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I [XXV11 YE A*.] . , t H B 171 \UART LAND GAZETTE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1769, CONSTANTINOPLE, June 16. N N, «, n tter* received frt>m Portugal, mention, that Mr. Wilkes» Antagonift, Capt. Forbes, who has a Regi GREAT Number of Excefles' Aug. i. It is faid, that a commercial Treaty of great having been lately committed, ment in that Service, was lately married at Lifbon, to Advantage to this Nation, is already far advanced be a young Lady of a noble Family there, and ronfi- by a Set of young Men, who tween the Court of London, and hitfublime Highneft dcrable Fortune. endeavoured to nir up an In- the Grand Signior.- --___. - A*g-. S.-Frtfli Difficulties have urifen, we h«w, ret SurrecVion, it determined the . ?y Letters front Senegal we learn, that through the Grand .Signior to flay in thi* peeling the Commiffion of Supervisors of the Eaft- indefatigable Induftry ol Governor O'Hara, not only Jndia Company's Affairs in India. The Miniltry in City, inltcad of going to paf* the King of Barach, but divert other African Princes, the Summer at his Country fill on feeing the private Inftrucfions to the Supervifors, have been brought over to the Englifh Interelt. as well as the Commiflion, which the Directors are Scat, called the Daout Pacha. Aug. j. Letters from Berlin import, that the Re backward in complying with. -\ Thefe Rioters had broke open turn of the Couriers had of late been obferved to be IT tt j,n the Doors of the Greek Great Doubts have arifen with refpeft to the Legali Churches, car- very frequent between that City and Peterfburg $ by ty of the Power given by the above Commiffion to the Ined off the Plate and Ornaments, and grofsly which it was conjcftured fome Affair of Importance is Supervifors, ami it is faid the Miniilry think it a Point I .billed the Ecclefiaftics. They even prepared to de- in Agitation between the Two Courts. of fo much national Confequence, that they have re- Imolilh the Temple of Balkli, when, being hindered It is now currently reported, in the Naval Depart femd the Confideration of it to fome great Perfons in bribe Guards, they had the Audacity to make great ment, that his Royal Highntfs the Duke of Cumber, the Law. Rdiftance. Ten of thefe Villains have been fent to land, will early next Spring fail with a Squadron of It \3 laid a Profecution will be commenced againlt a Prifon, by Order of the Sultan, and condemned to the Line to the Mediterranean, having one or Two patriotic Merchant of this City, for daring to offer a' uft the Remainder of their Days in Confinement. A Flags under his Command ; with this Armament fome Bribe of 5000 1. to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, for noft rigouroos Ordinance is juft publifhed by tin Transports will go out, to relieve the Garrifons of the Securing to 'his Son the Reversion of a lucrative Porte declaring, that all Peripnt who are found in Gibraltar, Sec. and it is even faid, that if the French Place-in Jamaica, which he himfelf now enjoys. Amu, committing the leaft Diforder in the Streets, will perlilt in making a Stand on the Illand of Corfica, We hear that a Gentleman declared the other Day, lull not only he punifhed with Death themfelves, but this Force will be properly exerted againlt them. that trom the Fluctuations of India Stock, he has al fun all their Families t this Proclamation leems to Several of the old large Ships of the Line, we hear, ready cleared 55 per Cent, within thefe Ten Weeks, sire reBoreclTranquiUity to the City. are determined to be cut down, in order, to aft next on a confiderable Sum } a Profit not to be wondered at, jth j. It was reported fome Time ago, the Grand Spring, in a more ufcful Manner than Guard-Ships, fie. considering the Stock has Ibmetime* varied ij per Cent, Wnior had ordered the Grand Vifir to enter Poland, Aug. 4. A Correfpondent afki, " Cannot the Friends in the Courfe of the Day. i: the Head of the Ottoman Army. This was, at firlt, of the prefent Adminiltration dilplay the Virtues of Aug. 10. It is imagined, by many, that the Diffi looked upon ai ill grounded, but it fince found to be their Patrons and Paymallers, without detracting from culties which the Miniltry have thrown in the Way, to confident with a Manifesto which the Porte has com- the Merit of Lord Chatham j which Practice they have the fending out the Supervisors appointed by'the Eatt- nunicated to all the foreign Minilters refiding here, begun to renew within thefe few Days ?" Our Cor- India Company, is in order to carry Some Point in Fa ind by which the Grand Signior declare* War againlt relpondent adds, «' If thefe Hirelings write 'til they vour of Mr. Vanlittart, by new modelling the Commifli the King of Poland. N«verthelefs, according to the are blind, they never will convince the Public, that on,and feuding him either alone, or with;fupremePower; Ull Advices from Moldavia, the Grand Vifir, inftead Prince and People were not happy during that great It is likewife fuppofed that the Arrival of a certain cf lurching into that Kingdom himfelf, has fent thi- Man's Adminiltration, or that they arc fo now." Earl, has conduced much tothe Confidence of forming tier an Army, under the Command of Mehemet Pa- They write from Algiers, by Way of Gibraltar, the above DcSign, an more moderate views Seemed Sa- t'u, Beglerbey of Romelia. It is pretended, that that out of Five Hundred Men that compofed the Ca tisfaftory until tint Time. When we con fid er the Con hunt Potocki, one of the Chiefs of the Confederates ravan to the Ranks of the River Niger, Two Hundred nection which has Ib long Suhlilted between this No ofBor, has engaged, in Consideration of i5,ooo^iaf- and died on their PaSlage out and home, bleman and that Gentleman's Siller, and his Influence tres, to deliver Up to him the Strong Fwtrefs of Ka- fo that they began to be tired of an Undertaking at in the Meafures of Admiiiiltration, there feems all *he minieck. 4^ tended with fuch Hazard, and very little Advan Realbn poffible for believing what i* above affcrted. AIICABT, Jtne 47. Laft Saturday a Moonlh VefTel tage. Several Policies are opened .about the Royal Ex ippeared within Sight of this Road, whereof the A*$"ft 5. The Three Supervisor* appointed to po change, on the SuccrSi of Mr. Moor's Machine. The King1! Galliots, who were there, having Intelligence, out in the Eaft-India Company's Service, are to I* general Terms are T<-n Guineas in Hand, to receive immediately hoilled Sail to give them Chace. After bound under fuch legal Restrictions, as Mtffrs. Yoi k One Hundred if the Machine travels Twenty Miles in purfuing her Four or Five Hours, the Commandant and Wedderburn Shall fabricate, and it is allured, each Three Hours, on any Turnpike Road, in Two ind Three others of the Galliots joined him, and gave of the Three Supervifors will be obliged to enter into Months from Augult. her a BroadSide with Guns loaded with broken Pieces Bond of 100,0001. forfeitable, on Condition that either Augufl 11. An Anecdote has lately been handed a- of Brali (Grape-Shot.) This Gun-Shot forced the of them interferes with any Branch of Trade during bout tint Samuel Vaughan, Ll'qi who for fome Time Corfair to bring too and furrender. The Crew con- their refpeftive Superviforfhips. The immenfe Profits pi»ft has appeared as a very warm Patriot, has written fiftedof+i Men, 5 of whom were killed and J wound- and Sums of Money which might have been unfairly, a Letter to the Duke ol Grafton, offering the Sum of eJ. The Velfel is brought in here, but She is to be yet undifcoverably made, by appointing a Secretary, joool, for the Reverfion of the Office of Clerk of the -- lent to Carthagena. have determined the Eaft-India Directors to make no Crown in Jamaica for his Son, being A Patent Place, . BAKU, J«fr I. Jt is faid that the Count de Vaux fuch Appointment; but they have hit upon a middle and the prelent Poflefibr very much advanced in Years, Im received Order* from the King, to leave lo.'ooo"" Modej-trrat « -to- f«y,-.-emclvof the Thro* &up«i vifar*, - .. who is. the only Survivcr of Three, to whom the Patent '. Men in Garrifon in the Illand | and tint his Majclty, is allowed to take out with him a Writer, or free was originally granted. ' ' n a Mark of his Satisfaction for this Conqueft, h.til Merchant, who is to aft as a Secretary i So that the The Friends of Mr. Vaughan affeft to excufe him, :figncd him, as Governor General, an Appointment great Profits will now accumulate to the Supervifors by giving out that ihele Places are ufually difpofed of ef7j,oooLiviesa Year. themfotves, Share and Share alike. by thofe in Power for valuable Considerations, which PmtsBunc, Ju'y 18. The famous Count de Tot- Great Altercations have lately paffed in the News- are looked on in the Lijfht of Perquifites of Office j titben, alter having received hit Pardon, at hat been Papers, between George Onflow, Elqi and Parlbn but, on the other HanU* it is obferved that if the Gen Mentioned, entered into the Service of the F.mprefs, in Home, concerning a Sum of Money paid by our Mr.