Villa Vanguard Leaves Zacatecas Eor A6uascalientes
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The Morning Times Gives You All of the News While It Is News Read It Now Read It Everyday SECCIÓN ESPAÑOLA Tito Mrnln Timo' Yessfei-cla- 19,424 PAGINA 12 PTIniX. and Tilstrlhutrd MKTAL muirra. May Area-ag- M Day' wrta, Copper 11 a. n Dally SO.U0 nver. per at May Aves-ag- Sundays. Lead, per I far too ih I.HM.M 4.107 line, per 100 lbs .... OfJ. 10 m V Sunday Bantingrmc gotrrawEST. tiroes 34TH YEAR f EL PASO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JUNE 26. 1914. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS VILLA VANGUARD LEAVES ZACATECAS EOR A6UASCALIENTES BIO FAILURE AGENTS WAIT PREDICTION FLEEING FEDERALS GIVEN HITS GOTHAM ON CARRANZA BY PRESIDENT CHANCE RECUPERATE ' 0 10 f i Claflin Firm Collapses Constitutional Representatives United States on Verge of i ' J ' vHfl aw ' aw V Great a ' With Liabilities Reaching in Washington Have Not Tremendous Business ySHil 'y U 9gAV awf zlnESwl $30,000,000. Yet Been Instructed. Revival. BLw ' sil r áaWRttWaWa sP7Bfcav QUERETARO SELECTED AS NEXT BATTLE GROUND ASSETS ARE $40,000,000 WIRE FROM MONTEREY CONFIDENCE TO RETURN WHERE HUERTA FORCES WILL MAKE LAST STAND AGAINST FORCES OF REVOLT. Two Proceedings, Friendly Carranza Will Go to Nuevo In Addressing Virginia Editors and Unfriendly, Place the Laredo for Direct Wash- Wilson Announces Anti-Tru- st sssvBnl HHwaEflkfl LnsWsTiarSli Firm in Bankruptcy. ington Connection. Program. Bjl ARGUMEDO AND ROJAS AMONG THE DEAD THIRTY OTHER STOKES AFFECTED NOTHING DOING AT NIAGARA WILL SURELY DE INSISTED UPON Retail Houses Throughout Probably There Will Be No Administration Promises New the Country Will Also Further Developments Constitutional Freedom for Ids 9 PASQUAL OROZCO ESCAPED FROM TOWN IN TIME HBSnl VILLA-TRINI- Have to Close. Before Next Week. Business Interests. sn 'fl TO AVOID ENCOUNTER WITH DAD By the AttneiotrH Prttt By the Attnriatrd Prrm By the Aitoctoted Prttt RODRIGUEZ DIES. New York. June .The great dry roods Washington, June Agents or the Mex Washington, June is. Under a "new eon house ' f H. B. Claflin company railed to- stltutlon or freedom." ror business given day who liabilities of The as ican constitutionalist In Washington tonight by ami trust legislation, soon to lie passea sets are estimated at uoo,ooii. awaited final Instructions l rom General by congress. President Wilson today prom- With Ihe rtvalry or fleneral Francisco Two proceedings friendly and unfriend- Venustlann carranza regarding the Invita ised the country the greatest business Villa's victorious army In close pursuit. ly threw the Into bankruptcy, and boom In Its history. Oenersl Hie ftmi Hon extended ror participation It Medina Barron and remnant two receivers were Darned under bunds or their This was the president's final answer to or hts once mighty righting lorce are flee BTORV FROM THE FRONT I.VH1J00 each. rormel conference with representatives or tne opponents or trust legislation at mi IliM, ing In wild disorder to Agtiaa Callentas, OF THE ZACATECAS FltillT. The lsflin company controls or is United govern session or congress and to prophets or evil ilfci burning ihe bridges snd destroying the the States and the Huerta expres- Rodriguez; standing to Ueneral Villa's right, waa killed In Zacatecas. By the Attociatrd Prttt arriUatcd with some thirty retail stores mem on plans to complete the pacification timas, delivered with determined General railroads behind them. throughout the United states, and It was sion and every word emphasized with a Colonel Fierro, to the left of General Villa, waa seriously wounded. leneral Villa this morning started moving Zacsiecss. Zsc. Méx., June 14 (Delayed or paper, by or Mexico. army 17,000 Over Mllllsry Wires) Benjamin Argtimedo the Indorsement their held clenched fist. Villa himself was untouched by ahot or ahell. enure of nearly soldiers nn rormer more than three thousand banks, here and General Carranza telegraphed his rep re "We know what we are doing," said Mr. Ueneral Aguas callentas, according lo advices re ami Amonio Rojas, oroico leaders cities, the It and later generals or redera! Irergulsr In interior that caused crash. sentatlves here early In the day as he lert Wilson, '"we purpose to do under the ceived at Juarez, by i.oiotiei unirlas, rrom were among The United Dry Ooods companies, and advice (for we have been fortunate enough the cusrtel gennrsl lu Zscstecss. The cav- iroops, the killed. Both met company, Saltillo that be would make derinlte his death .lay in sctlon on the outsklru the Associated Merchants though to obtain the advtrcj or men who under- cosrm TIOMI.IHTM MM alry thai is rollowtng on the heels or Bar- or the ClaNIn company Ibrough position upon rearing Monterey. He or we ( In Zacateca nrricial announcement to this arrillati'd with stand Ihe business the country; and TAkKN PULL ONTROI. ron's panic strlrken army was sent pur errect was control, were In no way involved In expected In Monterey late today and bis Is going to exactly what Mln a made from ueneral Villa's head- Block agents, know the erred be OF MTATE in JALISCO. sit feu hours srter the fall of quarters the failure. Rafael Zubaran and mis Cabrera, the effect of the rurrenry rerorm was, a BUTTE MINES Zsralccas. They hsvn slready captured today. According-- to the best possible records hoped to receive Instructions as lo their sense or reller and security." B Ihr 1 sSOMBtsat Treat many of lite straggling redersls. It was asserted by leaders here that Ihe available here the Claflin stores, not future movements by tomorrow morning. Nogales. Sonora, June 35. The con- last acl or General Hut t on was lo blow up From Monterey, it was reported, General Spoke to Virginia Editors. lev Federals Esrsprd. the building lu which Attorney Magallanes arillated with the L'nlteJ Dry Ooods com- The president spoke 10 a group or Vir stitutionalists rormally look posses- ess titan :i,oon soldiers are believed to panies.' are: Carranza planned to proceed to Nuevo or lived. Magallanes, his wire snd eight chil- ginia editors In the East Room or the sion of the state Jalisco yeslerdsy ive escaped from the battlefield with perished. Ihe youngest While House company. Spokane, Wash. Laredo, where he would be In direct as governor, dren child, who telegraphic communication with Washing White House, but his assurances were In with Manuel Agulrre ueneral Barron on Tuesday, when tbe con wss out on sn rrrsnd. returned to rind People Store rompany, Tacoma. Wash. tended the country. A military aide (lepers! Manuel btogues as storms, dlhe trenches and, Watt. Rettow 4 day. Norfolk. Va. ton. lor ARE WORKING commander tltuiionaltsts lbs demolished houtn and the bodies of her General Villa's victory at in rull dress uniform stood beside htm and or Hie military rorees, and Agulrre afier killing approsimately 4.ou and rap- parents, brothers and cashier-Knot- t Dry Goods company, Nash- Zacatecas is de there was every that ihe speech ;..uon men. strong sisters. clarad to have ironed out all the rough Indication Rerlanger as secretary or stale, ac- turing took the federal Bloody Btreet Fighting. ville, Tenn. was meant to be one or tnc most import bold. J. Bacon k Sons, Louisville, Ky. edge In the constitutionalist ranks. Villa cording to a message rrom KUgtlan, The street fighting In Zacatecas was tna ror am or Ihe administration. News or the Ijetpiic the terrific battle villa's men are most or Ihe fed- Copper gity commercial company. An-- military aggiession: carranza lo direct Jalisco, dated yesterdsy and received i ssngulnsry revolution. The diplomatic was declared to failure, of the 1L B. Ctariln company In All Saloons, Which We e In good condition lo withstand the erals fought Irom street i0 street, from rinoa, Mont. negotiation, be ra today. seventy-rtv- tnc alignment or toe revolutionary rorc New York had reached the White House he inarch on Aguas callentas. It Is housetop lo housetop, and many constilu- M. i connell company. Butte, Mont. the day the president dio Per- - Oeoarsl Alvardo obregun here miles rrora. ZanalMcas So Agues call Hennessy company. Bulla, Mont. agreed upon. arlter in but Closed, Have Been wired llonallsts paid with (heir lives ror their tndsy that he had an engagement with anlea, and General vrna eiperts to reach bravery. Many or the rederaia threw away Fair. Montirornerv. Ala. city on the plans wlihln s few days, company. othlnB Doing at to neopen. redarais near Crut de PIMrs yeater Ilia their uniforms and began sniping the in- Joslyn Dry Ooods Denver. Colo. Macara "I think it 1a aonroorlste. in reeetnne even though lie should riml Ihe railroads Hoot Dry Ooods company, Terre Haute, day. In which, te federals were kllkd vaders. Those round guilty or this nrrense you. to say just a word or two in assist- damaged beyond Immediate repair. were shot being At 1 Ind. ont.. June It will oroU- and 21 taken prisoners. arter raptured. 30 on ably be several days before ihe mediators ance of your Judgment about the existing Retreat Toward Querelare. Tuesdsy the redersls, already on Ihe re- J. n White snd company. Aurusta, Oa. conditions. largely responsible Dry company, Orand take any runner action In relation to the You are CITIZENS ABE ORGANIZED Consiliutlonslltt orriclals here do not be- treat, blew up a mine In the customs house spring Ooods for the stale or public opinion. You rurnish a at without l, , Mexican problem, Ambassador De Gama or lieve ihst the redersls will make aland wanting their ivomen and children Mich. tbe public with information and In your con- Don & Southwick company. Seat- Brazil lert hern tonight to Jotn Mrs.