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ft crnr PARISH NEWS COKPUS CHItlSTI. ST. BIWDGK-rS. A. change in tbe hoar of masses Thertuffife* of £&» contributors to the Easter collection were read Sun­ ,"»Jjrnjii(iwi«iH»»'t')i|i|i»lTt!j»^)n,iHi|i ynljnlH))iiiii!» Interesting Budget - of Happenings goes into effect on Sunday. Here­ *«*S#*4 after the masses will be at 7, 8, 3.30 day. Over eleven hundred dollars were contribute*!. Gathered by Our City Reporters and 10.30 o'clock. The prayers of the congregation The collection for the rebnildtos CATHEDRAL. were offered up on Sunday for Anna of the churches, etc., in San Fran- Keep Posted on eisco was taken up last Sunday., It Gllboe and John Henry. **- Ttxe funeral of George Armstrong The Young Ladies Sodality will amounted in this parish, to one hun­ Thursday, if« was held last Monday morning at 9 hold their monthly meeting oa Son- dred and fifty dollars. o'cloek from Lady Chapel, and wa3da y afternoon at 4 o'clock. The funeral of Miss Elisabeth Frienda of Hid store have pretty generally well attended by the many friends The forty hours devotion will open Boyle of Clifford Street took place and relatives of the deceased. in this church on Sunday at 10.30Monda y at 9 a. na. and the funeral May 17th Tbere will be a meeting to-mor­ o'clock. Solemn high will be of Miss Helen Sullivan of Hand row evening at 7.15 p. m. of the celebrated followed by procession of Street took place at 8 a. m. Tuesday. cable to groceries ai it U to W^^^^km Men's Sodality. the . Services Her remains were taken to Avon tor burial. Tbe first Class has will be held on Sunday and Monday many m-.-. SS. PETER & PAUL'S. sary for him to retire on account of Dozen jam, $1.71. ill health. members of the Society at her I •#•>•£, home Thursday evening. CANNED mvm Tbe collection taken up last Sun­ Mr. Conheady was a member of Under Immense Tents at •am day for the suffering people in Frisco the Police Benevolent Association as Those having garden flowers are BAKER'S CHOCOLATE Be«ts*~3-lb, «|&-j|3afis amounted to $300. well as of Branch 139, C. M. B. A. kindly requested to send them to the Walter Baker's ehoco- A mass was said this The funeral was held on Thurs­ May altar. Driving Park tmm ^smffmk H^ morning for William Rossenbach. day morning at 8.30 o'clock from the We are sorry to learn Mr. M. J. late, per lb—...... 25fc aitoral *»for j«$ vmt May de-votions in honor of the house and at 9 o'clock from thli Maloney of Woodbury Street, had his X IK He, tender* ymm mmf-' Blessed Virgin Mary are being held church. right arm paralyzed, the result of a The Carl Hagenbeck tar? cana^reipWr 1§& every Tuesday, Thursday and Sun­ The prayers of the congregation fall. MT fcaft* * *********«%ws day evenings at 7.45. were offered on Sunday For John JJoim«Mi»ffi£8> - Mrs. Ann Vosourgh of Tonawanda Hanevy, brother of the late Lawrence HOLY FAMILY. Greater Shows vm mwwm, immmmm^immmimmmmmmmrmmmti Street, who has t>een very ill for sev­ Hanevy, of this pariah. The young men and boys are in­ eral weeks, is somewhat better and Biggest of All 3 Rin Grcwe* Wis Newtot* crackera* mmm erp&cta to be out In a short time. vited to receive Holy Communion on HOLY APOSTLE'S. QANNID RIAW8 Tbe funeral of Mathias Marx was next Sunday. fresh from th* ovens, held Monday morning at 8.30 from To-morrow la Communion Sun­ The collection that was taken up Three Hundred Arenic Artists, B©*n«-Golden fix glled with genuinfWHOM**c* beana packed in K»w the house and 9 o'clock from the day for the men and boys of the Srch^tphannsylums £fi£t ^Mr* the Sfat Flying fe*» church. He wa_s one of the oldest parish. Smyrna figs.per lb.,10c Yorkatate,2 lb.,c«i, 9c members of the parish, being 80 A mass was offered this morning pitala of San Francisco amounted to the Aragon Troupe of High Wire years of age. for the repose of the souls of the late $400. Experts, and Lea Freres Koroly, He was a charter member of St. members of the Society. The funeral of Monica Goldfach ^&irdine«-!^j|neerene» •~* Peters society and the society's first The collection taken up last Sun­ was held from the home of her Europe's Greatest Eiders. full X-2lb, can.,.,life VINROAB president and a former member of day for the aid of the people In San daughter, Mrs. William Trott, 94 Do»n ©SDH, $!,?• the . Francisco amounted to about $200. Hague Street, Wednesday morning Only Show Exhibiting lite at 8.15 a. m., from the house and Requiem mass was celebrated by The school collection of this month BlackweH'8 tarragon S.45 from the church. Rev. Dr Sinclair, assisted by Rev. amounted to $120.34. Following Features The Ladies Auxiliary, No. 48, MATRONS IS 8¥&W M. riargarther and Rev. F. Scheld. mmm^iH L The bearers were William Young, ST. BONIFACE. Knights of St. John, has nominated Carl Hagenbeck's Greatest Marrons preserved la Aug. Herman, Frank Blnsack, Joseph and elected their delegates for the syrap^for vm ift «ock» m*m Ushold. Joseph Blosenihauser and Mrs. Josephine Bendon. widow of convention which wjii take place Triumphs, Performing Polar CLAM CHOWDKR Ralph S. Bendon, died Friday at the teite, or lor desiserta**- Michael Voelkel. The requiem was June 2 8 to 30. at Buffalo. The dele- R T.inns that rlrl« Wnrsos qa^C%4wder- % chanted by the choir. family residence, 22 9 Sanford Street, gates are as follows: Mrs. John Eckl.'cear8, *jl0"s ""** nae »ursea. when served with iter r aged 70 years. She leaves three serts the jaice e*n be sons. Joseph J , Ralph J., and Charles aars. John J. Kenney. Mrs. Joseph, Tigers riding Elephants; Trained clam chowder, consider­ ST. MICHAEL'S. h n 8 George Uasle used to advantage with R. Bendon. five daughters. Mrs. Will­ ThTe sl AUre ht ' ""Hand Tractable Zebras, Pumas, the marrons, per Mr ed one of the beet bnndt Tomorrow morning at the 9.30 iam Purcell, Mrs. John P. Fitzgerald, Mrs. George Selbert, Priscllla and About thirty friends of MISS Mar-]Tigers Lions, Leopards, Polar tie «» t»».• • *• •'•*0c; on the market, 8 pound o'clock mass the of the Christian D s h Doctrinp Class will receive Holy Elisabeth Bendon, also nine grand- ^/ZU£ZT ttlct> $?;J5, can** .#>'.<**«-...„1$c Communion rhlldren. The funeral took place surprise at the home of her sister, , _ _ , , The second quarterly pew rent dia­ Monday morning at 8.30 from the mm gram will be distributed after the house, and at 9 o'clock from St. Mrs Albert boevenbruck of Lincoln junctive Performances,and three 10 3 0 o'clock mas9 to the parlshlon- Boniface Church. •taM -i- ->-»; , 1 8 herds of acth3 W1JL8II BAltKBIf fnffKWGi l I; Julia HerbBt Pappert, widow of the ^d^^.%S^ SLSs» , S IOnly Best Indiae Elephantsn Expositio. • n National Bimli $<>.% The ri-quieni masses for this week late August Pappert. died Monday at many beautiful gifts. Games were Pate Waferj, ^Hooil* . Genuine W«I*hmwMt *y\i XJV Mr Kouquet. Mr. Wunch, *C. the family residence, 707 Clinton played, after which' refreshments 100 Hindoos, Men, Women and shinest Qf Assorted At* Kuperschmldt, A. Bloom and Mr. Avenue South, aged 51 years. She were served, and all joined in wish­ Children, in Feats an Occidental lanticji pe?Ib, * «* > < *!0c cheew, p«r Ih-. - 18c Oelmer Is survived by her mother, five eons, ing Miss Oruener many happy re­ mmm/mm The bans of matrimony were an­ August, Fred, William. George, turns of the day. People Cannot Fathom. A pera- nounced Sunday between Miss Rose Charles, and four daughters, Mary, OUR LADY OF VICTORY. hera of Beautiful Pagents and Relnhardt and Lucas Staeser. Katherine, Bertha and Sophia Pap­ A class of about 30 children re­ Weird, Wonderful and Miraculous The marriage of Miss EliKabeth pert. four brothers and three sisters. ceived their first holy communion last : Englert and William Kllngler took She was a member of the Ladlei Sunday at the 8.30 o'clock mass. Performances. t place Wednesday morning at 9 Auxiliary of the Knights of St. Boni­ 8lbl:iy, ;':;:l|(jS^ & QUTT

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