Adequacy of Soil Studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Perú
Wo 7 es ources Reports Noversr-December, O FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS :74 r Also issued in this series: Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 19-23 June 1961. Report of the First Meeting on Soil. Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28-31 May 1962. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 16-28 July 1962. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for South and Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,U.S.S.R., 14 September-2_ October 1962. Report of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey (Subcommission on Land and Water Use of the European Com- mission on Agriculture), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March 1963. Report of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 9-11 July 1963. Report of the Second Soil Correlation SeminarforEurope,Bucharest, Romania, 29 July-6 August 1963. Report of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Paris, 3 January 1964. 0 MACYOFOIl STUDILS IN PADrGUAY BOLIVIA AND PERU. Ileport of FAO Mission, NovemberDeoember 1963 D D AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ROME 1964 11721 " 80'1 '6" TIIYri H P1 1' A (1 BOldVIA. AND MIRD IYINTIWrlf; Fagc! FCYJi .1)mo0o0.604/A0eoe000m0ou.06006o0.00.00900000000,..0e00000Q eee.m0000mOoeuw,.,voseesoo000040oGem00.4,60000m000000 2. -4! PARAGUAY SUMT Y OF FITT:DINGS AND MCOMMENDATIONS " " o 4- SOURCES OF INFORMATION0000000e00000.10e000000000000000000 7 PRYSIC ("TMI OTERISTICS OF PARAGUAY Location00au0o.0000'00000000,0000.00000000000 7 TOP( aphy and-Landforma00 0400 4000 04044.40 4040 0 * 00 7 Gnology 8 Ca:mate,0e40.0000e0040 om ow« marOneoeceeogo.oee001,0q90.0.9 8 VC) gat ation 000000.
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