Lok Sabha De.Bates

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Lok Sabha De.Bates Seventh 3eri:s;, VoL IV, No.10 Tuesday, June 20, 1�80 � Jyaistha 30, 1902 (Saka) LOK SABHA DE.BATES ( Third Senion) (Vol. IV conta'ins No,. 1-10) LOK SABHA SBCRBTAIUAT NEW Dl!LHI �rit, I RI. 4.00 C:ONTBN-"Jf .. No. io, Friday, Juns 20, :rf8tJ !jaistha .10, tja3 (Salia) COwMi3 Oral Answers. to Questions:. ·Starred Questions Nos. 183, 184, 188 to 1'9« and I~ 4 Written Answers to Questions: Starred QtIestiohs No~. 185- to IfI7, 19~ and 194 to.262' .. Unstarred Q).Ksti0llS Nos. 141 I to 1+84, 1486 tb C~I; I4if8 to "t5'", 1513 to 1532 and 1534 to 1601 • 41-246 Re. Questions of Privilege 246-47 Papers Laid on the Table 248-52 ,281 . ClUing Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importan~- Reported strike by the students of Ayurvedic Colleg.es in Delhi. 252-58 . Shri Chiranji Lal Sharma : • • 2S2-5~ 254-55 Shri B." Shankaran~nd 253-54- 2SS, 257-S8 Shri K.A. Rajan • • • 256-57 Statement Re. New Members ofP;ess C~mmi~sion Shri Vasan t Sathe. • Business of House. • Statement l?e. Provision of relief to the Relief Camps in Tripuca- • Shri Nihar Ranjan Laskar • 271-72 Election to Committ;ee...;.. , ,;. Cebtral Siijc Board • • .' • • • • • MatUlrs Under Rule 3'7- (i) Rep..orted lay-off ofw.orker. by MIS. Union NordtjlJteMiH; West Bengal: Shri Jyotiimoy Bosu' • • • 273 (ii) Need to provide adequate funds for early completion or' the~ Western Kosi Canal in Bihar ! . Shri Bhogendra Jha • • • • • • (iii) Need to renovate the Fertilizer Unit at Sindri aad to stop auction thereof: · Shri A. K. Roy • • • • • • • ~74-76 ----------~--~~-- *The Sign +marked above the name of a Member inclica,tes that the question was actuany asked on the floOr of the HoUSe b~ that Me1n~r. (ii) COLUMNS (iv) Measures to check the alleged corrupt practices prevailing at Santa-Cruz Airport: Shri V.S. Vijaraghavan • • 276-77 ~ • • • • • (v)' Measures to stop the exploitation ofJute growers in Bihar: Shri D.L. Baitha . • •• • 277-79 . (vi) N~ to provide diesel to faJ;mers of the drought affected areas of Madhya Pradesh for sowing kharif crop: Shri Pratap Bhanu Sharma • • • • • (vii) Need for inquiry into the alleged shady deals of officials of Food Corporation of India at Mancherial in Andhra Pradesh: Shri Q. Narsimha Reddy • 279-80 R':\Uway Budget, 198o-8I-General Discussion- Shri Kamalapati Tripathi D~lhi High Court (Amendment) Bill- Motion" to conSider, as passed by Rajya Sabha • 306-310 Shri P. Shiv Shankar'.. • • • 306-30 7 Shri Vijay Kumar Yadav • • • 307-308 - Shri ~ool Chand Daga • • • • 308-30 9 Clauses' 2 to 4. and I 3 10 Motion'to Pass 3 1 0-11 Shri P. Shiv Shankar • 310 Committee. on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions- Second Report • • • • 31 I Rcsolutio~ reo Qentr~Sta~ Relationsqip-ntgativ,d • • 3 11 - 2 9 Shri C.T. Dhandapani • 3 12- 1 7 Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah • • • • 31 7-2 4 Shrimati. Suseela. Gopalan • 32 4-28 Resolution reo Central Legislation for Agricultural Workers • 330 -66 Shri P.K. Kodiyan 330-39 Shri K. AJajunan • . • 340-42 Prof. N.G. Ranga • • · 342-51 Shri Ravindra Varma 35 1-59 Shri Chintamani Pan~rahi · 359-364 Sh!°i Chitta Basu • 364 LOB: SABRA DEBATES ==========~====~~======~~~----- I 2 LOK $ABHA eVQr the Government of India was approached, they said that it was un- der active consideration. After a lapse of 9 years, the reply is the same Friday, June 20, 19BO:JlIaistlw 30, that it is under active consideration. 1902 (Saka) What does it mean? Will the Minis- ter giVe a titlal date by which time this airport will be sanctioned? The Lok Sabha met at Eleven Of the Clock SHRI A. P. SHARMA: It is true that the construction of this aero- [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair J. drome has been delayed for some reason or the other. Of course there ' ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS are a serIE:S. of reasons but I do not want to read them out. When I said caUcut Airport that it is under active consideration + of the Governmeot, the position ~s ·183. SHRI E. BALANANDAN: that on 16th June, 1980 EFC MemO was circulated to thE: appraising agen- SHRI A. K. BALAN: cies for comments be.fore putting up Will the Minister of TOURISM the proposal before the Expenditure AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased Finance Committee. As soon as the to state: Expenditure Finance Committee clears this, this will become a reality. (a) what is the progress of the proposed Calicut Airport; and SHRI E. BALANANDAN: Can the Minister give an assurance about the (b) the details thereof? date and time when it is going to be THE MINISTER OF SHIPPING taken up' AND TRANSPORT AND TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI A. SHRI A. P. SHARMA: When I said shortly, it does not mf:an that it P. SHARMA): (a) and (b). The pro- posal fOr construction of an airport will be delayed just like in the past. at Karipur nE:'ar Calicut at an esti- It means that it will be cleared mated cost of Rs. 2.52 crores is under shortly. I expect that in the next two or three ,months it will be finali~ed. active consideration of the Govern- ~ ment. The proposal is included in the current Five Year Plan (1978-83). A SHRI A. K. BALAN: The answer token provision has bt:-en made in the is not satisfactory. This is a case of budget for 1980-81. A decision is sheer neglect. This is an important likely to be taken very shortly. airport for the State of Kerala. 10 years ago they acquired 86.5 acres of SHRI E. BALANANDAN: In 1971, land and an approach road was also 86.5 acres of land was taken over by constructf:d. The State Governm~t the Government Of Kerala and given in-curred an expenditure of Ra. 15 to the Government of India for con- lakhs. I would like to ask specificaUy structing the airport. Act approach whether the Minister will sanction road was also constructed. When- this airport 'his year itself? 649 L.S.-l 3 Orcd Answer, JUNE 20, 1980 Oral Answers 4 SHRI A. P. SHARMA: I have said with more th8ll one crore of popula- that it will be possible within th~ tion, and thE:' entire development has next two or three months to clear it. been stalled because of want of an What more can I say? airport facWty. (Interuptions). SHRI SANJAY GANDHI: Will the It was promised by Raj Bahadur Ji, Minister tell us that in the three Dr. Karan Singh and everybody and .,.ears of Janata rule .... (Interne-po. also allotments weore made. Every tion) year it lapsed. What I W8Ilt to know from the hOn. Minister is whether be MR. SPEAKER: Why are you agi- is aware that Air India sells more tated? Let him have his own say. than Rs. 80 lakhs or Rs. 1 crore worth of tickets in this city alone which is SHRI SANJAY GANDHI: In the considered to be a small officE:' and three years of Janata rule when that whether he will, when he has th~ size Government was in alliance with the:- of the airport to decide upon, take CPI (M) or it was given active sup- this factors also into consideration. port by CPI (M), was any progress made in the construction Of this air- SHRI A. P. SHARMA: All the port? factors have been takeo into consi- (InterruptiOn) deration and it is only after that we have come to this conclusion. SHR! A. P. SHARMA: Sir, it is true that the work could have been JSft' '('fIA' ~ 'm1lT : ~ t4~ r~~ ;f started towards the end of the year ~~71 ~lIl~;r;rr~~v.r~ 1976 itself and the 'QGQA actually qfe' cfi ~ If- ~ ~ arcRr ~ ~ qtt submitted an estimate for Rs. 110 ij(CfiI( -tt 76 ~, ~ q:lff ~ ~ ~ 1a1918 for construction of aerodrome at Calicut. But since 1977 till this ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~.cft.~. year practically no steps have been r.fi C(i1i4'!€ q:ft ~ ~ ~ ann:- ~ taken to expedite this decision and go e:arr? into action, and it was only on the 28th March 1980 that the DGCA again MR. SPEAKER: Nothing is left in submitted a revised estimate for Rs. this small question. NE:'Xt question, 2.5 crores for construction of an aero- Shri Manoharlal Saini. drome suitable for HS-748 operatiOdl and as I have stated earlier, this pro- SHRI RATANSINH RAJDA: Sir, I posal now by this Government is want an answer from the hone Minis- going to be finalised within the next ter. two or three months. SHRI A. P. SHARMA: Sir, this is (Interruptions) an irrelevant question. It does not call for an answer. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, what we are seeking for Calicut is not any charity or any special .!on- sideration. 1 want to inform you, since you have come to this House recently, that this was promised by 184· SIT ~ W1W tf;ft iRT Raft Ahmed Kidwai. (Interruptions) . Pm!' ~ wr.r ~ q: ~ ~ iftlT Right from those days all successive ~~: governments havE:' promised this air- port. (~) "'" 1f ~i ~ 'Si{'C\if4e\ ~ ~ qft If"rJn fCfi d;(j .( arh:: \Vr cnrl '!bat is because it ,~ the nerve i6;mr CflfT ~ ~ etf04IUII If- ri ~ centre Of ttte area, Malabar region, ~~~tancrT~~(; ~ S'YA1STHA 30, 1102 (SAKA) fW") lI'lT t(f(4IGil ~ SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE: I r am not aware of any sueh promise. If ~ ~. .... r.nft....r 1i the hon. Member can give some more _.tmrl'f~? information I can look into it, but We cannot haVe a steel plant wherever .-rmc MINlSTER OF COMMERCE there is cOIlcentration of iron ore, be- .aBD STEEL AND MINES (SRRI cause this country has iron ore de- P.IlANAB MUKHE:RJEE): (11)· The posits Of more than 15,000 million -p"Oductian of saleable pig iron ill the tonnE:S.
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