upon America, for the Purpol'e of railing demands from us, (bme Tribute to the Merit of our have been pleafed to lay down, the united Thanks acul vi w« will not fuftcr our ujeient Hopesj Applaufe of a grateful Peop c late worthy Governor -Amidlt the general Appro. November n, 1769. ROBERT LLOYD, Speaker. 189 LANCETS, »n leafe, for 'TEN ENKNIVES, lUfcofcs, SCISSORS, *vai /. return fo it SOLD, cr Lff, the Subfcriber at hit ExcsttENCY WATER-MILLS, in Cl>ariti Coun­ FLEAMS, &c. ground-by ANSWER HE valuable P the Governors, in Annaftl'n. ty, on the Head of Alltj* Frefh. Twenty Houfetaear Houft of AffiMbfy, were PHILIP WILLIAMS. TAcres of Land, on which the Mill*, Wf. ft and, my Thank* in the Form' of 7, 1769. Word* to expreft condemned, and a Leafe granted for a Number . Calvert County, November obliging and afFeftiooate Addreft are all thofe who hcu Yean, about 72 of which are to corner-There rT*?HE Subfcriber once ihbre requeft) demand*- Your generou* Determination Mill*, and a to make fpecdy Payment : may come before you 4 Pair of Stones on i Dam, z Tub JL are indebted to him, the Bufmefs which which 'carries 2 with this Reqiteft, may I took the Liberty of recommend- Double-geered Under-fhot Mill, Thofe who do not comply " "t,',kr Moderation Clothes, all new and with, according to law.- mv Speech, at the Opening of the Seflion, will Pair of- Stones and z Bolting depend on being dealt of your Sovereign, the Premiles are a good Dwelling- JAMES 1NNESS. entitle you to the Efteem well fixed. 'On in \t t nra Proprietary, your Condiment*, andEDEN. your Hoofe and Store adjoining, a Brick Bake-Houle, N. 3. Wheat, Cornj or Oats, will be taken p, Lord rropr. „ , ROBERT once, with an Oven that will draw 115 ib of Bread it Payment. ______fovcrnor. Out-Houfes, it is a Granary, Kitchen, and feveral To bt SO L Dt for Stirling Cj/b, tr gtnd London well fuuated for Cuftom, and convenient for Bilk of Exchange, the CLBROY of this Province, likcwife well On Friday laft Trade. T R A C T of Soo Acre, of Patent Land, Excellency the Governor, with tho and white Oak, and Urge on his Any Perfon that incline* to purchafe, may have timbered, with red, and A lying in the Forks of Gunfowdtr, Balti- Petition : SevenlYears Time of Payment, on giving Bond Poplar Tree*, 4 annu­ mort Cowry, about 18 Mile* from Bahimort-Tovjii, To HIS EXCELLENCY Sccbrity, if required, and paying the Interefl where there it an be paid annu­ from Jaffa, on Gunpov/Jtr River, BERT EDEN, Efijuire, ally ; or, if on Leafe, the Rent muft i from O/iWs Iron-Work*, about R o THOMAS CONTEE, Inlpection-Houfe, from and Cmmandir in Ctiej in and over the Pro- ally. the lime Dittance from Nottingbani Forge*, and j of Maryland. ______JAMES SWANN. Mill that purchafe* great Ojantitie* of -vinet a Merchant pleafant moft dutiful and loyal SubjeAt, Joppa, Novimber ij, 1769. Wheat: It i* remarkable for a healthy and E, his Majctty'* the Bay, and Part of the Clergy of Maryland, in Communion of the Tt bt fold by Publit rtmiue, ly tbt SUBSCRIBERS, Situation, having a Profpeft of of and ftr tbt Uft tf 150 Acre* of cleared Land, IChnrchofW England, beg Leave, after the Example at Trufltts for Abraham Andiew, the Eallern-Shore i About Nrui-Tork, hrw-Jtrfty, b'ii Crttbtort, chief of it frem and under good Fencing ; a Dwelling- Lr Brethren in the Provinces of Brick 4 a new to PETITION your Excellency tor a TRACT of LAND, in Baltimtri County, called Honfe with a Stone Chimney top'd with I «id Pi»*hlva»i't, containing 304 Chimney and an Oven j a I Clutter, to incorporate a Society for the Support and ADVENTURES ADDITION, Kitchen with a double deceafed Clergy. A the Great Fall* of Gunpwadtr Kiver, 40 by 14, with a good Threftiing Floor, lldiefof the Widow* and Children cf Acres, lying near Framed Barn 5 a Not only the Governor* Miles from Jaffa, and 15 from Baliimort-Ta-ivm and many other convenient Houfet a)molt new |«n within thi« PVovmce. .about 7 Ap­ from off .the thi* reafonable Requeft On the Land are fome improvementl with a good nailed Garden, with Locuft Poll*, got I jtsdilyund cheerfully granted the laid An- growing; » Apple- of thole Province*, but the Proprietarie* ple Orchard. Likewife will be fold, all Land, where there are Plenty ItotheOergy Sale to be on the Pre- Tree* ot excellent Fruit, and I tf faxlj'-vanta have countenanced the undertaking, drew** Perlbnal Eftate. The Orchards, of joo bearing for it* Sue- of Dtctmlttr next. , of other Fruit .Tree*. The Soil i* ex. ,,th their hearty Approbation and Wifhe* mifei, the »oth Day a great Variety will JOHN BEALE HOWARD, cellent for Wheat and other Kiud of Grain, and' and Hertipt Some Meadow, "though the Clergy of MaryUuiJ, by the Pro- JOHN ROYD. produce good Tobacco good Difpo- vacant, may be made with Eale) it abound* with lifiun maile for llitm by the Pietjt. and f |~*ALBOT County SCHOOL being now and more if laid by ancient Law*, Testimo­ Spring*, fo a* to tender it vaftly convenient, MKin of the People, confirmed Jt any Perfon who can produce proper Quarries of Stont Diftrefs a* their neighbouring will be out into different Apartment*} fine nnnot plead fo great nials of his Qualification for that Trull, (how of lion Ore, with * yet, it ha* often happened, that the Famil'ie* for building, and a gre.tt Jrnhren, Life, treated with by the Vifitors. of Range for Creatures. The Traft will tlnuny Cltrgymen, from the (hortnef* of their great Scope bell been l«ft in dep'lora. SigneJ by Ordtr, be fold altogether, or divided into i Parts, a* may * fnnllnrfi of theii P.li im; have Rcgifter. and to be entered on "To remedy which, we have pro­ THOMAS GOLDSBOROUGH. fuit the Purchafer or Purthafers, I & CirCumrt.incii. OOobtr ij, 1769. For further Particular* apply to mf ofed to rait'e a Fund, for the Support and Mninte- Anm-Aruihltl County, early next Fall. Children of deceafed Clergy- AN away, laft Night, from the Sublcriher, living oil the Premilci. unceof the Widows and named, THOMAS LINGAH. eflablilhed Church, which only wait* your on EU-Ridge, a Convict Servant Mnn, (w3)______KB of tlie a R a Gunftocker, Ucellcr.cy'i Approbation, to give the Foundation SAMUEL ALLSWORTH, by Trade Ajv-vcArr 3, 1769. 5 Feet 7 Inches high, has kpi! Sanction, by Charter. about »o Years of Age, AN away from the Sublcribcrs, on the 291)1 of to felicitate your Excellency, curl'd Hair, (hort Face, and brown Com­ We lake thit Occafion (hort brown Caftor Osiaber laft, Two Irijb indented Servant Family, on your fafe arrival in thit plexion i Had on when he went away, an old jour Lady and and Jacket, the Men, viz. Your late Attendance on hi* Majefty'* Per- Hat, a light coloured Broadcloth Coat Car- hofince. with red Velvet, Ofnabrig DANIEL M'CRITCH, alias M'Grath, "a fcn, which then gave you Opportunity to contemplate, Colter ot hi> Coat i* lined pale Virtue*, a* well patch'd with coarfe Linen, and a pcnter by Trade, about 5 Feet 5 Inches high, uy.m now have to imitate, his Royal Shirt and Trouferi, a down Lord Proprietary, make'your Country made Shoe*, nailed. Whoever take* Complexion, (hort and bow legged, has » your Affinity to the P.rir of have Hnir 'to thi* Government parti- up the faid Servant and brine* him home, (hall Look: Had on, an old brown Wig, but his lutllency'j Appointment Charge*, paid to u«. A« the Clergy of MaryUnd Twenty Dollar* Reward^ and reafonable u growing, and is very black, brown Jacket, double toliil) acceptable and POOLE. (ire ftewn ttiemfelvti, at all Time*, moll true by______*______SAMUEL brealted, (hort black ditto, allb double broallcd, to hi* Lord. Vial to bis Majelty, and wett attached Bkdcnjlurg, Novtmttr 19, 1769. Leather Breeches, Yarn Stockings, and black Shoes. your Excellency will ex- iij., they nuke no doubt but away from the Subfcriber, a Gonvift Ser­ GEORGE CAVENDISH, alto a Carpenter by them, which th«y have hitlicrto AN and und tint Favour to Man, named WILLIAM WILLIAM- Trade, about 6 Feet high, round (houlder'd, from your Predeceffor*. vant and (i|*ncnccd RSON, alias WAINRIGHT, a thtck well made Fel­ his Toes lap'd one over the other: Had on, about 5 Feet high, has no Beard, a round full took with him, a BearOcin Jacket, with a Cape, Ltalit, Francis low, a Rujia Rettrt Rea.1, ,.,.,'," Face, fre(h Co)our, (hort light brown Hair, has blue Cloth ditto, Norway Buck Breeches, J»r« Hamilton, Voice. Huff, a P.iir of AJitij'en, David L*V€* ,"' : Cut on his under Lip, and an effeminate Drab ditto, a Pair of white Thread Vitn • •<• a and One Dow­ Mi/6 D<-«*f, Robrrt Rennty, Had on and took with him., a white Linen Shirt, mix'd Yarn ditto, One Check Shirt, lit* CamfbeU, Benntt Alien, Pair of white Drilling Breeches, ftrip'd red and las ditto, and black Shoes. Wiltiam tdmif^ brown ditto, a Pay of light takes up faid Servants, and brings them Jtbm CUtgett, white Jacket, a fhort Whoever 7nu«ii TttrniM, Tbonuu Stockings, white Thread ditto, a Stock to the Subfcribcrn, (hall have Five Pounds Currency _blue gray atul Stock-TJucklei wKTtc'Ncckcfath'rwhh a red and TbTDaniV/WCn/^r and-Three founds Anna/Hill Ato. 17, 1769. white Border at-each End, a white Handkerchief, dijb, paid by return tbt a red and while Border, good Shoes, Pumps, Braf* JAMES BRICR, 7) «ii.'.-l in EXCILLENCY *vat fltafid It with up FOWLER. ANSWER. Buckles,' and a Half-worn Hat. Whoever takes J UtiB j (.Hawing mojl gratitut if taken 20 the faid Servant, and brings him home, TOLEN from the Subfcriber, living near Antitatam, RivirtuJ , if 30 Miles, HOKSR, about happy, if I can be of any Milet from home. Twenty Shillings, on the igtii of Otiobtr, a light roan l. affured 1 (hall be very Shillings, and S i* a natural Pacer, ha* no to you, in promoting the Succef* of the Thirty Shillings if 40 Miles, Forty 13 Hand* j Inches \\\&\\, B Service my longer Diftance, and fwitch Tail, (bine badille Spots on his Back, htiiion you have now delivered to me i and, from fo in Proportion for a (horteror Brand, a le- hi* Sentiment* Five Pounds Reward, and rea­ and hi* Mane hang* on the ncjr Side. Whoever Knowledge of the Lord Proprietary, if out of the Province, be had again, (lull to me, I have no doubt of procu­ brought home, paid by cuiei faid lloifc, lo that he may wdhit Inrtiuttion* fonable Charge* if Pound* Currency Reward, and Five ring you hi* Concurrence thereto. Yrmr Petition (hall STILL SINGELLTON CHURCH. have Three to hi* Lordftup, WAIT Pound* for the Thief, if convicted. ».iliout loft of Time be trsnfmitted 12, 1769. THOMAS POWELL. when receivetl (hall be communica- Nouemttr d hit Anfwtr Subscribers, at bou immediately. clofe well To Mon­ ;o allure you, you may rely upon my moft Pijcaiayuy Races, the 7th Inllant, a fuit tbt Purtbaftri, at Calvert Cfurt-Hgfft, M Lu»e high, net, tbt «mett Inclination to encourage the deferving Minillcr* Smade dark bay MARE, 13 and an Half Hand* day tbi »7t6 of Nt>veml>ev Infant, i/ /air, if any Increafe but «f the ellaWiflied Church, and to prevent about 6 Years old, hranfied on the near Side Jf ntxt fair Day, at i o'Ctott in tbt Ajlmot*, many of whom, I her Parcel* of LAND, aM joining, cfbcfli diflenting therefrom j too has feveral other Brands unknown, a fprig Tail, EVERAL True* or to fear, have got Footing in thi* Pro- trots and gal­ lying in Calvert County, on a Creek, called Far- M»e Ktaion Mane hangs on the oft" Side, and (he Bay, and Ji"ie i Your Piou* Endeavour* can bell flop their than Three SItr'i Creek, within Two Mile* of Cbefaptak Reafon lops: A lib a bright bav HORSE, better containing and l.iiil out luithtr Progief*, in which I have the greateft high, branded one of Calvert Court-Houfe, Your Duty re- Yean old, about 13 Hands 3 Inches left. The Soil i* rich, and the ">«xpeft you will not be wanting. his Mane for 8+1 Acre*, more or are unneceflary to on the near Buttock I A, has a bulh Tail, a* common in that Part of the Country; SU'TO it, and my Recommendation* eafy, (hod Land a* level tnforee it. hangs on the off Side, natural Facer, goet i* well watered and timbered,- ha* Two good Settle­ before, and one hind Foot white below the Footr ment* and a very jjood Apple-Orchard. The Puiclufar the faid Creatilres, fo as may have Six Month* Credit, on pay­ Lock. Whoever fccures or Purchafcrs, with Nov. 11, 1769. may get them again, (hall have Five ing one Half down, and giving Bond on Intrreft "y the Committee of Grievance*, the Owners required. Thofe in. will fit for bearing fuch and if brought to Alexandria, Si* Security for the Kenuinder, if nPHIS COMMITTEE Dollars Reward, Land, may apply to the Sub- of Orievancei, a« any of the go«)d CHARLES JONES, clinable to purchafe faid A Complaint* Dollar*. the Sale begin*, and fee the Title*, which ple (it thii Province think proper to make, at the (wj)______WILLIAM G1BBS. icrirtcr before < i U Day during thii are iiulilputable. - udi-Houfe, at One o'Clock, every Kovtinttr 14, 1769. RICHARD JOHNS. ' "ion. Sigluj pef OrAr. (ws) Foil N E W - Y O R K, in Urnt __ JOHN DUCKF.TT. Cl. Com. to Mr. Anthcny AN away from the fiuhl'cribcr, living HE Sloop SALLY, belonging on the *tli of bit, a SUBSCRIBER, at kit Slori, in the Subfcriber, John Ftffry County, Maryland, r« * JeM by tbt M'Cdhtk, and Servant Man, named KOKCKT HAINES, aa Annapolii. 141)1 Inllant frorrf W>- Convict or South Eall Strert, Mailer,T will fail about the Enelijbman, about aa Year* of Age, and 5 Feet 7 Sugar of the firR Qnality, by Rivtr, where (he i* expefted to return before Cbrift- > Had on and took with him, a dark co> USCOVADO Mary­ Indie* hi^h Tin the Banel, or fmaller Quantity, on very rea- mai, and will take in 1-reight, at New-York, for loui'd UaU-worn Cloth Coat, with flower'd Bluck- M Bohea Tea, Spcrma- intends for Nevj-Ttrt, by Land, (Ink colour'd Lining, a purple nap'd »ble Termt: Alib tl-.e bcft land. The Subfcriber Buttona»^nd w4thoui to difpatch the Bufmcfs of faid VctTcl.Aiid Halftbick Jacket, with ted Flannel'LTiiTtig, in order ahnolt worn off', n ftiort Under will carefully execute any CQtnmiffion* that may be ButtoML and the N;ip fte Fore Pnrt* made of ftriped Klannel, ami the* to his Care. ** ditto, Shirt*, intruded ANDT. Hind Part* of blue Fearnought, Two Oluahrig Sajgc ( 2W) THEODORE WF.DF.RSTR Two P.iir of old longTrou- La- One white Sheeting ditto, Bitten, BriiijE Oil, double dilUlled HEREBY give Notice to all my Creduors, that fcrs, .Half-worn Slice*, with Buckle*, old Stocking of Hartfhorn, Aloei, Flower next General Aflembly Hat, an Oihabiig Wallet, and » Water, Spirit I intend to apply to the Leg*, Half-wprn Ser­ 'Hone, and a few Bottles of the celebrated paft a Law in my Favour, on Glaf* Bottle. Whoever take-up and fecure* l^id of thi* Province, to nave , him again) (hall * """APif, with aq Afibrtment of Dry Goods, up all my tftate, both Real and Perfonal, vant, fo that his Miner may Silks, delivering Shillings Reward, bcfide* reafonable Char. ting Which arc feveral Piece* of fafliionable to my Creditors, that I may obtain my Liberty, and have Foity Lace and Gaures, which will be County. Jail. ci, paid b* ' »' k »nd Migonet be djfcharecd from <2*ct*-•*•*** (w4) MICHAEL AYRNft. *w cheap for ready Money. f . JOSEPH THOMAS BROOKE HODGKtN. '? Tt it.fold, i) tit Safariter, at Pwi//V fo It LET" in BLADENSBURG, tbji November PARCEL of choice DRUGS and genuine HOUSE,' Ifednejduy and fl'burjdfi* tf 190 to Hand, COMMODIOUS STONE in Baltimore-Town J-\ Patent MEDICINES, juft come with a Kitcheti, at the titoje tf Jacob M'yert, by WILLIAM Four Rooms on a Floor, valuable I,OTS L a.e 10 bs fold on the loweft Terms, A Garden. A-Perfon well, EAR Two Hundred very for Account of Dr. JOHN Uut Houfes fufficient, and fnndry valuable PUuu WILKINS, at Annapolii, a good Table, will meat with; Pbilfiot'i-Pti*!, and viz. TmrlintMi's Bal- qualified for keeping N Foreft, Part of the F.Uate of Srial SPARHAWK, of Philadelphia, from many Gentlemen there, . as a tions mBaltimtrt Jcfuits Drops, an infallible Cure for Encouragement dcceafed, and foW t» pay off the Credito i fam, ll'alker\ Eating-Houfe. (tt> WILLIAM DIGGES.. ftilfPt, tlic Venereal Difeafe, all WeaknelTcs of the Re'ms private of laid Dcceafed's Eftate. A's it is not probable 1 from whatever tnatTimb,Time the I \n both Sexes, however obftir.atc, and JUST P U B L I S H^E D..' * that the whole canm beoe aiipoieadifpofed orof at that Stone, Gravel, " -'" be continued I Canfe proceeding, likcwife for the And to It SOLD at the PaiNTiNc-OrFtcs, Sale of what rtiall1 remain;«"»"> unfold,"^1d- 1 w>« and all fcorbutic Cafes Balf.im of Hcney fbf Con- a%; afurefiiid on the Wcdnefdhyw' ' and'TKurfday Of I Colds, and a'.! Complaints of the Breaft; Affue_ and County Courts, 'iif ,h-'| forhption!;, cvcr>- fucceedlng . *"* I Bri- MARYLAND "ALMANACK, A ii.--.--t- -t - -« the Eh\V B'.trJnna, for the Rhematifm and Gout; n..\! whole arc fold". Attendance" will be given at the Teeth from FOR TH« YEAR 1770. .vu tijfj Tcw'.h-l'owder, which preferves and. entertain­ before-m'entioned Time wuLPbee, by the Subfciibo as Ivory, and -t'tis ONTAINING many inftrnftive Ex! decaying, venders them white and Vcrfc ; togcxher who is duly authorifed by Mr*. Maiy-Philpct, ; Andtrfaif* Pills, 1. i. and ing I'iutes, both in Prole the Bnunefs uj Urc.ith p.'vfedly agreeable C of different Difordon In­ ecutrix of faid Ellatc, to manage for purging away all vicious with. Receijitsj'fnr the Cure . (P C. D. hirj'.ily citermed \3<. Price, as ufual, 51.. fettle the Accpunu thereof. rcl'.orine a good Appetite, and found Di- cident to this Climate, KEL$0. Hiimoun, or Eight Coppers fingle. t ': : (**v) . . JAMES ; Britijo OU ; Dafj't. Elixir ; Sugar Plumbs, fer Dozen, gel'.ion Thofe Gentlcmea ,who have bought Lots certain Cure for Worms of all Kinds, in Men, "V .' 'June tf, 1763. . ,* a former Sales, are once more requeftecf to call for Women, and Children ; Dr. yawn's 1'ever Powders; HE FULLING-MILL at the Mouth of Paiuxtnt the a furc Remedy, a good Fuller, a»d their Deed*.. Dr. Hilft Eflence for fore Eyes, River, is now provided with • •-•.. . — greatly llrengthens and preferves the Sight; Batc- Tready for Work } fuch as fulling, dying and pi-efting, King* Honey of Clothes and Worfted Stuff*, fcarlet ami the P*?J£t m.-m's Drops; Godfry's Cordial; all Sorts ' T} A N away laft Night, from Court Pl.ullcr; Oil Turpen­ blue excepted, unlers dyed before fent to th.e Mill. the Two following Convict Water; Licktr's Pills; attending the Col- fV WoVRs, Nipple Glalfes; Emcfick.^ ; Purges; Rhubarb; As the infupportable Inconvenience Men,, i,lz. JOHN HILL an ftfg&p. ahout T ,,, tine ; of frnall'bebu, from-various dif- Complexion Jri of Jefuiu Bark; llinglafs; Sago ; Manna; leftion of a Number or Thirjtyifivc, Years of Age, "da. k, Powder tant Parts of the CoMntry, mult be ohtiousip evtrf Ihort black Htir'i be H about 'Five Feu &c.______(_3jp)______was bfgun wean hu own Salts ; Spermaceti, one; and as this expennve Undertaking Nine or Ten l»chei Uigh. IUJ on, when he wcw ^ TOLEN between the i-vfh and »Sth of Oflober, from and profecnred, principally to encourage the Manu­ Shin, Crocus Troofers. old Con«. CIcth at a Time When way, an Ofnabrig the &ubfcril>er, a fandy colour'd Broad facture of Woollen Country-Cloth, Jacket^ old Felt ftat, and qld Sboes. ' "°* S with Buttonhole* on each Siile and ho-.md oppreffive Meafures, lately adopted snd purfiif* a»out Twenty-five Yean of Tucket, the ne-' JOHNSMVrH.aC;/^, < round with W'>rlteU Binding, a Pair of Buckflein b\ the Mother-Country, render it indifpenfably Nine or Ten Tnctit* high, of a t«r» I in the every Individu­ Age, Five Kee\ Breeches, remarkable tor having Sposs of Punt ceirnrr, for our own Well-being, that tlark Complexion, and is cloath'd in- the teme MMKT Inline of the right Knre ; fcveral good Hridles and al (hou'd manufacture as ninth as in his Power lies. takej up the faid Servanti, ft,,!) I in their if^the Pro. asr/iJ, Whoever Girths were alfo taken, and old ones left It is Imped that jio Olfcnce will be.gjven recrive on delivering them, if tifcen Twtnty Miles with fundry trifling1 Things tieUin'a Piece of prietors defire the Money for fulling, &c. to he f^nt aAd! if fifty Milei or I Phrr, is »b- from home, Thirty SliiUing*.; bhck Cloth, and a-Pair of Booti preitv much wore. It by the Perton who i* to receive the Cloth, as it Fifty SnUImgi for eaeb (includidt if the Perfoni out of the Province, would be taken as a vciy particulw Favour, fol\itely neceflbry to fupprnt the Work. All what the Law allowt) pa id .by " s who happened to be at Mr. Riyaoili"f, wil! favour ir.e will: their Cloth, nny depend, on. SNQ\VDPJflible Dil'patch ; and to prevent Milbket the Owner P AlAN away from the Subfcriber, living in A»i. them mnft have i>een concerned in the above. . of every Piece of Cloth, is requeued to put lUe inil-ial Syrv'arit, named JOHN the above Theft, IX f an indented Whoever .can pive Information or' Letteri of his or her Name in the Web. t^d« * Clock and W«ch- Shillmj-,' Rewanl, from SCCTTT. BUR RAGE, by nav receive Fifteen (tf)______WILLIAM rp in the Wejt of England, abott i -- WILLIAM >MITH, Holilvr to Mr. Reynolds. /y tai Sukfiribert, at tteir- Stfrt at Five Feet Eleven Inches iighi • of a dark Coai- E To tf SOLD, has T O T H Pip-Point, on Patujcect -River fy WbtltfiSt, plrjrjoa, rriark'd much w^th tfce Small-Pox, and L /. 950 firft Coft of Goods, for'Cnrrent fhort black Hair : Hid 'oft, and 'took with him, t PUBLIC. BOUT Shirt, rr> HE Want of a proper SCHOOL for the'In- "loivey, Sterling Bills of Exchange, or. ihort Drab Colour Stmont Coat, cot fhort, Check the Inha­ and Country J[ ftruction o( Youth, icverely felt by Credit, on very reafohaWe Terms. ftriped Linen 'Troufers, Caflor Hat, bitants of Frederick County, induces them to fubmit &NORRIS. Shoes. Whoever,' fe,cure» the faid Servmt, to the Confi- ______STEWARD made t!v Mbwinp SCHEME of a LOTTERY and delivers him to the Subscriber, (hall have Fin der.Minn of Hie Benevolent and Generous, which it is Baltimart-Ta-uin, Septdnter 12, 1769, Charges, paid br Approbation and En- Pounds Reward, and reafenaplc ea*.iefttv hop .1 will meet the HE Subfcriber hereby give* public Notice FRANCtS KN.VPP. ! all thofe who wilh to fee Science ' |' N c.vuagiTiient of i t?.at he has begun Inoculation, at his Dwel- flourim in every Pirt of \!ar\lan.{. AM W H E T C R O F T, by Aft of Afiemhly to the Hr.g-Houfe, which Rands ditlant from Baltimon- WILLI The Fund* ap,irr>f>riv.«l and an JEWCLLtR Weft-Strat, 1 in fridtri.-k County, being iniumcient TViun, Half a Mile, is a healthy Situation, GOLDSMITH, Public School before, Two . . Aonapulis.. to ercft t!ie ncccff^ry Buildings, it is propufcd by this agreeable Profpeft. , His Price r,s Lotift-/, to raife Nine Hundred Dollars, to aid that Piftole* for Inoculation, and Twenty Shilling*"^rr AVING nurchafcd the Serv; Board. And as the Sickneis is fo trifling, ing te Mr. Kuapp v/ith all the Materials lor Pefic.iT.cy. Dalian Week for 79 eornft / Three TbouknJ TICKETS, at T-wo the Confinement none, the Expence need not carryingH on the \N auh and Clock-making Bo&- Fifty-t tec oj tvbick ivill be and afl ^»aefi ; Etgbl Htindr«f ait.i exceed Five Pounds Fourteen Shillings, or Six neffes hereby iriforms the Public, that he Repairs Jarlunate, ivttb at any DfJuttion, viz. may be inoculated any Clocks and Watches, in the bed and mot 250 Dollars, is 250 Dollars. Pounds Currency; and forts of I Prize of in the Year, July and Aurufl excepted. approved Manner ; and as he has a complete App* I i - - ioo - - - ' too. Month an' I (rrsll be obliged - to thofa wno will favour me ratos fo/ cutting Wheels with more Expedition -. : , . * - - 125 Cuftom ; .-aid they may depend on being Exaftncfs than ufual, they may depend on hav;r 100 zoo with their . ' 2 - - 300 ; •' *' ' and tenderly dealt with, by- their Work done in the moll carclul Manner, 6 - - 50 carefully -^LL___ _j| . Tttir bumblt Servant, on better Term* than heretofore. 8 too HENRY STEVENSON. He alfo carries o« the GohJfmithsjjnd Jeweltcn I ' 12 *s 180 , I e hu arc defired not BufmeiTej in the moft extenfivc Manner, as *-. ' ' -' ' ;' ' 4° - 10 400 N. B. Thofe who intend coming, and hns ex- 1 of Diet, or ufe any Pre­ imported a great Variety of Materials, ' . . 780 3120 to change their Manner for the executing the arxml * 9ooSmrais'd. before hand, as it is rather prejudicial than trer.ic good Workmen paration Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who plrafel othtrwife. Branches. Prizes, 855 to favour him with their Cuftom, may depend thill Bl.mks, 2148 on Ktnt- the utmofl Exertion of his Abilities to meiit dieirl ^e Subfcriber, living Am-1 County, on Monday Ellecm, (hall be his ,vyhoLe Study, and gprateil , 3000 Tickets, 2 Dollars each, 6000 Dollars. Ijluiul, in Qittn-Jrmt'* - ; ., , I 25, a yellow Negro Man, named FILL, bit ion. Seftemffr He hat a great Variety of ready made Work! ScrtCMt, there are a little more than 23 Years of Age, middle Stature, and is very N. B. By the above about w Lichee will Sell at' the moll reafonabU| 1 wo UUnks and an H-»lf to a Prize, and the Profit* talkative : Had on, when he went away, an old by him, are Fifteen ftr Cent, on the whole. and a ftripcd ditto without Rates. retained, is Felt Hat, blue Jacket, beft Prices for old Gold, Silw| When the Tickets are ilii'paic.l of, the Prawing Country made Shirt, ilriped Country Cloth . He grm the of which to be given in the Sleeves, (tf) to begin (previous Notice Breeches. As there is a Canoe taken from the end Sirver-Lace. MARYLAND GAZETTE) in the Court-Houfe of the he has made Managers at lealt, lower End of the Ifland, it is fuppofed POUNDS REWARD.I faitl County, in Preienceof Six of the Whoever takes up TEN Adventwicr* a« (hall think proper over for Thomas's Point. Baltimtre-Tru.il, Stftextrr 16. 1769.! and as many of the him, fo thut hi* MaAcr to attend. the faid Negro, and fecures ROKE jail laft Night about Eleven o'Ctod, are, Meflieur* Jinatba* Wilftn, Ttft- may get him again, (hall receive, if taken on the Prifoners, -viz. The Managers Forty the following tr.ai B»v.-!ft, Ctorgt MurJ^ck, Jofrpb Wtodt Tbtmat Price, Ifland Fifteen Shillings; if out of the County B Negro, a fhort thick Fellow, about; I Jan. Nor- JACOB, a Cafrtr Skaaf, CharUi Bealtej, Samuel Stall, Shillings Reward, ana reafonable Charges if brought 8 Inches high ; he was formerly the Pro- 1 Eiitai Camfbtll, Cbriflothcr Feet 7 or maid Brat*, AuJrrw Ueuf^t, home, paid by ______JOHN COCKbY. perty of Mr. Bmjamim Wtlfr, of Amt-AmnM Conn- 1 &l§. County, I Hugtei, Tbtmm Jobai, ty, and fold to a certain Hngt> Scat, of tt-rk mmi Ntiti, Niebofat Tict, Samuel JUi»T IMPORTED, for having both Bnv.J, w'ao are to give Bond, and be on Captain CAT T E L L, in PnnfilvaMia-t he' it remarkable and Jamti In the Bris VENUS, to be harboured fome Oath for the faithful Difcharge of their Truft. from IRELAND, hi* Ear* cropt, and i; fuppofed publiOied in the MARY- It'iljk't Plantations. A Lift of the Prizes to be P A R C E L of healthy Indented S E-R- where about Mr. as toon as the Drawing is finifhed, WOODMAN, aboat c Feet 10 or u I.AMO GAZETTE, V A. N T S, Men and Women, among whom WILLIAM and the Priaes to be paid off, without any Deduc­ he is a down looking Fellow, and had areA the, following Tradcfmen, -viz. Weavers, Shoe­ Inches high, tion. Houfe- on an old Ofnabrig Shirt and Troafcrs. tt- B. Any Money paflii>£ current in the Province, makers, Blacktmithi, Bakers, a Miller, the fame Schoolmaf- Whoever fecures and bring* back faid Prifoneu, to be received in the Sale of the Tickets, and Carpenter, Sailmaker, Brazier, Hatter, Pound* foi the Prize* drawn by the are to be dilpofed (hall have Ten Pound* for both, or Five to be accepted in Payment of ter, and fundry Farmers. They CHAM1KR. Adventurers. now lying at Baltimore- each, paid by DANIEL fortunate at of on board the faid Veffel, J?«//i«»«Coo»ty. % TICKETS nbtkadtfnny tf the Manavtri, mud JOHN STEVENSON. (8w) Sheriff of Annapolis. TVuw. (tf) Ibt Printing-Otrice, tn XXXX» *xxxxxxxxxxx: and WILLIAM GREEN, at the PRINTING- ANNAPOLIS: Printed by ANNE CATHARINE with thisGAZETTE, at izs. b d. a Year $ ADVERTISEMENTS, OFFICB: Where all Perfons guy be fupplied 'Long On« the Firft Time, fot ^/. and i/, for each Week's Continuance. of a moderate Length, are !nferte4 kinds of BLANK*. of Lines. At fame Pi ace may be had, ready Printed, moft in Proportion to their Number with their proper BONDS BAIL BONDS; TESTAMENTARY LETTERS of feveral Sorts, viz. COMMON and of PRINTINO-WORK performed BILLS of EXCHANGE; SHIPPINO-BILL.S, $c* &c. AH Manner annexed; as above. in the ncateft and moft expeditious Manner, on applying . . t • - '- ' ' \ ' • % E D G A 2 E T T E.

    URSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1769.

    to the Chance of Mortality, and written Evidence to how juftly I know not, that any Magiftrate who fbonld f|OM THE LONDON EVENING POST. the, not uncommon, Cafualty of Fire. In the rjrefent commence an Enquiry, or any Gentleman wJio., *""ll~/:.l4,..;__ nn . ,re infinitely feveral European Powers. v Way. It appeared by the Sequel, that I had ,udg«d Bargnr ^ which th hole NatlOn Private Letter, from Hamburgh mention, that a Treatv of a fingular Nature i. laid to be on the Carpet, WfflSMSj5!Ci«S &S&SS&&S&* betw«n the durt. of Stockholm and Verf;,,lle». ady made Work in End "to my Solicitation., by a peremptory Refufal ExtraB of a Letter from Viinna, dettd Angufl la. moll rtafonabU to lake any Steps whatever in the Affair. «« Several Letters received here from Tianfylvania, It i, here necelTary to explain what I mean by en- &^&ss&^ dvife that the Ruffian Armies, commanded by Pi ince gyving into the Truth of the Charge. In the Sum­ BB"fcr^"«V iiioh Treafon. Even the Encouragement Gallitzin and General Komanzow. having .oinetl a- Id Gold, Silver mer of the Year 1764, an Overture had been made to «in had on the iltli of July, attacked the great ON Sir George Yonge, Mr. Fitzherbert, and feveral other f , Armv near Yaffi. The fiift Onfet wa. made Members8 of Parliament, in the Name of the Chevalier whhgttal Vigour, but the Turk, defended themfelve. D'Eon, importing that he, the Chevalier, was, ready fo bravely, that their Enemies weie obliged to retire to impeach Three Perfons, Two of whom are Peer, with, confiderahle Loli. The Ottoman Cavalry i. faid and Member, of the Privy Council, of &!''"§!"« .« k. .r>ne in Purfuit of thc Ruffians. Peace to the French. Of thi. Propofal I "as informed M J,T2 The French Kinp luving fufpended the »t different Times by the Two Gentlemen abovemen- Ealt-India Company, openeJ their Ports for a free ticntd. Sir George Yonge in particular told me, that Tride to India, ami taken thc late Company s Affair* he underftood the Charge could be fupported by writ- Tnde,H,i, Protection, we fup,.o.e «J« Eatt-lndia Ship. 1 ...i a, well as living Evidence. The Step that I urged in thofe Seas (known to be all of 64 anil 70 Gun ) Lord Halifax to tale, wa. to fend for the Chev.T.er .re now the King'*, and under his Directions. W'H D'Eon, to examine him upon the Suh,eft of thi. o- they now deny the French having any Maritime Force wmire, to perufe hi* Paper*, and then to proceed ac. in thofe Seasf Will they deny the lending Bat I a- cording to the Proof*. In fuch a Cafe, a more decifive ^^ff&sfeS lions o« Foot to Mauritius? And will our frcnclnhcd Evidence than the Chevalier D'Eon could not be wilhed M___ rs be fo polite a. to believe, and to wilhtp f«r. He had himfelf conduced the Negotiation on the ^?a£5p.rli»men^I do not fpeakrs!&sE?z& » m. . *of , Age. impofe their interelted Credulity on the People cT tlu. r-Jrtof the Enemy, and wa, known ««£»v. e '"/"f unfupported b)' E*P"«ne«-hei!e other Weapons have Country r Let them remember how often they have f'flinn, the Difpau-he. and Paper, of the Duke de N - h«n warn'd of a blow there. 'ySd" hweonftlnd had Recourfe to the lef.'.l.rmin, trnmi, This Gentleman, fo qualified ami fo difpofed to failed, ha. conltan,jy Cornlption . And how ef- The Ruffian Fleet of ,4 Sail of the Line commanded live Light into the Affair, did Lord Halifax refute to by Vice-AdmirM Eluhinlton, (a Cap""''» "''^Pll(h mmme, whether from an Apprehenfion that the Roval Navy) i. now on it's Paffage to the Mediter- n'jrge would not be made out, or, on the contrary, ^;r"n'H^:i;r^r.uT,i^cE Seani ami i. to he joined by Six Uanifli. Men of War, tbt it would, I leave you, Gentlemen, and every im- ^oAttack Conftantinople, and try » ««re the I urka prtial Reader to judue...... _ ,. T'SSs^rrss^tr- fome Diverfion that Way. A Fleet of Obfervation it It imift not he underftood, that I can myfelf fupport fitrin«7 with creat Diffitch at Toulon , and Europ. 'Charpe of Corruption againlt the noble Lordsi namea wi Ln e who kindled the War in l'ola,.d and fet in my Information. My Complaint i* of « <;'"el '" S Ruffians and Turk, together. -Ti. thought Kng- , ami again*-a different Perfon. I confider the and cannot fit fti", and fre the only Ally they have to I of Lord Halifax a. a wilful OMtrnelion of na. depend on, interrupted in their juft Attack, on their ».. Juftice, for which I wilh to fee him undergo a f«it»hlf Punilhmrnt. Permit me to ohfervc, Gentie- I'Tlaid that a certain unpopular Earl ha. received mrn, that luch an Ohftruflion not only gives a tempo- PropofaU from the Leader, of Owofition, which it i. roper BONDS . the very Circurnftance which to Offender*, but it tends alfo to make ^-Bfe2ifeSS?5Sfruftrated from no (ef. to hi. Honour to have rejecVd, than it waa d»f. - or weakening my Succef.j the immenfe Im- K performed *- L — i™- «rmrrhrncled. portanct «ry pcriflwWe Thingi Living Witneffei are Ajltjlurj, , Necellity of in King Charles'4 Time « He enforced the MAGNA CHAR 1 A, the L SSB of the Town, and convincing PRO V iM« are now laying in the Weft-End petitioning, with t lie i moft elegant Motto of our Lord Lieutenant, Barton 1 " Deivlinr'* B will be full Lord of the T y Calciaft next arofe, and (import - on Fire; and it ao ' v (iri« L-d Per- Arguments. Mr. has let this whole Country before the fitting of Parliament, and that a great ed the beniiments of the Gentlemen who had already this Kingdom, that the Words are d«n£ before the End of Member for Wen- happily for Th fonage will diflbive a certain Houfe Ipoken. Mr. Edmund Burke. engraven in the Hearts of every honeft Elector in Winter. then got up, and, 1 believe, (poke for near an. nth Initant at the General Meet* the lalt Month be embodied dover, Manner, Tianfaftions of the Six new Regiments are, it is faid, to Hour, in a pure, eloquent, and rhetorical infinite Honour to all the Parties concern^" oui great Company known to be Maf- ing, does foon, with a View of fupplying truly Ciceronian, which he is well Earl Temple dined with the Freeholder, at lol.a-Head fufficient Aid. Should certain Petitions be heard explained the Cultom, Law, and Ufage of upon every Point of' Liberty' with there ter of: He the and his well known Zeal and this Event be an immediate Coiifequence, Parliament, and the L.iws of the Land, touching 4efert him upon this great Occafion His and the did not the will be room for alarming Conjectures. Right of Election ; quoted the Authority, Lordlhip has now ftepped forth, and put himfelf at By Advices from the Well-Indies we are informed, of Petitioning e»en to dilfolve the Parliamenti is making in Support of tl«. all the Spanilh Right parti? Head of the Stand, which that it is currently reported there( that Precedent upon Precedent he brought to View, of the Conltitution ; and the avowed foon lie (hut to the Impor­ I think in 1701, he very Vitals Ports in thole Paris would cularly in King William's Time, Union ot the Three Brothers upon this impoN of African Slates by the Englilh, the French of Parliament upon his People's petitioning the whole Rockinehim tation to poflefs dillblved his taut Object, connected with Martinico having left no Stone unturned for Redrefs of Grievances s I do aflure you, I a Certainty of Succefs. One moft Trade. him and I never was Party, alrnolt lecures themfelves entirely of this lucrative have long wanted to hear him fpeak, Part bf the Remonftiance and Petition agreed Sir Francis Bernard, Bait. I ever heard. material pi Vefterday his Excellency more pleafed with any Exprefiion upon, has not yet found its Way into any of the in Town cm Monday, from Bolton in next fpoke \ and after him Icveral Gen­ fdr the public At" who arrived Earl of Mr. O'Brien pfrs j I (hall therefore tranlci ihe it New-England* had a long Conference with tlie The Petition was then read by Mr Aubery, fetting forth the Right, Of of State; and tlemen. and does , tentioii and Ufe. After WtytdkMb, and feveral other Officer.* which is confined to Right of Election only, under Magna Charts1, the Bill Of was introduced to his who drew it up. The the Electors the t^Hpajr his Excellency gieat Honour to the Pcrfon Rights, &c. it goes on in this Manner i <« Notwith defired all who were petitioning to (hew Contempt of thefe uur for a Nu-nher of Chairman (landing which in Defiance and MaqHontrafts are daily making H.mds, and not one Perfon objected. The Chairman coeval with the very Beuu of to go to New-England, and afterwards juft and antient Rights, Artificer^ in various Branches, then read the Petition a Second Time, of Commons, TIM Dayi before tlv 'uft alarms the People concerned in that it to hold up their HTinds, the Houfe which generally diTired all who objected to Election for the County of Muldiefex, your Majeilt'i appeared, but ttnanimoully concurred to own Authori- Trade. at Two o'clock, the but not one Strvanti thought proper, either by their Srpl. •). Yefterday Morning petition with loud Acclamations. They then proceed­ to your Majefty, to confer a of Bute let out from his Houfe in Ei^ht Skins, ty, or by their Advice Right Hon. the Earl ed to fign, Eig:it at a Time, there being on a Gentleman to vacate his Seat in for Dover, in order to embark are to take to their refpeitive nominal Office him South-Audley-Street, which the Gentlemen P.u lament, with the avotvej Purpofe of bringing ; and I have Authority to afl'ure you, that of ihe Shire for for France. not before, Sir Francis Hundreds a« i,.to the Hjufe of Commons as Knight On Tnefday Evening, and there is not one Freeholder in the whole County, Number ol Votes againlt a Governor of M.ilTkrtufelts-Bay, ai- Village, but the (aid County, hy a JmaU Bernard, Bart. Hand-Bills have been diltributed in ever) of legal EUa»n, which Purpole of theirs at the Gentlemen's Hotel in King-Street, St. wherever it is lodged, and great Majority rived is ready to meet the Petition hath lince been jataltj carried into full Execution^ James's. it, thofc few only who may be more immedi­ of this formiJMile N»- Dunkirk informs us, that an will fign Juflly alarmed at an Attempt A Correspondent from ately under the Wing» of tlie Miniltiy. excepted. avowed ly divert evil CotfifiUiri lent to the frontier Towns and Sea are fixed on ture, thus plan,ted and Order has been The following Noblem»n aad Gentlemen Duty to our Sovereign, and to oSr <«. to apprehend Five F.nglifh Officers, if they Verney, Lord George and Miaifurt, Ports, are lo to deliver the Petition i Earl Country, calls upon us, &c." mould attempt to pals to England : Tiie orders Stanhope, Hon. Mr. Hampden, jun.l to he \«ut in Bentiiuk, Sir William jo. fevere, that they are, if appieiirndrd, Henry Grenville, Mr. Aubery, Mr. Kdmund ANNAPOLIS, November to Paris by the M.uechaufle. . Hon. Ctn. Irons, and to he conducted Burke, an( Bi-nder. which and Pro­ Aimy of 70,000 Men at lelf nearly thus : to which no Accounts of the Aflociation iii this Ibme extraordinary Difpatches were fent however, we art Yffterday and ftllwa FrttttUtri, vince could have reached England ; off from the Secretary of State's Office, for his Exccl- " GenllenUH, very willingly fubmits the Gibraltar; and an Ex- the Plealure to .ifl'ure you, and, on my. Ho­ informed this Gentleman lency Col. Boyd, Governor of " I have It of Ins Goods to the Determination of thi the Commander of his Majelky't nour, there \\ the grratell Unanimity arnonglk tit. Diipofal prefs was lent off for and I have Committee of Merchants in t'nit City. in ,tlie Mediterranean. ii my Ambition^ it is my Determination, of AfTemMy Squadron of afiure you, that they will We hear the Hon. the Lowr Honfe They write from Hamburgh, that a Number the Authority from them to in a Bill lor emitting Bills with all Kinds of every conttitutional Mcafure, for the have Rciolved to bring Tranlboits are now loa.ling there, fupport thit, and Loan, to the amount of joo.ooo Uol- intended to follow the Good " ol Credit, on Proviiions and Naval Stores, general ufed to in order to Supply this Province with a circu­ to the Mediterranean. The American Trade, which at this Seafon Ur», Ruflian Fleet now in a moft abject lating Medium, at this Time much wanted. By recent Letter; from Conc'.lngen, we are inform­ be in a prnfperous Condition, is that Three Parce's of of War are now we hear, one Ship put up at the We hear from Starlet County, ed, t'.iat a large Fleet of D.mifli Men State ; there is not, to. different Perfons, have he:n Harbours of that Kingdom, for New-York or Philadelphia ) and Goods, belonging fitting out, in the principal Royal Exchange for contrary to the Tenor or the Atfuciition to join the Ruffian Admiral m the for Bolton and Carolina, there are only Three landed there, faid to be intended entered into in this Province, but Notice tlu-reof heinj Mediterranean. each Province. Bo­ Committee of Merchant*, the Goods were Accounts from Bordeaux we hear, It is faid that the Freeholders of a confidence given to the Sept. 16. By their Reprrfen- ic-(hipped for Great-Britain. Perfon lately taken into Cultody at Brelt, by rough in the Weft, intend to inrtruA Anne-AruiJel that the about an immediate En­ On Tuelday the 14111 Initant, dird, in (he Name of Lord Gordon, and acculetl with a Defign tatives to apply^for bringing of Mr. Kinjami* has given of a Nobleman, who has lately County, Mrs. Sarab Gailter, Relict to blow up the Fortification) of that City, quiry into the Conduct kme County, in the 791)1 Charges againft him, obltrtiAing the Courle of national Jul- Gaiilier, formerly of the ample Proofs of the Fallacy of the been accufed of a Gentlewoman endowed with WAS a political Stroke, evading to fcrutinize into the alarming Cir- Year of her Age j and that the whole Traiiliclion tice, in by O^ulities, and who peif.mned the virinus Time will explain, not a little to the cumftancis (.ommunicated to him fome Time ago, many good which a fliort Stations ot Life with an unblcmithtd Ctian6tle whom Dr. Mufgrave mentions come It it r Eltate ot R.-attti as having conferred with them Lord on board, who is faid to be going to Italy. LL Perfons indebted to the Gentlemen of Devon, with feveral dcceafcd, are Years ago, relative to the fuppofed high Crime alfo laid, that another Ship lies ready, Mont, laic of Baltimore County, fume for the Ule of the fame A Balances; of cei ta't etc- it Perfons, have now all of them Places Months Provifions on board, defired to come and pay of their refpcftivc the Government. great Peilon. thofe who have any juft Claims againft faid under Yefterday, who introduced Sir and Private Letters from Paris which arrived It was the Earl of Rochford Eltate, are defired to bring them in, legally proved, had he«-n received there, that Bernard to his Majefty on Wednefday. Sir mention an Account Francis he will that they may be mdjulteil and paid, by has been obliged to raife the Siege of Francis's Stay was but fliort; but it is faid that Executor. Prince GaUifzin Ar­ an Account of the pre- _____ JfeNRY RRSTON, Chocrim, with the Lofs of tjie greatelt Part of his tend the next Council, to give repafl'eti the Nieftfr, and was of the Affairs ol MafTachufetts-Bay. tillery, and that he had fent State is fit­ 'ILLIAM BARBER, the Cal-wri POST, ear- the Grand Vilir, at the Head of 150,000 They write from Toulon, that an Armament I'urfucd by the Infolence of the Moors neftly defires all thofe indebted by Subfcrif* Turks, who were joined try Two large Bodies of ting out there, to chaftife the of Poland. had lately taken 5 French W(ion, to pay off their refpeclive Balances, which 'Confederates and Tartars, into the Heart at Larache, whole Corfairs as Cork, dated Stft. 19. the Mideterranean. enable him to perform his different Stages Extraa tfLttttrJrtm Veflels in to will Fleet of to Sail of the Line Lord Weymouth has fent a Letter into the City, « There is a KulTian that the wfual. hound for Conltantinople i fome fay they acquaint the Merchants trading to Ruflia, now at Sea, - of 10 Ships of the REWAR D. in the Downs. Yefterday Orders arrived to the Col- Rudians have difpatched a Fleet FIVE POUNDS are imagined the French will Dumfriel, OMrr 14, 1769. leftor here from Government, directing, that provided Line toConftantinople : It is Provifions, and and it is fuppofed a Council will away hft Night, a Convict Servant they put inhere, to fupply them with oppofe this Squtdrou, AN Years This it is thought, may thit Day at St. James's on the Account. named WILLIAM POWELL, about 40 any thing they may want. be held Dif- inland Coun­ Europe. They write from Hamburgh, that the prefent of Age, or upwards, bbrn in (ome of the once more embroil had put very plain Knglift), he is is. We aie informed that his Royal Highnefs putes between England -and her Colonies, ties in EnglanJ, and (peaks Stft. on of Foreigner* to fettle fhort dark gray Hair, writepa the Duke of Gloucefler paid a Vifit incog, at Pans, a Stop to the farther Migration j Feet 9 Inches high, has ____ pretty good Hand, and has piobably wrote IbinevLct- hi* Return from hit Travels. in North-America. in­ artful Fellow i Tre> flick de Vergy.'Counfeltor --The Weilminfter Petition has been carried about ters, or madt out a Pal's, as he it an It is faid that Mr. City, and Jacket, Parliament of P.ir'u, intends to elucidate the to the different Parilhes throughout the faid Had on, when he went away, a ltrong-K«rley In the of the Inhabitants t wore, a P.iir of Bucklkin Piflerence between Dr. Mufgrave, and the Chevalier has been figned by a great Number or fhort Coat, pretty much is yet fixed for prefenting the fame. too large for him, a Pair of jtlxrdet* ribbed D'Eon, and make it public. but no Time Breeches, almolt new. It is laid that feveral of the Nobility, 'who It is rumoured, that a certain Governor hal declared Hole, and a Pair of good Country Shoes Stft. i.v of great In­ aTi old Suit uf bl^\ are true Friend* to tlieir Country, will form themfelves his Intentions to impeach fome Gentlemen He has alfo taken with hint, Meeting of an auguft Alfcm- of the American Provinces, of high fome Stockings and Shirtr, he left Word m into a Society before the fluence, in one Cloatbs, (a th" •Treafon. the Kitchen that he was going to kill Ducks, Wy. 1 1 . is very likely that nt ' Extra/I of a Lttltr from Aylefl>*ryt September from tkt Hagiu, Stfttmbtr t. he was not diicfliy miflcd. It Account of this Exiraa if * Utter River, or got over to " I am (at down to give you an Paoli was at Loo the Day cither gone down Patruimutck to the Petition. You re- " The Corfican General Whoever take* up faid Servant, and bringi Day'n Proceedings relative where he was received and entertain­ Maryland. Twenty to be the Day fixed on for Signing. before Yellerday, him to me, (hall be paid Fire Pounds, if taken inembrr it with the great eft Politenefi by the Prince Stadt- if neater, Tim* " All the Morning the Freeholders' came in large ed Miles, from thence, or upwards, and by their neighbour­ holdei. • Bodies from every Quarter, headed a great Perfon in the Law hat -.Pounds. abnut .Noon they aflemUled iu the It is affected, that RICHARD GRAHAM- ing Gentlemen, and to* within thefe Two Days, for his Opi­ . (4*) Hall j (he moft mimerom and relpeciable Body been applied County tbe nion, refpecking the Attack made upon the Character I ever f»w in thit County. Earl Verney opened Pliyfician. HERE U at tht Plantation' of Benjamin the NecelTity and of a certain Nobleman, by a Country Ufftr-Narlttrvigh, '" Ouife of .their meeting, and enforced fays, that a certain Phyfician it wiihin Three Miles of a very animated Speech.- Mr. Au- _ A Correl'ppndenr; up as a Stray, Expediency, in to gain as little Credit by his Storv in Relation County, taken for Wallingford, feconded Loid Veney, likely fight- high, I*"" btrv, -Member to the Peace, as a Perfon commonly called the white MAKE, about Thirteen Hands a-nl explai'ied the Nutuie of the common Grievance extraordinary the near Buttock a Manner ing Parf*n, did, by his Narrative of an Tail, and ridge Mane, branded on which they meant to petition for Rcdiefs, in of England have _ ' and which met with Duel, and oblerve*, that the People I C or 1 G, trots and gallops. . which does him no little Credit, with Refpeft to (ham Plots, proving "r> and AppUufei The Hon. not been very credulous The Owner may have her again, on univerfal Acclamation were (8 egregioutty impolcd upon in the was then called to the Chair, out of &c. fince they pcrty and paying Cnargci. Mr. Hampdrn Dayt of Charles the Second. , • Rcfpect to the ever-memorable great John Himpdcn, of LaX'- HE gubfcfibef, iate from the Borough SCISSORS, .Province of Ptwijylvania, takes at kit Stoftt in the Subfcriber at his cafltr, in the he hai . , ,u i. the SUBSCRIBER, JT FLEAMS, &c> ground by of -informing the Public, that Strutt Annapolu, in Annapolis. this Method of Entertain­ i'"^ Snuth-Eaft Houfe near the Governors, a large and commodious Houfe Sugar of the firft Quality, by PHILIP WILLIAMS. opened at the Corner of rrtCOsVADO rea- (4^) . ..,.. ment, in the Town of Baltimore, or fmaller Quantity, on very November T, 1769. oppofite the Markct- L Banel, Spcrma- Calvcrt County, Gey and Saltiman Strcetst Termsv Alfo ti.c bell ttohca Tea< once more requelh all thofe who by Mr. Andrtv) Stiror, and Allfpice, Sa- HE Subfcribef : Houfe, lately occupied , ,, Loaf Sugar, Chocolate, to him, to make fpeedy Payment now by the one Tun and Bacchut, Strtjlmrg Rappee, and are indebted may may be known hinij >- ne high Tcented T do not comply with this Requell, who pleafe to favoar Bark, Turlinftm'i Bal- Thofe who law. where all Gentlemen, excellent Je/uil'* being dealt with, according to on good Entertainment fro'ra Sago, Sena, Court Plaifter, depend on INNES6, niay depend s Elixir, La- JAMES fbtir very bumblt Servant, Britijo Oil, double diftilled will be taken in LlfTLti. litters, Flower N. B. Wheat, Corn, or Oatsj (*6) _ __ JOHN Water Spirit of Hartmom, Aloes, OfJtber 3*0, 17691 th« celebrated *______Dircbtjler County, ,llone, and a few Bottle* of Payment.______gM>t London the »9th Inft. Goods, L D, for Sterling Cejb^ or away from the Subfcriber, on . ^ith an Aflbrtment ot Dry To be S 0 AN FRANK, about j , y Silks, Bills of Exchange, a yellow Negro Man, named are feveral Pieces of fcmionable of Patent Land, well R U a thick, well made, llrong which will be T R A C T of 500' Acres Feet 7 or S Inches high, | Migonet Lace and Gauzes, which red, and white Oak, and large given to Liquor, and is very impudent »nd timbered, with Balti­ Fellow, much his Arms, occa- A in the Fork* of Gunpowder, a remarkable Scar on one of for ready Money. Poplar Tree*, lying -Twin, 4 he has engaged with in ' THOMAS BROOKE HOCG4UN. about 18 Miles from Baltimore by the Bite of a Perfori he was more County, where there is an finned with him, a blue Fear- Jopfa, on Gunfioviiltr River, a Fight; Had on and took — — _----, from about Cloth dit- ty•? J — — - - Iron-Works, ah8 a brown yr LltJ t • * * *** a from Onion's Jacket, a H'eljb Cotton, it Cior/«C6un- Infpection-Houfe, and 3 from nought not made, Fuftian valuable WATER-MII.LS, in Diltance from Nottingham Forges, old Ofnabrig Shirt, a new ditto Twenty the lame great Quantities of ,10, and a new Pair of Pumps.- ty on the Head of AIitn'* FreJh. a Merchant Mill that .purchafes Breeches, white Stockings again, I We. ftand, v.ere for a healthy and pleiUnt faid Fellow, fo that I get him A* s of Land, on which the Mills Wheat i It is remarkable Purt of Whoever fecures they are lawful. i of a Profpei^ of the Bay, and receive Five Dollars befides what and a Lcafe granted for *gumber Situation, having cleared Land, lhall WILLIAM GRAY. Jndemned,, ,, u __ ~ jjp.'rh.ere are i About t jo1 Acres of entitled to. from ( 7 w) IWHQCU f which are the Eallern-Shore ; a Dwelling- ly about 72 of and a ot it frefh and under good Fencing if A R I b, i Dam, zTub Mills, chief top'd with Brick ; a new WILLIAM I! to oTstones.on carries 2 Houfe with a Stone Chimney MAKER* Miflf which Chimney and an Oven ; a CLOCK AND WATCH iDo-jble-geercd Under-lhot and Kitchen with a double tbt Church, in Weft- and a Bolting Clothes, all new 14, with a good Threfhing Floor, At tbt CROWN an.-l Di A!., near plirTfVtonw Framed Barn 40 by new ; a the Premifes are a good Dwellmg- other convenient Houfes almoll " Street, ANNAFOLIJ^ »ell fi«d. On and many got from otf the the Public, that behas'eri- Store adjoining, a Brick Bake-Houle, Garden, with Locuft Potts, EGS Leave to inform Houfe and once, pailed growirig ; i Apple- exceeding good Workmen, (one of will draw i zj Ih o Bread ut Land, where there are Plenty gsged Two to the cele­ with an Oven that it is Trees of excellent Fruit, and B been a Kinilher leveral Years, and fevcral Out-Houfcs, Orchards, of 300 bearing ii ex­ whom lias above Bufint(t;» » Granary, Kitchen, for other Fruit Trees. The Soil Mr . Allan) and carries on the for Cuftom, and convenient a great Variety of and will brated Gold, Silver- tkewife well fituatcd .and other Rind of Grsin, all their various Branches. The cellent for Wheat Meadow, in he ftill carries on in the Tobacco and Hempj Some linithi and Jewellers BufineUes to purchafe, may have produce good abounds with alfo executes any Or­ AnyTerfon that inclines may be made with Eale i it ne.-uelt and bell Manner.- He on giving dond and and more if laid with for Chair Woik, havinvr Stvcn Years time of Payment, fo a* to tender it valtly convenient, ders he may he favoured auti the latcreft annu- Springs, j fine Quarries of Stone witu a good Wurkmnn, Security, if required, and paying out into dilfeiint Apartments lately fupplied himfelf ne.tt muft be paid annu- ihow of Iron Ore, with a Sale, fcvcnl Dozens of very o'r, if on Lcafe, the Rent for building, and a great Ins n(Av for (hall pleafe id ,lly; CONTEE, for Creiuurcs. The Trail will Chairs. fhofe who ' THOMAS great Scope of Range btlt bhck Walnut depend on be- . ' or divided ir.to a Parts, as may him with their Commands, may ______JAMES SWANN. be fold altogether, entered on honour Terms, a.nd with 7' or Purvhaleis, and to be ing faithfully Icrved on reafonahie vacant, fuit the Purchafer apply to me continues to keep T.iveriv, SCHOOL being now Fall. For further Particular's the utinoll DWp.itcli. He 1 rpALBOT County eai I) next with the bcl\ of Lujuors, Hay who can produce proper Teftimo- Premifes. - - . i having Hipplied himfelf polite 1 any Perfon on the , THOMAS LINGAN. Gentlemen will-mett wijh tor that Truft, will be and Oats, where for them-' I lials of his Qualification 3, 1769. and the hell Accommodati.ins Vifitors. ' . , /Inniifolii, November Treatment | ncated with by the the agth of (elves and Horlei, from away from the 6ublcribe«, on very bumblt Servant, Signed by OrJtr, Regifter. AN Servant Tbtir PARIS. THf MAS GOLPSBOROUGH. OQobtr lall, Two Irijb indented WiLHAM the belt Price* 19, 1769. R i/iz. He fives ready Money, and Bladenjlurg, Novemktr Men, M'Grath, a Car­ N. B. ______a Convift Ser­ DANIEL M'CRITCH, alias for old GoKi and Silver AN away from the Subfcriner, 5 Inches high, pale living on t.w- WILLIAM- by Trade, about 5 Feet away Irom the ouiiic^itjcf, vant Man, named WILLIAM penter has a down AM a brown well made Fel- (hort and bow legged, on the ijthof Otitttr laft, RiON, alias WAINRIGHT, a th L D, at PMie HKl.LKR's Ntttingtam and Ntvembtr it, 1769. fe Infant, ing abo«t Half-way between of November »96J and fit for farmings the Subfcribers, at Tract of Ltuid, laid out for W The Land is levtl, TRAYED of STOLEN from VALUABLE the reft in Wood*. a clofe well lying on Patuxcnt River, in frinti.CMrgt't About T«n A.re* of it cleared, Pijiatawaj Races, the yth Inftant, Acres, Iron-Workt. ALLISON'* FORRKS T EN- S an Half H.inds high, A about 4 Miles above SnoiuJens Part of a Tnft, chllcd Bla- fhadcdark bay MARE, 13 and County, and the Soil appears 14* Acres, lying between near Side A' but well watered and timbered, LARGKl), containing of which 6 Yean old, branded on the It is Corn or Tobacco. The About 17 Acres about a fprig Tail, her to be very good for Wheat, Jinjlury and George-Town. There ii on feveral other Brands unknown, where Mr. Tbomat Riebardfoh on which i* a young Orchard. has trots and gal- Sale to be at the Houfe from is cleaied, valuable low Ground hangs on the off Side, and (he which is about one Mile raid Land, about 1 5 Acres of Mane better than Three formerly kept Tavern, the opi-. Alfu a bright bay HORSE, For Terms apply to the Snbfcribe*, fit for Meadow. * ». 3 Inchet high, branded the Land. URNER." containing 50 Acres, lyi-^ Years old, about 1 3 Hands PERR1RVFARM, t.Tfler;,t>rancl>. f'rr>jt a bufh Tail, his Mane a Mile ;\nd a Quarter from the on the near Buttock I A, has REWARD; bout Marlborouft towards Pacer', goes eafy, (hod TEN POUNDS 1769. on the Road leading from Upper- hangs on the off Side, natural EUt-RiJgt Furnace, Qcltbtr 14, all Woods. white below the Foot- the faid Ferry i This i» ji before, and one hind Foot from the SJbfcribcf , the Two follow­ to FOX-HALL, containing the faid Creatures, fo a* AN away THE ADDITION Oxon-Rua. Lock. Whoever fecures Servant Men, viz.. This Land Hes near a Run, called them again, (hall have Five ing Convia 17 Years Avres i the abuvc L tiult, the Owners may get Six R DAV1S, an Irimman, Any Perfon inclinable to plrciinlc and if brought to Alexandria, THOMAS a ftraight well of the Title .uul Terms, l>y Dollars Reward, JONES, Age, 5 Feet 1 1 Inches high, muv be informM P WARD. , CHARLES of fpeaks good (w4) JOHN F. A. 14, 1769. Dollars. Fellow, of a fair Complexion, to i-j, flol'tr WILLIAM GIBBS. made and wears it club'J, juppj, tieiKintir it Servant Mm, (W3)______Englim, has long black Hair, Kent Eyes : Had on, a Cot­ f°U about 43 Yon from the Subfcriber, living in black Beard, and large hazel T» bt Andrew, an.t fir the Uji ef Couiu AN away OQobtr laft, a Crocus Troufcrs, new at TruJItfi for Abtahsm the inland County, Maryland, on the a 5th of ton Jacket Qihabrig Shirt, in Englilh, lie U R named RoaiaT HAIHII, an Metal Buckles, and a new bit CrfMtort, Coanlv, called Convift Servant M»n, 7 or 8 Entlijb Shoes, yellow TRACT of LAND, in Baliimort ay-Hair, writoia ia Year* of Age, and 5 Feet ADDITION, conlaininj; y->4 IbificvLet- F-itiijbmai>, ^biuit him, a dark co- CatlorHat. 5 Feet ADVEN FUKES River, wrote high i Had on and took with about 11 Yean of Age, A near the Great t'.\IU of C-wfo-WM-r an artful Fellow i liKlict flower'd Block-Tin SIMON SALE, a light Acres, lying Half-worn Cloth Coat, with a ttraight well made Fellow, of from Joffa, and 1 5 from Balti.iu.rt ng K.«rley Jacket, lourM Lining, a purple napM 9 Inches high, it tied, about 7 Mile* whh a gjr>d i\\i- Ruitoni, and dark colour'd (hort brown Hair, and wears the Land Jtre fome Improvement* P.iir of Bucklkin red Flannel Lining, without Complexion, : On be fold, all the (Aid At.- HMftliick Jacket, with Under and a Scar on his left Eyebrow ple Orchard. LikevtiTe will )f Alurdie* ribbed the Nap almoll worn off, a thort has hazel Eyes, Shirt and The Sale to be on the Pie- almott new. Buttons, and FUnnel,( and the a Cotton Jacket, Ofnabrig drfut'i Perfoual ElUte. limes the Pore Parts made of Itriped Had on, Shoes, and a lotb Day of Dtcembtr next. old Suit of black ditto, Two Ofnabrig Shirts, a Pair of old Country made the - Mind Parts of bli<- Fearnought, Troufers, open a Houfe, and JOHN BKALE HOWARD, , he left Word in ditto, Two P;>»r of old longTrou- new Callor Hat. They broke (a that One white Sheeting old Stocking viz.. A blue Country lill Duck», Half-worn Shoes, with Buckles, Stole the following Goods, ouitty, Ottvbtr 13, 1769. y likely that he ii liri, Wallet, and a Shalloon, and trim'd with living L'g«, Half-worn Hat, an Ofuabrig Cloth Coat, lin'd with hit Night, fronithe Sublcrihei, r, or got over to take* uo and fecure* {aid Ser­ and a Linen ditto, trim'd AN away, Man, n^rncd* Gufi Bottle. Whoever (hall large white Metal Buttons, on EU-RiJqt, Coivviit Servant ervanl, mul bring* his Mailer may 'have him again, Jacket, a Pair of by Trade a Gunttocker, Twenty vant, fo that Char- with Metal Buttons, Nankeen SAMUEL ALLSWORTH, i. if taken Shillings Reward, befide* reafonable One Pair of Wown Cloth 5 F«t 7 Inch,e» high, ba* id if neater, Thitt have Forty Leather Breeches patch'd, about ao Years of Age, Com­ &«», paid by Stockings, Two (hort Face, and brown * *•*»! Two Pair of blue Worfted ' (IVort brown curl'd Hair, Caltor MiCHAELBYRrffi. ditto, cjfofs-bar'd Silk when he went away, an old GRAHAM _(w+)______Shirts, mark'd W H, Two plexion r Had on Jacket, the IARD near A*tit*tamt white and a Gun. coluur'd Broadcloth Colt and it from the Subfcriber, living One Bird-eyed ditto, Hat, a light Velvet, Ofnabrig TOLEN roan HORSE, abott Handkerchiefs^ and of hh Coat it lined with red on the i9thoi Offobtr, alight apprehends the faid Runaways, Colter coarfe Linen, and a S i* a natural Facer, hai no Whoever within ao and Troufcrs, patch'd with M Hands 3 Inches hi«h, them home, (hall have, if taken Shirt nailed. Whoever ukot Tome Saddl* 9f«t* on hi* Back, brings if 30 Miles, Pair of Country made Shoes, Biand, a fwitch Tail, fe. faid Furnace, 30 Shillings; brings him home, IhaJt ba ? hangs on the near Side. Wtoever Miles of 5 Pound* op the faid Servant and and his Msne be had again, (hall Shillings; and if out of the Province, Rtward, aud rcafonablc Charges tures bid Horfe, fo that he may 40 the Law allows) TwcAULDuilait Reward, and Five for each, (including what ^^- „ •AMWKL, ' n»ve Three Pounds Currency Reward CALEB DORSEY. by' if convicted. paid by (wj) Pounds for the Thitf, POWEXL. (»+) THOMAS at /> £/,-,. ftnauf FIVE POUNDS REWARD. To bt fold, by the Subfcriber, PARCEL of choice DRUGS and genuine OBober jo, 17^9. Wednefday and Tkurfday'of thi, November cL'" juft come to Hand, ' _ _ Patent MEDICINES, AN away from the Subfcriber, lalt Sunday Nigbt, at the Houje of Jacob Myers, in BaltirrtDre-ToJown Tl T* U J J • ' Ire to be fold on the lowert Terms, by WILLIAM an Engtijb Convict Servant Man, named J&SSE . •^r EART? A Two Hundred very valuable LOTc WILKINS, at Annapolis, for Account of Dr. JOHN JORDAN,R about »< Years of Age, 5 Feet n __ Pbitpot',-Point, and fundry valuable Plant? Bal- Eyes, light STARHAWK, of Philadelphia, -irft the necellary Buildings, it is propoied by this To be SOLD, ly l>* Subfcriberi, at tbtir Store at Annapolis. LiMirry, to raife Nine Hundred Dollars, to aid that Pig-Point, OH Eatuxent Riwr_ ly fftcle/ale. AVING purchafed the Servants lately belong­ Dctuiei.cy. • BOUTl £. 950 firft Coft of Goods, for Current ing to Mr. Knapp with all the Materials for 1o coiij'ifi of Three Thou fatf TICKETS, at T-wo Dollari Money, SterlingSte Bills of Exchange, or (hort H and Clock-making Bun. iviU be Money, carrying on the Watch eacL ; Eigbt Hundred and Fijly-tivo oj -which Credit,A on very reafonable Terms. Public, that he Repairs all t)eJu3ion, viz. nefles hereby informs the jortunate, -without any ______STEWARD & NORR1S. Watches, in the bed and moil i Prize of 250 Dollars, is 250 Dollars. forts of Clocks and - Manner; and as he has a complete Appa­ - - ZOO - - - 200 ;,• 12, 1769, approved ' *I Baltimori-Tov.ii, September more Expedition and Notice ratus for cutting Wheels with I2S H E Subfcriber hereby gives public they may depend on having * . 100 20O at his Dwel- Exaftnefs tban ufual, that he has begun Inoculation, in the moll careful Manner, and . . 6 5° 300 T from Baltimore- their Work done ling-Houfe, which nands diltant better Terms than heretofore. « 8 *S aoo healthy Situation, and an on Town, Half a Mile, is a He alfo carries on the Goldfmiths and Jewellers 12 'S 180 Price as before, Two ' agreeable Profpeft.————His Bufincfles in the moft extenlive Manner, as he has 40 \ 10 400 for Inoculation, and Twenty Shillings fxr 780 ^ 3120 Pilloles imported a great Variety of Materials, and has ex­ Week for Board. And as the Sickncfs is fo trifling, the executing the above 9OoS"rais'd. need not treme good Workmen for and the Confinement none, the Expence Ladies and Gentlemen who pleafe Prizes, 852 Shillings, or Six Branches. Thofe exceed Five Pounds Fourteen him with their Cuttom, may depend that Blanks, 2148 may be inoculated any to favour Pounds Currency; and utmoft Exertion of his Abilities to merit theft and Auttfl excepted. the Month in the Year, July Eftcem, (hall be his whole Study and greateft Am­ 3000 Ticket!, 2 Dollars each, 6000 Dollars. I (hall be obliged to thofe who will favour me may depend on being bition. with their CuAom ; and they N. B. He hat a great Variety of ready made Work By the above SCHEME, there are a little more than dealt with, by and the Profits carefully and tenderly by him, which he will Sell at the moft reafonable Two Bhmks and an Half to a Prize, Tbtir hnmblt Servant, retained, are Fifteen per Cent, on the whole. STEVENSON. Rates. When the Tickets are dilpofed of, the Drawing it HENRY *•* He gives the bed Prices for old Gold, Silver to begin (previous Notice of which to be given in the AT. B. Thofe wno intend coming, are defired not *nd Silver-Lace. (tf) MARYLAND GAZETTE) in the Court-Houfe of the to change their Manner of Diet,- Or ufe any P«r- faid County, in Pretence of Six of the Managers at lealr, before hand, as it is rather prejudicial than TEN POUNDS 'REWARD. as dull think proper paration September 1 6, 1760. and »« many of the Adventurers otherwife. Baltimere-Toiun, to attend. ROKE Jail laft Night about Eleven o'clock, The Managers are, Meflieurs Jonathan JTitfon, Tbt. the following Prifoncrs, -viz. -J Joftfb H'ooJ, Tbomaj Price, AN away from the Subfcriber, living on Kint- mat Boivlei, George AfurdM, B Negro, a ftiort thick Fellow, about J Beatlej, Samuel Stall, jun. Nor- I/lanJ, in <3*tt*-An*f* County, on Monday JACOB, a Cajper Shaaf, Cbarlet high ; he was formerly the Pro­ AnJrtiu Heugb, Eneat danf< bell, Cbrijlofher R 25, a yellow Negro Man, named FILL, Feet 7 or 8 Inches manj Bruce, September Annt-Arundtl Coun­ Edelin, John Cart, LoJowick Ir'eltner, refer Grojb, Tho- about 23 Years of Age, middle Stature, and is very perty of Mr. Benjamin Weljb, of Hiai Neill, Nicboiai Tice, Samuel Hugbet, Tliomai Jofini, : Had on, when he went away, an old ty, and fold to a certain Hugh Scott, of York County, on talkative having both and Jamei Brand, 'who are to give Bond, and be Felt Hat, blue Jacket, and a ftripcd ditto without in Ptnnjyl-vania ; he is remarkable for Oath for the faithful Difcharge of their Truft. made Shirt, flriped Country Cloth his Ears cropt, and is fuppofed to be harboured fome to be publifhed in the MARY- Sleeves, Country A Litt of the Prizes there is a Canoe taken from the where about Mr. H'tljh'i Plantations. LAND GAZETTE, as foon as the Drawing is finilhed, Breeches. As u of the I (land, it is fuppofed he has made WILLIAM WOODMAN, about 5 Feet 10 or and the Prizes to be paid off, without any Deduc­ lower End and had for Thomas's Poiot.————Whoever takes up Inches high,\he is a'down looking Fellow, tion, r over Troiifers. palTmg current in the Province, Negro, and feeures him, fo that his Matter on an old Ofnabrig Shirt and Af. B. Any Money the faid faid Pritbnen, to be received in the Sale ol the Tickets, and the fame get him again, lhall receive, if taken on the Whoever fecurcs and brings back may or Five Pounds for to be accepted in Payment of the Prizes drawn by the Ifland Fifteen Shillings; if out of the County Forty (hf.ll have Ten Pounds lor both, CHAMIKR, fortunate Adventurers. Shillings Reward,' and reafonable Charges if brought each, paid by DANIEL •.» TICKETS *• */ bud of any »f the Manager$, t*{ 41 JOHN COCKEY. (8w) Sheriff of Baltimore County. »•/ Annapolis. home, paid by the Printing-Office, • •xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjp^ at the PRIHTING- ANNAPOLIS: Printed by ANNE CATHARINE and WILLIAM GREEN, a Year ; ADVERTISEMENTS, OFFICE: Wheccall Pcrfons may be fupplicd with this G A Z E T T E, at ia/. 6 d. Continuance. Long Ones of a moderate Length, are inferted trie Firft Tune, for