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Hi, everybody, and welcome RO~OII Trivi Ol to another issue of Learn Hot Bask Engl ish - The Airport English magazi ne! e TRACK7 G I read a funny story the other Amazing World day. A d river in London was livingAbfoad e TRACK 8 Q fi ned for parking on double yellow lines that weren't even CrankCall a TRACK9 Q & there when he parked his car! Useful advice 8 TRACK 10 Q Apparently, the people painting Noi se Nu isa nct e TRACK 11 Q the lines on the road drew them i . a traffic warden appeared Or Fingers' Grammar 8 TRACK l1Q gave i i ticket. Incredible! Talking British Bar Ch Ol t a TRACK n Q about laws, there are sorts of strange ones still US Bar Chat e TRACK 14 Q in eKis tence in the UK and USA. We'll be looking at a few this month in our new section called Dumb Crossword &Answers Lows. SubscriptiollS Dumb US laws a TRACK 15 Q Another one of our themes this month is the British Royal Family. We're looking at the film The Queen Great Moments in US History (starring actress Helen Mirren). You can also find out a TRACK 16 Q about some of the key members of the Royal Family, Story TIme e TRACK 17 Q and see how they're related to one another in our "Royal FamilyTree", Plus, you can read some trivia Wordmrch & Jokt about the Royal Fami ly, which I'm sure you'll enjoy. Trivia Matching &

~ i rd Trivia a TRACK 18 Q Of course, that's not all! We' re also looking at negative questions, useful eKpressions fo r taking a taxi. Kansas (USA), phrasal verbs with the verb to take , words to Typical DiOllogues - Emergency descri be noises you can make with you r hands, fish idioms, plus lots, lots more! 8 TRACK19 Q Social English - Having tunch Have fun, learn lots of English and see you all next e TRACK 20 Q month, Ai Qu iz - Are you a Green GLOSSARY Travt ll e r~ a TRACK 21 Q

~ ..ifyou -',. "fitoed"'. you ...... ~...,....,. Quirq News 8 TRACKZZ Q Re member to download b

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For gru t printe I;mguage dnses. e-mail dnsn tJl hot~ n g lis h m agaz i n uom I _ leimhotenglish.tom I 3 GLOSSARY ....".,. RASALVERBS TAKE I.-....,...,. the t>nc 1ends'fO\l1<> buy The verb "to take" has many different uses. Generally. we use this verb to refer to the action of carrying/taking something from one place to another. For example. "I took my car to the garage so they could repair it:



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There are plenty more fish in the sea There are lots of other men/women to go out with. Fish for compliments Something people say to someone who has just To try to make someone say good things about you., split up with a girlfriend or boyfriend. often by criticisi ng yourself MOon't worry about Jim. There are plenty more fish A: Do flook fat in this dress? B: No, of course not. in the sea: Are you fishing for compliments?

Smell fishy If a situation or an explanation ~ s m e ll s fishy ~ you Fish for information think that someone is being dishonest. To try to obtain information. MJim's version of events smell s a bit fi shy to me - I A: How much does Bob earn each yea r? think he was the one who did ie B: Why? Are you fishing for information?

Be another kettfe of fish If you say that something (or someone) is ~a nother kettle offis h ~ you are saying that it (or he/she) is A queer fish completely different. This means a "strange person': ~ I ' ve driven a scooter before, but riding on that 600 cc "He washes his hands about thirty times a day. He's a motorbike is a completely different kettle of fish." bit of a queer fish."

6 I WW'II.~amhoten,rish.c om I Want to clo an i nt~nship with HOI En,rish? For more information. e-mail infoGlhoten,lishmagazine.{om .c , III S TRACK2 .- Here are some -III I ., C I more examples 'Ill Little Jokes I • I of British toilet graffiti. ''9''. "'.!i ~Q 0$ (!)§ Match each joke beginning 11 to 81 with ..... ''TOILET CAMERA IS FOA its ending lA-HI. Then, listen to check your -- answers. RESEARCH ONLY" WHENIWASS . SURPRISED I CO~ , WAS SO FOR A YEAR AND A SPEAK 1ALF. GOD MUST LOVE STUPID PEOPLE­ HE MADE SO MANY. 1. What do19 u call a l 00-year­ ROSES ARE RE?.:. old ant? U VIOLETS ARE BLut!,.. 2 . What is the biggest ant in the MOST POEMS RHYMt.!., worl d? 0 BUT THIS ONE DOESN' i. 3. Doctor, doctor, the baby has swallowed m pen. What NEVER PUT OFF TO GLOSSARY should I do? TOMORROW WHAT :;:.:;:.,." ...,"""."" 4. Doctor, doctor, I keep getting YOU CAN AVOID ~:;:.:::"'•• - .... a pain in the eye when I drink AtTOGEn-tER. ::::; ...... coffee. 0 H )'OU·_·~)'OU l oy _10 do", _ 1ho1 1h!ng 5. Why do elephants never forget? 0 6. What do you get if you cross a -teng"'lish crocodile with a flower? 0 English • METHOD

7. What do you call an elephant Unlocked! in a phone box? 0 Your complete self-study solution for learning English at home \with listening files)! 8. Doctor, doctor, I think I'm a Reading, istening, pronunciation, vocabulary, goat. 0 grammar, progress tests, listen·and·repeat and much, much more. ENDtNGS Choose from four levels: A: Have you tried taking the Pre-Intermediate (A2), spoon out first? Intermediate (Bl), Upper Intermediate (B2), B: Doctor: How long have you Advanced (Cl) felt like this? Patient: Since I was a kid. c: Because nobody ever tells them anything.

0 : An antique.

E: I don't know, but I'm not going GLOSSARY to smell it. 10 .w.'Iow "" 10 lob food or IIqouid from you< ~ 10,.,... ' lorroodI F: Use a pencil till I get there. . For more information: 1O.tuM;... 10 p!OduI. @ www.learnhotenglish.com 10 mOo; 10 combono G : Stuck. .~ a bob)< pe abo a 1'0<-"'9 c_ Books bn~ on S~ills Booklets f.om 2012'20'j + .....It issues 103" 30 of Hot English milgazine • H: An elephant. trawed; unobIe ,oOt' OUt

FREE subscfiption if you fKommend Hot English L;lnguage SefVic~ to YOUf comp3ny. E·mail dnsesllhotenglishmaguinuom I www.leamholenglish.com/ 7 9 TIlACK" OR ANDTALKI

Something that you say when per· Talk shop son A criticises person B for Be like talking to a brick wall If people who work together"talk doing something that person A If talking to someone is like talking shop: they talk about their work does him/herself. to a brick wall, the person you are when they are in a bar/pub/ A: Jane had a crash last week. She's a speaking to isn't listening. restaurant. terrible driver. "I've tried telling Sam what 1want , but "John and Mary are so boring to be B: You can talk. You had six crashes it's like talking to a brick wall - he just with in the pub - they just talk shop ~ last year. won't listen."

Look who's talking Something you say when person A Loving, romantic conversations that criticises person B for doing some· Can talk the hind legs off lovers have when they are in bed thing that person A does him/herself. a donkey together. A: Frank smokes too much. Can talk a lot without stopping. "She enjoyed the quiet moments B: Look who's talking. Up until last "She could talk the hind legs off a together - the walks on the beach, year you were smoking twenty a day. donkey~ the pillow talk .. :

Now you'.., talking ....GLOSSARY , Something you say when someone • te<~ block oIl»ked ~ LMd for bWldin9_ Talk in riddles makes a better suggestion or offer hlndlet. To talk in a way that is difficult to than the one that they made before. the leg. ~t Il>e bKk oI..,-..ot understand. .,,~ A: OK. if you don't want to go to the a "'" objKt on wllKh you ,..., your "I wish she would stop talking in rid­ theatre, we could go to the cinema. _ while you.rt tJHping dles and just tell me what she wants ~ B: Now you're talking...... "-• dift'lcull and lIa/: ..,,'I)sli} OnaPa 8. "iJrr. 'flli(j, ...... o a fllrIJiture C~et of lit I1r. ~/<:>£.: . s Ii}r. 1]0t nOt use WIPeS' "0 . 7SI01] 0 C"/~ii 1 ""at· ~nfants.~ on childr~n ~r "'1 1]9? IFit I]~; " 0 ::-- I Ut itrem 0 OOn. So effp.-.. . oves the d' ,- ~"'IIVeJy. If! !!,aggot~~kage of Not fOr h r fiShing' consu ulllan . I But th::Ption." 0 Y lOok So "'sty ./ ~ . 0 0 bllls~ .~ tOilet o uSefo; DOnot tygiene~rsonal Ut it's . cleanin great for /

arllls. 9 under my !

( I!I'"" on. sI'gn at a bus stop: UNo stopping o or standing." GLOSSARY Can I sit? I ~ prod...... 1>ooI ml On a label for a a P.br • Brand our books with your logo. -IO"y • Exclusive area for your academy. 1Nl,," onkelo"ewhen"", H ' ~ .. ~ 'oI .... lwu. h • Free magaz in e adverti s in g. a .... ~ Iwuoh used fat tIHninv the • Clear and appealing method for your ,-- if"", "pour"bkc:uiI.InIO. adult classes .. - c~- "'" 1dde

.....""on HP

'0 "'0> Here we've got some examptes of how to say things in different situations. O c §.Q ~..,

• • ... ;.. , Situation Fonnal Relaxed Informal

I went down You asked a young I asked for her hand I asked her to marry onone knee; lady to marry you. in marriage. me. I popped the You tell a friend. question.

Your wife left you My wife walked for another man. My wife My wife left me. out on me; she You tell a friend. abandoned me. dumped me.

Someone smashed all the windows Who is going to in your office. You contribute to the Who is going to Who's gonna pick want to know who costs incurred? pay for this? up the tab for this? is going to pay to replace them.

You did nothing all I was well bored; weekend and had a I was unoccupied I had nothing to do I was twiddling very boring time. all weekend. all weekend. my thumbs all weekend.


A friend never He is reluctant He's a real Scrooge; likes to spend his to part With his He's a bit mean. he's tight; he's a .'- the1a_1N joInIln .....__ ..- of,....1oog money. money. meanie; he's a real ...... _"'...... ,.)fOU miser. ",.w~ __ U."oIy.lO


Shocking news It's 1997 and Great Britain has a new, young and promising prime minister, Tony Slai r. Glamorous Princess Oiana is socialising in Paris with her new Egyptian boyfriend. Meanwhile, the steady and respectable 72-year-old Queen Elizabeth is holidaying in Balmoral Castle - the Royal Family's estate in Scotla nd. What happens next will shake the nation. News Martin Sheen plays Prime MinisterTony Blair. arrives that Princess Di and Dadi Fayed have Much of the movie is concerned with the been killed in a Paris car crash. The nation tensions between these two clever (and often goes into shock. conflicting characters), each with thei r own Steven Frear's new movie The Queen takes political and personal agendas. these dramatic events as its inspiration. The Queen is a fascinating study of cha ra cter, Reactions tradition and political reality in late-twentieth­ Eventuall y, the British public become century Britain. angry that the royal family is not showing enough sympathy in the days after Diana's A film with a difference death. The royal family re main on holiday QUEE Traditionally, the kings and queens we see in Balmoral while the wreaths left at the on the big screen are historical fi gures. gates of Buckingham Palace pile up. Blair, However, The Queen is unusual because the with the support of Prince Charl es, tries to Queen herself is still a living monarch. It's a bit convi nce the Queen to return to London to strange at first to see such a familiar character share the sadness of the British public. But played by an actress, but Helen Mirren does a the Queen sees no rea son to break with fantastic job of playing this fascinating figure. tradition, si nce Diana is no longer ~ p art of the family·. Eventually, it is Blair who manages to break the royal ice and exert his will. Whether you are a fan of the monarchy or not, The Queen is a fascinating insight into the relationship between power, privilege and tradition.

H H Annus Horribilis 1997 was a bad yea r for the q ueen, but it wasn't her worst. In her words, ~ 1992 is nOI a yea r on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure. In the word s of one of my more sympathetic correspondents, it has turned out to be an Annus Horribilis." She was referrin$! to a series of events that year which Included: • The announcement that her second son, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, would separate from his wife Sa rah Ferguson. • Scandalous pictures of a topless Sarah being ki ssed by her friend, John Bryan. • News that her daughter, Princess Anne, would divorce her husband Captain Mark Philips, • A fi re in one of her many homes, Windsor Castle. The castle was seriously damaged, and several priceless artefacts were lost. Originally, the government planned to pay the £40 million bill for repairs. But after a public outer)" the Queen agreed to open up several royal residences to tourists. She used the funds to pay for the repairs. • And finally, the announcement of the separation of her son Prince Charles and his wife Diana.

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•~hing bfQ\h 01 __ fTflh .I.diII ...... American ~ho ....., ...... Ing milrrled Edwilrd VIII aft@r if_...... -.,MJ' ~_q ' V he abdlc. ted from th@ smoItr Th@lCl'ngofEngland to .bdIuoll 7Iu Q...... m4IIur cIuu1M throne. I<>__ I righll<> [email protected]@

~ " ., l ~ l ii' ~

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1~ ;;- ;:, " ;;- ~ ~ t " 1 ~ ;;- " ~ '" 0;- ;;;- i ~ ~ 0;-'" ;;- ~ " f ~ ~ . ~ J 3- ~ ;;;- ~ ~ f~ ~ ~:< ., ~ ;:, " " ., ~ :? ;;;-

. ' ) -- ...... Here are some interesting facts on Edward VIII abdicated in ...... the British Royal Family. 1936, after only one year ...... -: .. -&.,~ as King. He wanted to ...... - ~fIo..:..~-.... In the 1pt century, Sir Waiter Raleigh financed marryWallis Simpson, an •.. _--- .. --- his trip to America by gambling w ith Queen American divorcee. At -"...... '-~ ~.--...... ,... - '-",,,...... ,' Elizabeth I. He bet her that he could that time. the Church ...... - calculate the weight of smoke. He of England prohibited ...... -...... ----~­-.-. did this by placing two identical remarriage after a divorce...... '- cigars on opposite ends of a set Edward refused to marry ...... -- -. of scales. He lit one cigar and anyone else. Eventually. .:'" -~- made sure that no ash fe ll. The the couple were married .1'- difference in the weight after in France. although the cigar was fin ished was the the Church of England ·weight of s m oke ~ The Queen was refused to recognise impressed and Raleigh won his trip the marriage. to America. Prince Harry's full name is Henry If the Queen lives until 21 01 December 2007, Charles Albert David she will become the oldest reigning monarch Mountbatten-Windsor. in both British and Commonwealth history, surpassing King George III and Queen Victoria, In 1991 . Prince William both of whom died before the age of 82. was admitted to hospital after being accidentally One of the Queen's uncles. hit on the side of the Prince George, was bisexual head by anot her student and was said to be a lover of the who was swinging a golf playwright Noel Coward. club. William suffered a fracture of the skull and o() Princess Anne is the only member had to have an operation. ~ orthe British Royal Family to Imagine how the other Q have competed in the Olympic student must have felt. L __.I Ga mes (horse rid ing). She was once almost kidnapped. The film The Madness of King Prince Andrew served as a George III was called helicopter pilot on active service The Madness of King during the Falklands War with George w hen it was Argentina in the 1980s. released in the States. Th e ~ lll ~ part of Oiana was the first Englishwoman the title was dropped because to marry the heir to the throne film distributors thought that since 1659 - all the others were American moviegoers would think the film foreigners. was a sequel, and not go to see it because they still hadn't seen The Madness of King During the Second World War, George I or The Madness of King Princess Elizabeth convinced her Georgelf. father that she should be allowed to join the army. She enlisted in King George I of the Women's Auxiliary Territorial England could not Service. where she was known speak English. He was as ~ num ber 230873 second born and raised in subaltern Elizabeth Windsor": Germany and never She trained as a lorry driver. learned to speak English even though he was Early on Friday morning. on 9'" July 1982. King from 1714 to 1727. Queen Elizabeth 11 woke to find a strange man sitting at the end of her bed. He Queen Anne had a was a mentally·m man w ho had entered transvestite cousin. Lord Buckingham Palace after climbing over a Cornbury. She sent him to be five-metre wall. He spent about ten minutes governor of New York and talking to the Queen. She eventually called New Jersey. The colonist s for help and the man was captured. were not amused 0 9 TRACK7 This monlh: the airport.

... This month the oirport.

Useful Expressions an aisle seat, please? listen and repeat these Where's the departure useful expressions. lounge, please? 15 there a duty-free shop What you ask/say here? Where can I check In? Is there anywhere I Which check-in desk do can change my money, I go to? please? a trolley Where's passport control? What you hear What time is the plane Can I see your passpon, leaving? please? ho""_ Which terminal does the Did you pack the bags a memb« of plane leave from? yourself? !he ground Slatf Can I check my baggage You will have to pay in here. please? excess baggage. Where's the nearest Your plane is delayed toilet, please? forty-five minutes. ,._GlOSSARY .. Do you know which Would you like a window 10 __ tklieI in .. oifpon boarding gate the seat or an aisle seat? MI6 10

WeLCOME ...... ~ -, ~ ,--10 ...... 10..­ The Countryside C!WKEI CITY ...... As you leave Kansas City, you feel like you've •• dnI you can experience frontier life firsthand by "'_ ... oo_""' ...... !IftIino taking a wagon ride across the prairie like the about 400 metres 10"9 and Is 30 metres above the ""'_NCin9-~b_ pioneers did. Or take part in a pow-wow and Cimarron River. ....~ ...... - ~ feel the rhythmiC dance music of the Native -+ Dodge City Is the windiest city in the United ...... American Indian tribes. States. 1O ...... -"crNJ Kansans are serious about their history. -+ Truman Capote's account of cl real-life murder ...... 10 ...... - ""'''' ...... And you can find a museum for just about in his book In Cold Blood took place in Kansas. ...~ ... - anything. In Atchison there is a museum -i In Ita ly, the ...IONla"" - oIlood--,.quodJy .... quito ...... dedicated to Amelia Earhart, the first woman city of Milan is 400 11\_10_ to ny solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Abiline kilometres northwest ..... - has a museum for its home-town hero of Rome. In Kansas, .-~-.. President Dwight O. Eisenhower. And don't Milan Is about 50 ...... 10 9" bock"lIrnIo: 10 -,"",",- forget all the Native American museums. kilometres northwest ~- But there are lots of really weird museums of Rome in Sumner too, such as the Kansas Barbed Wire Museum County. with over 2,000 varieties of barbed wire. -i A hailston. weighing more than The People 750 grams once fell on the town of CoffeyvHle. As you enter the countryside, you'll notice a -+ The world-famous fast-food chain of piua change of attitude in the people too. Compared restaurants known as Piua Hut opened Its first to people from Kansas City, it feels like they store in Wichlta. have all the time in the world. You will always -+ 5umner County is known as The WheM receive a smile and a ~ howd ~when you walk Capital of the World. down the street. When drilling in a small town, -+ Kansas Is a native American Indian word which you can be assured that you will receillea few means ·People of the sou th winds·. -hello honks- from farmeo: driving their pick up -+ The capital of trucks. In the summer these people sit on their Kan sas 15 Topeka. porches, drink lemonade or beer and listen to And the largest city is the insects sing. Wichita. In fact, the best time to visit Kansas is in the -+ Kansas City is summer. In the city there is always an outdoor actually the capital festival or a cultural activity, and in the country of the neighbouring there's always a porch to sit and relax on. It looks state of Missouri, like Dorothy from The Wizard ofOzwas right. although part of There's no place like home ... when it's Kansas. Kansas City Is also in So pack your cowboy hat and head on oiler. 0 Kansas.


you go 10 Kansas? ~~:~;~t;~j~:,~~{/etE"j,,,,y medicine at Kansas It's very difficult to get around Kansas without a car. Everything's so spread out and there Whol did you expeel ilia be like and isn't really a public transportation system. whot were your first impressions? Honestly? I thought it would be kind of Who I was Ihe funniesllhing Ihal boring. I had this image of small towns with happened while you were lhere? lots offarm animals. I remember one trip I took with my friend to her grandparents'house. They had horses and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. Well, I had never ridden a horse before but I decided to give it a go. So I hopped on and everything was fine for a minute. But then the horse went crazy. It started bucking and making WhOI did you do Ihere? these crazy noises. I Mostly IJust studied. When we had time, we thought I was going drove to little towns in Kansas. My favorite to die. Sara, my thing to do was just pick a direction and drive. friend, eventually You never know where you are going to end calmed the horse up. down but not before I had destroyed an entire section of the fence. Whol were Ihe besllhings oboul if? I thought they would be mad but they were Manhattan has a great university feel to it. I just in shock - they couldn't believe I had loved going to the football games. We would stayed on the horse for that long. They kept spend the whole day tallgatlng outside asking me if I'd ever thought about being in a the stadium, drinking beer and having a big rodeo. To this day, they call me ~ Wild Lindha ~. barbecue. Did you have any olher problems? Was il easy 10 meel people? I'm Swedish, but my English is pretty good People from Kansas are so friendly. I met most because my dad's English. But it took a little p of the people at school events like the football while to get used to_ .. If,....·_up·~,.... games and in the bars downtown. There's a to the accent. The _MthllplM:e~ big section of the city called Aggieville where ...... people from the ~ fooobol. ~ from !he all the bars and dance clubs are located. cities don't really -... m.... 10 Iooebocll;oI)'OWuo_ holidays all the time since I had nowhere but the people from hIoot.1litrO( horn 1ftMo to go. On the down side, I'd say that many the country are ...... -.. 1I>t_0I""" ...... Kansans are very sheltered and don't pay hard to understand much attention to life outside the US. But as sometimes...... poot«wct_lew--...oI- the of my Kansan friend might say, You also have to .0-__ .."Ide)'OW~ MpIo, . eu I sweet as p i e ~ careful with be -,. "';':e the weather. I was wid'I big ~ '""" 01lOI JICIIN there for a year 01 ..... dIy 10.onocl>o< and in the winter 10-- g.... 1IOmMhIng ~ go it was absolutely .,,-lOllop .... freezing, and during the summer it was so -~ .109Q"NJ hot I thought I might die. Of course, they have IOOC!irI.

Telephone conversations 10 help improve your lislening skills. Here ore some more crank calls - those funny telephone calls that ore designed to wind people up. -. learn how to entertain yourself The Nanny with these fun activities. For this call, we responded to an advertisement in a local newspaper. The victim is See how many pens you can put up your looking for a nanny (someone to nose. Take a photo and send it to Guinness look after her children). Book of Records.

VKt;m: Hello? In the street, sing Italian operas in a loud voice. Hold Hot: Oh, hi. My name's Sara. out a hat to see if anyone wants to reward you for your I'm calling about the efforts. advertisement for a nanny you put in the newspaper? Gossip about someone right in front of them. Start Victim: Oh, yes great. well let me GLOSSARY talking about your victim in hushed tones. Just watch tell you a little about our ...... their face as you dish the dirt. 1O....,._-- .. ~t_ family. OK there are two children and ... • piKe 01 ~1Iy In a_pt< Answer every question with a question. For example . --..... !lltl_or._ Hot: Oh. sorry, but can I just ask a .....w.­ Friend: Are you coming to the party tonight? you a few questions first? .-.-...,TV.demond; ~ ,....nftd You: Am Icoming to the party tonight? Victim: Erm, OK, sure. • ItIeing See how long you can continue like this before your alw>ll .. b Victim: Sure • Io. b..sed loo ~".. 10 ,,_ VICtim: Well, Yes ... ..,.-"" Repeat yourself constantly. Repeat yourself constantly. ... _ at !lit""" 01 a >I

poked beating

1. The guitarist was his guitar. 2. She me in the chest. 3, The audience liked the show and 7."""__ loudly. 4. She was the drum while he was singing. 5, He __---;- his fingers and the waiter came running. 6. She __ me very hard on the back. 7. She __ the ball of paper at me. S. I was soangry that 1__ thewaU. 9. She on the door. GLOSSARY .or.p 10. Stop __ your fingers. '0 hit by u>ing. _ 01 qui<:k 11. He a famous tune on the door. 12. She the boxer in the face. .all... ",p -.0 hit _r""" with I wd hind 'OIaP_tft~- • •ohit.,.,... ~""", .... ll to .....p ' OtNIget '0.""'" 1<>"-you< ~ qO>l Il>e~ .. " rin90 tOMII ...... ohit inortlef ,omol qukkly puoh with)'OUr fw>get

20 I www.ltamhoten,lish.cOtn/ Fo< ' te~t ptivm langu age dustS, e·mail dasses@ hotenglishmagazinuom e TRACK12


,.~- ..!.... '- "* ...... " -- Hello, everybody, and welcome Dear Or Fingers, to my grammar clinic. Please Could you hel 1 -- negat!ve questions. ~~~. I W~Uld like to know about negatIve? are t ey? And Why are th Yours. ey Dear Fire Hydrant, Thank you very much for your e-maiL Of Fire HYdrant. course, I would be delighted to help you learn about negative questions. Basically, negative questions are questions that have a negative form in them. As you can see, you can make negative questions Or Fingers' language Drill with just about any tense. For example: Negative questions are a very useful way a) Didn't you go to the party? of practising using auxiliaries. Here to help bl Don't you like the film? me is one of my students, Susan. Say hello, cl Doesn't she want to see it? Susan [hello]. The following dialogue will d) Haven't they eaten already? give you an opportunity to hear some el Hadn't they been there before? negative questions in action. OK, let's go. ~ Don't they want to take it? g) Couldn't they have done it earlier? Or Fingers: I can't pay the rent. hI Hasn't he fixed it? Student: Why can't you pay the rent? Or Fingers: Because I don't have any Uses money. We can use negative questions for Student: Why don't you have any invitations. For example: money? a) Won't you have a biscuit? Or Fingers: Because I wasn't paid my b) Won't you come in for a minute? salary. Student: Why weren't you paid your We can also use negative questions for salary? exclamations: Or Fingers: Because the accountant didn't a) Isn't it a nice day? receive my bill. b) Aren't they good at singing? Student: Why didn't the accountant receive your bill? Negative questions can also be used to Or Fingers: Because I didn't have time to show that you are surprised or even angry send it. that something hasn't been done: Student: Why didn't you have time to 0) Hasn't she finished repairing the car yet? send it? b) Aren't they in bed yet? Or Fingers: Because I haven't had a moment's peace for the past And finally, we can also use negative three weeks. questions to make polite requests: And so on. 0 0) You haven't got a pen I could borrow, have you? Well, Fire Hydrant, I really hope my b) You don't know the time, do you? explanations have helped you understand " You couldn't help me with this, could these things. you? Yours, Or Fingers. d) You haven't seen my jacket anywhere. Please send your questions or stories to: have you? [email protected]

For telfphone dmes",ith the Hot English Method. contact duses@hottnglishmagninuom ,_telepJ.one..enJlish.com 21 6 nACK13 Authentic conversations to help improve your listening skills

This month, two British men ore talking about pets. listen to the conversation and answer these questions.

1. What does one of the speakers say in ridiculous how can you ... you can't favour of keeping pets? take the, the, you know, the living 2. What does the other speaker say against with a pet thing so far. I mean, you keeping pets? know, there's gotta be some limits to, you know, where the pig lives Chris; I just heard that Hollywood and what you do. George Clooney is in mourning for Chris: Well, they make people happy don't his beloved potbelly pig Max. they. They're some, something to Andy: I just think that's ridiculous. I mean, talk to. They may not respond but, how can you, how can you fall in you know. love with a pig? Andy: I just, I think the whole thing of Chris: Well, they're almost human, pigs, keeping pets is so unnatural. I mean, aren't they? I mean, he lived with you know, what they do to them in the l SO·kilo animal for 18 years. order to live with them. You know, Andy: What human ... How can you .. . I they neuter them so they don't, you mean ... It 's a pig, you know. They're know, they don't get all heated, I GLOSSARY In moll"'''' not ... What .. . What human qualities just think that's so unfair... ifyou_""In~you ..ewd do they have? Chris: Well, some people do. Certain, bK....e __ ~ died

Chris: Well, you just look in their eyes certain animals do breed you know ,-"I w;mIeG 10>lj they're almost human. They've got '0 loll In "'" with __ quite ... .0 ...., .O __~"'ud\ sort of human expressions, almost. I Andy: Excessively, 1th ink .. . mean, they don't smile or anything Chris: Excessively if they're not neutered. ...'o.-port_ - l--O.tIl .he aUlI>oritif

Idioms booklets Learn hundreds of idioms, really Get your Idioms improve your English and speaK like a booklets from ... No., native English speaker! Booklets come a~a"ab/e with listening files! on/me! - ~ Coog l c~ay

2l l_wJeunooten,lisb.com I w" ntlo do an intemsh ipwilh Hot Ensii sh? For more infOlmalion, e- ma il info@holengUshmagazi nuom e TRACK 1" Authentic conversations by native American speakers

Moon Base This month two young Americans are talking about the NASA decision to establish a base on the moon in the near future. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions IUS English spellingl:

1. What does one of the speakers say in favor leigh: Have you heard about that invention of establishing a moon base? last year? It was called Spaceship One 2. What does the other speaker say against byVirgin's Richard Branson, and it's a, establishing a moon base? it's an actual rocket that you can go into space to explore. Leigh: Hey, have you heard that NASA wants to Ashley: Oh, yeah, and he's gonna, like, charge create a permanent base on the moon? people, like, a millino, a billion dollars Ashley: Oh, yeah, I heard about that the other to go do that. That sounds, that GlOSSARY day. That's really exciting. sounds really fun. If you had the money. w ...... leigh: Do you think so? Do you think it's Erm, I'd maybe see how other people -_. tI.... ~ . 101 01 •• lMHkeo U>rI II>tnon-.t....u'd~~.kM 01 .... of things that they can discover leigh: A bit risky. Io\il f«j ofll>t~.-.d Ioom "l ~ _010101.. : out there. I mean, there's a lot of Ashley: I heard that Steven Hawking wanted plet>.yolOlulf experiments they can do in outer to go up on that thing...... ,,.,,, space that they can't do on the Earth. leigh: See, I can see that it's, it's exciting to ,...,-'""~ leigh: But there are still so many places travel and see what space is like, but ... kowolh.. peopIedo. see ...... , '-'" to.he OIhet on earth to develop. We don't even it's a lot of money and we have a lot know .... we haven't really actually of other issues on Earth now that we .1I'II ....p ....."'" OIloCdcItItt discovered, well, we've discovered should focus on rather than space -m., but haven't really explored the Polar exploration...... n h .... regions or the seas. There are so many Ashley: Well, yeah, that's true, but, I mean, I .• ,pt-...;..... "" impoI''''''' oubjec' other places to visit on Earth, which is guess if, if everything else fails we • Ihonk lI--"hlngItlMIItII. like a space in itself. might wanna go ahead and invest if .... he OIhet .hing. _..,., doing Ashley: Yeah, but I think people have always in space exploration cos if the, if the ~~ .'.ce Phrasal verbs booklets Learn hundreds of phrasal verbs, really improve your English and speak like a native speaker! Booklet comes with listening files!

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For tflfphone dnsn with the Hot [ ngl i ~h Method, con t ~c1 dn~~tJlhotengl i shm i g iZ i nuom I www.telepboM-en.lish.com 23 CROSSWORD Answers on page 33 Down 1: To drink only one particular type of drink all night = st __ to one drink 2: The government of a town or city = a co __ 3: To take away someone's property as a form of punishment = to con __ something 4: To dominate, abuse and manipulate someone = to walk all 0 __ someone 6: To become very, very wet = to get dren __ 9: To do what someone else wants or decides = to go a With someone 10: An object placed just outside the door and on which people can clean their shoes = a do__ 11: If a town is like this, there is a big distance between one point and another = spr __ out 14: To take away = to re __ 15: To eat a lot of food very quickly = to p __ out 18: To stop breathing because you have something blocking your throat = to

~_T_ 10. = t One dIM 19N~ 11 81( 9F lOG liB 120 UJ -~-plu;ur 4. _~1hf_::;:' 1. v :!. Queen Mory H. In I~oIn~1 ..unl poen.onaIityuoil IhMI 1. Edw ..dVl. 4. w_ Slmpoon moan ba1e t>euu .. M~ • Mtn/! ...1. One oIlhe spNke<1 tot hulbond ....,uck ""'lnlhe_ •I . We'ook~onlol1 11 .(1\11 .... ,,~ _~I~they- _IN)InHd._OIe~...... IS. (opt.Mltln)'. 2. """ won!> k,~". 01 Ifts. ltw"'~""diI..... _ ft1.h. . w»hlnv in. / We ohouId ll._ 2'-1...... mho< >PHUt -..,·,1iM _"" ""'"'"I'.'Mft .." poIMlyd "'" in 1!w W4\Nn9. -""IiIeUl'" lhe ...... oI~ ' odell Mft ' -~ . "'"'>G .. M ~ 1.. 10_-' Moolly.,.·._ ...... _ I. Wllendo you 9'" ot.,-l So TNt _kIN Is tNfy - oo~ ~- .. _ ~~ t...mt 10 IaI 'fIN< .. --L_ .--...... rMnil)o. TIM""'_ 11 lE 41. S" 6H 1C o-Iloob and chorm. 0pci6n 1: Hot [nelish para Estlldiantes. 6 rt'l'istas Hol Engl ish + audio MPls + 1 Libro dt Destrezas pal'1 m ud ia ntts (100 p~ginas, .. nivelts: Pre-Intermediate 1Intermediate 1Up per Inttrmediatt 1 Advanced): l47 .S0 India tl nivtl quedem (induye 1 tibro tn tt prtcio):

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Why dumb?

The truth is, there's a story behind everyone of these seemingly dumb causes laughter in bear for the purpose of laws. Take this one, for church. Alabama. taking a photograph is example. In Colorado it prohibited. Alaska. is illegal to place a couch 4\ Putting salt on a on outside porches. Thi s V railroad track may be t.a It is consi dered an may appear very strange, punishable by death. 9 offense to push a live but there is a good Alabama. moose out of a moving reason for it and it goes airplane. Alaska. like this. The University Do you know all the la ws 4\ It is legal to drive the of Colorado in Boulder in your country? What '0' wrong way down a 4\ Hunting ca mels is is famous for its party about America? America one-way street if 9 prohibited. Arizona. atmosphere. A common has some incredible laws. you have a lantern tradition at the University Did you know that in the attached to the front 4\ A class 2 misdemeanor is to burn couches state of Alabama it's illegal of your automobile. 9 occurs if one places a following big events (i.e. for donkeys to sleep in Alabama. mark upon a flag which winning a football game). bathtubs? Yes, that's it. is "likely to provoke To stop this potentially You are prohibited from 4\ You may not have an physical retaliation". dangerous activity, a law taking your pet donkey and 9 ice- cream cone in your Arizona. was passed to discourage placing him in the bath back pocket at any time. it. Makes sense, doesn't in order to wash him. This Alabama. 4\ When being attacked it? So, you see, there's a is the start of a new mini­ 9 by a criminal or burglar, logical explanation for series on some of America's t.a Masks may not be worn you may only protect everyone of these laws, dumbest laws. Here are V in public. Alabama. yourself with the same even if they do appear some from Alabama, Alaska weapon that the other dumb to us now. and Arizona (US English 4\ Men may not spit in person possesses. spelling) \CiI' front of the opposite Arizona. sex. Alabama. t.a I t is illegal for a driver to 4\ It is unlawful to refuse a L '0' be blindfolded while 4\ You may not wear blue 9 person a glass of water. operating a vehicle. '0' jeans down Noble Arizona. Alabama. Street. Alabama. ,.m>GLOSSARY 4\ Anyone caught stealing ,,­~~ ...... t.a Dominoes may not 4\ Moose may not '0' soap must wash himself with a piece aI doth ~ rout eye,. so)'O\' C¥>nOII _ '0' be played on Sunday. \CiI' be viewed from an with it until it is lib Alabama. airplane. Alaska. amou._not ,HI; ... 1mIt.oIJon alineal .... Above rout mouth ..... • r.II_ ,,_ 4\ It is illegal to wear a 4\ While it is legal to shoot one 0I""'!WO II'OOUIIines on which 'Ca' fake moustache that '0' bears, waking a sleeping ---".... .-. ._' ..1101_ I $I'"" .... 0<'111 po!'I'mIt$ IrffIW: In one ditec.jon .iln..... 1 lamp In III'OOUI 11'1",", ¥I'I'h 1111 .. AA<"""with.~

"10 klfct... Iiq..., "'" aI 'fIN< """"'" ..1Ir!/tNOrth~_,... _­ that h living _ I'lOl dud ImI...... _1u> • $I .... on dotl'lin9 ~~ .". (II/fft .~ ...... _ h

26 I WW'II.~amhoten,rish.com / Siln up fOl our new~lettcr and IKcM fl~ Engr ill! Ic's~n~: www.lrarnhotrngll$h .com e TRACK 16 _ GREAT IN ___ AMERICANH RY This is the second part in our mini-series on US history. This month, Teddy Roosevelt. and the Great Depression. By £aura Warrell

Teddy Roosevelt The Great Depression Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president in America n In 1929, an economist from Yale University said the history. He was famous for his energ y, his brilliance and American economy had reached a Mpermanently high his funny eyeglasses. During the Spanish-American war, plateau of prosperity": Fi ve days later, the stock market in which Cuba fought for its independence from Spain, crashed and the Great Depression, the worst economic Roosevelt was colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment. Thi s recession in American history, began. was the first volunteer cavalry regiment. Roosevelt and his On October 24, 1929 (known as -Slack Thursday· ) inves tors regiment of 1,250 men became legends because they were began getting rid of their stocks. Financiers bought the courageous. Most amazing, the Rough Riders were made up stock to stop the panic, but it didn't work and more and of men from all walks of life: cowboys, Indians, Ivy-league more people sold off stock. October 29,h (known as MBlack patriots, and aristocratic sportsmen - the type of men w ho Tuesday·) was the most devastating day in the history usually wouldn't get along, except that the charismatic of the New York Stock Exchange. Prices collapsed and Roosevelt brought them together. In 1898, Roosevelt wiped out all the financial gains of the previous year. led them, along with a group of black soldiers known as Over $30 billion disappeared from GLOSSARY Mbuffalo soldie r s ~ up Kettle Hill where he captured San Juan the America n economy - the _11.... oIlj.eclSrou_..... rouUOll_ Heights, virtually ending the wa r. sameamount 0 f money th at th e bet'''',"GIi>!.eS"InBriblhEngfn.h When asked to explain his success, Roosevelt said, Mspeak government had spent to fight ,ouvh ifroudHcflbe_ •• -""'9/'". softly and carry a big stick ": The quote made it into history World War I. rou _ wring thol they _. lot 01 books all over the world. Public confidence was destroyed. Io«t;>nd I>Wt>tJon from oil ..olb of 11ft The Depression caused a level f,om 011-' oI_y;>nd d." ,..,.uagu. of unemployment and poverty !vy.lHgW ,,,l>00I0 Indo.ode HotvM lot under the pressure, students left ..... ,...., 109*!01ong high school (2 to 4 million children to Nw. 9OOip ""'" quit), and thousa nds offamilies ~ 10 bit.., -"'* '09*'her were left homeless. One-third of '0 1omI. gooup wilh ~I Americans fell below the poverty .'1""'. line. Farmers with guns went to -.1_ph<.~lhoIoppNn;" • boo!< 0< IhoI ~_' local banks to prevent foreclosures o pIi,uw • >I_In. ptO. ;>nd the PtopIt;>nd In$'ilutlon$ thM demanding thei r pensions. 0 ,o" ..h ·'o_l oll.-nly... """ -"• ptriod of ..... ,.. ", •• o,ni< g.owomo4M to n'II


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Jokes, stories and anecdotes as told by native English speakers.

John is going to marry Sally. A few weeks before the wedding, John goes to the priest and makes him an unusual offer. GLOSSARY ...-- ....1 .; I'll give you l00euros ,ol,.. k_ 10 beiI ....Ion.,.., .....c '0 in a really bad mood, So, he get to the part where I'm ...... goes over to the monkey, supposed to promise to love, ~­ .if_il"'"~mood:'~ roars loudly and says, · Who honour and obey her forever, """"9'Y0I~ .0 .... ' is the mightiest animal in the I'd appreciate it if you'd just ~ lions· ...... ~ ..... le aloud jungler leave that out." ..... And the monkey replies, "You John passes the minister a ve<)' >!tong ilnd ~... -.0 ...... with IN, are, master," trritating Taxi Driver l00-euro bill, and the priest to t.. '" lrigh'~ th.o, _ body Sam walks into a bar and asks Then the lion goes to the nods in agreement, "Ir...-.blif>!l ,og,ob for a beer. As he's drinking, zebra and says, · Who is the But on the day of the wedding, 'o .... t ~ with.,...., hoond another man comes in and mightiest animal in the when it's time for the groom's .o.lam,0 __ IoK. orders a glass of water. Sam jungler vows, the priest looks the .od"", young man in the eye and 11.,.... 'dtop'lOn'IttNng..,...... , decides to leave after his first Shaking with fear, the zebra 10 fall to ,ht 9found beer, but as he's going out, he says, · You are, master," says: "Will you promise to obey '0 ••111011 10 It_. pile. w ....1ng notices the other man leaving Next, the lion meets an her every command, to serve ...... too. Sam goes to another bar elephant. · Who is the her breakfast in bed every ..,o/IidoI_oI.~ and asks for a beer, but the mightiest animal in the morning of your life, and never .weddlrog_ -.~th.ot.,....moleto,.,... same guy comes in too. This jungler the lion demands to to look at another woman as hu\lwncltwlle during , ...... mdlng happens twice more and know, long as you both shall liver 'o_In I9'...... , 'o~tI>ot.,...._'o_hing eventually $am starts to freak But instead of answering, The groom gulps, looks by....,..;ng _ hud up ..... clown out. Who is this guy? Sam the elephant grabs the lion, around, and says, "Yes", .,- ",...... , ...... il9Oft1ng ..... rIotd wonders. Finally, $am has had slams him against a tree six Later, John leans towards the 'Olulp 10"'oHow~.,...... , enough and says to the man, times, drops him and walks priest and says, "I thought we ~OIfright~ NWho are you and why are you off. had a deal," '0 ... ",_"",'''''''''''' lo.....,.,.-e , .... upper 1N'100.,...., followi ng me aroundr "All ri ght! All right!" the lion The priest then returns John's body",..... d._ And the guy replies, ~ 1 ' m your shouts, "There's no need to get l00-euro bill and says, · She 'ohM•• cto •• 10 ...... ,.."",..~0I taxi driver." angry just because you don't made me a better offer", 0 COIlIroc,whfI_ know the answer,"

28 I www.ltamhoten.lish.cOtn/ Fo<.re~t p riv~ t e langu age dustS, e·mail dasses@ hotenglishmagazinuom _ WORDSEARCH Answ ers on page 33 Airport Words 1. A large flying form of transport (US English spelling) = an air_, See if you con identify the word, Then, try to find the words in the 2. The same as number one, but British Wordseorch. Good luck! (Read the vocobulorypoge 32/33 before doing thiS ( English spelling = an ae_, 3. The person who flies the plane = the y p,------R M C F N M B Y S T Y C P 4. The woman who serves you drinks and food on the plane = the ste',--;-_--; C C H E C K t U G 0 t T T I 5. The man who serves you drinks and food on the plane = the ste,.--.-:--:- U C 0 N B B W B E J C E R L 6. A card that tells you where in the airport your plane is = a boar ca rd. S Q D U T Y C 0 F V K B 0 0 7. The large building where airplanes fly from = an ai:::c:;;:-::-:c:-: 8. The collection of bags that you take with T Y A I R P L A N E E 0 L T you = your bag'-,-,-----:--_, 9, A metal vehicle with wheels for carrying 0 A E R 0 P L A N E T A L S your bags = a tro, __;-_ 10 A shop where you can buy tax-free M Q H D B A G G A G E R E T goods = a _ -free shop. 11. A plane ticket you buy from the internet = an e-t--:-:-:-:7 S E D E P A R T U R E D Y E 12. A seat next to the window = a w __ seat. A I R P 0 R T 0 A M Z I W W 13. A seat next to the aisle = an a__ seat. W I N D 0 W A I S L E N J A 14. The large room where people wait before going to catch their plane = the dep__ lounge. G A T E M F E C U L Z G D R 15. The place where you go to get on the plane = the boarding g __, L Q D F Y P A S S P 0 R T D 16. The place where you show your ticket = the ch __- in desk. K 0 B S T E W A R D E S S M 17. The place where you show your bags and where they ask you questions as you enter the country = cu,___ _ 18. The place where you show your passport = pas - control.

For telfphone dmeswith the Hot English Method. contact duses@ hottnglishmagni nuom ,_telepJ.one..enJlish.com 29 Trivia Matching

Exercise See if you can do this matching exercise. Look at the tist of things 11 to 131, and the photos ID -ClI. Write 0 letter next to the name of each lhing in the list below. _____ "

1. A zebra 0 2. A white stripe 0 3. A reindeer 0 4. A snail 0 5. Doughnuts D 6. A hockey stick D 7. A rabbit 0 8. The king of hearts D 9. The king of spades D 10. The king of diamonds D 11. The king of clubs D

12. A toothpick D

13. A revolvi ng door D

a ------,-

30 I www.ltamhoten,lish.cOtn/ WanllodoaninternshipwithHotEnglish?For mort it'l fO)lm~lio n , e-mail [email protected] 9 TRACK 18 Weird Trivia

This is onolher part in our mini-series on stranQe foels. Whoever Ihoughllhe world wos so awe-inspinng? M The word Mlisten contains the A piece of paper same letters as the word M sile nt ~ cannot be Coincidence, or what? folded more than nine times. All the planets in our solar system Try it! rotate in an anti-clockwise direction except Venus. It's the only planet that A hippopotamus can run faster than a rotates in a clockwise direction. There's man, although not with such grace. always at least one exception to every rute, as you know from studying The town of Whit by (population English. 116,000) in Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than any other place in the world. We're sure it's The Main library at Indiana University also pretty high on obesity levels, but sinks over two and a half centimetres we can't confirm that. every year. Why? Well, when it was built, engineers failed to take into Canada imports approximately 822 account the weight of all the books. Russian-made hockey sticks ... every There's always something, isn't there? day! And lastly, an interesting question: The revolving door was invented in Is a zebra white with black stripes, 1888. or black with white stripes? Many zoologists would say that a zebra is The king of hearts is the only king white because its stripes end towards without a moustache. the belly and the belly is mostly white. The only two animals that ca n see However, others would say that a behind themselves without turning The object that Americans most often zebra is black because if you shaved their heads are the rabbit and the choke on is the toothpick. all the fur off a zebra the skin is mostly parrot. Very useful. black. So it really depends on how you A snail can sleep for 3 years. Lucky want to look at it, but we're sure the Reindeer like to eat bananas. snail! zebra doesn't really care 0

The longest word in the English language with all the letters in GLOSSARY M ._.lnopklftg alphabetical order is Malmost . Surprise ...... ,ng.~jbll! '0 ""... your English teacher with this piece of ...... 0 ,urn In <11< .... useful information...... ,"', I...... rotMI, ... -u...n f"""," . 1tudoIph it a ~.- ..... Twenty-four-ca rat gold is ,-...... a ')'Pe 01 rnoHaIlIWd to "'""'" coons not pure gold since there is .0_1d llyou'mouId'"a oof\"""tan

moulded with the hands. wlth ....hg .... -"''''''wIth....u._h,con, .... -"...... ng door a door that .""".ound""" round Inc/tda. They .... oft"" found In ._hot.. ""• ..m. ltan to .lnk .0 di»ppNf oIowIy below the ""fKt '0 lalllD lOb X Into _count o;rp .0 fotgoeI.oCOMidef X ."np" aline of coIou. dolffl"". '0 the ~n~~«>b.o­ .~, '''''ffN''' ''''' c''''~ofyour "-"

tearn mort! Gtt an idiom~ booklet! 300 u~tful idiom~. audio fil t ~ . for mort information, ¥i~it: WW'W.lt a'nhottngli~h.com .c om I_leamhotengli~h.com f 31 Learn some useful words and expressions relaled 10 fire and Ihe fire brigade.

Fire brigade - the group of men and women whose job it is to fight fires.

Fire serv;ce -(also known as the -fire departmentW in US English) the organisation which has the job of putting out fi res.

Fire drill - when there is a -fire drill- in a building, people who work or live there practise what to do if there is a fire.

Fire fighters - (also known as ~ firemen I firewomen ~) these are the people who come to your house when there is a fire. They also rescue people in dangerous situations, such as car accident victims or people who are stuck in lifts ... and cats up trees.

Fire engine - (also known as a -fire truck- in US English) this is a kind of large vehicle with a large tank of water or foam Fire hydrant - fire hydrants children play in when it's really used for fighting fires. are basically large taps in hot. the street that provide water Fire station - a building where for fighting fires. Fire fighters Cheny picker - (also fire engines are kept, and can connect their hoses to known as a "boom lift· or a where fire fighters wait until the hydrant. Fire hydrants are "hydraladder") this is a kind they are called to put out a fire. sometimes hit by cars and the of mechanical ladder. It has a result is a flooded street. In large open box that is often Fire exit - the door that summer, in cities such as New mounted on the back of a people must use if there is a York, fire hydrants become vehicle. You stand in the box fire in a building. enormous fountains that and it takes you up to where

Fire escape - a metal staircase or ladder on the outside of a building. GLOSSARY to P"I ouU ru. Ladder - this is the object you to ... ingur$h ~ firot c.orrin series of steps. It is considered • An inferno = a fire that is burning • A flame = a hot, bright stream peopIo .... thing< "" _ down ~ bad luck to walk under a ladder. fiercely and causing a lot of of burning gas that comes from ....., destruction:"They tried to rescue .....Ira .. something that Is burning:"The • >eI .f"'ltpk.... hose there is a nozzle that ._who <0li0< .. """ from. controls the amount and ~ .~'" speed of water that comes out. ....

32 I www.ltamhoten,lish.cOtn/ Fo< sre~t privm langu age dasses, e·mail dasses@ hotensltshmagazinuom you own -teng. ~ ' ..,...,lish or run an English academy? Are you looking to improve your offer and give your students and teachers something different t his year? • Bl"ilnd our books with your logo. - • Exclusive area for )'Qur academy. ... - I ~ you want to go. Cherry False alarm - this is when • Free magnine advertising. ~ Q ~ pickers were originally you think there is a problem • Clear and appealing method (Of" ... ;3 IiiI your adu lt classes (16 yr5+). ,J designed for use in orchards. or emergency, but in reality, It lets the fruit picker take there's nothing to worry Visit out site for more details: the fruit from the top of a about. For example, you see (j) www. learnhotengl is h.com/business·2·business [email protected] tree. white smoke coming from ® the bathroom, and you call Siren - this is the very loud the fire brigade. However, it and annoying device that turns out it's just steam from makes a sound when a police your natmate, who is having car, fire engine or ambulance an extra-long, hot shower. In passes you in the street. this case, it would be a false alarm. And the fire fighters Matches - thin sticks that probably wouldn't be very ignite when you strike them. happy with you. Often used to make fires. Fire helmet - this is the hard Smoke alarm - (also known hat that fire fighters wear. as a ·smoke detector·) this is an electrical device that Fireworks - small object s makes a sharp sound when that are lit to entertain peo­ smoke is detected. ple on special occasions. They English Unlocked! contain chemicals and b urn Your complete self.study solution Fire extinguisher - this is a brightly or attractively often for learning English at home metal cylinder which contains with a loud noise. "Fire crack­ (with listening files)1 water or chemicals which can ers" are fireworks that make Reading, li stening, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, progress be used to put out fires. several loud bangs when lit 0 tests, li sten.and.repeat and much, much more. Choose from four levels: Pre- Intermediate (M). yll .. CF N .. . VS'VCP Intermediate (Bl). Upper Intermediate (8 :1.) . C C H £ C K lOG 0 t , , t ~--. -" ,.- Advanced (Cl) U CON I I W • E J C E ~ L ,-,­ SOD U , v C 0 F V ~ • 0 0 ,.-'.­ T V A I R P l A H £ [ 0 l T o A E R 0 P L A NE' A L 5 ,-.. ,..... MOH 0 8 A G GAG f RE' .-'­..... 5 E 0 E PAil T U 11 E 0 V E ,,-,,­ , t , R P 0 R lOA .. 1 w w ...... 'I...... , N 0 0 W A S l E N J A . .. ~ "c_ o A , E .. , E C U L l G 0 ~ ...... lOO'YPA","ORTO KO. S 1 , WAil 0 , ss ..

"-".... ,.

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Listen to this dialogue and learn some useful vocabulary and expressions. This month: The emergency Skype I Fire Brigade: Hello, the Wormington fire In this conversation Gladys calls the fire brigade. How may I help you? telephone brigade. Li sten to the conversation and Gladys: Hello, yes, I've got a problem. answer these two questions. Fire Brigade: Is it an emergency? English 1. Why does she call the fire brigade? Gladys: Yes. It's my cat 2. Why was her husband in the tree for Fire Brigade: Your cat ? courses so long? Gladys; Yes, he's stuck up. tree in our Real ly improve Anlwerson J»9E' 24 garden. Fire Brigade: OK. And you'd like us to rescue it? your English Gladys: Yes, if you could. And also my speaking, husband. confidence and Fire Brigade: Your husband? comprehension! Gladys: Yes. He's in the tree too. Fire Brigade: Well, what's he doing in the tree? Gladys: He was trying to rescue the cat. Learn when and but the ladder fell over when he where you want! was in the tree and it broke. So now he can't get down. N ative En glish Fire Brigade: And how long has he been there? teachers ! Gladys: About three hours. Fire Brigade: Is he in any danger offalling? Gladys: No. But he isn't very happy. Fantastic Fire Brigade: What's your address? material! Gtadys: It's 17 Eliot Street, Blackburn Fire Brigade: OK, so we have one cat and one Classes from husband in a tree at 17 Eliot St, onlY€9 Blackburn. + Gladys: That's right materials! Fire Brigade: OK. We'll send a fire engine round within half an hour. In the meantime, tell your husband not to move or try to climb down. Gladys: Don't worry, he's not going anywhere. Thank you so much. (shouting to her husband) OK, \ honey. So you promise to clean the garage? Brian: (wearily from afar) Yes, dear. Gladys: And you promise to paint the kitchen? www.telephone· Brian; Yes, dear. english.com Gladys: OK. They're sending a fire engine around in half an hour. GLOSSARY Brian: Very good dear. .IHo 1\ ... brIv..to ... ~d"n_ht.a.'M)ob Gtadys: So, what's it like up there? oIO-t~rwe. Brian: Very nice, dear. •• ""k wp"IrM Gladys: Do you want me to throw you a .0.-\f~".'ree... sandwich in a plastic bag? to Mlp _ gel out d. ""'-"'" 0< ddl'>cuk ...... Uo" Brian: No dear. I'll just chew on a few leaves. Gladys: OK. then. 1"11 just go in and put the .-•UP"' p;oc~oI __ oquiptnoonthing "" <~ kettle on for those firemen_ 0 "11,,,_, ... • a.rge whoclt filled wiIh w ..~ tho. tire flglut<' _ in 10 «_ U$Ioor to", to pvt.1Ie un.. on 10 fijj I meYI <__ with w_ .,-so,.,..._,n c.on hut \he wa'e< ond • '" foitt .. -. pe-_ wkose job Is 10 txtln9ulll> I'wfl

34 I_leambotenllisl!.com I Siln up for our newsletter and IKem fl~ English lessons: www.1e~rnho ! english.com 9 TRACK20

Learn Ihe kind of English you need for social occasions. This monlh: having lunch. Part I: Lislen and repeal Ihese expressions.

What you say over lunch _Thanks (or inviting me to lunch.

_Where would you like to si t?

_What are you having then?

_I recommend the fish.

_You can't go wrong with the duck.

_You order for me. Part 11 _The steak is delicious here. Now lislen 10 Ihis social English dialogue. In Ihis conversalion, John and Peler are _Have a good lunch / enjoy having a business lunch. your lunch / bon appetit. Peter: This is nice. - So, have you been here John: Yes, I often come here for lunch. before? Peter: What do you recommend then? John: Well, the steak is great here. And the salads _Is this your first time here? are del icious. Peter: I think I'll have the steak. What will you be - Do you eat out much? drinking? _Where do you normally John: I think I'll stick to sparkling water. have lunch? Peter: Yeah. Me too. I don't like to drink at lunchtime. - I'll have the same as him. John: So, I heard that you moved offices, is that right? _I'll have what he's having. Peter: Yes, that's right. We relocated to an office downtown. Oh, look, here's the waiter. _This looks great. Waiter: Good afternoon. Can I get you anything to drink? _What's your favourite John: Yes, please. I'll have the sparkling water. restaurant in town? GLOSSARY Peter: And the same for me, please. J'O'IUn'III"wra-nv"",k Waiter: OK, I'll be right back to take your orders. you will I ~"" you __, ~ - Do you want to share the ...,.~wil h dessert? .0 ...... ' ON ' In.~_ - nol"_ .hl.I."...... _Th is is on me / I'll get this _I'll have the soup as a _Would you like any wine 1..... ~ lo" lIIs starter, please. • niltal' one. with that? lood you NI bef

_I'll have the steak, please. _Red, white or rose? • main"",. .. What you say to the Il>t princlpoldhll 01 food In • mHI waiter/waitress - ohenmut or fi.sh What the ,~ _A table for two, please? waiter/ _What would you like to waitress says drink? • pink·

tearn mor~ ! Get an i d io m~ booklet!)oo usefu l id ioms . audio files. for mtH'e information, visit: www.learnhotengli sh.com.com/..--Itamhotenglish.com/ 35 9 TRACK21 OUIl ARE AGREEN TRAVEU1R? How much do you really core oboullhe environmenl? Do our quiz and find oul whether you ore a green traveller or not. ~n. 1 11Is onpage24

1. You are in a Spanish hotel and there's a sign in the bathroom reminding you not to use too much water. You: al Only brush your teeth with bottled water, and have a very quick shower once a day. bJ leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, and spend the day having nice, cool showers.

2. You want to visit a GLOSSARY 101e_llMllp "'''''iIog tropical rainforest. noI\OlUIn lho UPOfl". ,O,'UP'" Which trip do you go on? • dtvkt I ~ CO<'IIfOh!he!low

One that involves: I toIn ...... " .1Ntk fornl of ... Uen found In 01 A long trek on foot 6. Your next trip away will be: u~ .._ into the rainforest that 4. You're on holiday in a 01 A walking or cycling .. ~ • long """nooyen tool respects the natural large ci ty in the middle holiday in an area of • ')(4 habitat. of summer. It's hot and natural beauty in your .\orge veNde for drlvlnv In ,ho bl A ride in a 4X4 along a muggy and you're country. ~10 <11,' " Ih'OI/9h MtfMIhilog road that has been cut sweating a lot. You: b) A round-the-world trip 10 use tnKhet... Of tqUlpmo-nIlO through the rainforest. 01 Find a nice place in the taking in 10 major cities - ''''0U9h .... jungle dimll.eII.",. You can get right to the shade and drink lots of and flying on all the best .... <"'-'!Inln lho_~!>et ond temptf"'''' • ...... ed by poIkniOf\ centre really fast and water. airlines. It'll be fantastic. _ ...01 ...... '001 imp.KI you don't have to worry bl Go back to your hotel of_,hl", lheellec,. Itw, JIOIutic>n hi. en about getting wet or room, turn the AC up 7. You 're on holiday in India. ....envIn>nmen, (!he NflN_ bitten by snakes. full-blast and have a It's dinner time. What do 1IndI.... tI<1 ftlghto cold shower for twenty you do? """"",,,by.wpW>e 3. You've just read a report minutes. all find a nice, pleasant ,Dell"". IOt!IIowUOIWIIy on climate change and restaurant and try some ••• the environmental 5. You're on a safari in of the local delicacies. • et I ~ Is UfII'IN...m,. WtI year. 01 Rush forward and rescue If not, I'll go to a five-star -~'0._ ' bl Chuck the report in the the poor little goat. hotel to see what they've 10 ~ Iiquod loom """ body bKMM 01 ,he I\H, bin and book a flight for b) Get your camera out­ got on offer. 1n,IMohNI a weekend break in a you want to capture the In..-._ Itwo .. """o<,od ftom lhed lrfo< t~'of!he_ I 8. You want to go to the ~" coast for your next ,lhe,,ft· Iio-lng ..... ,, summer holiday. Which .llumWmum~ '0",<11_.... place do you choose? 109" Iotw.. d quIc: ~'" 01 A hotel in a little fishing ...... 1 ... _, • typoo 0I1ood Ihll ;, typiuoIln .... village on the coast. ..N , Y"" ... m.mng to b) A hotel in a beach resort .. • ~><>naoI HOIs ...... ,o, typoo of complete with discos, 10000_hlng"""'" _ou, bars, restaurants and a WY""'got somoIl\Ing ftown DuI golf course. The resort 10 you', you P"'I' _ '0 put oomtINng on InlloplM>o 10 uke It: is right beside a coral '0 wI\tfl' you ... lomot>_ reef where the diving is WI...... "cI>op down·'teon. I......

down six hundred trees -~-IO ....U .00ft'I ..... sonwthlng 10 ttllke IJIKO for _hir>;; 10 to make room for the ..... In itN so _lhIng tin be golf course. It's great! 0 -......

36 I www.ltamhoten.lish.cOtn/Fo<.re~t p.ivm language dustS, e·mail dasses@hotenglishmagazinuom One of Britain's quirkiest events, the Wortd Pie Eating Championship, has just become healthier. This year, the organisers have changed the rules and included a vegetarian option.·1r ealise this may be controversial, but this is the way forward for pie-eating at this level,· sai dTony Callaghan, the owner of Harry's Bar in Wigan, northwest England, where the annual competition is held. However, the changes have sparked a row with the pie-eat ing traditionalists. They wa nt to keep to the traditional rules of eating meat and potato pies, and eating as many as they can in three minutes. Instead, competitors will have to eat just one reg ulat ion 12cm­ pie in as short a time as possible. "They've taken things too far this year - pies are supposed to be meat and potato and anything else just isn't normal; said painter Dave Smyth, 48, who won the first contest in 1992 by eating four pies in three minutes. Last year's winner, weight-trainer Anthony"The Anaconda· Danson, ate an incredible seven pies in three minutes to New York was the location for the 2006 World Turkey set a new record. Regulation pies used in the competition Eating Title. While m illions of Americans sat down on must have a diameter of 12 centimetres and a depth of 24th November to enjoy a traditional turkey roast, eight 3.Scm. The vegetarian option will be 1Ocm by 3cm. compet itors set out to eat a whole turkey in as little t ime as possible. The rules stated that competitors should eat as much as they can in the time allocated, unless one of t hem finishes all the meat on the 5.5 kg bird, at which point the clock is stopped. George Shea, the head of the Internat ional Federation of Competitive Eating and the master of ceremonies for the event, described the challenge as a modern interpretation of the centuri es-old Thanksgiving tradition. The contest was presided over by · Hungry· Charles Hardy, himself a former hot-dog eating champion. Competitors came from as far away as Scotland, all hoping to take away some of the S2,500 prize money.

An investigation into a lottery organisation in Ca nada has revealed something very unusual. For the past ten years, the biggest winners in the lottery have been the ticket sellers and others who work there. In fact, since 1999, two hundred and fourteen people wit h jobs in the company have won more than 60,000 eu ros. Now what are the odds of that happening? An expert has estimated t hat it would be about one in a trillion. Meanwhile, the lottery corporatio n has rejected the conclusions. · We are the leaders in lottery security,· a spokeswoman insisted.

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"The G,eat (;aIM-Is a telm used to describe the rivalry Brifoin"s OffempfS fO conqUft' Afghonlslon. 'Fl:;;;:;;::- between the Blitlsh Emplleand ttle TUlist Russian o Britain starts the 1ifS! Anglo·Afghan War in " EmpireoYel Centrlll Asia. The Russians lefelled to it as 18]8. "The Toulnament of Sl\;KIows: This period ran from 1813 o A British army under ~al Keaoe to the Anglo-Russlan ConY('ntlon of 1907. enters Afghanistan. o The Blitish install ShuJa Shah as the leader of the COUntry. One of the last bal1les dUllng the retreat to India In 1841 o The Afghans start to revolt against the 1 1842 Is known as the Battle of Gandamak. Forty-live Britlst-iln late 184l. Blitlsh soldiers and twenty officel1 of the 44'" East Esse)( o Macnaghten is kllled during a meeting. Regiment were SUIlOUnded by Afghans near the town of o Genelal Elphinstone takes over command. Gandamak. The troops had just forty rounds between o The British star! retreating to India. them, so they formed a defensive squale to prepare • The British and Indians are killed dUllng the Journey for the end. In the wild hl nd-Io-hl nd fighllng that back to India. Approximately 16,SOO die. foll~ , all but six of the Bri tish were killed. Of these SiK o Britain sends anothel army In 1842 on a mission of who e~aped, live were kllled along the road. revenge. Meanwhile, Blltlsh troops In the town of Jellalabad were • Thele is another war In 1878, which ends badly too. watching for any sign of their comrades of the Kabul • In 1907, the Blltlsh and Russians come to an gallison. On the af\erllOOn of 1]00 January 1842 ttley agreement ovel Afghanistan. saw a single ligure lide up to the town walls. It was Or • DYring ttle 198Os, ttle Soviets Invade Afghanistan. Brydon, ttle sole survivor of the battle. o In 2001, the Britl~ and Americans entel Afghanistan. j f One of Britain's top comedy TV hit series is Fawily Towers. 11 was first () shown in the 1970s, but it continues to be as popular as ever. Fawily Sybil Fawlt.y Towers became on enormous success and was recently voted number _ is Basil's wife. one in a poll of the top 100 British comedy shows. lel's have a look at il. She has a distincti~e . laugh (strangely sn~\llar The neal Fawltv Towers to ·someone machme- Not many people ~now unning a seal-) and that is actually ~akes endless phone calls based on a real hotel. One to her friend Audrey. She day in the 1970's, a group of knowS how to contrOl her English comic actors (John manic husband, and one Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Graham sharp -Basm· is all it takes ' b l Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones bring him to heel. Sy I to . .' 'th the and Michael Palin - better enjoys socialising ~' .\ ordering Basl known as the comic team guests, an d "Manty Python's Flying Circus1 around. visited the Gleneagles Hotel, in , southwest England. The group was staying there decided Hotel Gleneagles is during the filming of an always going to be famous episode of Manty Python, the for inspiring Fawlty Towers so, hilarious 70s TV series. rather than be embarrassed But this fact didn't impress about what has happened, we the hotel's owner, Donald have chosen to capitalise on it. Sinclair. Sinclair's behaviour You cannot get rid of the spirit wasn't very hospitable at all: of Basil ." he threw a bus timetable And the guests certainly at one of the guests. and seem to be embracing the criticised Terry Gilliam's table connection. Manager Sue Pine manners. Believing that Eric said ~ It is quite bizarre. Every Idle's suitcase contained a day you sit in reception and bomb, Sinc1air hid it behind they come in by the coach­ a garden wall. load from America, Germany described Sinc1air as -the most and Holland to see you. We wonderfully rude man I have have a big poster in reception 80sil Fawlty ever met": and they all have their photo (John CleeseJ In fact, Cleese was so inspired taken beside it." The star of the by Sinc1air's rudeness that Luckily, they won't be yelled showisSasil he decided to write a series at by Basil, or have their dinner based on the experience. orders mixed up by the . Fawlty. He is the hotel , The character of , In fact, today's guests can manager from hen, H~s played by Cleese, is modelled expe

40 I www.ltamhoten.lish.cOtn/ Fo<.re~t priv~ t e langu age dustS. e·mail dasses@ hotenglishmagazinuom Manuel English actor Andrew Sachs, who plays Manuel. was once e WOfOptfty pan, instead of a lrom ho-U f rubber one, and • "'"""'II""'"1tom her" the--.t knocked S3chs ...,-- yotl>e _wtool.·.... _· ...... 0I>P0'ite of ...... , heloIw ......

...." 10....u..... -g .... The Kipper and the Corpse 10 '"'-t with, mKhino _ (.J _ Iho. $I\ooU ~ bullt!.. -,. Here are some examples of Basil's sarcasm In this scene, Manuel is behind the desk in at its best. In this scene, Basil is speaking to the reception lobby. There's a moose head ._-", ...... lho. "",",In ' he At(\lc a guest, Mr Leeman. on the reception desk, and the Major, a ..... Iho. hol bill ~ ItId ~ "" 10 tt.t.., ...... to ..... very old and long-standing guest, enters. 10 tonlrolltld dominMe _ Mr Leeman: Do you think I might have Manuel is speaking from behind the me,o",. ~~ 10 ..... _.,....nd '0'" _wh.o.'0<10 breakfast in bed in the The Major thinks the moose is talking. • ••Iklng ell.. " ... morning? • _wtoo~ho."'""I' p _N~ Sybil: Yes, we ca n. fro rhe phone} I'll Major: Er... is it? Yes, yes, I suppose it is. H,...._·on hone:!".,...._ w.lll.lbIe ,o hetp_ call you back. Manuel: I speak English. I learn it from a 10,",_,* Basil: Is it your leg? book. 10,opythewoy_1>;1O ~lObt_ Mr Leeman: I'm sorry? .....ndr)'bIo_ Basil: Well, most of our guests .• .-bl>icH fO< liMy cIotlw> t .... .­ manage to struggle down in In this scene, Basil is having problems 10<_ the morning. with one of the guests, Mrs Richards. She's 10 .....rn..;101IYt _ poI~o;lIOI ,_dui complaining about her room. .,... "of ...... I"ll------""'~A touch of class - .t.pK"'9UKtat.<~ One of the guests, Lord Melbury, leaves a Mrs Richards: When I pay for a view I p ....nl briefcase in reception with all his vallualble',"" expect to see something 10,.. rid ol ...... IN'" .0 tIltnIn.Itf ...... tIIng Sybil is suspicious and wants to open the more interesting than that. byl/• • .....:!>-...... case. In the end, they discover that Lord Basil: That is Torquay, Madam. If ~ ..Iive·b)t theUnv forbid you to open the safe. [she a Torquay hotel bedroom 10-~ "","" _" p/II opens rhe safe} Sybil, I forbid you to window? The Sydney Opera H,...."Wt.9]Ie cIownslolln·.,.... !iIO down ...... -" thougIo ~ ~ take that case out. [she rakes th e case House perhaps? The I IcI ...... 001II to .... -"~ ~Ioo~---~------~ able to see the sea. .0 ,tU ...... w Iho, 'her_ The Holellnspector ... Basil: You can see the sea. It's over ~ I fd from e mM 0<0"'''' the tIMI< In tI>e charm the ·i n spector ~ Mrs Richards: You call that a view?

Basil: Well perhaps you should .-....ge r ~ ( ~kor. bog RucIoIpIo) Basil: The wine's really good? consider • ..,..·".ndl.., I_I • guM' wtoo .... bHnllw

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-In london, Hackney taxis must carry a bale of hay and ill sack of o ats,"

"It is illegal to be drunk in a pub or who live in the Royal Hospital club, or any other licensed premises: Chelsea. The soldiers include those who have been injured in service, "In Hereford, you may nor shoot and who have served for more a Welsh person on Sunday with a than 12 years full-time. Those who longbow in the Cathed ral Close." travel out of the hospital should wear the distinctive hats and "In Chester, you can only shoot a Welsh scarlet coats. person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight."

"In York, excluding Sundays, it is legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and concerning British laws: arrow: • Over a 12-month period the British government produced 3,621 pieces of legislation, running to a "It is illegal for a Member of Parliament total of 98,600 pages, which is 70 times as long as to enter the House of Commons the epic novel War and Peace. wearing a full coat of armour: • Apparently, there are 45 pages of instructions on how to correctly label a goat; and more than 50 "Petrol stations may not sell hot food pages on how a deep-sea diver has to complete his! after l1pm unless they apply for a her tax return. special licence ," • That there are 279 different tax forms for GWSSARY businesses, asking a total of 6,614 questions. .-"'~ "Sleeping with a consort of the queen The notes explaining the Treasury 's ·simplified­ • Lorgequontity "'t..,'-.et( IIwt k . 1ed into ali9ht_ is classified as treason, and as such pensions' regime runs to 1,369 pages. M, cut. dried gtH. ttwt Is ~ 10 carries a maximum penalty of death: • One Police force has a total of 1, I SO different -....I, tout forms on which to report crimes. "u ...... g · Placing a postage stamp of the queen • There are 1,300 pages of road traffic law...... , upside-down is considered treason.· Ik ...Hd~I ... , Pftmb• ohop/bar..... /~""""" "'wlor __ that ~

· It is unlawful to impersonate a .....Ionoj bow la _~ that k !Md lot- fIrIng ..__ a grMt Chelsea pensioner*.· dk.-• · Employers must not hold meetings .• weapon thM _.01. _la Ionoj--- pIe<.oI o.on>fo Tr ...... ry trees to screen a new children's play area. It IN 9"Wf"I'M"t ~ in ~;;;::::~ then dug them up after health and sa fety experts ,.- fInon

Do you have a doormat at home? There's something nice about doormats. They're Doormats (a personality type) cheap, simple and functional. The nicest ones The term ·doormat· is also used to refer to someone who behaves have ·Welcome!· written on them, but any old timidly, passively and submissively to other people. The connection doormat is better than none. Unfortunately, between the object-doormat- and a submissive type of person comes that's not what the Bristol City Council in from the fact that you walk all over a doormat, and if you ·walk all South West England think, as they've banned over a person ~ you exploit and use that person for your own benefit. them. Why? Doormats are the type of people who constantly ask for permission to do things, or who say things such as, "Whatever you want is OK. It's all Danger! right with me. You decide for me. I'll go along with whatever you want: In a letter sent to 32,000 apartments, the Doormats also apologise a lot. Worse still, those who are around council clai med tha t ~.. . doormats represent Doormats often recognise this submissiveness and begin to take a tripping hazard and should be removed control of the situation, often manipulating or exploiting the Doormat. immediately... please do not leave them There's a book on this topic by Lynne Namka called The Doormat outside, creating a risk for others ~ Syndrome: Leorning About rhe Correct Use of Power. In her book, The letter went on to say that all doormats had lynne says, · It's as if Doormats wear a T-shirt saying -Available for to be removed by 18'" September. -Any mat demeaning!- remain ing after this date w ill be removed and Do you know any doormats? disposed of,- the letter continued in its official tone. GLOSSARY Interesting doormat facts ...... ~ Other types of mat include: on obje« pio(ed ~ 0UI>ide lhe Disagreement ...... _ ptq>It CMI A ' mouse mat" - a small mat for your computer moose. cIHn__ lheir11 ...... But local residents are not happy. They like Otherwise known as a' mouse pad'. their mats. Roger Perry, 62, is refusing to A ' plilce mat' - a small mal on which you can put glasses II>t __I of ~ _ or lily or bottles so they don't damage the surface of furniture. to !>an follow the cou ncil's orders. -This is absolutely '0'- ludicrous. It is so pointless. The council A ' bath mat' - a mat that is placed on the Hoor of a _ trlppl~ _rei bathroom to provide a non-snp surface, and 10 absorb _1hIng 1I\oI)'OU moy 1Nl with says mat s are a hazard. God knows how. I've small amounts of water. It is often of the ~me malerial your '-ond IN. moy~)'OU lived here for 13 years and have never heard asatowel. tOUlplflm A 'chat-mat' - a doormat with a recorded mes~ge on it. '0 ...... of any accidents. I know they have rules and to~_.,. regulations, but this is going a bit far ... it's '0 d i.po• • of -Inv ~xp Doormats are usually made from tough, long-lasting tOlhtow _hing_ only you and the postman who walk on the material such as coir, nylon, rubber. cloth, or aluminium to ..f~ " l lo do _hl",1 to..,.1I\oI )'OU wII not do mat s anyway. I'm keeping mine here to see and other metals. what they do. It only cost a couple of quid but -IlKtkrou..... Doormat~ may also be kr'lOwn as " welcome mats'. as IIdkuIoIn: ""Ilk! if they take it, that's theft. It's like someone poin.... . they are se-en as a form of welcome to visitors. The mat with no objKti¥r; I'IOIIogicM taking your car· Itself often has the word "Welcome" written on it, or a ._" funny comment such as "Welcome (If yoo brought beer )~ .....• hI. I. goI~ . bit f., Disbelief "Welcome Of you brought chocolates)~ or"Trl pdoor here: tt.k is. biI '00 ""'_ Derek Pickup, a local councillor who does not .q~1d agree with the new rule sa i d ~ 1 ca n't really see what the problem is with having a doormat outside your flat to wipe your feet on. I've never heard of an accident ca used by one. Having a mat outside is a way of brightening up the apa rtments and making them more homely.· However, a spokesma n for the 8ristol Council said t he ban on doormats had existed for many years, but they recently decided to send a letter reminding residents of the rule. The spokesma n said that over a period of time the number of mats had increased. What do you think? 0

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No problem! Sign up to our newsletter for all the latest news from Learn Hot English + FR EE English lessons: www.learnhotenglish.com www.facebook.com/LearnHotEnglish British monarchy hos a large. expensive and very heavy collection of regalia officially known as the Crown Jewels. Apart from being priceless. Ihey have a very interesting history. By Rob Julian

The Sceptre the t ime, Edward I was King The largest cut diamond in of England. He was in The entire colleclion of the world is contained in the Scotland trying to crush the Crown Jewels was almost completely Royal Sceptre. The sceptre the Scottish rebel destroyed by Oliver itself is made of gold and Wil1iam Wallace. Edward Cromwell in 1649. is one metre in length. It had placed his treasure Cromwell defeau,>d also contains an enormous in a chamber in the monarchy during the amethyst and a superb Westminster English Civil emerald. There are several Abbey, protected War. Most of other sceptres contained in by Benedict ine the jewels the Crown Jewels monks. were either A clever robber, -~ The Orb Ri chard The Orb is Puddlicott. got into the chamber precious a golden stones (thrH globe with by entertaining swords and a The Crowns a d iamond· the monks. then spoon) survived. There are two main crowns encrusted helped himself to Some years later. when Charles in the collection. The first cross. It's a good part of the 11 was returned 10 is the Imperial State Crown. symbolic treasure. He was the throne, most of which contains the most of the world ruled by eventually caught and the Crown Jewels hild precious stones. Edward the Christianity, and is held by sent to his death in the to be milde agilin. Confessor's sapphire is set the monarch during the Tower of London, along in a Maltese cross at t he top coronation ceremony. with about forty monks. of the crown. The ruby in the GLOSSARY centre of the crown has a Other Shiny Stuff Robbety It ...... v.. 1onoI docheo --' obie<" long and colourful history. It Among the Crown Jewels The second robbery took _ha~_ once belonged to a Ki ng of there are also five swords, place in the 171to century. The ~ ...... Crown Jewels were briefly ...thoIlo..,~_~1s Granada. who was murdered including the Great Sword Impouibku>-. puI • prIce ... _ by Pedro the Cruel, King of of State, the Sword of Justice stolen in 1671 byan Irishman 1...... "'"''''''_ an £fI9IilIo lonIJ ...... 1M 11· (a5tilla. and the Sword of Mercy. called Thomas Blood. Blood ,..., The same ruby was in the All of them are used in the stole them after b inding ..... crown that Richard III was coronation ceremony. They and gagging the custodian. .--~ ...... --*'9Ir1)OUf_ wearing at the Battle of are traditionally carried Blood was captured shortly • bMkNped oIltKt MI:t> • ...... 01 Bosworth in 1485. Richard III before the monarch as he afterwards. .-1he~"'~ ...... 60 ... <"1010<1 was killed during the fighting, or she enters Westminster After that. the Crown wilhdiomondJ fIuIHIlrllo iI Jewels were kept in a part ._. and the crown was lost. It Abbey. There are also maces, ...... Ililoe Henry Tudor. the new king. Robberyt Incidentally. the origin of the ._. The other crown is St According to a book by Paul term -Bee feater· is unclear. It ...... who do

Hot English: luc. what's harder: working with animated characters or working with real-life actors? Arlhur and the Minimoys luc Besson. luc Besson: Directing an actor is always (known as ArthurondrhelnvlsJbIn In some countries). Nal'Tlf': luc Besson something I love doi ng. I respect Director. luc 8esson Age: 41 (ast; Freddy Hlghmore (Arthur), Mla Farrow (Arlhur's Nationality: French actors a lot. I know that they grandmother), Penny Ballour (Arthu(s molher), Doug Profession: film producer have their fa ce on the screen and Rand (Arthur's father). Addlliooal vokes by Madonna, and aClor that I don't. I try to be there for Davld Bowle and Snoop Dog. Films; The Fihh Elel'Tlf'nI, them. I love my job. However, for The film is an Interesting mlK of 3D animation and loon of Arc Nikllo. LtoII, and ordil'lilry film. many, many more. this film I had to work with 300 people who were sitting behind computers. That is not the way I work usually. It was very hard to keep the feeling of the characters for 5 years. Hot English: What are you going to do after this project is finished? luc Besson: I think that I'm going to re st for a while, but I don't want to retire as a producer, a w riter or dire<:tor. I'm going to stay around. Hot English: Is there going to be a follow-up to the film? Story synopsis Aflhur is a ten·year-oId luc Besson: It depends on the success of the boy who lives with his film, but if there is another film I g~ndparents. As a little won't give the pleasure of doing boy, he's fascinated by his that to anyone else. I had too grandfather's stories. But one day, his grandfather much fun doing it. goes missing. later, on, Hot English: Why did you choose to mix 3D Arthur's grandmother staru and real film together? to have financial problems. Luc Besson: Why not? We had this crazy idea Things get worse when ..~ ,..~. an estate developer to mix 3D and real. Other people ~ (OI'Tlf'S to say that he Is said t hat it wouldn't work, but going to rip up the house we knew that it would. The main and build new property reason is that I wanted to create a on the land. The only way to stop that hdppenlng is complete world filled with -little to pay the developers the people: and this would have equivalent of the price of been difficult to do with real-life the house. characters. JuS1 by d UIIn(I!, Arthur discovers some hidden Hot English: Was it hard to convince Madonna men ages around the and Snoop Dog to be voices for house that were left by the film? his grandfather. These luc Besson: No, it wasn't really. I just phoned messages help Arthur find the land of the Minimoys. Madonna and she ag reed whk h is hidden somewhere straight away. It was the same in the g.arden. ln the land with Snoop Dog. I knew that I of the Minimoys there's a wanted them from the start. treasure that will help solve all their finar'IClal Pfoblems. Hot English: OK, thank you very much, luc. 0 Arthur finds the land and meets prir'ICess Selenia and her brother Betameche. Together they set off to find the treasure. This manlh we're looking 01 singer-sangwriler Garrell Wall. who has iusl released his lalesl album, Daylight, nighllime

Full Circle the song ~ S hangri - la ~ in the new Santiago Segura (Blade], Garrett Wall has travelled full circle si nce Torriente) film La Maquina de Bailor (The Dancing Machine). the release of his debut album All o(the Above. Recorded and released in Slovenia, New Album South Korea and Ireland, it features As a re sult of working together in the world of advertising, Wall's acoustic approach to song-writing, and brought producer Jose luis Chicote invited Wall to work on the him critical acclaim and media attention in his native follow-up to Gravity with the recording of some acoustic Ireland. After signing an international publishing deal with demos in the summer of 2004. In the following November Peermusic Ireland, Wall moved on to an edgier, electric top Irish drummer Ger Farrell flew over to Round Sound sound with Change (Rico Records/Celtic Collections), Studios in Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, to begin what would which gave him several radio hits and ended in a series be an unforgettable year of recording and writing. of concerts throughout Europe and the US. Relocating to Featuring musicians from six different countries: Spain, Madrid brought even more changes to Wall's writing and United States, Ireland, England, Cuba and Slovenia and overall sound and, when offered a deal by Peermusic Spain including Paul Moore (Bass), world-renowned violinists / Ireland to record his third album, he teamed up with Livia Sohn and Bojan Cvetreznik ofTerrafolk fame, Grammy­ Maaya Thila who produced the album Gravity, which was nominated Cuban rapper Nilo MC, Robbie Jones and Carlos subsequently release in Ireland, Spain and Germany. Raya (guitar) it is perhaps the first album to capture Wall's true sound - to balance the live sound with the studio 1V&Cinema sound. It is both exuberant pop and introspective folk. Wall regularly sings and composes for both television and The 13 songs sing of hope, life, love, loss and joy. In terms cinema in Spain. He was featured as part of the soundtrack of lyrical and musical sensibility it is Wall's most mature and to Spanish film Amor En Defensa Propia (Love in Self-Defence, complete work to date and shows that this is an artist who Universal Pictures 2006). Wall was also invited by the is going from strength to strength. director, Rafa Russo, to sing a version of the theme song ~ Shatte r ed ·. A recent collaboration with JL Chicote and Now sit back and enjoy Space, one of the songs from the Swedish singer Carita Bronska has lead to the inclusion of album. 0

GLOSSARY " Space" by Garrett Wall '0 ...... full 0 IhIngs you did.1 rim Rain, you could stop it coming down. 10 pU' ", album In .1It PII' , .... buy~ 10 1111"1 _

You know exactly what it takes, ~ Are you strong, are you brave, 1O"~ .1It ~ Im-mion 01 And if you make it by yourself, In odgy ....."" -.1OlIIId \hit h.n elemfnll (i rock You might feel something else. ..!I'I'iII< , ' o~ •_CH"'" "'"9 Of oIbum Space, it's not easy on your own, 10 teomupwltl> 10 join togethor with $OrT>eonf Space, everything you've ever known, I .....ndtrl 10'8, A H 8

You know it's bigger than you both, I CD ptOduc:~ 1, ...fnIlIt 01 .-~,- Did you think you could cope, .1...... "" And if you make it on your own, t1\it ....."" ptOduc:~ wI\tfI. ~ Will you say that you've grown. 1<_,, ' ~pllylO.n -.'0 I1"f...... "_tI>.o ...... W to bKc>IM bfttt< Ind bo1.t<. Of Space, all this space, all this sound, ...... _ more W«Hofui Space, all this space, all this sound, ...... "_H...,It ••"-' Fate you can feel it in your bones. ..~ ~.,..,. • 0 ..... kllt , You know it's bigger than you both, 10 btc__ c .. Will you say that you've grown. 10<_ .~

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Magic Pencils In April 2001, Malaysian police arrested a woman for selling -magic pencils· for $225 each. The woman claimed that the pencils could produce correct answers in university entrance exams. The woman also said that the pencils could produce electronic signals to confuse the computers marking the exa ms. She said that these signa ls would force the computer to correct any wrong answers. Dozens of students complained when the magic didn't work for them. Police later confiscated about $22,800 from sales of the pencils.

RoyalRecep~on Officials in Peru were left looking stupid after the visit of a -Nigerian prince": Thirty-six-year-old Wini Habashu, an unemployed man from lagos, sent an official-looking letter to t he authorities in Peru telling them that he would be paying a visit to their country in earl y 1998. Habashu also informed them that he was a Nigerian prince w ho wanted to secure business contracts for his country. When he arrived, Habashu was received with full diplomatic honours. He gave numerous .0<..... pI ..n .0 t.pHIt~bout ~ ",... 6oft -)'OU press conferences and newspaper interviews. The .0~ ...... AS< ••• Minister for Foreign Affairs wined and dined t he - ,0 ub _\ pWIlId ""kn

.n oMdo~_ l ng le" .. .!eI''"' that _.to be o/fIdo,I The Height Machine '0 _ ..... buom... <"",,_ JingTaibao claimed to have to ~obuIn In\p<>fUnt bullnt!. • patented the world's first ...... '0 __ with IvII d lplomMk ,--" Melectronic height-raising device-­ towdcome ...... POinII that dc>H _tIing uwfuI become one centimetre shorter. ._ .... .,... Taibao was arrested shortly ")'OUI~_"""""':the ...... )'0<".,... iol¥ge< than afterwards. 0 -.naI ~)'OU NYo:'" IrWc.t ..... 01 _ ha. "")'OU .n .....n l ... • --, whi'e. pale 10« - 011 ... ~)'OU ".111 Of "' ~

For f~ntnt i< telephone dmes. tom,j! dmts@:hoteng!isl"niguinuom /www.leJmhottttglis lr..comf 49 e TRACKlS The section that makes grammar easy and fun

"E ~

In Ihis monlh's grammar fun section we'll be looking 01 the active and passive voices with present tense verbs.

The Active & Passive Voices (by her). Basically, we use the active voice when cl The houses are built (by them). the subject of the verb is the one doing the action. For example: As you can see, the passive is formed 01 He makes a cake every Friday. with a conjugation of the verb "to be" bl She takes the money from the bank. and a past participle. For example: cl They build houses. al The rooms are cleaned every day. r-:::::=='==::::1 bl The cars are made here. cl Fridges are produced here. d) A lot of wheat is grown here. e} A lot of salt is used in this food. Uses We use the passive when we want to focus on the action, not on the person who performed the action. We ej They're repairing the machine. (active) can also use t he passive with present f) The machine is being repaired. However, with the passive voice, continuous sentences. For t hese (passive) the object of the verb becomes t he cases, we use "is/ are being- + a past subject. With the passive voice it isn't participle. Here are some examples of g) They are painting the room. (active) necessary to mention who Ndid- the active and passive sentences with the hI The room is being painted. (passive) action, although you can introduce present continuous: the person/ people with the word · by ~ 01 They are eating the cake. (active) il They are cleaning the room. (active) For example: bl The cake is being eaten. (passive) j) The room is being cleaned. (passive) 01 The cake is made every Friday (by him). cl They are singing a song. (active) kl They are taking a photo. (active) bl The money is taken from the bank d) The song is being sung. (passive) o The photo is being taken. (passive)

Want to learn English • 'lls Bookletl Piu, ... Hot Engl;'h ?,'g,,;ne,nd the Get a Skl • Skills Booklets are linked! There are four Skills Booklets. O ver 100 pages of extra Engl ish Each covers a different English level. lea rning materia l: vocab ulary, grammar • Pre·lntermediate (A2) • Intermediate (Bl) and read ing exe rcises, plus sections on • Upper Intermediate (B2.) "'ow • Advanced (Cl ) available , greetings, bu siness , socialising, travel, on/mei t

food, shopping and so much more! Googlc play There are also e TRACK26 English language speed and fluency practice to help you improve your speaking. Fluency Practice

Here ore six quick aclivities lor you 10 improve your pronunciation and fluency. Answer Ihe queslions as quickly as possible. and Iry nollo Ihink loo much. Laler, you can check your answers. You need 10 sludy Ihe phrasal verbs and idioms before anempling Ihese exercises. A"._ .. ~ .... " A: Tongue Twister 0 : Sentence transformation - Personality Try repeating this ten times as quickly as you can. Listen to these sentences and try to make a question for MTheophilus sifted three thousand thistles by the thick of his each one. Do it as quickly as you can. Use the question thumb.w words in brackets (). 1. Yes, when I'm with people I don't really know. (When I get I shy) ------1 2. Being with my friends. chatting in a bar.


3. I'd like to be more outgoing. (How / like / be) ______------1 4. I think that loyalty is the most important personality trait that a friend can have. (What / most important / personality trait / a friend / have) B: Pronunciation: connected speech with fish idioms ------1 listen to these sentences and see if you can write down E: Phrasal Verbs with "take" the words that you hear. Remember, some words are weak listen to each sentence then repeat it with an appropriate sounds and are unstressed, and as a result they are very phrasal verb. You should try to be as quick as possible. difficult to hear. 1. We employed Sally last week. 1. 2. We need to sign for a mortgage. 2. 3. We should collect the washing. 3. ______4. We need to extract some money (from the bank). 4. 5. This new idea is really becoming popular. S. 6 . I was deceived by his good looks and charm. 6. F: Revision Drills - Fractions, decimals & C: Rapid response - Personality percentages Answer these questions as quickly as you can. Try not to This drill is designed to practise using factions and think too much and just invent the answers if you need to. percentages. Remember, fractions are expressed using 1 What three words best describe your personality? ordinal numbers (first. second. third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 2. Would you describe yourself as an outgoing or a shy seventh, eighth, ninth .. . ). For decimals, we use a full stop person? ca1led a ~ point ~ (NOT a comma). And for percentages, we 3. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic? Why? simply add the word ~ percent · at the end. Look at the list of 4. Do you ever get jealous? When? numbers and see if you can say each one. Then listen to the S. What makes you angry? CD to check your answers. 1. ~ 2 . ~ 3. Yl 4. 1/4 5 . ~ 6. "'Ao 7. '" 8.20% 9.35% 10.48% 11 .72% 12.0.14 13.0.67 14.0.38 15.0.02 16.0.09 0

9 897 •••

FREf subscription if you recommend Hot English le 01 ~ ,Iw. lend'! people Things get bad for George around Christmas time one year. George's uncle loses an $8,000 .-to g;.....,.,.....". ....,.,..", ...., .Ullr'll /or ~ IInVtfd pe to .eII _ tlwy ,..".>k lOt ..",.,1IIng 'My want ...... tll ••ylllm .1>0><>0,01 lOt ~..no '-e -~-.. .-~.....- to"" lOt _'hing wI,h .._.- , .wcc,... tutfdm ......

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This month we are loo.ing single figures, but now Slan: Cheers. I appredate it. , at some typical words or it's running at 15%. Hey. we're going out ".... expressions with the word 12. Inflation has reached for a few beers tonight. "figu res". Usten and repeat double figures. Fancy coming along? the following expressions. 1). These figures will Nigel: No, I have football tell us how well the training. 1. I need the figures competition is doing. Slan: Oh, all righlthen. I'll see for sales in the first you around. quarter. Now listen to this business Nigel: Yeah, bye. 2. What year do these English dialogue. Stan: Bye. 0 figures correspond Business Dialogue to? GLOSSARY ,. Those figures you sent "IIIIIIII Nigel: Nigel spea.ing. Who's ..... ~'"'" me were from last calling, please? ·~ ...... year. Sta n: Hi , Nigel, Stan here. I the ...",w,.. .,.. dMded ;ntO""" """f1et'I. eKlo """"...... _"'1 thr ... 4. The sales figures for was just wondering if monthJ. The fn' """,er ,tf...1O J....-y, 2006 were pretty bad. you could send me those f tbNa"ondMOfd> 10 moICh "" 10 ,. The figures don't figures again. 10 CONIK' ... th ..."...., thrns; 10 corrHJ>Of! ond alcW1lor>l spreadsheet. e·mail about three weeks ...... • k' '" "'" ..,...... PO'" "'.-tun" • 6. I need a breakdown ago. dttaOlod k ' <>f ~I of these figures. with Nigel: I'll need more ...... """,bet>.nd """""toan roforn.., 10 information on what information than that. in/Iotioon (. pner2I ...... m"'" pn from, 10 9 set to fall. Nigel: OK , I'll send them later ~'...... nllt I~" ~ -­~I"'the" , ,ol,~ 10. New government today. figu res predict that Sta n: Well , adually, I need .... mbtn from 10 10 " 10 '*' on 10-..... i S.L inflation will drop this them lik e now. --10 ..."<100"'_ ...... , year. Nigel: OK. I'll get on 10 it right mm.d,~'- • ..., fatIq.-.., oIonc1 n . Inflation had been in away...... Id you 1;1;. 10

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