Mansehra Food Security Project in Pakistan
External evaluation of the Mansehra Food Security Project in Pakistan Evaluation Mission 19 Jan to 7 Feb 6 2012 Final Report: March, 2012 Authors: Paigham Shah, Crop/Agricultural Specialist, Team Leader Khalid Nawab Extension Expert Hafsa Naheed, Post graduate student Sana Abid, Post graduate student 1 Acknowledgements The evaluation team would like to thank the CWW staff at Islamabad and Abbottabad for their extraordinary welcome, cooperation and support. The team appreciates the useful discussions with CWW staff for the evaluation of the MFSP. The team is also thankful the staff of the two partner organizations, Haashar Associations and Rural Development Project, for their full cooperation in field visits and useful discussion. We, the members of evaluation team, are also thankful to the local communities including members of village organizations, beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries; and government line department officials who spared their time to meet the members of the evaluation team and had useful discussion with the members of the team; we appreciate the sharing of their opinions, experiences, and expertise with the team members. The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the independent evaluation team and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Concern Worldwide Pakistan, the implementing partners, CWW project staff, Government of Pakistan, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A portion of water channel rehabilitated A view of the forest nursery established by RDP near Alari village, UC Shoal by
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