Ofeq Institute and the New (English) Version of the Messilat Yesharim

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Ofeq Institute and the New (English) Version of the Messilat Yesharim Ofeq Institute and the New (English) Version of the Messilat Yesharim Ofeq Institute and the New (English) Version of the Messilat Yesharim by Eliezer Brodt The Messilat Yesharim, by R. Moshe Chaim Luzzato (Ramchal), is one of the foundational works of mussar. [1] The Gra, among others, praise the Messilat Yesharim.[2] As such, any addition to its oeuvre is important in its own right. TheOfeq Institute* has recently published an English translation of an alternative version of the Messilat Yesharim. This version is fundamentally different than the standard edition of Messilat Yesharim. The standard edition is divided into chapters based upon various character traits. The second, this new version, eschews the chapter divisions and instead is arranged in a conversation or dialogue format. Specifically, a dialogue between a “wise man” and a “pious person” is the format of this version. This second version comes from a manuscript in the Baron Ginzburg collection in the St. Petersberg Library. The manuscript is in the Ramchal’s own hand and is substantially larger than the other version. Although the Hebrew edition of the dialogue version has been available for a bit (also from Ofeq),[3] this version has now been published in an English edition and this edition will be the focus of this post. First a word about the Ofeq Institute. Over the past twenty years Mechon Ofeq has released many editions of the works of the geonim, rishonim and achronim covering all genres of Jewish literature. All these works are critical editions with extensive notes and introductions. Almost all their editions include extensive footnotes. (One of the only complaints some have is that there’s simply too much information in the footnotes). Much like the novel version of Ofeq’sMessilat Yesharim, many of the works are based on manuscripts from the Ginzburg collection, a collection that was only recently released to the public. To highlight but a few of their other titles. A work on Iyov from the bet midrash of Rashi and a commentary on Yecheskel from R. Yosef Heyun. They begun to publish a critical edition of the rishonim on Torat Kohanim as well as a commentary on Tosefta. They have printed works from geonim like R. Natronai Goan. Many works of rishonim on shas, most well-known being the Tosafas HaRosh on Pesachim and Haggigah, andTosafos Yeshanim on Yevomos. A facsimile edition of Rambam on Madda and Ahava in the Rambam’s own hand. They have printed hagadahs from rishonim an excellent critical edition of theSeder Hakabalah of the Meriei. Another work of note is Meah Shaearim a two volume edition on hilchos kibud av v’em. Ofeq, run by R. Avraham Shoshana and based in Cleavland Ohio utilizes not only Torah scholars (read products of Yeshiva education) but experts who are academics as well. For their editon of the R. Natronai Goan they used Professor Brody a leading expert of the geonim period. For other works of rishonim they have used Professors Emanuel, Hevlin and Speigel all experts in their respective fields. Or, in the case of the Messilat Yesharim, Professor Septimus was involved. That is, Ofeq ensures that the works they put out are of a high caliber. To some, this is an anathema. They view the inclusion of non-Torah scholars to be unconscionable. Most recently objections of this nature were expressed by R. Yehuda Liba ben Dovid in Bes HaVaad (see post here ). As I pointed out, however, R. ben Dovid’s position is in the minority. Aside from Ofeq’s Hebrew publications they also have published some books in English. The Messilat Yesharim, however, is their most ambitious English translation to-date. This English translation includes an introduction discussing the Messilat Yesharim, the two versions, and the English translation employed. The translation does not skimp in the sense that it is annotated with English notes – something that does not appear in all English translation. Instead, many English translations provide the footnotes in Hebrew. While this seems counter-intuitive as if the person wants to read the work in English, they would like to read the whole work including the footnotes. This edition does not suffer from that and instead, almost everything is in English. Additionally, although Ofeq has published the “dialogue” edition, they also include the original version in translation as well. There are, however, two parts that remain in Hebrew. The first are citations to verses, talmudic passages and the like, the second is the final work included which compares the dialogue version with the standard chapter version. This last section, titled Bein HaMesilot, is in Hebrew. When it comes to English translations, there are typically two options. The first are academic presses which are typically expensive and not aimed at a popular audience. The second, are the traditional Orthodox presses, while these are typically more readable, they (although not always) don’t provide some of the scholarly detail. Ofeq’s translation of the Messilat Yesharim strikes a nice balance between these two – they have produced a highly readable yet include the scholarly detail as well. As mentioned above, what is unique about this copy of the Mesilat Yesharim is that is is written in a completely different style than the current Mesilat Yesharim. This new version is written in a debate form. The Ramchal wrote other works in debate form as well. For example, his work on defending kabbala. For whatever reason, he chose to print the other, standard, version and the debate version remained in manuscript. It’s unclear, however, why the Ramchal chose to do so. Many feel that a debate version is much better for 2 reasons: One, it keeps the reader much more interested and two, it brings out the various points much better as is always in a debate form. For many years, the sefer Messilat Yesharim was learned as a mussar sefer, becoming one of the classics. Many people used to take it into a dark room and learn it in special tunes saying the words again and again until they penetrated. However, many people have a fear of mussar, having bad memories from yeshiva, forcing themselves to read mussar sefarim during mussar seder that they felt did not talk to them. I would like to suggest a new way to read this sefer. Read it as a regular sefer. Concentrate on the ideas discussed in it, not only focused on the mussar, but rather on the pshatim, aggada and statements throughout the sefer. Just to list a few of these lesser appreciate portions of the Messilat Yesharim: והנה ודאי שיעזרהו לזה רוב התמדה והעיון במזמורי דוד המלך והתבונוות בם במאמריהם וענינים כי בהיותם כולם מלאים אהבה ויראה וכל מיני חסידות. הבנה בהתבוננו בם. לא ימנע מהתעורר בו התעוררות (גדול לצאת בעקבותיו וללכתב בדרכיו. (פרק כא Or highlighting the value of reading gedolim books or at least the aggadic section of the gemarah וכן תועיל הקריאה בסיפור מעשה החסידים באגדות אשר באו שם. כי כל In (אלה מעוררים את השכל להתיעץ ולעשות כמעשיהם הנחמדים… (פרק כא this passage, the Ramchal takes a positive view vis-a-vis working at least if learning remains a main focus כי הנה העסק מוכרח הוא לאדם לצרוך פרנסתו, אך ריבו העסק אינו מוכרח שיהיה כל כך גדול עד שלא יניח לו מקום אל עבודותו. על כן And, on keeping (נצטוינו לקבוע עתים לתורה. (פרק ה וראה פרק כא chumros he has an intresting point הוא להחמיר בהם תמיד לחוש אפילו לדברי יחיד במחלקות אם טעמו נראה Elsewhere he expands on this (אפילו שאין הלכה כמותו(פרק יד thought a bit more באשר כבר יחשבו שהחסידות תלוי בדברי הבל או דברים נגד השכל והדיעה הנכונה. ויאמינו היות כל החסידות תלוי רק באמירת בקשות רבות ווידוים גדולים ובכיות והשתחויות גדולות ובסיגופים הזרים שימית בהם אדם את עצמו כטיבלת הקרא והשלג וכיוצא בדברים אלה… אך מציאות החסידות עצמו הוא דבר עמוק… כי הנה המצות המוטלת על כל ישראל כבר ידועות הן וחובתן ידועה עד היכן היא מגעת. אמנם מי שאוהב את הבוראית”ש אהבה אמתית לא ישתדל ויכון לפטור עצמו במה שכבר מפורסם מן החובה אשר על כל ישראל בכלל… אלא אדרבא… יהיה לי לעינים להרבות בזה הענין ולהרחיב אותו בכל הצדדין שאוכל לדון שרצונו יתברך חפץ בו… נמצא כלל החסידות הרחבת קיום כל המצות בכל (הצדדין והתנאים שראוי ושאפשר… (פרק יח In the introduction the Ramchal has a puzzling remark, that many have taken issue with, but, in reality, the Ramchal was following in the path of Chovos haLevovvos היתכן שיגע ויעמול שכלנו בחקירות אשר לא נתחייבו בם, בפלפולים .אשר לא יצא לנו שום פרי מהם, ודינים אשר אינם שייכם לנו Here R Shoshanah has a nice comment (p. 18) of sources discussing this point. When he wrote this work the Ramchal wrote a puzzling remark in the beginning showing his humility he writes אמר המחבר החיבור הזה לא חיברתיו ללמוד לבני אדם את אשר לא ידעו אלא להזכירם את הידוע להם כבר ומפורסם אצלם פרסום גדול R. Sarna writes in his notes on Messilat Yesharim that this statement is the most puzzling statement in the entire sefer to him. One more nice piece from Messilat Yesharim is: והפרישות… הוא התבודדות וההבדל מן החברה המדינית לפנות לבו אל העבודה והתבוננות בה כראוי ובתנאי שלא יטה גם בזה אל הקצה האחר (שכבר אמר ז”ל לעולם תהא דעתו של אדם מעורב עם הבריות… (פרק יד Turning back to the Ofeq edition in particular, it is important to highlight the footnotes included. While much has been written on the Messilat Yesharim before this edition, especially worthy of mention is the edition of R Sarna. This edition that includes notes by R. Shoshana has included that aside from explaining the text and the concepts therein and providing sources that the Ramchal’s comments are based on in Hazel and the rishonim (as R.
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