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In Your Neighborhood Norwegian Heritage Minnesotans prepare for Royal visit Blomster er til for å være vakre. Read more Mennesker er til for å være gode. The sweet history of Nidar Chocolate on page 13 – Phil Bosmans Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 20 May 20, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at Stoltenberg admits to medal error www.norway.com News Prime Minister The Norwegian bulk carrrier “Star Manx” was attacked by armed pirates who attempted admitted it was an to capture the ship in the Red Sea, on its way from Norway error not to have to India on May 14. However, HM King Harald the ship’s armed guards fired warning shots at the pirates’ at- award military tack vessel, and the attack was aborted. The attack was made medals off the coast of Eritrea, after the ship had left the Suez Canal, Ni n a Be r g l u n d and was entering the Red Sea. Views and News from Norway (blog.norway.com/category/ news) A hard-pressed Prime Minister Culture Jens Stoltenberg admitted, under The Norwegian parliament sup- tough questioning in Parliament on ports a plan by the government May 11, that it was an error to have to close down the Norwegian the country’s defense chief, and nationwide FM radio network not King Harald, award Norway’s in 2017, and switch to a digital highest military medals of honor broadcasting network (DAB). to new war heroes at the govern- (blog.norway.com/category/ Photo: Office of the Prime Minister ment’s first Veterans’ Day ceremo- culture) Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Chief of Defense Harald Sunde awarded three medals of military honor on May 8, CONTINUES PAGE 6 Norwegian Veteran’s Day. The prime minister admitted it was wrong to not have King Harald award the medals. Sports Norwegian marathon star Grete Waitz, who died of cancer last The tie that binds month at the age of 57, wanted Stay and deliver and received a simple and pri- SPTZBRGN’s bunad tie gives men a new Interview with Jan vate funeral. That didn’t stop way to celebrate Norwegian heritage hundreds of dignitaries, sports Egeland, Executive luminaries and her fans from honoring her memory on May Director of the 11, at a special ceremony at Bislett, her hometown stadium Norwegian Institute in . of International (blog.norway.com/category/ sports) Affairs (NUPI)

Ma r i t Fo s s e What’s inside? Geneva, Switzerland News 2-3 We recently sat down for an Business 4 interview with Jan Egeland, former Research & Education 5 CONTINUES PAGE 5 Photo: NUPI.no Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Beard art in Trondheim Roots & Connections 10 World Beard Obituaries & Religion 11 and Moustache Arts & Style 12 Championships In Your Neighborhood 13 Photo: Sptzbrgn Sptzbrgn’s bunad tie gives a fun, modern twist to Norwegian tradition. Norwegian Heritage 14 took place in Sports 15 Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Norway May 15 Managing Editor Wo r l d Be a r d Ch a m p i on s h i p s $1 = NOK 5.5429 Confirmation, 17th of May them an lifetime investment for updated 5/16/2011 celebrations, weddings – there are men and women. The U.S. took six at In comparison many occasions to wear a bunad, Many women receive their bu- the World Beard and Moustache 4/16/2011 5.3724 the festive Norwegian national cos- nad for their confirmation as a teen- Championships in Trondheim, 11/16/2010 6.0712 tume. The designs vary from each ager, but boys are not fully grown Norway, on May 15, while Germa- at that point. Many bunad shops 5/16/2010 6.2445 region of Norway, and the intricate ny claimed seven, including that Photo: Zach Ramey designs are done by hand, making CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Elmar Weisser’s “Beard Castle.” 2 • May 20, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter - Norge ikke et sosialkontor Må si nei til flere Ulovlig å selge 17. mai-ballonger i Oslo sentrum – Vi godtar rett og som vil leie bunad – Ingen har i år fått tillatelser til å selge ballonger på kommunens eiendom i Oslo slett ikke at Norge NRK sentrum. Det fastslår fungerende kom- munikasjonssjef Erik Bull-Valen i den nye skal fremstå mer og – Jeg vil ha bunad når jeg konfirmeres, Bymiljøetaten. – Vi forsøker å få slutt på det men jeg vokser mellom fem og ti centiment- ulovlige ballongsalget som skjer i til dels mer som et verdens er i året. Det er bortkastet å bruke penger på stor skala langs Karl Johansgate – og i side- sosialkontor å kjøpe en bunad som blir for liten om et par gatene. Dels fordi ballongene fører til mye år, sier Tølløv Trønsdal Lingstad til NRK. forsøpling. Vi har ingen kontroll på hvor de no. Ne t t a v i s e n lander, om de farer til værs, sier Bull-Valen. Han er hos Bunadsaum i Nord-Trøn- Den andre hovedgrunnen til at ballongsalg delag for å leie en folkedrakt før han skal er forbudt langs hovedstadens paradegate, er Det var beskjeden fra åpn- konfirmeres i Heggstad kirke i Inderøy. hensynet til TV-seerne. ingstalen på Fremskrittpartiets landsmøte. En ringerunde til flere av landets bu- (Aftenposten) – Jeg vil sørge for at stortingsgruppen Foto: Fremskrittpartiet tikker som syr bunader, viser at stadig flere ganske snart fremmer et forslag som kom- stiller med leid folkedrakt på festdagene i De rike blir rikere i Norge mer til å innebære en kraftig innstramming framfor systemet». mai. Kløften mellom fattig og rik blir stadig av trygderettighetene, slik at man får et klart – Jeg er opptatt av at det må være en – Pågangen har vært voldsom, vi har større i Norge, ifølge en ny OECD-rapport. skille mellom de som er norske statsborgere sammenheng mellom plikter og rettigheter i vært nødt til å si nei til mange. Senest i går Norge ligger på åttendeplass på en oversikt og de som ikke er det. Man skal ha krav på vårt samfunn. Nå er man dessverre kommet fikk vi en forespørsel, sier Randi Sissel Hat- over land hvor forskjellen i lønnsinntekt å opparbeide seg rettigheter, men vi må stille dit der det mer står på rettigheter enn plik- land hos Kleopatra Bunadsaum i øker mest. Det er Dagsavisen som omtaler uendelig mye større krav. Det kan ikke være ter. Derfor må vi stramme inn regelverket og til NRK.no. rapporten. Den viser at siden midten av sånn at man kan sette beina på norsk jord stille strengere krav til opptjening før man Også her får de fortsatt forespørsler om 1980-tallet så har de med lavest inntekt i og ha rett på alle mulige trygdeytelser. Den har krav på ytelser fra det norske samfunnet, de har bunader til leie, og de kunne leid ut Norge hatt en gjennomsnittlig lønnsvekst tiden må opphøre, og vi skal sørge for det, sier Siv Jensen til Avisenes Nyhetsbyrå. flere hvis de hadde kapasitet. på 1,4 prosent i året. Tilsvarende har de med sa Jensen. – Jeg oppfatter Jonas Gahr Støre dit hen Men som de andre butikkene har de bare høyest lønninger fått 2,3 prosent mer i lønn Jensen viste blant annet til at det regjer- at han har resignert. Jeg godtar ikke premiss- i året. Økt grad av automatisering i indus- et begrenset antall bunader som folk kan leie. ingsoppnevnte Brochmannsutvalget denne ene hans. Vi ser hvor store verdier som fors- Det koster rundt 2500 kroner å leie en bunad trien, kombinert med økt etterspørsel etter uken har pekt på svakheter i trygdesystemet. vinner ut av landet vårt hvert eneste år. Det utdannet arbeidskraft har gått ut over de for en helg, det er vesentlig mindre enn hva – De sier at både innvandrere og gjest- er helt opplagt at vi må gjøre noe med det, arbeidstakerne som har lite utdanning. Det det koster å kjøpe en slik folkedrakt. earbeidere helt uten videre sikrer seg lukra- sier Jensen. pekes også på fri flyt over landegrensene i En komplett nordtrønderbunad for tive utbetalinger fra det norske velferdssyste- – Da må Norge vel utfordre EØS-avtal- EU- og EØS-området som har ført til at flere damer koster mellom 29.000 og 35.000 kro- utenlandske arbeidstakere finner seg i langt met, sa Jensen. en og EU? ner, for å få et eksemplar av herrevarianten dårligere betalte jobber enn nordmenn flest. – VG skriver: Så lett er det å få norsk – Vi må definere hva som er universelle må man ut med dobbelt så mye. Det gjør at Parallelt med dette har flere som tjener godt, trygd. Det verste med oppslaget er at det er ordninger som gjelder i alle land og ordninger mange utsetter å kjøpe bunad. nytt godt av positive ringvirkninger ved å ha en oppskrift på fremgangsmåten, sa Jensen. som er spesielle for Norge. Vi må først og English Synopsis: Renting a bunad (Norwegian na- en høy inntekt. – Og Jonas Gahr Støre sier i artikkelen: fremst ta denne debatten i Norge. Her snak- tional costume) for NOK 2,500 (USD 450) instead (VG) Nettopp derfor må vi bare godta at trygde- ker vi om månedlige ytelser som tilsvarer en of paying NOK 29,000 – 35,000 (USD 5 – 6,000) is pengene sendes ut av Norge. Nei, Jonas, det årslønn i et annet land, sier Jensen. becoming a more popular and affordable option for Ingen spor etter professor (40) på Hawaii må vi ikke bare godta. Jonas setter jo system- English Synopsis: In the Progress Party’s annual those who want to participate in traditions, but can’t Are Hjørungnes (40) var på løpetur da han ene først, sa Jensen oppgitt i sin tale, der den meeting, leader Siv Jensen said Norway is not just a afford the high price tag (especially for youth). forsvant lørdag. – Man kan enkelt bli desori- røde tråden hele tiden var «enkeltmennesket social security office to give money away to workers. entert i området der han befant seg, sier bran- nvesenet. – Vi har ingen nye opplysninger Kontantstøtten om hvor han kan befinne seg, sier den nor- «» blir ha det ha det ske konsulen på Hawaii, Nina Hamre Fasi strømmer ut av Norge til NRK.no. Store ressurser er satt i gang klarte for å lete etter Hjørungnes som forsvant da NTB han løp med en gruppe maratonløpere fra ikke å sende Norge Hawaiian Ultra Running Team. –Et betyde- Velferdsordninger krysser i økende grad lig antall frivillige fra løpeklubben deltar i Norges grenser. 1.250 personer bosatt i ut- til GP-finalen letingen, samt brannmannskap og politi, landet vil trolig motta 50 millioner kroner i sier Fasi. Gruppemedlemmene som bruker kontantstøtte fra Nav i år. fjellveier som en del av treningen for mara- Brochmann-utvalget har på vegne av VG tonløp, var mandag med for å hjelpe i søket. regjeringen brukt to år på å svare på om in- Helikoptere har i dag blitt sendt ut i søket nvandringen truer den norske velferdsmod- Da alle ti finalelandene var lest opp 10. etter Hjørungnes. ellen. Den økende flyten av trygdekroner til (NRK) mai glimret «Haba Haba» med sitt fravær, personer bosatt i utlandet er et felt de har tatt og Norge er uten finaleplass i Melodi Grand tak i. Jon Fosse til Grotten Prix for første gang siden 2007. – Ja, eksport av ytelser er et viktig Stella Mwangi selv er svært skuffet etter Regjeringen har bestemt at dramatiker og tema vi tar for oss. Deriblant kontantstøtte, forfatter Jon Fosse (51) blir beæret med stat- at det var klart at finaleplassen glapp. bekrefter utvalgslederen til Dagsavisen. – Selvfølgelig er jeg kjempeskuffet! ens æresbolig, Grotten. Jon Fosse er Norges EØS-avtalen binder Norge til å gi gjest- mest internasjonalt spilte og anerkjente Men jeg er utrolig fornøyd med opptredenen earbeidere mange av de samme ytelsene som nålevende dramatiker, oversatt til over 40 og det var et fantastisk publikum i salen. norske statsborgere. Dette betyr at de kan Foto: Alain Douit (EBU) språk. – Jeg må innrømme at jeg vegret Dette har vært en fantastisk reise som jeg er Stella Mwangi kom seg ikke videre fra semifinalen meg veldig for å si ja. Men nå har jeg sagt søke om kontantstøtte og barnetrygd selv om utrolig glad for at jeg fikk være med på, sa med «Haba Haba» ja, og her er jeg, sa Jon Fosse under dagens familien bor i hjemlandet. Stella. President i den norske Grand Prix- To tredeler av kontantstøtten til utlandet pressekonferanse i Grotten. – Det er viktig klubben, Morten Thomassen, er sjokkert – Dagens semifinale var sterkt preget av med et slikt hus i Norge, og kanskje jeg er går nå til Polen, samtidig som at stadig færre over den norske GP-exiten. Øst-Europa, og for dem er nok denne musik- akslet for å bo her, siden jeg er internasjonalt nordmenn benytter seg av ordningen. – Nå skjønner jeg ingenting. Jeg var 100 ken fremmed, sier han. kjent. Jeg vil også skrive i Sogn, som vanlig, – Vi må finne en måte å begrense disse prosent sikker på at hun ville gå videre til Tidligere GP-kommentator Jostein Ped- og jeg vil ta meg av ungene mine i , utbetalingene på. Jeg regner med at utvalget finalen. Dette var noe dritt, sier Thomassen ersen mener det norske GP-året generelt var som vanlig. Jeg takker Anniken veldig mye tar tak i dette, sier Frps innvandringspolitiske til VG Nett minutter etter at det var klart at for at hun ville ha meg, uttalte Fosse. – Du talsmann Per-Willy Amundsen. dårlig i 2011. Norge ikke er blant de ti landene som går vi- – Det var et dårlig norsk år også, med er den europeiske dramatikeren som er spilt Aps innvandringspolitiske talskvinne dere til lørdagens finale. mest i din samtid. Dine stykker er fremført i jevnt over mye dårligere kvalitet enn vi er Lise Christoffersen mener dette er et farlig GP-general Per Sundnes er skuffet, men 900 oppsetninger verden over, og dine verk vant med. Det er vel en indikasjon på at man terreng og forventer at utvalget ikke går inn var forberedt på det meste i kveld: er oversatt til 40 språk. Dine dikt, romaner kanskje må begynne å tenke litt annerledes, på slike spørsmål: – Disse rettighetene må – Vi var forberedt på alt. Dette er en del og skuespill handler om det universelle ved være universelle. Dette er prisen man betaler sier Pedersen. å være menneske. Din diktning vil være rel- av gamet, men vi er veldig fornøyd med det for å leve i en globalisert verden, sier Christ- vi har gjort her nede. English Synopsis: Norway’s delegate Stella Mwan- evant for generasjoner etter oss. Vi vil gi deg offersen. gi didn’t pass through the semi-finals of the Melodi muligheten til å arbeide her, sa kulturminis- Den norske GP-presidenten mener det Grand Prix (also known as ), English Synopsis: The EEA agreement requires Nor- ter . norske bidraget ble felt av musikksmaken i disappointing . “It was a bad Norwegian way to give guest workers the same benefits as citi- year,” said former commentator Jostein Pedersen. (Aftenposten) zens, and child benefits are streaming out of Norway. Øst-Europa. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news May 20, 2011 • 3 News Stepping up Where Norway is a big player This week on Norway.com Giske hosts the Ny-Ålesund Symposium efforts for children Thousands of Minister of Trade and Industry is Norwegians arrived hosting the Ny-Ålesund symposium May 26 – 28. This year’s symposium has the theme: in Houston, Texas, to “Towards a green economy: The role of tech- attend the 2011 Offshore nology,” and will be dedicated to innovation and technological development. “The global Technology Conference climate and environmental challenges are not only a threat but also an economic opportu- nity. At Ny-Ålesund I want to focus on the No r w a y .o r g win-win situation we can achieve through developing new technology and restructur- With more than 70,000 visitors this year, ing industries to meet these challenges while Photo: Office of the Prime Minister creating new economic growth,” says Minis- Bill Gates and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) met to discuss how to further scale up the efforts is perhaps the energy industry’s most impor- ter Trond Giske. Ny-Ålesund symposium is to immunize children in poor countries. tant international meeting place. But despite an annual event that brings together leading OTC being a huge international event, one politicians, scientists, business people and Off i c e of t h e Pr i m e Mi n i s t e r could hardly fail to appreciate the strong other key decision-makers to discuss climate Norwegian presence there. With 65 exhibi- change and environmental issues with global Bill Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melin- tors, the Norwegian Pavilion was by far the implications. da Gates Foundation, and Norwegian Prime largest national pavilion at the conference, (Ministry of Trade and Industry) Photo: Per Andreas Windingstad Larsen Minister Jens Stoltenberg met in Oslo on providing an excellent showcase for Norwe- The Norwegian Pavilion at the Reliant Center. Swedish hamburger chain in Norway May 16. The topic for the meeting was how gian companies. to further scale up the efforts to immunize “This is a place Norwegian companies Swedish hamburger chain Max opened its first Norwegian Maxrestauranten on May children in poor countries. go to meet key people they otherwise do not Strong links to Norway 17, taking Burger King’s previous location The two are cooperating on mobilizing have access to,” said Bjørn Tormod Akselsen, In total, it is estimated that as many as in the center of Oslo. The Swedish company director of Innovation Norway in Houston. CONTINUES PAGE 6 CONTINUES PAGE 13 will challenge the hamburger giants McDon- ald’s and Burger King. “We are completely different than McDonald’s and Burger King. Norway signs Nagoya Protocol Reporting from We serve hamburgers with a totally different quality,” says CEO Richard Bergfors. New agreement Eurovision (The Nordic Page) focuses on protecting ‘End of an era’ for Vinmonopolet global biodiversity Norway’s state wine and liquor monopoly, Vinmonopolet, was ending an era this week and sovereign rights of by phasing out the last of its retail outlets genetic resources where customers had to place their orders from behind a counter. For decades, that was the norm when buying wine, liquor and even No r w a y ’s Mi s s i on t o t h e Un i t e d Na t i on s strong beer in Norway. Customers weren’t allowed to wander through aisles lined with tempting bottles. Rather, they had to use a Norway has signed the Nagoya Protocol catalogue and ask attendants behind a coun- to the Convention on Biological Diversity, ter to fetch their wares. It was all part of the most important global environmental political goals in Norway to limit consump- agreement since the turn of the millennium. Photo: Pieter Van Den Berghe tion of alcoholic beverages by taxing them Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambas- has been working side by side heavily and even making them difficult to sador Tine Mørch Smith, signed on Nor- with the reporters from Eurovision.tv backstage. purchase. The system started being eased 12 way’s behalf. years ago and shopping became more con- “I am very pleased that the international Eu r o v i s i on sumer-friendly when the first self-service community has succeeded in reaching agree- Vinmonopolets opened and customers were ment on this protocol. It regulates important Two years ago, Norway’s Alexander allowed to make their own choices. This environmental issues of global concern,” Rybak won the biggest victory in the history week, the last of the old-fashioned stores was said Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Photo: Norway U.N. Mission/Martin Fossum of the Eurovision Song Contest. This year, due to close. Newspaper Aftenposten reports Støre. Norway has signed the Nagoya Protocol to the he was back on location – as a star reporter. that the store, ironically in Oslo’s otherwise Convention on Biological Diversity, the most im- All week, Rybak surprised artists backstage chic and trendy Grünerløkka district, will The protocol will strengthen efforts to portant global environmental agreement since the protect biological diversity and achieve the by asking for an interview for Norwegian reopen a week later with its counter and a turn of the millennium. Deputy Permanent Repre- piece of history gone. Millennium Development Goals. The proto- sentative, Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith, signed television. Eurovision.tv got a talk to the (Views and News of Norway) CONTINUES PAGE 11 on Norway’s behalf. CONTINUES PAGE 15 Celebrate 17th Of May with uS! Norwegian Constitution Day was celebrated May 17, which is also our 122nd birthday! Honor your heritage and subscribe to the only Norwegian-American newspaper, or give as a gift to your fellow Norwegians! Special 17th of May Offer: $ Name: ______Only 40 for the first year (Regular price: $55) Address: ______That’s less than $1 per issue City/State: ______Zipcode:______Questions? Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Phone: ______Email: ______Special offer valid for all new subscriptions Given by: ______through May 31, 2011. Sorry, this offer is only valid on new subscriptions, not renewals. Is this a gift? Yes No Join our enewsletter list? Yes No Canada: $60 • Norway and all other countries: $160 Send this form to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115, or call (800) 305-0217 to pay by credit card

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • May 20, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (May 16, 2011) Good place to start a company

Norsk Kr. 5.5429 Positive business Dansk Kr. 5.2575 environment in Svensk Kr. 6.3346 Norway supports Canadian $ 0.9733 Euro 0.705 entrepreneurship For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Ra s m u s Fa l ck Oslo, Norway MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE According to Inc.com, Norway is a good a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w place to start and run a company. Norway is also full of entrepreneurs: rates of start-up Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, creation are among the highest in the devel- commercial transactions and estate planning. oped world, and Norway has more entrepre- neurs per capita than the U.S., according to the latest report by the Global Entrepreneur- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 ship Monitor (GEM), the Boston-based re- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 search consortium. A 2010 study released by the U.S. Small Photo: Pål Bugge/inn/Innovation Norway Proud to bring you the Business Administration reported a similar Norwegian American Weekly result: Although America remains near the general feelings of a population toward en- top of the world in terms of entrepreneurial trepreneurs and entrepreneurship. According aspirations, the country has fallen behind to GEM, a society can benefit from people Norway. who are able to recognize valuable business LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Most policymakers and academics agree opportunities, and who perceive they have that entrepreneurship is critical to the devel- the required skills to exploit them. More- Sales and Service opment and well-being of society. Entrepre- over, if the economy in general has positive neurs create jobs. They drive and shape inno- attitudes toward entrepreneurship, this will vation, speeding up structural changes in the generate cultural support, financial resourc- economy. By introducing new competition, es, networking benefits and various other they contribute indirectly to productivity. forms of assistance to current and potential Entrepreneurship is thus a catalyst for eco- entrepreneurs. Let’s take a look at some of Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK nomic growth and rational competitiveness. the differences between our two countries: phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Entrepreneurial attitudes convey the fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Perceived Perceived Fear Entrepreneurship as Opportunities Capabilities of Failure a Good Career Choice [email protected] Full Service Agency With5415 Experienced 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Norway 49.8 40.4 26.6 57.8 Norwegian Speaking Consultants! U.S. 34.8 59.5 26.9 65.4 Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE GEM also reports on the total early- underrepresented: Younger and older indi- Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean stage entrepreneurship activity. This is de- viduals, women and poorer or disadvantaged 1 (718) 979-6641 fined as the prevalence rate of individuals groups. When an economy neglects a large [email protected][email protected] Call us for details! Call us for details! in the working age population who are ac- demographic in its entrepreneurship ranks, it Verrazano TraVel & leisure tively involved in start-ups, either in the plan misses an opportunity to fully benefit from 1 (718) 979-6641 preceding the birth of the firm, or the phase its entrepreneurial potential. [email protected] spanning 3.5 years after the birth of the firm. This years Global Entrepreneurship [email protected] In the innovation-driven economies, Nor- Monitor report for Norway will be published way is on the podium with the U.S. in fourth May 31, 2011. The report will feature new place. regional information according to researcher Economies need many different types of Erlend Bulvåg from the University of Bodø entrepreneurs, including those that may be the Norwegian partner in the consortium. Business News & Notes Key policy rate increased to 2.25 percent The Norwegian pavilion was bigger than ever ’s Executive Board decided May with 46 companies participating, in addition to 12 to increase the key policy rate by 0.25 per- the arrangers of the event Innovation Norway centage point to 2.25 percent. “The upturn in and the Norwegian Seafood Export Council. the Norwegian economy has gained a firm The Norwegian stands in this hall were among footing. Several other central banks have raised the most visited at the trade fair. There were their key rates. The consideration of stabilizing also a number of other Norwegian seafood re- activity and inflation somewhat further ahead lated companies spread around the numerous suggests that the key policy rate should be other halls. raised,” says Governor Øystein Olsen. (Nortrade) (Norges Bank) Anti-pollution efforts rewarded with I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. Seafood trade fair back on the right track research prize This year’s European Seafood Exposition and Professors Olav Bolland and Hallvard Svend- Scott F. Peterson Seafood Processing Europe at the beginning of sen have won Statoil’s 2011 research prize for (206) 783-2195 May is proof that the worldwide seafood indus- their work on enhancing carbon capture under- 1713 NW Market St. try is back on the right track. At what is the standing and processes for reducing emissions. Seattle world’s largest seafood gathering there were The prize of NOK 200,000 and an artwork by [email protected] reminders from the financial crisis and volca- Roar Wold was awarded by Tor Ulleberg, vice nic ash clouds from Iceland, but there was also president Oil and gas value chain in Statoil Re- Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. a lot that indicated that the economic arrows search & Development during the Technoport Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most are pointing in the right direction in most sea- awards in Trondheim on May 10. major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. food markets. (Statoil) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research May 20, 2011 • 5 Research & Education New leaders for NORTANA Norwegian Researchers and Teachers Association of North America elects six officers to its board

Photo: Jenny Rockett/United Nations Photo Jan Egeland, then the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and U.N. Emergency Relief Photo: Torild Homstad Coordinator, briefs journalists on the high-level conference on the Central Emergency Response Fund New NORTANA Board: Claudia Berguson (President), Pacific Lutheran University; Gergana May (CERF), at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Dec. 7, 2006. (Treasurer), Indiana University; Ingrid Urberg (Vice President), University of Alberta, Augustana Campus; Melissa Gjellstad (Secretary), University of North Dakota. Not pictured: Milda Halvorson, to stay and deliver... Concordia College; Margaret Hayford O’Leary, St. Olaf College. (…continued from page 1) MF: What about the second report and your visit to Geneva? To r i l d Hom s t a d U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator and the Ex- JE: The second report I’m launching is NORTANA on global climate services. This was a man- ecutive Director of the Norwegian Institute New officers were chosen for a three- gian and Norway at all levels, and works to of International Affairs (NUPI). date issued by the World Climate Conference held in Geneva in September 2009. The con- year term at a meeting of the Norwegian Re- facilitate cooperation between scholars en- searchers and Teachers Association of North gaged in these fields. NORTANA’s website Marit Fosse: What are you doing to- ference was a big success and thousands of delegates attended. America (NORTANA), held during the an- (nortana.net) contains links to Norwegian day? nual meeting of the Society for the Advance- studies programs around North America, as Jan Egeland: I am issuing two reports. World Climate Services are the next ambitious project of the international com- ment of Scandinavian Study in Chicago, Ill., well as summer, distance, and adult educa- The first one, launched in New York, Berlin during the first weekend in May. tion learning opportunities. One of the most and Oslo, was entitled “To stay and deliver: munity on the climate agenda. As you may know, the climate conferences have adopted NORTANA is a non-profit organization popular features on the website is the Read- Good practice for humanitarians in complex for researchers and teachers involved in Nor- ing Guides to Norwegian literary works pub- security environments.” It describes how in- three mandates: one in the Kyoto; the second one was for an Intergovernmental Panel on wegian language, literature, and area studies. lished in English translation, especially suit- creasingly humanitarian organizations have NORTANA promotes the study of Norwe- able for use by book groups. been the victims of threats and violence. Climate Change (IPCC) during the Johan- Over the last ten years, it has never been nesburg process; and the third one was for so dangerous to do humanitarian work. We climate information services and knowledge have a seen a number of attacks against hu- to be provided worldwide to all vulnerable manitarian workers, especially in countries communities through a system called the like Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia and Global Framework of Climate Services. I launched the report – a consensus re- Music Education Congo. Therefore, the Office for the Coordi- nation of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) com- port from this high-level task-force – during missioned a report from a team of experts. the World Meteorological Congress in Ge- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community I led that team; the other two members are neva on May 16, 2011. Earlier in the week, I ensures challenge and support for every student very experienced experts called Abby Stod- was in Geneva to talk about Global Climate dard and Adele Harmer. We visited countries Services at the Global Platform for Disaster experiencing situations of humanitarian inse- Reduction Conference. curity and we carried out hundreds of inter- views while surveying more than 1,000 na- MF: Although you are the Director of tional humanitarian workers. The purpose of NUPI, a Norwegian research institution, the report was to identify how organizations you seem to be quite involved in the inter- can better survive in difficult circumstances, national community in Geneva. while also effectively delivering assistance JE: Yes, very much so. All of my life I in difficult and threatening situations. In the have been travelling back and forth to Ge- report there are hundreds of examples giving neva, as a Red Crosser, or as a Norwegian advice on good practices that organizations government official or as a U.N. employee or have adopted, whether UN organizations or expert. At present, it’s in the latter capacity. non-governmental organizations. I’m very excited about helping to advance The report can be found on OCHA’s international work on the climate. It is very home page (www.unocha.org). I think that a concrete. lot of humanitarian organizations with field presence, as well as diplomatic missions, etc. MF: You have been busy with these re- may find it very useful to consult this report. ports for some time. What is your next en- deavor? CONTINUES PAGE 6 Members of PLU’s University Symphony Orchestra prepare for a concert. th Celebrate 17 of May CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! To celebrate, subscribe today for $ Only 40 for the first year PLU Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 only Norwegian-American newspaper For more information, see page 3 6 • May 20, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion to stay and deliver… An opinion column about current issues in Norway (…continued from page 5) Join the conversation! JE: I have just been given a new job as On the EDGE the Executive Director for Europe on Human For King and Country Rights. So I am re-joining human rights and activism. I will be based in Oslo, and still By Consul Kim Nesselquist, Royal Norwegian Consulate in Seattle, Wash. work for international organizations. When Human Rights Watch offered me a key posi- Last week, the high- an attempt to explain that tion, I jumped at it. est decoration that can be there were no disagree- awarded in Norway, the ment, and that he had not MF: What is so important about hu- War Cross With Sword, told the King not to at- man rights? You are going from Humani- was awarded to three Nor- tend. The Prime Minister tarian work to human rights. Is that not a wegian soldiers for the used this quote under full big shift? first time since 1949. knowledge that it was not JE: I started working on human rights. Only 278 people have correct, but maybe under I was chairman of Amnesty International at been decorated with this the hope that the King the age of 21, and now I am coming back to decoration, and Gunnar had given him a lifeline. human rights work. In the meantime I have Sønsteby is the most high- When it later in the day been working on humanitarian activities and ly decorated Norwegian turned out that the quote peace. They are all interconnected because citizen holding the only from the King was not human rights are the foundation of all of War Cross with Three correct, and that NTB had this. Swords. to correct and remove it, For more information about Jan Ege- This historic ceremo- the floor fell in under the ny took place at the Ak- Photo: Office of the Prime Minister Prime Minister. land, visit www.nupi.no. Chief of Defense Harald Sunde gives Colonel Eirik Johan Kristoffersen the War Cross. At ershus Fortress on May 8 the right Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. In l913, Prime Min- stepping up efforts... with Prime Minister Jens ister Gunnar Knudsen (…continued from page 3) Stoltenberg and Chief of introduction of the War Cross decoration. not only tried to change Defense, General Harald Sunde presenting Even worse, the Prime Minister and his the Norwegian Constitution, but also a con- other countries and private donors ahead the decorations to three Norwegian soldiers cabinet did this in an area where the King tract between King Haakon and the Gov- of the June 13 pledging conference for the for their heroic actions in Afghanistan. has deep traditions, strong interest and con- ernment, in which the King had the right to GAVI Alliance, The global alliance for im- Where was the King, since he did not stitutional rights: defense and decorations. award decorations to deserving Norwegians munization and vaccines. attend this historic event? And as one World War II veteran said, “We and foreign nationals. The Prime Minister “Norway is a global leader in its com- It turned out that His Majesty King did not fight for our cabinet, we fought for lost in the Parliament, but at least Prime mitment to development aid and Norwegians Harald was at the Royal Palace – a short our King and our Country.” Minster Knudsen went to the Parliament. should feel proud of their generosity,” said walk away – ordered by the Prime Minister What came next was a lesson in politi- Prime Minister Stoltenberg and his cabinet Gates. “If more countries follow Norway’s not to attend. When this became known in cal ineptness from a government that seems did not think they needed to, and are now example, we can save four million lives by the media, the Norwegian people reacted to have grown arrogant and opportunistic, humiliated. 2015 by making sure children everywhere strongly, and so did the political opposition and lost touch with the voters. All day, The result is that next time the War have access to life-saving vaccines.” in Norway. The Prime Minister had humili- the Prime Minister used a supposed quote Cross With Sword is being awarded, His Jens Stoltenberg commented: “I am ated the King in order to gain political pop- from the King reported by NTB that “this Majesty King Harald will present the deco- very pleased to work with Bill Gates and ularity. Not to mention that Stoltenberg’s ceremony was done after an agreement be- ration. On behalf of the King and Country. the Gates Foundation to get more financing cabinet originally had been against the re- tween the King and the Prime Minister” in for immunization. They bring an impressive drive, innovation and efficiency to develop- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an ment aid. Immunization is the most effective endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. public health tool. Therefore, more countries should contribute and many countries should medal error… invest more in immunization. The meeting (…continued from page 1) port and recognition to the veterans.” And criticized for allegedly dominating the past next month can be a milestone for commit- the king, of course, has a place in that. weekend’s Veterans’ Day ceremonies, and ments if all countries seize the opportunity.” nies on May 8. “The division of labor we had this year excluding King Harald. GAVI Alliance, the Global Alliance for The decision to have Defense Chief and was not good, therefore it’s clear that it will “The attention has been around those Vaccines and Immunization, was founded in General Harald Sunde pin Norway’s presti- be different next year.” who presented the War Cross instead of 2000 with initial support from the Bill & Me- gious War Cross with Sword on two veterans It’s ironic that an event Stoltenberg ac- those who received it,” Stoltenberg lamented linda Gates Foundation and Norway. So far, of the war in Afghanistan, and present a third tively promoted, to recognize the efforts and to members of Parliament. “But even though GAVI has contributed to the immunization to the son of an officer killed by a road bomb, bravery of Norwegians caught in battle over- the king has an important role to play, it is of 250 million children and, according to the “was the division of labor we agreed upon,” seas, ended up turning into a messy political also important that we as the Parliament and World Health Organisation, saved more than Stoltenberg told Parliament. “The Defense conflict. He has said earlier his government the Government, who stand responsible for 5 million lives. Chief would present the medals, and then simply wanted to honor Norway’s veterans, what we’re doing in Afghanistan and Libya Immunization is imperative to save there would be one speech from a represen- and award the first War Crosses since World and other operations, get the opportunity to children’s lives and is an important part of tative of the Parliament and one from the War II, also to reverse a spell of government express our support for the soldiers.” reaching United Nations Millennium Devel- Government.” and political negligence in recent years re- King Harald will be in place next year, opment Goal 4, to reduce child mortality by Stoltenberg said that now, in hindsight garding returning veterans. Stoltenberg’s when veterans are honored and receive med- two thirds by 2015 as compared to 1990. The and after a day of critical headlines and government was harshly criticized last year als, and he also plans to invite this year’s development is positive, in 2010, 7.7 million claims that he’d snubbed King Harald, he for failing to be present when returning medal recipients to a special audience at the children died in comparison to the 12 million sees that the arrangement “was wrong.” The military personnel were awarded medals for Royal Palace. The king, traveling on state who died in 1990. intention, he said, “was to offer united sup- service in Afghanistan. Now he was being CONTINUES PAGE 7 SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly May 20, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, As always there were favorite vendors Dear Odd, CEO and Executive Director, NAF One of the reasons I go back to Norway returning such as Heidrun Meadery, Tove- Tusen takk for your letter! We appreci- Kim Nesselquist [email protected] Days in San Francisco, Calif., every year is Designs and Saami art. New this year was ate your help with learning more about this Managing Editor because I can be assured that there will be Sptzbrgn with embroidered Bunad ties and song. After doing a little research we found Christy Olsen Field [email protected] many things to surprise and delight. This Scandinavian Form & Design with lovely this song – known as “Barndomsminne frå Assistant Layout Editor year was no exception. products made in Norway. The food never Nordland” or “Å eg veit meg eit land” – was Harry Svenkerud [email protected] disappoints! published by Elias Blix on Aug. 3, 1896. From the herring stand, to pølse to great Here are the in Norwegian: Advertising & Subscriptions food made by the women of the Norwegian (206) 441-3044 [email protected] Seaman’s Church there is no reason to leave Å eg veit meg eit land Contributing Editors hungry. The site of the festival is on a pier langt der oppe mot nord, on the bay, so the smells of the sea and the med ei lysande strand Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. fresh breeze can almost make you feel you mellom høgfjell og fjord. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. are indeed in Norway. Der eg gjerne er gjest, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Sign up www.NorwayDay.org so you der mitt hjarta er fest Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland will be reminded in time to plan for next med dei finaste, finaste band. Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. year. Å eg minnest, eg minnest Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. so vel dette land! Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Sincerely, Der eit fjell stig mot sky Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Above: Heidrun Meadery’s mead is naturally Laura Almaas med si kruna av snø, Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. sparkling, and was a big hit with festival attend- Owner of Chalet in the Woods and Vendor at og i lauvklædnad ny Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. ees. Below: The Norwegian Men’s Curling Team Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Norway Days det seg speglar i sjø, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. were honored guests at the festival, as were their Gig Harbor, Wash. og det smiler mot strand Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. colorful pants. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. med si bringa i brand Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. i den solklåre kveld. David Moe Juneau, Alaska Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Dear Editor: Å eg minnest, eg minnest Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, The issue No. 18 of Norwegian Ameri- so vel dette fjell! Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. can Weekly (the 17th of May Issue), just got Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. in my mailbox and in my hands. Og eg lengtar so tidt Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Scanning through this issue I found an dette landet å sjå, Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway item on page 16, “Memories of my child- og det dreg meg so blidt, CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives hood in Nordland.” It is a translation of a når eg langt er ifrå. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you very well known song: “Å eg veit veit meg Med den vaknande vår have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly eit land.” vert min saknad so sår, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for The author of this song is not unknown so mest gråta, mest gråta eg kan. style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right – he is one of Norway’s best known song- Å eg minnest, eg minnest not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. writers: Elias Blix, theologian, professor and so vel dette land! • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Ph.D. in Hebrew languages. letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Elias Blix, also wrote the Norwegian Thank you for your help with identifying American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions I found the performance of Bjørnar national psalm “Fedrelandssalmen:” “Gud the author of this song, and we hope you had and complaints about the opinions expressed by Blaavarp Heimdal dancing the Halling great signe vårt dyre fedreland,” and an other well- a wonderful 17th of May! the paper’s editorials should be directed to the entertainment, marveled at the lovely paint- known song: “No livnar det i lundar.” publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, ings by Sigmund Årseth and was inspired by Sincerely, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks the bunad parade. The famous Norwegian Sincerely, Editor of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • curling team in their colorful pants showed Odd Øimoen Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription their medal winning skills on a special ice- Sunnyvale, Calif. Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, like skating rink. US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Medal error… Formerly Norway Times (…continued from page 6) that he wanted to attend but was excluded. held confidential and no records are kept of Western Viking & Washington Posten Neither Stoltenberg nor King Harald their content. visits to Slovenia and Croatia this week, has would reveal details of their talks, or wheth- Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- confirmed that the Veterans’ Day ceremonies er there was any disagreement before they Reprinted with permission from Oslo- Posten og Ved Arnen, -Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven on May 8 (also known as Liberation Day) agreed on the ceremony’s format. Norway’s based news service “Views and News from were conducted in agreement with Stolten- monarch and prime minister meet at least Norway.” For more articles, visit www. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. berg’s government. Reports persist, though, once a month for private talks, but they are newsinenglish.no. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • May 20, 2011 norwegian american weekly taste of norway The perfect pear This warm, comforting dessert is accented with unexpected Norwegian flavors

In his cookbook “Kitchen of Light,” An- I found the spices lent an interesting layer of dreas Viestad writes, “Juniper berries are im- flavors and aromas to the gentle and uncom- portant in Scandinavian cooking, but using plicated pear. With the warm sweetness of them in desserts is not common. I prerpared honey and the clean spiciness of ginger, this this dessert while we were in Svalbard tap- developed into a delicious and unexpected ing my show ‘New Scandinavian Cooking.’ dessert. Pears with ginger, juniper berries and caraway cream

1/4 cup honey 1/4 tsp chili powder 1 Tbsp unsalted butter 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream 4 pears, such as Anjou, peeled 1 tsp caraway seeds, crushed 2 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated 1 Tbsp aquavit 8 juniper berries, ground 1 Tbsp superfine sugar

In a large nonstick skillet, heat the honey and butter until a dark caramel starts to form in the center of the pan. Immediately reduce the heart and add the pears, ginger, juniper berries and chili powder. Cook the pears, turning them every few minutes, for 20 minutes of medi- um-low heat, or until tender but still somewhat firm near the core. Remove from the heat. In a small bowl, whip the cream until stiff. Fold in the caraway seeds, aquavit and sugar. To serve, place the pears on plates and spoon the honey caramel sauce over, followed by the whipped cream. Serve immediately.

Send us your favorite Norwegian recipe! Write to us at 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 or email [email protected]. We would love to share your recipe with our readers! Photo: Marte Kopperud/www.visitnorway.com Pears are the centerpiece of this sweet dessert from Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light.”

Quick way to… (…continued from page 9) in the mud trail and we were firmly in them. After slipping around for what seemed we could get any directions to get to the road endless kilometers, we finally got to what NORDIC DELICACIES over to . When we did, we were re- turned out to be a pass and fortunately for assured hearing that people did drive over. us, it was the only pass. We did find snow “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” They did not say that “This was not the best on it; but it was not deep and did not make time to go over” or “Don’t think of going the trail bed worse. Best of all, the situa- 6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 over! It’s breakup.” We would soon find that tion did not last long. You might think that Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 out. We heard that there was a toll road and knowing about “breakup” in Canada would www.nordicdeli.com that we’d have to pay. Somehow that seemed have put some sense into our heads; and we reassuring; and we headed out, found the ac- would never have gone on the trail. But we cess road and headed up the hill. After a few had taken the “shorter and faster road.” The Little Viking Gift Shoppe kilometers driving west, we hit the toll gate, After leaving the snow of the pass be- paid the toll and noticed a car leaving. “At hind, we were greatly relieved to notice a touch of Scandinavia in southern California least there were people up here,” we thought. that we were going down in elevation; and We never saw any more people until we were as we did, a road, instead of a mud trail ap- Come see our new shop in Temecula! down in Austbygda, Telemark! Yes, we did peared. We had survived. Considering how get there; but we did have a struggle before slowly we went over the pass and the scare Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, , and more! we got there. we got, probably going to Oslo on the paved Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. After paying the toll, the road dete- road would have been a better choice. How- San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 riorated into mud, lots of mud though there ever now that we had a road and were going seemed to be a solid base a few inches down. down, we left winter for spring in Austbyg- We were not stopped by the mud or anything da, Tinn, Telemark not far from Rjukan. We else. We hit fog, rather dense fog, which would not be going back by the same route; Gratulerer med dagen! fortunately hid the steep ravines we drove but we had a personal story of a foolish drive around, or should I say, slipped around. We over a trail in the low mountains of Norway Celebrate Norwegian stopped for nothing- more out of sheer anxi- where it was “breakup” and much closer to Constitution Day with the ety. We took no National Geographic type winter than to spring. photos. I think that Joyce had her hands over After washing the car, we proceeded Norwegian American Weekly her eyes a few times! I was afraid that if we southeast to Kragerø and met folks who stopped, we might never have gotten out! showed us around the city and area pointing Fortunately we did not meet any oncom- out family places and other points of interest $ ing traffic because I don’t know where they to me. We were happy to be in an area with Only 40 for the first year would have gone! There were only two ruts spring with apple blossoms and warmth. (That’s less than $1 per issue!) Proud to bring you the Offer ends May 31! See page 3 for details Norwegian American Weekly norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/travel May 20, 2011 • 9 travel A quick way to Telemark A “shortcut” from Valdres to Telemark makes for a long detour and a memorable drive

Ja nn i Be l g u m Coleman, Alberta

As the saying goes, “a little knowledge were a few other sayings that we should have is a dangerous thing.” My cousin Joyce John- heeded! But off we went. son and I had taken several trips to Norway We drove from Valdres on the #51 high- at this point. We would fly into Stockholm, way over the plateau down to the rent a car and visit family and other points Valley. The road was good and clear. On the that interested us on our way to Norway. plateau there were no big settlements but We had a wonderful May 17 in Valdres. huts all over. It looked like skiing was a big The one who arranged our May 17 celebra- thing here but the season was clearly over. tion, Ola Helge Fløene, had contacted distant We easily got down to the valley and before cousins Turid and Hallstein Ranum and ar- too long we drove into the town of . ranged to make rømmegrøt for us and serve This is the home town of a friend, Rolf Lee, it in our ancestral house that they had re- back in Sicamous, B.C. He is noted for his stored. The ceilings were intricately painted frequent very long walks in the summer and with angels and small pastoral scenes. Hall- long skiing jaunts up the mountains in the stein thought that they were made either Ole winter. While this friend is over 80 now, he Hennrikson Fladager, a sculptor of the “se- climbed the highest point in Norway, Gald- vere classical” style from the 19th century høpiggen, when he was 70. He is a good or his siblings. The dinner was wonderful example of one challenge that the Valdres with butter melting on top of the rømmegrøt. folk have. Rolf is a Halling, from Hallingdal, After the celebration which are the tradi- we were heading for “Our friend who told tional rivals of the another part of Nor- folks from Valdres. way: Telemark. We us about this other As the Valdres’ say- both had ancestors ing goes, “Don’t from Telemark but in way had driven it worry about being different parts. Joyce in the summer, but first in a competi- had connections in tion – as long as you Tinn and had family it was definitely not beat the Hallings!” It from Kragerø. is not so easy to do. summer!” Photos: Janni Belgum We had some But we were not in a Top: We started in Valdres after May 17. From left: Ola Helge Fløene, Janni Belgum, Nils Belgum (no knowledge of driv- competition and Rolf relation but the current owner of our old “Belgum” farm) and Bergit Bruhallen. Center: The plateau ing in Norway and and we were was not here! We did not imagine the chal- lake between Nesbyen and Numendal. Below: This photo from Hogtun, Valdres, should have been a anxious to get down to Telemark. We were lenge that we would find before we got to warning: A snowy field where we stayed before May 17.) Bottom: In Kragerø, Telemark. From left: not so sure we wanted to drive the E16 back Telemark. Sigmund and Reidun Heldal, Janni Belgum and Joyce Johnson. to Oslo and from there make our way to At the village of Nesbyen we got a quick Rjukan, Telemark. A suggestion was made bite of food and inquired about the road up to that we could drive down to Tinn and avoid the next plateau and down to the Numendal Oslo. This other way would be about 120 ki- valley. We heard that the road was paved, lometers shorter and thus faster, from what along a lake for a good bit and generally we could figure from the map we had. That fine. But when we would reach the valley, it would be going over two plateaus and a set would be steep going down. Yes, we found it of low mountains to get to Telemark. very, very steep! The hand brake was used, We did forget about the weather. I would too! But, we got down safely. Most of the point out that we were visiting in mid-May drive had been lovely, winding along a lake and it was a cold May, unlike the previous with lots of pine trees around. I remember May when apple blossoms were in evidence hearing that where there were pine trees, the even in Valdres. This spring it was cold and land wasn’t much good for farming. There wet. There had even been snow in Valdres were no farms around but as we got closer to earlier that week. Our friend who told us the end of the lake, and the steep drive down, about this other way had driven it in the we did find nice houses. They were not big summer, but it was definitely not summer! but not ski huts! On the top of the low mountains between the Again we got down to the valley where Numendal Valley and Austbygda, Telemark, it was quite lovely. So far we were pleased it was not really spring either. It was what that we had taken this route. Just across this we could call “breakup” here in Canada. We next bunch of low mountains was Telemark. would discover that later. We forgot about the On a previous trip to this area of Telemark snow we had experienced earlier in the week we had heard that folks drove from Kongs- and felt this way sounded good because it berg over the hills to this eastern part of Tele- would be shorter and of course faster! mark. We had not taken the road because we I had some experience driving in Nor- had heard it had some problems. Too bad we way. I had driven not only across Sweden and didn’t compare the markings for that road Norway several times, but up to the airport size and the one we would be taking from on the plateau above Fagernes in Valdres and Veggli! That first one had been marked like several times over and back from Vestre Sli- a secondary road and this one we would be dre to Øystre Slidre, which seemed terribly going on rather a trail or path! While we steep over a very narrow road. Then I had did glance at the map, it seemed only a few driven over to the Hardanger via Telemark. kilometers! We were so close and thought I wouldn’t say that I felt invincible, but Nor- we would easily and soon be in Austbygda, wegian roads didn’t seem to me to be that Telemark. difficult. Looking back I believe that there We did stop at a couple places before CONTINUES PAGE 8 10 • May 20, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

Notable Norwegians With David Moe No r w e g i a n 101 OLE BULL Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Ole Bull was born in Bergen, Nor- Cars (Biler) way on Feb. 5, 1810. A child prodigy, he was admitted to the Bergen orches- It is soon time to change tra as first violinist at the age of eight. (snart tid for å bytte) from win- At the age of 18, he left Bergen to study at the University of Christiania ter tires (vinterdekk) to summer (now Oslo) and is hired as a - tires (sommerdekk), check that the ist and then temporary conductor of windshield wipers are working the Christiania orchestra. He is soon (vindusviskere er bra) and the windshield wiper fluid is full (tan- playing to audiences across Europe ken med vindusspylervæske er full). We wash off all the winter and in North America. His friends included Schumann, Liszt, Emerson, grime (vintermøkk) from bumpers, hoods and trunks (støtfanger, Wagner, Longfellow, Hans Christian motorpanser og bagasjerom) and scrub the side-view mirrors Andersen, Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne (sidespeilene) until they shine (skinner). Bjørnson and . He was Seatbelts, floor mats and seats (sikkerhetsbelter, an enthusiastic promoter of Norwe- Photo: Wikimedia Commons gulvmatter og stoler) are vacuumed (støvstuget) gian art and culture and helped create the national theatre in Bergen. and the car waxed and polished (blilen vokset Ole Bull had a dream to estab- cisco. He married Sara Thorp of Mad- og polert) in anticipation (forventning) of ison, Wis. on Sept. 6, 1870. lish a Norwegian colony in the United the 17th of May festivities (17. maifest). He returned to Norway where States that he would call “Oleana,” so Headlights (frontlyk- he purchased a land grant in Pennsyl- he built a home for her near Bergen. tene) can take a break (kan vania, but he purchased it from a per- His last American tour was in 1879 son who did not have title to the land, to 1880. His last concert was in Chi- ta en pause) as we approach so he deeds it back to the seller. cago in May 1880. He died August the endless days of summer (en- 17, 1880 and was buried in Bergen, Due to his ineptitude with this deløse sommerdager), but turn-signals and Norway. There is an informative book land deal, he was embarrassed to go break lights (blinklys og bremselys) are back to Norway for five years. How- written by Einar Haugen and Camilla ever, today, there is an Ole Bull State Cai called, “Ole Bull: Norway’s Ro- still in high demand (nødvendig). Park along Route 144, mantic Musician and Cosmopolitan 18 miles south of Galeton and 26 Patriot,” published by the University miles north of Renovo dedicated to of Press in 1993. If inter- the memory of Ole Bull. ested, I suggest you read it. Ole Bull toured the United States Visit the Royal Norwegian Em- several times, playing in such places bassy’s page about Ole Bull: http:// Roald Amundsen as New York, Minneapolis, Decorah, www.norway.org/ARCHIVE/News/ South Pole Expedition Centennial 1911 – 2011 Iowa, Madison, Wis., and San Fran- archive/2002/200204bull. 20From mai – lørdag the journal of Liten bris fra SWkanten, men jam- men sur nokk med –40°. Sydlys hele da- gen. Stor ring om månen. Holtt på med snearbeide i hele fmd. Bjaaland & Jørgen Britt Graham Portland OR har arbeidet med smien og har den næs- Geraldine Thompsen Green Valley AZ ten færdi. Till skorsten brukes et gammelt May Sandvik Wohlafka East Northport NY petroleumsfat oppjennem sneskavlen. De 24. mai andre har holtt på med att lægge tak over Glenn Foss Echo MN inngangen, som fører ned till huse vort og Harold Steinvik Sandhornøy Norway alle de i skavlen byggede herliheter. Emd Harald Olafson Everett WA har vi tillbrakt i ro, som vi altid jør lørda Col. Hamilton Lawrence Coronado CA emd. Burnett N Bordson Fergus Falls MN 20. mai Anne Jordheim Columbia MO Bert Aunan Sioux City IA Leif Sather Gonvick MN May 20 – Saturday Sverre Olav Staurset Tacoma WA Small breeze from SW, but biting 25. mai Olav Orvik Ålesund Norway enough with –40° C. Southern Lights all Neal Harrison Lynnwood WA Solveig M. Jacobsen Santa Cruz CA day, ring around the moon. Worked in the Matthew Allen Herset Kalispell MT John L. Haugum Montevideo MN John B. Kvidal Sioux City IA snow all morning. Bjaaland and Jørgen Betty Hammer Marysville WA have worked in the smithy and it is nearly Arlene Bredeson Olson Coon Rapids MN Louis Mysse Libby MT finished. For the chimney, they have tak- Martha Ohm Red Bank NJ Lily Tofteland Hartmann Boulder CO Ole Torland Brunsville MN en an old petroleum barrel and stuck it up 21. mai Thor Johanessen Brooklyn NY through the snowdrift. The others have Oliver Offerdal Conrad MT been laying a roof over the entrance lead- Harald J. Hansen San Bruno CA 26. mai ing to our house and all the delights built Gyda Mahlum Beloit WI Olaf Hetlet Arlington SD Adrienne Dahl Rochester NY Tom Virding Englewood CO into the drift. We have spent the evening William Johnsen Brooklyn NY Capt. Sev Samuelsen Aurora OH quietly as always on Saturdays. Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo Kitty Delin Plainville CT Marilyn E. Benson Silver Spring MD 22. mai Theo Linland Pineville NC Nels Stone Grand Marais MN Marilyn Gjerlow Staten Island NY Lena bought a delicious-looking ap- Lillian S. Lien Minneapolis MN Susan Johansen Shiels Pelham NY ple pie at the bakery one day. Myrtle P. Jacobson Minot ND Carole Davick Bellevue NE “Should I cut it into six pieces or Kari Molbach Walliser Agua Dulce CA Want to see your birthday in the eight?” asked the saleswoman. Laura Pedersen Grants Pass OR Norwegian American Weekly? “Six,” replied Lena. “Ole and I are 23. mai Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 dieting!” Florence Engebretson Oro Valley AZ or email us at [email protected]. Donald Peterson Milan MN Birthdays must be submitted at least one From Sons of Norway Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Albert Ruen Decorah IA month in advance. Lodge #6-14. Send us your favorite Ole and Arne Kvarnberg Seattle WA Lena joke! Write to us at [email protected], Ole and Lena NB: If someone on our birthday list has or 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. Agnes Berge Ontario Can America’s favorite Norwegians! Gerd Rorvik Thornwood NY died, please let us know! norwegian american weekly May 20, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Always Right Else Olfrid Navekvien Lovoll In a church I served, there was a person the purpose of determining what was right, September 10, 1935 – May 3, 2011 who was abnormally afraid of being proven but rather to affirm that they were right! Ac- wrong. He gave a testimony in one of our eve- cordingly, it was almost a matter of necessity Else Olfrid Navekvien Lovoll was born Church and a former member of the Norwe- ning services and repeatedly used the word to have both parties present in order to make Sept. 10, 1935, in Bryggja in Nordfjord, Nor- gian Memorial Church in Minneapolis. She “chaos,” but with a “slight variation,” he a correct and objective conclusion. Our pride way, to Peder and Anna (Solibakke) Navek- was a wonderful cook, excellent seamstress pronounced it “CHOAS.” One member was often hinders us in asking, “what is right?” vien. She was raised in Bryggja and was and very creative. She loved and cared for bold enough to tell him afterwards, “It’s not That reminds me of an old anecdote baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. her husband, children and grandchildren and CHOAS – it’s chaos.” With great dignity, our about a man who was run over by a car in a After her education she worked as a chef’s was the pillar of their family. She became friend answered, “It can be pronounced both non-pedestrian zone. Unfortunately he was assistant at the Alexandria Hotel where she the neighborhood’s grandmother. She will be ways!” badly hurt, but before he expired he sat up in met a young night porter named Odd Lovoll. greatly missed. We are all bound to be wrong at times. the street and yelled, “I was right!” The point Delivering my sermon on Sunday morning, I of this tale: Right or wrong, he was also very Else and Odd married on March 30, 1958, in Survivors include her husband of 53 had a bad lapse in my memory. A guy jokingly dead! That’s the ultimate consequence of al- Volda, Norway. After marriage they moved years, Odd; two children and their spouses: said afterwards, “Too bad, too bad since you ways being right. We become dead to reason, to various communities with Odd’s teaching Audrey and Helge Syversen of Moss, Nor- pastors are supposed to be perfect!” I didn’t dead to the growing process of life, dead to positions and education, and during this time way, Ronald and Margit Lovoll of North- know that. Still don’t! closeness with people. Else continued working as an chef’s assis- field; five grandchildren: Martin and Kristian I was heading a counselor center for sev- Proverbs 14:12 says, “Many ways seem tant. In 1967, they moved to the U.S. when Syversen, Andrea Kristen, Peter Magnar and eral years, and one of the big obstacles in find- right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Odd accepted a position at the University of Jon Elias Lovoll; her sister and brother-in- ing a solution was that people came not with That’s right – first CHOAS, then death. North Dakota in Grand Forks. In 1970, they law, Torun and Edvin Brunæs of Oslo; niec- moved to Minneapolis, Minn., and in 1972, es, nephews, and other relatives and friends. to Northfield, Minn. After moving to North- She was preceded in death by her parents, th field, Else worked for 13 years as a chef and her sister Aud, and her brothers Mathias, kitchen manager at Carleton College. She Kjartan and Rolf. Celebrate 17 of May Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! was a partner with Odd in his research proj- Else passed away with her husband and To celebrate, subscribe today for ects and in helping with many Norwegian family by her side May 3, 2011, at the North- events at St. Olaf and was always willing to field Hospital. Memorials are preferred to the $ host visitors in her home. American Cancer Society or Bethel Lutheran Only 40 for the first year Else was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church. Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the only Norwegian-American newspaper Valborg “Wally” Andersen For more information, see page 3 Died May 4, 2011

Valborg “Wally” Andersen, 96, of Little Gardens Assisted Living where she made Silver, N.J., died Wednesday, May 4, 2011. many new friends. Born in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y., she was Valborg was preceded in death by her 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 raised in Norway and returned to Bay Ridge husband, Rolf Andersen in 1985. Surviving Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] as a young adult where she married and are her son Robert Andersen; three daugh- raised her family. ters: Edith Ottesen, Jane Bender and Do- Through the years she was actively en- reen Briglia; four grandchildren: Jesse Ot- Featuring great Nordic products gaged in charitable activities on behalf of the tesen, Susan Fioretti, Eric Briglia and Daniel Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Norwegian Children’s Home and the Norwe- Briglia; five great-grandchildren: Christian Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats gian Christian Home for the Aged, the Bay Ottesen, Lindsey Ottesen, Carolyn Ottesen, and more! Ridge chapter of the Salvation Army and Jack Fioretti and Adam Fioretti. Our Saviors Lutheran Church. Donations in Wally’s memory may She moved to Little Silver, N.J., in 2002 be made to the Salvation Army, Red Bank Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com and quickly became an ardent supporter of Corps, 180 Newman Springs Road, Red the Salvation Army in Red Bank and an ac- Bank, NJ 07701 or The Red Bank Senior tive member of The Red Bank Senior Center. Center, 80 Shrewsbury Ave, Red Bank, NJ SAVING MONEY IS ONLY HALF THE CHALLENGE. During the past year she lived at Brighton 07701. MAKING IT LAST, THAT’S ALL IN Nagoya Protocol… (…continued from page 3) concerning our genetic resources will be HOW YOU SLICE IT. respected abroad. The Nature Management col reaffirms the sovereign rights of States Act already contains provisions governing You invested carefully. But how you distribute your over their genetic resources and help to pro- the use of foreign genetic resources in Nor- retirement income is just as important. With vide legal certainty for both users and pro- way. This means that Norway is in the fore- high industry rankings and more than 100 years viders of such resources. The protocol also front in this area. of experience, Thrivent Financial understands contains provisions regarding traditional The protocol was adopted by the Con- both the ins and outs of retirement investing. knowledge. ference of the Parties to the Convention on From tools that protect your money to “The protocol will better enable devel- Biological Diversity on 29 October 2010 products that provide a lifelong income oping countries to obtain benefit-sharing in Nagoya, Japan. It took six year to reach stream, put our careful, disciplined approach agreements. It is easy to image how cru- agreement on the protocol. Norway has been to work for you. cial it will be for poor countries in Africa, pushing for the adoption of the protocol and To learn more, visit Thrivent.com/howyousliceit South America and Asia to secure a part of was actively involved in the negotiations, the profit when large corporations use their which started in 2004. Mr. Solheim was one genetic resources to develop medicine and of four facilitators in the final stage of nego- cosmetics. This is a billion dollar industry,” tiations, which took place in Japan. Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available said Minister of the Environment and Inter- Norway is the 19th Party to sign the pro- in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., national Development Erik Solheim. tocol. The signing took place at a ceremony 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Marine bioprospecting is an important in New York on May 11, 2011, and the rati- Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. priority in the Government’s High North fication process is under way. The protocol • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Strategy, and regulations relating to access will enter into force after it has been ratified AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE to Norwegian genetic resources and other is- by 50 Parties to the Convention. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. sues are being drawn up. The protocol will For more information on the Nagoya 26349NAW N5-11 Appleton, WI • Minneapolis, MN • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201101755 also help to ensure that Norwegian rules Protocol: http://www.cbd.int/abs/ 12 • May 20, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California 67th and Center Streets in Omaha. Music, Seamen’s Church Service dancing, children’s games and crafts and May 22 food venues are just some of the planned Fallbrook, Calif. activities. The theme this year is “Trolls.” Join the Norwegian Seamen’s Church for Call (402) 740-4159 for details. their service in San Diego on May 22 at 5 p.m. at Christ the King Lutheran Church, New Jersey located at 1620 S. Stage Coach Lane, Fall- Rosemaling & Carving Sammenkomst brook, CA 92028. The Norwegian Mens July 19 – 23 Chorus will be singing as a part of the ser- Rockaway, N.J. vice. For more information, contact Bjarne Come join the fun and learn Rosemaling at (760) 631-5678 or (619) 884-3504. and Acanthus Carving! Lessons are for all levels of learning at a four-day session at Colorado Nor-Bu Lodge at Lake Telemark in Rock- Scandinavian Midsummer Festival away, N.J. Let’s preserve our heritage June 25 – 26 through this cultural event! Eldrid Skjold Estes Park, Colo. Arntzen, VGM will teach Rosemaling and Weekend of Scandinavian music, dance, Ken Arntzen, VGM, will teach Acanthus food, crafts, Viking re-enactors, as well as Carving. (Acanthus Carving Class has lim- craft and lefse demonstration tents. Starts ited space) This is a great opportunity for 9:30 a.m. at Bond Park, located at E. Elk- all to spend the week with Vesterheim horn & MacGregor, Estes Park, CO 80517. Medalist teachers and learn from the best. Join us for the raising of the maypole, fol- Hotel accomodation information available lowed by procession of flags and national upon request. Admission: $25 per day per anthems. Continuous entertainment daily. class. For more information, contact Deb- Free, family event, wheelchair accessible. orah Landvik-Larsen at (973) 784-4564 For more information, visit www.estesmid- (day) or (973) 442-4642 (evening). summer.com, call (303) 449-9596 or email [email protected]. Pennsylvania Land of the Vikings Lobster Fest Illinois June 3 – 5 Photos: SPTZBRGN The bunad ties come in 22 different designs, each one based on the specific embroidery style of each Illinois Norsk Rosemalers Show Susquehanna, Pa. bunad district. Left: The black Øst-Telemark bunad tie. Right: The white Lundeby tie, based on the Stay for the weekend at Land of the Vi- June 22 designs from national costume from Vestoppland. SPTZBRGN uses the highest-quality wool, and every kings and the Lobsterfest is included in Geneva, Ill. tie is hand-embroidered in Norway. A juried rosemaling show featuring hun- your food package. The Lobsterfest will be dreds of one-of-a-kind, hand-painted held on Saturday, June 4 at 1:30 p.m. Meal woodenware by members and Vesterheim will include potato, corn on the cob, salad tie that binds... Gold Medalists! Join us from 10 a.m. – 5 and rolls and of course dessert. Extra Lob- (…continued from page 1) tern and Setesdal sweater. p.m. at the Geneva History Center, located sters will be $10 each. Don’t eat Lobster? Energized by the positive response at at 113 S. 3rd St., Geneva, IL 60134. Featur- Ask for a steak or chicken on the BBQ. will not sell a bunad to a male under the age home, Spitzbrgn has brought their innovative ing a raffle, coffee stoga with Norwegian Hot dogs and Hamburgers available for the of 25. As a result, few parents give their son design to Canada, Japan and the U.S. – most kids! Take advantage of our extra day rate goodies and the Association’s ornament a bunad when they have finished growing, recently at the Norway Day Festival in San ($40/night + $10 extra adult) and come a of the year are also part of the show. This and many men don’t buy one. Today, only Francisco, Calif., on April 30 – May 1. program is partially supported by a grant day early or stay an extra day! If you prefer seven percent of men have a bunad, while 70 “On our journeys to London, New from the Illinois Arts Council. For more to come just for the day, the cost is $30 per percent of women have one. York and San Francisco the effect has been information, call (262) 767-2857 or email adult (includes lobster, steak or chicken), amazing. I’m being stopped on the street by [email protected]. Children under 11 free with parent w/o Tanja Holmen and Jarle Hagen of SPTZ- BRGN Ltd. have come up with a solution for people who wonder about that beautiful tie lobster, Children 11 – 17: $15 with parent I’m wearing, and where they can get them. (includes lobster). Make your reservations men: the bunadslips (bunad tie). This hand- Maryland So it clearly shows that you need connec- early! Contact Beverly or Rick at (570) embroidered tie is made in Norway based Genealogy 101 tion or knowledge about Norwegian culture 461-3500 or visit http://lov.3dsofn.org. on the designs specific to each region, and is June 11 to be amazed by the different and eccentric Ellicott City, Md. fraction of the price for a whole bunad. Washington, D.C. “The idea was to create something in- tie, hand embroidered with wool thread on The Sons of Norway Washington, D.C. Norwegian wool. With a tailored suit it looks Genealogy Interest Group invites you to a Spy Museum: ‘Norwegian Ninja’ novative by old traditions, and we also have so good. Like being taken back a century in “Genealogy 101” session for people inter- May 26 a special fondness for Norwegian design and a modern way,” said Hagen, the creator and ested in exploring their Scandinavian roots. Washington, D.C. costumes. My partner does not have a bu- designer of the bunad tie. No prior experience or knowledge neces- A love letter to 1980’s Ninja movies, Bond nad, but he wanted to be part of it. The idea sary! We’ll share “how to get started” tips films, conspiracies and special effects, started with this bunad tie,” said Holmen to Currently, the bunad tie comes in 22 dif- and, of course, FOOD!!! (We are Norwe- “Norwegian Ninja” will be shown at the Nettavisen’s Side2 in a recent interview. ferent varieties. SPTZBRGN’s goal is to cre- gian, you know!) Please plan to join us for Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. The film The couple launched their concept to the ate a bunad tie for each bunad district. this FREE, fun, and informative session. is about Norwegian diplomat Arne Treholt, public in April 2010, and the response has “We are inspired by all the original cos- For more information, call (410) 480-1850 who was arrested in 1984 and convicted of been tremendous in Norway. The ties were tumes, and renders the tie as best we can. or email [email protected]. spying for the and Iraq. Writ- in high demand for 17th of May, as well as Everything is handmade, and we use the best er/director Thomas Cappelen Malling rei- confirmations, weddings and Christmas. wool,” said Holmen. Nebraska magines Treholt’s case as the tale of a ninja The design world has taken note of their With their high-quality, handmade prod- Scandinavian Midsummer Festival entrusted by King Olav to lead a secret fun, modern approach to heritage: In March ucts, SPTZBRGN is aiming to sell its ties in June 12 force of enlightened shadow warriors. The 2011, SPTZBRGN won the Award for De- exclusive shops and boutiques. Their U.S. ninjas discover that Stay Behind, a NATO Omaha, Neb. sign Excellence from the Norwegian Design agent is Laura Almaas, owner of Chalet in In Omaha, Neb., the 2nd annual Scandina- force created to battle the Soviet Union, Council. the Woods, a European boutique in Gig Har- vian Midsummer Festival takes place June is planning a peacetime coup d’etat. The “They are very interested in Scandina- bor, Wash., that is well-known for its Oleana 12 at 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. A collaboration of Ninjas must defeat the conspirators at all vian design in the western world. Norway sweaters. support from varying Scandinavian groups, costs to keep Norway free. This is the first “We are excited that we advertise the businesses and private sponsors allows this showing in the U.S., and co-sponsored by Says and Moods of Norway is popular in the U.S., and now several of the well-known Norwegian cultural heritage in such a mod- free, open-to-the-public, family-fun event the Royal Norwegian Embassy. For more ern and good way. The quality is impeccable to take place at Stinson Park, located at information, visit spymuseum.org. fashion houses are inspired by Norwegian design,” she continues, pointing to Italian and the ties are beautiful,” said Hagen. To learn more and browse the designs, Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 luxury designer Dolce & Gabbana’s winter visit www.sptzbrgn.com. To order in the to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! collection, which was inspired by the tradi- tional Norwegian designs of the Marius pat- U.S., call Laura Almaas at (253) 851-8678 Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us May 20, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood “They wanted to come here” TM King Harald and Queen Sonja’s October visit to It’s a small (Norwegian) the U.S. excites Norwegian-American community world after all... Making connections across the Norwegian- American community

Send us your small world story! Write to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email [email protected]

Have you ever unexpectedly run into at the actual location of the South Pole, people you knew a long time ago—in a far where a row of flags for the countries that distant location? claim part of the Antarctica continent were What if the location was the South lined up to “greet” her. A man was there, Pole? too, saying “Welcome to the South Pole!” At the Nordic Spirit Symposium about Then he said, “Don’t I know you?” polar explorers in February, sponsored by Liv cautiously answered, “No, I don’t the Scandinavian American Cultural and think so.” Historical Foundation and California Lu- “Did you ever teach skiing in the U.S.” theran University in Thousand Oaks, Ca- the man asked. Photo: Gary Erickson lif., one of the featured presenters told an “Yes, I did in Park City, Utah,” Liv an- Consul General Gary Gandrud of the Honorary Consulate General in Minneapolis, Minn. amazing story! swered. Norway’s Liv Arnesen, in 1994, be- “I was your student!” Ga r y Er i ck s on came the first woman in the world to ski Indeed, he was the first man she’d Sunburg, Minn. solo and unsupported to the South Pole, a taught to cross-country ski in the U.S.! 50-day expedition of 745 miles. What a small world! Using pictures and stories, she con- Consul General Gary Gandrud of the Hotel on the late afternoon of Oct. 16. veyed to an enthralled audience the chal- Honorary Norwegian Consulate General in “On the 17th, the Minnesota Air Nation- lenges of her lonely, seven-week journey to Submitted by Anita Hillesland Londgren Minneapolis, Minn., quickly commanded al Guard is flying [Their Majesties] on two the South Pole. Nordic Spirit Symposium participant the attention of his audience on May 7 when Blackhawk helicopters to Duluth, and in Du- Her most memorable story – while not Thousand Oaks, Calif. he revealed details of the October visit to luth they’re really preparing,” Gandrud said. the most significant – was about her arrival Minnesota by Their Majesties King Harald Speaking about a much earlier Duluth and Queen Sonja. visit by His Majesty King Harald’s father, Providing opening remarks to Gandrud cited that, “In 1939, his father, Bygdelagenes Fellesraad’s [the Area As- Olav, dedicated ‘Enger Tower.’ Mr. Enger sociations’ Common Council] 95th annual gave a 400-acre park and a tower to the city national meeting, at downtown Minneapolis’ of Duluth. He was a Norwegian immigrant. Mindekirken, the Norwegian Lutheran Me- The city of Duluth has donated millions of AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS morial church, he proclaimed, “To Minne- dollars to refurbish the park, the tower, and sota! With a quick trip to Decorah, Iowa, you the roads around it. They’re going to rededi- SAS now offers nonstop flights NEWARK – OSLO. Call for details can’t pass that up! He’s going nowhere else cate it, the same tower his father dedicated.” Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide! in the U.S., except for a stop in New York on “At the airport,” Gandrud continued, the way back. They come on October 11th, “just before boarding [for New York], they’re 7905 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 are going to Decorah on the 13th to Luther going to dedicate a major Amundsen exhibit Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] College and Vesterheim, to St. Olaf College that’s going to be on Concourse C, along the [in Northfield, Minn.] on the 14th, and on the wall, and then will travel around the U.S., to 15th there will be a church service.” colleges and other places. 56 panels . . . it’s Proud to bring you the Consul General Gandrud reported that the hundred year anniversary of Amundsen’s Norwegian American Weekly at some point on Oct. 15, His Majesty King discovery of the South Pole.” The exhibit Harald will be entertaining “all those people will be on display at the Minneapolis-St. that he has decorated and have never been Paul International Airport Oct. 10 – 18. able to wear their medals, because you can’t “So, Their Majesties will be busy,” Gan- The Wooden Spoon wear them unless you’re in the presence of drud concluded. “They requested this trip. SCANDINAVIAN SHOP Their Majesties.” They wanted to come here . . . and I think we Following those events, there will be a won’t disappoint them.” 1617 Avenue K, Plano, Texas 75074 Grand Reception at the Minneapolis Hilton On the web: www.woodenspoon.ws [email protected] • (972) 424-6867 Big player... (…continued from page 3) tion Norway, and a workshop on space and Exclusive designs of the Wooden Spoon! energy that took place at Norway House. Uff da Wine Glass $12.95 2,500 Norwegians visited Houston just for Uff da is-- $9.95 CCS Workshop the event. Add to that the approximately Shipping $12.00 Finally, The Norwegian Consulate Gen- 7,000 Norwegians who live in Houston on a eral organized, together with the British and regular basis, and you understand how strong Canadian Consulates General, a workshop on the links between Norway and Houston have challenges and opportunities for the carbon We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! become over the years. capture and storage (CCS) industry. CCS is Call us at (800) 2-NORDIC or place your order online. All this made for a busy week for the a technology that may become vital in deal- Norwegian Consul General in Houston, Dr. ing with global warming, by capturing CO2 Jostein Mykletun, who besides hosting a net- before it is released into the atmosphere. The th working reception with 270 guests organized workshop gathered key government and in- Celebrate 17 of May and participated in several events. dustry representatives, with speakers from Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! “This is the most important arena for Schlumberger, Shell, ExxonMobil, Conoco- To celebrate, subscribe today for Norwegian energy industry abroad,” said Phillips, Denbury, Chevron, BP and Statoil Consul General Dr. Jostein Mykletun as he $ in the panel discussion. officially opened Beerenberg Inc, a Norwe- Only 40 for the first year gian company in the oil and gas service in- For more information about the Off- Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the dustry. shore Technology Conference 2011, visit only Norwegian-American newspaper The Consul General also spoke at a www.otcnet.org/2011. seminar on oil spills organized by Innova- For more information, see page 3 14 • May 20, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Corner The boys from Vangen: Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch Written by Leif Halse Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experi- My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The encing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice the good, the bad and the unexpected! their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

Sweet history of Nidar Chocolate

«JENTA» OG MONS GREIER TROLL “A GIRL” AND MONS TAKE CARE OF TROLL Da får han se ei lita jente borti vegen. Then he sees a little girl down the road. Hun kommer gående hitover mot bjørka, i Wearing a long dress and carrying a basket sid stakk, og med ei korg i armkroken. Stei- under her arm, she comes walking over to- nar blir redd for at hunden skal gå på og bite ward the birch tree. Steinar gets scared the henne forderva, så han roper: «Du må snu, dog will attack her and bite her, so he shouts: for det er en sint hund her!» Men jenta later “You have to turn around, because there is ikke til å høre, men kommer bare nærmere. an angry dog here!” But the girl doesn’t Der får hunden øye på jenta, og den seem to hear and just comes closer. reiser seg opp og knurrer ilsk. Med ett byk- Then the dog sees the girl and rises up, ser den i veg fram mot henne med avflekte growling menacingly. In a flash he bounds tenner. Men jenta blir bare stående helt ro- toward her with his teeth bared. But the girl lig og vente på hunden. Da Troll er kommet just stands calmly and waits for the dog. tett innpå, åpner jenta korga si. Opp av den When Troll is close, the girl opens her bas- spretter en sint katt og hopper beint i synet ket. Out jumps a mad cat, right at Troll’s på Troll. face. Det er Mons! Troll kjenner Vangskatten It is Mons! Troll remembers the Vangen fra før, og har respekt for de kvasse klørne. cat from before and has respect for its sharp Nå tverrsnur den og rømmer unna i full fart claws. He suddenly turns and runs away at med halen mellom bakbeina. Den vesle jen- Photos: Heidi Håvan Grosch full speed with his tail between his legs. The ta slenger av seg stakk og skaut, og nå ser Left: American friends Erik and Ginger visit the Nidar factory outlet. Right: Erik likes the “Relax” little girl takes off her skirt and her scarf, and Steinar at det er Kåre som står der og storler. chewing gum, launched in 2010 by Nidar. now Steinar realizes that it is Kåre standing Steinar skynder seg ned av treet og hopper there, laughing heartily. Steinar hurries down opp og ned ei stund for å få varmen i krop- from the tree and jumps up and down to get When you bring Norwegian chocolate and they saw a rise in sales from about NOK pen igjen. Så går «Vangsgutane» og Mons his body warm again. Then the Vangen boys back as a souvenir from Norway, it has most 20 million to NOK 80 million.The 1970s heim til Vangen. and Mons head home to Vangen. likely been produced by one of Norway’s was the dawn of many new products as choc- two chocolate giants, Freia (www.freiahjem- olate came from behind the counter to take Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods • Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen mekonditori.no) or Nidar. I had some Ameri- its place on the “real” grocery store shelves Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. can friends visiting over the Easter holidays and today, with 500 employees, Nidar is the www.astrimyastri.com and we decided to take a trip to Nidar to find largest supplier of candy to the Norwegian out more about them, and the story we dis- market (about 33.2 percent in 2007 with a covered was “delicious.” sales of NOK 1089 million, app-roximately History of the Norwegian Settlements: Emil Nilssen was a sales representa- USD 5990 million in 2006). A translated and expanded version of the 1908 De tive for Freia in Oslo when he decided that Nidar is very conscious about creating Norske Settlementers Historie and the 1930 Den Siste Trondheim needed their own sjokoladefab- quality products, and they pay particular at- Folkevandring Sagastubber fra Nybyggerlivet i Amerika rikk (chocolate factory), so he and his long- tention to what they call their celebrities. Written by Hjalmar Rued Holand time friend, Hans Bell, cobbled together the “Without our brands, we would not Winner of two National Awards. Provides an engaging and NOK 100,000 (the equivalent of approxi- be worth much. We would be just another enthusiastic depiction of the struggles as well as the triumphs of krone pioneer life. The 63-chapter non-fiction book lets readers trace the mately USD 525,000 in today’s value) chocolate producer with a public that has trails of 3,800 indexed immigrants through Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, they needed to get started, and on May 2, no associations with our products. A brand, Minnesota and the Dakotas. 1912, they established the Munken Choko- however, eliminates uncertainty because you • 1830-1870 emigration from Norway, English only ladefabrik A/S. know exactly what you get every time you • Hardcover, 512 pages, old USA maps & lithographs Unfortunately they weren’t the first to buy a brand chocolate,” says Anne Borgen • 32 full-colored pages of maps from Norway use the name Munken, so they took a new Sturød, marketing director for Nidar. • $39.95 with FREE shipping in the USA moniker from the old city name Nidaros, Some celebrities have been around for a Astri My Astri Publishing becoming Nidar Chokoladefabrik. It took long time, like old favorites Stratos (launched Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com 602 3rd Ave SW Email: [email protected] awhile to get their feet under them and it in 1936), Troika (1939), Ifa (1930), Smør- Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 wasn’t until May of 1915 that the smell of brukk (1935), and Gullbrød (1915). chocolate wafting from the factory became a “Consuming sweets, is about treating Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates regular part of the neighborhood. yourself to one of the small pleasures of ev- Nidar has always been aware of the eryday life. Most people prefer a brand which Organization of the Week in the United States changing times and the needs of their cus- they know will make their ‘sweet moment’ – Norwegian American Oklahoma tomers, and has readily adapted when neces- a moment of real pleasure,” she says. Chamber of Commerce sary. In 1939, they were creating 230 variet- But Nidar also wants to keep the market ies but rationing during World War II made fresh and keeps testing new products, ask- Mid-Atlantic Chapter Honorary Consul Jon R. Stuart the purchase of chocolate a luxury, rather ing Norwegians what they want, resulting in Washington, D.C. Royal Norwegian Consulate than the necessity many see it as today. Nidar products like Relax (chewing gum launched For more information, contact: 2431 East 61st Street Suite 600 created other products like Gulrotmarmelade in 2010), a product definitely appropriate for 2720 34th Street NW Tulsa, OK 74136-1235 (carrot marmelade) and Kakao-te (cocoa te). today’s lifestyle. Washington, D.C. 20008 Phone: (918) 744-5222 After the war, they began to streamline their Nidar has a retail outlet. Go to www. Phone: (703) 434-1444 Fax: 918) 742-5273 products, focusing on quality, and in 1950 nidar.no for more information. Much of the E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] offered 41 varieties. information in this article was taken from For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, The 1960s were golden years for Nidar, Smakebiter fra Nidars historie. visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports May 20, 2011 • 15 sports Hockey adventure ends in defeat Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Norwegian ice hockey team’s surprising run ends results Standings 5/16 Ålesund 2 – 1 Strømsgodset Tippeligaen PLD PTS Al e d -Di l w y n Fi s h e r 5/16 Rosenborg 0 – 1 Haugesund 1. Tromsø IL 7 13 Views and News from Norway 2. SK Brann 7 13 5/16 Viking 1 – 1 Odd 3. Fredrikstad FK 7 13 The Norwegian national ice hockey added a fourth through Jani Lajunen just a 5/16 Brann 2 – 1 Start 4. Strømsgodset IF 7 13 team’s surprising run in the International Ice few minutes later, and Finland did not let 5. Ålesunds FK 7 13 Hockey Federation (IIHF) World Champion- Norway back into the game in the final pe- 5/16 Tromsø 2 – 2 Sarpsborg 6. Stabæk Fotball 7 12 ship has been ended in a 4 – 1 defeat to Fin- riod, riding out 4 – 1 winners. 5/16 Lillestrøm 0 – 3 Molde land in the quarterfinals on May 12. The Norwegian hero of much of the 7. Molde FK 7 11 Despite taking the lead in the first pe- World Championship, goaltender Lars Hau- 5/16 Stabæk 0 – 1 Sogndal 8. Sarpsborg FK 7 10 riod, Norway was punished for a number gen, admitted to television channel Viasat 5/16 Fredrikstad 3 – 1 Vålerenga 9. Lillestrøm SK 7 9 of penalties, during which Finland that the team “received a couple of 10. IK Start 7 8 overwhelmed them with the man penalties that they punished us 11. Odd Grenland 7 8 advantage. The loss brings to rock hard on.” He described To read more about football in Norway, 12. Rosenborg BK 7 7 an end an exciting tourna- himself as “quite disappoint- visit www.norway.com 13. Vålerenga Fotball 7 7 ment in which the Norwe- ed,” but noted that “we have & www.uefa.com gian underdogs shocked had an unbelievably fun two 14. FK Haugesund 7 7 many with impressive wins weeks, so we cannot really 15. Viking FK 7 6 over Sweden, Austria, Swit- be disappointed.” He also 16. Sogndal IL 7 5 zerland and France. stressed that the team “has After an even first pe- done out best,” adding that “we eurovision… riod with no goals, Norway took are probably the team that has the (…continued from page 3) did an interview with her, she had great at- the lead early in the second period most bruises now.” tention in Russia, for example.” through a coolly taken Ken Andre Olimb Another player, Anders Bastiansen, Fairytale winner about his new tasks. His efforts didn’t do the trick, however, penalty shot, after Olimb had been taken added to Viasat that “in a week, when this Alexander Rybak has had a busy week since Norway’s Stella Mwangi didn’t qualify out when through on goal. Nonetheless, the has sunk in a little, we are going to be very in Düsseldorf, learning a new profession. to the Grand Final. Finns struck back almost as quickly as they satisfied.” “I began on Sunday, and started with the Alexander Rybak has learned that the re- had conceded through Jarkko Immonen, tak- Norway last appeared in the quarterfi- Norwegian singer Stella. She’s very easy to porter profession can be a challenging one. ing advantage of Alexander Bonsaksen be- nals in 2008, which they managed to reach interview,” Rybak says to Eurovision.tv. “It’s quite hard to run back and forth. ing penalized. Finland then took the lead just with just one win. They officially finish this He is on location as a special reporter But at the same time, I don’t have any pres- a few minutes later – benefitting once again championship in sixth place. The nation’s for the Norwegian broadcaster NRK. sure on me here. I’ve only said that I’m going from Norway giving away a penalty – with a best ever World Championship finish was “I’m doing interviews everyday. First to do as much as I can manage,” he says. Tuomo Ruutu goal on the rebound. fourth in 1951. and foremost, I tried to help the Norwegian “I always try to use the energy I can Before the end of the second period, Im- Reprinted with permission from Oslo- artist by taking her to the spotlight. Since I see,” he says. monen scored his second, once again pun- based news service “Views and News from ishing Norway with a man advantage. They Norway.” Visit www.newsinenglish.no.

The Scandinavian Hour Photos: World Beard Championships Celebrating over 40 years on the air beard art… (…continued from page 1) of Beard Team USA, took two silvers, one KKNW – 1150 AM for Jeffrey Moustache in the English Mous- of overall winner and Freestyle Full Beard tache category, and another for John Myatt Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Titan Elmar Weisser whose reindeer beard in Verdi. Streaming live on the internet at: couldn’t be stopped. The World Beard and Moustache Cham- American Rooty Lundvahl of the Whis- pionships, the premier event in the interna- www.1150kknw.com ker Club knocked two-time defending world tional sport of bearding, brings the owners champ Jack Passion off the top spot in the of the world’s most elaborate facial hair Sons of Norway Building, B-20 largest category, Full Beard Natural. Passion together every two years. A panel of distin- Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street was second. guished judges chooses the best of the best (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 American Burke T. Kenny was restored in a variety of categories ranging from the the Full Beard Styled Moustache crown he most delicate of moustaches to the elaborate www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] won at the 2007 world championships in anything-goes freestyle full beard. By appointment please England but then lost in Alaska in 2009. With the advent of the internet, the Whisker Club President Bruce Roe won the WBMC has now grown to a multinational, th Hungarian Moustache Division. multi-cultural, spectator-friendly event. Celebrate 17 of May Meanwhile, Keith “Gandhi Jones” Hau- Having invented the sport, defined the Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! brich completed the three-peat in Freestyle categories, and hosted by far the largest num- To celebrate, subscribe today for Moustache. Newcomers to the world stage ber of championships, long domi- Bill Mitchell from Georgia and Giovanni nated the sport. In 2009, however, when the $ Dominice from Arizona won in Partial Beard competition took place in Alaska, an upstart Only 40 for the first year Freestyle and Imperial Moustache respec- squad of Americans established the U.S. as Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the tively. the new facial hair world superpower. only Norwegian-American newspaper The fledgling Northern Los Angeles For more information, visit www. world- Beard and Moustache Club, a local chapter beardchampionships.com. For more information, see page 3 Not for Profit Retirement & Assisted Living Community serving Seattle for over 50 years!

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