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~ , 2 OBOEGAKI Volume 3 Number 2 areasof languagepedagogy, curriculum developmentand language 'c"]ob Ope1l1lnJDlg§ proficiency testingis highly desirable.Applications, including a curriculum vitae, statementof teachinginterests, and threeletters of recommendation,should be sentto ProfessorChristopher Brockett, Purdue University Departmentof Asian Languagesand Literature,DO-21, University of PurdueUniversity StanleyCoulter Hall Washington,Seattle, W A 98195,Priority will be given to applications ForeignLanguages and Literatures West Lafayette,IN 47907 receivedbefore January1, 1994.The University of Washingtonis building a multi-cultural faculty, and strongly encouragesapplications Japanese:Speciality: open. Beginning AssistantProfessor, tenure- from femaleand minority candidates,AA/EOE track, effective Fall 1994. Required: completedPhD; evidenceof outstandingteaching and scholarship;fluency in Japaneseand English. NOTE: A competitiverecruitment and selectionprocess is being Previousteaching experience and publicationsare desirable, Teaching conductedand if a U.S. worker or permanentresident is not selected load and salary are competitive. pursuantto this process,an application for Alien Employment Certification may be filed on behalf of an alien to fill thejob Chinese: Speciality: open. Beginning AssistantProfessor, tenure- opportunity. Interestedpersons should submit an applicationto track, effective Fall 1994. Required: completedPhD; evidenceof ChristopherBrockett, chair, JapaneseSearch Committee. outstandingteaching and scholarship;fluency
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