& Railroad

System System Time Tables Time Tables

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Issued February 5, 1933. Issued February 5, 1933. THE WORLD'S LARGEST FLEET OF AIR- CONDITIONED TRAINS

TT may be 90 or 20 degrees outside, but it's A always comfortable aboard the B. & O. Air-Conditioned trains. In summer they are equipped with an air-conditioning system that removes dust and soot; cools the air and cor­ H rects unpleasant humidity. Windows, being WARM IN WINTER.^ for vision only, are closed to keep impurities from entering, as well as adding greatly to the quietness inside the cars. Ideal for day Clean "Comfortable travel and cool, refreshing sleep on hottest nights. the Year 'Round In winter, a healthful and comfortable air condition is promoted by fresh air being con­ stantly drawn into the cars and filtered to Schedule of the Air-Conditioned Trains remove dirt and other impurities. This clean, fresh air is distributed evenly and without Westward Ear ' d drafts—controlled by an automatic ventilation (Read Dcwn ReadUo) The system, and a uniform temperature is main­ No. 27 I No. 28 tained by thermostatically regulated heating. 3.45 P.M. Lv (42nd St. Sta.).... Ar. 9.00 P.M. 4.32 P.M. Lv Jersey City...... Ar. 8.28 P.M. 6.25 P.M. Lv Philadelphia ....Ar. 6.37 P.M. The B. & O. was the first railroad to intro­ 8.17 P.M. Ar (Camden Sta.) . . .. Lv. 4.45 P.M. duce the supreme comfort of air-conditioning 9.02 P.M. Ar Washington ....Lv. 4.00 P.M. —first on its dining cars and then an entire train—the Columbian between New York and No. 5 The No. 6 Washington. The immediate success of this 9.55 A.M. Lv New York (42nd St. Sta.1) Ar. 2.37 P.M. radical improvement led to installing the same v Jersey City An 1.55 P.M. system on two other famous trains—the \°A\ p'51- V • 11.55 A.M. 12.42 P.M. Lv Philadelphia Ar. 9.53 A.M. between New York and St. lAi\ £•«• Lv Baltimore (Camden Sta.) Ar. 8.55 A.M. Louis, and the Capitol Limited between New 1.45 P.M. « iW *•« \V Washington Ar. York and . Thus, today the Balti­ 9.00 A.M. Ar Chicago Lv. more & Ohio operates the world's largest No J The NATIONAL Limited No. 2 fleet of Air-Conditioned trains—clean, com­ 12.25 P.M. Lv New York (42nd St. Sta.) Ar. 1.37 P.M. fortable and quiet the year around. 1.15 P.M. Lv Jersey City Ar. 12.55 P.M. 3.10 P.M. 11.00 A.M. 5.12 P.M. Lv Philadelphia Ar. Lv Baltimore (Camden Sta.) Ar. 8.58 A.M. 6.15 P.M. 8.00 A.M. o A - AM AV Washington Ar. 1 5.55 P.M. NO EXTRA FARE i?"?5 AM' A " Lv. 1.20 P.M. lAc £•« ' £T Louisville Lv. 8.55 A.M. ON ANY TRAIN 4.05 P.M. Ar St> Loui Lv> BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD WASHINGTON

ASHINGTON is beautiful and inspir­ NO AMERICAN'S EDUCATION ing. Its many public buildings and IS COMPLETE UNTIL HE HAS W memorials set amid parks and circles are of imposing dignity and beauty. The mu­ SEEN THIS WONDERFUL CITY seums and art galleries contain rare treasures in the arts and sciences; prized historical col­ lections; sacred mementos and documents that are priceless and irreplaceable. You can spend weeks here, visiting one place after another, attracted by a great variety of interesting things that claim the sightseer's attention at every turn in the Capitol, White House, National Library, Treasury, Lincoln Memorial and other notable and historic spots. Close by is the hallowed ground of Arlington and the home of George Washington at Mt. Vernon. Even if time permits but a day or just a few hours to spend in Washington, you will be well repaid for the visit. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad offers a convenient means of visiting Washington be­ cause it is the only route between the East and West passing directly through the Capital City, where liberal stop-over is accorded without extra cost. You will also enjoy your trip over this railroad because of the scenic route and the comforts of its service with modern trains, ex­ ceptional dining-car service and the marked courtesy of its employes.

In the meantime you can learn much about your National Capital from a new "Guide to Washington" now being distributed by the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- rood. A free copy may be obtained by writing fi'. IS. Calloway, Passenger Traffic Manager, Ii. fi? (). /?. /?., Baltimore, Md., or by applying to any Baltimore & Ohio passenger representative as listed in this folder.


The NEW UNION PASSENGER This huge $41,000,000 project, besides TERMINAL at Cincinnati, Ohio, will be being one of the most modern and attrac­ officially opened for traffic on April 1st, tive passenger stations in the country, is 1933. On and after this date, trains of equipped with dining room and restaurant all railroads entering Cincinnati, will use facilities, drug store, tea room, elaborate this station thus eliminating other passen­ waiting rooms, hospital, barber shop, pic­ ger terminals now in use. ture theatre, covered platforms serving The new station stresses the monumen­ sixteen tracks, extensive passenger coach tal as well as the useful, and is indeed a yards, locomotive terminal, express glorious monument to Cincinnati and the building, mail handling building and is railroads, as well as a great improvement convenientlv located. and convenience to the traveling public.

Trains of the Baltimore and Ohio to and from New York, Philadelphia, Bal­ timore, Washington, , Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Day­ ton, Toledo, Detroit, , Decatur, Springfield and Chicago, will arrive at and depart from this terminal. BALTIMORE & OHIO

-v y '•'• • />; Uadelphia Baltim re . Washington . Pittsburgh . Bupl • Rochesi - Fleet


TPHK ideal vacation is to the American C/ EVERY WEEK-END •*• Tropics, and at surprisingly low cost. Ride along the Malecon at Havana . . . watch a game of jai alai at the Fronton. Scores ROUND-TRIP FARES of things to do and places to see—Kingston, Jamaica; the Panama ("anal: Costa Rica; GREATLY REDUCED Guatemala; Honduras; Colombia — and a climate that is always June. Sail on ships with all outside staterooms, RATES ALSO REDUCED excellent food, and courteous efficient service. Regular fortnightly intercoastal service, be­ tween New York, New Oilcans and Cali­ fornia via the United Fruit Company liners. OU can now make week-end trips com­ Convenient connection made at New York Y fortably and economically by train. between ships and Baltimore & Ohio modern Round-trip tickets are on sale at greatly re­ trains. All Baltimore & Ohio trains between duced fares. the West and East operate via Washington, 1). C, affording opportunity to stop-over at Good going from Friday noon to Sun­ your wonderful National Capital without ex­ day noon—good to return leaving des­ tra cost while en route to or from the tropics. tination any time up to midnight Mon­ Details from any day following. BALTIMORE & OHIO TICKET AGENT These reduced fares apply generally between ALL points on B. & O. R. R. and connecting lines east of and including Chicago and St. Louis; tickets valid on ALL B. & O. R. K. trains, including Air-Conditioned trains. Pullman sleeping car rates also reduced be­ tween same points. Ask Ticket Agent for fares and other details Travel by Train for SAFETY — COMFORT — ECONOMY


EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATION DANIEL WILLARD, President, Baltimore, Md. GEO. M. SHRIVER, Senior Vice-President, and in Charge of Accounting, WILLIAM T. NOONAN, Vice-President, Executive Representative, Claim, Treasury and Relief Departments, Baltimore, Md. Buffalo-Rochester District, Rochester, X. V. C. W. GALLOWAY, Vice-President in Charge of Operation and J. S. MURRAY, Assistant to President, Baltimore, Md. Maintenance, Baltimore, Md. E. C. WASHBURN, Assistant to President, New York, N. Y. GOLDER SHUMATE, Vice-President in Charge of Freight Traffic, Mail and GEO. F. MAY, Secretary, Baku: Express and Commercial Development Department Baltimore, Md. — Assistant Secretary, Baltimore, Md. H. B. VOORHEES, Vice-President, Executive Representative in E. M. DEVEREUX, Treasurer, Baltm Chicago, Chicago, 111. JOHN J. CORNWELL, General Counsel, Baltimore, Md.

FREIGHT TRAFFIC AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT COLDER SHUMATE, Vice-President, Baltimore, Md. H. 0. HARTZELL, Executive Ass't to Vice-Pres., Baltimore, Md. A. S. BAKER, Ass't to Vice-Pres., Baltimore, Md. W. W. BAKER, Ass't to Vice-Pres., Baltimore. Md. 0. S. LEWIS, General Freight Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. W. F. RICHARDSON, Freight Traffic Manager, New York. N. Y. W. I. BISHOP, Industrial Agent, Baltiir. SAMUEL HOUSE, Freight Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. O. K. QUIVEY, General Agricultural Agent, Baltir. JOHN H. CARROLL, JR., Freight Traffic Manager, Chicago, 111. GEO. S. HARLAN, General Freight Agent, Philadelphi C. H. PUMPHREY, Freight Traffic Manager, Pittsburgh, Pa. H. G. SETTLE, General Freight Agent, Baltim H. E. HUNTINGTON, Freight Traffic Manager, Rochester, X. Y. F. T. STURTEVANT. General Frei| Baltimore Md. P. D. FREER, Freight Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, 0. W. H. FRANCIS, General Freight Agent, Baltimore, Md. J. A. SIMMONS, Freight Traffic Manager, Indianapolis, Ind. A. L. DOGGETT, General Freight Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. H. A. COCHRAN, Coal Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. H. H. MARSH, General Freight Agent, Wh« i I P. M. JORDAN, General Coal Freight Agent, Baltimore, Md. R. L. GALLEHER, General Freight Agent, Cincinnati, O. CHAS. M. GOSNELL. Ass't Gen'l Coal Freight Agent, Baltimore, Md. R. B. KINKAID, General Freight Agent, Chk J. A. SCHEUERMAN, Ass't Gen'l Coal Freight Agent, Cleveland, 0. T. C. KIMES, General Freight Agent, Chit i R. W. ANDERSON, Coal Freight Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. M. J. ALLEN, Dairy Freight Agent, Chk G. C. BAUER, Coal Freight Agent, Cincinnati, 0. J. G. FRY, General Southwestern Freight .V St. Lo H. G. ALLEN, Assistant Coal Freight Agent, Chicago, 111. PAUL S. PHENIX, General New Eni Bosto- F. M. KEANE, Assistant Coal Freight Agent. Pittsburgh, Pa. R. R. WILLIAMS, Assistant General Freight Agent. EDWARD HART, JR., Assistant Freight Traffic Manager, Chicago. 111. HARRY ATKINSON , Assistant General Freight C. F. FARMER. Assistant Freight Traffic Manager, St. Louis, Mo. J. L. HAYES. Assistant General Freight A. Baltin E. D. DAVIS, Asssistant Freight Traffic Manager, Rochester. X. Y. H. A. WILLIAMS, Assistant General Freight Agi Baltin E. A. NIEL, Assistant to Freight Traffic Manager, Rochester, N. Y. W. F. BOLL MAX, Assistant General Freight As • R. J. BEGGS, Assistant to Freight Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. W. J. SHERIDAN, Assistant General Buffa! P. I. COUSE, Foreign Freight Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. C. M. GROXIXGER, Assistant General Fn M. W. PRYOR, Foreign Freight Agent, Baltimore, Md. J. C. MILLER, Assistant General Freight A| Chit TOHX GROSSMAN, Foreign Freight Agent, Chicago, 111. P. C. McCORMICK, Assistant General Freight A| Chicai W. T. HONAN, Foreign Freight Agent, New York, N. Y. J. C. McGOHAX, Assistant General Freight .' Cinch TAMES W. LEE. Assistant Foreign Freight Agent, New York, N. Y. H. X. BAUER, Assistant General Freight A nnati, (>. JOHN W. HARTZELL, Foreign Freight Agent, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. FOGLE. of Tariff Bureau, Baltimore. R. A. EBE, General Live Stock Agent, Baltimore. Md. A. M. SCHUBERT, Freight Tariff Agent, Cinci; I E. D. CURTIS, Assistant General Live Stock Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. T. W. JACOBS, European Traffic Manager, London, Engl

MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT T C. McCAHAX, Manager, Baltimore, Md. „ , . D. E. GREEN, Assistant Manager, Baltimore, Md. T. E. REES1 JOHN CLARK, Spi d Agent, Cincinnati, Ohio.

PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT W. B.'CALLOW.Y _r Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. Pittsburgh, Pa. \V. E. LOWES, Assistant to Passenger Traffic Manager. Baltimore. Md JOS. P. TAGGART. Assistant General Passenger J. P. DUGAN, General Baggage and Milk Agent, D. M. McNAMARA, Assistant General 1 Balti: R. C. HAASE. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Iphia, Pa. H. B. FAROAT, General Passenger Agent, Baltimore. Md Chic GEO. W. SQUIGGINS, General Passenger Agent. C. C. ELRICK. Assistant to General Passenger A. Chic W. G. BROWN, General Passenger Agent, Cincinnati, O E. F. SCHLOTTMAX, Asstistant General Pa.< Baltin E. D. AINSLIE, General Passenger Agent, Chit J. F. WHITTIXGTOX. Assistant General Pa New York, N. Y. J. P. DeVAUGHN, General Passeenger Agent, New York, N- * H. E. SIMPSOX, General Eastern Passenger Agent. Baltimore, Md. E. N. THORN. Assistant General Passenger Agent, Rochester. N.Y C. L. HERZOG, General Athletic Passenger A| D. L. MOORMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Baltimore, Mrf A. C. HIDALGO ZAMBRAXOWashington, Representative, D. <.~ Pan-America n Transportation Bureau. NewYork, X*. Y.


F. A. STINE. Manager. Baltimore. Md. E. H. SHERMAN. Asst. Sut . W. H. EVERSMAX, Superintendent, Cincinnati, Ohio

Form A. 2-6-33. 30m. PRINTED IN* U. S. A. ___• BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD General Index and Index to Stations and Time Tables

INDEX TO STATIONS AND TIME TABLES. STATION TABLE NO. GENERAL INDEX. STATION TABLE NO. [ STATION TABLE NO Brentwood, Md 23. 24 PAGES. Bridewell, Md 23. 24 Bascom, Ohio 35, 30 Bridgeport, 111 41, 42 GENERAL INFORMATION-STOP-OVER-PRIVILEGE- Abbott, VV. Va i( w, Md. 20 Bridgeport, Ohio 77 Beach City, Ohio 77 REDEMPTION OF TICKETS-CHECKING OF Aberdeen. Md 20, Bridgeport, VV. Va___ 37,38 Ai ademy inn Beacher City, 111 87 Bridgeville, Ohio 43, 44 BAGGAGE, ETC 92-93 Adamstown. Md Beardstown, 111. 87 Briggs, Ohio 84 ton, Ohio.41, 42. Beckmeyer, 111-- 41, 42 Briggsdale, Ohio 43,44 MAP OF BALTIMORE AND OHIO SYSTEM 51-52-53-54 L. V V Beckett, Ohio. 84 Brighton, Ohio 45, 40, 82 A.Irian, VV. Va Beebe, Ohio 39, 40 Bristol, VV. Va 37, 38 OFFICIAL LIST AND REPRESENTATIVES 9-10 Summit, Md 30 Broad Ford. Pa 33, 34 Belcamp, Md... 20 OPTIONAL ROUTING OF TICKETS 94 Akron, Ohio 3, 4, 5, : Broad Street, Ohio... 43, 44 18, 33, 34, Belington, W. Va 53, 54 Brockway, Pa. 04, 65, 66. 67 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT REPRESENTATIVES 96 to 98 n. Md Bellaire. Ohio 11. 19, 35. Brookdaie. Ill 35,36 Ind..- 33, 34, 30, 43, 44, 77 Brookdaie. N. V 64,65 PARLOR AND SLEEPING CAR FARES 91-92 U Va Belleville. Ohio 35. 30 Brookewood, Va 29 inder, W. Va Belleville, W. Va 47, 4S Brookland, Pa.. " 74 TICKET OFFICES AND PASSENGER TERMINALS 95-96 i lers, < >hio Belmont. Ohio.- 43, 44 , N. V. 1, 2. 3. 8. 10, Ind Belmont, W. Va 47, 48 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 33, 34. Je, Ohio... 39, Belmore, Ohio ..45, 40 37, 38, 39. 40. 51 I lie, VV. Va Belpre, Ohio.... -.3 Brooklyn, Ohio 76 Allison Park, Pa Beltsville. Md 23, 24 Brooks Avenue, N. Y. 64, 65 SUGGESTIONS TO AID IN READING THIS mt, 111 Belvedere, Md 20 Brown. Md 27. 28 unont, Md Hen Lomond. W. Va—47, 48 Brown. VV. Va 56 TIME TABLE u. Ill 91, Bennetts. W. Va 50 Brownfield, Pa" 50 m, VV. Va Bennezette, I'a-- 73 Brownstown, Ind 41, 42 Rock. Pa Bens Run, W. Va 47, 48 Brownsville, Ind 90 Locate your point of origin and destination in elle, Md Benton Ferry, W. Va 51 Brownsville, Md 30 • ndale, Md Benwood Jet.. W. Va 19, 35. Bruceton, Pa 43, 44 the Station Index, which gives the Table numbers reon, i >hio 36.43, 44,47, 48,51, 77 Bruin. Pa 62 39. 40, Berdan. Ill 89 Brunswick, Md 26, 27. under which such points will be found. A study \nderson. Pa. Berge Run, Pa 73 28, 33. 34 Washington Co.).. Berkeley Springs. W. Va.- 32 Brvan's, Mo 97 of the map of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad T.iii.i. W Va Berry. Ill 87 Bryant. Pa... 33, 62 Ankenytown, Ohio Berryburg Jet. VV. Va 53 Brydon. VV. Va 37, 38 System contained in the center of this folder will Ohio Berwyn. Md 23. 24 Byrnes. Pa. 62 Apple Grove, VV. Va__ Bessemer, Pa.-.33. 34. 00. 61 Buckeye. Ohio 84 give a better idea of the geography of the railroad Archer, VV. Va Bethesda. Ohio 13, 44 Buckeystown Md 26 Areola. W. Va Bidwell, Pa -..33, 34 Buckhannon. W.Va 54, 55 lines and prove a further aid in reading the time­ Del. Big Gunpowder, Md 20 Buckhart. 111.. 86 Anlen. W. Va. Big Run. Pa.-_.64, 65, 66, 07 Buck Lodge. Md 27, 28 Vlmgton. Ind Billings, W. Va 57 Buffalo. N. Y..16. 66, 67, 72 tables. Arnold. W.Va -- Bingham, Pa—64, 05, 60, 67 Buffalo. Ohio 78 ird, N. Y..64, 65. Birch Run. W. Va 49 Burlingame. Ill 87 ii.l. Ill --- Bird. N. Y 64. 05 Burnsville, W. Va 49. 50 The majority of the time-tables show the west­ ison, Pa Black Fork Jet.. Ohio 85 Burrows, Pa 73 W.Va Blackland, 111 86 Burrowsville, 111 86 ward schedules under one table and the eastward as, Ohio. .17, 18, Black Lick. Ohio 43. 44 Burton. W. Va 51 Black Oak, Incl 41. 42 Bush River. Md 20 schedules under another, but in some instances the nta, 111 • Black Top Mine. Ohio.43, 44 Butler. Ohio ...35, 36 itlc, Pa Blackstone. Ill ._ 90 Butler, Pa 62. 64. 65. stations are placed in the middle of the table and i. Ohio Blaine, Ohio 77 66. 67 Blairs. Pa. „ 62 Butler's Mill, Ohio 89 . id, 111 • Blairton. VV. Va 33. 34 Butlerville. Ind-41. 42. 81. 83 the schedule westward or eastward, as the case urn, Ind Blanchester, Ohio..39. 40. 43, i -ta, Md Byers. Ohio 39, 40. 80 man, Ohio 44, 79 Byromtown, Pa 62, 63 may be, is followed by reading the figures down on Blaser. VV. Va .37. 38 Byron, W. Va 50 the left and up on the right. >ra, Ind.-.41. 42. Bliss. N. Y 64, 65 en, W.Va Blocher. Ind 12, 81, 83 ri. Pa Bloom, Ohio Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon is shown I'ark. Md.,.-- Bloomdale. Ohio 35, 36 isse, Mo Bloomingburg, Ohio.. 43. 44 by Light face figures, and time from 12.01 noon to „.. Md Bloomingdale, Ind. C i. Ind Bloomington. Ill .91, 92, 95 Cairo, Ohio 45, 46 on, IU Bloomington. Md 37, 38 Cairo. W. Va 37, 38 12.00 midnight by DARK face figures. Bloom Jet.. Ohio.. 85 Caledonia, N. Y 64, 65 Blue Bell. Ohio 78 Caledonia, Pa 73 Blue (reek. VV. Va 49 Callaway. Mo 97 Schedules of through trains, mostly in con­ Blufl Spring. Ill 87 Callery, Pa.. 33.62 Board Tree. VV. Va 51 B ^^^ Camargo, 111 86 densed form, are carried in the forepart of the Bolivia. Ill 86 Camba, Ohio 85 Babcock, Ind.------35, Bond Hill. Ohio 30. 10, 82 Cambridge, Ohio.. 11. 35. 36, folder, and all local service, including through Backus, Pa 0 1. 65, 66. Bonnie Brook, Pa. 62 43, 44. 76 I itOWOL, Ohio 35, Boody, 111 80 Camden-on-Gauley,W.Va. 50 trains, follow, the order of arrangement being from Bakerstown, Pa -33. Boothwyn, Pa. 20 Cameron. W. Va 19. 51 B liimore, Md.------1. - Boston Mill. Ohio _. 76 Camp. VV. Va 49 East to West. 5. 8. 10. 11. 13. 17. Botkins, Ohio 45, 40 Camp Wickham. VV. Va._ 31 19 20. 21. 22, 23, 24, Botzum, Ohio 76 Canaanville, Ohio 39. 40 29 30, 33, 34. 37. 38 Boughtonville, Ohio 33, 34 (anal Fulton, Ohio 77 Accompanying the time-table of through and 40, Boulder. VV. Va 54 Cannelburg. Ind 41, 42 Banner, Ohio ---- Boulevard Station 90 Canton, Ohio 76 semi-through trains is a statement of accommoda­ Bannister, HI 41' Bower. W.Va 49 Canton Scales. Ohio 76 Bannock, Ohio -- Bowling Green, Ohio 13, Capitol View. Md 27, 28 tions provided, such as sleeping cars, diners, coaches, Barberton, Ohio -33 45. 40 Capon Road, Va 29 Barker, Ohio. Bovd, Md... 27. 28 Carbon Centre, Pa 62, 66, etc., between the various points. Likewise, particu­ Barksdale. Md --- Braddock, Pa..17, 18, 33. 34. 67 Barlow, W. Va --- 00. (il Carbon Mine. Ill 41, 42 Bamard, Ind -- Bradford. Pa.. 15. 10. 04, 65, Carleton. Mich. 45, 46 lar notice should be given to the various symbols Barnesville, Md -27 00, 07. 72 Carlinville. 111. 91,99 Barnesville, Ohio 35, Bradford ton. 111. 87 Carlisle, Ohio 45, 40 carried at the head of and in the columns "of the 43, Bradshaw. Md... 20 Carlyle. Ill 41, 42 Barn Hill. Ill------Brady. Mrl... 37. 38 Carman, Pa 04, 65, 60, 67 time-table figures as they indicate exceptions and Bragg, Ohio 84 Carpenter, Del 20 Barrackvflle, W. Va Branchville. Md 23, 24 Carrcroft, Del 20 are usually explained at the bottom of the page on Barren Creek. W.Va Braxton, VV. Va 49 Carrington, Mo 97 Barrs. W. Va Bream, VV. Va. 49 Carrollton, 111 98 which the schedule appears. Branch line service is Bartholow, Md Breathcds, Md 30 Carthage, Ohio.. 45, 40 Hartley, 111 Breckenridge, 111 87 Cascade Park, N. Y...66, 67 indicated by italic type. Barton, Ohio Brecksville, Ohio __ 70 Caseyville, 111 41, 42 (Belmont Co.).- Breese, 111 41, 42 Casner. Ill _ SO Barton, Pa--- Bremen, Ind__ 33, 34, 35. 30 Cass, 111. _ 87 Bartonville. Va 12 STATION TABLE NO. STATION TABLE NO. STATION I STATION TABLE NO. STATION TABLE NO. STATION I .BUS N( Cassell, Ohio 43. 44 Costello, Pa 75 East Akron, Ohio.. 7. Flemington. W. Va 37, 38 Great Cacapon, VV. Va.33. 34 Hoult, VV. Va ., Cassellman, Pa 33. 34 Cottage Grove, Ind 90 East Butler, Pa 02, 64, 65 Flora, IU_- _12, 41, 42, 87, 88 Great Valley. N. Y 64, 65, Howenstein. (>hio_ . Catawba. VV. Va 50 Coulter. Pa 33. 34 Flushing, Ohio 77 Catoctin, Md 20, 27, 28, Cove Run, VV. Va 53 Fast Columbus, Ohio.-43, 41 Folsom, Pa 20 Greendale. Ill 41, 42 Hoytville, Ohio 33. 34 Covode, Pa 73 East Concord, N. V Folsom, VV. Va 50 Greene, Pa 73 Hubbard. Ill Cave Station. Va 29 Cowan, Pa 04, 05, 00, 07 East Cumminsville, Ohio. 82 Fombell, Pa 33. 34 Greenfield, Ohio 39, 40 Huey. Ill Cazenovia, 111 96 Cowaneeque, Pa 73 East Du Bois, Pa 73 Forest Glen, Md 27, 28 Green Ridge, VV. Va...33, 34 Hughes River, w. Va 52 < v, 11, w . Va 53 ( owden, 111 87 East Lexington. Va 29 Fort Defiance, Va 29 Green Spring, VV. Va_.31, 33, 11 nil. Pa 73 Cedar City, Mo.. 97 Cow. n. VV. Va- 50 East Madisonville, Ol Fort Ritner, Ind 41, 42 Hume, 111 86 Cedar Creek, Va 29 Cowenton, Md 20 Fort George G. Meade Greenville. Va 29 Hundred. VV. Va 51 Cedar Run. Ohio 84 Cox Landing, W. Va—47, 48 East Monroe, Ohio.. Junction, Md 23, 24 Green Valley, HI 99, 100 Huntington, VV. Va.7, '.7. is Centerton. (>hio 35, 30 Cozaddale, Ohio 39. 40 East Mosgrove, Pa_. 47th Street. Ill 90 Greenwich, Ohio. . . - Hunt, Ohio Central. VV. Va. 37. 3S Craigsville, Pa__04, 05. 66, 67 Fostoria, Ohio. 17, 18, 19, 33, Greenwood, W. Va 37. 3s Huron. hid _ Central!... Mo 94 Cramer, Pa 66, 6. East Norwood, Ohio 17, Is. 34, 35, 36 Grosvenor, Ohio Hutchins, Pa Centralia, VV. Va 50 Crawford, VV. Va 49 39, 40, 43, 44, 82 Fountaintown, Ind 90 Grove Citv, ( ihio 43, 44 Hut. hinson, VV. Va.. Century, W. Va... 51 Creekside, Pa 71 Easton, Ohio 33, 31 Foxburg, Pa 62 Groves, VV. Va 49 Hutton, Md . Century let., W. Va 54 Creels, W. Va 52 East Plumville, Pa 73 Frametown, VV. Va 49 Guion, Ind 80 Hyattsville, Md 23, 24 Ceredo, W. Va 47. 48 , Ohio. 77 East Salamanca. X. Y.15, 16, Frankfort, Ind 90 Curnev, 111 87 livers. VV. Va.. Chace. N. V 68 Creston. Ohio 33, 34 64, 05, 06, 67, 72 Frankville, Md ...37, 3S Guthrie, Mo 97 Hyndman. Pa 33, 34 Chambersville, Pa 71 Crestvue, Ohio 15, 46 East Sparta, Ohio 76 Frantz, Pa 73 Guyan lotte, VV. Va...47, Is Chapelle. W. Va 49 Cridersville, Ohio 45, 46 East Springfield. Ill 86 Frederick. Md„25. 20, 27, 28 Guysville, Ohio. 39, 40 Chapman, W. Va 49 Croft. Ill —99, 100 Fast St. Louis, 111 41. 42, Frederick Jet., Md 25, 26 Gwynneville, Ind 90 Charleston, VV. Va. .7. 17. 18, Cromwell, Ind 35, 30 Fredericktown, Ohio 35, 30 Gypsy, VV. Va 50 49, 77 Cross Fork Jet., Pa 73 Eaton, VV. Va 37. 38 Freedom, N. Y 64, 05 Charlestown, Ind..12, 81, 83 Crown, Pa 02 Echo, Pa „_64, 65 Freeman, N. Y 73 Iiamsville. Md 25 Charlestown, Ohio 33, 34 Crown City, VV. Va 47, 48 Eddystone, Pa 20 Freeport, Ohio 77 Ilchester. Md. Charles I own. VV. Va 29 Crow Summit, VV. Va 57 Eder, Md 20 French, VV. Va 33. 34 Indepen Chase. Ohio 89 Cuba, Ohio -.43, 44 Edgewood. Ill 87 French Lick, Ind 17, Is H Independence, W. Va.. Chenoa, 111 91, 95 Cumberland, Md...4, 13, 17. Ivlinburg, 111 87 Frenchton, VV. Va 49 Hagerstown, Md 26, 27. . Pa Cherry Run. VV. Va___33, 34 18, 19, 33, 34, 37, 38, 51 Eifort, Ohio Fritchton. Ind 41, 42 28, 30 Indiana Harbor. Ind. Cherry Springs, Pa 73 Cumberland, Ohio 78 Eighth Street, Ohio 82 Friendly, VV. Va 47, 48 Hale's Creek, Ohio 85 Indian (reek. Pa Chester, Pa.17, 18, 19,20,21, Cummings, Pa 71 Eighty-Four, Pa 43, 44 Friendsville, Md 59 Halethorpe, Md-._23. 24, 25 Indianapolis, Ind . 22 Cumminsville, Ohio 82 Elizabeth, N. J—1, 2. 17. Is. Frost, Ohio 39, 40 Halltown, VV. Va 29 Chewton, Pa 33. 34 Cunningham, VV. Va 31 19, 21. 22 Frost, Pa 62 Hallwood. VV. Va 47, 48 Inghams, Ohio Chicago, 111-1. 3, 0. 17, IS. 19, Curtin. VV. Va 50 Elizabeth, VV. Va 52 Fulton, Mo 97 Halsted Street. 111. 91, 95 tola. Ill S7 33. 34, 35. 30,90, 91. 92, 95 Custar, Ohio 45, 40 Elk City. Pa 02 Furman, 111 41, 42 Hamden. Ohio 39, Ira. Ohio 76 Chicora, Pa 62, 63 Custer, 111 90 Elkhurst, VV. Va 49 Hamilton, Ohio I Iron Citv, Pa 02 Chiefton, VV. Va 50 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio..33, 34 Elkins. VV. Va 49, 53. 54 luka. 111'. 41, 42 Child-. Md 20 Elklahd, Pa Hamilton. Pa_.04, 65 Ivorydale, Ohio 45, 16 Chillicothe, Ohio. .17. 18, 37, Elk Mills, Md 20, 21 Hamler. Ohio.- -.35, 30 38, 39, I". 80 Flk Ridge, Md. 23. 24 Gaines. Pa... 73 Hammond, 111 Chillum, D. C 27, 28 Ellenboro, VV. Va.— Gaines Junction, Pa 73 Hammond, Ind 90 Chrisman, 111 86 Fllerslie. Md Gainesville, X. V 04, 66 Hammond. VV. Va 51 Cincinnati, Ohio.2, 6, 8, 9, 10, Dabney, Ind_-.il, 42 . 81. 83 Ellicott Citv, Md... Gaither, Md 25 Hampshire Club. VV. Va— 31 11, 17. 18, 19, 37. 38. 39. Dana, Ind ... 86 Ellicottville, N. Y-_. Gaithersburg, Md 27, 28 Hampton. VV. Va 5.5 40, 11. 42. I Darby, Pa ... 20 Galatea, Ohio 35, 30 Hancock, Ohio Jack=on, Md Davis, Md 25 79, 81, 82, 83. 80. 90 Ellis, 111 I Galeton, Pa 73, 7) Hancock. VV. Va_-_32, 33, 34 [ackson, < >hio Cincinnati Jet., Ohio 39, 10, Davis, Pa III 73 Ellwood City, Pa 33, 34 Gallipolis, VV. Va 47, 4S Hannibal, VV. Va 45, 40, 82. 90 Davis. Va ... 29 Elm Grove, VV. Va 43, 44 Galmish, VV. Va 56 Hanover. Md iburg, w. Va. , Davisville. VV. Va _37, 38 Elmwood Place. Ohio__45, 46 Han-man, VV. Va • ill-. Ill . . Cisne, 111 88 Dawson, Md.. 37, 38 Cans, pa 50 Claremont, 111 41, 42 Flsmere Junction, Del 20 Gapland, Md 30 Hardys, X. V [acoba 1 Dawson. Pa -33. 34 Harmony, Del 20 Jaite, * >hio Clarington, W. Va 47. 48 Dayton, Ohio 9 45, 40 Flton. N. Y Garbutt, X. Y 04, 65 Clarion let.. Pa 62 Emblem. Pa 33, 34 Garfield, 111 96 Harmony, Pa 33, 34 lamison, Pa Clarksburg, VV. Va 17. 18, 37. Davton. Pa 64, 65 00, 07 Emmart, W. Va 49 Decatur, 111 10, 17, 18. 86 Garrett, 111 86 Harness, 111 99. 100 38, 49, 50. 66 Enfield, 111 Garrett. Ind___17, is, 19, 33. Harper's Ferry, W V a 17. Is. Ford, vv. Va 19 Clay, Ohio 85 Decatur, Va __. 29 Englewood (63rd St.) 19, 21 Clay, W. Va... 49 Deer Park Sta., Md.. .37. 38 Engle, VV. Va 33, 34 Garrett, Pa 33. 34 Clay City. 111.-- -41, 42 Defiance, Ohio. 17, is, 33, 34, Enterprise, VV. Va 50 Garrett Park. Md 2 7, 28 Harpers. Ohio 39, 40 on. Pa Claysville, Pa 43. 44 35, 36 Epworth Inn, N. Y„ Gary, Ind...3, 17, 18. 19. 33. Harris Ferry. W.Va jersey City, X. J 1. 2, 10, Clayton. Md. 20 , Ind.-41, 42 , 81, 83 Equity, Ohio 34, 35, 36 Harrisonburg, Va 29 ; Clements, VV. Va 53 D. L.& W.Jct., N. V- .04, 05 Erbacon, W. Va 50 Gassaway, VV. Va 49 Hartford. VV. Va 47, 48 Clendennin, VV. Va 49 Delhi, 111 ... 98 Ernest, Pa.. '1 1 lastonvule, Pa.. 43, 44 Hartland. VV. Va 49 lersevville. 111 Clevelands, Ohio 1, 5, 13. 17. Delhi, Ohio 41, 42. 81, 83 Etna, Pa 33, 62 Gatton Rock. Ohio 35, 30 Hartwell. Ohio 15, 16 . Md.. -. 18, 33. 34, 76, 77 Delphi, Ind ... 90 Ftowah, VV. Va Geff, 111 SS Hart/el. VV. Va 56 [ewettviUe, X. V Dents Run, Pa ... 73 C. .S_ M. Crossing, Ohio.. 78 Eureka. VV. Va 1Genesee, Pa 7 1 liar Wood. Md 23, 24 Johnson-. VV. C. C. C. & St. L. Cros­ Denver. VV. Va ... 51 Evans, 111 ..lie see Dock, X. Y 09 Haskins, Ohio 45, 40 iohnsonburg, Pa sing, 111. SS Deputy. Ind 12, 81. 83 Evans, Pa 50 Georgia, Ind 11, 42 Hastings, vv. Va 56 Cliffs, Del--- 20 Derby, Ohio .43, 44 Evans. VV. Va f>s Gepharts, Ohio, 85 Havana. Ohio 35, 36 Joliet. Ill Clifton, w. Va 47, is Derwood. Md .27, 28 Evans City, Pa --33, 34 Germania, Pa 73 Havre-de-Grace, Md 20 Joppa. Md Clo . Pa 71 Derrv Farm, 111 ... 86 Everett, Ohio --- '" Germantown, Md 27, 28 Haydon. Ind ll, 12 Jordan. VV. Va Clokey, Pa. ..43, 44 Deshler, Ohio—9, 13. 17. 18, Everson, VV. Va. 50 I lest Street. Ohio 45, 16 Hayward, Ohio 84 Junction. 111. Clopper. Md. .27, 28 19, 33, 34. 35, 30. 45. Exchange, VV. Va 49 ' obson. Ohio 43. 44 Haywood, VV. Va„ 50 Justus, Ohio ,. Coalton, Ohio 39. 40, 80 40, 89 Gibsoma, Pa 33. 62 Ha-elwood, Pa 33, 31. 43, Coburg, Ind 35, 36 Detroit, Mich 4, 9, 13. 17, 18. Gikeson, Pa .43,44 Cobourg, Ont 69 19, 45. 46 Gilfoyl, Pa 62 Heaters, VV. Va 50 Cochran, Ind...41. 42 Devereux, N. Y .64, 65 Gillespie, VV. Va 60 Heath. Ohio 43. 44 Cochran's Mills. Pa. ..43. 44 Dewey ville, Ohio ... 89 Gilmer, W. Va 49 Hecks. Pa 62 Coffman, VV. Va 51 Dickerson, Md .27, 28 Gilmore, 111 s7 Henrj ton, Md Dillon, Ohio .43, 44 Kanawha, VV. Coger, VV. Va 50 Fairchance, Pa 1 llasgow, Mo in I, Ohio 33, 34 Cold Springs, Ind 41, 42. Dillsboro, Ind..41, 42. 81, 83 Fairfield, 111 rlebe, VV. Va _ 31 Hibernia. Mo .( Ill Divener, Pa -.- 62 Kane, Pa 81. S3 Fairfield, Va 1Glenartney, Md 25 Hickox, Pa i 1 Colden. N. Y —66, 67 Dola. VV. Va 56 Fairhope, Pa ,.33. llencoe, Ohio 43. 44 Hicksville. Ohio 35, 30 I ity. Mo... Coii.ix. vv. Va Donaldson. VV. Va ... 31 Fairmont, VV. Va_ — Glencoe, Pa 33. 34 Mo 94 College Ave . Alton 91, 99 Donnelly, Pa ... 02 Glendale. Ohio 45 111 41. 42 Karns, Pa College Corner. Ind . 90 Dorfee, VV. Va ...49 Fairmont. Ohio 1 rlendon, Ohio 43. 44 Higginsville, Mo College Park, Md 23, 24 Dorsey, Md. .23, 24 Fairmount, Pa. Glendon, W. Va 49 • Collingdale, Pa 20 noui>; Md. 26 Fair Oaks. Ohio. Glen Easton, VV. Va 51 Highland. Ohio Columbia Park. Ohio. .41, 42, Dover. Ohio.- .70, 77 Fairpoint, Ohio 1 den Falls. VV Va 50 Highlan I, VV Va— _ Kellar. W. Va si 83 I ii in wood. Pa "3 Fairview. N. V rlen Roy, Ohio 39. 4~0, 80 Hifisboro, Ohio 79 Du Bois, Pa.-.15, 10, 1 K« ndall. Md Columbus. Ohio...11. 19.35, 64. 65. Falling Rock, .lenolden. Pa Hill-dale. 1,1,1 . Ml-- 36, 43. 44 66, 67 Falls Creek. P Glenshaw, Pa 33, 62 Hill. Ohio. Columbus c, ro>. Duffields. VV. Va .33, 34 Fancy Prairie, 111 ! ' denwood, Ind . 90 Hoblitzell, Pa 33. 34 ton, Md Commiskey, Ind....12. 81, 83 Dukes. VV. Va ... 57 Farmers. (Ihio Glenwood, X. V Hocking Vail, y ( rossing, ' acoid, Del Dunbar, Pa ... 50 Farmersville, X. V (denwood. Pa.-33, 34, 43. 44. • acord. Ind 35. 30 Duncan, 111 ... .ss Farmingdale, 111.. — 00. 01 vv. Va Confluence, Pa... .3 Duncan. VV. Va ... 57 Farmington, VV. Va— 1 denwood, VV. Va 47. 48 Ohio-- Dundas. Ohio Connellsville. Pa I, 13, 17, Is. .39. 40 Fcltonville. Pa 1Glover Gap, VV. Va. . 51 Hol'.i lav. Ill -• ! Dundon. VV. Va -.. 49 Fenelton, Pa. rf-dfrey, ill ',ii, 98 Connersville, Ind Durant, Ohio --. sj Fen-bank, Ohii a. VV. Va 1" Hoiloway, Ohio - i - - Con-tit in ion, I 'liio Durgon, VV. Va --. 31 Ferrin. Ill Goreuch. Md . 25 - Contee, Ml 23. 24 Duvall, Pa .43, 44 Fettern.an, VV. Va W. Va 31 Pa sk s, < thio 43, 41 Dwight, 111.. 91 95, 90 Fiery Siding, Md t.ralton, VV. Va. . 17 ik's Mills, Pa .33. 34 Ficklin, 111 Holton. Ind ng, \\ . Va - 52 F_ndlay. Ohio < rraham, VV. Va Ind Coolville. Ohio 39. 40 Finleyv-lle, P i Granite City, HI. 98 Homer, Ohio 33. 34 ft. Va 49 Finne. ' 'rant. pa ___ 73 nil. Md Corbett, Pa 73 Fire Brick. ( >hio • .ravel Bank. Ohio 84 Corinth. VV. Va 37. 3s N V 04. 05 Fitz Henrv. Pa • .ravel Pit. Ohio His. VV. Va._. Eagleport, Ohio 84 Flatwoods, V . Va 1 r rravelton. Ind ._ 80 Horatio. 1 Comwell, VV. Va 49 Eakle s Mills. Md 30 Fleming, Ind Gray, Md 25 STATION TABLE TABLE No. | STATION TABLE No. | STATION TABLE No STATION TABLE NO. STATION TABLE NO. Morriston, Ind — - — ----- Pleasant Corner, Ohio..43, 44 Rosedale, Md. 20 Knoxville. Md_._--2.0. 27. McMechen, W. Va 51 Pleasant Plain. Ohio...39, 40 Rosedale, Ohio .35, 30 McNeill, W. Va 31 M.& K. Junction, W.Va. Oak Crest. Md - .23. 24 Oak Hill. Ohio ... 85 Pleasant Plains, 111 87 Rosemont. VV. Va 37, 38 Knoxville. Pa— 73 McVeans, N. Y 64, 66 Moundsville. W.Va—-7. Pleasant Valley. Ohio..43. 44 Roses, Pa 62 Kmmroy, Ohio — '" Machias. N. Y -64, 65 Oakdale. Ind. -41. 42 si. 83 Pleasant Valley, Va 29 Rossiter, Pa 71 Makin, Pa. ------62 47, 48, Oakland, Md 19, 37, 38 Kylesburg, Ohio.. 43, 44 Mountain Lake Park, Oakley, Ohio.-17, 18. 39, 40, Pleasant View, W. Va..47, 48 Rossville, Md 20 Madeira, Ohio 39, 14, 82 37 Plumville, Pa 73 Rowlesburg, W. Va 37. 38 Madison Mills, Ohio — -43, 44 Md > 43, 4 1, 82 Roxbury. Md 30 Madisonville, Ohio.39. 40, 82 Mt. Airy, Md.- Oak Tree. Pa ... 71 Plymouth, Ohio 35, 30 Mt. Auburn, 111 ... 53 Poast Town, Ohio 45. 40 Roxbury. Ohio 84 Madge, Pa - 02 i > linen. W. Va Point Marion, Pa 50 Roxab.lle. Ohio 39, 40 Maggie, W. Va. 47, 48 Mt. Braddock, Pa 1 >. ... < )hio ... 77 Lackawanna, N. Y 66, 67 Mt. Crawford, Va ... 94 Point Mills. VV. Va 43. 44 Rusbville. Ind 0. 90 Lafferty, Ohio — 77 Magnolia, VV. Va 33, 34 Odessa, Mo Point Pleasant, VV. Va.7, 47. Russel City. Pa 62 Major. Pa- - 73 Mt. DeCh.iut. 1. " Odin. Ill .41, 42 Laird, Pa 06, 07 Mt. Jewett, Pa.64, 65, 06, ... 25 48 Russells, Ohio 79 Lake Lynn, Pa 50 Malta, Ohio -- 84 1 1.41.i. Md - Russellville, Ind 86 Mance, Pa 33, 34 Mt. Jackson Va.------O'Fallon, 111 .41. 42 Pointof Rocks, Md 20. 27, Lakewood, 111 »' ... 20 28, 33, 34 Lakin, W. Va 47, 48 Manchester, 111 98 ige Jet., Md..33. Ogden, Pa Mannington, VV. Va 19, 51 Mt. Sidney, Va - - Ohio (unction, Ohio.. 33. 34 Pontiac, 111 91. 95 Lamira, Ohio 43, 44 33, 34 Pontiac, Ohio 35, 36 Lamond. D. C—- —- 27. 28 Mansfield. Ohio 35, 30 Mt Sterling, Ohio. Ohio Pyle. Pa Mapes, N. Y 74 Mt. V.rnon. ( >hk>. ( >il Spring. Ohio ... 84 Polk. VV. Va 17. is St. Bernard, Ohio..39. 40. 82 Landenberg Jet., Pa....- 20 .33, 34 Poplar, Md.. 20 St. Denis. Md 23. 24, 25 Lanes Mills, Pa-04. 05, 66. 0, Maplewood. Ohio 45, 46 Mt. Winans, Md - ( Ikonoko, VV. Va Maplewood. Ind 86 Muhlhauser, Ohio . Old Portage, Ohio ... 76 Porters, VV. Va 49 St. Joe. Ind 35, 36 Lang, W.Va 47,48 Muirkirk, Md 1 45. 46 Porters Falls. VV. Va 50 St. Joe, Pa. 62 Maplewood, N. Y 64, 65 Old River Jet., Ohio.. Porterfield. Ohio .39. 40 La1_ldowie,Md::-:23.-|: 25 Marienville, Pa 62, 64 Mumford, Caledonia, Olney, 111-- --- 41, 42 St. Louis, Mo.-2, 11, 12. 17, N. Y ... 88 Portland. VV. Va -47, 48 18, 37, 3S, 41. 42. La Paz. Ind.—17.18. 33. Marietta, Ohio 17, 18, (imaha, 111 19, 76. 74 Munroe Falls, Ohio 33, 34 1, VV Va ... 50 Portsmouth, Ohio..39. 40. 85 52, 91, 98, 99 Marion Center, Pa 71 Minister, 111 ... 25 Post Mill. VV. Va 54 St. Louisville, Ohio 35. 30 La Paz Jet.. Ind 35, 30 Orange Grove, Md Potomac. Md 37. 38 La Place, 111-- 80 Mark Centre. Ohio 35, 30 Murdock, III Orchard Park. N. Y__ .66, 67 St. Marys, VV. Va 47, 48 Markleton, Pa. 33, 34 Murphy, Ohio 89 43. 44 Proctor. VV. Va .47. 48 St. Petersburg, Pa 02. 63 La Rose, 111 ----- 96 Orient, Ohio. — Prout. Ohio 35. 36 Laurel, Md — -23, 24 Marne, VV. Va 49 Murray Hill Switch, Orlando, VV. Va 49, 50 Sabina, Ohio. ...43, 44 Lawrenceburg, Ind.l/, 18, 41 Marriottsville, Md — 25 Ohio (irleans Road, W. Va_ 33, 34 Punxsutawney, Pa. 15, 16, 64, Sabinsville, Pa 73 42, 45, 40, 81, 83 Mars, Pa 33,62 Murray ville, 111 Ortiz. Mo ... 97 65, 60. 67. 71 Sabula. Pa--. 73 Lawrenceville, 111 41, 42 Marshall, Ind 86 Murrayville, v. i tsbernville. 111 ... 86 Pusher Siding. Pa 74 Sacramento. Ill 88 Lav ton. Pa 33, 34 Marshall, Mo 93. 94, Musselman, Ohio 39. 40 t to borne, Md ... 20 Putnam, Ohio 84 Sagamore, Pa 73 Lebanon, 111 41. 42 95, loo Myersville, Ohio. 76 ( is, ,,r. Pa 64, 65,66 . 07 Sago, VV. Va- 49, 55 Leesburg, Ohio 39, 44 Martinsburg, W. Va..l7, 18, Osceola, Pa ... 73 Salamanca, N. Y 72 19, 33, 34, 37, 38, 51 81, 83 Salem. Ill 41, 42, 52 Leipsic Jet., Ohio 45, 46 Osgood, Ind 41. 42, 81. 83 LeRoy. N. Y..15. 04, 05, OS Martinsville, Ohio 39, 40 hid 1-. )uaker Citv. Ohio 43, 44 Salem, VV. Va — 37. 38 Marysville, Ind 12, 81, 83 ,, Ohio Salesville, Ohio 43. 44 Leroy. W. Va — 5/ N _ueen Shoals, VV. Va 49 Salisbury Junction, Pa 33 Lesage, W. Va 47, 48 Mason City. VV. Va...47, 48 Ottawa Avenue, Ohio. .35, 30 Massillon, Ohio 77 Nabb, Ind 12 A. Va ... 49 Sandoval, 111 41, 42 Leslie. Md 20 S.md Patch, Pa 33, 34 Letart, W.Va. 47.48 Maynard, Ohio 77 Nansen, Pa . I < (uti rop. Pa. ... 50 R Meadowbrook, W. Va 50 Outing, VV. Va - ... 50 Sand Run, VV. Va 49 Lexington, Ohio 35, 3b Nappanee, Ind.33, 3 Sandusky, Ohio... 17. 18. 19, Lexington, Va ------29 Meadowdale, VV. Va 57 Outville, Ohio 43, 44 Raccoon, Ind 86 Meadow Run Wye, Ohio. 39, I I iverpeck, Ohio 45, 40 Rachel, VV. Va 51 35. 36 Lexington, Ind 12, SI, 83 Nebraska. Ind--41, l t Sandy Hook. Md-26, 27. 28. Liberty, Ind 90 40,80 Neffs. Ohio. i t Kvaneco, 111 ... 87 Rainbow, Ohio 84 Lick Island, Pa 73 MedixRun. Pa 73 Nelson, N. Y Owensport. VV. Va ... 52 Ramey, Ohio 33, 34 33 34 Medora, Ind. 41, 42 Oxford, Ohio .6. 90 Randolph. Md 27. 28 Sandyville. Ohio ' 76 Lillian, W. Va 53 Melvin, Ohio ...43, 44 Nelson Run, Pa 75 Rankin. Pa 33. 34. 60, 61 Sandyville, VV. Va — 57 Lima, Ohio 9. 45, 40 Memphis, Tenn 8. 9 Nevada, 111- _ Raphine. Va 29 Sangamon, 111 87 Lime Kiin, Md- 26 Mendota, Va 17, 48 New Albany, Ind... Rasselas. Pa...64, 65, 66, 07 San Jose. Ill 99. 100 Lime Rock, N. Y- ---64, 65 a P Limestone, N.Y.64, 6o, 66, 67 Meriden, W. Va 53 New Bloomfield, Mo Ravenna, Ohio 33, 34 . Md 23, 21 Lincoln, lil 91. 95 Merriam, Ohio 84 New Boston, Ol > Paden City. VV. Va—.47, 48 Raven Rock. VV. Va -.47, 48 Suvan, Pa 71 Linden, Md 27, 28 Metamora, 111 96 New Castle, Pa 1 Paint Mills. Pa 62 Ravenswood, VV. Va 7, 47, Saylor Park, Ohio 41, 42. Lindenwald, Ohio -.—45. 40 Metcalf, 111 86 Newcomcrstown, Oh: . I'n ley. W. Va 50 48, 57 81, 83 Mexico, Mo 93, 94, 95. New Concord, Ohio pal, tine. VV. Va - 52 R. S. & G. Junction, Schenck, Ohio. -.45. 40 Lincoln Park, N.Y 64.65,69 97, 100 Lindsey, Pa 04, 05, 66, 6] New Haven. Ohio .. Pana. IU- -.-„-_-.- |7 W. Va 47. 48, 57 Schooley's, Ohio 39, 40 Lintner, 111 A.-," SS Meyersdale, Pa 17, 18. New Haven, VV. Va. Paris. Ind 1A 81, 83 Rawlings, Md 37, 38 Scioto Furnace, Ohio 85 Linwood Cemetery, Ohio. // 33. 34 New Holland, 111 i Park. VV. Va — 53 Reader, W. Va 56 Sciotoville, Ohio 85 Little Falls, W.Va...- 50 Miami Grove, Ohio.39, 40, 82 New River Jet, Ohio. Parkersburg, VV. Va 7. 17. Red Diamond. Ohio...39, 40 Sciotoville Junction, Ohio. 85 Little Hocking, Ohio—-39, 40 Miamisburg, Ohio 15, 46 New Vienna, Ohio.. i 18. 19. 37. 38, 39, 40, 47. Reedville. Ind 90 Seippie, Ohio 35, 30 Littleton, W. Va 51 Middletown, 111 99, 100 Newark, Del 1. 48, 52. 57, 58. si. 85 Reedy, W Va._ 57 Scotland, III 86 Liverpool, W. Va — 57 Middletown, Ohio 45, 40 Parkers Landing, Pa_.-62, 63 Reel's Mill. Md 25 Scott Haven, Pa 33. 34 Lodi. Ohio... 33, 34 Middletown, Va 29 ! Parral. Ohio ---.- '< Reesville, Ohio 43, 44 Scottsvil.e. N. Y—.64. 65. 68 Long Creek, 111 80 Midland City, Ohio...17, 18, Newark, N. J...1, 2, 3, 10. 17. Relav, Md 23, 24, 25 Sealover, Ohio 84 39, 40, 43, 11 Pat-tt.k_da.Ohio---—--43. 44 Relief. Ohio 84 Long Reach. W.Va.-.47. 4S • Patterson Creek, W.Va 33, 34 Seaman, VV. Va 57 Long Run. W.Va 37. 3S Midmont, Pa- 00, 07 Newark, Ohio (Granville). 11, Remington. Ohio...39. 40, 82 Selbysport, Md.. 59 Loogootee, Ind 41, 42 Midvale, Ohio 77 19, 35. 1 Pavilion N. Y------Renfrew, Pa 62 Senecaville, Ohio 78 . Pa 64,65,66,67 Midvale, VV. Va.. 49 Newark, W. Va Pavulion Center. N. Y.64. 65 Rensselaer, Ind 90 Sewell. Md 20 Loop, W.Va 49 Milan, Ind 41, 42, 81, 83 Newburg, W. Va__.19, 37, 38 P1W Paw, VV. Va 33, 34 Republic, Ohio 35, 36 Seymour, Ind 12, 41, 42 Lore City, Ohio 43, 44, 78 Milford Jet.. Ind 35, 30 Newneld Junction, Pa 74 Peart"Creek. N.Y 64. 65 Ribold. Pa 62 Shady Side, VV. Va 49 Loreley, Md — 20 Millbrook, Va 29 Newlon, VV. Va__ __ 55 Peek's Run. VV. Va 54 Richland, 111 87 Shaner. Pa 33, 34 Lost Creek, W. Va 50 Miller. Ind 35, 30 Newman, 111 Pekin! Ill—-----93.99.100 Richland. Ohio ..39, 40 Sharpslmrg, 111 87 Loudenville, VV. Va 51 Millersport, VV. Va 47, 48 New Market, Va j Richmond, Va 21, 22 Shattuc. Ill 41, 42 Lounsburg, Ohio 82 Millersville, 111... 87 New Marshfield, Ohio..39, 40 Pembroke. W.Va.. 49 Richmondale, Ohio. 80 Shawneetown, 111 88 Louis, 111 87 Milligan, Ind_. 80 New Martinsville, V\ Penficld Pa 73 Rich wood, VV. Va 50, 50 Sheffield Junction, Pa 62 Louisiana, Mo 93, 95, 100 Milliken, VV. Va 49 47, 48" 5fj Ridgway, 111 88 Shelby. Ohio 35. 36 Mill Shoals, 111 88 BJ^^VL::::«7.B Louisville, Ky 2, 8, 9, 11, New Orleans, La j Ridgway, Pa...64. 05. 66, 67 Shelby Junction, Ohio_35, 30 12, 17. 18, 37. 38. Mil-vale, Pa 33, 62 Ridley Park, Pa 20 Shelton, VV. Va 49 Millville, W. Va 29 New Palestine, Ind 90 45, 40, 81, S3 New Philadelphia, Ohio 77 Perrysburg. Ohio 45.40 Rifle. Ill 87 Jet., VV. Va —17, Loveland. N. Y 66, 67 Millwood, W. Va.,47, 48, 58 Newport. Ohio Petersburg, W. Va 31 Rinard, 111 88 18, 19, 33. 34 Loveland, Ohio 39, 40, 43. Milmont, Pa 20 Rinehart, W. Va 50 Newton halls, Ohio... 33" 34 Petrea, Ohio- — »a Sheridan. Ind 90 Milton, Ohio 45, 46 New York, N. V 1 Rinn, Pa.. 73 Sherman. Ill 99. 100 Lovett, Ind.- 12, 81*. 83 Mineral, Ohio 39, 40 10, 17. IS. Petroleum. W. Va 37, 38 Riplev, Ind 35, 30 Sherman. VV. Va 47, 48 Low Point, 111 90 Mineral City, Ohio 70 Petrolia. Pa--- £7 Ripley, W. Va. 58 Sherwood, Ohio 35, 30 Lowell, Ohio 84 Mineral Siding, Ohio..43, 44 Nichola, Pa 64, 65 Rittman, Ohio ..33, 34 Minnie, VV. Va 50 Nichols. N. Y Philadelphia. Ill—------8/ Shinnston.W.Va 50 Lowellviile, Ohio 33, 34 1, iU , a l Ritts, Pa 62 Shippenville, Pa 02 Lucasville, Pa..64, 65, 66, 07 Mint Spring, Va 29 Nicolett, W. Va_. " '1'; "7 ',s it«;,--p.;::::«;f Rocks, VV. Va 31 Simpson, VV. Va 37, 38 M Montezuma, Ind 80 Northside, Oh Rockton, W. Va 49 McCIamont, Pa f2 I Montgomery, Ind 41, 42 Singerly, Md 20 44 Montgomeryville, P North Street, Le Ro. v Rockville, Md 27. 28 Sinnemahoning, Pa 73 McClainsville, Ohio N.Y ffi»S:. »::::|f.| Rockwood, Pa... 33, 34 Sir John's Run. VV. Va_33, 34 McComb, Ohio 89 | 06. 67 North Salem, Ind Rodemer. VV. Va .37. 38 Sistersville. W. Va..7, 47, 48 McCool, Ind 36 Monticello, Ind 90 North Sewickl 73 Moonville, Ohio 39, 40 Rohrersville, Md 30 Sixty- Third Street, McCormiok. Pa North Takoma Chicago, 111 17. 18, 19. . HI. Ill SO Moorefield, VV. Va 31 North Vernon & ,8. -0.00.61. Roland. Ill SS McCrays, Pa 62 Moore's Hill. Ind 41, 42, Rollyson, VV. Va 50 33, 34, 35, 36. W ie, Mo. 97 45 Roman, Ohio 85 Slate, VV. Va 52 McHenry, Ohio L. Norton, VV.'Va'- '" j u N Y Romney, VV. Va 31 Slater, Mo.. —94. 95, 100 McKeesport, Pa...17, Nova, Ohio.-. Pi&fc,rN r:- iv f| Rood house. 111 « nek, W. Va.-33, 34 84 Moore s Junction, Ohio.. 84 Slocum's, t >hio 85 34, 33, Morgan, Md 25 Norwood, Ohio 3" Plane No. 4, Md ' 25 95, 9 ( 1 | Morgantown, VV. Va 50 Roseby Rock, VV. Va 51 Smicksburg, Pa

16 STATION TABLE NO. j STATION TABLE No. STATION TABLE NO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES OF Smithburg, VV. Va 37, 38 Tuscola, 111 80 Wellsboro, Ind 35, 30 Srnithdale, 111 96 Tuscarora, Md 27, 28 Wellston, Ohio.39, 40, 80, 86 THROUGH TRAINS Smithfield, Pa 50 Twightwee, Ohio...39, 40, 82 Wellsville, N. Y 74 Smithfield, VV. Va 50 Twin Oaks. Pa 20 Wenona, 111 96 Smithton, Pa 33, 34 Tygart Junction,W.Va-53, 54 West Alexander, Pa 43, 44 TABLE No. The Capitol Limited Snowden, Pa 43, 44 Tyler, Pa 73 West Baden. Ind 17. 18 Air Conditioned Train Somerfield, Pa 59 Tylersburg, Pa.. 62, 03 West Baltimore, Md..23, 24, (Read Down) Sonora, Ohio 43, 44 25 For through car service, see pages 25 and 29. (Read Up) South Chicago, 111.17. 18, 19, West Bingham, Pa 74 5 33. 34. 35. 30 Westboro. Ohio 79 STATIONS 6 South Cedar City, Mo 97 West Columbia, W. Va.47. 48 Daily Daily New York (Motor Coach Service) South Hammond, Ind 90 West End, W. Va 37, 38 AM PM South Park, Ohio 70 U West Falls. N. Y 00, 07 10.00 Lv.42nd St. Station (opposite (.rand Central ith Pekin, 111 99, 100 Westernport, Md. (opp. Terminal and Commodore Hotel) Ai 2.37 Southside. Ohio. 45, 40 Uffington, W. Va 50 . W.Va.)-.37, 38 9.50 Lv Columbus Circle Station Ar 2.42 South Webster, Ohio 85 Uhrichsville. Ohio 77 Westfield, Pa 73 10.00, Lv 33rd Street Station Ar 2.35 Sparksville, Ind 41, 42 Undercliff, Pa... .33, 34 West Huntington, Brooklyn (Motor Coach Service) Speedway, Ind 80 Union Centre, Ind 35, 30 VV. Va 47. IS 9.55 Lv Joralemon Street Station Ar 2.39 Spern it, VV. Va 57 Uniontown, Pa 50 West Junction, Ohio,..39, 10 10.45 Lv New York (Jersey City Station) Ar 1.55 Speidel, Ohio 43, 44 University, D. C 27, 28 West Marietta, Ohio 84 10.40 Lv— Newark (Motor Coach Connection) ..Ar 1.58 S|K>ttswood, VV. Va 29 Upland, Pa 20 Westmore, Md 27. 2s 11.01 Lv Elizabeth, N. J Vr 1.38 Spread, VV. Va 49 Ursina, Pa 33, 34 Westmosgrove, Pa 04. 65, 12.42 Lv Philadelphia Ar 11 ^s Springer, 111 .. 88 Utica, Ohio 35. 36 2.38 Lv Baltimore (Mt. Royal Station) Ar| 10.01 Springfield, 111 10, 17, IS. Weston, Ohio 45, 40 2.45 Lv Baltimore () 86, 87, 91. 93. 95, 99, 100 Weston. VV. Va 50, 50 3.50 Lv Washington Springfield, VV7. Va 31 West Newton, Pa.-__.33, 34. AM9.00 Ar. Chicago —Lv PM1.45' Springville, N. Y...66. 67. 72 60, 01 '". :.idard, N. Y 74 West Romney, W. Va 31 Standing Stone, VV. Va... 52 V West Union, W. Va...37. 38 TABLE No. 2 The National Limited Stanley, Pa 64, 65, 66, 67 Valencia. Pa 33, 34 West Valley, N. Y 66, 67 Air Conditioned Train Stanton, Del 20 Valier, Pa 64, 05, 00, 07 For through car service, see pages 25 and 29. Star City, VV. Va 50 Valley Falls, VV. Va 51 Cent. Jet., W. Va_..37, 3S Staunton, Va 29 Weverton, Md 26, 27, Valley Junction STATIONS 2" Stephens Citv. Va. 29 (Tuscarawas Co.), Ohio. 70 28. 30, 33, 34 Pail; Stephenson, Va 29 Wharton, Pa 73, 75 Vallonia, Ind .41, 42 PM New York (Motor Coach S r_ Stepney, Md.. 20 Vanatta, Ohio 35, 30 Wheatland, Ind 41, 42 12.25 42nd St. Station (opposite Grand I Sterling, Ohio -.33, 34 Van Bibber, Md 20 Wheatland, N. Y 64, 65 Terminal and Commodore Hotel) Ai 1.37 Stewart. Ohio 39, 40 Vandalia, Ohio 45. 40 Wheeling, VV. Va 7, 11. 12.17 Columbus Circle Station A: 1.42 Sti\lwater. Ohio 77 Van VIeet, N. Y 73 19. 35. 36, 43, 44, 47. 12.25 33rd Street Ar, 1.34 Stockport, Ohio 84 Van Wood, 111 .99, 100 48, 51. 53. 50, 77 Brooklyn (Motor Coach Service) Stockton, Ohio 45, 46 Varna. Ill 90 Whitehall, 111 9S 12.22 Joralemon Street Station 1.42 Stone, Ohio. — 84 Vauces-Ruples, Ohio 80 Whitfield, Ohio ..45, 40 1.15 New York (Jersey City Station) A 12.55 Stone Siding, Ohio 78 Vaucluse, Va 29 Whitney, Ohio 43, 44 1.10 . Newark (Motoi Coach Connection) . _Al 12.57 Storrs, Ohio 41,42,45. 1 Velma. Ill 87 Wild wood. Pa.. 33. 34 1.33 Elizabeth, N. J 12.37 81, 83 Venice, III 98 Willard, Ohio 4. 17, 18, 3.10 Philadelphia HOC Strader, VV. Va 49 Verona. Va 29 19, 33, 34, 35, 30 5.04 Baltimore (Mt. Royal Station) 9 06 Str.t.ige Creek. VV. Va 49 Versailles. Pa...33. 34, 00, 01 Williams, Pa. (Jefferson 5.12 Baltimore (Camden Station) 8.58 asburg, Ohio 77 Vienna. Pa 43. 44 Co.), Pa 00. 07 6.15 Washington 8.00 asburg, Va 29 Vienna, VV. Va 47, 48 Williams. Pa. (Somerset 8.18 Winton Place (A). 6.20 Strasburg Junction, Va... 29 Vigo, Ohio 39, 40 Co.) 33, 34 8.45 Cincinnati . _L\ 5.55 Streator. Ill 96 Villa Nova. VV. Va 49 Williamstown, W.Va.7, 47. 48 9.05 5.40 Streights. Pa. 06, 07 Cincinnati Vincennes, Ind 12, 17. 18, Willock. Pa 43, 44 11.10 Louisville l.v 1.20 Sullivan. Ohio.. 33, 34 41, 42 Willow. Ohio 70 11.40 Lv Suman, Ind 35, 30 Indianapolis Vineyard, Md 25 Willow Creek. Ind 35, 30 PM4.05 St. Louis L. Summerfield, 111 41, 42 Virginia, 111 87 Willow Grove, VV. Va..47, 48 Summit, Ohio 43, 44 Virginia Junction, 111 87 Willow Island, VV. Va_-47, 4S A Station Spring Grove and Clifton A Summit Point, VV. Va 29 Viropa, VV. Va 50 Willow Valley, Ind 41, 42 Sumner, 111 41, 42 Vowinckel, Pa 02 Wilmer, Ohid 35, 36 Sunnyside, Md 23, 24 Wilmington, Del.-10, 17, 18, TABLE No. 3 The Limited Siiter, Pa 33, 34 19, 20, 21. 22 For through car service, see pages 26 and 30. Sw.m Creek, Md 20 Wilmington, Ohio 43, 4 ! 25 26 -swanders, Ohio 45, 40 Wilsonburg, W. Va 37, 38 STATIONS Swanton. Md 37, 3S Winchester, Va 29 Daily Swift. Ohio 84 Winkel. Ill 99, 100 AM New York (Motor Coach Service) PH Bykesville, Md 25 W Winterburn, Pa 73 7.45 Lv_42nd St. Station (opposite Grand Svkesville. Pa_.04. 05, (iO, 07 Wadesville, Va 29 Winton Place (Ohio Terminal an 1 Commodore Hotel) Ar 10.25 •ymmes, Ohio 39. 40, 82 Wadsworth. Pa.04. 65. 66, 67 Division), Ohio___2. 17, 18 7.35 Lv .Columbus Circle Station Ar 10.35 Syracuse, Ind..33. 34, 35. 30 Walgrove. VV. Va 49 39, 40, 43, 44. 82 7.40 Lv 33rd Street Station Ar 10.28 - Walker. VV. Va 37, 38 Winton Place (Toledo Brooklyn (Motor Coach S Walkers, N. Y 68 Division). Ohio..45, 7.35 Lv Joralemon Street Station Ar 10.28 - Walkersville. VV. Va... 49 Wolf Summit. VV. Va 8.27: Lv New York Jersey City Station) Ar 9.55 - Walkerton, Ind_33, 34. 35, 36 Woodbine, Md 25 8.20 Lv.. Newark (Motor Coach Connection) --At 9.57 . Wallace. VV. Va 50 Woodbine, VV. Va — 50 10.20 Lv.. Philadelphia Ar 8.02 . Walton. Pa 74 Woodland, VV. Va 47, 48 12.18 Lv Baltimore (Mt. Royal Station) Ar 5.57 . Wapakoneta, Ohio. .9, 45, 46 5.48 - T Woodlawn, Ohio 45. 40 12.25 Lv Baltimore (Camden Station) Ar Wapocomo, VV. Va 31 Woodmont. VV. Va 33, 34 1.30 Lv Washington Ar 4.40- Tacoma. Ohio 43, 44 Ward, Md 27. 28 Wood River, 111 9.10 Ar Pittsburgh - Lv Takoma Park, D. C.-.27, 28 Waring. Md 27, 28 9.30 8 50 . Woodside, Md Lv. Pittsburgh ---Vr 1 lavlor. Ohio 43. 44 Warnock. Ohio 43, 44 Woodson. Ill 11.46 Lv Youngstown -Vr 6.30 . raylorstown, Pa 43, 44 Washburn. Ill 96 Woodstock, Md 25 12.58 Lv Akron Ar 5.20 . taylorville, 111 87 Warsaw. N. Y..15. 04, 05, OS Woodstock, Va 29 a 6 59 Lv... Garv (C. T.) Ar 9.32 . reegarden, Ind. 35, 30 Warwick. Ohio 33, 34, 77 Worthington. VV. Va 50 AM8.05 Ar Chicago Lv F.8.30 . ><•, Pa 74 Washington Avenue Wylandville. Pa 43, 44 1 Stops on sicnal to discharge passengers fr( and stations east or point Ten Mile. VV. Va 55 (St. Louis), Mo 41, 42 Wyoming, N. V irk Di%-isio Terra Alta. VV. Va 19, 37. Washington Avenue 98, 99 Wyoming-Lockland. Washington Court, House, Ohio... 45. 46. 90 Terra Cotta, D. C 27, 28 Ohio 43, 44 TABLE No __L Between Washington and Detroit Thomas. l>a 43, 44 Washington, D. C.l, 2. 3. 4 Tiffin. Ohio 17. 5. S. 10. 11. 13. 17. IS. ' ^ Between Pittsburgh and Detroit 34. 35, 30 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 2 1. 27 For through car service, see pages^gjind 30. 26 Tilden. Ind SO 29. 30. 33. 34. 37, 38, I 19 Ridge, Va 29 Xenia, 111 41, Ohio . VV ashington Grove. Md.27. 2s •>• •• Washington, HI 90 H. PM 1 ippecanoe City, Ohi Washington, Ind...12. 41, 42 I F_ , 4.40 4.05 Lv. Washington.-. _8.5_6 1 Ihio 43. 44 Washington, Pa... 11, 43. 44. 1.06 .. Ohio 4.9. 13, 17. 47. 48 7.33 Lv. Cumberland— IS. V Washington. VV. Va.._47, 48 9.58 Lv. Connellsville—. __r^ te. VV. Va_. - Waterford, Ohio . Youngstown, Ohio...3, 4, 13 11.27 Ar. Pit I -'.arch. .. •lv, Ohio... Watersville, Md 25 17. IS. 33. 3- 11.40 Lv. Pitts! urgh 1.45 Lv. 11.41 Mill. Ohio Watson, hid 12, si. 83 10.28 Hill, 111 s; Watson, Pa 3.02 Lv. . Vkron Vr.. Clev land 9.15 • itv. Pa 73 VV atters. Pa 8.56 6.30 Waverly. \V. Va 47. 4S 111 41, 42 T ' 6.45 1, Ohio Wawasee. Ind—33, 34. 35. 30 Zaleaki. Ohio 5.00 - Wayland, Ohio 33, 34 Zanesville. Ohio PM Wavne Junction, Pa—17. 18, 35. 3e. i * 1 in, Ind 1'.'. 21. 22 Zediker. Pa ". Weed ville. Pa 73 Zelienople, Pa .. M. time. PM A Va 49 01 Ss Pa '-

17 New York, Cincinnati, Memphis CONDENSED SCHEDULES OF TABLE No. 3 THROUGH TRAINS and New Orleans (Read Down) (Read Up) — Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, 5 3 3 1-57 57 4-104-54 102 103 51 101 101 38-18 52-4 TABLE NO. 5 Akron and Cleveland 103 1 PM PM AY AM "PM (Read Down) (Read Up) 5.10 12.2. 5 0.0 Lv__New York. 42nd St. Sta__Ar 5.00 ..... 5.00 12.17 0.0 Lv.New York, Columbus Circle Sta.Ar 5.05 --- 20-6 5.10 12.25 0.0 Lv.. New York. 33rd St. Sta. .Ar 5.00 .-.-- 9 7 Daily 5.08 12.22 0.0 Lv. Brooklvn (Joralemon St.) -Ar 5.03 ..... Daily Daily 7.57 3.10! 90.9 Lv Philadelphia, Pa Ar 2.24 ---. PM "ST AM 9.56 5.041 - 1 -.-. 3 l.v.Baltimore (Mt. Royal), Md.Ar 12.36 ..-- 8.55 11.55 10.05 5.12' 186 8 Lv. Baltimore (Camden). Md .Ar 8 15 12.28 ..... 4.54 Lv - Philad elphia Ar 223.6 Lv Washington. D. C Ar 11.30 ..... 10.47 6.52 Lv Baltimore (Mt. Royal Station) Ar 10 ! 11-0" 6.15 7.15 10.55 7.00 Lv Baltimore (Camden Station) Ar 9.53 2.4. 8.45 775.0 Ar Cincinnati. Ohio Lv 12.50 9.45 12.01 8.00 Lv -Washington —-Ar 8.56 7.30 2.55 9.05 6' 40 775.0 Lv Cincinnati. (E. T.) Ar 12.15 9.20 11.10 904.8 Ar...Louisville. Ky. (C. T.)_-Lv 7.50 5.20 11.42 7 00 Ar... .Akron. Lv 10.28 9.45 5.05 11.10 1-12.501 Ar Cleveland — Lv 9.15 10.00 10. 12.30 12.30 1904.8 Lv.Louisville, Ky. (III. Cent.)-Ar 7.40 5.15 8 15 11.05 Ar_ Memphis, Tenn Lv 8.55 7.25 PM AM PM 8 35 8.35 11.05 2.57 2.57 4.55 4.55 Ar Jackson, Miss Lv • 2.40 1.30 THROUGH CAR SERVICE PM7.50 PM7.50 AM9.45 'AM9.45 I Ar. New Orleans. La. (C. T.) .Lv AM*10.00 PM8-40 No. 7—Drawing-room Sleeping Car from Philadelphia anil Compartment Drawing-room Car Waging Nos. 53-103—Drawing-room Sleeping Car. Cincinnati to Memphis and New OrleanL Nos. 57-101, 1, 2, 52-4—Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Louisville, Memphi ton to Cleveland. and New Orleans. All Meals served in Dining Cars. No.20—Drawing-room and Compartment Sleeping Cars Cleveland to Washington and Baltimore. Nos. 4-104-54—Drawing-room Sleeping Car, New Orleans and Memphis to Cincinnati Note—Train No.20 terminates at Washington, Coach passengers for Baltimore and Philadelphia change at Washington to train No. 6 New Orleans, Louisville, Cincinnati, 9 Dayton, Deshler, Toledo and Detroit TABLE No. 6 Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Chicago 55 3-51 46 48 Miles. STATIONS Lv.New Orleans. La. (C. T.) -Ar PM AM AM PM Lv. Jackson, Miss Ar 10 15 • 9.15 0.0 Lv Cincinnati (E. T.) Ar 9.4) 8 55 Lv Memphis, Tenn Ar 11 01 10 0! 25.5 Lv Hamilton Ar 8.47 8.05 Ar Louisville, Ky Lv 11.3 10.35 39.6 Lv -.. Oxford Ar 8.22 7.4( *11.40 Lv Louisville (7th St. Sta.)(C. T. )A 5.05 11 ?l 10.1) 67.3 Lv Connersville (C. T.)__ Ar 6.33 R 55 7.43, Ar Cincinnati (E. T.) .Lv _2.55 11 41 10.44 85.2|Lv Rushville. -.Ar 6.05 5.71 ~O0 . Ar 2.05 11.4) 124.6 Ar Indianapolis Lv Lv Cincinnati (E. T.) 12 4S 5 1) 4 Jfi 10.19 Lv Hamilton.. A 1.12 1 0) 12 0) 124.6 Lv Indianapolis (Monon) Ar 5.0) 4.75 Ar 12.10 308.1 Ar Chicago Lv 11.15 Lv Dayton 6.10 4.25 12.01 •12.01 11.48 Lv. Troy -Ar 11.26 AM PM AM NOON 12.03 Lv Piqua _A 11.10 12.21 Lv Sidney Ar 10.55 THROUGH CAR SERVICE 12.56 Lv Wapakoneta .Ar 10.24 No. 48 Chicago Day Express—Coaches Cincinnati to Chicago. Club-Dining Car Cincinnati 1.25 Lv... Lima .Ar 10.02 Indianapolis. Dining Car Indianapolis to Chicago. Observation Parlor Car Indianapolis 2.32 Ar Deshler _Lv 9.05 Air Conditioned Drawing-room SleepingCar Washington to Indianapolis (from National Limltei 2.32 Lv Deshler _.Vr 9.05 Train No. 1). 3.35 Ar Toledo (E T.) l.v > 8.00 No. 46 —Drawing-room Sleeping Car (open 9.45 P. M.) and Coaches, Cincin Ar.Detroit (P. M. R'y) (E.T.) .Lv 'nati to Chicago. "PM" "AM"" No. 49—Coaches Chicago to Cincinnati. Dining Car Chicago to Indianapolis. Observation Parlo No. 54—"GREAT LAKES LIMITED." Individual Seat Coaches and D. R. Parlor Car- Car Chicago to Indianapolis. Club-Dining Car Indianapolis to Cincinnati. Air Conditions Louisville and Cincinnati to Detroit. Dining Car, Louisville to Cincinnati. Cafe Loung rawing-room Sleeping Car Indianapolis to Washington (on The Train No. 4 from Cincinnati Car, Cincinnati to Detroit. Sleeping Cars, New Orleans and Memphis to Louisville. No. 55—Coaches, Toledo to Cincinnati. No. 45—Drawing-room Sleeping Car and Coaches. Chicago to Cincinnati. Ready for occupancy i No. 53—"GREAT LAKES LIMITED." Individual Seat Coaches, Drawing-room Parlo Dearborn Station at 10.00 P. M. Parlor-Dining Car serves breakfast Indianapolis to Cincinnati. Car and Cafe Lounge Car, Detroit to Louisville. Sleeping Cars, Cincinnati to Memphi and New Orleans. No. 50—Drawing-room Sleeping Car, Louisville to Cincinnati. Coaches, Cincinnat TABLE No. 7 to Toledo. No. 57—Drawing-room Sleeping Cars and Overnight Reclining Seat Coach, De tp.it and Toledo to Dayton. Cincinnati and Louisville, open in Detroit for occupanc. Pittsburgh and Wheeling to Parkersburg, 10.00 P. M. Sleeper may be occupied at Dayton until 8.00 A. M. Sleeping Car, Toledo to Cincinnati and Louisville open for occupancy 9.30 P. M. Dining Car, Cincinnati to Huntington, Charleston and Kenova Louisville, Air Conditioned, Drawing-room Sleeping Car, New York to Louisville No. 58—Drawing-room Sleeping Cars, Louisville and Cincinnati to Toledo and Detroi Miles. STATIONS (open at Cincinnati 10.00 P. M.); also Dayton to Detroit (open 10.00 P. M.). Toledo 77 Sleeper may be occupied until 8.00 A. M. Parlor Dining Car, Louisville to Cincinnati ~PMT AM PM PM Louisville-Toledo Sleeping Car handled in Train No. 52 Louisville to Cincinnati, thence * 6.20 0.0 Lv_.Pittsburgh, Pa. (E. T.)..Ar 10.20 I rain No. 58 to Toledo. Overnight Reclining Seat Coach, Louisville and Cincinnat 8.50 •Too 07 i Lv Wheeling, VV. Va Ar to Toledo and Detroit. 78.7 T.6 7.56 9.28 6.31 Lv Moundsville Ar 3.19 7.28 Nos. 11-59—Sleeping Car. Cincinnati to Louisville. May be occupied at Louisvill 10.15 7.23 105.1 Lv New Martinsville Ar until 7.30 A. M. 114.8 2.25! 6.43 10.40 7.55 Lv Sistersville A 1.56 6.21 No. 52—Coaches and Dining Car. Louisville to Cincinnati. Air Conditioned, Dr; 11.36 9.07 146. i Lv. Williamstown (Marietta) A 5.23 ing-room Sleeping Car, Louisville to New York on The Diplomat. Drawing-room 12.10 161.2 Ar-Parkersburg (Ann St. Sta.) Lv 12.40 9.35 •12.15 5.1" Sleepers, Louisville to Toledo. 8T "8? 161.2 12.25 2.00 i 6.20 Lv.Parkersburg (Ann St. Sta.).Ar 2.30 4.50 New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington 1.21 3.09 8.00 195.8 Lv Ravenswood Ar TABLE No. 11.15 240.1 12.05 3.42 2.55 4.50 Lv Point Pleasant..- —IA 8.15 2.22 Indianapolis and Springfield Ar.Charleston (N. Y. C. R. /..)_/. For Through Car Service, see pages 25 and 29. 4.25 1.40 Ar__. - _ Huntington Lv 1.10 1 4 8.50| Ar.Charleston (C. fe» O. R. R.)ZLV H___>' 12.50 Daily STATIONS 10.4. ~PM Daily 5.00 6.45 Ar Kenova, W. Va. Lv PM t 5.40 112.45 12.25 AM PM Lv New York, 42nd St. Sta Ar 5.00 AM PM 12.17 Lv- New York, Columbus Circle Sta -Ar 12.25 5.05 Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee nenres ,.. ,,. t,Be# Lv New York, 33rd Street Sta Ar 5.00 12.22 Lv Brooklyn, Joralemon St. Sta Ar * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. I Except Saturday. * C-.J 1.15 5.03 Lv Jersey City.- Ar 4.17 THROUGH CAR SERVICE 1.10 Lv Newark, N. J _ Ar 4.19 Nos. 33-73—Parlor Dining Car Wheeling to Parkersburg and Pittsburgh to Cincinm.n i _• • 3.10 Lv. _ Philadelphia Ar 2.24 Seat Coach Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. Partitioned Coach Wheeling to Kenova mnatI- Individua 3.43 Lv Wilmington Ar 1.52 No. ''7—Individual Seat Coach Pittsburgh to Kenova. Sixteen Section SWn,n„ r 5.04 Lv Baltimore (Mt. Royal) Ar 12.36 to Charleston (via Huntington and C. & O.). Twelve Section Drawing-room Sleeni£, r P'ttab<"-Rl 5.12 Lv Baltimore (Camden) .Ar 12.28 Pi bursl 6.15 Lv Washington Ar 11.30 t. Huntington (May be occupied until 7.30 A. M.) Dining Car Pittsburgh"toAVhedL " " 8.45 No. 78-Partitioned Coach Kenova to Pittsburgh. Sixteen Section Sleeping Car rv, , Ar Cincinnati Lv 9.45 arloston 11.40 Ar. Indianapolis Lv 4.35 Pittsburgh (via C.&O. to Huntington!. Twelve Section Drawing-room Sleen^ r. u 4.55 Pittsburgh, ready for occupancy 9.30 P. M. Dining Car Wheeling to Pittsburgh Huntmgton to Ar Decatur. Lv 11.10 6.15 Ar Springfield L 9.50 Nos. 72-38—Partitioned Coach Kenova to Wheeling, Individual Seat Cmrl, UN, i- AM Parlor Dining Car Parkersburg to Wheeling and Cincinnati to Pittsburgh. Wdeelln2 to Pittsburgh PM No. 74—Partitioned Coach Parkersburg to Wheeling. Light-face figun Blaek-faee Bg-ures P. M. tim« * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. § Sunday only. 19 20 CONDENSED SCHEDULES OF THROUGH TRAINS CONDENSED SCHEDULES OF THROUGH TRAINS

St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, TABLE No. H Columbus, Wheeling, Pittsburgh, Between Detroit, Pittsburgh, TABLE NO. 13 Washington and Baltimore Washington and Baltimore For through car service, see table No. 9 and pages 25 and 29. (Read Down) (Read Down) (Read Up)

53 STATIONS 57 57 20 26 10 16 6 18 Lv. Baltimore (Mt. Royal) PM PM PM PM Lv.. Baltimore (Camden) . •11.05*11.05' 5.00 •1? 7f Lv ...Detroit.. Ar 8.30 7.10 Lv Washington, D. C 1.05 105 6.45 2.05 Lv Toledo. - Ar 6.50 3.35 5.20 Ar Pittsburgh, Pa a 7.24 Lv Bowling Green. Ar.b 6.12 Lv Pittsburgh, Pa 1.58 1.58 7.56 Ar. ..-Deshler Lv 2.32 4.28 Lv Washington, Pa 4.38 2.06 3.24 Lv. ...Deshler ...Ai 10.01 2.55 Lv Wheeling. VV. Va... 9.15 Lv. . - Cleveland - - Ar 8.15 112.50 Lv Bellaire, Ohio 8 15 5.20 10.28 6 33 Lv Akron. A: 3.02 7.00 Lv Cambridge 9.43 6.30 11.41 7 55 Lv Youngstown Ar 1.45 5.45 Lv Zanesville 12.15 8.50! 10.1(! Ar - Pittsburgh- L\ 11.40 8.10 Lv Newark 12.35; 9.08: 11.15 Lv__. Pittsburgh A 11.27 7 50 Ar Columbus 2.08 10.37, 3.06 12 4. Ar Connellsville Lv 9.58 2 15 6.17 Lv Columbus 5.051 1.061 5.32 3.32 Ar Cumberland Lv 7.33 11.36 3.42, Ar Cincinnati 9.00i 4.40| 8.56 7 lb Ar Washington Lv 4.05 8.00 12 01 2.45 7.00 10.55 Lv Cincinnati 12.15 10.00' 5.48: 9.53 8.15 Ar Baltimore (Camden Sta.) Lv Ar_-_Baltimore (Mt. Royal Sta.) --.Lv • 2.38i ' 6.52, •10.47 \r . .Louisville, Ky ' 7.50 1 5.57: 10.01 PM PM AM AM PM I H I PM I Lv Cincinnati (E. T.) iAr —St. Louis, Mo. (c. T.)_ a Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from Akron and stations east, b Stops to discharge passengers from points cast of Willard. Nos. 9-33 — Individual Seat Coaches and Parlor Dining Car, Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. Drawing-room Sleeping Car, New York to Columbus. No. 34—Individual Seat Coaches and Parlor-Dining Car, Cincinnati to Columbus. Nos. 35 and 30—Individual Seat Coach and 16 Section Sleeping Cars between Pitts­ TABLE No. 15 Between Pittsburgh and Rochester burgh and Cincinnati. No. 35—Sleeping Car, Columbus to Cincinnati; open for occupancy Columbus Station 10 Oil p. in. No. 37—Parlor-Dining Car and Coaches, Columbus to Cincinnati. AM Nos. 38-18 — Drawing-room Sleeping Car. Cincinnati to Baltimore. Individual PM AM til 6.05 7.40 ^e.it Coaches, Cincinnati to Pittsburgh. Parlor-Dining Car, Cincinnati to Pittsburgh M0.30 • 9.15 l.v Pittsburgh Ar, 1.50 12 20 Vr . Pun-csutawney Ar 2.55 4 22 2.20 12 50 Ar Du Bois.. « 2.11 3.40 5.11 3.22 Ar Bradford Vr 11.43 5.35 3 46 Ar East Salamanca AT 11.00 12 35 7.22 5.49 Ar Warsaw Ar 9.18 10.59 ; 8 47 10.29 : -.r TABLE No. St. Louis to Louisville 7.50 6.23 Ar _iLe__Ro_' " 12 8.30 • 9.45 AM 7 15 \r Rochester Lv * PM PM _^____-_____-— — 12 2 69 4-55 51 sl.VTIONS PM PM AM (CENTRAL TIME) PM AM •10.10 •12.30 * 8.55 Lv ...St. Louis, Mo Ar 4.05 9.50 7.55 TABLE No. 16 Between Pittsburgh and Buffalo. 12.39 2.55 Lv Flora. Ill Lv 7.35 5.20 1.48 4.03 12.6. Lv Vincennes, Ind Lv i.:_5 6.31 4.08 2 17 4.30 12.37ML v Washington Lv 11.59 6.02 3.37 3 3 17 5.27 1.34I Lv Mitchell Lv 11 08 5.02 2.31 2 6 STA 1 i 4.11 2.27ML v » Seymour Lv 10.16 4.:: 1.36 PM AM 4.30 "6.41 2.465 Ar North Vernon Lv 9.58 3.48 1 15 PM AM i 5.00 JLv North Vernon Ar 6.05 6.45 3.48 9.05 2.33 12 54 •10.30 *9.15!Lv Pittsburgh.. 4.22 f 5.11 . Lv Lovett. Lv 1.50 12.20 Ar Punxsutawney 2.55 . Lv Commiskey- _ . _ .Lv U OIS 2.11 f 5 17 2.20 12.50 Ar J? ,? , A. f 5.21 . Lv Paris Lv 5.11 f 5.26 . Lv Deputy Lv 5.35 3.22 Ar Bradford f 5.33 . Lv Blocher Lv 7.20 3.46 Ar Ea^t Salamanca AT * 9.25 •10.50 f 5.40 . Lv 1- .Lexington Lv AM 5.35 Ar Buffalo ^ AM PM f 5.45 .Lv N abb _ Lv PM ! , f 5.49 . Lv Marysville Lv Lisht-face figures A. M. time. * Daily, t Daily except Sunday. Black-lac- -_-«• P. M. .in... f 5.54 Lv Otisco Lv 6.04 l.v Charlestown Lv f 6.12 Lv Watson Lv 6.25 7.57 4.5311A r New Albany Lv 8.00 11.51 THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENT 6.40 8 10 5.05iA r Louisville, Ky L 7.50 1.20 '11.40 Sleeping cars ready for advance occupancy at 9.00 P. M. AM PM n PM Eastern Standard Time i • figure. A. M - mark-faro fie-nres P. H. tin No. 2-Pullman Drawine burgh to Bu< * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. burgh to Rochester. Stan ' Pittsburgh to Buffal manca to Rocli _ „ . .vi ei,n.\l to receive and discharge passencer-. No. Observation Parlor Car. Dining Service, Indh Nos 4-55—Parlor Car. Dining Car and Indivudial Seat Coaches, St. Louis to Norl to Pittsburgh. Individual Seat Coach. Rochester to East _k_lam_u_ca Vernon. Indiviilu.il Seal Coaches, North Vernon to Louisville No.6-Observ_.tion Parlor Car. Din Nos. 2-61—"NATIONAl LIMITED." Air Conditioned Train, SI Xortl burgh to Buffalo. Individual Seat Coach. East Salamanca to R Vernon; Pullman Cars. Dining Car and Coaches, St. Louis to North Vernon I No. 7-P„llman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars, Buffalo to Pitt 1 North Vernon to Louisville. to Pittsburgh. Standard Steel Coaches, Buffalo to Pittsburgh and Ko, ! Nos. 12-59 — Through Sleeping Car. St. Louis to Louisville may he occupied until Salamanca. m. Coaches. St. Louis to North Vernon and North Vernon to Louisville. NOB. 50-3—Coaches, Louisville to North Vernon and North Vernon to St. Loui N-OTE-Trnins from Buffalo to Pittsburgh and from Rochester to Pil 'Pullman Cars. North Vernon to St. Louis. 3 and No. 7) unite at East Salamanca. Nos 5i"'-ll—Through Sleeping Car. Louisville to St. Louis'. Coaches. Louisville to Trains from Pittsburgh to Buffalo and from Pitt-burgh to . North Vernon and North Vernon to St. Louis. No. 6) divide at East Salamanca, N. \. Nos. 54-1 — Dining Car. Parlor Car and Individual Seat Coaches. Louisville to North Vernon "NATIONAL LIMITED" Air Conditioned Train. Pullman Cars. Dining (\u ind «. nacb, North Vernon to St. Louis.

21 is required between any two points on the Baltimore & Ohio System. Including . Newark, Jersey City. Elizabeth and Plainfield. N. J Only one coupon


New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington to and Washington to Cincinnnati, Indianapolis, Louisville and St. Louis Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago

VIA PARKERSBURG, W. VA. 511-11 1 3 Daily Daily Daily VIA AKRON, OHIO (EASTERN TlMl) New York-23rd St. Coach Route. PM PM PM PM 42nd Street Station 9.30 11.30 12.25 5.05 (EASTERN TIME) Vanderbilt Hotel. 9.33 11.33 5.08 New York-23rd St. Coach Route 33rd Street Station 9.35 11.35 12:25 5.10 Lv 42nd Street Station. McAIpin Hotel 9.37 11.37 12.26 5.11 Lv Vanderbilt Hotel- -- Hotel 9.39 11.39 12.30 5.14 Lv 33rd Street Station - Hotel Governor Clinton 9.41 11.41 12.32 _5.16 Lv McAIpin Hotel-.. - Columbus Circle Station 9.15 11.35 12.17 5.00 Lv Pennsylvania Hotel Hotel Lincoln 9.22 11.40 12.24 5.07 Lv Hotel Governor Clinton Hotel New Yorker 9.27 11.45 12.29 5.12 Lv Columbus Circle Station Lv West 23rd Street Station _._~ ,Via Liberty St 12.47 5.30 Lv Hotel Lincoln New York Liberty St. Coach Route Lv Hotel New Yorker.. Lv 42nd Street Station... 12.25 12.25 5.10 Lv West 23rd Street Station Lv Vanderbilt Hotel - 12 28 12.28 New York-Liberty St. Coach Rt Lv Wanamaker's—4th Ave. Entrance.__ 12 32 12.37 5.23 Lv 42nd Street Station - Lv Liberty Street Station . 10.00 12 45 - 1.00 5.45 Lv Vanderbilt Hotel Brooklyn—Liberty St. Coach Route Lv Wanamaker's—4th Ave. Ent. Lv Joralemon Street Station 9.15 11.30 12.22 5.08 Lv Libertv Street Station Lv St. George Hotel 9.18 11.33 12.25 5.11 Brooklyn—Liberty St. Coach Rt. Lv The Towers... 9.21 11.36 12.28 5.14 Lv Joralemon Street Station Lv Liberty Street Station 9.45 12 01 1.00 5.45 Lv St. George Hotel ew York i • City Station) / . 1 12 ITT Lv The Towers Newark (Motor Coach Conn.). .. . . * 1.10 5.55 Lv Liberty Street Station Elizabeth 2 al.30 al.33 aS.19 Lv New York (Jersey City Sta ) 1 Plainfield 3... hi 49 hi. 47 P6.33 Wavne Junction, Pa 3 16 2.52 7.39 Lv Newark (Motor Coach Conn.) * Philadelphia. Pa. 4... 3.34 3.07 7.54 11.6|Lv Elizabeth 2 Philadelphia 3 44 3.10 7.57 23.0 Lv Plainfield 8 Chester. w3.27 8.15 83 1 Lv Wayne Junction, Pa. 4 Wilmington, Del. 4 27 3.43 8.31 90.9 Ar Philadelphia, Pa Newark 6-6-7 4.48 8.46 90.9 Lv Philadelphia, Pa Baltimore, Md. (Mt. Roval) 6 17 "5.04 9.56 102.8 Lv Chester -- Baltimore, Md. (Camden). 6.22 5.09 10.01 115.9 Lv Wilmington, Del Baltimore, Md. (Camden) 6 30 5.12 10.05 128.1 Lv Newark 6-6-7 Washington, D. C. 8 7.25 6.02 10.50 185.3 Lv Baltimore, Md. (Mt. Royal).. Washington. D. C. 9-10.. 8.25 6.15 11.05 186.8 Ar Baltimore, Md. (Camden) Harper's Ferry. W. Va. 11... 9.50 186.8 Lv Baltimore, Md. (Camden) Shenandoah Junction 12 10.04 223.6 Ar Washington, D. C. 8 --- Martinsburg 13-14 Altitude 10 23 7.59 12.55 223.6 Lv Washington, D. C. 9-10 Cumberland, Md Fe< 12.15 2.39 278.8 Lv Harper's Ferry. W.Va. 11 Cumberland, Md. 30-31.. 640 12.20 NOTE" 7 2.47 286.1 Lv Shenandoah Jet. 12 Keyser. VV. Va. 32-33-34... 815 12.56 10.00 3.23 297.0 Lv Martinsburg.3-14--- Altltnd Grafton 1000 3.42 12.33 6.20 375.4 Ar Cumberland, Md.. Keet Grafton 1000 3.50 12.39 6.27 375 4 Lv Cumberland, Md. 16 640 Clarksburg 35 1013 4.35 1.28 7.13 412.6 Lv Meyersdale, Pa. 16... 2054 Parkersburg (Sixth St .Sta.) 641 7.00 3.46 9 33 467.8 Ar Connellsville 880 Marietta, Ohio - 5.35 467.8 Lv Connellsville 17 880 Marietta. Ohio.. . . 510.8 Lv McKeesport 18 752 Parkersburg, W. Va. .;<; 7.05 3.56 9.40" 516.1 Lv Braddock 753 Athens, Ohio 37-38-39 7.57 4.45 10.30 525.6 Ar Pittsburgh Chillicothe 40 9.20 6.00 11.55 525.6 Lv Pittsb_irgh_-.-_.0-__ Chillicothe 9.25 6.10 12.00 585.5 Lv New Castle 21 Midland City 603.7 Lv Youngstown. Ohio Oakley "m:_6" "•8.09 d"-\05 656.9 Ar Akron (Union Station) East Norwood u 2.08 656.9 Lv Akron (Union Station) Winton Place (B) fii.29" ""JU8 2.16 Cincinnati JLv Akron (Howard Street) _ 11.59 8.45 2.45 Cincinnati (E. T.). 9 15 697.6|Ar Cleveland Indianapolis, Ind. (C. T.) 11.40 TOlLArt AkronCleveland (Howard Street) _ Indianapolis 12.00 34.3 Decatur, 111 Ar Akron (Union Station) 4.55 36.9 Springfield 6.15 Lv Akron (Union Station) 6.56.9 Cincinnati, Ohio (E I 1 ;/-;.' 12.15 9". 05 2.55 731.6 Ar Willard Lawrenceburg. Ind (C I ) __• fll.51 f 2.28 l.v Willard 1 05 Ar_ Sandusky - Cincinnati, Ohio (E. 7\)_ 12.15 9.05 2.55 731.6 Lv Willard 22 - Nmth Vernon, Ind. (C. T). - 5.00 9.57 3.48 ^55.9 Lv Tiffin Louisville, Ky 6.40 11.10 5.05 768.4 Lv Fostoria Louisville, Ky 11.40 7.50 1.20 794.0 Ar Deshler - lud . 12.54 9.05 2.33 0.0 Lv Deshler Noi l h Ver nun. Ind . 1 15 9 58 3.48 38.1 Ar Toledo (B. &• O.). Mitchell 2.31 11.08 5.02 62.0 Ar Monroe Mitchell # 11.10 #5.03 102.4 Ar Detroit, Mich. (P. M. R'y)... West Baden 11.50 5.47 794.0 Lv Deshler, Ohio (I. ,\ (>.) French Lick 12.00 5.57 818.9 Ar Defiance French Lick •• 9.10 #3750" S59 6 Ar Garrett. Ind. (E. T.) West Baden. 9.15 3.55 859.6 Lv Garrett (C. T.) 26-26-27 Mil,hell _10.10 4.45 Lv La Paz 921.4 Mitchell (B. & ().) 48-44 2.31 11.08 5.02 976.5 Lv Gary. Vincennes 4.08 12.35 6.31 990.7 Lv South Chicago, 111. 28 Vincennes 45-40-47-48-49-50. 4.08 12.35 6.31 1000.5 Lv Chicago, III. (63rd Street) 29 East St. Louis 61 1010.0 Ar Chicago, III. (Gr. Cent. Sta.) 7.35 St. Louis, Mo 7.55 9.50 (CENTRAL TIME) 4.05 (CENTRAL TIME) AM PM PM

NOTE-The numbers following the stations on this table refer to RIVER CROSSINGS, the nam . 'T^clTmwbe found by reference to page 33 of this folder. B Station Spring Grove and Clifton Avenues. THROUGH CAR SERVICE

THE NATIONAL LIMITED. NEW YORK-PITTSBURGH AND CHICAGO EXPRESS. Air-Conditioned Train, New York to St. Louis. Train No. 9. Daily. Train No. 1. Daily. Club Car New York to Washington. Train Secretary, Barber-Valet, Maid-Manicure. sleeping Cars New York to Chicago—12 Section Drawing-room. Washington to Chicago—12 Sec. D. K. (Open 1 I p i Club Car .New York to St. Louis. Washington to Pittsburgh—14 Section. (Open In 00 p Sleeping Cars New York to St. Louis—10 Sec, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing-room. New York to Columbus—12 Section (To No. 33 at I'm New York to Louisville—12 Section Drawing-room. Parlor Car New York to Washington—Drawing-room. Washington to Indianapolis and Springfield—14 Section. Dining Cars... A-New York to Washington. Washington to St. Louis—14 Section. A-Connellsville to Chicago. Sun-room Observa­ Indiv. Seat Coach .New York to Chicago. tion Lounge Car.-Washington to St. Louis—3 Compartments and 1 Drawing-room. Parlor Cars New York to Washington. Dining Cars A-New York to Keyser. A-Chillicotbe to St. Louis. Indiv. Scat Coach...New York to Washington. Reclin. Seat Coach..Washington to St. Louis.

THE DIPLOMAT. NEW YORK-CINCINNATI-ST. LOUIS EXPRESS. Train No. 11. Daily. Train No. 3. Daily. Sleeping Cars New York to St. Louis—10 Section, 2 Compartments, 1 Drawing- Club Car New York to Washington. room. (From 511 at Washington.) Sleeping Cars ..New York to St. Louis—12 Section Drawing-room. Cincinnati to St. Louis—12 Section Drawing-room. New York to Louisville—12 Section Drawing-room. Cincinnati to Louisville—12 Section Drawing room. Baltimore to Wheeling—12 Section Drawing-room. Louisville to St. Louis—12 Section Drawing room. New York to Cumberland—12 Section Drawing-room. (May be Observation Sleeper.Cincinnati to St. Louis—10 Section. occupied until 8.00 a. m.) Parlor Dining Car. _ Baltimore to Pittsburgh. (To Train No. 21 at Cumtx rl Observation Sleeper.Washington to St. Louis—10 Section. Dining Car- A-Washington to Parkersburg. l'.irlor Car New York to Washington—Drawing-room. Indiv. Seat Coach Baltimore to St. Louis. Dining Cars A-New York to Washington. Cumberland to St. Louis. Indiv. Seat Coach.-.New York to St. Louis.

THE CAPITOL LIMITED. Air-Conditioned Train, New York to Chicago. THE . Train No. 5. Daily. All Pullman, Washington to Chicago. with Train Secretary, Barber-Valet, Maid-Manicure. Train No. 19. Daily. Sleeping Cars Washington to Detroit—12 Section Drawing room. Accommodations for Pullman Seat Passengers are Limited. Washington to Detroit—14 Section. Club Car. New York to Chicago. Akron to Detroit—12 Sec. D. R. (Open 9.30 p. m.) Sleeping Cars.. New York to Chicago—8 Sec., 2 Comp., 1 Drawing-room. Observation Philadelphia to Chicago—8 Sec, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing-room. Lounge Car Washington to Detroit—3 Compartments, 2 Drawing-n Philadelphia to Chicago—12 Section, 1 Drawing-room. Dining Cars A-Washington to Cumberland. Akron to Detroit. Washington to Chicago—10 Section, 4 Private Sections. Indiv. Seat Coach...Washington to Detroit. Washington to Chicago—10 Section. 3 Double Bedrooms. Pittsburgh to Chicago—8 Sec, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing-room. (Connection for Train 5 leaves Pittsburgh 1C.35 p. m.) Parlor Car New York to Washington—Drawing-room. Sun-room Observa­ tion Lounge Car.-Washington to Chicago—3 Compartments and 1 Drawing-room. BALTIMORE-PITTSBURGH EXPRE". Dining Car A-New York to Washington. A-Washington to Connellsville. A-Garrett to Chicago. Trains Nos. 11-21. Daily. Indiv. Seat Coach New York to Washington. Parlor Dining Car. .Baltimore to Pittsburgh. Indiv. Seat Coach..-Baltimore to Cumberland and Cumberland to Pittsburgh. NEW YORK-CHICAGO SPECIAL. Train No. 7. Daily. Club Car New York to Washington. Sleeping Cars New York to Chicago—10 Sec, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing-room. Philadelphia to Cleveland—12 Section Drawing-room. (To No. 37 THE FORT PITT LIMITED. at Akron Junction.) Washington to Cleveland—10 Section, 2 Comp.. 1 Drawing-room. Train No. 25. Daily. (To No. 37 at Akron Junction.) Sleeping Cars New York to Chicago—12 Section Drawing-room. Observation Akron to Chicago—12 Sec. Drawing-room. (( I Sleeping Car Washington to Chicago—10 Section. Wheeling to Chicago—12 Section Drawing-room. l'.irlor Car New York to Washington—-Drawing-room. Willard.) Dining Cars A-New York to Cumberland. Parlor Car New York to Pittsburgh—Drawing-room. A-New Castle to Chicago. Ix>unge Car A-Pittsburgh to Chicago. Parlor Dining Car. .Akron to Cleveland. (To No. 37 at Akron Jet.) Dining Cars A-New York to New Castle. A-Garrett to ( I Indiv. Seat Coach — New York to Chicago. Indiv. Seat Coaches New York to Chit ....


A-AIR CONDITIONED CAR. NOTB 5—Train No. 7 does not run into Pittsburgh. NOTE 3—Passengers for Trains Nos. 11 and 21 from statir 3 east of Baltimore will u=e Train No. 511 NOTE 6—Train No. 19 runs via Galatea. Bowling Green and Tontogany. o Washington. NOTE 1—Train No. 5 does not run into Pittsburgh, S eping car conn,-. I NOTE 7-Motor coach connection, leave B. 8c O. station. Cumberland. 9.00 p. I p. m. m., for ["rain No. 1.

Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee figures P. B. '•'" w Stop, to receive pa< E. T.—Eastern Time. C.T.—Central Time. 'Daily t Daily except-Sunday. | S aa Regular stop week days—stops only on signal Son ' a 91 >ps 00 sign J o ilv to receive passengers for Waj nc Junction and points wen. cc Stops to discharge passengers from east of Midland Citv. . ,„- „-__,.„« ,r0n. ti Stops to discharge Pullman passengers from BaJti nore and east, and to receive pa . ee Stops on signal to discbarge passengers from Washtagtonand east ^"J"^*™? . Ohio, Garrett, Ind., Gary. Ind.. Chicago, III- id beyond. Points on the N. & W. for stations west of Cumberland where Train No 2a s scbedul C Stops on signal to diseh ir^e pa^en.'ers from Washington and points east and receive passengers • Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Akron and stations east and fro., for Toledo and I ' d Stops to discharge passengers from stations east of Loveland. V. dlard via Newark Division. e Stops to dis hu;e passengers from Cincinnati or beyond, + Stopsto receive passengers for stations we<=t of Cumberland. __•___•_: mm f Stops on signrf to receive or discharge passengers, ©Stops to discharge passengers from Washington and stations east and iwewe pas* g Stops on signal to receive passengers for Baltimore and stations beyond where train ': stations west of Cumberland. *f .MotoMotor Coach connectionsconnections. h Stops on signal to receive passengers for Baltimore and points west. © Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Akron and stations Mf'M i Stops to discharge Pullman passengers from Baltimore and points east, and to receive pa • Will stop on signal to discharge passengers from B » O. stations east for Gar.-. In I.. Chicago, III., and beyond. • Stopstops, todischargto discharge passengers from Washington. D. C. and stations easmatt a for I.oir .ville. St. Louis and stations beyond. .»-.,.,, for occupancy 10 00 p. m.) H.Stops to d'scharee passengers from Willard and stations east and south thereof. for p Stops on signal to receive passen_vrs for Chester and points west. S Bhfogton Sleeper leaves Newark 12.08 i. m.. via Jersey C**-'*«« t Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington, D. C. and stations east and to receive • Stor= to discharge passengers from Washington. DC and ^"Of . Rroolclvn ar passengers for Chicago and bevond. • For additional Motor Coach Connections from and''f£^ /K" ^1-"and out of N« u Stops to discharge passengers from Washington, D C. Newark, see pages 35 to 38. For information regarding the checking ot Daggage v Stops to receive passengers for points west of Washington. D. C. V ork. see Daces 9^-94 CONDENSED SCHEDULE OF THROUGH TRAINS EASTWARD TABLE No. 18 St. Louis, Louisville, Indianapolis and Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland Cincinnati to Washington, and Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York 22 54 2 4 12 VIA PARKERSBURG. W. VA. 44-18! 38-18 Daily Daily 528 20 16 Daily 10-18 6 6 528 VIA PITTSBURGH, PA. 10 Daily Daily Daily Daily (CENTRAL TIME) AM PM PM o.o Lv St. Louis, Mo. .',7-48-49-60-51 8.55 12.30 10.10 151). 1 Ar Vincennes, Ind. 45 . _ 12.08 4.03 1/" Lv Vincennes 12.08 4.03 1.' PM PH (CENTRAL TIME) AM AM PM 160 ; Ar Mitchell 43-44 --- 1.34 5.27 3.17 0.0 Lv Chicago, III. (Gr. Cent. Sta.).. 9.30 9.30 1.45 8.30 11.00 Lv Mitchell '. 1.40 : 5.30 6.1 9.5 Lv Chicago, 111. (63rd Street) 29.. . 9.53 9.53 2.05 8.55 11.23 2.25 6.23 7.00 11.44 216.1 Ar West Baden. 19.3 Lv South Chicago, 111. S8 10.13 10.13 2.25 9.14 Ar French Lick 2.30 6.25 7.15 9.32 12.02 33.5 Lv Gary, Ind_— 10.30 klO 30 • 2.43 TT(T I..' French Lick TvTiJ "TOT JIT SS.t Lv La Paz . 3.42 1.1 Lv West Baden 12.35 3.55 9.50 4.54 11.43 2.14 150.4 Ar Garrett (C. T.) 26-26-27 12.49 12.49 Ar Mitchell. 1.25 4.45 J0.50 Lv Garrett (E. T.) 1.52 1.52 5.58 12.47 3.19 150.4 Lv Mitchell 1.34 3.17 201.1 Ar Defiance, Ohio 2.47 2.47 4 08 "~5.2, 216.0 Ar Deshler 2S-2.', 3.24 3.24 4 43 Ar North Vernon. 2.46 _6.41 _4.30_ Lv North Vernon 3.48 6.45 5.00 12.20 5.00 11.05 11.05 0.0 Lv Detroit, Mich. (P. 1/. K'y) 12.20 Ar Louisville. Ky 8.10 6 40 2.05 2.05 6.45 1.05 1.05 -5.05 64.3 Lv Toledo TTTj T^ 102.4 Ar Deshler 2.5S 2.56 1.58 1.58 Lv Louisville, Ky. 7.50 Ar North Vernon, Ind 9.05 2.33 6.34 3.24 2.06 4 48 inr 216.0 Lv Deshler 3.24 7.15 Ar Cincinnati. Ohio 12.15 5.40 3.57 n.8.02 2.39 •..24 9.20 12.54 241.6 Lv Fostoria _ 3.57 ^ 7.47 • 9.10 4.16 8.19 3.00 5 45 l.v ETortE Vernon, Ind. (C. T.) X54~ 6.46 7.43 254.1 Lv Tiffin 4.16 316.! Lv Lawrenceburg 10.29 278.4 Ar Willard..- 4.51 ..51 8.40 8.52 3.35 ^25 4.38 ' Ar Cincinnati. Ohio I 12.15 5.40 9.30 : 5.4S Lv Sandusky 5.30 5.30 0.0 0.0 Lv Springfield, III. (C.T.) 9.50 7 43 28.6 Ar Willard 6.30 6.30 ..;• Decatur 11.10 278.4 Lv Willard 4.56 4.56 8.43 8.56 3 47 630 A r Indianapolis, Ind. 4.10 353.1 Ar Akron (Union Station). 6.33 6.33 10.15 10.28 5.20 8.05 1!)7.< Lv Indianapolis 4.35 8.55 Lv Akron (Union Station) I '^Cincinnati, Ohio (E. T.) Lv Akron (Howard Street) 7.13 l.v Cincinnati ,/ ','/'. 12.50 5.55 9.45 8.15 3««•* 8.23 8.23 12.10 6.57 10 10 l ... i r.-is.-t t 5.35 484.4 Ar Pittsburgh 19-20. .. 10.10 10,10 8.50 12.15 Ar Marietta. Ohio lltltnde Lv Mar Keel t10.55 Lv Pittsburgh 749 10.25 TTiT NOTE 3 9.08 12.35 484.4 1.38 Lv Braddock 753 10.42 11.30 9.24 12.52 533.! Lv Parkersburg, W. Va... 7.20 10.52 2.38 493.9 1 4.07 Lv McKeesport 18 752 10.52 11.42 •1.57 9.35 1.03 Bl i. Lv Clarksburg 85 1013 10.16 1.02 4.50 499.2 4.55 Ar Connellsville 880 11.52 12.48 2.56 3.06 10.37 2.08 . Ar Grafton 32-83-34 1000 11.10 1.45 5.31 542.'J 5.02 542.2 Lv Connellsville 17 880 11.55 12.53 3.00 3.10 10.40 2.13 (',37._ Lv Grafton 1000 11.30 1.52 5.41 7.56 597.4 Lv Meyersdale 16 2054 2.26 12.07 3.58 715 fi Ar Keyser 815 2.25 4.23 8.04 640 8.37 634,6 Ar Cumberland, Md ~~2.i7 3.32 """5.27 5.32 1.0B 5.05 73si Ar Cumberland, Md. 30 640 3.05 NOTE 8 NOTE 8 8.42 634.( Lv Cumberland 15 2.20 3.39 5.32 5.39 1.10 5.10 738.1 Lv Cumberland, Md 3.39 3.39 10.22 713.0 Lv Martinsburg 18-14 3.57 5.20 A7.12 7.19 2.48 7.00 817.1 Lv Martinsburg 13-14 5.20 5.20 6.15 9.53 Lv Shenandoah Junetion 12 . Lv Shenandoah Junction 12 i10.41 723.9 a 3.06 "5.50' 731.2 Lv Harper's Ferry 11 "5.50 3.20 7.29 X35 - Lv Harper's Ferry 11 ~5~56 "bl6.l7 Ar Washington, D. C. 9-10 7.15 786.4 Ar Washington, D. C. 9-10 5.36 7.15 8.55 8.56 4.40 9.00 7.15 8.00 11.30 12Tl6" SMI I 7.30 786.4 Lv Washington, D. C. 8 5.50 7.30 9.10 TiT 5.00 9.15 Lv Washington, D. C. S 7.30 8.15 11.45 12.35 <.i_7._ Ar Baltimore, Md. (Camden) 8.15 823.2 Ar Baltimore, Md. (Camden)... 6.33 8.15 9.53 9.53 5.48 JO i 8.15 8 58 12.28 1.25 823.2 Lv Baltimore, Md. (Camden) — 6.36 9.55 9.55 5.51 '127.13 Lv Baltimore, Md. (Camden). . 9 00 12.30 1.30 824.7 Lv Baltimore, Md. (Mt Royal).. 6.42 10.01 10.01 Tlo~ Lv Baltimore, Md. (Mt. Royal). 9.06 12.36 1.40 5.57 Lv New.irk. Del. 5-0-7 881.9 Lv Newark, Del. 6-6-7 11.06 11.06 7.07 1.40 10.12 894.1 Lv Wilmington "7.59 11.21 •IMS 1 Lv Wilmington 10.26 1.52 3.19 11.21 7.25 1011.2 Ar Chester, Pa 907.2 Ar Chester, Pa -- 8.16 11.38 10.43 11.38 7.43 1023.1 Ar Philadelphia 919.1 Ar Philadelphia 8.34 11.55 11.55 8.02 11.00 2.24 3.58 Lv Philadelphia 8.36 1023.1 l.v Philadelphia 2.26 4.04 919.1 12.01 12.01 8.05 4.04 11.02 920.9 Ar Wayne Junction 4 8.52 1030.9 Ar Wayne Junction 2.43 4.23 12.17 12.17 8.21 4.23 1109 9 Ar Plainheld 11.18 987.0 Ar Plainfield x9.54 x12.23 N3.45 x5.59 x 1.24 x1.24 n 9.23 *5.59 1102.5 Ar Elizabeth 2 998.5 Ar Elizabeth -- 010,08 01.38 09.37 012.37 _03.59 Q6.19. 01.38 06J9 Ar Newark (M't'r Coach Conn.) • 10.28 1.58 1.58 9.57 Ar Newark (Motor Coach Connections). * 12.57 4.19 6.40 Ar New York (Jersey City Sta.)/ 10.26 1.55 1.55 9.55 _-__i__ Ar New York (Jersey City Station) 1... 6.40 12.55 4.17 ; 40 Brooklyn—Liberty St. Coach Rt. Brooklyn—Liberty Street Coach Route Ar Liberty Street Station 10.38 Ar Liberty Street Station 2.07 2.07 10.08 7.02 1.07 4.29 7.02 Ar Joralemon Street Station 11.12 2.39 2.39 10.28 Ar Joralemon Street Station 1.42 5.03 7.35 Ar St. George Hotel 11.17 7.35 Ar St. George Hotel 2.44 2.44 10.30 7 40 1.47 5.08 7.40 Ar The Towers 11.18 2.45 2.45 10.31 Ar The Towers 1.49 5.10 7.41 New York—Liberty St. Coach Rt. New York Liberty Street Coach Route Ar Liberty Street Station 10.38 2.07 2.07 10.08 Ar Liberty Street Station 1.07 4.29 7.02 Ar Wanamaker's 4th Ave. Entrance 10.58 7 02 Ar Wanamaker's—9th Street I Mil ranee 2.27 2.27 10.21 7.18 1.27 4.49 7.18 Ar 42nd Street Station 11.10 2.37 2.37 _HL25 _7 25_ Ar 42nd Street Station 1.37 5.00 7.25. New York—23rd St. Coach Route 1 "New York -23rd Street Coach Route Ar West 23rd Street Station 2.19 2.19 _ B _7J6_ Ar West 23rd Street Station,.. 1.19 4.41 7.06_ Ar Hotel New Yorker 11.01 2.29 Ar Hotel New Yorker 7.15 2.29 10.25 7.15 1.29 4.53 Ar Hotel Lincoln 11.06 Ar Hotel Lincoln 7.20 2.34 2.34 10.29 1.34 4.58 Ar Columbus Circle Station 11.12 7.20 Ar Columbus Circle Station _7.26_ 2.42 2.42 10.35 1.42 5.05 Ar Hotel Governor Clinton 11.02 -7_L_£ 7.18 2.30 2.30 10.23 Ar Hotel Governor Clinton 1.30 ' 4.54 Ar Pennsylvania Hotel 11.04 2.31 2.31 7.18 Ar Pennsylvania Hotel 1.31 4.56 7.21 . /McAIpin Hotel 10.25 7.21 . /McAIpin Hotel Ar\Stop also serves 33rd St. Station 2.35 Ar 5.00 7.24 2.35 10.28 7.24 \Stop also serves 33rd Street Station. 1.34 Ar Vanderbilt Hotel 11.10 2.40 2.40 Ar Vanderbilt Hotel.-. } 1.37 5.05 7.27 Ar 42nd Street Station 10.30 7.27 11.10 2.40 2.40 Ar 42nd Street Station _ 1.40 5.05 7.30 (EASTERN TIME) AM 10.35 7.30 PM PM PM AM (EASTERN TIME) PM PM AM

l RIVER CR AsS^Sprin™ GloveSO^K^SSmT ""* ^ "*" ° OSSIN,, . „ .i^hteTmay be found by reference to paBe 33 of this folder. '• . B \ :•• lih-rtv Street.. 27 THROUGH CAR SERVICE

THE NATIONAL LIMITED. CHICAGO-BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Air-Conditioned Train, St. Louis to New York. Train No. 16. Daily. Train No. 2. . Daily. Sleeping Cars .Chicago to New York—12 Sei i> R Chicago to Akron—12 S-i tion Drawing i Train Secretary, Barber-Valet, Maid-Manicure. l'.irlor Dining Car..Pittsburgh to Balti Accommodations for Pullman Seat Passengers are Limited. Dining Car A-Willard to Washington. Club Car St. Louis to New York. Indiv. Seat Coach < hicago to Baltimore. Sleeping Cars St. Louis to New York—10 Sec, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing-room. St. Louis In Washington 14 Section. Louisville to New York—12 Section Drawing-room. Sun-room Observa­ THE WILLIAM PENN. tion Lounge Car..St. Louis to Washington—3 Compartments and 1 Drawing-room l'.irlor Car- Washington to New York. Train No. 18. Daily. Dining Cars St. Louis to Chillicothe. A-Keyser to New York. Sleeping Cars Chicago to Washington—I Indiv. Seat Coach...A-Washington to New York. 10 at Pittsburgh.) Reclin. Seat Coach..St. Louis to Washington. Pittsburgh to Washington ! I.,- o cupied until ..00 : . in.) THE DIPLOMAT. Pittsburgh to Baltimore—12 Section ' p. in.) Train No. 4. Daily. ( ini inn il i and Wheeling to Baltii Club Car... Washington to New York. (No. 38 from Cin< in Observation Car St. Louis to Washington—10 Section. Wheeling to Washington—12 S» Sleeping Cars St. Louis to New York—10 Sec, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing i Ian ! I A-Louisville to New York—12 Section Drawing-room. Dining ( ai .Washington to Baltimore. A-Springfield and Indianapolis to Washington—12 Sei I la liv. Seat Coach I i Washington. Parlor Car Washington to New York—Drawing-room. Dining ( ars . A-St. Louis to Cincinnati. A-Parkersburg to New York. Indiv. Seat Coach...St. Louis to New York. THE AMBASSADOR. THE CAPITOL LIMITED. Train No. 20. Daily, Air-Conditioned Train. Chicago to New York. ling Cars .... .Detroit to Baltimore—12 Se tion Drawi Washi i Train No. 6. Daily. All Pullman, Chicago to Washington. I Detroit to V. ishington I with Train Secretary, Barber-Valet, Maid-Manicure. md to Washington Accommodations for Pullman Seat Passengers are Limited. land to Baltimon—12 S Club Car . Chicago to New York. \\ ashington.) Sleeping Cirs ..Chicago to New York—8 Sec, 2 Compartments. 1 I): • ation-Lounge Chicago to Philadelphia—8 Section, 2 Comp., 1 Drawing Car Detroit to Washington—3 i ompartmen Chicago to Philadelphia—12 Section, 1 Drawing-room Dining Cars A-Detroit to Willard. Chicago to Washington—10 Section, 4 Private Ejection. A-Cumberland to Washington. Chicago to Washington—10 Section, 3 Double Bedrooms. Combine Coach Detroit to Washington. Sun-room Observa­ Indiv. Seat Coach...Detroit to Washington. tion Lounge Car. .Chicago to Washington—3 Compartments, 1 Drawing-room. l'.irlor Cars Washington to New York. Dining Cars A-Chicago to New Castle. A-Cumberland to New York. Indiv. Seat Coach...Washington to New York. THE WEST VIRGINIAN. Train No. 44. Daily. CHICAGO-PITTSBURGH-NEW YORK EXPRESS. ping Cars Wheeling to Washington 12 Sec. D. R. Train No. 10. Daily. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ (To No. 18 at Cuiul Club Car. Washington to New York. Partitioned Coach . .Wheeling to Cumberland. Sleeping (ars Chicago to New York—12 Section Drawing-room. Chicago to Washington—11' Section Drawing-room. (\ at Pittsburgh.) (May be occupied until 8.00 a. m.) Dining Car Chicago to New Castle. A-Baltimore to New York. THE FORT PITT LIMITED. Indiv. Seat Coach...Chicago to New York. Train No. 26. Daily. . •Ueeping Cars Chicago to New Yon Train No. 12. Daily. Chicago to Pittsburgh—8 Sec . 2 Comp . 1 Di Sleeping Cars St. Louis to Cincinnati—10 Section Observation-Lounge. ChicagDetroito ttoo PittsburgWheelui h St. Louis to Cincinnati—12 Section Drawing-room. Observation Sleeper.ChicagChicaeo to WashingtonWheeline. —I f1o0 No. 46 at \\ i I St. Louis to New York—12 Sec. D. R. (No. 5L's from W I arlor Cars. ..Pittsburgh to New York and Washiihingtol n to Cumberland to New York—12 Section Drawing-room. (No from Washington.) St. Louis to Louisville—12 Section Drawing-room. Louisville to Cincinnati—12 Sec. Drawing-room. Dining Cars Cincinnati to Cumberland. Indiv. Seat Coach St. Ixiuis to Washington.

ALL EXCESS FARES DISCONTINUED. A—AIR CONDITIONED CAR. NOTE 7—Coach pa-sen* Train Xo. 16 lot : • Xo. 523 X..IK .!—Trains Xos. 6 and 20 do not run into Pittsburgh. _ .N-OTE *~Motor coach : Non 5—Train Xo. 20 runs via Tontogany, Rowling Green and Galatea. Ohio. No ''• in . a. m., arriving Cumberland 9.05 NOT! ii—All Motor Coaches from Train Xo. 26 operated via Liberty Street Ferry.

Light-face figures A. M. time. Black-face figures P. H. time. z Stops on signal to receive passengers for points east of WUtaid •• •tops and dischargi; pasaengen ironi points west of Chicago. E. T. Eastern Time. C. T.—Central Time. • Daily. t Daily except Sunday. I Sunday only, • passengers for a Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Cumberland and stations west and ti • Stops tO dische PM!_?*,?!rISr rs tor Washington and stations east. b Stops to discharge passengers Iron I I stations east of Baltimore. A stops only to., _ ^ o. 1 arkersburs. c Stops on signal to discharge passenger? from Washington and Stat from V1. . a stops to discharge passengers from Cumberland and stations west and to receive • O Stops on signal only to discharge pal NOT Y0TK on Monday mornings only f Stops on signal to receive or dischargi © Motor Coach connections. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Estops to discharge passengers from St. Louis and stations bevond. hStops to to receive passenger, for passengers from W inton Place. Cincinnati and west and to receive passengers for east of Washington, ©Stops to discharge r.as=mgers from St. Louis and stations l- . tops on signal to receive passengers for points east of Willard. I <=top= on signal Washington. D. C. and station•• ^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa— i rs for Cincinnati and beyond. n Stops to discharge passengers from C. * Stops to discharge passengers from west of Cincinnati and to recdw passenger! for points west m Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Detroit or Toledo and receive | east where scheduled to stop. lor Akron and bevond. r Stops to discharge passengers from west of Pittsburgh and to I •enters tor Baltimore and East. t Stops to discharge passengers from stations west of Cumberland, "Stops on signal to discharge passeneers from Cumber! u Stops to discharge passengers from Detroit. Toledo and Cleveland. v Stops on signal to receive pas­ „ * For additional Motor Coach Connections to a-. ' » Vork. Brooklyn and sengers for W ashington and stations east where train is scheduled to stop. r Stops on signal to dis­ Newark, see pages 35 to 38. For information regarding the checking of baggage into and out ot ISew charge passengers only from Baltimore and stations west. y Stops Mondays to d-Sch from Chicago. b.!rd Street, or South Chicago. » ork City, see pages 93-94. CONDENSED SCHEDULE OF THROUGH TRAINS

Between Through Car Service New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and CHICAGO AND. DETROIT NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN NO. 45-25 DAILY. Wheeling, Columbus, Detroit, Chicago Sleeping Cars.. .. .Wheeling to Chicago—12 Sec. I->. R. (To No. 25 at Willard.) Dining Car Wheeling to Newark. Individual Seat WESTWARD EASTWARD TABLE No. 1 Q Coach Wheeling to Willard. (Read Down) (Read I p) 55 26-46 511 16 12 44-18 38-18 11 45 3-43 VIA GRAFTON. W. VA., AND NEWARK. OHIO 528 528 Daily Daily THE DIPLOMAT. 51-35 25 Daily Daily Daily Daily (EASTERN IIMI.) _ TRAINS Nos. 3-43. DAILY. New York 23rd St. Coach Route AM AM Sleeping Cars Baltimore to Wheeling—12 Sec Drawing-room. PM Hi PM PM Lv ___42nd Street Station -Ar 7.30 7.30 Dining Car. Cumberland to Grafton. 11.30 6.15 5.05 5.10 Lv 33rd Stteet Station 7.24 Individual Seat 11.35 6.15 Coaches New York to Grafton. Coai h, Grajfton to Wheeling. 5.00 I \ Columbus Circle Station \ 7.26 11.35 6.10 6.30 5.30 Lv West 23rd Street A 7.06 7.06 New York Liberty St. Coach Route 12.25 6.15 5.10 £•= Lv 42nd Street Station Ar 7.25 7 25 7.02 12.45 6.45 5.45 l.v Liberty Street 7.02 PITTSBURGH AND CHICAGO EXPRESS. Brooklyn -Liberty St. Coach Route 7.35 11.30 6.10 5.08 Lv _ .Joralemon St. Station Ar 7 35 TRAINS Nos. 9-33. DAILY. 7.02 12.01 6.45 5.45 Lv .Lil 7 02 L12 7.00 6.00 1515] Lv.. New Vork (jersey Citv Sleeping Cars New York to Chicago—12 Section Drawing-room. S 6.55 5.55 \Lv.Newark (Motor Coach Conn.) *. 6.40 6 40 Washington to Pittsburgh 14 Section. a 1.30 a7.16 6.19 11.5 Lv Elizabeth a 6.19 6.19 New York to Columbus 12 Section Drawing-room. aal.49 |aa7.30 c6.33 23.1 Lv--.- ..Plainfield aa5.59 aa5.59 Parlor Dining Car.-Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. ,,3.16 8.37 7.39 83. l.v Wavne Jet., Pa 4.23 4.23 Individual Seat "53.44 8.55 7.57 9(1 1 Lv... Philadelphia 3.58 3.58 Coach New York to Pittsburgh. v9.12 8.15 102.8LV-. Cheater, Pa ._ Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. Z4l27 9.28 8.31 115.9 Lv Wilmington, Del Ti.' "_T9 128.1 Lv Newark. Del -••• 8.46 "77" 10^47 9.56 185.; Lv. .Baltimore. Md. (Mt. Royal). ~L40 1.40 7.20 10.52 10.01 186.8 Ar...Baltimore, Md. (Camden).- J 1.30 7.20 10.55 10.05 lsii.s Lv_..Baltimore, Md. (Camden).. TOT 1.25 8.15 8.15 TRAINS NOS. 4 1 18. DAILY. 8.10 10.50 223.6 Ar Washington, D. C _ 11.40 9.15 h 7.30 7.30 8.25 11.05 Sleeping Cars Wheeling to Washington—12 Sec. D. R. No. 18 from 12.01 223.1 Lv. Washington, D. C 9.00 I 1 7.15 7.15 9.50 278.8Lv Harpers Ferry, W. Va Cumberland. 7.29 5.50 5.50 10.04 "T32 286.1 Lv Shenandoah Jet __ t10.41 Dining Car Washington to Baltimore 10.23 1.52 12.55 297.0 Lv .Martinsburg Altitude 7.00 10.22 "5:20 "o.ffl Partitioned Coach .. Wheeling to Cumberland. 12.15 3.38 2.39 375.4 Ar Cumberland, Md. _ Peel 5.10 8.42 3.39 3.39 12.20 ' 6.50 2.47 375.4 Lv...Cumberland. Md PM 8.37 3.05 12.56 7.35 3.23 398.5LV Keyser, W. Va 815 7.56 2.25 1.09 7.48 3.35 403.5 Lv Piedmont 919 7.46 2.15 WEST VIRGINIA NIGHT EXPRESS. 2.15 9.01 4.42 428.1 Lv.. Oakland 237!) 6.48 1.20 2.32 9.24 4.59 438.1 Lv...Terra Alta, W. Va... 2549 6.32 1.03 TRAIN NO. 26-46. DAILY. 9.47 ,450.7 Lv M. & K. Jet 140S 6.01 10.09 457.2 Lv Tunnelton is 17 5.46 Sleeping Cars Chicago to Wheeling—12 Sec. D. R. (on No. 26 Chicago to Willard.) 10.25 f 5.57 464.1 Lv Newburg 1217 36-56 f 5.25 11.51 3.42 10.55 6.20 476.8|Ar Grafton 1000 5.02 11.30 Dining Cars ..Newark to Wheeling Individual Seat 3.55 6.37 47G.8Lv.-_ Graf ton . 12.10 11.06 Coacn Willard to Wheeling. 4.41 7.32 498.8 Lv Fairmont. 11.05 10.14 8.12 5.19 516.7 ~L v Mannington 10.23 9.35 9.26 TRAINS Nos. 12-52*. DAILY. 6.31 -)-is.r, Lv Cameron 9.08 8.23 9.58 Lv Moundsville 7.03 Silo... 8.31 7.45 Sleeping Cars. St. Louis to New York. 7.2IL 10.15 572J- Ar Benwood J11 net ion Cumberland to New York. 10.30 7.30 "7.35 10.13 Ar Wheeling ' 8.00 Individual Seat AM 57t). f. •7.15 8.10 PM Coaches Grafton to Washington. .11-48 7.30 10T8 Lv_„ ...Wheeling... 7.58 Reclining Seat 10.36 12.07 7.47 Lv __Benwood Junction.. TA 10.26 7.43 Coaches Washington to Jersey City. 12.14 7.54 10 41 Lv_ Bellaire, Ohio __Ar 4 55 10.22 7.36 2.30 J0J8 12.56 Ar Zanesville ..Lv 2 30 5.21 t 4.45 ..Parkersburg, W. Va.. ..Ar Lv. TRAINS NOS. 38-18. DAM.v. 5.35 l.v. Marietta ..Ar 10.55 .Zanesville 8.45 \r ..Lv Sleening Cars Cincinnati, Columbus and Wheelin•lingg to Baltimore—12Sec. ;tjyo 31 b 2.40 10.18 12.56 624. Zanesville __A: 2.20 5.21 Drawing-room. (Xo. IS from Pittsburgh.) 1.35 3.28 11.00 676. .Newark (Granville) I 1.40 7.40 4.40 Parlor-Dining Car.-Cincinnati to Pittsburgh. 6 4-; 3.38 1.40 lull ..Newark ((,'». , 1.30 4.35 Individual Seat . 4.28 2.28 709. Columbus 12.45 3.50 Coaches Cincinnati to Pittsbuigh. 5.35 Cincinnati AM7.5C 0. .Ptl+9^35 12.50 PM PM 47-9 10-48 0.0 Columbus Ar Light-face figures A- M. time. Blu-ek-fare figures I'. H. time. 32 2 Newark (Granville) l.v\ • Daily. t Dally e>cept Sunday. ^H § Sunday only. |(i7(i'."(i *l67ffi 11.12 .^^^^^^^.n..—Newark (Granville. ) _ _. Ar 9.45 6 40 E. T.—Eastern Time. C. T.—1 entral Time. 1.05 2.00 763.0 Willard ...Lv 6.45 4 00 a Stops on signal to receive and discharge passengers for and from Wayne Junction and 1.30 703. Ii Lv.. Willard 7 19 6.311 stations west. ,_,_.. 2.35 792.2 Ar Sandusky . Lv\ Daily Daily .5.31) 6 16-57 b Stops to receive passengers for stations west of Cumberland. 0.0 t.v Sandusky Daily Daily f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. AM AM 2S.(i Ar.. Willard g Stops on signal to receive passengers for Washington, D. C, and beyond. l.v PM AM • 1.28 2 4=) ' 8.40 4.42 7037i Willaid h Stops to discharge passengers from Akron and east, and from east of Willard on Lv. 451 625 2.20 3 33 9.28 800.4 Fostoria 3.35 8.40 Newark Division. Ar 3.57 5.24 2.55 1 Of, 10.01 S26.0 Deshler.-.1 2.39 t Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Cumberland and stations west and to receive l.v 3?4 4.48 4.28 4.15 2.32 Deshler 2 Of ft passengers for Washington and stations east. ().() 2.56 5.20 5 IS 3.35 6.50 38.1 Ar. Toledo 1 58 1.58 v Stops to receive passengers for points west of Washington \r 2.05 1.05 1.05 _7,10 7 20 8.30 102.4 _ Detroit, Mich. (P. M. R'y) . aa Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from Raltimoreand points west. Lv '12.20 11.05 •11.05 2.58 4 Of, to~.~oT 826 0 Deshler, Ohio cc Stops on signal to receive passengers for Chester and stations west. Ar-. 3.24 . 06 4 48 4.29 5 30 11.25 801.0 (E. T.) Garrett (E. T.)___ 7.15 S Washington Sleeper ready 10.00 p. m. Train leaves 12.08 a. m. Lv. 1.52 3.19 3.33 4.35 10.29 Si|l I) (C. T.) Garrett (C. T.)._. 12.47 5.58 NOTE: Passengers for No. 11 from stations east of Baltimore, will U9e No. 511 to 5.58 Lv. 12.49 11.43 4.54 2.14 h6.59 12.53 Gary 10.30 Washington. 6.19 7.18 1.14 Lv. - South Chicago, 111. _ 9.32 1 2.43 12.02 10.13 r 6.40 1.36 Lv. 9.14 2.25 11.44 + For other stations in New York and Motor Coach Train Connections, see pages 3.> to :!S. 7 40 ..Chicago. III. (63rd Street) 9.53 7.05 8 05 2.00 Ar. 8.55 2.05 11.23 For information regarding the checking of baggage into and out of New York City, see pages 93-9 I. Chicago, III. (Or. Cent Sta.) ' 9.30 PM AM PM (CENTRAL TIME) ' 8.30 • 1.45 •11.00 AM PM PM PM

31 32 PRINCIPAL RIVERS AND WATERWAYS Between ALONG THE MAIN LINES OF THE BALTI­ TABLE No 20 Philadelphia, Chester, MORE AND OHIO RAILROAD • mm\9 Wilmington and Baltimore Westward Local Trains Eastward NEW YORK, N.Y., TO CUMBERLAND, MD. (Read Down) (Read Up) —Passengers in Baltimore and Ohio motor coache. are For additional through service, see Table 21 and 22. conveyed across the Hudson River between New York City and 49 61 Jersey City by ferries. 48 Exc. STA IK INS NEWARK BAY—Immediately west of Bayonne, N. J., the train crosses Sun. December 4. 1982 Newark Bay via a new, modern, concrete bridge. MY M'fi M't'i MTi DELAWARE RIVER—The historic Delaware River is crossed just east of PM AM Yardley. Pa. At this point Washington with the Continental AM PH 5.45 0.0 Lv Philadelphia, Pa. Army crossed the Delaware en route to the Battle of Trenton. 8.30 t 5.53 3.1 Lv 60th Street Ar f 8.20 SCHUYLKILL RIVER—While en route through Fairmount Park in the 5.57 4.8 Lv..- Darby Ai t.17 northern part of Philadelphia, Pa., the train crosses the Schuylkill t 6.00 6.0 Lv Collingdale Ar River three times. f 6.03 0.8 Lv Glcnolden A; SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AND BAY—At Havre de Grace, 6.06 .7.9 Lv Holmes Ar f 8.1C Md., the railroad crosses the Susquehanna River by a high, steel f 6.07 8.0 Lv Folsom Ar f " bridge. To the east the waters of the Chesapeake Bay rr.ay be seen. f 6.08 9.4 Lv Ridley Park A f P.C6 BUSH RIVER—is crossed just east of Sewell, Md. Several other glimpses i 6.09 9.8 Lv Milmont Ar f 8.05 may be had of the Bush River in this vicinity. f 6.11 10.4 Lv Eddystone A: f 8.04 11.9 BIG GUNPOWDER RIVER—is crossed at Big Gunpowder Station, Md. 6.17 Lv Chester Ar 8.01 f 6.20 12.7 Lv Upland A: f 7.57 PATAPSCO RIVER—is crossed at Relay. Md., via the , f 6.23 14.0 Lv Fel ton ville Ar f 7.55 one of the oldest stone arch bridges in the world in use today. f 6.27 15.5 Lv Twin Oaks Ar f 7.52 9. MONOCACY RIVER—is crossed immediately west of Dickerson, Md. 6.29 10.5 Lv Booth wyn Ar f 7.49 to. POTOMAC RIVER AND C. & O. CANAL—are paralleled from west of Dick­ f 6.32 17.2 Lv Ogden, Pa A: f 7.46 erson, Md., to Harper's Ferry, W. Va. f 6.34 18.2 Lv Carpenter, Del A SHENANDOAH Rl VER—At Harper's Ferry the railroad crosses to the t 6.36 19.5 Lv Arden A; f 7 41 opposite shore of the Potomac River, where the latter is joined by 6.4? 20.4 Lv Silver Side Ar f 7 the wate rs of the Shenandoah River. This is one of the most f 6.44 21.5 Lv Carrcroft Al f 7.35 historic and scenic spots in Eastern America, where three states f 6.45 Lv Cliffs Ai i 7 33 and two rivers meet, in the Mountains. f 6.46 23> Lv Concord Ar f 7 31 25.0 7.28 POTOMAC RIVER—is paralleled from Cherry Run. W. Va., to Cumber­ 6.59 Lv Wilmington A 7.02 20.8 Lv Elsmere Junction Ar f 7.23 land. Md. f 7.06 28.8 Lv Landenberg Junction Al l 7.19 is. GREAT CACAPON RIVER—is crossed just east of GreatCacaponStation, W.Va. f 7.:: 29.9 Lv Kiami'ii-i Ar f 7.16 14. SOUTH BRANCH OF THE POTOMAC—is crossed just west of French. W.Va f 7.11 31.2 Lv Stanton Ai f 7.14 f 7.14 33.5 Lv Harmony Ai f 7.10 7.20 37.2 Lv Newark, Del Ar 7.04 CUMBERLAND, MD., TO CHICAGO, ILL. f 7.23 40.' Lv Barlcsdale, Md Ar f 6.56 15. WILLS CREEK—is paralleled from Cumberland, Md.. to Glencoe, Pa. 7.26 41.3 Lv .Elk Mills A 6.56 16. CASSELLMAN RIVER—is paralleled from Meyersdale to Confluence, Pa., f 7.30 42.7 Lv Singerly Ar 6.53 where it empties into the Youghiogheny River. f 7.33 43.9 Lv Childs Ar 6.50 40.1) Lv Eder f 6.47 17. YOUGHIOGHENY RIVER—is paralleled from Confluence to McKees­ f 7.37 f 7.40 48.8 Lv Leslie f 6.44 port, Pa., where it empties into Monongai'ela River. f 7.49 53.0 Lv Belvedere ._ Ar f 6.37 18. MONONGAHELA RIVER—is paralleled from McKeesport to Pittsburgh. f 7.52 54.5 Lv Jackson _. Ar t . •'• Pa., where it empties into the . The junction of the 7.55 t 6.50 50.1 Lv Aikin. t 6.30 6.53 Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers at Pittsburgh forms the Ohio 6.55 68.6 Lv Havre de (".race 6.47 River. f 6.58 00.0 Lv Osborne f 6.45 19. ALLEGHENY RIVER—is crossed at Pittsburgh and paralleled to Etna, Pa. f 7.00 61.4 Lv Swan Crick ...Ar SO. CONNOQUENESSING CREEK—is paralleled from Callery to Frisco. Pa. 7.05 03.3 Lv Aberdeen (Proving Ground)-. .:_o 7.08 05.0 Lv Stepney f 6.26 $1. MAHONING RIVER—is paralleled from New Castle Junction. Pa., to f 6.21 Niles. Ohio. 7.12 08.2 Lv Belcamp 7.15 09.3 Lv Sewell 6.18 ee. SANDUSKY RIVER—Is crossed at Tiffin. Ohio. f 7.17 70." Lv Bush River f 6.16 S3. AUGLAIZE RIVER—is crossed at Defiance, Ohio. 7.20 71.9 Lv Van Bibber 6.13 *4. MAUMEE RIVER—is crossed at The Bend. Ohio. f 7.23 73.7 Lv Clayton f 6.10 f 6.06 ST. JOSEPH RIVER—is crossed just east of St. Joe, Indiana. 7.27 74.9 Lv Joppa ...Ar 25. 6.03 Sd. YELLOW RIVER—is crossed just west of Bremen, Ind. 7.30 76.2 Lv Bradshaw 77.3 ...Ar f 6.00 27. f 7.34 Lv Big Gunpowder KANKAKEE RIVER—is crossed iust east of Union Center, Ind. 7.37 78.1 Lv Loreley i 5.58 LAKE MICHIGAN—is paralleled from Indiana Harbor, Ind.. to the outskirts 7.41 80.2 Lv_ _ Co wen ton 5.53 of Chicago. f 7.46 s J. Lv . Poplar I 5.49 SOUTH BRANCH OF THE CHICAGO RIVER—is crossed just before f 7.48 Lv Ro-sville ..Ar i 5.45 84.4 f 5.41 arrival at Grand Central Station. Chicago, 111. f 7.51 86.8 Lv Rosedale ..Ar 7.56 Lv Bay View. f 5.37 89.0 5.32 CUMBERLAND, MD., TO ST. LOUIS, MO. 8.02 91.2 Lv Baltimore (G . Ar ? 12 Ar Baltimore (Mt Ro 5.24 94.4 t 5.18 POTOMAC RIVER—Is paralleled from Cumberland. Md.. to Piedmont. P 17 95.9 Ar Baltimore W. Va.. where it is joined by the Savage River. 4.43 31. 9.00 95.9 Lv.. Baltimore (Camden) Ar SAVAGE RIVER—Is paralleled for some distance west of Piedmont. W. Va. (.01 3$. SPRUCE RUN AND SALT LICK CREEK—Spruce Run is paralleled from 9.50 132.7 Ar Washington, D. C 1 Rodemer to Amblersb'irg, Salt Eick Creek is paralleled from Amb m AM lersburg to Rowlesburg, W. Va., where it joins the Cheat River. Light-fact figure. A. M. tlmi lll.rk-i CHEAT RIVER—is crossed at Rowlesburg and paralleled to Clement * Daily, Foutain, W. Va. 34. THREE FORKS CREEK—is paralleled from Austen to Grafton. W. Va. f Stops on signal to receive < 35. LITTLE KANAWHA RIV ER—is paralleled from Kanawha to Parkersburg, W. Va.. where it joins the Ohio River. 36. OHIO RIVER—is crossed at Parkersburg. W. Va.. forming the boundary- line between West Virginia and Ohio. 37. HOCKING RIVER—is crossed several times near Stewart, Ohio, and is again crossed near Athens, Ohio. Travel Bargains Every Night 38. RACCOON RIVER—Is crossed several times between Moonville and Zaleski. Ohio. 39. SCIOTO RIVER—Is crossed just east of Chillicothe, Ohio. 40. LITTLE MIAMI RIVER—is crossed at Loveland, Ohio. $C.65 between NEW YORK 41. OHIO RIVER—is paralleled from Cincinnati. Ohio, to Aurora, Ind. and WASHINGTON 4*. GREAT MIAMI RIVER—is crossed at Fort Hill. Ohio. 43. EAST FORK OF WHITE RIVER—Is paralleled from Vallonia to Rivervale. Ind.. where it crosses; It recrosses at Shoals, Ind.. and paralleles to Ouary, Ind. ! 65 between NEW YORK WEST FORK OF WHITE RIVER—Is crossed iust west of Washington. Ind. WABASH RIVER—is crossed just west of Vincennes, Ind., forming the and BALTIMORE boundrv line between Indiana and . 4 EMBARRAS RIVER—Is crossed just east of Lawrenceville. 111. LITTLE WABASH RIVER—is crossed some distance east of Clay City, 111. KASKASKIA RIVER—is crossed iust east of Carlvle, 111. Comfortable RECLINING SEAT COACHES SHOAL CREEK—is crossed some distance east of Breese, 111. LUNCH AND PORTER SERVICE SILVER CREEK—Is crossed just west of Lebanon. 111. MISSISSIPPI RIVER—Is crossed from East St. Louis, 111., to St. Louis, Mo.

33 TABLE No. 2 1 New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Westward For through equipment West of Washington, see pages 25 and 2G. GREATLY REDUCED NIGHT COACH FARES BETWEEN NEW YORK-BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON + • STA1 IONS 511 15 25 05 1 7 27 3 9 December 4. 1089 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily MOTOR COACH SCHEDULES. ;NOTE L [EASTERN TIM!-;) PM PH PM PM > II U. PM New York—23rd St. Motor Coach Route Lv 42nd St. Sta. (opp Grand Cent. Term.) .. 9.3010.3011.- 12.25 3.40 — .15.06 6.15 l.v Vanderbilt Hotel (1th Ave. and 34th St.) .. 9.3310.3311.3 —-B.r- Lv 33rd St. Station (35 West 33rd St.. near Broadway) .... 9.3510.35 11.3 7.40 10.00 12.25 2.08 5.10| 6.15 Lv McAIpin Hotel (Broadway and 33rd Street) 9.3710.3711.37 12.26 7.41 10.01, 12.26: 2.09 3.40 5.11 6.16 Lv Pennsylvania Hotel (7th Av. and 32nd St.-32nd St .... 9.3910.3911.3 7.43 10.03 12.30 2.13 3.41 5.14 6.19 Lv Hotel Governor Clinton (7th Ave. and 31st St.) .... 9.4 10.4 11.4 7.45 10.05 12.32, 2.15 3.45 5.16 6.20 3.47 Lv Columbus Circle Station (15 Columbus Circle). 11.35 7.35 9.50 12.17 2.00 3.35 5.00 6.10 Lv Hotel Lincoln (Mh Ave. and 44th St.) .- ,11.40 7.42 9.58 12.24 2.07 3.41 5.07 6.15 Lv Hotel New Yorker (8th Ave. and 34th St.) 11.J5 7.47 10 03 12.29 2.12 3.48 5.12 6.20 All Coach connect in- -.lit New York—Liberty St. Motor Coach Route Train run ( |. Lv 42nd St. Sta. (opp Grand Cent. Term.) 7.45 10.00 12.25 2.05 3.45 5.10 6.15 Lv Vanderbilt Hotel (4th Ave. and 34th St.) __ 7.49 10.04 12.28 2.09 3.49 6.19 Lv Wanamaker's (4th Ave. and 9th St.) 7.54 10.11 12.37 2.20 3.58 6.27 Brooklyn—Liberty St. Motor Coach Route Lv Joralemon St. Sta.(l!»l Joralemon St., nr. Bor'gh Hall) _ 9.IS 11.30' 7.35 9.55 12.22 2.05 3.40 5.08 6.10 Lv St. George Hotel (al Clark St.. cor. Henry St.)___ 9.18 11.33! 7.36 9.58 12.25 2.08 3.43 5.11 6.13 Lv The Towers (25 Clark St.) — 9.21 11.36 7.41 10.01 12.28 2.11 3.46 5.14 6.16

Note 1 Lv West 23rd Street Station (New York City). 7.58 | 7.58J 10.18 ! 10.18 12.47 | 12.47 2.30 12.304.03 : 4.035.30 I 5.30 Note 1 Lv Liberty Street Station (New York Clty)._ 9.4510.0011.001' ;c 8.15 1.00 2.45 4.20 5.45 TRAIN SCHEDULES.

Lv New York (Jersey City Station). 4.32 c 7.00

Lv Newark, Public Sen. Term. Blilg. . . I Motor ThrouRh Sleeper Newark to i I 05 10.25 . 55 £ 2.35 4.10 c 5.40 6.40 l.v Robert Treat Hotel {Coach Washington reaclv 10.00 p. ra. •; 0'-, 10.26 2.36 4.11 £ 5.41 6.41 Lv Jersey Central Station. . [Connections - Train Li 3 20 10.40 10* 2.50 4.25 ^ 5.55 6.55

11.5 Lv Elizabeth, N. J al.30 a8.44 all.01 , .33 o a3.15 al.49 .2 a6-19 a7.16 23.0 Lv Plainfield, N. J nl.49 e9.58 nil.15 ; .47 fi -3.29 e6.33 n7.30 S3. 1 Lv Wayne Junction. Pa. 3.16 7 40 10.03 12.22 • .52 -a 4.34 "6J8"? 7.39 8.37 00.9 Ar Philadelphia. Pa. (( h. itnut St. Station). 3.34 7.55 10.18 12.37 .07 c 4.49 6.23 n 7.54 8.52

00.9 Lv Philadelphia, Pa. (Chestnut St. Station). 3.44 757 10.20 12.42 ' 10« 4.54 6.25' 7.57 8.55 1D2.8 Lv Chester, Pa 8.14 10.38 gl.00 . 27 i 5.12 8.15 c9.12 115.9 Lv Wilmington. Del _ "4.27' 8.31 10.55 1.17. 43 < 5.29 8.31 9.28 128.1 Lv Newark, Del 4.48 8.47 el.33 8.46 132.2 Lv Elk Mills, Md .8 53 .8.51 147.0 Lv Aiken, Md "u5J8" 154.2! Lv Aberdeen, Md . 15.28 9.17 hi l "1 f6.14 9.18 1S5.3 Ar Baltimore, Md. (Mt. Royal Station) 6.17 9.52 12.18 2.38 5.04 6.52 8.12 9.56 10.47 18G.8 Ar Baltimore (Camden Station) 6.22 9.57 12.23 2.43 5.09 6.57 8.17 10.01 10.52

LSfi.8 Lv Baltimore (Camden Station) 6.30 10.00 12.25 2.45 5.12 7.00 8.19 10.05 10.55 223.6 Ar Washington, D. C. (Union Station) 7.25 10.45 1.15 3.35 6.02 7.45 9.02 10.50 11.40 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 1 (Connections for Richmond, Va.) AM PM PM PM PM ~PM n.o Lv Washington, D. C. (/.. F. 6* P.) 8.00 2.20 5.10 6.30 7.50 11.59 11.59 llii.5 Ar Richmond, Va. (Broad Street Station) (A. C. L.). 11.00 8.40 9.20 10.35 116.6 Ar Richmond, Va. (Main Street Station) (S. A. _..)._ 5.10 9.30 3.00 PM PM AM Note 1—For the convenience of travelers not desiring to use Motor Coach Train connections, frequent ferry service is operated from 23rd Street Station and Liberty Street Station to Jersey City Station. Note L— Motor Coaches from 42nd Street Station operate via Liberty Street Ferry. CAR SERVICE CAR SERVICE 1—"THE NATIONAL LIMITED" Air-Conditioned Train. Club Car, New York 511—"BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON NIGHT EXPRESS." Reclining Seat Coach. Private Section and Compartment. Drawing-room Sleeping CaTs V w to St. Louis. ( ompaitment and Drawing room Sleeping Cars, New York to York to Washingtonashington . Pullman Double Bedroom'CaBedroom Carr .an< d Drawin St. Louis and Cincinnati. Drawing-room Sleeping Cars. New York to Louisville, Sleeping Carsrs., New \ ork to Baltimore. Open for passengers in Jersey ' Parlor Cars and Individual Seat Coach, New York to Washington. Dining Car, 10.00 p.m. IPassenger s may remain in Sleeper at Baltimore until 8.00 a. m 1 New York to Keyser. Reclining Seat Coach, Washington to St. Louis. in Sleeper annd RechninReclininge Seat (Coac oach at \Washingto\ ashington until s8.0 fin0 - « Drawing-room Sleeping Car. Newark to Washington. Ready for'oe 7—"NEW YORK-CHICAGO SPECIAL." Club Car and Drawing-room Parlor Car, Jersey Central Station. Newark, at 10.00 p. „,. Passengers for Baltimore™?., vacate New \ork to Washington. Individual Seat Coaches and Compartment and their car on arrival at Mt. Royal Station at 6.17 a. m. or Camden Station at Drawing-room Sleeping Cars. New York to Chicago. Drawing-room Sleeper, 6.22 a. m. Philadelphia to Cleveland. Observation Sleeping Car, Washington to Chicago. Dining Car(A), New York to Cumberland. 15—"THE WASHINGTONIAN." Individual Seat Coaches. Drawing-room Pari,., Car and Dinin""""Bg Car--ui., Wayni.u.ue- JunctionjuuLuuii., i-iiiiaucipmPhiladelphiaa to WashingtoWashington 27_.'THE COLUMBIAN" Air-Conditioned Train. Club-Lounge Car, Observa- F ORT P,TT L, IV T In tion-Solarium-Drawing-room-Parlor Car, Parlor Cars, Individual Seat Coaches 25—"THE FOR. TN PITVT .,LIMITEDV F-P-. " L l"8- and Parlor Car, New York to Washington. burgh to Chicago. Drawing-room Sleeping Cars,_Ni York to Cumberland, Cincinnati, Louisville 5—"THE CAPITOL LIMITED" Air-Conditioned Train. Club Car M„ ., , and St. Loui;; Baltimore to Wheeling. Dining C.u(A), New York to Washington. to Chicago; Individual Seat Coaches. New York to Washington Pari Individual Seat Coaches, New York to St. Louis. New York to Washington. Dining Car. New York to Washftieton C mentand Drawing-room Sleepin.; Cars, New York anil Phila leh,' , 9—"NEW YORK-PITTSBURGH-CHICAGO EXPRESS." Individual Seat Coaches. t New York to Chicago. Drawing-room Sleeping Cars, New York to Columbus Drawing-room Sleeping Car. Philadelphia to Chicago All Pu|im,' , Washington to Chicago. *" " rullman Train, and Chicago; Washington to Pittsburgh. Club Car, Drawing Room Parlor Car and Dining Car(A), New York to Washington. Light-face figures A. M. time. a Stops on signal onlv to receive passenger? for Wayne Jet. and points west Ilia, li-hieo figures 1*. U. time, b Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Philadelphia and stations east and tn f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. for Baltimore and points west. n.er. R st°Ps ou signal to receive passengers lor Baltimore and points west where train is schedulrd to stop c Stops to receive passengers for points west of Washington. h Stops to receive passengers for stations west of Cumberland. d Stops on signal to receive passenger, for Cincinnati and points west. I Stops to discharge passengers from Philadelphia and points east, eStops on signal to receive passengers for Chester and points west. n Stops on signal to receive passengers for Baltimore and points west, • Connects with Old Bay Line and Chesapeake Line Steamers lea'vinir Baltlmr., 1 •, « u Stops daily except SundaSundayy . * Connects with York River Line Steamers leaving Baltim. J M, ',, vv . ? di,ly Un »• '"•. for Old Point Comfort and Norfolk Street Cars direct frfroc m Camden Station to the wharf. y ancl 6M p < < hmo © Connects with Norfolk and Washington Steamers eaving wlsCgtonLM?. t * "rt&J at ' ____ rnrnM "r ' v ' 1 "' ; A—Air Conditioned Car. • For information regarding the cheeking of baggage into and out of NeMew York rifCity, 1^ V ;" I I for I ' ______

36 TABLE No. 22 I Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Eastward For through equipment west of Washington, see pages 29 and 30. GREATLY REDUCED NIGHT COACH FARES BETWEEN WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE-NEW YORK

STATIONS 528 10 2 6 4 504 28 26 36 14 Miles Jannary •-4. 19:!:! Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

(Connections from Richmond, Va.) ^H^^ PM AM AM AM PM PM l.v Richmond, Va. (R. F. fc> P.) (Broad St. Sta.) A. C. L. 7.45 3.45 7.30 9.45 12.01 3.50 6.45 Richmond, Va.(R. F. &• P.) (Main St. Sta.) S. A. L.. 12.40 7.15 Ar Washington, D. C P _«,_., 10.45 3.40 6.35 10.10 12.30 2.35 6.10 PM AH AM AM PM PH PM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Washington, D. C. (Union Station). 12.35 5.50 8.15 J 9.10 11.45 1.00 4.00 J 5.00 7.00 11.30 Baltimore, Md. (Camden Station).. 1.25 33 8.58 •= 9.53 •_• 12.28 1.43 4.43 » 5.48 7.47 12 20 8LV Baltimore (Camden Station) 1.30 6.36 9.00 h 9.55 h 12.30 1.45 4.45 h 5.51 7.50 12.30 fflLv Baltimore (Mt. Royal Station) 1.40 6.42 9.06 „ 10.01 12.36 1.51 4.51 .. 5.57 7.56 12.36 ! Lv Aberdeen. Md 9.43 ' 8.35 f 1.17 6 Lv Newark, Del 10.12 c 9.07 f 1.50

"' in? 7 Lv Wilmington, Del 3.19 7.59 10.26 5 11 21 S 1.52 3.06 6.05 * 7.25 9.23 2.07 .£ 120 8Lv Chester, Pa 3.16 10.43 -5 11.?8 5 d 3.21 -o 7.43 9.41 f 2 26 re 132 7 Ar Philadelphia, Pa. (Chestnut St. Station) "3.58* 8.34 11.00 C 11 55 C ".:24" 3.37 6.37 C 8.02 10.00 2.45 13_'.7Lv Philadelphia, Pa. (Chestnut St. Station) 4.04 8.36 11.02 f 12.01 . 2.28 3.39 6.39 ' 1 10.6 \r Wavne Junction, Pa _ 4.23 8.52 11.18 £ 12.17 ._: 2.43 3.55 6.55 . 8.21 \i Plainfield e5.59 e9.54 e 12.23 < e 1.24 < e 3.45 k 9.23 212.1 Ar Elizabeth (Motor Coaches to Newark) a 6.19 al0.08 a 12.37 a 1.38 a 3.59 a 9.37

Newark Jersev Central Station Motor Coach Conn.. 6.40 10.28 12.57 1.58 4.19 5.32 8.31 9.57 Public Service Terminal Building 6.42 10.31 1.00 2.01 4 22 5.35 8.34 10.00 Robert Treat Hotel 6.43 10.32 1.01 2.02 4.23 5.36 8.35 10.01

r New York (Jersev City Station). 12.55 4.17 9.55


Brooklyn—Liberty St. Motor Coach Route NOTE 2 NOTE 2 Lv Je 6.52 29 12.57 1.57 4.19 5.32 8.32 9.58 Ar Liberty Street Station (New York City) 7.02 10.38 1.07 2.07 4.29 5.42 8.42 10.08 Ar Joralemon St. Sta 7.35 11.12 1.42 2.39 5.03 6.09 9.02 10.28 Ar St. George Hotel (51 Clark St., eor. Henry St.) 7.40 11.17 1.47 2.44 5.08 6.14 9.05 10.30 Ar The Towers (25 Clark St.) 7.41 11.18 1.49 2.45 5.10 6.15 9.06 10.31 New York—Liberty St. Motor Coach Route Note _L.|Lv Jersey City Station 6.52 t 7.31 8.00 10.28 12.57 1.57 4.19 5.32 8.32 8.32' 9.58! 9.58. Ar Liberty Street Station (New York City) 7.02 7.41 8.10 10.38 1.07 2.07 4.29 5.42 .... 8.42, ! 10.08. Ar Wanamaker's (1th Ave. and 9th St.—9th St. Entrance) 7 18 8.00 8.30 I 10.58 1.27 2.27 4.49 6.01 .... 8.57 ... ! 10.21 . |\r 42nd St. Sta 7.25 8.10 8.40 11.10 1.37 2.37 5.00 6.10 9.00 9.05 10.25 1 10.30. New York—23rd St. Motor Coach Route Note 1. Lv Jersev City Station 6 44 1-7.31 10.28 12.57 12.57 1.57 4.19 5.35 8.32 9.58 Ar West 23rd Street Station (New York City)... 7.05 7.53 10.50 1.19 2.19 5.57 NOTE .' \r Hotel New Yorker (Sth Ave. and 31th Street) _. 7.15 8.04 11.01 1.29 2.29 4.53 6.09 8.59 10.25 Ar Hotel Lincoln (8th Ave. and 41th St.) ._ 7.23 8.09 11.06 1.34 2.34 4.58 6.14 9.03 10.29 \r Columbus Circle Station (15 Columbus Circle).. 7.26 8.15 11.12 1.42 2.42 5.05, 6.20 9.10 10.35 Ar Hotel Governor Clinton (7th Av !. and 31st Street) 7 18 8.05 11.02 1.30 2.30 4>T 6.09 8.57 10.23 Ar Pennsylvania Hotel (7th Ave. at d 33rd Street) 7.21 8.07 11.04 1.31 2.31 4. 58 6.11 8.59 10.25 Ai MC \lpin Hotel (Broadway and 34th St.—34th St. Ent.)\ 7.24 8.10 11.07 1.34 2.35 5.00 6.15 9.02 10.28 Stop also serves 33rd Street Station (35 West 33rd St.)/ Ar Vanderbilt Hotel (4th Ave. and 34th St.) 7.27 8.13 11.10 1.37; 2.40 6.20.-. 9.05 10.30 Ar 42nd St. Sta __ 7.30 8.15 11.10 (EASTERN- STANDARD TIME) Ul AM AM PH PM PM

Note 1—For the convenience of travelers not desiring to use Motor Coach Train connections, frequent ferry service is operated to 23rd Street Station and Liberty Street Station from Jersey City Station." ^^Ijijijijijijiji^i^i^i^i^i^i^s^BjBjBjBjBjBjSjpjjjjjjjjjM NOTE 2—Coaches operate via Liberty Street. Ferr_._...... ______.______^^^^^_y leaves Jersey City 8.32jp. m._ , arriving 23rd Street S.54 p. m. NOTE 3—All Coaches from Trains Nos. 26 and 28 operate via"Liberty Street Ferry. CAR SERVICE CAR SERVICE 528— "NEW YORK NIGHT EXPRESS." Reclining Seat Coach. Private "THE DIPLOMAT." Individual Seat I .mpartment and Dr Section and Compartment, Drawing-room Sleeping Cars. Washington to New room Sleeping Car. St. Louis to New York. In i .ing-room - \ork ready lor occupancy at Union Station 10.00 p. m. Reclining Seat Coach yille and Springfield to Washington. Club Car. Parlor Car. and Dining Car(A). and fourteen-eection Sleeping Car. Baltimore to "New York, ready al to New ^^______Station, and Pullman Double Bedroom Car and Drawing-room Sleei ready at Mt. Royal Station 10.00 p. in. Passengers may'remain in Sleeping ( ars 504V—"TH E HENDRIK HUDSON." Club Car. Drawing-room Parlor Car. Indi­ and Reclining Seat Coach at Jersey City until 6.00 a. m. vidual Scat Coach and Dining Car(A), Washington to New \ ork. 10—"CHICAGO-NEW YORK EXPRESS." Coaches and Drawing-room SI —"THE COLUMBIAN" Air-Conditioned Train. Club-Lounge Car. Obscrva- Car. C hfcago to New York. Dining Car(A). Baltimore to New York. Club Car. tion-Solarium-Drawing-room-Parlor Car, Pal Uvidual Seat Coaches Washington to New \ork. and Dining Car. Washington to New York. No Extra hare.

L—"THE NATIONAL LIMITED" Air-Conditioned Train. Club Car -"THE FORT PITT LIMITED." Individual 5 ' ' : ' rtiv to New \or>c. Compartment and Drawing-room Sleeping Cars, St. I. Drawing-room Sleeping Car-. I ' Cincinnati to New N ork Drawing-room Sleeper, Louisville to New York. Parlor Cars. Pittsburgh to.New York. Lounge' ir(A),( ptoPiti .rgh. Dining Car. Individual Scat Coaches and Dining Car, Washington to New York. Reclin­ ing Seat Coach. St. Louis to Washington. Car (A). Washington to New York. -"THE PHILADELPHIAN." Individual Seat Coaches, Drawing-room Parlor Car "THE CAPITOL- _LIMITE —D Air-Conditioned Train. Club Car. CI and Dining Car, Washington to 1 New York. Ind({vidua ! Seal Coaches. Parlor Cars and Dining Car. V to New York. CCompartmen t and Drawing-room Sleeping Cars. Chicago^ »' -Drawing-room Sleeping C i W 1 tQ more. Philadelphia and N York. _Kf Puii'man Train'from Chicago to m.. may be occu­ Washington. pied at Philadelphia until ItUv-k-fsm Cgare. P. «. Omt. * P.vlv. t Sunday via 23rd Street Route. Li_ht-fac> figures A. M. time. D rtgn_- only to disch.irce passenger, from Wayne Jet. and points west. e Stops on signal to discharge pa?=eni:- r= from Baltimore __.__. «„ v__. b Stops to discharge p.issencers from B.i'timore and west and to receive passengers for New vork. E Stop. t . ] receive paae-wc.. k > ork on Monday mornings onlv. from Baltimore and west and to receive passen.ers for Elizabeth Stop? • .-rom Chester ax and tost. + Fe- information regarding the checkinc of baggage into and out of New York City, see pages 93 A-Air Conditioned Car. Baltimore to Washington Westward I TABLE No. 23 All Trains Baltimore to Washington Carry Coaches

STATIONS M't'r 145 147 15 159 165 February 1. in:!:! 153

(EASTERN TIME) PM PM PH PM I PM PM PM AM -V AM iW AM -M AM PM , PM ' 8.12 • 9.56*10.47 0.0 Lv Baltimore, Md. Mt.Royal) >6 1/ *7.15 7*45 *8 55' 9.52 "12 18 •2 38 '5 04 '6.52 .t5.40*6.26 /.OO 8.19* 9.00 10.05 10 55 1.5 Lv Baltimore (Camden) 5*45 6 30 t6.50 7.20 7.50 9.00 10 00. 12 25I t 1.45 t 2 00 2 45 t4 00 5.12 3.6 Lv Mt. Winans .5.50 f 2 05 •f5.461S.26 Lv West Baltimore f5 53 hi 18 f5.49f6.29 4.5 9 09 5.7 Lv Lansdowne. f5 56 .6.57 w - 2 11 f5.52 6.32 7.0 Lv Halethorpe f5 58 f7.00 '4 15.56 fG.35 8.2 Lv St. Denis f6 00 2 1. f5.59 6.37 < < 9 13 8.7 Lv Relay 6 03 To. *7"§i 8"02 "§ 12 1 57 2 19 _l 4 12 v 6.01 6.40 9 14 10 f6.04f6.43 f 9 16 9.3 Lv Elk Ridge- f6 05 f7 05 . .2 0 * 11.2 Lv Hanover .6 09 .7.08 a f6.08f6.47 h f 9.20 11.9 Lv Har-Wood 16 10 f7.09 :s f6.10f6.49 f6.13 6.51 z /. ui _. 13.0 Lv Dorsey f6 12 17.11 z: ii B 1 i4i8|S"Sl . 9i23 14.5 Lv Montevideo f6 14 f6.16f6.53 f 9.25 !4 , §2 f 9.27 15.4 Lv Jessup .6 16 ff.5 56 f4 21 6.18 6.55 ^§°- 16.0 Lv Bridewell .6 18 f7 16 M Jo_ f6.20f6.57 SgSss ll 17.6 Lv Fort Geo. G. Meade Jct- 6 22 7.19 2 41 6.24 7.00 r§.3. 19.1 Lv Savage f6 25 .7.22 14 Ac* f6.27f7.03l - = 21.0 Lv Laurel 6 31 7.26 12 50 2 15 :8 4 30 Ooc 6.31 7.07 3s£«' S3 V11.19, 22.7 Lv Oak Crest .6 33 f7.29 trss f6.34f7.10 23.2 Lv Contee 16 34 f6.36f7.11 f6.39f7.14i = 5 24.6 Lv Muirkirk f6 38 f7"32 U _C< 25.8 Lv Ammendale f6 41 .7.34 s f6.41 f7.16 26.8 Lv Beltsville f6 45 f7.36 K H 51' 16.43 17 17 27.7 Lv Sunnyside .6 46 f7.38 a % f6.45f7 18 - |3| 29.5 Lv Branchville f6 51 .7.41 x u \x <- f6.48f7 21 29.9 Lv Berwyn f6 54 f7.42 H « f6.49t'7 22 31.1 Lv College Park .6 57 f7.45 |f6.53 f7 24 o < 9 47 32.2 Lv Riverdale 16 59 7.48 f6.55 17.26 33.1 Lv Hyattsville 7 03 7.52 6.58 7.28 f 9.50. 34.0 Lv Brentwood, Md f7 06 7.54 „ f7.01 f7.30 35.6 Lv Langdon, D. C f7 09 f7.56, f8.35 f9 43| f7.04 17.32 38.3 Ar Washington, D. C 7 20 7 25 8.05 8 10 8.45 9 50 10 45 3.35 . 02 7.15 7.40 7.45 9 02 10.00 10.50 11.40 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM rM PM - PM PM PM PM PM , PM

Washington to Baltimore Eastward TABLE No. 24 All Trains Washington to Baltimore Carry Coaches

STATIONS 764 166 14 Sun. February 1, 1988 on V

(EASTERN TIME) PM I PM PM PM PM PM PM 0.0'Lv Washing ton, D.C *4 00 *5 00 f5 05,,5*3 0 It6.20 7*00 •11.00 11*30 6 00 2.7!Lv Langdon, D. C f6.27 .... fH.08 .6.08 4.3lLv Brentwood, Md. 5 13-- .6.29 * fll.10 ----- 16.11 5.2Lv Hyattsville 5 15 .. 6 32 5 fll.12 .... 6.13 1 6.1 Lv Riverdale ,f5 18 -. f6.34 u fll 14 - f6.16 7.21.V College Park f5 211 . - f6.36 z H1.16 ... 16.19 8.41.V Berwyn f5.24; . . f6.38 g | fll.18 f6.21 8.8lLv Branchville _ T5.26 . . f6.40 5 fll .19 . ... f6.22 10.6,Lv Sunnyside if5.291 - - 116.43 2 fll .21 - 16.25 ll.sll.v Beltsville- ;f5.31 - - f6.45 g fll.22 --. f6.27 12.5lLv Ammendale (6.47 3 fH.24 fS.29 13.71LV Muirkirk if5.35 ... f6.49 5 M1.26 - f6 31 15.1|Lv Contee- 15.6Lv 1*5.38 - - f6.51 S fll 28 f6 33 Oak Crest f5.40 ... f6.53 fll 29 f6 35 17.3,Lv Laurel 10.2!Lv 5 22 5.44 5.5 6.57 7f22 9.37 11.32 6.40 Savage f5.47 ... £7.01'--- fll.35 fG 44 20.7ILv Ft. Geo. G. Meade Jet. 22.3Lv 5.50--- 7.04 fll 38 6.47 Bridewell R f7.07 fll 40 f6 50 22.9 Lv Jessup •ii s ^« 23.8;Lv .89 Uo :< 5.53--- f7.09 fll 41 6 r- 25.3 Lv Montevideo f7.11 fll 42 f6._ 26.4lLv Dorsev CO 7. f6.57|---- f7.14 fll.45 fG 59 27.LLV Har-Wood ;f5.59-.-. f7.16 f7.01 29.0'Lv Hanover 'f6.01 ... f7.18 fll 48 f7.04 29.6'Lv Elk Ridge I 6.05f6.1 7.22 fll 52 7.10 30.ILv Relay 6.07f6.1 7.24 7.17 St. Denis fll 68 31.3X.V f6.09jf6.1 17.26 „ , fll 57 f7.14 32.6|Lv Halethorpe 17.29 f7 17 Lansdowne. -fll .59 33.8'Lv 7.32 .12.02 f7.20 34.7 Lv West Baltimore f7.22 3C.8lAr Mt. Winans f7.25 38.3lAr Baltimore (CamdenV. 4 43 5 48 6.20. 6.23, 7.42 7 4710.00 12.10 12.20 7.32 Baltimore, Md 4.51' 5.57 6.30! 7.56 i 12 36 (Mt. Royal) PM I PM . PM PM PM : PM PM AM AM ~"PM'

*Daily. t Daily except Sunday. § Sunday only Light face figures A. M. time. Blii.k-fnee figures P. M. i i... f Stops on signal to receive or d.schnr.e passengers. r Stop. Sunday only. . Stops ^ ^^ daily except Saturday and Sunday. y Stops to discharge passengers from Philadelphia and beyond. * Will not run on Sundays. New Year', Day. Washington'. Birthday. Decoration Day, Fourth of July Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day or Christmas.

39 40 Washington to Point of Rocks, Frederick, k-ABLE NO. 27 prABLE No. 25 Hagerstown and Harper's Ferry

STATIONS Between 11 55 February 1. 1988 19 51 77 777 Mote Motor Baltimore, Relay, Mt. Airy and Frederick AM j AM Pi" PM Washington, D. C. 1*8.25] ^^^ 5.10 5.45 •8.00 *11.05| 6.31 University I 6.38 Westward Eastward Terra Cotta '.'.'.'.'.'.llllli 5.54 i 6.40 Chillum (Read Down) (Read Up) 15.58 f 6.41 Lamond 15.59 1 6.43 Takoma Park... t5.22 6.02 f 6.44 747 748 North Takoma, Md. f (.46 645 STATIONS I 48 15.24... . Sun. 47 ' [Motor Silver Spring i 6.48 only Sat. D-rcinbrr 4, 193.1 Motor only Motor! Sun. 7.S Woodside f 6.49 Motor| only 8.7 Linden 15.30 "I" 1 6.51 Ul 9.2 Forest Glen 5.32 6.10 1 6.53 9.9 Capitol View I 6.55 ______PM _ , P" ™ , AM j AM I . i5.34 ... 1 O.OLv. Balto. (Camden) 7 25i 8.22! 9.25 10.5 Kensington 5.36 6.13 t 6.57 7.02J I 5.26J 1.30 t 7.00 ^^^^^^^^ I 1.35 2.1 Lv. Mt. Winans 7.17'g 8.16 11.9 Gaircttr Park 15.40 6.17 _ West Baltimore _ 7.14 Randolph i5.43 ... 1 7.02 t 1.38 3.0 t 7.05 4.2' Lansdowne 7.12 8.11 m\^ Autrey Park t 1.41 16 0 Rockville 7.07 > 1.44 5.6 Halethorpe 7.07k 8.08 .5.49; 6.26, I 7.10 6.7 St. Denis 7.04>f 8.04 17.2 WV-tmore 15.52 f6:29j 1 1.47 L8.6 Derwood 1 7.13 f 7.131 5.41 1.50 7.-2' Relay _ 7.02! 8.02 ::::::.p:i3 1 7.17 7.8 Avalon 7.00 f 7.58 0 1 Washington Grove._ 6.34 f 5.43,f 1.52 Gaithersburg 7.20 f 5.44 1 1.53 8.2 Glenartney 6.58f 7.57 21.1 6.37i f 7.21 f 5.451 1.54 8._ Vineyard 6.57 f 7.56 21.6 Ward .6.39 1 7.23 6.55!f 7.54 Brown _...._ f6.40 if 5.47It 1.56 'i _ Orange Grove 22.5 1 7.25 5.50 f 1.58 10.C Ilchester 6.53: 7.52 '.llllli 9.06 23.7 Clopper :6.07 16.42 f 7.26 f 5.5211 2.00 11.7 Lv Gray 6..Of 7.49 24.4 Waring .... ,16.43: 1 7.30 5.57 2.03 L2.7 Lv ...Ellicott City 6.481 7.47 25.9 Germantown 6.12 6.48 I 7.35 l3.3Lv Oella - f 7.45 2S.6 Boyd 6.17 6.53 1 7.37 f 5.59'f 2.05 16.20f7.02 f 6.07 1 2.12 16.5 Lv Hollofield f 7.39 2i».9 Buck Lodge 1 7.42 f 7:32l 17.8 Lv Alberton 7.36 32.8 Barnesville 6.26 7.06 I 7.46 6.10 2.15 6.31 " " f 6.15 f 2.20 20.4 Lv Davis 35.1 Dickerson 7.10 f 7.38 Woodstock 7.291 , 8.47 Tuscarora 16.37 f7.16 6.19 2.23! 21.7 Lv. 38.7 6.45 t 7.43 t 6.25 f 2.29 24.3 Lv _ .Marriottsville... f 7.23 f 8 42 42.3 Point of Rocks 7.24 7.58 f 7.45 f 6.27f 2.31 25.2 Lv Henry ton f 7.21 If 8.40 5576 Frederick 4.20 . 1. 4140 __•• f 7.49 t 6.31 f 2.34 26.9 Lv Gorsuch f 7.17 f 8.36 12.3 Point of Rocks 3.33 c5.04' 5.20 6.48 8.00 .. 7.53 6.38 2.39 28.8 Lv Sykesville 7.12 8.32 45.4 Catoctin 3.42 1 5.25f6.55.._. f 6.43 f 2.43 30.1 Lv Gaither f 7 49.3 Brunswick 9.40+10.20 f3.49 5.40 7.53 — 8.12 6.47 2.46 31.3 Lv Hoods Mill 7.05 61.7 Knoxville .... fl0.25 _:53 ... f _:44 7.691—- :»7.8.1 f 6.521 2.50 33.3Lv Morgan if 7.01 Weverton .... 10.30 4.20 - 5.47 8.02 . 8.20 6.55f 2.54 34.2 Lv Woodbine 6.58 70.1 Hagerstown^ 9.23 Watersville f 6.53 "9.001 i 7.01 f 2.59 36.6Lv o2.o Weverton .1 10.30 3.53 ... 5.47 8.151 7.12 3.10 39.61Lv Mount Airv 6.41 8.10, ...Plane No. 4__. 54;3|Lv Sand^_^_^^^^^^y Hook, Md__-_ .. .fl0.33 . 1 5.51 f 7.19 f 3.18 43.1 Lv f 6 25 55 2|Ar Harper's F'y, W.Va 9.50] 10.37 2.46 3.59n5.21 5.54 f 7.21 f 3.22 44.3Lv Bartholow f 6.20 I AM PM . PM PM r f 7.27 f 3.27 46.7 Lv Monrovia 6.15 : f 8:33 f 7.34 3.34 50.2 Lv Ijamsville 6.07 7.43 f 7.40f 3.41 53.2 Lv __-Reel's Mills . f 6.01 *_IO Harper's Ferry, Hagerstown, Frederick and 8:4a 7.42 3.45 54.6i.Ar_ Frederick Junction. 5.57 kABLE NO. ^B point of Rocks tQ Washington 8.55| 7.55 4.001 58.2|Ar Frederick Lvl t 5 45 7.30. PM AM ______F STATIONS February 1. 19H3

Lv Harper's F'y, W.Va. Lv Sandy Hook, Md [TABLE No. 26 Ar Weverton._ Lv Hagerstown 2.7 Lv Weverton 6.22 9 15 Between 3.5 Lv Knoxville - JO 5.9 Lv Brunswick • 6.| 9.2^ 9.49, 9.8 Lv Catoctin Frederick, Point of Rocks and Harper's Ferry 12 9 Ar Point of Rocks _. 6.46' 1 Read Down) (Read Up> • Frederick 14 30 12.9 L Point of Rocks _ ._, ...,ME I6.fi Lv Tuscarora f 412 ' QQ | 20.1 Lv Dickerson _ *•*f5 27 II ::i lui3 STATIONS 53 ~2 56 370 |778 77 51 31 881 Miles 7ft 32 22.4 Lv Barnesville 15 35 "III 7.C3 February 1. 1933 78 Mtr Mtr «? Mtr Motor] Mtr 26.3 Lv Buck Lodge t'5 40 !f7.08; 110 22! Lv Bovd 5.43 PM PM PM AM PM I PM PM • Lv Germantown 5 48 t4.40 r 4.30; 0.0 \Lv Frederick A; 4.20 8.34 Lv Waring 15 51 31 5 Lv Clopper f5 54 4.52 * 4.41i 3.6,Lv. . _ Frederick Jet _ 4.05 8.21 . Lv Brown 15 57 .. .14.55 f 4.45' B._flAr. Lime Kiln f4.00f8.17 . Lv Ward f5.59 •15.00 - I 4.4S 7."l.v _ Buckeystown _ f3.56f8.14 .- Lv Gaithersburg 6.02 ... t5 05 4-2 9.9B.V. _ .Adamstown. _ f3.52f8.10 .-. :;.-, 1 Lv Washington Grove— t'6.05

. 15 08 f 4.54: lO.M-v. Doub f3.46 18.07 .... :•;••.." Lv Derwood 6.0£ 5.16, ' 5 PI 14.2 Ar. .Point of Rocks.. 3.40 '8.00 ... Lv Westmore 16.11

• • Lv Rockville P 14 55 Lv \otr.v Park f V Motor 4.' 0 Lv Randolph 43 3 Lv Garrett Park ;.00h6.48 5.201 3.33 ...77 14.2Lv. .Point of Rocks. .Arl 6. 9.59! 3.32 , f7.5» 9 12 44. Lv Kensington 16.55:5.25 17 3lLv. Catoctin Arf6 36 13.25— -_-_-_, ra _. Lv Capitol View ? 7.53 5.40 3.42 10 21 21.2Lv. ...Brunswick... Ar 6 30 9.22 9.49*3.18 6.57 7.47] Lv Forest Glen 6.29, (7.59 15.441 3.49 ti: 25 23.6Lv. Knoxville Ar 6 25.9.18 f9.44; f6.53 ...- 4f.. Lv Linden f6 3!: 8.02 5.47 3.53 10.30 24 4 Ar. Weverton Lv 6 22t9.15, 942 6.51 .... Lv Woodside Lv Silver Spring .23 9.00 48.0j.4r_ ..Hagerstown. _ .Lv t5.20| | j | |- 19 0 Lv North Takoma, Md.. Lv Takoma Park, D. C. 5.47 3.53 10 30 24 4 Lv Weverton Ar 19.15 9.42 6.51 .. Lv Lamond.- — ---15.51 flO 33 2G.2.\r...Sandv Hook_..Lvi '. f6.47.-- . Lv Chillum 5.54 3.59 10 37 27.1 Ar. . Harper's F'y. .Lv T9.0ET9.36 .6.44*7.29 Lv Terra Cotta -v PM PM PM AM I AM I AM AM • PM ' PM I PM ' Lv University • Ar Washington, D. C. Li.ht-t.u-f figures A. M. time. Kl_ck-.u.re figures P. M. H"" ,_ ;u • Daily. t Daily eieept Sunday. § Sunday only. X Saturday only. Light-face figures A. M time. b Stops on Mondays to receive passengers for Washington and points east. *Da,,y- . ^rV^ZrVTjZToM f <*OJ>. On Bftnl <° ' ipa to receive or discharge passengers, C Stop? to receive pa"en_er= for Pittsburgh ai 'i and east and receive f T.S„ene-.r«. n Stops to discharge passengers from- • • r» „ and lt2t1on, „... v. Stop-* to discharge passenger- from stations on old main line. Cumberland. p Stops Mondays onlv to receive 1 «--_.______• tmmmmmmmmmmm — x Stops on signal to disrharge passengers fl

42 Between Baltimore, Washington, Harper's Ferry, Strasburg, Between Green Spring, Romney on TABLE No. TABLE No. ^*J Harrisonburg, Staun­ 31 and Petersburg ton and Lexington (Read Down) (Read Up)

(Read Down) STATIONS 66 64 December 4. 1982 Mixed Mixed 5 STATIONS 52 54 19 .. Milea Peeemher 4, 1982 504 16 (EASTERN TIME) HI PM 51 LvGrcen Spring, W. Va. 6.42 5.57 Lv Donaldson f 6.30 f 5.40 PM PM AM (EASTERN TIME) PM Lv Springfield f 6.20 5.26 * 2.38 ' 7.15 0.0 LvBalto(Mt.Royal) Ar 1.51 Lv Grace ... f 610 f 5.11 1.43 10.00 2.45 7.20 1 v Balto (Camden) Ar Lv Rocks f 5.59 f 5.00 8 25 3S.3 Lv_ . Washington. .Ar 11 46 9.00 Lv Wapocomo f_5_53 f 4.52 4.05 \ 9.36 • 7.29 g 5.21 9 50 93.6 Ar. Harper's F'y -Lv Motor Motor Motor Ar Romney t 5.45 4.47 Motor HO.50 9.05 fi 4ft Lv Romney 4.35 1 6.02 0.0 .v. Harper's F'y _Ar f 4.13 fl0.57 Lv Millville Ar f 8.55 f 6 ?3 Ar West Romney . I 6.09 4.0 : f 4.03 fll.01 Lv Halltown Ar . B . 6.30 Ar Hampshire Club.. f 6.13 6.0 f 3.43 Lv. Charles-Town .Ar a 4? C Tt Ar Glebe f 6.23- 11.11 10.2 f 3.39 111. IB Lv Aldridge Ar f 8.35lf 6J5 Ar Camp Wickham .. -f 6.32| 13.5 f 3.20 f 6.40; 11.26 8.27 6.09 Ar ..McNeill fll.34 22. 1 Lv___Wadcsville___Ar f 8.17 f K R4 Ar Cunningham f 3.11 -f 6.49 3.02 f 6.58 fll.44 2(1 SLv__ Stephenson ..Ar 1 8.09 5.52. Ar Moorefleld f 1.32 mi. 7.07 12.00 31.7 Lv.. Winchester ..Lv t 8.00 5.44 Ar ..Durgon (12.08 35.7 Lv.-.Kemstown—Ar f 5.35 Ar._ Petersburg, W. Va. t 1.17 f12.12 37.0 Lv__ Bartonville ..Ar . R 31 PM 1? 16 3'./>lLv Stenhens City Ar t 5.28 .17.211 U.7iLv Vaucluse Ar f 5 23 12.25 111 Lv..Middletown..Ar 5.19 H2.29 45.9 Lv..Cedar Creek..Ar f 5.15 112.37 4!i 3 Lv.-Capon Road-.Ar f 5.09 :_::: 12.40 50.4 Lv.Strasburg Jct.Ar 5.07 IE':12.4 5 51.4iAr. Strasburg-.-Lv t 5.00 PM AM PM 11 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Between Hancock and Berkeley ~~p*r TABLE NO. 32 Springs •12.55 0.0 Lv.Strasburg Jct.Ar 1.20 10.7 Lv... Woodstock...Ar Motor Coach Service 1.47 23.3 Lv-.-vit. Jackson__Ar 2.00 30.5 Lv-.New Market..Ar STATIONS Ar.Harrisonburg.Lv 8 6 13 5 ! 7 2.40 49.2 Deeember 4, 1983 Motor Motor Moto Motor PM Motor Motor PM "PM AM-1-AM (EASTERN TIME) AM AM PM I PM j 85 BALTIMORE 4 OHIO 86 t 6.10 t 5.30,tll.05t 8.20 Lv_ Hancock, VV. Va Ar 8.00 10.50 5.15 6.10 5.50 11.25 8.40 Ar._Berkeley Springs, VV. Va...Lv t 7.40tl0.30t 4.55t 5.55 RAILROAD Mixed 6.30 Mixe. PM PM | AM | AH AM AM I PM i PM i PM | PM t 1.15 0.( Lv_ Harrisonburg.Ai 1? 4? f 1.301 4._ Lv Pleasant Valley Ar|f12.2! f 1.3. 7.8 Lv. Mt. Crawford _Ar|f12.r f 1.5! 12.0 Lv_.Cave Station..Ar f12.0 f 2.0 . 15.0 Lv Mt. Sidney—A fll.3' f 2.0 16.8 Lv. Fort Defiance .A -fll.2 5 f 2.1 i 20.5 Lv Verona A -fll.2 f 2.2 23.( Lv Millbrook A - fll 1 1 WEST VIRGINIA TRANSPORTATION . 2.3 5 20.( Ar Staunton Lx > 11.1 . 3.3 ) 26.1 Lv Staunton A - 10 1 . f 3.4 5 31.. Lv. .Brookewood . . A rf 9.5 COMPANY . f 3.4 ) 33 ( Lv-.Mint Spring ..A rf 9.5 . f 4.0 5 38.J >Lv._ Greenville...A rf 9.413 . f 4.1 B 42.1 >Lv..Spottswood..Ar;f 9.2 Subsidiary Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company _f 4.2 7 44.i iLv Raphine Arjf 9.2 . t 4.35 40.1 ILv Davis Arjf 9.2 0 f 4 43 49..iL v Fairfield ..Arf 9.0 9 .If 4.52 52.0 Lv Decatur Ar|f 9.03 To augment its passenger service the Baltimore and - Jf 5.00! 54.5JLV. Timber Ridge .Al t 8 ! 3 .[_ 5.30 C)0.5!Lv__E. Lexington__Arf 8.30 Ohio Railroad Company operates dependable motor .1 5.50 02.0 Ar Lexington, Va.Lvt 8.1 5 ' PM ' 'AM 1 1 coach lines in West Virginia, both East and West, and North and South. These operations are as follows: TABLE No. 30 Between Weverton and Hagerstown Between Washington County Branch Grafton Parkersburg i 4 777 STATIONS ( 1 77 Miles 776 Grafton - Wheeling Sun. February 1, 19.13 7 b Sun only only Parkersburg - Wheeling PH PM (EASTERN TIME) / J! PM Clarksburg Charleston .* 5.04. 0.0 Lv Balto. (Mt. Royal) Ar 10 01.... -12.3 Lv. Balto. (Camden) .Ar 9 - 6.12. _ H.66 1.5 53.— -12.2 St. Marys - Arnoldsburg -§ 6.31- - 5.10 38.3 Lv Washington Ar 8 18.. . "j • . 7.32 90.8 Ar Weverton Lv 6 22.... - 8.20. - 8.5 ?.... Buckhannon Weston

- § 8.23 - . +8.05 0.0 Lv_.Weverton, Mc1__Ar 6 22.... - 8.5 Flatwoods - Sutton Gassaway ::::: . f 8.33 ::: :!_:. 18.13 3.2 Lv Augusta Lv f6 09.... -f8.4 III".'. - f 8.38 f8.16 4.3 Lv Brownsville Lv f6 05 — -f8.4 l... Grafton Rosemont 5.7 -f 8.41 18.19 Lv Gapland Lv 6 00.... -f8.3 3.... f8.21 0.7 Lv. Beeler's Summit _Lv .5 55.... 8.1 . f 8.48 . 18.24 Lv Rohrersville Lv 5 52.... f: ' • ill'. - f 8.53 f8.3C 10.9 Lv_..Eakle's Mills___Lvf5 46 — -f8.2 This motor coach service is co-ordinated with the 12.4 6...: - 8.58 . f8.3E Lv Keedysville Lv 5 43 — IK 2 3.... . f 9.07 i8.4< 10.9 Lv Breatheds Lv 5 33.. . passenger train service. 18.1 r; 1 3.. . ::" ..£ 9.10 :.::::: ,,f8.4" Lv Roxbury Lv f5.31. . . -fS.l 1 .. ::: -f8.5' 20.3 Lv Fiery Siding Lv . Complete schedules and full information of these :: "§... S.Ul 23.0 Ar Hagerstown, rv.cl.Lvj5 .20 — -§8.0 0... PM 1 PM AM AM operations are in the hands of all Baltimore and Ohio Light-face figures A. M. time. Illavk-iu.ee figures 1>. M. time. •Daily, t Daily except Sunday. §Sundavonly. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge tickets agents. g Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington and east. laasei gers.


Individual Seat Coaches

O PROMOTE THE MAXIMUM OF An even temperature is maintained by ther­ COMFORT for coach travelers, the mostatic control of the vapor heating system, TBaltimore & Ohio now has in service on while exhaust ventilators and overhead _.- practically all of its main line trains this new speed diffusion fans keep the cars supplied type Individual Scat Coach. Beautiful in ap­ with fresh air. pointments and more comfortable than the standard coach, these cars are distinctive for Filtered drinking water and free paper cups a number of exclusive features. are provided. In each car end is a lavatory and toilet of sanitary and roomy design. The The deep cushioned seats of these cars are lavatory is equipped with white porcelain upholstered in rich, handsome color schemes. wash bowl, liquid soap, free paper towels and The seats are of the individual type with large mirror. arm-rest between each pur and as comfortable as your own easv chair. The arm-rest is The Individual Seat Coaches are of all-steel demountable where no separation is desired. construction, the car under-frames and 6-wheel trucks being insulated with thick pads of rub­ The coaches are also equipped with double ber wherever metal touches metal. This rub­ windows (similar to those in Pullman cars) ber insulation by reducing vibration and jolts, set in rubber to exclude dust and especial ly plus the easy riding qualities of 6-wheel trucks, arranged for easy lifting. In each window is insures a greater travel comfort. Although an individual ventilator that can be readily built by the Pullman Company, these cars opened or closed to suit one's preference. were actually designed by the Baltimore and Overhead racks furnish ample room for hand- Ohio to afford its coach passengers the utmost luggage. in comfort and convenience, without extra cost. BALTIMORE & OHIO TABLE NO. 33 Washington to Harpers Ferry, Cumberland, Connellsville, Pittsburgh and Chicago For through Car service Bnd Dining Car service, see pages 25 and 26.

511 MAI I(l\S 7 58 STATIONS 0 " ^r55. 1 1 11 .ember 4. 1982 Note3 581 December 4. 1932 21 (EASTERN TIME) Ul AM PM PH PM Lv *New York— AM PM PM Lv Pittsburgh, Pa •8.10 +5.25 •9.30 11*40 42nd Street Station.. 12.25' 12.25 *5.10'6.15 Lv Millvale 15.42 33rd Street Station. 12.251 12.25 5.10 6.15 Lv Etna ' 5.47 Columbus Circle Sta. 11.35 12.17 5.00 6.10 Lv Undercliff f5.51 23rd Street Station. 12.47 5.30 6.30 Lv Glenshaw f5.57 6.03 Liberty Street Sta.. .2.45 1.00; 5.45 6.45 Lv Allison Park Lv Brooklyn— Lv Br>'ant (6.09 Joralemon St. Sta 11.30 9.55 9.55 12.22, 2.05 5.08 6.10 Lv Wildwood 6.14 Lv Gibsonia 6.22 O.OlLv New York 1.12 8.27 10 4510.45 ; Lv Bakerstown 6.27 1.15 2.57 6.00 7.00 6.30 90.9Lv Philadelphia, Pa 3 44 10.20! 12.4212.42, 3.10 4.54 . 7.57 8.55 Lv Valencia 185.3 Lv Baltimore [Mt. Rl).. 6 17 12.18 Lv Mars 6.35 2.38 2.38 5.04 6.52 i 9.5610.47 6.41 186 8Lv Baltimore (.Camden) 6 33 12.25 2.45 2.45 5.12 7.00 10.0510.55 Ar Callery 223.6 Ar Washington (U.Sta.). 7 25 Lv Callery- - B.41 1.15' 3.35 3.35 6.02 7.45 10.5011.40 6.45 ii 7.IS Lv Evans City 10f31 Lv Baltimore iMi K'l Lv Harmony F6.62 Lv Baltimore (Camden) 7.20 Lv Zelienople 6.55 _ • Ar Washington, D. C. 8 IT •7.on U r Lv Washington (U.Sta.) t2.00 Lv Fombell 8.2*' 1.30 •3.50 ' 6.15 111-05 Lv North Sewickley »7.10 Lv Point of Rocks, Md.. 9 2? 3.33 J5.04 So J Lv Ellwood City 9 37 7.14 101571 .1 02 Lv Catoctin Lv Chewton f7.20! 9.40 3.42 < Lv Brunswick 12.16 Ar New Castle... 5.18 <) 58 11.18 12*41 Lv Knoxville f3.49 12.41 3.53 c__ Lv New Castle 5.18 9 58 11.18 Lv Weverton ILv Lowellville, Ohio "Lv Sandy Hook, Md Ar Youngstown 5.45 11.46 nl.06 Lv Harper's Ferry, W.Va. 3.59 51,21 % f9.19 10 25 11.4Gnl.06l f4.05 Lv Youngstown 5.45 Lv Engle--. Lv Ohio Junction Lv Duffields f4.09 >=_ 4.15 Lv Newton Falls 10~50 Lv Shenandoah Junction 2157 Lv Way land iLv Kearneysville f4.22 Lv Charlestown . f r- Lv Ravenna w 6.26 11.08 73.1 Ar Martinsburg 10.23 4.37 5.49 5*26 12 55 Lv Kent u6.34 11.17 73.4, Lv Martinsburg 10.23 4.37 5A26 5.49 H 12 55 81.0 |Lv North Mountain 10.34 f4.49 JLv Munroe Falls ... 87.1 Lv Cuyahoga Falls Lv Cherry Run. 14.58 k '7.59 11 42 91.1 Lv Sleepy Creek h Ar Akron (fnion St., 1 ,12.58' w 0 11*43 96.5 Ar Hancock 5.14 H . p !__._• Akron (Union Station) 102.1 Lv Sir John's Run f5.23 < Lv Akron (Howard Streeet)..\ 7.131,11+5 3 106.2 Lv Great Cacapon 5.29 Ar Cleveland 12.50 107.3 Lv Woodmont f5.31 < Cleveland to 40 112.4 Lv Orleans Road.. f5.40 I| A kron (Howard Street) 9.55 119.0! Lv Green Ridge f5.51 Akron (Union Station). 122.(i, Lv Magnolia. f5.57 ._ pq 127 - 3|Lv Akron (Union Sta.) 7.0011.48 IX22J Lv Paw Paw. 6.06 9|Ar Barberton 11.59 132.3 ILv Okonoko. f6.15 < 135.1 Lv French IAr Warwick f6.20 < 4.''. 9Ar Easton __ 137.7 ,Lv Green Spring. y 144.2 6.29 ~ 15S 8Ar Rittman 12.19 Lv Patterson C'k_,W.V, i .... f6.39 151.8, H l|Ar Sterling Ar Cumberland, Md__| 12.15 4.59 6.53 ,v7.03 2.39 151.8 Lv Cumberland.. 7.28 9 Ar Creston 155.4 640! 12.35 5.02 PH 7.08! . 4.5511.36, 4Ar Lodi 12,35 157.9 Lv Mt. Savage Jet. 699 7.33 f 5-03i Ar Homer 160.8 Lv Ellerslie. Md... 732 f 5 06 Ar Sullivan 165.7 Lv Cook'sMills.Pa. f 5.u! Ar Nova 168. I Lv Hyndman 933 12.5G 5.211 OAr Hereford 169.8 Lv Hoblitzell 1109 f 5.25 7 Ar Ramey 171.3 Lv Williams 1248J f 5.30 4Ar Greenwich. 175.3 Lv Fairhope 1367 If 1.13 f 5.32 9 Ar Boughtonville 1612 178.1 Lv Glencoe f 1.21 ._.- r 5.44 OAr Willard 8.35 2 3'? 3 % 4 -• 181.9; Lv Philson 1791 f 1.30 f 5.51 OjLv Willard 8.40 3 59 185.2 2085 f 5.59 2 45 Lv Mance |Ar Tiffin 9.10 3 15 186.7 Lv Sand Patch 22-1.1 fT49 6.10 Lv Fostoria 189.0 2171, 9.28 2.20 3.3J Lv Keystone f 6.12 Ar North Baltimore 2.39 11)0. -i, Lv Meyersdale 20.5 1 "i_57 6.20 Ar Deshler 193.9 1983 1 4 45 10.01 2.55 4 06 5.16 Lv Salisbury Jct.__ f 6.22 Lv Deshler 10 Or 2.58 4.06 5.16: 196.7 Lv Garrett.. 1935 2.0 6.31 200.8 1877 Ar Defiance, Ohio 10.33 3.30 4 33' Lv Atlantic f 6.36; OAr Garrett, Ind. (E. T.) 205.1, Lv Rockwood 1813 1125 4.29 5.30 6.36, 2.23 6.46 4Ar Albion (C. T.) f3.52 207.8 Lv Casselman 1743 6 54 209.1, 1677 4Lv Wawasee.. Lv Markleton ._, f 2.34 7.00! (>Ar Syracuse 215.3 Lv Pinkerton j; 1641 ell.07 143! ,f 7.02; ,9iAr Nappanee ell.23 4.28 217.2 Lv Ursina fe 7.15 222.2 1335 4Ar Bremen ell.32 Lv Confluence.-. 0 2.53 , 7.21 227.-, 128 1 8Ar La Paz _ 11444 .6+43, ILv Bidwell "= |f 3.02 f 7.30 2Ar Walkerton 230. ) ILv Ohio Pyle... _s 1224 3.12 1156 7.38 ,9Ar Gary, Ind 12.53 k6.59..7.54j 236. S Lv Kaufmann— — f 7.43 244.2 Lv Indian Creek. ** 976 IAr South Chicago 1.14 7.18! 8.14! f. 3.33 7.56 ,9|Ar Chicago (63d St.) 244.2 Ar Connellsville.. 880 v9.33 1.35 6.40 . 7401 8.35 246.6 880| 3.55 8.10 IAr Chicago, III 2.00; 7.05 . 8.05! 9.00 Lv Connellsville.. 4.00 v9.36 249.6 Lv Broad Ford — •"05 (Grand Central Sta.) PM PM 1 AM AM 257.0 261 J Lv Dawson 8.55 16 li 80 i 263.0 Lv Layton f 4.23 f 9.07 bStops to discharge passengers from Akron and stations east also passengers fromC.L. & W. takin Lv Jacobs Creek.. 782 f 4.32 264.5 f 9.14 train at Barberton and receive passengers for Willard and stations west. c Stops on signal t 268.9 Lv Smithton 77^ f 4.37 f 9.18 |f6.3l! 272.9 Lv Fitz Henry 774 i..40, discharge passengers from stations east of Willard or from Toledo, Dayton or Cincinnati and receiv 1 passengers for South Chicago. 63rd Street and Chicago. d Stops on signal to discharge pas 274.3 |Lv West Newton.. 768 4.48 9.28 6741 276.9 Lv Suter 76, , f 4.54 f 9.351 sengers from Washington and east and to receive passengers from points on the N. & W. for stations wes 16 4<; of Cumberland where No. 25 is scheduled to stop. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge 279.7 Lv Scott Haven 76", f 9.38; 16 52 281.2| Lv Shaner 7.5 1 f 9.44 ff, fi! passengers. R Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington and stations eas 284.3 Lv Coulter Vr, t f 9.52 f7.10 and to receive passengers for Toledo, Detroit and beyond. h Stops to discharge passengers 287.2 ILv Emblem 755 from Washington and east and receive passengers for west of Cumberland. j Stops on 291.2 Lv Versailles 7.-, 2 fl6T62 7^1't signal to receive passengers for Pittsburgh and stations beyond. k Stops on signal to discharge 292.5 Lv McKeesport.. 7.-,.' 10v34 10.54 10.10 7. passengers from Akron and stations east and from stations east of Willard via Newark Division. 293.1 Lv Bessemer 751, flO 19 I Stops to discharge passengers from Akron and stations east. m Stops Saturday onl> 297.31 Lv Braddock 753 1.804 10.21 7.3.L. n Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington, D. C, and stations east and to receive pas 298.1 Lv Rankin 756| no 23 sengers for Chicago and beyond. r Stops on signal to receive passsengers for Deshler an( 302 I Lv Glenwood 762 f7.40_... beyond and to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh and east. s Stops on signal Sunday only 772! 10.30I Lv Hazelwood, NOTE 10.32 NO IK v Stops to discharge Pullman passengers from Baltimore and east and to receive passengers for Gary Ar Pittsb'gh, Pa. 749 9.10 7.51 1 11.27 10 45 2 8 05 Ind., Chicago, 111., and beyond. w Stops to discharge Florida passengers. y Stops dail PM PM AM AM U except Sunday. A Stops to discharge Pullman passengers from Baltimore and east and to Light-face figures A. M. time. t Daily except Sunday. receive passengers for Deshler, Ohio, Garrett, Gary, Ind.. Chicago. 111., or beyond. •"For additional Motor Coach Stops in New York arid BroVkTynTsee Dac "i?°li'fi"''',."B,ll'<'s >' 'I. "»"'• • Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington, D. C, and beyond. M For egarding the checking of baggage into and out of New York City, see pages 93.94 '"formation V Regular stop weekdays—Flag stop Sundays. oes not run into Pittsburgh. Sleeper for connection to Chicaen I*-,,.. . .. >c« not run into Pittsburgh. "><-.igo leaves station 10.35 p. m. NOTE 3—No. 7 stops at all stations on Chicago Div. Sundays to discharge pa«sengers from stations ea-t o' Willard.

~~~47 " — TABLE NO. 34 Chicago, Youngstown, Pittsburgh to Connellsville, Cumberland and Washington For Through Car Service and Dining Car Service, see pages 29 and 30.

STATIONS STATIONS I 32 16 December 4, 19:t'2 December 4. 1932 NOTE] 20 , (CENTRAL TIME) 528 0.0 Lv Chicago(Gr.C.Sta.). (EASTERN TIME) AM m AM AM PM PM PM PM , l.v Pittsburgh, Pa 749|NOTE1 ;<9 12-35 5.20 10*25, 11.15 9 e Lv Chicago (03d St.). [Note 11It 6.gg| i" a Lv South Chicago, 111_ .' Lv Hazehvood 772 5. 33.fi Lv Gary. Ind 7 l.v Glenwood 762 , 6.10 Walkerton • 1 v Rankin. 750, f 6.18 f"6..7| 79 -' Lv 9:2412.52 88.6 Lv La Paz... 3Lv Braddock 753| , 6.21 5.39 11.30 07 0 l.v Bremen.. -l.v Bessemer 751 f 6.24 t 5.42 104.5 Lv Nappanee s l.v McKeesport... 751g*1.57 6.38 9.35 1.03 5.50 10t52l iil42 117.8 LV .Syracuse.. 7 Lv Versailles 752 if 6.47 f 5.59 I Lv Wawasee - Lv Emblem 755 f 6.51 II l.v Albion (C. T.) , i v Coulter 754 If 6.55 f 6.09 150.4 Lv Garrett,'Ind. (E.T.) ILv Shaner 759 f 7.02 f 6.17 190.6 Lv Defiance, Ohio .• Scott Haven... 765 7 f 6.23 216 (i \r Deshler Lv Suter 766 , .:: 6.26 216 'I l.v Deshler • West Newton.. 70K f 7.11 1.31 6.36 fl2.13 227.7 l.v N. Baltimore ' Lv Fitz Henry 774 7.20 f 6.47 11. ii l.v Fostoria l.v Smithton 778 f 7.29 6.51 264.1 l.v Tiffin Lv Jacobs Creek. _ 782 7.33 f 6.55 '8.4 \r Willard Lv Layton 800 f 7.36 f 7.05 278.4 Lv Willard 4|Lv Dawson 850 7.46 7.16 284.5 Lv Boughtonville • Broad Ford 860 , , 7.57 290.0 Lv G reenwich Connellsville. 880 2.56*3.06 ;f 8.04 10.37 2.08 7.3011.52 12.48 292.7 Lv Ramey s Lv Connellsville . I 880 3.00 3.101,ro ! 10.40 2.13 11.55 12 53 296.4 Lv H ereford • Indian Creek. « | 970 , .40 301.6 Lv Nova • Kaufmann _ 1156 f 8.54 305.9 l.v Sullivan • Ohio Pyle... * 1224 9.01 2.40 311.0 Lv Homer . • Bidwell £ 1289 if 9.12 317.0 l.v Lodi • Confluence.. =11335 A 9.23 2^6 324.1 Lv Creston ' Ursina s! 1436 ^ , 9.27 327.3 Lv Sterling • Pinkerton < 1041 f 9.40 330.1' Lv Rittman • Markleton 1677 9.44 -lii. 333.,5 Lv Easton :•!-v Cassellman 1743 9.49 338.8 Lv Warwick -I / Rockwood 1813 1000 11.47 3.32 2.05 345.5 l.v Barberton 3Lv Atlantic 18T., flO 07 3.53.1 Ar Akron dr.. Sta.).. 1 1 .v Garrett 1935 J£ 10.14 3.45 3.53.1 lv Akron (Union Sta.). • Meyersdale 2054| C"3 10.24 ._!07 3.58 "226 355.7 l.v Akron (Howard St.) • Keystone __171i Hfc no. 30 390.0 Ar Cleveland • Sand Patch 221'.' __ = 10.341 84.10 0.0 Lv Cleveland • Mance 20s5 << no.40; 3 1.3 Ar Akron (Howard St.) • Philson 17911 (J ;no 47 31..', Ar Akron [Union Sta.) • Glencoe 1012 u 10.52 f4.28 l.v Akron (Un. Sta.).. • Fairhope 1307 X fll.01 353.1 l.v • Williams 1248 ft fll 04 3.5S.2 Lv Cuyahoga Falls Hoblitzell 1109J " fll.07 360.4 Lv M unroe Falls ' Hyndman 933 , 11.13 4^1 Kent... Lv ' Cook's Mills... 7761 fll.21 .12 372.2 l.v Ravenna ' Ellerslie, Md... 732 If 11.26 377.- Lv Charlestown O'LvMt. Savage Jet.. 699 If 11.30 380.1 Lv Way land _r Cumberland._ 640 5 27J 11.40 5.05 PM 3.32 386.7 l.v Newton Fails 1 v Cumberland, Md . 5.32 AM 5.10« 8.42J 3.39 103.2 Ar Ohio Junction vr PattersonCreek.W.Val 106.3 l.v Youngstown .r Green Spring 106.3 l.v Youngstown Vr French U4.6 Ar Lowell-ille, O \r Okonoko 124 fi New Cattle. Pa vr Paw Paw f5.44, 124.5 Lv New Ca

49 50 AlpenaV Hinckley/ South__t__»d . Jot iGaylord

^Traverse | City LAKE HUROb prentice \ Merrill ^Grayling C\0 N\ S Wat ,-< sFarwell Glencoe *\(M«Ti]Ian / j£°* OshkosfT M I N N E S/(flT\.A Fond du Lac i<> P New Ulm Ml \% Mu9VegorV^l\.»/l C Tort Huro7vf|Tsarni_i ILWAUKEE Blue Earth; • Grand Have nl >• [Grand Rapid >Uand \Kalarnazoo \,S$?tS^ Bentol __/ .^;____K_.-V-Y*V^ rr Harb^r. X*- \r , _Creclt \ ——-*< \ X/^A .*__., m^^

*^___^~\^£i_t« \ \_/ / ! L_-£> "i*"© /^ "/T**-•*$•?•

^HjivMand /y^^Ottawa^fmOLAy NIa s ld1 Delr/hoJ_±r_' M*^'^ ,t»'_->-\' ^ ^ ___. :/or^^H^xi"gtonV

Pulton —^i58""-}-^. */_,_• B loo i c5tJ O^Dfputf ..^.viiTejij-i-^j^ I*, CANSAS/ Orleans' fl Lexington IJi West Badei <_• XORTSMOUVTH J Jefferson City nCb.rl-st] .. A8** St Lo,_faB.V-T-.- \\W%, •/? French Lick IWauoi?.... C'«r_-e._», I**. \^.^Jy\Hnn«ingb0rg/ GEtFERSONVILLE Frankfort Pari* bi i yansville, LOUISVILLE WinJhester*-j-> Vint- /Lebanon Jc. fci K/k\ i Lebanons s- o^tf-^ii i h^^x^-^ RockpoH ^Danville UL-K VS. tj>h_nr.n ^^ Bismarck? 0c\ V--S. \ c> a0. / __enderson>i*yb «c nsboro Junction Cityf Weeksburyo .. JLIvIn_r_too -. SHAWN_ETOWN> PupbamiC ..Springfield ICorbin jvJoplin DeltaV, \3 f>*° Nortonvillo Willaw Springav" H K, E\ •Bowling Creen Adairvillo ^Middlesboro\ X ulto , Knobel c <^t°y3)£ ^-^----- __^^n^-'-F" -/ A V^»" oCotter t ' I YV "W V __^_—TCCIarksjnll*^7- e _| / etw. Harrlman1| \ HoxuY ClintorX -^« ARI ....ife N Nl. \ ,,_ *{KNOXVILte EMPrOlS ChaUanoopa/rj pSHVTIXE Marshall /jonesboro" '"Diaz E INK^N E E_ Columbia! s Dayton vj.echerd ftTTANOpGA/ >! A R K^ -A- Elora Little Rock Huntsville Dalton Benton .Moi.iuomeryr Hot Springs' /Altheimer /Moridian \ \(G\E /O, Pine BlufrV 't«- LS \Halcyville Baton/ ^ A \W ^8-^TT Roh__\ Ko e ob e A Hope ' D. r8 V V—AV ij F L • A .. rS^S~Tv^=^Tensacola' " _-Ja_pi LNEWORLEANS

DO NOT DENY YOURSELF A GLIMPSE OF THE WHEELS OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT-STOP OVER AT WASHINGTON ON YOUR NEXT TRIP -i i i - Wheeling, Bellaire, Zanesville, Chicago to Willard, Sandusky, TABLE No. 35 Newark, Sandusky and TABLE No. 36 Newark, Zanesville, Bellaire Willard to Chicago—Westward and Wheeling—Eastward For Through Car Service, see pages 29 and 30, For Through Car Service, see pages 29 and 30. STATIONS 1 10 1 26 STATIONS Miles! 6 32 1 16 February 1, 1983 48 lb Miles! February 1. 19«8 46 PM . (EASTERN TIME) (CENTRAL TIME) >. AM PM PM 0 0 Lv Wheeling, W. Va -> O.OLv Chlcago(Gr. Cent. Sta.) • 9.30 • 1.45 • 7.00 * 8.30 •11.00 4.4 Lv Benwood Jet., W. Va... ' 9.5 Lv Chicago (63rd Street).. 9.53 2.05 7.23 8.55 11.23 5.1 Lv Bellaire, Ohio 19.3 Lv South Chicago, 111. | 10.13 2.25 7.45 9.14 11.44 31.7 Lv Barnesville l.v Brookdaie . . 57.0 Lv Cambridge 83.6 Lv Zanesville 26.6 Lv Indiana Harbor .10 22 kl0.30 8.06 12.02 108.8 Ar Newark 335 Lv Gary _ b2.43 9.32 37.1 Lv Miller... _ ... Columbus ll 6 Lv Willow Creek. I 108.8 Lv Newark >- _,_ . 43.5 Lv McCool 114.21LV Vanatta ='=.°. 15 7 Lv Babcock P 117.3|Lv St. Louisville . ™ _!-_- 51 7 Lv Suman _ 2 it 122.2 Lv Utica «__ % *< 55.0 Lv Coburg _ H h 128.1 Lv Hunt § S « <= o a 57.5 Lv Alida 2 t-i 133.5 Lv Mt. Vernon... t_ S " B4.7 Lv Wellsboro - f"_.45 H 110.,") Lv Fredericktown =z « 712 Lv I'nion Centre K___ f 8.55 2 :::::: :::::: :::::: 145.1 Lv Ankenytown.. 5 <-m M 79.2|Lv Walkerton _ __ 9.07 150.9 Lv Butler g c"g 2. is 84.9 Lv Teegarden _ 3 9.17 J 153.4,Lv Gatton Rock.. ~ _| ' g 88.6 Lv La Paz _ _ • 9.22 156.4.Lv Belleville __o__ 89.2|Lv La Paz Junction t>3.42 S 161.9 Lv Lexington *M"£X. 97.0 Lv Bremen '9.3. > 170.1 Lv Mansfield & £% o 111U 5 Ar Nappanee 11.50 9.50 H X 181.7 Lv Shelby _ Se.SS 112 7 l.v Milford Junction no.00 p. 182.4|Lv Shelby Jet |__-g gl 117 B I ,v Syracuse t12.0G 10.12 I 100.2 Lv Plymouth c_ Z^2.r% 120 0 Lv Wawasee 10.18 P 2 - L95 8 Ar Willard --.v-H 125 9 Lv Cromwell 10.26 _i 1 15.8 Lv Willard 128.3 Lv Kimmell 10.35 197.9 Lv Centerton »f ...4j"___ 135 0 Lv Albion 10.49 201.7 V* Havana ff f 1.42 " 145.2 Lv Avilla 11.08 1 205.6 Lv Pontiac 2 I . 150 I \r Garrett (C.T.) ' 12.49 "4.54 11.20 11.43 "2M a 209.3 -__• Monroeville 2 02 1.52 5.58 12.47 3.19 21 1 2 Lv Kimball Hf 2.12 I Ka R 1.58 3.26 I 216.9iL- Prout ^^^^^ l.v Concord 0S 220.11-_v Wilmer 163 0 Lv St. Joe. Ind.. 22 ll.tr Sandusky 170 8 Lv Hicksville. Ohio \"i.M 195.8 Lv Willard .. 177.2 l.v Mark Centre 203.9 Lv Att' 181 1 I.v Sherwood i oil.6 Lv Republic - 190.5 Lv Defiance "2.4. "4"08 220.1 Lv Tiffin - Lv Holgate 226 8'Lv Bascom 209.1 Lv Hamler ">32 1 Lv H. V. Crossing \r Deshler ""3.24 "7.15 "2.06 "VM 232.6 Ar Fostoria "1 i, II T a nn.hl.r 3.24 7.15 2.06 °39 9 Lv Bloomdale ___ Lv Hovtville 4.48 °A2 7 Lv Bairdstown _ Lv North Baltimore 244 7 Lv Galatea 229 5 Lv Galatea _ "•"" ^IfiSLv North Baltimore •-•31 5 Lv Bairdstown 25"> 0 Lv Hoytville •.'3 1 •".L v Bloomdale 258 2 Ar Deshler 241.6 Lv Fostoria.- 3.57 bi'.Al ""2:_9 ""5'24 258.2 Lv Deshler 242 l Lv H. V. Crossing 265.1 Lv Hamler "is 1 Lv Bascom 270.4 Lv Holgate I v Tiffin " 4:i6 "3:66 ""5:45 283.7 Lv Defiance 264.1 0 Lv Republic ">9 8'Lv Sherwood 270.3 Lv Attica --- : 297.0 Lv Mark Centre- 27S 4 Ar Willard.. : 8.40 = "1.35 ""6.25 ^;;; 303 6lLv Hicksville. Ohio 4 .! 311.2 Lv St. Joe, Ind 0.0 r.v Sandusky B e__ <_ , 0._U PH 313 7 Lv Concord 4.3 Lv Wilmer «j|° J5.f5.40 320.6]Lv Auburn 7.5 Lv Prout __ 5i_ 2 f 6.4G :::::: :::::: :::::: "ii" 323.8'Ar Garrett (E. T.)- . 10.2 Lv Kimball S _, 8 3 f 5.51 323 8 Lv Garrett (C. T.) 15.1 Lv Monroeville ^ v g J 6.01 329.0 Lv Avilla 18.8 I^i Pontiac 0 e 0 H 339 2 Lv Albion - 22.7 Lv Havana 'Z Si £ a 6.17 315.9 Lv Kimmell 1 26.5 T „ Cnlrrtnn 2 S " S f fi.29 349.3 Lv Cromwell 28.6 Ar Willard "^u ! 6.30 354 2 Lv Wawasee 6.45 r 278 I Lv Willard S»H 4.00 _: 356 4 Lv Syracuse 284.0 Lv Plvmouth _,_gj 6.58 01 361 5 Lv Milford Junction 291. S Lv Shelbyjunction « " m 7.13 B 4.28 369.7 Lv Nappanee 292.5 Lv Shelby a^Q J-M is 377.2 Lv Bremen - 304.1 Lv Mansfield 2o- ""7.44 "T56 385 OlLv La Paz Junction 3123 Lv Lexington __ " ° 8.01 f 5 10 :::::. :::::: :::::: 385.6 Lv La Paz 0 317.8 Lv Belleville %%2 8.12 f 5.19 __ v 3S9 3 Lv Teegarden -J, 320.8 Lv Gatton Rock.. * % o ..1- Zm 395 0 Lv Walkerton 3 323.3 Lv Butler e «; a r_"2. 403 0 Lv Union Centre _f "•.a ------329.1 Lv Ankenvtown .. Go f 8.32 f 5.35 :::::: to'! 5 Lv Wellsboro w 333.7 Lv Fredericktown "^S 5.44 ;j 340.7 8.42 3 tie,.7 Lv Alida Lv Mt. Vernon s" « 8.58 5.57 3 419.2 Lv Coburg __ -- __| 346.1 Lv Hunt cjj* 0. 352 0 X 422.5iLv Suman — Lv Utica .- 3 _j e _: "§.._ "6.M 428 5 Lv Babcock _._ 356.9 Lv St. Louisville _ a^.S p f 9.25 Llllll f 6.21 :::::: 430.7 Lv McCool 360.0 Lv Vanatta _ ^ ° Bzi f 9.31 432 6iLv Willow Creek 365.4 Ar Newark <" ">< 9.45 "6.40 38 437.1|Lv Miller 440.7 Lv Gary 898.6 A r Columbus PM 448.8 Lv Indiana Harbor 365.4 Lv Newark * 1 40 6.48 • 4.40 5.21 458.5 Ar Brookdaie 390.6 Lv Zanesville _ _ 1 2.30 7.40 117 2 Lv Cambridge 3.17 8 32 6.03 454 9 Ar South Chicago . Lv Barnesville 6.43 464.7 Ar Chlcaqo (63rd Street). 442.5 1 4.02 926 169 1 Lv Bellaire, Ohio 4 55 10.22 7.36 474.2 Ar Chicago (Gr. Cent. Sta.) 7.43 I (CENTRAL T1MF) 469 8 Ar Benwood let.. W. Va. .. 10.26 :::::: :::::: Ar Wheelinq. W. Va 10.45 7.58 474 2 5:20 1 Light-face figures A. M. time. Black-fuse flirnres p. Jj, t|mp 1 (EASTERN TIME) \"fi" AM '"ii" AM "AM"" PM * Daily. C. T. Central Time. E. T. Eastern Time. ' Light-face figures A. M. time. Hlacli.fi.ee fig-ures P. H. time. a Stops to receive passeneers for Chicago, b Stops to discharge passengers from station •Daily. C. T. Central Time. E. T. Eastern Time, of Willard or from Toledo, Dayton and Cincinnati and receive passenger* for South Chicago 6'lrd StrH b Stops on signal to receive passengers for Washington. D. C, and beyond. f Stops on signal to and Chicago. c Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington, D. C 'and bevn 7 receive and discharge passengers. k Stops on signal to receive passengers for points east of i Stops on signal to receive and discharge passengers. j Stops on signal to discharge „' Willard. .Stops to receive passengers for New York. I Stops to discharge passengers engers from Akron and stations east and from station" east of Willard via Newark Division v

55 56 TABLE No. 37 Cumberland to Grafton and Parkersburg to Grafton and Parkersburg—Westward TABLE No. 38 Cumberland—Eastward For Through Car Service and Pining Car Service, see pages 29 and 30. For Through Car Service and Dining Car Service, see pages 29 and 30. STATIONS 511 37 December 4, 1932 11 STATIONS 12 M'Cr. December 4, 1932 528 (EASTERN TIME) Altitude PM Lv * New York— Peel 42nd Street Station 5.10 12.25 '12.25 Altitud S.M Lv St. Louis, Mo. (C. T.)._. Feet •12.30 .. 8 5E 33rd Street Station 5.10 12.25 12.25 0.0 Ar Cincinnati, Ohio (E. T.) 9.30 5.40 Columbus Circle Station 5.00 11 .35 12.17 339.0 1.20 West 23rd Street Station 5.30 12.47 0.0 Lv Louisville, Ky. (C. T ) 5.20 Ar Cincinnati, Ohio (E. T.)... 5.40 Liberty Street Station 5.45 12.45 1.00 29.8 9.20 Lv * Brooklyn— 339.0 Lv Cincinnati (E. T.) 9.45 5.55i Joralemon Street Station. 5.i 11.30 12.22 43G.9 Lv Chillicothe 12.20 8.33 New York ( lersey City Sta.). TT5 197.2 Lv Athens. Ohio... 1.42 9.55 90.9 Lv Philadelphia,' Pa Xi. 3 44, 3.10 533.9 Ar Parkersburg, W. Va 2.34 10.50 7.57 5.04 185.3 Lv Baltimore (Mt. Roval) 7 15| 0.0 JLv Parkersburg, W. Va.lithst. 84l| * 2.38 • 7.20 10.52 9.56 5.12 * 4.17 ISO.8 Lv Baltimore (Camden) 7 20 navisvi.le_7_7_y_"-l_ I III 610| f 7.32 10.05 6.3 A f 4.30 223.6 Ar Washington (UnionStation) 8.10 6.02 9.3 A Kanawha 611 f 4.35 f 7.36 223.(1 Lv Washington (Union Station) ._ 1050 8.25 6.15 14.2 A Walker. 629 4.46 f 7.44 L'07.(i Lv Martinsburg, W. Va 11.05 10.23 7.59 18.6 A Eaton 775 f 4.52 f 7.54 375.4 Ar Cumberland. Md 12.55 12.15 21.7JA Petroleum 697 5.01 f 7.59 o.O Lv Cumberland 640 J.39 6.50 12.20 26.2 A Silver Run 807 f 5.09 f 8.08 ' 2.47 f 7.02 28.8! A Cairo 679 5.14 f 8.13 5.8 Lv Amcelle _ 650 f 8.20 6.7 Lv Brady 658 f 7.01 31.5 A Comwallis 687! 5.22 9.6 Lv Potomac 692 f 7.09 30.3 A Ellenboro 784, 5 34 8.33 41.5 A Pennsboro 861. 5 4S 2 J", 8.43 13.0 Lv Rawlings 707 f 7.17 : 18.6 Lv Dawson, Md 753 f 7.27 44.0!A Toll Gate 799; 5 2 f 8.48 f 8.52 23.1 Lv Keyser, W Va._ 815 3.23 7.35 .2.5. 10.00 46.5 A Greenwood 872: 5 57 28.1 Lv Piedmont (op. Westernport. Md.) 919 1.09 60.6 A Central 815! f 6 07 f 9.01 3.% 7.48 9.07 29.3 Lv W. Va. Cent. Jet.. -- 969 f 7.50 53.6 A West Union 822 6 17 3.11 56.6 A Smithburg 769 f 6 23 f 9.13 30.1 Lv Bloomington, Md 1041 f 7.52 f 9.23 35.8 Lv Frankville... -.1706 f 8.15 61.9 A Long Run 854 67.51A Salem 1047 6"6 3.34 9.36 41.0 Lv Swanton 2292 8.31 f 9.40 44.8 Lv Altamont ..-2622 f 8.41 69.6 A Bristol -1029 f 6.51 73.5 A Wolf Summit .1133 f 7 00 f 9.49 48.0 Lv Deer Park Station 2473 8.46 f 9.55 51.1 Lv Mountain Lake Park... -2403 •4.36' 8.55 f 2:09 77.2 A Wilsonburg.... 984 f 7 07 7 27 10.16 53.5 Lv Oakland... 2379 4.42 9.01 2.15 81.0'A Clarksburg 1013 4.5T--0u 4.07, 86.0 A Bridgeport .985 7.37 f10.27 69.0 Lv Hutton. Md... .2462 9.12 M0.36 59.7 Lv Corinth. W. Va. ...2432 91.6 A Rosemont 1004! f 7.46 f 9.14 10 8 7.50 f10.4? 62.4 Lv Hopemont ...2507 f 9.18 93.5 A Flemington % llllll f 4.32 63.6 Lv Terra Alta .2549 "2J2 95.6 A Simpson 1088 no.48 9.24 flO.53 68.7 Lv Rodemer..- .2001 f 9.34 97.5 Brvdon .1123 75.3 Lv M. & K. Junction ...1408 103.3 Grafton -J2P.8 5.31 §-£l 11.10 9.47 11.30 1.52 76.0 Lv Rowlesburg 1402 9.51 103.3 Grafton .1000 5 41 8 30 80 4 Lv Blaser .1850 .10.05 108.9 Thornton —1043.. _ f 8.41 81.8 Lv Tunnelton -..1817 10.09 113.4 Hardman 11161 f 8 50 83 5 Lv West End... ..1739 flO.13 114.9 Independence Jl?6 f 8 53 85.4 Lv Austen 1575 f10.17 116.0 Newburg 1217 8.56 f 5.25 ni.5i 88.7 Lv Newburg... 1217 f 5.57 10.25 119.3 Austen.: -1575;;:;;; f 9 c* 89.8 Lv Independence ...1166 10.28 121.2 West End 1739 f 9 0' 5.46 91.3 Lv Hardman ..1116 f10.32 122.9 Tunnelton 1817 9.15 95.8 Lv Thornton .1043 10.43 124.3 Blaser 1850 f 9.18 101.4 Ar Grafton .1000 6.20 10.55 3.42 12.33 128.7 Rowlesburg 1402 9 2/ 101.4 Lv Grafton 1000 6.27 3.50 12.39 129.4 M. & K. Junction ljt08 931, 6.0"1" 136.0 Rodemer, 2001 f 9.2 107.2 Ar Brvdon 1123 l 109.1 Ar Simpson 1088 141.2 Terra Alta 2519 10.08 6.321 111 2 Ar Flemington ..1028 f 4165 142.6 Hopemont 2507, f 10 10 113.1 Ar Rosemont 1004 145.0 Corinth. W. Va 2432 flO.H lis 7 ,.\ Bridceport 985 145.7 Hutton. Md 24£,2 r 151.2 Oakland 2379 10.28J 6.48 123.7 Ar Clarksburg 1013 "4.35 •1 261 127.5 Ar Wilsonburg __ 984 153.6 Mountain Lake Park . ... 2403 166.7 Deer Park Station - 1312 Ar Wolf Summit -1133 8.15 159.9 135.2 Ar Bristol -1029 f 8.22 Altamont '• 163.7 Swanton ? 137.2 Ar Salem..-- ..1047 8.26 '5.00 168.9 fll 09; 142.8 Ar Long Run 854 8.36 Frankville 1706 174.6 Bloomington, Md 1041 fll 2* 148.1,Ar Smithburg 709 8.46 175.4 151.1 Ar West Union.. 822 8.52 W. Va. Cent. Jet.. W.Va.. '^' "5.22 176.6 Piedmont (op.Wesfp't. Md.) 919 11.31 7.4. 2 15| 154.11 Ar Central-.. - 815 8.58 11.42 181.6 Keyser.. 815, 8.04 7.56 2 Z-: 168.2 Ar Greenwood __ _ 872 9.07 186.1 fii.49; 9.12 Dawson, Md _.£3 159.8 Ar Toll Gate _ 799 191.7 fll.57 163.2 Ar Pennsboro 861 9.20 Rawlings --- 707 "5.44 195.1 Potomac _ --- ':'_- .12.04 16S.A Ar Ellenboro __ 784 9.30 198.0 173 2 Ar Comwallis _ 687 9.40 Bradv. ' : 198.9 Amcelle 650 fi.:_9 175 9 Ar Cairo _ 679 9.45 8.37 Notel 204.7 Cumberland o40,rj0_e2 12.25 IT--:. \r Silver Run 807 f 9.50 O 20,1.7 10.00 Cumberland, Md | 8.42| 183.0 Ar Petroleum... 697 283.1 10.22 6.15 186.1 Ar Eaton 775 flO 06 _. Martinsburg, W. Va. 9 53 356.5 Washington, D. C _ 11.30J 12 10 7 15 e c>? 190.5 \r Walker 629 10.15 < 356.5 196 I \r Kanawha _ 611 10.25 Washington. D. C | 11.45 393.3 Baltimore (Camden) _- 12 28 8 40 8.58 198 _ \r Davisville . __ 610 flO.30 394 8 9.06 204.7 Ar Parkersburg", W. Va"." (SiV< h~St ') 841 10.501 7_i»f3.46 Baltimore (Mt Roval) 12.36 Philadelphia. Pa 2.24 - (EASTERN TIM 1.1 6» 1 New York (Ter Citv Sta ) 4.17 -.. 6.40 204.7 Lv Paricerabn-v, w. Va 9.40 3.56 4.45 * Brooklyn— ^^^^^^^^ 241.4 |.Ar Athens. Ohio.. 10.30 5.03 1.42 301.7 Ar Chillicothe 11.55 6.00 Joralemon Street Station * New York— 399.6|AT Cincinnati . 2.45 8.45 7.02 1 _. Libertv Street Station . ... 1.13 399.6|2_» Cincinnati ... 2.55 9.05 We*t '-''3rd" Street Station. .. +_4.41 7.06 11.10 529.4 Ar Louisville. Kv ICT.).. . 5.05 Cohirnbu* Circle St: tion 5 /: 1.34 399.6|Lv Cincinnati. Ohio (E T ) 2.55 T2.15I" 9 05 I 33rd Street Station.: I 0?|--__;-- -V W 5-IPM4.05 A-7.25 \r st. 1 ouia. Mo. (C. T.) •. PV9.50 II Ilnd Street 'station.".IIII"" P"5.00 t Dailv Blar.-hr* fignr.» P. M. Umr, Genre. A. M. time. * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. Blaek-faee figure* P. •• lime. Light-face figures A. M. time. * Daily. . ^--, ^mummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuumam * For additional Motor Couch =top* in New York and Brooklyn, see paces 35 to 38. For infor- r • • • Coarh ctop= ,: • : ding the checkinq of baceace into and out of New York Citv. see paces 93-9.. mation regarding the checking of baggage into and out of New York Lity. see pa«" _ on signal to receive and discharge pas=encers. w Stops to discharce passeneers

from Cumberland and east, and to -- for Grafton I] iod west and recei- _. ._. . - tK nj_ passengers from Washington and stations east and receive passengers for Cin NOTE 1-Motor Coach connection lea - m. arriving Cumber!-' stations west. Train No 2. -Motor coach connection leaves B. & O. station, Cumberland, 9 p. mM arriving Keyser NOTE 2—Motor Coach < 9.4"-> p. m. for Train No. 1. Train No. 4.

58 TAR. CM ^}Q Parkersburg, Athens, Chillicothe, _,._.__, Ai\ Cincinnati to Greenfield, Chillicothe, °" ^^ and Greenfield to Cincinnati- estward TABLE No- 11.30 178.5 Lv Maderia Ar Baltimore (Camden). 1.25 6.33 8.58 5.48 12.28 181.0 Lv East Madisonville. . Ar Philadelphia. Pa 3.58 8.34 11.00 3.02I 2.24 181.6 Lv Madisonville Ar New York.-. — — — 6 10.26 12.55 9.55: 4.17 183.2 Lv Oakley (Jersey Citv Station) 184.4 Lv East Norwood "\r * Brooklyn 184.9 Lv Norwood Joralemon St. Sta 11.12 1.42 10.28 5.03 186.2 Lv Bond Hill Ar *New York— 187.2 Lv St. Bernard Liberty Street. 7.02 10.38 1.07 10.08 4.29 188.3 Lv Winton Place (A).. a Circle sta 7.26 11 12 1.42 10.351 S.OSC^T 193.4 Lv Cincinnati Junction. [oTtlmt West 23rd Street 7 10.50 1.19 ,t 4.41 194.9 Ar Cincinnati, Ohio.. 33rd Street Station.. 11 07 (Central Union Station) 7.24 1.34 10.28; 5.00 42nd Street Station. 7.25 11.10 1.37 10.25 5.00 m AM AM AM PM PM | PM Light-face figure A. M. time. * Daily, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ § Sunday only, Blaek-faee figures P. M. time. aa Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington, D. C, and east. bb Stops on signal to d ^^_^^^^_^^^^^^^_ ^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^mm^mm^mm ,v„i, u„ Binnai fr, r u.™harg»e nassengcipassengeros nfroUim» °u>u»ustationos comeast. »o•f ~~»c.«.nuLoveland.. f Stops on signal to receive and discharge passengers. g Stops on signal to receive passengers from Baltimore & Ohio or Southern R'y Lines. 1, Stoni,,, ijfilu to discharge passengers for Baltimore and Ohio or Southern R'y Lines. j Flag stop, Sunday only I Stops to receive or discharge passengers from or to stations where scheduled to stop. „ i," .Mu"al ?,„„ -nssengers from stati--- ~»" -f 1"^'--J ""•- mmmmmmm mmmmmm^^^^^ ^^^^^~ fngton. D.C., and stations east. t Stops to discharge passengers £om Colli ml ' hsoliarge. passer,* ,.^ east of Midland City. r Stops on signal to receive passengers for Wash- 'x"stops to discharg e passengero s from west of Cincinnati, and to receive passengers for points east where scheduled to stop. z Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Parkersburg and' statSn. », . Vstoosto discharge passengers from St. Louis and west and" receive passengers for Washington, D. C, .. x. J.-—, T :-...... «J u r J o. T _.. i ngers for Washington, D. C. and beyond. • Stops to discharge passengers from Washington. D.C.. and east and rerei," "' — — ^is an" d west and rece ve passe is scheduled to stop. A Station Spring Grove and Clifton Avenue; east and recetoe pawengert for Louisville. St. Louis and beyond. O Stops to dichaige passengers from stations where train

59 60 TA L No j* A• r North Vernon 4.31 2^6 ~4\30 198.4|Lv Lawrenceville, 111 b12.49 ; 2.31 200> • 9.10 2.54 •6:38 6.4€ 8^08 4.38 : v Bridgeport --- 2.38 Lv North Vernon * 4.15 4.36 208 2 Lv Sumner 270. C Lv Oakdale .'.. f 4.44 ! 2.47 273.4 f 2.56 Lv Butlerville.-- - f 4.48 2 :o 2 f 4.53 Lv Olnev f'VM gTio 3.05 f 7.08 -'Ml.'. 221 8 Lv Higttins -- Lv Holton f 5.00 f 3.14 283.4 f 5.04 >28 0 Lv Noble. 3.22 Lv Dabney 287.4 Lv Osgood 4.43 5.12 235.1 Lv CI iv City.. - 3.32 291.1 242.5 Lv Flora Lv Delaware f 5.19 3.46 "Y.35 293.8 5.23 247.1 Lv Pierceville. f 3.56 290.4 Lv Milan "TSH i"§"57 5.28 e"8.43 250 0 4.02 29S> Lv Moore's Hill ._ 1 5.03 f 5.33 251 5 f 4.06 301.1 Lv Cold Springs i 5.38 259 1 I v luka 4.14 305.1 Lv Dillsboro.- 5.45 -8.56 203 1 Lv Rannister f 4.19 311.7 '-'67.8 Lv Cochran f 5.54 Lv Salem f 5.53 4.28 313.2 5.45 10322 5.59 ae9.07 c5.39 f 6.03 Lv Aurora 273.6 Lv Odin 4.38 316.9 Lv Lawrenceburg, Iii'i 5 55 10.29 6.07 a 9.13 :5.48 277.2 4.46 320 3 Lv Columbia Park, O. (E. 1 f 7.03 281.3 l.v Shattuc - 4.54 :!:::: f 7.14 283.4 f Lv Pike-..::.:.-:: 286 5 l.v Huev 5.04 323.1 Lv North Bend YY.% 290 8 Yh'.Tl 5.13 Lv Carlyle --- Lv Addyston f 7.25 29 4 4 5.19 327.1 299.4 5.29 • 303 6 5.38 j • • ' f 7.28 307 3 5.47 337.3 311.6 T v Summerfield 5.54 339.0 Ar Cincinnati. Ohio 7.40 17 15 8.00 5.40 9.20 11.06 AH 1 314 5 Lv Lebanon 6.01 (CENTRAL UNION STATION) AH PH 1 PH 1 320.2 Lv (VI- Jlon 6.13 322.0 Lv Carbon Mine Light-face figures A. M. time. B'*fk am Or1"-" •'• M- *—• 3°3 6 f 6.20 * Daily. t Daily except - 328.0 Lv Caseyville 6.31 a Stops to discharge passengers from stations on Lou. 335.7 \r East St. Louis, Ml .. 7.35 7.00 ...... :::::: llllll III... and to receive passengers for Toledo and Detroit, also let off passengers from N< - 337.(1 \r Washington A\c.. Mo f ! 1 point on Nos. 2 and 4. b Stops 00 passengers for • 339.1 Ar St. Louis, Mo 7.55 4.05 7.25 9.50 • JOS bevond. r Stops on signal to discharge pa- Lonaj and bnond and (UNION STATION) AH PM PM "PH~" "PM" to pick up commuter passengers when N '' to rrce,ve ^T?,"^ for Cincinnati and bevond. 1 1 or discharge passenger.. . "J—J" s P. M. time. to dischare,, passengers from St. Louis and beyond or from Springfield aDd beyr jht-face figures A. M. time. Bla •k-faee flirnr.- gers for Cincinnati or Louisville and bevond. v Stop* to dltnargc pawengeri from 1 D ailv exc S Sundrl y only west and to receive passengers for Cincinnati. Washington. D. C. and bevond. ?,„"£!,„ : • Hops on signal to diseh.iree p.T=«et lgcrs fr om Cir cinnat and 1 evond and to receiv e pass-•neer« to discharee passengers from stations we* moo. also from Louwnlle and to re .• .. for I .ouisville and stations west of North ps on s icnal S undays b Stc ps on passengers for Cincinnati and beyond. 4 SI • receive passengers lor wasn- ington. D. C, and static nl .. . . : ischarge nassence-s from Cincinnati Louis uille a id stat ions b eive p. • - >yond i ind rer .ouis. f Stops on sienal ro or disc large p Stops to disc Ko. 12 will stop at Aurora and Lawrenceburg to pick up commuter pa<- - -• re. 1 d TE­ eneers from Washington, D. C anc statio is east •2 will make stops on J™ a" Cinannau (except Sedams-

62 TABLE No. Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Zanesville, 43 Newark and Columbus to Cincinnati Cincinnati to Columbus, Newark, For Through Car Service, see Table No. 11. Westward. TABLE No. 44 Zanesville, Wheeling and

STATIONS Pittsburgh—Eastward Miles December 4, 1932 For Through Car Service, see Table No. 11. (EASTERN TIME) ktf 8.05 6.20 9.30 O.OlLv Pittsburgh, Pa Miles STATIONS 46 34 38 36 78 3.9 Lv Hazehvood — December 1. 1982 4.7 Lv Glenwood (CENTRAL UNION STATION) AM —AB~ rt P? AM 9.2 Lv Willock Lv Cincinnati. O. (K. T.I 12.0 Lv Bruceton ,uz6.47 no * 9 00 •12.50 * 9.35 13.8lLv Cochran's Mill 6 6 Lv Winton Place (A) 9.17 1.06 9.53 15.0 Lv Snowden 9.25 10.01 16.8 Lv Gastonville 11.7 Lv Oakley 9.28 f 1.15 10.04 24 7 Lv Loveland- 10.22 17.9 Lv Finleyville 8.37 6.61 flO.03 NOTE f 1.33 10.46 19.9 Lv Anderson 40.3 Lv Blanchester 10.05 44.8 Lv Midland City 10.58 22.9 Lv Thomas "2!65 49.6 l.v Cuba 24.3 Lv Gilkeson :::::: 27.5 Lv W viand ville 10.26 2.20 11.13 61.7 Lv Melvin 28.5 Lv Eighty Four 29.1 Lv Clokey --- 64.0 l.v Reesville Lv Zediker (Ill 3 Lv Sabina fl0.40 31.2 7M <) 35.3 Lv Washington, Pa. 7.31 7 Lv Jasper Mills 39.6,L_ v Duval- 7- 43.0 Lv Taylorstown.. ylO-52 77.0 10.56 2.49 11.44 46.5 Lv Claysville 7.55 flO.59 49.3 Lv Vienna Lv Madison Mills. . 52.8 Lv West Alexander. Pa Ml ." 57.5 Lv Point Mills. W. Va. 92.8 l.v Mt Sterling fll.16 60.8 Lv Triadelphia 94.7 62.5 Lv Elm Grove 10.01 1.8.23 hll.29 '.i7 • Lv Derby 65.0 Lv Mt. DeChantel l'H : Lv Orient 67.6 Ar Wheeling - 10.131 8.35 11.40 104.4 Lv Pleasant Corners 67.6 Lv Wheeling .----,ir, 10 18 7.3(1 11.48 107 1 72.0 Lv Benwood Junction, W.Va 10 36 7.4; 12.07 111 1 l.v Briggsdale 72.7 Lv Bellaire, Ohio 10.41 7.54 12.14 1 1 l (l l.v Broa 1 Street 1 76.9 Lv Neffs hid o Ar Columbus.. 11.50 3.45 12.35 81.8 Lv Glencoe. 1 M II Lv Columbus 3.50 12.45 • 84.1 |Lv Whitney (Marbleton) 120.7 Lv East Columbus 85.0 Lv Warnock l"l 3 Lv Tavlor-.. - . 3 88.4 Lv Lamira l 5fi •> Lv Rlack Lick 91.1 Lv Belmont.. 129 4 Lv Summit 93.1 Lv Bethesda 133 f.Lv Pataskala « 95.6 Lv Speidel 137 7 Lv Outville 97.6 Lv Tacoma.. a! 99.3|Lv Barnesville 11.28 8.42 145 OLv Heath .. *t 107.5ILv Quaker City =11.41 140.2 Ar Newark 4.35 1 30 109.5ILv Salesville 1 11) 2 Lv Newark * 6.48 4.40 1.40 u 113.3'Lv Gibson 161.3 f 7.06 e 162.8 116.3 Lv Lore City 19 120.2ILv Mineral Siding. 166.7 Lv Pleasant Valley v7.15 124.6'Lv Cambridge 12.12 9.2 171 1 Lv Zanesville 7.40 5.21 2.30 133.3,Lv New Concord-- 12.24 g9.4 1S1.9 f 7.55 s 136.7 l,Lv Norwich 1^ 9 143.7JLv Sonora 192.3 8 13 S 151.2 Ar Zanesville 12.56 10.18 .nl i Lv Cambridge - 8.32 6.03 3.17 •o 154.8|Lv Dillon..--.-.-. •ii.-, i e 159.9 Lv Pleasant Valley 200 3 8.47 IS 162.8|Lv Nashport 212.3 f 8.51 1 Lv Toboso - 216.1 Lv Salesville f 8 59 £ 164.3 u 176.4 Ar Newark.. 1.35 11.001 3.28' "is 1 Lv Quaker City - 9 04 c 176.4 Lv Newark.. 1.40 3.38 I ' : 9 26 6.43 4.02 180.6 Lv Heath 22SI Lv Tacoma 5 183.0 Lv Kvlesburg 230 0 Lv Speidel 187.9 Lv Outville... 232.6 Lv Bethesda 9.40 8 192.1 Lv Pataskala 234 6 Lv Belmont f 9.44 t 196.2 Lv Summit 237 1 Lv Lamira Mil llllll llllll iiim ; ;::::: 199.4 Lv Black Lick 240 1 Lv Warnock "a5 201.3 Lv Taylor — 241.5 Lv Whitney (Marbleton) e 204.9 Lv East Columbus 243.8 Lv Glencoe o 209.6 Ar Columbus (E. T.) 2.28 4.28 248.7 Lv NefTs 10.10 Z 209.6 Lv Columbus (E. T.) 2.3r 6.1 4.38 262.9 Lv Bellaire, Ohio 10.22 7.36 4.55 211.6 Lv Broad Street. •.T,3 !• Ar Benwood Junction, W.Va. 1026 7.4? 5.00 •o 214.5 Lv Briggsdale-— 268.0 Ar Wheeling 10.45 7.5f 520 n ..... k 218.0 Lv Grove City i 6.28, 268.0 Lv Wheeling 8.10 5.30 *'G~M e 220.6 Lv Pleasant Corner 260.6 Ar Mt. De Chantel u. 224.3 Lv Orient 263.1 Ar Elm Grove 5.39 22S 0 Lv Derby 264.8 Ar Triadelphia llllll mill llllll 232.8 Lv Mt. Sterling 6.4R 268.1 Ar Point Mills. W. Va 236.1 Lv Cooks 272.8 Ar West Alexander. Pa 6.06 238.8 Lv Madison Mills ,f 6.57 276.3 243.0 f 7.04 279 1 Ar Claysville • 8.45 6.17 f 7.23 248.6 Lv Washington 3.31 7.11 2S2.ti 6.25 252.9 Lv Jasper Mills. 286.0 f 6.31 254.7 Lv Glendon 290.3 9.10 6.42 7.48 259.3 Lv Sabina 294.4 Ar Zediker.. ._ 261.6 Lv Reesville 296.6 263.9 Lv Melvin f 7.30 297.1 270.0 Lv Wilmington 4.01 7.40 5.58 298.1 f 6.55 276.1 Lv Cuba 301.3 7.5R 280.8 Ar Midland City 6.14 302.7 f 7.04 Ar Blanchester 4.22 285 I 8.1(1 f, 7- 305.7 Ar Loveland 4.43 , 8.32; 300.9 6.53 307.7 f 9.40 7.14 a 5.03 a 8.53 313.9 Ar Oaklev v7.16 308 8 Ar East Norwood 5.05 315.1 8.55—. 7.18 310.1 Ar Winton Place (A) 5.12 319.1 9.02 7.25 311.8 Ar Cochran's Mill Ar Cincinnati, O. (E. T.)_. 5.36 9.25 325.6 7.50 313.( Ar Bruceton "7.24 ...... '.III'.'. lllll'A (CENTRAL UNION STATION) PH PH PM > PM llllll un 316.4 Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee fie-uivs |' l| t]„„ 320.9 * Daily. f Daily except Sunciav 321.7 a Stops to discharge passengers from stations east of Midland Citv only. f Stops on sienal t 325.6 Ar Pittsburgh. Pa. (E. T.)_ 10.20 7.55 8.58 AM AM receive and discharge passengers. g Stops on signal to discharge passengers from stations on Pin* "AM"" PM AM burgh Division. h Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Washington, Pa. and stations eat Stops to discharge passengers from Columbus and stations east. 9 stops on signal Sunciav onTu' Light-face figures A. M. time. * Dailv. t Daily except Sunday. Itliiefe-fnee lipures l\ M. time. 1 u Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh and beyond. v Stops o- signa-'- l daily to :harge passengers from stations where train No. 35 is regularly scheduled to stop. f Stops on signal to receive and discharge passengers. v Regular stop on week-days, flag stop on ;ignai Saturday only. ?. Stops on signal to receive passengers" for statJon'west of Wheeling Sundays. A Station Spring Grove and Clifton A NOTE— No. 34 will stop at Loveland when runnng in advance of No. 12.

64 Louisville and Cincinnati to Hamil- TABLENO. 45 ton' Dayton» Piqua, Sidney, Detroit to Toledo, Sidney, Piqua, Toledo and Detroit - Northward TABLE No 4& Dayton, Hamilton, Cincinnati For Through Car Service, see Table No. 9. ' ^^ and Louisville Southward STATIONS 48 Mile December 4. 1932 For Through Car Service, see Table No. 9. (CENTRAL TIME) PM AM pa _Jmum_ 55 I 0 OLv Louisville, Ky 11.40| 7.50 5.20 * 6.501 STATIONS 53 49 20 1 57 45 (7TH STREET STATION) I>ecemb»r 4, 19112 3-51 3.6 Lv Now Albany, Ind 11.51 8.00 5.30 7.00 .",7 6 \r North Vernon 12.54 9.05 6.34 8.04 (EASTERN TIME) AM I PU PH ! PM I AM .-,7 '.J v North Vernon 4.15 9.10 6.38 8.08 Lv Detroit (P.M.R'y). '12.20 5.00 '11.05; 104.0LV Aurora —=-3 5.45 10 22 9k07 (FORT STREET STATION) 107.7|Lv Lawrenceburg. Ind 5.55 10.29 9.13 30.4 Lv Carleton (EASTERN TIME) 40.4 Lv Monroe, Mich 1.21 6.02 12.14 . Ar Toledo (Un. Sta.) 2.00 128.1 Ar Storrs. Ohio - 64.3 6.40 12.55 . 129.8 12.1S 9.20 11.05 (B. & O. R. R.) Ar Cincinnati, CKCent-Vn.St Lv Toledo (Un. Sta.) 6.45 105' 9.30 0.0 8.00 2.05 KB Lv CincinnatlTCent.Un. Sta.) 12.30 10.15 11.25 Lv Perrysburg f 9.36 10.4 8.18 i 2.21 0.8|Lv Cincinnati Junction •10.21 13.9 Lv Roachton L5|Lv Geit Street 17.G Lv Haskins f 8 29 2.5,Lv Brighton 21.3 Lv Tontogany f 8 34 3.4|Lv Fairmount 25 7 l.v Bowling Green. _ 7.24 B.OhLv Southside "27.1 Lv Weston FF42 5.5|Lv Northside 10.30 30.5 O.fijLv Winton Place (B) 12.47 10.33 11.441 Lv Milton f 8.47 31.9 Lv Custar f 8.50 7 M.v Ivorydale. 38.1 8.5 Lv Elmwood Place. Ar Deshler -. 905 2.56 38.1 9.05 3.02 9.4'"L v Carthage 42.2 Lv Deshler 10.6 Lv Hartwell Lv Belmore f 9.11, 4fi.L' Lv Leipsic Junction 11.2 Lv M aplewoorl 53 0 9.17 a 3.12 11.8 Lv Wvoming-Lockland 10.43 ,11.53 59.0 Lv Ottawa 9.23 d 3.22 13.6 Lv Woodlawn G6.2 Lv Columbus Grove 9.38! Lv Cairo 15.0 Glendale - :i6:48 72.3 f 9.47 17.1 Lv Crestvue 79.0 Lv Lima - 10.02! 3.49 |Lv Muhlhauser Lv Cridersville fl0.13| ISO 85.3 4.0 19.2 Lv Stockton... 92.5 Lv Wapakoneta 10.24: Lv Botkins 22.8 jLv Schenck 97.5 fio 35: A*?. Lv Anna no.41 24.0 Lv Lindenwald 99.9 Lv Hamilton ,.05 1.16 105.2 Lv Swanders STOP' •^ 1 r. 25.fi Lv Sidney 4.34 Too 26.6 Old River Junction 110.4 10 55 Lv New River Junction 116.6 Lv Kirkwood fll.03 ---- 28.0 flO 26 Lv Piqua 1110 4.48 '4 18 30.1 Lv Overpeck 1237 Lv Trenton flO 31 128.9 Lv Troy 1126 5.00 4.33 33.8 10.36 Lv Tippecanoe City 11.40: 37.fi Lv Middletown 134.8 Lv Poast Town 143.7 Lv Vandalia fll.53 40.3 Lv Dayton (Union Station) - 12.15| 5.30 520 44.3 Lv Carlisle fl6~45 151.5 Lv Miamisburg flO.52 153.9 Lv Whitfield. 49.01 Lv Miamisburg 12.30 i? 5.47 61.4 Lv Whitfield 158. fi 1 v Dayton (Union Station) . 11T15 i.55 162.6 Lv Carlisle f12.37 59.2 Lv Poast Town 68.1 Lv Vandalia-- fll 31 165.3 f"550 Lv Tippecanoe City 11 40 169.1 Lv Middletown 12^46 6.00 710 Lv Trenton... H2.52 79.2 I v Trov 11..; 2.26 172.8 Lv Pin 12.03 2.39 174.9 Lv Overpeck f12.57 - 87.3 Lv New River Junction 92.5 l.v Kirkwood H2.14 176.4 Lv Sid 12-21 2:53 177.4 Lv Old River Junction. 97 7 1.12 6.10 103.0 Lv Swanders STOP 178.8 Lv Hamilton 6.18 10 = Iv Anna .-- 112.35 180 1 Lv Lindenwald 110.4 I v Botkins -- H2.49 183.7 Lv Schenck 117.fi|Lv Wanakoneta 12.58. 3.19 184.3 Lv Stockton... - 123911 v Cridersville f 1.05 ISa.S Lv Muhlhauser 1306ft,v Lima 1.25 3!42 187.9 Lv Crestvue Lv Glendale - 8.21 6.26 v9.03 13i; 7 Lv Cairo f 189.3 1-46 191 1 Lv Woodlawn 143 <>l.v Columbus Grove 8:2? "6731 ;'§:68 1 !'> |M.v Ottawa. . . 1.56 4.05 cc3.39 191.7 Lv Wyoming-Lockland 166 7 Lv I.einsic Junction 2.10 cc3.50 192.3 Lv M aplewood 11>07 Lv Bel more . f 2.16 193.5 Lv Hartwell 164.8 \r Deshler 2.32 4.28 4.04 194.4 Lv Carthage lfiLSLv Deshler 2.3? 4.28 4.15 196.1 Lv Elmwood Place 171 OLv Custar ,f 2.45 1963 Lv Ivorvdale 9 19 Lv Winton Place (B)-_ 1.44 " 6.45 8.35 6.42 172 ILv Milt f 2.48 197.4 6.44 9.22 l76.8t,v_Weston . .._- f 2.53| 197.9 Lv Northside 1.46 8.38 I7i'. i1 /- Bowline Green 1995 Lv Southside 200.4 Lv Fairmount 18J '"' Lv Tontoganv. f 3.00 201.4 Lv Brighton 185.3pV Hawkins |f 3.05 202.1 iLv Gest Street 189 'M.v Roachton 202 9 Lv Cincinnati Junction 8.47 192 5 Lv Perrysburs! - T.n 8.55 5.15 f.5ffi Ar Cincinnati (Cenl -'02 9 \r Toledo (Un. Sta.). 3.35 5.20 0 0 Lv Cincinnati,0« 8.40 530! 6.55 202.9 Lv Toledo (Un. Sta.XP.M.R'y) 5.30 1 7 Lv Storrs 226 M.v Monroe. Mich. . . 6.07 6.09,^ 7.30 IrENTR M. TTMB) 8 16 236 8 Lv Carleton. .. 22 1 Lv Uawreneeburg, Ind f 2.28 f 7.05 \r Detroit. Mich. :.::i \~VAb 7.20 8.30^ f 2.35 f 7.12 8 24 AM Lv Aurora 9.40 (FORT STREET STATION) AM j PM j PM =V AM I 72 _• Ar North Vernon, - 3.44 8.24 3.48 8.30 957 72.2 Lv North Vernon . 10 5" Blaek-faee figure. I'. U. time- 126.2 Ar New Albany, Ind 4.53 9.32 Light-face figures \. M, tii 5.05 9.45 11.10 5 Sunday only. 129.8 Ar Louisville, Ky AM • Dally. • Dnilv except Sund.iv. (7th STREET STATION) PM ?u , a t a Stops Hailv to discharge passengers from Davton and bevond and dailv except ^Cincinnit_ .^„ ,°;i or civ,- ru^oneers for Toledo and bevond. h Stop" on sienal to receive passengers f< d from Louisville Rlark-f»ee flem-M P. ••

65 TABLE No. 47 TABLE No. 48 Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Parkersburg to Kenova, Charleston and Huntington to Huntington, Charleston and Kenova Parkersburg, Wheeling and Pittsburgh Westward Eastward 772 82 773 STA1 IONS 74 62 72 78 Sun. STATIONS 81 Mi • Mixed 38 77 Sun. December 4. 1932 only Deeember 4, 1932 Mixed only (EASTERN TIME) PM AM PM PM PM t 5.40 (EASTERN TIME) AM I PM Lv Kenova, VV. Va 12.45 •11.30 12.20 f 5.41 0.0 Lv Pittsburgh, Pa • 8.05 * 6.20 Lv Credo.... - :::::: 17.9 Lv Finleyville 8.37: 6.57 f 5.55 M2729 35.3 Lv Washington, Pa 912 7.31 8.2 \r Huntinaton 6.15 1.10 12.15 12.50 07.6 Ar Wheeling, W. Va 10.13 8.35 / v Charleston (C. & O.) .. •U 10 •10.42 1 r Huntington 12.20 11.47 0.0 Lv Wheeling (op. Bridgeport. O 6 on 10.45 8.50 8.2 l.v Huntington... .. 6.15 1.10 12.15 12.50 4.7 Lv Benwood Jet. (op. Bellaire, O 6.15 11.00 9.05 11.6 Lv Guyandotte(op.Proctorsville,0.) f 6.27 H2.59 6.31 11.16 11.1 Lv Moundsville 17.4 Lv Cox Landing . 6.42 f 1.08 19.2 Lv Lang (op. Powhatan, O.) 6 4h 9.r M 1 Lv Le age — f 6.46 f 1.11 23.2 Lv Woodland 6 5J Lv Millersport (op. Millersport, O.) f 6 49 f 1.14 26.9 Lv Clarington (op. Clarington, O.) 7.00 21.7 25.1 f 7.00 f 1.18 31.4 Lv Proctor 7.09 f 7.15 f 1.27 35.9 Lv Hannibal (op. Hannibal, O.).. 7.18 30.3 35.3 Lv Apph i.rove(op.Chambersb'g,0) f 7.27 f 1.36 37.5 Lv New Martinsville- 7 23 12.01 10.15 Lv Hogsett.. f 1.39 41.1 ..: s f 7.32 Lv Mendota (op. Sardis, O.) 7.35 f 7.35 f 1.41 42.8 Lv Paden City. 7.40 n2!l3 U08 • . 47.2 Lv Gallipolis (op. Gallipolis. O.)... 7.50 f 2.07 f 1.51 Lv Sistersville 7.55 12.25 10.40 :,n :; Ar PolntPleasant(op.Kanauga,0.) 8.15 2.22 "T27 2.10 51.8 Lv Friendly (op.NewMatamoi as,() ) 8.05 HO.48 54.3 Lv Long Reach 8.10 II ii Lv Charleston (N. V. C.) 56.2 Lv Bens Run.. _^^^^^^^^^ 8.17 .57.0 Ar Point Pleasant 59.4 Lv Raven Rock 8.25 50.3 8.15 2.22 1.27 2.10 64.0 Lv St. Marys. 8.3D 12.51 11.08 67.3 f 8.49 :::::: f 2.26 Lv Belmont ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8.40 59.4 f 8.50 f 2.27 68.7 Lv Eureka 8.45 71.3 61.0 f 9.00 f 2.30 Lv Willow Island 8.49 62.9 Lv West Columbia (op. Hobson. O.) . 9.02 1 2.31 74.6 Lv Waverly 81.0 8.57. f 9.05 f 2.33 85.0 Lv Williamstown (op. Marietta, O.) 9.07 11.36 Lv Mason City (op Pomeroy, O.). 9.15 2.47 1.53 2.40 88.9 Lv Kellar... 9 15 ,. n Lv Hartford (op. Minersville. 0.)_. 9.30 2.51 93.6 Lv Vienna 9.21 1,(1 s Lv New Haven (op. Syracuse, O.). 10.00 f 2.56 93.6 Ar Parkersburg (Ann St. Sta.) 9.35 1.44 12.10 72 9 Lv Graham (op. Racine, <>.) t 3.00 Lv Parkersburg (op. Belpre, O.).. t 6.20 no.09 99.7 t 1.541 12.25 2.00 78.6 Lv Letart (op. Ix-tart Falls, ().) 10.25 t 3.09 108.0 Lv Washington f 6.35 Lv Millwood (op. Apple Grove, O.) Lv HarrisFerry(op.Hockingport,0.) f 6.551 83 6 10.50 t1.50 \'%M 3.18 111.6 Lv Willow ('.rove f 1.59 Lv Belleville (op. Reedsville. () )._ 7.15 fll.10 f 3.28 117." f 2.27 f 2.34! 90.7 fll.17 f 2.03 f 3.32 Lv Murrayville(op.LongBottoin.<).) f 7.26 f 2.37 120.6 f 2.43! 94.6 12.05 2.15 IA2 ""2751 3.44 123.8 Lv Polk |f 7.35' f 2.50 f 2.56! f 7.42! IS M2.12 f 3.49 124.0 Lv Portland (op. Portland, O.) f 2.54 f 3.02! Lv I'oitland (op. Portland, O.) l 3.48 Lv Sherman f 7.44 112.15 f 3.50 128.2 102.2 f12.30 i 3.56 f 3.57 128.7 Lv Ravenswood 8.00 tio:2oi 3.02 3.09 105.1 Lv Murray ville(op.LongBottomtO.) f12.35 f 4.10 f 4.02 132.1 Lv R. S. & G. Junction Lv Belleville (op. Reedsville, 0.)_._ f 8.17 f10.29 111.2 1.05 f 4.16 llllll linn 1 4.16 135.3 Lv Pleasant View f 3.13 f 3.21 114.8 Lv HarrisFeiTy(op.Hockingport,0.) 139.2 Lv Willow Grove f 8.25 fl0.35 f 1.20 f 4.22 f 3.25 f 3.28 1 13 I f 2.05 144.2 Lv Millwood (op. Apple Grove, O.) 8.40 10.45 f 3.34 f 4.34 f 3.37 L29.2 Ar Parkersburg (op. Belpre, O.).. 2.30 4.50 3 47 4.50 149.9 Lv Letart (op. Letart Falls. O.) 8.50 f 3.45 Lv Parkersburg (Ann St. Sta.) 153.0 Lv Graham (op. Racine, O.) I 9.02 1 • *12.15 * 5.00 3.55 :::::: f 3.53 L33.9 Lv Vienna H2.25 154.8 Lv New Haven (op. Syracuse, <>.). 9.15 f 3.59 Lv Kellar 157.5 Lv Hartford (op. Minersville, ().).. 9 :; L37.8 H2.30 14.04 I n.8 Lv Williamstown (op. Marietta, O.) 12.40 159.2 Lv Mason City (op. Pomeroy, O.). 9.55 4.09 2 . 4.15 161.1 Lv Clifton (op. Middleport. ().) fl0.03 i i 12.50 5:23 'Ti6 i 4.18 151 5 Lv Willow Island H2.55 161.8 Lv West Columbia (op. Hobson, ().) flO.07 14.22 163.4 Lv Hallwood flO.10 154.1 Lv Eureka 1.03 164.3 fl0.13 f 4.25 156 6 Lv Belmont f 1.05 Lv Lakin f 4.27 172.5 Lv Maggie fl0.15 Lv St. Marys- 1.20 f 4.28 Lv Raven Rock Ar Point Pleasant (op. Kanauga) 11.15 4.37 1.29 "oio. "T43 4.50 166.6 Lv Bens Run. 1.38 Lv. Long Reach. 0.0 Lv Point Pleasant (N. Y.C.) t 1.44 8.04 L68.fi f 1.41 57.0 3.30 171.0 Lv Friendly (op. NewMatamoras.O.) 1.47 :::::: :::::: Ar Charleston. 9.20 Lv Sistersville rs76i 175.(1 1.56 5.10 172.5 Lv Point Pleasant 11.15 180.0 Lv Paden City 2.07 6l21 4.37 4.50 Lv Mendota (op. Sardis, O.) f 5.18 178.1 Lv Gallipolis (op. Gallipolis, O.). .. 11.40 f 4.52 181.7 f 2.18 f 5.07 L85.3 Lv New Martinsville f 2.25 a 6.30 5.27 184.0 Lv Ben Lomond fll.55 f 5.16 185.0 Lv Hogsett fll.57 L86.9 Lv Hannibal (op. Hannibal, O.) f 2.28 6.43 187.5 Lv AppleGrove(op.Chambersb'g.O) f 12.10 f 5.17 191.4 Lv Proctor f 2.37 192.5 Lv Glenwood .. H2.20 15.22 L95.9 Lv Clarington (op. Clarington, O.). 2.46 197.7 Lv Crown City f12.35 5.31 LQQ > f 2.52 201.1 Lv Millersport (op. Millersport, ().) f12.42 i 5,10 203.6 Lv Lang (op. Powhatan, <).) f 3.00 202.7 Lv Lesage- 112.44 f 5.43 211.7 3.19 ""6"i6 205.4 Lv Cox Landing . f12.50 5.47 218.1 Lv Benwood Jet. (op. Bellaire. O.). 3.35 7.41 6.26 211.2 Lv Guyandotte(op.Proctorsville.O.) f 1.19 I 5.56 222.8 Ar Wheeling (op. Bridgeport. ().) 3.50 7.56 6.41 214.6 Ar Huntington 1.40 f 6.05 5.50 6.20 0.0 Lv Wheeling. VV. Va. . _' • 8.10 * 6.48 32.3 ,\r Washington, Pa 7.48 0.0 Lv Huntington (C. &• O.) 1 9.10 z.a 9.30 6.57 49.7 Ar Finleyville f 9.40 50.0 Ar Charleston 10.33 67.6 Ar Pittsburgh, Pa 3.43 8.50! 10.20 "8"58 "n" "PM"- "~PM~" PM AM PM 214.6 Lv Huntington , 1.40 5.50 217.1 Lv West Huntington. f 2.05 , 6.20| Light-face figures A. M. time. BlaeL-fuee figures P. M. time. f 6.30 221.6 Lv Ceredo If 2.12 * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. op Opposite. 222.8 Ar Kenova, W. Va 2.30 6.25 500 a Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Parkersburg and beyond and to receive passengera PM G.45 PM AM PM for Moundsville and beyond. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. s Stops daily except Saturday. Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee figures P. M. tin,,., * Daily. t Daily except Sundays. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. op Opposite.

THROUGH CAR SERVICE THROUGH CAR SERVICE No. 33-73—Parlor Dining Car Pittsburgh to Cincinnati and Wheeltae to PflrW„i Seat Coach Pittsburgh to Cincinnati and Partitioned Coach Wheeling t„ Kenova? "' Individual No. 78—Partitioned Coach Kenova to Pittsburgh. Sixteen Section Sleeping Car Charleston to Pittsburgh (via C. & O. to Huntington). Twelve Section Drawing-room Sleeping Car Huntington to Pittsburgh, ready for occupancy 9.30 P. M. Dining Car Wheeling to Pittsburgh. No. 77—Partitioned Coach Pittsburgh to Kenova. Sixteen Section Sleeping Car Pirfok , Nos. 72-38.—Partitioned Coach Kenova to Wheeling and Individual Seat Coach Wheeling to Pitts­ r lt,s,,1 11 1 burgh. Parlor Dining tar Parkersburg to Wheeling and Cincinnati to Pittsburgh. Charleston (via Huntington and C. & O.). Twelve Sectio:ion DrawinV-roonTsWniDrawing-room SleeniL^L.I'.'fn ^ '¥' : urg^ h' rgh ,„ 67 TABLE No. 49 Between Elkins and Charleston (Read Down) (Rea

35 36 STATIONS Ex. Ex. Miles Perember 4, 19l!2 Between Pittsburgh, Connellsville, Sun. Sun. AM PM TABLE No. 50 Fairmont, Clarksburg, Weston 9.20 0.0 Lv Elkins Ar 1.30 f 9.24 1.5 Lv Homewood Lv f 1.23 (Read Down) and Richwood , Lv Norton Lv 1.10 (R

9.37 0.9 Lv Norton Ar 1.10 f 9.50 12.9 f1? 53 26 Miles STAT I SB f 9.57 15.7 Lv Kingsville Lv M2.47 66 December •», 103:* •2b 10.06 19.7 Lv Midvale Lv 12.35 110.12 22.3 Lv Sand Run Lv f12.29 AH (EASTERN IIMI.' PM no. 19 26 0 Lv Goodwin Lv t1? ?? *9.08 0.0 Lv Pittsburgh. Pa Ar 9.1 — 110.23 26.4 Lv Strader Ll H2.17 10.37 57.8 Ar Connellsville Lv •7.3 10.32 30.0 Lv Sago Lv 12.08 10.40 33.1 Ar Adrian Lv 12.00 10 45 0.0 Lv Connellsville Ar 6.1 10 55 4.0 Lv Dunbar Ar 6.(i 10.40 33.1 Lv Adrian Ar 12.00 1H02 7.0 Lv Mt. Braddock-. 15.5- flfl 4S 36 6 Lv Abbott Lv fll.54 10.4 Lv Evans \r . 10 54l 40.0 Lv Frenchton Lv 11.45 11.17 13.1 Ar Uniontown Ar '~'.~\ fll.09 45.3 Lv Crawford Lv fll.31 16.6 Lv Brownfield Ar 11 nl 46..'i 11.28 20. ( Lv Walkersville Lv • 11.34 Lv Fairchance Ar fll.16 48.0 Lv Emmart Lv fll.25 11 41 23.3 Lv Smithfield Ar 5.1 fll.30 53 2 Lv Chapman Lv fll.12 nf46 26.0 Lv. _ Outcrop Ar rs.fl 11.45 56.7 Ar Orlando Lv 11.05 27.7 Lv Gans Ar nf50 .5.0 7 3- (i 11 Lv Clarksburg Ar 2.15 nf54 29.0 Lv Atchison. -Ar 25.3 30.1 Lv Lake Lvnn Ar 14.8 8 4R lv Weston Ar 12.50 11.58 4.5- Ar Orlando Lv 11 50 12.10 33.7 Lv Point Marion, Pa -Ar 41.7 ,Lv Star City. W. Va Al 4.4 11 05 12.25 4.2 11.45 5i „ n«„.„, T „ flO. 32 1.11 59.6 Lv Opekiska Ar >3.5C 12.17 69.1 Lv Copen Lv 10.25 fi .16 61.4 Lv Jordan Ar [J. 42 f12.27 73.0hLv... Braxton Lv flO.l? . 11.20 63 5 Lv Catawba raji 12.33 75.1 Lv Exchange Lv 10.12 ...... 65.4 Lv Montana Ar f3.3? 112.38 76 "l.v Chapelle ...Lv no os n .26 11.34 68.0 Lv Iloult fj.2l 117 49 rS.li 1 ^• Petriyirolff. T .17 no.05 70.6 Ar Fairmont Lv 12.55 83 1 Ar Gassaway Lv 1.45 9.55 70.6 Lv Fairmont Ar ,v,, 1.00 Ml l.v Gassaway Ar 9.50 73.4 Lv Jayenn Ar •3.15 11.08 87.1LV SI 1 adv Side Lvf 9.38 76.6 1.18 91.6 Lv Frametown Lv 9.2S 78.5 Lv Everson Ar f 1 It]' !«Ol.- Ror-t-rnn T.v f 9.25 Lv Highland Ar 1 1.27 95.6L v Glcnd on Lv f 9.19 T4 Lv Chlefton... Ai 1.33 97.8 Lv Strange Creek Lv 9 14 1 ----- ..... Lv Worthington.- At :::;: 9 81.8 1.41 101.1 Lv Villa Nova Lv 9.05 :::::: ii.ii. 82 5 Lv Hutchinson s f 1 as in.-) n O f 8.58 S3.S Lv Enterprise. - Ar o 2.02 11 Li Lv Otter Lv 8.43 Z Lv Viropa Ai 117.5 Lv Spread L\ 86.5 Lv Shinnston.. At z Llllll ..:::: 2.31 122.9L.V Dundon Lv "olis linn ii....\ .... 1 ll~.ll Lv Haywood Ar 2.35 ll 10 Lv Clay Lv 8.15 91.4 Lv Gypsy f9 441'7 5l.v Hartland Lv f 8.02 94.0 Lv Meadowbrook t 2.52130.4 Lv Elkhurst. Lv f 7.57 98.9 Lv... f 9 Rfi 1 32 0 f 7.52 PM 102.7 Ar Clarksburg 1 3.04 134.9 Lv... ..Shelton Lv 743 f 3.08 136.6|Lv Birch Run Lv f 7.39 1 3.18 140.1 Lv Marne Lv f 7.31 62 65 f 3.25 143.OLv Camp Lv f 7.25 December ll. 1M9 f 3.29 144.liLv Apex Lv f 7.21 PM 3.35 147.3 Lv Porters Lv AM f 7.15 2.IS f 3.38 14S 3Lv Cornwell.- Lv f 7.13 t7.35 0.0 Lv. . ..Clarksburg-. f 3.42 149.(iLv Barren Creek Lv f 7.10 f7.54 7.5 Lv Byron n.M f 3.48 150. ILv... Queen Shoals Lv f 7.07 8.07 12.6 Lv Lost Creek 1.34 I 3.49 152.3Lv Turner Lv f 7.04 8.20 17.7 Lv Jane Lew Ar 25.3 Ar.- Weston Lv 1.20 3.55 154.5 Lv Clendennin Lv 7.00 8.41 12.66 4.03 157 M.v Falling Rock Lv 6.51 8.48 25.3 Lv Weston. . Lv Roanville 12.'" t 4.08 16O.1 Lv Walgrove Lv f 6.46 ::::: 9 23 37.3 12.lt. 39.3 Lv- , Arnold 4.11 161.6 Lv Blue Creek Lv 6.43 ::::: t'3.28 12H0 :::::: 1 4.16 H53.9 Lv larretts Ford Lv f 6.39 f9.41 Lv ..Bennett f 4.18 164.7,Lv Pinch Lv f 6.37 9 46 46.0 Ar Orlando Lv : :::::: f 4.25 167.3 Lv Bream Lv f 6.31 9.46 Lv. Orlando Lv.Btirn ville ' • :::!:: f 4.29 168.6rLv. Milliken Lv f 6.28 ::::: 10.00 60.4 Ufa 1" 4.34 170.6 Lv Barlow Lv f 6 23 ::::: l'JtW Lv Coger .. Ar 172.7 Lv ..Etowah Lv f 6.19 10119 Lv Rollyson... 10f51 4.45 174.9 Ar Charleston Lv 6.15 10.23 Lv II PM I AM Lv Flatwood io r~ Lv Gillespii 10.59 Lv Holly Jim. 10.12 Lig [urea A. M. time. * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. Blaek-faee flt-nrei V. U. < mt. 10.5: 70.2 Lv. Centralia Ar 10 fi - 11 K Lv Erbacon Ar f Stoi • on Msn.il to receive or discharge passengers. No. 36 will stop on signal at Reamer. 11.23 ::::" Lv Areola :. Llf44 Lv 12.05 .. Lv 12.28 Ar Allincdale-. VISIT - 12.31 \ r F8.28 : ::::: 12i46 drill ' Curtin--. 12151 112 3 Ar..Richwood, W. Va. 1.20 121.6 t mi WASHINGTON, D. C, " PM time. BUeW-fae, ar-re. P. H. .1-.

* Daiiv t Daily except Sunday WVfere befbrekyour ei^eA^ f Stops on signal to receive or discharce pa^' 1 Note I—For throbs the \ heart of THROUGH CAR SERVICE Train- Not. • un! Seat Coaches between Pittsburgh ai

Liberal Stop-Overs Accorded Without Extra Charge.

69 Between Buckhannon TABLE No. 51 Between Grafton and Wheeling TABLE No. 55 and Pickens (Read Up) ^^^^^^^^"(Read Down) ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JRead • I (Read Down) J 751 752, |M'Ci 54 STATIONS 53 STATIONS M t r| i 101 . December 4, 1932 Sun. December 4, 1932 Sun. M'fr Only Only M'fr . (EASTERN TIME) (EASTERN TIMH) AM PH AM Lv*N.York (23.1 St.) PM , 5... 0.0 Buckhannon 8 -15 3.15 10.00 |LV N. York (Lib. St.) ? 4.00 It 3.35 t 9.55 '12.45 6.45 5 2 Hampton 8.34 f 2.50 f 9.46 ILv...* Brooklyn f 4.10 f 3.45 flO.ir 11.301 5.08 7.9 Sago 8.27 f 2.35 f 9.38 Lv Jersey City—- 4.19 3.52 no. 30 1.12 6.00 -.- 12.7 Lv Tenmile 8.15 f 2.15 f 9.25 Lv.Phila. (Ches. St.) 4.35 4.05 HO. 55 3.44 7.57 94.7 is OLv Alton f 7.56 f 1.53 f 9.11 Lv.Balto. (Cam. Sta.) f 4.44 f 4.14H1.05 7.20 10.05 190.6 8.40 4.25 fll.2b 21.6 Lv Alexander 7.50 f 1.40 f 9.05 8.25 11.05227.4 Lv.Wash. (Un. Sta.) 7.15 4.55 . . Newlon 7.40 f 1.25 f 8.55 5.05 4.35111. V 25.2 Lv 9.50! ....1282.6 Lv. .Harper's Ferry. 5.50 ..Pickens, W. Va.. T7.15 t12.40 §8.30 5.35 5.05 12.3C (1 6Ai 1 10.23! 12.551300.8 Lv Martinsburg. . 5.20 AM PH AM 3.05 PM 12.20 2471379.2 Lv Cumberland... Ar Grafton 11.30 3.42| J.20480.6 .•3.55|* 6.37 0.0 Lv. Grafton, W. Va. -Arj 12.10 11.06 TABLE No. Between Wheeling, New Martinsville 1.8 Lv Fetterman. . . Lv| H2.03 f 6.4ffl Lv Coff man Lv flO.55 6.0 l.v 56 and Clarksburg 7.9 Lv Valley Falls.. fll.48, . , f 6.51 Lv Hammond — Lv If 4.12;f 6.54] 9.4 fll.45a10.48 61 Lv Colfax .l.v fll.34f10.38 71 |f 4.23f 7.05 14.4 73 45 STATIONS 46 42 Lv...Benton Ferry.. .Lv fll.28!- ... 745 41 72 f 7.1V 17.4 "Motor Ileocraber 4. 1932 Motor 7.22 22.0 Ar Fairmont... .Lv 11.15 10.21 , Motor 4.3K 7.22. .Ar iMotor , 4.4JJ 7.32] 22.__.0. Lv Fairmont 11.05 10.14 iMotor PM .Lv AM >K 4M (EASTEKN TIME) f 4.5S 7.46! 27.3L v Barrack ville . . fl0.47 flO.OO ...Ar .Lv '10 45 0.0 Lv... Wheeling, W. Va. 7.56 5.OS 7.581 32.7 Lv Farmington... 10.36.f 9.49 .New Martinsville. ...Lv Lv Rachel l.v fl0.29 f 9.42 12.01 7^23 37 5 Ar 6.43 f 5.12]f 8.05) 36.5 ...Ar Lv Mannin^ton. . Lv 10.23 9.35 5 2.45l l 6.00* 8 50~ U.O L.V .New Martinsville 8.15 5.05 5.191 8.12 39.9 - Lv... Minnie ...Ar f 7.56k 4.43! 6.34) --8.2fy i 47.-..2- Lv Glover Gap— 10 07 f 9.19 f 3.01 .f 6.15 f 9.08^i 8.0 Lv Burton .Lv 9.57 f 9.10 If 6.2H 9 151 11.2 Lv... Porters Falls ...Ai f 7.50 4.37) f 5.43 f 8.361 51.7 .Lv ( 3.06 ! Lv Hundred 9.50 9.04 3.13 6.26 9.221 14.4 Lv... Reader ...Ai 7.43 4.28 f 5.481 8.41 53.8 .Lv Lv... Galmish ...Ai f 7.37 f 4.2 \\ ,- a Stops on signal Saturday only. b Operates on Wednesday and Saturday oik, f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. * "'"*• * For Motor Coach Stations in New York and Brooklyn, see pages 35 to 38. 1833 *'A Century of Progress" 1933 For through car service, see pages 25, 29 and 32.

71 72 TABLE No. 53 Between Confluence and Kendall

59 STATIONS 60 Mile. Mixed Mixed December 4, 1932 Note Note AM (EASTERN TIME) PM Between 10.20 0.0 Lv Confluence, Pa. Ar 1.30 10.50 8.6 Lv Somerfield Ar 12,40 TABLE No. -§2 Pittsburgh, Callery, Butler, f 12.5 Lv Watson, Pa Ar f 15.5 Lv Selbysport, Md Ar Foxburg and Kane 11.25 17.4 Lv Friendsville Ar 12.10 11.35 19.7 Ar Kendall. Md Lv 11.40 AM AM (Read Down) NOTB:—Nos. 59 and 60 are operated only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. STATIONS ill* January --'It. 193:t 5 2^5 PM PH AN M AM PM •10.30' 5.25 t 3.20 9.15 |t 8.20| O'LV..Pittsburgh._A. 7.3, 0 7.401 11.151 12.15 5.00 6.05 I If 5.42 f 3.39 '.5Lv....\lillvalc._.Arf 7 .. 4.37 5.47 3.44- '8"44, i.5 Lv Etna Ar 7 05 f 10.48 4.33 5.5H 3.47 f 8.47 .OLv Undercut?. .Arf 7.01 4.29 5.57 3.53 8.52 7Lv.._Glenshaw._.Arf 6.57 |f 10:40 4.25 5.59 f 8.53 4Lv..Mt. Royal..Arf 6.55 4.23 6.01 t 3.57 f 8.55 Lv"-Elnnwdd." "X. f 6.53 |fl0.35 6.03 3.54 8.57 Lv .Allison Park .At 6.51 If 7.04 10.33 4.191 5.30 I § 8*1 6.09 f 4.04 f 9.02, Lv Bryant A f 6.46 4.14 . jn 3 1 "~?2:> 6.14 4.09 , 9-07 LvI"wUdwood"lAr f 6AlLlllll 4.091 5.24 6.181 4.12 f 9.10 Lv Hardies Al f 6.39, 4.06. U .f 4.49 if 9.51 ;.9Lv Zeno Ar f 9.51, 3.35, o *2 *5 i f 4.56 f 9.55 ,2|Lv Ribold. .. Al f 9.46 3.31 1 4.56 I 0 5.01 10.00 ,2Lv Renfrew \l 9.42 3.26= 4.52 I 4J a .9 Lv..McCalmont..Ar 2 s2 i j CO |fio"67, 6Lv Mack C

3.0 8 12.01 UJ to 3.1 0 > '4.3Ar..3'Ar.... Foxburg...LFoxburg.-.Lv PM "PM " f 3.1 9 f 3.2 4 t 3.0 0 i "* 12.10 ,1:8 -' u to 112.35 74 3 Lv..-Foxburg._.Ar 1.301 (1) O cviro ro^rTTTrua.- > - *0 «-^« "" i i o 1.25 82.4 Lv...-Turkey...-Ar 2.42 If 1.35 84.1 Lv Ritts \.f 2.35 u 2 12 ^8 f 1.39 85.0 Lv Blairs A, t 2.19. f 1.47 87.2 Lv—Jefferson.-ArJfH.W O 2.10 90 3Lv Knox a o I 228-55 f 2.17 92.2Lv.. .Elk City.. Arlll 25 CO 9 z 94 9Lv.Shippenaville.Ar 11 07. 0) f I'M 95.0 Lv Brynere----A.rjfl0.53 co .g:?28 98.4 Lv..Clarion Jet 9 ZlT -'- 3.05 o s; f 3.09 99.7|Lv Paint Mills fl f 3.15 ...... Hll.9Lv....Artburs....Ar. f 0 Sl J .1 Lv...Lucinda. . 8§22S? ?S2" & 3.35 o f 3.43 9Lv .Sj 4.06 .... Ill 11 Lv. .Tylersburg. -Ar| 9 5C f 4.09 Lv...-~Ha-kill.---A.f 9 : 9 4.21 ... Ill *> 4.29 116 . owinckel-.AH 9 24. to f 4.37 ... lis OLv.Maple I reek } u JO f 4.40 119 7Lv... Gilfoyl 3 f 4.44 A 5.20 124 •ILv.. Marienville.. Ar 8.58 to C ... f 5.27 12.. I 5.33 lL's 7Lv_. c ... f 5.41 130 OLv Byromtown—Ai 0 .... f 5.47 \r,f 7.52 .... f 5.53 134 [ton City..-A' U ..-. f 6.05 13(5 Z . 6.12 R* i i i ... f 6.21 o * .... f 6.27 il.v .Russ« ii • 53 ; ; , .... I 6.40 Nansen..-. •• .... f 6.45 11 ... f 7.01I 152 3 Lv . 7.29 156 6 \i Kane I =v PM PM PM •C3 n o Bla<-k-l»<-» Deurt. P. M. OSM, Light-face figures A. M. tune. s g 2 J X J - inday. <0 <0 eZ= ji 00 c = >£ •Daily. • Stops on fiend d frftlllitt i f Stops on signal to receive or d- u • Flag Stop Sun-lay only. GO " i Qb

_^ cr •* •# T ic >o >o

73 TABLE No. 64 Rochester to Pittsburgh TABLE No. ©5 Pittsburgh to Rochester

STATIONS STATIONS Miles 38 12 16 6 14 2 13 3 11 15 7 January 89, 1933 Miles January 22, 1933 • Altitude Altitude AM AM AM AM PM PM (EASTERN TIME) Feet AM AH PM PM PM (EASTERN TIME) Keet Lv Pittsburgh, Pa 749 * 9.15 t.3.20 •10.30 Lv Rochester, N. Y 616 • 8.00 • 5.30 • 9.45 0.0 0.0 44.1 Lv Butler.. 1011 10.37 5.22 12.05 1.9 _,v Lincoln Park 531 5.36 1.10.43 • Lv East Butler 1032 5.36 :::::: :::::: 3.5 ..v Brooks Avenue 560 49.2 Lv Wadsworth 1067 f 5.39 5.4 ..v Maplewood 532 51.5 Lv Lucasville .1180 f 5.45 Lv Brookdaie 524 f"5:47 7.6 54.5 Lv Fenelton .1070 5.51 12.0 Lv Scottsville 563 "06 5.54 10.06 f 5.56 57.1 I v Ni< hol.i 1045 f 5.55 12.3 Lv McVeans 568 59.9 Lv Craigsville -1021 •11.03 14.2 f 5.59 6.00 • Lv Cowan 1197 15.9 Lv Wheatland 613 fll.11 6.09 18.2 8.31 6.11 10.16 67.6 Lv Montgomeryville 1096 f 6.14 Lv Mumford-Caledonia 640 71.6 — 19.1 Lv P. & L. Junction 688 Lv West Mosgrove. 909 f 6.23 21.7 f 6.21 72.3 Lv East Mosgrove 901 f 6.25 :::::: :::::: Lv Lime Rock 779 75.5 24.9 Lv North St. LeRoy 870 f 6.27 Lv Pine Furnace f 6.31 79.0 Lv Oscar 25.2 Lv Le Roy 870 8.47 6.30 10.29 f 6.36 29.4 6.37 81.4 ho _..1125 6.41 Lv D. L. & VV. Junction 935 11.49 30.8 Lv Pavilion Center.. 957 f 6.39 S? II Lv Dayton... 1334 6.51 33.0 Lv Pavilion -- 041 ""§"59 :::::: 6.42 f10.41 ! Lv Smicksburg 1230 6.57 35.6 Lv Pearl Creek 958 f 6.46 op 1183 17.01 38.1 9.08 6.50 r10.49 Lv NorthPoint 1172 7.07 Lv Wyoming 967 94.8 43.8 Lv Warsaw 1117 9.19 7.01 10.59 Lv Hamilton 1189 f 7.13 is;; Lv Rock Glen 1319 f 7.09 9S.1 Lv Valier 1226 7.18 49.9 7.13 111' i ; Lv Horatio 1255 f 7.23 54.3 Lv Silver Lake Jet 1429 Lv Gainesville 1615 "§"36 fiiii7 I", i Lv Lindsey 1268 f 7.27 57.9 f 9 42 1(11.5 Lv Punxsytawney (10) 1234 12.20 7.33 "T50 iimi 63.1 Lv Hardys ...1687 :::::: Iv Bliss .1725 Ml .32 liC. ; Lv Big Run (See Note v) 1291 12.30 7.47 66.3 T ., T7o„lJ 1873 f 9 56 112.2 Lv Sykesville 1359 12.38 8.00 71.6 10.03 fll.45 119.6 Lv Stanley 1384 f 8.03 76.0 121.0 \r Du Bois 1399 12.50 8.15 2.20 79.9 Lv Farmersville 1732 10.09 fll.51 Lv Elton 1692 no.14 127.1 Lv Du Bois 1399 *"7~40 1.00 2.34 83.3 Lv Falls Creek 1400 7 47 1.07 88.7 Lv Machias 1642 10.20 12.01 127.1 91.1 Lv Bird 1717 129.2 Lv Lanes Mills 1471 f 7.58 93.7 Lv Devereux ..1698 I.;;, ' Lv Brockway 1446 8.04 1.22 f 2.57 98.1 Lv Ashford 1632 "i6"35 137.6 l.v Carman 1340 8.18 102.4 Lv EUicottville. 1548 10.42 * 7.44 H2.23 i ir: Lv Ridgway 1379 8.31 1.50 3.31 106.9 Lv Great Valley 1476 10.48 f 7.50 164.8 Lv Johnsonburg 1462 8.44 2.03 3.44 106.9 Ar East Salamanca 1413 10.55 7.57 12"35 ll Lv Ketner 1609 f 8.56 117.7 Lv East Salamanca 1413 11.17 8.02 12.45 ll , s Lv Rasselas 1877 f 9.05 123.0 Lv Limestone, N. Y 1405 f 8.18 17 ' • Lv Hutchins.. 2129 f 9.13 135.5 Lv Bradford, Pa 1441 11.43 8.29 1.15 17- Lv Mt. Jewett 2211 9.23 2.44 4.30 137.9 Lv Bingham 2102 f 8.52 lS3.il Lv Backus 2095 146.9 Lv Backus 2095 \; • i| Lv Bingham 2102 i'S.38 152.8 Lv Mt. Jewett 2211 12.20 9.09 1.55 1".-, :: Lv Bradford, Pa 1441 10 0? 3.22 5.11 158.0 Lv Hutchins 2129 f 9.18 . Lv Limestone. N. V 1405 no. 09 163.0 Lv Rasselas 1877 f 9.25 213.1 Ar East Salamanca 1413 10.26 3.46 5.35 168.2 Lv Ketner - 1609 f 9.33 Lv East Salamanca 1413 10.31 3.58 5.50 176.0 Lv Johnsonburg.. 1462 12.54 9.45 2.30 - > i Lv Great Vallev 1476 flO 3t 4.06 :::::: 183.6 Lv Ridgway 1379 1.14 9.58 2.45 232 7 Lv Ellicott ville 154S 10.44 f 4.12 f"6\03 193.2 Lv Carman 1340 no.09 237.1 Lv Ashford 1632 no. 50 f 4.20 195.6 Lv Brockway. 1446 1.39 10.23 13.10 239.7 Lv Devereux 1698 201.6 Lv Lanes Mills 1474 Lv Bird 1717 203.7 2-12.1 Lv Falls Creek 1400 1.55 10.33 217.5 Lv Machias. 1642 4.35 6.22 203.7 Ar Du Bois 1399 2.11 10.45 3.40 Lv Elton ..1692 209.8 250.9 Lv Du Bois 1399 t"fU5 2.17 ------3.45 25 1 - Lv Farmersville 1732 4.45 f 6.31 211.3 6.25 Lv Freedom 1813 218.6 Lv Stanley 1384 ::,>< 2 4.52 f 6.37 225.1 Lv Sykesville 1359 6.29 f 2.33 2 CI :. Lv Eagle. 1873 4.59 f 6.44 22(i 3 Lv Big Run (See Note v) 1291 6.45 2.40 2(17.7 Lv Bliss 1725 5.06 6.50 228.2 Lv Punxsutawney 1234 7.05 2.55 4.22 272.9 Lv Hardys 1687 f 5.15 230.5 Lv Lindsey 1268 f 7.08 276 r, Lv Gaineeville— 1615 5.23 7.04 232.7 Lv Horatio 1255 f 7.12 "Nil '.i Lv Silver Lake Jet. 1429 til.22 5.34 236.0 Lv Valier 1226 7.16 Lv Rock Glen.. .1319 fll 25 238.3 Lv Hamilton.. 1189 f 7.21 2s7 'i Lv Warsaw 1117 11 32 5.44 7.20 240.3 Lv NorthPoint 1172 7.30 292.7 Lv Wyoming.. 967 11.40 5.53 243.8 Lv Loop 1183 f 7.35 205 2 Lv Pearl Creek 958 fll.44 249.4 Lv Smicksburg 1230 7.38 2(17.8 Lv Pavilion 941 11.48 6.01 f 7.36 251.S Lv Dayton 1334 7.46 3.23 300.0 Lv Pavilion Center 957 I'll.51 255.3 Lv Echo 1125 7.57 301.4 Lv D. L. & VV. Jet 935 258.£ Lv Oscar 1084 f 8.02 3(15 ii Lv Le Roy. 870 t 7.00 12.00 6.14 7.48 259.5 Lv Pine Furnace 961 ' 8.08 306.9 Lv North Street (LeRoy) 870 7.02 263.5 Lv East Mosgrove 901 f 8.14 309.1 Lv Lime Rock 779 f 7.06 266.C Lv West Mosgrove. 909 8.If. Lv P. & L. Junction 688 Lv Montgomeryville 1096 311 7 270.? f 8.21 312.6 Lv Mumford-Caledonia 640 7.13 12.12 6.28 8.00 273/i Lv Cowan.. ..1197 8.3: n4.6() Lv Wheatland 613 Lv Craigsville 1021 314.9 276.' 8.42 n4.08 316.6 Lv Garbutt 600 7.20 279.J Lv Nichola 1045 f 8.48 Lv McVeans. 568 7.23 ! Lv Fenelton 107C 318 5 281.( 8.55 3is X Lv Scottsville 563 7.24 12.22 6.39 8.10 283.( 1 Lv Lucasville 118C f 8.55 Lv Brookdaie- 424 f 7.30 286.' > Lv Wadsworth 1061 f 9.K 323.2 325.1 Lv Maplewood 532 330.! > Lv East Butler.. 1035 9.Of e 4.28 '.'.'.'.I Lv Brooks Avenue.... 560 ILv Butler 1011 d9.3C 4.45 327.3 "'lit 32S 'i Lv Lincoln Park 531 ""7.39 } Ar Pittsburgh, Pa. 745» 11. IS 6.0E 7.40 Ar Rochester, N. Y 516 1 330. S 7.45 12.45 "oo ""§'§6 mill '.'.mi 1 AM PM "PM" ""PM"" AM AM "AM" PM PM "PM"" AM 1 ight-face figures A. M. time. Black- fare fig nres !• . M. tb Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee figures P. M. time. * Daily, le. t Da ily exc ?pt Sun day. * Daily. f Daily except Sunday, dl 'rain No. 13 arrives Butler 9.22 a. m., and connei :ts wit! train No. 48 leaving Butle dng Pittsburgh 11.15 a. m. l signa r 9.30 e Train No. 11 leaving Butler 5.22 p. m„ has connection from No. 47 leaving Pittsburgh 3.20 p. m„ arri f 5>top s 01 to rec eive or dischat ge pass and arriving Butler 5.20 p. m. (Restaurant in B. & O. depot at Butler). f Stops on signal to gSt ops on signal to receive passengers for Pit tsburgl n St - ops on signal Jaturdi ys to r eeeive receive or discarge passengers. h Stops to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh. s Stops on pass engere for Butler and Pittsburgh and stop s on sis nal Su ldays. r Stops engers from Le Roy and points east. to disc harge signal Sundays only. v Trains Nos. 6 and 14 makes regular or flag stops at Big Run Main Line pass vTrair No. 3 makes regular or flag stops Rur Main Line Crossing. Train No. 13 stoji s at Bi 3 RunS tation. it Big Crossing. • train No. 38 does not operate Thanksgiving Day, Christmas or New Years

THROUG H CA R SE RVK JE THROUGH CAR SERVICE Sleeping cars ready for .- dvan ce occ upan cy at 9.00 1» . M. Sleeping cars ready for advance occupancy at 9.00 P. M. Eastern Stan Jard 1rim e Eastern Standard Time

Rochest er to Pittsfa urgh Pittsburgh to Rochester No. 3—Individual-Seat Coaches—R ochest er toE astSa lamari ca, an iEast Salmi No. 0—Individual-Seat Coach and Observation-Parlor Car, Dining Service, Pitts­ to Pittsburgh. Observation-Parlor Car Dinit lg Sen lanca /ice, E ^ast Sc laman ca to Pittsb burgh to East Salamanca. Individual-Seat Coach, East Salamanca to Rochester. No. 7—Pullman Drawing-room !?l«ep e s—Rr chest :r to Pitts irgh, burgh Coa No. 2—Pullman Drawing-room Sleepers Pittsburgh to Rochester. Coaches, Pitts­ Ro Chester to East Salamanca, and Es st Sal amant a to Pittsb urgh. ches, burgh to East Salamanca and East Salamanca to Rochester.

76 TABLE No. QQ Buffalo to Pittsburgh TABLE No. 67 Pittsburgh to Buffalo

STATIONS STATIONS January •_"_>, 1933 January •_••_>. IMS Altitud (BASTBKN TIME) Feet AW PM PM PM tl(i(ii(|. H 0.0 Lv Buffalo. N. Y 586 9.23 1.30 * 6.00 10.50 (EASTERN TIME) Kc.-t (B. & O.-D. L. & VV. Sta.) 0.0 Lv Pittsburgh, Pa 749 ' 9.15 t.3.20 '10.30 5.0 Lv Lackawanna 601 1.45 f 6.15 14.4 Lv Butler 1011 5.22 11.3 Lv Orchard Park 870 1.58 f 6.28 47.2 Lv East Butler 1032 1.10.43 5.36 14.5 Lv Loveland 1035 2.0d f 6.34 49.2 Lv Wadsworth.. 1061 f 5.39 15.6 Lv Jewettville ..1009 2.07 f 6.38 50.6 Lv Carbon Center 1134 f 5.42 16.6 Lv West Falls.. 991 f 9.56 2.10 f 6.41 51.5 Lv Lucasville 1180 f 5.45 21.6 Lv Colden 1095 no. 04 2.18 f 6.49 54.5 Lv Fenelton 1070 5.51 23.8 Lv Glenwood... 118o no. 07 2.22 f 6.53 57.1 Lv Nichola 1045 f 5.55 28.4 Lv East Concord 1414 no.14 2.29 f 7.01 59.9 Lv Craigsville 102] 6.00 31.9 Lv Springville 1342 2.35 7.08 61.6 Lv Laird...,..- 1099 f 6.03 34.2 Lv Cascade Park 1278 10.19 64.8 Lv Cowan 1197 6.09 41.2 Lv West Valley. ...1585 f 7.27 67.6 Lv Montgomeryville 1096 f 6.14 47.6 Lv Ashford 1632 fi0.37 f 7.37 71.6 Lv West Mosgrove 909 I 6.23 52.0 Lv EUicottville 154S 7.44 72.3 Lv East Mosgrove 901 f 6.25 66.3 LV Great Valley 1476 f 7.50 75.5 Lv Pine Furnace 961 f 6.31 60.8 Ar East Salamanca 1413 11.05 7.57 12.30 79.0 Lv Oscar 1084 f 6.36 60.8 Lv East Salamanca 1413 11.17 8.02 12.45 81.4 Lv Echo .1125 6.41 71.6 Lv Limestone, N. V 1405 f 8.18 87.0 Lv Davton 1334 6.51 90.5 Lv Smicksburg 1230 6.57 76.9 Lv Bradford, Pa 1441 8.29 f Lv Bingham 2102 f 8.52 92.5 Lv Loop .1183 f 7.0 91.8 Lv Backus 2095 94.S Lv North Point 1172 7.0, 100.8 Lv Mt. Jewett 2211 9^09 1.55 98.1 Lv Hamilton 1189 » 7.13 loc.7 Lv Hutchins. ._. f 9.18 100.3 Lv Valier... 1226 7.18 110.1 Lv Midmont 1967 f 9.22 102.6 Lv Horatio. ..1255 f 7.23 111.9 Lv Rasselas ..1877 f 9.25 104.5 Lv Lindsey .1268 I 7.27 11 1.6 Lv Straights 1732 f 9.29 105.7 Lv Punxsutawney ..1234 7.33 lie '.» Lv Ketner 1609 f 9.33 108.2 Lv William, 1257 f 7.39 122.1 Lv Johnsonburg 1462 12.54 9.45 2.30 112.2 Lv BiK Run (See Note v) 1291 7.47 129.9 Lv Ridgway 1379 1.14 9.58 2.45 118.0 Lv Cramer _ 1375 I 7.53 137.5 Lv Carman ..1340 HO.09 119.5 Lv Sykesville .1359 12.38 8.00 117.1 Lv Brockway 1446 1.39 10.23 f 3.10 121.0 Lv Stanley. 1384 f 8.03 1 19.5 Lv Lanes Mills... 1474 127.1 Ar Du Bois 1399 12.50 8.15 2.34 155.5 Lv Falls Creek ...1400 1.56 10.39 127.1 Lv Du Bois_ ..1399 *7. 1.00 157.1, Ar Du Bois 1399 2.11 10.45 3.Td 129.2 Lv Falls Creek.. ..14(10 7.47 1.07 f 7.58 157.c Lv Du Bois 1399 t 6.15 2.17 3.45 135.2 Lv Lanes Mills 147 163.6 Lv Stanley.. 1384 6.25 137.6 Lv Brockway... ..1446 8.04 1 22 165.2 Lv Sykesville. 1359 6.29 f"2J3 147.2 Lv Carman... 1310 8.18 154.8 Lv Ridgway... 1379 8.31 1.50 167.9 Lv Cramer 1375 f 6.33 3.44 172.5 Lv Bis Run (See Note v) 1291 6.45 162.6 Lv Johnsonburg. 1462 2.03 17C.5 Lv Williams 1257 f 6.53 167.8 Lv Ketner ..1600 f 8.56 f 9.00 179.0 Lv Punxsutawney -.1234 7.05 2.55 4.22 170.1 Lv Streights.. ..1732 180.2 Lv Lindsey.. ...1268 f 7 172.8 Lv Rasselas ..1877 f 9.05 152.1 Lv Horatio 1255 f 7.12 174.G Lv Midmont ..1967 f 9.09 184.4 Lv Valier 1226 7.16 178.0 Lv Hutchins 2129 f 9.13 186 6 Lv Hamilton.. 1189 f 7.21 183.9 Lv Mt. Jewett 2211 9.23 189.9 Lv North Point 1172 7.30 192.9 Lv Backus. ..2095 192.2 Lv Loop. 1183 f 7.35 195.3 Lv Binnham 2102 L§?38 194.2 Lv Smicksburg 1230 7. 207.8 Lv Bradford, Pa. 1441 10.02 3.22 197.7 Lv Davton 1331 7.46 213.1 Lv Limestone, N. Y_ -.1405 flO.09 223.9 Ar East Salamanca 1413 10.26 3.46 5.35 2H3.3 Lv Echo- 1125 7.57 3.55 5.47 205.7 Lv Oscar.. 10S4 f 8.02 223.9 Lv East Salamanca -..1413 10.31 209.2 Lv Pine Furnace. 961 f 228.4 Lv Croat Valley 1476 f 10 38 212.4 Lv East Mosgrove 901 f 8.14 232.7 Lv EUicottville — 1548 10.44 237.1 Lv Ashford 16.32 213.1 Lv West Mosgrove 909 8.16 no. so f 4.23 217.1 Lv Montgomeryville 1096 f 8.26 243.5 Lv West Valley 1585 250.5 Lv Cascade Park 1278 fll.00 219 9 Lv Cowaii 1197 8.33 s 4.00 4.42 : 3.00 223.1 Lv Laird 1099 f 8. 252.8 Lv Springville 1342 t 6.40 iTis 256.3 Lv East Concord 141 I 6 46 f 4.48 - 3.06 224.8 Lv Craigsville 1021 8.^2 3.13 227.6 Lv Nichola.. 1045 f 8. 260.9 Lv Glenwood 1 180 6.54 6.58 3 1? 230.2 Lv Fenelton. 1070 8.55 263.1 Lv Colden 3.2S 268.1 Lv West Falls 991 7.06 f 5.04 233.2 Lv Lucasville 1180 f 8.59 fll.43 3.28 234.1 Lv Carbon Center 1134 f 9.01 269.1 Lv Jewettville 1009 270.2 Lv Loveland ..1035 f 7.10 235.5 Lv Wadsworth 1066 f 9.03 7.17 5.12 237.6 Lv East Butler 1032 9.06 1 4.28 273.4 Lv Orchard Park - 870 3.49 279.7 Lv Lackawanna 601 7.30 240.3 Lv Butler... 1011 d 9.30 4.42 6.10 7 45 12.15 k 284.7 Ar Pittsburgh. Pa 749 11.15 284.7 Ar Buffalo, N. Y 586 6.05 7.40 Ul PM Ul I AM PM AM (B. & O.-D. L. & W. Station) Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee ngnres l\ II. rime, Light-face figure A. M. time. * Daily. r D.iily except Sunday. X Saturday only. * Daily. t Daily except S . b Stops to discharge passengers from Buffalo. a Stops to receive passeneers for Buffalo. . , „. d Train Ma 13 arrives Butler !».22 a. m., and connects with T i No. 18 leaving Butler 9.30 a. m e Train No. 11 leaving BuUet 5.22 p. m.. has connection from ' arriving Pittsburgh 11.15 a. m. and arriving Butler 5.17 a. m. (Restaurant in .B. & O. depot at Butlcrj. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passscngcrs. f Stops on signal to receive or disci: • on signal to receive passengers for Pittsburgh. h Stops to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh, n Stops Saturdays on serial to receive passengers lor Butler and Pittsburgh and Sunil.i k Train No. 18 terminates at Lackawanna N. Y. s Stops on Signal Sundays only. s Stops on signal Sund ,vs only. v Train No. 3 makes regular or flag stop at Big Run Main Line Crossing. .Train 13 stops at v Trains Nos. 6 ind 1 ! m >ke regular or flag stops at Big R -

THROUGH CAR SERVICE THROUGH CAR SERVICE. Sleeping cars ready for advance occupancy at 9.00 P. M. Sleeping cars ready for advance occupancy at 9.00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time Eastern Standard Time Pittsburgh to Buffalo Buffalo to Pittsburgh No, 3—Individual Seat Coach and Observation Parlor Car. Dinin..; - No. 6-Individual Seat Coach and Observation I No. 7—Coaches and Pullman Drawing-room Sleepers. No. 2—Coaches and Pullman Drawing-room 9 Du Bois to Buffalo Buffalo to Du Bois No. 11—Paititioncd and Individual Seat Coaches. No. 12—Partitioned and Individual Seat Cam


. Rochester and Perry, N. Y. -7«3 Between Addison and Du Bois TABLE No. QS TABLE NO. iS Juneau and Sagamore (Read L'I (Read Down) (Read Down) (Read Up)

STATIONS 6- STATIONS 1 30 32 15 5 33 i 31 Miles 2 January 22, 1938 536 Mixed Mixed Deeember 4, 1982 Mixed 1 (EASTERN TIME) PM PM PM PM PM AM AM (Eastern Time.) PM PM 0.0 Lv. .Rochester ..Ar 12.45 7.00 AH t 5.30 Lv ..Addison Ar 3.55 12.0 Lv Scottsville Ar 12.22 6.39 t 4.40 0.0 I 5.5*1 5.0 Lv Freeman Ar f 3.39 25.2 Lv Le Roy Ar 12.00 6.14 f 4.50 Llllll 6.30 f 4.56 6.8 Lv Van Vleet Ar f 3.34 43.8 Lv Warsaw Ar 11.32 5.44 7.0 t 5.00 9.0 Lv Nichols Ar I 3.29 (Silver Lake Branch) f 5.04 11.0 Lv.. Nelson Ar 11.22 5.30 7.13 * 5.36 49.9|Lv Silver Lake Jet Ar 14.3 Lv .Elkland Ar fll.18 5.23 5.13 "TIE ::::: 7.17 5.4 50.9|Lv. Silver Springs Ar 5.18 16.0 Lv Osceola Ar f 5.18 3.09 f 5.46! 52.1 Lv Chace Ar f 5.26 20.2 Lv Academy Corners Ar 54.3 Lv Fairview Ar f 5.15 f 3.0(1 f 5.50 5.30 21.3 Lv Knoxville Ar 2.58 f 5.52 55.2 Lv Epworth Inn Ar f 5.1ii Lv. _ Phillips . Ar ... 5.11 f 5.36 24.0 f 2.50 f 7.29 5.54 55.5,Lv Silver Lake Ar •_'5.(i Lv Cowanesque Ar 5.56 56.0 Lv .Walkers Ar 5.09 5.40 2.47 5.44 27.1 Lv .Westfield Ar 2.41 7.35 6.00 57.4] Ar Perry... Lv '11.00 * 5.05 1 PM AM PM 5.54 31.0 Lv Sabinsville Ar 2.31 PM f 6.OS 35.7 Lv Davis Ar f 2.19 6.15 40.4 Lv Gaines Ar 2.10 6.18 41.3 Lv...Gaines Junction ..Ar 1 2.07 c 6.35 45.9 Ar Galeton _.Lv | 1.55 '3 . 1 9.30 I.". 9 Lv Galeton Ar 1 1.48 f 9.36 48.8 Lv Germania Ar |f 1.43 mil f 9.39 50.3 Lv Lyman Run Ar f 1.40 \4 f 9.42 52.0 Lv Burrows Ar f 1.37 f 9.45 53.2 Lv Corbett Ar f 1.34 TABLE No. ©9 Rochester, N. Y., and Cobourg, Ont. mil :::::: 110.03 5S.0 Lv Cherry Springs Ar f 1.16 mil j -F fl0.19 62.1 Lv.Cross Fork Junction.Ar i 1.00 EFFECTIVE ONLY ON SAILING DATES t a 10.39 6S.5 Lv Hull Ar 12.38 flO.42 70.4 Lv Jamison Ar If12.34 10.58 78.0 Ar Wharton Lv [+12.20 12.30 :::::: 78 II Lv Wharton Ar "16"20 Passenger sailings discontinued for Winter Season. 5| M2.45 82.9 Lv Berge Run Ar fl0.C4 Freight Service uninterrupted. M2.58 S7.5 Lv Lushbaugh.. Ar f 9.40 f 1.13 92" Lv Lick Island Ar f 9.20 :::::: ::::: .1 1.33 97.4 Lv Sinnemahoning Ar 9.05 :::::: Lv Rochester f 1.44 100.7 Lv Driftwood Ar f 8.45 Lv Lincoln Park Ar ~° f 2.10 109.1 Lv Dents Run Ar f 8.20 Ar Genesee Dock .Lv f 2.17 112.4 f 8.05 Ontario Car Ferry Co.—Steamship "Ontario" f 2.2 ::::" ".'.'.ii114. 4 Lv Greene Ar f 7.58 Llllll mil Lv , Genesee Dock Ar f 2.3 117.3 Lv Bennezette Ar f 7.48 Ar Cobourg l.v f 2.4 120 (i Lv Medix Run Ar f 7.40 i 2.5 123.6 Lv Caledonia Ar f 7.30 f 3.00 126.4 Lv Weedvilie Ar f 7.20 0. c f 3.03 Lv_. . Maior Ar f 7.10 3.12 129.9 Lv Tyler Ar 6.55 f 3.24 :::::: :::::: 133.4 Lv . Penfield Ar f 6.40 f 3.3 136.1 Lv Wintcrbum Ar f 6.30 1 HI. Lv .Sabula.. Ar 4.05 1 15 7 Ar East Du Bois Lv t 6.00 167 i, o on O +10.38 TABLE No. 71 Punxsutawney and Indiana, Pa. flO 47 171.9 Lv ..Covode Ar f 2.02 fll.05 i v Trade Citv. Ar f 1.40 (Indiana Branch) 111.21 180.5 l.v \l, ( ormi.'L- Ar f 1.25.- — fll 23 181.3 Lv Frantz ..Ar f i on fll.28 182.5 Lv Rinn Ar f 1.15 STATIONS 115 111 Miles 112 fll.40 186. Lv East Pluinville Ar f 1.05 December 4. 1982 116 11.44 186.3 Lv Pluinville Ar M't'i M't'i M't'r_ 1.00 M'i'i 11 55 188.J Ar Sagamore Lv +12.30 ::::: PM AM PM PM PM AM AM AM PM PM 7.20 O.OLv Punxsutawney Arl AM 5.5 t 3.00, 11.20 3.09 7 29 2.9 Lv -.Cloe Ar 5.3 7.35 4.9 Ar - Rossi ter Ar 11.02 5.3 3.14, 1!' 53 3.18] 7.39 6.7 Lv Juneau Ar 5.2 f 7.44 9.4 Lv Locust _Ar 10.54 f 3.23 1 f 6.2 TABLE No. 74 Between Galeton and Welisville 7.50 12.8* Lv Savan ""Ar "10.48 3.29 5.1 f 3.34 f 7.55 16.0 Lv - Oak Tree ".Ar 10.41 f 7.57 17.3 Lv Barton Ar fl0 35 f 5.1 STATIONS f 3.36 f 5.C Miles 3.41 8.02 19.0 Lv Marion Centre.. Ar fl0.33 1 20 21 5.0 Deeember 4. 1983 U 1I\.M 3.47 8.08 22.6 Lv .Home " Ar 10.30 Mixec f 3.50 f 8.12 24.7 Lv. .Kimmel Ar 10.23 AM PM 3.54 8.15 26.7 Lv Chambersville .Ar1 110.19 f 4.5 t 9.K 0.( I Lv . Galeton Ar 4.5 4 5.45 3.58 8.18 28.1 Lv Cummings Arl 10.15 f 9.2( - 5 Lv Kilbourne Ar|f 5.25 4.00 8.21 29.1 Lv Creekside 10.Hi 4.4 :;:::: 6. l\ Lv Telescope Ar . 4 04 8.25! 30.7 Lv ..Ernest "Arl 10.08 4.4 li's'.ii 7. )\ Lv Walton Ar If 4.3 5.15 1 4.1S 835 35.7 Ar Indiana 10.04 f 9.4( 10.< ) Lv Brookland Arf 5.051 AM t 9.55 t 4.3 16. PM PM 11.3C Lv Newfield Junction Ar 4.35 AM rii.se 19. I Lv Pusher Siding Arf 4.05 ri2.oc 22.' q Lv West Bingham. ...Arf 3.55 ti2.o; 25. . Lv... Hickox. Ar f 3.45 1.3( 26. MLv Genesee Ar 3.40 f 1.31 28.i ^Lv. .Shongo ..Arl 3.30 f 1.4! 31.( >\ Lv Mapes Ar 1 3.20 f 1.63 33.. 5 Lv Standard Arf 3.10 2.1! 37.( ) Ar .Welisville Lv t 3.00 1 PM PM 1 TABLE NO. 72 Buffalo, N. Y., and Bradford, Pa. TABLE r-,0 STATIONS - 75 Between Wharton and Austin January 22, 1933 12 18 I 6 STATIONS 1 Miles 2 Deeember 4, 1932 PM PM PM AM , (EASTERN TIME) AM AM •10.50 6.00 M.30 '9.251 O.OlLv Buffalo .Ar 7.45 M AM PM 7.20 12.15- I J 5 3 11.45 7.08 2.35 10.191 31.9'Lv Springville Lv 1-6.40 6.33 tl0.58 0.0 Lv Wharton Ar 12.20 12.30 7.57 11 05 60.8; Ar East Salamanca Lv , 5.47 fll.04 2 2 Lv Nelson Run Ar H2.13 1.1' 8.29 11.431 76.9 Ar Bradford Lv * 5.11l :: 11.12 5.2 Lv Costello Lv 12.07 AM AM 11.20 PM AM :::::: :::::: :::::: 8.4 Lv Austin Lv til.59 ::::;: ::.::: :::::: ::::: "°4» r!i' AM AM Lmht-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee Bgnros 1'. M. tlmo * Daily. X Saturday only, Light-face figurea A. M. time. Blaek-faee figures P. M. time. 1 t Daily except Sunday. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. t Daily except Sunday. f Stops on signal to recieve or discharge passengers. •ys* Between Cleveland, Akron TABLE NO. 76 and Marietta (Read Down) (Read TABLE NO. 78 Between Lore Cicy and Cumberland Mote STATIONS 1 37 Motor 34 58 Miles 59 (Read Down) | [:,,, 32 Deeember 4. 1988 NOTE3 31

PM PH AM (EASTERN TIME) AM PM PM 1 • 9.15 t 2.55 t 8.40 0.0 Lv Cleveland, Ohio Ar 8.15 12.6C 2.40 STATIONS f 8.52 4.5 Lv Brooklyn Lv f 2.26 73 December 4, 19S9 72 f 8 58 8.3 Lv Willow Lv i 2.20 Mixed Mixed f 3.18 f 9.03 10.8 Lv South Park Lv i 2.16 .--- f 9.07 13.1 Lv Alexanders Lv f 2.12 ~PH (EASTERN TIME) PH 15.8 Lv Brecksville Lv f 3.26 f 9.11 f 2.08 +12.05 0.0 Lv Lore City, Ohio Ar 3.25 18.2 Lv Jaite Lv a 3 30 f 9.15 f"7"37 ci2:ii 'f 2.04 f12.11 2.0 Lv Stone Siding.. Lv f 3.15 20.1 Lv Boston Mill Lv f 9.19 f 2.00 12.20 4.1 Lv Senecaville Lv 2.40 9.25 21.7 Lv Peninsula Lv 1.57 f"3.37 'till f12JC 12.30 8.0 Lv Buffalo ..Lv 2.30 f 9.30 24.1 Lv Everett Lv f 1.55 H2.35 9.4 Lv C. & M. Crossing Lv f 2.20 f 9.34 26.3 Lv _Ira.. Lv f 1.4S M2.45 11.8 Lv Blue Bell Lv f 2.10 f 9 37 27.8 Lv Botzum Lv c'V.23 f 1.4E - r 1.200 16.7 Ar Cumberland, Ohio Lv t 1.40 f 9.43 30.4 Lv Old Portage Lv f 1.41 I PFMH I PH I 9.55 34.3 Lv Akron (Howard St.) Lv "iL53 1.35 *"7T3 f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. 10.17 4.10 3G.9 Lv Akron (Union Depot) Ar til 43 Nos. 72 and 73—Will nop on signal to receive and discharge passengers at Oppermai; Rigby and Klondyke No. 2 Mines. 10 01 30.9 Lv East Akron Lv V?3 • These trains will not operate on Sundays, Mondays, W< I fl0.07 40.9 Lv Krumroy .Lv f 1.16 Decoration Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Cbriitmjj. f no 13 44.9 Lv Myersville Lv f 1.09 .... no. is 48.3 Lv Aultman Lv f 1.03 no 23 51.5 Lv North Canton Lv 3 M2.58 •o 10.35 57.6 Lv Canton Lv 12.45 ca 10.52 61.9 Lv North Industry Lv H2.34 63.1 Lv Howenstein Lv | 2 112.29--. "iL05 67.1 Lv East Sparta Lv :::::. H2.23 I 11.12 69.5 Lv Sand yville. Lv 12.18 — TABLE No. 73 Hillsboro District Trains 11.20 72.6 Ar Mineral City .Lv 12.10 I I 11.30 74.2 Ar Valley Junction, Ohio Lv 112.05 33 34 STATIONS 106 I Miles| 105 Deeember 4, 1932 11 55 0.0 Lv...Valley Jet. (Penna. R. R.)...Ar 11.45! Mixed, Mixed 19 S3 7.9 Lv Dover Lv 11.07 1.18! Lv Newcomerstown Ar > 10.28, AM (EASTERN TIME) PV ::::: 2.25 53.2 Lv ..Cambridge Lv 9.19 * 9.00 0.0 Lv Cincinnati, Ohio Ar| 5.35 "«' PM4.43111 0 Ar ..Marietta, Ohio Lv "AM" "AH" Jt7.00 10JK 40.3 Ar Blanchester Lv 4.22 "3.00 a Stops to dischage passengers from Cleveland. c Stops on signal to receive passengers for +10.10 0.0 Lv ..Blanchester Arj 2.40 Cleveland. f Stops on ;ignal to receive or discharge passengers. 10.20' 4.4 ILv Westboro Ar| 2.25 NOTE 3—No. 37 Parlor Dining Car. Akron to Cleveland. 10.45 11.3 Lv Lynchburg A 2.10 No. 32 will stop at Limeton to discharge passengers from Canton and stations west. 11.00 15.1 Lv Russells Ar! 11.25 21.6 |Ar Hillsboro. Ohio Lv 2.00 AM (EASTERN TIME) PH I

mmmj Between Wheeling, Bridgeport, Light-face figures A. M. time. Itlnek-f.ee figure. P.M. tin °" • • Hoiloway, Akron and Cleveland * Daily. • Daily except Sunday. For Thru Car Service between Wheeling, Charleston and Kenova, see Table No. 7.

78 58 59 Miles STATIONS 77 NOTE: Deeember 4, 19S9 NOTE2 TABLE NO. go Between Chillicothe and Wellston PH (EASTERN TIME) AH •11.30 0 f 5.00 in &o finiv rii-irl,.«r<->n 0.3I.v Ntilkvnrer Arf CM f 64.1 Lv Newport \r f 9.23 B6.6 c m 9 23 6fi filr.V 17hnVlwi-ill» \r fi 1fl f 9.35 (19.7 GREATLY REDUCED FARES f 6.00 9.48 7.5.5 5 511 9.53, 7S.5Lv _. Dover Ar 5.42 10.10 M.tiLv Strasburg Arf 5.30 10.20 89.6LV Beach City W -5.20 Between Numerous Points flO.28 93 '>I.v rtiotoo " Arf K 19 10.47 101.5 Lv MassOlon Ar 4.58 11 01 11(1 (iLv Canal Fulton Ar 4.38 11 14 113 !i l.v Warwick Lv 4.30 11.25 1°0 ll ir Nltlo 1. Rirhorlnn Tv 4 91 SUNDAY AND WEEK-END 11.43128.2 Ar Akron (Union Station) Lv 4.10 Ill .- —!" " 11.43,128.2|Lv Akron (Union Station) Ar 4.10 11 -3 130.SAr Akron (Howard St.) Lv .... - EXCURSIONS 12.50K.5 IAr Cleveland, Ohio Lv t 2.55 PH PM

Light-face tigurej A. M. time. Blaek-faee Bnirea P. H * Daily. t Dailv except Sunday. Note 1—Train No. 9 leaves Barberton 11.59 a. m., arriving Chicago 7.05 p. m. Note 2—Connection between Xo. 68 and No. 77 and 78 and :>9 made at Benwood Jet. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengen. g Stops to discharge passeneers from station' 1 For Fares, Dates and Train Schedules west of Hoiloway. NOTE—Trains Nos. 59 and 59 run via Akron Mil stop on signal at Tay!or"s Crossing. No. 59 will stop on signal at Cleland Mills-1 Ask Ticket Agent-Watch Local Newspapers Passengers between Bridgeport and Wheeling. Martin's Ferry or Bellaire. take Wheeling Electric K V B an 1 58 win stop at I'arra! for passengers to and from Akron and stations west and will Itoi on signal at Clinton and Crystal Springs.

81 TABLE No. 83 Louisville to Cincinnati Cincinnati to Louisville Eastward TABLE No. 3 % STATIONS 54 BO- Westward Deeember I, 1988 [NOTE I 2 (7th Street Station) AM I PM PM PM STATIONS 81 55 53 0.0 Lv Louisville, Ky. (C. T.)._ 7.50!* 1.20 6.50 '11.40 December 4, 1932 A' 3.6 Lv New Albany, Ind 8.00b 1.30 7.00 11.51 11.0 lv Watson (Central Union Station) AM AW AM PM PM PM 5.15 7.30 17.2 l.v ( harlestown 0.0 Lv Cincinnati, Ohio(E. T.) 12.15 9 Or t 9.35 2.55 24.2 Lv Otisco - 1.7 Lv Storrs f 5.34 2 7..5 Lv Marysville 10.6 Lv Delhi 29.0 Lv Nabb 11.0 Lv Sayler Park... f 32.6 Lv Lexington 11.9 Lv Fern Bank 37 5 Lv Blocher 12.8 Lv Addyston 2. f 9.56 42.7 Lv Deputy 15.1 Lv North Bend - a . flO.OO i 5.51 45.1 l.v Paris 17.0 Lv Pikes - -.= 17 3 Lv Commiskey 18.1 Lv Finney Z K 110.05 60 9 Lv Lovett IS.7 Lv Columbia Park in 10.06 f 5.56 57.6 Ar North Vernon 9.05 2.33 6.34 8.04 12.54 22.1 Lv Lawrenceburg, Ind. (C.T.) 111.51 8 16 9.12 f 2.28 s.c: I 7.05 67.6 Lv North Vernon 9.10 2.54 t 4.36 6.38 8.08 4.38 2.5. S Lv Aurora 111.58 8 2A J, 9.20 f 2.35 17.12 61.4 Lv Oakdale 5.18 f 4.44 27.3 Lv Cochran 64 2 Lv Butlerville f 4.48 33 9 Lv Dillsboro , "§T§3 t 5.30 Lv Nebraska f 4.53 37.-1 Lv Cold Springs f 9.41 7L7 Lv Holton Q f 5.00 40.2 Lv Moore's Hiil 9.4r f"5.43 Lv Dabney f 5.04 42.6 a . Lv Milan II , 9.51 5.51 Lv Osgood 5.12 a 8.33 45.2 Lv Pierceville 47.4 no.03 Lv Delaware f 5.19 Lv Delaware 84.6 Lv Pierceville 5.23 51.C Lv Osgood flO.08 55.6 10.15 Lv Milan 4.58 f 9.57 5.28 a 8.43 Lv Dabney -5 Lv Moore's Hill f 5.03 f 5.33 58.1 Lv Holton i10.23 62.1 H 10.27 92.4 Lv Cold Springs n f 5.38 Lv Nebraska 95.9 Lv Dillsboro 5.45 . a 8.56 65.6 Lv Butlerville 10.33 OS. 4 10.39 :• •-• Lv Cochran f 5.54 Lv Oakdale... 104.0 Lv Aurora 5.45 5.59 ac9.07 e 5.39 72.2 1 03 9.40 fl0.45 3.44 8.24 n Ar North Vernon 9.50 6.35 72.2 10.52 107.7 Lv Lawrenceburg, Ind 5... yl0.22 Cl- 6.07 c9.13 5.48 Lv North Vernon 5.00 9.57 9.57 3.48 6.45 8.30 l.v ( olumbia Park (E. T.)... 78.9 f 5.11 111.1 f 7.03 lO.29 £* 7.13 82.5 Lv Lovett 111.7 Lv Finney f 7.14 Lv Commiskey f 5.17 < ° 84.7 f 5.21 Lv Pikea 87.1 Lv Paris... 1117 Lv North Bend f 7.20 Lv Deputy f 5.26 92.3 f 5.33 117.ll Lv Addyston »i\ f 7.25 97.3 Lv Blocher 117 9 Lv Fern Bank. H Lv Lexington f 5.40 100.8 f 5.45 11^ 8 Lv Sayler Park 102.3 Lv Nabb 11" 3 Lv Delhi f 7.28 Lv Marysville f 5.49 105.6 f 5.54 L28 1 Lv Storrs 112.6 Lv Otisco 129.8 Ar Cincinnati. Ohio 7.40 12.15 5.40 8.00 9.20 9.3011.0 5 7.43 Lv Charlestown 6.04 118.8 (Central Union Station) AM PM 120.2 Lv Watson f 6.12 PM : PM ' PM PM PM I' AM 129.8 Ar New Albany, Ind 6.25 10.58 4.53 7.57 9.32 TA Ar Louisville, Ky. (C. T.).. 6.4 11.10 5.05 8.10 9.45 oV°" between Zanesville, (7th Street Station) Ul Ul AM | AM PM PM PM 84 Marietta, Parkersburg Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee Bgarea P. H. time. STA [TONS 55 •Daily. tDaily except Sunday. 66 Miles TABLE No. Between Parkersburg, Note Deeember 4. 19:13 Note b Stops to discharge passengers from Cincinnati or beyond. f Stops on signal to receive (EASTERN TIME) QC Hamden, Wellston, or discharge passengers. u Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Cincinnati and beyond AM PM t 8.00 O.OLv..Zanesville, Ohio_.Ar 8.45 and to receive passengers for Louisville and stations west of North Vernon. Stops on signal SundavB. 0.6 Lv Putnam Lv Portsmouth For through car service, see page 20. 1.6 Lv Fair Oaks Lv 8.35 (Read Down) (Read Up) I 1 l.v Buckeye Lv 5.(1 Lv Sealover Lv Note: I Note 9.2 Lv Philo Lv 8.16 43 STATIONS 44 (op. Duncan Falls) Deeember 4. 1933 Motor 13.5 Lv Merriam Lv 8.06 (op. Gaysport) . P" (EASTERN TIME) I AM TABLE No. 82 Between Cincinnati and Loveland f 8.34 15.1 Lv Stone Lv f 8.02 . 3.151 0 LvParkersburg, W.Va.Ar 11.25 15.9Lv Cedar Run Lv 5.44 I Hamden, Ohio..Ar 8.32 (Read Down) ( 5.55 ..Wellston Lv 8.22 Read Up) f 8.39 187. Lv Durant Lv 1 7.56 f 8.42 19.0 Lv Eagleport I ,v f 7.52 5.55 ..Wellston Ar 8.22 (S.Ob ....Roads Ar 8.10 (op. Rokeby Lock) 1 STATIONS • 6.24 1 I ___Jackson Ar 7.56 145 £ 8.50 23.1 Lv Oil Spring Lv: f 7.42 9.00 26. ILv Malta Lv] 7.34 t 6.30 ..Keystone Arf 7.46 Deeember 4, 1932 Ex. I 6.33 4|Lv Caraba Arf 7.42 Sun. Sun. I (op. McConnellaville) f 9.15I 33.0 Lv Hooksburg Lvi f 7.18 f 6.37 .3Lv Banner Arf 7.37 35.9|Lv Stockport Lvl 7.11 1 6.41 .OLv Clay Arf 7.34 (EASTERN TIME) 9.21 PM AM f 9.30 39.2 Lv Roxbury Lv 7.02 6.48 .ILv Oak Hill Ar 7.29 , 6.531 Lv Black Fork Junction Ar 7.22 5.10 0.0 Cincinnati, Ohio.. ...Ar 7.15 f 9.40 43.2 Lv Swift l.v f 6.52 1.5 Cincinnati Junction.. ...Ar f 9.451 45.4 Lv Beckett Lv'f 6.47 f 6.5G Lv Roman .Ar|f 7.18 1.7 Eighth Street ...Ar f 9.50 16.1 Lv ..Relief Lv t 6.43 7.00 Lv Fire Brick Ar 7.14 5.20 2.9 Brighton ...Ar 7.01 f 9.57 48.3 Lv Havward Lv f 6.37 f 7.02 Lv Eifort Arf 7.12 5.25 5.1 Cumminsville ...Ar 6.54 9.59 51.3 Lv Waterf ord Lv! 6.33 f 7.07 Lv Hale's Creek Ar|f 7.08 5.27 5.8 East Cumminsville.. ...Ar 6 52 (op. Beverly) f 7.11 Lv.. Bloom Junction ..Ar f 7.05 5.29 6.6 Winton Place (A)...... Ar 6 50 flO.10 56.0 Lv Equity Lvlf 6.18 f 7.13 ILv Bloom. Arlf 7.02 5.32 7.7 St. Bernard ...Ar 6 47 (op. Coal Run) 7.18 Lv...South Webster...Ar 6.59 5.34 8.7 Bond Hill ...Ar 6 44 10.20 i.l.s Lv .Lowell Lv| G.09 , 7.24 Lv Scioto Furnace Ar 6.51 5.37 10.0 Norwood ...Ar 6.42 fl0.27 1.l.l Lv Rainbow .Lv f 6.02 I 7.2S Lv Gepharts Arif 6.45 5.39 10.5 East Norwood ...Ar 6 4! flO.38 Lv Barker Lvf 5.47 f 7.37 Lv Slocums Arf 6.37 5.43 11.7 Oakley ...Ai 6 3b 73.6 Ar...West Marietta...Lv 5.38 7.43 Lv Sciotoville Ar 6.30 1.3.3 10.47 5.46 Madisonville ...Ar 6.34 10.55 7-1.3 Ar Marietta Lv 5.35 f 7.50 Lv New Boston Arf 6.22 5.48 13.9 East Madisonville...... Ai 6 32 7-1.3 Lv Marietta .Ar 5.35 8.00 Ai Portsmouth, Ohio LV 6.15 5.53 16.4 ...Ar 10.55 Madeira 6.27 10.59 7.5.0 Lv West Marietta...Ar 5.22 (Waller Street) 17.6 ...Ar 8.10 f 5.55 Allendale f 6.23 fll.05 78.5 Lv..Moore's I unction..Lvf 5.18 Ar Portsmouth, Ohio Lvf 6.05 5.69 19.9 Remington ...Ar (Market Street Station) 20.8 ...Ar 6.19 fll 10 Sll.s Lv Gravel Hank Lvf 5.12 f 6.01 Miami Grove f 6.17 fll.15 8 2.15 Lv Constitution Lv f 5.08 6.03 22.1 Symmes ...Ar 23.0 ...Ar 6.15 f11.20 S.3.S Lv Briggs Lvf 6.04 f 6.05 Twightwee f 6.13 11.33 87 6 Ar Belpre, Ohio Lvl 4.57 f 24.0 Lounsbury ...Ar 24.7 ...Lv f 11.40 ArParkersburg, W. Va.Lvt 4.45 6.10 Loveland, Ohio... 6.10 AM PM PH AM Light-face figures A. M. time. Light-face figures A. M. time. * Daily. tDaily except Sunday. Blaek-faee figures P. M. time. -faee figures P. M. time. a Stops on signal Sunday onlv to receive pa^enqers for Cincinnati and beyond. b Stops on For additional service, Cincinnati and Loveland. see Tables 43 and 41. signal to receive passengers for Cincinnati and bevond. c Stops to discharge passengers from a Stops to receive and discharge passengers to or from Toledo Division and Louisville sub-division not Including North Vernon and receive passengers for Toledo and Detroit, f Stops on signal to receive and discharge passengers. * Does not run on Southern Railway. and to discharge passengers from North Vernon who arrive at that point on Nos. 2 and 4. e Stops to Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas discharge passengers from St. Louis and beyond and pick up commuter passengers when No. 30 is Dany.ay3'NeWYear'8Day' No. 145 Will stop on signal at Mathis Street, Madisonville. [ate, f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. y Stops on signal to Nos. 145 and 146 will stop at Gest Street. discharge passengers from stations west of North Vernon also from Louisville and to receive passengers A Station Spring Grove and Clifton Avenues. for Cincinnati and beyond. NOTE—Nos. 55 and 56 stop on signal at Frazier, Garrett, Bragg, Brokaw, Tioga, McHenry and Alden. NOTE—Nos. 43 and 44 will make regular stop at Beebe, and on signal at Petrea. TABLE No. Between Beardstown, © "7 " Springfield, Taylorville Between Pana and Flora TABLE NO. 90 Cincinnati, Indianapolis and (Read Down) (Read Up) Chicago STATIONS 41 (Read Down) (Read Up) D'-n-mhor 4. 1988 Motor STATIONS (CENTRAL TIME) I AM 46 48 Miles 45 49 TABLE No. Between Cincinnati, O.OLv ..Beardstown, lll.._Ar 11.10 Daily Daily Deeember 4. I9M Duly Daily 5.HLv Bluff Springs Lvfl0.52 PH AM AH PH Q&t Indianapolis Decatur 9.6!Lv Cass. _Lv:f 10.45 (EASTERN i [ 9.40 and Springfield 13.0Lv . Virginia Lv 10.31 10.15 9.15 0.0 Lv Cincinnati Ar 8.65 I 13.5Lv (Central Union Station) -Virginia Junction..Lv f b 9.22 b 8.47 (Read Down) (Read Up) f 4.32' 10.3Lv Burlingame Lvf 10.29 b 10.21 0.8 Lv Cincinnati Junction Lv a 10.30 a 9 31 5.5 Lv >. Lv e"0i 72.4 Taylorville Lv 8.21 92.3 Lv ..Arlington Lv 1.03 35.2lLv. Roachdale 3.00 6.38 96.4 Lv Gwy nneville Lv f 1.13 40.ILv. Raccoon f 6.47| 76.7 Velma Lv f 8.09 f 5.44 f 2.49 6.53j 79.8 Owaneco Lv - 04 99.2 Lv Morristown Lv t 1.21 14.9'Lv. Russellville 103.8 Lv Fountaintown Lv t 2.40 6.58 82.7 M illersville Lv f 7.58 f 1.25 47.8 Milligan f 2.35 106.1 Lv Reed ville Lv f 1.32 51.8 Guion 7.13 88.5 Pana Lv 7.48 f 2.28 7.25! 95.1 109.8 Lv New Palestine . Lv f 1.41 56.2 Marshall Tower Hill Lv 7.30 Ar..Indianapolis (B. & 0)_.Lv 5.10 4.35 f 2.20 7.371100.6 Lakewood Lv 7.23 12.45 11.40 124.6 f 1.47| 59.7 Bloomingdale ! Lv..Indianapolis (Monon.)-.Ar 5.00 4.25 f 2.12 7.48 100.2 Cowden Lv 7.09 1.00 12 00 124.6 1.58 67.2 Montezuma 1.58 1.15 12.15 129.6 Lv Boulevard Station Lv 4.37 4.05 7.66109.4 ... Holliday Lv f 7.00 3.58 f 2.05 68.1 Hillsdale .. f 1.50 6.54 152.7 Lv Sheridan Lv f 2.16; 74.5 Dana Arf 1.40 8.01 11 2.2 1. v Beecher City Lv 172.1 Lv. Frankfort Lv 3.02 3.10 Moccasin Lv f 6.47 2.13 1.03 f 2.27! 80.2 Scotland Arif 1.29 8.08115.5 Lv. 3.05 1.38 197.1 Lv Delphi Lv 2.48 2.35 , 8.23 121.4 Lv. Altamont Lv 6.35 2 31 2.18 I 2.34 84.3 ...Chriaman, 111... -Arf 1.21 f 6.22 2 23 1.55 209.5 Lv Monticello Lv f 2.50 91.2 ... Metcalf Arf 1.06 f 8.33 127.1 Lv. Gilmore Lv 3.47 219.7 2.16 2.03 Edgewood Lv 6.1 2.21 f 3.00 91.7 l.v Hume -Arf 1.00 8.44 132.5 Lv_ S 4.08 2.38 235.3 Lv Rensselaer Lv 1.54 1.40 , 8.56 139.1 Lv. Iola Lv 6.00 5.12 12.55 97.6Lv McCown .Ar . . f 5.52 284.9 Lv South Hammond Lv 3.14 100.7 I.v. Newman -Ar 12.50 k 9.04 143.0 Lv_ Riffle Lv 5 20 "3.42" 287.4 Lv Hammond Lv 12.43 12.41 1 9.13 146.9 Lv. Louis Lv 5.44 5.52 12.16 12.14 f 3.22 lOS.SLv. Murdock -Ar f12.41 > 5.30 :::::::: 4.07 301.5 Lv...Englewood (63rd St.)...Lv f 3.30 110.3 Lv. Camargo -Ar;f12.32 9.30 151.1 Ar_ Flora. Ill L 303.5 Lv 47th Street Lv PM I AM 3.42 11G.7(Lv. Tuscola -Ar 12.20 "Tio" ""4.25" 308.1 Ar.Chicago (Dearborn Sta.l.Lv ""i2'6i"| "ti'.bo' f 3.48 120.3 l.v .Ficklin Ar 112.13 AH PM (CENTRAL TIME) AH 1 NOON I f 3.53 1'Jl.nLv. Garrett -Ar 112.08 f 3.57 120.o l.v. Atwood -Ar 112.03 Between Flora, Fair­ Light-face figures A. M. time. Bl«k-hw figure* P. H. Urn-. f 4.05 129.0 Lv. Pierson .Ar fll.55 TABLE No. C. T. —Central Standard Time. f 4.12 133.0 Lv. Hammond .Ar.fll.48 field, Enfield, Norris a Stops to receive and discharge passeneers to or from Indianapoli9 or beyond. 13.-1.2 l.v. .--Hiirrowsville... .Ar receive and discharge passengers to or from west of Hamilton. c Stops to discharge passenger* I 4.1S 137.OLv. Lintner .Ar City, Shawneetown from Cincinnati and beyond and receive passengers for Indianapolis and beyond. IStoi f 4.24 139.7 Lv. LaPlace .Arfll.32 signal to receive and discharge passeneers. g Stops to discharge passengers from Indianapolis I 4.30 1 13.OLv. Caanex .Ar|fll.25 and stations beyond. B Station Winton Road. t 4.38146.4 Lv. STATIONS 43 Long Creek .Arill.2C v I 4.55 1.52.7 Lv. Decatur .Ar 11.10 Motor - Ileoember 4. 1932 f 5.10 101.OLv. Boody .Arf 10.52 AM I (CENTRAL TIME) THROUGH CAR SERVICE 101. m.v. Hlackland -Ar 6.00 O.OLv Flora. Ill Ar 2.45 107 OLv. 1 tabernville .Ar 6.12 6.9 Lv Rinard Lv 2.2. 8 Xo. 15—Drawing-room Sleeping Car and Coaches, Chicago to Cincinnati. Ready for OCCOI I 5.28 172.1 l.v Mt. Auburn. . -Arfl0.34 6.22 ll.ljLv Cisne. .Lv 2.18 in Dearborn Station at 10.00 P M. Parlor-Dining Car serves breakfast Indianapolis to Cincinnati. .... 177 nl.v Bolivia .Ar.. 6 31 16.2 Lv Geff Lv 2.06 I 5.39 17'i BLv Roby _Ar 110.23 6 43 21.5Lv Fairfield Lv 1.55 No. Iti Chicago Night Express—Drawing-room Sleeping Car (open 9.45 p. m.) and Coaches, Cincin­ 182.4 l.v Buckbart .Ar f 6.49 2-1.0Lv Hubbard. Lvf 1.42 nati to Chicago. 187.2M ...Derry Farm.. -Ar 6 56 27.7Lv Barn Hill Lv 1.35 No. 48 Chicago Day Express—Observation Parlor Car Indianapolis to Chicago. Club Dlnin- 1 ISM. si. v Keya _Ar 7.C4 30.5 Lv Mill Shoals Lv 1.29 Cincinnait to Indianapolis. Coaches Cincinnati to Chicago. Dining Car Indianapolis to Ch>cago. L93.2Ar. _ East Springfield . _Lv 7.151 35.3Lv. Springer Lv 1.17 Drawing-room Sleeping Car Washington to Indianapolis (from National Limited 1 ram ISO. IJ. 6.15 10 1.1 Ar. Springfield -Lv* 9.50 7.27 40 OLv Fnlield Lv 1.07 No. 49-Observation Parlor Car Chicago to Indianapolis. Dining Car Chicago to Indianapolis. > AM f 7 35 4,5 OLv Sacramento Lvf12.57 Club Dining Car Indianapolis to Cincinnati. Coaches Chicago to Cincinnati. Drawing-room bleeping 7.45 49.ILv Norris Citv Lv 12.51 Car Indianapolis to Washington (on Train No. 4 from Cincinnati). , 50.0Lv..C. C. C. & St. L.Lv f 7.524 52.3Lv Roland Lvf12.43 WINTON PLACE—Convenient for Passengers To and From Avondale and 7.59 55.9Lv Omaha Lvj 12.36 59.2 Lv Wells Lv Walnut Hills—Winton Place Street Cars. 8.12 62.OLv Ridgway Lv 12.25 NORTHSIDE—For Passengers To and From Clifton and ML Auburn-Clifton 8 18 65.7tLv„ ...Bartley Lvf12.18 Ludlow Street Cars, saving considerable time. • -'l.v Junction Lv 12.14 AT CHICAGO—Baltimore and Ohio I Indianapolis Division) Monon trains use 69.8,Lv Duncan 1 Dearborn Station. Convenient to Business District and Surface and Elevated 8 50 74 OAr Shawneetown, III. 1 Lines to All Parts of the City. AM I At CINCINNATI —Baltimore and Ohio Indianapolis Division, through trains Light-face figures A. M. time. * Daily, t Daily except Sunday. Black-fare fignres P. M. time, use Central Union Station. signal to receive or discharge passengers. No. 48—Club Dining Car Cincinnati to Springfield. Coaches Cincinnati to Indian­ apolis and Indianapolis to Springfield "Air Conditioned." Dr.-.wing-room Sleeping t ai Washington to Springfield from National Limited Train No. 1. • No 49—l hlb Dining Car Springfield to Cincinnati. Coaches Springfield to Indi­ anapolis and Indianapolis to Cincinnati. "Air Conditioned" Drawing-room Sleeping Car Springfield and Indianapolis to Washington on The Diplomat Train No. 4 from TELEPHONE Cincinnati At Decatur, III.—Baltimore and Ohio (Ind. Div.) trains use Wabash Station. A YOUR TRAVEL TABLE No. 89 Between Findlay and Deshler f^^ REQUIREMENTS (EASTERN* TIME) Mixed train Xo. 40 loaves Findlay 9.15 a. m. daily except See ages 95 to 98 for Sunday, making regular stop at McComb and flag stop at Chase, \ jSaBaa P -*^=i ^*Rl BLr^ your nearest ticket office Murphy, Deweyville and Hancock, arriving Deshler 10.30 a.m. 3 Mixed train Xo. 41 leaves Deshler 7.45 a. m. daily e c ^- • i t •^/WTbCjaLtefirL, , nassenUer or freight Sunday, making regular stop at McComb and flag stop at nfa rive. Butler's Mill, Hancock, Deweyville, Murphy and Chase, ar. .- S.45 a. m. 1 1 ~r


TABLE No. Q J (Read Down) Chicago, Springfield and St. Louis (Read Up)

14 6

_ - PM PM PM PM AM PM PM PM PM AM ;v '11.59 •11.45 *6.50 •3.00 •11.30 T9.00 0 Lv Chicago Ar 5.00 3.25 6.35 10.15 6.35 7.45 4.50 3.15 Z£ 3.10 11.40 9.10 3 Lv - Habted Street Ar 6.25 10.G4 . g 7.35 M2.37 3.52 12.22 10.05 37 l.v .Joliet Ar 3.50 2.28 5.38 9.15 d 1.19 4.35 11.08 73 Dwight Ar 2.46 1.43 8.27 Z£ i° d 1.40 4.59 11.33 92 Lv - Pontiac. Ar 2.16 1.22 8.03 d 1.51 11.58 102 1 • Chenoa Ar 1.59 <-* 2.30 9.35 5.50 12.55 Lv Bloomington Ar 1.10 12:35 3.45 1.24 146 Lv .Atlanta Ar 12.39 a? O M 1.42 Lv... Lincoln Ar 12.20 11.56 r- S 3.06 6.26 156 6.33 O M V) o, 2.35 185 Lv . Springfield Ar 11.00 11 15 2.25 5.50 4.00 7.10 3.35 K5 OS 4.55 7.53 3.45 Carlin ville Ar 9.42 el0.28 5.01 tn 0. Z\n f 4.32 252 Lv Godfrey Ar 8.55 c6.38 8.35 5.07 257 Lv . .College Ave., Alton. Ar 12.53 4.18 6M 4.51 258 I Alton. Ar "8M Zw 7.43 1.20 9.30 6.00 5.55 284 Ar St. Louis Lv t 7.30 ' 8.55 •12.05 ' 3.30 •11.45 •11.59 AM AM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Light-face figures A. M. time. •Daily. t Daily <•• -[it Sunday. Black-face fignres P. M. time, b Stops on signal for revenue passengers for Springfield and St. Louis. c lor pas rs only. No baggage checked to or from College Ave. d Train out of Chicago Sunday night only will stop at Dwight, Pontiac and Chenoa. e Stops to receive revenue passengers for Spi gfield or Chicago. f Stops on signal to receive and discharge revenue passengers. g Stops to discharge passengers. j Stops to discharge revenue passengers from Chi' 1 ^ ^ TABLE No. 95 Chicago and Kansas City TABLE No. 92 Chicago and Peoria (Read Down) (Read Up) Via 77 20 41 79-0 42 Alton and Illinois Terminal Railroad 19 6 (Read Down) (Read \ PM PM PM AM •11.45 - 6.50 OLv Chicago Ar 10.15 7.45 3Lv Halsted Street Ar 10.04 g 7.35 79 5 1 Miles STATIONS 78 24 4 2 6 M2.37 37 Lv Joliet Ar 9.15 d 1.19 a 8.24 73 Lv Dwight Ar 8.27 6.20 d 1.40 92 Lv Pontiac... .Ar 8.03 5.12 PM PM AM AM AM PM PM ^ ,1 1 51 102 Lv Chenoa Ar * 6.50* 3.O0 •11.3C Lv. Chicago 6.35 11.15 3.25 6.35 10.15 « 2.25 9.30 1271 Ar Bloomington Lv •"4"25 9,3(1 5.45 2.11 Ar.. _ Bloomington 3.40 t 7.30 12.40 3.50 7.20 Jt 6.45 9.35 127 Lv Bluoiiiington Ar t 6.35 4.20 10 45 fi. 31 3.35 Lv. ..Bloomington 1.20 6.35 12.30 3.25 6.50 o 15(1 Lv Lincoln... .Ar 3.32 11.55 7.35 4.45i Ar.. Peoria '12.10 5.051*11.15* 2.10- 5.30 iTis l*.r> Lv Springfield Ar 2.35 PM PM PM AM AM AM ) PM PM §ti6730 12.32 2321 Ar Rood house Lv 51 3.00 1.20 232 Lv. .Roodhouse Ar Leave Peoria 2.15 p. m. daily, arrive Chicago 6.35 p. m., via Nickel Plate and Alton. gtlO.50 12.32 2.50 1.20 12.08 1.41 270 Lv Louisiana Ar 1.32 12 22 1 53 2.57 321 Lv Mexico Ar 11.54 11.12 4.15 4.45 388Lv Slater Ar 9.45 9.20 4.36 5.01 399 Lv M arshall Ar 9.26 9.03 5.39 f 5.42 429 Lv .Higginsville Ar 8.30 f 8.20 7.07 j 6.44 473 Lv Independence Ar 7.C4 e7.09 7.35 7.10 483 Ar Kansas City Lv +6.30 * 6.45 TABLE No. 93 Peoria and Kansas City PM AM AM PM

TABLE No. ' STATIONS 3fa Dwight and Washington

111 Miles STATIONS HO l.v. Mfrl t 4.35 .Peoria Ar iMt' Mixed Mixed Car t 4.57 Lv. -Pekin Art • Ca, AM 11 15 Ii3 Lv. ..Springfield Ar 2.35 PM t 7.30 73 Lv Dwight ..Ar 4.45 12.32 HOiLv. ..Roodhouse. Ar 1.20 7.50 80 Lv Nevada Ar 1.41 148 Lv. Louisiana Ar 12.22 4.15 8.10 87 Lv Blackstone Ar 3.45 2.57 199Lv_ Mexico Ar 11.12 92 Lv Smithdale Ar 5.01 280|Lv. Marshall Arl 9.03 • 9.40 96 Lv Streator.. Ar 2.45 7.10 361 Ar.. .Kansas City Lv* 6.45 10.00 100 AM J Lv M unster Ar 1.15 ...... I PM 10.15 103 Lv Garfield Ar 1.00 11.00 108 Lv VVenona Ar 12.20 11.15 112 12 05 11 30 lllLv Custer Ar 11.15 11.55 118 Lv Varna Ar 11.00 12.30 122 Lv La Rose Ar 10.45 12.45 127 Lv Washburn Ar 1.05 10.35 TABLE No. 94 St. Louis and Kansas City 1.15 130 Lv .Low Point Ar in 2n 1.30 132 Lv Cazenovia Art 10.00 2.00 137 Lv Mntamnra Ar 197 PM 143 Ar Washington. Ell "~~Lv Mixed STATIONS 196 AM Train PM AM PM AM 11.45 l- 7.30 OLv. St. Louis Ar 5.55 7.1S TABLE No. 97 Mexico and South Cedar City 10.50 73 Lv Roodhouse Ar 2.50 f 3.07 1.59 117 Lv Mexico A: 11.54 f 3.40 215 214 f 3.41 2.23 131 Lv Centralia .Ar 11.28 f 3.20 Mon. Mon. 2.59 152 Lv Higbee Ar 10.54 Wed. Wed. 3.38 172 Lv Glasgow.. A. 10.U 4.15 I 6.30 5.05 184 Lv. .Slater. Ar 9.45 1 59 2.15 Mixed 7.30 5.21 4.36 195 Lv. ..Marshall At 9.26 1.41 9.30 6.02 5.37 1.30 AM AM 225 Lv. _IIi«ginsville. .Ar 30 12.59 11 15 10.30 6.04 239 Lv ^.Odessa.. .Ar 7.10 7.10 OLv Mexico ...A. 7.07 8.05 110.30 f 8 f 7.33 7Lv .Ortiz Ar 269 Lv Independence _Ar 7.00fll.54 f 8.55 f 7.42 9Lv Bryans Ar f 1.55 279 Ar Kansas City Lv 1 6.30*11.30 AM 9.10 7.51 12 Lv. Auxvasse Ar 1.45 AM | PM AM 9.30 . 10 17Lv McCredie . Ar 1.10 Light-face figures A. M. time. Blaek-faee figures I' f 9.42 f 8.25 20 Lv Callaway. Ar f12.50 M (1 10 00 9.10 Uaily 2 1 Lv Fulton. ...Ar 12.30 * - t Daily except Sunday '""' 9.35 Caning ton Ar 12.05 a Stops on Sunday to discharge passengers from Chicago. b Stops on si if' 9.52 37 Lv ..Guthrie Ar rev 11.50 passengers for Springfield and St. Louis. d Train out of Chicago Sunday menf 1 nue 10.01 39 Lv New BloomfieUl Ar 11.40 at Dwight. Pontiac and Chenoa. e Stops to receive revenue passengers for c • 10.15 45 Lv Hibernia Ar 11.25 Chicago. f Stops on signal to receive and discharge revenue passengers. e St prinitf'el(l or 10.27 49 Lv North Jefferson Ar 10.32 11.05 : passeniwrs. j Stops to dijeharge revenue passengers from Chicago ps to discharge 50Lv ..Cedar City Ar 11.00 10.40 C AM 51 Ar... South Cedar City. Lv 10.5 > 87 TABLE No. 98 Jacksonville and St. Louis TABLE No. 100 Peoria and Kansas City (Read Down) (Read Up)

33 14 STATIONS 10-50 3 43 41 40 32 i 42 NOTE MVr_ M'fr M't'r NOTE M't'r PM , PM PM Ul PM PM AM AM i 4.35 0 Lv Peoria A 1.35 t 9.08 Lv Jacksonville .At" 9.30 3.37 . t 9.451 4.57 9 Lv Pekin A 1.11 f 9.21 Lv Woodson .Ar 9 1) 3.24. f 5.07 Lv South Pekin A f 1.00 10.00 Lv Murray ville .Ar 9 0- 3.181- 14 9.28 10 08 5.16 Lv Green Valley Ar 12.51 Lv Manchester .Ar 3.09 ... 20 f 9.37 10.20; f 5.24 24 Lv Winkel Ar M2.42 9.45 Ar Roodhouse. I. , *M 1 3.00 5.34 |Ar San Jose Lv 12.36 10.30: t 8.45 28 i 3.00 Lv. .Roodhouse -Ar 10.35, 5.34 28 ILv San Jose Ar 12.36! J 3.08. Lv White Hall .Ar 10.25 f 5.49 32 Lv Harness Ar H2.20 . 3.16 Lv Berdan .Ar 10.15 5.59! 36 Lv New Holland Ar 12.11 3.26. Lv Carrollton .Ar 10.05 6.11 42 iLv Middletown Ar 12.02| . 3.40 Lv Kane Ar 9.49 f 6.18 Lv Croft Ar 1 45 . 3.52. Lv Jerseyville .A 9.39 6.26 49 Lv Fancy Prairie Ar 11.51 . 4.02. Lv Delhi Ar 9 27 f 6.31 52 Lv Van Wood ..Ar fll.47 . 4.15 Lv Godfrey AI 9.15... f 6.33; 53 Lv ...Ellis Ar| fll. 45 Ar Alton f 6.38 Lv Sherman A 11.40 . 4.30 .Lv 9.0a 56 1 - 4.511. Lv Alton 8.40 6.52 63 Ar . -Springfield L til.25 -Ai, '11.15, Lv Wood River .Ar 63, Lv Springfield Ar 2.35 5.20 Lv Granite City 8.05 l...... 12.32 110 Ar Roodhouse Lv 1.20 .Ar 12.32 Lv Venice _.\r 110 Lv Roodhouse Ar 1.2ffl 5.35 Lv East St. Louis... .Ar 7 - 1.41 148 ;Lv Louisiana Ar 12.221 : 11.12 5.47 . Lv Washington Ave.. _Ar| 7.38 2.57 199 Lv Mexico Ar 5.55. Ar St. Louis t 7.30 4.45 269 iLv Slater Lv 9.20 PM I AM ' 5.01 2S0 Lv Marshall Ar| 9.03 f 5.42 Lv Higgineville A f 8.20 309 • 6.45 NOTE—Trains 32 and 33 are Motor Cars between Roodhouse and Alton. 7.10 361 |Ar Kansas City Lv AM PM

TABLE No. 99 Peoria, Springfield and St. Louis RECLINING-SEAT COACHES 55-5 IN SERVICE ON TRAINS 77 AND 78 M't'r PM t 4.35; OLv. Peoria BETWEEN 4.57 9Lv. Pekin. f 5.07 14 Lv. South Peki 5.16 20|Lv. Green Valley f 5.24 24 Lv Winkel Chicago and St. Louis 5.34 28 Ar. San Jose 5.34 28 Lv San Jose f 5.49 31' Lv - Harness. . 5.59 36 Lv. New Holland 6.11 42 Lv. Middletown t 6.18 45 Lv. Croft Lunch Counter - Reasonable Prices. 6.26 49 Lv. Fancy Prairie. t 6.31 52 l.v Van Wood Commodious Smoking Room For Men. t 6.33 53 Lv. .Ellis Separate Smoking Room For Women. f 6.38 5GjLv. Sherman _ 6.52 63 Vr Springfield Individual Wall Lights For Sight Reading. 7.10 "' 63Lv. .Springfield 7.53 102Lv. Car lin ville Reclining Seat Can Be Adjusted To Suit 8.35 135 Lv. .College Ave. (Alton) 136 Lv. Alton Individual Preference. 159 \r East St. Louis 9.22 !60Ar — Washington Ave. 9.30 163 Ar. St. Louis

Bguri - t*. M. time, t Daily except Sunda ceive revenue passengers for Springfield. f Stops on sienal


1—"THE ALTON LIMITED." Chicago to St. Louis. Observation Lounge Car with -"THE ALTON LIMITED." St. Louis to Chicago. Observation Loung. Radio, Drawing-room Parlor Car, Chair Cars. Chicago to Springfield. Dining car. Radio, Drawing-room Parlor Car, Chair Cars and Dining Car.

3—Chair car, Chicago to St. Louis. "PRAIRIE STATE EXPRESS." St. Louis to Chicago. Parlor Car, ( Springfield to Chicago, Dining Car.

5—"THE LINCOLN LIMITED." Chicago to St. Louis, Observation Parlor Car. Dining t ar and Chair Car. Chicago to Springfield, Drawing-room Parlor Car. -"THE LINCOLN LIMITED." St. Louis to Chicago. Observation. Pal Chair Car. - to Chicago. Drawing-room Parlor Car and Dimm;

7 — "THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL." Chicago to St. Louis. Ten-Section Ob- I i. Open Section, Drawing-room, Compartment Car:-. Private Secti • THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL." Cars, Double Bedroom Sleeping Cars and Deluxe Lounge Car, serving midnight lunch and breakfast; Radio entertainment. and Double I luxe Lounge Car. serving midnn; and breakfast; Radio en I rtainment.

9—"THE HUMMER." Chicago to Kansas Citv. Open Sections. Drawing-ro -•;THE HUMMER." Kansas City to Chicago Open Section. Dra<-: rtment Sleeping Cars. Chair Car. Chicago to Springfield, Dining Slatei to Kansas I unge Car. Id to Chi if

••THE NIGHT HAWK." St. Louis to Kansas City. Open Section . Action Drav 'hair Car. Con.. - ping Car handled every third day en route to I> —"NIGHT HAWK " k < ••-• Open S 77—"THE FAST MAIL." Chii r with a Lunch Count hich may bee. m. -"THE ." St. L THE MAIL." tion Drawing-room. SI : Car. Parlor and Sleeping Car Fares (Including Sur-Charge) FARES FOR UPPER BERTH. SECTION. DRAWING-ROOM OR COM­ Light-face figures Lower Berth fare. Hl»<-k-iaee Hg PARTMENT IN SLEEPING CARS INCLUDING SURCHARGE Rate for sec­ Rate for sec­ Rate for Rate for Where lower Rate for tion for two or Drawing- Compartment Between {^= berth rate is upper berth is tion for one more passen­ passenger is gers is room is

S3.00 S2.40 $4.20 $5.40 $10.50 $9.00 3.38 2.70 4.73 6.08 12.(10 9.75 3.75 3.00 5.25 6.75 13.50 10.50 4.13 3.30 5.78 7.43 15.00 12.00 4.50 3.60 6.30 8.10 10.50 12.75 Akron, Ohio 3.90 6.S3 8.78 18.00 14.25 4.20 7.35 9.45 19.50 15.00 Baltimore, Md 5.03 4.50 7.88 10.13 21.00 15.75 6.00 4.80 8.40 10.80 21.00 17.25 Buffalo. N. Y 6.38 5.10 8.93 11.48 22.50 18.00 5.40 9.45 12.15 24.00 19.50 Chicago, 111 7.13 5.70 9.98 12.83 25.50 20.25 7.50 6.00 10.50 13.50 27.00 21.00 Chillicothe, Ohio— 7.88 6.30 11.03 14.18 28.50 22.50 6.60 11.55 14.85 30.00 23.25 Cincinnati, Ohio 8.63 6.90 12.08 15.53 31.50 24.75 9.00 7.20 12.60 16.20 31.50 25.50 Clarksburg, W. Va. 9.38 7.50 13.13 16.88 33.00 26.25 9.75 7.80 13.(35 17.55 31.50 27.75 Cleveland, Ohio 10.13 8.10 14.18 18.23 36.00 £8.50 8.40 14.70 18.90 37.50 30.00 Columbus, Ohio 10.88 8.70 15.23 19.58 39.00 30.75 Connellsville, Pa—\ SPECIAL NOTE.—Sleeping Car fares shown on opposite page are for Lower Cumberland, Md... Berths. Fares for Upper Berths are 20 per cent, lower. For exclusive occupancy of drawing-rooms or compartments following minimum Dayton, Ohio number adult passage tickets will be required: Drawing-room—Perth service, two adult tickets—Seat service, two adult tickets. Decatur, 111 Compartment—Berth service, one adult and one half ticket. Service—one adult and one half ticket. Defiance, Ohio Section—BerthService, one adult ticket. Drawing-room—Parlor car. two adult tickets. Deshler, Ohio Bedroom Berth Service—Two Persons—Cost of two lower berths, plus two railroad fares. Detroit, Mich Bedroom Berth Service—One Person—Cost of two lower berths, plus one and one-tenth railroad fares Dubois, Pa Fairmont, W. Va... East Salamanca, GENERAL INFORMATION. N. Y The Baltimore and Ohio Time-Tables shown herein give the time at which Flora, 111 { .' trains may be expected to arrive at and depart from stations named. The Com­ pany, however, cannot guarantee their arrival and departure at time stated nor Garrett, Ind assume responsibility for delays or consequences arising therefrom. Schedules are subject to change without notice. Grafton. W. Va Harper's Ferry, Stop-over Privileges W. Va. Stop-over will be allowed at any station en route within final limit on the Huntington, W. Va.j following classes of one-way and round trip tickets on notice to Conductor and without deposit of ticket (except that stop-over will not be permitted on any Indianapolis, Ind class of ticket at Jersey City, N- J., Elizabeth, N. J., Newark, N. J., or Plain- Jackson, Mis; field, N. ].). Louisville, Ky Stop-overs may be made at as many points as passenger desires provided Martinsbuig, ticket is valid through such point but stop-overs will not under any circum­ VV. Va stances be permitted to extend to final limit on the ticket. Memphis, Tenn (a) One-way Tickets (sold at regular one-way fare). lb) Round trip Tickets (sold at double regular one-way fare). Mitchell, Ind. (c) All-year Tourist Tickets. Newark, Ohio (d) Summer Tourist Tickets. (e) Winter Tourist Tickets. New Castle, Pa { (f) Tourist Tickets Regularly on sale designated "Tourists" New Orelans, La—. (g) Convention Tickets(round trip, on Identification Certificate Plan). (h) Convention Tickets (on the Certificate Plan)—under which a one­ NewYork, N. V... way ticket bearing a final limit is used on going trip and another one-way North Vernon, Ind. ticket marked "Convention" and bearing final limit is used on the return trip. (i) Charity Tickets. (See note). Parkersburg, W.Va (j) Clergy Tickets. Disabled Volunteer Soldier Ticket. (See note). Philadelphia, Pa... (k) (1) Veterans Bureau Hospital Tickets. (See note). Pittsburgh, Pa (m) One-way Tickets Marked "Trans-Pacific." (n) Round-trip Tickets Marked "Trans-Pacific." Rochester, N. Y ^ (o) One-way Tickets Marked "European Trans-Pacific." Round-trip Tickets Marked "European Trans-Pacific." St. Louis, Mo (P) One-way Tickets issued to Holders of Ocean Steamship Shenandoah Jet., Tickets(q,) or orders therefor, and marked accordingly. W. Va (r) Tickets Marked "Around-the-World." Springfield, 111 (s) Tickets Marked "Via Panama." (t) Employee Tickets. Toledo, Ohio (Note)—On tickets reading to, from or through the State of Pennsylvania no stop-over will be allowed within the state if either the journey before the stop­ Vincennes, Ind over or the journey after the stop-over is between two stations in the State of Penn­ Washington, D. C. sylvania. Passengers will avoid payment of extra charge by buying tickets previous to boarding trains. Wheeling, W. Va... .75 ... 3.00 Children under 5 years of age free, when accompanied by parent orguardian; Willard, Ohio 3.60 1.35 5 years of age and under 12, one-half fare; 12 years of age or over, full fare. 1 Adjustment of Fares: Should any misunderstanding arise with conductors or Wilmington, Del 3.00 3.75 4.50 _.90 2.25 3.00 agents, passengers should pav the fare required, take receipt and communicate with .. 3 75 3.75: 3.751 General Passenger Agent at Baltimore, Md.. Cincinnati, Ohio, or Chicago, 111. Youngstown, Ohio.. 3.38i 2.63 2.63 2.631 .75 .. Redemption of Tickets: Unused tickets will be redeemed bv the selling agent 5.631 5.63, 4.501 4.50i . 3.75 within 30 days from date of sale, or at any time by forwarding to General Passenger Zanesville, Ohio ' ' ' ' 1.05... 1.95 Agent direct, or through any of our ticket agents. The unused portions of partly I.®...":.m..1 J •'* used tickets will be redeemed by forwarding to General Passenger Agent direct, These rates are printed as a matter of information only and are subject to chan ~ or through any of our ticket agents.

92 •L GENERAL INFORMATION—Concluded. NEW YORK BAGGAGE Baggage: No single piece of baggage exceeding 250 pounds in weight or 72 ARRANGEMENTS—Concluded. inches in greatest dimension, or any single shipment exceeding $2,500 in value, will be accepted or checked in regular baggage service. Free allowances subject TRUNKS—Concluded. to tariff stipulations as to contents, weight, value and size. Inbound: Trunks or other large pieces of baggage destined Baggage Liability Limited: Excess value must be declared and paid for to New York may be checked from any Baltimore and Ohio at time of checking. station to Jersey City Terminal, Liberty Street Ferry S1 Lost Articles: Inquire of J. P. Dugan, General Baggage and Milk Agent, 23rd Street Ferry Station or 42nd Street Motor Coach Station Baltimore, Md. without charge. No Responsibility will be assumed for unchecked articles left in stations or cars. SPECIAL BAGGAGE DELIVERY SERVICE NEW YORK. Special baggage delivery service is operated between the larger cities on Baggage (either trunks or hand baggage) may also bed The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; also between Baltimore and Ohio points from any Baltimore and Ohio station through to residence, busi­ and large cities on other lines, under which baggage will be called for at resi- hotel or business house and checked direct to residence, hotel or business ness address or hotel in New York or Brooklyn upon payment of house at destination. the regular baggage transfer charges. This service can be arranged for either at City Ticket Office at the time Arrangements for this service may be made at Baltimore tickets are purchased, or through the authorized transfer companies. and Ohio Ticket Office at point of origin. NEW YORK MOTOR COACH STATIONS NEW YORK BAGGAGE AND TICKET OFFICES. ARRANGEMENTS. Information and Pullman Reservations, Telephone Ashland 4-1602. HAND BAGGAGE. 42nd Street, opposite Grand Central Terminal and Commo­ Outbound: Hand baggage is handled in motor coach with dore Hotel. Telephone Ashland 4-6399. passengers from any New York motor coach station or coach 33rd Street Motor Coach Station, 35 West 33rd Si stop and delivered to seat or berth in the train at Jersey City near Broadway, Telephone Penna. 6-1843. without charge. Columbus Circle Station, 15 Columbus Circle at Central Park Passengers who do not desire hand baggage to accompany West, Telephone Columbus 5-1054. them on the motor coach or in seat or berth in train may have 191 Joralemon St., Brooklyn. Telephone Cumberland 6-4480. it checked in regular baggage car service from any Baltimore TICKET OFFICES. and Ohio motor coach station, viz.: 42nd Street, opposite Grand No. 17 John Street. Telephone Cortlandt 7-0422-0423. Central Terminal, 33rd Street Station; Columbus Circle No. 114 West 42nd Street, between Broadway and Sixth Station; 191 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, or from 23rd Street Avenue. Telephone 7-2626-2627. Ferry Station, Liberty Street Ferry Station or Jersey City No. 4 West 33rd Street, near Fifth Avenue. Telephone Terminal to station at destination without charge. Where time Chickering 4-6209. will permit, baggage so checked will be forwarded on same train West 23rd Street Ferry Station. Telephone Chelsea 3-6550. with passenger, otherwise on first available train. Liberty Street Ferry Station. Telephone Barclay 7-9670. Inbound: Hand baggage carried by passenger on train No. 155 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn. Telephone Triangle 5-7440. will be checked by train Passenger Agent before arrival at Jersey TravelBureau, 42nd Street Station. Telephone Ashland 4-4400. City. It will be handled on same motor coach with passenger and delivery made at any motor coach station or coach stop in OPTIONAL ROUTINGS OF TICKETS. Xew York or Brooklyn, without charge. Tickets issued at Cumberland, Md„ and points east thereof to Bellaire, Ohio, and beyond, or Wheeling, W. Va.. and beyond through Bellaire, Ohio, Passengers who do not desire hand baggage to accompany or vice versa, will be honored via Grafton and Moundsville, W. Va., at via them in seat or berth in train or motor coach may have it checked Pittsburgh, Pa., or via Clarksburg, W. Va., and New Martinsville, W. Va. in regular baggage car service from any Baltimore and Ohio Tickets issued at Cumberland, Md., and points east thereof to Willard, Ohio, and points beyond, or vice versa, will be honored via Pittsburgh, Pa., station to any motor coach station, viz.: 42nd Street opposite and Akron, Ohio, or via Wheeling. W. Va., Bridgeport and Warwick, Ohio, Grand Central Terminal; 33rd Street Station; Columbus or via Wheeling, W. Va., Bellaire and Newark, Ohio, or via Bellaire and Circle Station; 191 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, or to 23rd Street Newark, Ohio, or via Wheeling, W. Va.. or Bellaire, Ohio, and Columbus and Newark, Ohio, or via Parkersburg, W. Va., and Zanesville. Ohio. Ferry Station, Liberty- Street Ferry Station or Jersey City Tickets issued at Cumberland, Md., and points east thereof to Midland Terminal, without charge. Citv, Ohio, and points beyond, or vice versa, will be honored for pa- If desired hand baggage will be held at any of the above sta­ Parkersburg, W. Va., or via Bellaire Ohio, and Columbus, Ohio, or via Pitts­ burgh, Pa., Bellaire, Ohio, and Columbus, Ohio, or via Parkersburg. W. Va.. tions for a period not exceeding twenty-four hours without charge. and Zanesville, Ohio. , . . ... Tickets issued at points west of Cumberland, Md.. east of and including TRUNKS. Grafton, W. Va., reading to Zanesville. Ohio. Wilmington, Ohio and inter­ Trunks or other large pieces of baggage are not handled in mediate stations, or vice versa, will be honored via Parkersburg. v\ . Va., and Marietta, Ohio, or via Bellaire, Ohio, or via Wheeling, W. Va., and Bellaire, Baltimore and Ohio motor coaches, but as indicated below: Ohio. Outbound: Such baggage will be called for at residence, „ Tickets issued at Washington. D. C. and points east thereof routed via business address or hotel in New York or Brooklyn and delivered B. & O. to or through St. Louis will be honored via B. & O., Louisville, thence B. ft O. to railroad station, residence, business address or hotel at desti­ Tickets issued at Cumberland, Md.. and points east thereof and . nation upon payment of the regular baggage transfer charges. ville. Ohio. Wilmington, Ohio, and intermediate points will be honored via Arrangements for this service may be made at any Baltimore Bellaire. Ohio, or via Wheeling, W. Va.. or via Parkersburg, W. \ a., and Marietta. Ohio. , . „ . • . and Ohio motor coach station, "Consolidated Ticket Offices. , Tickets issued at Baltimore. Md.. or points east thereof to Frederick. 23rd Street Ferry Station, Liberty Street Ferry Station or Jersey Md.. or vice versa, reading via Washington. D. C. will be honored via City Terminal. ington, D. C. or via Relay, Md. (Old Main Line), at option of pa Tickets reading via Relay. Md. (Old Mam Line) will only be homo Passengers desiring to make their own baggage transfer that route. , arrangements may have baggage delivered to 42nd Street Motor Tickets endorsed summer tourist, winter tourist or all-year tourist read­ Coach Station, 23rd Street Ferry Station, Liberty Street Fern- ing for passage between Pittsburgh and points east, and Chicago.an • ill be honored via Toledo. East-bound tickets will be hon: 1 Station or Jersey City Terminal, "where it will be checked through Deshler, Toledo and Deshler. Westbound tickets will be honored via North to railroad station at destination without charge. (This arrange­ Baltimore, Toledo and Deshler. or via Deshler. Toledo and Deshler. ment does not apply from Columbus Circle Station, 33rd Tickets endorsed summer tourist, winter touns: or all-year tounst read­ ing for passage between Pittsburgh. Pa., and points east, *nd Chicago nu Street Station. Xew York; Joralemon Street Station, Brooklyn; and points west, will be ':. :and and Akron ln e,ther Consolidated Ticket Offices or motor coach stops.) direction.

93 TICKET OFFICES AND PASSENGER TERMINALS TICKET OFFICES AND PASSENGER TERMINALS IN IN PRINCIPAL CITIES—Concluded. PRINCIPAL CITIES NEW YORK, N. Y. .Information and Pullman Reservations, Telephone Ash­ land 4-1602. 42nd Street Station (Opposite Grand Central Terminal AKRON Union Station, Telephone Jefferson 9141. and Commodore Hotel), Telephone Ashland 4-6399. ANNAPOLIS, MD City Ticket Office, No. 54 Ave., Teleph 33rd Street Motor Coach Station, 35 West 33d Street, near Broadway, Telephone Pennsylvania 6-1843. ^TI WTIC CITY N. J.City Ticket Office, Haddon Hall Arcade. I Columbus Circle Station, 15 Columbus Circle at Central North Carolina Ave.. Telephone Atlantic C ii Park West, Telephone Columbus 5-1054. City Ticket Office, Baltimore and Charles Sts., Telephone City Ticket Office. No. 17 John Street, Telephone Cort- BALTIMORE, MD. landt 7-0422. 0423. Plaza 0400. No. 114 West 42d St., between Broadway and 6th Ave., Camden Station, Camden, Eutaw and Howard Telephone Wisconsin 7-2626, 2627. Telephone Plaza 0400. No. 4 West 33d St., near Fifth Ave., Telephone Checker­ Mt Royal Station, Mt. Royal Ave., and Cathedr ing 4-6209. West 23d Street Station, Telephone Chelsea 3 6550. Telephone Plaza 0400. Liberty Street Station. Telephone Barclay 7-9670. BROOKLYN, N. Y City Ticket Office, No. 155 Pierrepont St., Tel< PARKERSBURG, W.VA.Second National Bank Building, Seventh and Market Sts. Triangle 5-7440. 1'ini \i I.I.I'IIIA. PA...City Ticket Offices, Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Building, Corner Broad and Walnut Streets, Telephone Penny- Joralemon St. Motor Coach Station, Central Bu packer 2500-01; Rittenhouse 4500. 191 Joralemon St., Telephone Cumberland 6 37th Street and Woodland Avenue. BUFFALO, N. Y Citv Ticket Office, No. 299 Main Street, Ellicott s Benjamin Franklin Hotel, 822 Chestnut Street, Telephone Telephone Cleveland 4431. Walnut 3188. Depot Ticket Office, Lackawanna Terminal, Ma Station 24th and Chestnut Sts., Telephone Rittenhouse Ohio Streets, Telephone Washington 4500. CHICAGO, III City Ticket Office, No. 163-165 West Jackson Boi PITTSBURGH, PA City Ticket Office, Union Trust Building, 508 William (insurance Exchange Building), Telephone Wa Penn Way. Telephone Atlantic 3045. Court 6220. Sta­ tion. Smithfield and Water Sts., Telephone Court 6220. 2211. ROCHESTER, N. Y. ..City Ticket Office (Consolidated), 34 Exchange Street Grand Central Station, Harrison and South Wi Telephone Mam 6880 Telephones Wabash 2211, Harrison 2393. Depot Ticket Office, Main Street West at Oak Street, HOTEL TICKET OFFICES—Telephone Harrison 2205-08. Telephone Main 4780. Congress Hotel, South Michigan Ave., and Conr General Ticket Office, 155 Main Street West, Telephone Main 4780. Great Northern Hotel, Dearborn St., and Jacks' SPRINGFIELD, II.I Alton Station, Telephone Main 277. La Salle Hotel, La Salle and West Madison Streets. ST. LOUIS. MO Citv Ticket Office, 326 N. Broadway. Telephone Central Palmer House, State and Monroe Streets. 0500. Sherman Hotel, North Clarke and West Randolph Sts. Union Station. 18th, 20th and Market Sts., Telephone Stevens Hotel, South Michigan and 7th Streets. Garfield 6600. TOLEDO, OHIO City Ticket Office, Spitzer Building, 516 Madison Ave., CINCINNATI, OHIO...City Ticket Office, 4th and Walnut Sts. (107 Dr Telephone Adams 2712. minal Building), Telephone Main 2900. Union Station, Emerald and Knapp Sts., Telephone Stations, Central Union Station, 3rd and Central Main 2241. Telephone Main 3170. WASHINGTON, D. C.City Ticket Office, Woodward Building, 15th and H Streets. N. W.. Telephone District 3300. CLARKSBURG, W.VA.Waldo Hotel, 117 N. Fourth St. Union Station. Massachusetts and Delaware Avenues, CLEVELAND, OHIO...City Ticket Office, No. 1110 Chester Ave. Telephone National 7370. Building, Telephone Prospect 2500, Brand WILMINGTON, DEL...City Ticket Office. 921 Market Street, Telephone 8351 and 8352. Station, Delaware Ave., and Dupont St., Station, Columbus Road, Telephone Prospei - Telephone 27713. Branch 31. COLUMBUS, OHIO City Ticket Office, No. 16 North Third St., Telephone Adams 1736. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SOLICITING Union Station, North High St., Telephone (Informati Main 4345, (Pullman) Main 2822. REPRESENTATIVES DAYTON, OHIO City Ticket Office, Van Cleve Hotel, 34 West First St AKRON, OHIO L. F. Davis, Division Passenger Agent, 401 Metropolitan Telephone Fulton 7341. Building, Telephone Blackstone 6141. C. S. Stout, Division Freight Agent, 401 Metropolitan Union Station, 6th St.. between Ludlow and Perrv St* Building, 39 S. Main Street, Telephone Blackstone Telephone Adams 3234-3235. 6141. 1 ATLANTA, GA A. A. Irwin, District Freight Representative, Rooms DETROIT, MICH Downtown Ticket Office, 131-133 Lafayette Bo- 318-19 Healey Building, Telephone Walnut 3402. (Transportation Building), Telephone Randolph BALTIMORE, MD H. H. Taggart, Division Passenger Agent, Room 100 Uptown Ticket Office, lobby of General Motors Building Baltimore & Ohio Building, Charles and Baltimore Grand Boulevard at Cass and Second Avenues T, l,. Streets, Telephone Plaza 0400. Branch 134. phone Trinity 2-3440, 2-3640. J W. Phipps, Tr., Division Freight Agent, Camden Fort Street Union Station, Fort and Third Sts Tot* Station, Telephone Plaza 0400, Branches 306 and 389. phone Randolph 8500. Edward S. King, District Freight Agent, Room 103 Baltimore & Ohio Building, Charles and Baltimore INDIANAPOLIS, IND ..City Ticket Office, 114 Monument Circle Tclpnfc™- Streets, Telephone Plaza 0400, Branch 228. Lincoln 6404. WJiiune BIRMINGHAM, ALA...C. E. Bradley, District Freight Representative, 816-17 Watts Building. 3rd Ave., and 20th Street, North, Union Station, Illinois Street, Telephone Riley 3355 Telephone 7-1726. BOSTON, MASS .Paul S. Phenix, General New England Agent; J. A. JERSEY CITY, N. J...Central Railroad of Terminal, Telephone Montgomery 5-4400. ^'cpnone Foote, New England Passenger Representative, Rooms 313-17 Old South Building, 294 Washington LOUISVILLE. KY City Ticket Office, Corner 4th and Walnut Sts T 1 Street, Telephone Liberty 1130-1131. BROOKLYN, N. Y G. F. Perry, Citv Passenger Agent. Central Building, phone Jackson 8372. ' lele" 191 Joralemon Street. Telephone Cumberland 6-4480. Station, 7th and River, Telephone Jackson 6736. BUFFALO, N. Y M. J. Casev, Division Passenger Agent, 299 Main Street, Ellicott Square, Telephone Cleveland 4431. NEW CASTLE, PA....City Ticket Office, Lawrence Savings and Trust rn 00, C 227 W. J. Sheridan, Assistant General Freight Agent, 40S East Washington Street, Phone 270? °" Rand Building, Telephone Washington 3876. CHARLESTON, W. Va.R. E. Barnhart, Division Freight Agent, 401-2-3-4 Kana­ NEWARK, N. J Jersey Central Terminal, Broad and Market

96 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SOLICITING PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SOLICITING REPRESENTATIVES—Continued. REPRESENTATIVES-Concluded. MINNEAPOLIS, CHARLOTTE, N. C...E. W. Harrington, Traveling Freight Agent, Room 1208 MINN .H. C. Strohm, Northwestern Pai engei R Johnston Building, Telephone 7466. Campbell, Northwestern Fi CHICAGO. ILL E. F. Schlottman. Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent. Suite 1322 Avenue, Northwestern Hank Building. Telephon Bankers Building, Clark and Adams Sts., Telephone 7475 and 7476. Wabash 2211. NEWARK. N. J W. T. Ruddy, Passenger Traffic Rep.. J T. J. Curtin, District Passenger Rep., Room 1102, Grand Station, Broad Street near Market Mi Central Station, Telephone Wabash 2211. Market 2-5300. ' A S hultz. Distrt I P. C. McCormick, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Rootl sentative. Room 203 Jerw \ < entral Station, Bn Bankers Building, 105 West Adams Street, Telephone near Market Street, Telephone Market 2 Wabash 2211. NEWARK, OHIO C. D. Douglass, Division Freight Agent, Baltimore & Ohio CHILLICOTHE, OHIO.C. P. Bauchens, Division Freight Agent, Baltimore and Station, Telephone 3193. Ohio Station, Telephone 1397. NEW HAVEN. CONN. .W. E. Meuse, District Passenger Representative; J. W CINCINNATI, OHIO..Thos. J. West, Div. Pass. Agent, 114 Dixie Terminal Bldg . 4th and Walnut Sts., Telephone Main 2900. Kelly. New England Freight Representative, 309-10 Gayle W. Arnold, District Freight Agent, 501 Temple Bar NEW ORLEANS, LA. Washington Building, Telephone - Bldg., Court and Main Sts., Telephone Main 2900. W. R. Kinney. Di-t. Freight Repre Whitney Building, Gravier and St. Charles Str> CLEVELAND, OHIO..L. Ashby, Division Passenger Agent, 1110 Chest NEW YORK. N. V... Telephone Prospect 2500. C. M. Groninger, Asst (Sen 1 Raymond 6521. Freight Agent; J. P. Leingang, District Freight 905 to 909 Union Trust Building, 9th Street and Euclid E. D. Ainslie, General Passenger Agent; H i Avenue, Telephone Prospect 2500, Branches 54 and 55 General Eastern Passengei Agent, 42nd (opposite Grand Central Terminal and Commodore COLUMBUS, OHIO...L. B. Jay, Division Passenger Agent. Rowlands Building, Hotel), Telephon.- Ashland 16 North Third Street, Telephone Adams 1736. OMAHA, NEB. E. A. Ferguson. Division Freight Agent. 25 Hi Floyd G. Stebbins, District Freight Agent, Room 705, Cunard Building. Telephone Digbj 1600. Guarantee Title and Trust Building, Telephones Main PARKERSBURG, L. G. Reynolds, District Freight and Passenger Repre­ 2318-19. W. VA.. . J. sentativeE. Garbesi. 90. Jr.8 .Woodme Division Freighof thet WorlAgentd , BuildingBaltimor, e I4tandh CONNELLSVILLE, PA _W. H. Eaton, Div. Frt. Agent, 2nd National Bank Bldg . Ohiand oFarnai Ann Streen Streetst Station, Telephon, Telephoe Atlantii c - Crawford Ave. and Pittsburgh St., Telephone 31 PHILADELPHIA. PA..R. C. Haase, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt . Fidelity-Phil Trust Bldg., corner Broad and Walnut St CUMBERLAND. MD.. M. W. Grove, Traveling Passenger Agent, Baltimore X: Rittenhouse 4500, Pennypackei Ohio Station, Telephone 3000. J. W. Babneu and s. Vera I F. H. Fowler, Division Freight Agent, Baltimore and Ohio Agents: M. D. Barlt . Perishable I i Station, Telephone 3000, Branches 112 and 113. Bldg., Chestnut and Juniper Sts., Tel. Ritl DALLAS, TEX. ..L. A. Davis, District Passenger Representative. 707-8 PITTSBURGH, PA J. P. Taggart. Asst. Genl Pa Southwestern Life Building, 1500 Main Street, Telephone Building, Telephone Court 7-3400. F. A. Mar: L. W. Land, Southwestern Freight Agent, 707-S South­ Smithfield and Wat western Life Bldg., 1500 Main Street, Telephone 7-3400. PORTLAND. ORE. A. J. Costello. Freight R DAYTON, OHIO Theo. Heiland, Division Passenger Agent, Van Cleve Building, 53 Fourth Si Hotel, 34 West First Street, Telephone Fulton 7341. ROCHESTER. N. V . E. Steele, Division Freight Agent. H. E. Warburton, Division Freight Agent, Rooms

JLONDON MIDLAND AND SCOTTISH RAILWAY OF GREAT BRITAIN Illustrated pamphlets from T. R. Dester, London, Midland and Scottish Corporation, 200 Fifth Avenue, New York. Or from any LMS Ticket Baltimore &Ohio or Tourist Agent. m Cke tonVenieni cfmv. TO\AND FROM NEW YORK

HEN vou use the BALTIMORE & OHIO Railroad in going to or from New York, yoWu have the outstanding advantage of modern motor coach service directly between train-side and the heart of and Brooklyn, without extra cost. Upon arriving at Jersey City, you step right from the train into a comfortable motor coach which conveys you quickly via the scenic open- air route to any one of the four conveniently located B & O Motor Coach Stations in G< New York, with other stops enroute — all con­ venient to subway and elevated lines, hotel and business districts. You are relieved of handling or care of hand- baggage—it is checked on the train and de­ Modern and Completely Equipped B. & O. R. R. livered to you when you leave the coach. This Motor Coach Stations in Greater New York are lo­ same convenient, time and expense saving method cated at — Chanin Bldg., 4ind St. and Lexington is afforded passengers leaving New York, and Ave., (opposite Grand Central Station and Commo­ when you board the coach you have made your dore Hotel); at Columbus Circle and Central i\ West; at 35 West 33rd St.; and at 191 Joralemon train. St., (Central Bldg.) Brooklyn. BALTIMORE & OHIO ' irdnnd Philadelphia . Baltimi >h • Bu11,