VOL. KVII. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1889. tiusnrR 5,037.

Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, tamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Bainbridge avenue from the present termination of the main on said avenue near the Williamsbiidge road to the Southern Boulevard, Fordham, Twenty-fourth Ward, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the Crri RECORD.

The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEw YORK, November 26, 1880. To the Ilonora/ e the Board of Ablerrnen : I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted Novemf er tg, I889,which provides for the lighting of One Hundred and Thirty-first street, between the Boule- vard and Twelfth avenue, on the ground that a similar resolution was approved by me on the 12th tilt., and, consequently, the present resolution is unnecessary. IIUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and lamps placed thereon and lighted in One I lundred and Thirty-first s'rcet, between Boulevard and Twelfth avenue, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Work-.. Vt hich was laid over, ordered to be pr nted in the minutes and published in full in the CITY RECORD. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor : MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, November 26, 1839. STATED MEETING. To the flonorable the Board of Aldermen I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November tg, THURSDAY, December 5, 1889, I 1889, which provides for the lighting of Claremont avenue, from Orchard street to Highbridge I o'clock P.M. street, on the ground that the report of the Commissiner of Public Works shows that this thorough- fare is not yet legally opened, and the City, therefore, cannot incur any expencfitu:es for improve- The Board met in room No. 16, City Hall. ments on it. IIUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. PRESENT : Reso:ved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Claremont llon. John H. V. Arnold, President avenue, from Orchard street to High Bridge street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Work,. ALDERMEN Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and pubasl:ed in full in the CITY tames M. Fitzsimons, Alexander J. Dowd, Patrick N. Oakley, RECORD. Vice-President, Cornelius 1'lynn, Edward J. Rapp, David Barry, George Gregory, William P. Rinckhoff, The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor Redmond J. Barry, Ilenry tau ther, Walton Storm, MAYOR'S OFFICE., NEV YORK, November 26, 188. James F. Butler, Charles M. 1lamnrond, Richard J. Sullivan, To the I/onoral'l • the Board of Aldermen : John Carlin, Thomas M. Lynch, William Tait, William Clancy, George B. Morris, William H. Walker. I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November James A. Cowie, Andrew A. Noonan, 19, 1839, which provide, for the lighting of R,ckfield street, from AVilliamslridt e road to Anthony avenue, on the ground ti at the Commissioner of Public Works reports that public lamps have just On motion of Alderman Storm, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed been erected on this street, and will be lighted this week. The resolution, therefore, is tmnecessary. with. HIUGH J. GRA\T, Mayor. WRI IS OF CERTIORARI. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Rockfeld The President stated that he had been served with writs of certiorari sued out by the New York street, from \Villianm bri-fge road to Anthony avenue, where not already clone under thecl.irectioa of Elevated Railroad Company, fnr review of proceedings in the matter of taxes imposed upon said the Commissioner of Public ACorks. company. Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minute, and published in full in the CITY Which were referred to the Counsel to the Corporation. RECORD.

MESSAGES FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR. The ['resident laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor : MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, November 2F, 188. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor 7b the honorable the Board of Aldermen : MAYOR'S Gi rici,., NEW YORK, Novenrher 25, 1889. I return, without my approval, the resolution -f the Board < f Aldermen, adopted November To the honorable the Board of Ald ruse,, 19, 1889, which provides for the lighting of Webster avenue from One 1-Iun fired and Seventy-ninth to One Hundred and Eightieth street ; and One I lnndrel and Se%enty-ninth street fr.,ni Webster I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November avenue to R tilroad avenue, on the ground that the subjoined report of the Commissioner of Public Ig, I,89, which authorizes the placing of an improved iron drinking-fountain en the northwest Works thereon shows the resolution to be premattne : corner of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street and Fifth avenue, on the grounds contained in the " file portion of Webster avenue included in the r_solutiou is nut g role, I, and One Hundred report of the Cammissioner of Public AYorks, which is here subjoined : '' and Seventy-ninth street, from AVcb.ster avenue to Railroad avenue, is not legally opened. " The resolution should be detached from the ordinance, which directs that the expense be IlU(;H J. GRANT, Mayor. assessed on the adjacent property, as this is not a mater subject to assessment under the law." HUG1[ J. GRANT, Mayor, Resolved, That gas-pipes be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Webster avenue, from One Hundred and Seve ity-ninth to One Hundred and Lightieth strce', and in Or Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be erected on the northwest corner of One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street. from Webster avenue to Railroad avenue, \Vest, tinier the direc- Hundred and Thirty-fifth street and Fifth avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public tion of the Comm:sdioner of Public Works. Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY RecoeD. RECORD. 'flue President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor : MAYOR'S OFFICE, New YORK, November 26, 1889. MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, November 26, 1889. 7b the Honorable the Board of Aldermen : To the ffonorable the Board of Aldermen T return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adbpted Noveutber I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November 19, In, 1889, which provides for the lighting of One Hundred and Seventy-:.inch ,treet, between 1889, which provides for the placing of an improved iron driuk;n,g-fountain in front of No. 22 Peeic Webster and Vanderbilt avenues, and Webster avenue between One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Slip, on the ground that, according to the report .,f the Commis ioner of Public Works, there is now and One Hundred and Eightieth -trects, on the ground that the resolution is premature, in that in Peck Slip, about one hundred and twenty--five feet from the point named in the resolution, a Webster avenue, between (inc Hundred and Seventy-ninth anti One Hundred and Eightieth streets, drinking-fountain, for man and beast, and the proposed fountain is, therefore, unnecessary. is not graded. IIUGll J. GRAM', Mayor. HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. Resolved, That gas-pipes be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed there( -n and Resolved, That an improved iron drinkjng-fountain, for man and beast, be erected at No. 22 lighted in One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street, between Webster and Vanderbilt avenues ; also Peck Slip, under the direction of the Commissioner of I'ublic Works. in Webster avenue, between One Hundred and Seventy-ninth and One Hundred and Eightieth Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY streets, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. RECORD. Which was laid over, ordered to be printed iu the minutes and published in full in the CIry RECORD. The President laid before the Board the following message from hip Honor the Mayor : MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, November 26, 1889. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor : To the honorable the Board of Aldermen. MAYOR'S OFFICE, Now YORK, November 26, 1889. I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November Ig, To the flonorahle the hoard of Aldermen: 1889, which provides for the regulating, grading, etc., of One Ilundred and Thirty-first street, I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November between Tenth and Convent avenues, on the ground that this street is not legally opened, and 18, 1889, which provides for the laying of water-mains in Mosholu avenue and Riverdale lane, on there is, therefore, no authority on the part of the City Government to incur any expenditure for the ground that the resolution is premature, in that the thoroughfares mentioned should be graded improvements. and widened before water-mains are laid. HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. Resolved, That One I-Iundred and Thirty-first street, from Tenth avenue to Convent avenue, be Resolved, That water-pipes be laid in Mosholu avenue, from Riverdale avenue to Riverdale regulated and graded, the curb-stones set and the sidewalks laid a space four feet wide through lane, and in Riverdale lane, from Mosholu avenue to Albany Post road, as provided in section 356 the centre thereof, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. \\'hick was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes, published in full in the CITY Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published it full in the CITY RECORD and ordered on file. RECORD. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor : The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor : MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, November 26, 1889. MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, November 26, 1889. To the honorable the Board of Aldermen:: To the honorable the Board of Aldermen : I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen,adop ed Novembsr -g, 1889, which authorizes the laying of water-mains in Fort Washington avenue, between One Hun- I return, without my approval, the resolution of the Board of Aldermen, adopted November 19, dred and Ninetieth and One Hundred and Ninety-first streets, on the grounds contained in the fol- 1889, which provides for the lighting of Bainbridge avenue, from Williamsbridge road to the South- lowing report of the Commissioner of Public Works : ern Boulevard, on the grounds contained in the following report of the Commissioner of Public 11 There is only one house in this block to be supplied with water, and the proposed main Works : would be of no use without laying other mains for a distance of 3,000 feet through streets now &* • • There are no buildings on this portion of Bainbridge avenue and no public travel, graded to the nearest existing wate-main. Under these circumstances there appears to be no and " * • there is no necessity for gas-mains and public-lamps." necessity for laying the water-main,." HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor.


KKC;olced that water-pipes he laid in Fort \\ ashintiton avenue (ladle road), between One from jammi y I to I)ecember 31, 1889, both days inclusive, and of the payments trade up to Ilundred and Ninetieth and One Iiundred and N nely-tint streets, as provided in section 356 of the and amcludint the (late hereof, for and on account of each appropriation, and the amount of New A'urk City Consolidation Act of 1882. tunexnended balances Which was Laid over, ordered to he printed Pt the minutes, published in full in tile CITY — — -- -- -- - — _ Ri.c', ntu and ordered on file. Antou~T of ~1~iornT uH ~ The President laid before the Board the folkon dig no s>ac,e from his I lonor the Alavor : Tate; is Aril., PRIATION'. PAYMENTS. UNEXPE:.DED M ty'ou's OFFICE, Nan' YORK, November 26, ISSc,. cru<•tr : ! 7i, tie !/ u raire fire 1/,,r,t I nJ _lit $1.500 Oct $479 72 $1,020 28 I return, without my atipnvat, the resolution of the l;,,ard of Aldermen, adopted November 19, City Contingencies ...... iS89, which authorizes the flat ink and refla-gin._ of the sidewalks ,in Morris street, from Broad- Contingencies—Clerk of the Common Council. , . , zoo 00 104 Si 95 15 wcav t., Greenwich street, on the grounds contained in the folloning report of the Commissioner of Stlarles—Coutmon Council ...... 75,too 00 OS i88 17 6,911 53 Publlc AV'oil., A res.dution for tin, work would pace no legal force whit ut the previau<, certilicate of the 1 Comtnis.'oner of Public A\ork; that tle herb ii. necessary. Certificate has been Made to the PHhO. W.t AI YERS, Comptroller. Board of Aldermen that it is ucce:;ary to flap, full v%i,lth, and refi .ig the sit ewt al Cs of Morris street, Which was ordcied on file. fron' BroatIway to \\'est Street, upon ii it a ;eso lull 'n was int rod flee. l in the Board of AIdermen , and is net r pending iu the hoar 1, G. l). No. 726, authorising that inl prove meut. The latter '1' he President laid before the Board the followingcomntunication front the Public Administrator: revelation is the one that sh ml,l be alople', and this Department holds that the one before yon, I.A\t' I)l'a'.\RTanlN l', No, 7S;, : ould be of no legal I )rcc bee ause i! d,,es not confirm to the c I[i lieu te Of the ('ommis- Bt rr:. a to 'fttl: I't rLFt allytl'itsran'roic, stoner of public Works, as requiretl by s'cuon ;21 of the New York City ('unsoli,lanon Act of \Etv You, Aoccinb:r 30, [889. ISSa, a-; amended by chapter 50(1, Lasts of ISS7. IILGH J. GRANT, Alaver. /b Nrr Il,u,v'Irrl' Ike Goar,l,f Alrz rtr.,u Resoiced, That the sidenalk.: ,it the norih of Morris -treet, fib; it Broadway to I 'firm alit to chapter 4, article ITT., section 24 of the Ordinances of the Ma t r, Al'.lermen and Church s'rect. and on the ii di side, front Ilruallway to Idrecntcich street, l,e flagged full oldth, Conti natty of the City of New York, of January 1, 1881, the undersi};ned herein report.; a trait wheren„t Greatly (lone, and that the tl:, pgin g at the• curl, now on the -i lea ally be relai i and script of such of Iii, account, as have been closed orfinalIs' settled, and of those on which any money res tthere tier essaiv, and that nrs' dapping an,i curb lie fli lit i-hed rthcie the present flagging amp Ii .is been rcccicctl I,c him :ts IStrt of the pr eeeds of any estate on which lie i::ts administered since cut- b are defective, as provi,ie,i by section 321 of chapter 40, Ia,t, of ISS2, as amended by chapter the (late of his la.t rrlturt. 56o. laws of ISS„ uncles the ii rection t f the ('ounuissioner of Public Works ; and tl at the accom- Respect fitly. CHARLES E. LVDECKER, public Administrator, panvini ordinance then-for l e :stlulxc,l. \\ itch etas lair over. ordered t I lie printed in the minutes and published in full in the ITS RECtirt1. 1 .4 trans,'r9t of surly of his a<

1( (). 791.) 4matnt 1 ,tit lit ultt t'd mto Iii :1 .,tettn.u7 D cccr - I p ud f r l un o il L ,mnu5 ~rcp: r:V-t~tt n:rs and l u, nc min on Elm street and adjacent streets, in favor of Amount C vy Petition ,f t lint ~ i I tar ot t to fo,r ry N.'Mt of I ~t pus,~_ if paid into g 1r chan4m, the lame of Elm ~tteet to harry Iloward siteet. USeS Ems• h in:tl ~m punt I., ~t e „r for in connection therewith alderman I isver offered the fci lots ina _ I)cu ur. hcc.cncd. Ada rot ne, f the City n"t,f Kin. unknown .lid Claiut<„f 'l'reasur}: Re.o!ved, What th,, name ofElin street be changed to Harry Howard street. C ,doors. Which teas laid over. nKin'f REror.l:. Hippolc tc J. de (,oer. Oct. 31, r X89 52,9' 9 63 52,5-3 8t 51 30 74 .. .. ...... *i3-7 13 ( Ci. l). 'tr )-~. I '!ten \ IcCto,kcr ...... . 6u 33 64 73 31 o6 e35c 36 c17; t8 ...... `• 22, ~ 1,904 47 1,449 57 101 45 ...... 355 45 The Committee on Street Pavements, to whom was referred the annexed petition for repealing , john ll:,sens ...... 15 1 ...... t;usta. Kibler ...... 3, 314 25 t3 46 i3 45 resolution to p ermit owners ofproperty property toI ave F'.ttr-fifth street, east of ANenue A, at their own Call 1.. 1 -u•.en, or i:;mcn ' 30, 1,855 t1 7-5 81 9z 75 3Sz 18 t-,•4 36 ezpen_e, an, I requesting that the wolf. be done by the city in the usual manner, ressectfulll y llaciJ htea=[ern..... rune 6, 3" 734 8r n7 ro ...... 63 «, ...... #3 0 SSi 8t Richar I C. Herrmann . Oct. 23, 3' 95 ~, 143 14 15 07 143 7: ...... ...... 1~ FI ORT : "Timothy S.dlivau...... Nov. 6. '' 2.570 81 163 66 126 77 2,280 38 ...... ...... 716 59 60 93 35 81 i ...... 79 36 §541 Co That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary, John,as August or John Lor,cboi...... ' H. Hen-: " 6, " the c.mrriagewas of the street is m such a condition a; to render traffic thereon by vehicles both diffr- nes<} ' .. 294 to ...... cult and don~~erous, part cula Ii during inclement s ci Ier \t'arrt R Hedd,n....l Oct.a4, to7 r4 , zo 5 38 r-.t o6 ...... ...... They therefore recommend that the accompanying resolutions and ordinance be adopted. \'•alter L. Harben...... Nov. 9, °` 24 5 24 5e Meagher, or , Resolved, That the resolution p-rmitting owners of property on Fifty-fifth street, east of Avenue Jane.McCarthy,,,,,,.,.,. " t8 •• 383 a 31,8 7r t9 40 ...... ...... A, approved April IS, IS8S, he and i; hereby annulled, rescinded and repealed; and be it further Gerhard, ,rr Girard ) Cltbypav kesolvetl, That the carriageway of Flfty-fifth -street, from the crosswalk near the easterly inter- Lo,ngbui...... } men(ofuur,al ( 37 oz 37 oz ...... ...... ...... ..•••. section of Avenue A t a d stance of about feet east. be paved with trap-block pavement, under Margaret Valler .....) expenses,.,.. S 15 34 15 34 y Ct ent to pa}- the direction of the ('.-,ntnti—ioner of Public \Corks: and that the accom an in' ordinance therefor Morris ~`r'olff ...... ~ meat to a 482 53 482 53 be .0 0 )fed. p y J ministratrad S JAMES M. FITZSIMIO\S,l \\'ILLIAM H. \\':\LKER, I I Committee 56,406 92 5602 59 53,454 14 9 $32,126 30 JOHN C A1~ I I\ 'total...... 643.503 34 ' $903 0 \1 .1L I O~ S f.51-r ( Street pavements. I'AT RICK N. a Retaimd pending litigation Ili tile Supreme C nn-1 of the United 5 ate=. \\ I1-I-I:11I 1 .5 1-r t Retained until app-tntute t u} ancillarySI r yMardian g for minor nest of kin. I # 1) strihution in July last ; see report dated Jnly 31, ,889. \\ hich wits laitI over. S Apnrai;rd value of Panama Carat Bonds, deposited with the Comptroller of the City of New York for the benefit , f the unknown next of kin. CUVS[t'NICAI- IONS FRO>[ DEI'ARTMI: NTS ANTI C,1RI'ORATIP IN etl'FICERS. 3 Estate cl sed l)y d,livery of stock decree] worthleso, on payment of advances of 524.56. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the County Clerk : d statement of the titer• of air)' restate Onwho-it au! mini'r rs been r :' i ,•d sine, the date of flee CoesTY CLERK's (-)alit, Near CI t N I Y COI'RT-itOts r:, 1 last f:'Ssrt. New f ORK, I)rceml-er 2. 1589. 1 — — 7o flat, ]OHN H. A . _3RNOLD : "r", A` l'OPAL SIR—Ilerewith please find list , -f names of Commissiocer..s of Deeds whose terms of office ext-,ire _\AsiE of DECEASED. A5l c'\T 1A`.ME OF DtcE45ED. A\ou NT duritt~ the month of December, IS89. km mimi. RECEIVED. Respectfully, your,, etc.. _--_-- E;)\\AR1) 1-. REILLY, Clerk. J t„ \I-Nutt} ..... `956 47 I Julio sorry .. .. ...... 52 o6 tiamc. "Term -- 'c'' .11tna Karp ...... z 6 00 Cailesiuc A. Foster...... 5 98 ,.. ...... A,1,1: Ron ~n.,---.. ...... 6{ 6 Co05 Augustine ...... December December 19,IS89 J an, v H. 1'o,,,N, r!Dowi . 1..-. 2 44 f88 lurk P. .. .. Famti, , ~ r I':uu;y O'Lunnrli ...... 184 351 A t. Iph Gtvbcnmcu,n...... t co a~e3 1. lir21111an ...... ...... ...... 19 lul us A. C:ark.-„...... I13 32 CatLari:,c A. luster --,, ,,...... tan oo ...... J„Ir.t E. G Ott. etc...... 1 Lenin ~. lturchar;l ...... 19, G_or4e 1>ohm...... 13 75 45 63 `g, .. 351 ; L.OtOur ...... 3 \\illiatn C its,ct ...... ..... .... t_atharinc Barr} ...... z z ou nfe,J ( eri tupher l'ickn ...... z4 85 -t ,-fan er... ...... wee eller ...... . ..... ” Ce - {'.. G 15, [48 45 _f ,hn ~\I l lnnabl ...... `O9to 2934 CatharineA. A. Fntc•r...... Iitt ail 1'. 1 leury ...... ...... ...... . i hoe[ e t i -ter...... 25 ,hcholas M. i l.. eery ...... 8 76 S. Granville• I larri...... ...... ...... -, _ I Rohr: Gamsiurth...... 35 Iuterc'st on daily for Ocr,ber, ...... ...... 5, Peter 11 )-1 ...... 279 41 r880. from tha— Edward J. I Ialligan ...... r 48 t'onununtal Nati ,al Bank .....5163 33 ..... ...... `. io, " ' Theresa [telly...... Lev I lerzhere ...... ...... ..... ' , H,card Y:nkne ...... '.. t5o 5o Imt„mer.:wd'trader,' -National L.aaC H. h:it;er . ...... 29r 51 oo tiutk...... r65 c9 p John \1 . N. ble .... ...... ...... ., i •• '1 her,.sa Kelly...... 3 02 National Park Bank ...... chi 99 ...... .. 5, " B: idget Homey ...... 102 70 -- 0 41 Stephen 1'hilbltl...... ...... 6r ...... •. I g '' Mum Harp...... — Louis Ro;euberg ...... NI or)-' r y ...... 55 50 \I tr F. Fc h ..... ..... ...... ' 350 00 Total ...... 54.860 57 _um urn r. r 2939_9' , Will. ;.'1 ~r eLL.t ...... • ...... •. '• 1lenrc -r, , e ...... II \\~hich was ordered on file. s nsentt \Vandell...... l o,- MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Vs hich us a-f referred...... to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. ...... The I're ident iii l .,,tore the hard the following communication from the Finance Department : By AldermanResolved, 1). That Barry— pafrmission be and the same is hereby given to Thomas F. Leahy to place and CITY OF NEw YORK—FINANCE DEI'AR'I'MIENT. keep an ornamental lamp-post and lamp, in front of his premises on the south side of One Hundred Cttatt•I ROI.LER's OFFICE, I and Fifteenth street, near the corner of "l'hird avenue, provided the post shall not exceed the dimen- November 23, 1889. stuns prescribed by law (eighteen inches square at the base), that the lanip he kept iighted during ' the same hours as the public lamps, and that the work be done and gas supplied at his own expense, I 1/ic ho,, raI/, So Fit tJ ,4,lr,r0,71: Weekly statement, showing the approrriations made under the authority contained in section Linder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Work, ; such permission to continue only during ibq, New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, for carrying on the Common Council, from January the pleasure'he Presidenl of the Commonput the question Council. whether the Board would agree with said resolution. I to December 31, 1889, both days inclusive, and of the payments made up to and iucluamg the I 'l was decided in the affirmative. date here -f It r and on account of each appropriation, and the amount of unexpended balances: \\ hich (G. 0.793.) MOUNT of A„oeNT or . By Alderman Carlin— R P AYME5TS. tJ EXPE"DED Resolved, That One Hundred and Fifty-third street, between the Boulevard and Iludson river, TITLES F APPOPRIATIONS. APPROPRIATIONS. LANCES. be regulated and graded, the curb-stone; set and sidewalks flagged a space four feet wide through — - — the centre thereof. under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that lb s accom- $1,070 28 panying ordinance therefor he adopted. 500 00 City Contingencies ...... Si' 0429 72 1\'hich was laid over. Cot tmgencies—Clerk of the Common Council . , , , 200 00 104 85 ' 95 15 (G• O. 794.) 9 97 By the same— Salaz;e —Common Council ...... 75,Ioo 00 61 3 13.16 ' ,930 0 Resolved, That the roadway of ninety-eighth street, from Eighth to Ninth avenue, be paved —_- — I with granite-block pavement, and that crosswalks of two courses of blue stone be laid at the THEO. \V. MYERS, Comptroller I abutting avenues, where not already laid, under the direction of theCommisstouerof Public Work, Which was ordered on file. and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. \Vhich was laid over. '1,`.e President laid before the Board thief. allowing communication from the Finance Department : ((= 0. 795.) CI-ru OF NEw YORK—FINANCE DEPART+IF.NT, By the same-- COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ( ~ Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a row of paving-blocks between the courses, -November 30, 18Sg. , ' be laic', acro-s Ifamilton place at its intersection wish the northerly side of One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the lb Nee Ii, mi,'aole Board of Aldermen : Weekly statement, showing the appropriations made under the authority contained in I accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Which was laid over. se_ti, tn 189, New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, for carrying on the Common Council,


By Alderman Clancy— By Alderman Kapp— Resolved, That permission be anr, the same is hereby given to the trustees of the Emanuel Res,lved, That Henry Ilausman Ire and is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in Baptist Church to place a transpareccy over the street-lamp on the northwest corner of Grand and and for the City and County of New V'ork. Suffolk strce;s, in front of their church edifice ; such permission to continue for a period of sixty days, \\'hich wa, referred to the Committee on Salaries and Otlices. under the direction of the Con,mis.ioner of public AYorks. By Alderman Lynch--- The President put the question whether the 13 Lard would agree with said re,olution. 1esolvccl, 1hat Ettocli Vreeland Ire and he is hereby app:cinted a Commissioner of Deeds Which was decided in the athrinative. in and for the City curet Ccmnty of .New York. By Alderman Flytn— Which tea, referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Kesolvecl, I hat the Commissioners in Charge of Lif;bting the City be and they are hereby UNFINISHED BUSINESS. respectfully requested to light Ve.,ev street with electric lil;nt,. Tue President put the q'testiou whether the Boanl would agree with said resolution. Al lerinan (;,,wic called up G. O. 481, being a res illation and ordinance, as follows \1 hich was decided to toe atfirmatice. to,e of attracting attention to any show avenues, mud that cros.,ualks If tutu cutuses of blue stone, etc., be laid ar the intersecting and of beasts or birds, or any other things in said cite, nor shall any persoci use or perform, or hire, terminating avenues, viz.: 13egimting at the Crest crosswalk of Seventh avenue and ending at the procure or abet any other pe!suns to use or perlorm with any hand-Degas or other tnudcal tn;tru- eat crosswalk of St. -Nicholas avenue:, the work to he done by co.tttact, guatanteed for five year, Inert in any of the streets or public places in the City of New 1 ork, except as hereinafter provided, auc1 pul,liely lit to the lowest bidder, under the du.ctio❑ of the Commissioner of Public A\orks tf five dollar ; or impr i;oument for ten class for each offense . No p=rso;t o r inder a penalty o and that the accum to in_~ ordin time therefor ba a lu pied. persons stt,cIl play on an)' hand-organ or other nntsical instrument except between the hours of 'Pile President ) tatytile r ucstion whether the B) re would agsec with said yes drition. M. Ni. of each day, nor during any part of the first (lay of the week, commonly calla I L b 9 A. and 8 r. i a5 rte tcle'I in the b ccsvnig vote a distance: of five huuclrcd feat of any school-house, or house of public Sunday, n-,r within 1?I!rnl,ativc 1'r~side tt ft r iee~l're chenitefoil it, imons Aldermen I). Larry, IL J. Barry, L'ut- tcorship, nor witIon a lilac diatance of an hospi sal , tear.+hip, durint school hours or hornr. of pttlthe Ice, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, 1 lynn, Gregory, Gwtther, Hammond, lynch, Morris, Noonan, a distance of two hundred and fifty IFet of any asylum, or other Ipublic institution, n ~r within Oak hey, Rapp, l:incl:bolt, Sullivan, 'I act, and \Talker 22. dwelling-house or other building, iv lien re lue.stcrd ur directed by the occupant not to so perform, nor Shall such musicians ring any door hell to request payment therefor. Lvery such performer on '1-he President called up G. O. 16q, lt:ing a resolution and ordinance, as follows hand. organs or any other iii (Isle in,trumetct shall p iy a license fee of one dollar per attnuiii furResolved, That the flagging and the curl) now utt the sidewalk.; on the west side of Tenth each performer, and shall Ii at cnuspicuously' a tag de,ignatinl; the uumb'2r of such license, auct avenue, from h)ac Hundred and 1~'orty-ninth to One launched and 1,'iftieth street, be relaid and the flavor may lice,,se such uumher a; lie shall deem proper. re et where necessary, and that new tlakkitt and curl) b_ fur,ti+bed where the present flagging and Sic. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, into:r,iste;tt or conflicting with the provisions curb are defective, as provided by sectiuu 32t of chapter 41r,, Laws of tSS2, as amended by chapter of this ordinance are hurchy repealed. 569, Lows of 1887, under the clir.ctiott of the Lomtu!s,wuer of Public \\`orks ; and that the accom- See- g. '['his ~ndinance shall take effect immediately. pa!tying ordinance therefir Ira a lopted. Alderman Oakley moved to refer to the Cununittee on Law Department. - 'bile l're,idcut pat the quest whether the L'oar.i would agree with said resilulion. Alderman Gregory moved to refer t., the Co.nmittee on Streets, with instructions to report at Which was decided in ate atiirtuative by the till-raving vote : the next tneetit:g. Atiinuative —'l he I'readent, \ ice-President Ittz,itnuns, Aldermen 1). Barry, R. J. Barry, But- Al erman tiullivan moved to lay the ordinance it the table. lcr, Carlin, Clancy, C:,wie, lluw l, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Ilamuutu 1, Lynch, 1lorris, Noonan, I'he president put the question tshethei the Board w,tuld agree s ith said m tion. Onl;ley, Rapp, l~tucl:holl, ti.tllivau, 7:ut, and \Volker 22. \\ Rich was de.-iled in the affirmative on a dlivision called by Alderman (regory, as follows : r111irmative—'flie 1're,ic lent , Vice-President 1 iizecting and terminating avenues be relaid where not on the established grade or line;, ttett bridge-stone where those now huh are unfit for use an.l whene required to extend +a d walks to under the direction of the cnnntsstuners of the llepartment of 1'ttblic ]'arks ; and that the accom- the full tvtclth of the street ; thu the curb-stones L_ reset, n here not on the proper or established pauyiug ordnance therefor he adopted. grac(c, aucl new s'Dues set tvhcie the present cure-stone, arc I,r„Les ; the tcorl: to be done pursuant Which way laid over. - to tae provtsioa .s of chapter 4}q, I,ties of 188), u cud hen the iIiiuitiwn ui the Cotontiss.over of Public (C. 0. 799•) \Work, ; !out that the accutnp.wynig orclinonce t he cc icr lie :trlopte I- By' Alderutan Lynch— The I'rc,tcieut lnu the clu tsttua tvheth_n the 13,arch would a-sec tviiii said resolution. Res.,lved, That Burnside avenue, froru S_d, wick aveituc to AV'el, she r avenue. in the 'Five nty- A\ hiciI was decnled in the affirmative I,v the I: ml, oving vote : fourth \t rc cl, a; laid down on the ('ommissioners' map, be regulated and graded, the cturb-stone, be ~ Atliruictice —1 he t're-ident, Vice-1'tedeut l ute,imun,, Aldamen 1). Bairv, K. JJ. 13arrv, set, the sidewalks flagged a space four feet wide through the centre thereof, and crosswalks of tw'o Butler, Carlin, Cluny, l owie, Dowd, Flynu, t;r.gory, Gunther, 1Iamui ,ad, - Lynch, Morris, courses of bridge-stony lie laid at each intersecting and t rtninating avenue, ureter the dnretiun of Noonan, Oalaey, I:ap lx ;uckhjti, Sullivan, fait, anct \\ alter the Commissioners of the I)epartutent of Public Parks; and that the accompanying ordinance thereforor - ~ The President called u p GI. 0. 6yb, being a re,oluti.n, and oniinance, as Ii,llows ad opt d. hes,lvccl, 'That die wad or public clrte ft mice it, southerly inten_ction wrtft Une hundred and \\ hich was laid over. (C O 800) Fifty-h tit street to its Ins rsection tvnh Kin -:bridge road and l)yckman street, ire regulated and graded, the sunk-,tones set and sidewalks a space four feet evade through the ce.ure thereof, 13y the •a me— under the (Iire,t.un of the Coin i~isiouer of I'ul,lie A'c cut ls ; and that the accowpauying onlinauce nip -posts eraeted and street-lamp; placed thereon ant Resolved, That gas -main; be laid, IA tltere~heejr feet, under lighted in Bainbridge avenue, front 1tid,ge street south about three hundred and fifty I Prasliclent lpul the question whether the Boar Mould agree aith said resolution. the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. \Mchul was decided mu the nhirnta.ive by the f-all ,nsiu g v cite : \\'high was laid over . Affirmative—The the )dent, \ :cc l're,i lent I'ttzsimons, Aldermen 1). Barry, R. I. Barry, Flynn, Category, Gunther, llammond, l,yttch, Morris, (G. 0. Sot.) Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cuss c, Dowd, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Ktuckholt, Sul!tvau, Tait, and \\alker-22. By the same— Re solved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be erected near the southeast corner of One I'll- 1`resident called up G. (1. 175, boing a resolution acrd ordinance, as foll:)w.; Ilundrecl and Forty-eighth street and Willis avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Resolved, I hat the sidenrall:s un the north side of Seventy-fourth street, from Ninth to '1-euth Public tWorks. avenue, be flagged fall %tiidth, tthcrc tut alreacl.y clone, anu that the flagging and the curb now on \\`Rich was laid over. the sidewalks be relaid and reset where necesuu'v, and that new flagguig and cosh Lie furnished I where the present flagging and club are detective, a, provided by sec!i.un 321 of,icr 410, Laws By Alderman Oakley-- 1 of 1882, a, amended by chapter 569, Law, ofiSS7, tinder the direction of the Conuia•sioner of is hereby given to John Metz, to place and keep an Resolved, That permission be and the same ecupany!na urdinano_ thcrcf r be adolriecl. ornamental lamp-post and lamp in front of fits premises No. 8 East Twentti-third street, on cundi- I Public \\ 'arks ; and thatat the a m The I're-,iclent put the (luoati-,n whether the B.'ard would aree with said resolution. tion that the lamp shall be kept lighted during the .same hours as the public lamps, that the post shall wa, decided in the affirmative by the f.,Ilowin„ vutc : by law (eighteen inches square at the base), that the work \\ Inch not exceed the dimensions prescribed Fitzstuwns, Aldermen I). Barre, R. J. Barry, be dun: and gas supplied at his own expense, uacler the direction of the Commissioner of Public Attit'ntativ — fhe President, Vice 1'res!dent CGunther, H:uumoud, Lynch, Jloiris, to continue only during; the pleasure of the Common Council. j Butler, Carlin, Clancy, t owie, Dowel, 1 11'nu, Gregory, \Works ; such permission . The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Noonan, Oakley, %:app, Kinckltof , Sullivan, Tait, and \Volker— Which was decided in the affirmative. 1ld'erman S, u11 n -an called ,,,s1 C' . O. 41 '4 > bein cs a re=olu',iun nod orcbnlnce as follow; Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public \1 orks he and he is hereby authorized to pave with lay Alderman D. Barry--- asphalt the roadway of One Hutcdred and Twentieth street. between Seventh and Eighth avenues, and 'That Henry Al. Jennings, 'Morton H. C. Foster, Patrick 11. Loftus, Charles P. Resolved, that crosswalks of two courses of blue stone, etc., be I;u I at the iuter,ecti:tg and terminating avenues, James E. Swcnarton be and they are hereby respectively appointed Commissioners of Foster and viz. : beginning at the west crosswalk of Seventh avenue and ending at the cast crosswalk of Eighth Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. was referred to the Committee on Salaries anal OAices. avenue, the work to be done by contract, guaranteed for five years, and publicly let to the lowest Which bidder, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works', and that the accompanying ordi- By Alderman R. J. Barry-- nance therefor be adopted. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Pastor of the Church of Our The President put the question whether the Boar.) would agrae with said resolution. Lady of Perpetual Help to enact trans3arencies adver.ising their fair, on lamp-posts, northeast Which was decided in the atfirn,ative by the following vote : corner of Fifty--ninth street and Third avenue, southeast corner of Sixty-first street and Third ave- Attirmattve—'fhe President. Vice-President Fitzsimons, A1lermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, nue, southeast corner Sixty-first street and Second avenue, and southeast corner Sixty-fi rst street and Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, I)owd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hantunond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, 'Fait, and Walker-22. First avenue ; also, on lamp-pasts in front of the church on Sixty-first street, between First and Second avenues. Said permission not to extend beyond January t, 1890, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to Alderman Sullivan called up G. O. 514, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. Resolved, '1 hat the Commissioner of Public Works lie and he is hereby authorized to pave The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. with asphalt the roadway of One Hundred and Seventeenth street, between St. Nicholas and Eighth Which was decided in the affirmative. avenues, and that crosswalks of two courses of blue stone, etc., be laid at the intersecting and ter 3826 THE CITY RECORD. I)EcEMBER 6, 1889.

urinating avenues, viz.: Beginning at the west crosswalk of St. Nicholas ave.,ue and ending at the Alderman Rinckhoff called up G. 0.212, bring a resolution and ordinance, as follows east crosswalk of Eighth avenue ; the work to be done by contract, guaranteed for five years, and Resolved, That the flagging and the curb now on the sidewalks on the east side of Manhattan publicly let to the lowest bidder, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that avenue, from One Hundred and Fourteenth to One IIi nrlred and Fifteenth street, be relaid and the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. reset where necessary, and that new flagging and curb be furnished where the present flagging and The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution, curl) are defective, as provided by sectiau 321 of chapter 410, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : 569, l,asys of t8S7, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public AYorks ; and that the aecom- Attirntative —The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen 1). Barry, R. J. Barry, panying uniinance therefor be adopted. Butler, Carlin, Clancy, (u•,vie, D.,wd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Alorris, •l he President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Noonan, Oakley. Rapp, Rinckhotf. Sullivan, 'Tait, and Walker-22. \Vhich was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Affirmative—The President, A'ice-1're,tdeut Fitz;i non.,, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, The President called up G. C). 177, being a res'lution and ordinance, as follow, Carlin, Clancy, (owwie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, llanun:n,d, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, lie ,olved, That the sidewalks on both sides of Seventy-second street, from Ce,ttral Park west Oakley, Rapp, 1Linckhofl, Sullivan, and Tait ---21. to Riverside 1 hire, be flagged full width, wuere riot already dime, and that the flagging and the curb now on the sidewalks be relaid and rest, where necessary, and that nett flagging and curb be Vice-President Fi'z,imons called up (..O. 702, being a re,olution, as follows tarn; shed where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 32! of chapter l:esolved, '1 hat an improved iron drinking-fou,rtain fie located at the northwest corner of One 410, Laws of 1882, as :upended by chapter 569, L:aw, of 1887, under the direction of the Cotuntis- Iltu,dred and Nmetecnth street and Lexiuntou avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of siouer of Public \V irk ; and that the accompanying orlinance therefor ho arl.,pted. 1'ul'Iic \\'ork.,. file President put the q,iestiou whether the Board would agree with said r.solutiun. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. \V Inch was decide t i ❑ toe attnma.lye by the foll,ming vote Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote -'chbrmative—'the Tres.dent. Vice-l're,ideut Fitz,imo~ts, Aldermen 1). Bury, R. J. Barry, A,firmative — 1he President, Vice-President Fi:z.imr,ns, AldermenI). Barry, R. J. Barry, But.rr, Clancy. Caine, Dowd, 1'lcuu, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, butler, Carlin, Clancy', Cowie, I Flvtui, t:rcgory, Gunther, HamI non- I, Lynch, Morris, Oakley. Rapp, Rinckhoil, ,ull.vaii, Tait, and \\ alker-2t . Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhofl, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. Negative— Alderman Carlin-- 1. Vice-President Fitzsimons called up U. 0. 2t3, being a resolution and rorlinance, as follows The President. called up U. (4. 179, being a res lotion and ordinance, as f hot', Resolved, That the flagging and the cur:, now on the sidewalks on the east side of 'Tenth avenue, from One Hundred and Fi,rty.fourth to (dime Hundred and Forty-fifth Street, be relaid and Resolve-i, "lhst tt,e sidentalk,, on both stiles of Seventieth street, from First avenue to the East reset where necessary-, and that new flagging and curb be furnished where the present flagging and river, he flagged full iv Jib. ochere not already dour.,, and that the flagging and the curl) now on tl,e s:dett•alks ho relai.i and reset ,there nece,sirv, and that new flagging and curb be furnished curb are defectite, as provided by section 321 of chapter 41o, laws of 1882, as attended by chapter vIcre the present flagging and curl) arc detective, as provided by section 321 of chapter 410, Laws 569, Laws of raS7, tinder the dir,ction of the Com,ni,stoner of Public Works ; an I that the acconi- of ISSa, as antende.I to chapter 509. Laws of 1887, under the direction of the Cou::niss:oner of o.dinance thor -for lie adopted. 1 he President put the quetion whether the Boanl would agree with .Said re,olution. Pu -1 - \\ otks ; and tea, ti,c a cu opts nying Ordinance theret.,r he adopted. The Piesicl_nt put the queiti,n tt nether the li.,;ud wood agree with said resoution. Which was decided iu the affirmative by the following vote : Affirmative—flue, Vice-President I-itzsrtnons, Ahlernien D. Barry, R. J. Barry, \\ Inch was de, id id in the attirma:ae by the fol low in vote : Affir math e—I he Pres:I ILut, Vi - c-li ci. ii lent Fitzsimons, Aldermen 1). l;.u-rv, l-h. J. harm v, Butler, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, ltowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Mirris, No,na.,, Oakicy, Rapp, Rinckhofi, Still van, 1 ait, and \\ alker--22. Clancy-, Cotvie, D.;w 1, F viin, Gregory, Ciuuther, Ilannuond, Lynch, Morris, Noina.i, Oakley, Ralip, Sullivan. Tait, and \\ alKcr -20. The President called up G. V. 214, being a res ,lution and o.di iance, as lid loin, lies dyed, That the sidewalks on the nottlt side of Seventie.h street, trim Tenth to West End The Pres'den_ calve 1 up the following : avenue, be flagged full tt idtIt where no: already nh,nc, and that the flagging an l the curb n ,%% on (,.1,. 753, being a r,,o;u:dun, a, follows the -tde'calks b:: relaid and reset %% here nece:.sary. and that new flagging and curb lie furnished ;:es bed, Taut gas-mains be laid. ianrp-p,t;t.; erected and street lamps lighted iii One hundred where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provide_I by mete 'ii 321 of ch:lpter 410, Laws a d r,rty-iour:h slice, front Eighth avenue to Brad'nurst avenue, under the direction of the Cons- of 1582, a, amenie,l t'y chapter 569, Laws of ISS7 u.tder the direction of the Commissioner of ohs-loner of Public 1\'orks. Pub Works ; aid that the accompanying ordinance theref it be adopted. G. U. 757. I,cin_g, a re -elution, as follow, The l'rc,ident put the question whether the Boar l would agree with said resolution. ;:esalved, That gas-mains he I rid, lamp-p,,is erected and street-lamps lighted in Brook Which w:is decided in the afiirntative by the loll iv in; vote : ave sue, item the Southern Boulevard tU One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, under the direction All irtuat iii —The President, A"ic;- Pie .tdent I'ite,itn in', Al lernten 1). Barc , R. T. Barry, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, (ire gory, Gunther, 1lammond, Lynch, Morris, •,i tae C nunissioncr of Public AWorks. Noonan, Oakley, Kapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, a:,d \\aiker-22. U . i . -6t, being a resolution, as follows 1It, P,eadent called up G. U. 262, helm* a resolution and ordinance, as follows It solved. That gas-mains be laid, lan>-p -sts erected and street-lamps lighted in One IIun- Resolved, That the curb-st-, me. on \\ est Lid avenue, from Sixty--fifths t'm 5i sty-ninth street, on uteci and Forty-first street, from Locust avenue to St. A-tu's avenue, under the direction of the Cotn- both sides of the avenue, lie reset so a. to cunfurm with the width r of roa Tway, as est tblislte,l by tni-garner of I'ul,lie \\"orks. resolution of the hoard of ALlcrnien, pas,ed October 13, 1884, and approved by the Mayor, October (i. 0. 764, bein;g a resolution, as follows: 27, 1884, and that n_•w cur'o-.tones be set along the line of the work where required, under the Resolved, 'What gas-maim be laid, lamp-posts erected and street placed thereon and lighted in direction of the ho nmissi•,ner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor tlai,t street, West Farms, from the Southern Boulevard to Westchester Bridge, under the direction I be adopted. of tite Commissioner of Public \Yorks. 1\ huh was again lain over. G. O. 776, being a resolution, as follows : The President called up G. 0.306, Icing a re,olution an I ordinance, a; f,llo-,vs Re-olied, That gat-mains be laid, lamp-post• erected and street-'.amps lighted in One Resolved, That the curb-,tones lie set inch an additional cotu-s - of (lagging four feet wide be IIu tdred and Thins icth street, fr •m Fifih avenue to Lenox avenue, under the direction of the laid on the north side of (hue IfuucLcd aid \inete umtl street and the south side of O.te Hundred Com_nissioner of Public AWorks. and Twentieth street, bettsemn L:yhth and Manhattan avenues, and that the old flag-stones, where not laid or set in accordance with the established lines and grades, be taken up and reset and retain, (:. t). 77. ?,ein•g a res 'Intl in, as follows : Re-olved. Ti: ga--,pains be tai I, la up-p costs erected and s.reet-lamps lighted in One Flu-i- ! and new flagging laid where the old flag{-stone, have reel] t,roken or removed, where not already dyed and To emit c-second str:et, from the Boulevard to Riverside Drive, under the direction of the done, order the direction of the Co:tunis ioncr of Public Works ; and that the accompanying Commissioner of 1'ub]ie A\ arks. ordinance theref-,r be adopted. The President put the question which her the Regard ,v„uld agree with said res ulutiiii. G. O. 778, being a resolution, as foil-'we : Winch was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Re--lye 1, '1 hat ga--mains be laid, lamp-poets elected and street-lamps lighted in -Ninety- ,\firntative—I he President, \"ice-Pre,tdent Fuz,imuns, Aldermen I). Barry, R. T. Barry, Butler, e ghth street, from tht, Boulevar! t Tenth avenu -, u her the direction of the C.xamis;ioner of Carlin, F lanry, G,wie, 1 lowdl, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Ilanuuond, Lyaci,, Mlorri<, Noonan, Public Work,. Oakley, Ripp, Riuckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and \V-alk:tr-22. G. O. i i 9, I ein; a res,ilu ion, a< folllow, : Al,lerntan t:arliii called up G. O. 5 i6, bent; a re.olution and ordinance, a, f ,lluws Resole 1, 7 hat gas-ntai,ts be lad, lamp-poet, erected and street-lamps lighted in Seventy= isth I Re, lied, That the C o.nnti.-i mer of Public Works be and lie in hereby auth,riz_d to pave ,trees. front Terrill acenae to the Boulevard, under the dirocti,in of the C,mm:;si mer of Public v-hilt a,phalt the roadway of One llundred and Twenty-eighth street, betty cen St. Nicholas and Works. j Li'hth avanucs, amt that ctosstvalles of too courses of blue sto:te, etc., be laid a t the intersecting G. O. ;S', bei ig a re-,lution, as follow, : and teintinatiug avenues, viz.: Beginning at the west crosswalk of Eighth avenue and ending at Resolved. That has-mains lie laid, lamp-posts ereete I and street-lamps lighted in Seventieth the ea-t ero,su ally of St. N chol:a avenue, the work to be done by' contract, guaranteed for five ,tree,, from Eighth asenu• to -Ninth avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public year-, gust 1'tt ,licly let t • roc lowest bidder, under the directi)n of the C'omntssio.rer of Public \V• ,irks. Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance theref ,r b' a•lol,ted. The ]'resident put the question whether the B am -I would a.;ree with sai I resolution. G. U. 781, being a resolution, as fellows : Which wa, decided in the affirmative by the fotiuwing vote : Re-aite, I, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Sixty- Afhrntative—The 1're,idr-n', A"ice-!'re,idcnt hitzsinton,, Aldermen 1). Barry, 1.1. J. Barry. Butler, ninth street, from Eighth avenue to Ninth avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Carlin. Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, 1 lynn, Gre gory, Gunther, IIammo td, Lynch, Morns, Noonan, Public Works. Oakley, Rapp, l'inckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and \Vtalker-22. G. 0. 782. being a resolution, a follow., : Alderman Carlin called up G. 0.515, being a re,, d , nion and ordnance, as follows Resolved, "1- hat gas-maims b.; laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamp. li,;hted in Sixty-eighth Resolved. That the Comntis-i )nee of Public \\ .,rl:, be aarl lie is hereby authorized to pave street, from the Boulevard to -Ninth avenue, under the direction of the Comuti-sioner of l'ubl~c t itI: asphalt the roadway' of One Hundred and Thi tiet'.t stmeet, between Si. Nicholas avenue and \Works. Eighth avenue, and that crosswalks of two cote-es of blue s_ one, etc., be laid at the inter-ecting and The President put the que,tion whether the Board would agree to adopt the several resolutions. terminating avenues, viz. Beginning at the west cro,sttalk of Em4gltt i avenue :mud ending at the \\"]tieh was decd led in the alfirmatire by the folluwin vote : east crosswalk of St. Nicholas avenue, the work to be clone by contract, guaranteed for five years, Afurmative — I he President, Vice-Presdent Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, a.xl publicly let to the lowest bidder. and -r the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Yorks Buller, Carlin, Clancy-, C,wie, 1).ncd, Flynn, Gregor -, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, and that the accompanying ordinance therefor he adopted. N )onan. Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, fait, and \\talker-22. The President put th•_ questio t whether the Board would agree with said reso!uuon. The ]'resident also called up the following : Which was decide(! in the affirmative by the following vote : Cie O. 756, bring a resolution, as follows: Affirmative —•1'he President, \'ice-President Fitz,!, Aldermen I). Barry, R. J. Barry, ]:es-,lvc,l, That the ContmLsioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to laywater. Butler, Carlin, Cia icy, Cowie, D,iwd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, main- in New street, between Wall and Beaver streets, pursuant to section 356 of the New York ' Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, 'Fags, and 11'alker —22. Cite F un

Alderman Gunther called up G. O. 663, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows: dimensions and according to the specifications now used in the Department of Public Works, under Resolved, That the vacant lots on the south side of Seventy-second street, from First avenue to the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor Avenue A, be fenced in, where not already done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public be adopted. Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decide(, in the affirmative by the following vote Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—The Pre,ident, Vice-President Fitz,imuns, Aldermen I), Barry, R. J. Barry, Affirmative —The President, Vice-President Fitz,intons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Carlin, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Ilammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-- 22. Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-21. The President called up 0.0.315, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows: The President called up G. 0.313, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Resolved, That the flagging and the curb now or, the sidewalks on One Hundredth street, Resolved, 'that the sidewalks on the north side of One Hundred and Fifth street and on the from Manhattan to Ninth avenue, be relaid and reset where necessary, and that new flagging and south side of One Hundred and Sixth street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, be flagged full curb be furnished where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 321 of width, where not already done, and that the flagging and the curt) now on the sidewalks be relaid chapter 410, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 1887, under the direction of the and reset, where necessary, and that new flagging and curb be furnished where the present flagging Commissioner of Public \Yorks ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. and curb be furnished where the present flagging and curb arc defective, as provided by sectio,i 321 The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. of chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, L1ws of 1887, under the direction of the Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor he adopted. Affirmative--The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, '1 he President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. Affirmative —The President, Vice-President F:tzsin,ons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, But- Alderman Hammond called up G. O. 758, being a resolution, as follows ler, Carlin, Clancy. Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be erected on the southeast corner of Elton Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. avenue and One Ihundred and Fifty-third street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public The President called up G. 0. 314, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Works. Resolved, That the flagging and the curb now on the sidewalks on One Hundredth street, The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. from Ninth to Tenth avenue, be relaid and reset where necessary, and that new flagging and curb Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote be furnished where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 321 of chapter Affirmative—The President, Vice -President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Parry, R. J. Barry, Butler, 41o, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 18S7, under the direction of the Commis- Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Uowo, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, sioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhofl, Sullivan, Tait, and \Valker-22. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Alderman Hammond called up G. 0. 765, being a resolution, as follows Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses of bridge-stone be laid across Canal street, diagonally, Affirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Parry, from the southwest corner of Mott street to the northwest corner of Mott and Canal streets, under Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; the expense to be charged to the appropriation Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait and Walker-22. for '° Repairs and Renewals of Pavements and Regrading. " Alderman R. J. Barry called up G. 0.662, being a resolati~,n and ordinance, as follows The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Resolved, That the vacant lots on the block b,uuded by Eighty-ei,.hth and Eighty-ninth streets, Which was decider] in the affirmative by the following vote : First and Second avenues, be fenced in, under the direction of the Commisioner of Public Works Affirmative—Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, Carlin,. Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, Oakley, and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-2t. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Alderman Lynch called up G. O. 200, being a resolution, as follows Affirmative The President, Vice-president Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Resolved, That an improved drinking-fountain be placed on Third avenue, at the northwest Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, corner of One Hundred and Fifty-fourth street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. Works. Alderman R. J. Barry called up G. 0.710, being a resolution, as follows: The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution Resolved, That the old crosswalk now laid across Chambers street, diagonally from opposite \Vhich was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : No. 203 to the southeast corner of West sticet and Chambers street, consisting of two courses of Affirmative—The President, Vice-Presi lent Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, bridge-stone, he taken up and a new crosswalk of three courses of bridge-stone, with a row of granite Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, paving blocks between, be laid, using the present bridge-stone, where not worn or broken, and fit to Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker—zz. be relaid, if any, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; the expense to be Alderman Lynch called up G. O. 744, being a resolution, as follows charged to the appropriation for '' Repairs and Renewals of Pavements and Regrading." Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be erected on northwest corner of Broad- The President put the quo tion whether tl,c Board would agree with said resolution. way and Church street, Ikingsbrtdge, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Wciks. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : The President put the gecstiun whether the Board would agree With said resolution. Affirmative—The !'resident, Vice-!'resident Fitz,imons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. I. Barry, Which was decided in the aitirmative by the following vote : Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, I)ond, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Affirmative - The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker--22. Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, I lammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, Alderman D. Barry called up G. O. 766, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Oakley, Rapp, Rinci:h,,fl, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a row of paving-blocks between the courses, be laid across Mount Morris avenue, at its intersection with the northerly and southerly sides of Alderman Lynch called up G. (t. 762, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows One Hundred and Twenty-first and One Hundred and Twenty-second streets ; the materials to Resolved, That One Hundred and Seventy-second street, from Third to Vanderbilt avenue, be used for said work to be bridge stone of -North river blue stone of the dimensions and according be regulated and graded, the curb-stones be set and the sidewalks be flagged a space four feet wide to the specifications now used in the Department of Public \Yorks, under the direction of the Com- through the centre thereof, under the direction of the Commissioners of the Department of Public missioner of Public Works ; and that the accompinving ordinance therefor be adopted. Parks ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote Barry, Butler, Carlin, Affirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen I). Barry, R. J. Barry, Affirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen R. J. Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Oakley, Rapp, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-2t. Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker—zo. Alderman I). Barry called up G. O. 585, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Alderman Lynch called up G. O. 785, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows: Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses of blue stone be: laid across Lexington avenue within Resolved, That Giles street, from Sedgwick avenue to Heath avenue, be regulated and graded, the lines of the northerly sidewalk of One Hundred and Seventeenth street and parallel thereto, as the curb-stones set and sidewalks flagged a space four feet wide through the centre thereof, under provided by section 321, chapter 41o, Laws of tS82, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 1887, under the direction of the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks ; and that the accompanying the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor ordinance therefor be adopted. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. be adopted. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Atfirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Affirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. The President called up G. 0.318, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Alderman D. Barry called up G. O. 704, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Resolved, That the curb-stones be set and an additional course of flagging, four feet wide, be Resolved, That One Hundred and First street, from First to Second avenue, be regulated and laid on the north side of One Hundred and Twelfth street and the south side of One Hundred and graded, the curb-stones set and sidewalks flagged a space four feet wide through the centre thereof, 'I hirteenth street, between Eighth and Manhattan avenues, and that the old flag-stones, where not under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance laid or set in accordance with the established lines and grades, be taken up and reset and relaid, therefor be adopted. and new flagging laid where the old flag-stones have been broken or removed, where not already The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordi- Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : nance therefor be adopted. Affirmative —The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gilligan, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-22. Affirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Alderman I). Barry called up G. O. 718, being a resolution, as follows Oakley, Rapp, Sullivan, 'fait, and Walker-2o. Resolved, That crosswalks of two courses of bridge-stone, with a row of paving-blocks between each course, he laid across One Hundred and Twenty-third street, on the west side of Lenox avenue and the east side of Seventh avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; the REPORTS RESUMED. expense to be charged to the appropriation for " Repairs and Renewals of Pavements and The Committee on Railroads, to whom was referred the annexed petition of the Metropolitan Regrading." Crosstown Railway Company for permission to cou,truct, maintain and operate a railway on the The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. surface of the streets named in said petition, respecfully Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote Affirmative ThePresident, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, REPORT : Butler, Carlin. Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, That your Committee has carefully considered the application, has held several meetings, after Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker--22. due notice, at which all persons interested were given an opportunity to be heard, as required by Alderman D. Barry called up G. O. 752, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows law, and have concluded to recommend favorable action on the application by your Honorable Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a row of paving-blocks between the courses, Body. be laid across Lenox avenue, at its intersection with the northerly and southerly sides of One Hun- Your Committee are of opinion that too many facilities for communication between remote- dred and Eighteenth street, the materials to be used far said work to be bridge-stone of North sections of our city cannot be given ; that the public are entitled to every means of travel that can river blue stone of the dimensions and according to the specifications now used in the Department be properly obtained, and that it is the duty of the corp irate authorities of this city to assent to the of Public Works, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accom- construction and operation of all such means of communication as, under existing laws, the corpo- panying ordinance therefor he adopted. rate interests are so well and amply protected that no injury or detriment can be done the public by The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. permitting the use of our streets for railway purposes under proper restrictions. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Your Committee, therefore, respectfully offer for your adoption the following resolutions Affirmative—The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. Barry, Resolved, That the consent of the Common Council of the City of New York be and is hereby Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, given to the Metropolitan Crosstown Railway Company to the construction, maintenance, use and Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-21. operation, upon the conditions hereinafter named, and not otherwise, of a street railroad upon and through the streets and avenues in said city, mentioned and described in the petition of said Alderman D. Barry called up G. O. 769, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows: company, as follows, to wit : Commencing upon East street, at or near the Grand Street Ferry, Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a row of paving-blocks between the courses, and running thence through, upon and along East street, with a double track, to Delancey slip or be laid across One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street at its intersection with the westerly and east- street ; thence through, upon and along Delancey street, with a double track, to the Bowery ; erly sides of Lexington avenue ; the materials to be used fir said work to be bridge-stone of North thence through, upon and across the Bowery to Spring street ; thence through, upon and along river blue stone of the dimensions and according to the specifications now used in the Department Spring street, with a double track, to South Fifth avenue ; thence through, upon and along South Fifth of Public Works, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accom- avenue, with a double track, to Fourth street ; thence through, upon and along Fourth street, with panying ordinance therefor be adopted. a double track, to Macdougal street ; thence through, upon and along Macdougal street, with a The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. double track, to Waverley place ; thence through, upon and along Waverley place to Bank street ;; Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: thence through, upon and along Bank street, with a double track, to Greenwich avenue ; thence Affirmative —The President, Vice-President Fitzsimons, Aldermen 1). Barry, R. J. Barry, Butler, through, upon and along Greenwich avenue, with a double track, to Thirteenth and Horatio streets Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Flynn, Gilligan, Gunther, Hammond, Lynch, Morris, Oakley, Rapp, thence through, upon and along Thirteenth street and Horatio street, with a single track to Eighth Rinckhoff, Sullivan, Tait, and Walker-21. avenue ; thence through, upon and across Eighth avenue to Thirteenth street ; thence through, upon and along Thirteenth street, with a double track, to Thirteenth avenue ; thence through, upon The President called up G. 0.729, being a resolution and ordinance, as follows Resolved, 'That a crosswalk of two courses, with a row paving-blocks between the courses, and along Thirteenth avenue, with a double track, to Fourteenth street, together with the necessary be laid across One Hundred and Sixty-second street at its intersection with the easterly side of Tenth connections, turnouts, sidings, switches, turn-tables, and convenient stands for the working and avenue ; the materials to be used for said work to be bridge-stone of North river blue stone of the accommodation of said railroad.


And be it further METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY Resolved, That the conditions upon which, and not otherwise, the said consent is hereby given, VF THE are as follows, to wit First-Tliat the provisions of chapter 252 of the Laws of ISS4, pertinent thereto, shall be com- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, plied x ith. Second -That the right, franchise and privilege of using the said streets and avenues to con- CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK. 57' S8" \V. Height of Instruments above the Ground, 53 struct, maintain, use and operate a street surface railroad upon the said street; and avenues, subject Latitude 400 45' ES" N. Longitude 730 to all the provisions of chapter 252 of the Laws of tS84, and of chapter 642 of the La+v, of iS36, feet ; above the Sea, 97 feet. shall be sold at public auction to the bidder, which shall be an incuiporated railroad or railway company organized to construct, maintain and operate a street railroad in the City of New York, ABSTRACT OF REGIS'CERS FROM SELF-RECORDING INSTRUMENTS for which such consent is given, and which will agree to give the largest percentage per annual of its gross receipt, with adequate security, by a bond or undertaking in ii ruing, and under seal, in For the week ending November 30, 1889. such form, condition, amount and sureties as shall be required and approved by the Comptroller of Barometer. the said city, for the fullilltuent of the said agreement, and for the commencement a,,d completion of such road according to the plan or plans, and on the route or routes fixed for its construction, 9 P.M. MEAN FOR MAXIMUM. MINIMUM. within th-, time or times deli nated and prescribed therefor by the provisions of chapter 642 of the 7 A.M. 2 F.M. THE DAY. Laws of iS86. DATE. - Third-That in the construction of the said railroad and its equipment, the materials and work ~~ b 11 '7 di y di 'O t'-0 'O 59 v CL employed shall be of the best quality and character, and the said railroad shall be constructed with NOVEnt➢ER. ' a C' 0b aF' v o'=9 V7 o', v ,a" 0 CO v side-bearing rail, having the outer edge of bearing flush with pavement, with inside drop not exceed- ing one inch in depth ; and that the cars thereon shall be ran as frequently as the convenience of the public may require. l 11 be ntac1 e, onel nn y 1 erson or ctsr ora 30.090 30.170 9 A.M. 30.036 Fourth 1 hat the bidder to which the aforesaid sa 1e a ra p Sunday, 24 30. 150 30.050 30.070 i.~ o A.M. tiou using the tracks or any part of the tracks, constructed or laid under or in pursuance of this con- sent, shall comply with all reasonable ordinances or regulations which the local authorities having atonday, 25 3o.c86 30.092 3o.z6o 30.146 30.324 12 P.M. 30.028 3 A.M. charge of the aforesaid streets and avenues, or any of them, shall make as to the rate of speed, mode 26 30.466 30.442 30.480 30.463 30.516 9 A.M. 30.324 o A.M. of use of tracks, and removal of ice and snow, and with any and all provisions of law applicable 'Tuesday, 30.450 29.700 12 P.M. to any s'reet surface railroad company organized under chapter 252 of the Laws of 1884, and shall Wednesday. 27 30.390 20.110 29.816 30.105 o A.M. not charge any passenger more than five cents from or to any point on the route hereinabove 29.446 29.620 29.472 29.700 o A.M. 29.320 8 A.M. descrubed, nor from any point on said route or any route connecting with the route hereinabove 1'hursday, 28 29.350 descritcd, to any point on said route or any route connecting with the route hereinabove described, Friday, 29 29.718 29.732 29.862 29.771 29.928 12 P.M. 29.630 OA. M. but shall give transfer tickets to a passenger when necessary to secure, and which shall secure to 30.332 30.289 30.364 12 P.M. 29.928 o A.M. him one continuous ride between such points for the single fare of five cents. Saturday. 30 30.074 30.160 And the said bidder, as to the whole route hereinabove deceribed, shall be al'solutely and unqualifiedly bound, and any person or company using or operating a railroad upon the tracks, or glean for the week ...... ...... ...... 30.034 inches. any part of the tracks, constructed upon the said route under or by virtue of the consent hereby \laximunt " at 9, November 26th...... 30.516 1 linintum " at 8 Au., November 28th ...... 29.310 given or the sale had in pursuance thereof, as to the tracks so used by it or him, shall be jointly and Range ...... 1.200 •, severally bound with the said bidder absolutely and unqualifiedly to repair and keep in permanent repair the portion of said streets and avenues upon which the tracks shall be so constructed, between Thermometers. the tracks, the rails of the tracks and a space two feet in width outside of and adjoining the outside rails of the track or tracks, so long as such tracks so constructed shall continue to be used, and this obligation in respect to the repairing of the streets shall not be dependent upon the requirements of 7 A. M. 9 P.M. MEAN. MaxtMtUMM. MINinn'Mt. aldxtsrT U. the local a'nhorit'.es, but is hereby made an absolute and unqualified obligati- ii ; and they shall in le like mnnnerand to a likecxtent be bound to and shall remove the snow flout thli Same part, o ftl D.\TE i streets or avenue immediately after it shall have failcn, or as soon as p. s ililc thereafter, and not I _ 4 4 j i merely to clear the tracks and the space between them by removing the snow to thr space iuterven- NOV Eni➢ER. p y j pj x ing between the tracks and the roil) tone but to remove the now entirely from that portion of the , _ a streets or avenue, made use of for the construction and operation of the railroad, so far as such now A , F A r may have fallen or ice may have been formed upon the said tracks, or upon the space between _ thetn, or the designated two feet of space upon each side of the outside oof said tracks; the snow or .03. 12 21. Susdoy, 24 50 47 41 33.3 So a P.M. 42 7 P.21. 1 38 i 7 n.M. 33 7 .5.51. ice so removedto be taken from the street and deposited at the nearest and most convenient place 38 33 41 45.0 o AM. 12 P.M. z8 12 P.M. 53. I P.M. used be the city authorities for the deposit of snow removed by themselves. \I nd:,y, 25 45 42 45 ' 41 37 30 42.31 37. 6 47 5 A.M. 43 33 Flftii-'hhat the railroad to the construction or operation of which this consent is given shall he 3 P.M. 38 2 P.M. 31 6 A.M. u6 6 A.M. 107. I P.M. operated only by anin'al or horse power, and that no cars shall be operated by any person or coat- Tuesday, 25 31 27 41 35 33 3; 16.6 33.3. 43 this consent, by any other party over the route hereurabove described, and under or by virtue of 12 P.M. 56 a ?8 0 AM. 35 0A. M. 58. 12 P.M. t\,edncsla y,z 7 40 37 44 43 5i 54 46 .3 44.6 56 thna annual or horse power. unless the right so to do shall be• acquired as provided by section 12 of 56 5 A.M. 56 5 A.u. 40 12 37 I21'.,t. 104. II A.M. chapter 252 of the Laws of 1884. Thursday. 23 55 55 45 40 40 37 46.6 44.0 t2ixth--That any person or company who shall use or operate a railroad upon the tracks, or yo. II A.M. Hrid lye 30 29 32.631.0 4o 0.2.51. 37 0 A.M. z8 12 P.M. 27 12 P.M. any part of the tracks, constructed upon the route hereinabove descril ed under or by virtue of the 29 34 33 34 3t 26 AM. 96. 12 M. consent hereby given. er the sale had in pursuance thereof, shall be subject to the same condition, S.uun'ay, 30 28 27 32 30 ;O 29 303293 34, 3 r-M- 32 2 P.M. z7' 3:+•^'• 3 liab.lities, ubligat:ons, duties and payments in respect to such use or operation by him or it, of or I upon such tracks as the bidder to whom the sale shall be made under this consent would be subject Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. were such use or operation made by such bidder, and in computing any' percentage upon gross ...... 36.9 degrees. \lean fir the weer ...... 39.9 degrees'' ...... receipts that may thereby become payab.e, the amount thereof shall be computed upon a fare of five Maxl mute for tie week, at 12 >I., 27th ...... 56. at ti i. Mt., 27th ...... 56. cents as having been received as part of the gross receipts from every passenger who shall ride upon at 3 All., 30th...... 27. '' at 3.5.01., 30111 ...... 25.., Minimum ., ...... 30. any part of the route hereinabove de,cr,bel, and irrespective of the fact whether such passenger Range enters or leaves the car at any pont upon the said route, and tLe bidder to whom such sales shall be made shall be iuint:y and _ever.tfly liable with any such person or company far any default ,n any of 'Nind. such conditions, liabkliues, obligations, duties and payments. Seventh-That the percentage upon gross receipts payable under the bid at such sale, shall be DieccriON. VELOCITY IN MILES. Foi:CE no POUNDS PER SQUARE FoUT. made annually on the first day of November for the year ending on the next preceding thirtieth day ll:\'1' E. of September. - P. a. 7 A. ,t.2. I Df or ce Eighth-That the said Metropolitan Crosstown Railway Company shall provide for the N ova;1~GEI:. 'I'Lne. 7 +. M. 2 e.~.P.M. 9 P.M. to to tire 7 A.n.2 r. M yr. n Max. expense of publication of mite aforesaid notice of sale before the said notice shall he published, and /:t.nt. z tO I' 5t .l Day. toe company schich at the said sole shall be the highest bidder shall at the time and place of sale reimburse the said Metropolitan Cross.ot+n Railway Cowpany for all expenses for printing and 1 II 220 P.M. publishing, necessarily incurred iw it upon the al-plicatton and sale herein, under the provisions of Sunda}', 24 .... WSW s SW 63 49! 401 157 0 I o said chapter 252 of the Laws of 1854 and of said chapter 642 of the Laws of i856. NW 19 21 66 106 0 0 2% 3% 8.30 P.M. Ninth-This consent is given and the said -ale shall be trade upon the express understanding Monday. .5 ... W WN\V o:+nt. that the _und:ttons herein stated do not relieve the sa.d bidder, or any person or company operating Tuesday, 26.... \\V NV\V NE 6t 35 20 1 116 o I o I o , a road upon any of the tracks constructed under this consent from any conditions, obligations, 202 0 r 3'y x0.30 P.M. liabilitie-, payment; or duties to which they might have been liable in the absence of such conditions. 1Vednesda},27.... ENE E SE 57 j 70 75 14 Tenth -That if the bidder shall not furnish satisfactory security, the said Comptroller may 6 3 7% 0.50 r.M. Thursday, z8.... SSE WSW . SSW 1o6 104 90 3c0 14 cancel the bid and .sell this consent and the license in the same manner as is provided by chapter 642 87 85 272 0 I 14 2% 5.40 P.M. of the Laws of ISS6. Friday, 29.... WS\V \Vs\V \V too Eleventh-That the said bidder shall, within thirty days after the sale at public auction, execute V/N\V I \VN\V 123 IOI 59 283 14 1% o 3% 11.50 Alt. under its cotpor -.e seal, to be attested by its president or treasurer, and by virtue of a resolution of Saturday, 30 ... V4'SW its board of directors, an instrument in writing, which shall be delivered to the Comptroller of the City of New 1 ork, and which shall contain and express the acceptance by the said bidder of this Distance traveled during the week ...... 1,436 mutes...... 7y pounds. consent of the Cc-minion Council for the con2ruction, maintenance, use and operation of the proposed Maximum force railroad upon the streets and avenues above mentioned upon the terms and conditions upon which this consent is granted, and binding the said company to abide by, comply with, faithfully perform Hygrometer Clouds. Rain and Snow. Ozone. and keep the said terms and conditions. And be it further Resolved, That the sale at public auction of the right, franchise and privilege mentioned i RELA- T1VE t-LEAK, o. above shall be attended and conducted by the Comptroller of the City of New York, and shall I'ORCEOF DErru OF RAINANDSNOW IN INCHES. VAPOR. HUMID- OVERCAST, 10, be held at a place in the City of New York to be designated by the said Comptroller, and on the 1)A rE Irv. earliest practicable day to be de-ignated by the said Comptroller, or at such time to which the same may be adjourned from the day spocifed in the notice so published, not exceeding twice, for a NOVEMBER. I ~ Il _u period out exceeding four weeks in t;.e aggregate, and only after notice of the time, place and terms to .: I et o 'Set ` thereof, and of the route or routes to to said, and of the conditions upon which this consent is given, ,,.,"f'°o.., e ° shall have been published by the said Comptroller three times a week for at least three weeks, in az ad u y '' 7 0~ L o two daily newspapers in said city, to be desitvnated by his honor the Mayor of said city (and if 0' t` N O• Fi n o 92 d a O the bidder shall not furnish satisfactory security, the said Comptroller may- cancel the bid and sell h H. SI. this consent and the license in the same manner as is provided by chapter 642 of the Laws of 1886). o 10 7 P.M., 8 PSI, 1.00 .01 0 \VILLIAM P. RINCKHOFF, Sunday, 24 ~.223 • 1391 •179 .147 53 38 55 49 3 Cir. DAVID LARRY. Committee 2 .oE6 .x73 76,68 Io Io 0 5.30 A.M. 2.30 P.M. 9.00 .35.... HENRY GUNTHER, on Monday, 25 .228 .205 39 6 I 72 68..x1 2 Cir. 0 ' ...... a GEORGE B. MORRIS, Railroads. Tuesday, 26 .tot .Igo. .165 .752 581 74 0 GEORGE GREGORY, 10 x2 M. I2 P., I3.0o 2.15;~.... a \Vedn'day,27 - .181 .264 .404 .283' 73 92 93 861 10 to The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept the report and .94.... •182 .ISq .265 1001 60 731 781 10 6Cir. zCir. o AM. 5.30A.M. 5.3u adapt the resolutions. Thursday, 28 .433 Which was decided in the affirmative, on a division called by Vice-President Fitzsimons, as o ...... a Friday. 29 .275 .139 149 .154 891 71 89' 831 r Cio Ii B Cir.Cu follows : 4 • ...... o Atfirtnative-The President, Aldermen D. Barry, R. J. 1 arry, Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Saturday, 30 .136 .168 .149 .151 88 89 89 89 Cu. 8 (.ir.Cu o i Dowd, Flvun, Gregory, Gunther, Hammond, Morris, Noonan, Oakley, Rapp, Rinckhoft, Sullivan, Tait, and walker-21. 'I'otal amount of water for the week ...... 3.45 inch. Vice.President Fitzsimons was excused from voting-I. Duration for the week...... I day, 3 hours, 3o minutes.

MorloNs AND RESOLUTIONS AGAIN RESUMED. 2 P. M. DATE. 7 A. M. Alderman Morris moved that the Board do now adjourn. The Presidrnt put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. pleasant. Sunday, Nov. 24 Cool, hazy ...... Cool. Which was decided in the affirmative, on a division called by Alderman Flynn, as follows: Monday, 25 Cool, raining, fog ...... Cool, raining. Affirmative-The I'residtnt, Ald,rmen Butler, Carlin, Clancy, Cowie, Dowd, Gregory, Tuesday, z6 Cool, pleasant, ice ...... Cool, pleasant. - Cool, raining. Cool, raw, overcast...... - Gunther, Hammond, Lynch. Morris, and walker-12. W ednesday, " 27 Cool, cloudy. Thursday, z8 Mild, overcast ...... ' Negative'-Vice-President t'itzsiimons, Aldermen 1). Barry, R.J. Barry, Flynn, Noonan, Oakley, Cool, pleasant ...... Cool, cloudy. Friday, " 29 Cool, cloudy. snowflury, 9 A. M. Rapp, Rinckhofr, Sullivan, and'l'ait-- to. Saturday, " 3o Cold, cloudy, ice ...... A' d the Pr.s;dent announced that the Board St wd adjourned until Tuesday, December io, 1889, at I o'clock t'. Ni. DANIEL DRAPER, PH. D., Director. FRANCIS J. TWOMEY, Clerk.


The general character and extent of the contemplated change consist in extending Walton ave- _ POLICE DEPARTMENT. nue, from Chrever place to East One Hundred and 'l'hirty-ei,,hth street, and changing, fixing and establishing thu grades of said avenue, from La,t One I hundred and Forty-fourth street to Cheever place, in tite l wcnty-thircl Wartl. The Board of Police met on the 30th clay of November. A map showing the propsed change is now on exhibition in said office. Present—Commissioners McClave, Voorhis, and Martin. Commissioner Martin in the Chair. WALDO IIUTCIIINS, Commissioners Resolved, That the persons named in list marked ''C " (special election) be selected and \t. C. D. BORDEN, of appointed as Inspectors of Election in the several districts named, in the place and stead of J. I-IAM91'DEN ROBB, Public Parks. those previously selected, approved and appointed ; that said list be ordered on file in the Bureau ALBERT GALLUP, of Elections, and the Chief of the Bureau directed to issue the necessary notices and qualify them according to law. I 1)! ( „C ,1 DEPARTMENT OF LIC P ARK , NOS.49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, NI?w YORK, October 19, 1889.

ELECTION AssmIm.V Arl'OI HED. IN PLACE or POLITICS. CAUSE. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, in the City DISTRICT. DSTRIC r. of New York, will, at their office, Nos. 49 and 51 Chamber street, in the Emigrants' Savings Bank Building, in said city, on Wednesday, November 13, IS89, at II o'clock A. ML, hear and consider 22 9 George R. Collier...... George R. Collier...... Republican.... Resigned. all statements, objections and evidence that may then and there b offered in reference to a contem- plated change in the street system in a part of the Central District, Twenty-third and Twenty- Ir r 1'~ se pit Baum ...... Patrick Cody...... CountyDem... Removed. fourth Wards, lying between East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street, Sheridan avenue and Elliott street ; Jerome avenue, East One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, Tremont and Webster avenues, in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887. Resolved, That the persons named in list marked 'Aa" (special election) be selected The general character and extent of the contemplated change consist in changing the location, and appointedas Poll Clerks of Election in the several districts named in the place and stead of those width, course, windings, lines and grades of, and discontinuing and closing in whole, or in part, previously selected, approved and appointed ; that said list be ordered on file in the Bureau of certain avenues, streets, roads and public places, readapting, extending and laying out others to Elections, and the Chief of the Bureau directed to issue the necessary notices and qualify them take their places, and fixing and establishing the grades of the several revised streets, etc., in that according to law. part of the Central District above described. Aa. A map showing the propose(] change is now on exhibition in said office. \VALDO IIUTCIIINS, Commissioners M. C. 1. BORDEN, of ELECTION ASSFTtn1.Y APPOINTED. IN PLACE OF P.~cirics. CAUSE. J. IJAMPDE ROBB, Public Parks. DISTRICT. DISTRICT. ALBERT GALLUP,

54 x William H. Cross...... Edward J. Heffernan. . I Republican..... Resigned. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, Nos. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, 23 r Joseph R.Gi.lander...... Thomas H. Smith ..... i .... " NEW YORK, October 19, 1889.

xo 5 P.J. Simmons ...... ..... Samuel S. Campbell.... Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, in the City r6 5 Florence F. McAuliffe.... Frederick B. Miller .... •... " of New York, will, at their office, Nos. 49 and 51 Chambers street, in the Emigrants' Savings Bank Building, in said city, on Wednesday, November 13, 1889, at 11 o'clock A. St., hear and 13 9 Herman H. Meyer...... Julian H. Meyer...... .... Removed. consider all statements, objections and evidence that may then and there be offered in reference to - r8 9 David H. Hunter ...... H. C. Taylor ...... I .... Res gned. a contemplated change in the lines of Ryer avenue, between East One Hundred and Eighty-first and East One Hundred and Eighty-second streets, in the Twenty-third Ward, in pursuance of the 20 9 Thomas Herring...... Charles A. McCeaough. Democrat ..... provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887. The general character and extent of the contemplated change consist in changing the location, Miniter ...... John H. Lounsbury .... Republican .... " 23 9 Joseph P. course, lines and grades, discontinuing and closing a portion, and fixing and establishing the grades 31 9 Henry C. Stoat ...... William H. Goodfellow. ... " of Ryer avenue, between East One Hundred and Eighty-first and East One Hundred and Eighty- Harry D. Adriance..... Democrat ..... Removed. second streets. rg 9 Patrick T. Leary ...... A map showing the proposed change is on exhibition in said office. <` 33 9 j Geor.e D. Frankenrich... 1. Hunter ...... Republican.... WALDO IIUTCHINS,) Commissioners M. C. 1). BORDEN, of J. HAMPDEN ROIBB, r Public Parks. Ad'ourned = WILLIAM II. KII'P, Chief Clerk. ALBERT GALLUP,

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. Nos. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, October i9, 1889. • 111 Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, in the City of '` MONDAY, NOVEMBER. I8, 1889—SPECIAL MEETING —II A. M. New York, will, on the 13th day of November, 1889, at ri o'clock A. at., at their office in the Emigrants' Savings Bank Building, Nos. 49 and 51 Chambers Street, in said city, hear and consider Pursuant to the following : all statements, objections and evidence that may then and there be offered in reference to a contem- plated change in the width of Union street, from Lind avenue to Marcher avenue, in the Twenty- CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, third Ward, in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887. Nos. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, The general character and extent of the contemplated change consist in reducing Union street '- November 14, 1889. from 6o to 50 feet in width, discontinuing and closing a portion and changing and establishing the ,11r. CHARl.Es DE F. BURNS, Secrci crr)', etc. grades of said street, from Lind to Marcher avenue. SIR--You will please issue notices for a meeting of the Board to be held on Monday next, A map showing the proposed change is now exhibition in said office. 18th instant, at eleven o'clock A. iii., for the purpose of transacting such business as may be WALDO HU['CHINS, Commissioners presented. lh: of Respectfully, j. IIAMI'i)EN ROBE, Public Parks. WALDOTHUTCHINS, President D.P. P. ALBERT GALLUP, Present—Commissioner.; Hutchins (president), Borden, Gallup. On motion, the reading of minutes of previous meetings was dispensed with. In the matter of the proposed extension of Walton avenue,' S. J. Storrs, K. Chandler, L. W. Affidavits of John J. McGrath, Examiner of the CITY RECORD, stating that the following notices Seavey, George K. Stephens and Jordan L. Mott, appeared and were heard. of propo sed changes in the system of streets in the Twenty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards had The matter was then laid over. been duly advertised, were received and placed on tile. In the matter of the proposed changes in the Spuyten Duyvil District, A. E. Putnam, I. C. John- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, son and Walter Cox, appeared and were heard. NOS. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, Commississioner Hutchins offered the following NEW YORK, October 24, 1889. Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887, this Board does hereby alter, amend and revise the [naps or plans heretofore adopted by it by authority of law, Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, in the City and change the location, width, windings, lines, and grades of, discontinue and close, in whole or of New York, will, at their office, Nos. 49 and 51 Chambers street, in the Emigrants' Savings Bank in part, certain avenues, streets and roads, and extend, readopt, and lay out others to take the Building, in said city, on Wednesday, November 13, 1589, at ii o'clock A. At., hear and consider place of those discontinued and closed, and does hereby fix and establish the grades of the revised all statements, objections and evidence drat may then and there he offered in reference to a con- avenues, streets, and roads in a portion of the ''Spuyten Duyvil District," in the 'Twenty-fourth templated change in the street system in that part of the ''Spuyten Duyvil District," Twenty-fourth Ward, as shown on a map or plan entitled "Map or plan showing revision of Street System in that Ward, lying between Kappock street, Independence avenue, the Ewen estate, and the first street east part of the Spuyten Duyvil District lying between Lappock street, Independence avenue, Ewen of street, with the proposed grades of the several revised streets within said bounds, in estate, and the first street east of Troy street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721, Laws of 1887. of New York," dated, New York, October 21, 1889, and signed S. F. Chalfin, Topographical The general character and extent of the contemplated change consist in changing the location, Engineer, I). P. P., and does hereby approve and adopt said ]nap or plan, the sane being width, course, windings, lilies and grades of, and discontinuing and closing, in whole or in part, deemed of the proper extent in order to show such alteration, amendment and revision ; and that the certain avenues, streets and roads ; readopting, extending and laying out others to take their places, President of this Board be and he is hereby designated and directed to cause three sfmtlar maps or 'r and fixing the grades of the several revised streets in that part of the Twenty-fourth Ward above plans to be made, to be certified to by him, and to cause the same to be filed as provided by chapter described. 410 of the Laws of 1882. A map showing the proposed change is on exhibition in said office. Which was adopted by the following vote : WALDO HUTCHINS, Commissioners Ayes —Commissioners Hutchins, Borden and Gallup-3. M. C. 1). BORDEN, of The matter of the proposed change of width of Union street was then considered, whereupon J. HAMPDEN ROBB, Public Parks. Commissioner Hutchins offered the following: ALBERT GALLUP, Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887, this Board does hereby alter, amend and revise the maps or plans heretofore adopted by it by authority of law, and change the width from sixty to fifty feet and discontinue and close a portion, and change, fix DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, and establish the grades of Union street, from Lind avenue to Marcher avenue, in the Twenty-third Nos. 49 and 51 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, October 19, 1889. IJ Ward, as shown on a map or plan entitled "Map showing the change in width of Union street, from Lind avenue to Marcher avenue, from sixty to fifty feet, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, in the of New York," dated New York, August 1, 1889, and signed S. F. Chalfin, Topographical City of New York, will, at their office, Nos. 49 and 51 Chambers street, in the Emigrants' Savings Engineer, D. P. P., and does hereby approve and adopt said map or plan, the same being deemed of Bank Building, in said city, on Wednesday, November 13, 1889, at II o'clock A.M., hear and con- the proper extent in order to show such alteration, amendment and revision ; and that the President sider all statements, objections and evidence that may then and there be offered in reference to the of this Board he and he is hereby designated and directed to cause three similar maps or plans to be contemplated change of the lines of East One Hundred and Seventy-eighth street, in the Twenty- made, to be certified to by him, and to cause the same to be filed, as provided by chapter 410 of the fourth Ward, in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887. Laws of 1882. The general character and extent of the proposed change consist in altering the lines and Which was adopted by the following vote discontinuing and closing a portion of East One Hundred and Seventy-eighth street, from the Ayes—Commissioners Hutchins, Borden, GailuP-3• west side of Vanderbilt avenue, East, to Webster avenue, and extending the street to Burnside In the matter of the proposed change of lines of Ryer avenue, B. P. Fairchild, Charles H. avenue. Alden and Edward Tierney, appeared and were heard. A map showing the contemplated change is now on exhibition in said office. A communication was received from L. J. Altman, attorney for C. Lanzer, in relation to the WALDO HUTCHINS, Commissioners proposed change. M. C. D. BORDEN, On motion of Commissioner Hutchins, the change as proposed was not agreed to. of The matter of the proposed change in the lines of East One Hundred and Seventy-eighth J. HAMPDEN ROBB, Public Parks. ALBERT GALLUP, street was then considered. Fordham Morris objected to the building of a foot bridge across the railroad at One Hundred and Seventy-eighth street and advocated a broad travel bridge. Charles Jones was heard in favor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, ) - of the proposed change. A communication was received from A. K. Royce opposing the proposed Nos. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, J(` change. NEW YORK, October 19, 1889. The matter was then laid over. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, in the City In the matter of the proposed change in the Central District, Fordham Morris, B. P. Fairchild of New York, will, at their office, Nos. 49 and 5i Chambers street, in the Emigrants' Saving Bank and J. Romaine Brown were heard in favor of the changes as shown on the map. Building, in said city, on Wednesday, November 13, 1889, at iI o'clock A. M., hear and consider Commissioner Hutchins offered the following: all statements, objections and evidence that may then and there be offered in reference to. the pro- Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887, this Board posed extension of Walton avenue and the grades proposed to be established for the same, in pursu- does hereby alter, amend and revise the maps or plans heretofore adopted by it by authority of law, and change the location, width, windings, lines and grades of, and discontinue and close, in whole ance of the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887.


to date, for the payment of all arrears and stating the amount due, the amounts demanded to or in part, certain avenues, streets, roads and public places, and extend, readopt and lay out others rental value of such houses or buildings, respectively ; and that they to take the place of those discontinued and closed, and does hereby fix and establish the grades of be based upon the appraised " in the be notified that in case of default continuing beyond December 20 next, the Counsel to the Corpo- the revised avenues, streets, roads and public places, in a portion of the "Central District ration will be requested to commence actions to enforce such payment. "[wenty-third and "Twenty-fourth \Wards, a. shown on a map or plan entitled '' 1\Iap or plan show- Which was a lopted by the following vote intl change of Street System in that part of the Twenty -third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City Ayes—Commissioners Hutchins, Borden, Gallup-3. of New York, lying between East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street, Sheridan avenue, Elliot Parks was directed to eject the street, Jerome avenue, I-last One Hundred and Scventy-seventh street, Tremont avenue and Webster On motion of Commissioner Gallup, the Superintendent of 'topographical Engineer, present occupant of the premises at One hundred and Forty-fourth street and Cypress avenue (St. avenue, 'dated New York, October 7, r8Sq, and signed S. F, ('haliin, a proper keeper therein. I). P. 1'., and does hereby approve and adopt said map or plan, the same being deemed of the proper Mary's Park), and place Commissioner Gallup, to whom was referred an application of John H. Keller for the extent in order to shots such alteration, amendment and revision ; and that the President of this he is hereby designated and directed to cause three similar maps or plans to he made, ' privilege of cutting ice on the Bronx river, made a verbal report recommending that permission be Board be and granted to Mr. Keller to cut and remove ice upon his agreeing to pay to the City proper corn- to be certified to by him, and to cause the same to be filed as provided by chapter 410 of the Laws pensation therefor. of 1852. Vim of Cotumissioner Hutchins, the Secretary was directed to request the opinion of the Which was adopled by the follow iii vote : Counsel to the Corporation as to the authority of the Department to dispose of ice. :\+es--Commis-toners Hutchins, Borden, Gallup-3. Commissioner Ilutehiu<, the matter of the proposed change of grade of One Hurt- Commi>sioner Gallup reported verbally in the matter of a proposed skate-house at Van Curt. Vii motion of landt Lake, and recoil, mended that a house be erected at a location designated by the Superinten- dred and 'fhlrty-eighth street was made special order of business for the 27th instant, dent of Parks and the Landscape Architect as shown on a plan submitted. Coinntissicner Borden offered the following : On motion of Commissioner Hutchins, the said plan was approved and the Superintendent of Re-olved. 'Chat tins Board, in pursuance of the pro+isiens of chapter 577 of the Laws of 1887, and having been bereft directed by the Board of Street Opening and Improvements, as provided by I Parks was directed to proceed with the work of erecting the skate-house under the supervision of v take from file the maps or plans hitherto prepared and tiled by the Board of Commissioner Gallup. said act, clue., heret, The following communications were received Parks, locating and lacing out Uniercliri avenue in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, and intend sod maps or I lens by the addition thereto of profiles and by indicating thereon From the Superintendent of Parks: list. Recommending that Foreman Guy A. Ward be transferred for duty on the Central and the grades and location of utonun:ents of said avenue, by figures, angles, and distances ; and does hereby fix and cstal,lish the Lradles thereof, as shown on a snap, plan and profile, entitled '° Plan j City parks. and Profile showing Undercliii avenud in the 'twenty-fourth \Card of the City of New York," dated On motion, the transfer of Foreman Ward was so ordered. 2d. Recommending the appointment of Matthew Colford as Assistant Foreman on Pelham Bay New York, September 17, 1589, and signed S. F. Chaffin, Topographical Engineer, 17. P. P., the same being deemed such as may Lest subserve and promote the public interest, anti does hereby Park. profile ; and that the President of this Board be and On motion, the appointment of Matthew Colford was ordered to take effect on 12th instant. approve and adopt said tulip, plan and Accepted. he is hereby designated and directed to cause three similar maps, plans and profiles to be made From Henry tV'. Vogel, resigning his position as assistant Engineer. From the Captain of Police, reporting Park Policeman Samuel Collins, as having been absent to be certified to by him, and to cause the same to be filed, as provided by chapter 410 of the Laws without leave, from the 7th to the t3tlt instant. of ISSa. 1lie President reported that he had directed th^ dismissal from the force of Samuel Collins, in Which was a.:opted by the following vote : Aves—i.'~lmmi-sioners Hutchins. Borden, Gallup — ~. I compliance +with the provisions of law, for such absence without leave. Furdham Morris subtnitt_:d a brief in opposition to certain propi,sccl changes in streets lying ' On moti',n, the action of the 1'residenl was approved, by the following vote : bet+ve n l;road+vav and Riverdalu a;enae, at Ktagsbridge, as shown on a trap now t:n::cr consider- Ayes —Commissioner.; Ilutchins, l;u,den, Galiup-3. From Bernard J. McKenna, resigring his position as a Park Policeman. Filed. ation by the Board. Filed. (in motion of Comnti-sioner Hutchins, the matter wits laid over until the 2; th instant. From 'Thomas F. Ucl:ui.e, resigning his position as a Park Policeman. architect, and a representative of the Edison Electric Light Company, 1rro:n Tho tut s F. _McGuire, asking for all allowance of pay for services as a Park Policeman. Theodore \Weston, ( to motion of Commissioner Gallup, the action of the Board of October 23, 1889, fining Thomas were heard in relation to a proposed modification of the contract for an eleetrir light plait for the I Metropolitan Museum of Art, and were informed that no change from the specitici,tio:ts could be F. McGuire twenty-live days' lay, was reamsideted, by the following vote Ayes—Commissioners Hutchins, l:urdcn, Gallup--3. made. Commi,,ioner Gallup moved that a tine of five da',s' pay on each of the two charges, ten days The followingcom nunications were received : in all, be imposed ups said 'Chumas F. McGuire. From the Consel to the Corporation. advising the Department in relation to the failure of John l Which teas carried b the following vote Regan to execute a contract awarded hint for making repairs to the roofs and skyli.{fits of the I Ayes —Commissioners Hutchins, Burden, Gallup-3. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Filed. Tile President, from the Auditing Coma:ittce, prerented the following reports Commissioner Borden offered the hollowing : The Auditing Committee beg leave to report that they have examined and audited the following Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to readvertise for proposals for repairin_ the roofs and bills, and submit the saline to the Board for approval. skylights of the old building of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Jones, Chas., Assignee of Thomas J. Gil- 1Chich was adopted b}' the following vote : leg, Estimate \o. 7...... Sewer from Railroad avenue, Ayes—C ommissoners tlutenina, Borden, Gallup.-3. E., near One Hundred and From the President of the Sui~urban Rapid "1.'ransit Company, stating the intention of said Fifty-third street, to and company to proceed at au early day with the construction of its railways upon a route thruuhh St. across H. R. R. property, Mary's Park. Filed. etc...... $9,416 15 Commissioner Gallup offered tine following \Whereas, It appears from a communication, dated October 28, iSS9, addressed to this Board RECAPITULATION. by the President of the Suburban Rapid Transit Company, that said company claims title to a strip Street Improvement Fund—Chapter 68o, Laws 1886 ...... $9,416 15 of land running through St. Mary's Park and more particularly referred to in said communication, and that said company now proposes to enter upon said land and to construct its railroad thereon— And Whereas, Said land is included within the limits and forms a part of a tract of land Amounting to the sum of nine thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars and fifteen cents. known as St. Mary's Park, appropriated for park purposes under an Act of the Legislature of this W. HUTCHINS, Auditing State known as chapter 522 of the Laws of 1884, entitled, "An Act laying out public places and A. GALLUP, Committee. 11 parks and parkways in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York, I NEw YORK, November i8, 1889. and in the adjacent district in Westchester county, and authorizing the taking of the lands for the y the Mavor, The above-mentioned bill having been read and passed on. same," passed June i4, t8S4, and the title to which has been duly acquired b On motion, the same was approved and ordered transmitted to the Finance Department for Aldermen and Commonalty- of the City of New York, under proceedings instituted on behalf of ; i payment, by the following vote said Ci:v as in said Act provided— Ayes—Commissioners Hutchins, Borden, Gallup-3. And Whereas, Said land, to which said Suburban Rapid Transit Company now lays claim, 'lime Auditing Committee beg leave to report that they have examined and audited the follow- forming a pint of said park, is under the exclusive management and control of this Board fur the ing bills, and submit the same to the Board for approval purposes of a public park : Resolved, That the said The Suburban Rapid Transit Company be and it is hereby notified Abeel Bros., iron, horse shoes and nails... Labor, Maint., etc.—General that this Board does not recognize the validity of said claim or the right of said company to enter Maintenance...... $38 30 upon said strip of land or to make use of the same for any of the purposes of said company, but Police --Supplies...... 32 10 asserts the title of the City thereto and the exclusive jurisdiction and control of this Department Bronx River ltridge, etc...... 4 28 over the same as a portion of a public park, and said company is hereby expressly forbidden and Iiarlem River Bridge, etc.— the Superintendent of Parks is hereby directed to prevent said company and its servants and agents 1laintenance...... 14 65 from going upon said lands or any part thereof for any of the purposes for which it asserts a claim 1 -- $89 33 thereto as above mentioned. Abeel Bros., steel ...... Morningside Park—Improve- Which were adopted by the followin; vote : I went and Construction of, 3 91 Ayes--Commissioners Hutchins, Borden, Gallup-3. Brandes Mfg. Co., steel, surveyors' chains Riversi~ie Park and avenue, From the American Marble and Granite Renovating Company, offering to clean the Worth etc...... •...... 16 00 monument without expense to the City. Referred to the Superintendent of Parks for report. Bucki, Chas. L. & Co., lumber...... Lab: r, Main[., etc.—General From Thomas J. Lacey, claii ting pay as an assistant to the Topographical Engineer, at the i Maintenance...... Boo S5 rate of 53 per day, from January :6, 1886, to date. Referred to Commissioner Gallup to confer I Chalfin, S. F., petty disbursements...... Surveying. Laying-out, etc... 104 37 with the Counsel to the Corporation and report. I Consolidated Gas Co., gas, October...... Labor, Maint., etc.—General Commissioner Gallup, to whom was referred an application of B. Cohn, representing property- ! Maimenancc...... $58 07 owners, asking the consent of this Department to the erection of a station at Sixty-sixth street and I Police—Supplies ...... 97 31 Ninth avenue. presented a report recommending that the application be granted upon certain con- Harlem River Bridge, etc.-- ditions named in said report. Maintenance...... 12 12 On motion, the report of Commissioner Gallup was accepted, and the recommendations therein --- 167 50 contained were adopted. Decker, Thompson W. & Sons, milk, From the Topographical Engineer, submitting a neap showing a proposed revision of the street Septem'.)er ...... ...... Zoological Department...... 14 40 system in that part of the Spuyten Duyvil District Lying between the Spuyten Duyvil Parkway. Gilles & Geoghegan, arch plate, etc...... Labor, Maint,, etc.—General Riverdale avenue, street on northern line of \V. C. Wennore estate, Waldo street and the southern Maintenance...... 16 50 line of the J. R. Whiting estate. Haggerty, J. Henry, illuminating oil..... Labor, Maint., etc.—General On motion, said map +t-as ordered placed on exhibition and advertised. Maintenance...... 5 10 ler, P upon P bridgeHarmer, Hays & Co., lap robes, etc...... Maintenance-23d and 24th over Harlem river. Filed. Wards ...... 47 83 From the Engineereof Constructlon, submittingt plans, specifications and forum of contract for Hurst & Treanor, stone ... ...... Labor, Maint., etc.--Care and rebuilding and placing in position the draw-span of McCotnb's I tam bridge. Maintenance 72d street, Conunis

Neuchatel Asphalte Co. (Limited), re- George M. Richardson-Judgment entered in favor of the City, dismissing complaint and. f,r$87.I2 paring and repaving walks in Tomp- costs, after trial before Seil'gwick, J., and jury. kins Square, payment on acceptance.. Labor, Maint., etc.-Tomp- In re Willett Bronson, regulating, etc., Eighth avenue-Order entered dismissing petition without kins Square ...... $8,092 26 cons, upon motion ale l:clore Patterson, J. Rie-elman, J., coal ...... 11arlem kiver Bridge, etc.- In is Louise S. Ackerman, lordham drains-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, upon Maintenance ...... 95 00 ru tion made belore Patterson, J Ro,inson, E., copy of map N. Y. City In re Ebenezer C. Jackson, Fordham tir:rains-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, upon north of t3oth street ...... New Parks-Care and Main- tnartion ii !e before Patterson, J. - tenence ...... 8 00 In re \V. I. B.irnes, Fordh.tni drain.;-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, upon motion Spencer, Louis E., Estimate No. 2...... Regulating. etc. - Webster wade before Patterson, J. avenue, front 165tH to 173d In re Ferdinand Kuttmann, F.,rdham drains -Order entered dismissing petition without costs, upon stre`ts ...... ...... 6,458 20 mo:iun made before Paitersr,n, I. Thorburn, Jas. M. & Co., grass seed ...... Mornicgsule Park, Lupr. ye- In re Simon I-U th,schild, alterations, etc., to Seventy-second street sewer-Order entered dismissing n ient and Construction of. . 29 50 petition trithout cots, upon motion inade 1)efore Patterson, J. Woeltje & Cutting, blue print paper...... Ifornin'side Park - Improve- In re Simon Rothschild, regulating, etc., One Hundred and Eleventh street-Order entered dis- ntis5ing petition without costs, upon motion made before I'atter,on,J. - and C nstruction of... 12 38 1Vocltje & Cutting, blue print paper ...... Surveys, Maps and flans.... 6 19 In re Michael II. Cashman, ..ewers in River.;ide avenue, Seventy-sixth to Ninety-fourth street- Yoang, \Vm., grass sxds ...... \lorningside lark, Improve. Order entered dismissing petition without costs, upon motion made before Patterson, I. mcnt and Construction of. 9 00 In re Sophie C. Snecker, sewer. in Riverside avenue, Seventy-sixtlr to Ninety-fourth street-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, upon motion made before Patterson, J. $31,810 82 In re Robert G. Giegg, Rigcrside sewer and outlet sewer in Riverside and Twelfth avenues-Order entered dismissing petition without co,ts, upon motion made before Patterson, J. RECAI'ITOLATION. In re Gilbert \Vo:)d, One hundred and Fifteenth street regulating, etc----Order entered di-,missing $t, t 13 89 petition without costs, up-,n motion made before Patterson, J. Labor, 'Maintenance, etc.-General Maintenance ...... In re James AWood, One hundred am.l Fifteenth street regulating, etc.- Order entered dismissing 8,092 26 Labor, Mintrnance, etc.-Tompkins Square ...... petition without co;t.s, upon motion made before Patterson, J. 1,890 98 Labor, Maintenance. ect.-Cary and Maintenance of 72nd street, etc.... In re Maria Wood et al., One hundred and Fifteenth street regulatin,., etc.-Order entered dis- Zoological Department ...... ...... 47 57 missing pe:iti--in without cos- s, upon motion made before Patterson, J. Police-Supplies ...... 134 61 in re Charles I.. 'tiffany, Ninety-fifth -trect regulating, etc.-Order entered reducing asses ment, 121 1-Iarlem River Bridgi, etc.---Maintenance ...... 77 pursuant t d ~cisiou In re Tiffany. Maintenance - Museums ...... ...... 3,672 77 People ex r h, Hannibal G. Cutuguo vs. Theodore \V. Myers, Comptroller, etc. -Order entered deny- Telephonic Service ...... 333 33 ing motion for writ of mandamus without costs. Riverside Park and avenue, etc ...... ...... 16 00 Maintenance-23rd and 24th Wards ...... ...... 96 42 Bronx River Bridges, etc ...... 4 28 SCHEDULE "C." Surveys, Maps and Plan;...... ...... 19 48 SUITS ANTI SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS TRIED OR ARGUED. Surveying, Laying out, etc ...... T04 37 Morningside Park--Improvement and Construction of ...... 54 79 George W. Richardson --Tried before Sedgwick, J., and jury ; complaint dismissed on the merits New Parks north of Harlem River-Care and Maintenance ...... 207 45 F. J. Freedman for the City. Local Improvement Fund, chapter 420, Laws 1886 ...... 3,324 65 John P. Maloney-Reference proceeded and adjourned to December 4, at 2 P. St. ; Woolsey Carmalt Street Improvement Fund, chapter 420, Laws aSS6 ...... 12,576 20 for City. - $31,810 82 U. S. Illuminating Co. -Motion to place on General "Perm calendar made and granted ; D. J. Dean for City. Amounting in the aggregate to the sum of thirty-one thousand eight hundred and ten dollars Brush Electric Illuminating Co.- Motion to place on General Term calendar made and granted and eighty-two cent. I). J. Dean for City. W. HUTCIIINS, Auditing Committee. Mt. Morris Electric bight Coo.-Motion to place on General Term calendar nude and granted ; D. NEW YORK, NOV. IS, I889. J. Dean for City. Matter East River Park - I Iearin ; (before Commissioners) proceede' anci adjourned to October 20, The ab,ve-mentioned hills having been read and passed on separately, on motion, the same at II !, A.M. ; 20th, proceeded and ad.jounied to November 23, at 1O?i A.M. ; C. D. Olendorf were approved ordered transmitted to the Finance Department for payment by the following for City. vote : Dock Department Investigation-Ilearing begins before the Commissioners of Accounts and Ayes-Commissioners Hutchins, Bar-len, Gallup-3. adjo.irned to November 5 ; 5th, proceeded and adjourned to November 6 : 6th, proceeded and On motion, at 1.20 P. >vt. the Executive Se-ston arose, and the Board adjourned. adjourned to Noventlrer 7 ; 7,11, proceeded and adjourned to November 8 ; 8th, proceeded and CIIARI.ES Di'. F. BURNS, Secre'ary. adjourned to November 11 ; nth, pr,ecee-led and adjourned to November 12 ; Izth, pr receded and adjourned t-; November 13 ; 13th, proceeded and adj.aurne,l to November 14 ; 14'11, pro- ceeded aid adjoure.l to November 15 ; 15th, proceeded and adjourned to November IS, at It LAW DEPARTMENT. A. M. ; 18th, pro ed and adjourned t:, November r9; 19th, proceeded and adjourned to -November 22 ; 2Oth, procee,!e.l and adjourned to November 21 , 22d, proceeded and adjourned to November 25 ; Writ. II. Cla do for C utinissioners of Accounts. The followin, schedules form a report of the transactions of the office of the Counsel to the Minnie I ly~le-Trial begun Id me Lawrence, J., and jury ; verdict for the City, on the ground that Corporation for the week ending N.,vember 23, 1889 : no notice of intention to sue had been served ; F. L. AVeltman and I1. B. Twombly fur the The .-favor, Aldernt, n and Commonatly . f the Crh' of ,Ve.✓ 1 o)-k are d fendrn/s, unless City. otherwise mentioned. In re Rutherford Stuyvesant, Four:ecoth street trap-block pavement --l-eierence proceeded for two SCHIEIDULE, ''A." hour5 and ndj Burned to November 25, at 2 P. M. ; G. L. Sterling for City. Swan Johnson -'t Tied before IAv« n, J. ; decision reserved : \V. Carmalt for City. SUITS AND SPECIAL IROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED. Michael J. I )a lv-:argued at General Term ; decision reserved : 1. J. Townsend. Jr., for City. SGI'RicME COURT. People cx rd. Louis Lotsch vs. P,,licc t otnntissioners ; submitted at General Term ; J. J. Delany for Comm,ssioncr... In the matter of Frederick 13ankwitz, a supposed lunatic-Commission de lunatic inquirendo. In ie Mayer Kahn, tree-planting, (time I lunrlre~l and Tenth street-Motion to dismiss petition made In the matter of the application of the Department of Public Parks, relative to acquiring title to before Patterson, J. granted ; C. L. Sterling for City. certain New Parks, etc.--On the petition of Jacs,b Shrady and another for an award made Matter \William If. Drake-Reference to ascertain title proceeded and closed ; C. N. Harris for to unknown owners. City. Alexander Schweizer-"1'o restrain collection of personal taxes assessed against plaintiff for year In re Charles L. Tiffany, Ninety-fifth sheet reguiating, etc.-Application for retluctton of assess- 1888, $222. ment made bef n e I'atters,n, J. ; order of reduction made ; G. 1.. Sterling for City. People cx rel. James Finn vs. Henry H. Porter et al., Commissioners of the Department of Matter Armory Site--hearing before the Commissioners proceeded and adjourned to November 20 Charities and Correction of the City of New York -Certiorari to review removal of relator 20th, proceeded and adjourned to November 22, at 2 P. M. ; 22d, proceeded and adjourned to from office of Warden of District Prisons. November 25, at 2 P.M. ; W. Hartwell for City. Andrew K. Vendeventer vs. The St.iri'rinting Company- -For an order authorizing Wm. I'. Sullivan, In re James A. Striker, Fifty-first street sewer, between Seventh and Ninth avenues-Reference receiver, to withdraw from the Comptroller notice formerly given by hint riot to pay to proceeded and adjourned to November 25, at 2 P. M. ; G. I.. Sterling for City. Tradesmen's National Bank certain moneys assigned by the Star Printing Company to the In re James A. striker, Fifty-second and Fifty-third streets sewers, between Seventh and Ninth bank. avenues-Retcrence proceeded and adjourned to November 25, at 2 P.M.; G. L. Sterling for George F. Perkins et al. vs. The Star Printing Company-For an order authorizing William P. City. Sullivan, receiver, to withdraw from the Comptroller notice formerly given by him not to pay In re Ellsworth L. Striker and Jamas A. Striker, Eleventh avenue sewer-Reference n--.mceeded to Tradesmen's National Bank certain moneys assigned by the Star Printing -Company to the and adjourned to November 25. at 2 P.M. ; C. L. Sterling Er City. bank. In re James A. Striker, Ninth avenue sewer-Reference proceeded and adjourned to November 25, Alexander H. Rice et al. vs. The Star Printing Company-For an order authorizing William P. at 2 P.M. ; G. 1,. Sterling for City. Sullivan, receiver, to withdraw' from the Coniptr.ilier notice formerly given by him not to pay to In re Absalom Anderson, '.seventy-second and Seventy-third street., sewers-Reference proceeded lladesmen's National Bank certain moneys assigned by the Star Printing Company to the two hours and adjourned to November 21, at 2 ; G. I,. Sterling for City. bank. People ex rel. l'atrick A1cCormack v;. Stephen B. french et al., Police Commissioners-- Submitted People ex rd. Thomas F. Manning vs. John McClave et. al., composing the Board of Police Com- btiet at General Term ; E. H. llawke, Jr., for City. nnissioners of the Police Department of the City of New York-Certiorari to review dismissal People ex rel. Myron Allen vs. Board of Police Commissioners-Submitted at General Term of relator, a Patrolman, from the force, August 7, 1889. decision reserved : G. S. Coleman for City. William Hill-To restrain the using of Pier No. 12, East river, as a dumping ground, and to com- Matter George Uhrie vs. Commissioner of Public Works-Motion for mandamus made before Pat. pel removal forthwith of dumping-board, terson, J. ; denied ; alternative writ allowed by consent ; E. H. Hawke, I r., for City. John B. Titman et al., administrator - Argued at General Term ; decision reserved ; '1'. P Wickes SUPERIOR COURT. for City. Julia L. Gerding vs. Mary McKenna, as executrix of the last will and testament of James McKenna, James Brooks-Tried before Lawrence, J. ; decision reserved on questions of land raised by the otherwise known as James Cannon, and the said Mary McKenna, otherwise known as '%Iary defendant; verdict to be entered by consent according to result; G. L. Sterling for City. Cannon, individually, and the Mayor, etc., of the City of New York-To cancel and set aside a In re Willett Brons, )n, regulating, etc., Eighth avenue-Motion to dismiss petition made before certain lease made to James Cannon of premises 189, 19o, on a map entitled " Map of Build- Patterson, _I.: granted; G. L. Sterling for City. ing Lots at Fordham," sold on December 31, ISSI, for unpaid taxes of 1574, 1875 and 1876. In re Louise ,. Ackerman, Fordham drains--Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J. granted; G. L. Sterling for City. In re Ebenezer C. Jackson, Fordha:n drains--Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J.; Sc RROGATE'S. granted; G. L. Sterling for City. In the matter of the probate of the will of James Flanagan, deceased-Citation only served In re \Y. J. Barnes, Fordham drains -Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J.: granted; G. L. Sterling for City. In re Ferdinand Ruttmann, Fordham drains-Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J.; SCHEDULE "B." granted: G. L. Sterling for City. In re Simon Rothschild, alterations, etc., to Seventy-second street sewer-Motion to dismiss peti- JUDGMENTS ENTERED AND ORDERS OF THE GENERAL AND SPECIAL TERMS. tton made before Patterson, J.; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. In re Simon Rothschild, regulating, etc., One Hundred and Eleveatll street -Motion to dismiss Pauline Dastler--Order entered discontinuing action without costs by consent. petition made before Patterson, J.; granted; G. L. Sterling for City. The Manhattan Railway Company vs. James F.\Veuman et al., Park Commissioners-Order entered In re Gilbert Wood, One Hundred and Fifteenth street regulating-- Motion to dismiss petition made modifying preliminary injunction providing for the giving of a new notice of intention to revoke before Patterson, J.; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. right of way and license heretofore granted, etc. In re James R'ootl, One Hundred and Fifteenth street regulating-Motion to dismiss petition made Joseph R. Smith-Order entered opening default and vacating judgment upon payment by plaintiff before Patterson, J.; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. of $35 costs within ten days, and upon failure so to do absolute order to be entered denying the In re Maria Wood et al., One Hundred and Fifteenth street regulating-Motion to dismiss petition. ]notion . made before Patterson, J.; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. Matter John Garry, habeas corpus-Order entered dismissing appeal with costs. In re Michael H. Cashman, sewer in Riverside avenue, Seventy-sixth to Ninety-fourth street- Joseph Palladino-Judgment entered in favor of plaintiff for $5,459.55, after trial before Ingraham, J., Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J.; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. and jury. In re Sophie C. Snecker, sewer in Riverside avenue, Seventy-sixth to Ninety-fourth street-Motion Henry I). AylPsworth-Judgment entered in favor of the City, dismissing complaint on the merits, to dismiss petition made before Patterson, T. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. and for $121.44 costs, after trial before Ingraham, J., and jury. In re Robert G. Gregg, Riverside sewer and outlet sewer in Riverside and Twelfth avenues- David Newman-Judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff for $563.11 without trial ; letter to Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J.; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. Comptroller. In re Francis Ferri,, Seventy-fourth and Seventy-ninth streets sewers-Submitted at General Term ; Home Insurance Company-Judgment entered dismissing the complaint and for $32.69 costs. decision reserved ; G. L. Sterling for City. Margaret McGrath-Order entered discontinuing action without costs by consent. In re Jesse A. Marshall, Seventh avenue sewer-Submitted at General 'Perm ; decision reserved ; In re Mayer Kahn, tree-planting One Hundred and Tenth street-Order entered dismissing petition G. L. Sterling for City. without costs, upon motion before Patterson, J. Fitzallen Flynn-Motion to enforce fine against delinquent juror made before Ehrlich, J. ; granted ; School site at Mulberry and Bayard streets-Order entered confirming report of Commissioners of M. P. Ryan for City. Estimate and Assessment. Martin Worms-Motion to enforce fine against delinquent juror made before Ehrlich, J. ; granted ; School site at Broome and Ridge streets-Order entered confirming report of Commissioners of M. P. Ryan for City. Estimate and Assessment. 832 THE CITY RECORD. DECEMBER. 6, 1889.

Simon Sichel -Motion to enforce fine against delinquent juror made before Ehrlich, J. ; granted ; Al. People ex rel. Matthew Hogan vs. Police Commissioners-Orcler entered affirming proceedings of P. Ryan fir City. (bmmissioucrs, but without costs. George Schachrel -Motion to enf,rce fine against delinquent juror made before Flu lich, J. ; granted Joseph F. Carrigan vs. "1•he Mayor, etc., et al.-Order entered discontinuing action w;th costs to I. P. Ryan for City. defendant; by consent. John A. I lantann--Motion to enforce fine against delinquent juro:cmade before Elrrlich, J. ; ;ranted Joseph F. (arrigan, administrator, etc., vs. The Mayor, etc., et ,IT., Nos, 5 and q- Order entered M. P. Ryan for City. discontinuing act bin Without costs by consent. Philip jeselsohn-Motion to enforce fine against delinquent juror trade before Ehrlich, J. ; granted Joseph F. Cartigau, as administrator--)rder entered discontinuing action without costs by consent. M. I. Ryan for City. People ex rcl. lets York Underground Kailcsay Company vs. John Newton, Commissioner of L):ti; E. Bohite-Moti,an to enforce tine against delinquent juror made before McGown; J. ; granted Public \Works, et al,-Order entered denying motion to restore cause to clay calendar without M. P. Ryan for City. cost,. Louis Schache-Motion to enforce fine against delinquent juror made before McAdam, 1. ; granted Laura \V. llegeinan, execut iv- -Order entered discontinuing action;Witlrout costs. M. P. Ryan for City. John Deppeler-Order entered disco u tilt mmg action witht,ttt costs. Alans, .n F. Ails-M:dion to enforce fine against delinquent juror made before Mc Adam, J. ; granted In re William, clo.sln; Bloomiu,dale road-()r lcr entered dismissing petition without costs, M. P. Ryan for City. upon nioton made before Patterson, J. Mathew P. NlrKeou-Motion to enforce fine against dchngaent juror made before McAdam, J. In re C. C. Adams, closing lilu.nningdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, granted ; M. P. Ryan f -r City. upon nlotiuu made before I 'at terson, J. Frederick it.. L'rgg-\lotion to enforce fine a sire delinquent juror made before Elu-lieh, J. In re Samuel Bierholl", closing lil otningilale road-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, denied and line remitted : M. 1'. Kean for City'. upon motion made befi,re Patterson, ), Solomon Sollfrey-Motion tip enforce fine against delis ;.tent juror trade be f.-re IIcGown, J. ; denied In re 'Timothy Brenna:i, executor, etc.. clo•ing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition and ti .e remit lc,I ; M. 1. Ryan for City. without costs, upon ii rile before Patterson, J. Chagles E. Pratt -Motion t., et:ftree jury title made and granted ; McGown, J. In re EEugh, cl'.,siug B1, )onlingdule road-Order entered dismis-ing petition without A,iarew jacks 'nMotion to enforce tine ma- ie and denied ; fine remitted : Mc(iow•n, J. costs, upuu motion made b_furc Patterson, J. Frederck I• Allien -\lotion to enforce fine made and granted ; \le Gown, J. In re Edwin F. Butler, closing Iilouini big,Iale read-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, Murk Shevick- Motion to enforce fine m de and granted ; MeGuctn, J. upon motion made letore Pattuisuu, J. 5 , mun AV-elff-Motion to enforce line male and denied : fine remitted ; Beach, J. In re Evil I. Con=tain, clv,tug Bloomingdale road-- Order entered dismissing petition without costs, Hear. P. Rellner -NI,eti. n to enforce line m;de and denied ; fine remitted ; Beach, J. upon mo-ion uiadie Pelts c latter-ou, J. Howard Lapssley --Motion to en force fine made and denied ; line remitted ; Martine, J. In re C. C. Clausen et al., closing Bluunun;;dale road-- Order entered dismissing petition without E,lniund F. Holbrook-\lotion to enforce fine made end denied ; fi;,e remitted ; Martine, J. costs, upon moti';n made belore I nttcrson, I. 1. Ih'ward Sweeter-Jlut:on to enf+rcc fine made and denied ; tine remitted ; ortine, J. In re Lucretia U. Clove', closing Itluumingd;lle road-Order entered dismissing petition without 1\illiam \\'hi;e %r ght--Motion to enforce tine made and denied : fine remitted : Martine, J. cost,, upon motion trade before l'atte:suit, J. Stephen C. Barnum-Motion t- enfon e fin_c made and den-c-I ; fine remitted ; Martine, I. In re Laura De 1L-his, closing Bloomingdale nmd-Order entered dbsmi,=ing petition without costs, Robert 1. Peterso -Ji i loll t enforce title In ode at! denied ; fine reminedd , Martine, J. upon motion wade heforc Patterson, J. Laz rtes Vhitehead-Mot on to en -cc e tine use and denied ; line remitted ; \lartmite, J. In re Isaac I)iysou, closii,g Bloomingdale t'uad-Order entered d*snn'sitig petition without costs, Hei:ry V. Lunbert -Mali.,n to enforce line mode and denied ; line remitted : Mairtitte, 1. up in m xion made before P.uter,on, J. Arts;ur Parrett - Jiou,'n to enforce fine made and dc- led ; fine reutiited ; t: rime. I. In re t[enry M. Field, closing L'louuiiu„daie road-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, lames )1. Bouncy- Motion to enforce tine male and denied ; fine rem ni;ted ; 'larttt:e, J. upon motion male before Patterson, J. Ja!ties 5. Law!ur -- Ho'ion to enforce elite made an,! denied ; line t•emitte.l ; Mait:ne, J. In re Charles 11. 1- closing L'louutingdale road-Omer entered dismissing petition without \fill{ ni Vs hite-11 tion to eefone lice male .end denied : Ii lie remisetel ; Gil,Iersleeve, T. costs, upon motion made Before lit terson, J. Thotaas Moore -- Motion to enforce fine made and denied ; fine remitted ; (hi let-sleeve, (. In re John \V. Gtuttzer, closing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, \` iilium L. Mitchell- Motion to enf tree tine made and denied : tine remitted , Gil lersleeve, I. u~son :notion made bclore Patterson, J. Joh M. Gad-in -Nl.'tion to et:f)rce fine trade and granted ; fine reduce,{ ; Gildersleeve, J. ~ In re \Villi:un L. Gallagher, clo=i:tg hloomin;rtdale road - Order entered dismissing petition without Leo Fra:tl:-Motion to enforce fine made and granted : Cuwving, I. cots, up ,n motion made lie hue Patters is, J. Fret lerick J. Able,-Motion to enforce line heard ; dec.sion reserve l : Cowing, J. In re Joseph Hin t;, closing liloomin,d:tle road-Order entered dismissing petition without cots, Michael Abner-Mot on to enforce fine heard : dect-ion reserved ; Cowing. J. upon nwtion made b. fore Patterson, J. 1'iil;eon Anderson-.\lotion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Cowing, J. In re John Matthew, closing iiloou,ingh:ale road-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, Leroy :1. King-Nloti,m to enforce tine heard : decision reserved ; Cowing, J. upon motion made before Patterson, J. Ens I L. ' loltham-\L'tion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; lowing, J. Iu re Charics If. Marsh, closin , ltloviirngdale road--Order entered dismissing petition without out C. \1 itte-Vutiou to enforce fine heard : decision re>erved ; Cowing, J. crusts, upan motion made I elore Patte sin, J. Albert Delamontagne -Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved; Cowing, J. In re tabu Matthews et al., c.oting Blounrngdale road--Order entered dismissing petition without john A. Stewart - Motion to enforce fine heard : decision reserved : Cowing, J. costs, upon motion made before Patterson, J. Gil!cspie Awernev-Motion to enforce fine heard : decision reserved ; Cowing, J. In re William II. Richards, closing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without \\"illion (I. Sauter-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Cowing, J. costs, upon motion made before I'attetsun, J. Alfred J. Luce--Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Cowing, J. In re James H. itidabock et al., closing Ploamingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without Gcooge H. \Vdcox-Mott in to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. costs, upon motion made before Patterson, J. Samuel Grown-Motion to enforce fine hear,. ; decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, I. In re Elizabeth Schulte, closing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without Michael Scanlon-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decisi n reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. costs, upon notion made before Patterson, J. George C. Brown-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. In re Church of Transfiguration, closing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition Thomas Smith-Motion to enforce fine heard : decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. without costs, upon nio:ion made before Patterson, J. ALred Abraham-Motion to enforce fine heard : decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. In re Henty 1Ic. lleuau Cl al., closing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition with(,ut Henry C. Reed-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. cods, upon motion made before Patterson, J. John F. T. Ro-ehrs-Motion to enforce fine heard : decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. In re Charles Fallendor, closing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without costs, William Bemak-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, J. upon moil ,n waste before Patterson, J. Charles I-I. Esler--Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserv,d ; Gildersleeve, J. In re Townsend Wandell, cussing Bloomingdale road-Order entered dismissing petition without Hago J. Potosky-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Gilder. leeve, 1. costs, upon motion made before Patterson, J. George F. Halloran-Motion to enforce fine heard ; decision reserved ; Gildersleeve, j. Henry Dauscha vs. Dore Lyon et al.-Orcler entered discontinuing action without costs by con- David B. Kirby-Motion to enforce fine heart ; decision reserved ; Martine, ). sent. Frederick C.Schtrndorf--Motion to enforce fine Letrd ; decision re emved ; Martine, J. Matter - Ernest Friese, opening, of \Vest Third avenue award -Order entered confirming report of An-!new I. I)w inette-Motion to enforce fine heard : decision reservc, l ; 1lartine. J. reeree, and directing Chamberlain to pay award of $646.70 to petitioner, upon motion made 1 111 T. Kinne Motion to enforce fine heard; deci. \\'m. B. \\'hiteman, as executor, etc.-Reference on surplus ; appearance notec! ; adjuunied to Deccubl en 3, at 2 P. M. In the matter of the application of Sigismun] \Ca;crman fir a writ of mandamus against John ; C. ( '-Neil. Joseph W. \\{she-\lotion to consohclate wide ; decision reserved ; C. 1). Olendorf for City. ~Scmatte et ., comp -ti n* theo B ~a:d of i'oace oot the Police I it of mant a the City of New 1'hos. Ritch and another- Motion to consolidate made ; York-Mandamus to compel reiestatc;uent of rclator, retired June 24, 1889, having attained the decision reserved ; C. D. Olendoif for age of 6o years (section 2, chapter 364, L,iws of iS85). Citc Matter of investigation of Dock Deparaentn by Commissioners of Accounts-Novemberh People ex eel. Caroline Dobbin vs. "l'he Superintendent of Insane Asylum, N. Y. City-Habeas 25, earin K proceeded, and adjourned to 26 ; No\Vni. corpus fur release of relat,-r from N. Y. City Asylum for Insane ou 1`'ard's Island. Ir 26, proceeded, and adjourned to 27 ; NovemLer 27, proceeded, and adjourned to 29 The Peo;,le ex red. Joseph C. Hi,gins vs. Hugh J. Grant, as `lac :r, 1~'illiam EL Clark, as Counsel ; 1\'tn. II. Clark for Co ners of Accounts. Matter W Chapman, Courtaud avenue award-Motion to to the Corporation and Thomas F. Gilroy, Commissioner of Public 1V,,rks, of the_City of New confirm report made and granted -e I'•P.Dunn forSi City. York, composing time Board of City Record in said city-Ceru:sari to review dismissal of relator, a Clerk in office of Ctty Record. \latter Armory Site-Bearing proceeded and adjourned to December 4, at 2 P. at. ; W. Hartwell for City. William M. Purdy and I. Henry Purdy-For excess of assessment paid for Fourth avenue paving, Seventy-second to Ninety-sixth street, on Ward Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4iz, in Block No. 381, !\Satter Corlears Hook Park--Hear•ng before the Commissioners proceeded and adjourned to Novem_ bee 29, at 2 P. M. ; S.J. Cowen for the City. $86 '71. People ex eel. N. Y. Underground Railway Company vs. John Newton, Commissioner of Public COMMON PLEAS. Work-, et al-,Motion argued beforeFdrieman, J . ; motion dewed ; T. 1. Wickes for defendant. In re William Au tin, closing Bloomingdale road -Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, Anicho Napoleone vs. Michael A. Fortunato, John Dawson and the Mayor, etc., et al.-To fore- J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. close lien for labor and services rendered to curbitr; and guttering One Hundred and Fifty-fifth In re C. C. Adams, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, street, between Eighth avenue and Edgecomb avenue, under contract of defendant Dawson. J. ; granted ; G. L. sterling for the City. Luigi Rinaldi vs. Michael A. Fortunato, John Dawson, the Mayor, etc., et al-To foreclose lien for I In re Samuel Bierhoff, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, labor and services rendered in curbing and guttering One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. between Eighth avenue and Edgecombe avenue, under contract delemlant Dawson. In re Timothy Brennan, executor, etc., closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made Lup i Nleglio vs. Michael A. Fortunato, John Dawson, The Mayor, etc., et al. To foreclose lien before Patterson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. for labor and -ervices rendered in curbing and guttering One Hundred and Fifty-fifth stre_t, In re Hugh Bartholomae, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Pat. between Eighth avenue and Edgecombe avenue, under contract of defendant Dawson. I terson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. Vito Russo vs. Michael A. Fortunat,, John J. Rogers, The Mayor, etc., et al.-To enforce a claim In re Edwin F. Butler, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Pat. for labor and services rendered on and about retaining-wall on Forty-ninth street, between terson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. First avenue and Beekman place, under contract of John F. Roger. In re Emil J. Constain, closing Bloomingdale road - Motion to dismiss petition made before Pat- Pasquale De Fiori vs. Michael A. Fortuuato, John F. Dawson, The Mayor, etc., et al.-To fore- tenon, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. close lien for labor and services rendered in the curbing and guttering of One Hundred and I In re C. C. Clausen et al., closu,g Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Fifty-fifth street, between Eighth avenue and Edgecombe road, under contract of defendant Patterson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for City. Dawson. In re Lucretia G. Clow•es, closing Bin .,mmgdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Pat- CITY COURT. tersun, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. Alexander Pollock vs. John B. Devlin-Order for examination of Comptroller as to certain moneys In re Laura De Rohm, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Patter- due judgment debtor on account of contract for paving Forty-second street (slate), assignment son, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. In re Isaac Dayton, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismisspetition made before Patterson to plaintiff, and order directing payment of $426.70, and $30 costs to plaintiff from moneys J. due defendant Dev]in. ; grantee. ; G. L. Sterling for he City. p ' TOMBS POLICE COURT. In re Henry M. Field, closin g Bloomingdale~ road -Motion to dismisspP etition made before Patter- son, J. ; granted ; U. L. Sterling for the City. The People of the State of New York vs. William L. Smyth-Prosecution for perjury in testifying In re Charles 11. Farman, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismis petition made before Pat- befor- the Commissioners of Accounts in the Dick Deportment Investigation. terson. J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. jcseph Palladino- Order entered denying motion to set aside verdict in favor of plaintiff and for In re John W. Guutzer, closing Bloomingdale road -Motion to dismiss petition made before Patter- new trial. son, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. DECEMBER 6, 1889. THE CITY RECORD. 3833

In re William I.. Gallagher, closing* hloomin,dale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before (Resolved, 'that the action of the Chief Lngim'cr in arranging with Smith \. hit own to f,tt np Patterson, J. ; granted ; G. L. titerling for the City. water from the Croton Gate-hou..e, on section I of the New Aqurdnet, in order to allow the set- In re Joseph King. cloying Bloomingdale road - Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, J. tog of a portion of the iron work required for ..ail, for a pent if of three week, at granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. the rate of ci„ht dollars per clay, be and the >atne is hereby approved. In re John Matthews, closing I;looruingdale road Motion to dismiss petition made before Patterson, 'I lie same was adopted( by the fob low iti. vote t omissioners Duane, Tucker, Scott and Ilotre-5. granted ; G. 1,. Sterling for the City. Atfrrm.ltive-l'he Comptroller, and C, In re Charles II. Marsh, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Patter- 'I' lie Committee also rel,orted in favor of the adoption of the fulloweig resolution : son, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. Resolved, That the action of the Chief Engineer in employing A. Fleming, J. L. Cautt and In re John Matthews et al., closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before LeviCautt a, temporary laborers in digging trenches and test-pits at the Wire Mill site in the Cr.iton Patterson, j. ; granted ; G. L. titerting for the City. Basin, be and the same is hereby apinoveul. In re William Ii. Richard, closing Bloomingdale road-Mutton to dismiss petition made before On muti:in of Corn nissiouer 'I'u-- her, the same was a'lopted. Patterson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. The Committee also reported in favor of the fi,llowtu; resolution In re James 11. Ridahock et al., closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Resolved, '•hats upon the recommendation of the Chief Engineer, Axeman William H. Arm- - Patterson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. strong, Jr., lie and lie is hereby certified to the Civil Service Cnm;ni,s'.un for examination for pronto In re Elizabeth 'Schulte, closing Bloomingdale road--Motion to dismiss petition made before Patter- tion t<, the grade of Computer in the Engineer Corps. son, J. • grantee ; G. I.. Sterling for the City. On motion of Commi,siuucr .5:01 t, the Same was adopted. In re Church of "Transfiguration, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before The Committee also presented the following Patterson, J. - granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. 'the Construction ur Executive C. tin rr,ittee submit herewith a communication received from In re Henry Mcillenan et al., closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before William II. Clark, Counsel t - the Cr,rporation, shower,, that Map No. r, of the property utaps for Patterson, J. ; granted ; G. L. Sterling for the City. the construction of a blew-oh at Shaft NO. 24, on section .A1 of the New Aqueduct, n'a-, on Oct titer In re Charles Vallendor, closing Bloomingdale road--Motion to dismiss petition made before Patter- 22, 1889, filed in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, pursuant to section son, J. ; granted ; G. L. sterling for the City. 5 ofchapter 490 of the Laws of 1583. In re Townsend \Vaudell, closing Bloomingdale road-Motion to dismiss petition made before Pat- On motion of Commis.,ioner Sartt, the same was ordered Iile for anal dwiu., tlu_ cum WILLIAM II. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation. hereby allowed to them as further time for the putformance of s.ticl contract. On nwti„n of Cununissiouer'1'ucher, the van it was a

recommendation of the Chief Engineer, the Aqueduct Commissioners hereby grant to John Peirce, The Constructhsn or Executive Committee present the following communications contractor for the construction of said gate-house, an extension of time to August 19, 1890. in which BREWSTER, N. V., Nov. 20, ISSq. to complete the work above referred to. To the Aqueduct (o,nmissioners, New York. The sanie was adopted by the following vote : GENTL,aMEN—Owing to various unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances, but mostly on Affirmative --The t. omptroller. and Counuis;ioner; Duane, Tucker, Scott and Ilow•e-5. account of continued heavy rains, which have not only delayed us while rain was falling, but have The Secretary gave notice of the filing of a lien b}- Ilurlbut Bros. against oldtsell, Wilcox & raised the water in the river when we were at work in foundations, we shall not be able to corn- Co., for boiling pip= to be used in the c instruction of Shaft No. 24 of the New Aqueduct, and plete our contract on January I, 1890, and respectfully request an extension of time until the loth amounting to 5117.67. \\ Inch was ordered filed. of November, 1890, for completion of same. (;ummisi nor Scott then moved that the hearing on the order to show cause why the further The elegy°ation of top of dam at lowest point will be above 372 when we stop work this fall, should not be discontinued and the completion of the work of comtrucuon of Sections toB and i we shall be able to raise nearly one foot per day when we resume work next spring until we sine done under the direction and supervision of the1quc,luct Commissioners. be adjourned to reachh elevation ;q5. \Cednesdav-, I )ecember 4, iSS9, at 3 o'clock t,. Ni., an,l that Heuran Clark, the contractor for said 1V'c submit herewith the number of clays lost time on account of rain, etc., since the commence- sections, be notified of this acti ,n. Carried. meet of the contract. On motion of Commissioner Scott. the following report was then called from the table : and snow• ...... ...... The Construction or Executive Counnitte submit the fo,lotsin,, communication received from Rain . 1 1264 Holidays ...... ...... I2 the Chief Engineer: \t•:\ YORK, Nove nber 13, 1889. j T,, th,- 11,•nor.rl'le the Committee on Construction ; ~ 176 days' GENTLEMEN —When the Comtui>stonersstopped the work on Section 16, between One Hundred Very respectfully, and Seventh and One 11u dred and Tenth twets, for the purpose of repairing a certain sewer, SULLIVAN, RIDER & DOUGI-IERTY. which had been found defective at a considerable depth under the surface, a numl,er of the 45-inch NEW YORK, November 27, 1889. pipes had been placed, and in order to do tine sewer work conveniently, a quantity of earth was To the Honorable, the Committee on Construction unavoidably thrown over the pipes he the contractor for the sewer. A large proportion of the pipes (;E rt.tntt: —The inclosed letter of Messrs. Sullivan, Rider & Dougherty, contractors for East themselves were displaced and covered with mud. Branch Reservoir Dam, has been referred to me for report. \1"hen \lessrs. O'I;rien & Clark resumed work, after a long delay, a considerable amount of The fists recited by the contractors are true. The season, as you are well aware. has been work wa- necessary to free the pipe: and to replace than in l roper position arid ;o leave the work exceptionally wet, anti the work has been very much retarded thereby. The death of the princi- generally in the condition in which it was when interrupted by the Commissioners. pal partner of the firm caused also, at the time, some delay in the work. As it was impo-;;ible to tit such stork under the terms of the contract, 1 caused an estimate Moreover, the amount of time granted to the New York and New England Railroad for the to be trade he Division Engineer A1egntann of the cost i,1 doing such work, and, after receiving his execution of their work in the basin would not allow us, were the dam completed, to permit the report, I lour,d that Soo would he a reasonable compensation, and that it would be for the interest I water to rise to any useful height before the middle of next summer. I must add that the work has of the City to pay such sum to the contractors, provided they waive ail claims t.i any damage what- been prosecuted with commendable care, although some parts of it night have been pushed with soever clue to the interruption of their work at that place and to the necessity of restoring, the work more vigor. to the condition in which it was at the time that the sewer work was commenced. Under these circumstances, and irrespective of other than professional grounds, I am of the The contractors agreed to do the work for the runt named and were ordered to do so. opinion that the required extension of time should be granted to Alessr;. Sullivan, Rider& Dougherty, The bill herewith presented i, in accordance with thr above, and I recommend the payment of with the understanding that they will in all cases so arrange and build their work, under the direc- the same, pr,,v:der) the contractors give t t the Commissioners such waiver as hereinbefore specified. Lions of the Engineer, as to allow the water to rise behind the dam as much as he may think I am, eery respectfully, advisable : and that they will not, in any case, present any claim for alleged damage done them in A. r'TLLEY, Chief Engineer, account of the said directions. And report in f'avor of the ad -p'ion of the following preamble and resolution : I am, very respectfully, \\'herea.;, It apear, from the foregoing cuntnnmicauon of the Chief Engineer that the con- A. F"1'ELEY, Chief Engineer. tractors for the construction of Section to of the New Aqueduct were obltg: d to stop work between And report in favor of the adoption of the following preamble and resolution : the points therein n.tmed in order that a defective sewer found at slid points might be repaired, and \\-hereas, An application has been made by Sullivan, Rider & Dougherty, contractors for the that in order to do the work of repairing said sewer conveniently a quantity of earth was uttavoil- construction of a dart and other work on the East Branch of the Croton river, in the Town of South able thrown over the 4S-inch pipe, which had already been laid by the contractor; for the con- East, 1'utuam County, New fork, for an extension of time to November 20, tSgo, in which to corn- struction of said section, and some of said pipes ciispiaced and covered with stud ; and that the j plete said work ; therefore work of putting the sane in proper condition was not provided for in the contract for the construe- Resolved, That, upon the recommendati, m of the Chief Engineer, the Aqueduct Commissioners tion of said Section 16 ; therefore I hereby grant to Sullivan, Rider & Dougherty, contractors for the work above referred to, an Resolved. That, upon the recorumendatton of the Chief Engineer, O'Brien & Clark be and 1 extension of time to November 20, 1890, in which to complete the same ; providing their bondsmen they are hereby allowed the sum of live hundred dollars for doing the work referred to in the fore- shall, within ten days from the date hereof, enter into stipulations continuing their obligations fur gong c ommumcation, and upon the cord irons therein named. and durin,; the completion of said work, under said extension of time, which is hereby allowed to On motion of Commissioner Scott, the report and the bill the:eln referred to were referred to them as furth,r time for the performance of said contract ; and also, providing that said contractors the Connuissi tier of Public AV-crk;. and Ice t+: ,s requested to advise the Connni,sioner; whether or will execute an agreement with the Aque lust Commissioners providing that they will in all cases so not the work therei,t r.-ferred to w-.;s included in the contract made with the contractor for tile con- ; arrange and build their work, under the direction, of the Chief Engineer, as to allow the water to struction of the sewer it the place menuone,l in said report. rise behind the dam as much as he may think arivisable ; and that they will not, in any case, (in motion ,t Commi, Scott. the following report was then called from the table : I present any claim for alleged damage done them on account of the said directions. 'I he Construction or Executive Committee present the following coutmunicatiun received from On motirm of Commissioner Scott, the report was adopted. the Chief Engineer : The Secretary gave notice of the filing of liens by David R. Paige & Co., against O'Brien & NEIv 1'0i`K, November 13, ISS9. Clark, contractors, for work clone on Section 9 of the New Aqueduct, amounting to $267,261. also To the Ilonor

Pleadquarters. Resigned. BOARD OF ARMORY COMMISSIONERS. 'I HE MAYOR, Chairman; PRESIDENT OF DEPARTMENT Nos. 15 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street. Nov. 16. Eliza Bromberg, Waitress, Charity Hospital. of TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, Secretary. HENRY D. PURROY, President ; CARL JUSSEN, Sec- retary. Christina A. Wilson, Attendant, N. Y. City Asylum for Insane, Hart's Island, Address M COLEMAN, Staats Zeitung Building,'rryon 18. Row. Office hours, o A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. Si. l>ureetu of C'/uef of De/ea rtmeut. 18. Richard Seiffert, Cook, N. V. City Asylum for Insane, Blackwell's Island. to 12 At. HUGH BONNER, Chief of Department. 18. Peter Diffley, Attendant, N. Y. City Asylum for Insane, Long Island. 18. John Connors, Elevator Boy, Charity Hospital. COMMON COUNCIL. 6urenic of in-pee/or of Conebus/ibles. 19. Annie R. Phelan, Nurse, Infant's Hospital. Once of Clerk of (Stanton Council. PETER SEERY, Inspector of Combustibles. 20. Jane Bourke, Attendant, N. Y. City Asylum for Insane, Blackwell's Island. No. 8 City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Bureau of lire .11arshal. 21. Jennie Rua it, Attendant, N. V. City Asylum for Insane, Blackwell's Island. JOHN H. V. ARNOLD, President Board of Aldermen JAMES MITCHELL, Fire Marshal. FRANCIS J. Two}iEv• Clerk Common Counsi.. Gureau gf ins/+ct lion of b'uildmgs. Plac, s Declared 1'acant. City Library. THOMAS I. BRADY, Superintendent of Buildings. Nov. 21. Michael J. Horgan, Attendant, N.Y. City Asylum for Insane, Ward's Island. No. 12 City Hall, 10 A. Al. to 4 P. M. Attorney to Ue/ta^'t:ucott. 2I. Mary McGoorty, Attendant, N. Y. City Asylum for Insane, Blackwell's Island. WILLIAM H. RonouE, City Librarian. \V111. L. FINDLEY. lire . Ilar;r T,hyraplt. Dismiss, d. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. J. Ef.LIoT SMITH, Superintendent. Commissioner's 12ee. Central Office open at all hour - City Asylum for Insane, Long Island. Nov. 19. Michael Kiikc, Cornelius Diffley, Attendants, N. Y. NO. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Si. Re/air Shops. 21. John Foy, Keeper, City Prisons. 'THOMAS F. G i,Rov, Commissioner; BERNARD F. Nos, e18 and 130 West Third street. MARTIN, Deputy Commissioner. JOHN CASTLES, Foreman-in-Charge, 8 A. NI. tee 5 P. St. Salary Increased. Burcau of Cieief Engineer. f/ l Stables. No. 31 Chambers street, g A. N. to 4 P. M. Alice O'Reilly, Nurses, Randall's Island Hospital, from $18o to $240 Ntnety-ninth street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues. Nov. 23. Marion Nolan, GEORGE W. BIRDSALI., Chief Engineer. JOSEPH SHEA, Foreman-in-Charge. per annum, each. Bureau of Water Register. Open at all hours. Transferred. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. Al. to 4 I'. M. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. N. Y. City Asylum for Insane, Ward's OSEFH RILEY, Register. Nov. 18. Charles M`Bride, Maurice Levy, Attendants, No. 301 Mott street, 9 A. M. to 4 I', M. island, to N. V. City Asylum for Insane, Long Island. Salary increased from $300 6ure to of Street Iwtrovemeats CHARLES G. WILSON, President; EsIMON5 CLARK to 560 per anllU[n. No. 3c Chambers street, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. nt. Secretary. 23. Edward Burke, Assistant Apothecary, Randall's Island hospital, to Apothecary, WAi. M. DEAN. Superintendent. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. Infants' I-Iospital, salary increased from $400 to $500 per annum. tin 9/acer-in- Charge of Sewers. Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank l;uilding, Nos. 49 31 Chambers street, 9 A. At. to 4 t'. M. G. F. BRITTON, Secretary. No. and 52 Chambers street, 9 A.M. to 4 Pit. Saturdays, r2 M. lloRacu LooMts, Engineer-in-Charge. WALDO HUTCHINS, President; CHARLES DE 1. PUR\S, Bureau o/ Repairs and Sn/eplies. Secretary. Office of 'io/ogra/Ideal En„ineer. No. qr Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. Af PROVED PAPERS WILLIAM G. BERGEN, Superintendent. Arsenal, Sixty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, 9 A. M. to 5 P. at Bureau of H atcr Purveyor. Office of Su/e, intendant of 23d and 24fk It'rrds. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Stebbins No. 31 Chambers street, o A. M. to 4 P. M. Wat. H. BURKE, Water Purveyor. One Hundred ant Forty-sixth street and Third ave. avenue, from One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street to a point about four hundred feet south of sue, u A. Al. to 5 Iii. One hundred and Sixty-seventh street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Bureau of Lamps and Gas. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. N. to 4 P.M. DEPAR1:>IENT OF DOCKS. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November Ig, 1889. STEPHEN McCuRMIctc, S,,uerintendent. 29, 1889. Battery, Pier A, North river. Approved by the Mayor, November Gurea re g' Streets and Roads. EDWIN A. POST, President; G. KEntII.E, Secretary. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. N. C17ce hours, from 9 A. AT. to 4 P. M. JOHN B. Sung, Superintendent. Bureau o/'Incumbrances. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in One Hun- DEPARTMENT OF ']'AXES AND ASSESSMENTS dred and Thirty-fifth street, Irom St. Ann's avenue to the South Boulevard, under the direction of No. 32 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. St. MICHAEL F. CUMsttNGS, Superintendent. Staats Zeitung Building, Tryon Row, 9 A. SI. to 4 P.31. the Commissioner of Public AYorks. Saturdays, I2 n1. Keeper of City ffatt. MICHAEL COLEMAN, President; FLOYD T. SMITH, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November Ig, 1889. isl ARr IN J. KEESE, City Hall. Secretary. Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. 49 and 51 Chambers street. Office hours, 9 to 4 P.M. Conrptroler's Office A1tes S. COLEMAN, Commissioner; -- -- Resolved, That Boulevard lamp-p )sts, with large ornamental lamps on same, be placed in front -, Deputy Commissioner; R. \V. HORNER, Chief No. is Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broaa- of the entrance to new Eighth Regiment Armory on park avenue, Ninety-fourth and Ninety-fifth way, 9 A. M. to 4 P. N. Clerk. streets, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. THEODORE W. MYERS, Comptroller; RICHARD A. STORRs, Denun• Cnmotrnller. CIVIL SERVICE SUPERVISORY AND EXAMIN- Adopted by the Board of \ldermen, November 19, 1889. e ataiting Bureau. 1NG BOARDS. Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. Cooper Union, 9 A. At. to 4 P. M. Nos 19, 22, 23 Stewart Building, Chambers street and JAMES THoMMSON, Chairman of the Supervisory Board; Broadway, 9 A. M. to 4 1'. M. GUNTHER K. ACKERMAN, Secretary and Executive WILLIAM J. IVON, First Auditor. DAVID E. AUSTEN, Second Auditor. Officer. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted on the east Bureau for the cvIleclion of Acsesssrents and Arrears BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT side of Park avenue, between Ninety-fourth and Ninety-fifth streets, under the direction of the of Taxes and Assessments and of slater Rents. Office of Clerk, Staats Zeitung Building, Room 5. Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Nos. 32, 33, 35, 37, 39 Stewart Building, Chambers The MAYOR. Chairman; CHARLES V. AOEE, Clerk. street and Broadway, 9 A St. to 4 P. St. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November Ig, 1889. ARTESIAS S. CADY, Collector of Assessments and Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. Clerk of Arrears. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. money received after 2 F. to. No Office, 27 Chambers street, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. bureau for Ike 0o1leec/on of City Revenue and of EDWARD GILON. Chairman ; Wnt. H. JASPER, Secretary hi eke/s. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected anti street-lamps placed thereon and Nos. I and 3 Stewart Building, Chambers street and lighted in Eighty-third street, from Avenue B to the East river, under the direction of the Cotn- BOARD OF EXCISE. Broadway, 9 A. nt. to 4 P. al. No. 54 Bond street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Si. missioner of Public Works. JAMES D:st.Y, Collector of the City Revenue and ALEXANDER MEAKlnt, President; JAMES F. BISHOP, Superintendent of Markets. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 19, 1889. No money received after 2 P. M. Secretary and Chief Clerk. Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. Bureau for the Collection of Taxes. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. No. 57 Chambers street and No. 35 Rcade street, Stewart Building, 9 A. to. to 4 P. st. Nos. 6 and 7 New County Court-house,9 AM, to 4 P.11. GEORGE W. McLEAs, Receiver of Taxes; ALFRED JAMES A. Ft. Ccv, Sheriff; JOHN B. SEXTON, Under Resolved, That two lamp-posts be erected and lamps placed thereon and lighted in front of VREDENuonGH, Deputy Receiver of Taxes. Sheriff; JOHN M. TRAcv, Order of Arrest Cleric. the Grace Mission, Nos. 540 and 542 East Thirteenth street, under the direction of the Commissioner No money received after 2 P. M. of Public Works. Bureau et the City Chamberlain. REGISTER'S OFFICE. East side City Hall Park, 9 A. M. to 4 P. 51. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November ig, 1889. Nos. 25, 27 Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. :u. JAMES J. SLEVIN, Register; JAsies A. HANLEY, Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. RICHARD CROKER, City Chamberlain. Deputy Register. Office of the City Paymaster. COMMISSIONER OF IURORS. Reade street, Stewart Building, 9 A. St. to 4 P.M. No. 33 Room 127, Stewart Building, Cnambers street and Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in One Hundred JOHN H. TIMMERStAN, City '?aymaster. Broadway, 9 art, to 4 P. St. and "Thirty-sixth street, from St. Ann's avenue to the Southern Boulevard, under the direction of CHARLES REILLY, Commissioner; JAMES E. CONNER, Deputy Commissioner. the Commissioner of Public Works. LAW Lr.l'tlRrira i;ila. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 19, 1889. Office of the Counsel to the Corporation. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. Staats Zeitung Building, third and fourth floors, g Nos. 7 and 8 New County Court-house, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. A. al. to 5 P. Si. Saturdays, 9 A. AT. to 22 st. WILLIAM H. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation. EDWARD F. REILLY, County Clerk ; P. J. SCULLY, ANDREW T. CAMPBELL, Chief Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. Resolved, That gas-plains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Tinton Office of the Public Administrator. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. avenue, from Denman place to Clifton or One Hundred and Sixty-first street, under the direction of No. 49 Beekman street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Al- the Commissioner of Public Works. CHARLES E. LvDECKER, Public Administrator. Second floor, Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park, 9 A. %I to 4 P. M. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen,' November Ig, 1889. Office of Attorney for Collection of arrears of Personal T OHN R. FELLOWS, District Attorney; JAMES MCCABE, TtrxCS . C6iel Clerk. Approved by the Mayor, November 29, 1889. Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street. 9 A. nt. to 4 P. M• ` THE CITY RECORD OFFICE, HENRY BISCHOFF, R., Attorney. And Bureau of Printing, Stationery, and Blank Books. SAMUEL BARRY, t. erk. Resolved, That gas-mainsbe laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in One Hundred No. 2 City Hall, 9 A. M. to 5 P. %I., except Saturdays, on and Forty-ninth street, from Mott avenue to the westerly end of the bridge over the Harlem Rail- Office of the (Sr/oral/on Attorney which days 9 A. Si. to r2 Al. No.49 Beekman Sir --et, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. W. J, K. KENNY, Supervisor; DAVID RYAN, Assist. road tracks, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Louis STECKLER, Corporation Attornev. ant Supervisor; JOHN J. MCGRATH, Examiner. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 19, 1889. CORONERS' OFFICE. Approved by the Mayor, -November 29, 1889. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Nos. 13 and r5 Chatham street, 8 A. M. to 5 P.M. Sun- Central C ce. days and holidays, 8 A. M. to 12.30 P.M. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT No. 300 Mulberry street, 9 A. M. to 4 P, M. MICHAEL J. B. MESSE'11ER, FERDINAND LEVY, DANIEL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. -, President; WILLIAM H. KIPP, HANLY, Louts W. SCHULTZE, Coroners; EDWARD F. --- Mayor's Office. Chief Clerk; JOHN i.O'BRIEN,Chief of Bureau of Elec- REYNOLDS, Clerk of the Board of Coroners. MAYOR'S OFFICE, + No. 6 City Hall, ro A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, in tions. is M. NEW YORK, February I, 1889 It A. I.I. to HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. THon1As C. T. CRAIN, DEPARTMENT OF CHARITIES AND CORREC- SUPREME COURT.' Pursuant to section 9 of chapter 339, Laws of Secretary and Chief Clerk. TION. Second floor, New County Court-house, opens at 1883,1 hereby designate the "Daily News" and Central Office. 10.30 A. Al. Mayor's Marshal's Office. CHARLES H.VAN BRUNT, Presiding Justice; EDWARD the "New York Morning Journal," two of the No 66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 9 A. M. to P. M. F. REILLY, Clerk ; P. SCULLY, Deputy County Clerk. daily papers printed in the City of New York, No. I City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 4P.M. J. HENRY H. PORTER, President; GEORGE F. BRITTON, General Term, Room No. 9,'WILLiAM LAMB, Jr.,Clerk. in which notice ofeach sale of unredeemed pawns DANIEL ENGELHARD, First Marshal. Special Term, Part I., Room No. to, HUGH DONNELLY, FRANK Fox. Second Marshal. Secretary. or pledges by public auction in said city, by I Purchasing Agent, FREDERICK A. CUSHMAN. Office Clerk. pawnbrokers, shall be published for at least six hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, to M. Special Term, Part II., Room No. r8, WILLIAM J. Contracts, Proposals and Estimates for Work and Ma- HILL, Clerk. days previous thereto, until otherwise ordered. COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Chambers, Room No. tr, AMBROSE A. MCCALL, GRANT, Mayor. terials for Building, Repairs and Supplies, Bills and HUGH J. A. N. to 4 P.M Accounts, 9 A. sI. toP, nt. Saturdays, 12 M. CHARLES Clerk. Rooms rr4and ti ,Stewart Building, Circuit, Part I., Room No. r2, WALTER A. BRADY, MAURICE F. HOLAHAN. EDWARD P. BARKER. BENN, General Bookkeeper. Out-Door Poor Department. Office hours, 8.30 A. M. Clerk. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. to 4.30 ,'.ii. WILLIAM BLAKE, Superintendent. En. Circuit, Part II., Room No. a4, JOHN B. MCGOLDRICK, trance on Eleventh strest. Clerk. TATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. Circuit, Part III., Room No. t3, GEORGE F. LYON, Clerk, S which all the Public Offices in the City are open for Room tog, Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. h1. to 5 P. M nosiness, and at which each Cottrt regularly opens and FIRE DEPARTMENT. Circuit, Part IV., Room No. 25, J. LEWIs LYON, Clerk, JAMES C. DUANE, President ; JOHN C. SHEEHAN Judges' Private Chambers, Rooms Nos. rg and Zo. adjourns, as well as of the places where such offices are Secretary; A. FTELEY, Chief Engineer; J. C. LULLEV Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted kept and such Courts are held; together with the heads from g A. n[. to 4 P.M. Saturdays, to r2 et. SAMUEL GOLDBERG Librarian. Auditor. , of Departments and Courts:


SUPERIOR COURT. POLICE DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHAR- DEPARTMENT OFPU13LIC CHARITIES AND CORRECTION, ITIES AND CORRECTION . No. 66 THIRD AVENUE. Third floor, New County Court-house, 11 A. Al. POLICE I)e raRTntFNT ++t'I'HI? ('ITC t'F NEW YORK, General Term, Room No. 35• 1\0. joo itlt 1. CIF 1I IIa 7q III- ~:T, Special Term, Room No. 33, 1'tILiC CHARrFtits A.\u CORRECTION, 1 TO (,.11 A7~T'1~ RS NEW YIinK, No%ember 27, 1889. DErARTS1i'xT OF- `lJ l`I 11~ li 1 Equity '1•crm, Room No 30. No. f6 •1'HIRD AVENUE. f 1 RAC RS Chambers, Room No. 3_. UBI',IC NOTICE IS HERF:IIY GIVEN THAT fart 1., Roost No. 34. p a Horse, the property of this l )epartment, +vill be Part I1., Room No. $5. sold at public auction on l'rid iy, December 13, 1889, at PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. Part Ill., Room No. -,6. to o'clock A. MI., by Fan Tassell \ Kearney, Auction- TO CON1'RACTORS. iu d.geS, p• , CIiam ~b ers. eer., at their stable,, \os. 130 and 132 East 1 htrteenth I Natutalization Bureau, Room No. 35. street. I `SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FUR- Clerk's Office, Room No. 31, 9 A. M. to 4 I'. :u. By order of the Board. PROPOSALS FOR POULTRY, ETC. ~7 nishing and delivering, free of all expense, at the JOHN StcecwtcK, Chief Judge ; THOMAS BoESE, Chic W1II. H. KIPP, Bake-house dock, Blackwell's IsUnd icot side , e,000 Clerk. Chief Clerk, barrels extra Wheat Flour, at such times and in such — SEALED BID.; OR ES1'1MA1'ES FOR F'UR- quantities as shall be required by a schedule to be fur- COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. V rushing— ni.hed to the contractor, to be delivered in barrels only: M. to 4 P. at POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK,! 1,000 barrel; of sample marked No. Third floor, New County Court-house, g A. About r8,gzo pounds of Poultry— I. Assi,gvment Bureau, Room No.:;, 9 A. St. to 4 P. M. o, 3o~ \IrLUERRa• STREET. J I,000 barrel., of sample marked No. 2. For use on Christmas Day. Clerk's Office, Room No. er, 9 .a st. to 4 P. nt 1 I —will be received at the office of the Department of it M. to ad- General Term, Room No. 24, o'clock A TO CON • I RAC I'ORS. —w.ill be received at the office of the Department i Public Charities and Correction, No. 66 Third avenue, journment. -- of Public Charities and Correction, in the City of New in the City of New York, until 9.30 o'clock a. at. of Fri. SpecialTerm, Room No. 22, it o'clock A. it to ad- I'RO.)POSAFS FUK EST'IMATEs. I York, until y.;o o'clock A. Ni. of \\'ednosday, the day, December 13, 1889. The person orpersuns making iournment. [8th day of I rccember, 1889. The person or persons any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed Chambers, Room No. cc, to.3oo'clockA.nt.toadiourn- SEALED ESTIMATES FOR BUILDING A [,taking an)' bid or estimate shall lunti,h the came envelope, indorsed "Bid or Estimate for Flour," and ment. stable or addition to the pre.cnt stable, located on in a sealed envelope, indorsed "Bid or Estimate for with his or their name or sasses, and the date of Part I., Room No. 26, it o'clock A. M. to adjournment I the easterly side of Washington avenue, in the City of Poultry,'' and ++'ith his or their name or names, and presentation, to the of said i)epartmcnt, at the said Part Ii., Room No. 24, 11 o'clock A. Si. to adjournment New York, and north of the Thirty-third Precinct I presentation, to the head of said De- office, on or before the day and hour above named, 11: o'clock A. +t. to ad- the date of at Equity'1'crm, Room No. 25, Statio)-house, will be received at the Central Office of partmeat, at the said office, on or before the day which time and place the bids or estimates received journmeni. I the Department of Police in the City of New York, until and hour above named, at which time and place the will be publicly opened by the President of said Depart- Naturulization Bureat., Room No. z'i, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M, to o'clock A. at. of F'rida •, the 6th da} of December, iF8 hies estimates received wan be publicly opened by men[ and read. RICHARD L. LARRESIORE, Chief Justice ; S. JONES, } r• 'Phu person or persons making an estimate shall fur- the head of said Department and read. The contractor shall furnish a certificate of inspection Chief Clerk. nish the same in a scaled envelope, indorsed " 1stint:ae- p 7.1'e Department of Public Charities and Correction by the Flour Inspector of the New York Produce for Building a Stable," and with his or their semi or reserves the right to decline any and all bids or esti- Exchange, also an award from the Committee on Flour COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. f ames, and the date of presentation to the head of mates if deemed to be for the public interest, and to . of the Exchange, that the flour offered is equal to the No ;z Chambers street. farts 1. and II. Court open said Department, at the said office, on or before the accept any bid or estimate as a whole, or for oi'y one or standards of the department, and which certificate shall at it o'clock ,t ~L day and hour above named, at which time and place more articles included therein. No bid or estimate will accompany each delis-cry of flour, the expense of such Feeuextcc tiatrTH, Recorder; RANDOL1'H B. MAR- the estimates received still be publicly opened by the be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person inspection and award to be borne by the contractor, also TINF, Beans A. GILDERa-EEa E and RUFUs B. CO' 'Ixo, head of said Department and read. svho is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or con- certificate of weight and tare to be furnished with each Judges of the said Court. For particulars of the nature and extent of the work tract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon deliver}-. to be done, reference must be made to the plans and Terms, first Monday each month, any obli +tion to the Corporation. THE BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES AND CORRECTION JOHN SPARr s, Clere. Office, Room No. It, r oA. M. till specifications on file in the office of the Chief Clerk of the g` 4P +I said Department. The award of the contract sv,ll be made as soot, as RESERVES THE RIGHTTO REJECT ALL RIDS OR ESTI1tATF-S Bidders will state in writing, and also in figures, a practicable after the opening of the bids. IF DEEMED Tel nE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST, AS PRO- VIDE[) IN SECTUIs 64, CHAPTER 410, LAWS of t88z. CITY COURT. price for the stork complete. The price i., to cover the Delivery will be required to he made on Tuesday, furnishing of .dl the materials and labor and the per- No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or a contract City Hall. December 24, 1819, before 7 o'clock A. at., all in accord- form:utce of all the Work called for by the specifications, once with specifications. awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cur. No. To. Permission General Term, Room plans, drawings and form of agreement. Anybidder for this contract must he known to be en- poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as Trial Term, Part l., Room No. To. will not he given for the ressl never of any bid or esti- surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- Noes. erved by the head of gage in and well prepared for the business, and must Part II., Room mate, and the right is expressly re, o whomith to that effect ; and the Lion. Room No. 1 bids which may be have s:+tisfactory t Part III., 5. said Department to reject :my or all person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded '1 he award of the contract will be made as soon as Part IV., Room No. to. , deemed rc to the public interests, practicable after the opening of the bids. Special Term Chambers and acill be held in Room Ac.. N r+ from, or a contract ,`'ill be required to give security for the performance of estimates will be ccepted sufficient lo, to A. M, to 4 n 1t- person wl:o is in arrears to the Corpo- the contract by his or their bond, with two Any bidder for this contract must be known to be awarded to, an sureties, each in the penal amount of fifty (5o per cent, Clerk's Office, Roam No. to, City Hall, o A. N. to 4t'. St• ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must the estimated amount of the contrtct. llA+ m \IcAD:a'•t, Chief JsuretJustice; \IICH:seL T. DALY } y orp otherwise, upon}any obligationg, to the CorpCor o- have satisfactorytestimonials to that effect, and the per- Clerk. r4tion. Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded The entire work is to be completed within four months and place of residence of each of the persons making the Will be required to give security for the performance of OVER AND TER:1111 ER COURT. front the date of the contract. I same ; the names of all persons interested with him or the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient New• County Court-house, second floor, southeast cor- The per-on or person, to whom the contract may he I them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it sureties, each in the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent. ner, Room No. tz. Court opens at let o'clock 5.11. awarded will be required to give security for the per- I shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made with- of the Es CIMA1'ED amount of the contract. JOHN SPARKS, Clerk f)tiice, Brown-stone Building, formance of the contract in the manner prescribed by I out any connection with any other person making an es- Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name City Hall Park, second fleer, northwest corner, Room law, in the -(ml of ten thou-and dollars. I timate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and place of residence of each of the persons making the No. It, to A. Si. till 4 I'. :L Each estimate shall contain and state the name and I and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of same ; the names of all persons interested with him or — place of residence of each of the persons making the I the Compton Council, Head of a Department, Chief of a I them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. same ; the names of all persons interested with him or I Bureau, Deputy thereof, or Clerk therein, or other n(ii- shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made vith- I cer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- At Tombs, corner Franklin and Centre streets, daily them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, out any connection with any other person making, an it shall distinctly state that fact ; also, that it is made ested therein, or in the supplies (Sr work to which it estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair at to.30 A. St.. executing Saturday. The hid — —, Clerk. Office, Tombs, without any connection with any other person making p relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. ; and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of an estimate for the same purpose ; and is in all respects or estimate must he verified by the oath, in +writing, of the Common Council, Head of a Department, Chief of fair, and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member the part)' or parties making the estimate that the several a Bureau, Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or other DISTRICT CIVIL COURTS. of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of I matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly I more than one person is interested, it is requisite that First District—Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards, and a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly in- I the VERtFICATtnti be made and subscribed by all the it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The parties interested. and Whitehall street. Court-room, southwest corner of terested therein, or in the supplies Cr work to which it I hid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing. Centre and Chambers streets, relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The I Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the , of the party or parties making the estimate, that the PETER MITCHELL, Ja [ice. estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in several matters stated therein are in all respects true. party sr parties making the estimate, that the several I \\'here more than one person is interested, it is requisite Clerk's Office open from 9 .a. >t. to 4 e. St. I the City of New York, with their respective places of matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where business or residence, to the effect that if the contract that the verification be made and subscribed by all Second District—Sccond, Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth more than one person is interested, It is requisite that be awarded to the person making the estimate, they the parties interested. \Cards, and all that portion of the First Ward lying the verification be made and subscribed by all the par- +.-ill, on its hein5 so awarded, become bound as his A- Each bid or estimate shall lie accompanied by the con- so•.uh and cast of Broadway and hitehall street. ties interested. - sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in Court-room, corner of Pearl and Centre streets. Each Lid or estimate shall be accr,mpanied by the con- omit or refuse to execute the same, they shell] pa)' to the City of New York, With their respective places of CHARLES M. CLAscr, Justice. sent, in writinz, of two householders or freeholders inthe Corporation any difference benreen the sum to business or residence, to the effect that if the contracto Clerk's Office open from g A. at. to 4 r.5t, the City of NewYork, with their respective places of ilI which he would be entitled on its completion, and that be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, Court- business or residence, to the effect that if the contract which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the r,n its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for 'Third l listrict—Ninth and Fifteenth \Cards. awarded room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and West Tenth l.e awarded Co the person making the estimate, they person or persons to whom the contract may be its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or re- at any subsequent letting; the amount in each case to street. Court open daily 'Sucdays and legal holidays will, upon its I einl so :nvarcled, become hound ac his fuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corpora- to t. 'r. sureties ;or its taitlt:ul performance ; and that if he l:e calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by tion any difference between the sum to which he would excepted i from 9 A.::. 4 consent above men- GEORGE B. DEANE, Justice. shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they +v ill puty which the bids are tested. 'I'he be entitled on its completion, and that which the Corpo- to the Cc•rporatirat any difference between th - sun[ to tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, ration may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to Fourth District—Tenth and Seventeenth Wards. which he would be entitled upon its completion, and in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent Court-room, No gc First street, corner Second avenue, that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New letting; the amount in each case to be calculated upon Court opens y 5,5!, daily, and remains open to close of person Cr persons to whom the contract may be awarded York, and is worth the amount of the security required the estimated amount of the ;'cork Ly which the bids are business. at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to for the completion of this contract, over and above all tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom- AI.FRED STFCKLFR, Justice. he calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by his debts of every nature, and over and above his panied by the oath or affirmation, in ',citing, of each of Fifth District—Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth which the bids arc tested. I he consent above mentioned liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; and that he has the persons signing the same, that Inc is a householder Wards. Court-room, No 554 Clinton Street. shall be accompanied by the oath or affirms ti-'n, in i offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the or freeholder in the City of Noe: York, and is worth the HENRY 31. UOLDFOCLE, Justi_e. writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that intention to execute the bond required by section no of amount of the security required for the completion of he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New - chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New this contract, over and above all his debts of every Sixth District—Eighteenth and 1 went -first Wards. York, and is worth the amount of the security re- York, if the contract shall lie awarded to the person or nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety Court-room, No. Et C pion place, Fourth avenue, south- quired for the completion of this contract and herein persons for whom he consents to become surety. The or otherwise; and that he has offered himself as a west corner of Eighteenth street. t, ourt opens 9 A. N. stated, over and above all his debts of ever)' nature, adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be surety in good faith and with the intention to execute daily ; continues open to close of business, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety and approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York. the bond required by section Iz of chapter 7 of the SAMSON LacHStAN, Justice. otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a surety No bid or estimate will be received or considered Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, if the the intention to execute the I \Card. Court-room in good faith and faith unless accompanied by either a certified check upon contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for Seventh District--Nineteenth The adeq uacyand sulliciency Court opens every bond requiredyL law. one of the State or National banks of the City of New I whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy No. t5t East Fifty-seventh street. of the security offered will be subject to approval by and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by morning at g o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays), yc,rk, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or stone)', the Comptroller of the City of Ne+v York after the to the amount of five per centum of the amount the Comptroller of the City of Ness' York. and continues open to the close of business. award is made and prior to the signing of the contract. A>tDROSE MONELL, Justice. of the security required for the faithful performance of 1 No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- should the person or persons to whom the contract check or money must Nu-r be District—Sixteenth and Twentieth \Cards. the contract. Such panied by either a certified check upon one of the State Eighth may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the con- inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to Court-room, southwest corner of Twenty-second street tract within five days after written notice that the same I but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart- Court opens at A. N. and con- i the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of and Seventh avenue. 9 has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, and of the estimate-box, and no tinues open to close of business, nest who has charge five per centum of the amount of the security required that the adequacy and sufficiency of the secunt • offered estimate can be deposited in said box until such check for the faithful performance of the contract, Clerk's office open from A. at. to P. Ni. each court Such check p 9 4 has been approved by the Comptroller, or if he or or money his been examined by said officer or clerk or money must Nor be inclosed in the sealed envelope dal'. they accept but do not execute the contract and give the All such deposits, except that and Saturdays. and found to be correct. containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer Trial days, Wednesdays, Fridays propeproper security, he or they shall be considered as having of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. or clerk of the Department who has charge of the esti- Return ah:unr d it and as in default to the Corporation, and making the same within three days after the contract is mate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box JOHN TEROLo:+t.~~,Justice. the contract will be readvertised and relet, as provided awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or negg lect, until r orh checkk d [und to e c been examin hd p said 'Ninth District—Twelfth Ward, except all that portion by law. within five days ato ter ecut ee teat the thetamo has he except thatr of and founda sf d All such deposits, of the said ward which is bounded on the north by the No estimate will be received or considered unless awardedposit to him, execute the same, the amount toof the except t of tke s thes it bidder, wl e returned to centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the deposit made by him shall e rfeited to and retained cton personsmakingthe same within f threedaysh after utse south by the centre line of Eighty-sixth street, on the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn b the City of Ness' York, asfoliquidatedx damages for I contracttris awarded. If the successful bidder c ntrerasect east b • the centre line of Sixth avenue, and on the west . to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the such neglect or refusal ; butaashall if he shall execute the con- or neglect, within five days after notice thatththe contract by the North river. Court-room, No. 150 East line amount of five per centum of the amount of the tract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his depositp hasbeeno the tohim, the same, to Hundred and Twenty-fifth street. security required for the faithful performance of the will be returned to him. amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to JOSEPH P. FALLON, Justice. contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated A. M. to 4 P. M. Trial in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, Should the person or persons to whom the contract Clerk's office open daily from 9 may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall exe- days, Tuesdays and Fridays. Court opens at g A. St. but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the I cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of Department, who has charge of the estimate-box ; and within five days after written notice that the same has Tenth District—Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or I his deposit will be returned to him. Court-room. corner of Third avenue and One no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check Wards, or money has been examined by said officer or clerk they accept, but do not execute, the contract and give Should the person or persons to whom the contract Hundred and Fifty-eighth street. All such deposits, except that the proper security, he or they shall be considered as may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract gg A. xi to 4 P.M. Court opens at and found to be correct. in default to the Corpora- Office hours, from of the successful bidder, will be returnedp to the personsp havingabandoned it, and as avithin five daysY after written notice that the same has 9 A St. making the same within three days after the contract i I tion ; and the contract will be readvertised and relet as been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or ANDREW J. ROGERS, Justice. aavarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or provided by law•, they accept but do not execute the contract and give Eleventh District—Twenty-second Ward, and all that negle;t, within five days after notice that the contract Bidders are cautioned to examine the specrJcatrons the proper security, he or they shall be considered as portion the T+vc—h entd se o h is ammand the has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the I fm- Jar:icutars of the articles, etc., required, before having abandoned it, and as in default to the Corpora- north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth amount of the deposit made by him shall he forfeited to peaking their estimates. lion, and the contract will be readvertised and relet, as provided by lane. street, on the south by the centre line of Eighty-sixth and be retained by the City of New York as liquidated state the price for each article, by which street, on the east by the centre line of Sixth avenue, Bidders will 1 damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall the bids will be tested. The quality of the articles, aap/.lres, goods, mean's, and and on the crest by the North river. Court-room, No. the time aforesaid, the execute the contract within of their estimates in racrc/ra+trL'seTurret conform in every rer/,ert it, the Sam- 9 r9 Eighth avenue. Court open daily (Sundays and , amount of his deposit will be returned to him. Bidders will write out the amount Jtes of the sanljid es at tee nice of the sale legal holidays excepted) from g A. M. to 4 P. zL Plans may • be examined and specificationsp and blank addition to inserting the same in figures. DPparhue+:t. fidderr areal e cautioned to exam:ire the THoaLas E. MURRAY. Justice. ; estimate, may be obtained by application to the under- Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- I sfieciicatzons for fartrculars of the articles, etc., re- I signed, at his office in the Central Department. I troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or I grrired before making their estinerstes. By order of the Board. I from time to time, as the Commissioners may determine. I Bidders will state the price for each article, by which POLICE COURTS. WILLIAM H. KIPP, Chief Clerk. Bidders are informed that no deviation from theni eci- the bids will be tested. tl Iges—dal At'RICE J. POWER, J. HENRY FORD, — NEW YORK, November s:, x889, under the written GoR+tnx, fications will be allowed, unless Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in JAatES T. KlLtsxETH, JOHN J I instruction of the Commissioners of Public Charities H ESf:-: \I C'RaAY, SoI.ON B. S+uTH, ANDREW \YH1T".. addition to inserting the same in figures. J. POLICE DErARTME\T—CITY OF NEW YORK, J I and Correction. CHARLES WELDE, DANIEL O'REILLY, PATRICK G. Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- F. ISICMAHON, Eow. HOGAN, JOHN OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY CLERK (Room No. 9), t No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or con- DCFF1', DANIEL I No. 300 MULEERRY STREET, a troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or N. TAINTOR. tract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the COr1IRANE, CHARLES New YORK, la8g. 1 from time to time, as the Commissioners ma •determine- (.FORGE \V. LRF_GIER, Secretary. Corporation upon debt Or contract, or who is a defaulter, The form of the contract, including spebe obtainions, and Offtce of Secretary, fifth District Police Court, One as suretyor otherwise, upon any obligation to the O\\'NERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY showing the manner of payment, can be obtained it the Hundred and T++'enty-fifth street, near Fourth avenue. Corporaion. office of the Department, and bidders are cautioned to Clerk of the Police Department of the City of New specifications, First District -tombs, Centre street. York, No. 300 Mulberry street, Room No. for the The form of the agreement, including I examine each and all of its provisions carefully, as the Second District—Jefferson Market, 9, following property, now in his custody, without claim- and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at I Board of Public Charities and Correction will insist rhird District—No. 6y Essex street. I I the office of the Department. I upon its absolute enforcement in every particular. Lexington I ants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, Fourth District—Fifty-seventh street, near boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goodsiI Dated NEW YoRK, December 6, 1889. Dated NEW YORK, December z, t88q. avenue. liquors, etc., also small amount money taken from HENRY H. PORTER, President, HENRY H. PORTER, President, Fifth District—One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, prisoners and found by patrolmen of this Department. CHARLES E. SIMMONS, M. D., I CHARLES E. SIMMONS, M. D., near F'nurth avenue. I I EDWARD C. SHEEHY, JOHN F. HARRIOT, I EDWARD C. SHEEHY„ Sixth District—One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street Commissioners Public Charities and Correction. Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction. and Third avenue. i Property Clerk, I DECEMBER 6 1889. THE CITY RECORJ). 3837

No bid or estimate will be considered unless ac- UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE fourth street, and south side of One Hundred and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES AND CORRECTION, Thirty-fourth street, extending easterly 387 feet 6 No. 66 Ttnan AVENUE. companied by either a certified check upon one of P owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all the State or National banks of the City of New York, houses and lots, improved or unimproved land affected inches, and westerly a69 feet y inches from Twelfth drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the thereby, that the following assessments have been com- avenue. TO CONTRACTORS. amount of five per centum of the amount of the security pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As- No. 3. \Vest side of Eighth avenue, from One Hun- required for the faithful performance of the contract. scesors for examination by all persons, interested, viz. : dred and Twelfth to the Hundred and 'Thirteenth street. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed List 3095, No. t. Paving Tenth avenue, from One No. 1. Both sides of One Hundred and Eighteenth PROPOSALS FOR (;ROCERIES, DRY envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to Hundred and'I'enth to Manhattan streets, with granite the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of street, from Fifth to Lenox avenue, excepting the lots blocks and laying crosswalks. situated on the north side of One Hundred and Eight- GOODS, LEATIIER, ETC. the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in List 5099, No. 2. Regulating, grading, curbing and said box until such check or money has been examined by eenth street, commencing 85 feet easterly from Lenox flageing One Hundred and Seventieth street, from avenue, and extending roe, feet easterly. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FUR- said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such Tenth to Eleventh avenue. No. 5. Fast side of Lenox avenue, from One Hundred deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be re- List 3106, No.3. Paving the Sarthern Boulevard, from and Forty-third to One Hundred and Forty-sixth S nishing turned to the persons making the same within three days GROCERIES, ETC. the easterly crosswalk of Third avenue to the easterly street. after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder crosswalk of Willis avenue, with trap blocks, and laying 10,893 pounds Dairy Butter, sample on exhibition No. 6. Both sides of Ninetieth street, from Second shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that crosswalks. - to Third avenue, and north side of Eighty-ninth street, Thursday, f)ecember Ia, x889. the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the List 3ro8, No, 4. Sewer and appurtenances in Rider r,5oo pounds Cheese. same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be extending rto feet easterly from Third avenue. avenue, between One Hundred and Thirty-fifth andOne All persons whose interests are affected by the above- 2,200 pounds Barley, price to include packages. forfeited to and retained by the City of New York, as Hundred and I''orty-fourth streets, with a branch in One aco pounds Cocoa. named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, between Rider or either of them, are requested to present their objec- 3,600 pounds Rio Coffee, roasted. he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, and Morris avenues 6o pounds Maracaibo Coffee, roasted. tions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of the amount of his deposit will be returned to him. List 3123, No. 5. Regulating, grading, curbing and Assessors, at their office, No. 27 Chambers street, within 500 pounds Chicory. Should the person or persons to whom the contract flagging One Hundred and Seventh street, from West 1,000 pounds Wheaten Grits, price to include pack- thirty days from the date of this notice. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract End avenue to Riverside Drive. The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro- ages. within five days after written notice that the same has List 3tzz, No. 6. Regulating, grading, curbing and 2,600 pounds Hominy, price to include packages. vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or flagging Ninety-second street, from the Boulevard to of Assessments for confirmation, on the 24th day of 5,000 pounds Oatmeal, price to include packages. they accept but do not execute the contract and give Riverside Drive. 150 pounds Whole Pepper, sifted. December, r88q. the proper security, he or they shall be considered as The limits embraced by such assessments include all EDWARD GILON, Chairman, 4,000 pounds Rice. having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora- the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces z5,000 pounds Brown Sugar. PATRICK M. HAVERTY, tion, and the contrUct will be readvertised and relet as and parcels of lead situated on— CHAS. E. WENDT. 2,000 pounds Coffee Sugar. provided by law. No. A. Both sides of Tenth avenue, from One Hundred r,coo pounds Cut Loaf Sugar. EDWARD CAHILL, and Tenth street to Manhattan street, and to the extent Board of Assessors. 1,500 pounds Granulated Sugar. The quality of/he articles, srrA,SSlies, goods, wares, and of half the block at the intersecting streets. Soo pounds Corn Starch, one pound packages. rxerc/raudr'se crust ronforur rn every respi•ct to the S anr- No. a. Both sides of (inc Hundred and Seventieth OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, 2,100 pounds Oolong lea. Ales of the sane on e.rkibl/iorz at the office of the said street, from 'Tenth to Eleventh avenue, and to the ex- No. 27 CHAMBERS STREET, r,000 Gallons Syrup, in barrels. DerarA,reut. Kidders are caulio,ect to e.ra,nine the tent of half the block at the intersecting avenues. NEW YORx, November a3, r88g. 143 bushels Beans. sfiecificat;ons jar particulars of the articles, etc., re- No. 3. Both sides o1 the Southern Boulevard, from the 25 bushels Peas. quired, before neakin,, their estimates. easterly crosswalk of Third avenue to a point half way 4,32o dozen Fresh Eggs, all to be candled. Bidders will state the price for each article, by which between Willis avenue and Brown's place, and to the UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE to tubs prime quality kettle-rendered Leaf Lard, the bids will be tested. extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues. P owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all 50 pounds each. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in No.4. Commencing at the northerly corner of One houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected 653 barrels good, sound White Potatoes, 172 pounds addition to inserting the same in figures. Hundred and Thirty-fifth street and Rider avenue; thereby, that the following assessments have been com- net per barrel. Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- thence running northeasterly through the centre pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As- to dozen Canned String Beans. troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or of the block to Third avenue and One Hundred sessors for examination by all persons interested, viz. : to dozen Canned Lima Beans. from time to time, as the Commissioners may determine. and Thirty-sixth street ; thence northerly aloug the List 3025, No. i. Regulatingand grading Boston 20 dozen Canned Corn. The form of the contract, including specifications, and westerly side of Third avenue to One Hundred and road, between the northerly cur line ofJefferson street to dozen Canned Peaches. showing the manner of payment, will be furnished Forty-third street; thence northerly and including both and the southerly curb line of Locust avenue. 25 dozen Canned Pears. at the office of the Department and bidders are sides of Third avenue to One Hundred and Forty-sixth List 3082, No. a. Fencing vacant lots on the block 40 dozen Canned Peas. cautioned to examine each and all of its provisions care- street ; thence westerly along One 1-hundred and F'orty- bounded by Ninety-third and Ninety-fourth streets, fully, as the Board of Public Charities and Correction to dozen tanned Salmon. sixth street to the westerly side of Morris avenue ; Fifth and Madison avenues. 4o dozen Canned Tomatoes. Will insist upon its absolute enforcement in every par- thence soutlnvesterly to the easterly side of Mott Haven List 3093, No. 3. Paving One Hundred and Thirty- to dozen Tomato Catsup. ticular. Canal; thence southerly along the canal to One Hun- fourth street, from Sixth to Seventh avenue, with granite is dozen (how Chow. Dated NEW YORK, December 2, 1889. dred and Thirty-fifth street; thence easterly a:ong One blocks and laying crosswalks. 6 dozen Ghirkins, HENRY H. PORTER, President, Hundred and I'hirty-fifth street to the place of begin- List 3207, No. t. Regulating, grading, setting curb- r5o bates prime quality, long, bright Rye Straw, ning. stones, paving the gutters three feet wide with trap CHAS. E. SIMMONS, M. D., blocks on each side of the roadway, flagging the side- tare not to exceed 3 lbs. ; weight charged EDWARD C. SHEEHY, N o. 5. Both sides of One Hundred and Seventh street, as received at Black-well's Island. Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction. front West End avenue to Riv,-rside Drive. walks four feet wide, and laying cro'.stvalks in the Boston 25 bales prime quality Timothy flay, tare and No.6. Both sides of Ninety-second street, from the road, between the ea-terly curb line of North Third weight same as on .straw. Boulevard to Riverside Drive, and to the extent of half avenue and the northerly curl line of Jefferson street. 6o bags ISran, 5.' pounds net each. DEP.SRr)iEN-r ''F I'cm.ic Cnarrrtss AND CoRRECIION,) the block at the intersecting avenues. The limits embraced by such assessments include all 30 bags Coarse Meal, roo pounds net each. No. 66 71uan Avext o, All per-ons )vhose interests are affected by the the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces a5 bags Fine Meal, t:o pounds net each. N Ew Y,RE, December 4, 1889. above-named assessr=roRs, follows List -IT5, No. ;• F'Llgging and reflagging, curbing ment, at the said office, on or before the day and and rectrrhin;; cast side of Avenue A, from Eighty- No. 27 CTIalmuRs SrRErrr, At Workhouse, Blackwell's Island—John Brennan, Nliw Y RE, November 21, iSSg. hour above named, at which time and place the aged 5o years. Had on when admitted gray cotton seventh to Eighty-eighth street. bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by pants, dark coat, check'hirt, black derby hat. I,ist ;t,6, No.4. Flogging and relapsing, curbing and the President of said Department and read. At \Morgue, Bellevue Hospital, from Pier 46, North recurbing south side of Ninetieth street, from First to UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE '1'HF- Boa RD of CHARITIES AND CORRECTION river—Unknown man, aged about 40 years ; 5 feet Second avenue. P owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all RESERVES rHE RIGHT I) REJECT ALL BIDS OR ESTI- inches high ; brown, sandy chin beard. Had on lilac The limits embraced by such assessments include all louses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected MATES IF DEEMED Ti) OF. FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST, coat, blue jumper, I lue jean pants, gray woolen under- the several houses and lots of _ground, vacant lots, pieces :hereby, that the following assessments have been com- AS PROVIDeD IN SECTION 64, CHAPTER Oro, LAWS OV shirt, brown woolen drawers, blue socks, brogan shoes and parcels of land situated on— Dleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As- 1BSz. belt around waist with badge marked " L.W. P. A., No. No. i. East side of Fifth avenu=, commencing at ;essors for examination by all persons interested, viz. : No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract 2. Brooklyn, No. 4o." Sixty-fifth street and running northerly about I5o feet List 3o7r, \o. I. Paving One Hundred and Ninth awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- Nothing known of their friends or relatives. 5 inches. street, from First avenue to the bulkhead-line of the poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as By order, No. s. North side of Sixty-second street, commencing East river, with trap blocks. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- G. F. BRITTON, 105 feet westerly from Second avenue, and running Li-t 3083, No. a. Crosswalk across the Bowery, from tion. Secretary. westerly about 5o feet, upon lots known as Block 266, tumhers Igz to 099. The award of the contract will be made as soon as Ward Nos. rg and an. List 3097, No. 3. Regulating, grading, setting curb. practicable after the opening of the bids. No. 3. East side of Avenue A, commencing at Eighty. -tones and flagging Eighty-seventh street, from West Delivery will be required to be made from time to eighth street and extending southerly about rot feet. End avenue to the Riverside Drive. time, and in such quantities as may be directed b1 the CORPORATION NOTICE No.4. South side of Ninetieth street, from First to List 31o2, No.4. Flagging and reflagging north side of said Commissioners. Second avenue. Fifty-seventh street, between Filth and Sixth avenues. Any bidder for this contract must be Known to he en- All persons whose interests are affected by the above- The limits embraced by such assessments include all gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all :he several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the P or either of them, are requested to present their objec- and parcels of land situated on— person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected tions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of thereby, that the following assessments have been com- No. r. Both sides of One Hundred and Ninth street, will be required to give security for the performance of Assessors, at their office, No. z1 Chambers street, within rout First avenue to the bulkhead-line of the Fast river, the contract by his or their bond, with tsvo sufficient pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As. thirty days from the date of this notice. sensors for examination by all persons interested, viz. : And to the extent of half the block at the intersecting sureties, in the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent. The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro- avenues. of the ESTIMATED amount of the contract. List 35og, No. . Receiving-basin on the northwest vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction No. a. West side of the Bowery, extending northerly Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name corner of One Hundred and Thirty-first street and of Assessments for confirmation on the 27th day of from Spring street about 135 feet, and east side of and place of residence of each of the persons making the Lenox avenue. December, r88g. Bowery, between Delancey and Rivington streets, upon same ; the names of all persons interested with him or List 31:0, No. z. Receiving-basin on the northeast EDWARD GILON, Chairman, Ward numbers 5 to lo, inclusive, in the Tenth \yard. them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, corner of Ninety-seventh street and Tenth avenue. PATRICK N. HAVERTY, No. 3. Both sides of Eighty-seventh street, from West it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made List ;rs7, No. 1. Fla,ggingand reflagging, curbing and CHARLES E. WENDT, End avenue to the Riverside Drive, and to the extent of without any connection with any other person making recurbing both sides of One Hundred and Thirty-third EDWARD CAHILL, .calf` the block at the intersecting avenues. an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects street, from Fifth to Lenox avenue. Board of Assessors. No. 4. North side of Fifty-seventh street, between fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member List 3119, No. 4. Alterations and improvements to Fifth and Sixth avenues, upon lots known as Block 542, of the Common Council, Head of a Department, Chief sewer in 'Tenth avenue, between Seventy-seventh and OFFICE OF THE. BoatuD OF ASSESSORS, Ward numbers t and 03. of a Bureau, Deputy thereof, or Clerk therein, or other Eighty-first streets. No. 27 CHAuueERS STREET, All persons whose interests are affected by the above- officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- List 3113, No. 5. Flagging and reflagging, curbing NEW Voex, November a6, 1889. S named assessments, :utd who are opposed to the same, ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it and recurbing both sides of Eighty-ninth street, from or either of them, are requested to present their objec- relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The First to Second avenue. UR1.1C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE tions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of bid or estimate trust be verified by the oath, in writing, The limits embraced by such assessments include all Assessors, at their office, No. 27 Chambers street, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces D owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected within thirty days from the date of this notice, several matters stated therein are in all respects true. and parcels of land situated on— rise above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro- Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite No. i North side of One Hundred and Thirty-first thereby, that tit,, following assessments have been com- pleted and are lodged in the ofticc of the Board of As- vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction that the vERiF-tc,vrtox be made and subscribed by all the street, from Lenox to Seventh avenue. sessors, for examination by all persons interested, viz. : ~f Assessments, for confirmation on the 8th day of parties interested. No. 2. North side of Ninety-seventh street, from Ninth December, r88g. Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con. to Tenth avenue, and east side of Tenth avenue, from List 3O94, No. e, Paving West End avenue, from Sixty- EDWARD GII.ON, Chairman, sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in Ninety-seventh to Ninety-eighth street. fifth to Sixty-ninth street, with granite blocks and lay- PATRICK SI. HAVE'RIY, the City of New York, with their respective places of No. 3. Both sides of One Hundred and Thirty-third ing crosswalks. CHAS. E. WENOT, business or residence, to the effect that if the contract street, from Fifth to Lenox avenue. List 3a)f', No. a. Regulating, grading, curbing and EDWARD CAHILL, be awarded to the person making the estimate, they No. 4 Both sides of Tenth avenue, from Seventy- flagging 1 wclfth avenue, from One Hundred and 'flirty. Board of Assessors. will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his seventh to Eighty-first streets ; also both sides of third to One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street. i)FFICE OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, sureties for its faithful performance; and that if he Seventy-seventh, Seventy-eighth, Seventy-ninth and List 3,100, No. 3. Flagging and reflagging, curbing shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will Eightieth streets, from Ninth to Tenth avenue. No. 17 CHAMBERS STREET, and recurbing west side of Eighth avenue, between One N Ew YORK, November 7, 1889. pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to No. 5. Both sides of Eighty-ninth street, from First to Hundred and Twelfth and One Hundred and Thirteenth which he would be entitled on its completion and that Second avenue. streets. which the Corporation maybe obligedto pay to the person All persons whose interests are affected by the above- List 3:0:, No. 4. Flagging and reflagging, curbing and, or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, recurbing both sides of One Hundred and Eighteenth DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be cal- or either of them, are requested to present their objec- street, from Fifth to Lenox avenue. culated upon the estimated amount of the work by tions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of List 3to3, No. 5. Flagging and reflagging, curbing which the bids are tested. The consent above men- Assessors, at their office, NO. 27 Chambers street, within and recurbing cast side of Lenox avenue, from One DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, thirty days from the date of this notice. Hundred and Forty-third to One Hundred and Forty- Nos. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS STREET, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same that The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro- sixth street. NEW YORK, November 30, t88g. he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction List 3104, No. 6. Flagging and reflagging, curbing York, and is worth the amount of the security required of Assessments for confirmation on the 3oth day of and recurbing both sides of Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth TO CONTRACTORS. for the completion of this contract, over and above all December, 1889. streets, from Second to Third avenue. his debts of every nature, and over and above his EDWARD GILO\' Chairman, The limits embraced by such assessments include all liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; and that he has PATRICK M. HAVERTY, the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR EACH OF offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the CHARLES E. WENDS', and parcels of land situated on— S the following-mentioned works, with the title of the intention to execute the bond required by section to of EDWARD CAHILL, No. t. Both sides of West End avenue, from Sixty- work and the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, chapterp of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New Board of Assessors. fifth to Sixty-ninth street, and to the extent of half the also the number of the work as in the advertisement, York, if the contract shall be awarded to the per- block at the intersecting streets. will he received by the Department of Public Parks, at son or persons for whom he consents to become surety. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF AssEssoRs, its offices, Nos.qg and 5t Chambers street, until eleven No. a7 CHAMBERS STREET, No. z. Both sides of Twelfth avenue, from One Hun- The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to dred and Thirty-third to One Hundred and Thirty- o'clock A. M. on Wednesday, December it, 1889 be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York. NEW YORK, November 3o, r88g.


shown on said map and bounded by the following lines : All that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being No. t. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, SETTING I in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, Beginning at a stone monument marked " A. C." in the in the 1'sventy-fourth Ward of the City of N etc York and CURB-STONES AND FLAG.;ING THE bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point i over and she all his debts of every nature, and over road from Golden's Bridge to Croton Falls and running SIDE\1':\I. K's , LAYING CROSSWALKS, on the westerly side of Sedgwick avenue, which point is BUII.IIING CULVERTS ANL) GRADING and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise; thence north 31 degrees 49 minutes, cast 4t0 and to-too and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith feet ; thence south 77 degrees 25 minutes cast, 36 and distant 33 feet southerly at a right angle from the centre APPROACHES IN '[ HI RD AV1:N UE, line of the New Croton Aqueduct, as shown on a certain 1'\VEN and with the intention to execute the bond required by 49-teo feet, thence south 87 degrees 53 minutes FROM THE LINE 01' T11E IN east, 163 and 7o-roo feet, thence north 88 map filed July 9, 1884, in the office of the Register of T\VF\'I'Y-FOUR I'1I section z7 of chapter 8 of the Revised Ordinances of the 'I'HIRII AND degrees o8 minutes east, 507 and 33-too feet, thence the City and County of New York ; thence north 56' 30' WARDS 'CO PELHA M AVENUE. City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become south 8a degrees 27 minutes east, 612 and 89-too west, running parallel to said centre line and distant 33 No. z. FOR REGULA'T'ING AND PAVING WITH surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security feet, thence north 5 degrees 15 minutes cast, 590 and feet therefrom, about 524,9m3 feet to the United States '1'RA1'-REOCK PAV}:\TENT 1'HE t_'AR- offered to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of 96-,eo feet, thence north 88 degrees 15 minutes bulkhead-line on the easterly side of the Harlem river; thence north 35, 32' 30" cast along said bulkhead-line RIAGEWAY OF ONE HL' NDRFP A\D New York. east, 000 and 36-ion feet ; thence south 89 degrees 37 about 66.05 feet to a point distant 33 feet northerly at 1'Hi R"1'Y-Nl\'IH STRI1'.T, F'RO'[ IHE No bid or estimate will be received or considered minutes east, 14; and 17-100 feet; thence north .6 CROSSWALK ON 1111, FAST SIDE t)F unless accompanied by either a certified check upon degrees 53 minutes east, -.6o and g-too feet ; thence north right angles from said centre line ; thence south 56' 30' 'I NCETO'l'HE CROe'\A'ALK one of the National or State banks of the City of 4 degrees 6 minutes cast, 475 and 7o-t00 feet: thence east, running parallel to said centre line, and distant 33 I HiRD AA feet therefrom, about 520,083 feet to the westerly line of THE \VESF SIDE OF \\'ILLIS ; New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, south 68 degrees tz minutes 30 seconds east, 779 ON Sedgwick avenue aforesaid ; thence south 3t0 2t' west, AVENUE. j or money, to the amount of five per centum of the and 37-100 feet ; thence north 61 degrees co amount of the security required for the faithful perform- minutes east, 429 and 70-002 feet; thence north 66.o5 feet along the westerly line of said avenue to the FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER AND Such check or money must NOT 8z degrees 25 minutes east, 866 and 90-too feet point or place of beginning, containing .788 acres, more No. 3. EAST ON h once of the contract. APPUR 1 1;\ ANC }.S IN be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti- thence north 47 degrees 58 minutes cast, 966 and or less, and being designated as Parcels A, B, C, D and HUNI)RL:D AXD FoR'LY SECOND 8o-too feet; thence north 82 degrees 54 minutes E, colored pink upon said map so filed in the office of A\1) mate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the ti IR}:F:C, BETWEEN RIPER Department who has charre of the estimate-box, and no 30 seconds east, ,,282 and go-tco feet; thence south 4 the Register of the City and County of New York, all of WITH A ]:RANCH '1'HII-iD :]VENUES, estimate can be deposited io said box until such check or degrees 46 minutes 3o seconds (vest, too and 3-io> feet ; which parcels of land are to be taken in fee simple. In IN \[ORRIS AVF.N UE, m-:1'W EEN ONE ' money has been examined by said officer or clerk and thence south 4 degrees 32 minutes west, anti and 24-10) Parcels C and D said fee is to be taken subject to a per- petual right of way for railroad purposes. HC\ 1)REll _\N[) FORT]"-CFCCI)\ 11 AND found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of feet ; thence south 6 degrees 5 minutes west, 3x8 and a6- OAF DRE DRI:D AN1) FORtY-IHH2D the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons too feet ; thence south 3 degrees 44 minutes west, 653 Dated NEW YORK, October z9, t889. OTREEIS. making the same within three days after the contract is and 89-too feet t thence south 4 degrees 13 minutes west, WILLIAM Ii. CLARK, or and 75-tcw feet, thence south 86 degrees at' minutes 3a Counsel to the Corporation, SETTINf BLUE-S1'0Sl: PLAT- awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse 330 No. 4. FOR neglect, within five days after notice that the contract seconds east, 466 and 13-loo feet ; thence south 4 degrees No. a Tryon Row, FORMS IN FRONT OF HOUSE 1:N- 0-100 feet ; thence =oath 35 de- SEVI,NI'Y-SECOND has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the II minutes west. 1,597 and 4 TRANCE', IN grees .09 minutes west, 819 and 6o-too feet ; thence south STREF't', FROM THE EIt:HTH AV1•.- amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to LINE ('F and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated 4o degrees .03 minutes east, 1,296 and so-too feet ; thence DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. NUE 11 THE EASTERLY south 48 degrees 24 minutes west, 1,031 feet; thence TI-I1: NEW YORK t EN I RAL AND damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he shall within the time aforesaid, the north 46 degrees a5 minutes west, 873 feet ; thence south HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. execute the contract DEPAR'1'at s-t• OF Domes, amount of his deposit will be returned to him. St degrees 29 minutes west, 878 and 40-loo feet ; thence PIER "A," NORTH RivER.I No. 5• FOR CO\ TRUCTIN(' FOi"N I)ATIO?: - V. B.—The prices must be written in the estimate and north 64 degrees 29 minutes west, 392 feet ; thence north t1"ALL- FOR F\CLt)>]\l;_\\'ALL' also stated in figures, and all estimates will be considered 5o degrees 34 minutes west, 255 feet ; thence north ig AROUND MOUNT MORRI> PARK. ; as informal which do not contain bids for all items for degrees 40 minutes west, 1,159 and 85-mo feet ; thence north 53 degrees 31 minutes west, 730 and 33-10) feet; TO CONTRACTORS. Special notice is given that the works must be bid for which bids are herein called, or which contain bids for thence south 67 degrees 35 minutes west, 337 and 6o-zoo separately, that is, more than one work must not be items for which bids are not herewith called for. Per- minutes we-t, 768 and (No. 3x8.) included in the sane estimate or e,,velope. mission will not be given for the withdrawal of any bid feet ; thence south 73 degrees 54 The nature and extent of each of the works, as near or estimate. No bid will be accepted from, or contract 43-tou feet; thence south 79 degrees cg minutes west, as it is possible to state them, in advance, is as follows: awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpora- t,o23 and 9c-x0o feet; thence north 47 de=tees 30 minutes -. tion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as west, goy and 9-1oo feet ; thence north 64 degrees 42 PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR PREPARING tr,000 cubic yards of earth excavation. minutes west, 475 and to-too feet ; thence north 53 de- FOR AND (BUILDING A CRIB-BULKHEAD, 30,000 cubic yards of rock excavation. -. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- grees 50 minutes west, t,c8z feet, to the aforesaid stone FROM EAST ONE HUNDRED AND'I'HIR"FY- 70,000 cubic yards of filling. poration. 59,500 linear feet of new curb-stone furnished and set.-. The amount in which security will be required for the monument set in the ground marked " A. C." being the EIGHTH STREE 1' TO THE NORTH OF' EAST' 65,coo square feet of new flagging furnished and laid. performance of the several contracts is as follows: place of beginning. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH STREET', HARLEM RIVER, AND FOR DREDGING 9,400 square feet of old flatging relaid. For Number t, above-mentioned...... ,000 00 All the lands within the above boundaries are to be 13,000 square feet of bridge-stone for crosswalks fur- " ...... 4,O Co acquired in fee, and include all the parcels shown on THEREAT. said maps as Numbers r to 16, both inclusive. Reference coshed and laid. t,800 no dry rubble masonry other than q, " ...... t,500 CO is hereby made to the said similar maps filed as afore- 3w cubic yards of " said in said offices of the Register of Westchester STIMATES FOR PREPARING FOR AND in retaining-walls. 5. ...... 7,coo CO E Building a Crib-bulkhead, from East One Hun- of vitrified stoneware for drains in place. _ _ County and the Register of the City and County of New 40,000 pounds York for a more detailed description of the said real dred and Thirty-eighth street to north of East One zoo linear feet of fence. The Department of Public Parks reserves the right to estate to be taken or affected, of which the boundaries Hundred and Fortieth street, Harlem river, will be The time allowed for the completion of the whole work received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of reject or all the bids received in response to this ad- are above stated. will be five hundred consecutive ~eoaking lays. vertisement ii it should deem it for the interest of the the Department of Docks, at the office of said Depart- Dated NEW YORK, December 3, t889- ment, on Pier " A " foot of Battery place, North river, N t seep z, Aaot E-StE'noNED. City so to do, and to readvertise until satisfactory bids or proposals shall be received. But the contracts when WILLIAM H. CLARK, in the City of New York, until tz o'clock at. of Soo square yards of new trap-block pavement, awarded will, in each case, be awarded to the lowest Counsel to the Corporation, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER n, t889. Also the time required for the completion of the whole bidder. No. a Tryon Row, New York City. work, which will be tested at the rate of THREE AND Blank forms for proposals and forms of the several at which time and place the estimates will be publicly ONE-HALF DO.)LL' RS per day. contracts which the successful bidders will be required to opened by the head of said Department. The award of MANHATTAN ISLAND SECTION--ADDI- the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as practic- NL'M[OER 3, Ac'ovE-SIENTIONED. e xecute, can be had at htc otuc,c of th e .S ecre t arl, and the plans can be seen and information relative to them TIONAL LANDS— SUPREME COURT, able after the opening of the bids. 1,125 linear feet of tz-inch pipe sewer, including con- can be had at the rfticc of the Department, Nos. 49 and Any person making an estimate for the work shall Crete cradle, and exclusive of spurs for SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 5t Chambers street. furnish the same in a sealed envelope fo said Board, at house connection. \VALDO HUTCHINS, said office, on or before the day and hour above named, t25 spurs for house connections over and above the which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or M. C. D. 1-i1 1 RI)EN, N THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF cost per foot cf sewer. I. HAAH'DF>; ROMP,, names of the person or persons presenting the same, the manholes complete. I John Newton, Commissioner of Public Works of the date of its presentation, and a statement of the work to t4 .-I.I::CIc 1 I;A1,LUP, City of New York, under and in pursuance of chapter 2 receiving-basins complete. C -m -.roei.n•-rs ,3 Public Parks. which it relates. 5 cubic yards of concrete in place, exclusive of 4ao of the Laws of 1883, and on behalf of the Mayor, The bidder to whom the award is made shall give concrete cradle for pipe sewers. Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, security for the faithful performance of the contract in for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal, t,ce,-, feet it. .'•I.. of lumber furnished and laid. AQUEDUCT COMMISSION. the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in the In addition to the above quantities, it sheet piling is under chapter q. of the Laws of 1883. sum of'lwenty-five Thrusand Five Hundred Dollars. Notice of application for confirmation of the report of required and ordered by the Engineer to he left in r\,-•.['DI CT Cr,st:.l[ssiO\ENS' (IFFICE, The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and trench, it will he measun•d and paid :or at one-half of the the Commissioners of Appraisal, Manhattan ],land extent of the work is as follows Ii C,o)t BOG. JrF's-sec 1BiILDING, NO. 28o BROADWAY, Section—Additional Lands—as to Parcels numbers price bid for lumber. Ness YORK, November x9, t889. The time udlowved for the completion of the whole seventy-four (74) and part of eighty-one (St , and as to CLASS I. work will he FIFTY PAYS. TO CONTRACTORS. damages to real estate contiguous thereto. Dredging for the site of the crib-bulkheads and in the Public notice is hereby given, that I shall make ap- slips formed by it, and in front of it, about xoo,000 cubic ,2'~ E-MENTIONED. NusloER 4, AB plication to the Supreme Court of the State of New yards. xo8 blue-stone platforms, 5 feet wide and from 5 feet IDS OR PROPOSALS FOR TWO PAIRS York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the Second CLASS II. inches to 6 feet in length, with piers for B of Horizontal Tubular Boilers and Appurtenances judicial District, at the Court-house in White Plains, 4 Crib-bulkheads, with all appurtenances complete, support. req.mircd for stationary hoisting engines at Shaft No. z5, Westchester County, on the zfth day of December, 8 blue-stone platforms, 7 feet wide and from 5 feet on Section in of the New Aqueduct, ae called for in the 1889, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon containing the following quantities : 4 inches to 6 feet in length, with piers for approved forms of contract and specifications en file in thereafter as counsel can be heard, for the confirmation About 987,000 cubic feet, more or less, of cribwork, complete, including all fender, fender piles, armature support. the office of the Aqueduct Commissioners, will be re- of report as to Parcels Nos. seventy-four (74) and part Also the time required for the completion of the whole ceived at this office until 3 o'clock e. at. on December it, of eighty-one (81j, and real estate contiguous thereto, plates, chocks, mooring posts, backing logs and their 1889, at which place and hour they will be publicly of the Commissioners of Appraisal appointed in the fastenings, and measured from the under side of the work, which will be tested at the rate of FOUR DOL- baceing loge downwards LARS per day. opened and read by the Aqueduct Commissioners, and above matter, pursuant to the provisions of chapter the award for doing said work will be made by said 4g0 of the Laws of 1883, which said report was filed in N. B.—As the above-mentioned quantities, though NI'\MBER 5, ABo"E-1IENTIONED. Commissioners as soon thereafter as possible. the office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester on stated with as much accuracy as is possible, in advance, are approximate only, bidders are required to submit 700 cubic yards of nubble stone masonry laid in Blank forms of contract and specifications therefor, the 7th day of June, 1889, and a copy of which was filed mortar for foundation walls, tncl'udiing exca- and bids or proposals and proper envelopes for their in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New their estimates upon the following express conditions, which shall apply to and become a part of every estimate vation and refilling for same. inclosure, can be obtained at the above office of the York on the same day. rubble foun- Aqueduct Commissioners on application to the Secre- received : 430 cubic yards one-faced wall above Dated NEw YORK, November 29, 5889. 1st. Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal ex- dation walls. tor). By order of the Aqueduct Commissioners. WILLIAM H. CLARK, amination of the location of the proposed work, and by Also the time required for the completion of the whole Counsel to the Corporation, such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy work, which will be tested at the rate of FOUR JAMES C. DUANE, No. 2 Tryon Row, New York City. of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, and shall not, at D01-LAR2 perd a\. President. any time after the submission of an estimate, dispute or Join C. 'sx Sec complain of the above statement of quantities, nor Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examines- ' retaryeta tics of the location of the proposed work, and by such SUPREME COURT—NOTICE OF APPLI- assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy , i - -- - - ------CATION FOR APPRAISAL. to the nature or amount of the work to be done. the foregoing statement, and shall not, at any time alter (z.) Bidders will be required to complete the entire the submission of an estimate, dispute or complain r,f - _ NEW AQUEDUCT. work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks, and such statement, nor assert that there was any misunder- UBLIC NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT in substantial accordance with the specifications of the contract and the plans therein referred to. No extra standing in regard to the depth of the excavation to be I NOTICE OF _bI'PLICA , I(IN 1_ OR P it is the intention of the Counsel to the Corporation made, or the nature or amount of the s,- ork to be done. APPRAISAL. of the City of New York to make application to the compensation, beyond the amount payable for each Bidders will be required to complete the entire work ' class of the work before mentioned, which shall be Supreme Court for the appointment of Commissioners actually performed, at the prices therefor in each class, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Parks, DUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT of Appraisal, under chapter 490 of the Laws of 1883, and to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or and in substantial accordance with the specifications for it is the intention of the Counsel to the Corpora- the acts amendatory thereto. Such application will be made at a Special Term of said Court to be held in the payable for the entire work. the work and the plans therein referred to. No extra tion of the City of New York to make application to the The work to he done under the contract is to be com- compensation beyond the amount payable for the sev- Second Judicial District, at the Court-house in White Supreme Court for the appointment of Commissioners menced within five days after the date of the contract, eral classes of work before enumerated, which shall be of Appraisal under chapter 430 of the Laws of 1883 Plains, in Westchester County, on the 4th day of Janu- actually performed at the prices therefor, to be specified and all the work contracted for is to be fully completed Such application will be made at a Special Term of ary, 1890, at 12 o'clock noon. on or before the first day of November, i3go• and the by the lowest bidder, shall be due or payable for the said court, to be held in the Second Judicial District, at The object of such application is to obtain an order of Court appointing three disinterested and competent damages to be paid by the Contractor for each day that entire work. the Cottrt-hou-e in White Plains, We>tchester County, the contract, or any part thereof, may be unfulfilled freeholders, all of whom shall reside in the County of The person making any hid or estimate must furnish on the eighteenth day of January, t8go, at rt o'clock in after the time fixed for the fulfillment thereof has the same, inclosed in a sealed envelope, to the head of the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be New York, as Commissioners of Appraisal to ascertain and appraise the compensation to be made to the owners expired, arc, by a clause in the contract, determined, said Department, at his office, on or before the day and i heard. The object of such application is to obtain an fixed and liquidated at Fifty Dollars per day. hour above mentioned. - order of the court appointing three disinterested and and all person, interested in the real estate hereinafter described as proposed to be taken or affected for the .411 the material excavated is to be removed by the The envelope must he indorsed with the name or competent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the Contractor, and deposited in all respects, according to names of the person presenting the same, the date of its ' County of New York, and the other two of whom shall purposes indicated in chapter 490 of the Laws of 1883, law, and any material dredged, and not so deposited, presentation, and a statement of the work to which it reside in the county in which the real estate hereinafter and the acts amendatory thereto. l'he real estate sought to be taken or affected as afore- shall not be paid for. relates, described is situated, as Commissioners of Appraisal, to Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the The estimates received will be publicly opened by the ascertain and appraise the compensation to be made to said is located in the City and County of New York, and whole of the work to be done, in each class, In conformity is laid out and indicated on a map filed in the office head of the said Department at the place and hour last the owner, and all persons interested in the real estate with the approved form of agreement and the specifica- above mentioned and read, hereinafter described, as proposed to be taken or affected of the Register of the City and County of New York on tions therein set forth, by which prices the bids will be the zzd day of t Ictober, 1889, and bearing the following Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name for the purposes indicated in chapter 490 of the Laws of tested. These prices are to cover all expenses of every and place of residence of each of the persons making the 1863. certificate, to wit t kind involved in or incidental to the fulfillment of the same ; the names of all persons interested with ]him or The real estate sought to be taken or affected as afore- "Map No. i, Department of Public Works. Property map of lands required for the construction of a blow-off contract, including any claim that may arise through them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it said is located in the County of \Vestchester, and is delay, from any cause, in the performing of the work at Shaft No. 24 on Section A of the New Croton Aque- shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without laid out and indicated on two similar or duplicate maps thereunder. The award of the contract, if awarded, duct, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, New York City. any connection with any other person making an esti- filed, one in the office of the Register of Westchester will be made to the bidder who is the lowest for doing mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair ' County, at White Plains, in said county, and the other Note—Parcels A, B, C, D and E (colored pink) are to be taken in fee. In Parcels C and D said fee is taken the whole of the work comprised in the two classes, and and without collusion or fraud ; and that no-member of in the office of the Register of New York County, both whose estimate is regular in all respects. the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a filed in said offices on the 14th day of November, 1889, subject to a perpetual right of way for railroad purposes. Scale, 50 feet= t inch. February, 1889, Thomas F. Gil- Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and in bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other and each bearing the following certificate, as amended figures, the amount of their estimates for doing each officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- I by an order of the Supreme Court made by Honorable roy, Commissioner, Department Public 1Vorks, G. \V. Birdsall, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works. class of the work. ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it Joseph F. Barnard, Justice, dated November s1, 2889, The person or persons to whom the contract may be relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The filed in Westchester County Clerk's Office, November The Aqueduct Commission. We, the Commissioners appointed to carry out provisions of chapter 490 of the awarded will be required to attend at this office with the bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, 1 22, 1889, sureties offered by him or them, and execute the contract of the party or parties making the estimate, that the ' \Ve, the Commissioners appointed to carry out the Laws of 2883 of the State of New York, and the acts amendatory thereto, do hereby certify that this is one of within five days from the date of the service of a notice several matters stated therein are in all respects true. " provisions of chapter 490 of the Laws of 2883, of the to that effect ; and in case of failure or neglect so to do \Vhere more than one person is interested, it is requisite " State of New York, do hereby certify that this is one of six similar maps prepared in accordance with the require- ments of section 4 of said act, and do further certify that he or they will be considered as having abandoned it, and that the verification he made and subscribed by all "six similar maps prepared in accordance with the re- as in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be the parties interested. " quirements of section 4 of said act, and do further the same has been adopted by us in the manner described in said section this 21st day of August, x889. Commis- readvertised and rclet and so on until it be accepted and Each bid er estimate shall be accompanied by the con- "testify that the same has been adopted by us in the executed. sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in " manner prescribed in such section, this sad day of sioners : Thomas F. Gilroy, Commissioner Public Bidders are required to state in their estimate their Works: J. C. Duane, John J. Tucker, Francis M. Scott, the City of New York, with their respective places of •• October, :8'9. Signei, Theo. W. Myers, Comptroller; names and places of residence, the names of all persons business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be " Thos. F. Gilroy, Commissioner of Public Works ; Walter Howe. interested with them therein ; and if no other persons be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on " Tames C. Duane, John J. 'ticker, Francis M. Scott, "State of New York, City and County of New York, so.: On this 2ist day of August, x889, before meerson- so interested the estimate shall distinctly state the fact ; its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its ' Valter Howe, Commissioners." also that the estimate is made without any connection faithful performance; and that if he shall omit or refuse The real estate so proposed to be taken or affected is ally came "Thomas F. Gilroy, James C. Duane, John J. Tucker, Francis M. Scott and Walter Howe, to me with any other person making an estimate for the same to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any required for the construction and maintenance of the work, and that it is in all respects fair and without collu- difference between the sum to which he would he entitled I dam and reservoir known as " Reservoir M," or " Titi- severally known, and known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing certificate sion or fraud ; and also that no member of the Common on its completion and that which the Corporation may be cus Reservoir," and the following is a statement of the Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the con- boundaries of said dam and reservoir, and of the portion and severally acknowledged that they executed the same. J. C. Lully, Notary Public, New York County thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corpora- tract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the I of the real estate to be acquired therefor under this pro- tion, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in th5 amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated reeding (notarial seal)," and of which the following is a statement of the external boundaries by courses and distances supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of amount of work by which the bids are tested. The All those certain pieces or parcels of land and real the profits thereof; which estimate must be verified by consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the estate in the town of North Salem, County of West. within which are included all the real estate required for I the purpose of said New Aqueduct and shown upon said the oath, in writing, of the party making the estimate, oath 'Sr affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons i chester and State of New York, which taken together that the several matters stated therein are in all re- signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder constitute a tract of land particularly described and map, viz.


spects true. Where more than one j3ersoa is interested Feet, R. 11T., without collusion or fraud ; and also, that no member to. Labor and materials for Laying it is requisite that the voriJieatinn be wade and sub- measured in of the Common Council, Head of a Oepartment, Chief New Pavement for about.. ... 5o square yards. scribed to by a/1 the /,artiec interested. the work, of a Bureau, Deputy thereof, or Clerk therein, or other it. Labor and materials for Relaying Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, z. Spruce Timber 3" 500 ...... 129,i99 officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- Old Pavement for about...... :50 in writing, of two householders or freeholders of the 3" x 6' ...... ...... 120 ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it is. Back-filling and Grading, about, goo cubic yards. City of New York, with thrir• rest, •dive Places of -- relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof ; which 13. Top Dressing, (;ravel or Quarry Irsin.'ss or r•si,Peucr•, to the effect that if the contract be Total ...... ...... 129,319 estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of tile Cnips, about ...... 17 awarded to the person or persons making the estimate, . -- - - party making the estimate, that the several matters r4. Labor in resetting about z7 linear feet each of old they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as Feet, B. M., stated therein are in all respects true. IV/,ere more curb and sidewalk stones, his or their sureties for its faithful performance ; and t/razz ozze f,rrsan re- intere.+.'rd, it zs requisit.• that the r5. Labor on about 86 pieces of flooring, measured in Framing and that if said person or persons shall omit or refuse to the work, verifrcatinu be roar/i' and subscribed to by al/the Partir's t6. Labor of Carpentry, including all moving of Timber, Jointing_ • Plunking, Bolting, execute the contract, they will pay to the Corporation 3. White Oak' limber, tz" x lz" ...... ...... 2,592 lost erc.ctrd. of the City of New York any difference between the sum Each estimate shall be accumpanied by the consent, in Spiking, Bark-filling, etc., as set forth in the 8., x on.. ... • . • • .. •.... 4,32o specifications. to which said person or persons would be entitled upon 7" x I2'• ...... 1,323 writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, cvl14 //reir res/rrz liwe pin_es of business nr its completion, and that which said Corporation may he 7 x ro'' 44,So2 N B -As tlr: above-fnentinnect quantities, though obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract may r itpe r so to the effect that if the contract be awarded to stated with as much accuracy as is possible, in advance, the person or person, making the estimate, they will, be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount, Total ...... I. -'r nl • bi d o arc rec ~uired to submit in each case, to he calculated upon the estimated on its Lein;; so awarded, bccume botmd as his or lhcir their estimates upon the following express condition::, amount of the work to be done ion each class by which the - sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if sn id tc.hich shall apply to and become a part of every anut 65 feet Ion:;.... 34 the oath or afirmation • in tvcitin , of each of theperson ad • Binders will he required t•, complete the entire sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by about 6o feet loos... , w°rk to the satisfactioe of the Dc Irtment of Docks, the Comptroller of the City of New York, after the - ,. .. 7 signing, the same, that he is a h°usehulder or freeholder P Q ?y'x 2G", 7a"'x z4", ,a'x z''' ;a xzo and in substantial accordance with file specifications of award is made and prior to the signing of the contract, A x 15", ,t x 11, /'x ta, `:•'x in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the completion tine contract and the plans therein referred to. No No estimate will be received or considered unless zi' z ao", x r8", a.~ securit y tccu I aired for the of the contract, over !i • i~,. ti.. and above all his debts of every nature, rout o;,rr rn,l extra compensation, bc}'und the amo:mt payable for the accomnpanied by either a certified check upon one of the x t4 ' -y x t2" ' t x ~9', SaN6 ~l'rrrk I)(.'fore nlen[ino d, tV t11C}1 tih: II be aCtn:lll}' per- State or National banks of the City of New York, " r-;"x:z" ri"x to", and "x '' above hiss' /ia/i/i tir'.c rise bail, Sil)"c't tlr / 0'/r.'Y.[t ~<'; :I tr rI y that he has offered himself as curete `}• in g nod faith and fr,rmed, at theprice theretur, to be -Vc cificd bythe drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the square, and °,;" x 8" trod "x b' , with the intention to execute the bond required by law, lowest bidder, shall he due or payable for the entire amount of five per centum of the amount of security rumd wrought-iron T)nck Spikes work. required for the faithful performance of the contract. and 4od. but Nails, about...... 50,o9, Pounds. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offend Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed I rte Arm:rtirres, about...... ', is to be approv.:d by the Comptroller of the City of The work to be done under the contract is to be com- 7• P,oiler- V `3'='=5 priorto the envelope containing- the estimate, but must be handed to 8. z", r?/", r',", and I" wrought -iron N•ew Y ork afte r thewaard is m ade an d menccrl within five drys aft sr the laic of the contract, the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge Screw-bolts, with their Hr;ads and signing of the contract. and all the work contracted for is to be fully completed of the estimate-hoc, and no estimate can be deposited in Nuts, about...... „ e7,n39 r No estimate will be received or considered tiniest ac- oft or before the eth day of 31ay, tS3o and the said box until such check or money has been examined 9. Cast-iron 3looring- pun sts, oho.n...... 3,500 c° nil anied by either a certified check upon nnc of the d;tr:mges to I,- paid by the contractor for each by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All to. Cast-iron Washers for t% ', r' ", and State or National flanks of the City of New York, day that the contract may be uhfultilled after the such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will t" Screw-bolts, about...... ..... 9,750 " drains to the ardor °( the Cnmptrollrr, or money, tothe time fixed 6,r the fulfillment thcn:of has expired, are, be refurned to the persons making the same, within st-ir on ('heats, about ...... 139 0 " amnu ut of fits' j 'rcrn/rruz of the amount of security rc- by i clause in the contract, determined, fixed and It. Ca the contrec;. three days after the contract is awarded. If the suc- z:s. Cast-iron Pile Shoes, aught...... 4,290 '' qutred for the faithful performance of ligtudated at Fift}• Dollars per dap•. cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five clays t _, R'roug6t-iron Strap l;olts :md \Visit- Such check or atone}- must not be inclosed in the sealed All the old material t:,loft from the old cribu-ork, to be after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, -' ers, of fro ...... n .....sent . t,too envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to removed under the contract will be relinquished to the to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by 1 t . Tabor of framing and carpentr}-, including all mov- the officer or clerk , the Department who has charge contractor, and bidders nmst estimate the value of such be deposited him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of in" and raltin ~ of timber, jnintin;, pl :nkinG, of the estimate-box, and no estimate can material trhen ornsidering the price for which they will in said box until such check or money h is been exam- ?New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or ring, spiking, sup--latl:ing, atiiting, fGino or do threw ork under this contr:.ct. toed bl' said ill xce or clerk and found to fu correct. All refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within the Tartarrin and furnishing the m:(terial; for stn•- Bidders will state in their estim it s a price fi>r the tints aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned lathindg printing, oiling or tarrin};, and L(bor of such deposit, except that of the successful bidder, will he returned to the persons ntakin~ the same, within whole of the worlc to i>c clone, in conformity with the to him. every description, a, set (67th in the specifications, If the site- approved Gam of agrccm'ent and the specifications Bidders ire informed that no deviation from the speci- air the o e about 1 square feat of hed. pier, three days after the contract is awarded. 2856 ccaful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days ther':in set forth, by trbid, price the bid, will be bested, fications will be allowed, unless under the written in- andm for the th of the old pier and shed. sifter notice that the contract has been awarded to ltim, Phis price is to coverall expenses of every kind involved structions of the Engineer-in-Chief. 1 Sewer bene:uh pier- in or incidental to the fulfillment of tire contract, includ- No estimate will he accepted from, or contract m B. in to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by eas fu and retained by the City of iug aims' chcim that ntay iris._ through delay, frontyan awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- file utcwink in hint shall b e rfcitcd to New York tie liquidated damages for such neglect or carrot, in the performing of the work thereunder. poration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaidier, as tthe -u Br ill distinctly w-rot c out, both in words and in surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- x. Yellow- Pine 'i (mbar, 6 x t~ ' ...... 7x6 refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the of his deposit will be no. figures, thus amount ul their estimates for doing the tion. 5" x 16...... time aforesaid, the amount A'Sc' turned to hirn. word:. The right to decline all the estimates is reserved, if ` 3 x t2 •"' • • ""' 3''.'75 `1'hc person or persons to whom the contract maybe deemed for the i'terest of the Corporation of the City of p d,lers arc informed that no deviation from the . ,t. 7 078 I specifications will 1>e allowed, unless under the written awarded trill be required to attend at this office smith the New York. sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con- Bidders are requested, in making their biels or esti- x ° ""'' '' instructions of the 1•:rgineer-ion-Chief. '~ tract within five days from the d:rte of the scrcice of a mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the 5' x `i" • • • • • • •' • • • •' '6i No estimate will he accepted from, or contract awarded arrears to the Corporation, notice to that effect; and in case of failure or neglect so to Department, a copy of which, together with the form of . I oral ...... I ..... t9, 8r9 to, any person who is in a f>on debt or contract, or who is .t defaulter, as curet y do, he inn the}- will be considered as having abandoned it, the agreement, including specifications, and showing the and as in default Cr, the Corporation, and the contract m .utter of payment for the work, can be obtained upon or otherwise, upon :my oblieation to the Corporation. Feet B. M. The right to decline all the estimates is reserved, if v. ill be readvertised and relet, and so on until it be ac- application therefor at the office of the Department. e' tiprucc or Yellow fine 'Timber, creosoted, cried and executed. EDWIN A. P101', deemed for the interest of the Corporation of the City 3'•=" x 4!/,", mcastir d before II tin ..... 33,"7o of New York. Bidders are required to state in their estimates their JAMES MAT7'HEWS, Spruce or Yellow fine I m u ter, creosoted, tromes and places of residence ; the names of till persons J. SERGEANT CRAM, Bidders are requested, in making their bids or S' x r4", measured in the w•nrk. ...... 32 estimates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose interested with them therein ; and it nu other person be Commissioners of the Department of Docks. so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the Stated Now YORK, November 26, t8S9. --- by the Deptu'tntent, a copy of which, together with the Total ...... 38,100 form of the agreement, including specifications, and fact ; also, that the estimate is made t.ithout any con- necti:m with any other person making an estimate for Work of Construction under New Plan., ----.- showing the manner of payment for the work, can `.en g ~A" s tz", , " x ta", and ,b'' e 3" obtained upon application therefor at the office of the I the same work, and that it is in all rspects fair, and with- out collusion or fraud ;and also, that no member of the DEPARTMENT (>F DocKs, 1y square, wrought-iran Deck Spike,, ! Department, EDWIN A. POS•I', Common Council, Head of a Department, Chief of a PIER "A," NORTH RIVER. about ...... ..... 5,'-31 po~mds. 4. tuJa" xi'' wrought-iron Screw--bolts 1=\11II?5 MATTHEWS, L'tu•eau, Deputy thereof, nr Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- 7'O CONTRACTORS. and Nuts, about ...... .... . 1,323 J. SERGF:AN'1' CRAM, . Galvanized wro,lght-iron Bind', Commissioners of the Department of Docks. ' ested therein, or in the supplies or work to -- hich it re- Bolts and Mouth-piece for Sever, Dated Nets' YORK, November z5, i89. lat'es, or in any pardon of the profits thereof : which (N°. 317.) about ...... 10,905 I estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the 6. Cast-inn Washers for i(-C' and t" i party making the estimate, that the several matters PROPOSALS FOR ESTIVI V1'ES FOR REM IVING Screw-holts, about ...... 572 " j DEPARTMENT or: DocKs, ( stated therein are in all respects true. l l'irrr; more ALL THAI' PAR t- OF' PIER, OLD 39, AT THE 7. Labor and Material for Temporary Centres for PIER "A," NORTH RIVER.) than our p,o'.cnu is iuterretrri, zt is requi ite that t/r 1001' OF V E-;TR Y SIR IFS', N') R I H RIVER, Sewer-box. vrrijbcnLinz be ,r/ride aid su/acrr"ed to by a//the fart/m's WHICH LIES VVES'l'ERI.Y OF A LINE ABOUT S. Labor of every description forabout 53s linear feet TO C( )N:FIJAC.TORS. iutr•rc steel. So FEET EAS•rERLY OF 'I HE NEW BULK- of oval sewer. ._- Ench estimate shall be accompanied by the con- sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in I-II'AD LINE, EXCEPT THF: CRIBWURK above-mentioned (No, 0 BELOW LOW-WATER MARK, Ft)"t RF;MOV- N. B.- the quantities, though 3 )') 1 the City y of New York, snit/z th,:r resnec?ine (,laces J 'isas much accuracy as is possible, ING ALL OF' THE: SHt•:D UN SAID PIER, stated with in atrrurcr, -- him dsr or residence• to the effect that if th e contract be are approximate only, bidders are requ FOR RF:PAIRING AND ON •LHE BCLKHFAI) PLATFORM red to su bmit PRnPO5A L 5 OP.F'S F. il l b T 'F;S av;arded to t}tc person or persons making the esti- their estimates upon the following express conditions, T THE 50(11 OF SOUTHERLY THEREOF, AND PREPARING 'l.'HE CRIB-L'ULKHEAD I mate, they will, upon its L-•ing so awarded, become which shall apply to and become a part of every estimate S I'El' F.T, (IN '1'HI•. FOR AND BUILDING A NEW WOODEN 1?A" 1' FI I it I Y-tiI7-'. ON LI bound as his or their sureties for its faithful perform- PIER, WITH APPURTENANCES, INCLUD- received : E asT kl\'F:R. once ; and that if said person or persons shall omit or ISO A SEWER-BOX, (1N THE SI lE OF SAID (I.) Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal refuse to execute the contract, they will pay to the Cor- PIER, OLI) 3g, •1'I r BE KNOWN AS PIER, examination of the location of the prop°ced work, and by ' ' ,TI\IA'r l S FOP, RI•:PAI RING THE CRIB- I p'>ration of the City of New York any difference between NEW 29, NORTFI RIVER. such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy lii bulkhead at the font of East Forty-second street, the sum to ehich said person nr persons would be of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, and shall not, at : on the I-set river, will be received by the Board of Corn- j entitled upon its completion, and that >. hicb said Corpu- any time after the submission of an estimate, dispute or '[;`STINIATES FOR REMOVING A PART OF missioners at the head of the Department of Docks, at i ration may be obliged to pay to the person to whom complain of the above statement of quantities, nor assert : the office of said Department, on Pier "A," loot of the contract may be awarded at any subsequent let- 1: Pier, old 39, North river, and all of the shed thereon, that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the ring; the amount, in each case, to be calculated upon the and on the bulkhead platform southerly thereof, and for Battery place, North river, in the City of New York, nature or amount of the work to he done, until ma o'clock xt. of . estimated amount of the work to be clone by which building a new wooden Pier, with appurtenances, includ- the bids are tested. The consent abave mentioned shall ing a Sewer-box, on the site of Pier, old 39, near the (z.) Bidders will lie required to complete Cie entire work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks, and ' TUESDAY, DF:CEMBER t, x889, be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of foot of Vestry street, North river, will be received by each oh tire persons s a the Board of Commissioners at the head of the Depart- in substantial accordance with the specifications of the at which time and place the estimates will be publicly 1 contract and the plans therein referred to. No extra householder or freeholderin theh-ity of NTeewtt lie Land ment of Docks, at the office of said Department, Pier opened by the head of said Department. I'he award of is worth the amount of the security required for the "A," foot of Battery place, North river, in the City of compensation, beyond the am:, ant payable for the work the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as rac- before mentioned, which si:aJ be actually performed, at V completion of the contract, over and above all his debts New York, until zz o'clock at. of ticable after the opening of the bids. of eber nature, and nrrr and aicrhe his / zbilities price therefor, to be s ecified b • the lowest bidder, p g as the P } Any person making an estimate for the work shall bail. use.)' nzr,t 0 /ri' -zorse ; and that he has offered TUESDAY, DECEMBER to, 188y, shall be chime or payable for the entire work. I furnish the same in a scaled envelope to said Board, art The work to be done under thie contract is to be coal- hums II as surety in good faith, and with the intention said office, on or before the day and hour above named, execute the bond required by law. The adequacy at which time and place the estimates will be publicly menced within five days after the date of the contract, to opened by the head of said Department. The award of which envelope shall be indorsed with the mine or names ,,ncf sufficiency of the security offered will be subject to and all work to be done tinder the contract (excepnott the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as prac- of the person or persons presenting the came, the date approval by the Comptroller of the Cit}• of New York about too feet of the shore end of the pier, which will not of its presentation, and a statement of the work to , after the award is made and prior to the signing of the ticable after the opening of the bids. be built until the bulkhead-wall in the rear i, erected ~ Any person making an estimate for the work shall vvhich it relates. contract. is to be fully completed on or before the 31st day of July, The bidder to whom an award is made shall give No estimate will be received or considered unless furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, 2890, or vvithin as ntan • days thereaftera, thesiteof the 9 } y security for the faithful performance of the contract, in .accompanied b}- either a certified check upon one of the at said office, on or before the day and hour above new pier ma}' have been actually occupied, after the date named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in the State or National 'gooks of the City of New York, of the execution of this contract, by the Department ofsum of light Hundred llollars. drawn to the order of the C°ntptroller, or money, to the or names of the person or persons presenting the same, Docks in dredging for the pier. And the said about t:oo the date of its presentation, and a statement of the work The Engineer's e,timate of the nature, quantities and amount of five per centum of this amount of security feet is to be completed within thirty days after notice extent of the work, is as follows : required for the faithful performance of the contract. to which it relates. shall be given to the Contractor by said Department of I. Kew Crib 1m complete, including Such check or money must not be inclosed in The bidder to whom the award is made shall give Locks that work on the said about too feet may be begun the all Lo s, Timber.:, S ekes, Stone sealed envelope ,:er oricl the esttm.(te, brat must be security for the faithful performance of the contract, in to be paid b • the contractor for 1 g p and the damagesg 1 riling m the crik>work and m handed to the officer clerk of the Department who the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in each day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars. rear of it, Fenders, Fender-piles, has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be time fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired, are, by ~ ;%Soaring-posts, Backing - logs, deposited in said box until such check or money has The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and a clause in the contract determined, fixed and liquidated Box-drain', etc., measured from . extent of the work is as follows: examined by said officer or clerk and found to be at Fifty Dollars per day I the top of the front cap, to the correct. All such deposits, except that of the success- All the old material taken from said Pier, old 3;, and level o. under side of backing-lob NEW PIER. ful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the the shed thereon and southerly thereof, to be removed and to a feet in rear of the inshore I same, within three days after the contract is awarded. elinquishedi,lted to the Con- Feet, B. M., under this contract, will be r ends of the cross-ties, about. . ... 13,762 cubic feet. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within must he sp i to the value of such measured in tractor, and bidders Additional quantities not received in item t- five days after notice that the contract has been awarded the work. material when con,idering the price for which they will Feet, B. M., I to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit (a) z. Yellow Pine Timber, in" X 14'•...... 28,749 do the work under the contract. measured in made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the st be done, inatc a ore the 12" X t2" ...... 225,079 B the work. City of New York as liquidated damages for such ne. „ .. t:;" x 14" ...... the woortrunk to be ntrac in conformity wiwithth one .. . 949 ov te z Yellow Pine Timber, so x to" ...... 1,688 glet or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within :o' x rz ...... 6,64 z .aapproved form of contract and the specifications .• 1,367 therein set forth, by which price the bids will be tested. ro'• x to" the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be zd x to' ...... 9o0 me 126 returned to him. .. .. rice is to cover all expenses of every kind in- 6'• x "...' ...... 7?5 This p 4'• .. .. 9., x- ...... fulfillment x ro'...... 450 Bidders are informed that no deviation from the 8" x 16.' ...... 576 valved in or incidental to the of the contract, „ 4'• x Sot specifications will be allowed, unless under the written .. ., 8" x ., including any claim that may arise through delay, from 8 • .... .. „ • _ 15 ...... 1,560 instructions of the Engineer-in-Chief. x la' ...... any cause, in the performing of the work thereunder. 8- 5,396 ...... 4,124 No estimate will be accepted from or contract awarded .. .. 341 v:ill distinctly write out, both in words and T otal 8" x to ...... Bidders to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation, .. ., S's 8...... 1,883 in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing the .. ., NOTE-The above quantities of timber are exclusive upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety 7"x14' ...... 653 work of extra lengths required for scarfs, laps, etc., or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation. .. .. 7''X 12" ...... 3,322 The person or persons to whom the contract may be .. .. but is exclusive of waste. The right to decline all the estimates is reserved, if 1,932 awarded will be required to attend at this office with the deemed for the interest of .. .. 7., x 8 ...... sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con- 3. White Pine, Norway Pine, Yellow' Pine, the Corporation of the City of 6.. x 12...... 25,067 New York, „ •, 6.. x to" ...... 63 tract within five days from the date of the service of a Cypress or Spruce Piles ...... ..... . z3 284 notice to that effect ; and in case of failure or neglect so (It is expected that these piles will have to be about Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti- 6" x 6" ...... mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the ., .. 5512 ...... 3,078 to do, he or they will be considered as having aban. 35 feet long.) ,. .. doned it, and as in default to the Corporation ; and the Bed Logs, about ...... 293 linear feet. Department, a copy of which, together with the form of 5,• x tt" ...... 3,570 4. the agreement, including specifications, and showing .. +' 50,694 contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until 5. Excavation of Old Cribtvork, etc., .. 5" x to ...... about ...... 615 cubic yards. the manner of payment for the work, can be obtained .. 5" x 9 ...... 2, oq8 it be accepted and executed. .. 5• x 6...... 30 Bidders are required to state in their estimates their 6. Square wrought-iron Dock upon application therefor at the office of the Depart- .. .. names and places of residence; the names of all persons Spikes, about ...... 426 pounds. meat. 4,• x 10...... 145,307 EDWIN A. POST, .. „ 2"xro' ...... 207 interested with them therein ; and if no other person 7. Cast-iron Screw Bolts and Nuts, ., 2 ...... ... .. 30 JAMES MATTHEWS, ,. " x 4 ...... 8,235 be so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the about ...... fact ; also, that the estimate is made without any con- 8. Wrought-iron Washers, about.... 24 J. SERGEANT CRAM, Total...... 507,865 nection with any other person making an estimate for 9. Oak Feeder-piles, about 45 feet Commissioners of the Department of Docks. the same work, and that it is in all respects fair, and ' long ...... s I Dated Ncw YORK, November a9, 1889.


CIVIL SERVICE SUPERVISORY CITY OF Now YORK, 1 grading, curbing and flagging, from Eighth to Ninth HEALTH DEPARTMENT. FINANCE DEI'AR'rSIENT, avenue. — AND EXAMIN INC BOARDS. COnt1'TROLLF.R'S OFFICE, 'I hird avenue, west side, flagging and reflagging, HF:\t.l'FI 1)EP:IRT\IENT—LITI' or New YORK, -- - -- - - - --- ------ -- November 27, 2889. curbing and recurbing, from Eighty-seventh to Fighty- No. ,or Milli, >lcr:1T, 1rw 1-„xs C' isC'n'II. vI•a:a'ic r BOARuc, eighth street. XEw YORK, NON ember ao, 1859. COOPER UNION , Seventy-seventh street, south side, flagging and re- New YORK, July -n, 1889. NOTICE TO PIsOI'ERTY—OVt NERS. flagging, curbing and recurbing, between Park and Madison aven':cs. I'R(_ PIis:A1.S FOR ESTIMATES F(1R -- a OF THE Sewer in Eldridge street , beteenw G rand an d Broomeo NI N PURST?AN C1•: OF SECTIONE lil II DI's( A Sl'.:A \\ -AI .I, l.)\ NORTH IC;E. "Nee York Lily Consolidation Act of 1882," the I streets. -- I RRCY1 Hkak 1SI,:A~1). omptroller of the Clty of New York hereby gives pub- Seater in One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, Ot licr hours runt y k. It. until 4 P. Al.nt, lie n• lice to Iill persons, owners •d property, affected between St. Aura's and'I'rinity avenues. ^. Blank applicat;ons for positions iii the classified },s- till, G•llowin :Issessmcut lists, .z.: Sourer on the north side of the Southern Boole': ard, I:(f1POs ,TS FOR I 'sit \l k"I'E-, F'OR 111;ILD- service of the cit}- nit y be procured upon application at p•,vinc east side of tit. Aichslas avenue- from the between WillisVillis avene and the summit east of Willis p ing a =ea wa11 on North Brother Island, City alit' the above oiicc, nosh side of Onc hlunah'cU and I hint•-fifth street to a avenue. Count} of New York, aaill be received I the Commis- 1•:xamin:ttions acill Lie held from time to time as the I line ii it 5^ feet north of Om• Hundred and l It rt}•- I Sever in Ninetieth street, between Riverside and stoners of the Halth IJefartintlit, It their office, 7' 11. needulatin _, grading, setting curb and gutter stones, F: '1'Hl)C- } 1 F sue^ues, each in tcc penui sumunit' '1'HRL. Schedule C shall include policemen, both in the Police the southerly side of ;,scent}-ninth tre^quez:t testing ; the amuont cr finer of O ne Hundred it whole rr rt of an isse•_ of Two Hundred and Rcrvirinz;-',-,)sin on north.- a n Asses-meats and Clerk of Arrears, at the " Bureau for in each case to be -alcul.,tcu ul'-m the estimated am r~unt ~isn--eight 'l hr us:.nd Fnur Htmdred and Fiit}'-fi ve a nd 'Thirty-trdhi str eet :ro d ticv:nth ay.uue. -, the bids are tested ; the One the C'nllecr.on of Assessments and Arrears of Waxes of the avnrk to be done I whiel Dollars and I iity-cieht Cents =zC8 , 18cLis ter ed Receiving^-basin on northeast corner of Hundred As+essments and of Water Rents," Room ^r. 'at is consent a! oc•_ me nnoned sh ell be aces rrpanied Us' the ,;5"•58 and .:hock, denominated and 5t eond -meet and 'Tenth avenue, art Building, between the hours of 9 .a. M. and a P. sI„ or affrrr.ation. in xritin„ r.f each of the person- Receiving-basin on northeast corner of One Hundred - signing the same that he is e, householder or freeholder and all payments made thereon, on or before Januar} CONSOLIDATED STOCK and Sixteenth street and Madison avenue. 27, 18911, 55111 be exempt from interest as ,,cove prov,d.:d, in the I icy 0 New York and is worth the amount of j Rec:i•: ing-basin un northeast corner of Fift}'-fourth or the completion of the contract of the City o. \vac York, and known :rc "'school-bnuse and after that date will be sub, t ton charge of interest the -vcuril}' required -eerannum from the date of : d stated In the proposals, over:,nd above all his debts Brands." the princip:,l ha}able in ]aaa-ful rnnm_y of the st~l, at the rateof'-cyan per cent. F N Lrt n 4One~Hundred and 5ixt '-filth street, between of Titles of Assessm_nts in said o: every nature, rind of-el, and abe-, his liabihtie , as L niu_d States of Amenca, at the Comptroller's of ce of } entry in th^_ Record said city, on the first day of ?soccmber, in the year im ue Bureau to the date of payment. inil, : rzrety and r,thrza'rse: and that he has offered T ie road side, between One t • `t' S"P Ht - .`DREi''r't' F-"'1'r, `with int_r••st at the nth as in T nd Edl-co ibcI THF.ODORE W. MYERS, him s,-h as sure[}- in g od faith and arith the intention to Htrndred an<: Fort}•-secunenth T : nc One Hundred and Comptroliet. vxtcute the I;ond required by- I..u'. I'he ad .q..: c}• and rate of trtR'E tie cFN"I v%I pr annum, payable semi- tn ennuall}- on the first da}- of \Ia.: and November in sufficiency of the se-unit}• whored is to ue approved b}• in ill) Hundred and Forts csis nibt streer,h es ent Tenth the C' mptrullar r.f the City of -Neu• York after ttse award cash }-ear. CITv of NEw Foss, The said stock is issued in purse:mc~uf theprovisior.s .Iaenue. FINANCE DEI•.vx-rva:NT, mad - cod prior to the lignin_ of the contract between Riverside and of section 132 of the Neav York Cit}' Consolidation Act -elver in `events-fifth street, CostPTROLLF'.R'a OFFICE, \o e=_timate will be received or cons-id rcd orates'- ac- i~nvember 4, 1859. c mpanicd by either a certified check upon one of the of t85z, and cl ptcr 135 of tine Lau's of z8G8, for the \`'\e 1e7 in"Oe Hundred tnd Ninth street, between Pttrchasc of new school sites, for the erection of new no - 'so nai hanks rt the City o` 'Sciv York, dra•,-. n to -r school buildings, ~'nd for fitting up and furnishing the :n'enue arse] Y,oulevard. i O PROl F It'I'1--(l\\'4 FRS. the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount rat F7;rrigiug, retlaggrn~, curbing anti he I-h I ,o Sru cr -NO ICE. tiv< r cent um of th, amount of the securit - re- cemc for th•_ use, of the Common Schools of the Cuts' of P< ) ninth -treet, from the B ulevard to the Hr:d on river. OF [entree] for the faithtu] performance of the contract. aleh lea' York, and is Pa%ing \lanhattae avenue, from 1Torningside avenue, T N Ne RSL rAk CoOF "New Yurk City ConsolidationSFCTon Act of r85z," ,the[he check or money must not be incloc._d in time se:ded near c Inc Hundred and I hirteeuth street to t Inc Hun- 1 envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to EXEMPT FROM TAXATION dred aid Sixteenth street, II rob granite blocks and laying Cnm},troller of the City of New York hereby gives the offic,r or clerk of the Uep:~rtmcnt who has charge of by the City arid County of New York, but not from public notice to all persons, owners of property affected crosswalks. list in the matter of acquiring title t',,e Estiarate-uox, and no estimate ran be deposited in State Taxati In, pursuant to the provisions of section (inc Hundred zinc] Forty-third street regulating, by the assessment said has until such check or money has been e;:miined 137 of fir- N,,., York City Consolidation Act of IS', gr:Mira., curbing and flagging, front "Tenth avenue to to 1,nst One Hundred and Fort}'-s_cond street, from !rider avenue to tit, Ann's avenue, which was confirmed 1 y s^id officer or clerk and found to be correct. All and Ruder sn ordinance of the Common Council of said the I;ouleeard. I such deposits, except that of the successful hidden, will city, :approved by th•_ \layor October s, iSbo, and a res- 'seocr inevent •--seventh street, between Riverside by the Supreme Court, October 14, 18311, and entered on the )8th day October, iSI9, in the ]record of Titles of be returned b}' th•c t,mptroller to the p erso ns making elution of the sinking Fund, `cdopted Noven n a and \\vest F.nd avenue. time same within three d:lvs arter the contract is IS:,, and as atah'.'rized by a rc. o.utlnn of the Board of Sewer in One Hundred and Seventeenth street, be- I Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collection awlydeei. If the successful bii!c!er stall refuse or neglect, E,timate and Ap)-+ortionnl nt, adopted on the same day, twcen \ladison and Fourth ;rvcnues, ' of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments within five days after notice that the contract has been in pursuance of a r'eeolutiun adopted by the Board of Sewer in (Inc Hundred and First street, between and of Water Rents," that unless the amount assessed ' warded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the F"duce:ion \ut-emhcr .o, l,8?9. Boulevard and West find avenue, for benefit on any person or property shall be paid deposit made by hint sirdl be :orfsited to and re- Seaecr in One Hundred and Third street, between aaithin sixty days after the date of said entry o. the CONDITIONS' be collected thereon, a; pro- t-.Iincd II)• the Cit} • n; \en' York as liduidated damn yesr - Eighth and 1Tanhattan av men'-. assessment, interest will inn such neglect ur refusal ; bet if he shall execute the Section 145 of the \ex- York City' Consolidation Act ', Alt~_ratinn anti im rocemenut ro '-elver in Twenty- aided in section gc, ci said "Ness York City Con-oli- contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of hi de- of r88z provides that " the Comptroller, with the dation Act of i88z second street, betwee r First and Third avenues, If any such posit will be returned to him by the Comptroller. appro': al of the Commissioners ni the Sinking Fund, Alterations and improvements to sewer in Fifty-third I Section 998 of said act provides that, " No estimate will lie acc from, orconrract aacarded shall determine what, if any, part of said proposals shall 'street at '1'entb avenue. i assessment shall remain unpaid for the perica of sixty to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpor,dion upon ' be acrcpted, and upon the payment into the City Reccis in"-basin on northwest corner of One Hundred ! days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of debt or contract, or who is a defaultcr, as surety or "1 reasury of the amounts due by the persons •ihosc bids III I'itles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer and Fort}--third street and Eighth avenue- such uthersetse, uyon any cbhlgation to the';orporatinn are accepted, respectively, certificates therefor shall be Eighty-seventh street •t vtng with ranee blocks, authorized to collect and receive the amount of Bidders issued to them as authorized by la-.w" ; and provided assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest are requested, in making their bids or esti- fromg Ninth to Tenth avenue. g to mates, to rise a prepared for that purpose by the also, " that no proposals for bonds or stocks shall be (Inc Hundred and Twenty-first street paving with thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, Department, a copy of which, together with the form of accepted for less than the par value of the same." granite blocks, from Seventh to Eighth avenue, and Sc calculated from the date of such entry to the (late of Those persons -hose bids arc accepted will be re- payment." the agreement, including specifications, and showing the laying crossw alks. to the Collector of manner of payment for the sec rim, can be obtained upon quired to u•:posit with the City Chamberlain the amount One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street paving with The above assessment is payable at the " Bureau for application therelor at the edict of the Department. of stock awarded to them at its par value, together granite blocks, from First to Second avenue, and laying Assessments and Clerk of Arrears, premium thereon, within three days after the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes I he Department res:rvesthe right to reject any or all with the crosswalks, Stew - estimates not deems:: beneficial to or for the public notice of such acceptance. Sixtieth street paving with granite blocks, from Ninth and Assessments and of Water Rents," Room 31, art Building, between the hours of 9 A, +L and z P. NO., interest. I 'I'he proposals should 'tie inclosed in a sealed envelope, to Tenth avenue. I indorsed "School-hou=c Bond;" of the Corporation of I and all payments made thereon, on or before December Plans may be examined, and specifications and blank One Hundred and Thirteenth street paving with trap- tfrom interest as above provided, forms for kids or estimates obtained by application to ' the City of New York, and each proposal should also be blocks, from Fourth to Madison avenue. 31, 1889, will be exemp and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest the 5eereta •.f the Board, at his office, No, 301 Mott inclosed in a second envelope, addressed to the Comp- Eighty-seventh street paving with granite blocks, annum from the date of street, N,su i ". rk, troller of the City of New York. from Avenue A to Avenue B, and laying crosswalks, at the rate of seven per cent, per CHARLES G. WILSON, THEO. W. MYERS, West End avenue paving with granite blocks, from entry in the Record of Titles of Assessments in said payment. JOSEPH 1). BRYAN I', Comptroller. Eighty-ninth to Ninety-sixth street, and laying cross- Bureau to the date of of NEW YORK, FINANCE DEPARTMENT, THEODORE W. MYERS, WILI"IAM M. SMITH, CITY l walks. Comptroller, Commissioners. COMrrRoLi"ER's OFFICE, November3o, 1889, I One Hundred and Seventeenth street regulating,


FINANCE DEFARtMECT, 1 In the matter of the application of the Department of attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at Fir,t-That Ave have comph:ted our tannic and BuRiAt' FOR 'rHl. C :LLEc'-c ION (IF '1 txES'1 Public Works, for and on behalf of the \layor, :+Ider- three o'clock P. N. a-sses- mcnt, and that :11 tier' on- interc.tcd in thi, pro- cuediny;, or affected ther•:Ly, and Ne. 57 Ci As,RSAlt .5't'leer-r ISrEWARI' I3t1v.ntNO', I men and Cumnwn:t1ty if tlr•: ( itv ~rf 's+•w York, ~ccoud-That the abstract of our said estimate and in nny of the lands Net', Yutuc, (November I, 1889. J relative to the opening of ONE I) C\DRFU AN Ii assessment, toeetbr•r with our damage and benefit maps having nhiecti, ns thereto, do pre:cnt their said objec- SIX'I'II•; I'I I S I l•. 1•: I', between Kin g ridge road and and a lsu all the aII' I .vits, estimates and other dnctt- tine to writing, duly verified, to us at our oilicc, No, zoo Bro.+d++ay (fifth ft cur;, in the s: id city, in : Iii. fore the NOTICE TO '1~:1XI'A 'EIS` Eleventh :cvr:mte, meets used h us in making our report, have been - , d,:positcd with the Comm issiunerof Public Parks of the Toth day of Jives iii tS89, and that tee, "tc said E,'1'IiEIINDE!2SIGNED, COMMISSIONERS City ofN•_w York, athisoffice,NO.31Chamuers Street, Ccmntissioner•,w•illhcr turtles soobjcetina within the O'('ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN P,Y THE ten week-day, next :,fler the ,id _fth day of ILe•_ember, of Taxes of the City of New York to all of Estimate and Assessment in the above in the said city, there to remain Until the tw•cuty-ciglltlt N Receiver day of I )cec,rnber, 188,)• t88• , and for that purpo-e will be in atteudauce at our persons whose taxes for the year t889 remain uupnid on entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- ested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands affected Third-I fiat the limits of our assessment for bene fit sniUoffice un each of said tell days at 4 o'clock r, si. the Ist day of November of said year, that unless the lot:, pieces or parc_is of land, -ito.ite, Second-I hat the distract cf our 'aid estimate and he paid to him, at hi; otTice, on or before the there' ry, and to all others whom it may concern : include :ill those same shall lyngi and being in the City of New York, which taken ass>-menu, to-,cthcr with our damage a,nd 'benefit map;, 1st da • of Ileeentler of said year, ha tell! charge, re- ''hat it is our Intention to present our amended sup- Supreme toerether art bounded and descriled a, fell.,,,, viz : and ;clue, all theaffid:ieit-, c-timates and utherd.,enntent' chive and} collect upon such taxes remaining unpaid on P lemental or am•:nded re V''o t herein to the P te of New York for cnnfirm:crion, at a Northerl}• Uy th': centre line of the Clucks Lehvecn Fast used h}• it, in m ;kin„ our report, have been dot-usited that d:c}', in addition to the amount of such taxes, one Court of the Sta Works Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers One Hundred and fifty-fifth stre_t zind Fast One Him- semi the ('ommi - sun:er of Public of the City of per ecntum on the amount thereof, and charge receive Fiftv-sixth street, the prulun~;:rtiun ca•I rly Ve+r Ynrk, at hi. olfce, So. ;r f ham( rs street, in the and collect upon such r.,xes so remaining unpaid}' me the thereof, in the Count Y Court-house, in the Cit )' H;dl, in d:ed and the City of New York, on the I.}th day of January, t8 go, of the centre line of the said block, front the westerly 'aid hit}, theta to remain until the z7th day of Ucccm- rat dal- of January thereafter, interest upon the amount intersection with a line her, tOtq, to at the opening of the Court on that cbq•, or as snot side of Third avenue to its thcrcof at the nuc of seven per cennim per anoint, dr:nvn parallel wit!: the easterly Side of 'Third avenue Third-Th:u the limits of our assessment for Uenefit be calculated from Octubcr 7, 1889, the duty on which thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon ; that an and assessment, and distant about 78 fret e:utcrly therefrom and a line include all thos'_ lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, the assessment rolls and ++-arran(s therefor were dcliv-abstract of our amended estimate a tui_ether with our maps and all the amdavits, C,timatcs drawn nt right les with the cast~rly side of Third lyim; :mrl l in the City of N•:It York, which t ken Bred to the said keevi+cr of Taxes, to the date of pay- !I ; and oilier documents used by its in making our amended i avenue v.nd connecting the twc, easterly limits of the trtgeth•_r are b,nntdcd :uic1 d•acribcd as follows, viz. ment, as provided I y sections- 843, 844 and 845 of the area of assessment as hereinafter d•_scrilred ; easterly Northerly fry the centre lin•: of the blocks bctwc-n Fast New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, supplemental or amended report, have been depo'itcd I with the Commissioner of Public Works in the City of I by it line parallel with the cast,, Ply ride of'lhiri avenue One Hundred and Forth -eighth street and I- act C1ne 11EORGE W. SlcLEA'5 and di-tant about 78 feet easterly therefr••m, and extend- Hundred and Forty ninth street ; easterly by the t ,cst- faxes. Ne+v York, there to rr main until the z8th day of I ecem- i Receiver of ing from the northerly bouud,iry line of the area of crly side of 'furl :+venue; soutiv.rIl by the cents, line of ber, tS8 ; ; that all persons interested in this proceeding One or in any of the lands affected th,, reify, and who may I assessment'outherly lorai,out 84 feet and a lino parallel the block bcta'c•.n East I hundred and Forty vi; hth street and 'Ihird avenue, and the centre line , f the REAL ESTATE RECORDS. be opposed to the same, do present their objections, m ~ with the ea-tirly side of Third accrue, curd distant n., writing, duly verified, to ue :u our office, No. no firoad- feet easterly ill ,ref rum, and extending from a point blocks between Fast (lee FL:ndred andFort'.--s,xrh way (fifth floor), ii, the said city, on or before the zsth distant trx- fan t cast:rly front the ii t, rl}• side of 'f'l tied street and Fast fine Hundred and Forty-ciixtict1i and Clne I fourth street :aid I' .ust I )ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth Fourth--'That our report herein will be I'rice ...... floe 00 Hundred and -i:av-first streets ; from nc- easterly line I street and westerly by t!r_ e cot•_rly side of Rail - - the Supreme Gntrt of the State of New York, at a '1 he same in 25 volumes, half bound ...... 5u eo or sine of ElecentIi nreuuc to the seest_rly line ur side road avcnuc, F:a=t ; ercuptieg from said area all the Special 't erns thereof, to be held at the Ch.:etber, Complete sets, folded, ready for binding.. .. _. 15 0c of Kingsbrid-e road ; easterly by the sys terly line o r streets , acute nu atoil row els, carr ino-lions tirersof, l:creto- thereof, in the County Curt-hone,o iii the City ut New in- rS9c., :,t the operin_ of Rcrdsw of Juduc ments, z5 volumes, bound ..... in on side of~Kingslridge re,,rd, ouch sr,uthcrly by the centre lire le :Jlr opened, and :dl the uninipruvcd Land York ; on the r th day,dJa neat y r rulers should be addressed to ''Mr. Stephen Angell, line of the blocks between One Hundred and Fjty- eluded •,within the lines of streets, it+vnues, ro;tds, publi. time Court on titan day, and that than and there, c,r as R, .on 23, Stewart Bmldinc." ninth and 1)n•: Hundred coil `ixticth streets ; front th- sgtcu- :s, and places chosen and Inid out upon any nlapor -oon thereafter a. Lutist-el can tic heard thereon, a ucution 'I' II F:UUC)kl•: W. MYERS, westerly line or side of Kingsbridge road to the east'aiy maps filed by the Commissioners of the I I-- -partntent of will be made tbat the =ai-1 report be confirmed. Comptroller. line or sic!e of Eleventh avenu_, excepting therefrom all Pubhc Parks, pursu:mt to the provisions of chapter 604 Dated Ncw Yen: t:, .Amventber g, IRSv. the streets atad :[venesu the saidarea,rea, as such of the Taw s of 1874, and the lutes amendatory thereat, ('I I AI CE'-,11. Lt)VE1, 1', Chairman, ♦ R EI (.1,Y, _ . - . - - - - - - - - -- - - area is shown upon our b,:nr:fit map deposited a s afore- or of c}tai ,ter a to " t the Laws of 188;, is such erne i, J ( ) Ii sited us ufuures.dlel, 1'I:TER L. MULLALY, JURORS. said, chemise upon our bcnclit "tap dip Second-Becinning at a point the northeasterly cor- Fourth-That our report h-rout will Ice pr.::ented to Cummisioner'. ner of (lne Hundred and Sixtieth street and Hints- the Suprome Court ut the Stcmte of \cw fork, tt a CaRertLL B : rss, Clerk. NOTICI'; OI' COMMI551ONI'- R OFi I RORS bridge road ; running thence easterly along the north- Special Terin thnreof, to b_ held at the t hatnbers cc applic:uion of the Board of Street IN lxi?f;ARI) •CO CLAIMS POI L\- erly line of One Hundred and Sixtieth street, distanc+• thereof, in the C•r.mty Court-house, in the Gity of 7'. In the m:utcr of it York, on tile tenth day of Jan.etry, 8yc , at the opining Opening and Improvement of the City of New Y,-. rk, E\II'TION FROM JO ICS' DO IV. 90 feet ; thence northerly, disCurce 55 feet 3':. inches ; ! thence westerly and parallel with one Hundred cud of the Court nn that da)', and that then and then,, ur as fur and on hch:df of the \Lcyor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of Nc+v York, relative tic the - Sixtieth street, discmce 9e feet I c,; inches, to the cast- soot thereafter as cue uscl ran be heard ther•:un, a 5,\ I-) ,FVF:NTY- crly line of Kingsbrid~e road ; thence :outberly :dung motion will he made tint th_ s., of report beeonfirmed. I niug of ON I•: I1 UNDR I•:11 Root tz STessnRT Beit PING,) 1 D STRF: F; C, from Tenth avenue to the KCiugs- 7' s+id line, distance feet 8';, inches, to the pint or Dated Nrw• YoR~:, Novemher Al, x88;. "I HI1 No. z8o BRnnut 1 THtrsn e S, } 55 P J. F•a1RirAS DIcLAUGIiLII~, Chairman, hrid5e snarl, in the'f'welfth Ward of the City of New Nut Yuxs, June t, rSSq. ) place of be•y;inninq, is such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid. BITCH:\1•a. I. M( KF:NNA, Ycsk. LAIMS FOR EXF:\}P'I'ION FROM JURY I Third-Beginning at a point the southeasterly corner THf)ylAS O'CAI.L 1UHA'f, Jut., - dut}• will be heard by me daily at my office, from Commissioners. \7l TF: I'll h' UNDERSIGNED CO\I\IISSIO\FRS C i of One hundred and Sixtieth street and Kingsbridge q_ A. 11. until 4 P. st. running thence easterly along the southerly line CARROLL Ti mice, Clerk. V V of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled road ; in I hose entitled to exemption are : Clergymen, lawyers, of One Hundred and Sixtieth street, distance t rz feet - matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested physicians, surgeons, surgeon-dentists, professors or 1 4tz inches ; thence southerly and at right angles to ~ us In the matter of the application of the Board of Street this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved or unim- teachers in a college, academy or public school, licensed i Hundred and Sixtieth street, distance goo feet ; thence Opening and Imp roventent of the City of New- York, proved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom pharntaceuusts or pharmacists, actually engaged in their westerly and parallel with One Hundred and Sixtieth for and on Uehalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Conn- respective profess tons and not following any other call- monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir- tt may concern, to wit. : street, distance 93 feet 81 s inches, to the easterly line of and ing t militiamen, policemen, and firemen ; election line, ing title, wherever the came has not been heretofore First-'That Ave have completed our estimate Rungsbridge road ; thence northerly along said ,ons interested in thi, pro- ofhiicers, jury non-residents, and city employees, and 8'/y inches, to the point Cr place of acquired, to that part of to! LF,(:F: AVENUE: a=,es.ment, and that all per distance Ior feet in any- of the lands affected thereby, and United States employees; officers of vessels making beginning, as such area is shown u on our benefit map,lthou gh not yet named by proper authorit extend- ceeding, or regular trip:= : licensed pilots, actually following that avenue to Fast One Hundred and havtnq objection; thereto, do present their said oUjec- deposited as aforesaid, mg from Al mu its at our office, No zoo cAling ; superintendents, conductors and engineers of JOHN WH \ LF.N, Forty-sixth street, in the Twe it) •-third Shard of the [ions to writing, duly verified, to it railroad company other than a street railroad corn- J, DANA J( (NES, City of New York, as the same has been heretofore Broadway (fifth floor), in the said city, on or before the pan}' ; telegraph operators actually doing duty as such ; iv a first-class street or road t,venty-sty:h day of November, 1889, and that we, the EDWARD H( If AN, laid cilt and designated ithin (;rand, Sheriff's, and Civil Court jurors ; stationary Cutnmissioners, by the Department of Public Parks. raid Commi,-ionen, will hear purtie, so objecting v: the ten week-day; next after the. said twenty-sixth day engineers; and persons physically incapable of per- Dated Ness' YORK, December ;, r86j. ut November, 1839, and for that purpose wit be in forming jury duty by reason of severe sickness, deaf- ND NI COMMISSInntheON owe- - ~ 7I TE, "fHF mateand Asse attendance at our said office on each of paid ten days Assccsment in the ubove- } p of tut,he tc :utd it. Those who have ant answered as to their liabilit 5•, or In the matter of the a t lication of the Departmentof i give notr_c to all persons tnter-- at four o'clock v. and entitled ncrttcr, oceedi• Second-'t hat the ab-tract of our sad estimate and proved permanent exemption, will receive a "jury en- Docks for and on Uehah of the Aia}'or, Aldermen fed in this proceeding, :md to the owner ran owners, s ear before me } 1 e nze alsoa atall the affil with our doe, an and benefit mint, rollment notice," req uirin,G them to = pp (:ommo. dt ' of the Cit ' of ticw York, relative to ac- acent lit or oc_up::h is lands houses :md lots •tad this year. Whether liable or not, such notices must be quiriu;; all riy;hts, terms, easements and privileges t and also all the :dtid:,hit-, e tinutte; and other documents ,mpr.'s ed or unimpruv.:d lands affected [ rereb3, and to aced by it, in making rue report, have been deposited answered in Pe rson, if p ossible , and at this office onl )-, ertaining to those scvcr,ty-five feet of w-harl or bulk- ~ all others wham it nil) concern, to wit : under severe penalties. If exenl} rt, the pantyart must '. cad nn the we>terl} •side of Nea street, t❑ the City with mhefommissioner of 1'uUlic \\'orks of the Ciq of First-"That ~cc have cu mpletr,d rnu' csttmate and as- Yew 1"ork, :u his n(ticc, \n. 3t Chin hcrs street, in the I ring proof of exempt on ; if liable, he must also answer of tied- fork, nest north of I-I:Irrisun street, no[ now ~ ihs pro- p s e-smcnt, ahnd t at :, Il peson-r ineresedt t n ti td "ty, there to remain until the tweet}--seventh day in person, giving full and correct name, residence, etc., oenct dh }• the ,aid cot ur:ni un. off rlerl thcrcby, and cceding, or to an} of the kinds of N ovember, t88q. etc. No attention paid to letters. havi n- objections thereto, do pre-cut their said objcc- Persons "enro lid "as liable must serve when called URSUANT TO SECTION 715 O(: CHAP'( E R l hied-Theo the limits of our assessment for benefit ttons to w"siting, duly vcrific,d to its at our office, include all th-c lot,, pieces or parcel; of land, situate, or p:ry th eir fines. No mere excuse will be allowed or i .4;0 of the Ts.a,c of ISSa, and the Statutes in such in the said city, on or 's n. eoa liroadway fifth floor , lying and ii ii, in the City of \cw York, +thief taken interf , their permined. 'I he fines, it un p:rid, will he en- case made and provided, %, oticu is hereby given that I,c tore the zf th day of llccem bee, 188:7, :md that c: e, elinquent,. :tn application will be in id to the 'supreme Court of the I to:{ether are hounded anti de-cribed a, follow-, viz. tered as judgments upon the property of timed the said Cu ii tom ssioners, will hear parties sn objecting of justice, and New vu I '1'crm of said court, to northerly by the centre line of the blocks between (ine all ,coo I citizens will girl the cou r State of York, at a -ii within the tell week-days next after the said zfith day secure reliable and res pe•_tablr:1 juries, and e q rdize- their Le held at Chamber; thcr_uf in the Count ) Court-hoa,e Htmrircrl and Sete nty-third strce[ and One Hundred }._ of llcccmber, IS89 and for tha; purpose will he in r deny by serving promptly when summoned, allowing6 in the c'it }, of Nctr York, on'I'uesd:, y the "rent fourth id's eventy-.ourth street ; eaaerl} by the wehown;m6 laid answer. It is also pun shabItlt City Rt' New Yoe!:, :md f~~r th., exerutN strcc t, in the said city, Cher_ to retrain until the z7th to give or receive any present or bribe, directle or indi- plait for the water front of th•_ City of New York here- ou: apoit any map urn i filed by the Commissioners of dl) it -I hat til t n8-,. the 1lepartment of 1'uUlic Park,, pursuam to the proWS rectly, in relation ton jury service, or to withhold an Y tofore, p unuan[ to the st:uute in such case made :utd fhirrl-that the limit; of our assessment for benefit paper or in tke :tny false statement and every case «•ill provided, determined upon by the Department of hoes <, 1 visions of ct:apter 604 of the Laws of 1874, and the laws include all those lots, pieces or parcels of Innd situate, of the Laws of Uc fully prosecuted. on the thirteenti~ day of April, 1871, adupt.d and ecru- amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 lying and Ucins iu tine Cit}• of 1,.w 1•nrk, which taken r~ ouch area i; shown upon our benefit map de- CHARLES REILLY, fed to by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, and Ott s, viz.: [S8z, together am bounded and described as f{ pu;ited as aforesaid. Comntissioner of Jurors filed in the office of the I )epartment of Jocks, on the northcrl}• I>1' the somberly side of rout fine Hundred twenty-seventh day of _a pril, 187 t, of all the rights, Fourth-'Thatour report hoof will bo p-, ita Speepecial the blocks bct+vecn College avenue and 1 bird avenue ; andcri bed and not noty le Ced Uy - Lernt thereof, to Ue held at the Chambers thereof, in the th bulkhead hereinafter soothel b the northerly side of Eon t One Htmdn_d BOARD OF STREET OPEN INC the 1[a) ur, Aldermen and Cunnuunalty of the City of r y }' County Court-house, in the City of ~'ew York, on the att AlForty-first street, and westerly Uy the centre line thirteenth day of December, c689, at the opening of the AND IMPROVEMENT. New Yurk, viz.: iAll thy• rights to wharfage, crana{~e, Morris of the blocks between Colb:ge avenue and ourt on that day, and that then and there, or as soon advantages and emnitunent, of that par[ of the exterior and the centre line ut Cteu ' block benacen p,r rian ri,his, avenue thereafter as counsel can he heard thereon, a motion THAT THERE wharf, street or bulkhead, and all the ri Coeet, avenue and mast One Il:mdred and Forty-sixth N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I terms, easements and privileges on the westerly side of will be made that tic said re portP he confirmed. will Ue a regular meeting of the Board of Street street, excepnn:ti from .aid area all the streets, avenues Dated NEW YORK, October c6, [889. est street, in the City of New York, next north of legally Opening arid Improvement of the City of New York, \\• and roads, or the n i thereof, h_rcrofore t;_F:OPGE F. LANGIlEIN, Chairman, Harrison surest; beginning at a point in the westerly land included within hel -I in the Mayor's Office, on Friday, December 6, r88g, opened, and all the unimproved I L ARD L. I. SIF,RCER,RRISI side of \Vest street, which said point is the point of inter- blic sr ores and E at a o'clockik s. ti,, at siness meeting it is proposed to con- the lines of streets, avenues, roads, pu I`' ltD VARD L. I AR!' I~, section of the said westerly side of West street, with a shown ins laidr nut upon any "tap or mfps filed eider unfinished business, and such other matters as of by Commissioners line drawn in prolongation of the northerlyy line Commissioners the Uepachapt t of Pf the may be brought before the Board, along Pa the CARROLL, BERRv, Clerk. Harrison street, and extending northerly \Vest to the prss'saieovisions d ch y the Co4 of the Dated December 3, 1889. seventy-five feet, more or les-, to the Larks, pursuant V. B. LIVINGSTON, street a distance of Laws of x874, and the lass's amendator}• thereof, or of property now belonging to the City of Now York. chapter 4n, of the Laws of i88_, as such area is shown Secretary, DEPARTMENT OF Dated NEw YORK, November 30, t889, upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid. STREET . WILLIAM H. CLARK, 'Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to CLEANING the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a SUPREME COURT. Counsel to the Corporation, Tryon Row, New York City. Special 'Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers NOTICE th ergo fin the ( gunny Court-house in the City of New In the matter of the application of the Board of Street or ,on er y 1RU 1L ~ I O at the opening In the matter of the application of the Board of Street of the Court on that day, and that then sand there, or as Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, ERSONS HAVING BULKHEADS 'I'O FILL, IN for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- Opening and Improvement of the City of New York soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Corn- motion will be made that the said retort be confirmed. P the vicinity of New York Bay, can procure material monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring for that purpose -ashes, street sweepings, etc., such as title, wherever the same has not been heretofore monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir- Dated NEW YORK, November g, 1889. ing title wherever the same has not been heretofore CHARLES H. COVET'!', Chairman, is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning-free acquired, to that part of BRO:)KLINE STREET of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of Street (although not yet named by proper authority, extend- acquired to that part of EAST ONE HUNDRED JOHN REII_LY, AND FIFIY-FIFTH STREET (although not yet I E1'ER L. MULLALY, Cleaning, at No. 51 Chambers street. ing from Webster avenue to Kingsbridgc road, in the J. S. COLEMAN, named by proper attthority), extending from Railroad Commissioners. Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New Turk, as Commissioner of Street Cleaning the same has been heretofore laid out and designated avenue, East, to Third avenue, in the Twenty-third CARROLL BERRY, Clerk. as a first-class street or road by the Department of Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been Public Parks. heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class In the matter of the application of the Board of Street street or road by the Department of Public Parks. Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL monalt}- of the City of New York, relative to acquir- CO1ttctlsstONER's OFFICE, of costs, charges and expenses incurred by E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS ing title wherever the same has not been heretofore Roo11 6, NO. 31 CHAMBERS STREET. } reasonN of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, W of Estimate and Assessment in the above-enti- tled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested acquired to that part ofJ .-\SI' ONE HUNDRED NEW YORK, November a6, tb89. J will he presented for taxation to one of the Justices of in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant AND FOR'IY-EIG:I I'H SPREE I (although not yet the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved or un- named by proper authcrityj, extending front Railroad TO ILLUI1INATING GAS MANUFAC- County' Court-house at the City Hall, in the City of New improved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom avenue, East, to Third avenue, in the Twenty-third York, on the 17th day of December, 1889, at 1..3e, c" clock Vi.,nrl of the City of New York, as the same has been TO REIMS. it may concern, to wit ; id the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street First-That we have completed our estimate and I Ds OR ESTIMATE, I \CLOSED IN A SEA[,IsD counsel can be heard thereon ; and that the said bill of assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro_ or road by the Department of Public Paris, costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the ceeding,or in any of the lands affected thereby, and B envelope, for furnishing illuminating gas for light- inL4 the Public Markets, Armories, Buildings and Offices office of the Department of Public Works, there to re- having objections thereto, do present their said objec- E,THE UNI)ERSIGNED,COMMISSIONERS main for and during the space of ten days. of Estimate and Assessment in the ahove- of the City of New York, or :my of them, for the period tions in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. goo entitledW matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- from January t, [89o, to December 31, 189", both days Dated NEW YORtt, December 4, 1889. - , y itifthfoor,, in the said city, on or before the Broadw: ested in this procecdit.g, and to the owner or owners, inclusive, will be received at this offce until Monday, N1•.VIN W. BUTLER, twenty-eighth day of December, t 89, and that we, the I said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within occupant or occupant,, of all houses and lots and December y, r83o, at n o'clock Ni., at which place and J. "THOMAS ST'EARNS, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and hour they will be publicly opened by the head of the Commissioners, the ten week-days next after the said twenty-eighth day to all others whom it may concern, to wit: Department and read, for CARROLL BERR , Clerk of December, 1889, and for that purpose will be in


Washington Market. National banks of the City of New York, drawn to time, and extend it to other descriptions of buildings and hotels, manufactories public edifices, at wharves, ferry- Catharine the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of establishments. .911extra charges 'or water shall I. houses, stables, and in all places where water is furnished Fulton five per centum of the amount of the security required deemed to be included in the regular rests, nail shall for business consumption, excopt private dwellings. Essex for the faithful performance of the contract. Such become a charge and lien uPoas the buildings aeon It is provided by section 352, Laws of 188x, that "all Centre check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed which they are resbectivety imposed, and, if not feaid, expenses of meters, their connections and setting, water Clinton envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to shall be returned as arrears to the clerk of arrears. rates, and other lawful charges for the supply of Croton Union the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of Such regal,, r rents, including t/,e e_rtra charges aboe'e water, shall be a lien upon the premises where such water Tompkins the Estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in mentioned, shall be collected from the owners or occu- is supplied, as now provided by law." * * Jefferson said box until such check or money has been examined pants of all such buildings respectively, which shall be All manufacturing and other business requiring a large First District Police Court by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such situated upon lots adjo;ning any street or avenue in said supply of water will be fitted with a meter, Second deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be city in which the distributing water-pipes are or may be Water measured by meter, ten cents per one hundred 'Third " returned to the persons making the same, within three laid, and from which they can be supplied with water. cubic feet. days after the contract is awarded. If the successful :;aid rents, including the extra charges aforesaid, shall Fourth Rate Without afeters, Fifth bidder shall neglect or refuse, within five days alter become a charge and lien upon such houses and lots, Sixth notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to respectively, as herein provided, but no charge re/rat- First District Civil Court. execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by evcr shall be it de against any building in wh cla a Second him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of aoaier-,,mete, may haze been, or shalt be /laced as Pro- PER D.4Y, PER 100 PER ANNUDt, GALLONS, Fourth New York, as liquidated damages for such neglect or z•ideed in this act. In all such cases the charge for GALLONS, RATE. AMOUNT. Fifth refusal, but if he shall execute the contract within the water shall be determined only by the quantity of water Sixth time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned actually used as shorn by said nretevrs. * * * * * to hint. * * * * * * Ike said eomar,:cefoner of Public Eighth 25 05 $3 75 works is hereby aut/eorizcd to Prescribe a Penalty not Ninth Blank forms of bids or estimates, the properenvelopes 50 05 7 50 Tenth in which to enclose the same, the specifications and exceeding the suer of five dollars for each offense, for 6o 05 900 trrn,ztten6 sealer to Se te:aste,t, nail for any violation of Clock, Third District Court-house Tower. agreements, and any further information desired, can be 70 05 n050 obtained at the office of the Superintendent of Lamps surh reasonable rules as he may, from time to time, 8o 05 5200 Armory, Seventh Regiment. Prescribe fir t/re f revention of the waste ofn'aler; such 90 •• I ighth and Gao, Room me, \0.31 L hampers street. 05 1350 lines shall be added to the regular- water renti.e' too 05 1500 Ninth The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the The regular annual rents to lie collected by the 150 Twelfth right to reject all proposals, if in his judgment the same 05 zz 5o Department of Public Works shall be as follows, to wit: 200 05 30 00 twenty-second Regiment. may be for the best interests of the city. 250 04% Sixty-ninth Croton Water Rates /or Buildings Iron r6 to 50 teed, 33 75 THOMAS F. GILROY, 300 04 3600 Seventy-first Commissioner of Public Works. all others not specified sulyect to Special Rates 350 03% 336 75 400 03% Secondricad " 42 00 500 Headquarters. DEPARTMENT (IF Pt"rLIL \'ORKS, 03% 52 50 };ri~a e 8 v v y 600 03% Register's Office. (iS1i5Oii SFR'.S OFFICE, 63 00 FRONT WIDTH. o O O O 700 City Record Book Binder,. No. Ir CHAMBERS STREET, 0354 73 50 to m to m u3 800 03% Court of Special Sessions. New Yogis, August r4, r889. 8z no goo o3'. 94 50 New Court-house. 1,000 03% Brown-stone (Court-room; Building. 105 00 TO OWNERS OF LANDS ORIGINALLY 00 135 00 City Hall. t:6 feet and under.' $4 0 $5 00 $6 oo $7 00 1 $8 00 t.5 03 Corporation Counsel's Office. ACQUIRED 13Y WATER GRANTS. r6 to t8 feet..... 5 oo 6 oe, I 700 800 900 2,000 o2% 150 oU t8 to zo feet...-. 600 7001 8 00 900 t000 2,500 02!% t:8o 00 Corporation Att,rney's Office. 3,000 Office of Public Admmi-trator. zso to zz'% feet.... 7 o0 8 on !, 9 Co to 00 11 00 oz% 225 00 22% to 25 feet... 8 00 9 00 ' to 00 Ii oo 12 00 4,000 02% 280 00 office of Board of Assessor-. ` TTEN'l ION IS CALLED TO THE RFCENI' 00 Offices of Lcpartment at Pubic Work-. !1 act of the Legislature (chapter 449, Laws of 1889), 5 to 3o feet.....i ro 0o rr oo j rz oo 1300 14 00 4.5 02% 303 75 3010 37% feet... 52 00 13 00 14 oc IS oo t6 00 5,000 02% 333 50 Offices of Department of faxes, which pros ides that whenever any streets or avenues in 6,00a Dog Pound, East One Hundred and Second street. the city, described in any grant of land under ,eater, 37)i to 5o feet... 14 00 15 on if 00 17 00 t8 no 02 360 00 front the Mayor, Aldermen and Commenalty, containing 7,000 02 420 00 Counts' jail, 8,000 Corporation Yard, East °isteenth street. covenants requiring the grantees and their successors to oz 480 00 9,000 02 540 00 Rivington 'tree r Pipe Yard. pave, repave. keep in repair or maintain such streets, The rent of all tenements which shall exceed in width IO,000 02 boo oo Pipe Yard, East Twenty-f, urth street. - shall be in need of repairs, pavement or repavement, fifty feet shall be the subject of special contract with the Repair Shop of Bureau of Streets and Roads, est ;the Common Council may, by ordinance, require Commissioner of Public Works. One Hi mired and Nineteenth street, the same to be paved, repaved or repaired, and The apportionment of the regular rents upon dwelling- Repair Shop of Water Purveyor, \h em Thirtieth street. the exponse thereof to be assessed on the property houses are on the basis that but one family is to occupy The rate charged for steam-vessels taking water daily Repair chop of Water Purveyor,l ast Eighty-seventh benefited; and whenever the owner of a lot -o assessed the same, :rid for each additional family, one dollar or belonging to daily lines, is one-half cent. per ton (Cus- street. shall have paid the :t-se-sment levied for -.uch paving, per year shall be charged. tom House measurement) for each time they take water. Repair Shop of Water Purveyor, East One Hundred repaving or repe.iring, such payment shall release and METERS wiii lie placed en all houses where waste of water Steamers [.king water other than daily, one cent per and Twenty-filth street. discharge such owner from any and every covenant and is found, and theywill be charged at rates fixed by the ton (Custom House measurement). Repair Shop of Water Purveyor, No. 3351 Third obligation as to paving, repaving and repairing, con- Department for all the seater passing through them. Water supplied to sailing vessels and put on board, avenue. twined in the water grant under which the premises arc The extra and miscellaneous rates sha be as follows, twenty-fit a cents per hundred gallons. South Gate-house. , held, and no further assessment shall he imposed on to wit : All matters not hereinbefore embraced are reserved Engine-house of Fih Water Service at High Bdge. I such lot for paving, repaving or repairing such street or EnmERIFS —For the average daily use of flour, for each for special contract by and with the Commissioner Engine-house of High Water Service at Ninety-eighth avenue, unless it shall be petitioned for by a majority of barrel, three doilarsper annum. Public Works street. the ewners of the property (rrho shall al•o be the owners BARCER SHors shall be charged from five to [went[ HYDRANTS, HOSE, TROUGHS, FOUNTAINS, ETC., ETC. Public Bath, Battery. I of a majority of the property in frontage) on the line of dollars per annum each in the discretion of the Com- Net owner or teuant will be allowed to supply water tp L'orlears Slip, E. R. the proposed improvement. missioner of Public Works; an additional charge of I'uane street, ]. hi. another person or persons. the act further provides that the owner of any such five dollars per annum shall be made for each bath- All persons taking water from the City must keep foot of Manton street, I•:. R. lot map notify the Commis,ioner of Public Works, in tuL therein " •' Market street, E. R. their own service-pipe:, street tap, and all fixtures ..riting, specifying the ward number and street number B.4rHlso Tres to private houses, beyond one, shall be connected therewith, in good repair, protected from frost, 'sinet,cnth street, E. R. charged at three dollars per annum each, and five of the lot, that he desires, for him :zlf, his heirs and s, at their own risk and expense, and shall,Srernrt all 1,05/C Ilnratio street, N. R. assicn<, to be released from the obligation of such dollars per annum each in public houses, hoarding_ `• 'In"enty-secenti street, N. R. of mater. ( covenants, and elects and agrees that said lot shall be hous.s, and bathing establishments. Combination •I he use of hose to wash coaches, omnibuses, wagons, " •' Iforty-seventh street, F. R. I therea:terliable to be assessed as above provided, and stationary wash-tubs, having a movable division in •' Fifty-first street, \. R• ra+hray cars or other vehicles or horses, cannot on per. I thereupon the owner of such lot, his theirs and assigns the centre and capable of use for bathing, shall be mitled. fifty-first =tree[, E. R. 1 shall thenceforth be relieved from any obligation to Charged the same as bathing tubs. Oeventy-ei_bth street, E. R. No horse-troughs Cr norse-watering fixtures will be pave, repair, uphold or maintain said street, and the lot Bpn.DrcG Pt'Rrnses.—For each one thousand bricks laid, permitted in the street or on the sidewalk, except upon tne hundred and twelfth street. in respect of wliich such notice was given shall be liable nr for stone- ork—to be measured as brick—ten F. R. a license or permit taken out for that purpose. Al to ns>essment accordingly. cent, per thousand. For plastering, forty cents per Cie Hundred and "1'hirt}'-second licenses ,r permits must he annually renewed on the The Commrssioner of" Public Works desires to give hundred yards. first of May. Such fixtures must be kept in good order street• N. R. the following- explanation cf the operation of this act; Cows.—For each and every cow, one dollar per annum. One Hundred and "I hirty-eighth and the water not allowed to drip or waste by a, erruntting \V hen n+ tice, as above described, is given to the DINING SA! O, RNS shall be charged an annual rate of from the sidewalk or street, or to become dangerous it winter street, E. K, Commissioner of Public Works, the owner of the lot or five to twenty dollars, in the discreti: n of the Com- Photometrical Room, Gana •trect and I'owery. by freezing in and about such troughs or fixtures ! lots therein described, and his heirs and assigns, are missioner of Public Works. No hydrant will be permitted on the sidewalk or in the `event}'-ninth street. fore' Cr released from all obligation under the grant in F,sH S-resins (retail) shall be charged five dalars per Offices of N. Y. City C's ii >ercice Board. front area, and any hydrant standing in a yard or alley, i respectt to paving, repaving or repairing the street in annum each. attached to any dwelling or building, must not be left Or any other public Luildin_, office, Cr public bath, in front ofcr ant try said lot or lots, except one assess- For all sables not metered, the rates shall be as follows: which gas may be required during the aforesaid term. running when not in actual use, and if the drip or waste mint for pacing, repaving or repairs, as the Honsez, PRtv:eTF.—For two horses there shall be charged from such hydrant freezes and becomes dangerous in Any person m::kinc .,n estimate far the atmen-men- f ommon Council may, by ordinance, direct to be made six dollars per annum ; Ind for each additional horse, tioned supplies_ shall furnish the same in a sealed cove- winter, the supply will be shut off in addition to the F~` thereafter. two di liars. penalty of five dollars Imposed. lope at =:uu oll:ce, at or '. efore tl:e dap :mil hear above N o street or avenue within the limits of such grants Hoeaes, LICERy.—For each horse up to and not exceed- named, which envelele sh..11 be indorsed with the name Taps at wash-basins, water-closets, baths and urinals I can be paved, rcpaved or repaired until said work is ing thirty in number, one dollar and fifty cents each must not be left running, under the penalty of five dollars or names of the person r r persons presenting the same, !, arti:nrved h}• ordinance of the Common Cotmcit, and per annum : and for each additional horse, onedollar it, for each offense, which will be strictly enforced. the die of present:+ticn, ::rid a statement of the r. ork w hen tl:c• owners of such lot, desire their streets to be HoR.les, Oatvmcs AND C,RT.—For each horse, one dollar to which it relaxes. Fountains or jet, in hotels, porter-houses, eating- paved,Pa~•. re vet' or repaired, they should state their desire ter annum. caloons, confe-ctiorcrtes or other buildings ire strictly The gas shall have an illuminating po'r or of not le-s and make their applic Lion to the 'card of Aldermen I house. PRouGHs.—For each trough, and fir each half prohibited. than eighteen sperm candles when tested on the im- and not to the Commissioner of Public Works, echo has barrel or tub on sidewalk or street, twenty dollars 1'he use of hose for washing sidewalks, stoops, areas, proved ;orm of the Bunsen Photometer, by a Sugg- no authority in the maticr until directed by ordinance of per ann um ; each trough is to be fitted with a proper house-fronts, yards, courtyards, gardens, and about LethLv to-hole argand turner, calculated on a con- the Common Council to proceed with the pavement, ball-cock to prevent w. ate. stables, is pruhihited. Where premises are provided sumption of five cul is feet of gas per hour. The regular rr-1.:.- _meet or repairs HOTELS AND BoARuiNc Horses shall, ut addition to the with wells, special permits will he issued for the use of daily tests, however, will !.e made with a burner that will THUS. F. GILROY, regular rate for private families, be charged for each hose, in order that the police or inspectors of this depart. obtain from the gas the ,rr:.test amount of light, acu Commi,-ioner of Public Works lodging, room, at the discretion of the Commissioner ment may understand that the permission is not for the practicable for use b•- th_ consumer, and consnminc at of Public \5'orks. use of Croton water. the rate of cuLb:; font o t ,has per hour. The testimO Uct•ARTnlrx'r or 1' Works, LAUNDRIES sha!1 be charged from eight to twenty dollars Opening fire-hydrants to fill hand sprinklers or other candle shell be of sperm of six to the pound, and cm- Coaitu=sts~NER's OFFICE, per annum, in the discretion of the Commissioner of vessels will not lie allowed. suming, a- near as pcs~itle, one hundred and twenty No. 3r CHANT :cRs STR}eeT, Public Work,. The penalty for a violation of any of the preceding grains of spermaceti p^r hour, and no c:,ndle shall be NFry Vohs, Jane 1st, 18F9. I,uu3t OR AND LACER BEER SALOONS shall be charged an rules and regulations will be five dollars for each offense, used for testing c:hich consumes Ie-s than one hundred annual rate of ten dollars each. An additional and if not paid when imposed will become a lien on the and fc.:rtccn or more then one hundred and twenty-six ' PUBLIC NOTICE AS TO \VATER RATES. charge of five dollars per annum shall be made for premises in like manner as all other charges for unpaid grains of spermaceti per hour. And as regards purity, each tap or wash-box. water rates. By order, the gas- 51 :dl be:me, within limits not injuriou, to the ~ PttoroGRAPH G.LLEiaEv shall be charged an annual rate THOMAS F. GILROY, public t ec lth , from aa,mmoni sulphureted hyd rogen, LPLIC NOTICE 15 HEREEY (IVEV' 1HA7 of from five to twenty dollars, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Public Works. and other sulphurous and noxious compounds, in compliance with the provisions of chapter 555 Commissioner of Public Works. Bidders are required to state in their estimates the Laws of 1887, amending sections 350 and 92t of the New PRINTING OFFICES, when not metered, shall be charged DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, severed markets, armories, buildings and offices to which \ ork City t.onsolidation Act of rb8z, passed June9, 1887 at such rates as may be determined by the Commis- CUt4MISsIONaR's OFFICE, they propose to furnish gas in accordance with the terms, the follors ing changes are mute in charging and collect sioner of Public Works. No. 3t 1..11.4\I!3IrRS STREET, conditions and specifications contained herein, and in the Ing water rents: SODA, Mls`:RAL WATER and ROOT BEER FOUNTAINS NEW YORK, June 1st, proposed form of contract, and the illuminatingp ower ' r`-t• All ex'racharges for water incurred from and after shall be charged five dollars per annum each. of the gas they propose to furnish. June 9, 1887, shall be treated, collected and returned it STEAM Escnes, where not metered, shall be charged by Bidders are also required to -fate one definite and die- j arrears to the same manner as regular rents have hereto. the horse-power, as follows : For each horse-power NOTICE TO CROTON WATER tinet price for each thousand cubic feet of gas furnished i tore been treated, up to and not exceeding ten, the sum of ten dollars CONSUMERS. (whether the quantity be more or less) to each or any of zo. In every building where a water meter or meter: per annum ; for each exceeding ten, and not over the public markets, armories, buildings and offices of the are now, or shall hereafter be in use, the charge for sate[ fifteen, the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents U-IEROUS APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN city-, and this price must be written out in f.:ll, and also by meter measurement shall be the only charge againv each and for each horse-power over fifteen, the sum N made to this Department by citizens claiming inserted in figures. such building, or such part thereof as is supplied througl of live dollars. reductions or rebates on bills for water supplied through Each estimate most contain the name and place of resi- meter. WATER-CLOSETS AND URINALS.—To each building on a meters. on the alleged ground of leakage caused by de- dente of the person making the same, the names of all 3d. '1 he returns of arrears of water rents, including the lot one water-closet ha,-ing sewer connection is fective plumbing and worn-out service pipes, or by willful persons interested with him therein, and if no other per- Year r8F7, shall be made as heretofore on the confirma. allowed without charge; earl additional water-closet waste of water by tenants allowing the faucets to be son be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact tion of the tax levy by the Board of Aldermen, and shall or urinal will be charged as hereinafter stated. All turned on in full force in water-closets, sinks, etc., with. That it is made without any connection with any other include all charges and penalties of every nature. closets connected in any manner with sewer shall be out the knowledge or consent of the owners of the prem- person making an estimate for the same work, and is 4th. A penalty office dollars c5i is here by established, charged two dollars for each seat per annum, whether ises. in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. and will be unf.osed In each and every case where the in a building or on any other portion of the premises. The main object of the use of water-meters is to enable That no member of the Common Council, head of rules and regulations of the Department prohibiting the Urinals shall be charged two dollars per annum each. this Department to detect and check the useless and un- a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or i u-c of water through hose, or in any other wasteful man. WATER-CLoeE•r RA"res.—For (toppers of any form, when warrantable waste of an element so valuable and essential clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is j nor, are violated, and such pena;ties will be entered on water is supplied direct from the Croton supply, to the health and comfort of all the citizens, and this ob- directly or indirectly interested in the estimate, or in the books of the Bureau against the respective buildings through any form of the co-called single or double ject can only be accomplished by enforcing dayment for the work to which it relates, or in the profits thereof, if riot returned in arrears valves, hopper-cocks, stop-cocks, self-closing cocks, the water wasted. oIpo r mt'a t ter d, Chou coellcte fob wr or any valve or cock of any description attached to Under the law all charges for water supplied through Each c-timate must be verified by the oath, in writing, 5~h. of the party making the <::me, that the several matters Charges for so-called extra water rents of ever the closet, each, per year, twenty dollars. meters are a lien against the respective premises, and therein st:.tcd are tr:e, and must be accompani•:d by the I ,iature, imposed or incurred rior to e For any pan closer, or any of the forms of valve, plunger, the law therefore holds the owner of the premises re- consent, in writinv~, of two householders or freeholders in be caeceled of record on the books of the Department.epar ment ~ t or other water-closet not before mentioned, sup- sponsible for the amount of water used or wasted. the City of New 1 ork, to the effect that if the contract is THOMAS F. GILROY, plied with water as above described, per year, ten Notice is therefore - Iven to all householders that,in all awarded to the person making the estimate they will, I Commas ioner of Public hh'orks. dollars further applications for reduction of water rents, no upon its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties For any form of hopper or water-closet, supplied from allowance will be made on account of waste of water for its faithf, l performance ; and that if he shall refuse or the ordinary style of cistern filled with ball-cock, occurring through leaks, from defective service pipes or negLct to execute the -ame, they w ill pya to the C orpora- REGULATIONS ESTABLISHING A SCALE and overflow pipe that communicates with the pipe plumbing, or wasteful use of water Ly tenants or occu- tion any difference between the : um to which he would OI' 'VATER RENTS AND RULES to the water-closet, so that overflow will run into the pants of buildings, though such leaf age or waste may when ball-cock is defective, be entitled upon its completion and that which the I or- GOVERNING THE USE OF WATER, hopper or water-closet, have occurred without the knowledge or consent of the or from which an unlimited amount of water can be owners of the buildings. poration may be obliged to pay to the person to whom I FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK, BY e contract shall be awarded at any subsequent letting; drawn by holding up the handle, per year, each, five House-owners are further nottned that whenever their the amount to be calculated upon the estimated amount ORDER OF THOMAS F. GILROY, COM- dollars. premises become vacant, and are likely to remain vacant, of the work by which the bids are tested. MISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. For any form of hopper or water-closet, supplied from they must notify this Department in writing, and that The consent last above mentioned must be accompanied any of the forms of waste-preventing cisterns, that unless this requirement is complied with no deductions in by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the per- are approved by the Engineer of the Croton Aque- extra water rents will he allowed for any portion of one sons signing the same, that he is a householder or free- NDER CHAPTER 41o, LAWS r88z, SECTIONS duct, which are so constructed that not more than year. three gallons of water can be drawn at each lift of the holder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount ll 350, 35x, 352 and 353, and as amended by chapter THOMAS F. GILROY, of the security required for the completion of the con- 599, Laws 1887, as follows handle, or depression of the seat, if such cisterns are Commissioner of Public Works, tract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and 'The commissioner of public works shall, from time provided with an overflow pipe, such overflow pipe over and above his liabilities as bail, surety orotherwise, to time, establish scales of rents for the supplying of must not connect with the water-closet, but be car- and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith, water, which rents shall be collected in the manner now ried like a safe-waste, as provided by the Board of THE CITY RECORD. with the intention to execute the bond required by law. provided by law, and which shall be apportioned to Health regulations, per year, two dollars. The amount of security required is $2o,o0o, but the different classes of buildings in said city in reference to Cistern answering this description can be seen at HE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY same may be reduced at the option of the parties of the their dimensions, values, exposure to fires, ordinary uses this Department. T Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. s City first part, if an award is made warranting a less amount for dwellings, stores, shops, private stables and other METERS. Hall, New York City. Price, single copy, 3 cents of security. common purposes, number of families or occupants, or ' Under the provisions of section 352, Consolidated Act annual subscription, $9,30 No estimate will be considered unless accompanied consumption of water, as near as may be practicable, and 188x, water-meters, of approved pattern, shall be here- W. J. K. KENNY, by either a certified check upon one of the State or modify, alter, amend and increase such scale from time to after placed on the pipes supplying all stores, workshops Supervisor.