Furman University Furman University Scholar Exchange Bleak House by Charles Dickens English 1-1-1853 Bleak House. No. 11 Charles Dickens H.K. Browne Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarexchange.furman.edu/bleak-house Part of the Literature in English, British Isles Commons Recommended Citation Dickens, Charles and Browne, H.K., "Bleak House. No. 11" (1853). Bleak House by Charles Dickens. Book 11. http://scholarexchange.furman.edu/bleak-house/11 This Book is made available online by English, part of the Furman University Scholar Exchange (FUSE). It has been accepted for inclusion in Bleak House by Charles Dickens by an authorized FUSE administrator. For terms of use, please refer to the FUSE Institutional Repository Guidelines. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. .---::------------~- ·--- -~ No. XI. JANUARY . Price ls. ' 'I OY CH A R LE S D I G l{ E N S. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY H. K. BROWNE. LONDON: BRAD11l1.RY&. EVANS. BOUYERIESTREET. AO.L¥ra: I, IR!':t.ll$, tlU1'1'11Ul':!1ll; XUrtUA-YA?ll) SO?f, 01.A!GOW'; I, M""a1alatlA.!f,DUBLIIL \ ~ The Anthor of this Work notifies tb.at it is Ilia intontio11to r~s·,;-ve the right of translating it WILLIAM S. BURTON'J GENERAL FURNISHING raomioNGERY WAREHOUSE 39, OXFQRD STREET, (CO.R,Nl:e'R.OP NE\VMi~ S'tJ:\t::ftJh Nos. 1 & 2, Newman Street i and 4 ,& 6, Perry's Place, L~ndQJ!: THE BEST SHOW OF IRON BEDSTEADS in the KINGD01'4is WILLIAtf S. BURTON'S. Ile t111-1odd~ to h1', SHO""·ROOlotS ·'l'\TQ t'«-r1 lkrge one.1, which art' dt'fftted •..othe •xc.hat1' • a.bow or IRO}: •rid BRAS$ BK0S'l't.AD$ •111lCUll,.,URRt,.'S COT&, w11?1•p,•r t.111rl• H: 8rdtllnt atid Na:trc,,ct, l,S,1ny or 1hnt- U• qu 11e '"' --· •nd "1t ._,e tn•rli: co In vl1lo l'h;ou·•, •t po« • p t(lpOnlon110 wub 1h1,_, that b-.•e 1enittd 10 make hb v.