Dramatists Guild Modern Stageplay 2
Name of Play __________________________ A full-length play By Your Name here Contact: Your Name Address Phone Email << OR >> Represented by: Mary Agent The Mary Agency 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 11111 PLAYBACK An original Screenplay by Raymond Chandler Final Draft March 24, 1949 2. Property of Universal-MCA Hollywood, CA. USA FADE IN: EXT. OPEN LANDSCAPE WITH RAILROAD TRACKS -- DAY LONG SHOT A STREAMLINER coming TOWARDS CAMERA which is off to one side of tracks. The landscape has pine and fir trees and is a northern Washington landscape. As the streamliner passes, the CAMERA PANS around following it and stops. The streamliner tears off into the distance and in the foreground is WE SEE a RAILROAD SIGN -- "EVERETT WASH" DISSOLVE TO: INT. STREAMLINER IN MOTION - CORRIDOR -- DAY SHOWING OPEN DOORS OF FOUR ROOMETTES Through the windows can be seen the landscape through which the train is passing. In the first roomette, counting from the left, is a well-dressed, rather wise-looking FEMALE, young, smart. She is making up her face. In the second is a middle-aged couple, a CANADIAN IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR and a CANADIAN CUSTOMS INSPECTOR. In the third, BETTY MAYFIELD is seated near the window, turning over the pages of a magazine. She is about 27 years old, beautiful, blonde, and has a remote troubled expression, as though her thoughts were far away. The fourth is empty. There is a man's suitcase in evidence on the seat. LARRY MITCHELL enters from the left. He is 3. tall, good-looking, young, with superficial charm and rather too much self-assurance.
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