British Flute Society @BritishFluteSoc on Facebook From the Editor Contact Elisabeth at
[email protected] his year the Society’s focus has been on the Convention in its new venue at the Warwick Arts Centre, and what a great event it proved to be. Artists and experts from around the world joined us to share their performances and specialist skills in a dazzling range of recitals and workshops curated by Convention Director Carla Rees. Many thanks are due Tto Carla and the Convention committee – Anna Munks, Hugh Phillips and Anne Hodgson – for their hard work in putting together such an inspiring three days of fluting. This edition of PAN arrives with you a fortnight later than usual so that we could bring you news and reviews of many of the events while they were still fresh in our minds, and for this, I must offer enormous personal thanks to my review team at the Convention: Myra Baker, Laura Beardsmore, Atarah Ben-Tovim, Zoë Booth, Chris Britton, Joss Campbell, Sam Chang, Sam Christie, Helen Ella, Tammy Evans Yonce, Karen Gourlay, Meg Griffiths, Carrie Hensel, Anne Hodgson, Lis Lewis, Angus McPherson, Rachel Misson, Emma Nibloe, Niall O’Riordan, Roz Trübger, Liz Walker, and Peter Westbrook. Sadly, there was simply not room in this issue to include mention of every single event, but we hope you enjoy the flavour of the experience through the reviews included here. In particular I would also like to thank Carla Rees and Nick Romero for their photography of the event; all images of the Convention in this issue are copyright to them unless stated otherwise.