Periscope August 2005
NEWSLETTER OF AFIO NATIONAL OPINIONS, PERISCOPE EVENTS, PLANS & NEWS Association of Former Intelligence Officers Double Issue — Vol. XXVI, No 2; Vol. XXVII, No. 1, 2005 AFIO Celebrates Thirty Years of Service to the U.S. Intelligence Community hirty years ago David Atlee Phillips, a CIA officer concerned over the Tstinging Pike and Church Committee hearings which condemned intelligence operations—operations AFIO 30th Anniversary Symposium/Convention conducted at the behest of U.S. Presidents—took at FBI Headquarters & Sheraton-Premiere Hotel early retirement and formed the Association 28–30 October 2005 of Retired Intelligence Officers. His mission: to explain to Congress, the ven before the issuance of reports seminating for the intelligence commu- Press, and the American by several post-9/11 Commissions, nity, law enforcement, and national and people, the important role cautiously FBI Director Robert Mueller was international government agencies. weighed and sourced intelligence col- E making major changes to fight the grow- With the creation by Congress of a lection and analysis plays in a nation’s ing worldwide terrorist threat. The Bureau Director of National Intelligence [DNI], security. Two years later, the Association shifted resources, promoted new counter- the realignment of duties and responsi- was renamed the Association of Former terrorism executives, moved to give them bilities between the various intelligence Intelligence Officers when its headquar- enhanced investigative powers through the agencies is in flux. A new National Security ters moved to Whittier Ave in McLean, VA USA PATRIOT Act and other procedural Service, to be housed at the Bureau but run where it remains today. streamlining, and created an entire new jointly with the DNI and FBI, has been One of the first goals of the Associa- division—the Office of Intelligence—to approved and is hiring staff and aligning tion was to educate Congress, and it did collect, analyze and disseminate intel- missions with existing Bureau compo- so through testimony at hearings and in ligence.
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