The Other Was't'gry“?B??

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The Other Was't'gry“?B?? SZs DY hrhoxzx LA TEE the Princess zu Leiningen, the Grand ing constitutes, it is at all events a se- of burglary, and those which relate to its and Duchess of Dake Michael fils the curity that in seeking for a remedy punishment. 1f the burglar could Hamilton, Prince Oscar of Sweden and to feel that the chances ot ultimatebeescapomade « we shall int) the Princess zn Hohenlohe, Prince harles not be carvied away were very few indeed, and that if he had of Sweden aad Princess Victoria of Hesse, any ill-considered or violent wetion. used or earvied fire-arms the punislvent, the Herewitavy Gmml_ Dake of Meckien? Usually, in matters of this kind, the in the event of his being taken, would be burg and Princess Elizabeth of Saxony, much more severe. he would proba- YWaldeck, Press has to moderate public senti- very Priuce zu Princess Reuss with -oly be a good deal less willing to run the Prince William of Baden, Princess [lélene ment ; in the present instance, it has deuble risk. ‘T Lere are objections, o doubt, Waldeck, of Prince Charles of Baden and rather to stimulaie it. There can be to a system of police surveillance; but Princess Alberta of Leiningen, Privce question that the growing habit of then there are greater objections to a sys- Herrmaun ot Baxe-Weiaar and Princess no tem of successtul living out of town, and of keeping burglary by men with Aurélie of Iflirstenberg, the Hereditary revolvers in their hands., The burglar is Prince of Saxe-Meiningen and the Heredi- costly objects of one kind or another not so often found {rying to get an honest tary Princess of Fiirstenberg. the Heredi- in the house, has inereased the temp- living, and secing one effort atter anothor tary Prince Hohenzollern and the Countess tation to defeated by the interference of the police, von khiena, Prince Nicholas of Nassan, burglary by inereasing the for committing it. A house that we need be very chary of subjecting Prince Fiiv-tenberg and his heir, Prince facilities him to special supervision, If it wereo za Hoheulohe, and Prince Reuss. The ina London street may be tempting made part of the punishment for burglary FEwmpress, well to be present, but enough enough in one wav, bu: the know- that & man convieted of it should for @ yet teo weak to stand, oceupied an en- that the policeman’s buil's-eye long course of years be obliged to report sconced seat on the right of the altar, op- .]('(lgu himself at intervals to the on fixed police, posite the Landgrave Max, uucie of the 1s cast it so many times in the and that his dwelling should be open Grand Duke, a veteran older than the course of the night, and that his rat- to their visits without notice, this penalty Emperor. Princess William of Prus-ia tle will either bring Thelp, or put alone might exert a deterrent effect of was not present. The German Crown some of erime. difficulties in the way of escape, is a foree on the commission the Princess wore a sparkling tiara of Dbril- No doubt he would plead, and sometimes, liants, *with a magnificent straw-colouved great check upon a burglar’s enthusi- plead with justice, that his pecul'ar rela- dress and violet train, while the Queen of asm. e can count upon shooting tions with the police made it difficult for Sweden with diamonds. literally blazed one policeman, Lut he cannot count him to get or keep employment. But then, A more gnrgeous looking congregation - upon shooting severa!, and getting the kuowledge of this difficulty would be uever as<mbled in the rococo chapel a hitile all. poweriul dissuasive from the commission of the Ducal Schloss. The eeremony was off after 1a the suburbs of Lon- of o eriime which would bring a man into shore and simple. After a sclemu don, on the other hand, there are these relations with the police. It is not choraley un eddress was delivered by the numbers of houses of which the con- for transgressors to complain that theix hard, to Chiet Pastor, who dwelt, with a happy tents are as attractive as a way is A man subjected elose those of police surveillance for simple burglary mixture of the lay and religions spirit, on London house, while the police pro- would not find it easy to add murder to the various aspects of the double wedling, tection i 3 little more thun nomisals a sccond burglary without being at once and then the ecelesiastical rite. performed Once in a wey a solitary policeman saspected. Os course, he would still be at At the moment of exchanging riogs o to commit murder on the occasion strolls or looks liberty salute of 36 guns began to be fired. The up the carriage-drive, of his first burglary, but the inducement newly wedded pnir, having been presented over the fence at an inconvenient to this might be_lessened by making, the by the clergyman with o Bible, then re- moment; butif he can but be shot punishment for a burglary in which fire- arms being tired, making way for the Grand Duke and the danger is pretty well averted. had Leen earried even without uzed very much more severe than the Grand Duchess, whose mniriage, of exaetly no 1o There is one take up the pursuit punishment ior a burglary in which they 25 yeurs' stauding,was rat ficd anew, accord- ecasily. and the thieves get off quita had not been earried. suppose, for exam- to Betore reiring, ing German cusiem. Tae revolver has really answered the ple that the men at whose hands the pe- the Emperoi, who was evidently much met end for which: it was bought. It bhas liceman at Kingston Hill his death affeeted by the ceremwony, approacheu had known that if they were canght, and hilled or disabled the one pnssi}?c the Emlm:m. and }nc.-Svd her houd, 0s u.70 it revolvers were found upon them, or did ber g iter, the Grand Duchess. e pursier townd under circumstanees which left no dau only tiring o their apaitinents, the wecded avd The simplest mode of dealing with reasonable doubt that they had been * was imminent, rewedded pairs received the corgratuladions this new form of burelary would be thrown away when capture they have been sentenced to penal of aond guests, aad of vhe would thelr remtions to raise the suburbs ui'u.;_:l‘c:\r town servitude for life, they would probably reprosentativs who oot been fore o had to a level in point of sccurity with have thoueht it better to have left their in the eoapel, and then assizued n place the great towy itself. 1M there were weaponsat home. While it is desirable, @ hat, is n was Leld, when no doubt, to put a stop to burglary in called D/filivecur as many policemen on Kingston all the persans of ;ack and station in the Hill any form, it is especially desirable to put or at Balham as there are 10 Caven- is Ducky singly fied past the throne aed a stop to it inthe form in which it In order to do made obeisiee. This ceremony was cuc. dish Squae or Baton Place, the pe- associated with murder. this, it is not cnough to punish the murder ceeded a grand banquet, ca'iar temptation which the suburban by when committed. The possession of the will here now offers removed. Toe newly wedded pair stay distriet would be weapons which suggest and lead to mur- for a few days (0 grace the various festiv. There would be the same feeling on der must be visited with penalties so ities devised in their honour, aud will then the part of the burelar that, thongh heavy as to make the risk of being found ad- leave for Stockholz, where a graud re- he wight escape from one constable, with them greater than any possible vantage that the possession of them can ception awaits them. to from he could hardly hope escape confer. For once that a burglar owes his a dozen. Untortunately, though this revolver, is BERGLARY AND ITS PUN- escape 1o the use of his 'he would be a simole mode of meeting probably caught several times in cireum- stances whicli prove that he has set.out ISHMENT. the difiiculty, it would also be a cost- him, on his errand with a revolver about one; and among the (From the Spectator.) ly the majority If a long term of penal servitude fer ratepayers, who have no particular ¢ lurking with intent and with ?rgarms" of carry- cause to fear the Lurglar’s visit, were the penalty, the ad.antage The murder of a constable by bur- very much lessen- to be taxed ing a revolver would be glars whoevidently came to their work would probably decline is not likely to encum- who con- ed. As a burelar quite prepared to take lhfe if they for the benefit of those are ber himself with firearms which he.does were interfered with either by the scious that they have a good deal to not mean to use, there would be no grqund we were puuishing light or by the owner of the houre lose. It would be possible, of course, for fear that a. police offence with undue severity. to the additional police rate on is only one among many incidents levy il a cerfain value, which show that society is confronted houses rated above THE BOERS AS MARKSMEN, by a new peril.
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