The Economic and Social Research Institute
The Economic and Social Research Institute ATTITUDES IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND RELEVANT TO THE NORTHERN IRELAND PROBLEM’ VOL. I Descriptive Analysis and Some Comparisons with Attitudes in Northern Ireland and Great Britain E. E. DAVIS and R. SINNOTT Paper N o. 97 September, 1979 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE COUNCIL a978-1979 ~:T. K. WHITAKER, M.SC. (E~ON.), D.ECON.SC., LL.D., President of the Institute. *J. F. MEENAN, M.A., B.L., Chairman of the Council. R.D.C. BLACK, PH.D., Professor, Department of Economics, The Queen’s University, Belfast. F. B. CHUB B, M.A., D. PH I L., Professor, Department of Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin. SEAN CROMIEN, B.A., Second Secretary, Department of Finance. G. DEAN, M.D., F.R.C.P., Director, Medico-Social Research Board. N.J. GIBSON, B.SC. (ECON.), PH.D., Professor, Department of Economics, The New University oAr Ulstel; Coleraine. PATRICK A. HALL, B.E., M.S., DIP.STAT., Director of Research, Institute of Public Administration. *W. A. HONOHAN, M.A., F.I.A. TIIE MOST REV..]AMES KAVANAGH, M.A., S.T.L., Bishop of Zerta. :’~KIERAN A. KENNEDY, M.ECON.SC., B.PHIL., PH.D., Director of the hzstilute. IVOR KENNY, M.A., Director General, Irish Management Institute. MICHAEL J. KILLEEN, B.A. (MOD.), B.COMM., D.P.A., Managing Director, Industrial Development Authority. T. P. LINEHAN, B.E., B.SC., Director, Central Statistics Office. ’~P. LYNCH, M.A., M.R.I.A., Professor of Political Economy, University College, Dublin. CHARLES MCCARTHY, B.L., Chairman, Human Sciences Committee.
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