Buchanan, Mich
A B u c h a n a n R ecord, School Books, PUBLISHED EYEBY THURSDAY, -AND- J O H N GS-„ HHOXjlvtES. R ecor School Supplies. T E R M S , SI.5 0 PER YEAR PAYABLE IK ADVANCE. 1MRTISIKII4TB M l KHQWH OH APPLIC&TIBH, VOLUME XXVI. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1892. NUMBER 33. S U O -M SCHOOL BOOKS, OFFICE—IttRocoidBnliains.Oa^Street TABLETS, PENCILS, DEACON SKINNER’S IDEE. sie ever openly coveted such frivolous gear. INK, SLATES, ETC., Business Directory. Rose & Ellsworth's BY NIXON WATERMAN. She was a thoroughly good girl, with serious views of life, was very devout, SABBATH SERVICES. They tell me there's presumin’ meurevlsiu’ of and engaged in prayer or sacred song G. W. NOBLE the Bible! -A T - SERVICES ate held every Sabbath at 10:80 O o'clock a . m., at the Church of the “ Larger Some folks is so alilred smart, or think they be, with an earnestness not unlike the Hope also, Sabbath School services inuneftiatc- stern conviction of a Covenanter, TSTo DRESS : GOODS they're lUble y after the morning meeting. Prayer and confer- D-PRIC member of the cathedral congregation -le e meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial WILT. SELL To hove the stars all painted green, an’ nen, Invitation Is extended to all. some future day, had a more exemplary record as child HARm BBftINS, and maiden. With unfailing precision ’-JUTEB BRETHREN CHURCH—Eev. It. H. Tliey’ll all conclude to make the sun go round n DEPARTMENT. tbo otlicr way.
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