169 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 170 This statement could not be made earlier as the information about this accident having not been inquired into by the Commissioner of Railway Safety was received subsequently.

Mi. Deputy Chairman, Sir, during tlie last session STATEMENT BY MINISTER INDICATING also 1 recall that I had occasion to initiate the debate THE RESULT OF THE MARKET LO\NS on a similar situation arising in Orissa and I have FLOATED BY GOVERNMENT DURING pointed out that invoking article 356 to promulgate JULY, 1973. President's Rule in Orissa was something which was beyond the conception ol our Consiiunion makers. Today also it has fallen to my lot to open this MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Shri- debate. I am 'il tiie definite view tliat promulgation ma i Sushila Rohatgi. of the President's Rule in Uttar Pradesh in the present circumstances is an out-righl fraud on the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY Constitution. It was ue\e>' intended, article 356 OF FINANCE (SHRIMATI SUSHILA was never intended to be used in a situation of this ROHATGI): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table a kind. It has been very categorically stated in the Statement (in English and Hindi) indicating the Constitution and it has been very categorically result of the market loans floated by Government interpreted by all jurists and constitutional experts during July, 1975. [Placed in Librarv. See No. LT- that article 356 is to be invoked only when there is 5149/7S.] breakdown of the constitutional machinery, to solve a constitutional crisis. In Uttar Pradesh I think, on MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : The House stands the admission of all including the Chief Minister of that State, there was no constitutional crisis, He said adjourned till 2-15 P.M. and he has written to the Governor and the The House then adjourned for lunch at Governor has himself stated in the letter addressed forty-seven minutes past one of the to the President that the Chief Minister enjoyed a clock. clear majority in the House—a clear majority. His majority had not been reduced to a minority leading to a political breakdown but there was certainly a The House reassembled after lunch at twenty party crisis in that State. A party crisis had arisen minutes past two of the clock, MR. DFJUTY which the Centre tried to resolve. The Congress High Command carried on negotiations with the CHAIRMAN in the Chair. Chief Minister for a period of over a fortnight, I suppose. There were several meetings he had with I. MOTION RE. REVOCATION OF THE the Home Minister, with the Prime Minister and PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY THE PRE various other leaders of the Congress Party but all SIDENT IN RELATION TO THE STATE OF the attempts failed to resolve this party crisis on UTTAR PRADESH which peihaps my colleagues, other colleagues here II. GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION SEEK er even on the oLher side would be able to throw ING APPROVAL OF THE PROCLAMA more light. What was the nature of the crisis? TION ISSUED BY THE PRESIDENT IN Perhaps the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mr. RELATION TO THE STATE OF UTTAR Tripathi, was being pressed to drop certain of his PRADESH colleagues. The Prime Minister and the Congress Hiph r.mnm.iTHl wanted him tn resbiiflle

171 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 172 Uttar Pradesh that wns given to the party was for political stability. 1 would take the libert) of quoting from tlie cabinci which he refused io do. He said that IM- the Congress manifesto ot 11)72 Ior the Assembly was not gcing to drop any of Ins coneagues. elections. It is said here: Perhaps Uic Congress High Command was im lined to throw hirn out also but they felt that il' Uic, threw 'The progress of our country demands a him out there would >e more serious rrisis jn the strong and stable governmenl not only at the party, in the State and, therefore, they were centre but equally ag and stable reluctant to do so. Whatever it be, this has been dear governments in the At present there is no to everyone who has studied and analysed the U.P. other political party which can provide such situation that in Uttar Pradesh there was no iiiinenls at the centre and in the States. constitutional erisis of any kind. It was a pure and The emergence of a strong and table Central simple part) crisis, internal party crisis, arising out Government enabled the nation io Taie of the internecine fueds oi: the party so that one can extreme challenges. i he need now is Ior strong say that the President's Rule in Uttar Pradesh has and stable ./> 11 imienls in the States so been tbe result ol the exigencies of Congress tbat tbe Centre ami the Stales can together carry- politics. It has nothing to do with what tlie on the uar against poverty and the man Constitution makers contemplated when they h towards puma urtliic swuraj to a incorporated article 356 in the Constitution. successful conclusion." Sir, even at the cost of repetition, I would like to state what Dr. Ambedkai had said .when members What do we see now? The spectacle before us is that in ihe Constituent Assembly objected to article 356 nearly one-third of the country's population today is itself that ihis was going to be abused In the Central under President's rule. Andhra was the lirst to Government to denigrate responsible governments (ome: Orissa followed, then came Manipur and now in the Stale. And this abuse could be for purely we have Uttar Pradesh, the biggest Slate in the political motives. Dr. Ambed-kar conceded the country, tbe State to which the Prime Minister validity of this objec,ion but went on to assure Ihe herself belongs. All thesi States have been put under Constituent Assembly thai this would be taken President's rule. As I said earlier President's rule has recourse to only as an ultimate measure and further been contemplated only in very extreme added thai so far as he was co itemed he hoped thai circumstances. I have tried to anahse and see what this article 356 would remain a dead letter. It bas not possible circumstances there cm be which would remained a dead Utter and if I were to quote president's rule. I have gone through various statistics, I think it is scandalous that during the 1st interpretations and tbe Constituent Assembly 7', years ever since Shri nati Gandhi Ii.is assumed debates and I can summarise three important factors. ollice—that is, in 7|- years Imm January-February is exactly failure of constitutional machinery? 1966 when she assumed office—this article $56 has Because the article says that only when the been invoked 22 times. And perhaps in the government of a State cannot be carried on in preceding wars it has been used about 10 times. And accordance with the provisions ni ihe Constitution they are doing this even after the 1972 election. I can ihe l'resideni invoke ai tide 356 and impose think everyone wiH agree wil Ii me that the main President's rule. I have here the Commentary on the plank of this election was thai t te only party in the Constitution by Basu. First ol all he says that this countiy which ian give stable governments in ihe article may be invoked where there is a political States is ihe ruling Congress Parly. Ihis was the breakdown smli as want of a stable majority io main plank on which tiu: ruling Congress fought form a Ministry, That is c irrtimsiaiirc \o. 1. the 1978 election and wo I il. The people trusted Circumstance No. 2 is this. Failure within Ihe that and the mandate meaning of the present article ma) probably arise also in case of abuse of i!i..' constitutional powers b\ a State Govem-ment. Even though it may have a majo-

173 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] reli ting to the State of 174 Uttar Pradesh lity, if the State Government with tliat majority President becai ;e fie says that this is abuses iis constitutional powers even then the temporary. This is something which, as President is empowered to come to the conclusion a studenl of eons Itutional law. 1 am totally that there has been a breakdown oi the constitutional unable to understand. How can this machinery. Anil the third circumstance that strikes ppen? The C lief Minister who resigned me is this. When the Centre undei speedie articles of owning responsibility for one of tlie most the Constitution gives any direction to a State and disastrous failures of administration that the Staie refuses to comply with it then the Consti- have occurred daring the last twenty-five tution holds that defiance of such directives would years, this PAC episode. For one thing be tantamount to a breakdown of constitutional I think the PAC episode occurred primarily machinery. And the Central Government would be because of the ailinc ol intelligence. It entitled Io impose President's rule in that State. I assumed Ihis din ension because of the fail have gone through the letter written by the Governor ure of intelligent.- and, therefore, I am not of U.P. to the President. I find that none of these prepared to ond me tlie failure of the Cen three circumstances has been mentioned anywhere, tral Government in this regard. After all the There is no case made out as to why President's rule intelligence agencies, all the intelligence should be invoked. I need not recall that on May 31 agencies—the Home Minister here may have at a Press conference in Lucknow the Chief the entire home portfolio to himself—are Minister, Shri Kamalapati Tripathi unrepentcntlv, under ihe Prime Minister. So is the case nonchalantly and flamboyantly stated: 1 am with the F i i a n c e Ministry. Such is the definitely not going to resign. There is no case Ior case with tie Defence Mini The resignation. He said this and in less than a fortnight combined intelligence apparatus is totally later on he tenders his resignation. After tendering undei Shrimati , so that I his resignation, after in a way ceasing to be a bona feel that the PAC revolt and the PAC fide Chief Minister he had the temerity mn to advise happenings in UP are as much the failure that the Governor should suspend the Assembly and of the Chief Minister, Mr. Tripathi, as the invoke President's rule. I may not agree with very f ailure ol Shrimati Gandhi. That apart, many points that my friends on the other side like Mr. Tripathi has admitted responsibility Mr. Triloki Singh ma) have to say. but I agree with and has owned responsibility. Having him on this point that, having resigned, he had no owned ibilit) he (eases to have any iight whatsoever to ad\ise resort to article ?.5fj. He iight to except to be returned to office once again, had no right. Furthermore, I am in agreement with which expectation he has all along expressed and hirn. Here is a person who stands self-condemned as which, in a way, he has regarded as part of the being responsible for the PAC episode. He owns his political bargain or political understanding he had responsibility. After this self-condemnation, reached with the central high command. I recall the accepting responsibility, how docs he hope to return famous saying by the Pandit in as the Chief Minister? 1 hereafter, he tenders what is Panchatantra: "3Tfj c^rfcT

175 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 176 Uttar Pradesh [Shri Lal K. Advani.] it. I can understand it. But I SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : It is thoroughly caano) understand the conduct of the Governor ot indefensible. I have heard about reports from UP UP. He has been an erstwhile colleague of ours, lie saying that the Raj Niwas has been converted into a has been a Member of this House, and personally I place for all kinds of political conflicts, that the have regard for him. But ever since he has occupied Governor, nol only during the President's rule but the office of Governor of IJ1\ he has acted in a even earlier, has been going round Irom place to manner as if he were a tool of the political party in place, trying to canvass the communal Muslim office, for the interests of the political party in Mite. Ihe whole thing is shocking, is a scandal. I do office, for the purpose of the political not expect il from him. aggrandizement of the Congress Party. I am sorry to say this. And in this entire murky episode, bis has SHRI MAHAVIR TYAGI: Election campaign? been the most indefensible role, absolutely indefen- sible. After all, he was expected to function as the SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : I feel representative of the Constitution, trying to ensure ',i. lined... constitutional propriety and maintaining constitutional co-ventions. And here is his letter, the THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI very wording of which is very shocking. 1 am sine, UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT): I many of my friends on the other side will not agree would say that unless the hon. Member that the Governor will write such sort of a letter. has directly assured himself that the Shri Tripathi resigned and he resigned whatever be Governor has asked for votes...... the reason. I t h i n k the Governor has no right and ito moral authority, and there is no constitutional SHRl LAL K. ADVANI : I did not mention propriety foi- a Governor to tell the votes. President—

"...I would like to place on record my deep SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT : You have appreciation of Shri Tripathi'? record as Chief said, communal votes. I submit that Minister..." furthe] adding, 'ic has been a noble Member, we have been his " ...... thi! crowning glory ol which colleagues. We know his goodness, his sincerity; he consists in what he has rightly described as his is a man who is incapable of doing anything wrong act of self-abnegation in the larger interests of the knowingly. We should be very careful in referring State and the nation." to hirn in any language other than that of propriety.

This is the crowning glon of Shri SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : I ara very careful Tripathi's . . . about what I say. I am taring all facts. After all, can this be denied that a conference which had nothing SHRl NAVAL KlSHORE (Uttar Pra-desh) : Tt to do with his duties as Governor, which was in a is the height of hypocrisy. way a conference against my party, was held in his Raj Niwas? It wis publicly held, it has come out in SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : I can understand— the Press also. because I criticise Shri Tripathi because I have criticised Shri Akbar Ali Khan, therefore he will AN HON. MEMBER : What was that stand up to defend them; 1 can understand that. It is conference? part of the whole game of parliamentary politics. But I cannot understand the Governor, in an official report that he has submitted to the President . . . SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : Some anti-communal conference. AN HON. MEMBER: Politics at its worst. SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV (Uttat Pradesh) : Sampradayik Virodhi Sam-melan.

177 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 178 Uttar Pradesh SHRl UMASIIANKAR DIKSHIT : Nol only the where one Chief Ministet or one Prime Minister Jan-Sangh, there are other communal parties aho. fails and ihe part} continues to he in ihe majorit; the party elects a new leader. Ii has happened before. SHRl LAL K. ADVANI : Tlie Home Minister We know ol the famous historical example of will appreciate alter all, YOU know, I know, what England where during the World war. just after the Sanipradayik Virodhi Sam-melan is. There is war broke out in 19:19. Lord Chamberlain resigned nothing secret. and Ids own party continued Io be in office and it then elected Mr. Winston Churchill a'- its new leader. Mr. Churchill later inw'ted the Labour Party SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV : Nol to join the Government. But at the outset when (he Government. Prime Minister failed to ac I up to the requirement-, of the situs-lion, he failed to deliver goods, he SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : It has nothing to do tendered his resignation .ind quit office but allowed with the Government. People of the Sanipradayik the putt] io continue. But in this particular case Yhodhi Sammelan, 99 per cent of them, are anti-Jan what has happened is that ihe Chief .Ministe) has Sangh, there is nothing in it about communalism; it not onlv admitted his personal responsibility and is anti-Ian Sangh, pure and simple. It is a crusade personal failure but he has also implicated and against the Jan Sangh, any one will say this. I am involved the entire Congress Party by advising the not going into the technicalities. I am sure today President's Rule, not advising the Governor to even Mr. Dikshit will nol justify the calling of such select another party man, his colleague, as the a conference. So, Sir, I am very pained and Leader. Therefore, there is no justification distressed on this occasion and I demand very whatsoever Ioi the Congress being allowed. categorically that after all that has happened Mr. Akbar Ali Khan has forfeited his right to continue SHRI K. P. SUBRAMANIA MENON as the Governor of Uttar Pradesh. He should be (Kerala) : They have won the election in Delhi. recalled immediately; he needs to be recalled. SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : That situation also has ceased to be. There was a time when then statemen! Sir. even after the imposition of the President's could be accepted, but not today after almost every Rule, I am told, various committees continue to be single Chief Minister that Shrimati Gandhi has headed by the erstwhile Chief Minister as before. nominated, whether in Orissa or in Andhra Pradesh, Even the State Planning Board of Uttar Pradesh or in Gujarat or in Bihar, every one has been thrown continues to be headed by Mr. Tripathi. I see no out. Therefore, that s i t u a t i o n hav now changed. justification for that. This should be ended. My own If a party that ma\ have been described as a pain view is that having accepted the responsibility for with one leader three years back, today it is a party the P. ACs failure and having resigned, Mr. Tripathi of leaders and no followers. So, Sir, mv submission should not be given any responsibility. Thi is that in Ihe situation that obtains in Uttat Pradesh Governor himself in his note to the President has today there is no other solution e x c e p t to dissohe referred to the acute scarcity of essential the Assembly and ordet fresh elections commodities and the power shortage that have immediately. There is no ni In i solution. Really, 1 created considerable difficulties in the State and the am unable to see ihe propriety of this suspension serious situation caused by indiscipline in some device altogether. This has come into being afteT sections of the civil police and the P.A.C. should be 1967 or 19G8, never before. In a State where there enough to warrant that not only the outgoing Chief was constitutional crisis the President used to Minister should not be invited again but because the dissohe the State Legisla-tiue and proceed Chief Minister has implicated his own party in the according to the Constitution. \nw after 1967 a new whole affair, the party itself has forfeited the right procedure has been evolved. I may read out to be returned to power without a fresh mandate a small from the people. We know of so many Parliamentary precedents 12—1 RSSND73

179 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 180 Uttar Pradesh [Shri Lal K. Advani.] quotation which has great Ano incident, our Minister for Civil Aviation, Dr. relevance tb tlie U.P. situation. It was a comment on Karan Singh, tendered his resignation, I Uic promulgation of President's rule in U.P., immediately welcomed it. I Iell tliat it was editorial comment by a paper which certainly is something... eypected to be sympathetic to the ruling Congress, SHRI K. P. SUBRAMANIA MENON : He was and particularly to tlie Prime Minister. It is edited an innocent. by tlie former Press Sccretan ol the Prime SHRI LAL K. ADVANI : I do not know really Minister. Mr. Varghc.se. Tlie caption of the edito- whether he was innocent or not. But when he rial comment is: "And Great Ts the Fall". He wrote resigned, I welcomed his resignation and said that it : was a very healthy precedent. After all, he was of the view that there was nothing wrong with the "The new post-1969 theory of suspending Avro, though the pilots were saying that the Ann legislatures rather than dissolving them is was undependable and something should be done. politically dubious and possibly, Constitutionally He had insisted that there was nothing wrong about bad. It bas unfailingly encouraged defections, the Avro and when he owned responsibi-litv alter factionalism and low intrigue. The suspension of the accident, I was happy about it and said that even the U.P. legislature would seem to introduce a. though he may not be directly responsible, the degree ol political dishonesty into this sorry parliamentary svMein of Covernment requires business that will oni; further detract from tbe that ihe Minister should own responsibility of that fading prestige oi the Central Government. Tin- kind. And he rose in m\ esteem and in the esteem of failure in Lucknow, alas, is dwarfed by the democratic-minded people several notches. But failure to distinguish between right and wrong in after a few days when he took back his resignation, Delhi." he slumped even lower than where he was earlier. He is nol so much worried by the failure in SHRI K. P. SUBRAMANIA MENON : Lucknow as he is by the failure in New Delhi to He had to fall in line with the rogues. distinguish between what is right and what is SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: Now, on the wrong. I think all these distinctions, so far as the Government's own admission, the situation is had Central Government is concerned, have been and it is likely to worsen. Shrimati Indira Gandhi obliterated. The Central Government is living from the other day said something in the parliamentary one ad-hoc situation to another. It received two party meeting which she denied later. It was report mandates from the people. The first was in 1971; ed not onlv by the daily papers, all the papers, hut that was the mandate of garihi hat (Ki. Aflci that, in even b\ All In d i a Radio that she said that the 1972 it received another mandate, the mandate of situation was had and it. was likely to worsen. Tliat political stability. Both these mandates lie betrayed, was the report in all the papers and it was reported lie in shambles. Therefore, on this occasion while 1 even by AU Radio and the Television, lint the have opposed the President's rule in U.P. and asked next day she rime out with a contradiction that she for the revocation of tbe Ordinance, I would like had not said that, but she had said this and that. io sa\ thai democratic accountability demands that Apart from tliat. 1 have seen a Press report in Shrimati Indira Gandhi, who has not been able to w h i c h the General Secretary of the Congress lullil these two mandates, ni ust resign, lei iherc be a Partv has heen reported as saying that the Congress mid-term poll for tlie Lok Sabha as well as lor those has failed to implement its mandate. The Congress Stales where President's rule has heen imposed. has failed. Of course, he has g iven explanation Sir, I would like to conclude ou this note thai saying that the Congress had failed because of the t h e i c should l» something like political failure of the organization and because of tin- accountability at democratic accountability. During infiltration of certain reactionary elements into the all these 25 years, this principle has nol been Congress Pane. I do not know who have infiltrated accepted. For once some months hack when, into the Con-gress Partv unless the General after the Secretary is

181 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the Stale of 182 Uttar Pradesh referring to his own party colleagues ol the his letter, the Chief Minister has referred to tlie Communist Party. But I do feel that what has highly complex combination of problems which happened during the last two years is not a failure have overtaken this State. Ihe implication', ol these of the organization so much as it was a failure of problems were at once serious and far-reaching. Ihe the leadership. The leadership cannot absolve itself House may kindly recall the developments that had of the blame. Therefore, 1 demand that in all occurred in the State at that time. The Stale political honesty, the present Government at the Administration had their hands full with the Centre should resign, order a fresh poll and aho in problems arising out of the tood shortage and all the States like Uttar Pradesh where the scarcity of consumer commodities. These were President's rule has been promulgated. In those problems which demanded Uic undivided attention Stales also elections should be held. of all concerned. Thev were not problems which could fie wished away overnight. Understandable One last word, Sir. Occasionally I hear reports or there was ari atmosphere of tension which called for hear some of my colleagues not only in my party administrative responsiveness as well as utmost bul in other parties also saying that in Uttar Pradesh vigilance ou Ihe part of every limb ol Ihe Govern- the situation is pretty bad for the Congress Party meni. Fhe growing student unrest had its own and, therefore, the Congress Party may postpone the rcpeicussions. Ii was al. Ibis juncture that some poll beyond February. Unless the ruling part) feels set tions of the civil police and the PAC chose Io assured that in February 1974 the results would be indulge in acts of grave indiscipline. Ihe hon. favourable, they would take to some excuse, Members are n<> doubt aware of what transpired in whether it is of the drought or something else to the Lucknow University on the 20th of May. In postpone the elections. I would like to have the gross disregard of duties, a section of PAC had made categorical assurance from the hon. Home Minister common cause wilh the unrulv elements resulting in saying that the elections would be held if not acts ol arson and looting within the campus and immediately as we suggest, at least not beyond necessitating the summoning of the Arun to take February 1974 and positively before that. This is the charge ol the situation. All this was followed by assurance 1 would like to have from the Home even graver incidents of defiance and indiscipline in Minister. other parts of the State like Kanpur. , Gorakhpur and Johangirabad. It should nol be SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT : Sir. I rise necessary Ior me to dwell al length on Ihe grave to move : portents of the situation that was then obtaining in U t t a r Pradesh. The malady as well as the cure "That this House approves the Proclamation were clearly beyond ihe confines ot a single Slate. issued by the President on the 13th June, 197."., The Staie Cabinet carefully considered the situation under article 356 of the Constitution, in relation and came io ihe conclusion thai in the prevailing to the State of Uttar Pradesh." circumstances the interests of the State as also of the country warranted a spell ol President's rule... 'Sir, copies of the Report of the Governoi of Utlai Pradesh have already been laid on the Fable of the SHRI N. G. GORAV (Maharashtra): Mr. Deputy Rajya Sabha. The Governor, in his Report, has spelt Chairman, this is the first {.ime that I am hearing out the reasons why he came to the conclusion that a the Leader of the House reading a prepared speech. situation has arisen in which the Government of the L'sualh it is not done. State could not he carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. He has explained the SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: You will hear circumstances in which the Council of Ministers quite J lot of unprepared speech in reply after the headed by Shri Kamalapati Tripathi had decided to Members have made their remarks. There is tender their resignation. Copies of the letter of nothing wrong about it. resignation of Shri Tripathi have also been laid on the Table of the House. In 183 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 184 Uttar Pradesh [Shri (Jmashattkar Dikshit.J I hey have accordingly tendered their resignation and recommended recourse to the powers under Article 356 of the Constituiton. Sir, I have to carefully choose my language and I have deliberately written this out. The situation that confronted tlie Governor consequent on the resignation of the Council of Ministeis has been set out in his report. It was undoubtedly an unusual situation. The Congress Legislature Tarty enjoyed a strength of 272 in the House of 421 Members. If that party, on largci considerations, voluntarily shed office, what was the alternative open io the Governor? The second largest single party onlv had a strength which was just sufficient to enable it to qualify as an Opposition Tarty. It was clear that no other single party or combination ol parties was in a position to form a viable Ministrv. The o b v io u s arithematic of the situation rendered il a formality to send tor the leaders of the oiher groups in the Assembly. Tlie Governor also agreed with the assessment of the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers that direct involvement of the Central Government would be helpful in consolidating peace, safeguarding the security of the State and ensuring the well-being of the people. Hence the Governor clearly had no othci alternative than to recommend action under Article 356 of the Constitution. The report ol the Governor was carefully considered and the Proclamation undei Article 356 of the Constitution was issued bv the President. I have nothing more to add at this stage. I have no doubt that honourable Members will view this matter in its proper perspective and wholeheartedly approve the Proclamation issued by It is clear that vour Government and the T a tt y ihe President on the I3th of June 1973 under Article which I have the honour to lead commands a 856 of the Constitution in relation to the State of comfortable majority in the State legislative Uttar Pradesh. Assembly. It should not, therefore, be difficult The questions weir proposed. for your Government to cany on in accordance with Constitutional propriety.

185 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 186 Uttar Pradesh

It is, therefore, our view that to discharge effectively the responsibility for keeping and consolidating peace, safeguarding the security and ensuring tlie well-being of the people direct and temporary involvement of tlie Central Government is neeessary.

No doubt that exercise could be done bv us as we have been already doing, but we feci tliat the requirements of the situation would be better seined if this responsibility is undertaken by the Centre which can achieve the desired r es u l ts more quickly.

187 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to tfie State of 188

Uttar Pradesh "Br. Ambedkar, is it the purpose „f articles 278 and 278(a) to enable the Central Government to interfere in pro- 189 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 190 Uttar Pradesh vincial affairs for the sake of good government of the provinces?"

"No. The Centre is not given this authority."

191 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 192 Uttar Pradesh

"Napoleon planned much and found liini-.cll' a prisoner in St. Helena".

" I he might) K.;\isiT ;\ii\i«l at the crown of Europe and was reduced to the status of an ordinary prisoner."

"Was ii possibi,' foi Napoleon to win the battle? We answer in the negative. 193 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 194 Uttar Pradesh Why, on account ot' Wellington? No; on account of God. It was time Ior this vast man to fall."

"This excessive weight in human destiny disturbed the balance. When the earth suffers from an excessive burden, there arc mysterious groans from the shadow which the abyss hears. Men except tlie throne of the would and perceive St. Helena."

"1 am not consistent with my past. I am consistent with truth as I see it iiom hour to hour and from minute to minute."

195 President's hadamatiom [RAJYA SABHA] relating to the State of 196 Uttar Pradesh

"Even so the Chief Minister feels— and he has endorsement of M his Cabinet colleagues—that on a realistic assessment of the overall situation, direct im oh iment of the Central Government would be helpful in consolidating the peace, safeguarding the security ot the Scire and ensuring the well-being of the people."

"No doubt that exercise would be done In us as we are already doing ir. Inn we feel that the requirements of thi situation would he better served if ihh responsibility is undertaken by the Centre w h i c h can achieve the desired results more quickly and effectively with its greats resources and expertise."

197 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 198 Uttar Pradesh

199 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the Slate of 200 Uttar Pradesh

he said Indira Gandhi has built a palace on sand and that palace is collapsing. Yon should be happy if it is so

201 President''s Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 202

—The destiny of India is linked with the destiny of the Congress.

Uttar Pradesh 203 President's Proclamations [ RAJ YA SABHA ] relating to the State of 204 Uttar Pradesh

SHRI X. G. GORAY: He bas not been told to do that.

SHRI NAWAL KISHORE: Shameful, shameful. 205 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 206 Uttar Pradesh


DR. /.. A. AHMAD: It shows the poli- tical :ii!

SHRI NAWAL KlSHORE: Self-condem- nation.

207 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the Slate cf 208 Uttar Pradesh

Interruption) 209 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating io the Stale oj 210 Uttar Pradesh

211 President's Proclamations L RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 212 Uttar Pradesh

213 President's Proclamations [ 2 4 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 214 Uttar Pradesh

215 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA J relating to the Stale of 216 Uttar Pradesh

217 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973] relating to the Stale of 218 Uttar Pradesh How? Why? Ihe reason is thai U.P. lias the largest number oi Members ol Parliament in both the Houses, though belonging ni different parties. We have seen the formation of main a State, big anil small, after our Independence, on the basis of language. Some friends have been asking tne: "Mr. Appan, are you going to sup-p'Hi or oppose ihe Motion?" Whether I support oi oppose tlie Moiion, il is a conclusion tliat the Moiion will be carried. Uni ours is ihe House of Ciders. I Leave il to tlie House to consider the issue dispassionately and come to tbe righl com IM ion. There is a proverb which says that the swan has tbe capacity Io lake mill, from a solution of milk and water, lin swan will take only milk leaving ibe water behind. I. therefore, wain ibis House and warn each Membei in this House io look ai things dispassionately. Democracy i a mockery in a country of illiteracy. People say that Mrs. Gandhi should resign. Ioi what? We have our Constitution, Who is io decide ibe fate of a Government? ls it not to be decided In the legislature ol a Stale? Should il nol be decided by the elected representatives ol the people? How far will it be justified il the fate of a Government is decided outside ibe legislature, due io factions ami extraneous factors? ["here will be quarrels in every family. Husband and wile ale nol able Io see eye Io e\e on several issues. We are not able to set oni own bouse in order even thougl) tbe household consisis ol a lew children and inlaws. When Ave are nol able to sell le famil) problems, bow ian we solve the problems of a vast country like India? Human i i a i u r e is gregarious, corrupt and selfish. Noboeh ian be unselfish in a world .lull of human beings with this gregarian . Ii nieiii iii them.

How ian von think that only in U.P. you can see thai there is no disruption, thai iherc is no disparity, t hat there is no quarrel even in one party? Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir. n hat we wanl in a demo- cracy is a sound government. That is whv ihe DMK part) and the DMK Government advocate State 4-00 P.M. autonomy, nol onlv Ior Tamil Nadu, bill Ior all the [The Vicc-Cuirniaii (Shri V. It. Raju) in States in ibis country. It is not for separation, not for Ibe Chair.] f i g h t in g with ibe Centre, not for quarrelling with ihe: Centre, not for dominating over the Centre. SHRl G. A. APPAN (lamil Nadu): Mr. Vice- No, no. It is for the simple. Chairman, ibe honourable Mr. Diksbil. out Home Minister. Ibe trusted l ie ut en ant ol our Prime Minister, has moved a motion here seeking approval of this House for tbe President's Proclamation under A r t i c l e 356 of tbe Constitution in relation io the State ol Uttar Pradesh. Van are all aware that U.P. is the biggest Slate in thr whole of this country and she has produced, if 1 ain not mistaken, all ihe Prime Ministers of India so far. 219 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to tlie Slate of 220 Uttar Pradesh [Shri G. A. Appan.J very bapp) to know that at the present juncture ihe healthy, constructive and robust cause of DMK lamil Nadn Govern-mem is the onlv strong strengthening the Centre and to divide the labour, government, the only stable government, that has the responsibility, the work, etc. Il is foi Uic done the greatest number ol things, unprecedented division ol labour, ior the d i v i s i o n ol power and t hin gs , w h i c h no other Stale in India has done for sharing tlie responsibility and nol for so far. We have exceeded tlie liinii in these 7 dominating, it is reported in some papers thai tlie years. We have done what the ^s governments could UP people have asked our Chief Minister, Dr. not do during all l In sc 'JO vcars . . . (Inlaniplions). Kalaignar Karunanidhi to visit their State and it is This is no self-praise, ihe facts are therein speak also rumoured that there is some l u r k in g fear in before you. I do not make a tall talk hen. some quarters that we are going io do evil propaganda or wrong propaganda oi false Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir, why should Mis. propaganda against the Central Government. No, I nd i ra Gandhi resign? Some people in oni no, no. You can take il for granted that our DMK own Slate civ: " I h e r c is corruption, cor part) people or our Chief Minister will not stoop to ruption ...... ". We have brought out a such low levels. He has made it clear on public voluminous report on ihe malicious cor- platforms that he is going io tell the people to do i option charges raised against us. Still constructive things and io project the ideals of people say : "Corruption, corruption, cor State autonomy. As I have told you just now, there ruption...... " Win? These people say: need not be anv fear or suspicion that we are going "Ihe Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu should resign". there, our Chief Minister is going there, to do any Whv should he resign? We have 171 people in the evil propaganda. Sir 1 am here for tlie past five Legislature. The Legislature should decide the fate peats Ol a little more and 1 do not know what of any State. Unfortunately, here in U.P., our respect un friends have for me. But most of you are revered friend, Mr. Kamalapati Tripathi, could uni aware tliat [ am a humble man and I tiy to speak lake up ihe responsibility. All right. Uni whv should what is good tor the country. Till we are elected to all this lead the Congress Part) to quarrel amongst the Parliament or to the State Legislatures we themselves? Why should the) show t h ei ) I ric I belong to the party. But when we go to the ions? Why don't von allow that Slate to decide its Legislatures or Parliament, ue belong to the nation. own t a i e ? In every Staie iherc is corruption, The national interest is supreme and the interest of Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts. And the common man is supreme. I am sure that others having once got power, no-hoclv likes ni pail with that will also say like that. But what I do is foi the power... (tiilrvi ujilion). common man and the public at large. Mr. Vice-Chairman, -Sir. such a big State like Mr. Vice-Chairman, 1 tell hon. Shri Dik- U.P. is not divided. The smaller the shit, and through him our Prime Minister: unit the belter Ihe administration. U.P. starts from Let us not go to support any cause, directlv t h e i c and goes up to the Himalayas and up to or indirectly. Let people resolve their own Himachal Pradesh, How can any officer or a clou bis, conflicts, strifes, greed and every- Secretary or a Director of the Government go to lliing. lei nol ihese people bring any bad different places? It is too unwieldy to manage. It is name Io ihe party. The Congress organisa impossible to manage and is a huge burden. So, the tion has been so big because some corrupt last straw on the camel's back has broken its back. I people, people who are not equal to the am one of Chose who have been advocating that lask, some sell-centred people, have come smaller the unit Ihe better Ihe administration. Only into the organisation, who are sowing then we ian maintain discipline and we can serve strife everywhere. Let the Centre and the ihe country and we can serve ihe common man. Congress Part) be linn in dealing with e v e i v opportunist. Under these e i i i u m - Our people have preached ideal things, s l a n e e ^ . smiie people say: "ihe DMK wherever they went. You will he really Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu should re sign". Here, some people sav: "Mrs. Indira Gandhi should resign". Why should Mrs. Gandhi resign? But that docs not

221 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 222 Uttar Pradesh mean that I support everything that she is doing. SHRl NIREN GHOSH (West Bengal): Mr. She is managing the affairs. If Dikshit is going away. 1 would have liked him to \ou want Mrs. Indira Gandhi to resign, iInn give us stay. tbe alternative, she was previously the Home Minister. Now Diksliitji is the Home SHRI UMASIIXNKAR DIKSHIT: I am Minister. She has given that charge to him. Not coming luxk. without any reason. This is hecause she believes in this man. And he is a good man. as far as I know. This is for Ihe Home to decide. I mav tell anything, SHRl UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I am ment is I am not the only one man decide the consensus of about the waj tbe) are playing with the Constitution this House. But I want to tell every Chief Minister which was written by them. It is not a Constitution one thing. I have to tell Mrs. Gandhi ami the to which we are a party. Ibis bourgeoise and land- Government that there are people who praise Mts. lord Constitution was drafted with the consent ol Gandhi in her presence. But there are very few ihe I "i"fl Of the electorate. It is their Constitution. people who would like to get a good name for her. Yet the wa\ in which they are playing with the This is what was stated by Kaniaraj some time ago. Constitution teaches the people what we would not What we want in this countn is selflessness. have been able to leach them: It is good. The Congress is helping and Shrimati Indira Gandhi is helping ihe masses of India io shed their We have Io keep in view the national view for illusions. They arc helping the masses to (ome to the cause of the country and the common man. We a correct decision as to how the ru lin g clique, the should try to help every-lioih in an unselfish way. bourgeoise landlord clique, can just trample under How long can we support self-interested people? their feet all tbe conventions, practices and the Everybody wants to be a Minister or a Chairman. I democratic principles. It is good. I say they are really wonder why Mr. Tripathi was made the welcome to play with the Constitution in ibis Chairman. Is there no man more clever to man manner so tliat the masses know who are who and the affairs? learn io deal with the Constitution in the plebeian way and not in the bourgeoise landlord way. This is THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI V. B. RAJU): ihe first comment that I would like to make. Mr. Appan, you please sit down. Sir, the second t h i n g that I would like to s.n is this. When Shrimati Gandhi was tbe Congress SHRI G. A. APPAN: I will wind up in two or President, ber father, through her, particularly three minutes. We have scarcity ol everything. through her, unceremoniously toppled, dismissed Prices have risen like anv-t h i n g and everybody is ihe Kerala Minis-i;\ which enjoyed majority in the not able to get even the drinking water. legislature. But there was a usual mass protest against it. Shrimati Gandhi knows those days. She SHRI K. P. SUBRAMANIA MENON: (ust now is thoroughly unscrupulous. So long she was using von said that Mrs. Gandhi was managing verv the constitutional provisions in order to topple the well. opposition governments in various States of India, through bribery, through corruption, through SHRI G. A. APPAN: She is living to manage. [lowers which they did not enjoy, e\en though this This is what I said. I request everybody who is Constitution interpreting its provisions in an interested in the cause ol this countrj to help the unceremonious and partisan way. I hey toppled ruling party in a constructive way. What would you many United Irom Governments. They cared iwo have done if you had been in ber place? What will hoois for ihe constitutional governments. Now this you do if you were in the place of Mr. Tripathi? article "5

il Ibe Constitution of India means tbe Shrimati Congress Party. Because you know there are I.:, Gandhi of I n d i a . Ii is in this wa) they tne tions inside the part) and they must know which behaving. Il is nol the masses, not Ihe 600 faction is moving in which which faction is going million masses oi' India, their voices do not against the Prime Minister nnd so their count. Only Ior tin- fractional interests of ihe' party, conversation should also be bugged. So for th e i r own interest, they are utilising these things have provisions in a way which was never intended Io come to sue Ii a pass. Now siu wants to gel iid ni 1 be so. Il has been aptly said that these provisions Mi. Kamalapati Tripathi but -IR (annul get rid of can be used only as a last resori but they are being him because he happens somehow or other in have resorted tn in order to settle hei disputes or io a majority of the legislators on his side. So by honk establish tbe suzerainty or supremacy or tn carry on or crook the supremacy somehow oi other w i t h i n the !n has got tn be got lid ol. He did not waul tn resign. party. Thai is what she is resorting Io. Look al Mr. Dikshil misled the House when he told tis that, Orissa, look al Andhra. (There the Congress Party the Chief Minister wanted that the President's rule holds the majority, yet il has been put undei the should be imposed. Mr. Tripathi was i.il led to Delhi. President's Rule. Ihe same thing has happened in He wriggled, he refused, In tried not to lace the U t t a r Pradesh. Yes, oni Prime Minister has a s it ua ti on but wanted to continue as Chief Minister peculiar way of running the States. She nominates but he was . told In the I'rin ie Mi n i st e r thai he those Chief Ministeis of the Slates who aie must resign. So in a dictated letter he onlv expected to carry om her writ without any scruples signed. And lllis was a thrust Io the legislators who whatsoever and who will be so many stooges not are supposed to preside over tht destiny of the Slate presiding over the States but carrying nut the of U t t a r Pra desh. Ihe Chief Minister does not want waits ol tht Prime Minister. Ii is strange to resign but he is told that he has got to resign. A spectacle. letter is dictated and he is told to sign il. And when ihe pressmen confronted hirn in U t t a r Pradesh he (InterruptionQ) told them, ask ihe Prime Minister. He blurted il out; U.P. wants to gel rid of Mr. Kamalapati Tripathi, he could not hold himself. So this is ihe thoroughly that is a fact. She won't iell the Chief Minister mischievous and dishonest way in which things ate whom she has nominated what to do or not io do. done. Suppose, in U.P. our friend. Mr. Yashpal Kaput rings up Mr. T r i p a t h i and tells hirn the Prime I would also like tn point out another thing. The Ministe] w i s h e s these t h i n g s to be done. You reason given bv Mr. Dikshit was that, there was know, Mr. Nixon is nol involved, all his deputies some fracas or some turmoil with the PAC. I would are involved, Nixon cannot be caught. So, ihe Prime like io pose this question: who is answerable for Minister does nol <\^ it. You cannot show it on that! Ihe administration is run by both wings, the record. It is through her agencies like this who political wing and the bureaucratic wing. If Shri would ling up and say tliat tlie Prime Minister Tripathi is responsible for ihe political wing. Ihe wishes ihese t h i n g s to be done. I his is bow the Chief Secretary of the State is responsible tor the Stale Ministries are being . . . bureaucratic wing. Then how is it that after Mi. T r i p a t h i goes out, that Chief Secretary who SHRI MAHAVIR TYAGI: Did you bug their actually runs the administration anil who is telephone? responsible 'for whatever has happened in the PAC, is made the Chief Adviser? Can he iell us that: Nm SHRI NIREN GHOSH: Hugging they have been oni) that; those police officers who used to head the doing all these 25 years; onlv Ml- ''ma Shankai PAC. I have seen keeping 10 tn I" constables to H i k s h i i has nol thi outrage to admit /it. work as domestic servants in t h e i r household; they though the papers used to be kepi as domesth workers. This has been have ...... »' "in with specifit pointers about going on for years together under tlie benign rule of how they an indulging in bugging Members of the Congress Party, under Ihe benevolent rule of Parliament belonging to tlie Op-pnsitinn p arties Shrimati Gandhi. and even those inside the 225 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 226 Uttar Pradesh Do you want us to believe that these things abolished them. Virtually the State Governments were not known to the Centre or to the are browbeaten. In a multinational country, in a Chief Secretary or to the police officials multi-lingual country whatever powers that are al ihe top? They all knew it and yet those enjoyed by the States in a federal set-up have been verv criminal officers have been given the completely eroded. Now, do it formally and face the responsibility to reorganise the PAC. What music. I.ei the people learn what you are driving at. could be more abominable than this? I So, in this way you arc driving towards I Ii ink no constable in India can look for- totalitarianism, authoritarianism and one-person v\ ;n it io any justice from the Congress dictatorship in this country. That is what you are party or Irom Congress governments after doing. It is a sorry thing. You can say even now that whal bas happened lure. Now. why are the people in different Slatis have voted for you, um de union rights granted? They but they did not vote for \ou in West Bengal. There formed a union but because they confined il io the by violence and rigging you did it. (Interruption) limit of head constables that was not recognised. It By violence and rigging you came to power. was nut recognised because they relied on the officers but these officers were not there in the SHRI UMASIIANKAR DIKSHIT: Ask any union. I hese officers together with the political ordinary people there and you will learn. wing are responsible for all the bribery, corruption and other criminal things that are happening SHRl NI RIA GHOSH: Let a parliamentary today. commission, an all-parties com-mission probe into Now. ilu ordinary constables wanted an it and you will know what is what and how the association ol their own, but they were not given election was conducted. It is a tragic thing that still recognition. They were not listened io. Their in this blessed land of ours, after these twenty-five grievances went unheard. Illegal things were being years of black rule, the masses have not shed their committed by the off--cers and this was connived at illusion, but you are helping them to shed it. You by the administration and the political wing, both. are helping the masses, you are helping the The Chief Secretary himself is responsible Ior this. opposition, particularly tin democratic opposition, Il anyone should have been punished, the Chief by the way in whil h you have put President's rule in Secretary, the Secretaries and all the top officers U.P., by the way in which you are conducting the in the police Ion ! should have been punished. The affairs in Andhra Pradesh, by the way in which you poor constables have been goaded to a point where have imposed President's rule in Orissa and by the they found no other way of protesting except the way in which the nominated Chief Ministers are way in which they did. That is what actually being toppled. To all those things the masses are not happened. That is why instead of tackling things at blind. They may be slow to learn. They are not pure the grass root, at the real Ievel where it should be intellectuals, but by and by they are learning the tackled, thev are going to meet out punishment onlv lesson thoroughly and these things will boomerang to the ordinary constables. In this way, if there is on you. You will be hoisted with your own petard. any difficulty in the police lone in any State, then You have lifted a rock which will crush your Iocs. Central rule will be imposed. Is that the consti- That is what you are doing. tutional provision or is it proposed here thai ihe Non. Sir, I will ask: These Governors, these police lone should be under the control of the British relics, why should they be there at all? They Centre and not under the State Government? These are not elected. Their powers are derived from the things can recur in any State. Il that is the reason, President. Yet, they sit over the heads of 9 crores or then no State Government can exist. Then. I put ihe 6 crores or 5 crores ol people of India. Are these question: Why not abolish al] Mn sr ; people slaves? Should not the posl ol Governor be abolished:-' Should il SHRI PITAMBER DAS: That is what thev are beading for.

SHRI NIRKN GHOSH: Why not for-mallv abolish them? Virtually you have 15—1 RSS/ ND/73 227 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 228 [Shri Niren Ghosh] Uttar Pradesh SHRI 1 RILOKI SINGH (Uttar Pradesh): Mr. nol IK laid down thai whatever tlie position, ihe legislature concerned should be thi' final authority Vice-Chairman, Sir, 1 rise to support the Resolution to decide whethet there should be President's rule or moved by the Lea-dei ol Ihe House. I have nol? If Shri Kamlapathi Tripathi resigned, thou the c a r ef u ll y heard ihe speeches made in this debate U.P. Legislature should have been convened, and it by so nianv hon. Members Irom both sides of the should decide whether it should ele

SHRI NIREN GHOSH: Is it not another Therefore, if this Proclamation is re Miked, camouflage? How is it tliat Mr. Dik-shit explained what happens? it to tlie House? How was Mr. Gafoor of Bihar elected? He was not formally elected as the leader The Congress Parly is in overwhelming majority of ihe Bihar Congress Legislature Party. He went there and tbe leader of the Congress Party says tliat from Delhi and said that he was supposed to have a he is not able to carry on tbe Government in majority. From the Patna Airport he was taken to accordance nith the provisions ol the Constitution the Raj Bhavan and sworn in, even without the by w h i c h vvc all swear. Then what follows? formality of being elected as the leader of tlie Bihar Another suggestion has been made that tbe Congress Legislature Party. Well, things have come Governor should have dissolved the Assembly and to such a pass. That is what von are doing. ordered fresh election. Now supposing that bad been done also whal would have happened? Pandit So, I t h i n k the LP Legislature should he r a i l e d into being immediately, it should decide Kamalapati Tripathi woiild have remained in office iln'ngs as Io whal to do and whal not. It is they so long as the elections were not held according to who preside over the destiny of LP, not Shri Akbar the well-known democratic practices. Ali Khan, our erstwhile colleague lure, who only knows what ihe lop sa\- and at once forgets all his Sir, Ic i ii- not forget that on the 13th June—13th scruples and conscience and does whatever things is not an auspicious number and beginning ol he is told to do. Otherwise, he is a good man, no r a i n y season—the Assembly was dissolved. doubt. But he is like that, Yon have condemned him Elections could not be held before November. The thoroughly, Von have abrogated all ihe pri vileges President, in other words the Government of India and rights of nine (lores of people of UP: von have wliich is responsible Io Parliament, though Ihe condemned the Congress Parry to i n t e r negation, e x ecu ti v e power v ests in tlie President. ihe real and peopl, will learn slowly and when they learn, power is exercised by tbe Government, would have you will know Ihe lessons which von will not relish. ruled the State. What would have happened? The Government of I nd ia would have been a party to the continuance in power for another three. four oi lice months ol a person or a party w h i c h savs that ihev are not able

229 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973 j relating to the State oj' 230 Uttar Pradesh to carry on the Government in accordance with the to become the Prime Minister. I can quote provisions ol this Constitution. nol one but an) numbei ol instances. W i n - i n n Churchill was appointed Prime Sir, much has been made out by the Minister without being elected tbe Leader hon'ble Members opposite anti Gandhi to ot ihe Conservative Party. Baldwin was Kun/.ru have been quoted. As far as I am appointed Prime Minister without being aware—and I would like to be corrected elected leader ni the Party. Appointment on this point—that whatever might have ni ihe Prime Minister is the discretion of happened before the adoption ol the Con the King. (Interruption by Shri A'. P. stitution nobody has questioned the reten Subramania Menon) I do not know whal tion of article :!.r)(i in the Constitution after the hon'ble Member has in mind. He 1950. Now il it is there how is it to quoted history. I am quoting history. Let be used? Everybody said, and some ol the him refute it. Let me refute it. (Interrup hon'ble Members went to the length ol tions) I am not againt Marx il he gives saying.... a quotation from Marx to what I have been saying. But, in ibis case...... SHRI NIREN GHOSH: No, I did nol. SHRi P1TAMBER DAS: Just take it to iis SHRI TRILOKI SlNGH: Why dots the hon'ble logical end. Member include himself in "everybody"? So, Sir, the simple question is this. Much has been made out SHRI TRILOKI SINGH: I do not know of a small matter. The whole question is whethet the why the hon. Member should be so exei- invocation of article 356 in this ease has been a cisecl. I listened to them with rapt atten misuse ol power, whether the powers conferred tion, but since what I am saying is going upon the President of India have been misused or against them ...... not. What was the President to do? What was the Government of India to do? The Chief Minister SHRI PITAMBER DAS: No, it is not. came forward with his letter of resignation. He SHRI TRILOKI SINGH: I am meeting their might have been forced. With that neither this arguments: I am reducing their proposition to House nor the Government of India has got to do absurdity^ I am not surprised il an old man. a dear anything. But how ian il be proved tbat be was friend and colleague like Mr. Pitamber Das is also forced to do it? I am one of those. Sir, who believe exercised over what I am just now saying. Tbat ex- that alter the Prime Minister or tbe Chief Minister poses the hollow ness of the arguments advanced resigns be bad no business to advise the Governor by the Members opposite, parti-cularh b\ the hon. or the President of India that this should be done in Member who moved ihe motion for revocation of this case. But India is a strange land and we are the Proclamation. making new experiments every day. SHRI PITAMBER DAS: I want you to take vnur SHRI MAHAVIR TYAGI: I want to put a argument to its logical conclusion. 1 am preventing question. Could not the party in power be asked others from interr u p t i n g so that you can take it to io elect another leader? its logical end. That wiH not be against me. SHRI TRILOKI SINGH: The Governor could not SHRI TRILOKI SlNGH: Then another suggestion do ft and no Governor has done it. Just now' ihe has been made that the hon. l e a d e r of the House, hon'ble Member from the C.P.M. ha.s pointed out who has moved the Resolution, should give an that Mr. Ghafoor was summoned to head tbe undei taking that the elections would be held in Legislature Party in Bihar without Slaving been time, thai is. fixe years after 1969 when they are elected the leader. Sir, even an outsider could he a <\uc io be held. If this proposition were to be leader of Legislature Party. Let me remined the accepted, then nol only this Resolution shall have to hon'ble Leader of tbe Opposition that in the mother be passed, but another Resolution, before the six- of democracies, in U.K. Un ((invention is that il month period expires, shall have to be brought is not the leader who is chosen and invited forward, because ihe elections are due by ibe end of February or ihe beginning ot 231 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 232 rSIiri Triloki Singh.l UttarPradesh March next year. This is the logical corollary or the animousl) ol this opinion that ne should i-ssign. logical end of what the hon. mover of this motion And he resigned accordingly. Then, Sir, what is the has suggested. Another Resolution shall have to be unforeseen contingency in v/hicta such a brought befor,- Parliament and another six months proclamation had to be issued? As I said earlier, ihe will be taken. It would be, of course, left open to the only test is whether the government of tlie State President and the Government of India to choose could be tarried on in accordance with tbe ms of the the timing of the elections and so on and so forth. Constitution or not. The inning the Government Therefore, the simple question, as I said in the very comes to tbe Governor and says in unequivocal lan- beginning, is whether tlie Proclamation issued guage that lie is not able to run the Gov-ernment in under article 356 of the Constitution constitutes a accordance with the provisions the Constitution. misuse of the power conferred upon the Whether he could run ii or not is a different thing. President. But the man himself admits that he is not able to run SHRI A. P. JAIN: No, not at all. it. Now there is no other both to run the Government. It the Congress Party Mem-i. is were SHRl TRILOKI SlNGH: That is the question. excluded, then only 147 Members Were left in a Some opinion may be that it does not, but the hon. House consisting of 421 Members. And these 147 Member there thinks it does. But, then, Sir, look at Members were not. of one rolem but ol different the absurdity of their argument. Each one of them and varied colours, more than tlie colours of *he has, without any compunction, given out that the rainbow. Thev ha\e not heen able so far, in these riddance of Pandil Kamalapati Tripathi from the two months, to provide any alternative Government of U.P. was in public interest. That is Government. what they seem to think. And my friend, the Member of the Communist Party who is not present There is no alternative on behalf of the here at the moment, was verv vehemenl about it. Opposition. Tbe party in powei, ihe ma Now the (im ernment of India has done nothing else jority party, is not prepared to run tbe but what these gentlemen had been wanting all Covernment. Then whal has the Govern along. They did not force Kamalapati Tripathi to ment of India to do? It is precisely in resign. It is wrong to say so. I would like to smh situations, in such londilions that repudiate with all the emphasis at my command that the Governmen! of I n d i a has been em it is false to say that Kamalapati Tripathi was forced powered under Ihe provisions ol the Con to resign by anybody here from the Centre, be it the stitution to intervene, Ami tin- President Prime Minister of India or be it anybody else. He has to assume power to himself, and, it did it by himself. has to be exercised in accordance with the provisions of tbe Constitution and with SHRl NIREN GHOSH: No. no. the approval and consent, not only tacit SHRI TRILOKI SlNGH: Ke can question that. but explicit also, of the Parliament, which consists of the elected representatives of tbe SHRI NIREN GHOSH: Truth does not become people of this country. Therefore, Sir, per untruth by repudiation. sonally speaking, unnecessary heat bas THE VICECHAIRMAN (SHRI V. B. RAJU): It been imported into the debate. I am vei y is not your party. You do not know about it. It is a sorry if some of the hon. Members on the different party. oiher side think that I have said some thing which has been displeasing to them. SBK.I NIREN GHOSH: I only said that truth But I would request them, through you, does nut become untruth bv repudiation. Sir, to think coolfv and consider what the President or in other words, the Govern SHRI TRILOKI SINGH: Even the lei ter ol resignation of the outgoing Chief Minister ment of India was to do il any Chief Mi vivs that not only did he'think like that hui ihe nister of a State comes forward with a plea entire Cabinet was un- that he is not able to run the Government. I he alternative could not be found. Thev admil it. If ihe elections had been held, I hi n the same man would have been al lowed to continue Ioi four or five mouths...... 233 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 j retail ng to the State of 234 Uttar Pradesh SHRI NIRJiN GHOSH: Elections can be held has mots in all the provinces, in within 15 or 20 days. ali pans ol India, as no other party has, and it has been proved time and again SHRl TRILOKI SINGH: How can anybody make a that when it lost majority in the election- person reluctant Lo run the Government to remain in willy- in I9(i7 nobody could run the oflice Ior another three or lour months till the next '.lien I—I was also a party to Ihe election'- are held? Reluctant service, even Ioi a clerk non-Congress Government—again the Con- is mil helpful. And reluctant service Ioi n man expected was voted hack to powe:...... to run the Government in a State with a population of 90 millions of people is not helpful. J licrcfore, Sir, ' MR P.N GHOSH: Your Congress also is their arguments Lire hol-Inn. Let them coolly consider. a united front party now. We are seeing everyday Let them decide and vote for something which will be reports about split open- in Ihe public interest. In other words, l>\ implications, by the speech and by the arguments, tlie hon. Mover of the Resolution has supported the Resolution moved by SHRI TRILOKI SlNGH: It may be united or it may the hon. Leader of the House by saying that it is to be not be united, but. Congress alone is the single part) revoked. If it is to be revoked, then what? Obviously, which is influential, more powerful, than all the the President's rule continues. Even Kamalapatiji says other parties in India and it is iie only parly in India that he is not in a position to continue. which can provide a stable Government.

SHRl MREN GHOSH: Suppose, Mr. Edward Heath With these wordgj Sir, 1 commend the savs that he cannot run the Government. Then, Resolution for tlie acceptance ol t|»e House. whal happens?

SHRI A. P. JAIN: The Government of India runs itl

SHRl TRILOKI SINGH: Therefore, no power on earth can make a man who is reluctant io run the Government. And it is imprudent and foolish on the part of Government of India to force something upon Pandit Kamalapati Tripathi. And these gentlemen think that he yields to forte. Lei uic tell that I have been with Kamalapati Tripathi for a much longer time than any hon. Member on the other side except Shri Mahavir Tyagi. I know that Kamalapati is the last person io wield to force. But they want that force should be exercised upon hirn. And this Parliament or any Parliament in the world would not agree to force anybody to do something against his will. Then lore, Sir, I commend this Resolution for the unanimous adoption by this august House, and hope that the hon. Members would nol be so perturbed and would not think that the acceptance of this Resolution by this House would not any way salvage the Connies-, Pai I \ in U t t a r Pradesh. The Congress is bigger than U t t a r Pradesh. And

235 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA "J relating to Ihe State of 236 Uttar Pradesh

"Recent disturbances arising out (JJ indiscipline in the PAC seriously affected the morale and performance of Uic civil and other ranks of the Police Force in our State."

237 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 238 5.P.M. Uttar Pradesh

239 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 240 Uttar Pradesh

241 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973 ] relating to the State of 242 Uttar Pradesh

243 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA J 'elating to the State of 244 Uttar Pradesh

SHRI K. CHANDRASEKHARAN (Kerala) : Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir, the imposition of President's rule in Uttar Pradesh does nor appear to be for the fulfilment of any administrative purpose but appears hy and large and essentially to meet a political situation and for political purposes. Sir, the suspension of the Assembly, instead of the dissolution of the Assembly, i«" unwarranted and, according to the Op- position Benches, again is politically motivated. It is in this view, Sir, that my Party has opposed the imposition of Presi-

245 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 246 Uttar Pradesh dent's rule in Uttar Pradesh in the manner ilone of the Constitution? Is it on account of Central and the order suspending the Assembly passed by involvement that troubles in different States should the President. We, therefore, oppose the be resolved? If this is the way in which things Resolution that has been moved by the hon. Home would have to be resolved as and when such Minister and support the substance of tlie motion situations arose in the States, then certainlv the thai has been moved by tlie hon. Mr. Advani. In a autonomy of the States would be eroded and there speech, Sir, supporting tlie motion ot the hon. would be more and more of Central involvement. Home Minister, in a technical and legal manner, if I mav state so. my esteemed and senior friend, the Sir, what exactly is the result that has been hon. Mr, Triloki Singh, asked the question: would achieved? Has there been central Involvement in happen il the Resolution of the honourable Mr. the manner contemplated either by the outgoing Advani were to be accepted? Sir, I do not think Chief Minister or by the Governor or even by the that the hon. Mr. Advani or anyone of us here who President when he accepted what was supports the substance of this resolution is to recommended by the Chief Minister and the answer that question. What necessitated tliat Governor? Sir, the hon. Mr. Niren Ghosh has question? How is it that a situation of this nature told lliis House as to how the Central involvement is working in U.P. in practice. The very officers has arisen? If a sit nation w h i c h cannot be met who were in charge of the administration and has arisen, the matter would have to be dealt with the very Chief Secretary who was the head of these may be by an amendment of the Constitution. services so far as the administration goes and who was in tliat capacity the head of the Sir, tbe hon. Mr. Triloki Singh has stated that it P.A.C. are continuing to be in charge of the was not proper on the part of the outgoing Chief administration. The Chief Secretary is continuing as Minister to have made suggestions and Adviser No. 1 in that State. 1 say tliat this Central recommendations as to what should happen after involvement is only a myth and a sade for the he quits. The Governor under the Indian purpose of resolving the political difficulties Constitution, except in regard to matters of his and the in-fights and groupisms that arose in the discretion, is more or less a rubber stamp, tiding party in U.P. Sir, the Governor has particularly when a Ministiy or a Chief Minister is stated in flowery language that Mr. Tripathi's in office. But this is the first occasion when a record as Chief Minister is something Governor has acted as a tubber stamp for an commendable, and he said that the crowning glory outgoing Chief Minister also. We find from the of Shri Tripathi's renin! is that he lias letter addressed by the outgoing Chief Minister to resigned. I say, Sir, that it is rathet the Governor and the Governor's letter to the something un-intelligible for the Governor to President that the Governor has accepted every state that the Chief Minister's record is to be suggestion that has been made by the Chief assessed by his resignation. The letter that the Minister, no doubt, with the additional statement Governor has written to the President ends with two that he has had his consideration of the matter. It is notes: He states that for the present the Assembly stated that the administration has been taken over will have to be suspended and the for a temporary period with a national perspective Administration has to be taken over. Secondly, in view. After reading these two letters, copies of he states that the situation in the State is likely to which have been given to us, I do not know as to stabilise itself and then all the things would what exactlv is the national perspective that is in be thought of I thought, Sir, that this House view. There is nothing in the hon. Home Minister's would have it from ihe hon. Home Minister statement also. It is stated in these reports that in his initial remarks as to the extent of period central tant in the particular situation in which U.P. during which it is proposed to keep the found itself after the P.A.C. strike would be good Assembly under suspension. I thought that we for the State. Sir, may I ask the question: is that would have from the hon. Minister what the scheme exactly is his assessment of the situation in that State today, to what extent it is stabilised, but we have had nothing

247 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SAfiHA ] rdating to the State of 248 Uttar Pradesh [Shri K. Chandrasekharan.] im 1. larticularly in Uttar Pradesh—as press reports go—armed forces and armed police are moving in respect of those matters from the hon. Home about to quell the food riots in the villages of Uttar Minister. Pradesh. I say, Sir, that that situation is being assessed and taken into account for the purpose of postponing the elections to the Legislative Sir, I am concluding with reference to one more Assembly in Uttar Pradesh. aspect, particularly because you are requesting me to conclude. The Assembly had been kept under I join tlie chorus of opposition to this Ri solution suspension and I say it has been kept under that has been registered from anion;; the Opposition suspen;ion with a political purpose. The political benches and I join with the demand for early purpose is to time the elections in Uttar Pradesh. Sir, elections in Uttar Pradesh. Thank you, Sir. the entire nation is watching the developments in Uttar Pradesh. If the Congress wins in Uttar Pradesh DR. V. B. SINGH (Uttar Pradesh): Mr. Vice- in tlie coming elections it will undoubtedly be a Chairman, Sir, my only rationale for speaking on success for the Congress throughout the nation. But this Resolution is that the story begins with tlie if the Congress loses the Uttar Pradesh elections, it burning of my Uni-veisity with which I am will be something which is in keeping with the trend connected for mere than 30 years first as a student that has arisen in the various States in the country so and then as a teacher. Incidentally this is the far as the Congress is concerned. Sir, if the University which has produced 42 M.Ps who ire in Assembly is kept under suspension and utilising or, if I may respectfully say so, exploiting the situation this House and in the other House. So let us see of emergency that has been kept on and continued in where from the story starts. I congratulate Shri this country by virtue of the proviso to article 172(1) Advani not so much for the initiation of his motion of the Constitution, it would be possible for here as for his presidential speech where he is Government to approach Parliament and request that reported :o lave said that tbe RSS and thi J ina the Assembly of Uttar Pradesh be extended by one Sangh are two fao:s of the same movement. more year, as the case may be. That situation would not have been possible but for the fact that the SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: V/hat is its relevance Assembly is kept under suspension and the further here? fact that the emergency is also there. Two days back a statement by the hon. Home Minister appeared in DR. V. B. SINGH: It is very much relevant. the press that he does not think in terms of revoking the emergency. He thinks, Sii, that the internal SHRJ LAL K. ADVANI :1 can answer it but is it situation in the country does not warrant the rele/ant to the present debate? revocation of the emergency and that the border situation also does not warrant revocation of the DR. V. B. SINGH: I am coming; unles; I have emergency. I have nothing to say with regard to the completed the ststement the relevance or second aspect; the second aspect will have to be irrelevance cannDt be judged. assessed by him, by Government, by the Defence Minister and by this Parliament as a whole. But, When in August 1972 tl.e union elections starter] regarding the first aspect, the internal situation in there was a combination of some political groups, this country, has been created by the Government at chiefly cf SSP and RSS ind their slogan was Indira the Centre and in the States. The price spirals, the Hatao, therefore Kamlapati Tripathi Hatao and price increases that have been registered, the therefore Gopal Tripathi Hj.tao. After the election scarcity of essential commodities including the President of the Union went to the? Hanuman foodgrains, they are all situations against Which the temple and came back. A senior teicher asked hiir, ir entire people in the country are revolting today. it a fact thi t ou requested Hanuman to bless you to And today we close the University? He said, I am a devotee of God Hanuman and I do not

249 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973 J relating to the State of 250 Uttar Pradesh ask anything as a blessing which I myself can do and unique in constitutional history that with such a I shall prove tliat; by the end of the session the huge majority it resigns just for the safety of the University would be closed. In Uic election State and for the welfare of the people. manifesto this particular student had made certain types of introductory remarks about his own per- Now let me come to the other aspect. There was sonality that he was charged under such and such a Vidyarthi Parishad; everybody knows what the section w uch was tantamount to burning', arson aid political affiliation of the Vidyarthi Parishad is. so on in Gorakhpur University, that he was cha:ged Then there was a Police Parishad. And the two under such and such section for doing this tnd that, Parishads united on the night of 20th. (Interrup- and therefore v< le for me. That leaflet must be with tions). It was a cementing unity; it was functional the Home Ministry. Now it is this combination of unity; it was action in unison. Do not lose heart. the RSS and the SSP tliat led to the creation of a type of student leadership that not only gheraoed the THF. VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI V. B. RAJU): teachers for curtailing admissions but what is most You address me. You need not shameful that at midnight they surrounded the address them. Kailash Hostel, which is the Girls' Hostel, DR. V. B. SlNGH: Mr. Vice-Chairman, sorry for and shouted : addressing them because they are beyond address. AN HON. MEMBER: He is a product of that This is most shameful. That is hon' tlie whole thing university. started, interruption) I um placing the history of the IHE VICECHAIRMAN (SHRI V. B. RAJU): whole trouble. Please address the Chair. SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: You can tell DR. V. IS. SINGH: Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir, any number of ***. the two Parishads united.

DR. V. B. SINGH: This was tlie Indian culture There is a news magazine called "State". In the tliat was being preached at midnight in the streets aeroplane I was yesterday reading it. There was an of Lucknow. article by our learned colleague, Shri A. P. Jain. He is also an ex-student of the Lucknow University. He was ome president of the cx-students association. He has written an article in the "State". There is an article in that magazine 1>\ a senior retired police DR. V. B. SlNGH: The Leader of the officer of U.P. Dis name is not mentioned. Therein House has referred to the happenings of he alleges that some political elements were May 20. but for some reason the happen i n f u ri at in g the police for some time past. Now, ings of May 15 are not there. There was read this statement of the anonymous officer in that a minoi arson; it Mas so to say a rehearsal magazine along wkh the unity of the two Parishads for the 20th. On the evening of 14th May on the night of tin- 20lh-21st. Now, it is against this there were ccntain corns o." teachers which background, against this political and social were marked Ly a Swastika and situation and processes, the unprecedented loot and those were the rooms which were arson took place in the campus of Lucknow subjected to arse n. A id while the students were University, which was unprecedented except when doing this inside the University the representatives Bakhtiar Hilji burnt Nalanda and these inheriters of of these very political parlies were paralysing Indian culture ale ihe grandchildren of Bakhtiar Kamlapati Tripathi in the house. These are the two Hilji. In such a situation you have not to forget the face: of the same movement. In such a situation if a resolution passed by the All India Vidyarthi party leader who commands a majority of 272 Parishad in December, 1972 that e\ery situation resigns for the protection of the peace, tranquility which is handy for embarrassing the and stability of the State he has to be congratulated; Central his party has to be congratulated wliich goes *** Expunged , as ordered by the Ghair. 251 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 252 Uttar Pradesh

[Shri V. 11. Singh.] Government headed by Fndira Gandhi lias to be utilised. Now. it is this political situation that led to what happened in Lucknow Universit) on tlie 20- 21st night and. therefore, naturally the leader of the p a r t y in the State Assembly found that there were all-India factors. There may be international factors behind the unprecedented loot, arson and violence.


DR. V. B. SINGH : May be, who knows. I do nol lamil, but you must be knowing. So, Sir, this is a matter which deserves tlie highest congratulations, the best com pliuients Irom all those who are interested in tranquility and peace in the countrj instead of trvjng t,, censor the Government. Often llie question has been raised as to whether the invocation of article 356 is constitutional or not. Mv one-line reply is that: "all that is provided in the Consti-tution is constitutional".

Thank you.

253 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 254 Uttar Pradesh

255 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 256 Uttar Pradesh

257 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY 1973] relating to the Staie of 258 Uttar Pradesh I competence or his party s incompetence. But certainly I question his right to say that this incompetence of his would be all right in a matter of months, that in a few months he will become competent, so that for that period we must keep the Assembly in suspended animation. I think this is tlie pertinent point on the basis of which I come to the conclusion that the Governor's recommendation is a fraud on the Constitution. Suppose, Tripathiji, on the advice of the Congress High Command, went to Lucknow and submitted his resignation to tlie Governor. And the Governor, who regards himself as a Governor, who regards himself as the custodian of the Constitution and sworn to defend the Constitution, would look at the whole situation with an open mind. He would take that resignation. Personally I would feel that even after knowing that Mr. Tripathi commands the support of 272 members and the opposition would not be able to muster clear majority, the Governor ought to have consulted the opposition parties. This is my view. But that is a matter of Judgment and opinion. I can concede what SHRl LAL K. ADVANI: Mr. Vice Chairman, the Governor says, that looking at the whole political Sir, I am thankful to all the Members who have arithmetic of the Assembly, he came to the participated in this debate, and particularly to the conclusion tliat there was no point even in various representatives of the Opposition parties consulting the opposition. I say that straightway Mr. who have, by and large, supported my motion and Tripathi's resignation should have been accepted. opposed the resolution moved by the hon. Home But I do not see any justification for accepting that Minister. Sir, the only subst a n t i v e argument the Assembly be kept in suspended animation. I do advanced from the ruling party benches in support not see any justification for the lines which I quoted of President's rule in Uttar Pradesh has been that at the outset and to which no reference has been after all, what can be done when die leader of the made by any of the hon. Members from the majority party declines to run the Government and Congress side that the Governor, Mr. Akbar Ali says that he is not in a position to run the Khan, in his Report to the President should say that Government in accordance with the provisions of this is the crowning glory, and he has rightly the Constitution. Tlie argument advanced by Mr. described it as an act of self-abnegation in the larger Triloki Singh was this: After all, what is the interest of the nation. His endorsement of the advice remedy? what is the way out? What can the of the Chief Minister for suspension of the Assembly Governor or the President do when the Chief leads me to the conclusion that what actually had Minister comes to him, tenders his resignation and happened in Uttar Pradesh was not what happened says, whether he is in a position to run it or not, that on the 12th or 13th of June, but what had been he is not in a position to run the Government of the decided in New Delhi much earlier. In New Delhi, as State in accordance with the provisions of the I said earlier, after the Chief Minister refused to drop Constitution? His statement has to be accepted, and the Ministers against whom the Congress High in pursuance of that statement President's rule has to Command had some grievance or whom they wanted be imposed; there is no other alternative. to drop, there was a horse-deal struck between the Theoretically speaking, 1 think, what Mr. Triloki Chief Minister and the Congress High Command. Singh said is perfectly correct. I do not dispute Mr. It was a political deal. "All Tripathi's right to admit his own incompetence. He has the tight to say it. He can say. "I am in- competent to run this Government; therefore, I tender my resignation." I do not question his right to admit his own in- 17—1 RSS/ND/73

259 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State oj 260 Uttar Pradesh [Shri Lal K. Advani.) right. We are willing to earn out iii,it trust, then, tt means it is only compromise to this extent; we will not dissolve Uic exhibiting its political bankruptcy, it is confessing Assembij but we wiH suspend tht Assembly and, that k is totally incompetent and irresponsible, and therefore, son should resign for tliat particular th,- Chiel Minister and the parly which confesses period." I t h i n k this is a political decision and a that kind of incompetence and irresponsibility has political deal struck in New Delhi was sought to be no right certainly Io tell the Governor that be must given constitutional keep tbe Assembly in abeyance till they are able to legitimacy by this particular article 356 and b\ this mend their internal matters. So that the sum and particular Report. It is, therefore, that I oppose it. I substance of mv case is built upon the Governor's would not have opposed it. I may have questioned acceptance of the Chief Minister's recommendation the Governor's judgment if he had accepted the about suspension. IC tlie Assembly had been resignation and said that, all right, if you say that I dissolved, perhaps the case would have been am not competent, I cannot do it AIU\ your party is different, the objections would have been of a not prepared or not able to select another leader, 1 different kind. It is because of the acceptance of the feel that tlie opposition parties are not in a position suspension recommendation that the fraud has been to form a stable majority by themselves. This is a exposed, thai the fraud has been laid bare and it has matter apart. The situation being what it is, the been further laid bare by even the phrase-ologv ol moral fibre of ihe Congress Part) being what it is, I the Chief Minister's letter and this particular report can say with confidence that if, for instance, Akbar submitted to the Presi-dent. Ali Khan had invited any of the opposition party leader and asked him to form a Ministry, perhaps, Incidentally, one point has been made with within a week or so, a hundred Congress members reference to the Jana Sangh which I think I must may have walked over to that party. One does not clarify. It has been stated— I was not here, but I am know. Things like that have been happening during told—by Shri Mahabir Prasad Shukla that the Jana the pa

261 President''s Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State of 262 Uttar Pradesh now—in 1967-68, namely, under Article 203 die mittee ought to consider this point. What President is empowered to appoint or to constitute I want is disapproval, but because of the an inter-State Council to advise hirn in relation to fact that the Rules do not permit me, 1 matters between the Centre and tlie States. I t h i n k have moved for relocation. Still, I have this is one of the most burning points that spoils made my position very clear. I do not rela-tions between the Centre and the States. mcuh want revocation. 1 am pressing for Today, of course, UP Government is a Congress dissolution ol tbe State Assembly and Government the Cential Government is a Congress election ...... Government as tt was before 1967. and therefore, constitutional provisions ian be sidetracked and SHRi 1). i). PURI (Haryana): Who would be in anything settled out through the party forum. It has power if the Assembly is dissolved? The same been improperly done before 1967, and therefore, gentleman nho expressed his inability to carry on alter non-Congress Governments came into office in tbe administration in accordance with the various States, most of tlie parties, including the Constitution will be in power. Congress Party, fell tbe necessity ol making use of this Article '-'().!. Toda) in the context of the SHRl LAL K. ADVANI: He lias raised a very debate that has t a k e n place on the issue of pertinent point. What the Governor or the President Promulgation of President's rule in U t t a r Pradesh is going to do after Shri Kamalapatl Tripathi's resignation is in open question. Ii he was not I would like to demand verv strongl) that an inter- assured of suspension of the Assembly, Shri Stale Counci] be constituted. Whenever the Centre Kamala-pati Tripathi would not have resigned and is inclined to impose President's rule in any State, 6- therefore the question would not have arisen. He 00 P.M. this inter-State Council must be invariably would have continued. Of course, if be says tliat he ((insulted. After all this Council would only bean is incompetent, then the Governor ian continue with advisor) body. It cannot detract Irom the authority the hei]) of his Advisers men during the election. ol ihe Central Governmen! and take decisions on its The convention is thai during election the earlier own. Nevertheless, if this Council comes into being. Government continues. This was what Shri Triloki I think this abuse would be salutarily checked. Singh said and it is true. F>ut if die Government admits its incompetence and on thai ground if the Lastly I t h i n k in U.P. a demonstration has been President's rule is imposed, naturally the election held as m what is really wrung with the problems in would have to !). conducted with the Governor in our country. It is accepted that there is political and office and aided by his Advisers. economic crisis in the whole (ountry. The root cause of this is ihe moral crisis that is there in the This is all what I wanted to say. ruling party. This is at the root of it. The Congress Party's structure, its behaviour and attitude in U.P. SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT : Mr. Vice- constitute only an example. Chairman, it has been a very interesting debate. SHRI PITAMBER DAS : Since a point has Shri Triloki Singh asked what would happen if arisen. I want to tell you for your information that mv proposal were accepted. I t h i n k mv proposal although Shri was the Chief: Minister does not exactly convey in precise terms what I of U.P. before the 1969 mid tern election, he did want. Even at the lasi session I wanted to mine a not continue as Chief Minister during the lime of Motion on disapproval of the President's rule, but election, ihe dissolution of the Assembly came in because of the limitation of tlie Rules of ihe House. 1968 and ihe election took place in 1969. I was told that a disapproval Moiion in the context II was held, nol under Shri Charan Singh, of President's rule is not admissible and the only but under the Governor. alternative available to me was to move for revocation ni President's rule. I t h i n k the Rules SHRl UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT : That was Com- during President's rule. SHRI PITAMBER DAS : That is the precedent. Now also it is the President** rule. 263 President's Proclamations [ RAJ YA SABHA ] relating to the State of 264 Uttar Pradesh SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT : I propose, the majority. He felt that after some time, first to deal mainly with tlie points raised by Shri considering the process tliat was on, he might lose Advani in his opening speech and in his concluding the majority. remarks. He has made certain important points and therefore to begin with I would like to discuss them. SHRI NI REN GHOSH: What was the process? The main point he has made, after reading quotations from Dr. Ambed-kar, is . . . SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: On other occasions also this happened. Shri Hitcndra Desai SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: I have not read any was in a position, if he wanted, to create a majority quotation. or carry on for some lime. But he decided not to do so. There can be many reasons for wliich a Chief SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: Probably Minister, enjoying a majority, ma\ decide not to some other Members lead out. continue and it may be for reasons ol public interest. SHRI KRISHAN RANT: He referred to them. [MR, DEPUTY CHAIRMAN in the Chair]. Therefore, to say that so far as the pro-\ isions of SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: Yes, I referred to them. article 35(i of the Constitution are concerned this action is not supportable or is not constitutionally or SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: He has said legally correct is not acceptable and, well, Sir, with that there are two possible situations in which due respect to the Hon'ble Member for the able Article 356' can be invoked. One is that there is a manner in which he has presented his case. I must break down of the constitutional machinery and the say I am unable to agree with him and for that oiher is that there is a misuse of the machinery. matter, nobody will agree with him. These are the two possibilities that were referred to. Therefore, the point tbat he was making is that Now, he has made Certain other points in the since neither has happened article 356 should not be same connection. For one thing. Sir, I believe that applied, or tliat the action is not constitutionally or the founding fathers of our Constitution have legally appropriate or correct. drafted the bulk of the Constitution in such a neat phraseology thin il is possible to cover most In the first place, let us understand this that occasions that may arise, and under the however (hup human ingenuity may go and Constitution, in the matter of the relations between however high tbe flights of imagination may go or the States and the Centre, this semi-federal structure however great may be the capacity for foresight, it can function successfully. We should, therefore, is not possible for human intelligence to imagine or congratulate the framers of the Constitution for it envisage all the possibilities that can occur. . . . has been so well framed that in a wholly unconceived or inconceivable situation it has permitted proper functioning. SHRI LAL K. ADVANI. . . . So far as the Congress party is concerned. Now, he has said—and other Members have, also tried to make this point—that the Congress made a SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: So far as claim that the Centre and the States together, after article 356 goes, it clearly says that if it is not the second General Elections, would be able to give possible for the administration of a State to be stable and progressive governments. carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution President's rule may be imposed. Do (t has also been stated both In Mr. vdvani and Mr. we or do we not accept that position? It does not sa) Prithwi Nath that, the majority which the Chief for which reason it is not possible to carry on the Minister, Leader of the Congress Legislature Partv, administration. Other instances aho have occurred Shri Kamalapati Tripathi, enjoyed at that time was even in recent years. Mr. Veerendra Patil, when he not a real majority, and that the) believed it resigned as the Chief Minister, had not came Irom other parties, actually lost

265 President's Proclamations [ 24 JULY, 1973 ] relating to the State oj 266 Uttar Pradesh and so on. I have nothing to say, so far as certain recommendations and he gave his own Advaniji is concerned. But I don't t h i n k it lies in reasons for resigning. But it was after mature ihe mouth of Mr. i'rithwi Nath io complain consideration that a decision was liken by the against defections. I think, so Ear as U.P. is Governor. It was not any particular advice: Do this concerned, it is he and his Party who inaugurated or do that. It was his own decision tliat prevailed. the process of defections.... 1 lie Chief Minister, when he was resigning, was g i v i n g only the lads ol the situation. Bin you will SHRI PR1THW1 NATH : 1 strongly all agree that it was the Governor's considered object to these words.... decision that prevailed. I am afraid one central point has not heen full) .SHRi I MASH. \N KAR DIKSHIT : It is a appreciated, Our friend, Mr. shortage of foodgrains la< i of history...(f/iterruptions). When Mr. or oiher essential led picture by saying that there Prithwi Nath was explaining his position in his was shortage of foodgrains or other essential own sharp way. I did not object. I ara materials or consumer goods or there had heen high pointing out a fact. All the time lie was a prices and therefrom he tried to show that Mr. verv reliable confident ol his leader. Nothing Kamlapati Tripathi resigned for tliat reason. But happened without his active support. And I anybody who reads the correspondence and the don't think it is possible or desirable for him decision end Report of tlie Governor carefully, will to say that he had nothing Co do with il or find tliat il was not so. lie was nol i sponsible in any way. 1 am willing in accept that the majority of them Those circumstances were mentioned onlv who came from BRI) had earlier gone out of as a background of the situation in which Lhe ihe Congress. Biil so far as the old Congress is Chief Minister found himself. He found concerned, some came to us early and some tint something very extraordinary, disturbing came Late. Then, an election was also held. and disquieting had happened. It would not He has forgotten that BRI) also had put up only divert his attention li< ni his important candidates. So also did ihe other parties in duties but it might even affeel tbe the 1971 elections. And. if the Assembly neighbouring States. The contagion might election had also taken place at the same time, spread. If the police lone, nol the traffic what would have happened? Possibly the result police or Ihe district police or such others, would have heen far heller than the hut Ibe Provincial \niiid Constabulary, present majority strength of 272. How which was rcallv responsible for the many Congress MPs were elected? We did maintenance of law and order in serious not ask any Ml' to come over to us. We just put up situations, is found tn be in an uncertain whoever were available to the Congress, and nut condition of mind and is found to have of 85, 77 Members were elected. Was it already committed nets of indiscipline, what is hecause these Members had been contributed the solution? former leader of S.S.P, in by the BKD Party or any other Party? Bihar. Shri Ramanand Tiwari, visited Sir, this is an argument which, in a Lucknow and had talks with cme of the serious situation like this, we should nol leaders. There vvec c also som. two or three advance just for argument's sake. Mr. '/.. C.P.M. representatives who went to A. Ahmad impressed me greatly when he said Lucknow. Ihe atmosphere was so disquieting that this is a serious matter and we should deal with that Shri Kamalapati Tripathi would have it serious-lv. I know that my friend, Mr. failed in his duty if he had taken a complacent Harsh Deo Malaviya, was dealing with this serious view ol the situation and had not taken into matter in his own manner. He thought it a more account the possibility of this disquieting effective way of dealing with it. It is a matter development spreading to the neighbouring of style. Nevertheless it is a serious matter. States. One shudders to t h i n k of tbe consequences and tbe effect that these would Before I go to that, 1 would like again io have had on the morale of the people all over a word about the decision and action the country. The situation was exceedingly of the Governor, Shri Akbar Ali Khan. serious. Ii was not hecause of tbe supply It is true that ihe Chief Minister made position ol wages

267 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating to the State of 268 Lttar Piadesk [Shri Umashankar Dikshit.] do not know to which Home Minister you or of prices that the Chief Minister dec ided are referring. I have never said that the in resign. He held consultations. He situation nas completely under control. I wanted n> consider all the pros and cons. could not have come to this absurd con He wanted to examine all the possible clusion. I he other thing is that in a repercussions, He did not want to act in matter like this which affected the morale his individual capacity as a kind of a dic of the police force or the security force. tator. He consulted all his senior even if there was something not wholly colleagues. Then he called a lull cabinet proper, 1 was not going to announce it inciting and only after that did he take from the house lops. Let ihe Members the considered decision. Shri Triloki consider that aspect ol the matter also. Singli ivas not mistaken when b.e said that But what chief Minister did in tbe first Chief Minister just docs not sign at the instance. Sir. I want to put the facts dotted line. On the contrary, he goes into briefly before the House so that they can matters thoroughly, sometimes too thorou be understood, as there may not be any ghly. Nobod) has ever said that he takes such opportunlt) to point it all out again. decisions casually. It is not Mr. Kamla Sir. he contacted the leaders of the police pati Tripathi"! way of doing things. Von men and he gave them every opportunity mav agree with him or nol. for reconsidering their stand. They said, I ivill briefly take you through the history of this we want an association through which we movement as quickly as possible. We need not go ian represent our grievances. Nery good, into what exactly happened. Rut the fact is that he said, you will have it. and accordingly some outside lone and some element ol ag it a tio n an oider was quickly issued. An associa is entered the police organisation. Wherl one or tiro tion or sangh was formed and they were incident came to light Shri Tripathi consulted his requested to join that body. Then they officers. They did not want to do anything w h i c h said : No. we want a separate association would provoke this force into hostility. He knew the Ior constables and head constables. Ail atmosphere in the country. He knew that if he r i g h t , finally, it was said that they provoked them and took any precipitate nition, could have such a separate body pro the situation might get worse. Il he had acted v id ed il was formed under the pro premature!; without preparation and without taking visions of a constitution accepted by all the possibilities into consideration, the tlie Government. There were several consequence! could have been disastrous. Ib also other demands, about a do/en of them. Some ol tried to meet the policemen's demands as far as it them, which have been referred to here also, were was reasonably possible to meet them. accepted and all the decisions communicated to them. But instead of expressing thanks or gratitude SHRI .S. I). MISHRA (Uttar Pradesh): One for all this and giving up the agitation, the few- clarification please. It will help us. Will the hon. leaders, one of them in particular, went round Home Minister tell us whether it is not a fact that saving, the Government is weak, "the Government soon after the PAC incident, it is the Home Minister is willing to accept all om demands, let us agitate who certified from here that that incident was more". Then the real i n s i g h t into tlie Situation completely under control and the Chief Minister ol came to tbe U.P. leaders. When we came to know Uttar Pradesh there-alter said Ii om Lucknow and abou! this, we also found out that the situation was from Delhi alter Inn ot three meetings with his that it was not merely a union matter or a desire for colleague here tbat tbe situation was controlled and having a grievance machinery through which no such contingency will arise? Thereafter when matters could be taken up. I thought it was a union the Central leaders intervened, a cooking was made matter in the first instance, and I asked the and Lhen be had to resign. Then win now this authorities and officers who consulted me on the 9th second story? mav if there was anything wrong if the)' wanted to SHRJ UMASH.WkAK DIKSHIT : I will tell have some sort of a grievance machinery. But \\<- you Ihe first story, the second storv and tin Inst found that that was taken as a weakness of the sion. I U,I[ lf|[ xou .,!, ', Government. You may have read in the newspapers of what happened in the lin know University and whal happened in Kanpur. These were more 269 President's Proclamations [24 JULY 1973] relating to the State af 270 IJttnr Prruiesh dian rlear indications of what wa-s intended and it Congress. I have publidv said that. But in this was more than merely an attempt for getting a Home, we hear expressions being used, praising the grievance machi-ner) established. Although the anm sort of things that happ e n e d and justifying it. If assistance tvas asked for and promised, Uic PAC the Chief Minister and other leaders had not tried to was still in tlie university campus and during that meet their demands I could understand this attitude, time, Sir, all this happened. They gave the students but evidently the facts are not known. Mr. Niren protection Irom outside. I do not say they were all Ghosh was talking about scruples, saying that our students; there were also anti-social elements and leaders have no scruples, that we have no scruples, other people. Ii lias not yet been possible to that the Chief Minister ha.s no scruples and so on as delineate the political character of those people who if Mr. Niren Ghosh is ihe safe custodian of all did it. of course they could not have been friends scruples. either of democracy or decency or education or of law anil order. Petrol, rags, igniting material were all SHRI NIREN GHOSH: You have your scruples found, and the police provided protection while when you work in the Marwadi Chamber. others went on burning and destroying. SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I do nol For two hours this went on. Similarly so far as know when he get this special fondness for scruples Kanpur is concerned, it was decided that the XIV but I hope he wiH be able to communicate his Battalion should not be allowed to keep control of keenness for scruples to other members of his their arms. However, some had taken possession of party, to his leader and to the supreme leader. arms, and others were holding on to the armoury. SHRI NIREN GHOSH: We have no leader So many of them had arms on their persons and outside the country, may I remind yon? when the Army neared the XIV Battalion, the policemen opened fire. The firing did not start from SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I am glad to the side of the Army. They were just going to take hear that. control of the armoury and fire was opened from the other side. Therefore, I beg all of you not to SHRI NIREN GHOSH: You know it and still, to consider this as a matter of prices or wages or put it modestly, von have told an untruth. supplies or shortages. There was greater shortage in SHRl UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I am sorry if Rajasthan, in Gujarat, in Maharashtra. We should I have told an untruth but I have been told of the judge things in a sensible way and see what is CPI, the CPI (M) and the CPI (ML) that one is wrong. In those conditions, when this thing more inclined to Russia, the other towards China happened, naturally the Chief Minister decided to and the third is for no scruples at all; thev say, kill consult the Centre to examine the adverse them all. possibilities of such a situation. I would also request hon. Members opposite, to remember, that every SHRI NIREN GHOSH: You should know it is responsible opposition expects at some time or nothing of the kind, and if you do not know this other to be given responsibility. Now is it possible you should not be the Home Minister of India. for any party, opposition or otherwise, to look upon SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I am a development like that with equanimity? If in U.P. prepared to accept Mr. Niren Ghosh's denial if he the feeling ran that the force that was to keep the says that he does not support the Chinese pattern of order was itself breaking the order. . . Communism. If he says that. I will accept it straightway. I will not doubt his word. He is a SHRI S. D. MISRA: We are not condoning that. gentleman and he will not tell an untruth. I have no quarrel with anybody. The whole point what helps SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I the country and its development is what we are have publicly said that the political parties have not interested in. Now if such a situation had been taken up that attitude, particularly the Syndicate allowed to continue, then it would have been good- Congress or the Old bye to all development.

271 President's Proclamations [ RAJYA SABHA ] relating te tht State of 272 Uttar Pradesh [Shri Umashankar Dikshit.] it has happened. After what has happened. I think One point has heen rather validly made. I have not the best part of your think ing is that there should gone into that aspect of the matter. Two persons now be no ques tion of revoking the order. Thus, it were mentioned. About Chief Secretary you can is a very sensible stand that you have taken. You sav, that he was only constructively responsible. But could not avoid it. You had to sav it. (Interruption). regarding the others who had more prominently or I will tell you that I will not misunderstand it. directly to do with this, we have not yet considered. SHRl LAI. K. ADVANI: You will not lose I think it is a valid point which should receive our anything. Just a word of explanation. I said that I consideration. Rut I can tell you this, that very am in favour of expressing disagreement in the considerable work has heen done in this direction. \ Resolution with the promulgation of President's number ol appointments have been terminated. A rule, but the present rules of Rajya Sabha make it number of people have been dismissed. Two obligatory for me to put it in this form. I am in battalions have been disbanded. The men after favour of revocation. I do not with draw from that screening are being absorbed in other police forces. position. Where people worked well, their work is being appreciated. In certain areas people, despite SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: The pressure, stood their ground and made nothing of it. hon. gentleman has changed his view. Earlier he We have appreciated that. That is, both ways a said that if dissolution had accompanied the commandahlc quantity and quality of work has been President's rule, he would not have opposed it. In done. If they think nothing of it, well, I will not my opinion, in principle he accepts the Resolution quarrel with them. But, to say that two or three which I have had the privilege to present to the Advisers are responsible for the administration of House. the State is to show5 ignorance of the constitutional position. It is Parliament that is responsible for the I do not want to take too much of your time. Shri administration of U.P. In Parliament you can rail us Banarsi Das made the same arguments which Shri to account and if the Advisers do wrong we will be Pirthwi Nath made and other friends made, and I do responsible. You can hang us. In a peculiar situation not want to go into the same matters. One thing lias this had to be done. This is a straight and specific heen said. It has been criticised as to why it was said responsibility, I submit, in a specific situation. That that President's rule was for a temporary period. is the fact of the matter and this has to be Somebody wanted me to definitely announce appreciated in the light of these facts. here and now what is going to happen. It is forgotten Now, other arguments have been made, some that after approval the proclamation is valid for six lightly, some frivolously, some in joke and some months only. After these six months, there would be in seriousness. I do not think the main position is sufficient time for the elections to take place at the really affected. Shri Advani at the end withdrew appointed time, by February or so. If it is for less from his position, if he does not mind my putting it than six months, it is even more temporary. Six that way. months' period is also a temporary, small period, if SHRI LAI. K. ADVANI: I did not withdraw it. necessary, the proclamation lias to be extended every six months. In a case like this, I really do not SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: I am .saying know what kind of a long period could be there. For in my own words what yon have said in your own. mc to say whether the election could take place Mr. Advani says that it is not really revocation, but immediately in case the House is dissolved, I beg to he wants certain other things. submit, is not possible. The delimitation of the SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: No, no. Let constituencies is going on. If you want to hold the me make myself clear. election during July or August, you cannot do that. Several times these alternatives have been examined SHRI UMASHANKAR DIKSHIT: You carefully and the position taken by the Chief wanted the Governor to do something. Now, Election Commissioner and the other responsible 273 Messages from [24 JULY 1973] Lok Sabha 274 officers is that it could not be done earlier, than in the Constitution, in relation to the State of Uttar November or so. Therefore, for anybody to say, that Pradesh." dissolution at the time of issue of proclamation The motion was adopted. would have been followed by immediate elections, well, it is much ado about nothing. MESSAGES FROM THE LOK Therefore, the main point tliat I have submitted is SABHA that a serious situation occurred in U.P. and so the Chief Minister went into it seriously, consulted his 1. The Manipur Appropriation Bill, 1973. colleagues, consulted the Prime Minister, came to a 2. The Untouchability decision, submitted his resignation, and then under (Offences) Amendment and the advice of the Governor this action has been Miscellaneous Provision Bill, 1972. taken. I believe that there is no constitutional SECRETARY: Sir, I have to report to the House impropriety. Nothing has been done to affect the the lollowing messages received from the Lok standards of decency or morality. There is such a lot Sabha, signed by the Secretary of the Lok Sabha: of talk about morality. Well, I have also practised — this all my life. I think I have some acquaintance with the decent way of life. Indian way of life, and (I) "In accordance with the this should not be thrown at us. We have al! got our provisions of Rule 96 of the Rules of Procedure share of the human quality and human weaknesses. and Conduct ot Business in Lok Sabha, I am We are a large party. May be we have got a larger directed to enclose herewith the Manipur proportion, for ought I know. But I have friends in Appropriation Bill, 1973, as passed by Lok all the parties, and I personally believe that on this Sabha at its sitting held on the 24th July, 1973. account we should not quarrel with each other. Sir, I 2. The Speaker has certified that this Bill am very thankful for the very responsible manner is a Moncv Bill." and the very high level of discussion which has taken place, and I think, taking all in all, that there (") "I am directed to inform is general support also in the Opposition for the Rajya Sabha that Lok Sabha, at its sitting held on proposition I put forward. I command this the 24th July, 1973, has adopted the following Resolution for the unanimous acceptance of the motion further extending the time for House. presentation of the Report of the Joint Committee of the Houses on the Untouchability (Offences) MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I shall now first Amendment and Miscellaneous Bill, 1972 : — put to vote, the Motion of Shri Advani. MOTION The question is: "That this House do further extend upto the "That this House recommends to the President last day of the first week of the next session, that the Proclamation issued by the President on the time for the presentation of the Report of the 13th June, 1973, under Article 356 of the the Joint Committee on the Bill to amend the Constitution, in relation to the State of Uttar Untouchability (Offences) Act, 1955 and further to amend the Representation of the Pradesh, be revoked." People Act, 1951." The motion was negatived. Sir, I lay a copy of the Manipur Appropriation Bill, 1973 on the Table. MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I shall now put the Resolution to vote. The question is: MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: The House stands adjourned till 11.00 A.M. tomorrow. "That this House approves the Proclamation The House then adjourned at forty issued by the President on the 13th June, 1973, minutes past six of the clock till eleven of under article 356 of the clock on Wednesday, the 25th July, 1973.

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