Volume XXXV, Issue 1 Winter 2012 Special points of interest:

 2012 AJA dues are due The Concept of Zanshin in now. Please see your Reginald Lee Heefner sensei to submit as soon as possible. The concept of zanshin in Japa- written with the Sino-Japanese name), it also means “to take nese martial arts (bugei) and character heed.” So together, quite liter- martial ways (budo) is not easily ally, the two characters mean defined. For the moment, let us “remaining heart/mind” or use “a heightened state of alert- “remaining attention.” ness once one opponent has been dispatched” as a working Nelson’s classic Japanese-English definition, though it may be a bit dictionary does not list the clumsy. I personally believe that the basic meaning of which is compound for zanshin. How- it is not something that can be “to remain; be left over; linger; ever, it is listed in the Kojien, a explicitly taught, though a good stay; survive.” 1 comprehensive Japanese- sensei can draw students’ atten- Japanese dictionary that native tion toward its attainment, The syllable shin is the Sino speakers use then they are which happens only of its own Japanese character for “heart”2 stumped by the meaning of a Inside this issue: accord after decades of rigorous compound. Here it states that training. zanshin is “an attitude of mental preparedness for an enemy’s In order to get a better handle counter-attack once a technique The Pre-Emptive 2 on the term, I believe it can be has been effected in the art of Strike apprehended theoretically by sword or the art of the bow.” examining the meaning of the This character also expresses Thus, as we might well have two Sino-Japanese characters the semantic range of “mind, surmised, the origins of the The AJA: More 3 used to write the compound spirit, mentality, attention, in- concept inhere in the sword, Than Just Insur- that represents the concept. tention, interest, will, and true with a carry-over into the theo- meaning.” Combined with the ance retical and practical framework The syllable zan in zanshin is Japanese verb sura (to do, to (Continued on page 4) Newsletter Sub- 3 missions Stay On Your Feet About the AJA 5 J.D. McCurdy, President

If attacked on the street, remain because they have studied self- tion of my closest friend. standing if at all possible. No defense strategies, and we have Promotions 5 one should want to go to the discussed such situations off and An aiki-ju-jutsu friend empha- ground. Hitting concrete or on over the years. I’m re- sized that the ground hurts (no asphalt will hurt. minded of what Sensei Al Gard- matter how well you are versed ner said at a camp at the Uni- in uekmi on hard surfaces), but When I decided on this topic, I versity Of Maryland one sum- he had mixed thoughts about knew where my thoughts were mer: “Dennis, as a karate-ka I the subject. According to his and why but was interested in will kick you and punch you to ryu, standing is the default strat- what other good martial artists I the ground so you will not get egy. Going to the ground is know thought about it. I al- up.” I got the same response either a last resort and danger- ready had a pretty good idea, when I recently asked the ques- (Continued on page 4)

Page 2 AJA Newsletter

The Pre-Emptive Strike David Patton In thinking about self-defense I was not the primary aggressor. disable the attacker and ensure have often asked myself when Of course, we do not know all the success of your defense. and where a pre-emptive strike of the dynamics of this event, Remember, this is a violent or “first blow” would be ap- but let us assume that she had robbery where a deadly propriate. It is important for been battered for years and weapon is used. There is noth- people who train as we do to knew from his body language ing that says you have to wait go through a kind of mental and statements that he had to be struck before striking scenario from time to time. every intention of hurting her. out. Doing so has proven to make Why would anyone believe that people sharper and more pre- she would have to yield or try The aggressive incidents de- pared when confronted with to run away before striking scribed above are potentially the prospect of real violence. first? very violent, a fact that justifies For those of us who study a pre-emptive maneuver. Keep “There is under the Budoshin system, it is Let us look at another situation in mind that most assaults are common practice to yield and that could happen to any of us. far less likely to harm people nothing that block before stunning and strik- You have just left the local mall physically. The prospect of ing or kicking. Of course, it is after shopping. You are in a being shoved or touched in an says you have our obligation as good citizens dark parking lot trying to get offensive manner will probably to avoid, evade, create dis- into your car. Just then, a man not justify a pre-emptive strike. to wait to be tance, and/or run whenever walks up behind you with a tire In most cases you will have to possible to thwart conflict. iron in his hand and says, “Give “yield” first. Students should struck before me all your cash or I’m gonna practice in reality-based situa- However, as a police officer for bust you up!” Just as you reach tions whenever possible, while striking out.” the last 23 years, I can tell you for your wallet, he raises the acting and responding in a re- that there are times when a iron as if to strike. What do sponsible and prudent way. person can defend him- or you do? Most of us know that This requires more than just herself lawfully by striking first. Osoto Gari would work well in dojo practice. It requires discus- For example, take a domestic this situation. Most of us do sions of legal matters, research- violence case: An abused not see that technique as pre- ing case law, speaking with woman faces her batterer. His emptive, but it is! You counter- lawyers about self-defense hands clinched, he looks very attack the attacker before he cases, training in real life sce- angry, and he says, “I’m going has a chance to complete the narios, etc. I not only train my to make sure, once and for all, strike. [Editor’s Note: This people in kata and waza, I ex- that you do what I say.” The might be an example of sen sen plain to them why we do what woman has no immediate es- no sen, as described in Reginald we do and what the ramifica- cape and decides she is not Heefner’s article, although that tions might be. We train with- going to go back to the hospital concept often applies to subtler out gi tops, with blindfolds, and again. Before he has a chance forms of threat.] If the tire iron in inferior positions to make to do or say anything else, she goes past the apex of his swing the training as real as possible. strikes him hard, breaking his (where his strike is most pow- The more you train in real jaw, and runs to safety. In erful), it will be too late and the terms, the better off you will many cases, despite the fact Osoto Gari will not work. So be when faced with a real dan- that she struck first, she may this is the time to strike. Now, ger. not be held at fault, since it can as most Yudansha know, you reasonably be inferred that she can amplify this technique to

Volume XXXV, Issue 1 Page 3

The AJA: More Than Just Insurance George Kirby, Chairman For some sensei and students, the AJA don’t even have to meet on the outside sensei at black belt boards. is like a shoebox in the back of the same mat! It’s good PR for you, the sensei, closet with the word “Insurance” on it. and your students will appreciate it However, others see the AJA for what  The AJA publishes the AJA News- too. it is – a service organization. You might letter. David Boesel and Will Har- ask, besides providing insurance, what ris have been doing an excellent job  There are also AJA sensei who’d else does the AJA do? Well, it does a putting out issues of the newsletter love to teach a seminar at your lot! as an online publication. If you’re a dojo. This could be a good fund- sensei, you should be giving the link raiser for your dojo. All you have  The AJA provides national certifi- to your students or providing them to do is ask. cates of rank, which are recognized with printed copies. You are en- in AJA dojo throughout the county. couraged to write an article for the The AJA can do a lot for you and your The certificates, required for all newsletter, whether you’re a sensei dojo – but you’ve got to get the shoe- members sankyu and higher, are or a student. Sensei Dave also box out of the closet. Use the AJA logo nice looking and inexpensive. Do needs information from YOUR on your documents and in any publicity. you have yours? AJA certificate dojo including promotions and It can only help when others see that applications are available online at other events your dojo and stu- you’re part of a national martial arts the AJA website. dents are involved in! organization. Post your dojo and in- structor certificates for all to see. Be  The AJA provides AJA membership  The AJA has a new National sure to mention that you’re an AJA dojo cards. Sensei can contact Steven Awards program, thanks to the in any publicity or news releases you Castorena for more information. work of Sensei John Landry. Sensei send out. He’s listed on the AJA website. submit nominations for outstanding students and black belts, and there The AJA is not just about insurance. It’s  The AJA sanctions freestyle kata are awards for outstanding dojo. In about a lot of other things, as well. tournaments on both the east and addition, sensei will be able to pre- What it does, how you and your stu- west coasts. If you can get enough sent AJA certificate awards to stu- dents see it, and how your community competitors together (combining 2- dents within their dojos for out- sees it is up to you, whether you’re a 3 local dojo), there’s no reason standing service or other reasons. sensei or a student. The AJA is only as why you can’t organize an AJA More information will be available strong as all of us working together to sanctioned kata competition your- later as Sensei John finishes this up publicize the organization and get it the self. In addition, I’m working with in the next month or so. name recognition it deserves. Don’t be Sensei Alene Carteret and 2-3 a weak link in the chain. Publicize the other black belts to construct a  The AJA can provide you with a list AJA. Use all of its services. Make the system for determining national of available black belts in your area AJA chain strong and unbreakable. As a tournament winners, based upon who might be able to sit on promo- practical matter, the AJA is what you standardized scoring across individ- tional boards for students testing in make of it! Shout “Kiyai” and go for it! ual tournaments. Competitors your dojo. It’s impressive to see

Newsletter Submissions We need your help! If you have an article or an upcoming event, we would like to hear from you. It can be an article about tech- nique, philosophy, real life encounters, or anything about the students or dojo. Even if it’s just a comment about an article in the newsletter or an AJA event you’ve attended, we’d like to see it. If you have an upcoming event you would like to advertise, let us know. If you haven't guessed by now, we’re interested in just about anything you have going on. If it’s about you, the students or the teachers in your dojo, then it’s about the AJA!

Please send your submissions to: [email protected]

A note about formatting: Don’t worry about it! The editors will take the time to format and size it to make it easy to read. Just get us the information and we’ll make it work!

Page 4 AJA Newsletter

Stay On Your Feet

(Continued from page 1) our legs to kick at the opponents legs and then regain a stand- ous tactic or an outcome that you don’t choose – for example, ing posture. if you are knocked to the ground and forced to defend in that position. However, there may be some occasions where deliberately taking an opponent down can give you the upper hand. If an Goho (hard) techniques can help prevent an attacker from attacker (in one-on-one situation) has the advantage of leg and taking you to the ground. For example, if an attacker tries to arm length or excessive lower body power, these things can be tackle you from the front, you may be able to counter with eliminated by going to the ground. This is not wrestling per se, evasion and strikes to open targets. Another approach is to but a strategy that can make the small equal to the larger. apply a varietal kaiten nage technique while remaining upright. Unfortunately, in my experience, many instructors teach If he wraps his arms around your legs to sweep you off your ground techniques without teaching the associated strategies feet (in morote gari or tora nage), you can sprawl and deliver required for good self-defense. an empi-uchi to the base of the skull or to the nerve pocket at the lower base of the scapula (shoulder blade). Painful blows A good way of training for this eventuality is to practice your such as these can easily dissuade your attacker. basic ne-waza of transitioning from one immobilization to another -- mune yoko gatame to kesa gatame to kata gatame If you are knocked to the ground (say, by a second and un- to kuzure shiho gatame to gayku (ushiro) shiho gatame and known attacker), you must have a useful defense strategy to then back out…all the while is dynamic in his movement. deal with an opponent who is down on the ground with you… Static practice offers little in what can be expected by uke. and with his accomplices in cowardice standing above you. Osae-komi techniques of the judo and ju-jitsu are effective in There are (or should be) specific hard techniques for these gaining understanding of how an opponent is likely to move situations in your ryu. For example, if you are in the guard or and hence how you can achieve a standing position. a mount position, you can strike with the elbow to the solar plexus or the face, immobilizing your opponent and allowing Conclusion: you to get back to your feet. In general, staying on your feet is the best way to defend On the battlefield one goes to the ground to avoid a myriad of against an attack on the street. However, going to the ground projectiles and incoming munitions followed by the enemy field as a strategy can be done. In some cases it has to be done. In force. In such a situation, you might be confronted by a stand- rare and only rare cases, it should be done deliberately. In ing, armed enemy approaching from the front, and perhaps training, where we are operating under a system of rules, from the rear and un-noticed until they are upon you. From things are not the same as what we encounter in the street. my perspective, being pushed to the ground in a city neighbor- We cannot always select our strategy, so the best advice for hood is no different than a battlefield. The aiki-bujutsu ryu survival is to be prepared, and trained, for everything and not have an entire category of goho defenses for fighting on the become involved in a mantra of assuming the mount. My pref- ground and defending against standing combatants. At the erence is to stay on my feet -- if my opponent will let me. Daitobukan Dojo we practice defending from the ground using

The Concept of Zanshin in Japanese Martial Arts

(Continued from page 1) the scene closes with a lingering shot of his immobile face. of unarmed combat. Kyuzo is in that state of lingering heightened awareness that constitutes zanshin. But how might we see or learn zanshin? One of the prime purposes of kata is to inculcate this into practitioners, along with the concepts of sen (combat initiative), go no sen Footnotes: (responding to combat initiative), and sen sen no sen (foreseeing 1See Andrew N. Nelson’s The Modern Reader’s Japanese-English nd and sensing the intention of combat initiative). Character Dictionary, 2 edition, Charles Tuttle, Tokyo, 1974, p. 522 entry 2444; henceforth abbreviated N2444, etc. Some You can see an example of zanshin in the movie The Seven sources use a different character for zan (N1713) that means Samurai (Shichinin No Samurai). Pay particular attention to the “cruelty, wickedness, harsh, or merciless.” I myself believe the scene in which Kyuzo, the taciturn master swordsman, is chal- first definition remains closer to the concept of “remaining in a lenged by another samurai and reluctantly accepts. The chal- heightened state of mental alertness.” Both characters are lenger charges Kyuzo, and both swing their swords. For a long correct, but the second is more rooted in the Chinese mean- moment, both men stand facing each other, swords down. It is ing of the term. not clear who won. Then the challenger topples to the ground. Kyuzo remains still, as if frozen in time and space, and 2N1645 in Nelson’s dictionary.

About the American Ju-Jitsu Association AMERICAN JU-JITSU The American Ju-Jitsu Association was founded in 1972, by George Kirby and William Fromm at the ASSOCIATION request of their sensei, Jack Seki, for the purpose of bringing different ryu of the art together in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and respect. Since that time it has grown from two dojo to ap- PO Box 801854 proximately twenty-four, plus international affiliates. The AJA has established itself as a reputable Santa Clarita, CA 91380 organization within the martial arts community and works closely with other major Ju-Jitsu organiza- tions in the United States and internationally in areas of mutual concern.

The AJA is a non-profit amateur athletic association registered with both the state of California and the United States government [IRS code 501(c)(3)]. It is a non-profit corporation with a charitable Board of Directors foundation status. Although originally recognized by the IRS as a “social club” because there was no other way to recognize the AJA as an amateur athletic association, formal recognition of the AJA as a Chairman / International Region Director Prof. George Kirby true amateur athletic association, according to the criteria of the United States government, was se- cured in 1976 under the Sports Act of that year. To our knowledge, the AJA is the only martial arts President Prof. John D. McCurdy organization in the U.S. that is classified by the IRS as an amateur athletic association. Vice President / Director Black Belt Board Mark Jordan

Secretary Promotions Prof. Karen Curley & Prof. Wade Susie

Rank Name Dojo Date Treasurer Marc Tucker

Godan Jeff Wynn Vancouver Institute of Self Defense 8/21/2011 Western Region Director Tony Damigo Yodan Arnold Smith Cub Run Jujitsu 9/25/2011 Southern Region Director / International Shodan Leon Mansfield Reston YMCA Jujitsu 10/8/2011 Competition Coordinator Prof. Tony L. Maynard

Ikkyu Arron Diyarza Reseda Catdragon Dojo 10/20/2010 Northern Region Director Prof. Terry Feelemyer Chris Wright-Martell Budoshin Jujitsu Yudanshakai 11/6/2010 Director Emily Hallameyer Maru Martial Arts 9/29/2011 Prof. Gene Roos Kelley Robins Vancouver Institute of Self Defense 9/30/2011 AJA Newsletter Diann Reese Vancouver Institute of Self Defense 10/7/2011 Editor Nikyu Peter Turney Bel Air Rec Council 3/24/2011 David Boesel

Dustin Ferren Bel Air Rec Council 3/24/2011 Associate Editor Will Harris Joshua Smith Bel Air Rec Council 3/24/2011 Associate Editor Dave Clark April Warren Reseda Catdragon Dojo 4/24/2011 Sankyu Marcos Diyarza Reseda Catdragon Dojo 10/14/2010 Trey Kimberling Reseda Catdragon Dojo 10/14/2010

Visit us on the web: www.AmericanJuJitsuAssociation.org