Tuesday September 15. 1903. I
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bMfitpag - && f. it Tpr .yjgg?ggq5ngaLS THE EEPUELIC: TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 15. 1903. I and tlght-flttln- g Jackets of three-quart- er articles of feminine attire. In bewildering RECOVERY OF SICK WIFE GIRL TRIES TO END HER LIFE length. abundance, and the store contained many IN FALL OPEN Among the bargains were the "Vic- more that kept purchasers busy till long HAPPENINGS EAST SIDE CITIES AND TOWNS DEPENDS ON MAN'S RETURN. BY DRINKING CARBOLIC ACI& toria" suit of green cloth, with white after closing time. IS flecks, piped with a lighter shade of green The first floor, on which the autumn velvet, cuffs of stitched velvet, cape and hats were displayed, contained almost ev- entire with ery design In the Fhape of headwear that coat lined with satin, skirt KAHEWKM. KECKI'TinX TO PASTOR. V. n. Tlnvla plaited Inserts, at $25. will be seon this reason. Of course "The WITNESS IN ARSON CASE Mm. EMrtnurted ly the Despondency Thonght to Have DELIGHT i snow-flake- d home- Hiawatha" came In for Its share of at- Unexplained Absence SHOPPERS Another tention, It promises extremely The neverend W. 11. I'pcraft Departs ot Her Prompted Illlsabeth ThornlilU spun suit. Jacket satin-line- collar and as to be ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY. llnshnnd. cuffs and the new patent-- popular. Shortly for China. to Commit Salclde. of black velvet riv- leather belt, eleven-gor- e skirt with Autumn colors certainly promise to A reception wns given at the First Bap- straps new habit back, at $3Z3X al the gorgeous hues of the October for- and the ests. AH the new of lavenders, tist Church in Alton lost evening In honor Then were displayed a large line of shades On eve of recovery from long 19 years daugh- fin- light blues, browns, bronzes, crimsons, are Trlnl of Frank "VllIiIn, Charged W. M. Upcraft and Mrs. the her a Elizabeth ThomhllL old. canvas cheviot suits, with a zibellne of the Reverend dangerous spell ish. In blues, browns and black; new in full display. With Bnrnlnir Ills Tobncco Fac- Vpcraft. who will depart In a few weeks and of sickness, Mrs. V. ter of George W. Thomhlll. a fireman, of Season's Newest Are patent-leath- belt collars, Of h.its there was no end. One of the Up. EKivls was prostrated by mysteri- 32. attempted to Creations skirt coat with shapes, Cluny lace, tory, xt Talten to take up their missionary work in Chlna. It. the Engine Company No. and seven-gor- e skirt, at J1S.S0. long Neapolitan with ous disappearance of her husband last night by drinking car- Viewed by Thousands Who Some pretty vestlngs are shown, as are black ami white plumes, with a broad Tho Reverend Mr. Upcraft will leave this commit sulfide last some damask and cotton crepe waists In black velvet bow on the top. and a blad- morning for the East, where he will begin Saturday, and now lies neojr death in the bolic acid. Visit Big Stores. the very latest designs, tailored and well ing of black velvet, attracted great ad- Circuit Judge B. H. Burroughs of a campaign at Boston on September 20 In home of her brother, William Cook of Since her father's second marriage. Miss 98 miration. foreign missionary made. Thev run in prices from cents opened court for tho September the Interest of the Belleville. Thornhlll. who Is employed In a shoe fac- to SS.7.". Then there was a Chauvin Parisian work. sable, with shirred term Belleville yesterday, and in the The police have been importuned by tory, making her home with Mr. Licts and wool fllers prevail In the mi- creation of Russian very at The Reverend Mr. I'pcraft will sail at has been lliner' department which is one of the silk facing, white velvet brim, and coume of the day he sentenced two men the head of a party of e'x mlEslonarita on friends of Mrs. Davl to search the city and Mrs. J. Arado. at No. 1713 North largest In the city, showing a complete heavy white aigrettes. The sable tails and October 31 from San Francisco. Among the Twenty-fift- h street. For several days she to the Penitentiary on pleas of guilty. lrp-cra- in the hope of saving the woman'B lite LACE FROM WOOD PULP. variety. claws hang over the side of the hat special things thnt the Reverend Mr. ft haa been despondent, and made remarks The whole establishment was prettily nestling on th shoulix?r of the wearer. The trial of Frank Wllklns. an East will take bade to tho Flowery King- by a word of his whereabouts. Physicians to her rompanlona that she hoped soon to decorated for the fall opening yesterday. The effect Is delightful beyond any mere Side manufacturer, on a charge of dom will be an endowment fund of 0, attending Mrs. Davl9 say that she is like- lid hersHlf of life. story bet- cigar hospitals The decoratVms of the first floor were of description. The price tells tho arson, In the afternoon. with which to establish two ly to lose her mind in consequence of the She did not go to work yesterday, nnd palms and carnations, tastefully arranged ter. It Is about J1S0. Tho duty alone was waa begun late and a school for higher education in several times during the day she asked by the B.iden Floral Company. nearly $40. George Jlmes, an employe of Wllklns, Western China. hock. occupants of the house for some money The Famous. There were, of course, all sorts of black pleaded guilty to a charge of arson and Davis took with him CO. saying he to get medicine. Fearing that she might Fashion This Tear Introduces astrakahn and f jr effects, combinations of Penitentiary. CAPTAIJf GALUIIAITH TO AVED. would return at 1 o'clock. harm herself, her requests were denied. Under most auspicious circumstances the feathere and furs, chiffons and furs, and whs sentenced to the As night came and paused, without his By some unknown means she secured Many Novelties in Millinery new autumn season was ushered In at the lace and fur. enough to make any femin- Alexander Clark, a negro, pleaded guilty Carbondnln I'dltor to Marry MI return or an explanation of his absence, money and purchased the drug. ine heart flutter at the sight of them. to two charges of burglary and robbery Mrs. Davis became hysterical and a physi- 1 o'clock Arado came horn from "ITia-- Famous. Broadway and Morgan street, ad- Carrie Dllllncer. among Alout and Suitings The The evening hats were also much to Penitentiary. cian had to be called Inquiries work and found Miss Thornhlll lying on yesterday. Every department, tparkllng mired yesterday. One arrangement of and was sentenced the A marriase llcenBe was lseued at Alton friends and at Cherokee Garden, where the floor He summoned Doctor Hlnchey watlia" Hat in Vogue. with the very latest creations from the cream Cluny, wltn a delicate wreath of The charge of arson against Wllklns Is yeaterduy to John T. Galbralth and Miss Davla was employed, were without result. who lives near by. and he succeeded in world's fashion centers, participated In pink roses, laced in folded white mollne. expected to make an Interesting case. Carrie Dilllnger. both of Carbondale. III. Mrs. Davis says that her husband has pumping out the girl's stomach this merchandise carnival. with vellow paradise feather, was ad- Is charged with employing Jlmea never before remained away from home At a late hour last night she was In a The millinery and cloak departments, of was but a Wllklns The bridegroom is the editor of the Car- course, were mired by all who raw it. It to set Are to his place In East St. Louis without Informing her of his whereabouts. semiconscious condition. Doctor Hlnchey the most sought, and when samole of scores of other charming crea- so that he could collect the Insurance bondale Free Press and a Captain In the She says he manifested the greatest con- was unable to say whether she would re- once within their boundaries It seemed al- ac- Fourth Illinois National GuarOH. says impossible tions, however. money. Wllklns strongly denied this cern for her timing her illness, and cover The girl was afterwards removed a The, dteplay of millinery and stiltinKs at most to release one's self from In feminine lialrdresslng ornaments cusation and asserted that the charge The couple will be married this after- she does not believe he would voluntarily to her father's home, at No. 1440 North season Is mora at- the magic spell cast by the enchanting there was another bountiful display, which was gotten up by enemies. Jlrm pleaded noon at the home of the Reverend G. W. absent himself from hls family. Garrlion avenue. the npnnln of the fall surroundings. Shepherd. In Mill street. The Reverend been custom- was groatlv admired. guilty to the charge of setting the place tractive this year than has Tastily displayed were beauteous street on the sei.-in- floor Sonnefelds displayed Mr Shtpherd Is chaplain of the regiment. ho-.- evening costumes, flannel afire ary heretofore, and there are in the and silk nnd the newlv imported autumn cloaks and In the afternoon a Judgment was ren- After the ceremony the couple will depart many Impor- waists, dress and walking skirts, and all gowns, and if the hats could have been for Memphis on a wedding trip. tvlrnlowB and on the counters ready-to-we- ar dered against the St. Louts and Merchants' the practical things women exceeded bv anything.