ST. LOUIS TIME. ITS EQUAL A FRIEND arrivals nnd Departures of Trains at ASD ALTON. REALTY DEALERS INDORSE Union Station. cnicago Trains. TITLE SURPRISES Dally. Train. Ilnnavf 'ArttU. tDally except Sunday. The Alton Limited am 73s sea TAX LEVY FOR A DIKE. HIS BRIDE ELECT. xftinday only. Prairie State Express 112:02 pm pot SSS1 j Express UNKNOWN WORTH $1.00 Except Monday. Palace 1.M pm 7a4an Dally except Saturday and Sunday, Midnight Sneclal '11:40pm SUOsa ttSaturday only. Kansas City Trains. oPi&aturday and Sunday only. Exchange Member Approve Elec- Earon-FIrema- n, KlfcB State Express 4i44pn Ivrans, n German to S-- 8:uam tions B. A O. R. R. Kansas City Limited '10.00 pm to Raise One Per Cent on lie Third Husband of Mrs, GREAT Train. Depart. Arrive. Local Trains. IMtn I Property n Leveo. THE TONIC Cincinnati. Louisville, Wash- Train. Depart. Antva, for Bechtll. ington, Baltimore, Philadel- Springfield S.05 pm AccommodaUon... -- ..,,.... nervous, debilitated people. gives great strength, tones up phia and New York Express. am 1:35 Jacksonville 16:12 16:44 Will quickly cure thin, overworked, It Cincinnati. Louisville. Pitts- Accommodation. sm Dm burg. WasMngtrn. Balti- u'" ,""",i" T.mam rczs) system, makes you feel like a new person. Jacksonville Express 14.26 pm 10:40 4 Tlie Real Ex- Belle- the entire and more, Philadelphia and - East St Louis Estate A marriage license 'was Issued in Tr$J BPfiistnein uapiiai city New Tork rast Mall f.CJptn sia Flyer" J a change, at its meeting yesterday, indorsed Andrew Fred 14.52 pm .t. ta-- ill ville yesterday morning to Cincinnati Accommodation... 11:11 am Jacksonville. Express $6.30 s i tlis proposed election to Rive the city au- August Charles Kraus, Baron Frelherr KU-B- O cures of Cincinnati. LCdlsvllle Pitts- apringneia. - iapitat rjity positively ail diseases burg, Washington, Balti- Flyer' thorities tho right to levy an additional von Westcnhausen. 43 years old, of East more, Philadelphia and Springfield SpcUal V..!T. New York Royal Blue Special tljyss ixs of 1 per cent for a levee to protect Bt Louis, and Mrs. Amalla Bechtll, S! Limited :J0am S.Sp.n Alton 111:51 pm ...--Tt 2nst St. Louis from future floods. years old, of Belleville. Vlncennes Accommodation.... 15:10 pm 13:32 am L. AN. R, Too Flora Accommodation 8.0$am 7.50pm Train. Depart. Antva, Heal Estate Exchange also indorsed Tho bride did not accompany the Baron The Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. West Baden and French Lick Florida Limited, via Nash the proposed sewer system. The resolu- to the Courthouse, but several friends bprlngg. via Monon Route. :30 am 5t25 pm ville. Atlanta, Chattanoo- - tions were as Macon, Thomasvllle. follows: who vouched for her did, and on their KLU-B- O is a great Friend to women, and cures diseases peculiar to them. ULHIJJ.GTO. ROUTE! UNION 8TA- - acksonvllle. St. AugvisUns r.csohcd. By the eald East St. Louis Real word tho license was Issued. The couple TIOIT. and Tampa, 4.06 pm ltssanj Train. Depart. Arrive. Past Mall Evansvllie, Nash- Exchange that wc- hereby Indorse the ore In Bt. this Birmingham. to be married East Louis KU-B- O put1? sound, healthy flesh on your bones, makes you sleep well and feci re- For Hannibal. H. & St. J ville. Plane cf tin cltv engineer. IS. (1. Helm, and morning. PEOPLE Qulncy. Chattanooga. w: pledce the municipal authorities our united SKINNY points, Keokuk and The llaron la fireman employed In the , 1.55 am sjtfpa Mobile. New Orleans upport In aialstlas than in their laudable a freshed In the morning. Local - Louis. res- la Hannibal 7:41am Mjapm huu .Jacksonville. iria.; s uiidru.ktnjr- railroad yards at Ea3t St. Ills Qulncy R. 0 TtH-ds- And we idence Is given In directory system. Pure, healthy courses through your veins wliun For and Keokuk 17:41 am t:3$ pm fearIeston. c am further tirgentlr request our friends not the and KU-B- O expels all poisonous matter from your blood For at. Paul. Mlnncanolln. Southern Express to Evsna- - iind citizens generally, to vote for th approval the fact that he Is a Baron was not via East Side line. UUnols viiie. nasavllle. Blnnlne- - nt the bride-to-b- e, corpuscles In tho blood; makes you henrty. -- establishment of this Levee District to known to his who lives on KU-B- Is taken properly. It Increases the red feel htrons and and 7 an pm ham. Mobile, New Orleans, ili end that wo may protect our own city. Catholic street Belleville. Tli Burllngton-Northe- Fa "4 Thomasvllle. Jacksonville. Relieving necessary ICU-13- this work is even it tho marriago Mrs. lady, TO years old, writes: "I have Rained 12 pounds ulnce I took Never felt bet- una express, tor Kansas Palatka. ocala and St. Mr dlU Is hunt; further, The of Bechtll to Kraus One Petersburg 6:45 Ttssanj and. will make third venture on the mat- In my life." City, St, Joseph, Northwest pm Whereas. Tho elt authorities have pasta aa her ter Nebraska. Black Hills, Wyo- - " STl ordinance tor the establishment of a fewer rimonial sea. It follows a romaoco In Another says: "I bless God every day that I found KU-B- h.ne had heart trouble since a mlnr, Montana, Washing- LOUIS MERCHANTS' URIIMsp llMiict and Tor the bulldirg of a main sewer which she and Kraus were the principals child feel fine now. I recommend It to even- - one." ton, Puget, sound, Portland TERMINAL RAILWAY SUB URBAN throurhout the city iliercfc bo it when ;ho was only IS years old. and Oregon 1.0 am TH TRAIN SERVICE. Resolved. Bv the Eat bt Louts Real Estate -- '.: Express ror v. Eastbonnd Leave Eighth snd OrstsN strests. At that time he boarded at her home In contains one month's treatment and sold for bt. daUy-9:- Exchange that we indorse IhN ordinance and Belleville Each box $1,00 Paul. Minneapolis and Iowa 1:U pm 1:10 pm 10 s. rn.: trOO, p. m, and was In love with her. The ?.Nebraska-Colorad- 8unaay-4.-- Jtswa recommend that the city authorities use every The o Ex- 04. 6:11 VM. a. m.: couple quarreled and Kraus left the house. press, 8:02 p. m. mdeavor to hurry this woik and have the same KU-B- will to any ono upon for Denver, Colorado. Saturday and Sunday only liar completed as qufcklr aa possible On "German Day," a few weeks ago, A trial package of be sent receipt of 10 cents Utah and Pacific Coast, Tla m. Sunday only 7:06 a. m.; 12 JB s. av ft C. O McCAFLAND. President. Kraua visited Belleville and learned that 17rrt1 EVaLlI to cover mailing expense. KRUPP REMEDY CO., 111. ..SVyevh naipm pm Leave Washington avenue, dally 9:14 a nkl J B 8IKKINO. JR., his former sweetheart had been twice Chlcaxo, Night Northern Express." 6:27 p. m. Except Sunday 4 "66. 6dL ALLEN W JOltNP. married and as many times divorced and for St. Paul, Minneapolis 7:41. 16:54 a. m-- : 12:15, 3:45, 6:06 p. m. fumrtih ARTHUR M CECJllWllh. now on and lows ".... Ti4tpm and 8undsy only 1155 p. m. Euadsy cfily--S'5- t TiiTim was unmarried. He called her, SOLD BY For nilnola, via East Bids Hmi T:10 a m. : 1223 n m. 8. the old love was revived and the couple line, to Rock Ola-to-n. westbound Leave Oraalts City. dalt-f-t-- P. CHOPIN. Island. 8undav-S!lT- .4 Committee. became engaged. Wolff-Wils- on Is.. Savannah and 1:45. 6.58. 7:11 p. m. Cxelif L Sisaw Drug Co., a--B 11 JO m 4:25. m, lira. Bectiili said yesterday that she did ttApm 354. a. fSI a, KTT.T.TTD DY SWITCII ENGINE. not know tho he was a Baron and only ror Kansas city. Council lalta unday only 13:15 p. m. Sunday only 556. ISSU knew him by bis several riven n&nv-- Sixth and Washington Avt. Bluffs; Omaha. St. Joseph, 10:00 a. m. Saturday and bunday only 11:65 Pa Denver. Nebraska, Colo- Excent fiaiuraay ana bnndav s:u p. nv Sus- and his surnames. She said that she was GREAT TONIC Madison, 1:15, 2:49. 6:05? TUT Fre Walker, Car Inspector, Europe, Or direct upon receipt of 51.00. THE rado, Utah and Paclflo Xieave dally tains Injnrles. aware that he was born In tut sent Coast :00pm 7:Usm m. ExceDt Sunday 5:10. 4:09, 7:06. 8:26. M, Fatal did not know In what part She said that Local for Hannibal tll:W am 11.14 a. m.; 4:31. 9:21 p. m. Saturday ealy Fred Walker, a car Inspector for the Kraus Is to call for her at her home In 12:19 p m. Sunday only 6.00, 8.05. 10.06 s. m. (C. P. Bt. L ) 11 Wabash Railroad, run over by a Belleville this morning and that they will Train. ft Saturday and bunday only :68 p. m. toi go to Louis, they will Depart. ArrWs. engine In the East Side yards late then East St. where Plasa. Chautauqua, Grafton ST. LOUIS PEORIA LINE. be married. up yesterday mornlm; and that he called burg; Joseph White, aged 35. and Miss STOCK EXCHANGE DECIDES and Alton (.Ham 7 :30pm Ihf C. P. & &t-- L.I, Thursday night and died at St. Mary's Mrs. Bechtll's maiden name Is Beckert. on Mr. Farmer for Information as to when Amcricus Barber, aged 29, both of Cliff-dal- e: Alton. Springfield. Peoria and Her was Fred Bechtll, from Is David, aged 22, and Miss Chautauqua Express ! :14 am 7:30pra SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Hospital yesterday morning. He was mar- first husband the caso nould he tried. Langley Joseph ON RETRENCHMENT POLICY Alton, Chautauq.ta ST. E LINES. n horn she secured divorce. Her second forged namo aged IS. both of Mo-zle-r: snd lived No. 612 a charged with having the of Asanta Percentlna. Sprinrueld Mall 15:11 pm n0:55 am TYaln. Depart, Arrtvs. ried and at North Eighth was William Meyer, whom $500, ac- aged 25, Miss Lex- street. East Louis. husband she relatives to a note for which was Jocph Hamilton, and Alton. Jerseyvllle and Princeton, Louisville. St also divorced. She resumed the name cf cepted bv tho BcllcllIo Savings Bank. Addlo Snider, aged 18. both of Hardin; Springfield 16:41 pirn '10:55 am ington and way stations. Deputy Coroner George W. Brlchler held Chattanooga, Rome. At- the Inquest her first husband. Langley defaulted on tho note, and when Henry F. McGee, aged 28. and Miss Gesina FRISCO SYSTEM yesterday afternoon, the jury the bank sued the sureties they asserted aged 21. both of Batchtown. Traveling; and Local Solicitors to Be lanta. Mattoon and points returning a verdict of accidental death. Brlnkman, r Train. Depart. Arrive .In the Southeast JaWam FORMAL TRANSFER OF MINISTER- - that their names had been forged. Abandoned Xcxt Mcctln-- Will Valley Park Accommodation. t.fiu am 110:25 am Mount Vernon Accommoda- - Tho funeral 4till take place ty Trl-Cl- Notes. Valley Park Accommodatlsa. $7:20 pm V:i& am t!on 16:04 pm 13:40 am afternoon from the residence of his slstor, Accepts Be In St. Louis. Paclflo Accommodation ..TrT. ;15 pm LouisvUle. Lex- GOT The Reverend J. A. Gallnher Belleville News Notes. Mrs. C. T, Underwood of Hannibal, Mo., Is am 11J5 Princeton. Mrs Sherman E. Wilson, No. Ohio home Mrs P. Texas and Kansas Mail ington and way stations, avenue. Fastornto at Chicago. A Current Toplo Club will be organised at visiting the of her sister. A. Springfield. AshevIIIe, the BelleUlle V. M. C. A. this evenlnc. De- Krohn. at West aaaison. For Fort Smith, Knoxvllle. Chat- The Alton Presbytery met at Belleville up - Paris, Dallas, Ennls, Hous- tanooga. nom. Atlanta. bating and public speaklne will be taken The plant of tho glucose company at Ven- ton. Galveston. Augusta, Ma- by In- - REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Carthaen. Charleston. East St. Louts Items. yesterday and formally transferred the the club. tea. whleh has been tdl tor two years, was Jonlln Wichita 9:00sra IMSpm con nnd all points in Flor-ld-a party if Chicago Worth, Tex., Nov. . The National and Cards are out announcing the engagement Reverend J. A. Gallaher to Uie Avondale The Circuit Conn adjourned yesterday after- epected yesterday by a real Fort racinc Accommoaation .. tl:10 pm $10:25 am and the boutheost 10:04pm 732sm Miss Laura Berkemcjer and Dean Cranshaw. noon to Monday estate men. Llve-Sto- Exchange to-d- adopted the Valley Park Accommodation. pm 1 14:20 pm t s ST. pastorate at Chicago and to the Chicago Turn-vere- ln MnC-ah- Injured by being Springfield. TOLEDO, LOUIS AND WESTERJI. Miss Olive Shaw of Rolla, Mo.. Is visiting The Ladles' Section of the Bellnrllle Tnhn was badlv St, resolutions after Meteor For (CLOVER Presbytery. opened by Busi- struck by a falling timber at the new brewery Louis retrenchment (Carthage. Joplln. Wichita, LEAF ROUTE ) in Cast St. Louis. The meeting was held an extra session last nlsht. City. food or Denlson, Jrra,n-- Depart. Arrive. ness matters nere discussed. being built at Granite a warm debate. All kinds of free VInlta, Oklahoma. The Commercial Traveler" Mrs Arthur Beckwitb will rle a dinner tho "Reverend Gallaher, who turned 6ver formerly resident of Venice. Sherman, Dallas, Fort in Miss Olive San-born-o Miss Taylor Bt. Loula ha re- T. E. Brant, a lodging to become a Brown-woo- Toledo. Buffalo and New honor of Shaw. the chair to the Reverend H. K. Marie of Cast yesterday from Palestine, Tex., where for the' shippers is Worth, Waco and d Mrs turned to her homo after a !slt with Belleville arrived 2.30pm York - Wpra Emma Clements will entertain the of Alton. Addresses were made and he Is now engaged In business. thing of tlie past, and traveling or local ll:nam Eastern Express , In- - V Guild of the Episcopal Mon- friends Valley Park Accommodation. 13.51 pm 14.40 am Neman's Church resolutions adopted, complimenting the I blacksmith shop of O. Vogeler. on the Jan- o pm dlapa and Ohio polnti 72Sam 5:01pm day afternoon. Mrs. Gcots Meti-- er of South Illinois etreet The solicitors are to be abandoned after Valley Park Accommodation. 1621 pm work of the Reverend Mr. Gallaher. Edwardsvllle ruad. waa robbed early yester- Paclnc Accommodation 15:24 pm 47:42 am Charltston Accommodation... 3.00 pm am f J. Moody is In Washington, D. C. Mr. been entertained friends Thursday In honor of her home Henry Hera Ven- uary 1. lall The Reverend Gallaher has day morning. The of at Pacific Accommodation flU'jpni VANDALIA Presbyterian sixtieth birthday anniversary. ice waa entered. was LINE. The local football season will close pastor of tho Belleville rs black-heade- d also The right to name a vice president Texas and Kansas Limited PENNSYLVANIA double-head- Anita Bauer. 8 old, swallowed a LINES WEST Or FTTTS- - with a between the East St. Church since 1S9S. He Is 40 years old and yes- Thomas Crelghton. an East St. LouIb team- George W. Shannon Springfield. Eureka Springs. BUP.G PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Louis Hieh and the Alton High, the West Ends to Belleville Clifton Heights, pin, which she placed In her mouth, ster, was ruu over by his own team jesterday given each exchange. Fort Smith. Paris, Dallas, came from' terday. president, C. W. Corsl-can- a, depart. Arrive. of St Louis and the Alumni at Athletic Park Mo. Mr. will at Venice and seriously Injured. He was re- of Chicago was elected Greenville, Ennls Fast Mall i The Reverend Gallaher Mllllns; Company eranted of Chicago secretary, and W. C. Houston. Galveston. idlam memo-r-e gave a The ISclchcrt was moved to his home. Baker Keystone Exrress ..... S:44 The of St. Mary's choir preach his last sermon at Belleville to- Car- am concert hop an Injunction In the Circuit Court yasterday Hudson of Sioux City, la., treasurer of Austin. San Antonio. Local 7:48 0 and last night at Livingston Halt morrow. open- ...... '. am restraining the village of FYeeburg from the national body. St. Louis was selected thage. Joplln, Wichita, New Yprk Umlted 1230 pm 120 Sm Ho will depart for Chicago with his ing through part of its property. 1901. Invi- Burton and the West 'ISpm 7 JO am Accommodation,.... 31 IXC TIRE EXTINGUISHED. a street Worry Kills. as the place of meeting for An Spring- vandalla 1.16am family next week. Llve-Stoc- k Ex- Western Express For Eastern Express nm Theodore C. Hinckley of St. Louis, who has tation to the Kansas City Denlson. Sher- ins 72t am ai appointed Attorney of Manila, News dlBpatches report a death from Ex- field. Vinita. Now York Express ni-2- pm 9:40 pm !,l Work Ilemmrd After Three Days been District worry over $9,o7a, from having used change to come Into the National man. Oklahoma, Carthage Indianapolis Local LANGLEVS BOND FORFEITED. was born In Bclle Hie and removed to St. Louis los of change was extended. and Joplln 10:00pm 1:15am 7as pa Spent In ExtlnEmUhlnrr Flames. tilth his relatives about twelio years ago. a stove, a nook under a carpet and a bus- 81., , The members of tho exchange expect to K. A T "THE KATT." Fire which threatened to destroy the Defendant Claimed He Did Not - There Is considerable talk in Belleville as tle for a bank. large saving hereafter by refusing ST. LOUIS AND HANNIBAL RAILWAY , Tf,a-- Depart. Arrtrs. to the probability of the establishment of aa Moral For relief from worry, absolute make a (Via Wahasa). Cltv. Columbia. John Maulo mine at Lenz Station, near Know When Case Was Set. deposit to send or receive telegrams concerning Boonvllle, artificial Ice plant betoio next summer. safety, besides Interest allowance, The ques- Train. Depart, Arrive. Sedalla, Fort Belleville, was extinguished jesterdayand Jefferson D. Langley of East St Louis, your money in the savings department of cattle conditions of tho market. Mall and Express 17:40 am tll:10am Scott, Indian Territory and Co., and tion of advancing commissions on the sale Mall and Express t5:05 pm t6:15 pm Texas Express 9:15am vm full force of sixty men resumed work former Sheriff of St Clair County, failed Revival Meetings. Mississippi Valley Ttust Fourth $2 Dal- - f the Capital, surplus of hogs and sheep. a car. and the matter "Tlie Katy Fljer." for .J In mine. been burning to appear In the Circuit Court of Belleville Interest In tho special evangelistic meet- Pine streets, St. Louis. sending reports to newspapers MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY. las. Fort Worth. HoU'ton. the The file had profits, $8,300,000.00. Open Monday of markot Train Depart. Arrive. San fclnce Saturday Is supposed to Church In Upper and was passed until the next meeting. 3 00 10.06 Galveston. Antonio. night and to yesterday morning answer to a charge ings at the First Baptist evenings until 720. evening. Fast Mall am pm Mexico City and Intermedi- have bfen caused by spontaneous combus- of forgery, on which he was Indicted by Alton is rapidly Increasing. Yesterday Tho exchange adjourned this Local Express , 7:35 am pm ate points 85Spm 7x7ats tion, or crossed electric wires. Tho members are being entertained at a Day Express Kansas City, Jefferson City. Columbia. SLOOQ were In To-Dn- y. The fire was not discovered until Mon- the Grand Jury, and his bond for cottage prayer meetings held the Bis; Auction Sale banquet ht at the Btockyards Inn. Pueblo. Denver. Salt Lake Boonvllle. Sedalla. Kanas. day low- homes of a large number of the congre- City snd San Francisco.... :0O am 'Ml pm Indian Territory Texas r, morning, whence miners were was declared forfeited. The auction sale of scattering lots In Washington Accommodation.. pm j7:55 am and ered Into the mine. They hastily gave An order was made citing John Houli- gation. The meetings were he.d at all 152 Express 11:45 pm "7 "61 am i n will be St. Joseph. Joplln. Wichita Missouri. the engineer the danger signal and he han, the surety, who Is Langley's brother-in-la- hours of the day, beginning at 6.S0 o'clock St, Louis subdivisions MONEY ASKED FOR MRS. JONES Limited and Kansas. Indian morning. Tho special services Com- and Kansas Territory and Oklaboma hoisted them up to the top. It was soon to appear In court and show cause yesterday conducted by the Mercantile Trust Southwest Missouri S:I0pm "7 20 am Fljer - 18:32 cm learned that the fire was confined to one why the bond should not be forfeited. are under charge of the Reverend Doctor are being Kanias and Colorado Ex 10:10pm 7:10am jtection ef- W. Michigan. Doctor White pany this afternoon. The lots Bills Lake trains leave Tjnlnn Station of the mine, and successful Late yesterday afternoon Langley F. White of who Senator Cockrell Introduced i.v. rnnr .WABASH. forts were mado to smother For walked Into State Attorney Farmer's of- will remain through next week and villi sold for tho account of a corporation at 6'15 a. m.. 9:15 a. m.. p. m. and 4:31 Eastern Lines. jvvhlle It thought it Langley conduct the union Thank'glvlng services dealres to close out Its real estate. At 1 for Ravages of (Civil War. Train. Depart. Arrtrs. wa3 that tho fire would fice and was rearrested. said that will be Oak Hill trains leave Unlen Station at come Baptist Church for the p. m. seven lots In Mount Auburn 0 continental i.imnea Detroit. i! endanger tho entire mine. he did not think that the case would at the First 3 a. rn., 110:10 a. m., a. m. snd p. m.t:I Niagara Falls. Buffalo. denominations of Upper Alton. uold; at 2 p. m. three In Wolff block; at 20. Protestant be- Washington, Nov. Senator Cockrell Klrkwood trains leave Union Station at t7:00 New York and Boston 7:15 pm ! p. m. three lots in Gibson Heights, 17:50 Nla-rar- a y m.. 735 a, m.. a. m.. a. m..' tl:O0 Toledo. Detroit. Highway, Introduced in the Senate a bill for a o -- East Side Realty Transfers. tween Taylor avenue and King's p. m-- . 4:10 o m.. t: a. m.. p. m.. Falls Buffalo. New York, ?l Real estate transfers filed for record la Belle- and at 4 p. m. tne southeast corner ot the.rellef of Mrs. Annie T. Jones, widow p m. and 111 :20 o. m and Boston Express 7Jtam Shaw and Lawrence avenues In Tyler Toledo. New- - York and Bos- - ville yesterday werei of Jonathan L. Jones, to the ampunt of MOBILE AND .OHIO. ton Fast Malt :.....-.:.- ; "2:45 am am place. Depart. Amy. Detroit-Buffa- IM ILi p. Sexton, trustee, to Prank Psacak, 157,000 money expended for the use by Train. Mldnlaht Limited lo. The agents state that their, Instructions for New Orleans, Mobile. Merid- York snd INDICATIONS southeast one-hal-f, IB, block . Illinois highest bidder, patent Im- Cairo. New SURE lot are to sell the lots to the the United States of Jones's ian. Jackson. Boston H33nnx City; r. d . JJ00. may be. Sparta nil points Lo-c- regardless of what the price proved armor for water and land Toledo and Jacksonville al George B. Davis to Kate Brttton. lot :2 and defensive Southeast "J 08 am Express .... 7:11am southwest Z'i fcot. lot a. block 6, Beacon adopted and used on tho gun- New Orleans. Mobile. Merid- Heights: warranty deed, C75. Renl Estate Transfers. batteries, Montgomery. Atlanta, 'dur- ian, Banner Express Chl-a-- .... 9:22 am St. , Clair Building and Loan Association to ALLEY 4 ft., n. e.. bet. Montrose, and boats Essex. Lafayette and Choctaw Jackson, Cslro, sll points Chicago 8 , 28. dare-mo- nt block 12TD: A. Wil- 1S62 1863. Banner Limited 903 pm 753 am Ernest MUItzer. lots and block , city John ing and In Florida snd the South MIdnlghfLI'-'I'e'- l ChlMtro...11-- a pm OF addition: r. d.. 3.(00. son and wite to Hypollte G. Marandon Cockrell bills Salpra 804am Senator also Introduced and Southeast Tallin BLOOD BUzabeth falmons to J. r. Dunham et al., qlc. d 1 of Methodist Episcopal Murphysboro. upaira ana Kansas Cltr Line. BAD for the relief tho 9, 5, r. BoiANICAL-2- s . bet. Sublette . : 15:10 pm Kansas City Exnrets am nm part lot block Guenthers addition: d.. 8 ft., s, SprlngHeld to the amount Chester Accommndtlnn tll:16sm "Z'ZS 10 SKV0. and January, city block tirtSA; Theo- cnrlst Church at Kansas Cltv Fast Mall. nm I am OLD SORES, ULCERS, to William Keyser, lot 5. block 1. dore Klare and of J3,000 for property destroyed during the tarr3 Kansas Clt" T.1m'tl tn15nm iMirs ABSCESSES I. W. Abt bchmidt to Hermann 13,100 ap- 1 Abt's subdUWon, blocks 2M-- East St. Louis; wife vv. d L1S0 Civil War, and request that be NEW TOnK CTSNTRAL AND norisweitern ,ines. The best evidence of a bad condition of the blood and unhealthy state of warranty deed. S3 500. BAMBfcRGER-t-O ft., e. s., bet. Fotomao propriated for the relief of the trustees HUDSON RIVT5R. BOSTON AND ALBANT Prom Union Station-Cou- ncil 1 to Jarvts nichards, lots Gravois, city 4188; Henry Presbyterian AND AND OHIO RAIL-WA- Bluffs nnd Omaha system, Samuel Hardlne a and block of the Cumberland Church a the is an old festering sore, running ulcer, or abscess. They show and 2i block 1, subdivided lot 153. East St. Eschrlck and wife to Andrew Muel- Syracuse for like damages. Express t00sm ISO Louis- - warrantv deed, $73). w. d MO of Train. .Pspart. Arrive Minneapolis and St. Taul the bodily impurities are not passing out ler petitions from Missouri were -- nm through the proper channels, but D Basford to Peter Harris, lots 1 to 8, BROADWAY 20 w. . being; 2S09 Numerous Indianapolis Express am limited ..... :ipm r. ft, praying LIm-Ite- d I TTtnll ,'imnht . 7:! pm are left in the system to clog and poison the blood. So thoroughly block ;C. addition to North Claremont; war- N. Broadway, city block SJ3; Boehmer introduced by Senator Cockrell New Vork and Boston nrtnnrt IM sm does S3.O0O. unseating ot Senator Smoot ":45pm Ottnmwa and Des Moines ranty deed. Coal Co. to Boehmer Realty Co. w. d.. 1 for the of ' the poison permeate system every to D. lota 1 to 8, CARDINAL-C- being Knickerbocker Bpyctal-N- ew Expresi ..' 500 am 00 pm the that little scratch, cut or bruise Peter Harris E. Basford. O ft., e. ., Utah. Tie Mnlnes 26. addition to North Claremont: war- 14 block 1270; York Boston, Washington. nttumwn and d inflames and festers. Everything about block and South Cardinal, city Philadelphia. 11:60 noon 1:45 pm Minneapolis Lltrltod .. 730 pm an old sore orulcer suggests disease. ranty deed. 000. Olive Reaity Co. to Hypollte G. Mar-and- Baltimore and .. Murphy to G. Sherman, 5.C0O Mattoon and Alton Aceom-modatl- LOCSI 1TS1DI, JThey affect the general health, they Robert A. Isabella w. d Moberly 4 lot 4 and north lot 4B. sub- COUKRELL-- 32 . YEARS ON BENCH AT 8 At tun tVeRt and Kansas ; south ft., w. bet. Bertha 40 Accom-modatl- 6:50pm V. Arequire constant attention, and are a FBOJI CALF OP divided lot 4. block 1. De Ilaan subdivision, Minerva, block $345 and coun- Mattoon and Alton t City Local "!:Vm THE LEG TO ANXLE warranty deed, S1,S0. and city ...... ifapm Moberlv Local 503pm llUOsm 1- Wlnstanley Park: ts ; Waner Grascar to Frederick M. - -- ifpuree of anxiety and trouble all the A SOLID SOBE. I". J. Soucy, trustee, to William H. Brymer. Axctell and wife w. d 1.S35 of Jndge Gary Without Boston. New York. Cincin- East Decatur and Jackson- I same property aa follows r. JG00. Record nati Wa'hlngton. Balti- villa Local 14:40pm WM am .b'me, and in some caseshighly offen- Now d.. CAsTLUMAN 5u ft., n. s., bet. Klomm Philadelphia 0 pm .".. Castlo, Pa., July 28, 1903. William H. Brymer to Louisa Null, southeast Grove, 4S37; more and TJtim slDTJruna iniiii, Tower city Wm. d, 2, war- and block Parallel. Dayton. Spring-fiel- St, CTharles ... ,.111 S nm pm sive. There is danger, too, of these Three years ago a common boil' ap- lot a. block Colas Central place; J. McGoogan and wife to Conrad Lleb-he- lt Cincinnati. n05 deed. J1.00O. 2,000 Cnlorr.bus Express.. .. Ji'Osm Klnloch Park . pra peared on tho calfof my limb. Kotyield-lnt- r ranty w. d 12:30 pm I jplaces becoming cancerous if not W. M. Warnock. trustee, to L. H. Ferguson, . To-da-y Fast Express am Ferguson ,."2:'5 to simplo COLUMBIA 00 ft., n. a. bet. Sulphur Chicago, Nov. marked the a. m . p. m.. 5:45 . pm 5:4 pm home remedies, I consulted lot 3, block 5, Schaefer addition; warranty deed, and Clifton Heights, city block 4649A: Alton Leaves til) Ferguson ?11 treated promptly and in the right $8.71. fortieth year of consecutive service on the p m. Arrives "OP n m . '1:45 p. m. Ferguson ,. 15:15 sm a physician, who prescribed poultice, Richard Eitman and wifo to Richard 110-2- wM Bui-cn- e Joseph Ivtns, lot S2D. .... am way. Washes, salves ointments flax aeed, supposedly. By some Lntlnette to C T. Dawson and w.fe w. d 1.M0 bench In Chicago by Judge Joseph E. Tnlin.fvl!,-- and fearful subdivided lot 22. Caliokia commons; r. d., street f!tnt1m mistake waa DIVlblON 125 ft., n. .. bet. Nineteenth Such lengthy public career Is ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Charles 11 00 am l45pra '.are good for use, siren corrosive subli- $3,000. Gary. a St 17-- ; external but they I and Twentieth, cltv block 16.3: BenJ. Northern Lines. St Charles 15:40 pm mate, and after having it on for a few Burenatcin and wife to Sam'l Epstein said to be without a parallel either in the Depart. ....,.,...... t6:s7amin ll can't stop the discharge or change Rellly. K Train. Arrive. Klnloch minutes I could endure the pain no Dcatli of James w. d. (and interest) United States or Great Britain, among North Illinois Expres- s- BHdgeton JjilJ Pm 8:40 am l the condition of the blood, and for longer, o took off the application and James Rellly, 64 years old, died at his GRAVOIS vj ft , n , being 2o2j Gra- Sprlnglleld. Frecport and 16:10 pm vois, city block 2071; Casper W. Accola elected officers...... J'52 um m found my limb from the to to-d- se- S Dubuque am t:46pm Trruon I2l this reason the sore never heals per- that calf the homo in Hamilton street from and wife to Gretchen Blckel w. d Chlcauo Daylight Special Ferzuinn t640 nm 1320pm im- 18 . ., Judge Gary has presided at many mem- manently. ankle waa in an awful condition. I nile debility. A widow, three sons and GRAVOlb ft. IS in n. bcingSKJ DmH. nnrl SDrtnefleld H'tSara v... Fenrnson T"iPm mediately sent for another physician, three daughters survive. GravoK city block 2071: Gretchen Plck-- tl orable trials, notably that of the an- Bnringfleld Accommodation.... 14:45 pm 10:40 am mvrgom . tt4-,- ..j.....tt35pm Not blood is purged three sons and to Richard Groebel and wife w. d.. 1,800 who were sentenced for Chicago Diamond Special 9:10 pm until the of who told me had been poisoned. My 131 7 Sher- archists, the am IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. I GLASGOW ft, in., e. 8., bet. bomb-throwi- square. Springfield Accommodation... 17.06 pm to was block 1003; In Haymarket M4V1a-B- T tlAAa Jjepart. Arrtvs. impurities and the system cleansed limb from the calf the ankle one Connmnptlon Caused Girl's Death. idan and Thomas, city Win. Though 82 yeara old, he retains the vig- solid inflamed aore. was adrised to Sykes. aged 23 years, tho 11. Dittmann and wife to Fred J. Voss Mall Paducah. Cairo, St. Louis. Kort vvortn sna .of all harmful substances should the I liss Blanche w. d 9,600 orous mind and firmness of decision which rest San Antonio Exnress 1 31 pm 11:51 sag i begin S. S. S., and improved rapidly Memphis. Jackson. Tnn.: Ex- - sys- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sykes of HARTIORD-- S5 ft., n s. being 3721 have been his pronounced .rhiracterlstlcs Orleans and Texas Texas and California flilcer heal, or the effect upon the under use, but about this time 2102; G. New nress Texarkana, El Paso, its I had died to-d- homo in Ilaitford, city block John during hl3 long term as a Jurist, Express. Nashville. At- Alton, at her East to-d- Los Angeles and San Fran- - s tem might prove disastrous. S. S. S. an attack oftyphoid fever, and this set- consumption. and wlfo to Julius V. bchnult Hts bar associates gathered at lanta and Jacksonville 7:26 arn 1:16 pm 55f) sm original sore. End place with and wife w. d S,K0 courtroom in large numbers to pay New Orleans Special-Cai- ro, cfsco ...... m..m goes circulation tled in the This, ofcourse, 25 his California and Mexico Et- - into the and searches - KOSSU'lH II.. e. e. bet. Newstead their respects In celebration his Memphl" nnd New Orleans.. 1:15 pm I:16pm Angeles, caused a back set, but having- confidence Alton Xotrt and Personals. and TaMor. city block 4411A; North him of Accommodation Murphys- rress Los El out and removes the cause of the , Com- anniversary. Paso. Mexico City. Laredo 1f in the ability of S. S. S., I began it again , s. B. Baiter went to Chlcaro yesterday. I Ll.d Real Estato and Investment boro. Marlon and Creal pany to Frederick HcUmlch and wife Borings. nnl Htalveston ...... nm old sore and invigorates and builds as soon as I waa over the fever, and to j Colo Springfield. 111., was an Sparta and Knrtnn floedal ... pm 755 am a I "Nathan of vv. il 400 4:50pm tint .5:20 Chester ll:24sm 4 make a long story short, was completely Alton visitor jctterdaj. LANSDOW 1M B. Teia-- nnd Mexico Expres- s- ? ,up the polluted, sluggish blood NE ft., s. bet. River TOOK $1,000 AND HANDCAR. New Orleans Limited Hot Snrlngs. Arn.: uaiias. and permanently cured. Two years have Paul B. Cousley departed yesterday for a des Peres and city limits, city block Cairo. Memphis: Dixie Gal- 3 as the poisonous matter 6031: Fort Worth, Colorado. again, and elapsed, and have never had a return of visit In Chicago. John Schang and wife to U. J. Flye- r- Nashv Hie. Atlanta veston, and Mexico I Hardest and Benjamin F. Voges w. d. 2,000 and JackonvlUe S:40pm 7:01 sm Laredo pm fis driven from the system the sore the trouble. BIBB. K. A. DUFFY, The members of the Alton Turn Vereln iLANbDOWNE-5- Robbers Blow Bank and Shoot City Washington stive a euchro party last evening- at the Tur- ft., s. .. bet. River L., L. RY. (Henderson Roate). Texas Express Colorado, .: begins to heal, new flesh forms and 814 W. St. In Kldgo street. des Peres and city Umlt3. city block II. ST. Dallas. ner Hall tOJl: John Schang and wife to E. J. Out Lights of Populace. Train. Depart, Arrtvs. Texas. Fort Worth. Mrs. North i Mall Owensboro Clover-- Ran AntnnlO TaxSTkana. fine place is soon covered over with Mr. and Charles Matthews of Hnrrlesty and Ben F. Voges qtc d... 1 Tast Ark., snd Lit- Alton have gone to White Hall. 111. McI'HERfcON 25 n. Sarah Cloverport. Louisville and Hot Springs. fresh and the sore is gone for all time. Where the constitution is It., s.. bet. Marshalltown, la., Nov. 20. Compelled port.Lonlsvlllesnd the East 5:20 sm 7flpm tle Rock skin E. D. McDowell lectured In Chapel Hall nnd WhltUcr. city block 3312: Hunt Little Bock. Tex last evening on "Our Northwestern Country" Turner and wife to George W. Eoswell to remain In their homes under threat of En tern Express Fast Mall debilitated from the effects of chronic sores, ulcers,, abscesses, carbuncles, w. the East '''"TO arkana. Dallas ana to tho students of Shurtleff College, and the d t.250 being shot, tho residents of the village of 7:ara tx4). irc 3:05a-- boils or other severe skin eruptions, S. S. S. Western Military Academy. MANCHESTER 21 ft. 2 In., e. s . north ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAIL- Iycal Express Texarkana to ft C Zanesvllle. of Papln. city block 3947: John R. Har-kl- Green Mountain, ten miles north of here, WAY. 7:50 pm will build it up again and stimulate and The Reverend J Remolds of and wife to Great Western -- 9:00 7:00 O., In Upper Alton. The -. explosions before daylight ("Cotton Belt Route.") Memnhls Exnress pm sm is a visitor Paint and Color Co w. d. ...- 8.66S heard three TPneweni-e- 8:00 all parts system. " Denart. Arrrr n.lmnt(....-.- . -- r .- ...... 7:15pm strengthen of the S. S. S. MANCHESTER CO r. . beL King's Train. j .,, rnrm ...... IS. . . ft., s. this morning. Arkansas nnd Texas Mall.... 8:56 am :5Spm FOURTH STKl-i!i- ille Kotei, Highway city block 5W7; ss I contains no strong minerals, but is guaran- and Tnvlor. The explosions wrecked the Green Arkanoas and Texas STATIONi'J,;,u't"u Passengers on the St. Louis accommodation Kathcrlna Joeckel and husband to building. 7:12 am Depart. Arrive. jt teed entirely vegetable. It is unequaled as on the Wabash were entertained jesterday at Hcnrv J. Drier w. d 1.800 Mountain Bank De Soto and Bismarck Ac-- 30 . 5031 Maple, -- I; Blood Purifier tonic. Ednardsvllle Juliet on by an exh blUon of MAPLE ft n. s.. being Three robbers ran through the streets, ST. LOUIS. K. C. A COLORADO R. R. commoaation p a and invigorating broncho buckinc from Engine No. KL When city block 5153: George Saucrbrunn and shouting to the people to keep Indoors and FKUii urtiun unrui. TT.T.INOTB"xiiiz.,DIVISION""J iin Do notvdepend upon local remedies alone. the throttle was opened for the start. It became wife to Nannie A. Green w. d. C.750 shooting wherever a light appeared. Train. Sepsrt, Arrive. Depart, Arrtrs. disconnected Inside and the valve opened to MIUI1GAN-- 50 ft. e. s. bet. Fassea Tho robbers secured $1,000 and escaped 101 and 102 Mail and Exnress Cotton Belt Express 9:45 pm 7:11am your blood right, throwing a full head of on the nnd Bates, city block 233c: Sarah Wiley1 Oasconade River end In- - AC- - Get and as it forces out its limit, steam 1 on a handcar. St. Louis and Chester cv Under head". It could not be Phut off and to Clisrles A. Pitman qtc. d termedlate points 7:15sm S39pm commodatlon Miiopm 1021 sm the poison the sore must heal, because nothing is system NEWSTBAD-- 29 0 , e. B . FROM FORSYTH JUNCTION. 8:56 pm left in the for the train plunged forward. Engineer Bob Zenk ft. in bet. - Cotton Belt Express sm to feed upon. Write us should you desire medical advice, which is given set the air on the coaches and the engine then Lnbadle and St, Louis, c ty block 4SS: Hnll :03 and 106. Union Accom- New ehedule efrectlvs 12:01 a. m Sunday. it leaped. Its drivers Eptnnlns l.ke mad. Tho Wm. F. fallver and wlfo to Samuel Kcsro Sentenced. modfltlnn 525om SSSmn Otrr-- i without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. engineer nnnlly cot the valves on center so Magoffin's test, tr. w, d A new trial was refused Oscar Hall, the tt J; that the pressure was equal In both directions FRONT - ft. 6 In., being north of regro, convicted of the murder and the train was disconnected and taken Into Evans bet Deer and Marcus, city of slick an engine crew from the block 3773; Wm, Preston H 11 to Thos. Stewart, and sentenced to a life PREACHER'S HYMNS accidents from falling plaster. When the St Louis by and S term In Edw ardsviile Jjranch. E Tnvlor qtc. d Penitentiary by Judge Janitors reached the Courthouse yesterday i PARTRIDGE 60 ft., s. s , bet. Harnev the Burroughs In QUELLED Mrs. Klla S. Priest of St. Louis yesterday and Thekla, city block 512.1; Walnut tho Circuit Court at Belleville yesterday THE FIGHT: morning they found on the floor plaster- notified E. P. Greenwood, secretary of the Park Realty Co. to Agnes M. Pelt Judge Burroughs pronounced sentence on ing which had fallen during the night, Board of Education that she would --w. d 400 Belle negress, accept tho pos tion In the local faculty which Hall. Plair, a charged with f- examination showed that other plastering Mrs. Priest holds a SCOTT 50 ft. s. s, bet, Euclid and assault with intent to murder another - was loose and might fall at any time. INSURES been tendered to her. 35S9; had King's highway, cltyblock George negress:, and Joseph Millie Repairs changes costing 520,000 THE life certlnrste in Missouri and has also taught and wife to Thomas P. Glynn and James Lnborcrs Censed Fierce Scuffle n and about In Belleville schools. . Gans Randolph, charged with robbcrv and re- - have Just been completed at tho Court- PURE. SOFT. tlie w. d 5 moving brasses, wero sentenced Rnnninp; Train to Listen to STANDARD Tho suit of George Swain against the Amer- ST rERDINAND25 ft.. P. 9.. being to the Song. house. WHITE ican Gar and Foundry Company for damages 3522 St. Tcrdlnand. cltv block Zlitl; Da- Penitentiary. Minister's ; SKIN. was dismissed In the Circuit Court by agree- vid Carter and wife, to Jesse B. Ken-nnr- d TOILET ment ot plaintiff's cost. w. d 1,100 Fnlls Prom Second-Stor- y Window. SARAH 2.1 ft., w. . St. Terdlnand BEAUTIFUL W. II. Hall returned jesterday afternoon bet. Morris Honor of No. 731 South from Springfield, where lv attended the Grand and Garfield, cltv block 3M3: James Spring REPUBLIC SPECIAL. PREPARA COMPLE- X- Lodge of Odd Tellows Charles Pauley was M. Gettva and wife to Margaret Mary street, Belleville, was seriously Injured Louisiana, Mo Nov. 20. The through AFACT representative to grand encamp- Coughlln w. c! 2,050 -- the local the late Thursday night in a fall, secon- ment, and Mrs John Janes and Mrs. Frank STANfBURY 23 ft., s s. bet, Illinois from a train 'from Denver on the Burlington, k TIONS., I0N5! Broadvvaj. city tlock 1153; Andrew d-story tvlndow Hoppcn to the Rebekah degTec. and at his home, a distance vvliich passed here, carried a'full coach- ABOUT THE , Mehlem and wlfo to Lottlo Hoffmann of twenty feet. Honer has not been "BLpS" G W. SUutt ot St. Louis, a member of the w. d. 8.S00 well load n. and Thursday morning he ot laborers. Shutt Improvement Company, against which UTAH 23 ft., n. s . bet. Lcmp and slashed his What is known as the "Bines" numtrous attachment suits were recently filed, city block 1331: Ludwlg F. throat with his razor, which was taken While the train was running forty miles was In Edwardsvllle yesterday, miking ar- Hammer and wife to Henry W. Ham- out of his hand by his wife. He will re- an the men got into a fight. They Is seldom occasioned by actual exist rangements bv which the court proceedings mer W. d. 6 cover. hour no one under- could be withdrawn and the property reloased. VON PHTJL-- 30 ft--, w. .. bet. Obear and were foreigners and could In; external conditions, but In the Constrvction work on the Wabash cut-o- ff wlU Grand, city block 2472: James w. Belleville Marrlnse Licenses. the cause of the outbreak or queU then be resumed. Blackstem and wife to urban Kucni stand treat majority of cases by a dis- Mrs. Samuel Morrison, residing and wife w. d 2,50) Marriago licenses Issued In Belleville the disturbance. Finally minister went - Mr. and 102 wero LIVER. asm. north of Edwardsvllle, In Liberty Prairie, an- WALTON ft. 6 In., w. a. bet. Page yesterday to Andrew Fred August Into the coach and began to sing hymns. ordered Ji 3771: The-figh- - nounce the wedding of their daughter. Miss and Fountain, city block John Charles Kraus, Baron von Wcstenhausen t ceased in a minute and peace n May Morrison, to the McWay, by trustee, to Thomas J. 43, St. Louis, Mrs. THIS IS A FACT Minnie Reverend Charles East and Amalla Becht- reigned once more. ih IM A. King ot Ashmore. The wedding wlU be on Cozzens tr. d. . W0 ll. 37. of Belleville; Joseph Delles. 30, and Thanksgiving day. Miss Morrison Is a sister Emma Boehme, 33, both of Belleville. McKJnley School which may be demonstra- PI7RITY Edward Morrison, a St. Louis Jeweler. Decorations. HfcNlLFcc Xs VI of . Building;' Permits. Members of the McKInley High. School ted by trying a course of Wm, Schults, y brick. 2219 Oriole; Accidentally Shot While Hnntlng;. &i Jerseyvllle Notes. II, Memorial Association aro" soliciting TTcawi fltirf women ..refinement. $2,000. out hunting lunds fTuiorsed eTcmrheiv of Judge Charles S. White went to Springfield, While yesterday S. W --ERIBAMEBTlT Mrs. Warsboys, alter and add to brick, 46S6 Helnrlch of Shlloh Valley Township, ac- to pay for the memorial decorations In the M eMES ICZEMA AID TETTER. AIS010TEIY MD BEJIinS HI., yesterday. Kenerly; S2.423. cidentally shot off his flo Mo-de- thumb and fore auditorium of the school. Officers of the . Senator T. S. Chapman and Jonathan e Richard Eitman. one and one-ha-lf story brick. ELACKHfcABOi nivmea, own am 11L. (007 finger of his left hand. Several of the association, are Herman Maucb, president; mtuailOi rimrue, an went to Springfield. yesterday to at- Eitman; $2,000. entered his cheek. Derma-Roy- al, Soap a perfect akin is Insured. tend the United States District Court. shot Doctor C. Bembe William H..Proetz, first vice presldentr D. Used with ' of Mascoutah attended him. Eltzmann. second vice president; iWllllam OR Y ORDERED ' W. E. Porter 'has returned from a trip to TuttsPills SOLD B Y DRUGGISTS, MA BE DIRECT: the Southwest. Sues Loss of Horses. F. Bolte, third vice president: J. H. Peters, - - - for treasurer, and William Appel, secretary DEBKA-BOYAIi- E, M. per Bottle. Express pal. Joseph Hublnger sued the American Ex- Divorced on Wedding; Arwlversary. - - - BaaU, prepaid. Jerseyvllle Mnrrlage Licenses. n. regulate DEBHA-KOTAU- S SOAP, 25c, by press Company, "the Illinois Central Rail- Lena Ludwig obtained divorce in ' Theycontnland the LIVER.' County Cleric Georgo L. Aderton of Cal- Falls at Courthouse. Boor op TEsracoznALS Sm Vxeb on Rkquxst. road Company and the Cleveland, Cincin- Judge Blevlns's division of the Circuit Plaster They btlpz hope and bouyancy to the r houn County has Issued marriage licenses Herman Ludwig, Persons were prevented yesterday from nati and Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Court from yesterday. It mind. They bring health elastic-Ity,- to CINCINNATI, OHIO. to Georga Kevins, aged 23, and Miss passing "under-th- e dome of the Courthouse and TflEDERMfl0yftLE60.. Company In the Circuit Court yesterday was on the twentieth anniversary of lier RerthA Bolles. acred 22. both nf tfrunns. for $30,000 damages for the loss of horses marriage. The custody of her child was by --means of ropes being placed in the the body. ville: Charles J. Bader, aged'27, and Mlssl Injured In a, collision on the east' end of awarded to her. She charged that her hus- Mary America, agea u, ootn or tiam- - Eads bridge June 15. band did not treat her properly. der the dome. This was dose to prevent TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. J

t; I ISfJP J?--. fr;- , vSr?irA):-,.fera..- rxs&nl.2"-...- SslSbgs i iii&. d2u3&0tiHBStf&-&U'v3- '