8278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE April 18, 1966 adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, William S. Plank Bobby D. Edwards Duane D. Helton Jack L. Wallace April 19, 1966, at 12 o'clock meridian. Richard V. O'Connell Donald R. Rich Lionel Greve Henry M. Coghlan II Philip L. Richardson Marshall A. Levitan James L. Murphy Michael W. Chalfant Ralph H. Rhudy A. David Schuldt William M. Goodhue, Roy K. Matsushige WalterS. Simmons George M. Ensign Jr. Richard T . LeRoy NOMINATIONS Frederick G. Paulsen George C. Chappell Wllliam S. RichardsonLarry K. Nelson Jeffrey L. Gammon John P. Vandermeu- A. Conrad Weymann Arthur D. Ross Executive nominations received by the Gary E. Rorvig len III Colin L. Campbell Senate April 18, 1966: To be lieutenants (junior grade) David L. Sweetland Richard F. Coons U.S. MARSHAL Gordon P. Dodge Arthur J. Kuhn Clifford A. Wells Roger H. Kerley George R . Knecht John K. Callahan, Jr. Antonio C. Baza, of Guam, to be U.S. mar­ Thomas F. Scygiel, Jr. Irving Menessa shal for the district of Guam for the term of Oliver R. Maclntosh,Paul M. Hale To be ensigns 4 years. (Reappointment.) · Jr. William IM. Noble Terry C. de Ia Robert H. Johns U.S. ATTORNEY Michael G. Kenny Stanley M. Hamilton Moriniere James E. Walsh Almeric L. Christian, of the Virgin Islands, Vincent Tabbone Leonard M. Larese- Thomas M. Wesik Caron D. North, Jr. to be U.S. attorney for the Virgin Islands for William T. McMullen Casanova Kenneth H. Voigt David M. Wilson the term of 4 years. (Reappointment.> Gary A. Eskelln Dennis E. Youngdahl David J. Lystrom James R. Vandell Theodore Wyzewski Kirk P. Patterson Jerome F. Ewen Wllliam H. Naylor ENVmONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES Charles R . Mcintyre Otto F. Steffi.n James L. Ogg Stephen M. Mark ADMINISTRATION Edward M. Gelb Carl W. Fisher Thomas E. Gerish Thomas C. Kalil Subject to qualifications provided by law, Roger A. Moyer Arthur P. Sibold III Fred S. Long Ernest D. Harden the following for permanent appointment to Fidel T. Smith John 0. Rolland Todd M. Gates Peter M. Hall the grades indicated in the Environmental Kenneth F. Burke Phlllip F. Dean Leonard D. Kenith L. Harris Science Services Administration: Floyd S. Ito Steven M. Erickson Goodisman Michael Engel To be lieutenants Melvin N. Maki James E. Clark, II Charles H. McClure Joseph L. Scott Melvin S. Asato Donald P. Henneuse James P. Brown, Jr. Richard M. Petry- Christropher C. Lance W. Pape Thomas W. Wells Dino J. Ferralli Walter L. Bradly czanko Mathewson Glen R. Schaefer Joseph R. Avampato Keith A. Boe Ronald W. Harlan Leonard T. Lynch, Jr. Claude 0. Phipps Harold D. Nilsson Gary L. Boyack Randall B. Cummings


Malcontents Who Refuse To Pay Income guarantees, they whine and squawl like of Political Parties in Congress: A Bibli­ Taxes Because of War in Vietnam poisoned pups when our Government op­ ography and Research Guide." poses Communist aggression anyWhere in This very valuable research guide was Should Be Sent to Prison the world. authored by Prof. Charles 0. Jones of There is, however, something to be said the Department of Government, Univer­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS for these nondescripts who would refuse sity of Arizona, and Dr. Randall B. Rip­ OF to pay their income taxes. In that way ley, research associate with the Brook­ they at least expose themselves to our ings Institution. I am confident it would HON. 0. C. FISHER penal laws which make each of them sub­ be of great benefit to anyone interested OF TEXAS ject to fines and imprisonment for de­ in Congress and politics. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES liberate refusal to obey the laws of our l~nd. Surely the Internal Revenue Monday, April18, 1966 Service and the Department of Justice Mr. FISHER. Mr. Speaker, the April will give them the full treatment they de­ Planning Conference Calls for Mid-Decade 14 issue of the Washington Post carried serve. The Congress and the American a half-page advertisement signed by people will undoubtedly demand that Census some 400 people which announced their every one of these criminals-and that is intention to refuse to pay their income what each will be who thus violates the EXTENSION OF REMARKS taxes voluntarily. In that publicity it law-will be prosecuted to the full ex­ OF was contended the United States, in our tent of the law. opposition to Communist aggression in When that is done our Nation will be HON. ROBERT N. C. NIX Vietnam and the Dominican Republic, relieved, at least temporarily, of the pres­ OF PENNSYLVANIA was guilty of atrocities against innocent ence of these bellyaching phonies who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES civilians. Our actions were compared to are obviously quite unhappy with the Monday, April18, 1966 Russia's intervention in Hungary, and American brand of freedom and democ­ other idiotic accusations were included. racy. Mr. NIX. Mr. Speaker, it has come to By way of retaliation these morbid my attention that the Atlanta, Ga., Re­ misfits declared they would refuse to pay gion Metropolitan Planning Commission their income taxes voluntarily. The Role of Political Parties in Congress in a meeting on March 25, 1966, passed a This publicity, attributed to a group resolution supporting a mid-decade which includes some well-known pro­ census. EXTENSION OF REMARKS The resolution and the statement ac­ Communist, bespeaks an unpatriotic and OF anti-American attitude which could very companying it follow: well have been written or dictated from HON. E. Y. BERRY Resolved, That this conference go on record Moscow or Peking-or Hanoi. OF SOUTH DAKOTA as strongly favoring a mid-decade census of population and housing. These characters, who both boast of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We realize that this matter has come up and abuse freedom, quite obviously pre­ Monday, April18, 1966 frequently in recent years and that certain fer the Communist brand of freedom. bills have been introduced in the Congress They talk, wrtte, and preach the Com- Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, a new pub­ to provide for a quinquennial census. The munist line. It would be interesting to lication has just been brought to my at­ need for a population and housing census know what would happen to these weak­ tention which I believe would be of more frequently than every 10 years arises lings if they lived in Peking and dared special interest to my colleagues and to from the increasing complexity of our urban publicize views condemning the Red everyone interested in political science. society and the many programs we are de­ Chinese policies of aggression in Viet­ It is the first publication in the "Ameri­ veloping to help solve our problems. nam. They would, of course, have their can Government Studies" series by the The resolution was introduced by Mr. heads chopped off. Yet as Americans, Institute of Government Research at the George K. Selden, Jr., of the Southern smugly hiding behind constitutional University of Arizona entitled "The Role Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., Char- April 18, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE . 8279 lotte, N.C. It was reported unanimous- sive participation in the development of standards imposed upon the ill-fated ly approved by the commission by the · tourism in our area. Yarmoutll Castle and the Viking Prin­ executive director, Mr. Glenn E. Bennett. Dohrman Co. has saies showroom cess. Fooeral law forbids unauthorized Mr. Speaker, I submit that the resoiu- facilitieS' in Seattle, Portland, Spokane, use of the Coast Guard's name, and I urge tion is indicative of a general feeling San Francisco, Brisbane, Salt Lake City, that;, these vessers be investigated for throughout the country that a census of Reno, Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno, such false claims. Furthermore, I urge Its people, who make us the great Nation Honolulu, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San the Congress to enact foreign cruise ship we are, is essential every 5 years. And, Bernardino, San Diego, and Phoenix~ truth-in-advertising legislation such as Mr. Speaker, I encourage action on the Albert Parvin & Co., headquartered in I have introduced as H.R. 13126 to legislation before us