SCRI Annual Report 1999/2000
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® Scottish Crop Research Institute Annual Report 1999/2000 Contents on Page 4 Governing Body Chairman J.E. Godfrey, B.Sc., A.R.Ag.S. E. Angus, MBE, M.Sc., Fio.D (w.e.f. 1-4-00) Professor J. Belch, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.P., M.D. Professor R.J. Cogdell, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E. K. Dawson, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C.P. (w.e.f. 1-4-00) M. Eddie, B.Agr., Ph.D. (w.e.f. 1-4-00) Professor M. Emes, B.Sc., Ph.D. (w.e.f. 1-4-00) Professor J. Evans, OBE, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.I.C.For. J.B. Forrest, F.R.Ag.S. (Retired 31-3-00) W. Goldstraw, B.Sc., P.G.Dip.B.A., M.C.I.P.D. (w.e.f. 1-4-00) K. Hopkins, F.C.A. Professor B. King, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.W.Sc., C.Biol., F.I.Biol. Emeritus Professor Sir John S. Marsh, CBE, M.A., P.G.Dip.Ag.Econ., F.R.A.S.E., F.R.Ag.S., C.Biol., F.I.Biol. I. McLaren, S.D.A. (w.e.f. 1-4-00) J.M. Sime, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., C.Chem. (Retired 31-3-00) Professor A.R. Slabas, B.Sc., D.Phil. P. Whitworth Professor P.C. Young, B.Tech., M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., Wh.F., C.Eng., M.I.E.E., F.I.M.A., F.R.S.S. (Retired 31-3-00) Accountants : KPMG, 37 Albyn Place, Aberdeen AB10 1JB. Solicitors : Dundas and Wilson C.S., Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2EG. Banking : Bank of Scotland, P.O. Box 9, 2 West Marketgate, Dundee. Patent Agents : Murgitroyd & Co, 373 Scotland Street, Glasgow. Supervisory Medical Officer : Dr Ann Simpson, Occupational Health Service, Panmure House, 4 Dudhope Terrace, Dundee. Scottish Crop Research Institute Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, Scotland, UK. A charitable company (No. SC006662) limited by guarantee No. 29367 (Scotland) and registered at the above address. Telephone : +44 (0)1382 562731 Fax : +44 (0)1382 562426 Electronic Mail: [email protected] WWW: Editors : W.H. Macfarlane Smith, T.D. Heilbronn Graphics and Design : I.R. Pitkethly, G. Menzies Photography : T.G. Geoghegan, S.F. Malecki, G. Menzies ISSN 0263 7200 ISBN 0 9058 7515X ©Scottish Crop Research Institute 2000 The Scottish Crop Research Institute Das SCRI ist ein führendes inter- (SCRI) is a major international nationales Forschungszentrum für centre for research on agricultural, Nutzpflanzen im Acker- und horticultural and industrial crops, Gartenbau sowie in der Industrie and on the underlying processes und auf dem Gebiet der allen common to all plants. It aims to increase knowl- Pflanzen zugrundeliegenden Prozesse. Es hat sich edge of the basic biological sciences; to improve zum Ziel gesetzt, die Grundkenntnisse in den crop quality and utilisation by the application of con- Biowissenschaften zu vertiefen; die Qualität und ventional and molecular genetical techniques and Nutzung der Kulturpflanzen durch die Anwendung novel agronomic practices; and to develop environ- konventioneller und molekular-genetischer Techniken mentally benign methods of protecting crops from und neuer agrarwissenschaftlicher Praktiken zu depredations by pests, pathogens and weeds. A broad verbessern; sowie umweltfreundliche Methoden zum multidisciplinary approach to research is a special Schutz der Pflanzen gegen Verlust durch Schädlinge, strength of the Institute, and the range of skills avail- Pathogene und Unkräuter zu entwickeln. Ein breiter able from fundamental studies on genetics and physi- multidisziplinärer Forschungsansatz ist eine besondere ology, through agronomy and pathology to glasshouse Stärke des Instituts; und das zur Verfügung stehende and field trials is unique within the UK research ser- Spektrum an fachlichen Ausrichtungen, das von vice. genetischer und physiologischer Grundlagenforschung über Agrarwissenschaften und Pathologie bis zu Gewächshaus- und Feldversuchen reicht, stellt ein ein- maliges Forschungsangebot auf den Britischen Inseln dar. Le SCRI est un centre international Lo SCRI e’ uno dei maggiori centri majeur de recherche sur les cultures internazionali nel campo della agricoles, horticoles et industrielles ricerca sulle colture agricole, orti- et les processus fondamentaux com- cole e industriali e sui meccanismi muns à toutes les plantes. Son but fondamentali comuni a tutte le est d’accrôitre les connaissances des sciences piante. L’Istituto ha come obiettivo principale biologiques fondamentales; d’améliorer la qualité et l’accrescimento del livello di conoscenza delle l’utilisation des cultures par l’utilisation de techniques scienze biologiche fondamentali, il miglioramento conventionelles et de génétique moléculaire et par della qualità e del potenziale di utilizzo delle colture l’application de procédés agronomiques nouveaux; de tramite l’applicazione di tecniche convenzionali o di développer des méthodes de protection moins dom- genetica molecolare e di nuove pratiche agronomiche, mageables pour l’environnement contre les préjudices lo sviluppo di metodi ecologici di protezione delle col- causés par les ravageurs, les pathogènes et les adven- ture da agenti patogeni o malerbe. Uno dei punti di tices. L’une des forces majeures de l’institut est une forza dell’Istituto e’ l’adozione di un approccio larga- large approche multidisciplinaire de la recherche. mente multidisciplinare (probabilmente senza eguali L’éventail des techniques disponibles allant des études nel servizio di ricerca britannico) fondato su una vasta fondamentales en génétique et physiologie en passant gamma di capacità scientifiche derivanti da ricerche di par l’agronomie et la phytopathologie jusqu’aux essais fisiologia e genetica ma anche di agronomica e fitopa- en serres et aux champs est unique au sein du service tologia supportate da prove di campo o in ambiente de recherche du Royaume Uni. controllato. Contents Click on text to go to relevant page SCRI Health & Safety Policy .......................................................................................................................................................6 Chairman’s Introduction J.E.Godfrey ........................................................................................................................................7 Introduction J.R. Hillman ......................................................................................................................................................8 Report of the Director: J.R. Hillman ........................................................................................................................................12 The Opening of the New Research Glasshouse: T.D. Heilbronn & S. Millam..........................................................................48 New technologies for the detection and identification of pathogens, pests and environmental pollutants: L. Torrance, A. Ziegler, M.A. Mayo, I. Toth, V. Blok & J.M. Duncan ..........................................................................................................51 A Dundee contribution to science: high-throughput mass spectrometry and new biological insights: L.L. Handley, C.M. Scrimgeour, J.A. Raven, T. Preston & R. Neilson ............................................................................................................55 Management of plant parasitic nematodes: D.L. Trudgill .........................................................................................................66 Oxygen, free radicals, antioxidants and food – some views from the supply side: B.A. Goodman & J.R. Hillman......................83 Genetics .................................................................................................................................................................................95 Overview: John W.S. Brown, Gordon C. Machray, Robbie Waugh & John E. Bradshaw ........................................................95 Development of Recombinant Chromosome Substitution Lines - a barley resource: W.T.B. Thomas, A.C. Newton, A. Wilson, A. Booth, M. Macaulay & R. Keith..........................................................................................................................99 Nutritional value and flavour of the cultivated potato: G.R. Mackay, M.J. De,Maine, D. Muir, G. Ramsay & M.F.B. Dale..101 Gene discovery in potato: W. De Jong, J. Davidson, G. Bryan, P. Birch, R. Waugh & D. Marshall ......................................105 SSR frequency and occurrence in plant genomes: L. Cardle, M. Macaulay, D.F. Marshall, D. Milbourne, L. Ramsay, & R. Waugh ..........................................................................................................................................................108 How small is an exon – does size matter?: C.G. Simpson, G. Clark, J. Watters & J.W.S. Brown ...........................................111 Cereal gene mining and manipulating: G.C. Machray, C.J. Zhang, T.M.A. Wilson, D. Davidson, B.E. Harrower, P.E. Hedley & W. Powell ........................................................................................................................................................114 New potato cultivars ................................................................................................................................................................117 Plant biochemistry and cell biology......................................................................................................................................118 Overview: Howard V. Davies & Karl J. Oparka.......................................................................................................................118 Plants and aphids: the chemical ecology of infestation: T. Shepherd, G.W. Robertson, D.W. Griffiths & A.N.E. Birch..........122 Mannose-specific plant lectins