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Elementary Teacher's Book 2ND EDITION Elementary Teacher’s Book with Resource and Assessment Disc Jenny Parsons and Matthew Du y with Damian Williams A01_SPKO_TB_ELEGLB_6752_FM1_4colour.indd 1 06/08/2015 19:07 contents TEACHER’S BOOK Introduction Students’ Book contents 4–7 Welcome to Speakout Second Edition 9 Overview of the components 10–11 A unit of the Students’ Book 12–15 Additional components 16–18 Workbook 16 MyEnglishLab 17 ActiveTeach 17 Website 18 Speakout Extra 18 Teaching approaches 19–22 The Global Scale of English 23 Teacher’s notes Index 24 Units 1–12 25–144 Resource bank 145–194 Resource bank Teacher’s notes 195–204 TEACHER’S RESOURCE AND ASSESSMENT DISC Extra resources ● Class audio scripts ● Class video scripts ● Photocopiable worksheets with instructions ● Photocopiable worksheets index ● BBC interviews ● Worksheets for BBC interviews Tests ● Unit tests ● Achievement tests ● Mid-course test ● End of course test ● Test audio ● Test audio scripts ● Test answer key 3 A01_SPKO_TB_ELEGLB_6752_FM1_4colour.indd 3 06/08/2015 19:07 STUDENTS’CONTENTS BOOK CONTENTS CONTENTS LESSON GRAMMAR/FUNCTION VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION READING LISTENING/DVD SPEAKING WRITING UNIT 1 WELCOME page 7 BBC interviews | What’s your name? 1.1 Nice to meet you present simple: be countries and nationalities word stress listen to people introduce themselves introduce yourself and others improve your use of capital letters page 8 1.2 Travel light this/that, these/those; objects word stress; this, that, these, read about travelling light identify objects page 10 possessives those 1. 3 Can I have a co ee? making requests tourist places polite intonation; sentence understand people in tourist situations make requests page 12 stress 1.4 Fawlty Towers Fawlty Towers: watch an extract from a sitcom check into a hotel complete a registration form at a hotel page 14 about a hotel UNIT 2 LIFESTYLE page 17 BBC interviews | What’s your daily routine? 2.1 Join us! page 18 present simple: I/you/we/they activities linking: do you read about local groups talk about activities and groups link sentences with and, but and or 2.2 High fl yers present simple: he/she/it daily routines; jobs third person ‘s’ listen to people talk about their daily routines talk about your daily routine and people’s jobs page 20 2.3 What time does it asking for information the time sentence stress; polite read leafl ets about listen to people at a tourist information centre; ask questions at a tourist information centre start? page 22 intonation San Francisco check when you don’t understand 2.4 A Visit to Panama Tribal Wives: watch an extract from a programme talk about good guests and bad guests write an email asking a friend for a place to stay page 24 about living with tribes UNIT 3 PEOPLE page 27 BBC interviews | What do you like doing with friends/family? 3.1 Big happy families have/has got family sentence stress read about an unusual talk about your family page 28 family 3.2 Real friends? adverbs of frequency personality word stress listen to people talk about their friends describe someone you know and say why you improve your use of apostrophe ’s; write about page 30 like them your family and friends 3.3 Are you free making arrangements time expressions intonation to show interest learn to show interest when you listen make arrangements to meet friends tonight? page 32 3.4 Diwali Celebrations Diwali: watch an extract from a BBC programme talk about a special occasion write a description of a special event page 34 showing the traditions of Diwali UNIT 4 PLACES page 37 BBC interviews | Where do you live? 4 .1 A place to stay there is/are rooms and furniture; word stress; weak forms: read about two places listen to a woman describing her apartment describe a room in your home improve your use of commas; write a page 38 prepositions there’s a, there are in Malta description of your home 4.2 Around town can for possibility places in towns; word stress; weak forms: read about some unusual talk about things you can do in your town page 40 prepositions can/can’t places in town 4.3 Can I help you? shopping things to buy polite intonation understand conversations in shops have a conversation in a shop page 42 4.4 Favourite Places 50 Places To See Before You Die: watch an extract talk about a favourite place write a blog about your favourite place page 44 from a documentary about some amazing places UNIT 5 FOOD page 47 BBC interviews | What’s your favourite dish? 5.1 My fridge countable and uncountable food and drink weak forms: a, an, some, any read about a listen to a photographer talk about food talk about your eating and drinking habits page 48 nouns photographer’s project 5.2 A lifetime in how much/many; quantifi ers containers numbers read about eating and conduct a class food survey use paragraphs to write a short report about numbers page 50 drinking habits your class 5.3 Are you ready to ordering in a restaurant restaurant words polite intonation; linking read a menu listen to people ordering in a restaurant; learn to order a meal in a restaurant order? page 52 understand fast speech 5.4 Beach Barbecue Ainsley Harriott’s Beach Barbecue: watch an describe your favourite special dish write an email with a recipe page 54 extract from a cookery programme with a famous chef UNIT 6 THE PAST page 57 BBC interviews | Did you go out last night? 6 .1 In their past was/were dates and time phrases weak forms: was/were hear interesting facts about famous people’s lives describe your favourite chidhood things page 58 6.2 Time twins past simple life story collocations past simple verbs: -ed endings read about time twins talk about past events in your life link sentences with because and so; write your page 60 life story in 100 words 6.3 What did you do? asking follow-up questions activities linking: did you listen to people talking about their weekends talk about how your weekend was page 62 6.4 Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela: The Fight For Freedom: watch an interview a special person write a profi le about a special person page 64 extract from a documentary about a great leader DVD-ROM: DVD CLIPS AND SCRIPTS BBC INTERVIEWS AND SCRIPTS CLASS AUDIO AND SCRIPTS 4 A02_SKOT_CB_ELEGLB_6738_FM2.indd 1 11/06/2015 14:57 A01_SPKO_TB_ELEGLB_6752_FM1_4colour.indd 4 06/08/2015 19:07 CONTENTS CONTENTS LESSON GRAMMAR/FUNCTION VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION READING LISTENING/DVD SPEAKING WRITING UNIT 1 WELCOME page 7 BBC interviews | What’s your name? 1.1 Nice to meet you present simple: be countries and nationalities word stress listen to people introduce themselves introduce yourself and others improve your use of capital letters page 8 1.2 Travel light this/that, these/those; objects word stress; this, that, these, read about travelling light identify objects page 10 possessives those 1. 3 Can I have a co ee? making requests tourist places polite intonation; sentence understand people in tourist situations make requests page 12 stress 1.4 Fawlty Towers Fawlty Towers: watch an extract from a sitcom check into a hotel complete a registration form at a hotel page 14 about a hotel UNIT 2 LIFESTYLE page 17 BBC interviews | What’s your daily routine? 2.1 Join us! page 18 present simple: I/you/we/they activities linking: do you read about local groups talk about activities and groups link sentences with and, but and or 2.2 High fl yers present simple: he/she/it daily routines; jobs third person ‘s’ listen to people talk about their daily routines talk about your daily routine and people’s jobs page 20 2.3 What time does it asking for information the time sentence stress; polite read leafl ets about listen to people at a tourist information centre; ask questions at a tourist information centre start? page 22 intonation San Francisco check when you don’t understand 2.4 A Visit to Panama Tribal Wives: watch an extract from a programme talk about good guests and bad guests write an email asking a friend for a place to stay page 24 about living with tribes UNIT 3 PEOPLE page 27 BBC interviews | What do you like doing with friends/family? 3.1 Big happy families have/has got family sentence stress read about an unusual talk about your family page 28 family 3.2 Real friends? adverbs of frequency personality word stress listen to people talk about their friends describe someone you know and say why you improve your use of apostrophe ’s; write about page 30 like them your family and friends 3.3 Are you free making arrangements time expressions intonation to show interest learn to show interest when you listen make arrangements to meet friends tonight? page 32 3.4 Diwali Celebrations Diwali: watch an extract from a BBC programme talk about a special occasion write a description of a special event page 34 showing the traditions of Diwali UNIT 4 PLACES page 37 BBC interviews | Where do you live? 4 .1 A place to stay there is/are rooms and furniture; word stress; weak forms: read about two places listen to a woman describing her apartment describe a room in your home improve your use of commas; write a page 38 prepositions there’s a, there are in Malta description of your home 4.2 Around town can for possibility places in towns; word stress; weak forms: read about some unusual talk about things you can do in your town page 40 prepositions can/can’t places in town 4.3 Can I help you? shopping things to buy polite intonation understand conversations in shops have a conversation in a shop page 42 4.4 Favourite Places 50 Places To See Before You Die: watch an extract talk about a favourite place write a blog about your favourite place page 44 from a documentary
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