HE LANETARY YSTEM T P S Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture/Civilization 2021 SOLAR RITUALITY AND EPHEMERIDES (December 2020)
[email protected] 1 2021 SOLAR RITUALITY AND EPHEMERIDES A rhythmic and ritual coordination and sowing for a planetary Order The TPS solar Sowing Ia, Fa a F a C a Ca intends to a a a" a aa " a ba a " the cyclic pulsations of the higher Creators, the planetary, solar and cosmic Entities: the conscious Dream of a New Culture and Civilization, as a manifestation on Earth of the evolutionary Plan and of a new human planetary Order.1 By working we learn to work, and in this Workshop of spatial Thought we learn together to build more and more knowingly Harmonic Thought-forms, as a result of a right or heavenly way of being and existing, in order to set up a better Future and to progressively release our humanity from its lower trammels. Humanity can and has to spread, in an impersonal and disinterested way, Seeds or Ideas capable of fertilizing consciousness making it resound to infinity: "Culture is a treasure of consciousness, therefore the field of the sowing of the new Thought is the human consciousness ... It is a vast field like Heaven: no one knows its boundaries. Thus the seeds to be spread have no number or form ... Only with formless seeds an infinite field can be cultivated. And the soil of human consciousness is ready to welcome them: many signs prove it, both above and below, and sowing cannot be deferred".