Driving Data Watch out, revolution ahead! Page 10 08 23 38

Meet Pitt Romania Mania Power Women Q&A with new Business and leisure The business case for CTP COO in the heart of the gender equality in the Carpathians workplace CEO WORD: MEET 2017–2018 PITT

CEO Remon Vos lays Q&A with the down company results newest member and future plans, along of the Executive with some rubber Management team PAGE 02 Groundworks PAGE 08 FINANCE, BUSINESS & COMPANY NEWS


Facts, figures, and In-depth look into the project updates country, our parks and from around CEE plans, with a spotlight on CTPark Bucharest West PAGE 20 Regions PAGE 23 PLACES WHERE WE OPERATE


Architect Václav Hlaváček Research on workplace discusses the importance gender equality proves of ‘concept’ and ‘balance’ in strong returns for teams masterplan design and companies Inspiration PAGE 28 PAGE 38 THE WORLD AROUND US


Need a break? Explore CTP Art Wall: the best of Romania: wild painting the largest mountains, hip beer halls, canvas in Europe romantic castles, and theme parks in places PAGE 44 a fun stuff you’d never expect D PAGE 34 RELAX & ENJOY WELCOME TO GRID

Remon Vos inspects construction progress at new Raben premises at CTPark Prague East in his 1925 Vauxhall, December 2017 In 2017, we grew our portfolio by nearly 680,000 m2, and it now stands at 4.5 million m2. We expand- ed primarily from new construction —either new buildings or exten- sions—which resulted in the av- erage age of the buildings in our portfolio remaining stable at eight years. High client satisfaction led to strong lease renewals, positive- ly impacting overall WAULT, which now stands at seven years. We also significantly reduced our LTV from 56% to 51% during the year. The majority of portfolio expan- sion in 2017 took place in our newer markets of Romania and Hungary, which together made up 66% of overall portfolio growth. We contin- ued our expansion in Slovakia and began construction of two build- ings at CTPark Opole in Poland for two of our long-term clients. As in previous years, existing clients are our biggest asset, driving two- thirds of our growth. Due to the strong overall econom- ic performance of CEE markets in 2017, the industrial real estate sec- tor posted the highest occupancy rates on record. CTP core occupan- cy hit 97.7%. Low vacancy, cou- pled with strong new demand, has resulted in total rental income ris- ing to EUR 233 million for the year, and we expect this to increase 17% y-o-y in 2018.

02 03 e continue to be committed to im- plan to replicate at other large parks to better proving the quality of our build- serve our clients and their employees, who now ings and have introduced a num- number over 60,000 across our developments. At ber of new technologies into our Ponāvka, we launched the first housing project in ‘2020 Whitebook’—the standard Brno for students and young professionals, incor- specifications on which all of our porating best-in-class rooms, common areas and five property types are based. We amenities for residents. . Wupgraded over 70 items in the specifications, in- CTPersonnel, which provides job-matching ser- cluding remote consumption metres for utilities, vices for our tenants, continues to grow. Through more efficient air handling units with a greater this personnel agency, we hire, train, and allocate heat recovery ratio, as as our LED exterior workers to clients based on their workflow needs. lighting units, with even lower consumption In this way, clients can increase their workforce specifications than the previous generation. to meet seasonal demands without having to take In 2017, we continued with our ‘LED every- new people onto their payroll. Employees gain where’ efforts, and invested EUR 1.9 million to secure employment through CTPersonnel, while retrofit 34 buildings with low-energy consump- clients gain the benefit of flexibility. tion LED lighting covering 420,000 m² of space. As a long-term investor in our markets, we These energy consumption improvements are know the value of giving back to the community verified by local authorities and usually result in where we work and live. In 2017, CTP made chari- an upgraded energy certification (EPC) from C to table donations of EUR 1.8 million to support chil- B. We plan to continue this throughout 2018 and dren homes, education, and young adults. In Vod- beyond, upgrading at least 400,000 m² per year. erady, Slovakia, we helped build an extension to We also target smaller investments into HVAC the local kindergarten because many new families and Building Management Systems (BMS), which were moving to the area for work. We are pleased have a noticeable impact on building efficiency. to contribute to the further development of the This year we aim to upgrade 40 buildings from C needs of young families and their children. to B, which provides direct cost savings and long- Looking back over our nearly 20 years of ex- term value for our clients. perience in the region, it’s clear that our instincts As the region continues to attract a diverse were correct in identifying CEE as a market for mix of international companies, we see continued growth. At that time, companies chose to move to growth in 2018 as well as through the next five CEE primarily for low-cost production. Over time, years. To ensure enough space for future growth, they saw the benefits of the location: a highly ed- we have invested significantly into our land bank, ucated workforce with a long history of manufac- which now exceeds 700 hectares and can current- turing. These same companies are now moving ly accommodate another 3.5 million m² of A-class their design centres, R&D facilities, and other industrial space. value-add operations to the region. We expect To manage our growth and keep our clients this trend to continue, particularly in the e-com- satisfied, during 2017 we extended our platform merce, manufacturing, and ICT service sectors. of young, ambitious professionals to nearly 350 We look forward to accommodating our cli- people. The average age of our team is 36, and ents as they adapt to new market conditions, such we continue to seek young talent to constantly as industry 4.0, increasing automation, IOT, and improve our services. To encourage a healthy life- other new technologies. These trends require style, we also sponsor our employees’ participa- smarter buildings, higher standards and great- tion in the Czech Doksy and Pálava half iron-man er customisation. CTP is uniquely suited to the competitions, and support any employee who challenge, with the right team, our dedication to wishes to take part in the many half- and full professionalism, our personal approach, and our marathons taking place thoughout the region. commitment to the high-quality, custom-built We continued to professionalise the company solutions that our clients need. and strengthen our top leadership team. Robert Pitt joined CTP in December as COO, and Rudolf Full Speed! Nemes joined as Country Head for Hungary. 10 These new additions have significantly improved our organisation and added depth and experience at key positions. We look forward to continuing our quarterly ‘top-30’ meeting, where executive management meets with our ‘top 30’ employees to share insight and feedback concerning on-go- Remon L. Vos, FRICS CEO ing projects and future plans. Not only have we improved our KPIs dur- ing the year, we also innovated on a number of fronts. In CTPark Bor in the Czech Republic, we built more worker housing and facilities for re- lated services, part of our pilot project that we 5 4.5 mil. 233 mil. 97.7% Rentable area (m2) Gross Rental Income (EUR) Occupancy

Big Goals By 2022, we plan to double our speed of growth compared to the last four years, expanding our portfolio to EUR 10 million m2. 2.3

2014 2018 2022 04 05 PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL

68 % Czech Republic 39 % Romania 16 % Romania 27 % Czech Republic RESULTS:2017 6 % Slovakia 27 % Hungary 9 % Hungary 4 % Slovakia 1 % Poland 3% Poland

Markets across CEE in 2017 continued to show growth as manufacturers and e-commerce occupiers took advan- 2017 was the first year in which we grew our portfolio tage of historically low interest rates. by more outside of our home market of the Czech Republic. While we grew in all markets, new construc- Regional Breakdown tion in Romania and Hungary made up the lion’s share Core Portfolio CTP also took advantage of this window, continuing our strat- of Core Portfolio, 2017 of portfolio expansion during the year. Growth, 2017 egy of refinancing major portions of our portfolio. Part of this strategy included forging new relationships with Western European banks to finance further expansion in CEE coun- tries. In four major transactions, we refinanced over EUR 590 million of debt and increased our outstanding loans to just 4.3 Value of assets (EUR billion) over EUR 2 billion. These new relationships bring the number 384 of our financial partners to 22, further diversifying our cred- Projected itor base and mitigating risk for all parties. Refinance negoti- 51% 327 ations resulted in improved terms and extended the residual LTV (Loan to value ratio) maturity of outstanding loans to beyond five years. 277 Raiffeisenbank In 2018, we plan to continue refinancing appropriately, with International Group KBC Group 7 12.1% 11.9% 233 the intent to release EUR 110–140 million of equity to strength- WAULT (years) en our cash-flow position. At end 2017 we completed approx- 200 Erste Group imately 85% of our plan to raise EUR 83.5 million through the 16.3% Others* sale of selected noncore assets. We intend to divest the re- 705+ 165 Raiffeisenlandesbank (10 banks, each Niederösterreich holding <1.4% of 6.6% overall loans) mainder during 2018. Land bank (ha) 134 120 113 Societe Generale Group Market demand in 2017, together with strong company KPIs— 100 10.4% 94 ING 2.9% including our seven-year WAULT, the low, eight-year average 8 Allianz 4.9% Raiffeisen age of our buildings, our continued investment into older as- Size of potential build-up area utilising Landesbank current land bank (million m2) Oberösterreich sets, and our strong client base—resulted in total asset val- 2.6% Deutsche Uni Credit Bank Group Helaba Pfandbriefbank 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 3.2 3.8 4.5 5.5 6.7 7.7 ue growing to EUR 4.3 billion. Through refinancing and the in- 14.6% 7.0% 4.2% EBRD 1.4% creasing value of our properties, we were able to reduce our 8 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 LTV by approximately 5% during the year. Average age of buildings (years)

2 Lettable Area Development (million m ) Financing * Gross Rental Income (EUR million) By refinancing over EUR 590 million of Banca Transilvania, PPF long-term loans, we were able to diversify Banka, Intesa Group, risk among a larger number of creditors MONETA Bank, Alpha Bank, Bancpost, Pekao, while opening up new opportunities for OTP Bank, Garanti Bank financing future growth.

06 07 Continued growth throughout the region brings unique challenges to CTP. There is a need for more people to handle the increased workload, greater co- ordination across a wider geographical territory, and smarter IT infrastructure to both speed up decision-making and to enable collaboration on the project management and financial level. To ensure smooth operations while pushing through the transition, and to take advantage of the new opportunities pre- sented, CTP has brought in the senior management and international experi- ence of Robert Pitt to the new position of COO. GRID sat with him to discuss his approach and plans.

GRID: What does your job as COO at CTP entail? fulfilment centres, and that’s something which CTP can definitely take -ad As COO, I’m responsible for the company’s operations across all markets. vantage of. We’re able to produce facilities for people who have very bespoke The functions I look after are very focused on construction, which includes processes or very specific requirements. And as technology and robotics be- design, procurement, permitting, and both project and property manage- come very important in the production process, we can deliver what you ment. A lot of responsibilities fit in with that. First, HR: we must have the need to be able to create value as a manufacturer or as a logistic company. best people in the company, very well-trained and motivated–which I think they are. And regarding IT, we need to be using IT systems that enable maxi- What is your approach to decision-making? mum efficiency. It’s a big company, so anybody who does anything here has In decision-making, I work with information and data. At a company the a big job, and I’m really excited about it. size of CTP, it’s essential that you’re not doing something only on instinct. I consult with people, I listen quite a lot and I’m very open to new ideas. But What are some of your goals at CTP? I do have 27 years of experience behind me, so I bring a certain record Well, my short-term goals at CTP are to make sure that the company as well. keeps on going as it has done previously, which is very quickly, efficiently, and customer-focused. I don’t want to disrupt that. I’m not here to fix any- How do you prioritize your time and responsibility? thing; this is a company that is doing really well, so it’s mainly about keeping The position of COO is a new position at CTP, so with that comes a certain it going. Long-term, Remon has a very clear vision about wanting CTP to be amount of mapping, or deciding how you’re going to prioritize and where you a model company in the area it operates in. He wants us to be the property can have the most impact. I have to be very careful that I don’t get dragged development company of the future, and I’m here to make sure it’s all very into troubleshooting all the time. I sit down to plan my week, my quarter, my well-defined and well-mapped, and we get there with as little pain as possible. six months. Something I learned during my time at Tesco, where I led 15,000 people, was that although I could not speak to every single one of them in- What do you see as the main challenges facing CTP? dividually, I still had to make sure that my plan was clear to everyone. You At the core of everything we do is having the best people, and providing need to be very focused in this job. You need to be the person who holds the them with the best tools—the best IT systems—that they could possibly work course, even when things go slightly wild around you. with. There’s a very big challenge coming to all industries that is going to affect property and CTP as well: digital transformation. Digitalization offers How do you acquire feedback, and in what ways do you believe it to be us both risk and opportunity. The risk will come with a change in how things beneficial? get done, how customers behave, and how services are provided, all of which Communication is irreplaceable; we are spread out across many coun- will affect our products: the location, the size, the purpose of them. To make tries, so it’s important for me that I’m getting feedback on how my plans are sure that we remain relevant, we have to understand what’s going to be the affecting them. My working week is starting off here in Prague on Mondays, building of the future. but then I spend quite a few days in other countries. Face-to-face meetings Internally, CTP will change as well. Our competitors will bring in new are best because you can check the outputs of what you’re doing. It’s also tools; if we don’t do the same, we’ll be left behind, and I don’t think that’s a really important that you’re not just speaking to people who are leading the part of CTP’s culture. We’re pioneers, we’re aggressive, we’re fast-moving. So countries, but also to those who are actually doing the job. I speak Czech, it’s really important that we work very hard to transform this into a digital Slovak and a little bit of Polish, so I can get the real story from people in this property company. company. They aren’t afraid to say their opinion, so you’ll always get the right feedback or the right information on how things are going. What is digitalization as it relates to industrial real estate, and CTP? At the moment, we are bringing in new platforms that help us manage Speaking specifically of IT, explain its significance and how it can push the our property a lot more efficiently: heating, lighting, repairs to the building, company forward. PITTand availability of information which will let you know how your building The company has been using platforms that suited CTP’s focus on the behaves. A building is a living thing. It moves, it warms up, it cools down, it Czech market. Now, as an international company, standardized ways of work- has issues, its purpose needs to be redirected… When tenants come into the ing are crucial. The new IT platforms will give us a financial picture of how building, we need to gather information about how they use it. Digital tools we’re operating on our cash flow, they’ll give us a picture of our assets and allow us to measure activity and produce a much more efficient building. how those assets are structured. We’ll be able to make better predictions ROBERT PITT about how our assets behave, or how they could possibly perform. Informa- What brought you to CTP? tion will lay bare the real performance of where the company is, which may COO I knew about CTP for quite a while, it’s obviously a great brand and a scare some people. Nonetheless, what can’t happen is that we refuse to work Hailing from Ireland, Robert Pitt great company in the region. I met Remon through a mutual acquaintance, with that information. That would be a lost opportunity. (47) first came to the Czech and we just clicked; there was a need in the company for the kind of skills I My role is to engage people in this company to understand that this is a Republic in 1992. He has held top management positions at had, we agreed very quickly, and here I am. really good chance for us to move CTP to a very, very advantageous place. Lidl (CZ), Tesco (CZ), and INM Google works on information to understand peoples’ intent, what people are PLC (IRE). Along with his wife What do you see outside of the real estate world that might affect CTP, trying to do. Facebook is a form of insight. We have to understand the behav- and four daughters, he is happy to be back in CZ, the country he both positively and negatively? iour and performance of our property portfolio and our tenants, so we can considers home. The move to e-commerce will increase demand for well-located, modern identify opportunity for ourselves.

08 09 into bespoke systems, costs would spiral out of control. And there are many companies already competing to become the ‘manufacturer-agnos- tic’ data platform of choice. Otonomo, an Israeli company, claims to be “dedicated to enabling the onset of the connected ecosystem,” and their platform “powers the first Data Marketplace.” The com- pany has developed an ‘agnostic data-collection’ Driving aimed at acting as a broker between automakers and third parties. This is attractive to automakers because Otonomo’s platform ingests and aggre- gates data from multiple manufacturers, provid- ing a one-stop shop for comprehensive data for interested third parties and thereby allowing to forgo the time and money required to integrate Data their raw data for every interested party. manufacturers to incorporate more electronics Much like the PC industry’s attempts at set- and communications software. It is also expected tling on a single data cable to connect any and to change manufacturers’ business models: for all peripherals at high speed, Valens is developing example, Cisco-Jasper, a leader in IOT solutions, the technology to speed up data transfer within believes that automakers who currently charge vehicles up to six times faster than current tech- monthly data fees much like your ISP does— nology allows. which can be especially steep for —will move to monetizing the service by But can we trust them with the data? selling data. This allows the inter- The legal ramifications and privacy concerns 79 % net costs to be split among various regarding data sharing are much the same–if not of those interviewed data users who want to connect to more delicate–as with social media. Is it simply in the U.S., China and the cars, like insurers, music pro- ‘car event data’, or should it require the owner’s Germany are willing to viders, or your local tax authority. consent? Current cars often have “black boxes”, share personal data As it stands now, manufacturers al- which capture a vehicle’s crash information. low end users to ‘sign up’ to differ- That ‘event data’ is usually considered private; to ent service plans and data packages to suit their gain access, the police and insurers either need a needs. For instance, with the $34.99/month GM court order, or the driver’s consent. No laws ad- OnStar Guidance Plan, GM will automatically call dress data being transmitted from the car to third Automobiles are becoming more infused with emergency services after a crash, track and slow parties via the internet. electronics with each new release. Gone are down a car if it’s stolen, and provide hands-free It’s clear that the future is data-oriented, calling. By eventually making it free for the driv- and cars are only one source of our behavioural the days when you could open the hood and er to ‘share’ his or her car’s data, more drivers information. Our personal driving data reveals fix a problematic ‘noise’ with a standard socket would sign up. Think Facebook on wheels. consumer trends and is therefore extremely val- Because not all cars are made from the same uable. Yes, it can be used to decrease insurance wrench. Cars nowadays are stuffed with elec- parts, there is also a need to create novel da- rates, improve AV safety, or help the police find tronic sensors checking the tire pressure, tire grip, ta-sharing standards. If every manufacturer—and a stolen vehicle. It can also be used to inundate their supply-chain partners—made investments us with ads while driving by a shopping mall. and temperatures of everything from the weather Whether the pros ultimately outweigh the cons is debatable. But companies across all industries outside to how warm our butt cheeks are. are scrambling to capitalize on this data revo- lution, and it’s rapidly changing the industrial landscape. Today’s vehicles are generating tons of data and ly a EUR 1.6 trillion market. Some predict that are increasingly being connected to our electron- by 2030, the ‘autonomous taxi’ market alone ic devices. Built-in GPS units are old news; it’s could be worth a whopping EUR 8 trillion— now all about the connection with our phones’ five times more than the current value apps. The next step is to implement communica- of all automotive tion between the cars themselves. This form of sales today per year. connection means cars will That gives merit to adjust speed simultaneous- the theory that data 75 % ly while avoiding obstacles, is the new oil. which will guarantee greater With automobile of cars will be safety. And with new technol- accidents costing connected to the ogy and an abundance of sen- over EUR 200 billion/ web by 2020 sors, cars will begin commu- year in the US alone, nicating with traffic lights, roads, toll booths, and industry analysts pre- emergency services. That’s a lot of data to store. dict not just significant It is estimated that an autonomous vehicle (AV) monetary savings—which can generate 1GB (Gigabyte) of data per second. could then be re-invested into smarter infrastruc- That amount of data would have the average iP- ture, causing a virtuous circle—but the immeas- hone at capacity in about 30 seconds. urable saving of human lives. Currently, nearly 20% of new cars sold glob- Who is interested—and why? ally are internet connected, according to BI Intel- McKinsey recently came out with a report ligence; by 2020, that is expected to reach 75%. stating that the global automotive data industry GM, the leader in this field, is expected to have could be worth up to EUR 600 billion by 2030. some 12 million internet-connected vehicles on They foresee that within two years, automakers the road by the end of this year. could be pulling in more money selling vehi- This trend is upending the entire industry, cle data than they do by selling cars—current- affecting the auto-supply chain, and forcing OEM

10 11 CTPARK NETWORK Czech Republic Romania Aš Arad HE3DA Gdańsk Blatnice Bucharest Horní Suchá, CZ Blučina Bucharest West Czech company HE3DA Bor Chitila will begin production Brno Cluj The CTPark Network lights up central of its innovative, nano- Brno South Cluj II tech-based batteries Europe with construction of approximate- Cerhovice Deva this year in new factory LG 2 České Lípa Deva II ly 650,000 m underway at over 50% of Magna Energy Storage. Wroclaw, PL České Velenice Ineu It will produce an annual LG will open Europe’s The CTPark Network is our parks. During 2018, we expect to grow Cheb Pitești 2 capacity of 1.2 GWh. largest factory for Li-ion the portfolio by over 1 million m . batteries specifically the largest integrated Divišov Salonta for EV use. Starting in Hlubočky Sibiu On this issue’s Network Map, we have early 2019, it will supply system of premium Holubice Timișoara indicated some ‘battery hotspots’ up to 100,000 batteries Hranice Timișoara II per year. business parks in CEE. Hrušky Turda in CEE (see article, page 42). Łódź Humpolec With over 4.5 million m2 Humpolec II Hungary The parks in this model are represented IQ Ostrava Budapest South Prodrive Jihlava Budapest West by real LED lights—to coincide with our Iłowa at over 82 locations, SK Kadaň Győr ‘LED everywhere’ motto—and are pow- Karviná Mór Wrocław PL Prodrive has created the and sufficient land bank ered by Li-ion batteries. Aeromobil, a jet-propelled Kutná Hora Tatabánya vehicle which will be able available, the CTPark Kvasiny Liberec Slovakia Opole to fly up to 186 miles using an electric battery. Network enables our Lipník N. Bečvou Bratislava Lviv Louny Nitra Ml. Boleslav I Prešov Katowice clients to grow any- Teplice Mladá Ml. Boleslav II Trnava Boleslav where in the region. Modřice Voderady Nošovice Žilina Ostrava Nový Jičín Cheb Okříšky Poland Prague Bor Plzeň Nošovice Ostrava Gdańsk Humpolec UA Pardubice II Iłowa Brno Planá N. Lužnicí Łódź Prešov Plzeň Opole Pohořelice Wrocław Žilina Ponāvka CZ Prague Airport Slovenia Lithium mine Prague East Ljubljana Airport Cínovec, CZ SK Prague North Czech company HE3DA Prague West Ukraine has teamed up with Eu- Trnava Přeštice Lviv ropean Metals to explore Nitra Spielberk GS Yuasa Stříbro area around Cínovec, Alfen Miskolc, HU Teplice which is predicted to be Prakšice, CZ Bratislava Li-ion manufacturer Teplice II Europe’s largest lithium With headquarters in CZ, GS Yuasa plans to Týniště nad Orlicí resource, with 3% of the Solar Global has appointed construct a new Ústí nad Labem global stock. Alfen to produce the coun- manufacturing plant Vlnena try’s first grid-scale Li-ion for Li-ion batteries, Zákupy battery energy storage Budapest which will be used Žatec system connected to a Komárom for starting, lighting Žatec II solar farm. Cluj and ignition applica- Ineu tions. The company may also begin Li-ion Salonta cell production at Parks with construction activity the new plant. Turda Existing industrial parks HU

Premium office developments

CTP local offices Arad Deva


Timișoara Ljubljana RO Metair SL RO Pitești SK Innovation Metair, a manufacturer, Komárno, SK distributor and retailer of SK Innovation will invest energy storage solutions approx. EUR 630 million to and automotive compo- build an EV battery plant in nents, has acquired a 35% Bucharest Hungary to meet European stake in Primemotors to automakers’ demands. accelerate its production of Mass production is planned Belgrade Li-ion batteries. for January 2020. RS

12 13 BUILDING TYPES To meet the requirements of major industries, CTP has developed five bespoke building types ranging in size and functionality to CTBox CTFlex CTSpace CTOffice CTFit support diverse business activities, including high-tech manufac- 450—800 m2 1,150—3,000 m2 From 3,000 m2 From 195 m2 From 5,000 m2 The three-in-one func- CTFlex buildings are High-quality, modern A-class, cost-effective CTP specialises in turing, supply-chain and distribution centres, advanced R&D, and tionality of the CTBox multi-purpose facili- warehouses to ac- office space devel- custom-built properties back-office operations. Our five property types are based on our concept provides ties pre-built through- commodate the stor- oped in strategic and fit-outs to meet showroom, warehous- out CEE to support age, distribution and locations to support even the most standard specifications, thereby ensuring consistent construc- ing and office space in diverse business supply-chain needs of a range of activities. demanding, industry- one efficient unit. activities. global business. specific requirements. tion quality and short build times. This allows our clients to simply plug-and-play with the certainty that the facility will support them 5 over the lifetime of their operations.

CTP ISO 14001 STANDARDS CERTIFIED Precast reinforced Insulated 150 mm Fire alarm, smoke All areas of the Kitchenettes Outside areas All CTParks are land- Fully equipped concrete frame, façade sandwich detectors and hall, offices, equipped with high- are well-lit with scaped and planted showers and lava- with flexible column panels with mineral sprinkler system meeting rooms, quality appliances LED lights, and with pleasant trees, tories; completed CTP standards set our properties apart from the competition. From floor to ceiling, grid of 12 × 24 m; wool core, 120 min- covering all break and sanitary including sink, organized with grass and shrubbery; with high-quality, standard clear utes fire resistance rented areas; fire areas are covered microwave, refrigera- truck-accessible separated concrete long-lasting fittings our technical specifications exceed industry standards. Each year, we upgrade height: 10.5 m extinguishers with by energy-efficient tor and dish washer asphalt roads paving for foot and our standards to incorporate the latest technologies and materials to both lower regular inspection LED lights bike traffic operational costs and increase the overall value of the building. We review new technologies, solicit new suppliers, and research new materials. We also look to include materials that help reduce the overall carbon footprint of our buildings. We consider how much energy is used in the production of selected material, and how easily it can be recycled at the end of life. By ‘greening’ our standards, we aim to contribute to the long-term health of our planet. As the basis for all our Steel fibre Dock levellers Drive-in ramps Heating units Roof deck with load Roof-mounted Openable office CAT 6 cables and reinforced concrete with hydraulic, with overhead door and air ventilators reserve for 20 kg/m2 skylights provide windows with long double data socket construction projects, the CTP standard specifications ensure a consistent build floor with 5 t/m2 motorised control for truck, employee in halls; HVAC in to accommodate natural lighting; lasting aluminum (RJ45) per each load capacity access office areas client-required tech- openable flaps strips; exterior roll- 8 m2 in offices quality of our buildings, in every country where we operate. nologies; 240 mm provide ventilation er-blind shading for thermal insulation office areas facing and UV protection east, south or west

14 15 Built

CTP’s standard specifications lead the industry in terms of quality and energy efficiency, but many of our clients require more. Whether it is massive floor loading that supports large technology installations, a 14 m clear-height for greater racking storage, or clean rooms for high-tech manufacturing, we can do it. Our in-house design and engineering team works directly with you to build according to your exact requirements. CTP is CEE’s largest full-service commercial developer focusing on high-tech, custom-built solutions, no matter the scale.

CTPark Prague North Brand new semi-automated distribution centre for international wholesaler to

CTPark Brno Multi-functional production hall with clean rooms, vibration-dampening flooring, modern offices, and outdoor gardens for international electron microscope manufacturer

CTPark Bor Large-scale, cross-border logistics hub and order fullfillment centre for international e-commerce player


CTPark Přeštice Specialised climate control systems, clean assembly facility, and heavy crane-loading capacity for high-tech manufacturer in the auto-supply chain

16 Solutions 17 Bucharest West Vlněna CTPark Cheb Over 150,000 m2 is The newest addition We are looking to under construction to our premium office complete approx. at two projects in development portfolio is 65,000 m2 for a major our fastest growing under way in Brno. The client, with nearly market. first phase of 31,000 m2 33,000 m2 currently Page 26 is taking shape, with- under construction. large client pre-leases already in place.


Key Projects Under Construction by Size

RO CTPark Bucharest West 80,400 m2 CONSTRUCTION RO CTPark Bucharest West 73,200 m2 CZ CTPark Prague North 51,000 m2 RO CTPark Bucharest 49,900 m2 CZ CTPark Cheb 32,600 m2 OUTLOOK CZ Vlněna Office Park 31,000 m2 CZ CTPark Aš 21,900 m2 PL CTPark Opole 21,800 m2 RO CTPark Pitesti 20,100 m2 H1—2018 CZ CTPark Nošovice 19,300 m2 CZ CTPark Prague West 18,700 m2 CTP is building massively in all our markets and CZ CTPark Most 15,200 m2 we plan to complete up to 1 million m2 of letta- HU CTPark Györ II 13,900 m2 CZ CTPark Žatec 13,000 m2 ble area during this year. Despite historically low SK CTPark Nitra 13,000 m2 vacancy, CTP continues to build primarily based CZ CTPark Kvasiny 12,800 m2 on client demand, releasing only a small amount of PL CTPark Opole 11,700 m2 speculative shell and core space onto the market. HU CTPark Komárom 11,700 m2 HU CTPark Tatabánya 11,500 m2 HU CTPark Budapest West 10,600 m2 Other projects 121,500 m2 Total 654,600 m2

Construction continues apace at CTPark Žilina, while a soft winter scene tempers the hard work for our team on the ground. Beautiful.

18 19 Our home market remains in the spotlight, with Q4 2017 GDP nd growth coming in at 5.1%, and 4.5% for the year—the 2 highest CTPark Nošovice GDP in Europe, behind only Romania. The country continues to be (pictured) We are completing the a magnet for the high-tech industry, demonstrated by three of the first building at this park, directly across from the country’s regional cities—Plzeň, Ostrava and Brno—having ranked Hyundai plant. New client in the top 10 FT FDI cities-of-the-year indexes. The Czech indus- Posperplast is on plan 2 to launch operations in trial market also grew in 2017, with over 660,000 m being built March; 10,000 m2 of new during the year–the highest since 2008. HIGHLIGHT PROJECTS spaces will be available. CTPark Prague East Construction is moving swiftly for long-term client Raben, with hand-over planned mid-April. The SK CTFit project is unique in its combination of a large distribution warehouse, cross-dock facilities,  large offices, and parking The auto industry Our efforts in Slovakia are paying off, with CTP recently achiev- garage. accounts for 44% of the country’s total industrial ing 30% market share, making us one of the most successful production in the country. Continued activity in the auto industry is driving  4 major car manufacturers growth, and we are building in Žilina and Nitra—with more in the REGION FACTS 350+ automotive suppliers pipeline for 2018. Highest number of cars produced/1,000 people With the launch of the new Jaguar Land Rover plant in Nitra, and the expansion of e-commerce, Slovakia is expected to have another strong year in 2018 in industrial real estate. 2017 saw take-up CZ rise in regional cities, and almost reached parity with Bratislava, the historically largest market. CTP’s strong presence in these areas will help us continue to gain market share–especially in plac- es like Nitra and Trnava (pictured).

CTP continues to consolidate Hungary is often touted as the gateway to central CEE’s most prodcutive and southeast Europe due to it sitting at the electronics indsustry our presence on the Hungarian crossroads of three 10T international transport ICT: 400,000 employed market, opening parks on the corridors. With a highly educated and skilled labour force, the country consistently ranks above 5: global rank of strategic international trans- its CEE rivals in scientific research and in the quali- Hungarian software ty of its institutions. REGION FACTS developers among all Czech exports totalled a port corridor linking Budapest– ‘hacker challenges’ With an education system that emphasises record EUR 1.6 trillion in 2017 Bratislava–Vienna. With newly engineering, medicine, and economics, Hungary The state debt/GDP ratio de- appointed Rudolf Nemes as has a 99.1% literacy rate and has been a magnet creased 1.6%, from 33.8% to for companies looking for ICT services and #1 32.2%, as of the end of 2017 country head, CTP Hungary is manufacturing. CEE rank in terms of quality of scientific REGION FACTS The South Moravia Region has poised to deliver. The country is also part of the greater central research institutions decided in favor of shifting European auto-manufacturing network, with four Brno’s main train station south. major manufacturers in the country. Audi—the Political stalemate on the issue country’s largest foreign investor—will begin the has been blocking develop- production of the in 2018 at ment of an enormous swath of a new 80,000 m2 plant at Győr, with 700 robots CTPark Komárom land for almost a century already in operation. The newest addition to our Hungarian network is 50% of CZ companies are Strong growth has resulted in record low vacancy, strategically located on the 2 focusing at least 10% of their and the country recorded 618,000 m of new leas- Slovak-Hungarian border. 2018 investment budgets into es in 2017—44% higher y-o-y, and the highest The premises are ideal for industry 4.0 ever for the Budapest market. auto-logistics and elec- tronics manufacturing. CTPark Budapest West HIGHLIGHT PROJECTS The largest of our Hungar- ian parks straddles the M1 and offers facilities from 8,000 to 30,000 m2, ideal for producers in the Audi HU auto supply chain. 20 21 1 3 2 16,000 m2 22,000 m2 12,000 m2 20 RO 18

Romania’s economy continues to impress, with the nation’s GDP growth leading Europe for two years running, and is forecast to reach 6.1% due to continued expectations In 2017, we began construction of our first major park in Poland at Economic growth remained buoyant in 2017. GDP grew by the historical crossroads city of Opole (pictured), which has a long an estimated 4.6% in 2017 as industrial heritage and four higher-education institutions. With the a whole, but is expected to of high domestic consumption decline somewhat over time, first 16,000 m2 building finished—and long term client IAC moved with 4.2% growth projected REGION FACTS in—we are already constructing the second 12,000 m2 facility, with for 2018, and 3.6% in 2019 and investment.  2 Growth is driven by consump- plans to begin the third 22,000 m facility later this year. In early tion, making up 75% of GDP 2018, we agreed with the city of Iłowa to launch our second park growth—the highest since 2008 in Poland. In February, construction began on the road connecting Poland is CEE’s largest indus- the A1 highway to the future CTPark Iłowa, where we plan to build trial market, having grown to 2 2 12.86 million m last year, a rise over 100,000 m . of 18% y-o-y GDP GROWTH E-COMMERCE GROWTH AVG. MONTHLY EARNINGS

in % in % in EUR

Projected Projected 38

2.36 6.7 2 510

million m of new 35 6.1 463 industrial space 5.7 417 417

added in 2017 5.0 398 4.8 24 3.9

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2018

Sources: CBRE, Colliers International, Cushman & Wakefield, PL22 Economist EIU, fDi Markets NewsWire, Hipa, IMF, JLL, SARIO Source: Romania’s National Prognosis Commission (CNP) 23 Romania experienced the groundbreaking real GDP growth of 6.7% in 2017. Projections beyond 2018—while still the highest in the EU—are trending below 6%, which may relieve any anxiety over potential overheating.

Total built up (m2) PARKS Total build opportunity (m2) CTP IN ROMANIA The country’s average GDP growth over the Total land bank (ha) last five years has been one of the fastest in the EU. This forward push comes as no surprise; with one of the biggest consumer markets in CEE, active expansion of manufacturing, and investments in infrastructure, many astute de- 2 45,600 Total GLA 695,729 m velopers and investors have long had their eyes 1 CTPark Arad - on Romania’s potential. A 20-30% growth of de- - Number of parks 15 mand for warehouse space is predicted over the Land bank 1,381,000 m2 196,900 next year, while the current vacancy rate in ex- 2 CTPark Bucharest 125,800 FMV (EUR thousands) 384,600 isting buildings is 4-5%. Most of the demand in 28.0 2017 came from logistics, transport, and distri- Market position 1 575,200 bution companies, which leased more than 55% 3 CTPark Bucharest West 478,800 Number of customers 70 of total space. Leading occupier sectors include 113.0 Average occupancy rate 94.2% FMCG, retail operators, e-commerce, manufac- 38,800 turing/production, electronics, 3PL, and auto- 4 CTPark Chitila 13,600 Romania team 56 motive. Approximately 80% of the total rented 3.0 SK area in 2017 was a result of fresh demand: new 24,300 UA lease agreements, extensions, and pre-leases. 5 CTPark Cluj 9,700 As the leading industrial park developer in 2.2 MD Romania and the CEE region, CTP plans to add HU 9 8,000 11 5 6 at least 300,000 m² of new logistics facilities in 6 15 CTPark Cluj II 29,000 RO Romania this year, thus surpassing 1 million m² - 1 of lettable area. Of the major projects, CTPark 7 8 12 20,300 13 14 Bucharest West has a total existing space of 7 CTPark Deva 8,100 575,200 m², with plans to develop over 1 mil- 10 2.0 4 3 2 lion m² of top-of-the-class, energy efficient in- dustrial space. The park is expected to become 26,000 RS 8 CTPark Deva II 11,600 the largest logistics park in Romania and, even- Rising consumer demand from the 20 mil- construction and are expected to be completed COUNTRY OVERVIEW BG - tually, the largest in Eastern Europe. CTP’s lion-strong population is one of the primary by 2019. By 2026, the General Transport Master 22,500 plans for 2018 also include the completion of forces cited as driving the country’s growth. Plan foresees an additional 1,000 km being added 9 CTPark Ineu 5,400 the developments already underway in parks Dominant factors behind this demand are an to the network. The construction of a high-speed 1.2 Cluj-Napoca and Timişoara, which takes second increase in gross salaries and a relatively stable railway between Cluj-Napoca (NW Romania) and 14,200 place in regards to demand (after Bucharest), as 4-6% unemployment rate. Retail sales are see- Budapest has also been recently approved. Fur- 10 well as continuing the development of CTPark ing one of the highest growth rates in the EU; thermore, because it is crossed by three major CTPark Pitești - Total area 238,397 km2 - Piteşti, which is third in demand. modern retail is now an EUR 11 billion market, Pan-European transport corridors, Romania has “Romania has some specific advantages with the number of stores surpassing 2,000 for an enormous advantage in shipping transport. Capital Bucharest 13,900 when compared to other countries in the re- the first time after more than two decades. Sig- Enhancements for Constanta, one of the largest 11 CTPark Salonta - Total population 19.6 million - Romania has a healthy gion: it is a very large country with low barriers nificantly, the retail sector amounted to a whop- deep-sea ports in the region and the most nota- to entry, a healthy business environment and ping 40% of total investment volume in 2017. ble of Romania’s three maritime ports, include Labour force 7.9 million - business environment strong human capital: a well-educated, creative, The increase in sales, particularly online (35% the construction of a deep-water quay, Ro-Ro, 12 CTPark Sibiu 47,700 and strong human capital: Adult literacy 98.8% and multi-lingual population.” said CTP’s Iuli- growth in 2017), directly impacts the develop- and passengers’ terminals (2020). 1.0 a well-educated, creative, ana Busca, CTP’s Business Development Manag- ment of the industrial and logistics sector. “2017 showed the level of macroeconomic GDP growth 2017 6.7% 9,900 and multi-lingual population. er. The country has attracted EUR 66.8 billion in The IT services sector, as well as FDI into indicators well: foreign direct investment in- 13 CTPark Timișoara - GDP per capita EUR 9,600 - Iuliana Busca FDI since 2003, bringing in investors like IBM, electronics and car production, demonstrates creased to a record level, GDP has had an unex- Commercial and Business Microsoft, Siemens, Ford, and Renault. There Romania’s comparative advantage over other pected upward trend, driven by consumption,” Gross domestic expenditure on R&D 0.5% 23,600 Development Manager are over 70 economic zones providing invest- countries in the region. Additionally, the coun- said Costin Bănică, Associate Director, Head of GDP composition by sector 14 CTPark Timișoara II 9,700 ment incentives in the form of local tax exemp- try also has the highest proportion of workers in Industrial Agency JLL Romania. “This picture 2.0 Services 52.1% tions on land, urban planning, and many others. agriculture out of the entire EU. has encouraged market development even more 3,400 Available EU funding in 2016-2020 amounts to To coincide with Romania’s progress, 200 than we had anticipated last year.” Industry 36.1% 15 CTPark Turda 13,100 EUR 11.8 billion. km of the country’s highway network are under 3.0 Agriculture 11.8%

24 25 ctp.eu/parks/bucharest-west



20 21 22 23 14 17 16 15 19 13 10 11 9 8 7 24 25 26 27 46,300 m2 42,600 m2 32,300 m2 32,300 m2 73,200 m2 127,700 m2 80,500 m2 22,500 m2 5,000 m2 8,000 m2 60,000 m2 27,000 m2 41,000 m2 49,150 m2 49,150 m2 37,400 m2 52,200 m2 48,800 m2 45,300 m2 CTFit CTBox Cross Dock Available Available 25,000 m2 3,000 m2 OFFICE 28 29 30 CANTEEN 46,400 m2 46,400 m2 46,400 m2 1,390 m2

TRUCK WASH & SERVICE CENTRE 720 m2 truck parking Bucharest city centre 24 km A1 / E81 Pitesti 96 km Constanţa 266 km SUPERMARKET PL 1,200 m2 CZ UA GAS STATION & RESTAURANT SK 380 m2 MD HU

RO CTPARK BUCHAREST WEST HR BA RS new roundabout 4 BG MAJOR INVESTORS 9,000 m2 241.2 ha ABOUT BUCHAREST BLUEPRINT OF THE Total park size 5 Romanian retailer of consumer electronics 51,000 m2 Altex IDEAL PARK and appliances High level of FDI 575,200 m2 Calberson Freight transportation and logistics services Strong GDP growth Cargo-Partner Austrian provider of worldwide logistics services 6 33 universities with over 300,000 2 CTPark Bucharest West aims to become CEE’s Total built-up area 8,500 m students/year Danish worldwide multi-modal transport and DSV A/S Available for lease premier industrial park. The masterplan com- logistics company Major automotive and Occupied Turkish provider of full-service, integrated logistics high-tech/IT hub bines on-site services, amenities, and connec- Ekol Logistics and supply chain management services Future phases tivity with best-in-class, built-to-suit premises— 2 Lower wages than western Europe Peugeot Citroën subsidiary providing car and 478,800 m Gefco accommodating any scale of business. CTPark vehicle logistics services on land, air and sea CTPark Bucharest West: Planned construction DEVELOPMENT PHASES Multi-modal, worldwide logistics service provider The tax-advantageous location Bucharest West is planned to become the larg- KLG and value-added on-site warehousing services just 23 km outside the city centre 2 est industrial park in CEE, with over 1 million m Swiss-based global transport and logistics is ideally suited for companies Kühne + Nagel of lettable area. CTP’s blueprint for the park will provider specialising in IT-based solutions who want superior connectivity PARK BENEFITS to the capital city, the local labour NOD Leading Romanian electro-IT products distributor IV (2019) include best-of-breed premium buildings, servic- I (2018) V (2019) pool, and the main A1 motorway III (2018) es, accessibility, and infrastructure–features we Profi Belgian discount retailer network connecting Romanian seaports to Premier destination ideal the rest of Europe. have perfected over the years, and which our for large logistics operators Quehenberger High-quality contract logistics services provider II (2017) Deutsche Bahn subsidiary providing air, land, clients now fully expect and rely on. DB Schenker Shuttle bus from city centre sea and rail freight, and contract logistics VII VI No property tax location Tibbett Logistics Leading Romanian 3PL service provider (2019) Medical point and canteen nearby Moer Belgian provider of bespoke logistics services

26 27 What are, and have been, your primary architec- Why is landscaping important in an industrial tural ambitions? zone? My architectural ambition has always been to The industrial aesthetic lies in not destroying fulfil my task. But the task is not the same as an that which is available to us. It requires a certain assignment. You must look at the task in context. approach. An architect—and this is something To fulfil it blindly is wrong. An architect should I learned in the Netherlands—should bring in a analyze the task and immediately raise his hand professional landscaper almost immediately, and and say, ‘Wait a moment, the assignment, in this not just someone who will draw circles around case, is wrong. This is the wrong task.’ In the the hall, calculate coefficients of the greenery, roughly 17 years that I’ve been working with Re- and will think that is sufficient. It is not suffi- mon, I’ve never been afraid to say this to him. cient. Quality landscaping forces me to work with He is the type of investor who has a vision, so the land I am given in a smarter, more effective he is open to discussion. He has never prevented way. It is always more practical to utilize the min- me from revising a task. In fact, he encourages imum that I have. The effectiveness is seen not me to do so, to create a concept. The true begin- only in the finances, but also in the plan which ning of my task is a concept. In our field, we do governs the movement of people, cars, material… not use this term enough. A concept is already The primary outcome of this efficiency is that it a fully-formed child; it’s the embryo, it already is faster, quicker, cheaper, more practical, more has the gene. You can alter and improve it, but it functional, and more beautiful. It’s the same in must first be established. life; If something does not have a limit, that’s a problem. Having a limit is always good. What are the main characteristics of good archi- Colour and structure is secondary. It requires tecture? skill, a sort of artistic idea, which can be con- In architecture, aesthetics, functionality, and ceived by the architect along with an artist, or money must always be in balance. There are tasks solely by that artist. Sometimes we have incorpo- that require one of the three attributes to be more rated children’s art, which provides an abstract accentuated, but one can never fully exist with- quality. That abstract, combined with well-cho- out the other two. Even in industrial architec- sen colours, will blend in with each seasonal ture – or, perhaps, especially in it – we must start landscape. To produce this is a skill and a respon- Concepting Efficiency with a concept, and a clear outline of aesthetics. sibility, but it cannot be the starting point. It’s The embryo of a park originates in a con- The aesthetic in industrial architecture is in the not about decorating; it’s about continuing with cept sketch, where the main features are logic, the simplicity, the efficiency. Efficiency is the balance of the aesthetic, functional, and eco- laid out—by hand. Reworked and updated over time, it provides the foundation of a something beautiful. Especially in industrial ar- nomical equation. (Continued) new development project. chitecture, and in the balance of space within Top: Ponāvka’s organised streets meet industrial zones, it is imperative to balance emo- a meandering stream. tion and reason. Context never awaits human in- Middle: A cross-dock redistribution hub tervention; it will always be ahead, and we sort is softened with natural land forms. CTP developments have a Bottom: A grid anchors the office layout of lag behind. I remember when, five years ago, with the adjacent garden and parking. Amazon came in with its 100,000 m²-sized halls, and everyone thought it was the end of the world. distinctive ‘flavour’ that can Today, we’ve got 300,000 m2 halls. These are good concepts that make the task even more difficult. be detected in our CTPark What is the significance of logistics? I will use Dutch logistics as an example. The Netherlands is a beautiful, balanced country Network of industrial parks, where its development and economy are in large part based on logistics. Logistics can be intellectu- al; it can be an industry that unites. Considering the Czech Republic’s location in the middle of as well as in our high-end Europe, and the tradition of industrialization and industrial architecture in our regions, we should have realized a long time ago that logistics has offices. GRID sits with long- its own professional specialization. Logistics is not only ‘warehouses’. I wonder, why there are no corridors allocated in territorial and state term collaborator, architect plans that would be dedicated to logistics—by the highways, by airports. I keep hearing, ‘We have a valid territorial plan, but it’s not a good fit for the area.’ Who decides what fits in where? A territo- Václav Hlaváček, who reveals rial plan is a living organism, and should change how ‘concept’ and ‘balance’ based on the evolution of technology, of logistics. underpin an efficient park Václav Hlaváček in his studio, Prague masterplan.

28 29 Why are materials so impor- Vlněna’s entrance is Open walkways and tant in architecture, and what 12 90,000 4 100 anchored by the dom- underpasses allow are your preferred trends? inant corner building pedestrian and bike 2 Buildings Rentable area (m ) Phases Total investment (EUR million) facing the waves of traffice to flow through I am not embarrassed to passing car, bus, , the entire site, connect- be a strong supporter of the Vaňkovka, the city’s and pedestrial traffic IQ Vlněna overlooks the ing the new business Dutch architectural tradition favourite shopping central lake and land- quarter to the city within Europe. In my opin- centre, is just across scaped gardens, and ion, it is incredibly tasteful the street acts as the heart of the entire development and both central and east- ern Europe can benefit from it. I’ve always had a strong familiarity with the north, from Hamburg all the way to Main train Normandy. However, if I need station a marble countertop, I will go to Carrara to get it: I can’t get Carrara marble in Pardubice. I don’t blindly follow Dutch traditions and aesthetics. Choosing the correct ma- terial is essential. I put great emphasis on the material used during every step of the process. Every architect con- templates not only size and functionality at the start of Rooftop terraces and the project, but also the mate- interior atriums will be the rial and the colours. What all architectural hallmarks of architecture should provide is later phases surprise, the excitement that something has happened, The interior lake Selected buildings from that something new has been provides a relaxing the old Vlněna factory space for an outdoor will be renovated, provid- created. lunch in summer, ing continuity to the site or a place for quiet as an important hub of As a whole, what does archi- commerce meditation tecture mean to you? Vlněna is a bold new venture intended for the modern knowl- I believe that in life, there edge worker, and master-planned for collaboration. With its pre- is a certain natural flow, and then there are impulses. You

mium design, the space will be a self-contained city quarter of 2020 run, you live, you perceive, Mid 2018 1 E and then comes an impulse— bustling retail shops, an ‘old town’ atmosphere, and a park that H G F whether internal or exter- will unite not only the buildings, but the people. Beautified by a Pedestrian-friendly nal—and it is at those cross- Q2 2019 D foot & bike paths Q1 2019 2020 B C roads that you must decide. stream-fed lake, grassy gardens, and the graciously refurbished encourage a healthy A I Deciding, balancing, examin- Three underground lifestyle ‘Bochner Palace’, Vlněna will connect historical charm with the parking access points ing the situation, the connec- minimise vehicle pres- tivity – that is architecture. convenience of the present. ence above ground

Phase II

PROJECT OVERVIEW As an office, retail, and lifestyle campus, Vlněna porated various office types and floorplans to suit bridges Brno’s historical centre with the now-de- a wide array of businesses. The well-received IQ Location Brno, CZ veloping commercial zone of south Brno. The mo- buildings unify the Vlněna site plan, and are ideal vlnena.eu The area near ‘Bochner dernity and high technical specifications at Vlněna for businesses that require large, flexible floor- Lettable space under construction 31,000 m2 Palace’ defines a zone are ideal for corporate HQs, R&D, BPO operations, plates or expansion options across multiple floors. BREEAM rating excellent (planned) that invites possibilities: software development, or back-office operations, Currently under construction—with pre-leases al- a hotel, housing, café life, all of which are crucial to a city often referred to as ready agreed with two technology companies—the Phase I completion Q2 2018 a pub or outdoor meeting. It the Silicon Valley of the Czech Republic. IQ buildings will be ready for move-in in Q2 2018. neither destroys nor stifles, but rather motivates and The central location, walking distance to the main The restored and cleverly utilised space of ‘Boch- advances the surrounding train and bus stations, and proximity to shopping ner Palace’ is suited for smaller operations, such as residential areas. It is built and entertainment centres all ensure that Vlněna legal or consulting services. From the very begin-  Floor plans with “unlimited” flexibility for growth on a smaller, human scale, will become a go-to destination—not just for busi- ning, it was important that this mix of old and new  On-site property management inviting people to walk in  BMS for energy efficiency from theFasáda larger-scale východní offic- nesses, but for their employees and Brno’s locals. Brno does not overwhelm; as exemplified by the  Bike sharing service East facade ±0,00=200,80es, m.n.m. and (Bpv) the city beyond.S-JTSK Vlněna builds on the successful business park original Vlněna HQ building, the park aims to sup-  Ample on-site amenities: ATM, fitness, newsstand etc. STUDIO ACHT, spol. s r.o. Ing. arch. Matěj Kuncíř Ing. Václav Hlaváček concept introduced at Spielberk, where we incor- port a sense of place and community.  Multi-level underground parking STUDIO ACHT,Václav spol. s r.o. Hlaváček Ing. Václav Hlaváček Ing. arch. Matěj Kuncíř, Ing. Erika Vondráková

CTP PropertyArchitect XVII, spol. s.r.o., Central Trade Park D1 1571, Humpolec 396 01 DOKUMENTACE PRO STAVEBNÍ POVOLENÍ Brno, ulice Dornych - Přízova - Mlýnská 05 / 2016 VLNĚNA - Budovy A,B,C,D,E,G,H

SO 01.1z- Administrativní budova A; SO 02.1z - Administrativní budova B; R00 SO 03.1z - Administrativní budova C; SO 04.1z - Administrativní budova D;


BUDOVY ABCD - Fasáda východní AS18 1:200

30 31 DANGEROUSLY From the very beginning, it was essential that Domeq, the newest addition to CTP’s popular business COMFORTABLE park Ponāvka, be as forward-thinking as its future resi- dents. And with the many events and gatherings under SERIOUSLY Domeq’s roof in the past months, Brno has welcomed this project with open arms. PRACTICAL

158 Rooms 24/7 Reception & security

Ponāvka is a Cinderella 2 Since going live in November, Domeq has sity, shopping, restaurants, transporta- story. What was once proven its value as a unique solution to tion. Domeq’s location ticks all boxes. The a cursed area of rusty Rooftop terraces a challenging demand: higher housing surrounding area includes the most prom- warehouses and a de- standards for Brno’s multinational stu- inent universities in Brno (MUNI, VUT etc.) stroyed river in the middle dents and young professionals. These and large, multinational companies. The of the city was brought well-travelled men and women have shopping center Vaňkovka is a short walk back to life, and it contin- seen what innovation across the globe away, and Domeq’s residents can take ues to evolve according 100% can provide, and their expectations for advantage of the shared-bicycle program, to its own impulses. Cool Being able to further the housing have understandably grown. the parking spots, or the public transpor- aesthetic with a unique Domeq was designed to meet–and sur- tation (right outside!) at any time. feature like Domeq was a pass–those very expectations. Domeq offers 130 rooms with a dou- true pleasure. Domeq is an innovative concept ble bedroom, four handicap-accessible of modern communal living structured apartments, 15 marital rooms, and nine Václav Hlaváček around more: more comfort, more space, single rooms. Each room is fully furnished Architect more networking, more options. It is the and comes with its own kitchen and bath- first of its kind in Brno, having taken inspi- room. Want a balcony? No problem. Don’t ration from similar, highly well-received need one? The building has two spacious projects in Western Europe. One of Dom- terraces, which you can visit anytime to eq’s stand-out attributes is the expan- look over at the city from a one-of-a-kind sive, versatile ground floor, which was vantage point. There is an abundance of designed to offer a mixture of private additional services available to all resi- nooks—for studying, working, or small dents, including a laundromat and room meetings-–and open spaces that encour- cleaning. To ensure safety, the reception is age socializing and collaboration. With open 24/7 and the premises are equipped modern, high-quality furniture, a large with security cameras. projector, a speaker system, a library, a As one tenant so eloquently put it, billiards table, and generous seating all Domeq is simply “a wonderful combina- around, this is exactly the sort of environ- tion of co-working and living. And the view ment geared to the inception of start-ups of Brno is not something you can find any- and other creative projects. where else.” Or, in another tenant’s words: Another irreplaceable element is the “Dope, Original, Magical, Economic, Quali- proximity to the essentials: work, univer- ty.” No argument there.


32 33 3  5 Therme Bucuresti Peleș Castle The ultimate reward for putting up with your boss You’ve seen castles before, Balotești, 30 min from Bucharest but never one like this Mădălina Manolache Sinaia, Walachia While recreation in Budapest, Hungary, and the Czech Repub- Reaching for the sky at the lic’s Karlovy Vary may be world-renowned, Romania is home foot of the Bucegi Mountains to the largest thermal water-based wellness center in Europe. is this new-renaissance My Great This place does not mess around. It has three separate sec- piece of architecture, con- tions based on your needs, a variety of pools (indoor, outdoor, sidered by many as the most aromatherapy, wave), saunas, massages, cocktails, top-notch enchanting castle in Europe. food, and the largest indoor slide system in Central and SE Commissioned by King Carol There’s no better way to welcome Europe. Because the thermal water is extracted from a depth I in 1873, the castle served as of over 3,100 m, the water temperature is a stable 33 °C, while the summer residence of the a new season than with a little 2  the air temperature is 29-30 °C. Oh yeah…there’s a botanical royal family until the mid- vacation. For this year’s spring Caru’ cu bere garden, too, the largest in Romania. All around is an array of 20th century. Its 160 rooms escape, we highly recommend you Satisfy your belly and over 25 types of palm trees and 800,000 plants, of which 1,500 are adorned with grand cultural curiosity are orchids. Amongst the green is the 120-year-old Tree of Life, European artwork, Murano check out Romania. Whether you’re Bucharest retrieved from China and known as the tree under which Bud- crystal chandeliers, German Ion Dumitrascu dha found enlightenment. stained-glass windows and a history buff, a thrill-seeker, or a Known as the soul of Bucha- Cordoba leather-covered beer enthusiast, Romania’s got you rest, this restaurant hits all walls. The Music Room has your senses with a delightful, furniture carved of teak and covered. Architecture? Check. delicious cultural experience. was a gift to King Carol I from Every evening offers hours Romanian the Maharajah of Kapurtala Music? Check. A salt mine theme of Romanian music—both in India, while handmade silk park 120 m below ground? traditional and modern—in a embroideries adorn the ceil- setting that seems to trans- ing and walls of the Turkish Absolutely, check. You may think port you to a different time, Salon. The ceiling paintings when a good brew could and decorative frescoes you know what to expect, but change history… in the Theater Hall were 4 this remarkable country is full In 1899, a young man took designed by the renowned inspiration from his Tran- Austrian artists Gustav Klimt of surprises. sylvanian uncle’s passion Fall 120 meters deep and Frantz Matsch. Over for brewery and began the into a world of fun 4,000 European and Oriental Turda Location construction of Caru’ cu bere, pieces dating from the 15th Corina Sandulescu Recommended by a building so unique that King to the 19th centuries are on Carol I of Romania gave it Combining the old and the display in the armories. It is the highest honours. Today, new, Salina Turda is home glamorous and grandiose, 1  after decades of fighting off to an underground theme and absolutely one-of-a-kind. Berăria H destructive renovations, the park, built inside one of the  9 (a.k.a. The Lively City) building is recognized as world‘s oldest salt mines 7 Tailor-made for music mani- an architectural and histor- (which dates back to the 17th acs and beer enthusiasts ical monument. Thanks to century). Previously used 8 Bucharest the wooden décor, twisted as a cheese storage centre Mădălina Manolache Cool staircases, and tall, arched and a bomb shelter during The largest beer hall in 6 ceilings, the old-timey yet WWII, the salt mine is now 4 Europe didn’t always attract grandiose charm of the build- dedicated exclusively to with its sold-out concerts ing remains unchanged. As pure fun. 120 m below ground and one-of-a-kind live does the original beer recipe, lies a thrilling concoction: an shows. Back in the 50s, which has become a legacy amphitheater, Ferris wheel, this architecturally impres- of Caru’ cu bere’s founder. bowling alley, lake with pad-

10 sive space was used for The brew is best paired with dle boats, golf, and ping

5 art exhibitions, where the some of the restaurant’s pong. The rugged caverns—a famous sculptor Ion Jalea traditional recipes, like slowly result of that extract- exhibited his masterpiec- roasted pork with classically ed over three billion tons es. Today, it’s more about Romanian braised sour cab- of salt—give the space an 3 lively conversation and the bage and polenta. otherworldly vibe.  1 2 Vacation promise of a good time. With 1700 seats inside—and 800 outside—the vibe is one of sitting back with juicy grilled steaks, pitchers of crisp beer, and catching up with friends as you wait for your favorite band to hit the stage. Imagine the backyard of a comforta- ble cottage owned by a beer enthusiast, multiply the size by a few hundred, add a live performance – and you’ve Spectacular Awesome got Berăria H!

Images: ozb.ro; lejean-travels.com; metropotam.ro; mrtripp.tours; Yuriy Buriak (pizzatravel.com.ua); franks-travelbox.com; unusualplaces.org; aroundthecompass.com 34 35 My Great Romanian Vacation

6  9  UPCOMING The Red Lake The Merry Cemetery Immerse yourself in Where vibrant history meets 7 EVENTS mystical waters vibrant art Romania has Personal Soundtrack Special Lenses Meet CTP Eastern Carpathian Mountains Săpânţa, Maramureş County Ion Dumitrascu Corina Sandulescu As leasing manager in Romania, I don’t sit I travel out of my Bratislava office a at these events: seven Unesco still very often. Luckily, I’m pretty good at lot, and I always bring my iPad—to Located in the foothills of the There is no better display of World Heritage packing travel bags, since I used to pack look important at meetings—and my Hășmașul Mare Mountain, Romanian creative expres- one almost every day back when I was a swimming goggles—to see all the the largest barrier lake in the sion through wooden art than Sites flight attendant. I try to keep it very basic, ladies in the swimming pools. Or is it Mipim 2018 Eastern Carpathian Moun- in Maramureș County. It was but I make sure I always have my music the other way around? I mean, I do March 13–16 Cannes, FR tains was formed after the there that artisan and local with me. I love powerful songs and remix- look very important in my goggles... collapse of a slope during tombstone sculptor, Ioan Hall: Riviera 7 es that energize me for the day. Listening And whenever I am able to, I also Stand: R7.E66 an earthquake in 1838. Its Stan Patras, decided that to the right song at the right moment can bring my family. position in a valley blocks repetitive wooden crosses really change my mood.  strong winds, and an air of did not do justice to the cele- serenity allows for absolute bration of life after death. As HOF Awards 7  8  ? April 5 relaxation in the calm waters. was tradition for some, Ioan Prague, CZ The lake’s ominous name “Mocanita” steam train Transrarăul Road believed that the wake is the comes from the nearby Red Travel like it’s 1932 (“The Treasures Road”) last and joyful event before  Creek, reddish in color due to The Vaser Valley in the the deceased depart. He An adventure for Corina Sandulescu Stanislav Pagáč IDEEM Maramureș Mountains the various red alluvia—like thrill-seeking explorers began writing epitaphs on his Leasing Manager, RO Regional Director, SK April 10 Corina Sandulescu iron oxides and hydroxides— The Vaser Valley in the crosses, often using humor- Copenhagen, DK within its waters. Although An outstanding example of ous irony to describe flaws Maramureș Mountains  whether this is true depends technical cultural heritage, Ion Dumitrascu on who you ask… the last remaining forestry • 26 km long SEE Awards Though there are many ver- steam train offers a unique • Climbs 1,400 m above sea level April 19 sions to the story, the legend trip on the Mocăniţa railway • Links village Chiril and Bucharest, RO Pojorâta of the Red Lake, also known from Viseu de Sus. Initial-  to locals as the Killer Lake, ly meant for transporting One of the most beautiful What says that the redness comes harvested wood, the railway alpine roads in Romania, this Czech from the blood of those was built back in 1932. Today, winding journey hypnotises Logistics Day who dared to swim in the the vintage train invites its with a picturesque backdrop April 17 of stony wonders, stunning do you Prague, CZ forbidden waters, and were passengers to sit back and viciously killed by a dragon observe the Maramureș forests, and fresh air of the  that once lived there. The tree Mountains’ pristine forests Rarau Mountains. Beware, however: sheer drops await take when Log-In trunks that extend through and dynamic rivers, before at every turn. April 19 the water’s surface are the letting them out at Paltin Bratislava, SK frantic arms of the victims station to explore and enjoy a Starting from the Bistrita Valley—where you can do you  once gasping for air. A bit picnic or to hunt for seasonal haunting, but still absolutely mushrooms. a bit of fishing, zip-lining or the deceased may have had. rafting before your trip—the Later, he began incorporating Eastlog beautiful. May 17—18 highway climbs up wide bright paintings that depicted travel? Prague, CZ serpentines as the peaks of memorable scenes from the 10 the Giumalau massif and the life of the deceased. A bak-  Slatioar forest welcome you er’s tombstone showed him Parc Aventura Brașov Release your inner daredevil CEE on your drive. You then arrive making bread, for example; David Huszlicska Manufacturing at The Lady’s Rocks, which and if someone passed on in Brașov Senior Business Flóra Badacsonyi June 21 cover an area of 933 ha in a unique way, the death was Ion Dumitrascu Development Manager, Financial Manager, HU Warsaw, PL the Rarau Mountains and painted onto the cross. Ioan Had enough sitting down HU  include the Bats’ and used vivid colors obtained and walking around? Visit Bison’s Stone, a formation from natural pigments and this park and enter a world SIOR that creates a vertical wall always carved the wooden of ropes, ladders, wires, and June 27—29 of 100 m in height and 600 m crosses in oak. His career swings at a maximum height Warsaw, PL in length. And as you reach lasted 50 years, and his work of 20 m. Both beginner and  the finale of the experience, not only commemorates advanced thrill-seekers will “Signing” Socks Briefcase 2.0 vast plateaus and the stately those that have passed, but come into their own, with I am based in Budapest but move around east/west My job requires I travel to/from many CTParks within Drinks Giumalau peak (1857 m) await also tells the story of his 15 different above-ground Hungary all the time. At my previous workplace, I Hungary, and I always want to be prepared to sit Before Home to bid you goodbye. town. routes and progressive levels started the tradition of my “Signing” Socks – a pair down and do some work on my laptop. So, no matter September 9 of difficulty. Upon arrival, you of socks I always put on when signing big deals. I where I go, I have my silver backpack with me. It’s a Prague, CZ will receive safety equipment closed about €20 million worth unique bag de-  composed of two carbines, of transactions with them, and signed by my friend, which are to be on at all now at CTP I’ve already signed which makes it extra CEDEM September 26 a few million € worth of acqui- special, and fits 400 times for your safety. You Prague, CZ The Carpathian Mountains are can climb a 16 m ladder and sitions and some larger leases everything I need. jump right back down into with them. They’ve never let me It’s like a compact  home to one of the largest virgin the void, climb up practically down. office – my little CTP everything in sight, and fly office to go. forests in Europe, with 400 over a 111 m lake as though unique species of mammals your feet will never touch the ground. There are 186 games and endless challenges, and a guarantee that you will feel like Tarzan for the day.

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com 36 37 61 117 62 68 160

Research has shown that diversity in the workplace has a discerna- ble positive impact, but deep-rooted stereotypes are always difficult 90 83 parity 100

to overcome. Difficult, but not impossible. Just ask the determined 126 145 CTP has always had a diverse, gender-bal- women paving the way for a future of equality. anced work environment to ensure the best performance results. We are proud to have 50:50maintained a near 50:50 male-to-female ratio over the years.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Managing design for all Hungarian projects means constant contact with clients, subcontractors, author- ities, and heads of construction on our team. Weekly site supervision is imperative,“ as is tendering and con- tracting. With this schedule, a good lunch and coffee are a must.

Enikő Várhelyi Design Manager

In the past years, women have gradually been traded companies, researchers found that ROE attaining more leadership positions, creating of companies ranking in the top quartile of ex- change that is long overdue. This progress is no ecutive-board diversity were 53% higher than Pocoincidence; it is an endeavor that requires effort they were for those in the bottom quartile.er EBIT from not just tenacious women, but all leaders. margins at the most diverse companies were 14% Institutional investors have begun incorporating higher than those of the least diverse companies. quantitative recruitment goals to support gender The real estate industry has caught on. Ac- equality, as well as initiatives in the form of man- cording to KPGM’s Women in Alternative Invest- dates that include innovative ways of guiding and ments Report, 42% of women in the real estate educating both male and female recipients. sector feel it is not more difficult for women-led Moral obligations aside, the payoff comes funds to obtain capital, compared to 19% of through reaping the benefits of a diverse envi- women in other, similar sectors examined in this ronment. Increased performance, speed of in- study. The study shows that the real estate sector novation, and effectiveness have been proven to is better positioned than otheromen alternative sec- occur when decisions are based on a wide array tors, like hedge funds and private equity, when of viewpoints and follow broader discussions. it comes to supporting and developing female McKinsey & Company successfully showed that professionals. Though the journey is littered with diverse teams are also top financial performers. hurdles—only 6% of real estate funds represent- By examining the executive board composition, ed in the KPMG survey are led by women—there returns on equity (ROE), and margins on earnings is a higher percentage of women in C-suite and before interest and taxes (EBIT) of 180 publicly portfolio management roles than other alterna- tive sectors. “If results generated by women equal those of Being in charge of securing financing for men, there should be equality in treatment of the two genders as well,” said CTP’s Iuliana Busca. all CTP project in Romania comes with The problem is, women often do not get a chance pressing deadlines. Last year, I managed I wake up at 5 a.m. andW begin preparing a checklist to prove their worth. to increase the bank portfolio by starting for the day, drawing the transactions on paper and a cooperation with new banks, securing checking each step to make sure I have everything “EUR 150 million of new financing. If you under control. It pays off; CTP is probably the first have a clear goal and refuse to compro- company in CEE to finalize RE financing with an mise, you can achieve anything. insurance company, which is a novel financing “ Andra Bizon strategy for the future. Senior Treasurer

Markéta Večeřová Senior Corporate Lawyer

38 39 Every day includes meet- My primary focus is provid- ings with clients, con- ing first-class service to ducting negotiations, my clients, managing and and problem-solving. The supporting my team, find- rewards have been accom- ing ways for improvement, plishments like closing over 2 “ and setting“ up goals and 75,000 m of lease agree- expectations. This ensures a ments in my first six months constant string of success, at CTP, with no prior RE which means satisfied cli- experience. ents and a stable team. Iuliana Busca Barbora Youssef Commercial and Business Head of Property Management, Development Manager Brno Region Travelling has become a big part of my job, as I’ve been supporting the team in Romania and Hunga- ry. It is important to push all teams“ to finalize their goals as soon as possible, especially at the beginning of a new year, which is a complex period of closing and audit.

Hana Šimonová Chief Accountant

The gender pay gap reveals what hides behind Based on current trends, the overall global the curtain of every industry: women are less gender gap can be closed in 100 years in first- likely to hold high-level, high-paying jobs than world countries. Last year’s prediction was 83 men. This is called the uncontrolled gap, and it years. Due to the economic gender gap’s widening, is a more complex challenge than the “equal pay it now appears that the reality may soon be 217 for equal work” issue—known as the controlled years. Worldwide, today’s average man’s annual gap—which often garners more attention. A earnings are EUR 16,300 for 7 hours of work, and high uncontrolled gap is usually characteristic of unpaid work amounts to 1.5 hours. The average a labour market that is exceedingly segregated, woman’s earnings are EUR 9,000 for 8.5 hours, meaning that women are more concentrated in and unpaid work amounts to over 4.5 hours. a restricted number of sectors and/or professions “I feel that it is high time women speak up Education Level Employment Level When will (i.e. Czech Republic), or in which a significant about how suppressed they are, both profession- regions across proportion of women works part-time. The gen- ally and in their private lives,” said Enikő Várhe- EBIT margins at the most diverse the world close 4.7 h the economic der pay gap within the EU fluctuates from below lyi, CTP’s Design Manager. “An open, receptive companies were 14% higher 1.5 h gender gap? 10% (Poland, Romania, Slovenia) to over 20% and continuous dialogue needs to exist.” than those of the least diverse companies (in years) (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic). People have made many errors throughout 14% unpaid The Gender Gap Index—which rates nation- history. It is crucial to accept that even deeply in- work al gender gaps based on economic, political, ed- grained norms may need revisions. The real estate parity ucational, and health criteria (with 1 being the industry is a prime example: Women have been best)—shows that CEE countries have an average in the industry since its establishment in the 19th rating of 55, while western Europe’s average is century, yet they were excluded from real estate North America

20 and the Nordic countries’ average is 6. The boards for decades. Today, there are many role 47 61 63 93 111 356 >1000 ratings strongly coincide with the populations’ models in which real estate hopefuls can find in- performance increase in diverse teams 8 h/day 9 h/day core gender beliefs. According to a survey from spiration. Dorothy Herman, President and CEO of € 16,300/yr € 9,000/yr higher

the European Bank for Reconstruction and De- distinguished brokerage firm Douglas Elliman, is work at primary South Asia velopment, eastern Europeans tend to believe the richest self-made female millionaire in Amer- secondary that “it is better for everyone involved if the man ican real estate. Her #1 productivity tip? skilled roles Western Europe Western leadership roles leadership

53% Going backwards earns the money and the woman takes care of “If you have a vision, follow it.” Coming from Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan the home and children,” and they are predomi- a woman who led Douglas Elliman’s sales to ex- Same qualifications, different outcomes A working day for the average East Asia & the Pacific East nately in favor of more traditional gender roles. ceed EUR 18 billion—technically a closing every Disparities in skills and qualifications alone man and woman cannot account for the continued workplace An average man’s annual earnings are

In a similar survey, Nordic countries strongly 19 minutes—that advice truly resonates. and North Africa Middle East

inequality. More and more highly-educated Asia & Central Europe Eastern EUR 16,300 for 8 hours of work; unpaid work

disagreed; 75% of Swedes believe that a woman of companies with over EUR 400 million women are entering the workforce, but they America and the Caribbean Latin averages 1.5 hours. earning more money than her husband does not in revenue believe a diverse workforce are not represented to a similar degree in the The average woman’s earnings are cause problems. drives innovation labour market. EUR 9,000 for 9 hours; plus an additional 85% 4.7 hours of unpaid work

40 41 What’s on the horizon? What’s the situation today? Driving the future There is a growing list of new technologies Already the largest buyer Competition for the perfect battery is most that may unlock the future of batteries—some of Li-ion batteries, Tesla is on prevalent in the automotive sphere. According more viable than others. One enhancement to track to becoming the largest to analysts, EVs will be a EUR 195 billion global lithium-based batteries is the development of producer thanks to Tesla Gi- industry by 2040, and will account for up to 40% what is known as solid state Li-ion batteries, the gafactories. The first—in Ne- of global vehicle purchases in 20 years. That is, most promising of which make use of graphene. vada, USA—will produce Li-ion 40 million EVs will be sold annually even if the This technology provides superior stability, batteries, of which Tesla needs global vehicle market sees zero increase longer storage life, and greatly enhanced charg- roughly the equivalent of the current worldwide Currently, EVs run primarily on recharge- ing speeds. Samsung has supply. The factory is a joint project between Tes- able Li-ion batteries. Their high energy density announced that they are la and Japan’s Panasonic and by 2020, Tesla hopes ensures lifetimes sufficient for most EVs, developing a graphene- for the production of battery packs at less than and they are becoming increasingly based battery that has the EUR 80 per kWh. Driving down the cost of Li-ion affordable. Yet Li-ion cells are potential to increase bat- batteries means incentivizing the use of alterna- also relatively fragile, tem- tery capacity by nearly 50% tive energy sources, and CEO Elon Musk plans on perature-sensitive, and—al- and increase charge speeds building many more Gigafactories in the near fu- though boasting a great CHARGED by 500%, to around 12 minutes for a full charge. ture. For the proposed Tesla Gigafactory Europe, lifespan—gradual deterio- The implications are also promising for the EV he has reportedly considered the Czech Republic ration can be observed al- market, where graphene batteries could deliver and Finland, among others. most immediately, even charge-up speeds similar to smartphone and a The most well-known battery suppliers in- after zero use. Before making your morning coffee, you plug power range of 500 km. clude Samsung and LG Chem, but China is right One solution may be to replace fluid with a An innovative modification of current lithi- behind. Due to the magnitude of projected de- solid. The fluid electrolyte in current Li-ions al- your car in. By the time your brew’s prepared, um batteries utilizes sand instead of graphite to mand—a result of the evolving EVs and storage lows charged particles to flow through. Certain achieve results that are three times better than systems—battery cell manufacturing demands solids also allow this flow, but not at the speed the car’s charge goes from zero to 100, ready for traditional lithium batteries. Because they use have been unprecedented. In the past three needed for high-powered devices. However, Toyo- sand, they are also significantly cheaper to pro- years, battery cell manufacturing capacity has ta has claimed that by 2020, it will launch a new hundreds of km of you sitting back and being duce and are non-toxic and eco-friendly. more than doubled largely thanks to China’s cell EV that will be powered by a solid-state lithium Another eco-friendly solution is water. Liquid production, which already has a greater share of battery. Should this solid form of battery came driven to your business meetings. This scenario flow batteries use pH neutral global production than Japan’s. to fruition, it would negate the risk of fire and water to store energy over long One worthy adversary can be found would open the doors to a full-metal anode, is an incipient reality stemming from recent bat- periods of time and can also be right in the Czech Republic: HE3DA Ltd. which offers greater ener- used to generate power. A com- A self-proclaimed innovator in applied gy capacity. This would be tery tech breakthroughs. From electric vehicles pany in Australia is working to research and commercialization of bat- groundbreaking. create the world’s largest bat- tery technologies, HE3DA is utilizing There is also the option (EVs) to smartphones and large-scale storage, tery using a natural lake and a the high charge and discharge speed of that the reign of batteries system of turbines and . nanotechnology-based batteries; after will end, with companies like adjustments and alternatives to the current Smartphone makers also see numerous tests, researchers found a way General Motors (GM), Toyota, potential in usings this technol- to increase battery safety and lower pro- Volkswagen, and even UPS leading battery model, lithium-ion (Li-ion), have ogy for small-scale applications. duction costs by about 1/20th of the cur- developing hydrogen-pow- Sodium-ion batteries are an- rent norm. ered EVs, which beat other been gaining traction. Why? Because this other noteworthy contender. These salt batteries HE3DA has teamed up with European Met- EVs’ range per fuelling. Hy- could be up to seven times more efficient than als, which holds exploration rights around the drogen offers clean energy, the only end prod- stuff is destined to change the world. their Li-ion counterpart. While commercialisa- Czech village Cínovec. The place is so rich in ucts being heat and water. A hydrogen tion is still perhaps a decade away, salt-based bat- lithium that it could amount to about 3% of the EV has an electric motor, but it produces electric- teries could replace lithium batteries completely, global lithium stock, making it Europe’s largest ity on board from stored hydrogen fuel. However, as they would be vastly cheaper to produce while resource. With its close proximity to the border the collection of hydrogen is problematic: it must offering better performance. with Germany, long tradition of mining, and be pressurised and stored in tanks much larger Other technologies actively being researched high unemployment rate, it has attracted many than an energy-equivalent tank of gasoline, and and developed for batteries include photosyn- producers. Daimler, owner of Mercedes-Benz, is it is highly time-consuming. Further advance- thesis, gold nanowires, fuel cells, solar batteries, building its second factory for lithium batteries ments are therefore imperative in propelling this foam batteries, and wearable batteries. in a German town only 90 km from the village. technology ahead.

The Evolution of Batteries 150 BC – 223 AD 1799 1836 1859 1899 1950s 1989 1991 2010s Baghdad Battery Voltaic Pile (1799) Daniell Cell Lead-acid Nickel Cadmium Alkaline Batteries Nickel-Metal Hydride Lithium-Ion Silicon-graphite composite Discovered in modern Iraq, this Physicist A. Volta (IT) created the About 40 years later, J.F. Daniell The first rechargeable batteries, Invented by W. Jungner (SE), the Invented by L. Urry (CA) and pop- The NiMH formulation uses a First released by Sony, these electrodes set of three artifacts—a ceramic first electrical battery that could (GB) created a cell that used a invented by G. Planté (FR), are batteries were first “wet-cells” ularized by brands like Duracell hydrogen-absorbing alloy instead batteries have high energy den- In 2014, sample production of bat- pot, a tube of copper, and a rod provide a continuous electrical copper pot filled with copper very low cost and supply high similar to lead-acid batteries and and Energizer, alkaline batteries of toxic cadmium, making it more sity and several specific cathode teries using a silicon-graphite com- of iron—is hypothesised to have current to a circuit. The voltaic sulfate solution, which was fur- surge currents. This makes them used a liquid electrolyte. Though are used in household devices environmentally safe. It is used formulations for different applica- posite electrode started by Amprius, been an attempt at forming a gal- pile used zinc and copper for ther immersed in an earthenware suitable for automobile starter they helped pave the way for like remote controls. Using zinc in power tools, digital cameras, tions. For example, lithium cobalt and Enevate presented a battery vanic cell, which derives electrical electrodes, with brine-soaked container filled with sulfuric acid motors even with today’s tech- modern technology, they are and manganese oxide in the elec- and other electrical devices. They dioxide cathodes are used in using a monolithic silicon-composite energy from spontaneous redox paper for an electrolyte. This and a zinc electrode. The cell’s nology, and it’s part of the reason being used less and less due to trodes, they are inexpensive and were also used in early hybrid ve- laptops and smartphones, while anode with a low cell resistance, reactions within a cell. invention disproved the common electrical potential became the EUR 36.3 billion of lead-acid bat- cadmium’s toxicity. typically non-rechargeable. Over hicles, such as the , lithium nickel cobalt aluminum winning an Innovation Award Hon- theory that electricity could only basis unit for voltage, equal to teries were sold globally in 2014. 10 billion have been produced in and their development spanned oxide cathodes are used in oree in three categories at 2016's be created by living beings. one volt. the world. two decades. car batteries. Consumer Electronics Show.

42 43 When passing Humpolec on the drive between Prague and Brno, take a moment to admire the largest painting in Central Europe. Since October 2017, the walls at CTPark Humpolec have been adorned with original art made by CHANGING Dzia, the winner of the CTP Art Wall competition. THE LANDSCAPE Take a look behind the scenes.

1 PREPARATION 2 DRAWING THE OUTLINES 3 FILLING WITH COLOR 4 THE UNVEILING A project of this scope takes The painting began with the concept’s During the day, the artists incorporat- This one-of-a-kind project has been ap- months of preparation. Apart from foundation. The outline of the artwork was ed the flora and fauna inspired bold preciated not only by locals, but also by permits and scheduling, we had projected onto the walls for a number of colors, breathing life into the black drivers zooming by on the highway. CTP to secure thousands of cans of nights, and thirteen dedicated artists traced framework’s abstract shapes. Just is the first company to have undertaken a spray paint, lighting, and numerous the contours with black spray paint from imagine the coolest, biggest colouring project of this format and scope within the equipment. The building’s façade sunset to sunrise. book in the world. Czech Republic, and the positive feedback was then rid of all signage and has been incredibly rewarding. every last trace of filth and dust.

“The Art Wall in Humpolec is COMING UP NEXT: Preparations are already the biggest art piece I have under way for produc- tion of CTP Art Wall’s ever created. I am thrilled!” second winning entry at CTPark Prague Airport Dzia this spring. As you fly Accomplished and multi-talented Belgian artist. His creations range in or out of the country from paintings to sculpture, instal- via Terminal 1A, you can lations, and street works. see this take shape just beyond the main inter- 3,200 1,600 6 13 national runway. A big thank you to 2 DRAWetc. studio for cans of spray m painted within months of committed their collaboration. paint 10 days and nights preparation artists

44 45 With 350 players and counting, our team is killin’ the game. Our confidence grows with each new addition, and we’ve never been stronger. So bring on the competition. We’re ready. MeetMeet TheThe NewNew All-StarsAll-Stars

VLADIMÍR MÜLLER Head of Planning and Permitting, CZ

RUDOLF NEMES AGE 46 As CTP's Country Manager in Hungary, my main focus is JURAJ BUKRAN MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Alabama 3 Country Manager, Hungary setting up the Hungarian team and improving the current Regional Procurement Manager structure and communication with various departments HOBBIES Theatre & summer festivals AGE 38 outside of Hungary. I'm also involved in HR and business LUKASZ KUTYBA AGE Ripe with experience development. Prior to joining CTP, I gathered experience PLACE TO VISIT Bretagne MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Deep and loud MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Silence as head of numerous departments at financial institutions Regional Manager for Rzeszow FAVORITE FOOD Mediterranean, Lebanese HOBBIES Running and socializing and real estate development companies. In other words, HOBBIES Procuring stuff I've scored some goals, and I'm excited to have joined a AGE 34 PLACE TO VISIT Port Lockroy PLACE TO VISIT Machu Picchu winning team! MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Imagine Dragons FAVORITE FOOD Pasta & steak (rare) FAVORITE FOOD Peruvian Leftovers HOBBIES Off road PLACE TO VISIT Mexico FAVORITE FOOD Sushi

ISTVAN POZDERKA ANDREEA ENESCU Senior Business Development Manager Transactions Manager JANA NOVÁKOVÁ AGE 30 ONDŘEJ KUČERA AGE 36 MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Muse MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Tropical house and funk Junior M&A Financing Analyst Digital Marketing Specialist HOBBIES Futnet (2010 world champion) HOBBIES Running AGE 10,079 days AGE Forever young VLATKO DJURICEK PLACE TO VISIT Warsaw EMANOIL DASCALU PLACE TO VISIT Singapore MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Spotify MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Radiohead Country Head, Serbia FAVORITE FOOD Fish soup Construction Director, RO FAVORITE FOOD Nougat Glace HOBBIES Obstacle runs HOBBIES Snowboarding AGE 34 AGE 45 PLACE TO VISIT Melbourne PLACE TO VISIT Skye, Scotland MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Kings of Leon MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Oscar Benton FAVORITE FOOD Sushi FAVORITE FOOD Řízek HOBBIES Family, friends & soccer HOBBIES Motorcycling PLACE TO VISIT Barcelona PLACE TO VISIT Edinburgh FAVORITE FOOD Serbian FAVORITE FOOD Anything & everything Some more cool team members: Razvan Voinescu Financial Analyst Tax Specialist JÚLIUS HÁJEK Lucie Šimůnková Cristina Hamza Head of Accounting Head of Marketing Andrea Englichová Corporate lawyer GEORGE MAN AGE Young enough to kick ass MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Electronic Regional Manager, Transylvania HOBBIES Dog walking, canine therapy AGE 38 KVĚTA VOJTOVÁ PLACE TO VISIT Prague MONIKA ŠIMOVÁ MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Queen M&A, Corporate and Financing Lawyer FAVORITE FOOD Thai Designer & Project Coordinator HOBBIES Spending time with my kid AGE 47 AGE 28 PLACE TO VISIT Archaeological sites MUSIC TO LISTEN TO The Killers MUSIC TO LISTEN TO Rock and alternative FAVORITE FOOD Anything ;-) HOBBIES Skiing HOBBIES Cross-country skiing Join the team! PLACE TO VISIT Siena (Tuscany) PLACE TO VISIT Absolutely Paris FAVORITE FOOD Sushi FAVORITE FOOD Vietnamese and Chinese ClickClick herehere

46 47 GRID01

CREATED BY CTP MARKETING TEAM Thomas Kostelac, Čestmír Přindiš, Linda Kresťanová, Michal Hlucháň, Cyril Kříž

ILLUSTRATIONS Jonathan Vermersch “Driving Data” Jan Šrámek “Charged” Vladimír Strejček Comics

PRINT & PAPER Print production KFG, s.r.o. Printed by H. R. G. spol. s r.o., Litomyšl, CZ Cover: PlanoArt 300 g/m2 Inside pages: PlanoArt 115 g/m2

MIX — Paper from responsible sources, FSC-C100605. Printed in the Czech Republic on paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® as derived from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources.

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HQ CZ RO HU CTPark Humpolec Purkyňova 2121/3 CTPark Bucharest Verebély László utca 2. 396 01 Humpolec 110 00 Prague Dragomiresti-Deal 287/1 2051 Biatorbágy Czech Republic Czech Republic Romania Hungary (+420) 565 535 565 (+420) 222 390 942 (+40) 311 050 973 (+36) 30 222 2775

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48 GRID01