The Externsteine Exciting and Energetic 70 Millon Years History in Stone in History Years Millon 70 Information Centre Externsteine Externsteiner Straße 35 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Tel. 05234 2029796
[email protected] Disclaimer The Denkmal-Stiftung of the Landesverband Lippe, owner of the Externsteine and the surrounding nature reserve, shall not be liable for material or personal damage caused when taking part in an event organized by the Facebook: Denkmal-Stiftung, when climbing the rocks, or when visiting the information centre and the surroundings of the Externsteine respectively. Denkmal-Stiftung | Landesverband Lippe Schlossstraße 18 | 32657 Lemgo Tel.: 05261 25020 | Fax: 05261 250287
[email protected] Fotos: Landesverband Lippe; privat Robin Jähne; The Externsteine ................................................... 4/5 The Relief of the Descent from the Cross .. 6/7 Mysterious Features ............................................ 8/9 Information Centre Externsteine ............... 10/11 Climbing the Rocks .......................................... 12/13 Nature Meets Culture .................................... 14/15 Guided Tours .............................................. 16/17 Map of the Rocks .............................................. 18/19 Service ..................................................... 20 Unique Natural and Cultural Monument in Central Europe 4 The Externsteine The Externsteine