Gothic heritage: the perfect , the aesthetics of structure; verticality of power Gothic as the Heavenly Jerusalem Gothic versus Cathedral’s façade Cathedral’s interior Stained-glass windows Flying buttresses Between Gothic and Freestanding : the Virgin Nicola and - Classical heritage and Gothic religiosity : Giotto The Gothic Cathedral

Term Gothic born as pejorative rehabilitated in the 19th cent

James Renwick, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Construction Completed: 1879, New York Influence on early modernism: beauty of structure

John ROEBLING, Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, 1869 -1883 verticality

Cass GILBERT, Woolworth William VAN ALEN, Building: view Chrysler Building from the air, New York, 1913 New York, 1930 Urbanization and power

San Gimignano, 13th century

Manhattan, USA, 21st century Exterior: Main characteristics of Gothic facade: - Not 1 but 3 monumental portals - decoration everywhere (, columns, trefoils, rose) - windows - lightness (vision of Heavenly Jerusalem), rather than volume and heaviness (solidity) - Verticality of pointed arches Cathedral, , ca. St-Trophime, , France, ca. 1225-1290 and 1180 Reims Cathedral, France, ca. 1225-1290 Interior of Saint- Sernin, Toulous e, France, ca. 1070-1 120

The Gothic ribbed groin is a development of

The Romanesque groin vault From structural to aestheticfunction structure and beauty Influence of…

Pointed arches at the base of the dome, Great , Cordoba, Spain, 961-965. Reims Cathedral, France, ca. 1225-1290

Flying buttresses Notre-Dame, , France, begun 1163, and flying buttresses ca. 1180-1200

The Gothic Cathedral: light

Abbot Suger’s “lux nova” filtered through the sacred images of windows Jewels of the Heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation XXI)

Chartres Cathedral, north , Rose and Lancet, 1220

Virgin and Child (Virgin of Paris), Notre-Dame, Paris, France, Early 14th century, detail

Nicola Pisano, Fortitude, detail of pulpit of Cathedral baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, marble , Fortitude, detail of pulpit of baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, marble

Pulpit: a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon It is a mix of Classical and Gothic elements:

trefoil, but round arches

Corinthian capitals

Large rectangular relief panels similar to those of Roman sarcophagi

Nicola Pisano, pulpit of Pisa Cathedral baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, marble Nicola Pisano, The and the Nativity, detail of Annunciation pulpit of Pisa Cathedral baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, marble relief Nicola Pisano, The Annunciation and the Nativity, detail of Nativity pulpit of Pisa Cathedral baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, marble relief Bath (prefiguration Nicola Pisano, The Annunciation and the Nativity, detail of pulpit of Pisa Cathedral baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, of Baptism) marble relief Nicola Pisano, The Annunciation and the Giovanni Pisano, The Nativity, detail of pulpit of Pisa Cathedral Annunciation and the Nativity, baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, marble detail of the pulpit of relief Sant’Andrea, , Italy, 1297-1301, marble relief Nicola Pisano, The Virgin, detail


Nervous agitation

Giovanni Pisano, The Virgin, detail Dynamism of a moment

Nicola Pisano, The Giovanni Pisano, The Annunciation, detail Annunciation, detail Intense gaze: psychological drama Giovanni Pisano, The Bath, detail

Humanity of the characters

Nicola Pisano, The Bath, detail Giovanni Pisano, The Crucifixion(detail) , Pistoia:Church S.Andrea, 1297 , Madonna Enthroned, ca. 1280-1290 Giotto, Madonna Enthroned, ca. 1310. , Florence Tempera on wood, Uffizi Firenze

Volume of the figures

Complexity and modernity of architecture

No more frontality

Clear position of figures in space

Natural superimposition of figures

Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned, ca. 1280-1290 Giotto, Madonna Enthroned, ca. 1310. Uffizi, Florence Tempera on wood, Uffizi Firenze Giotto, Madonna Enthroned, ca. 1310. Tempera on wood, Uffizi Firenze, p.206 illusion of the third 2 implications dimension on a flat surface 1) prominence of sight (2 ways): ----> foundations of 1) modeling empirical science 2) intuitive perspective: 2) Things are shown the architectures = three- according to their position dimensional stages where in relation to the viewer these figures can act

Interior of the Arena Chapel (Cappella Scrovegni), , Italy, 1305-1306

Humanization: angels darting about in hysterical grief Solemn theatricality: congregation mourns over the dead body of Christ, showing different manifestations of despair Involvement of the viewer: figures seen from the back:

Giotto, Lamentation, Cappella Scrovegni, Padua, Italy, ca. 1305. Fresco Giotto, Lamentation, Vesperbild (Pieta’), Cappella Middle Region, Scrovegni, Germany, c. 1330, wood Padua, Italy, ca. and polychromy, h. 34” 1305. Fresco ca.