HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Lowing Title, in Which Concurrence of the House Is Requested: Mr

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Lowing Title, in Which Concurrence of the House Is Requested: Mr 2146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 15 as were many of his confederates who drafted Mr. Jaymes. says the liberal professes to manently help a man by doing tor him that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But have the interest of the people at heart. which he can and should do for. himself." who can analyze the philosophy of Thomas However, he has supported a. policy of big To be sure, the situation is appalling. but Jefferson and reconcile it with the modern· Government spending which has stimulated it, is not hopeless. The brakes can be ap­ day. self-styled liberal-the spending. pump. an inilationary spiral that has destroyed plied if the people are awake to what is priming, big government, social planning half of the purchasing power of the dollar going on. There is an old saying, and a liberal-who thinks depression measures in the past 20 years. true one, that says. "for evil to exist it is should be repeated and expanded in times Another attribute ascribed to the liberal only necessary for good men to do nothing." of full employment and prosperity? It just is that he believes that wages should go up Let us. not be taken in by the noiseless can't be done. but that the prices of goods and services process of nibbling away at our liberties­ "The liberals who wrote the Declaration should go down, all at the same time. He and our pocketbooks. A great man once said of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill believes that a business or industrial that liberty is seldom lost all at one time. of Rights, and who fought in the Revolu­ monopoly should be subj,ect to the anti• us guard against the dangers envisioned tionary War, said Bomar Jaymes. "had trust laws, and I think we all agree with that. by the English poet who wrote: nothing in common with the liberals of But he believes that an equally big and today." powerful labor organization should not be "Vice is a monster of such frightful mien The liberal of today, he noted, talks big, subject to the antitrust laws. As, to be hated, needs but to be seen; But seen too oft, familiar with its face, loud, and long about his dedication to the Mr. Jaymes is right. The liberal of today We first endure, then pity, then embrace." protection and preservation of human rights believes in big government, big spending and and personal liberties. big deficits, and in the philosophy that you In conclusion, let me say, this; Surely the And then he proceeds to advocate and can get something for nothing so long as great medical profession in this country­ support legislation that imposes upon the you get it from the Government. the envy of the scientific world-should be people regulations, restrictions, and controls I have dwelt at some length upon the allowed to proceed with its program of prog­ which curb their rights and freedoms. modern-day liberals, because in the processes ress without interference by governmental One of the earmarks of today's liberal is of Government they must be reckoned with. harassment and bureaucratic regimentation. the unwavering dedication to the spending They well organized; well financed, and of other people's money, disguised as Fed­ If medical and hospital costs are too high­ eral funds. And the bigger the spending, the they are very vocal. Certain politicians go to let us tackle that problem. If any of our better he likes it. them and their various groups with hat in people need medical attention and cannot That liberal, it is said, is dedicated to the hand, pleading for their support. As Amer­ afford It, let us provide a way to meet that principle that the Government has a right to icans they are entitled to their views. But need'. But let us do it within the frame­ t ake a portion of a person's income and unless those views are refined, diluted, and work of the time-tested American system of freely hand it out to persons who did not combated with effective enlightenment and free enterprise. earn it. countermeasures, I entertain grave fears Above all, let us not join with the liberal­ The liberal I am referring to long since has for the future of our Republic. social planners who would burn the house ceased to believe that thrift and economy in Abraham Lincoln hit the nail on the head down to destroy their imaginary rat, and let Government is a virtue to be practiced. with this statement: "You cannot per- us not throw the baby out with the wash. the Senate had passed a bill of the fol­ ADJOURNMENT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing title, in which concurrence of the House is requested: Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1961 move that the House do now adjourn~ S. 451. An act to authorize the distribution The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Of COpies Of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD to The motion was. agreed to. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, former Members of Congress requesting such Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 3 min­ D.D., offered the following prayer: copies. utes p.m.). the House adjourned until tomorrow. February 16, 1961, at 12 o'clock Hebrews 4: 7: Today if you will hear noon. His voice, harden not your hearts. SENATE BILL REFERRED 0 Thou God of all majesty and mercy A bill of the Senate of the following may this Lenten season upon which we title was taken from the Speaker's table OATH OF OFFICE, MEMBERS AND have entered inspire us with a longing and, under the rule, referred as follows: DELEGATES to hear Thy voice and achieve a larger S. 451. An act to authorize the distribution measure and a finer degree of spiritual Of COpies Of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD to The oath of office required by the culture. former Members of Congress requesting such sixth article of the Constitution of the May each of its days be a veritable copies; to the Committee on House Adminis­ United States. and as provided by sec­ gateway through which we shall pass tration. tion Z of the act of May 13, 1884 (2.3 joyously into a deeper experience of the Stat. 22), to be administered to Mem­ blessings of the more abundant life. bers and Delegates of the House of Rep­ Cleanse us of all unrighteousness as we REQUEST TO ADJOURN FROM resentatives. the text of which is carried daily give ourselves to prayer and medi­ THURSDAY TO MONDAY in section 1757 of title XIX of the Re­ tation in the spirit of contrition and con­ Mr~ I vised Statutes of the United States and fession, of humility and gratitude. Mr. McCORMACK. Speaker, ask unanimous consent that when the being as follows: Grant that by self-examination, self­ House adjourns tomorrow that it adjourn "I, A B, do solemnly swear (m· discipline, and self -denial. we may gain affirm) that I will support and de­ the mastery over those' insurgent im­ to meet on Monday next. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to fend the Constitution of the United pulses and unworthy desires which are States against all, foreign continually storming the citadel of our the request of the gentleman from Massachusetts? and domestic; that I will bear true souls and seeking to u:ndennine our faitb and allegiance to the same; Mr. Mr~ characters. GROSS. Speaker, reserving that I take this obligation freely, Hear us, in the name of the Christ, the right to object, I noticed in last without any mental reservation or our Saviour. Amen. night's Star an item that caused me purpose of evasion; and that I will some concern in the matter of· the prog­ well and faithfully discharge the ress of work in the House of Representa­ THE JOURNAL duties of the office on which I am tives.. I would like to read this- about. to enter. So help me God." The Journal of the proceedings of Mon­ Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I has been subscribed to in person and day, February 13, 1961, was read and withdraw the request. I am not going approved. filed in duplicate with the Clerk of the to get into any discussion. You either House of Representatives by each of the agree to it or you do not. following Members and Resident Com­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Mr~ HOFFMAN of Michigan.. Mr. missioner of the 87th Congress, pursu­ A message from the Senate by Mr. Me­ Speaker, I make the point of order that ant to Public Law 412 of the 80th Gown, one of its clerks, announced that a quorum is not present. Congress entitled "An act to amend sec- 1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 2147 tion 30 of the Revised Statutes of the FLORIDA 3. Walter L. McVey. United States" <U.S.C., title 2, sec. 25r, 1. William C. (Bill) Cramer. 4. Gamer E. Shriver. approved February 18, 1948: 2. Charles E. Bennett. 5. J. Floyd Breeding. ALABAMA 3. Bob Sikes. 6. Robert <Bob) Dole. 1. Frank W. Boykin. 4. Dante B. Fascell. KENTUCKY 2. George Grant. 5. A. Sydney Herlong, Jr. 1. Frank A. Stubblefield. 3. George Andrews. 6. Paul G. Rogers. · 2. William H. Natcher. 4. Kenneth A. Roberts. 7. James A. Haley. · 3. Frank W. Burke. 5. Albert Rains. 8. D. R. <Billy) Matthews. 4. Frank Chelf. 6. Armistead I. Selden, Jr. GEORGIA 5. Brent Spence. 7. Carl Elliott. 1. G. Elliott Hagan. 6. John C.
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