BRITAIN’S BEST RECRUITING SERGEANT TEACHER RESOURCE PACK FOR TEACHERS WORKING WITH PUPILS IN YEAR 3 – 6 BRITAIN’S BEST RECRUITING SERGEANT RUNNING FROM 13 FEB - 15 MAR 2015 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A MAN? Little Tilley’s dreams are realised as she follows in her father’s footsteps and grows up to become Vesta Tilley, a shining star of the music hall whose much-loved act as a male impersonator makes her world-famous. War breaks out and she supports the cause by helping to recruit soldiers to fight for king and country, but has she used her stardom for good? And is winning the most important thing? The Unicorn commemorates the centenary of World War One and the 150th anniversary of Vesta Tilley’s birth in this feisty, song-filled and touching look at the life of Vesta Tilley (1864 – 1952), who was nicknamed Britain’s Best Recruiting Sergeant and led the way for female stars in music hall entertainment. Page 2 BRITAIN’S BEST RECRUITING SERGEANT CONTENTS CONTEXT INTRODUCTION 4 A SUMMARY OF THE PLAY 5 THE PLAY IN CONTEXT 7 INTERVIEWS WITH THE CREATIVE TEAM 9 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES AN OVERVIEW OF CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES (Fully developed activities will be added in July) 11 There will be a free teacher CPD day for Britain’s Best Recruiting Sergeant on Fri 7 Nov 10am – 4pm, which is a chance for teachers to find out more about the show and gain practical experience of the classroom activities, before leading them with a class. To find out more about the CPD or book your place,
[email protected] Page 3 BRITAIN’S BEST RECRUITING SERGEANT CONTEXT INTRODUCTION Welcome to the resource pack for Britain’s Best Recruiting Sergeant for children in Years 4 to 7.