We would like to share with you the email below, received by us from School Admissions at the Borough of . It offers information on the Borough’s Consultation on school admission arrangements 2019/20 :

Updates The following schools have either amended or commenced consultation since 15 December:

Heatherlands Primary School Heatherlands is now an . Ocean Learning Trust, as the admissions authority for the School, have adopted the Local Authority Community School policy and extended the consultation until 31 December 2017.

The Trust are consulting on clarifying oversubscription criteria and home-to-school distance measurement wording. There are no changes to how the policy works.

Manorside Academy The Academy are consulting on clarifying oversubscription criteria and home-to-school distance measurement wording. There are no changes to how the policy works. The school are consulting until 31 December 2017.

Magna Academy Poole Magna are no longer consulting on including Jewell Academy as a feeder school. They are consulting on including Ocean Academy as a feeder school.

St Edward's RC/CE VA School Consultation on changes to applying under Catholic faith grounds have been withdrawn. The school will continue to consult until 15 December 2017 about the clarification to home-to-school distance measurement wording.

Schools continuing to consult until 15 December 2017 not included in above update:

Harbourside Learning Partnership (Baden Powell & St Peter’s CE Junior School, Courthill Infant School, Lilliput CE Infant School, Longfleet CE Primary School, Oakdale Junior School and Old Town Infant School)

Local Authority Community Schools (Hillbourne Primary School and Turlin Moor Community School)

Carter Community School

Parkstone Grammar School

Poole Grammar School

St Aldhelm’s Academy

All policies are available on each school’s website and at learning/school-and-colleges/school-admissions/consultation-on-admission-arrangements-for-2019- 20/

If you have any queries, please contact Angie Hill on 01202 261912.