August 29, 1900
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A <1 it- *i -*■ ■*- -* A' A A A 1 A,< f | 10 Pages, i SI^^^MMSigfgBaapsBaWta—aMWMMl JgTABLISIlU) JUNK »:?, 1S(>2—VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, HIAPEI»l*i*N SOUS* rips. The Alabama crossed the finish AGAINST EXPANSION. powers will be averted and that the re- tne about 8,80 with a blast Irom her sources of diplomacy will be fully equal wn whistle and a like answer from •j the Itut Senator Ilulc Says llryan In Itctpon- to the needs of the present case.” .’exas, and a lleet of tugs gathered there ntble for What He Now Terms Heutlly A vlth^excursionists. Afterwards the ship FOUND NO Imperialism. BOXERS. A vas again circled at full speed with the Tlic Imperial Park at Pekin Searched L'exas as the centre, until she was sure- TO THE 1 y leaving a wake which m diameter [SPECIAL PltESS.] for Them, vas not over twice her 1 South own ngth. Berwick, August 54$.-— Senator 1000. the from the fresh green leaves of the | (Copyright, Associated Press.) 1 Made The trial throughout was to use Air. Hale addressed a largo audience here to- Blue Gum Tree. Pekin, August 21—Via Taku, August Tasmanian ilabama Takes Place at K. iS. Cramp's own words, a success in night. He ably discussed national Issues 27.—Three Russian, two Japanese, one ivery particular. At the same time, the and dwelt at length on Imperialism. He UNLIKE any other soap. British and one American battalion non In both engine and stoke rooms admitted that he isn’t an expansionist, Head of searched the imperial park, south of the Skin and Toilet is made i\avy. ; luffered no Inconvenience from lack of and that he had hoped war would be flyotxiei Soap city and about live miles tor Box- i resh air and the avoided. But he believed t he Still to To out, were President has Powers Unable As own skin and temperatures not Ape IfOtu nature’s purifier ers No armed force was found, but only i ‘igh The maximum revolutions of acted wisely and patriotically. Regarding cleanser, and without tho fats, grease a single Chinese scout who was killed. t he engines reached was 118 and this the Philippines he was opposed to that which form tho fig- The are in of the or dangerous alkali, i ire Japanese possession was only for half an hour, the mean feature of the treaty and he still believes It To With other manufactured, What Do summer place today. The win- base of every soap j i much below this. The and that the American Gity. Imperial lelng highest dangerous, people ter palace here is still closely guarded. to Users. team pressure was 180 pounds, or nine will be very tired of it before many years. It is a Revelation Soap ] The Russians wish to it but the Vlade of 17 , destroy Average inder the limit. The horse power de- But he added that Bryan is more than it lias ever been on the Japanese wish to save it. A southward Kothiag like placed j was other man that treads as a toilet veloped supposed to be 31.500, al- any American lasrket; nothing can take its place j Knots movement began today and will con- o't skin purifier. Yesterday. though this figure, like those for the soil, responsible for the treaty’s ratifica- irtkif tinue; but several (detachments?) will *11 or sent mail. speed, will be given at VVash- tion of what he new calls deadly imperi- gild fry druggists by Urice, officially to cents. remain protect converts.” jjeeflul Sample cake. 5 ngton. Air. Cramp said that the run alism. He related the circumstances of NO MAY BE BOOTH N. Y. n his opinion, In which of the a to to in Forward- REMITTANCES M R- T. COMPANY, Ithaca, many sending despatch Dewey “proceed Unexplicable Delay laval men aboard agreed, was not a forthwith to Manila and capture or des- Berlin, August 28.—Eight members of lorced trial, but a fair day’s work which troy the Spanish fleet.” He said it would the Chinese legation have started for le claimed can be equalled at anyjtlme have been better had these words been home. .* | 1 s the Fastest of Onr Line ing Telegrams. Probably inder ordinary conditions. Moreover, added: “And report forthwith at Hong CENTER & le said that the trial was the re- but he didn’t think to ^DOWELL, of Battle most Kong,” suggest 53» Com; s St Ships. markable the country has ever seen, that precaution, and nobody else did, so l’he run out—total elapsed time, 1.55.27; they had to accept events as they pro- Bond’s iverage sped for 33 knots, 17.15 knots, ceeded. H e said the spirit of the war Wait! and THE WOMAN’S fiFORD TIES i'he Kearsarge made the run In 1,54.19, resolution Is being carried out in Cuba iverage speed, 17.82 knots. and Porto Rico, and he hoped the day Wo teff of are at ’-i iced prices— Total elapsed time on the return, 1,57.30, was not far off when the last American res! reductions a moderate Scenes of Wanton Destruction in BLACKSTONE in average speed of 10.85 knots. The soldier will have left those islands. He former prices. If Uave a doubt rhe Day For the Trial made the run In aver- the administration’s conduct In about ft, buy a pair. «► 1 If ours are Kearsarge 1.66; praised at or bet* we will es- ige speed, 16.37 knots. the Chinese trouble and said our coun- Streets. sot good, an Excellent One. Legation CIGAR teem U a privilege to be allowed to Average speed for trial, 17 knots. The try’s honor will be maintained without refund the purchase cost Kearsarge had an average of 16 80 knots. our dividing China. We don’t need any The Alabama will leave for Philadel- Chinese territory and are better off with- The Leading URCE ASSORTMENT phia probably on the morning tide just out it. (»f Woman’* Klnml Block amt before day break. HEARD lOc Londre Inn Kid Liter OifariU, (good SPEED CONFIRMED. SEC’Y LONG. «(»rrr> nut) very itylliti, are Washington, August 28.—Acting Secre- St. Hears Peace aow priced at only New Returns to Philadel- Immense Political Rally at Rumforil Petersburg Negotiations in the woritt. Ship tary llackett tonight received a very $1.25 Falls. phia Today. brief telegram from Admiral liodgers, Have Begun* Known Everywhere. the president of the board of Inspection TESMIS nod OUTIIO) [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] » BBIdt'I A l.T V which conducted the trial of the new SHOKS J Kumford Falls, August 28.—The citi- QUALITY battleship Alabama today off Boone zens of Oxford county had an opportuni- Island. It confirms the press reports COUNTS. ty today to hear the county's famous son, showing the remarkable time made by 0 Hon. John I). Long, address them on the the ship and justifying the expecta- political issues of the day. The rally ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 Boston, 28.—There is a new tions of the naval officials. Admiral (SOUND August held in the main room of the new was sources of between Queen of the American navy, the C. S. Rodgers's dispatch said: 29, 8.40 a, m.—That heavy engagements Immense as the auditori- London, August paper mill, and the interna jionul forces \teeth Alabama, whioh today won “Preliminary trial of the Alabama the Inexplicable delay in forwarding tele- and the Boxers, battleship um it was filled with It was was, people. the officials here are satisfied that no for- the title in one of the most magnificent completed. Uncorrected speed 17 knots.” grams from the Chinese capital still con- one of the largest it not the largest polit- trials held In the of is illustrated the fact that the midable organized resistance will be speed yet history LORD ROBERTS tinues, by REPORTS. ical gathering ever held In the county. offered the Chinese if the demands of our Uer average speed for four latest despatch from Pekin, the telegram by hi I navy. The other were Senator 28.—Lord Roberts re- speakers Frye hours continuous was London, August of tne of the Asso- the powers are limited to the principles steaming exactly Senator special correspondent ♦ ports, under date of Belfast, August 28, and Hon. John F. Swasey. Frye laid down the United States in its (GOOD a not as as ciated Press, the search for by " 17 knots, figure quite high describing as follows: misunderstood the time ot the meeting several notes. * that made by another great battleship Boxers in the imperial park, Is dated no ( DICESTION and so did not arrive until but the “Our movements are slow on account late, Therefore more interest attached to a from the same builders’ later than August 21. produced yard In the meantime had been hear- are found to- of the extent and nature country. audience series of calls nearly always three years ago—the Iowa—but notably 4|pur There Is no confirmation from any diplomatic upon Acting we made a advance ing Secretary Long aud °o waited pa- At rate Today satisfactory an Secretary Adee this afternoon than any gether. any good from the fact that It gave au idea of source of the report of advance north- and met with decided success. The tiently Senator Frye's speech wa3 of in teeth lead to the other two the In this latest ward from Pekin. On the contrary a report purely military operations yet undeveloped power for became it was not work fell entirely to Buffer's troops and worth waiting China.