With Femtosecond Lasers, 572-74, 573/ Hydrodynamic Motion
Index Ablation Central hot spark ignition, by direct drive of ceramics, 216-21 implosion, 380-83 dielectric function during, 192-93, 193/ Central ignition scheme, 377/ 378 with femtosecond lasers, 572-74, 573/ Ceramics, ultrashort laser pulse interactions hydrodynamic motion role in, 2, 5-6 with, 216-21,217/218/ initial temperature at threshold of, 3 Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering measurement of dynamics of, 190, 191/ (CARS), 198, 206-8, 207/ of polymers, 225-26, 225/ 226/ 281-95 Coherent control of polymers with EUV laser, 535^0, 536/ raman spectroscopy, 206-8, 207/ 537/ 538/ 538<, 539/ of ultrashort laser pulse, 203^, 203/ spectral control of, 204-5, 205/ 206/ Collisional ionization, of dielectrics, 26-27 stages of, 68 69, 69/ Cosine model, of laser ionization, 110-14, Ablative cleaning, 37 110/115/ Ablative laser propulsion, 408-11, 409/ Coulomb explosion (CE) Artworks. See Painted artworks criterion for, 20-21, 21/ Asymptotic density profile, 12, 13/ features of, 18 from ultrashort laser pulse, 17-32 Band structure, 99 experimental evidence for, 18-20 Biological scaffold structures, from Crater ORMOCER®s, 149-51, 150/ 151/ formation of, 7-8, If Boltzmann plot, of plume, 77, 77/ hydrodynamic motion formation of, 4 Brillouin zone (BZ), of laser ionization, Crystal expansion, ultrashort laser pulse for, 100-108, 101/ 108/ 110 1-15 Bubble formation conclusion of, 14-15 calculation of, 254-57 hydrodynamic motion characteristics, 4—6 cavitation bubble dynamics, 262-67, 263/ hydrodynamic simulation, 11-14 264/ 265/ interference during, 9-11,10/ pulse trains with energies above threshold introduction to, 1-3 for, 271-72 shell and crater formation, 7-8, If pulse trains with energies below threshold for, 269-71,269/ Desorption ionization on silicon (DIOS) stress-induced, 254—67 MALDIv., 518-19, 518/521/ threshold for, 261-62 asSLDI, 506-7, 515-19 BZ.
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