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WHORM Subject File Code: HO001 Case File Number(S): 028260 Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. WHORM Subject File Code: HO001 Case File Number(s): 028260 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ ~ 028260 .a I WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE TRACKING WORKSHEET 0 0 • OUTGOING 0 H • INTERNAL 0'°"1 • INCOMING - Date Correspondence 01/ oG:i I /.' 1 Received (VY/MM/DD) ~U~~-~-~~~- Name of Correspondent: ~ ff. iJl,./__~~ ~ Ml Mail Report User Codes: (A) (B) (C) ____ Subject: ~~ d~n~·u /--~JV Z2~Ld~ 1 11 &-v4 t {µ-1R ), J?r1. ROUTE TO: ACTION DISPOSITION Tracking Type Completion Action Date of Date Office/Agency (Staff Name) Code YY/MM/DD Response Code YY/MM/DD ORIGINATOR Referral Note: ----- Referral Note: Referral Note: Referral Note: ACTION CODES: DISPOSITION CODES: A - Appropriate Action I - Info Copy Only/No Action Necessary A - Answered C - Completed C - Comment/Recommendation R - Direct Reply w/Copy B - Non-Special Referral S - Suspended D - Draft Response S - For Signature F - Furnish Fact Sheet X - Interim Reply to be used as Enclosure FOR OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE: Type of Response = Initials of Signer Code = "A" Completion Date = Date of Outgoing Keep this worksheet attached to the original incoming letter. Send all routing updates to Central Reference (Room 75, OEOB). Always return completed correspondence record to Central Files. Refer questions about the correspondence tracking system to Central Reference, ext. 2590. 5181 RECORDS MANAGEMENT ONLY CLASSIFICATION SECTION No. of Additional Correspondents: ___ Media: Individual Codes: -yR/Z? -·--- Prime .__,-/ Secondary /J/ Subject Code:~tf c7 / L -__ Subject Codes: L:::~ Cl/et:? . tf/?,,2./ ...72/ t7 c::?J_ t?'/ --~-· ---.-- PRESIDENTIAL REPLY Code Date Comment Form c __ Time: P- DSP Time: Media: ___ SIGNATURE CODES: MEDIA CODES: CPn - Presidential Correspondence n - 0 - Unknown B - Box/package n • 1 · Ronald Wilson Reagan C ·Copy n · 2 · Ronald Reagan D - Official document n - 3 - Ron G ·Message n - 4 - Dutch H · Handcarrled n - 5 - Ron Reagan L ·Letter n - 6 - Ronald M- Mailgram n · 7 - Ronnie Q. Memo P - Photo CLn • First Lady's Correspondence R- Report n - 1 · Nancy Reagan S ·Sealed n - 2 - Nancy T · Telegram n - 3 · Mrs. Ronald Reagan V - Telephone X - Miscellaneous CBn - Presidential & First Lady's Correspondence Y ·Study n - 1 - Ronald Reagan - Nancy Reagan n - 2 - Ron · Nancy ~---------------------·~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 GENERAL COUNSEL June 16' 1981 Dr. Lev. E. Dobriansky 4520 Kling Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22312 Dear Dr- Dobriansky: This responds to your letter to the President concerning his annual proclamation of Captive Nations Week. We anticipate that the President will issue the Captive Nations -proclamation within the next two weeks. Sincerely, IJA.M~ m. ~·M William M. Nichols General Counsel COPY FOR WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE - ATTN: MS. SORG THE w HITE H 0 u sBJ JfJJlr5F Fq ~Ob REFERRAL TO: OFFICE OF MANAGEMENI' AND BUffiET • ATTN: OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL . ACTION REQJESTED: APPROPRIATE ACTION DESCRIPTION OF INCCMING: IO: 028260 MEDIA: LETTER, DA.TED JuNE 8, 1981 · TO: PRESIDENT RFAGMJ FROM: MR: LEV E. OOBRIANSKY NATIONAL CAPrIVE NATIONS CCJt1MITTEE INCCREQRATED 4520 KLING !RIVE ALEXANIRIA VA 22312 SURJECT: RECJ)ESTS PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION "CAPI'IVE - NATIONS WEEK" JUL (12-18) 81 / PROMPI' ACTION IS ESSENTIAL - IF RECJ)ffiED ACTION HAS NOT BEEN TAKEN WITHIN 9 WORKING DA.YS OF RECEIPT, PLEASE. TELEPHONE THE UNDERSIGNED AT 456-7486. RETURN Bl\SIC:: CCRRESEQNDENCE, CONTROL SHEET At-ID COP'i O~ RESPONSE (OR !RAFT) TO: . AGENCY . LIAISON, ROCM 33, THE WHITE HOUSE BY DIRECTION LESLIE SORG DIRECTOR OF PRESIDENTIA PRESERVATION CQPV ·' j .. b~~~ / ~A fr\ ~w----' • "... lhaveswornuponthealtarofGod, eternalhostility f"\ .._,U against every form of tyranny over the mind of man ... " 0 - Thomas Jefferson ~ NATIONAL CAPTIVE NATIONS COMMITTEE, INC. EXECUTIVE BOARD P.O. BOX 1171 COMMITTEE MEMBERS GEORGE MEANY (1965-80) Walter Chopiwskyj (Phoenix, Ariz.) President. AFL-CIO WASHINGTON, D.C. 20013 Mrs. Bernice Courtney (Miami, Fla.) HON. HERBERT C. HOOVER (1960-64) Dr. Lev. E. Dobriansky (Alexandria, Va.) Honorary Chairmen Vera A. Dowhan (Washington, D.C .) John M. Fisher (Chicago, Ill.) DR. LEV. E. DOBRIANSKY William J. Gill (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Georgetown University Dr. Henry Lane Hull (Huntsville, Ala.) Chairman June 8, 1981 Dr. Walter H. Judd (Washington, D.C.l V)ldemars Korsts (Chicago, Ill.) VERA A. DOWHAN Joseph Lesawyer (Jersey City, N.J.) Executive Secretary Alton Ochsner, Jr., M.D. (New Orleans, La.) Dr. Edward M. O'Connor (Buffalo, N.Y.) V. WALTER PRETKA Dr. Michael S. Pap (University Heights, Ohio) Financial Secretary V. Walter Pretka (Rockville, Md.) Dr. Edward J. Rozek (Boulder, Colo.) Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly (Alton, Ill.) Walter Trohan (County Clare, Ire.) The President The White House 028260 Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: First, we want you to know that you have been in our prayers continually since the near-tragedy over two months ago. We continue to pray for your full, good health and your vibrant leadership for the bright and open fu­ ture of our nation. As we have done annually since July 1959 -- when Public Law 86-90 (the Cap ­ tive Nations Week Resolution) was passed and on the basis of which this com­ mittee was formed - - I respectf ully request of you an early and inspiring proclamation accurately based on the resolution. The 23rd Observance of Captive Nations Week is scheduled for July 12-18. As you yourself well per­ ceived in your private writings, there has been ~ since President Eisenhower's first proclamation an expansively vague deviation between all subsequent ones and the resolution itself. Like Afghanistan, conquered non-Russian nations held captive within the USSR today -- such as Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkestan and many others -- are specified in the resolution. With all best wishes and warmest personal regards. Sincerely, +-z&.~.~~ Lev E. ~;;~~~ 4520 Kling Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22312 Tel.: 354-4036 II P.S. Under separate cover I take pleasure in sending you a copy of House Document No. 96-365 on the Twentieth Observance and Anniversary of Captive \Nations Week, a recent publication which NCNC helped prepare for the Congress. (Established in accordance with Joint Congressional Resolution and Presidential Proclamation-Public Law 86-90) Library Repositories at Hoover Institution (Stanford, Cal.) and Syracuse University (N .Y.) (PROCLAIMERS AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE LISTED ON REVERSE SIDE) NATIONAL. c·APTIVE NATIONS WEEK HONOR RO.LL PROCLAIMERS PRESIDENTS OF U.S.A . M1cHAEL S . DuKAK1s <MAss.J MAYORS OF CITIES WILLIAM H . HUDNUT. Ill <INDIANAPOLIS. IND.J PIERRE S . DuPONT <DELA.J PHILLIP L. ISENBERG <SACRAMENTO. CALJ DWIGHT D . E1SENH9WER JOSEPH ALIOTO <SAN FRANCISCO. CAL) JAMES B . EDWARDS (S.C.J EowARD I . KocH <NEW YoRK. N . Y.J JOHN F . KENNEDY JOHNS. BALLARD CA KRON. OHIO) MARCH FoNG Eu <CALl AcTG. Gov. MooN LANDR1Eu CNEw ORLEANS. LA.J LYNDON B . JOHNSON TED BATES <WARREN. M1cH.J ELLA GRASSO <CoNN.J ALFRED J . L1eous <BINGHAMTON. N .Y.J RICHARD M . NIXON DALE G . BENNETT <HIALEAH. FLA.l MARK 0 . HATFIELD (0RE.J HENRY W . MAIER <M1LWAUKEE. Wis.> GERALD R. FORD MICHAEL 81LANDIC (CHICAGO. ILLJ JAMES B . HUNT. JR. <N.C.J STANLEY M . MAKOWSKI <BUFFALO. N . Y.J JIMMY CARTER TOM BRADLEY <Los ANGELES. CAL) BLAIR LEE. Ill <Mo.J JOHN C . MANDANICI <BRIDGEPORT. CONNJ · voNCENT A. CIANc1. JR. <PRov10ENCE. R.U JOHN A . LOVE (COLO.J R1cHARD E . OLSON CDEs Mo1NES. lo.J E . LEE COMER. JR. <INDEPENDENCE. Mo.J GOVERNORS OF ST ATES JUAN LUIS (V.U MARVIN RANDLE <IRv1NG. TEx.> JOSEPHS. DADDONA <ALLENTOWN. PA.) ScoTT M . MATHESON <UTAH) JOHN E . REARDON <KANSAS CITY. KAN.l RICHARD J . DALEY <CHICAGO. ILL) JERRY APODACA <N.M.J WILLIAM G . MILLIKEN <M1cH.J GENE RHODES <FREMONT. CAL.l THEODORE E . DIMAURO CSPRINGFIELD. Mo.> BRUCE E . BABBITT <ARoz.J MIKE O ·CALLAGHAN <NEv.J JAMES W . RUTHERFORD <FuNT. MocH.J THOMAS D . DoLAN <DEABORN. MocH.J ROBERT F . BENNETT <KAN.J DIXIE LEE RAY CWASH.J THOMAS P . RYAN. JR. <ROCHESTER. N .Y.J AeE L . DRASIN <GRAND RAPIDS. M1cH.J DAVID L. 8oREN <OKLA.J JAMES A. RHODES !OHIO) JOHN SEYMOUR <ANAHEIM. CAL) THOMAS J . EARLY (WORCESTER. MASS.J DoLPH BRISCOE <TEX.J JOHN D . ROCKEFELLER. IV cw. VA.J HARVEY I . SLOAN (LOUISVILLE. K y.J MAURICE A . FERRE <MIAMI. FLA.l EDMUND G . BROWN <CAL.J NELSON A . ROCKEFELLER IN. Y .J WENDALL C. SoLTis <E.No1coTT. N . Y .J RICHARD H. FULTON <NASHVILLE. TENNJ JOHN A . BURNS <HAWAII) WILLIAM W . ScRANTON <PA.J Eioee1E STERNE (C1NCINN/\TI. OH10) GERALD W . GRAVES <LANSING. M1cH.J GEORGE BUSBEE <GA.J RICHARD A . SNELLING <VT.) VINCENT J . THOMAS CN0RFOLK . VA.J JAMES D . GRIFFIN <BUFFALO. N .Y.J BRENDAN BYRNE lN.J.J JOSEPH P . TEASDALE <Mo.> CHARLES B . WHEELER. JR. <KANSAS CITY. KAN.J G1LeERT R . GuNN <SuNNYvALE:· CAL.J HUGH L . CAREY <N. y.) JAMES R. THOMPSON <ILL.J THoMS.s E . W1LuAMs <JoHNsoN CoTY. N .Y.> ARTHUR J. HOLLAND (TRENTON. N .J.> JOHN H . CHAFEE <R.U MELDRIM THOMSON. JR. CN.H.J CLARENCE A . HOLLAND (VIRGINIA BEACH. AJ JOHN N . DALTON <VA.J GEORGE C . WALLACE <ALA.) v c-· ADVISORY COMMITTEE* , UNITED STATES SENATE W1LWAM.PRO)\MIRE <D-W1s.J JOMN D . DINGELL <D-M1cH.J JOHN o, MARSH. JR. <D-VA.J PAULS. SARBANES <D-Mo.J CHRISTOPHER J . Dooo CD-CoNN.l ROBERT H . MICHEL <R-1.LL) GORDON ALLOTT <R-COLO.l· · HARRISON· CJACK).5CHMITT lR-N.M.J ROBERT K ..DoR,;,AN <R~CAL.l GEORGE p : MILLER"(D-CAL.l BIRCH BAYH <D-IND.J RICHARDS.
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