. .a X i HiUn Dlllnri t h .. f !: If J Established July 2, 1836. VOL. XVII. NO. 3370. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY, MAY 13. 1S93. PRICE 5 CENTS. ICcuj Pacific Commercial Advertiser CltJrnrtistmfrits. (13fneral ClDrcnisniicmt.. Special (Tottfca. IS PCBLIBHZD OCEANIC J. H. DAVIDSON, CI1AS. T. GULICK, HAWAIIAN vr.y Morning Except Sundays, CO 4-- Hardware, Builders and General, Attorney and Counsallor-at-L- a. always up NOTARY PUBLIC BY TKB to the times in quality, styles and prices. ami Co. STEAMSHIP CO For tho Island of Oahu. Abstract Title HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labo Office 3G Merchant 8tret, Plantation Supplies, Contracts. Q a Aent to Grant Marriape Licenses, Hono At Wo. 8 Merchant MU full assortment to salt Hie various demand . NO. HT. COOKE, lulu, Uahu. MICKC'llANT LEWERS & ' ARnt for the Hawaiian Island of Pitt A O Steel Plows, bcorr a b reipht and Parcels Express. (acceaiors to Lewers h Dlckion Agent for the Burlington Route. HONOLULU. 11. 1. BUHaCKIPTIOI ItJVTES : made expressly for Island work with extra parts. Australian Mail Service, I id Mr I rri nmt Iert la tniu!)r Lil Real Estate Broker & General Agent, A all Eloda oT Material. Cultivator's Cans Knives. Daily Pacific Commercial Adyebtibxb ill Va'.lilnn Box-415- . Bell Tel. 34S; MnLTel. 139; P.O. K. M. Hatch t'rfsulMU (6 PAQ18) Vice-l'reside- No.si t oitT HTKEET. Eocolnla. No. 33 MERCHANT Cecil Urown Agricultural Implements, OFFICE: St., V. K. Castle o HoSOLfLTT. QaHP, H. I. year, "Guide', premium-- 6 00 J. F. Brown, Treasurer Manajter Per with ? For San Francisco: CHARLES F. PETERSON, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc. V. F. Frear Tar mnntfi Rf) 0 Auditor Per year, poetpaid Foreign 12 00 Tho New anJ A1 SteeI Steamship ISAAC MOORE, JJ Typewriter and Notary Public. Carpenters', Blacksmiths' , , , j l X- -J -C-.-LVL JU 1 I Of and Machinists' Tools This Coiittmny preimreU to search the Oceanic Steamship Company will Office with L.. A. Thurston. I bo dae at Honolulu, from Sydnpv and s records and furnish abstracts of title to WEEKLY (12 PAGES) HaWAHA GAIETfE Anf.kian,, on nr ahJn . Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, ail real property in the Kingdom. I 7. H. STONE, LU o Per year, with "Guide" premium.! 5 00 . Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, Parties placing loans on, or conteroplat year, poetpaid Foreign 6 00 ing the purchase of real estate will find It Per I Si o AECHITECT to advantage to company JINK I- their connlt the rl N Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture. to.... I ACCOUN 'A T - Office at present: Corner King and in regard tine. yyahl InTarlahly In Advance And will leave for the above port with Mails and Passengers on or alxmt that Blake's Steam Pumps, tort btreet, witfi Vt. K. 1. Jloore. ?7A11 orders attended towithi roiupt- - I O. Dox No. 17. 3230-lm- tf ness. All transient Adverusemenu date. 0"P. I JsST"Bl Plans. SriftriGations ilfails and Weston s t I xr ...... l l l. o . rr i t Centrifugals. I most be prepaid. mvan Fnp oil 1rvcrf) rv. .- - . r tti J. M. A T. W. M'CHESSST. lliiarnnlan.lanM For Sydney & 4U Queen St, liono. SEW1HG MACHINES, 3317-t- n. M. Whttnet, Manager. Auckland KiSSlFl. Wilcox & Gibfcs, and Remington. tion of Buildings. f M. W. McCIIESNEY & SONS, 0. BKEWER & CO., Lfl) Abthur Joiixstone, Editor. The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship o ln Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer Lubricating Oils QUSEN StOEST, IIo.VOLfLU II. I. 99 qoaVd;WI jj ANDERSON k LUNDY IMOISrOW.A.1 and Importers. AG1CNTS CITY. chants Kpnprnl rafprnhanrfisa 'lt not possible to list rOK THE WORLD'3 FAIR Hawaiian Agricultural Co. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will iu Queen St., Honolulu. be da3 at Honolulu, from ban rrancisco. there is anything you want, come and ask for you will be Onomea bnpar Co. on or about it, HonomH Sujrar Co. The buildings are the tallest HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., politely treated. ISo trouble to show goods. DENTISTS. Wailnku Suprar Co. In Chicago ; 3278-tf-- d KG2-tf-- w Waiheo ujjar C. The ladies' feet are smallest JUNE 1st, 3Sngin.es, Makee Co. In Chicago. Steam llulcakula Itanch Co. The wits are always keenest, And will have pompt despatch with u ' !"r' Nsrr Mill:., Cooler. Brca Kapanala Kancli. The pavements are the cleanest, Mails and Passengcia for the above ports. nal Lal Castings, riautcrn' Line San Francisco 1'acketn. - greenest 1843. 1893. Chaa. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Honton The boulevard.- are And machinery of every description made SEMI-CENTENNI- AL Hotel St., opp. Dr. J, S. McGrcw Packets. In Chicago. The undersigned are now prepared to order. Particular attention paid to . Agenta IioBton Boanl of Underwriterfl. newspapers are brightest to issue ships' blacksmithin-r- Job woik excr.ted The AS Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri In Chicago ; on the shortest nntic. 5 rey-Q- administerkd, ters. Policemen are politest THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS Per Cent Debenture Folic) In Chicago. ik List c:-- Opjiceuh: t. CO., -- Annoyances are fewest, IN THE UNITED STATES. ISSUED BY- - And the bon mots are the new ATLAS Hon. J. O. Carter, President A Manairei While the skies are ever blut. GeorRO II. HobertPon Treasurer In Chicago. re"dh Wholesale and Relail Grocers, Assurance Company E. F. Bishop Secretary Freigl SS2S?S?r Co. Col. W. F. Allen....- Auditor Th.e Bisb.-i- Mu.tu.al IllS. ) The ladies are the fairest Life Hon. C. It. ' In Chicago ; Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., KORT STREET. POUNDED 180M. H. Waterhonse I jaj. V Directora. And the homely girls are rarest, ill 8. C. Allen Kq. ) In Chicago. GENERAL AGENTS. The husbands are the neatest, Kicnard A. McJuray, - - President. Capital. 8 6,000,009 While the wives are always sweetest, J. S. EMERSON, i 5 9,000.000 And the errand boys are fleetest OCEANIC In Chicago. T r.-- . i i? ii r - i a Of Engineer iiiiunauuuii ifjraruin'r mis lorm w poucy, or any particulars concerning me i it i aldermen are greatest and Survevor various other forms of policies Issued by The Mutual -- Life Insurance Company rnay The - abcvo Company are now ready to Chicago ; be obtained of v, . In CO Koom 3 Spreekels' Block, Honolulu. .rr.. t i Their doings are the straightest STEAMSHIP rrenuuja. In Chicago; 3212 1451-t- f General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. The winters are the mildest, H. VV. SCHMIDT A SONS. And the summers reconciledest And Time Table. BEAVER SALOON, The liars He the wildest ForlNtre(, Opposite Wilder fc to.'j H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., DE. B. I. M00HE Pionoor Steam In Chicago. LOCAL LINE. 1. J. NOLTK, rBOPEIETOB. London Amusing Journal. ?:itt-clr-8 Lnnoties BeTved with Tea, CoSes CANDY FACTORY ui BAKERY. S. S. --AXTSTHJLIA. Soaa Water, Qlcgor Ale or Milk. lilPORTEKS AND DSAlKK-- t ii Open From 3 a. m. 10 p. m. I3B1STXIST, CHICAGO EXHIBITION Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu till F, HORN Practical Coniectlonfr, THE from S. F. forS.F. TRruoiera'KeqnlalteB Bpeclalty, Pastrr Cook and IUker. Apr. 19 Apr. 26. No. 71 Hntol Bt. Tlnr-ltone- . by Mr. A. Svixburn, May 17 May 24. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Groceries, Provisions and Feed Ode C June 14 June 21. by The following ode, suggested the Importer csl Valet la Office: Corner Kins and Fort Stresta forthcoming Chicago Exhibition, has WONG SAI, THROUGH LINE. QENKKAL EAST CORNER FORT AND KIMO STREETS. (Over & Newman's Drug Store.) been written by -- Mr. Swinburne and MEEOHANDISB. Ilobron From San Fran, From Sydney for II An music by Professor Stanford. 25--31 1 se. to for Sydney. ban No. Queen 8t7eet, Honolala. Office Hours: 9 to 12 and to C. t rancisco. New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and EuroDe EAST TO WEST. 3271-l- m REMOVED TO 57 HOTEL STREET V Arrive Honolulu. Leare Honolulu. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and 1 H. HACKFELD & CO, I. MARIPOSA May 4 MONO WAI May 4 i30ous delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. c no Mst and MONOWAl June 1 1 ALAMEDA June 1 Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92. Near Nuuanu tkekt. DU .nrkv 1 H. wit areone. ALAMEDA June 29 MARIPOSA Jun.29 General COUltniSSiOIi A':0IltS JOHN THOMPSON, viia trt tAoa in heaven berore me i A5i4-- m Silk CJlothinji, sovereign sun. & JupanusH Crep Hrilrtd Oor. Kort Qnooa G-ex- Et., Honolnla. t nl tne springs oi me uwu I NOTARY PUBLIC UnderololhlnK From rpncws - I toQiino otrinrvj and tran. nuR GERT7 Co., Of every deecriptiou made to order at .ok..a LV Eoyal figures the west. IMPORTER AND DEALER V. K. DOVE, Insurance ehort notice. CHAS. Acknowledgments From the depths of the sunset a light Agent to take to as of morning enkindles the GENTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Engineer. hrnad sea's breast. Surveyor and OF LIVERPOOL. DRY GOODS AT RETAIL skies and the I LABOR CONTRACTS. And the lands and the Boots, Shoes ana Slippers -- CHARGES EXCEEDING LT MODERATE WITtf miLVl DVCW ni.Anw "THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD." Bce done, Has removed to Nuuanu Street, Fos- fi-'Of- the night's work Room 11, Spreekels Block. at Gulick's Agency, No. 38 ir. ter Block, opposite Merchant St. la Honolulu to get yonr 3344-t- f Merchant Street, Honolulu. Child of dawn, and regent in the WILLIAM C. PARSE, Assets January, 1st, 1892? 842,432,17400 world-wid- e sea, Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1892. 3181-3- m Plambins and Tinwork England smiles on Europe, fa: as -- AT -- LAW dawn and free.
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