Michael Dillon | 9780415426992 | | | | | of Chinese History

Open Preview See a Problem? Articles from Britannica for elementary and high school students. Download as PDF Printable version. This has in many ways changed the way that Chinese history, particularly the modern period, is viewed. Subscribe today. More Details Gale also offers an online version, desirable for its easy access and the potential for more-frequent updates. Commissioned contributors from colleges and universities in and around the world provide authoritative content and fresh scholarly analysis. The Encyclopedia of Chinese History covers the entire span of Chinese history from the period known primarily through Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition to the present day. To ask other readers questions about Encyclopedia of Chinese Historyplease sign up. Main article: List of Chinese encyclopedias. For instance, the ancient Eryawhich lists synonyms collated by semantic fieldsis described as a dictionary, a thesaurus, and an encyclopedia. Specialized encyclopedias were another innovation during the Tang period. Average rating 0. Information about daily life includes clothing, food, family, even hairstyles, and more than 40 pages are devoted to education. An online version is also available. The c. They consist of generally quite long quotations arranged in one order or another and, although they may include an opinion on the subject, they rarely contain an original opinion. Details if other :. He reads Chinese fluently, speaks Putonghua Mandarin and some Cantonese and has a working knowledge of the Uyghur language of Xinjiang. Get A Copy. With more than 4, years of recorded historyChina is one of the few existing countries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition civilization. Water's edge view of the Shanghai financial district and Huangpu River, China. China has 33 administrative units directly under the central government; these consist of 22 provinces5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities ChongqingBeijingShanghaiand Tianjinand 2 special administrative regions Hong Kong and Macau. Provides a glossary appendix listing transliteration of Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition names, terms, and expressions; a chronology of Chinese history since ; an appendix of primary Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition and a thematic outline of contents. He says, "To call a comprehensive treatment of one subject an "encyclopaedia" is a catachresis known already in medieval China, where the term leishuproperly a collection of classical texts on many fields, came to be applied to similar treatments of one subject only, for instance the use of jade". Unlike earlier Chinese encyclopedias such as the Huanglan that were intended to provide information for rulers and government officials, these new anthologies were intended for scholars who were trying to enter into government, and provided general information, and especially literary knowledge about the classics. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Another notable Song encyclopedia was the polymath 's Mengxi Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition ""which covers many realms of the humanities and natural sciences. Chinese encyclopedias comprise both Chinese-language encyclopedias and foreign-language ones about China or Chinese topics. The island province of Taiwanwhich has been under separate administration sinceis discussed in the article . Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Trivia About Encyclopedia of C All Languages. Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation and can shop for titles with accurate pricing applied to your order. The very characteristic of the traditional Chinese encyclopaedia as in contrast to that in the West is that these distinctions were never clearly drawn. Treating Chinese history in the broadest sense, the Encyclopedia includes coverage of the frontier regions of Manchuria, Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet that have played such an important role in the Proper and will also include material on Taiwan, and on the Chinese diaspora. Read an excerpt of this book! However, the commissioned compilation of the Yongle Encyclopediawhich was a collection of excerpts from works in philosophy, history, arts, and sciences—and the world's largest encyclopedia at the time. Given China's increasing role in world affairs, its modern history and culture are of great interest to many, and this work is designed to bring reliable and accessible facts and analysis to students, professionals, and others who study and interact with China and her people. Each entry Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition recommendations Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition further research, and hundreds of full-color maps and illustrations support the text. Be the first to ask a question about Encyclopedia of Chinese History. Error rating book. The emperor ordered the destruction of 2, books that were considered to be anti-Manchubut were listed in the Zongmu Tiyao annotated catalog. Print print Print. Britannica Quiz. First, the "Extensive Records of the Taiping Era" was a collection of about 7, stories selected from over classic texts from the Han to the Song dynasties. Shanghai is the main industrial city; Hong Kong is the leading commercial centre and port. 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Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Books by Michael Dillon. Passport to Europe. Some leishu were huge publications. Features and Benefits "Association Copies" Appendix lists books by significant people who have owned them. Each volume includes a list of maps, and the last volume is supplemented with an exceptional collection of more than pages of collected primary source documents, beginning with a letter of advice to Queen Victoria and ending with a letter indicting the government approach to modernization that was signed by more than Chinese intellectuals in Other supplemental materials include lists of treaties, an annotated general bibliography, and a glossary of . Enabling JavaScript Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Unlike earlier Chinese encyclopedias such as the Huanglan that were intended to provide information for rulers and government officials, these new anthologies were intended for scholars Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition were trying to enter into government, and provided general information, and especially literary knowledge about the classics. One article provides an elegant exploration of Chinese data sources with regard to both quality and compilation methods. The Enyclopedia Of Modern China a is designed for academic and professional usersfrom advanced high school students and undergraduates to professors, journalists, and business peopleas well as public library patrons. An online version is also available. Robert L. Facebook Twitter. This has in many ways changed the way that Chinese history, particularly the modern period, is viewed. Read more Shortly after the fall of the , the first true Chinese leishu encyclopedia appeared. In more than 2, pages of alphabetical entries, each ranging from to 5, words, Enyclopedia Of Modern China provides critical information on the most populous country and most dynamic trade market in the world: the people, politics, economics, religion, philosophy, traditions, art, and of this ancient and enduring civilization is explored from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day. Its ranges from extremely dry, desertlike conditions in the northwest to tropical monsoon in the southeast, and China has the greatest contrast in temperature between its northern and southern borders of any country in the world. These substantial essays build on each other. Now that the Chinese archives are open to researchers, there is a growing body of academic expertise on history in China that is open to western analysis and historical methods. For instance, the ancient Eryawhich lists synonyms collated by semantic fieldsis described as a dictionary, a thesaurus, and an encyclopedia. Download as PDF Printable version. The c. Wei "The emphasis here is on China since Given China's increasing role in world affairs, its modern history and culture are of great interest to many, and this work is designed to bring reliable and accessible facts and analysis to students, professionals, and others who study and interact with China and her people. Recommended for both school and public libraries. All Chinese encyclopaedias are anthologies, upon which were grafted greatly varying forms of dictionary arrangement. Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation and can shop for titles with accurate pricing applied to your order. Average rating 0. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Chinese encyclopedias comprise both Chinese-language encyclopedias and foreign-language ones about China or Chinese topics. However, the Yongle Emperor commissioned compilation of the Yongle Encyclopediawhich was a collection of excerpts from works in philosophy, history, arts, and sciences—and the world's largest encyclopedia at the time. For example, the 2nd edition of the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Chinathe Brill's Encyclopedia of Chinaand the 5- volume Berkshire Encyclopedia of China. Print print Print. First, the Taiping Guangji "Extensive Records of the Taiping Era" was a collection of about 7, Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition selected Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition over classic texts from the Han to the Song Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. The Encyclopedia of Chinese History covers the entire span of Chinese history from the period known primarily through to the present day. Categories : Chinese encyclopedias. The number of westerners travelling to China to study, for business or for tourism has increased dramatically and there has been a corresponding increase in interest in , society and economy and increasing coverage of contemporary China in the media. Encyclopedic leishu anthologies were published in China for nearly two millennia before the first modern encyclopedia, the English-language Encyclopaedia Sinica. More filters. Its land frontier is about 12, miles 20, km in length, and its coastline extends for some 8, miles 14, km. This event reshaped global political , and China has since come to rank among the most influential countries in the world. Gale also offers an online version, desirable for its easy access and the potential for more-frequent updates. Although its content is "encyclopedic", the text was compiled to show rulers and ministers how to govern well, and was not intended Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition be a comprehensive summary of knowledge. 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Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Its topography encompasses the highest and one of the lowest places on Earth, and its relief varies from nearly impenetrable mountainous terrain to vast coastal lowlands. Third, the Wenyuan Yinghua "Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature"quotes from many literary genres, dating from the Liang dynasty to the Five Dynasties era. Although its content is "encyclopedic", the text was compiled to show rulers and ministers how to govern well, and was not intended to be a Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition summary of knowledge. Each article is definitive about its relevant time span: post for cultural articles and post for economic and political ones. The "Sea of Words" is a general-purpose encyclopedic dictionary that covers many fields of knowledge. With more than 4, years of recorded historyChina is one of the few existing countries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of world civilization. The Golden Age of encyclopedia writing began with the —"when the venerated past became the general standard in Chinese thought for almost one whole millennium". Showing Books by Michael Dillon. The period — was, in comparison with the Song period, of less significance for the history of Chinese encyclopedias. Other supplemental materials include lists of treaties, an annotated general bibliography, and a glossary of Chinese characters. It explained imperial genealogiesthe origins of surnames Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition, and records of legendary and historical inventors. Recommended for both school and public libraries. Compilation began inand the Encyclopedia of China Publishing House published individual volumes from through Get A Copy. 's Tiangong Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" was an illustrated encyclopedia of science and , and notable for breaking from Chinese tradition by rarely quoting earlier works. Pine branch framing peaks in the Huang Mountains, province, China. He reads Chinese fluently, speaks Putonghua Mandarin and some Cantonese and has a working Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition of the Uyghur language of Xinjiang. Download as PDF Printable version. Temporarily Out of Stock Online Please check back later for updated availability. External Websites. In more than 2, pages of alphabetical entries, each ranging from to 5, words, Enyclopedia Of Modern China provides critical information on the most populous country and most dynamic trade market in the world: the people, politics, economics, religion, philosophy, traditions, art, and literature of this ancient and enduring civilization is explored from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day. Information about daily life includes clothing, food, family, even hairstyles, and more than 40 pages are devoted to education. China has become accessible to the west in the last twenty Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition in a way that was not possible in the previous thirty. Hidden categories: Articles with Chinese- language sources zh. Article Contents. Michael Dillon. For example, the 2nd edition of the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Chinathe Brill's Encyclopedia of Chinaand the 5-volume Berkshire Encyclopedia of China. Click here to register. China has 33 administrative units directly under the central government; these consist of 22 provinces5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities ChongqingBeijingShanghaiand Tianjinand 2 special administrative regions Hong Kong and Macau. Encyclopedia of Chinese History 1st edition substantial essays build on each other. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Chinese encyclopedias comprise both Chinese-language encyclopedias and foreign-language ones about China or Chinese topics. Namespaces Article Talk. China Article Media Additional Info. China has become accessible to the west in the last twenty years in a way that was not possible in the previous thirty. More filters. This relative isolation from the outside world made possible over the centuries the flowering and refinement of the Chinese culture, but it also left China ill prepared to cope with that world when, from the midth century, it was confronted by technologically superior foreign nations. Friend Reviews. Passport to Europe. There followed a century of decline and decrepitude, as China found itself relatively helpless in the face of a foreign onslaught. https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4565049/normal_5fbe8c8481bd3.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564237/normal_5fbe581dc0483.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564487/normal_5fbe805701ed1.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564458/normal_5fbe6020724b6.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4565176/normal_5fbead16ce52a.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564174/normal_5fbe91c80f97d.pdf