V THE EEPUBLIC: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1903. RAILROADTIME-TABL- HAPPENINGS IN EAST SIDE CITIES AND TOWNS, ST.LOUIS E ST. LOUIS TIME. ITS EQUAL A FRIEND arrivals nnd Departures of Trains at CHICAGO ASD ALTON. REALTY DEALERS INDORSE Union Station. cnicago Trains. TITLE SURPRISES Dally. Train. Ilnnavf 'ArttU. tDally except Sunday. The Alton Limited am 73s sea TAX LEVY FOR A DIKE. HIS BRIDE ELECT. xftinday only. Prairie State Express 112:02 pm pot SSS1 j Express UNKNOWN WORTH $1.00 Except Monday. Palace 1.M pm 7a4an Dally except Saturday and Sunday, Midnight Sneclal '11:40pm SUOsa ttSaturday only. Kansas City Trains. oPi&aturday and Sunday only. Exchange Member Approve Elec- Earon-FIrema- n, KlfcB Missouri State Express 4i44pn Ivrans, n German to S-- 8:uam tions B. A O. R. R. Kansas City Limited '10.00 pm to Raise One Per Cent on lie Third Husband of Mrs, GREAT Train. Depart. Arrive. Local Trains. IMtn I Property n Leveo. THE TONIC Cincinnati. Louisville, Wash- Train. Depart. Antva, for Bechtll. ington, Baltimore, Philadel- Springfield S.05 pm AccommodaUon... -- ..,,.... nervous, debilitated people. gives great strength, tones up phia and New York Express. am 1:35 Jacksonville 16:12 16:44 Will quickly cure thin, overworked, It Cincinnati. Louisville. Pitts- Accommodation. sm Dm burg. WasMngtrn. Balti- u'" ,""",i" T.mam rczs) system, makes you feel like a new person. Jacksonville Express 14.26 pm 10:40 4 Tlie Real Ex- Belle- the entire and more, Philadelphia and - East St Louis Estate A marriage license 'was Issued in Tr$J BPfiistnein uapiiai city New Tork rast Mall f.CJptn sia Flyer" J a change, at its meeting yesterday, indorsed Andrew Fred 14.52 pm .t. ta-- ill ville yesterday morning to Cincinnati Accommodation... 11:11 am Jacksonville. Express $6.30 s i tlis proposed election to Rive the city au- August Charles Kraus, Baron Frelherr KU-B- O cures of Cincinnati. LCdlsvllle Pitts- apringneia. - iapitat rjity positively ail diseases burg, Washington, Balti- Flyer' thorities tho right to levy an additional von Westcnhausen. 43 years old, of East more, Philadelphia and Springfield SpcUal V..!T. New York Royal Blue Special tljyss ixs of 1 per cent for a levee to protect Bt Louis, and Mrs. Amalla Bechtll, S! Limited :J0am S.Sp.n Alton 111:51 pm ...--Tt 2nst St. Louis from future floods. years old, of Belleville. Vlncennes Accommodation.... 15:10 pm 13:32 am L. AN. R, Too Flora Accommodation 8.0$am 7.50pm Train. Depart. Antva, Heal Estate Exchange also indorsed Tho bride did not accompany the Baron The Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. West Baden and French Lick Florida Limited, via Nash the proposed sewer system. The resolu- to the Courthouse, but several friends bprlngg. via Monon Route. :30 am 5t25 pm ville. Atlanta, Chattanoo- - tions were as Macon, Thomasvllle. follows: who vouched for her did, and on their KLU-B- O is a great Friend to women, and cures diseases peculiar to them. ULHIJJ.GTO. ROUTE! UNION 8TA- - acksonvllle. St. AugvisUns r.csohcd. By the eald East St. Louis Real word tho license was Issued. The couple TIOIT. and Tampa, 4.06 pm ltssanj Train. Depart. Arrive. Past Mall Evansvllie, Nash- Exchange that wc- hereby Indorse the ore In Bt. this Birmingham. to be married East Louis KU-B- O put1? sound, healthy flesh on your bones, makes you sleep well and feci re- For Hannibal. H. & St. J ville. Plane cf tin cltv engineer. IS. (1. Helm, and morning. PEOPLE Qulncy. Chattanooga. w: pledce the municipal authorities our united SKINNY points, Keokuk and The llaron la fireman employed In the , 1.55 am sjtfpa Mobile. New Orleans upport In aialstlas than in their laudable a freshed In the morning. Local - Louis. res- la Hannibal 7:41am Mjapm huu .Jacksonville. iria.; s uiidru.ktnjr- railroad yards at Ea3t St. Ills Qulncy R. 0 TtH-ds- And we idence Is given In directory system. Pure, healthy courses through your veins wliun For and Keokuk 17:41 am t:3$ pm fearIeston. c am further tirgentlr request our friends not the and KU-B- O expels all poisonous matter from your blood For at. Paul. Mlnncanolln. Southern Express to Evsna- - iind citizens generally, to vote for th approval the fact that he Is a Baron was not via East Side line. UUnols viiie. nasavllle. Blnnlne- - nt the bride-to-b- e, corpuscles In tho blood; makes you henrty. -- establishment of this Levee District to known to his who lives on KU-B- Is taken properly. It Increases the red feel htrons and and Wisconsin 7 an pm ham. Mobile, New Orleans, ili end that wo may protect our own city. Catholic street Belleville. Tli Burllngton-Northe- Fa "4 Thomasvllle. Jacksonville. Relieving necessary ICU-13- this work is even it tho marriago Mrs. lady, TO years old, writes: "I have Rained 12 pounds ulnce I took Never felt bet- una express, tor Kansas Palatka. ocala and St. Mr dlU Is hunt; further, The of Bechtll to Kraus One Petersburg 6:45 Ttssanj and. will make third venture on the mat- In my life." City, St, Joseph, Northwest pm Whereas. Tho elt authorities have pasta aa her ter Nebraska. Black Hills, Wyo- - " STl ordinance tor the establishment of a fewer rimonial sea. It follows a romaoco In Another says: "I bless God every day that I found KU-B- h.ne had heart trouble since a mlnr, Montana, Washing- LOUIS MERCHANTS' URIIMsp llMiict and Tor the bulldirg of a main sewer which she and Kraus were the principals child feel fine now. I recommend It to even- - one." ton, Puget, sound, Portland TERMINAL RAILWAY SUB URBAN throurhout the city iliercfc bo it when ;ho was only IS years old. and Oregon 1.0 am TH TRAIN SERVICE. Resolved. Bv the Eat bt Louts Real Estate -- '.: Express ror v. Eastbonnd Leave Eighth snd OrstsN strests. At that time he boarded at her home In contains one month's treatment and sold for bt. daUy-9:- Exchange that we indorse IhN ordinance and Belleville Each box $1,00 Paul. Minneapolis and Iowa 1:U pm 1:10 pm 10 s. rn.: trOO, p. m, and was In love with her. The ?.Nebraska-Colorad- 8unaay-4.-- Jtswa recommend that the city authorities use every The o Ex- 04. 6:11 VM. a. m.: couple quarreled and Kraus left the house. press, 8:02 p. m. mdeavor to hurry this woik and have the same KU-B- will to any ono upon for Denver, Colorado. Saturday and Sunday only liar completed as qufcklr aa possible On "German Day," a few weeks ago, A trial package of be sent receipt of 10 cents Utah and Pacific Coast, Tla m. Sunday only 7:06 a. m.; 12 JB s. av ft C. O McCAFLAND. President. Kraua visited Belleville and learned that 17rrt1 EVaLlI to cover mailing expense. KRUPP REMEDY CO., 111. ..SVyevh naipm pm Leave Washington avenue, dally 9:14 a nkl J B 8IKKINO. JR., his former sweetheart had been twice Chlcaxo, Night Northern Express." 6:27 p. m. Except Sunday 4 "66. 6dL ALLEN W JOltNP. married and as many times divorced and for St. Paul, Minneapolis 7:41. 16:54 a. m-- : 12:15, 3:45, 6:06 p. m. fumrtih ARTHUR M CECJllWllh. now on and lows ".... Ti4tpm and 8undsy only 1155 p. m. Euadsy cfily--S'5- t TiiTim was unmarried. He called her, SOLD BY For nilnola, via East Bids Hmi T:10 a m. : 1223 n m. 8. the old love was revived and the couple line, to Rock Ola-to-n. westbound Leave Oraalts City. dalt-f-t-- P. CHOPIN. Island. 8undav-S!lT- .4 Committee. became engaged. Wolff-Wils- on Is.. Savannah and 1:45. 6.58. 7:11 p. m. Cxelif L Sisaw Drug Co., a--B 11 JO m 4:25. m, lira. Bectiili said yesterday that she did ttApm 354. a. fSI a, KTT.T.TTD DY SWITCII ENGINE. not know tho he was a Baron and only ror Kansas city. Council lalta unday only 13:15 p. m. Sunday only 556. ISSU knew him by bis several riven n&nv-- Sixth and Washington Avt. Bluffs; Omaha. St. Joseph, 10:00 a. m. Saturday and bunday only 11:65 Pa Denver. Nebraska, Colo- Excent fiaiuraay ana bnndav s:u p. nv Sus- and his surnames. She said that she was GREAT TONIC Madison, 1:15, 2:49. 6:05? TUT Fre Walker, Car Inspector, Europe, Or direct upon receipt of 51.00. THE rado, Utah and Paclflo Xieave dally tains Injnrles. aware that he was born In tut sent Coast :00pm 7:Usm m. ExceDt Sunday 5:10. 4:09, 7:06. 8:26. M, Fatal did not know In what part She said that Local for Hannibal tll:W am 11.14 a. m.; 4:31. 9:21 p. m. Saturday ealy Fred Walker, a car Inspector for the Kraus Is to call for her at her home In 12:19 p m. Sunday only 6.00, 8.05. 10.06 s. m. (C. P. Bt. L ) 11 Wabash Railroad, run over by a Belleville this morning and that they will Train. ft Saturday and bunday only :68 p. m. toi go to Louis, they will Depart. ArrWs. engine In the East Side yards late then East St. where Plasa. Chautauqua, Grafton ST. LOUIS PEORIA LINE. be married. up yesterday mornlm; and that he called burg; Joseph White, aged 35. and Miss STOCK EXCHANGE DECIDES and Alton (.Ham 7 :30pm Ihf C. P. & &t-- L.I, Thursday night and died at St.
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