Saint Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church ALTAR SERVER’S HANDBOOK
Saint Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church ALTAR SERVER’S HANDBOOK Altar Server Ministry Coordinator: Annie Merfalen | Edition 1 | September 16, 2016 Dear Altar Server, Saint Gabriel the Archangel parish is sincerely appreciative of your desire to be an altar server. As an altar server, you help lead the people in the worship of God. It is an absolute honor to kneel so close to the altar where we witness our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, become truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. In heaven, the angels and saints worship around the throne of God. What we do here at the holy sacrifice of the Mass reflects what goes on in heaven. The chalice is a sign of the eternal Precious Blood of the Lamb, the host is the sign of the Eternal Bread of heaven, and the celebrant is an icon of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So who are you? You represent the saints and angels worshiping around the altar of the Lamb. What an honor it is to be present at Mass, serving our Lord during this most commendable gift of love. Remember that what we do at Mass is the most important thing in our lives. Everything else comes after that. As you sit in the pews, remember that just by your presence, your reverence, and listening to the Word of God, you help lead the worship and encourage those who see you to worship as you do. When you have a job to do during Mass, do it with dignity, grace and reverence for you are serving at the Altar of God.
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