Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 41, Numbers 1/2 (2016) 19 FROM CHEMICAL THEORY TO INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY: THE ECLECTIC CAREER OF GEOFFREY MARTIN William B. Jensen, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172, USA;
[email protected] Peter J. T. Morris, The Science Museum, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD, UK; Peter.
[email protected] Geoffrey Martin (Figure 1) was born on 29 January lowing a brief interlude at Leipzig, he finally landed at 1881 in Dover, England, one of several children of Wil- Rostock, where he remained until 1906, having received liam and Grace (née Etheridge) Martin (1). At some point his Ph.D. in chemistry there in December of 1905 (3). the family moved to Wales, where the father, a retired artillery officer who had served in India, began to develop mental problems that necessitated his confinement to the Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum in Carmarthen. The rest of the family then moved to nearby Haverfordwest, where Geoffrey received his secondary education at the local grammar school, followed in 1897 by his enrollment, at age 16, as a student at the Merchant Venturers’ Technical College in Bristol. By 1901 Martin had completed his undergradu- ate work at Bristol, which entitled him to a B.Sc. in chemistry with first class honors from the University of London, since at this time Merchant Venturers was not empowered to grant independent degrees of its own. This was followed by a four-year sojourn in Germany, where he spent the summer of 1902 at the University of Berlin attending the lectures of Warburg, Stark, Fock and Jahn.