
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 01/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 336 - Januar 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, material zu finden sein wird, jetzt wurden Leser. Wenn Ihnen Annas Kolumne gefällt, liebe Filmfreunde! wir sogar mit unserer Dokumentation dann dürfen Sie ihr das wie immer gerne REMEMBERING WIDESCREEN offiziell per E-Mail mitteilen – die junge Dame Warum steht auf dem neuen Newsletter zum Filmfestival nach Bradford eingeladen! freut sich stets über Feedback. noch immer “Januar” wo wir mittlerweile Dort wird unser Film im Rahmen des doch bereits Februar haben? Eine berech- “Widescreen Weekend” vom 10.-13. April Mit diesen Worten wollen wir Sie jetzt tigte Frage, die sich vielleicht der Ein oder seine Welturaufführung erleben. Kein Wun- aber endlich in die Untiefen unseres Andere stellen wird. Ein Fehler im System? der also, dass uns dieses Projekt in den Newsletters entlassen – es gibt wahrhaftig Schlamperei? Aber mit Nichten! Den vor- letzten Wochen ziemlich in Anspruch ge- viel zu entdecken. Viel Vergnügen bei Ihrer liegenden Newsletter haben wir bereits im nommen hat. Der Film hat mittlerweile ganz persönlichen Entdeckungsreise Januar begonnen, direkt im Anschluss an seinen Feinschliff erhalten und wurde er- wünscht Ihnen unseren “Winterschlaf”. Doch wie das im folgreich in ein DCP umgewandelt. Eine Leben oft so ist: erstens kommt es anders, Testvorführung steht unmittelbar bevor. Ihr Laser Hotline Team und zweitens als man denkt. Zu viele zu- Sobald der genaue Termin für die Urauffüh- sätzliche Termine haben uns von der Arbeit rung in Bradford feststeht, werden wir das abgehalten und so die Januar-Ausgabe ent- natürlich im Newsletter veröffentlichen. sprechend verzögert. Und da wir unseren Wer sich vorab schon über den Film infor- Newsletter inzwischen als ein Monats- mieren möchte, der sei nochmals auf den Mailing verstehen, wollten wir den Januar Trailer dazu auf unserem Youtube-Kanal nicht einfach so an unserem Newsletter verwiesen. tatenlos vorbeiziehen lassen. Denn in der Kollektion 2014 sollte jeder Monat minde- Wie immer so freuen wir uns auch dieses stens einmal vertreten sein. Mal wieder ganz besonders über eine wei- tere Kolumne unserer Anna, die unermüd- Nach diesem Exkurs in die Nomenklatur lich mit Hollywood spricht. Wenn sie uns unserer Monatszeitschrift erst einmal ein auf den Seiten 3 und 4 über ihren Werde- herzliches Willkommen zur ersten Ausgabe gang berichtet und darüber, wie sehr sie des Jahres 2014. Und das neue Jahr ver- doch dabei von Filmen und TV-Serien spricht mal wieder richtig interessant zu beeinflusst wurde, dann werden nicht nur werden. Nicht nur, dass eines unserer Vide- wir selbst schmunzelnd zustimmen, son- os auf einer kommerziellen DVD dern bestimmt auch viele andere unserer (WOCHENENDKRIEGER) im Bonus- WOCHENENDKRIEGER: das Bonusmaterial der DVD wird REMEMBERING WIDESCREEN: das Poster für unsere erste Kino-Dokumentation - unsere Dokumentation über die dem Thema entsprechend natürlich im Breitformat! Filmmusik beinhalten

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014

A Hollywood Life

Dieses Jahr werde ich 29. In mancherlei Hinsicht mitwirken! Als der Wunsch nach einem Jurastudi- bin ich, trotz äußerster Vorsicht, erwachsen ge- um schon einige Jahre anhielt, trat aber eine ganz worden. Der Briefkasten wird nur noch mit großer besondere Serie in mein Leben: Gilmore Girls. Überwindung geöffnet, denn es sind sowieso im- Lorelei und Rory Gilmore, das Mutter-Tochter-Duo mer nur Rechnungen drin. Bei der Arbeit wird kei- mit den schlagfertigsten und schnellsten Mündern ne handgeschriebene Entschuldigung der Eltern nördlich des Rio Grande, waren für mich prägend. mehr akzeptiert, nein, nun muss ich eine Das habe ich erst jetzt, mit dem Journalismus- Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung vorlegen. In Diplom in der Tasche, gemerkt. Rory arbeitet fast meiner Welt wurden die Sätze “Willst du draußen sieben Seasons lang daran, Journalistin zu wer- spielen gehen?” und “Ich tausche mein Käsebrot den. Nun frage ich mich, ob die Intelligenz, gegen deine Apfeltasche” mit “Ich muss diesen das Herz und die Schönheit der Gilmore Girls Text bis Mitternacht abgeben” und “Für mich bitte nicht doch so sehr imponiert haben, dass es mich ohne Soße, ich bin Laktose-intolerant” ersetzt. in Rorys Richtung gezogen hat. Andere forschen- de, schreibende Charaktere wie Sailor Pluto aus Das Erwachsenwerden, das hat niemand aufhal- dem Sailor Moon oder Lois Lane haben ten können. Aber vielleicht geht es nicht so sehr wohl ihr Übriges getan. Schon als kleines Mäd- um die Tatsache, vor der ich nun stehe, sondern chen hätte ich meinen rechten Arm dafür gege- um den Weg dorthin. Ich habe neulich wieder eine ben, den neuesten Stories mitten im derbsten Ge- Folge Gilmore Girls gesehen. Da offenbarte es schehen hinterher zu hechten und dann anschlie- sich mir: Meine Kindheit und Jugend prägen mich ßend mit Christopher Reeve über den Wolken von bis heute. Wie? Na, durch Film und Fernsehen Metropolis zu schweben. natürlich! Stark beeinflusst hat mich im beruflichen Leben Beruflicher Werdegang auch Tess McGill aus dem Film Working Girl. Sie war ein Underdog – etwas, womit ich mich schon Als Kind änderte sich mein Berufswunsch, wie bei immer identifizieren konnte – aber sie hat sich kleinen Menschen so üblich, ständig. Zuerst wollte nicht unterkriegen lassen. Unrecht hat sie nicht ich Polizistin werden, aber dann wurde mir durch einfach so hingenommen, sie hat gekämpft und Sendungen wie X-Files, Tatort und Co. sehr zwar für sich, nur für sich. Dass sie am Ende den schnell bewusst, dass Polizistinnen oft lediglich in gutaussehenden Jack Trainer in der Form von Uniform vor irgendwelchen spannenden Dingen Harrison Ford kriegt, das ist vor allem ihrem Ehr- verweilen und sie bewachen müssen. Ich aber geiz, ihrer Gewieftheit und ihrem guten Herzen zu wollte rein zum Tatort. Also: “Ich will Kommissarin verdanken. Bis heute höre ich auf dem Weg zur werden!” Kommissarinnen dürfen zwar ermitteln Arbeit Carly Simons Oscar-prämierten Song Let und sind schon viel näher am grausigen Gesche- the River Run. Inmitten von stummen, grimmig hen, aber wenn der Fall gelöst ist, war es das. Zur blickenden Horden von U-Bahn-Fahrenden, die es Rechenschaft gezogen werden die Bösewichte der Welt zu Recht übelnehmen, um acht in der von anderen: Richter wie Phil Banks in Fresh Arbeit sein zu müssen, stählt dieses musikalische Prince of Bel-Air oder Staatsanwälte. Die dürfen Meisterwerk von innen und hilft, die anderen nicht sogar ermitteln und bei der Gerichtsverhandlung bösartig aus dem Weg schieben zu wollen, son-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 dern sich mit ihnen verbunden zu fühlen und ihnen unglaublich gerne. Die Damen der Wash and die Grimmigkeit zu verzeihen. Brush Up Company aus The Wizard of Oz und ihre Art, Dorothy zu verwandeln, haben wohl zu Studium meiner Leidenschaft für Make-Up geführt. Gadgets aller Art bevölkern gerne meine Welt, ein Um- Mein Weg zum Journalismus war nicht geradlinig. stand, den ich Q und dem ihm ewig Kopfschmer- Bevor ich in der schönen Confoederatio Helvetica zen bereitenden Mr. Bond zu verdanken habe. In dieses Handwerk erlernte, studierte ich in Mün- der Schule waren meine Schwerpunktfächer unter chen Ägyptologie, Paläopathologie und anderem Englisch und Philosophie. Meine Lehr- Paläoanatomie. Mumien waren mein Spezialge- meister in diesem Bereich waren, im Nachhinein biet: Kein Kurs war mir lieber als der, bei dem ich gesehen, wohl weniger Mrs. Schick und Monsieur wöchentlich ins Klinikum Bogenhausen in die Pa- Marquette und eher Professor Higgins und Obi- thologie pilgerte, um mich mit verschiedensten Wan Kenobi. Und wo wir schon bei Star Wars alten Leichnamen zu beschäftigen, Schädelkno- sind: Prinzessin Leia hat mir als erste beige- chen auszumessen und osteoporöse Wirbel bracht, dass Prinzessinnen nicht immer gerettet hochzuhalten und zu bestimmen, dass der ehe- werden müssen, sondern sehr wohl mit jedem malige Besitzer besagter Wirbel an Tuberkulose Schuss einen Treffer landen und dazu noch eine gestorben war. An dieser Stelle gebührt der Dank Karriere in der Diplomatie machen können. Leia für die Faszination und die Leichtigkeit, mit der ich saß nie herum und wartete, dass etwas passiert. dieses Wissen wie einen Schwamm aufsaugte, Sie war standhaft, intelligent, einfallsreich und am den Doktoren Jones, Scully und Grissom. Als ich Ende küsst sie Han Solo zuerst, nicht er sie. Letz- meine erste Grabung bekam, war zwar von India- teres hat mich – der Erfahrung nach zu urteilen – na Jones wenig dort vertreten, aber der Enthusi- nicht beeinflusst, sondern geradezu konditioniert. asmus des Dr. Jones war, anders als seine Peit- sche und das ständige Kaputtmachen von Bauten Erwachsensein ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert, und Artefakten, durchaus an der Tagesordnung. so viel ist sicher. Der Briefkasten ist zum Feind Und als ich mich dann über Tierknochen und mu- geworden, der Wecker ein nötiges Übel, seit ich mifizierte Mönche beugen durfte, draußen auf dem nicht mehr frisch wie der Morgentau um sechs Hügel Deir el-Bachit, und korrekt den gefundenen aus dem Bett hüpfe, um den Tag zu begehen. Knochen als Schweinegebiss identifizierte und mit Nichtsdestotrotz gibt es schöne Seiten. Auf Pake- der Pinzette kleinste Papyrusteilchen in Plastiktü- te muss ich nicht mehr hoffen, ich bestelle sie ten zur weiteren Analyse verstaute, da war dann selbst – das Öffnen bleibt genauso spannend und doch so eine Aura von X-Files und CSI am Tatort schön! Und Sätze wie “Um acht bist du im Bett!” zu spüren. sind ersetzt worden durch “Wollen wir nicht noch einen Film gucken?”. Weitere Kompetenzen

Bei diesem Thema frage ich mich, was ich wohl ohne Hollywood geworden wäre. Die Antwort ist vermutlich: nichts. Ariel von The Little Mermaid ermutigte mich, vom fünften bis vierzehnten Le- Anna freut sich über Feedback! bensjahr in Chören zu singen und später einen [email protected] Tauchschein zu machen. Bis heute schwimme ich

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 07. Januar 2014 Da geht dann dessen Erzählerstimme Von Boxern und Börsenmaklern aus dem Off kurzerhand über auf die Nach langer Abstinenz ging es heute Figur im Bild, die dann zielgerichtet endlich wieder ins Kino! zum Publikum spricht. Überhaupt lebt Scorseses Epos von seinen hervorra- ZWEI VOM ALTEN SCHLAG (1:1.85, genden Darstellern, die bis in die klein- DD 5.1) ste Nebenrollen wunderbar besetzt OT: Grudge Match sind. Kleiner Tipp: Wer die Möglichkeit Verleih: Warner hat, den Film im englischen Originalton Land/Jahr: USA 2013 zu sehen, sollte davon unbedingt Ge- Regie: Peter Segal brauch machen! Fazit des Films: mit Darsteller: , Robert Geld spielt man nicht, aber es macht De Niro, Kim Basinger unheimlich Spaß! Kinostart: 09.01.2014 Mittwoch, 08. Januar 2014 Henry “Razor” Sharp und Billy “The Der Mann, der Medikamente schmuggelte Kid” McDonnen sind Rivalen, seit sie Mut zur Selbsthilfe – Ron Woodroof als junge Männer im Boxring standen. hat es vorgelebt und wurde jetzt Thema Das letzte Mal vor dreißig Jahren. Jetzt eines Spielfilms will ein gewiefter Manager die beiden noch einmal gegeneinander antreten DALLAS BUYERS CLUB (1:2.35, DD lassen. Da beide Männer das in Aus- 5.1) sicht gestellte Geld gut gebrauchen Anfang der achtziger Jahre ist der jun- OT: Dallas Buyers Club können, lassen sich auf den Deal ein. ge Jordan Belfort noch ein unbeschrie- Verleih: Ascot Elite (Paramount) Zudem eröffnet sich die Chance, eine benes Blatt an der Wall Street. Doch Land/Jahr: USA 2013 alte Rechnung zu begleichen. Schließ- der junge Broker ist extrem lernbegie- Regie: Jean-Marc Vallée lich hatte “The Kid” damals seinem rig. Als er infolge eines Börsencrashes Darsteller: Matthew McConaughey, Gegner “Razor” die Freundin ausge- seinen Job verliert, heuert er bei einem Jared Leto, spannt... Peter Segal paart in seinem winzigen Börsenmaklerbüro an und Kinostart: 06.02.2014 Film gleich zwei alte Haudegen aus avanciert dort binnen kürzester Zeit Hollywood, von denen jeder bereits zum Boss. Seine Ziel: möglichst viel Dallas im Jahre 1985. Der Elektriker Ron Erfahrungen mit dem Boxen sammeln Geld innerhalb kürzester Zeit machen. Woodroof ist ein echter Cowboy. Er konnte: Sylvester Stallone als ROCKY Und das gelingt ihm im Handumdrehen reitet nicht nur Bullen im Rodeo, son- und Robert De Niro als RAGING – dank seiner loyalen Kollegen und dern auch jede Menge leichte Mädchen BULL. Die Idee, diese beiden alten jeder Menge Kokain! Doch seine Ge- und nascht gerne Koks. Als er eines Herren gemeinsam in den Ring steigen schäfte sind alles andere als legal und Tages urplötzlich zusammenklappt und zu lassen, hat schon seinen besonde- so hat er bald schon das FBI am Hals... im Krankenhaus wieder aufwacht, er- ren Reiz. Leider aber vermag das Dreh- Mit seinem neuesten Film beweist Re- öffnet ihm der Arzt eine tödliche Dia- buch nicht unbedingt daraus Profit zu gisseur Martin Scorsese wieder einmal gnose: Woodroof leidet an AIDS und schlagen. So plätschert die ganze Ge- auf fulminante Weise, dass er zu den hat nur noch 30 Tage Zeit zu leben! schichte fast ohne Höhepunkte dahin. Besten seines Fachs gehört. In seinem Weil er sich mit dieser Diagnose nicht Alleine als Stallones altge- dreistündigen Werk ist nahezu keine abfinden will, beginnt er mit einer eige- dienter Trainer sorgt bei seinen Auftrit- Zeit für Langeweile, fast atemlos bricht nen Therapie. Durch einen Mittelsmann ten für richtige Lacher. Leider ein Film die Geschichte von Geld, Sex und Ko- organisiert er sich Medikamente, insbe- mit viel Potenzial, das nicht genutzt kain auf den Zuschauer herein. Gran- sondere AZT, das einzige von der ame- wird. diose Hochglanzbilder, unterlegt mit rikanischen Gesundheitsbehörde zuge- einem exzellenten Rock-Soundtrack, lassene Medikament zur Behandlung THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (1:2.35, lassen nicht nur die Hauptdarsteller von AIDS. Doch AZT ist extrem toxisch DD 5.1) und deren oft unbekleidete Gespielin- und Woodroof forscht nach Alternati- OT: The Wolf Of Wall Street nen phantastisch aussehen, sondern ven. Bei einem Arzt in Mexiko wird er Verleih: Universal auch die vielen exklusiven Sets, die fündig und beginnt Medikamente ille- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 von ausladenden Villen bis hin zu einer gal zu importieren. In Dallas gibt er die Regie: Martin Scorsese superteuren Yacht reichen. Mit viel Tabletten kostenlos an Bedürftige ab – Darsteller: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Witz und Biss hat Scorsese das Buch einzige Bedingung: sie müssen seinem Hill, Matthew McConaughey von Jordan Belfort hier verfilmt und kostenpflichtigen Club beitreten, dem Kinostart: 16.01.2014 lässt seinen Hauptakteur Leonado Dallas Buyers Club... Wieder einmal ist DiCaprio oft mit dem Publikum spielen. es das wahre Leben, das bei diesem

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Regie: Christian Heynen Kinostart: 20.03.2014

Was würde Deutschland nur ohne den Durchschnittsbürger machen? Denn er, die breite Masse, sorgt dafür, dass al- les so läuft wie es läuft. Das statisti- sche Bundesamt behält ihn deswegen auch immer stets ganz genau im Auge, ist er doch vor allem immens wichtig für die deutsche Wirtschaft. Der Doku- mentarfilmer Christian Heynen will es in seinem Film aber ganz genau wissen: wer genau steckt hinter dem Durch- schnittsdeutschen? Also begibt er sich auf die Suche nach Thomas Müller. Davon gibt es nämlich etwa 50.000 in Deutschland, was diesen Namen zum absoluten Durchschnitt macht. Bei sei- ner Reise quer durch die Republik trifft Film Pate stand. Denn die Geschichte er sich mit einigen der vielen Thomas In den 1970er-Jahren rekrutiert das FBI des Ron Woodroof basiert auf Tatsa- Müller, von denen jedoch fast keiner das Trickbetrügerpärchen Irving chen. Es ist die Geschichte eines Cow- durchschnittlich zu bezeichnen wäre. Rosenfeld und Prosser, um die boys, der sich vom hedonistischen und Sei es nun der Börsenberater oder der Korruption im Lande zu bekämpfen. homophoben Mann zu einem Aktivi- Priester oder der Musiker. So ändert Doch FBI-Agent Richie DiMaso ahnt sten wandelt, der sogar gegen die ame- sich denn auch im Verlauf seiner witzig noch nicht, auf was er sich tatsächlich rikanische Gesundheitsbehörde vor kommentierten Suche die Fragestel- damit einlässt. Doch wer einen Bock Gericht zog. Dargestellt wird er von lung: was genau ist eigentlich zum Gärtner macht, hat es auch nicht einem abgehalfterten Matthew deutsch? Was bedeutet es ein Deut- anders verdient... Wer betrügt hier ei- McConaughey, der einmal mehr unter scher zu sein? Dazu erhält er nicht nur gentlich wen? David O. Russells Film Beweis stellt, dass er ein großartiger ein paar frappierende Antworten von basiert auf einer Geschichte, die sich Schauspieler ist. Ihm zur Seite steht seinen Gesprächspartnern, sondern angeblich tatsächlich zugetragen hat Jared Leto als der homosexuelle Rayon, auch von Menschen aus der ganzen und vereint gleichzeitig hochkarätige den er im Krankenhaus kennenlernt Welt, die ihm per Videoblog ihre An- Darsteller, die sich hier in Oscar-Stim- und zunächst verabscheut. Im Laufe sichten dazu mitteilen. Christian mung bringen. Alleine schon Christian der Zeit entwickelt Ron jedoch freund- Heynen versteht es vorzüglich, seine Bales falsche Haare hätten einen Son- schaftliche Gefühle zu der tragischen Dokumentation mit kinogerechten Bil- der-Oscar verdient. Ganz zu schweigen Gestalt, die einfach mit dem falschen dern im CinemaScope-Format sehr an- von den Kleidern der Ladies, die meist Geschlecht geboren wurde. Als Dritte sehnlich zu gestalten. Mit kurzen mehr offenlegen als sie verhüllen. So im Bunde agiert Jennifer Garner als die Animationseinlagen sowie den einge- macht der 70er-Jahre Retro-Look wirk- Ärztin, die Ron unterstützt und dabei streuten Videoblogs wirkt der Film sehr lich Spaß! AMERICAN HUSTLE ist ein ihren Job aufs Spiel setzt. Alle drei ma- kurzweilig, nur den von Heynen ge- gelungenes Verwirrspiel um viel Geld, chen DALLAS BUYERS CLUB zu ei- sprochene Kommentar aus dem Off das Trickbetrüger ebenso auf den Plan nem sehenswerten Film, der das Thema hätte gerne emotionaler ausfallen dür- ruft wie Politiker und Mafiosi. Zu letz- AIDS wieder gegenwärtig werden lässt fen. terer Gattung gehört ein brillanter (und und uns klarmacht, dass der Kampf nicht genannter) Kurzauftritt von Ro- gegen diese Krankheit noch lange AMERICAN HUSTLE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) De Niro als Obermafioso Victor nicht ausgestanden ist. OT: American Hustle Tellegio. Mein Tipp: reingehen! Verleih: Tobis Donnerstag, 09. Januar 2014 Land/Jahr: USA 2013 TARZAN (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + Atmos) Vier auf einen Streich Regie: David O. Russell Verleih: Constantin Es gibt viel zu tun – packen wir’s an! Darsteller: , Bradley Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence Regie: Reinhard Klooss WER IST THOMAS MÜLLER? (1:2.35, Kinostart: 20.02.2014 5.1) Kinostart: 13.02.2014 Verleih: Camino Als der Helikopter mitsamt seinen El-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog tern und dem kleinen Greystoke mitten Verleih: NFP im afrikanischen Dschungel abstürzt Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Um seine finanzielle Misere zu mei- und er der einzige Überlebende ist, Regie: Arne Feldhusen stern, beginnt der leidenschaftliche nimmt ihn ein Gorillaweibchen in ihre Darsteller: Christoph Maria Herbst, Amateurfilmer Hans A. Pospiech mit Familie auf. Im Laufe vieler Jahre ent- Bjarne Mädel, Oliver K. Wnuk der Realisierung seines bislang größ- wickelt sich der kleine Junge zu Tarzan, Kinostart: 20.02.2014 ten Projektes: der Verfilmung von Adolf dem König des Dschungels. Eines Ta- Hitlers Privatleben. Das kann ja heiter ges entdeckt er Fremde, die den Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung werden – muss es aber nicht. Es Dschungel erforschen. Unter ihnen ist gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film “polt”ert wieder in deutschen Kinosä- die hübsche Jane, die ihm von Anfang erst ab 12.02.2014 auf len. Deutlich ergraut schlüpft Gerhard an den Kopf verdreht. Doch es sollen www.wolframhannemann.de Polt in die Rolle eines Amateurfilmers, noch viele Jahre und viele Abenteuer der sich zu Höherem berufen fühlt. Lei- vergehen, bevor sich die beiden fin- Freitag, 10. Januar 2014 der bleiben dabei die richtig witzigen den... Es mutet schon recht abenteuer- Drei hätt‘ ich noch... Einfälle auf der Strecke und der Film lich an, was Drehbuchautor und Regis- Eine anstrengende Pressewoche neigt zieht sich derart in die Länge, dass man seur Reinhard Klooss aus dem ur- sich dem Ende zu... nach gefühlten drei Stunden um Gnade sprünglichen Tarzan-Stoff für seinen in zu winseln beginnt. Ein indiskutables “Motion Capture”-Technik erstellten DIE POETIN (1:2.35, 5.1) Machwerk. Film gemacht hat. Viel vom Original ist OT: Flores Raras / Reaching For The da nicht übrig geblieben, was ja zu- Moon FÜNF FREUNDE 3 (1:1.85, DD 5.1) nächst nicht unbedingt ein Makel sein Verleih: Pandastorm (Neue Visionen) Verleih: Constantin muss. Neuinterpretationen sind stets Land/Jahr: Brasilien 2013 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 willkommen. Was an Klooss‘ Geschich- Regie: Bruno Barreto Regie: Mike Marzuk te jedoch ungemein stört ist die Tatsa- Darsteller: Miranda Otto, Glória Pires, Darsteller: Valeria Eisenbart, Quirin che, dass er den jungen Greystoke , Treat Williams Oettl, Justus Schlingensiepen nicht etwa im Babyalter, sondern erst Kinostart: 10.04.2014 Kinostart: 16.01.2014 als kleinen Jungen im Dschungel aus- setzt. Wenn er dann im Mannesalter Während einer Schaffenskrise be- Gemeinsam mit Onkel Quentin wollen nicht mehr sprechen kann und offen- schließt die New Yorkerin Elizabeth, George, Julian, Dick, Anne und Hund sichtlich zum ersten Mal im Leben ei- ihre Freundin Mary in Rio der Janeiro Timmy einen entspannten Urlaub auf nen Spiegel sieht, dann wirkt das ein- zu besuchen, um dort Inspiration für Thailand machen. Doch das Abenteuer fach lächerlich. So lächerlich, dass es ihre Lyrik zu finden. Als sie Marys Le- holt die Rasselbande wieder ein. Bei vermutlich sogar bei der Zielgruppe (8 bensgefährtin Lota, eine bekannte Ar- einem Tauchgang stoßen die Freunde bis 10 jährige) Fragen nach Sinn und chitektin, kennenlernt, beginnt zwi- auf einen alten Kompass, der sie an- Unsinn dieses Films aufwirft. Hinzu schen den beiden Frauen eine leiden- geblich zu einem Piratenschatz führen kommt die Erzählerstimme von Ben schaftliche Liebesaffäre... In wunder- kann... Alle Jahre wieder... Genau eine Becker, dessen Kommentierung der schönen Bildern erzählt Regisseur Bru- Jahr ist es her, dass die fünf Freunde Geschichte glattweg eine no Barreto die wahre Geschichte der ihr zweites großes Kinoabenteuer ab- Audiodeskription für Blinde sein könn- Pulitzerpreisträgerin Elizabeth Bishop geliefert haben. Nunmehr also folgt der te. Offensichtlich traut der Regisseur und der Architektin Lota de Macedo dritte Streich, der sich von seinen Vor- der Intelligenz seines Publikums nicht Soares, die sich Anfang der 1950er- gängern um nichts unterscheidet. Im- und meint, diesem alles vorkauen zu Jahre in Rio de Janeiro kennen- und merhin gibt es dieses Mal exotische müssen! Was man dem Film allerdings lieben lernten. In den Hauptrollen glän- Schauplätze zu sehen: Teil 3 wurde in zweifelsfrei konstatieren kann ist seine zen Miranda Otto als die fast schüch- Thailand gedreht. Ansonsten läuft al- überzeugende Technik. Klooss und terne Dichterin und Glória Pires als ihr les nach bewährtem Muster ab. Die seine Trickspezialisten treten hier den exaktes Pendent. Wer sinnlich-schönes Ganoven sind wie immer strohdoof, das Beweis an, dass moderne “Motion Kino mit opulenten Bildern mag, der ist Abenteuer der Jugendlichen dient ei- Capture”-Technik nicht zwangsläufig bei dieser Love Story gut aufgehoben. nem guten Zweck und Timmy, der nur in Übersee realisiert werden kann. Hund, ist der Retter in der Not. Für die Das extrem schwache Drehbuch ge- ...UND ÄKTSCHN! (1:2.35, 5.1) Zielgruppe der bis 12-jährigen gibt es paart mit überzeugender Technik könn- Verleih: Majestic (Fox) ein paar spannende Szenen (u.a. mit te ein Indiz dafür sein, dass es bei die- Land/Jahr: Österreich, Deutschland einem Hai) sowie eine haarsträubende ser Produktion tatsächlich um nichts 2013 Verfolgungsjagd. Am Ende siegt das anderes ging als diesen Beweis anzu- Regie: Frederick Baker Gute und die Bösen bekommen ihre treten. Darsteller: Gerhard Polt, Maximilian verdiente Strafe. Wie schön die Welt Brückner, Gisela Schneeberger doch sein kann! STROMBERG – DER FILM (1:1.85, 5.1) Kinostart: 06.02.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014 Blockbuster in die Schranken weist – wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Alles ver- Rasante Action in Zeitlupe und das in 2D! Äußerst schade, dass gebens. Heute habe ich mir den neuesten dieser Film hierzulande nicht in den Blockbuster aus Bollywood rein- IMAX-Kinos ausgewertet wird, so wie CHARLIE MARIANO – LAST VISITS gezogen... es in Indien selbst geschieht. (1:1.85, 5.1) Verleih: RealFiction DHOOM 3 (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Atmos) Montag, 13. Januar 2014 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 OT: Dhoom 3 Der Moderator und der Saxophonspieler Regie: Axel Engstfeld Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies Zur Einstimmung in die neue Woche Darsteller: Charlie Mariano, Dorothee Land/Jahr: Indien 2013 gleich ein kontrastreiches Doppel- Mariano, Mike Herting Regie: Vijay Krishna Acharya programm Kinostart: 13.02.2014 Darsteller: Aamir Khan, Kim DeJesus, Katrina Kaif, Abhishek Bachchan ANCHORMAN – DIE LEGENDE Er galt als einer der ganz Großen in der Kinostart: 09.01.2014 KEHRT ZURÜCK (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Jazz-Szene: der 1923 in Boston gebore- OT: Anchorman 2: The Legend ne Charlie Mariano, Sohn italienischer Chicago 1990. Weil die Bank ihm keinen Continues Einwanderer. “Entweder machst Du Kredit mehr für seinen “Great Indian Verleih: Paramount Musik oder lässt es bleiben” war sein Circus” gewährt, begeht Sahirs Vater Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Motto. Ein Zwischendrin gab es für ihn Selbstmord. Sahir schwört Rache. 23 Regie: Adam McKay nicht. Kein Anderer spielte das Saxo- Jahre später ist es soweit: mit spekta- Darsteller: Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, phon so wie Charlie. Regisseur Axel kulären Raubüberfällen auf zwei Filia- Paul Rudd Engstfeld hat der Jazz-Legende, die seit len will er die Bank in die Knie zwin- Kinostart: 30.01.2014 1971 in Europa lebte, jetzt einen Doku- gen. Die holt sich kurzerhand den Er- mentarfilm gewidmet. Darin porträtiert mittler Jai Dixit aus Mumbai zu Hilfe. Er Seine Frau macht Karriere, er fliegt er den im Jahre 2009 verstorbenen soll den mysteriösen Räuber stellen. beim Sender: Nachrichtensprecher Ron Mariano als einen Menschen, der voll Die Spur führt zum “Great Indian Cir- Burgundy hat die Nase voll und ver- und ganz für seine Musik lebte. In per- cus”, der nach zwei Jahrzehnten wieder schwindet von der Bildfläche. Eines sönlichen Gesprächen mit Mariano so- glanzvoll eröffnet werden soll... Tages jedoch erhält der politisch alles wie durch Interviews mit ihm naheste- DHOOM 3 ist typisch indisches Ac- andere als korrekt Burgundy eine neue henden Musikern erfährt man viel über tion-Kino. Für westliche Besucher Chance: bei GNN, dem ersten 24/7- seinen Werdegang, seinen Back- heisst das: bitte das Hirn an der Kino- Nachrichtensender will man ihn haben. ground. Privates wird dabei kaum be- kasse abgeben! Die Handlung ist derart Burgundy ist begeistert und trommelt leuchtet. Nur einmal darf die Kamera hanebüchen und strotzt vor Logik- seine alten Gefährten wieder zusam- ihn zur CT ins Krankenhaus begleiten. brüchen, als gelte es, einen neuen Re- men. Als die durchgeknallte Truppe Dafür aber gibt es viel Musikalisches kord aufzustellen. Durch den massiven jedoch erfährt, dass man sie in das zu sehen und zu hören, etwa Marianos Einsatz von Slow Motion wird der Film Nachtprogramm geschoben hat, sind Live-Auftritte in einem kleinen Kölner zudem ziemlich in die Länge gezogen. sie sauer und beschließen, nicht solche Jazzclub oder auf großer Bühne im Aber (und jetzt kommt’s!): die Technik Nachrichten zu senden, die die Zu- Theaterhaus in Stuttgart, wo er seinen ist absolut brillant! Hier waren - wie so schauer erfahren sollten, sondern sol- 85. Geburtstag feierte. Wer Jazz mag oft im Bollywood-Kino - wirkliche Pro- che, die sie erfahren möchten. Und da- und Mariano liebt, für den sollte Axel fis am Werk. Und so fasziniert der Film mit haben die Jungs sogar enormen Engstfelds Dokumentation Pflichtpro- von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute Erfolg... Hochachtung vor Paramount! gramm sein. durch seine grandiosen Bilder. Schau- Denn kein anderes Major-Studio würde spielerisch überzeugt vor allem Aamir es wohl wagen, diesen unterirdisch Dienstag, 14. Januar 2014 Khan in der Rolle des Meisterdiebs. schlechten Film in deutsche Kinos zu Der Film beginnt mit dem Ende Neben ihm wirkt selbst Abhishek liefern. Was nützt es Will Ferrell und Ein sensibel erzähltes Drama aus Bachchan, der den Part des Polizisten Steve Carell mit von der Partie zu ha- Deutschland stand heute auf dem Pro- übernimmt, fast wie ein Amateur. Mag ben, wenn das Drehbuch aus dem Ru- gramm man von den Action-Einlagen auch der läuft? Was eine Anarchokomödie halten was man will – die Belohnung zum Thema Nachrichten und Berichter- MEINE SCHWESTERN (1:1.85, 5.1) gibt es in Form einiger atemberauben- stattung hätte werden können, ergeht Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) der “Song & Dance”-Einlagen, die Mut sich letztendlich in arger Langeweile, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 zur Farbe bekennen. Insbesondere die der die Darsteller durch ihr überdrehtes Regie: Lars Kraume Tanzsequenz im Great Indian Circus ist Spiel zu entrinnen versuchen. Ganz am Darsteller: Nina Kunzendorf, Jördis derart spektakulär, dass sie durch ihre Ende gar werden noch schwere Ge- Triebel, Lisa Hagmeister räumliche Tiefe und die brillante Schär- schütze wie Will Smith und Jim Carrey Kinostart: 06.02.2014 fe jeden dreidimensionalen Hollywood- ins Manöver geschickt – und das im

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Mit einem Herzfehler kam sie bereits Darsteller: Molly Ephraim, Crystal auf die Welt. Jetzt steht die 30jährige Santos, Richard Cabral Linda vor einer weiteren Herzoperation. Kinostart: 02.01.2014 Krankenhäuser und OPs hat sie mittler- weile mehr als satt. Ob sie nach der Jesse und Hector sind beste Freunde in anstehenden OP wieder aufwachen einer kleinen Latino-Gemeinde in den wird, weiß sie nicht. Umso mehr aber USA. Ihre Tage verbringen die beiden weiß sie, was sie jetzt will: ein gemein- Teenager mit allerlei Action, die sie mit sames Wochenende mit ihren beiden einer Videokamera aufzeichnen. Als Schwestern. Es gelingt ihr tatsächlich, eines Tages Jesses Nachbarin in ihrer beide für einen Ausflug zu jenem Ort zu Wohnung umgebracht wird und sich überreden, an dem sich alle drei als die beiden Freunde daraufhin heimlich Kinder und Jugendliche glücklich fühl- am Tatort umsehen, beginnen unheil- ten: Tating an der Nordsee. Und da- volle Tage. Jesse erwacht mit einer my- nach weiter nach . Ein letztes Mal steriösen Bisswunde und verfügt über werden sich die Schwestern gemeinsam außergewöhnliche Kräfte... Waren es lachen, streiten und sich wieder vertra- zu Beginn der erfolgreichen gen... Lars Kraume lässt sein Drama mit PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Reihe noch dem Ende beginnen. Während sie in waschechte Geister, deren Tätigkeiten das Leichenschauhaus eines Kranken- mittels fixierten Überwachungskameras hauses transportiert wird, lässt er seine von den Protagonisten dokumentiert Hauptdarstellerin Linda post mortem zu wurden, so sind es mittlerweile Hexen- Wort kommen. Ihre Stimme klingt er- zirkel, deren gruselige Aktivitäten mit Dass sie ausgerechnet von ihrer alten leichtert, sie ist gut aufgelegt. Sie hat extremer Wackelkamera aufgezeichnet Mutter erfahren muss, dass ihr Gelieb- es hinter sich, das Leben. Mit ihren 30 werden. Allen PA-Filmen gemeinsam ist ter sich eine jüngere genommen hat, Jahren hat sie das von den Ärzten pro- der pseudo-dokumentarische Stil. Dass bringt für die reife Restaurantbesitzerin gnostizierte Alter genau um 30 Jahre es im aktuellen Film aber nicht mehr Bettie das Fass zum Überlaufen. Also überschritten! Jördis Triebel spielt die sonderlich funktioniert, liegt an den steigt sie einfach in ihr Auto, um allem Todeskandidatin, die genau weiß, unter dümmlichen Kommentaren der Haupt- davonzufahren: der Mutter, dem Gelieb- welcher Last ihre Schwestern ihretwil- akteure sowie deren hanebüchene ten und dem Schuldenberg, den ihr len leiden. Die ältere Katharina (ge- Handlungen. Der Film wäre weitaus Restaurant verursacht. Ziellos fährt sie spielt von Nina Kunzendorf) mimt spannender geworden, hätte sich das über das Land, schnorrt Zigaretten, schon zeitlebens die Starke, die jüngere Drehbuch darum bemüht, möglichst lässt sich auf einen One Night Stand Clara (gespielt von Lisa Hagmeister) authentisch zu bleiben. So gerät das ein. Als ihre Tochter sie telefonisch wurde immer nur verschont. ganze Unternehmen trotz der überzeu- darum bittet, ihren Sohn Charly zu des- Psycholgisch einfühlsam und stets genden visuellen Effekte sowie einer sen Großvater zu bringen, willigt sie nachvollziehbar schildert der Film Lin- recht imposanten Tonspur zur Farce. ein. Noch weiß sie nicht, was damit auf das letzte Tage, die sowohl von Tränen Schon lange nicht mehr hat man sich sie zukommt... In ihrem Film MADAME der Freude als auch der Trauer geprägt als Zuschauer gewünscht, dass die EMPFIEHLT SICH schickt Regisseurin sind. Nur einmal gibt sich der Film eine bösen Kräfte endlich den Emmanuelle Bercot die französische Blöße: nämlich dann, wenn Linda direkt Amateurvideofilmer zum Schweigen Leinwandlegende aus dem Urlaub kommend sofort in die bringen! auf einen der bezaubernsten Road OP geht. Das ist dramaturgisch gese- Trips der letzten Zeit. Die vielen zufälli- hen natürlich viel interessanter, als Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014 gen Begegnungen mit den unterschied- wenn Linda erst einmal einen Tag vor Das Leben geht weiter! lichsten Menschen, von denen manche ihrer Operation ins Krankenhaus ein- Mit dieser wundervollen Erkenntnis nur ganz kurz sind, andere etwas län- checkt. Aber wir wollen mal die Kirche endete die heutige Pressevorführung. ger, machen dabei den besonderen Reiz im Dorf lassen und verzeihen diesen des Films aus. Dabei sind diese Rollen dramaturgischen Kniff. MADAME EMPFIEHLT SICH (1:1.85, teilweise mit Laiendarstellern besetzt, DD 5.1) wodurch der Film unglaublich an Au- PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: DIE GE- OT: Elle S’En Va thentizität gewinnt. An der Seite von ZEICHNETEN (1:1.85, D 5.1) Verleih: Wild Bunch Madame Deneuve spielt der kleine OT: Paranormal Activity: The Marked Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Nemo Schiffmann, der Sohn von Regis- Ones Regie: Emmanuelle Bercot seurin Bercot. Und er macht seine Sa- Verleih: Paramount Darsteller: Catherine Deneuve, Nemo che absolut brillant. Wenn Nemo am Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Schiffman, Gerard Garouste Ende des Films seine Großmutter in den Regie: Christopher Landon Kinostart: 13.02.2014 Armen eines neuen Verehrers liegen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog sieht, verkündet er lauthals und über- Montag, 20. Januar 2014 ist. Ich zumindest habe mich während glücklich “Das Leben geht weiter!” und Leg Dich nie mit dem Air Marshal an! der Vorführung andauernd gefragt, wo- lässt damit die dem Film immer wieder Mit Action begann die neue Presse- hin denn die Reise gehen soll, was der anhaftende Melancholie einfach ver- woche Film erzählen will. Eine tiefere Erkennt- puffen. Ein schöneres Ende gibt es nis habe ich nicht gewonnen. Mag kaum! NON-STOP (1:2.35, DD 5.1) durchaus sein, dass die Romanvorlage OT: Non-Stop weitaus ergreifender ist als diese recht Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014 Verleih: Studiocanal schnöde Verfilmung. Und eine typisch Alternative Geburtstagsfeier Land/Jahr: USA 2014 amerikanische dazu: Liesels geheimes Die Woche endete so wie sie begonnen Regie: Jaume Collet-Serra Wörterbuch im Keller ist in Englisch, hatte: mit einem schlechten Film. Darsteller: Liam Neeson, Julianne Moo- ebenso die Bücher die sie liest, Plakate re, an Hauswänden indes sind in Deutsch. DEAD (1:2.35, 5.1) Kinostart: 13.03.2014 Man sollte keine Amerikaner Filme über Verleih: Aries Images (Barnsteiner) Nazi-Deutschland inszenieren lassen. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Regie: Sven Halfar gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014 Darsteller: Tilman Strauß, Thomas erst ab 26.02.2014 auf Von giftiger Erde und der großen Liebe Schendel, Judith Rosmair www.wolframhannemann.de. Das heutige Doppelprogramm bestand Kinostart: 13.02.2014 aus einer Dokumentation und einem Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014 Jugenddrama. Als seine Mutter mit einem Strick um Die Macht der Worte den Hals von der Wohnungsdecke bau- Es war mal wieder soweit: eine Kriegs- MITGIFT (1:1.85 & 1:1.33, 5.1) melt, beschließt Patrick, seinen unehe- geschichte stand auf der Tagesord- Verleih: Film Kino Text lichen Vater Reimund Borz zur Rede zu nung. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 stellen. Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Regie: Roland Blum Elmer sucht er diesen ausgerechnet an DIE BÜCHERDIEBIN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Kinostart: 06.03.2014 seinem 60. Geburtstag auf. Die Famili- OT: The Book Thief enfeier gerät aus dem Ruder, als auch Verleih: Fox Eigentlich wollte sich der Filmemacher noch Borz‘ anderer Sohn mitsamt sei- Land/Jahr: USA, Deutschland 2013 Roland Blum bei seinem Besuch im ner Mutter auftaucht... Der Film be- Regie: Brian Percival Osten der Republik kurz nach dem ginnt mit einem kurzen Prolog, der in Darsteller: Geoffrey Rush, Roger Allam, Mauerfall nur einige der wertvollen eine fetzig animierte Titelsequenz über- Sophie Nélisse, Heike Makatsch Kulturgüter anschauen und auf Film geht. Weitere 100 Minuten und leider Kinostart: 13.03.2014 bannen. Doch beim Anblick der prekä- gefühlte drei Stunden später ist das ren Zustände der Umwelt, wie sie sich Machwerk dann endlich zu Ende. Sven 1938, kurz vor Ausbruch des Zweiten ihm dort bot, entschied er sich anders. Halfar beweist mit seinem schrägen Weltkrieges, wird die kleine Liesel in Jetzt sollte sein Film die Umweltsünden Thriller-Drama auf beeindruckende die Obhut von Pflegeeltern gegeben: der Betriebe der ehemaligen DDR doku- Weise, dass es uns Deutschen einfach die forsche Rosa und der gutmütige mentieren. Das war 1990. 23 Jahre spä- nicht im Blut liegt, auf ganz cool zu Hans nehmen sie bei sich auf. Als ihre ter reiste Blum wieder an dieselben machen. DEAD ist so etwas wie ein neuen Eltern den jüdischen Flüchtling Drehorte und sprach wieder mit densel- Tarantino für Arme. Viel zu sehr an Max bei sich aufnehmen und verstek- ben Sachverständigen wie damals. Aus amerikanischen Vorbildern orientiert ken, freundet sich Liesel mit ihm an den Materialien von damals und heute wird hier ziemlich verkrampft versucht, und erlernt durch diesen Kontakt das entstand nun eine Art Bestandsaufnah- kultig zu sein. Das Unterfangen ist aber Lesen. Heimlich holt sie sich immer me die der Frage nachgeht, ob sich an von der ersten Sekunde an zum Schei- neue Bücher aus der Privatbibliothek der Qualität der Umwelt inzwischen tern verurteilt, da man offensichtlich des Bürgermeisters. Für Max und Liesel etwas verbessert oder gar verschlech- gar nicht erst versucht, das einge- wird die Macht und die Magie der Wör- tert hat. Bitterfeld ist einer der Anlauf- schränkte Budget zu kaschieren. Extrem ter zur einzigen Möglichkeit, den Ge- punkte seiner Dokumentation, eine zähe Dialoge und Schauspieler, die wir- schehnissen um sie herum zu entflie- Hochburg umweltvergiftender Indu- ken, als wären sie im falschen Film, hen... Erzählt wird uns diese Geschich- striebetriebe. Sie alle gibt es heute machen die Sache auch nicht besser. te aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg vom Tod nicht mehr, auch nicht die berühmte Fazit: untaugliche Kinokost. höchstpersönlich, dem Ben Becker sei- ORWO Filmfabrik. Zurückgeblieben ist ne Stimme leiht. Auch wenn sie teilwei- aber die von den Einheimischen se sehr berührend erscheint (hier lei- “Silbersee” getaufte Kloake, gefüllt mit stet Komponist John Williams ganze Umweltgiften aller Art. Blum zeigt in Arbeit!), kann sie leider nicht darüber seinem Film etliche solcher Umwelt- hinwegtäuschen, dass sie recht banal verbrechen, holt Sachverständige vor

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog die Kamera. Zumindest tut er das in der monisch in die Geschichte einfügen. In Integration von echtem Staub zwischen ersten Hälfte seines Films. Danach je- ihnen lässt sich Glück und Verzweif- die Leinwand und den Bilderrahmen. doch kippt die Dokumentation, die jetzt lung wunderbar ablesen, es bedarf oft Wolfgang Beltracchi offenbart sich hier plötzlich u.a. eine Uhrenfabrik als Aus- keiner erklärenden Worte. Der sorgfäl- als ein sehr umgänglicher und äußerst hängeschild für den Neubeginn prä- tig ausgesuchte und platzierte souveräner Künstler, der automatisch sentiert. Vom ursprünglichen Ansinnen Soundtrack tut ein Übriges. Fazit: se- alle Sympathien auf sich zieht. Selbst ist hier nichts mehr zu spüren, der Film henswertes Jugenddrama mit hervorra- der Kriminalbeamte, der gegen ihn er- versandet. genden Darstellern. mitteln musste, spricht mit Hochach- tung von diesem Menschen. Und SUZANNE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014 Beltracchi selber hält mit seiner Mei- OT: Suzanne Ein sympathischer Fälscher und singende nung über sich selber nicht hinterm Verleih: Arsenal Kriegsheimkehrer Berg: seine Bilder seien besser als die Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Erst eine Doku, danach Herz-Schmerz Bilder der Meister, weil er sie ja in de- Regie: Katell Quillévéré mit Song & Dance... ren Sinne weiterentwickelt und perfek- Darsteller: Sara Forestier, François tioniert hat. Arne Birkenstocks Film ist Damiens, Adèle Haenel BELTRACCHI – DIE KUNST DER zugleich eine amüsante Betrachtung Kinostart: 20.03.2014 FÄLSCHUNG (1:1.85, 5.1) über die Kunstszene und deren selbst- Verleih: Senator ernannte Experten, die Beltracchi – Seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter führen die Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 wenn auch illegal – in ihre Schranken beiden unzertrennlichen Schwestern Regie: Arne Birkenstock gewiesen hat. Hut ab! Suzanne und Maria ein einfaches Le- Kinostart: 06.03.2014 ben zusammen mit ihrem Papa. Mit 17 SUNSHINE ON LEITH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Jahren wird Suzanne schwanger, einen Seit es ihn gibt, ist in der Kunstszene OT: Sunshine On Leith Vater gibt es nicht. Mit dem kleinen nichts mehr so wie es einmal war: Wolf- Verleih: Senator Charlie wird aus der dreiköpfigen eine gang Beltracchi ist ein wahres Genie, Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2013 vierköpfige Familie. Suzanne selbst wenn es um das Fälschen von Bildern Regie: Dexter Fletcher jedoch ist hin- und hergerissen zwi- geht. Über viele Jahre hat er die Kunst- Darsteller: Jason Flemyng, Peter schen ihrem kleinen Sohn und einem szene mit verloren geglaubten Bildern Mullan, Antonia Thomas freien Leben. Als sie dem halbseidenen “beliefert” und dafür Millionen kas- Kinostart: 03.07.2014 Julien begegnet, ist es um sie gesche- siert. Irgendwann jedoch ist der ganze hen: er ist ihre große Liebe. Gemeinsam Schwindel aufgeflogen und brachten Die Kumpels Ally und Davy kommen brennt sie mit ihm durch und lässt ihr dem Künstler sechs Jahre Gefängnis nach ihrem Kriegsdienst in Afghani- bisheriges Leben hinter sich – auch ein. Arne Birkenstock porträtiert in sei- stan wieder zurück in ihre Heimat den kleinen Charlie... Im Grunde ge- nem Film jenen Mann, dem die Bilder Edinburgh. Ally ist schon ewig mit nommen ist Katell Quillévérés ein Film einfach so aus der Hand laufen. Alle Davys Schwester Liz befreundet und über die große Liebe. Zumindest be- großen Meister hat er so gekonnt imi- Liz macht ihren Bruder mit ihrer Kolle- stimmt sie Suzannes Schicksal, das tiert, dass Sammler und Galerien keinen gin Yvonne bekannt. Gemeinsam ziehen wahrhaftig alles andere als einfach ist. Zweifel an ihrer Echtheit hegten. die vier durch ihr Viertel und lassen es Die Regisseurin und Drehbuchautorin Birkenstocks Kamera beobachtet den sich gut gehen. Alles ändert sich je- versteht sich darauf, diese Geschichte Fälscher bei seiner Arbeit, die er in sei- doch auf der Silberhochzeit von Liz‘ so zu erzählen, dass sie immer span- nem Atelier aufgrund des offenen Voll- und Davys Eltern. Dort erfährt nicht nend bleibt. Der Trick dabei ist das zugs ausüben darf. Jetzt natürlich unter nur die Mutter von der unehelichen Auslassen ganzer Jahre. So wird dem seinem eigenen Namen. Auktionatoren, Tochter ihres Gemahls, auch Ally erlebt Zuschauer die Geburt des kleinen Char- Sammler, Galeristen, Kunsthistoriker – einen Schock: als er um Liz‘ Hand an- lie ebenso vorenthalten wie die Flucht Birkenstock hat einige von den Betro- hält, erhält er eine Abfuhr... Ähnlich der Liebenden vor der Polizei. Solche genen vor die Kamera geholt und lässt dem Musical MAMMA MIA wurde auch Szenen wurden nach Aussage der Fil- sie sowohl ihren Unmut als auch ihre SUNSHINE ON LEITH unter Verwen- memacherin sowieso schon zur Genüge Bewunderung gegenüber Beltracchi dung bereits vorhandener Songs aus im Kino gezeigt. Da ist es viel spannen- zum Ausdruck bringen. In nachgestell- der Taufe gehoben. Waren es bei der zu zeigen, wie sehr Suzannes Ab- ten Szenen dürfen wir auch erleben, mit MAMMA MIA die Songs von ABBA, so wesenheit das Leben der Anderen welch genial einfachen Tricks der sind es bei SUNSHINE ON LEITH be- beeinflusst. Mit Sara Forestier in der Meisterbetrüger gearbeitet hat, um sei- kannte Songs des schottischen Rolle der Suzanne und Adèle Haenel in ne Bilder als echt zu verkaufen. Das Zwillingsduos “The Proclaimers”, die der Rolle der Maria hat der Film eine fängt bei gestellten Fotos an, die ein in den 1980er-Jahren entstanden. Die traumhafte und vor allem sehr überzeu- angeblich altes Familienmitglied zeigen, Bühnenversion des Musicals wurde im gende Besetzung gefunden – beides das vor den vermeintlich verschollenen Jahre 2007 uraufgeführt und hatte in unverbrauchte Gesichter, die sich har- Bildern posiert, und es endet mit der Schottland einen solchen Erfolg, dass

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog sich jetzt Schauspieler Dexter Fletcher wohnheim, in das auch Nelly mit ihrem an eine Verfilmung wagte. Und die kann Sohn Alexej einquartiert werden, nach- Als seine Mutter Rosie einen Schlag- man durchaus als gelungen bezeich- dem sie aus dem Osten der Republik in anfall erleidet, kommt ihr Sohn Lorenz nen. Vor der großartigen Kulisse den Westen übersiedeln durften. Jetzt aus seiner Wahlheimat Berlin zurück in Edinburghs lässt Fletcher seine Prot- gilt es erst einmal alle 14 Stempel zu die Schweiz, um sich gemeinsam mit agonisten alle Songs selber singen, bekommen, die für eine Einbürgerung seiner Schwester Sophie um sie zu kleidet sie nicht in Hollywood-Kleider im Westen notwendig sind, zu erlan- kümmern. Lorenz, eigentlich gerade oder macht sie sonstwie schöner. Ganz gen. Das aber ist ein echter Kraftakt. inmitten einer Lesereise für sein neues im Gegenteil: die Sets wirken sehr au- Denn Nelly scheitert bereits bei den Buch, hat jedoch nicht mit der Dick- thentisch und könnten glattweg aus alliierten Geheimdiensten. Die nämlich köpfigkeit seiner Mutter gerechnet, die einem Sozialdrama von Ken Loach ent- glauben ihr nicht, dass der Vater ihres jetzt sämtliche Pläne kurzerhand über liehen sein. Die Geschichte, die erzählt Kindes, ein sowjetischer Atomphysiker, den Haufen wirft und sich partout wei- wird, ist sehr einfach gestrickt – es tatsächlich bei einem Unfall ums Leben gert, in ein Heim umzusiedeln. Zu allem geht um die Liebe, um Gefühle, um gekommen ist. Nellys Kampf gegen die Überfluss trifft er auf den wesentlich Glück, aber auch um Trauer. Die Songs westdeutsche Bürokratie und Obrigkeit jüngeren Mario, der dem homosexuel- vermitteln die unterschiedlichen Stim- wird immer verzweifelter... Eindringlich len Schriftsteller eindeutige Avancen mungslagen sehr schön und der Film führt Regisseur Christian Schwochow macht. Und damit nicht genug: in ange- mündet in eine gelungene und mitreis- in seinem Film dem Zuschauer vor Au- heitertem Zustand macht Rosie Andeu- sende “Flash Mob”-Interpretation des gen, welche Demütigungen Menschen tungen über Lorenz‘ Vater, welche sei- Klassikers “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)”. über sich haben ergehen lasen müssen, nen Blick auf die Familie völlig auf den So extrem gut diese Tanznummer in das wenn ihnen die Ausreise aus der DDR Kopf stellen... Vom Verleih als witzige Musical passt, so schwer tut sich der gestattet wurde. Nicht einmal ihren Komödie kommuniziert, entpuppte sich Anfang, der in Afghanistan spielt und Ring darf Nelly anbehalten – sie muss diese Schweizer Produktion als wasch- mit einer Bombenexplosion endet und sich splitterfasernackt ausziehen. Diese echtes Drama. Hier geht es nicht nur damit Glauben macht, dass es in den Willkür des DDR-Regimes ist hinläng- um das Aufdecken einer Lebenslüge, folgenden 100 Minuten um eine Anti- lich bekannt. Doch Schwochow geht in sondern gleichzeitig auch noch um den Kriegs-Botschaft handeln wird. Doch seinem spannenden Drama einen Umgang mit alten Menschen. Natürlich den Bezug zu jener Szene gibt es nur in Schritt weiter und prangert die Zustän- ist es lustig, wenn Sibylle Brunner in Form des kriegsverletzten Kumpels, de im Westen Ende der siebziger Jahre der Rolle der Rosie ihr loses Mundwerk den Ally in der Reha-Klinik besucht. ebenso an. Denn das Lagerleben, das vom Stapel lässt, doch ihre Sprüche Punkt. Schluss. Damit steht die Er- auf die Übersiedler in der BRD wartete, sind nur die Oberfläche einer viel tie- öffnungssequenz in krassem Gegensatz war alles andere als ein Zuckerschlek- fergehenden Wahrheit. So bleibt einem zur nachfolgenden Love-Story und ken. Jördis Triebel spielt die Nelly so dann noch der ein oder andere Gag im verliert damit vollkommen an Bedeu- überzeugend, dass man förmlich mit ihr Halse stecken. Vermutlich auch des- tung. Fazit: wer Musicals mag, der soll- leidet, wenn sie ohne eigenes Zutun halb, weil es einem so leicht fällt, in te den Besuch des Films wagen. Aber immer tiefer in einen Strudel von Ver- Rosie auch Charakterzüge der eigenen bitte nicht zögern – der Film wird in dächtigungen gerissen wird und sie auf Mutter zu entdecken. Zwar findet der deutschen Kinos nicht lange laufen. eine Katastrophe zuzusteuern droht. Film am Schluss für alle Protagonisten Die CinemaScope-Bilder von Kamera- ein einvernehmliches Ende, entlässt Freitag, 24. Januar 2014 mann Frank Lamm stehen im krassen den Zuschauer aber trotzdem nach- Der Westen ist auch nicht besser Gegensatz zur Enge der Unterkunft und denklich in die eigene Wirklichkeit. Zum Wochenausklang noch zwei Fil- den Räumlichkeiten der Behörden, me... überhöhen dadurch aber das ohnmäch- Montag, 27. Januar 2014 tige Gefühl, dem die Protagonistin aus- Giorgio wird ein schwarzer Bruder und WESTEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) geliefert ist. Den emotionalen Rahmen Felix wird Vater Verleih: Senator liefert die gelungene Filmmusik von Der Beginn meiner Kinowoche stand Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Lorenz Dangel. Ein düsterer, heute ganz im Zeichen deutscher Kost. Regie: Christian Schwochow klaustrophobischer und höchst bemer- Darsteller: Jördis Triebel, Tristan kenswerter Film. DIE SCHWARZEN BRÜDER (1:2.35, Göbel, Alexander Scheer, Jacky Ido DD 5.1) Kinostart: 27.03.2014 ROSIE (1:1.85, 5.1) Verleih: Studiocanal Verleih: Kool Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz 2013 “Entweder kommst Du schon in den Land/Jahr: Schweiz 2013 Regie: Xavier Koller ersten Tagen hier heraus oder Du bist Regie: Marcel Gisler Darsteller: Fynn Henkel, Moritz Bleib- hier gefangen”. Hans weiß wovon er Darsteller: Sibylle Brunner, Fabian treu, Richy Müller spricht. Seit zwei Jahren schon lebt der Krüger, Sebastian Ledesma Kinostart: 17.04.2014 DDR-Flüchtling im Asylanten- Kinostart: 27.03.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Das Tessin im 19. Jahrhundert. Damit Künstler Dienstag, 28. Januar 2014 seine verletzte Mutter ärztliche Hilfe Darsteller: Matthias Schweighöfer, Wie Mary Poppins entstand und woher der bekommt, wird der kleine Giorgio von Friedrich Mücke, Isabell Polak Tango kommt seinem Vater an den finsteren Antonio Kinostart: 06.02.2014 Mit meinem Dienstags-Film-Menü war Luini verkauft, der ihn und etliche an- ich zufrieden dere Jungen nach Mailand mitnimmt. Unglückliche Umstände sowie ein fre- Dort verkauft er die wehrlosen Kinder ches Frettchen sorgen dafür, dass Felix SAVING MR. BANKS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) als Hilfsburschen an die örtlichen keine Kinder mehr zeugen kann. Nicht OT: Saving Mr. Banks Kaminfegermeister. Es gibt nicht viel zu dass der eingefleischte Single das je- Verleih: Walt Disney essen und das wenige Trinkgeld, das mals wollte. Doch wie es eben oft so Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Giorgio für die harte Arbeit bekommt, ist, wenn man etwas nicht mehr hat Regie: John Lee Hancock wird ihm auf der Straße von einer oder kann, dann will man es unbedingt Darsteller: , Tom Jugendbande, den “Wölfen”, wieder haben. Und so keimt in Felix quasi über Hanks, Paul Giamatti abgenommen. Als er seinen alten Nacht der Wunsch, Familienvater zu Kinostart: 06.03.2014 Freund Alfredo wieder trifft, weiht der werden. Nur gut, dass der an notori- ihn in ein Geheimnis ein: alle schem Geldmangel leidende Felix sei- Schon seit 20 Jahren versucht Produ- Kaminfegerjungen haben sich zu den nen Samen noch vor dem unglückli- zent Walt Disney, den Wusnch seiner “Schwarzen Brüdern” zusammenge- chen Unfall einer Samenbank gespen- Kinder zu erfüllen und MARY POPPINS schlossen. Gemeinsam wollen sie ge- det hat. Mit Hilfe seines einfältigen auf die Leinwand zu bringen. Doch gen die “Wölfe” Front machen... Grau Bruders gelingt es ihm herauszufinden, Romanautorin P.L. Travers weigerte in grau fängt Kameramann Felix von wer den Samen erhalten hat: ausge- sich bislang hartnäckig, ihre Rechte an Muralt das 19. Jahrhundert mit einen rechnet jene Sportreporterin, mit der er Hollywood abzutreten. Als die Dame Bildern ein und gibt damit der Verfil- schon des öfteren unfreiwillig zusam- mittleren Alters jedoch knapp bei Kas- mung des Jugendbuches von Lisa mengestoßen ist, ist jetzt mit seiner se ist, lässt sie sich auf einen Deal ein: Tetzner und Kurt Held ihre deprimie- Frucht schwanger. Soll er ihr gestehen, zwei Wochen lang soll sie zusammen rende Grundstimmung. So wird das dass er der Vater ist, auch wenn Maren mit dem Drehbuchautor und den Song- triste Leben der zu harter Arbeit ge- mit einem Mann zusammenlebt? - Und schreibern in gemeinsam zwungenen Kaminfegerjungen den Zu- wieder grinst der Schweighöfer als gel- das Drehbuch entwickeln. Erst wenn es schauern plastisch vor Augen geführt. te es, die gesamte Breite der ihr gefällt, soll sie ihre Rechte an Dis- Aus den engen Gassen Mailands gibt CinemaScope-Bildwand zu füllen. Zu- ney abtreten. Noch ahnen die Filmema- es scheinbar kein Entrinnen. Aber eben gegeben: das kann er wirklich gut. Auf cher nicht, auf was sie sich da einlas- auch nur scheinbar, wäre da nicht die der anderen Seite jedoch fühlt sich sen... 50 Jahre ist es her, dass MARY Freundschaft und Solidarität zwischen auch dieser Film wieder so an, als wäre POPPINS in die Kinos kam. Grund ge- den Jungen. Sie gibt den Burschen es noch immer derselbe Film, in dem nug, um endlich einmal zu zeigen, unter einen Halt und auch die Kraft, sich Schweighöfer seit Anbeginn seiner welchen Umständen Walt Disneys nicht unterkriegen zu lassen. Mit einem Komödienkarriere agieren würde. Un- Klassiker für die Kinoleinwand adap- jungen, spielfreudigen Ensemble hat terscheidungsmerkmale zwischen den der österreichische Regisseur Xavier einzelnen Filmen sind praktisch nur Koller den Roman für die große Lein- deren Titel. Alles andere ist Stangen- wand umgesetzt. Moritz Bleibtreu mimt ware. Die übrigens stets mit einem den Bad Guy in diesem Spiel. In der Songteppich zugekleistert wird, um den Rolle des Antonio Luini darf er seine Abverkauf von Soundtrack-CDs zu dunkle Seite präsentieren – was ihm fördern. Wie dem auch sei – so richtig übrigens sehr überzeugend gelingt. witzig ist auch VATERFREUDEN nicht. Erheblichen Anteil am Gelingen des Abgesehen von ein paar ganz wenigen Abenteuerfilms hat die Musik von Balz coolen Sprüchen gibt es für Lach- Bachmann, die genau richtig dosiert muskeln nicht viel zu holen. Ganz da- Spannung und Tempo auf die Tonspur von abgesehen, dass man Matthias zaubert. DIE SCHWARZEN BRÜDER Schweighöfer den Typen mit Familien- ist gute sowie pädagogisch wertvolle wunsch zu keiner Sekunde abnimmt. Unterhaltung für Kinder bis 14 Jahren. Zur Ehrenrettung des Films sei aber gesagt, dass ich nicht (mehr) zur Ziel- VATERFREUDEN – DIE EINEN SO, DIE gruppe gehöre und vielleicht deswegen ANDEREN SO (1:2.35, 5.1) die Botschaft nicht verstanden habe. Verleih: Warner Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Regie: Matthias Schweighöfer, Torsten

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog tiert wurde. Denn seine Entstehung ist wurde, sondern ursprünglich aus Finn- ebenso spannend wie das Musical land stammt und über Uruquay seinen selbst, wie man schon bald feststellen Weg nach Argentinien gefunden hat. kann. Das “Making of” spielt sich da- So eine Aussage kratzt natürlich an der bei auf zwei Zeitebenen ab, die sich argentinischen Seele, ist diese doch immer wieder abwechseln: 1906 begeg- ohne den Tango nicht vorstellbar! Also nen wir im australischen Outback der beschließen drei eingefleischte Tango- Familie Goff, 1961 in Los Angeles der Profis aus Buenos Aires, höchstper- Romanautorin P.L. Travers und Holly- sönlich vor Ort in finnischen Landen wood-Produzent Walt Disney. Beide nachzuforschen. Filmemacherin Viviane Geschichten, obgleich durch viele Jahr- Blumenschein hat die drei Musiker bei zehnte getrennt, bewegen sich aufein- ihrem “Culture Clash” begleitet. Vorbe- ander zu. Nach und nach fügen sich die halte gibt es dabei auf beiden Seiten: beiden Handlungsstränge zu einem die heissblütigen Latinos haben von großen Ganzen zusammen und man der Redeunlust der Finnen gehört, die beginnt, die Hintergründe zu verste- Finnen haben Angst vor dem Tempera- hen. Dank einer großartigen Emma ment der Argentinier. Doch das Zusam- Thompson mit perfektem Queen’s mentreffen beider Kulturen im Land der English bleibt man die ganze Zeit am tausend Seen und Wälder verläuft bes- Ball und schmunzelt über die Eigenhei- ser als erwartet. Vereint durch das ge- ten der P.L. Travers, trotz derer oder meinsame Interesse an der Musik fin- vielleicht gerade wegen derer man sie det ein reger Informationsaustausch ins Herzen schließt. Man hat sogar statt, man nimmt sogar Gesangsstun- Agent Jack Ryan an die geheimen Da- Mitleid mit Walt Disney, der nie die den bei einer finnischen Musiklehrerin. ten des russischen Oligarchen Viktor Fassung verliert ob der widerborstigen So ist der amüsante Dokumentarfilm Cherevin herankommen, der offensicht- Autorin. Dass sich wohl alles tatsäch- weit weniger ein Film darüber gewor- lich einen Terroranschlag in den USA lich so zugetragen hat, wie im Film ge- den, wird denn nun den Tango erfun- plant. Kaum in Moskau angekommen, schildert, demonstriert Regisseur John den hat, als vielmehr ein Film über zwei gibt es schon den ersten Toten in Lee Hancock während des Abspanns sich fremden Kulturen, die sich über Ryans Hotelzimmer. Richtig brenzlig seines Films. Denn dort gibt es die die gemeinsame Schnittmenge, nämlich wird es aber erst, als Ryans Verlobte Originaltonbandaufnahmen zu hören, die Musik, gegenseitig kennen und ebenfalls nach Moskau reist. Sie ahnt die während der Drehbuchentwicklung respektieren lernen. Und wer gerne nichts von Ryans geheimer Tätigkeit im Beisein von P.L. Travers entstanden noch mehr davon hätte, der sollte den für den CIA und vermutet stattdessen sind. Ein besonderes Augenmerk (oder Worten von Aki Kaurismäki lauschen, eine Affäre... Mit JACK RYAN: besser: gute Ohren) verdient die Film- der eingangs erwähnt, dass ja auch der SHADOW RECRUIT könnte Regisseur musik von Thomas Newman, der hier Walzer aus Finnland stammt und von jetzt so etwas wie wieder einmal alle Register zieht, um den Österreichern gestohlen wurde. das Kapitel “Jack Ryan – Seine wilden dem Film seinen gefühlsmäßigen Unter- Sollte sich hier bereits eine Fortset- Jahre” in der Jack-Ryan-Reihe auf- bau zu geben. Für diesen Score wäre zung ankündigen? schlagen. Der von Chris Pine verkör- eigentlich ein Oscar fällig! Fazit: wer perte CIA-Agent ist nach Alec MARY POPPINS mag, der sollte sich Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2014 Baldwin, Harrison Ford und Matt diesen Film unbedingt anschauen – alle Rendezvous in Moskau Damon deutlich jünger als die bisheri- Anderen auch. Mit der heutigen Pressevorführung gen Inkarnationen des Super-Agenten wurde ein neues Kapitel in der Jack- und zeitlich noch vor Ryans Heirat an- MITTSOMMERNACHTSTANGO Ryan-Serie aufgeschlagen. gesiedelt. Im Abspann ist auch klar zu (1:1.85, 5.1) lesen “Based on Characters created by Verleih: Neue Visionen JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT Tom Clancy”. Will heissen: der Roman- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Finnland, Ar- (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) autor hält hier nur die Hand für das gentinien 2012 OT: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Geld auf, hat aber sonst nichts damit zu Regie: Viviane Blumenschein Verleih: Paramount tun. Objektiv betrachtet handelt es sich Kinostart: 13.03.2014 Land/Jahr: USA 2013 bei dem neuen Film um einen vollkom- Regie: Sir Kenneth Branagh men beliebigen Agentenfilm, bei dem Wer hat’s erfunden? Stolz präsentiert Darsteller: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, der Protagonist wie in vielen anderen sich Finnlands größter Exportschlager, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Keira Knightley Filmen zuvor die westliche Welt vor der Filmregisseur Aki Kaurismäki, der Kinostart: 27.02.2014 dem Chaos retten muss. Der kalte Krieg Kamera und verkündet, dass der Tango ist vorbei – es lebe der kalte Krieg! nicht etwa in Argentinien erfunden In einer verdeckten Operation soll CIA- Aber Filme wie diesen sollte man tun-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog lichst nicht objektiv beurteilen, denn schnell wieder aus dem Blickfeld ver- ein paar Tage soll er in die Haut des damit würde man ihn des ganzen Spa- schwunden wie er aufgetaucht ist. Politikers schlüpfen. Dass Giovanni, ßes berauben. Und Spaß soll es ja ma- Auch der ständige Wechsel zwischen ein exzentrischer Philosoph, zuvor in chen, die große Tüte Popcorn samt München und Torremolinos nervt auf einer Nervenheilanstalt zuhause war, Softgetränk in weniger als zwei Stun- die Dauer. Ich weiß: hier ist mir vermut- gibt dem Mitarbeiter zwar zu denken, den zu vernichten. Wer also noch nicht lich einmal mehr hohe Filmkunst unter doch erweist sich die Aktion als genia- genug hat von Agentenfilmen mit die Augen gekommen ohne dass ich es ler Schachzug. Während sich der echte hanebüchenen Actionsequenzen und bemerkt habe. Beneidenswert wem ein Politiker mit seiner einstigen Geliebten Logikbrüchen, der sollte sich den neu- solcher Film tatsächlich gefällt. in Paris amüsiert und sich am Ende gar en Jack Ryan ruhig ansehen. Die sehr noch als Requisitenhelfer bei einem dynamische Tonspur sorgt dafür, dass VIVA LA LIBERTA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Film betätigt, mischt Giovanni die ge- man immer rechtzeitig die Augen von OT: Viva La Libertà samte italienische Politik auf... Was für der Begleitung nimmt und gen Bild- Verleih: Arsenal ein vortreffliches Szenario! Da wird der wand richtet. Passt. Land/Jahr: Italien 2013 depressive Oppositionsführer einfach Regie: Roberto Andò durch dessen verrückten Zwillingsbru- Freitag, 31. Januar 2014 Darsteller: Toni Servillo, Valerio Mast- der ersetzt und schon läuft alles besser Ein Verrückter mischt die Politik auf andrea, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi in der Politik. Also: nur wer verrückt Eine deutsche Dramödie und eine ita- Kinostart: 27.02.2014 ist, wechselt in die Politik. Mit VIVA lienische Komödie ließen heute die LA LIBERTA hat Regisseur Roberto Pressewoche ausklingen. Als sich der Oppositionsführer Enrico Andò seinen eigenen Roman verfilmt Oliveri angesichts sinkender Umfrage- und hat ihn mit Toni Servillo perfekt ALLES INKLUSIVE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) werte heimlich aus dem Staub macht, besetzt – und das gleich doppelt. Verleih: Constantin hat sein engster Mitarbeiter eine genia- Servillo spielt die beiden Zwillingsbrü- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 le Idee: damit die Krise nicht an die der absolut brillant und gibt ihnen da- Regie: Doris Dörrie Öffentlichkeit kommt, holt er Oliveris bei noch ganz subtile Unterschei- Darsteller: Hannelore Elsner, Nadja Uhl, Zwillingsbruder Giovanni zu Hilfe. Für dungsmerkmale. Hinnerk Schönemann, Axel Prahl Kinostart: 06.03.2014

Während sich ihre Mutter auf Torremolinos von einer Hüftoperation erholt, quält sich Apple in München mit ihrem Hund Dr. Freud herum, der ebenfalls eine Hüftoperation benötigt. Apple bandelt mit dem Tierarzt an, ihre Mutter Ingrid mit einem Berliner. Als der Transvestit Tim/Tina als Animateur im Strandhotel auftaucht, holt Ingrid eine traurige Vergangenheit ein, die auch bald schon Auswirkungen auf ihre Tochter hat... Dass am Ende sogar noch der Hund Dr. Freud einen Selbst- mordversuch wagt, ist symptomatisch für diesen Film, den die Regisseurin nach ihrem eigenen Roman inszeniert hat! Der ständig zwischen Komödie und Tragödie wandernde Film ist mit knapp zwei Stunden nicht nur zu lang geraten, er verwirrt zudem den Zu- schauer. Was soll beispielsweise jene kurze Episode, in der sich Hannelore Elsner eines schwarzen Boots- flüchtlings annimmt? Der ist genauso

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Dir. Terry Klassen raus (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Animation Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 74min. Gummi T Universal Pictures (Universal) Dir. Michael Hegner 20.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 83min. Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero - Die 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057506 polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057946 komplette erste Staffel (3 Discs) Bella Sara - Emma Roland und Hagure Yuusha No Estetica ihr magisches Pferd Wings (Blu- Inspector Gadget - Die komplette Dir. Rion Kujo Zeichentrick/Action 300min. ray) erste Staffel (10 Discs) FilmConfect Home Entertainment Emma’s Wings: A Bella Sara Tale Inspector Gadget 24.01.2014 Dir. Brian Duchscherer Dir. Bruno Bianchi, Dave Cox, Edouard 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057425 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 76min. David, Raymond Jafelice, Ken Stephenson WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 28.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983-1986 Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero - Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057944 1950min. komplette erste Staffel (3 Discs) MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Die Biber Brüder - Die komplette Products) 14.02.2014 (Blu-ray) Serie (9 Discs, Limitierte Deluxe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057795 Hagure Yuusha No Estetica Dir. Rion Kujo Edition) Jin-Roh The Angry Beavers Zeichentrick/Action 312min. Jin-Roh FilmConfect Home Entertainment 3D Magnetkarten, Poster, Postkarten, Sticker Zeichentrick/Komödie 1997-2001 1400min. Dir. Hiroyuki Okiura 24.01.2014 Turbine Media Group 07.02.2014 Wendecover 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057438 Thriller/Zeichentrick 1999 102min. 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057595 Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 28.03.2014 Alles Trick 10 Die Biene Maja - DVD 09 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057938 Dir. Tomás Petrán Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff Trailer Jin-Roh (Blu-ray) (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2003 104min. Jin-Roh Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 84min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.02.2014 Dir. Hiroyuki Okiura 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057914 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Wendecover 21.03.2014 Thriller/Zeichentrick 1999 106min. Alles Trick 11 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057592 Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 28.03.2014 Dir. Boris Deshkin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057947 Kurzfilm Die Biene Maja - DVD 10 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1967 61min. Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff JoNaLu - DVD 2 ICESTORM Entertainment 17.02.2014 (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) Jonalu 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057915 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 72min. Dir. Nina Wels, Konrad Weise, Anja Hans- Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) mann Angelina Ballerina - Paula, die 21.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010 min. Walzer-Prinzessin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057593 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps 14.03.2014 Dir. Davis Doi Dino-Zug - Allerbeste Freunde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057811 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 60min. Dinosaur Train Strategic Entertainment Wendecover Keinohrhase und Zweiohrküken Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 Dir. Maya Gräfin Rothkirch, Til Schweiger STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057918 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 72min. Germany 27.03.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057876 XIII: Tartaros/Ouranos 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057745 Appurushîdo Dino-Zug - In der großen Stadt Dir. Takayuki Hamana Keinohrhase und Zweiohrküken Dinosaur Train Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2011 163min. Wendecover (+ Hase) Universum Film(Universum Anime) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Dir. Maya Gräfin Rothkirch, Til Schweiger 21.03.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 72min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057813 Germany 27.03.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057877 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057746 Appleseed XIII: Tartaros/Ouranos (Blu-ray) Feuerwehrmann Sam - Box 2 (2 Keinohrhase und Zweiohrküken Appurushîdo Discs) (+ Küken) Dir. Takayuki Hamana Fireman Sam - The New Series Dir. Maya Gräfin Rothkirch, Til Schweiger Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2011 170min. Dir. Jerry Hibbert Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 72min. Universum Film(Universum Anime) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 100min. Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 21.03.2014 justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057747 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057818 21.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057544 Keinohrhase und Zweiohrküken Barbie in: Die magischen Perlen (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Barbie: The Pearl Princess Gummi Tarzan - Ivan kommt groß Dir. Maya Gräfin Rothkirch, Til Schweiger Dir. Terry Klassen raus Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 75min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 71min. Gummi T Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Michael Hegner 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057776 20.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 80min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057483 polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 Kleine Prinzessin - Wer hat das Barbie in: Die magischen Perlen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057937 Licht ausgemacht? (Blu-ray) Little Princess Gummi Tarzan - Ivan kommt groß Dir. Edward Foster Barbie: The Pearl Princess

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Zeichentrick 60min. Dir. Marjane Satrapi, Vincent Paronnaud Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 49min. justbridge entertainment media(company of Making of, Interview, Trailer, Teaser, Entfallene Szenen Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) kids) 21.02.2014 Drama/Zeichentrick 2007 94min. 27.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057598 Universum Film 07.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057450 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057662 Lego Star Wars: Die Yoda Chroni- Shaun das Schaf - Best of 1&2: ken 1&2 Peter Pan 04 Oster-Eidition (2 Discs) Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Trickfilm/Science Fiction min. Shaun The Sheep Dir. Augusto Zanovello Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. Germany 07.03.2014 Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Universal Music Family 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057688 Storyboard, Bildergalerie, Musikvideo, Kurztrickfilme, Entertainment(Karussell) 14.02.2014 Making-of, Clips Lego: Legends of Chima - DVD 4 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057929 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 70min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Lego: Legends Of Chima Peter Pan 05 27.03.2014 Dir. Peder Pedersen Musikvideo Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057830 Zeichentrick 110min. Dir. Augusto Zanovello Universum Film(Universum Kids) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. SimsalaGrimm 20 - Das singende 14.03.2014 Universal Music Family springende Löweneckerchen / 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057591 Entertainment(Karussell) 14.02.2014 Die Nachtigall 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057930 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 50min. Mardock Scramble: The Third Peter Pan 06 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Exhaust Division(Greenligth) 21.02.2014 Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Mardock Scramble: The Third Exhaust 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057924 Dir. Augusto Zanovello Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2012 67min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. Universum Film(Universum Anime) The Spectacular Spider-Man - Die Universal Music Family 14.03.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 14.02.2014 komplette erste Season (2 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057812 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057931 The Spectacular Spider-Man Trickfilm 2008-2009 min. Mardock Scramble: The Third Der Phantastische Paul: Folge 3, Home Entertainment (SPHE) Exhaust (Blu-ray) Der kleine Pinguin 24.04.2014 Mardock Scramble: The Third Exhaust 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057957 Justin Time (Blu-ray) Dir. Harold Harris Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2012 70min. The Spectacular Spider-Man - Die Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 44min. Universum Film(Universum Anime) Edel:Kids 28.02.2014 komplette zweite Season (2 14.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057869 Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057817 The Spectacular Spider-Man Mascha und der Bär, Vol. 1 - Ein Der Phantastische Paul: Folge 4, Trickfilm 2008-2009 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) neuer Freund für Mascha Immer wieder Geburtstag Justin Time 24.04.2014 Masha I Medved Dir. Harold Harris 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057958 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008-2012 min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 44min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Edel:Kids 28.02.2014 Thomas & seine Freunde - Percys Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057870 neue Freunde (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057919 Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Mascha und der Bär, Vol. 2 - Das Prinzessinnen-Box (4 Discs) Dir. David Mitton Prinzessinnen-Box (4 Discs) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984-2012 55min. "Mascha-Speziale" Dir. Diane Eskenazi Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Masha I Medved Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 193min. Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008-2012 min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 28.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057925 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057939 Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 Timmy das Schäfchen - Der Feu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057920 Rascal, der Waschbär - Komplett- erwehrmann Mike, der Ritter... und die drei box (6 Discs) Timmy Time Araiguma Rasukaru Dir. Jackie Cockle Trophäen Dir. Seiji Endô, Shigeo Koshi, Hiroshi Saito Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009-2011 50min. Mike The Knight Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 1977 1300min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dir. Neil Affleck Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. 07.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057927 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057698 Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 Transformers: Rescue Bots - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057921 Die Schwanenprinzessin Gesamt- Bumblebee eilt zu Hilfe, Folge 6 Nulli & Priesemut - 20 Jahre Nulli box (5 Discs) Transformers: Rescue Bots Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 316min. Dir. Frank Molieri und Priesemut - Wir haben Ge- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 60min. burtstag 03.04.2014 Edel:Kids 28.02.2014 Dir. Udo Steinmetz 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057955 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057866 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Shaun das Schaf - Außerirdische Transformers: Rescue Bots - Cody 27.03.2014 Tricks und der Bösewicht, Folge 5 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057959 Shaun The Sheep Transformers: Rescue Bots John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Dir. Frank Molieri Persepolis Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 60min. Persepolis

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Edel:Kids 28.02.2014 1939 Battlefield Westerplatte - Shafer, Nancy Sullivan, Jane Kean, Daniel 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057865 The Beginning of World War II Zykov, Molly Morgen Lamont, Ben Giroux, Ted Monte, Jennifer Keller - Dir. Fred Olen Wendy - Dreharbeiten auf Rosen- (Blu-ray) Ray borg Tajemnica Westerplatte Trailer Michal Zebrowski, Robert Zoledziewski, Komödie/Familie 2013 86min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 50min. Jan Englert - Dir. Pawel Chochlew Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Edel:Kids 28.02.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057528 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057867 Action/Kriegsfilm 2013 118min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Albert - Der unsichtbare Hund Wendy - Sina im Rampenlicht 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057770 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 50min. (Blu-ray) Edel:Kids 28.02.2014 - 6. Staffel (3 Discs) Abner, The Invisible Dog David DeLuise, David Chokachi, Robert R. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057868 30 Rock Shafer, Nancy Sullivan, Jane Kean, Daniel Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan, Zykov, Molly Morgen Lamont, Ben Giroux, The Winx Club - 5. Staffel, Vol. 04 , Jack McBrayer, Scott Ted Monte, Jennifer Keller - Dir. Fred Olen The Winx Club Adsit, Judah Friedlander, Katrina Bowden, Ray Fantasy/Zeichentrick 2004-2008 110min. Keith Powell, Maulik Pancholy, Kevin justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Trailer Brown, Grizz Chapman, Lonny Ross, John Komödie/Familie 2013 89min. 21.02.2014 Lutz - Dir. Don Scardino, Gail Mancuso, Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057594 Michael Engler, Adam Bernstein, Beth 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057560 McCarthy-Miller Komödie 380min. Alles nur Tarnung Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mario Adorf, Ben Becker, Elke Sommer, Film 27.03.2014 Muriel Baumeister, Heinz Hoenig, Claude- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057489 Oliver Rudolph, Martin Semmelrogge, 00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis Thierry van Werveke, Uwe Fellensiek, Bri- 301 - Scheiß auf ein Empire gitte Janner, Adolf Laimböck, Dieter Mann, der Eidechse The Legend Of Awesomest Maximus Bernd E. Jäger van Boxen - Dir. Peter Helge Schneider, Tyree Glenn Jr., Rocko Will Sasso, Ian Ziering, Kristanna Loken, Zingler Schamoni, Peter Thoms, Willy Ketzer, Rudi Sophie Monk, Tony Cox, Rip Torn, Tiffany Bildergalerie Olbrecht, Ira Coleman, Salvatore Bonarrigo, Claus, Deon Richmond, Kevin Linehan - Dir. Komödie 1996 90min. Pete York, Lukas Resetarits, Kim Ju-Hae, Jeff Kanew Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Ilka Bessin, Filiz Demirci, Udo Hesselmann, Bildergalerie 21.02.2014 Maurizio Rinaldo, Claudia Raquet - Dir. Hel- Komödie 2011 87min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057543 ge Schneider, Andrea Schumacher Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Outtakes, Making of, Interview 07.03.2014 Am grünen Strand der Spree (3 Komödie 2013 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057871 Discs) Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 Bum Krüger, Werner Lieven, Malte Jäger, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057761 301 - Scheiß auf ein Empire (Blu- Günter Pfitzmann, Elisabeth Müller, Peter ray) 00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis Pasetti, Ursula Dirichs, Fritz Rasp - Dir. The Legend Of Awesomest Maximus der Eidechse (Blu-ray) Will Sasso, Ian Ziering, Kristanna Loken, Booklet Helge Schneider, Tyree Glenn Jr., Rocko Sophie Monk, Tony Cox, Rip Torn, Tiffany Drama 1960 500min. Schamoni, Peter Thoms, Willy Ketzer, Rudi Claus, Deon Richmond, Kevin Linehan - Dir. Studio Enterprises(ARD Video) Olbrecht, Ira Coleman, Salvatore Bonarrigo, Jeff Kanew 31.01.2014 Pete York, Lukas Resetarits, Kim Ju-Hae, Komödie 2011 90min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057686 Ilka Bessin, Filiz Demirci, Udo Hesselmann, Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Maurizio Rinaldo, Claudia Raquet - Dir. Hel- 07.03.2014 Android Cop (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) ge Schneider, Andrea Schumacher 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057902 (k.J.) Outtakes, Making of, Interview Android Cop Komödie 2013 96min. Absolute Deception (Blu-ray) Michael Jai White, Charles S. Dutton, Randy Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 Absolute Deception Wayne, Kadeem Hardison - Dir. Mark Atkins 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057787 Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm Evert McQueen - Dir. Brian Trenchard- Action/Science Fiction 2014 94min. 1939 Battlefield Westerplatte - Smith Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 The Beginning of World War II Action/Thriller 2013 92min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057886 Tajemnica Westerplatte WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Michal Zebrowski, Robert Zoledziewski, 28.03.2014 Android Cop (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jan Englert - Dir. Pawel Chochlew 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057468 Android Cop Trailer, Bildergalerie Michael Jai White, Charles S. Dutton, Randy Action/Kriegsfilm 2013 114min. Against the Dark (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Wayne, Kadeem Hardison - Dir. Mark Atkins KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Against The Dark Making of, Outtakes, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057738 , Linden Ashby, Skye Action/Science Fiction 2014 94min. Bennett, Jeff Chase, Tanoai Reed, Emma Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 1939 Battlefield Westerplatte - Catherwood, Jenna Harrison, Daniel 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057885 The Beginning of World War II Percival, Danny Midwinter - Dir. Richard (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Crudo Android Cop (k.J.) Android Cop Tajemnica Westerplatte Action/Horror 2009 98min. Michael Jai White, Charles S. Dutton, Randy Michal Zebrowski, Robert Zoledziewski, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Wayne, Kadeem Hardison - Dir. Mark Atkins Jan Englert - Dir. Pawel Chochlew 03.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057971 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Trailer, Bildergalerie Action/Science Fiction 2014 90min. Action/Kriegsfilm 2013 118min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Albert - Der unsichtbare Hund 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057845 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057771 Abner, The Invisible Dog David DeLuise, David Chokachi, Robert R.

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Angel of Death - Der Todesengel Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Wendecover, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, B-Roll Kriminalfilm/Drama 2009-2012 min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 03.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057972 Splendid Film 28.03.2014 True Justice: Angel Of Death 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057941 Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - The Aswang Chronicles (Blu-ray) Dir. Wayne Rose (k.J.) Bad Lieutenant - Cop ohne Ge- Action/Thriller 2012 91min. wissen / Stolen (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 28.03.2014 Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles The Bad Lieutenant - Port Of Call: New 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057570 Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Joey Marquez - Dir. Erik Matti Orleans / Stolen Angel of Death - Der Todesengel Action/Horror 2012 103min. , Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Malin Akerman, Josh Lucas - Dir. Werner (k.J.) Mad Dimension GmbH 21.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057459 Herzog, Simon West True Justice: Angel Of Death Wendecover, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, B-Roll Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - The Aswang Chronicles (k.J.) Kriminalfilm/Drama 2009-2012 min. Dir. Wayne Rose Splendid Film 28.03.2014 Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles Action/Thriller 2012 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057948 Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Joey Marquez - Splendid Film 28.03.2014 Dir. Erik Matti 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057536 Die Bangkok Verschwörung Action/Horror 2012 98min. A Stranger In Paradise Mad Dimension GmbH 21.03.2014 Anna Karenina Colin Egglesfield, Catalina Sandino Moreno, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057444 Anna Karenina Byron Mann, Stuart Townsend, Gary Dani- Vittoria Puccini, Santiago Cabrera, Benja- Auch Erben will gelernt sein els, Sonia Couling, James With, Elina min Sadler, Lou de Laâge, Max von Thun, Loukas - Dir. Corrado Boccia Hardy Krüger jr., Julia Thurnau, Michaela Carlotta Natoli, Cesare Bocci, Ángela Trailer May, Heinrich Schafmeister, Elmar Wepper, Molina, Léa Bosco, Patricia Vico, María Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 79min. Marion Mitterhammer, Judy Winter, Wolf- Castro, Sydne , Dylan Pierce, Christi- Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 gang Völz, Ralf Wolter, Jaecki Schwarz, an Duguay - Dir. Christian Duguay 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057529 Barbara Schöne, Andreas Mannkopff - Dir. Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 180min. Karola Meeder Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Die Bangkok Verschwörung (Blu- Komödie 2002 90min. 14.02.2014 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) POLAR Film + Medien 23.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057681 A Stranger In Paradise 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057679 Colin Egglesfield, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Anna Pihl - Auf Streife in Kopen- Die Aufschneider Byron Mann, Stuart Townsend, Gary Dani- els, Sonia Couling, James With, Elina hagen, Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Carsten Strauch, Rainer Ewerrien, Cosma Loukas - Dir. Corrado Boccia Anna Pihl Shiva Hagen, Nina Kronjäger, Christoph Charlotte Munck, Iben Hjejle, Paw Trailer Maria Herbst, Stipe Erceg, Josef Ostendorf, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 83min. Henriksen, Kurt Ravn, Peter Mygind, William Bernd Stegemann, Thorsten Ranft, Eva Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Henrik Birch, Tammi Weißenborn, Tim Wilde, Simon Gosejohann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057562 Øst, Claes Bang, Frank Thiel, Lisbeth - Dir. Carsten Strauch Wulff, Morten Hauch-Fausbøll, Ida Nielsen, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Die Bangkok Verschwörung (Blu- Said Chayesteh, Peter Hesse Overgaard, Filmografien Karoline Munksnæs, Jonas Wandschneider, Komödie/Satire 2006 87min. ray) Kasper Leisner, Ole Lemmeke, Signe 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.02.2014 A Stranger In Paradise Egholm Olsen, Ola Rapace, Dejan Cukic, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057661 Colin Egglesfield, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Ramadan Huseini, Anders Lund Kjeldsen, Byron Mann, Stuart Townsend, Gary Dani- Simon Munk, Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, Austenland els, Sonia Couling, James With, Elina Henrik Jørgensen, Morten Lützhøft (Morten Austenland Loukas - Dir. Corrado Boccia Lundbæk), Laura Drasbaek, Jens Jørn Keri Russell, JJ Feild, Bret McKenzie, Trailer Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 83min. Spottag, Ellen Hillingsø, Jesper Lohmann, Jennifer Coolidge, James Callis, Georgia Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Gunvor Reynberg, Carsten Kressner - Dir. King, Rupert Vansittart, Ricky Whittle, Jane 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057561 Carsten Myllerup, Morten Arnfred, Mikkel Seymour - Dir. Jerusha Hess Nørgaard Audiokommentar, Interviews Komödie/Lovestory 2013 93min. Barabbas Kriminalfilm 2006-2008 420min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Barabbas FilmConfect Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 , Cristiana Capotondi, Filippo 23.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057667 Nigro, Marco Foschi, Anna Valle, Hristo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057424 Shopov, Paolo Seganti, Franco Castellano, Apartment 1303 Austenland (Blu-ray) Valentina Carnelutti, Lorenzo Balducci - Dir. Austenland Roger Young 1303-Gôshitsu Keri Russell, JJ Feild, Bret McKenzie, Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 180min. Noriko Nakagoshi, Arata Furuta, Eriko Jennifer Coolidge, James Callis, Georgia polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 Hatsune, Yuka Itaya, Naoko Otani, King, Rupert Vansittart, Ricky Whittle, Jane 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057455 Toshinobu Matsuo - Dir. Ataru Oikawa Seymour - Dir. Jerusha Hess Horror 2007 94min. Audiokommentar, Interviews Barabbas (Blu-ray) KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Komödie/Lovestory 2013 97min. Barabbas 27.02.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Billy Zane, Cristiana Capotondi, Filippo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057796 27.03.2014 Nigro, Marco Foschi, Anna Valle, Hristo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057675 Assassination Games (Blu-ray) Shopov, Paolo Seganti, Franco Castellano, Valentina Carnelutti, Lorenzo Balducci - Dir. (k.J.) Bad Lieutenant - Cop ohne Ge- Roger Young Weapon wissen / Stolen (2 Discs) Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 187min. Jean-Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, The Bad Lieutenant - Port Of Call: New polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 Kevin Chapman, Ivan Kaye, Valentin Orleans / Stolen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057469 Teodosiu, Alin Panc, Serban Celea, Michael Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Higgs - Dir. Barbarash Malin Akerman, Josh Lucas - Dir. Werner Battle of the Year Action 2011 100min. Herzog, Simon West Battle Of The Year: The Dream Team

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Josh Holloway, Laz Alonso, Josh Peck, Bis zur bitteren Neige Simon Caity Lotz, Chris Brown, Ivan Velez, Maurice Ronet, Suzy Kendall, Susanne Thriller/Horror 2010 103min. Jonathan Cruz, Richard Maguire, Jesse Uhlen, Christine Wodetzky, Karl Renar, Ru- Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.02.2014 Brown, David Shreibman, Weronika Rosati, dolf Fernau, Balduin Baas - Dir. Gerd Os- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057897 Alex Martin, Anis Cheurfa, Steve Terada, wald Gil Brace-Wessel - Dir. Benson Lee Booklet Bloodred Massacre (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Musikfilm 2013 106min. Drama 1975 105min. 7eventy 5ive Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Rutger Hauer, Gwendoline Yeo, Aimee 03.04.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 14.03.2014 Garcia, Antwon Tanner, Brian Hooks, Will 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057954 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057602 Horneff, Germán Legarreta, Cherie Johnson, Judy Tylor, Jonathan Chase, Battle of the Year (Blu-ray 3D, + Blanche Fury Austin Basis - Dir. Brian Hooks, Deon Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Blanche Fury Taylor Battle Of The Year: The Dream Team Stewart Granger, Valerie Hobson, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Making of Thriller/Horror 2007 98min. Josh Holloway, Laz Alonso, Josh Peck, Fitzgerald, Michael Gough, Maurice Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.02.2014 Caity Lotz, Chris Brown, Ivan Velez, Denham, Amy Veness, Margaret Withers - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057574 Jonathan Cruz, Richard Maguire, Jesse Dir. Marc Allégret Brown, David Shreibman, Weronika Rosati, Bildergalerie Drama 1948 95min. Bloodred Massacre (k.J.) Alex Martin, Anis Cheurfa, Steve Terada, Intergroove Media(TB Classics) 21.02.2014 7eventy 5ive Gil Brace-Wessel - Dir. Benson Lee 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057541 Rutger Hauer, Gwendoline Yeo, Aimee Musikfilm 2013 110min. Garcia, Antwon Tanner, Brian Hooks, Will Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) The Bleeding House (Blu-ray) Horneff, Germán Legarreta, Cherie 03.04.2014 Johnson, Judy Tylor, Jonathan Chase, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057974 (k.J.) The Bleeding House Austin Basis - Dir. Brian Hooks, Deon Battle of the Year (Blu-ray) Patrick Breen, Alexandra Chando, Betsy Taylor Aidem, Nina Lisandrello, Richard Bekins, Bildergalerie Battle Of The Year: The Dream Team Thriller/Horror 2007 94min. Charlie Hewson, Victoria Dalpe, Court Josh Holloway, Laz Alonso, Josh Peck, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.02.2014 Young, Henderson Wade, Jonathan Gelatt - Caity Lotz, Chris Brown, Ivan Velez, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057539 Jonathan Cruz, Richard Maguire, Jesse Dir. Philip Gelatt Brown, David Shreibman, Weronika Rosati, Trailer Horror/Mystery 2011 86min. Blue Jasmine Alex Martin, Anis Cheurfa, Steve Terada, Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Blue Jasmine Gil Brace-Wessel - Dir. Benson Lee 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057563 Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Musikfilm 2013 110min. Bobby Cannavale, Andrew „Dice“ Clay, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) The Bleeding House (k.J.) Sally Hawkins, Peter Sarsgaard, Michael 03.04.2014 The Bleeding House Stuhlbarg, Tammy Blanchard, Max Casella, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057973 Patrick Breen, Alexandra Chando, Betsy Alden Ehrenreich - Dir. Drama/Komödie 2013 94min. Beautiful Love (OmU) Aidem, Nina Lisandrello, Richard Bekins, Charlie Hewson, Victoria Dalpe, Court Warner Home Video Germany 14.03.2014 Monster Pies Young, Henderson Wade, Jonathan Gelatt - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057534 Tristan Barr, Lucas Linehan, Rohana Hayes Dir. Philip Gelatt (Poster ;: Jacquelyn), Jeremy Kewley, Trailer Blue Jasmine (Blu-ray) Katrina Maree, Marcel Reluctant, Marlene Horror/Mystery 2011 83min. Blue Jasmine Magee, Petra Salsjo, Shea MacDonough - Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Dir. Lee Galea 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057530 Bobby Cannavale, Andrew „Dice“ Clay, Kurzfilm „Karmarama’’, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Sally Hawkins, Peter Sarsgaard, Michael Drama 2013 84min. Der blonde Affe Stuhlbarg, Tammy Blanchard, Max Casella, PRO-FUN MEDIA 31.03.2014 Jürgen Prochnow, Götz Otto, Michael Alden Ehrenreich - Dir. Woody Allen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057527 Mendl, Karoline Eichhorn, Michael Benthin, Drama/Komödie 2013 98min. Bella Sara - Emma Roland und Ercan Durmaz, Peter Franke, Monika Warner Home Video Germany 14.03.2014 Häckermann, Burghart Klaußner, Dieter 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057569 ihr magisches Pferd Wings Mann, Rolf Nagel, Ronnie Paul, Michaela Emma’S Wings: A Bella Sara Tale Rosen, Benjamin Sadler - Dir. Thomas Blutgletscher Dir. Brian Duchscherer Jauch Gerhard Liebmann, Edita Malovcic, Hille Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 73min. Thriller 1999 90min. Beseler, Peter Knaack, Felix Römer, Brigitte WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 28.03.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 28.02.2014 Kren, Wolfgang Pampel, Murathan Muslu, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057909 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057680 Michael Fuith, Adina Vetter, Coco Huemer - Dir. Marvin Kren Ingmar Bergman Collection (3 Blood Removal Horror/Mystery 2013 96min. Discs) Removal Koch Media 17.04.2014 Dir. Ingmar Bergman Billy Burke, Mark Kelly, Oz Perkins, Emma 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057524 Drama min. Caulfield, Kelly Brook, Elliott Gould, Sharon Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Omi, Evan Helmuth, Christopher Tomaselli, Blutgletscher (Blu-ray) 28.03.2014 Kim Estes, Bronwyn Cornelius - Dir. Nick Gerhard Liebmann, Edita Malovcic, Hille 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057816 Simon Beseler, Peter Knaack, Felix Römer, Brigitte Thriller/Horror 2010 99min. Kren, Wolfgang Pampel, Murathan Muslu, Das beständige Gleiten der Be- Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.02.2014 Michael Fuith, Adina Vetter, Coco Huemer - gierde (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057851 Dir. Marvin Kren Glissements Progressifs Du Plaisir Horror/Mystery 2013 100min. Dir. Alain Robbe-Grillet Blood Removal (Blu-ray) Koch Media 17.04.2014 Interview, Bildergalerie, Booklet Removal 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057557 Thriller/Erotik 1974 102min. Billy Burke, Mark Kelly, Oz Perkins, Emma Donau Film 21.02.2014 Caulfield, Kelly Brook, Elliott Gould, Sharon Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde Box 2, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057644 Omi, Evan Helmuth, Christopher Tomaselli, Folgen 14-26 (3 Discs) Kim Estes, Bronwyn Cornelius - Dir. Nick Enid Blyton’s Famous Five

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Marcus Harris, Michele Gallagher, Gary ray) (k.J.) chard Ng - Dir. Jackie Chan, Edward Tang Russell, Jennifer Thanisch, Michael Hinz, Bride Of Re-Animator Action/Komödie 1989 127min. Sue Best, Friedrich von Thun, Wayne Jeffrey Combs, Kathleen Kinmont, Bruce Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.03.2014 Brooks, Timothy Bateson - Dir. Peter Abbott, Claude Jones, Fabiana Udenio, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057942 Duffell, Sidney Hayers, Don Leaver, James David Gale, Mel Stewart - Dir. Brian Yuzna Gatward, David Pick, Pat Jackson Booklet, Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, The Canyons Abenteuer 1978-1979 350min. Hörspiel, Podcast, Vorspann, Trailer The Canyons Universum Film(Universum Kids) Horror 1989-1990 97min. Lindsay Lohan, James Deen, Nolan Gerard 31.01.2014 Capelight Pictures 28.02.2014 Funk, Amanda Brooks, Tenille Houston, Gus 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057861 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057648 Van Sant, Jarod Einsohn, Victor of Aquitaine, Chris Zeischegg - Dir. Paul Bonanza - Best of Bonanza, Teil 1 Brutal Cop Schrader (10 Discs) Physical Evidence Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Burt Reynolds, Theresa Russell, Ned Thriller/Drama 2013 96min. Bonanza Beatty, Kay Lenz, Tom O’Brien, Ted KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- McGinley - Dir. Michael Crichton 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057739 ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Wendecover Thriller 1988 95min. 1959-1973 2010min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) The Canyons (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 28.02.2014 The Canyons Germany 13.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057600 Lindsay Lohan, James Deen, Nolan Gerard 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057873 Funk, Amanda Brooks, Tenille Houston, Gus Brutal Cop (Blu-ray) Van Sant, Jarod Einsohn, Victor of Bones - Season Eight (6 Discs) Physical Evidence Aquitaine, Chris Zeischegg - Dir. Paul Bones Burt Reynolds, Theresa Russell, Ned Schrader Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Beatty, Kay Lenz, Tom O’Brien, Ted Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Drama 2013 100min. Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan McGinley - Dir. Michael Crichton KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Thriller 1988 99min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057772 Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan Intergroove Media(TB Productions) 28.02.2014 Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick Captain Phillips Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057614 Captain Phillips Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener, Barkhad Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe Brutale Stadt Abdi, Barkhad Addirahman, Faysal Ahmed, Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Città Violenta Mahat M. Ali, Michael Chernus, David Steven DePaul, Kate Woods , , Jill Ireland, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Featurette, Umberto Orsini, Michel Constantin - Dir. Warshofsky, Corey Johnson, Chris Mulkey, Outtakes Sergio Sollima Yul Vazquez, Max Martini, Omar Berdouni, Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. Trailer, Bildergalerie,, Making of, Booklet Mohamed Ali, Issak Farah Samatar - Dir. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action 1970 104min. Paul Greengrass Germany 28.03.2014 Explosive Media 14.03.2014 Audiokommentar, Making of 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057480 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057712 Drama 2013 129min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) The Border - Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Brutale Stadt (Blu-ray) 14.03.2014 The Border Città Violenta 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057666 James McGowan, Graham Abbey, Jonas Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, Jill Ireland, Chernick, Mark Wilson, Jim Codrington, Umberto Orsini, Michel Constantin - Dir. Captain Phillips (Blu-ray) Catherine Disher, Nazneen Contractor, Sergio Sollima Captain Phillips Nigel Bennett, Ted Atherton, Sarah Gadon, Trailer, Bildergalerie,, Making of, Booklet Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener, Barkhad Sofia Milos, Grace Park - Dir. John Action 1970 108min. Abdi, Barkhad Addirahman, Faysal Ahmed, Fawcett, Brett Sullivan, Philip Earnshaw Explosive Media 14.03.2014 Mahat M. Ali, Michael Chernus, David Action/Kriminalfilm 2008-2010 580min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057729 Warshofsky, Corey Johnson, Chris Mulkey, justbridge entertainment media 21.02.2014 Yul Vazquez, Max Martini, Omar Berdouni, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057596 Bunker of Dead Mohamed Ali, Issak Farah Samatar - Dir. Paragraf 78 Paul Greengrass Boss - Season 2 (3 Discs) Jurij „Gosha“ Kutsenko, Wladimir Audiokommentar, Making of Drama 2013 134min. Boss Wdowitschenkow, Anastasiya Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kelsey Grammer, Connie Nielsen, Hannah Slanevskaya, Grigori Siyatvinda, Stanislav 14.03.2014 Ware, Jeff Hephner, Kathleen Robertson, Duzhnikov, Azis Beyshinaliev - Dir. Mikhail 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057674 Martin Donovan, Troy Garity, Sandy Khleborodov Gulliver - Dir. , Jean de Making of, Musikvideo, Entfallene Scenen, Trailer Thriller/Action 2007 125min. Captive - Gefangen in Segonzac, Jim McKay Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.02.2014 Drama 2011 550min. Tschetschenien 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057858 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Plennyy Iraklij Mzchalaja, Piotr Logachew, 14.02.2014 Canton Godfather (Dragon Editi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057713 Vyacheslav Krikunov, , Sergei on) Umanov, Andrej Feskow - Dir. Die Boxer Box (3 Discs) (k.J.) Qiji Drama 2008 80min. Cassius Clay - Die Muhammad Ali Story / Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Gua Ah-Leh, Ri- Maritim Pictures 25.02.2014 Barrio Brawler / Blood Fingers / From chard Ng - Dir. Jackie Chan, Edward Tang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057476 Mexico with Love / Hexenkessel / Poor Action/Komödie 1989 122min. Boy’s Game / The Ring Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.03.2014 Captive - Gefangen in Action/Drama 642min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057926 Tschetschenien (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 Plennyy 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057859 Canton Godfather (Dragon Editi- Iraklij Mzchalaja, Piotr Logachew, on) (Blu-ray) Vyacheslav Krikunov, Yulia Peresild, Sergei Bride of Re-Animator (Limited Qiji Umanov, Andrej Feskow - Dir. Alexei Uchitel Collector’s Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu- Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Gua Ah-Leh, Ri- Drama 2008 80min.

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Maritim Pictures 25.02.2014 Giannoli 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057511 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057500 Dokumentation, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Drama 2006 108min. City Hunter (Dragon Edition) Cassadaga - Hier lebt der Teufel Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 07.02.2014 Cheng Shi Lie Ren (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057693 Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, Gary Daniels, Joey Wong, Kumiko Goto, Mike Abbott, Eric Cassadaga Cheech and Chong’s Smoke Box Kelen Coleman, Kevin Alejandro, Louise Kot - Dir. Jing Wong Fletcher, Lucius Baston, J. LaRose, Rus (2 Discs) Action/Komödie 1993 96min. Blackwell, Amy LoCicero, Christina Bach, Cheech and Chong: Get Out of My Room / Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.03.2014 Hank Stone, Dennis Neal, Carlos Navarro, Born in East L.A. / Evil Bong / McHale’s 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057928 Sarah Sculco - Dir. Anthony DiBlasi Navy / A Million to Juan / Noch mehr Trailer, Bildergalerie Rauch um überhaupt nichts City Hunter (Dragon Edition) (Blu- Horror 2011 110min. Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Komödie 1980-2006 502min. Cheng Shi Lie Ren 02.01.2014 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, Gary Daniels, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057434 28.02.2014 Joey Wong, Kumiko Goto, Mike Abbott, Eric 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057819 Kot - Dir. Jing Wong Cassadaga - Hier lebt der Teufel Action/Komödie 1993 100min. (k.J.) Agatha Christie - Poirot Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.03.2014 Cassadaga Collection 11 (4 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057943 Kelen Coleman, Kevin Alejandro, Louise Agatha Christie: Poirot Fletcher, Lucius Baston, J. LaRose, Rus David Suchet - Dir. Peter Barber-Fleming, Der Clan. Die Geschichte der Fa- Blackwell, Amy LoCicero, Christina Bach, Renny Rye milie Wagner (+ Audio-CD) Hank Stone, Dennis Neal, Carlos Navarro, Booklet Iris Berben, Friederike Becht, Justus von Kriminalfilm 380min. Sarah Sculco - Dir. Anthony DiBlasi Dohnányi, Lars Eidinger, Petra Schmidt- polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Schaller, Eva Löbau, Heino Ferch, Felix Horror 2011 107min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057949 Klare, Vladimir Burlakov, Fritz Egger, Danie- Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) la Golpashin, Johannes Silberschneider, 02.01.2014 Die Chroniken von Phantasia Janina Fautz, Noah Kraus, Thalia Neumann 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057417 The Legends Of Nethiah - Dir. Christiane Balthasar , John Heard, Theresa Making of Cassie - Eine verhexte Hochzeit Russell, Jeremiah Sayys, Jared Young, Drama 2013 108min. ’s Gift Laura Covelli, Jilon Ghai, Julie Michaels, Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Chris Potter, Laura Bertram, Matthew Richard Sandrak, Bryce Clyde Jenkins, Division(Spassgesellschaft) 21.02.2014 Knight, Peter MacNeill, Catherine Disher, Lavinia Dowdell, James Anthony - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057916 Sophia Ewaniuk, Hannah Endicott-Douglas, Tomax Aponte, Russ Emanuel Elizabeth Lennie - Dir. Craig Pryce Drama/Fantasy 2012 88min. The Contractor - Doppeltes Spiel Drama 2010 83min. Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 17.03.2014 14.02.2014 The Contractor 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057922 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057608 Wesley Snipes, Eliza Bennett, Lena Cecelia Ahern: Mein ganzes hal- Die Chroniken von Phantasia Headey, Ralph Brown, , Gemma Jones, Iain Robertson, Richard bes Leben (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Harrington - Dir. Josef Rusnak Yvonne Catterfeld, Sebastian Ströbel, Julia The Legends Of Nethiah Action 2007 98min. Richter, Roman Knizka, Thure Riefenstein, Robert Picardo, John Heard, Theresa Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Aoibhinn McGinnity, Brian de Salvo, Manuel Russell, Jeremiah Sayys, Jared Young, 03.04.2014 Witting, Stuart Dunne, Gerry O’Brien, Antje Laura Covelli, Jilon Ghai, Julie Michaels, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057969 Schmidt, Marion Mitterhammer, Brendan Richard Sandrak, Bryce Clyde Jenkins, Conroy, Lisa Kreuzer - Dir. Michael Karen Lavinia Dowdell, James Anthony - Dir. Coogans großer Bluff (Blu-ray) Drama/Lovestory 2013 min. Tomax Aponte, Russ Emanuel Coogan’s Bluff Universum Film(ZDF Video) 21.03.2014 Drama/Fantasy 2012 92min. Clint Eastwood, Lee J. Cobb, Susan Clark, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057814 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Tisha Sterling, Don Stroud, Betty Field, Tom 14.02.2014 Tully, James Edwards, Melodie Johnson, Adriano Celentano Mega Blu-Ray 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057619 Rudy Diaz, David Doyle, Louis Zorich - Dir. Collection (Blu-ray) Don Siegel Asso / Bingo Bongo / Der Brummbär / Die Chucky 2 - Die Mörderpuppe ist Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer gezähmte Widerspenstige / Gib dem Affen zurück (Blu-ray) Action 1968 94min. Zucker / Großer, laß’ die Fetzen fliegen / Child’s Play 2 Koch Media 20.02.2014 Der Größte bin ich / Joan Lui / Millionen- Alex Vincent, Jenny Agutter, Gerrit Graham 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057907 finger / Segni particolari: bellissimo / Ein - Dir. John Lafia seltsamer Typ / Serafino, der Schürzenjä- Horror/Thriller 1990 83min. Corpse Rapist (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ger / Sing Sing / Super rapina a Milano / Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Someone’s Knocking At The Door Der Supertyp 13.03.2014 Noah Segan, Andrea Rueda, Jon Budinoff, Adriano Celentano 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057510 Lew Temple - Dir. Chad Ferrin Bildergalerie Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen Komödie 1380min. Chucky 3 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror/Komödie 2009 79min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Child’s Play 3 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057617 21.02.2014 Justin Whalin, Perrey Reeves, Jeremy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057568 Sylvers, Travis Fine, Dean Jacobson, Brad Corpse Rapist (k.J.) Dourif, Peter Haskell, Dakin Matthews, Someone’s Knocking At The Door Chanson d’Amour (Alles Liebe) Andrew Robinson, Burke Byrnes - Dir. Jack Noah Segan, Andrea Rueda, Jon Budinoff, Quand J’Etais Chanteur Bender Lew Temple - Dir. Chad Ferrin Cécile de France, Gérard Depardieu, Horror 1991 89min. Mathieu Amalric, Christine Citti, Patrick Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Horror/Komödie 2009 75min. Pineau, Alain Chanoine - Dir. Xavier 13.03.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057604 Kriminalfilm/Drama min. Shawlak Universum Film(Universum Kids) Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer The Counselor 14.03.2014 Thriller/Horror 2007 80min. The Counselor 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057810 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.02.2014 Michael Fassbender, Penélope Cruz, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057571 Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem, Brad Pitt - Dark Feed - Hinter blutigen Mau- Dir. Ridley Scott ern (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dead Eye Collector (k.J.) Putevoy Obkhodchik Videos, Trailer, TV Spots Dark Feed Thriller 2013 112min. Dmitri Orlow, Swetlana Metkina, Alexander Andrew Rudick, Victoria Nugent, Jessica Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wjsokowskij, Julija Mikhailowa, Aleksej Lauren Napier - Dir. Michael Rasmussen, Germany 02.04.2014 Dmitriew, Oleg Kamenschikow, Tomas Shawn Rasmussen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057621 Motskus, Swetlana Gudkowa - Dir. Igor Horror 2013 86min. Shawlak justbridge entertainment media 14.03.2014 The Counselor (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20057842 The Counselor Thriller/Horror 2007 77min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.02.2014 Michael Fassbender, Penélope Cruz, Dark Feed - Hinter blutigen Mau- Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem, Brad Pitt - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057535 Dir. Ridley Scott ern (k.J.) Extended Cut: Ca. 137 Minuten, Making of, Videos, Trailer, Dark Feed Dead Heat (Blu-ray) (FSK 18) TV Spots Andrew Rudick, Victoria Nugent, Jessica Dead Heat Thriller 2013 117min. Lauren Napier - Dir. Michael Rasmussen, Treat Williams, Joe Piscopo, Darren Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Shawn Rasmussen McGavin, Vincent Price, Lindsay Frost, Germany 02.04.2014 Horror 2013 82min. Clare Kirkconnell - Dir. Mark Goldblatt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057645 justbridge entertainment media 14.03.2014 Audiokommentar,Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Promo-Reel, tba BestellNr.: 20057837 Bildergalerie, Storyboards, Trailer Crazy Kind of Love Action/Horror 1987 80min. Crazy Kind Of Love Dark Prince (k.J.) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 07.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057901 Virginia Madsen, Anthony LaPaglia, Sam Marquis De Sade Trammell, Eva Longoria, Zach Gilford, Nick Mancuso, Janet Gunn, John Rhys- Dead Heat (FSK 18) Amanda Crew, Graham Rogers, Alyson Davies, Charlotte Nielsen, Irina Malysheva, Dead Heat Michalka - Dir. Sarah Siegel-Magness Igor Yasulovich, Irina Nizina, Tatyana Treat Williams, Joe Piscopo, Darren Komödie/Lovestory 2013 90min. Mitrushina - Dir. Gwyneth Gibby McGavin, Vincent Price, Lindsay Frost, Lighthouse Home Entertainment 28.03.2014 Erotik/Drama 1996 92min. tba BestellNr.: 20057720 Clare Kirkconnell - Dir. Mark Goldblatt Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Audiokommentar,Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Promo-Reel, 02.01.2014 Bildergalerie, Storyboards, Trailer Crazy Kind of Love (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057423 Action/Horror 1987 80min. Crazy Kind Of Love Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 07.03.2014 Virginia Madsen, Anthony LaPaglia, Sam dasbloghaus.tv - Staffel 1 (3 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057855 Trammell, Eva Longoria, Zach Gilford, Discs) Amanda Crew, Graham Rogers, Alyson Carla Schwaderer, Robert Herrmanns, Deathly Weapon (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Michalka - Dir. Sarah Siegel-Magness Marian Hawlik, Linda Schneider, Kathrin Pistol Whipped Komödie/Lovestory 2013 94min. Annika Meier, Maja Lehrer, Tizian Erckens, Steven Seagal, Wass M. Stevens, Lance Lighthouse Home Entertainment 28.03.2014 Silvan Frick, Günter Junghans, Jasmin Henriksen, Blanchard Ryan - Dir. Roel tba BestellNr.: 20057731 Rischar, Klaus Stiglmeier, Martin Umbach - Reiné Action 2007 100min. Crystal Fairy - Hangover in Chile Dir. Peter Wekwerth, Bettina Braun, Frank Gotthardy Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Crystal Fairy Drama/Jugend 2009 650min. 03.04.2014 Michael Cera, Gaby Hoffmann, Juan Universum Film(Universum Kids) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057970 Andrés Silva, José Miguel Silva, Agustín 14.02.2014 Silva - Dir. Sebastián Silva 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057692 Derby Dogs - Rennen um die Ehre Behind the Scenes, Trailer Kiwi Flyer Komödie/Drama 2013 95min. Edward Hall, Tikirau Hathaway, Vince Mar- Bubblegum Movie AG 28.02.2014 Dead Drop - Im Angesicht des tin, Tandi Wright, Dai Henwood, Myer van 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057581 Feindes Gosliga - Dir. Tony Simpson True Justice: Dead Drop Action 2012 90min. Crystal Fairy - Hangover in Chile Steven Seagal, Sarah Lind, Lochlyn Munro justbridge entertainment media 21.02.2014 - Dir. Lauro Chartrand (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057548 Crystal Fairy Action/Thriller 2012 87min. Michael Cera, Gaby Hoffmann, Juan Splendid Film 25.04.2014 Derby Dogs - Rennen um die Ehre 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057950 Andrés Silva, José Miguel Silva, Agustín (Blu-ray) Silva - Dir. Sebastián Silva Behind the Scenes, Trailer Dead Drop - Im Angesicht des Kiwi Flyer Komödie/Drama 2013 99min. Feindes (Blu-ray) Edward Hall, Tikirau Hathaway, Vince Mar- tin, Tandi Wright, Dai Henwood, Myer van Bubblegum Movie AG 28.02.2014 True Justice: Dead Drop Gosliga - Dir. Tony Simpson 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057588 Steven Seagal, Sarah Lind, Lochlyn Munro Action 2012 90min. - Dir. Lauro Chartrand justbridge entertainment media 21.02.2014 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Action/Thriller 2012 91min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057577 Season 13.1 (3 Discs) Splendid Film 25.04.2014 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057960 Dick & Doof - Sammel Edition Kriminalfilm/Drama min. Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Dead Eye Collector (Blu-ray) (k.J.) XXL (2 Discs) 14.03.2014 Putevoy Obkhodchik Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057809 Dmitri Orlow, Swetlana Metkina, Alexander Komödie 542min. Wjsokowskij, Julija Mikhailowa, Aleksej Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) CSI: NY - Season 9 (3 Discs) Dmitriew, Oleg Kamenschikow, Tomas 14.02.2014 CSI: NY Motskus, Swetlana Gudkowa - Dir. Igor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057610

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Django und die Bande der Blut- Loanne Bishop, Arin Babaian, Arielle Empire of the Nightwalker (k.J.) hunde Reitsma, Rizwan Manji, Tiffany Pulvino, The Caretaker Antoinette Kalaj, Arayna Eison, Becky Django Il Bastardo Anna Burgess, Clint Dowdell, Colin O’Donohue, Elena Kim, Anne Hathaway, Antonio De Teffè, Luciano Rossi, Paolo MacPherson, Lee Mason, Mark White - Dir. Channing Tatum, Meagan Good, Cuba Gozlino, Rada Rassimov - Dir. Sergio Tom Conyers Gooding Jr. - Dir. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Garrone Horror 2012 96min. Wendecover Komödie/Satire 2013 90min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 14.03.2014 Western 1969 95min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057797 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20057520 Germany 27.03.2014 Endlich allein 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057878 Don Jon - Was Frauen wollen Wolfgang Spier, Johanna von Koczian, und Männer brauchen (Blu-ray) Harald Effenberg, Michael von Au - Dir. Django Vs. Zombies (Blu-ray) Don Jon Wolfgang Spier (k.J.) Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Theater/Komödie 1990 114min. The Dead And The Damned Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, Glenne Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.02.2014 David A. Lockhart, Camille Montgomery, Headly, Brie Larson, Rob Brown, Jeremy 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057687 Rick Mora, Robert Amstler, Randall Marshall Luke, Italia Ricci, Lindsey Broad, Amanda Dillon, Autumn Harrison, Heather Montanez, Perez, Sarah Dumont, Sloane Avery, Enlightened - Die komplette 1. Colin Hussey, Patrick McIntire, Mandy Pauli- Loanne Bishop, Arin Babaian, Arielle Staffel (2 Discs) ne - Dir. Rene Perez Reitsma, Rizwan Manji, Tiffany Pulvino, Enlightened Trailer Antoinette Kalaj, Arayna Eison, Becky Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Sarah Burns, Luke Horror/Western 2011 89min. O’Donohue, Elena Kim, Anne Hathaway, Wilson, Timm Sharp, Mike White, Charles Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Channing Tatum, Meagan Good, Cuba Esten, Jason Mantzoukas, Bayne Gibby, 31.01.2014 Gooding Jr. - Dir. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Amy Hill, Michaela Watkins, Jon Shere, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057433 Komödie/Satire 2013 94min. Michael Lawson, Robin Wright - Dir. Miguel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.03.2014 Arteta, Jonathan Demme, Mike White, Ni- Django Vs. Zombies (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20057553 cole Holofcener The Dead And The Damned Komödie/Drama 2011 266min. David A. Lockhart, Camille Montgomery, Drei gegen Sacramento Warner Home Video Germany 14.03.2014 Rick Mora, Robert Amstler, Randall Marshall Duello Nel Texas 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057749 Dillon, Autumn Harrison, Heather Montanez, Richard Harrison, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, Colin Hussey, Patrick McIntire, Mandy Pauli- Mikaela, Sara Lezana, Daniel Martin, Aldo Die Erlösung der Sarah Cain ne - Dir. Rene Perez Sambrell, José Calvo, Bernabe Barta Barri - Saving Sarah Cain Trailer Dir. Riccardo Blasco Lisa Pepper, Abigail Mason, Soren Fulton, Horror/Western 2011 85min. Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer Tess Harper, Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Western 1963 91min. Elliott Gould - Dir. Michael Landon Jr. 31.01.2014 Explosive Media 14.03.2014 Behind the Scenes, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057416 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057711 Drama 2007 99min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) - Die komplette Staf- Dschungelcamp - Welcome to the 10.01.2014 fel 6 (6 Discs) Jungle 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057578 Doctor Who Welcome To The Jungle Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston, Jean-Claude van Damme, Adam Brody, Rob Escape Plan Arthur Darvill, Nicholas Courtney, Mark Huebel, Kristen Schaal, Kristopher van Escape Plan Sheppard, Stuart Milligan - Dir. Toby Varenberg, Dennis Haysbert, Bianca Bree, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Haynes, Julian Simpson, Jeremy Webb, Megan Boone, Eric Edelstein - Dir. Rob Schwarzenegger, James Caviezel, 50 Richard Clark, Peter Hoar, Richard Senior, Meltzer Cent, Sam Neill, Vinnie Jones, Faran Tahir, Nick Hurran, Steve Hughes Trailer Vincent D’Onofrio, Amy Ryan, Graham Diverse, Booklet Komödie/Abenteuer 2013 91min. Beckel, Matt Gerald, Caitriona Balfe - Dir. Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2011 600min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.03.2014 Mikael Håfström polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057522 Action/Thriller 2013 112min. 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057586 Concorde Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 Dschungelcamp - Welcome to the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057448 Doctor Who - Die komplette Staf- Jungle (Blu-ray) fel 6 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Welcome To The Jungle Escape Plan (Blu-ray) Doctor Who Jean-Claude van Damme, Adam Brody, Rob Escape Plan Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston, Huebel, Kristen Schaal, Kristopher van Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Arthur Darvill, Nicholas Courtney, Mark Varenberg, Dennis Haysbert, Bianca Bree, Schwarzenegger, James Caviezel, 50 Sheppard, Stuart Milligan - Dir. Toby Megan Boone, Eric Edelstein - Dir. Rob Cent, Sam Neill, Vinnie Jones, Faran Tahir, Haynes, Julian Simpson, Jeremy Webb, Meltzer Vincent D’Onofrio, Amy Ryan, Graham Richard Clark, Peter Hoar, Richard Senior, Trailer Beckel, Matt Gerald, Caitriona Balfe - Dir. Nick Hurran, Steve Hughes Komödie/Abenteuer 2013 95min. Mikael Håfström Diverse, Booklet Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.03.2014 Action/Thriller 2013 116min. Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2011 600min. tba BestellNr.: 20057555 Concorde Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057462 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057589 Empire of the Nightwalker (Blu- ray) (k.J.) Eyes of Prey (Uncut) (k.J.) Don Jon - Was Frauen wollen The Caretaker Eyes Of The Prey und Männer brauchen Anna Burgess, Clint Dowdell, Colin Peggy Dunne, Mitchell Litrofsky, Maurice Don Jon MacPherson, Lee Mason, Mark White - Dir. Chasse - Dir. Rick Thompson Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Conyers Trailer, Bildergalerie Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, Glenne Horror 2012 99min. Action 1991 91min. Headly, Brie Larson, Rob Brown, Jeremy Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 14.04.2014 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Luke, Italia Ricci, Lindsey Broad, Amanda 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057805 02.01.2014 Perez, Sarah Dumont, Sloane Avery, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057419

LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 Dagmar Bürger, Guy Delorme, Eric Falk - 14 (5 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057857 Dir. Jess Franco Bildergalerie, Trailer Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Forbidden Zone Erotik 1977 72min. Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- Forbidden Zone Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.02.2014 gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Susan Tyrrell - Dir. Richard Elfman 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057472 Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Alternativversion, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of, zwei Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael Szenen aus „The Hercules Family“, entfallene Szenen, Frühlingsgeflüster Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Outtakes Simone Thomalla, Carolyn Genzkow, Marco Komödie/Musical 1982 70min. Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. Girnth, Jan-Hendrik Kiefer, Mareike cmv-Laservision 24.01.2014 MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Carrière, Maria Weidner, Catalina Navarro 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057624 Products) 07.02.2014 Kirner, Adrian Topol, Genija Rykova, Lilly 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057676 Forsthaus Falkenau - Staffel 24 (3 Fürstberger, Lisa Tomaschewsky, Jörn Schlönvoigt, Heinz-Josef Braun - Dir. Peter Family Weekend Discs) Stauch Family Weekend Hardy Krüger jr., Gisa Zach, Martin Lüttge, Drama 2013 88min. , , Günther Schramm, Veronika Fitz, Manou Edel Germany(Aviator) 21.02.2014 Olesya Rulin, Joey King, Eddie Hassell, Lubowski, Maxi Warwel, Eisi Gulp, Petra 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057824 Shirley Jones, Chloe Bridges, Adam Zieser, Alexander Becht, Eva-Maria Rei- Saunders - Dir. Benjamin Epps chert, Markus Ertelt, Hans Stadlbauer - Dir. Gagarin - Wettlauf ins All Komödie/Drama 2013 101min. Tanja Roitzheim, Dominikus Probst Gagarin: Pervyy V Kosmose Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2014 Drama 2013 min. Jaroslaw Zhalnin, Olga Iwanowa, Michail 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057756 Universum Film(ZDF Video) 07.03.2014 Filippow, Vadim Michman, Vladimir Steklov, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057806 Inga Strelkova-Oboldina - Dir. Pawel Fantasy Träume Parkhomenko Hundra / Lord of the Elves / The Tempest Französische Krimikomödien (3 Trailer Fantasy 293min. Discs) Drama/Biographie 2013 109min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 Der Filou / Ehrbare Ganoven / Der Große Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057856 Coup des Kommissars tba BestellNr.: 20057737 Komödie 303min. Katie Fforde: Collection 4 (3 ZYX Music 07.02.2014 Gagarin - Wettlauf ins All (Blu- Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057799 ray) Drama/Lovestory min. Gagarin: Pervyy V Kosmose Universum Film(ZDF Video) 07.03.2014 Frau Ella - Lieber spät als nie Jaroslaw Zhalnin, Olga Iwanowa, Michail 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057807 Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Matthias Filippow, Vadim Michman, Vladimir Steklov, Schweighöfer, August Diehl, Anna Inga Strelkova-Oboldina - Dir. Pawel Die Filme von Alejandro Bederke, Anatole Taubman, Anna Thalbach, Parkhomenko Jodorowsky (2 Blu-rays + 2 DVDs) Luc Feit, Helmut Rusch, Karlo von Montag, Trailer Drama/Biographie 2013 114min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Michael Lott, Franc Bruneau, Yves Espargiliere, Marleen Lohse, Stella Stocker, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 Fando und Lis / El Topo / Der heilige Berg Tómas Lemarquis, Peter Becker, Pierre- tba BestellNr.: 20057769 Sergio Kleiner, Diana Mariscal, Maria Henri Juhel, Sébastian Lozach, Lucie- Teresa Rivas, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Anaïs Le Gall, Alex Tondowski, Gerard Game of Thrones - Die komplette Brontis Jodorowsky, Mara Lorenzio, Croville, Shade Koffi - Dir. Markus Goller dritte Staffel (5 Discs) Horácio Salinas, Ramona Saunders - Dir. Making of, Musikvideo, Featurette, Trailer Game Of Thrones Alejandro Jodorowsky Komödie 2013 101min. Audiokommentar „El Topo“. Originaltrailer, Jodorowsky über Fantasy/Drama 2013 min. „El Topo“ Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 31.03.2014 Experimentalfilm/Drama 1968-1973 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057744 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057750 Bildstörung 28.02.2014 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057784 Frau Ella - Lieber spät als nie. Game of Thrones - Die komplette (Blu-ray) dritte Staffel (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Die Filme von Alejandro Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Matthias Game Of Thrones Jodorowsky (4 Discs + 2 CDs) Schweighöfer, August Diehl, Anna Fantasy/Drama 2013 min. (k.J.) Bederke, Anatole Taubman, Anna Thalbach, Warner Home Video Germany 31.03.2014 Luc Feit, Helmut Rusch, Karlo von Montag, Fando und Lis / El Topo / Der heilige Berg 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057778 Michael Lott, Franc Bruneau, Yves Sergio Kleiner, Diana Mariscal, Maria Espargiliere, Marleen Lohse, Stella Stocker, Teresa Rivas, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Das ganz große Ding Tómas Lemarquis, Peter Becker, Pierre- Brontis Jodorowsky, Mara Lorenzio, Carl-Heinz Schroth, , Annelie- Henri Juhel, Sébastian Lozach, Lucie- Horácio Salinas, Ramona Saunders - Dir. se Book - Dir. Erich Neureuther Anaïs Le Gall, Alex Tondowski, Gerard Alejandro Jodorowsky Kriminalfilm 1966 94min. Audiokommentar „El Topo“. Originaltrailer, Jodorowsky über Croville, Shade Koffi - Dir. Markus Goller Studio Hamburg Enterprises() „El Topo“ Making of, Musikvideo, Featurettes, Trailer, Dokumentation 07.03.2014 Komödie 2013 105min. Experimentalfilm/Drama 1968-1973 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057935 Bildstörung 28.02.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057758 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057775 Garringo - der Henker Das Frauenhaus - Blue Rita (Blu- Garringo Der Fluch des Störtebeker Schat- Anthony Steffen, Peter Lee Lawrence, zes ray) (k.J.) Solvi Stübing, José Bodalo, Luis Marín - Dir. Limited Games - Störtebekers Geheimnis Dagmar Bürger, Guy Delorme, Eric Falk - Rafael Romero Marchent Daniel Aichinger, Tokessa Martinius, David Dir. Jess Franco Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Lee Lyons, Ruth Fröhner, Vanessa Cook, Bildergalerie, Trailer Western/Kriegsfilm 1969 90min. Erotik 1977 75min. Chris Crocker, Tilman Borck, Martin-Andre- Explosive Media 14.03.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.02.2014 as Greif, Ron Matz, Tina Krohn, Jonas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057710 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057495 Missal - Dir. Andreas Wuttke Thriller/Horror 2005 84min. Gefangen und gefoltert (k.J.) Das Frauenhaus - Blue Rita (k.J.) Rogue River

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Bill Moseley, Michelle Page, Lucinda Raymond Burr, Takashi Shimura, Momoko Jenney, Michael Rooker, Michael Cudlitz, Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen Kochi, , Akira Takarada, Chris Coy, Art Alexakis - Dir. Jourdan Hannah Herzsprung, Florian Stetter, Marie Akihiko Hirata - Dir. Inoshiro Honda, Terry McClure Bäumer, Meret Becker, Hildegard Schmahl, O. Morse Trailer, Bildergalerie Matthias Habich, Friedrich Mücke, Paula Original Kinotrailer, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2010 76min. Beer, Hans Kremer, Oda Thormeyer, Anne Action/Science Fiction 1954 81min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Schramm, Zoe Moore - Dir. Vivian Naefe Splendid Film 28.03.2014 02.01.2014 Drama 2013 116min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057945 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057418 Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057759 Godzilla - Final Wars (Einzel- Das Geheimnis der fünf Gräber DVD) (Blu-ray) Backlash Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen Gojira: Fainaru Uôzu Richard Widmark, Donna Reed, William (Blu-ray) Masahiro Matsuoka, Rei Kikukawa, Akira Campbell, John McIntire, Barton MacLane - Hannah Herzsprung, Florian Stetter, Marie Takarada, Kane Kosugi, Kazuki Kitamura, Dir. John Sturges Bäumer, Meret Becker, Hildegard Schmahl, Miki Mizuno, Masami Nagasawa, Chihiro Bildergalerie, Booklet, Trailer Otsuka, Don Frye, Kenji Sahara, Kumi Western 1956 81min. Matthias Habich, Friedrich Mücke, Paula Mizuno, Kenta Suga, Shigeru Izumiya - Dir. Explosive Media 28.02.2014 Beer, Hans Kremer, Oda Thormeyer, Anne Ryuhei Kitamura 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057635 Schramm, Zoe Moore - Dir. Vivian Naefe Drama 2013 121min. Making of, Wendecover Action/Science Fiction 2004 125min. Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 Das Geheimnis der fünf Gräber Splendid Film 28.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057785 (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057611 Backlash Get Lucky (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Richard Widmark, Donna Reed, William Godzilla kehrt zurück (Special Get Lucky Campbell, John McIntire, Barton MacLane - Luke Treadaway, T.J. Ramini, Craig Edition) (Blu-ray) Dir. John Sturges Fairbrass - Dir. Sacha Bennett Gojira No Gyakushû Bildergalerie, Booklet, Trailer Hiroshi Mukoyama, Minoru Chiaki, Setsuko Western 1956 81min. Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Wakayama, Takashi Shimura, Yukio Explosive Media 28.02.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 86min. Kasama, Mayuri Mokusho - Dir. Motoyoshi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057651 Bubblegum Movie AG 28.03.2014 Oda 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057647 Wendecover Das Geheimnis hinter der Tür Action/Science Fiction 1955 82min. The Secret Beyond The Door Get Lucky (k.J.) Splendid Film 28.03.2014 Joan Bennett, Michael Redgrave, Anne Get Lucky 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057613 Revere, Barbara O’Neil, Natalie Schafer, Luke Treadaway, T.J. Ramini, Craig Paul Cavanagh, Anabel Shaw, Rosa Rey, Fairbrass - Dir. Sacha Bennett Good Cop (2 Discs) James Seay, Mark Dennis - Dir. Fritz Lang Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Good Cop Booklet Trailer Michael Angelis, Warren Brown, Kerrie Horror/Thriller 1948 96min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 82min. Hayes AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Bubblegum Movie AG 28.03.2014 Thriller 234min. AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 14.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057632 polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057639 Gilda (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057936 Geheimsache fünf Gilda The Good Shepherd - Der gute Five Clues To Fortune Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George John Rogers, Roberta Paterson, Peter MacReady, Joseph Calleia, Steven Geray, Hirte (Blu-ray) Godsell, David Hemmings, Norman Mitchell, Joe Sawyer, Gerald Mohr - Dir. Charles The Good Shepherd David Cameron, Peter Welch - Dir. Joe Vidor , Robert De Niro, Angelina Jolie, Mendoza Kriminalfilm/Drama 1946 110min. Alec Baldwin, Tammy Blanchard, Billy Abenteuer 1957 105min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Crudup, Keir Dullea, Michael Gambon, Mar- MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 03.04.2014 tina Gedeck, William Hurt, , Products) 24.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057967 Mark Ivanir (Valentin Mironov #2), Gabriel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057427 Macht, Lee Pace, Joe Pesci, Eddie A Girl Named Dinky Redmayne, John Sessions (Valentin Der Gehetzte der Sierra Madre (+ Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael Mironov #1/ Yuri Modin), Oleg Stefan, John DVD) (Blu-ray) , Jeff Daniels, Laila Robins, Turturro - Dir. Robert De Niro Drama/Thriller 2006 167min. La Resa Dei Conti Thomas Wilson Brown, Joan McMurtrey, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Lee Van Cleef, Tomás Milián, Walter Graham Beckel, Frances Fisher, Robby 06.02.2014 Barnes, Luisa Rivelli, Fernando Sancho - Kiger - Dir. Jim Abrahams 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057439 Dir. Sergio Sollima Komödie/Drama 1989 92min. Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Intros, Bildergalerien, Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Soundtrack 21.02.2014 Gore Massacre (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Western 1966 110min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057542 The Wizard Of Gore Explosive Media 21.02.2014 Kip Pardue, Bijou Phillips, , 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057654 Glee - Season 4 (6 Discs) Jeffrey Combs, Brad Dourif, Joshua Miller, Glee Garz Chan, Tim Chiou, Evan , Flux Der Gehetzte der Sierra Madre (2 Jukebox, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Suicide, Amina Munster, Cricket Suicide, Discs) Komödie 2013 min. Nixon Suicide, Kenneth Moskow - Dir. La Resa Dei Conti Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jeremy Kasten Lee Van Cleef, Tomás Milián, Walter Germany 28.03.2014 Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Audiokommentar Horror 2006 95min. Barnes, Luisa Rivelli, Fernando Sancho - 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057481 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Dir. Sergio Sollima Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Intros, Bildergalerien, Godzilla - Das Original (Deutsche 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057906 Soundtrack Kinofassung, Japanische Lang- Western 1966 105min. Gore Massacre (k.J.) Explosive Media 21.02.2014 fassung) (Blu-ray) The Wizard Of Gore 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057638 Gojira Kip Pardue, Bijou Phillips, Crispin Glover,

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Jeffrey Combs, Brad Dourif, Joshua Miller, - Dir. George Gargurevich, Savina Gutberlet, Peter Kock, Urban Luig, Dima Garz Chan, Tim Chiou, Evan Seinfeld, Flux Dellicour, Ravi Kumar, Benjamin Ross, Paul Miroshnichenko, Bay Youm, Max Suicide, Amina Munster, Cricket Suicide, Black Landgrebe, Georg Struck, Susanne Rögner, Nixon Suicide, Kenneth Moskow - Dir. Trailer Christine Mertens, Gerd Beyer, David Ober- Jeremy Kasten Drama/Episodenfilm 2006 95min. mann, Kristina Walter, Ramona Stein - Dir. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Julian Tyrasa Bildergalerie 02.01.2014 Komödie 2013 min. Horror 2006 91min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057421 Lighthouse Home Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Entertainment(Barnsteiner) 14.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057879 Guilty Hearts (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20057725 Guilty Hearts Das Grauen kommt um zehn Kathy Bates, Gerard Butler, Julie Delpy, Das Haus der fleischlüsternen When A Stranger Calls , Eva Mendes, Stellan Skarsgård Mannequins (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Carol Kane, Charles Durning, Colleen - Dir. George Gargurevich, Savina House Of Flesh Mannequins Dewhurst, Tony Beckley, Rachel Roberts - Dellicour, Ravi Kumar, Benjamin Ross, Paul Domiziano Arcangeli, Irena A. Hoffman, Dir. Fred Walton Black Trailer Trailer Giovanni Lombardo Radice - Dir. Domiziano Horror/Thriller 1978 93min. Drama/Episodenfilm 2006 99min. Cristopharo Explosive Media 04.04.2014 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Thriller/Horror 2009 101min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057752 02.01.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 07.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057436 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057899 Das Grauen kommt um zehn (Blu- ray) Hairspray (1988) / Hairspray (2007) Das Haus der fleischlüsternen When A Stranger Calls (Blu-ray) Mannequins (k.J.) Carol Kane, Charles Durning, Colleen Hairspray (1988) / Hairspray (2007) House Of Flesh Mannequins Dewhurst, Tony Beckley, Rachel Roberts - Divine, Ricki Lake, Deborah Harry, Nikki Domiziano Arcangeli, Irena A. Hoffman, Dir. Fred Walton Blonsky, John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer - Giovanni Lombardo Radice - Dir. Domiziano Trailer Dir. John Waters, Adam Shankman Cristopharo Horror/Thriller 1978 93min. Komödie/Musikfilm 1988-2007 min. Thriller/Horror 2009 97min. Explosive Media 04.04.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 14.03.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 07.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057780 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057777 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057853 Der große Bellheim (4 Discs) Hannibal (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hexenkessel Mario Adorf, Will Quadflieg, Heinz Schu- Hannibal Mean Streets bert, Krystyna Janda, Leslie Malton, Renan Sir Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Ray Robert De Niro, , David Demirkan, Heinz Hoenig, Ingrid Steeger, Liotta, Frankie Faison, Giancarlo Giannini, Proval, Amy Robinson, Richard Romanus, Alexander Radszun, Manfred Zapatka, Francesca Neri, Zeljko Ivanek, Hazelle Robert Carradine - Dir. Martin Scorsese Annemarie Düringer, Ferdinand Dux, Goodman, David Andrews, Francis Guinan, Drama 1973 108min. Dominique Horwitz, Erika Skrotzki, Hans James Opher, Enrico Lo Verso, Ivano Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Korte, Renate Grosser, Heinz W. Krücke- Marescotti, Fabrizio Gifuni, Ennio Coltorti, 02.01.2014 berg, Giuseppe Pambieri, Ursula Hinrichs, Gary Oldman, Johannes Kiebranz - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057414 Wolfgang Wahl, Michael Wittenborn, Tho- Ridley Scott mas Huber, Hans-Jörg Assmann, Eva-Maria Thriller 2001 133min. Hexenkessel (Blu-ray) Bauer, Arnfried Lerche, Marcello Tusco, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mean Streets Hans Häckermann, Brigitte Karner, Jürgen 13.03.2014 Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, David Holtz, Weijian Liu, Wilfried Elste, Werner 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057512 Proval, Amy Robinson, Richard Romanus, Haindl, Jürgen Schornagel, Erich Hallhuber, Robert Carradine - Dir. Martin Scorsese Ilse Zielstorff, Dorothea Kaiser, Rainer Hannibal (k.J.) Drama 1973 112min. Rudolph, Christian Ebel, Stefan Reck, Hilde- Hannibal Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) gard Metzner, Horst Hesslein, Ankie Beilke, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Ray 02.01.2014 Thomas Munkas Meinhardt, Wilfried Liotta, Frankie Faison, Giancarlo Giannini, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057431 Hochholdinger, Werner Schwuchow, Francesca Neri, Zeljko Ivanek, Hazelle Angelica Böck, Isa Haller, Astrid Meyer- Goodman, David Andrews, Francis Guinan, Hiev up Gossler, Roswitha Soukup, Fritz Lichten- James Opher, Enrico Lo Verso, Ivano Hiev up hahn, Ursula Lillig, Heinz Rennhack, Jürgen Marescotti, Fabrizio Gifuni, Ennio Coltorti, Alfred Müller, Regina Beyer, Jürgen Hein- Schilling, Michael Hanemann, Erica Gary Oldman, Johannes Kiebranz - Dir. rich - Dir. Joachim Hasler Schramm, Hans Zürn - Dir. Dr. Dieter Wedel Ridley Scott Trailer Featurette Komödie 1978 86min. Thriller 2001 126min. Drama 1991 min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.02.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Studio Hamburg Enterprises (ZDF Video) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057911 25.04.2014 13.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057821 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057491 Highspeed - Leben am Limit Hard Luck (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Combustiòn Die große Kür Álex González, Adriana Ugarte, Alberto Hard Luck Marika Kilius, Hans-Jürgen Bäumler, Peter Ammann, Marta Nieto, María Castro, Luis Wesley Snipes, Mario van Peebles, Kraus, Paul Hörbiger, Mady Rahl - Dir. Zahera, Christian Mulas, Juan Pablo Shuck Shepherd, Gavin J. Behrman, Aubrey Dol- Franz Antel - Dir. Daniel Calparsoro Booklet, Trailer lar, Kevin Thoms - Dir. Mario van Peebles Trailer Musikfilm 1964 87min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2006 101min. Action/Thriller 2013 100min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Capelight Pictures 21.03.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 14.02.2014 03.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057443 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057643 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057968 Highspeed - Leben am Limit (Blu- Guilty Hearts Harts5 - Geld ist nicht alles ray) Guilty Hearts Fabian Böckhoff, Dirk Dreissen, Frank Combustiòn Kathy Bates, Gerard Butler, Julie Delpy, Dukowski, Uli Engelmann, Oliver Stadel, Álex González, Adriana Ugarte, Alberto Anna Faris, Eva Mendes, Stellan Skarsgård Karoline Hugler, Victor Neumeister, Gerhard

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Ammann, Marta Nieto, María Castro, Luis Jamie Kennedy, Marlee Matlin, Paul Sorvino, The Human Race Zahera, Christian Mulas, Juan Pablo Shuck James Denton, Robert Blanche, Christina Brianna Lauren Jackson, Paul McCarthy- - Dir. Daniel Calparsoro DeRosa, Lorna Scott, Sara Fletcher, Alex Boyington, Eddie McGee, Creep Trailer Frnka, Nan McNamara, Arnell Powell, Er- Creepersin, Trista Robinson, T. Arthur Action/Thriller 2013 104min. nest Thomas - Dir. Nick Lyon Cottam - Dir. Paul Hough Capelight Pictures 21.03.2014 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057458 Thriller 2013 87min. Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Hijacking - Todesangst ... In der 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057848 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057773 Gewalt von Piraten Kapringen Home Invasion - Dieses Haus ge- The Human Race - The „Race or Pilou Asbæk, Søren Malling, Dar Salim, Ro- hört mir (Blu-ray) Die“ Tournament (k.J.) land Møller (Jan Sørensen), Gary Foreclosed The Human Race Skjoldmose Porter, Abdihakin Asgar, Amalie Jamie Kennedy, Marlee Matlin, Paul Sorvino, Brianna Lauren Jackson, Paul McCarthy- Alstrup, Amalie Vulff Andersen - Dir. Tobias James Denton, Robert Blanche, Christina Boyington, Eddie McGee, Creep Lindholm DeRosa, Lorna Scott, Sara Fletcher, Alex Creepersin, Trista Robinson, T. Arthur Trailer Frnka, Nan McNamara, Arnell Powell, Er- Cottam - Dir. Paul Hough Thriller/Drama 2012 99min. nest Thomas - Dir. Nick Lyon Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 25.03.2014 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2010 84min. tba BestellNr.: 20057516 Thriller 2013 91min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057740 Hijacking - Todesangst ... In der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057890 Gewalt von Piraten (Blu-ray) Ikarus Kapringen Horror House of Fear (k.J.) Peter Welz, Karin Gregorek, Peter Aust, Pilou Asbæk, Søren Malling, Dar Salim, Ro- Mustang Sally Hermann Beyer, Heidemarie Wenzel, Gün- land Møller (Jan Sørensen), Gary Phillip Troy Linger, Elizabeth Daily, Al ter Junghans, Rolf Hoppe - Dir. Heiner Skjoldmose Porter, Abdihakin Asgar, Amalie Santos - Dir. Iren Koster Carow Alstrup, Amalie Vulff Andersen - Dir. Tobias Horror 2006 83min. Kurzfilm, Trailer Drama 1975 min. Lindholm Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057860 ICESTORM Entertainment 17.02.2014 Thriller/Drama 2012 99min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057912 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 25.03.2014 Hotel 13 - TV-Special tba BestellNr.: 20057549 Patrick Baehr, Marcel Glauche, Carola Im singenden Rößl am Königssee Schnell, Gerrit Klein, Julia Schäfle, Hanna Prof. Peter Weck, Waltraut Haas, Ingeborg Eine himmlische Familie - Die Scholz, Peter Nottmeier, Ilka Teichmüller, Schöner, Oskar Sima, Trude Herr, Paul komplette 5. Staffel (5 Discs) Jörg Moukaddam, Antje Mairich - Dir. Dennis Hörbiger, Paul Löwinger - Dir. Franz Antel Bots Booklet, Trailer 7th Heaven Komödie 1963 86min. Abenteuer/Jugend 2012 50min. Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Barry AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Watson, David Gallagher, Jessica Biel, AG(Filmjuwelen) 14.02.2014 14.02.2014 Beverley Mitchell, Mackenzie Rosman - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057704 Burt Brinckerhoff, Tony Mordente, Bradley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057703 M. Gross, Anson Williams, Harvey S. Hubert und Staller - Staffel 3 (6 Im Tal der Könige Laidman, Paul Snider, David Plenn, Kevin Valley Of The Kings Inch, Joel J. Feigenbaum, Harry Harris Discs) Kenneth Nash, Elizabeth White, J. Peter Drama/Familie 1999 940min. Christian Tramitz, Helmfried von Lüttichau, Graeffe, Ray Barrett, , Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 Michael Brandner, Annett Fleischer, Paul Ahmed Louxor - Dir. Frederic Goode 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057833 Sedlmeir, Carin C. Tietze, Hannes Abenteuer 1964 84min. Ringlstetter, Karin Thaler, Sarah Horváth - MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Eine himmlische Familie - Die Dir. Werner Siebert, Jan Markus Linhof, Products) 24.01.2014 komplette 6. Staffel (5 Discs) Wilhelm Engelhardt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057426 7th Heaven Trailer Kriminalfilm/Komödie 773min. Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Barry Im Wendekreis des Söldners (Blu- Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Watson, David Gallagher, Jessica Biel, Home Edition) 27.03.2014 ray) (k.J.) Beverley Mitchell, Mackenzie Rosman - Dir. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057832 Tornado Burt Brinckerhoff, Tony Mordente, Bradley Timothy Brent, Allan Collins, Tony Marsina - M. Gross, Anson Williams, Harvey S. Hubert und Staller: Die ins Gras Dir. Anthony M. Dawson Laidman, Paul Snider, David Plenn, Kevin Dokumentarfilm, Trailer Inch, Joel J. Feigenbaum, Harry Harris beißen - Der Spielfilm Action 1983 94min. Drama/Familie 1999 940min. Christian Tramitz, Helmfried von Lüttichau, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.02.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 Michael Brandner, Annett Fleischer, Karin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057496 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057834 Thaler, Carin C. Tietze, Hannes Ringlstetter, Paul Sedlmeir, Monika Lennartz, Ursula Im Wendekreis des Söldners Hochzeitsnacht im Paradies Werner, Doris Gallart, Rainer Basedow, (k.J.) Joost Siedhoff, Jürgen Goslar, Jochen Nik- Alice Kessler, Ellen Kessler, Marika Rökk, Tornado kel, Miriam Pielhau, Oliver Nägele, Nathalie Peter Alexander, Waltraut Haas, Hubert von Timothy Brent, Allan Collins, Tony Marsina - Thiede, Rainer Haustein, Peter Rappen- Meyerinck - Dir. Paul Martin Dir. Anthony M. Dawson Booklet, Trailer glück - Dir. Wilhelm Engelhardt Trailer Musikfilm 1962 104min. Trailer Action 1983 90min. Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2013 88min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.02.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde AG(Filmjuwelen) 14.02.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057473 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057637 Home Edition) 27.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057831 Implanted - Die Erinnerung lügt Home Invasion - Dieses Haus ge- The Human Race - The „Race or Implanted hört mir Justice Leak, Robert Pralgo, Elizabeth Foreclosed Die“ Tournament (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Keener, Jason Turner, Deborah Childs, Tara

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Jean Verrette, Jackie Goldston, Brian EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 27.03.2014 James Irvine, Steven Ellison, Stephen tba BestellNr.: 20057521 Just the Wind (OmU) Caudill - Dir. Thomas Verrette Csak A Szél Thriller/Drama 2013 88min. Jackpot - Kleine Morde unter Katalin Toldi, Gyöngyi Lendvai, Lajos Maritim Pictures 21.03.2014 Spielern (Blu-ray) Sárkány, György Toldi, Gyula Horváth, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057445 Arme Riddere Emese Vasvári, Gergely Kaszás, Attila Kyrre Hellum, Mads Ousdal, Arthur Berning, Egyed - Dir. Benedek Fliegauf Implanted - Die Erinnerung lügt Andreas Cappelen, Henrik Mestad (Solør), Featurette, Trailer Drama 2011 94min. (Blu-ray) Lena Kristin Ellingsen, Fridtjov Såheim, Jan Filmgalerie 451 13.02.2014 Implanted Grønli, Peter Andersson, Eirik Daleng, Marie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057446 Justice Leak, Robert Pralgo, Elizabeth Blokhus - Dir. Magnus Martens Keener, Jason Turner, Deborah Childs, Tara Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 86min. Kaiserschmarrn Jean Verrette, Jackie Goldston, Brian EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 27.03.2014 Antoine Monot, Jr., Franz Meiller, Heinrich James Irvine, Steven Ellison, Stephen tba BestellNr.: 20057554 Schafmeister, Gerit Kling, Lars Montag, Caudill - Dir. Thomas Verrette Tobias Schönenberg, Anna Julia Kapfels- Thriller/Drama 2013 92min. jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve perger, Hendrik Martz, Anna Eger, Lesely Maritim Pictures 21.03.2014 Jobs Higl, Markus Knüfken, Ilja Richter, Martin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057460 Jobs Jackowski, Teresa Habereder, Günther Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Lukas Inga Lindström Collection 16 (3 Grauer, Rainer Schmidt, Jens Kraßnig, Haas, James Woods, Ron Eldard, Amanda Ottfried Fischer, Grit Boettcher - Dir. Daniel Discs) Crew, J.K. Simmons, Matthew Modine, Josh Krauss Inga Lindström: Das Geheimnis von Gad, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Jeremy Shada, Komödie/Satire 2012 88min. Gripsholm / Inga Lindström: Herz aus Eis Ahna O’Reilly, Lesley Ann Warren, Clint Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinostar) / Inga Lindström: Wer, wenn nicht du Jung - Dir. Joshua Michael Stern 14.03.2014 Maike Möller-Bornstein, Gedeon Burkhard, Making of, Featurette, Interviews 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057724 Marijam Agischewa, Carin C. Tietze, Philipp Drama/Biographie 2013 128min. Brenninkmeyer, Markus Knüfken, Jutta Concorde Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 Kampfstern Galactica - Die kom- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057829 Speidel, Jürgen Heinrich, Roman Knizka - plette Serie (9 Blu-rays + 1 DVD) Dir. Ulli Baumann, Martin Gies, Dennis Satin Drama 2013 265min. jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve (Blu-ray) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 20.02.2014 Jobs (Blu-ray) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057590 Jobs Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Lukas Benedict, Herbert Jefferson Jr., Laurette Into the Dark Haas, James Woods, Ron Eldard, Amanda Spang, Terry Carter, John Colicos, Tony I Will Follow You Into The Dark Crew, J.K. Simmons, Matthew Modine, Josh Swartz, Maren Jensen, Noah Hathaway, Mischa Barton, Ryan Eggold, Leah Pipes, Gad, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Jeremy Shada, David Greenan, Anne Lockhart, Felix Silla, Frank Ashmore, Melinda Browne, Melinda Ahna O’Reilly, Lesley Ann Warren, Clint Jonathan Harris, Ed Begley Jr., John Y. Cohen, Richard Johnson, Tammy Klein - Jung - Dir. Joshua Michael Stern Dullaghan, George Murdock, Larry Manetti, Dir. Mark Edwin Robinson Making of, Featurette, Interviews Jane Seymour, Janet Julian, Lance LeGault Trailer Drama/Biographie 2013 133min. - Dir. Rod Holcomb, Christian J. Nyby II, Thriller/Mystery 2012 107min. Concorde Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 Daniel Haller, Donald P. Bellisario, Vince Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057840 Edwards, Alan J. Levi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057531 Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie, Featurettes, Dokumentationen, Journey of Love Super-8-Fassung Science Fiction 1978 1667min. Into the Dark (Blu-ray) Safety Not Guaranteed Koch Media 20.02.2014 I Will Follow You Into The Dark Karan Soni, Jenica Bergere, , 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057781 Mischa Barton, Ryan Eggold, Leah Pipes, Jeff Garlin, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Aubrey Frank Ashmore, Melinda Browne, Melinda Plaza, Jake M. Johnson, , Kara Murat - Der Rächer Anatoli- Y. Cohen, Richard Johnson, Tammy Klein - Lynn Shelton, Tony Doupe, Brandon Dir. Mark Edwin Robinson Landers - Dir. Colin Trevorrow ens Trailer Trailer Kara Murat: Fatihin Fermani Thriller/Mystery 2012 112min. Komödie/Mystery 2012 82min. Cüneyt Arkin, Meral Orhonsay, Melda Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Sözen, Erol Tas, Kenan Pars, Atilla Ergün, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057564 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057532 Kayhan Yildizoglu, Bora Ayanoglu - Dir. Natuk Baytan Ja, ich will! - I Do (OmU) Journey of Love (Blu-ray) Historienfilm/Action 1973 80min. I Do Safety Not Guaranteed Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Alicia Witt, Maurice Karan Soni, Jenica Bergere, Kristen Bell, 21.02.2014 Compte, David W. Ross, Grant Bowler, Jeff Garlin, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Aubrey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057540 Patricia Belcher, Jessica Brown, Mickey Plaza, Jake M. Johnson, Mark Duplass, Cottrell - Dir. Glenn Gaylord Lynn Shelton, Tony Doupe, Brandon Kid-Thing Audiokommentar, Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Landers - Dir. Colin Trevorrow Kid-Thing Featurette, Interviews, CGI-Szenen Trailer Sydney Aguirre, Susan Tyrrell, Nathan Drama 2012 87min. Komödie/Mystery 2012 85min. Zellner, Mary Cameron House, David cmv-Laservision 24.01.2014 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 House, Jack House, Charlie House, Bella 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057625 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057565 Babineaux, David Wingo, Heather Kafka, Jackpot - Kleine Morde unter David Zellner, Sam Douglas, Peter Die jungen Jacobiter Vasquez, Chloe Allen, Zack Carlson - Dir. Spielern The Young Jacobites David Zellner Arme Riddere Jeremy Bulloch, , Frazer Drama 2012 min. Kyrre Hellum, Mads Ousdal, Arthur Berning, Hines, David Stuart, John Woodnutt - Dir. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Andreas Cappelen, Henrik Mestad (Solør), John Reeve GmbH & Co. KG(W-Film) 28.03.2014 Lena Kristin Ellingsen, Fridtjov Såheim, Jan Abenteuer 1960 114min. tba BestellNr.: 20057585 Grønli, Peter Andersson, Eirik Daleng, Marie MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Blokhus - Dir. Magnus Martens Products) 24.01.2014 - Eine Stadt in Angst Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 83min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057428

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(k.J.) Horton - Dir. Gregory Alosio Mel Ferrer, Magali Noël, Peter van Eyck, Children Of Wax Trailer, Bildergalerie Jean Desailly, Ida Galli, Maria Michi, Andre Drama/Familie 2013 82min. Armand Assante, Udo Kier, Daniel Jocelyn, Michael Hinz - Dir. Bruno Paolinelli KSM GmbH 17.03.2014 Bernhardt, Hal Ozsan, Shirly Brener, Naum Booklet, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057741 Drama/Kriegsfilm 1961 102min. Schopow, Ioan Karamfilow, Peter AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Cunningham - Dir. Ivan Nitchev Der Knastarzt - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.02.2014 Thriller 2005 94min. Bernhard Piesk, Laura Osswald, Clelia 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057641 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.02.2014 Sarto, Michael Starkl, Götz , 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057663 Aleksandar Jovanovic, Rainer Laupichler - Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd Dir. Andreas Menck, Sascha Thiel (Blu-ray) Stephen King’s Riding the Bullet Drama 2014 270min. Io Sto Con Gli Ippopotami Riding The Bullet Universum Film(RTL video) 18.04.2014 Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Joe Bugner, May Jonathan Jackson, David Arquette, Cliff tba BestellNr.: 20057839 Dlamini, Dawn Jürgens - Dir. Italo Zingarelli Robertson, Barbara Hershey, Erika Action 1979 99min. Christensen, Barry W. Levy - Dir. Mick Kommissariat 9 - Volume 1 (2 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.02.2014 Garris Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057669 Trailer Herbert Steinmetz, Edgar Ott, Walter Riss, Thriller/Horror 2004 96min. Eva Manhardt, Dietrich Lehmann - Dir. Wolf- Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- gang Staudte (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) dia) 18.02.2014 Kriminalfilm 1974-1979 300min. Io Sto Con Gli Ippopotami 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057475 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.02.2014 Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Joe Bugner, May 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057597 Stephen King’s Riding the Bullet Dlamini, Dawn Jürgens - Dir. Italo Zingarelli Action 1979 99min. (Blu-ray) König von Deutschland 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.02.2014 Riding The Bullet Olli Dittrich, Veronica Ferres, Wanja Mues, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057670 Jonathan Jackson, David Arquette, Cliff Katrin Bauerfeind, Jonas Nay, Jella Haase, Robertson, Barbara Hershey, Erika Stephan Grossmann, Mirco Reseg, Wolfram La grande bellezza - Die große Christensen, Barry W. Levy - Dir. Mick Koch, Hanns Zischler, Paula Hans, Peter Schönheit Garris Illmann, Katharina Schlothauer, Marie Anne La Grande Bellezza Trailer Fliegel, Werner Schulze-Erdel - Dir. David Toni Servillo, Carlo Verdone, Sabrina Ferilli, Thriller/Horror 2004 99min. Dietl Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- Interviews, Making of, Musikclip, Trailer Carlo Buccirosso, Iaia Forte, Pamela dia) 18.02.2014 Komödie 2013 96min. Villoresi, Galatea Ranzi, Anna Della Rosa, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057499 good!movies(Zorro) 07.03.2014 Giovanna Vignola, Roberto Herlitzka, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057609 Massimo de Francovich, Giusi Merli, Giorgio Kiss of the Damned Pasotti, Massimo Popolizio, Isabella Ferrari, Kiss Of The Damned Krieg der Welten 2 - Die nächste Franco Graziosi, Luca Marinelli, Sonia Joséphine de la Baume, , Angriffswelle Gessner, Dario Cantarelli, Ivan Franek, Anita Kravos, Luciano Virgilio, Vernon Roxane Mesquida, Michael Rapaport, Riley War Of The Worlds 2: The Next Wave Dobtcheff, Serena Grandi, Lillo Petrolo, Keough, Ching Valdes-Aran, Anna C. Thomas Howell, Darren Dalton, Kim Gianpiero Cognoli, Fanny Ardant, Antonello Mouglalis, Juan Luis Acevedo - Dir. Xan Little, Fred Griffith, Jonathan Levit, Cassavetes Venditti - Dir. Jonathan Nation, Oliver Rayon - Dir. C. Tho- Behind the Scenes, Interview Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer mas Howell Horror 2013 92min. Drama/Komödie 2013 141min. Science Fiction/Action 2008 84min. Capelight Pictures 25.04.2014 DCM 07.03.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057447 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057492 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057846 La grande bellezza - Die große Kiss of the Damned (Blu-ray) Krieg der Welten 2 - Die nächste Kiss Of The Damned Schönheit (Blu-ray) Joséphine de la Baume, Milo Ventimiglia, Angriffswelle (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- La Grande Bellezza Roxane Mesquida, Michael Rapaport, Riley ray) Toni Servillo, Carlo Verdone, Sabrina Ferilli, Keough, Ching Valdes-Aran, Anna War Of The Worlds 2: The Next Wave Carlo Buccirosso, Iaia Forte, Pamela Mouglalis, Juan Luis Acevedo - Dir. Xan C. Thomas Howell, Darren Dalton, Kim Villoresi, Galatea Ranzi, Anna Della Rosa, Cassavetes Little, Fred Griffith, Jonathan Levit, Giovanna Vignola, Roberto Herlitzka, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer Jonathan Nation, Oliver Rayon - Dir. C. Tho- Massimo de Francovich, Giusi Merli, Giorgio Horror 2013 96min. mas Howell Pasotti, Massimo Popolizio, Isabella Ferrari, Capelight Pictures 25.04.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2008 87min. Franco Graziosi, Luca Marinelli, Sonia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057461 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 Gessner, Dario Cantarelli, Ivan Franek, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057888 Anita Kravos, Luciano Virgilio, Vernon Klassische Monumentalfilme (5 Dobtcheff, Serena Grandi, Lillo Petrolo, Discs) Krieg der Welten 2 - Die nächste Gianpiero Cognoli, Fanny Ardant, Antonello Los amantes del desierto / Anthar Angriffswelle (Blu-ray) Venditti - Dir. Paolo Sorrentino l’invincibile / I battellieri del Volga / War Of The Worlds 2: The Next Wave Behind the Scenes, Interview Drama/Komödie 2013 147min. Giuditta e Oloferne / Goliath e la schiava C. Thomas Howell, Darren Dalton, Kim DCM 07.03.2014 ribelle / Im Tempel des weißen Elephanten Little, Fred Griffith, Jonathan Levit, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057513 / Les nuits de Raspoutine / Salambò / Il Jonathan Nation, Oliver Rayon - Dir. C. Tho- tesoro del Bengala / Ulisse contro Ercole mas Howell Der lange Tod des Stuntman Abenteuer/Monumentalfilm 850min. Science Fiction/Action 2008 85min. ZYX Music 07.02.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 Cameron 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057800 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057887 The Stunt Man Peter O’Toole, Steve Railsback, Barbara Der kleine Hengst und die Kriegsgesetz - Liebe, Freiheit Hershey, Allen Goorwitz, Alex Rocco - Dir. Pferdediebe und Verrat Richard Rush The Christmas Colt Trailer Legge Di Guerra Komödie 1980 125min. Tyrone Power IV., Austin Filson, Carlee

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Explosive Media 04.04.2014 Drama 1994-2000 342min. Liberace - Zu viel des Guten ist 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057748 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment wundervoll Germany(Arthaus) 13.03.2014 Der lange Tod des Stuntman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057804 , Matt Damon, Scott Bakula, Cameron (Blu-ray) The Legend of the Red Reaper - Rob Lowe, Dan Aykroyd, Debbie Reynolds, The Stunt Man Cheyenne Jackson, Jane Morris, Garrett M. Peter O’Toole, Steve Railsback, Barbara Dämon, Hexe, Kriegerin Brown, Boyd Holbrook, Tom Papa, Nicky Hershey, Allen Goorwitz, Alex Rocco - Dir. Legend Of The Red Reaper Katt, David Koechner, Mike O’Malley, Kiff Richard Rush Tara Cardinal, David Mackey, Christian van den Heuvel, Josh Meyers, Harvey J. Trailer Boeving, Tom Nowicki, Barry J. Ratcliffe, Alperin, Paul Reiser, Jerry Clarke, Lisa Komödie 1980 131min. Shayne Leighton, Ray Eddy, Eliza Swenson Frantz, Shant Benjamin, John Philip Kavcak Explosive Media 04.04.2014 - Dir. Tara Cardinal - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057779 Fantasy/Horror 2013 99min. Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Maritim Pictures 18.03.2014 Drama/Biographie 2013 114min. The Last Shot - Entscheidung in tba BestellNr.: 20057518 DCM 21.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057493 The Narrows The Legend of the Red Reaper - Kevin Zegers, Vincent D’Onofrio, Sophia Dämon, Hexe, Kriegerin (Blu-ray) Liberace - Zu viel des Guten ist Bush, Eddie Cahill, Titus Welliver, Monica Legend Of The Red Reaper wundervoll (Blu-ray) Keena, Roger Rees, Tony Cucci, Michael Tara Cardinal, David Mackey, Christian Behind The Candelabra Kelly, Anthony Fazio, Melina Lizette, Esau Boeving, Tom Nowicki, Barry J. Ratcliffe, Michael Douglas, Matt Damon, Scott Bakula, Pritchett - Dir. François Velle Shayne Leighton, Ray Eddy, Eliza Swenson Rob Lowe, Dan Aykroyd, Debbie Reynolds, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 102min. - Dir. Tara Cardinal Cheyenne Jackson, Jane Morris, Garrett M. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 Fantasy/Horror 2013 103min. Brown, Boyd Holbrook, Tom Papa, Nicky 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057847 Maritim Pictures 18.03.2014 Katt, David Koechner, Mike O’Malley, Kiff tba BestellNr.: 20057551 van den Heuvel, Josh Meyers, Harvey J. The Last Shot - Entscheidung in Alperin, Paul Reiser, Jerry Clarke, Lisa Brooklyn (Blu-ray) Der Lehrer - Die komplette 2. Frantz, Shant Benjamin, John Philip Kavcak The Narrows Staffel (2 Discs) - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Kevin Zegers, Vincent D’Onofrio, Sophia Hendrik Duryn, Jessica Ginkel, Ulrich Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Drama/Biographie 2013 119min. Bush, Eddie Cahill, Titus Welliver, Monica Gebauer, Rainer Piwek, Matthias Klimsa, DCM 21.03.2014 Keena, Roger Rees, Tony Cucci, Michael Frank Voß - Dir. Dominic Müller, Nico 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057514 Kelly, Anthony Fazio, Melina Lizette, Esau Zingelmann, Peter Gersina Pritchett - Dir. François Velle Komödie 2013 360min. Theo Lingen - Die Theo Box (2 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 106min. Universal Music Family Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.02.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 31.01.2014 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057889 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057583 Almenrausch und Edelweiß / Die Feuer- zangenbowle Last Vegas Die Leiden der Pilger Theo Lingen Last Vegas La Chanson De Roland Komödie 1957-1970 178min. Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Klaus Kinski, Alain Cuny, Dominique Sanda, Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Freeman, Kevin Kline, Mary Steenburgen, Pierre Clémenti, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, 07.02.2014 Jerry Ferrara, Romany Malco, Roger Bart, Monique Mercure, Niels Arestrup - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057691 , Michael Ealy, Bre Blair, Frank Cassenti April Billingsley, Andrea Moore, Noah Abenteuer 1978 97min. Lord Nelsons letzte Liebe Harden, RJ Fattori, Aaron Bantum, Phillip Intergroove Media(TB Productions) That Hamilton Woman Wampler, Olivia Stuck - Dir. Jon Turteltaub 28.02.2014 Vivien Leigh, Sir Laurence Olivier, Alan Komödie 2013 101min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057606 Mowbray, Sara Allgood, Gladys Cooper, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Henry Wilcoxon, Heather Angel - Dir. Alex- 27.03.2014 Die letzte Front - Defenders of ander Korda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057484 Bildergalerie Riga Historienfilm/Drama 1941 105min. Last Vegas (Blu-ray) Rigas Sargi Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) Janis Reinis, Elita Klavina, Girts Krumins, Last Vegas 21.03.2014 Romualds Ancans, Andris Keiss, Vilis Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057874 Daudzins, Arturs Skrastins, Kestutis Freeman, Kevin Kline, Mary Steenburgen, Jakstas - Dir. Aigars Grauba Lord Nelsons letzte Liebe (Blu- Jerry Ferrara, Romany Malco, Roger Bart, Trailer Joanna Gleason, Michael Ealy, Bre Blair, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 119min. ray) April Billingsley, Andrea Moore, Noah Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) That Hamilton Woman Harden, RJ Fattori, Aaron Bantum, Phillip 25.03.2014 Vivien Leigh, Sir Laurence Olivier, Alan Wampler, Olivia Stuck - Dir. Jon Turteltaub tba BestellNr.: 20057736 Mowbray, Sara Allgood, Gladys Cooper, Komödie 2013 105min. Henry Wilcoxon, Heather Angel - Dir. Alex- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die letzte Front - Defenders of ander Korda 27.03.2014 Riga (Blu-ray) Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057507 Historienfilm/Drama 1941 105min. Rigas Sargi Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) Ang Lee - Arthaus Close-Up (3 Janis Reinis, Elita Klavina, Girts Krumins, 21.03.2014 Romualds Ancans, Andris Keiss, Vilis 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057904 Discs) Daudzins, Arturs Skrastins, Kestutis Eat Drink Man Woman / Der Eissturm / Jakstas - Dir. Aigars Grauba Lost Girl - Die komplette dritte Tiger & Dragon Trailer Lung Sihung, Yang Kuei-mei, Wu Chien- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 124min. Season (3 Discs) lien, Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Courtney Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Lost Girl Peldon, Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, 25.03.2014 Fantasy/Mystery 211min. Zhang Ziyi - Dir. Ang Lee tba BestellNr.: 20057768 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Audiokommentar, Wendecover 15.04.2014

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057956 bel Malavita - The Family Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, The Family Lost Place Trailer, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar, Bio- und Filmografien Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tommy François Goeske, Josefine Preuß, Jytte- Drama/Komödie 2004 115min. Lee Jones, Dianna Agron, John D’Leo, Merle Böhrnsen, Pit Bukowski, Anatole Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Jimmy Palumbo, Domenick Lombardozzi, Taubman, Björn Bugri, Rike Eckermann, 07.02.2014 Stan Carp, - Dir. Luc Georg Kammerer - Dir. Thorsten Klein 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057695 Besson Thriller/Mystery 2013 97min. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 107min. Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Ein Mädchen aus Flandern (k.J.) Universum Film 11.04.2014 28.03.2014 Nicole Berger, Maximilian Schell, Viktor de 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057764 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057742 Kowa, Friedrich Domin, Anneliese Römer, Erica Balqué, Fritz Tillmann, Gert Fröbe - Malavita - The Family (Blu-ray) Lost Place (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) (Blu- Dir. Helmut Käutner The Family ray) Booklet, Trailer Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tommy François Goeske, Josefine Preuß, Jytte- Drama 1955 101min. Lee Jones, Dianna Agron, John D’Leo, Merle Böhrnsen, Pit Bukowski, Anatole AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Jimmy Palumbo, Domenick Lombardozzi, Taubman, Björn Bugri, Rike Eckermann, AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.02.2014 Stan Carp, Vincent Pastore - Dir. Luc Georg Kammerer - Dir. Thorsten Klein 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057640 Besson Thriller/Mystery 2013 101min. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 112min. Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Das Mädchen Wadjda Universum Film 11.04.2014 28.03.2014 Wadjda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057790 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057774 Reem Abdullah, Waad Mohammed, Abdullrahman Al Gohani, Ahd, Sultan Al Maria Wern: Kripo Gotland - Staf- Love and Honor (Alles Liebe) Assaf, Mariam Alghamdi, Sara Aljaber, fel 2 (4 Discs) Rehab Ahmed, Dana Abdullilah, Rafa Al Love And Honor Es schlafe der Tod / Schwarze Schmetter- Sanea - Dir. Haifaa Al Mansour Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Aimee linge / Kinderspiel / Die Insel der Puppen Drama 2013 94min. Teegarden, Chris Lowell, Wyatt Russell, Eva Röse, Allan Svensson, Peter Perski - Koch Media 20.03.2014 Max Adler, Austin Stowell, Delvon Roe - Dir. Dir. Erik Leijonborg 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057525 Danny Mooney Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 348min. Making of Koch Media 20.02.2014 Drama 2012 96min. Das Mädchen Wadjda (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057880 Universum Film 07.02.2014 Wadjda 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057694 Reem Abdullah, Waad Mohammed, Maximum Cage Fighting Abdullrahman Al Gohani, Ahd, Sultan Al Circle Of Fury Love Battles - Mein erotischer Assaf, Mariam Alghamdi, Sara Aljaber, Randy Spence, Adonis Williams, Christina Rehab Ahmed, Dana Abdullilah, Rafa Al Ringkampf Rose - Dir. Z. Winston Brown Sanea - Dir. Haifaa Al Mansour Mes Séances De Lutte Action 2010 91min. Drama 2013 97min. Sara Forestier, James Thiérrée, Louise MIG Film 27.03.2014 Koch Media 20.03.2014 Szpindel, Mahault Mollaret, Bill Leyshon - tba BestellNr.: 20057753 Dir. Jacques Doillon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057558 Interview, Trailer Mega Rats - Angriff der Riesen- Drama/Erotik 2013 106min. Die Magermilchbande (3 Discs) Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 14.03.2014 Richard Knotek, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer, ratten (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057457 Tomás Vacek - Dir. Thomas Fantl Return Of The Killer Shrews Drama 1979 300min. James Best, John Schneider, Jennifer Ly- Love Battles - Mein erotischer MORE Entertainment Rights(More Music) ons, Jason-Shane Scott, Rick Hurst, Bruce Ringkampf (Blu-ray) 21.02.2014 Davison, Holly Weber - Dir. Steve Latshaw 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057932 Trailer Mes Séances De Lutte Horror/Komödie 2012 84min. Sara Forestier, James Thiérrée, Louise Major Crimes - Die komplette er- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 Szpindel, Mahault Mollaret, Bill Leyshon - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057900 Dir. Jacques Doillon ste Staffel (3 Discs) Interview, Trailer Major Crimes Mega Rats - Angriff der Riesen- Drama/Erotik 2013 110min. Mary McDonnell, G. W. Bailey, Anthony ratten (k.J.) Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 14.03.2014 John Denison, Michael Paul Chan, Raymond Return Of The Killer Shrews 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057471 Cruz, Phillip P. Keene, Kearran Giovanni, James Best, John Schneider, Jennifer Ly- Robert Gossett, Jon Tenney, Jonathan Del ons, Jason-Shane Scott, Rick Hurst, Bruce Love Stories - The Very Best of Arco, Nadine Velazquez, Ransford Period Drama (3 Discs) Davison, Holly Weber - Dir. Steve Latshaw Doherty, Kathe Mazur - Dir. Michael M. Trailer Women in Love - Liebende Frauen / Die Robin, Arvin Brown, Rick Wallace, Leo Horror/Komödie 2012 80min. geheimen Tagebücher der Anne Lister Geter, Paul McCrane, Jon Tenney, Sheelin Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 Rosamund Pike, Rachael Stirling, Rory Choksey 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057854 Kinnear, Maxine Peake, Anna Madeley, Kriminalfilm 2012 min. Susan Lynch - Dir. Miranda Bowen, James Warner Home Video Germany 28.03.2014 Michael Kohlhaas Kent 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057751 Michael Kohlhaas Drama/Komödie 2010-2011 270min. Mads Mikkelsen, Bruno Ganz, Denis polyband Medien GmbH 28.02.2014 Mako - Einfach Meerjungfrau Lavant, Mélusine Mayance, David Kross, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057477 (Folgen 4-6) Delphine Chuillot, Sergi Lopez, Amira Mako Mermaids Casar, David Bennent, Paul Bartel, Roxane Lovesong für Bobby Long (Alles Amy Ruffle, Ivy Latimer, Lucy Fry, Chai Duran, Swann Arlaud, Jacques Nolot, Ri- Liebe) Romruen, Dominic Deutscher - Dir. Grant chard Capelle, Nicolas Capelle, Guillaume A Love Song For Bobby Long Brown, Evan Clarry Delaunay - Dir. Arnaud des Pallières John Travolta, Scarlett Johansson, Gabriel Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 78min. Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 117min. Macht, Deborah Kara Unger, David Jensen, Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.02.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 Dane Rhodes, Clayne Crawford, Sonny 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057864 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057453 Shroyer, Walter Breaux - Dir. Shainee Ga-

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Michael Kohlhaas (Blu-ray) Lopez, Robert Blake, Chris Cooper, Joe Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Michael Kohlhaas Grifasi - Dir. Joseph Ruben 21.02.2014 Mads Mikkelsen, Bruno Ganz, Denis Action 1995 110min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057682 Lavant, Mélusine Mayance, David Kross, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Delphine Chuillot, Sergi Lopez, Amira 03.04.2014 Namibia - Der Kampf um die Frei- Casar, David Bennent, Paul Bartel, Roxane 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057964 heit Duran, Swann Arlaud, Jacques Nolot, Ri- Namibia: The Struggle For Liberation chard Capelle, Nicolas Capelle, Guillaume Monsoon Wedding (Alles Liebe) Danny Glover, Chrisjan Appollus, Obed Delaunay - Dir. Arnaud des Pallières Monsoon Wedding Emvula, Carl Lumbly, Joel Haikali, Thereza Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 122min. Naseeruddin Shah, Lillete Dubey, Shefali Kahorongo - Dir. Charles Burnett polyband Medien GmbH 28.03.2014 Shetty, Vijay Raaz, Tillotama Shome, Bildergalerien, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057466 Vasundra Das, Parvin Dabas, Kulbushan Drama 2007 154min. Kharbanda, Kamini Khanna, Rajat Kapoor, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Misfits - Staffel 4 (3 Discs) (k.J.) Neha Dubey, Ishaan Nair, Randeep Hooda, 02.01.2014 Misfits Roshan Seth, Soni Razdan, Sameer Arya, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057415 Behind the Scenes Rahul Vohra, Natasha Rastogi, Vimla Fantasy/Drama 2012 366min. Bhushan, Ira Pandey - Dir. Mira Nair Namibia - Der Kampf um die Frei- polyband Medien GmbH 28.02.2014 Behind the Scenes heit (Blu-ray) Drama/Komödie 2001 109min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057728 Namibia: The Struggle For Liberation Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 07.02.2014 Danny Glover, Chrisjan Appollus, Obed 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057696 Mission: Impossible - In geheimer Emvula, Carl Lumbly, Joel Haikali, Thereza Mission - Season 1.1 (3 Discs) Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 7.1 (3 Kahorongo - Dir. Charles Burnett Mission: Impossible Bildergalerien, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Peter Graves, Thaao Penghlis, Antony Discs) Drama 2007 160min. Hamilton - Dir. Cliff Bole, Kim Manners Murder, She Wrote Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Bildergalerie, Trailer Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron 02.01.2014 Kriminalfilm/Action 1988 500min. Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057432 Explosive Media 04.04.2014 Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057721 Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Necrophobic (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Death Factory: Bloodletting Mission: Impossible - In geheimer Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Claudia Vargas, David C. Hayes, Noah Mission - Season 1.2 (3 Discs) Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Todd, Michelle Mousel, Shareese Hegna, Mission: Impossible Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Jeanna Coker, Travis Alan McAfee, Kareem Peter Graves, Thaao Penghlis, Antony Havinga McRoy - Dir. Sean Tretta Hamilton - Dir. Cliff Bole, Kim Manners Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 495min. Horror 2008 90min. Bildergalerie, Trailer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Kriminalfilm/Action 1988 450min. 13.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057612 Explosive Media 04.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057487 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057723 Necrophobic (k.J.) Mörderspiel Death Factory: Bloodletting Mit stahlharter Faust Magali Noël, Harry Meyen, Götz George, Claudia Vargas, David C. Hayes, Noah Man Without A Star Robert Graf, Georges Rivière, Wolfgang Todd, Michelle Mousel, Shareese Hegna, Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Claire Trevor, Kieling, Armin Dahlen - Dir. Helmuth Ashley Jeanna Coker, Travis Alan McAfee, Kareem William Campbell, Richard Boone, Mara Booklet McRoy - Dir. Sean Tretta Corday, Myrna Hansen, Jay C. Flippen - Dir. Kriminalfilm 1961 84min. Bildergalerie, Trailer King Vidor Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.03.2014 Horror 2008 86min. Bildergalerie, Booklet, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057803 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Western 1955 86min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057599 Explosive Media 28.02.2014 Mordkommission Istanbul: Box 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057636 (3 Discs) Das Netz (Blu-ray) Erol Sander, Sascha Ö. Soydan, Oscar The Net Mit stahlharter Faust (Blu-ray) Ortega Sánchez - Dir. Michael Kreindl Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Man Without A Star Kriminalfilm 2010-2012 270min. Miller, Diane Baker, Wendy Gazelle, Ken Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Claire Trevor, WVG Medien(ARD Video) 28.03.2014 Howard, Ray McKinnon - Dir. Irwin Winkler William Campbell, Richard Boone, Mara 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057940 Thriller 1995 112min. Corday, Myrna Hansen, Jay C. Flippen - Dir. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) King Vidor Motive - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) 03.04.2014 Bildergalerie, Booklet, Trailer Motive 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057965 Western 1955 86min. Kristin Lehman Explosive Media 28.02.2014 Kriminalfilm 2013 380min. Nichts geht mehr - Das Millionen- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057652 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) spiel des Dan Mahowny Mobsters - Die wahren Bosse 13.03.2014 Owning Mahowny 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057488 Philip Seymour Hoffman, Minnie Driver, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) John Hurt, Maury Chaykin, Sonja Smits, Ian The Mobsters Motzki (2 Discs) Tracey, Roger Dunn, Jason Blicker, Chris Christian Slater, Patrick Dempsey, Richard Jürgen Holtz, Jutta Hoffmann, Eva Mattes, Collins, Judi Embden, M.J. Kang, Mike „Nug“ Grieco, Anthony Quinn, Rodney Eastman, Albert Kitzl, Elke Czischek, Günter Schu- Nahrgang, Joseph Scoren, Makyla Smith - Costas Mandylor - Dir. Michael Karbelnikoff bert, Werner Dissel, Ercan Özcelik, Lothar Dir. Richard Kwietniowski Trailer, Bildergalerie Förster, Michael Walke, Johannes Terne, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2003 101min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1991 112min. Katya Jaremenko, Daniel Morgenroth, Franz Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.02.2014 Explosive Media 07.03.2014 Viehmann, Eberhard Prüter, Christoph Eich- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057726 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057655 horn, Christoph Hofrichter, Jan Mahr, Ursu- Money Train (Blu-ray) la Stark, Ernst-Georg Schwill, Max Tidof, Nichts geht mehr - Das Millionen- Matthias Freihof - Dir. Thomas Nennstiel Money Train spiel des Dan Mahowny (Blu-ray) Booklet Owning Mahowny Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Komödie 1993 325min.

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Philip Seymour Hoffman, Minnie Driver, 27.03.2014 Polizeiinspektion 1 - Staffel 10 (3 John Hurt, Maury Chaykin, Sonja Smits, Ian 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057490 Discs) Tracey, Roger Dunn, Jason Blicker, Chris Kriminalfilm/Drama 1986-1987 321min. Collins, Judi Embden, M.J. Kang, Mike „Nug“ Paris Decadence - The Skin Koch Media 17.01.2014 Nahrgang, Joseph Scoren, Makyla Smith - Territory (k.J.) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057683 Dir. Richard Kwietniowski Shanghai Belle Drama/Kriminalfilm 2003 105min. Marie Février, Xin Wang, Elena Kuletskaya - Powder Room Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Dir. Jean-Louis Daniel Powder Room 21.02.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie , Jaime Winstone, Kate 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057733 Drama/Erotik 2011 112min. Nash, Oona Chaplin, Riann Steele, Sarah Donau Film 28.02.2014 Hoare, Alex Warren, Antonia Bernath - Dir. Notruf Hafenkante 9, Folge 10-117 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057582 M.J. Delaney (4 Discs) Das Pferd auf dem Balkon Komödie 2013 86min. Thomas Scharff, Marie-Lou Sellem, Sanna Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Enzo Gaier, Nora Tschirner, Natasa Englund, Rhea Harder, Frank Vockroth, 27.03.2014 Paunovic, Andreas Kiendl, Bibiana Zeller, Peer Jäger, André Willmund, Fabian Harloff, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057485 Maike Bollow, Petra Kleinert, Harald Maack, Ernst Stankovski, Branko Samarovski, Marten Kemm, Dieter Montag - Dir. Bern- Murathan Muslu, Alexander E. Fennon, Powder Room (Blu-ray) Adem Karaduman, Andreas Bettinger, hard Stephan, Jörg Schneider, Gero Wein- Powder Room Abdulkadir Tuncer, Margarethe Tiesel, reuter, Erwin Keusch, Bodo Schwarz, Ste- Sheridan Smith, Jaime Winstone, Kate Rabie Peric, Beatrix Brunschko, Fritz phan Meyer, Rolf Wellingerhof Nash, Oona Chaplin, Riann Steele, Sarah Hörtenhuber, Reinhold Kammerer, Marcel Kriminalfilm/Drama 585min. Hoare, Alex Warren, Antonia Bernath - Dir. Alber - Dir. Hüseyin Tabak Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) M.J. Delaney Kinderfilm 2012 90min. 21.02.2014 Komödie 2013 89min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.02.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057685 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057820 27.03.2014 Now Is Good - Jeder Moment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057508 zählt (Alles Liebe) Pinocchio Pinocchio Now Is Good Practice - Die Anwälte, Vol. 3 (3 Danny Kaye, Sandy Duncan, Gary Morgan Dakota Fanning, Kaya Scodelario, Olivia - Dir. Ron Field, Sid Smith Discs) Williams, Rose Leslie, Jeremy Irvine, Paddy Booklet Considine, Sarah Hadland, Rakie Ayola, Kinderfilm 1976 78min. Michael Badalucco, Camryn Manheim, Patrick Baladi, Joe Cole, Julia Ford, Susan AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Steve Harris, Dylan McDermott, Kelli Brown - Dir. Ol Parker AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 14.02.2014 Williams, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Lara Flynn Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, B-Roll 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057707 Boyle, Marla Sokoloff, Ray Abruzzo, Hol- Drama/Lovestory 2012 103min. land Taylor - Dir. Dennis Smith, Jeannot Universum Film 07.02.2014 Police Story (Uncut Version) Szwarc, Arvin Brown, Dwight H. Little, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057697 Police Story Michael Schultz Ohne Ausweg (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jackie Chan, Brigitte Lin, Maggie Cheung, Wendecover Jimmy Wang Yu, Chu Yuan, Ken Tong - Dir. Drama 1998-1999 507min. Nowhere To Run Jackie Chan STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Jean-Claude van Damme, Rosanna Action 1985 96min. Germany 27.03.2014 Arquette, Kieran Culkin, Ted Levine, Tiffany Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057881 Taubman, Joss Ackland, Edward Blatchford 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057478 - Dir. Robert Harmon Prince Avalanche Action 1992 95min. Police Story (Uncut Version) (Blu- Prince Avalanche Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) ray) Paul Rudd, Emile Hirsch, Lance LeGault, 03.04.2014 Joyce Payne, Gina Grande, Larry Police Story 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057966 Kretschmar, Enoch Moon - Dir. David Gor- Jackie Chan, Brigitte Lin, Maggie Cheung, don Green Die Oktonauten... und die Jimmy Wang Yu, Chu Yuan, Ken Tong - Dir. Bildergalerie Meeresechsen Jackie Chan Komödie/Drama 2013 94min. Action 1985 102min. The Octonauts good!movies(Kool) 31.01.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.02.2014 Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057579 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057501 Julio Muri Prince Avalanche (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm 2010-2011 min. Police Story 2 (Uncut Version) Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Prince Avalanche Police Story II Division(Europa) 21.02.2014 Paul Rudd, Emile Hirsch, Lance LeGault, Jackie Chan, Edward Tang, Maggie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057923 Joyce Payne, Gina Grande, Larry Cheung, Bill Tung, Iam Kwok Hung, Charles Kretschmar, Enoch Moon - Dir. David Gor- Once Upon a Time - Es war ein- Chao - Dir. Jackie Chan don Green Action 1988 102min. Bildergalerie mal: Die komplette zweite Staffel Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.02.2014 Komödie/Drama 2013 97min. (6 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057479 good!movies(Kool) 31.01.2014 Once Upon A Time 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057587 Featurettes, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar Police Story 2 (Uncut Version) Fantasy 2012-2013 902min. (Blu-ray) Private Peaceful - Mein Bruder The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Police Story II Charlie GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Jackie Chan, Edward Tang, Maggie Private Peaceful Studios) 20.03.2014 Cheung, Bill Tung, Iam Kwok Hung, Charles George MacKay, Jack O’Connell, Alexandra 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057715 Chao - Dir. Jackie Chan Roach, Frances de la Tour, Richard Parenthood - Season 2 (6 Discs) Action 1988 106min. Griffiths, John Lynch, Maxine Peake, Eline Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.02.2014 Powell - Dir. Patrick O’Connor Parenthood 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057502 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 90min. Komödie/Drama 920min. polyband Medien GmbH 28.02.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)

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18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057456 Abenteuer/Horror 2013 94min. Splendid Film 28.03.2014 Ripper Street - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Private Peaceful - Mein Bruder 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057791 Ripper Street Charlie (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2012 400min. Private Peaceful Red Sky polyband Medien GmbH 28.02.2014 George MacKay, Jack O’Connell, Alexandra Red Sky 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057622 Roach, Frances de la Tour, Richard Cam Gigandet, Shane West, Rachael Leigh Griffiths, John Lynch, Maxine Peake, Eline Cook - Dir. Mario van Peebles Rose unter Dornen Powell - Dir. Patrick O’Connor Trailer Valerie Niehaus, Heinz Hoenig, Thure Action 2013 90min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 94min. Riefenstein, Richy Müller, Horst-Günter Koch Media 17.04.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 28.02.2014 Marx, Sabine Vitua, Sonja Kirchberger, Eva 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057526 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057470 Pflug, Angela Roy, Michael Greiling, Gunter Berger, Alban Hansen, Miguel Herz- Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, Red Sky (Blu-ray) Kestranek, Eva-Maria Bauer, Michael Red Sky Staffel 4, Teil 1 (4 Discs) Trischan, Thomas Rudnick, Gunther Gillian, Cam Gigandet, Shane West, Rachael Leigh Klaus Schindler, Michael von Rospat - Dir. Rawhide Cook - Dir. Mario van Peebles Trailer, Bildergalerie Dietmar Klein Trailer Drama 2006 180min. Drama 1961-1962 750min. Action 2013 94min. POLAR Film + Medien 23.01.2014 Explosive Media 21.03.2014 Koch Media 17.04.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057678 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057626 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057559 Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, The Reluctant Fundamentalist - Rush - Alles für den Sieg Staffel 4, Teil 2 (4 Discs) Rush Tage des Zorns Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Olivia Wil- Rawhide The Reluctant Fundamentalist de, Alexandra Maria Lara, Pierfrancesco Trailer, Bildergalerie Riz Ahmed, Kate Hudson, Liev Schreiber, Drama 1961-1962 750min. Favino, Christian McKay, Stephen Mangan, Kiefer Sutherland, Om Puri, Nelsan Ellis, Explosive Media 21.03.2014 Julian Rhind-Tutt, Alistair Petrie, David Martin Donovan, Christopher Smith - Dir. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057627 Calder, Natalie Dormer, Colin Stinton, Mira Nair Cristian Solimeno, Alessandro De Marco, Trailer Kristofer Dayne - Dir. Re-Animator (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama/Thriller 2012 130min. Action/Drama 2013 118min. Re-Animator Maritim Pictures 25.03.2014 Universum Film 28.03.2014 Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David tba BestellNr.: 20057519 Gale, Jeffrey Combs, Robert Sampson - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057547 Dir. Stuart Gordon The Reluctant Fundamentalist - Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Interviews, Entfallene und Rush - Alles für den Sieg (Blu- erweiterte Szenen, Featurette, TV Spots Tage des Zorns (Blu-ray) ray) Horror/Komödie 1985 86min. The Reluctant Fundamentalist Rush Capelight Pictures 28.02.2014 Riz Ahmed, Kate Hudson, Liev Schreiber, Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Olivia Wil- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057649 Kiefer Sutherland, Om Puri, Nelsan Ellis, de, Alexandra Maria Lara, Pierfrancesco Martin Donovan, Christopher Smith - Dir. Favino, Christian McKay, Stephen Mangan, Re-Animator (k.J.) Mira Nair Julian Rhind-Tutt, Alistair Petrie, David Re-Animator Trailer Calder, Natalie Dormer, Colin Stinton, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Drama/Thriller 2012 135min. Cristian Solimeno, Alessandro De Marco, Gale, Jeffrey Combs, Robert Sampson - Maritim Pictures 25.03.2014 Kristofer Dayne - Dir. Ron Howard Dir. Stuart Gordon tba BestellNr.: 20057552 Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Entfallene und erweiterte Action/Drama 2013 123min. Szenen, Isolierte Tonspur, Trailer Republic of Doyle - Einsatz für Universum Film 28.03.2014 Horror/Komödie 1985 82min. zwei, Staffel 1 (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057576 Capelight Pictures 28.02.2014 Republic Of Doyle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057634 Salon Kitty (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Allan Hawco, Sean McGinley, Lynda Boyd, Salon Kitty Rachel Wilson, Marthe Bernard, Mark Re-Animator / Bride of Re- Helmut Berger, Ingrid Thulin, Teresa Ann O’Brien, Bob Cole, Sean Panting - Dir. Steve Animator (Steelbook, 2 Discs) Savoy - Dir. Tinto Brass Dimarco, Robert Lieberman, Mike Interview mit Tinto Brass (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Clattenburg Erotik/Drama 1976 109min. Re-Animator / Bride Of Re-Animator Komödie/Kriminalfilm 516min. EuroVideo Medien(Meteor Film) 13.03.2014 Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Studio Hamburg Enterprises 07.03.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057767 Gale, Jeffrey Combs, Kathleen Kinmont - 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057933 Dir. Stuart Gordon, Brian Yuzna Salon Kitty (k.J.) Diverse Revengers (Blu-ray) Salon Kitty Horror/Komödie 1985-1989 183min. The Revengers Helmut Berger, Ingrid Thulin, Teresa Ann Capelight Pictures 28.02.2014 , Ernest Borgnine, Woody Savoy - Dir. Tinto Brass 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057650 Strode, Susan Hayward, Roger Hanin, Interview mit Tinto Brass Reinhard Kolldehoff, Larry Pennell, Jorge Erotik/Drama 1976 105min. Red Machine - Hunt or Be Hunted Luke, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos, James EuroVideo Medien(Meteor Film) 13.03.2014 Endangered Daughton - Dir. Daniel Mann tba BestellNr.: 20057735 James Marsden, Thomas Jane, Piper Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer Perabo - Dir. David Hackl Western 1972 108min. Scanners Trilogy I-II-III (3-Disc Abenteuer/Horror 2013 90min. Explosive Media 07.03.2014 Collector’s Set, Uncut) (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 28.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057793 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057765 (k.J.) Ripper Street - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Scanners / Scanners - The New Order / Red Machine - Hunt or Be Hunted (Blu-ray) Scanners - The Takeover Jennifer O’Neill, Stephen Lack, Patrick (Blu-ray) Ripper Street McGoohan, Lawrence Dane, Adam Lustig, Endangered Kriminalfilm 2012 400min. Chuck Shamata, Michael Ironside, David James Marsden, Thomas Jane, Piper polyband Medien GmbH 28.02.2014 Hewlett, Yvan Ponton, Deborah Raffin, Perabo - Dir. David Hackl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057646

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Isabelle Mejias, Tom Butler, Raoul Trujillo, Nacht (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Franco Giraldi Marty Simons, Liliana Komorowska, Daniel Arabische Nächte / Ali Baba und die 40 Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer Western 1967 90min. Pilon, Valérie Valois, Steve Parrish - Dir. Räuber / Das goldene Schwert Explosive Media 21.03.2014 , Christian Duguay Sabu, Jon Hall, Maria Montez, Turhan Bey, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057716 Trailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie Rock Hudson, Piper Laurie, Gene Evans - Horror/Science Fiction 1980-1991 308min. Dir. John Rawlins, Arthur Lubin, Nathan Explosive Media 28.02.2014 Sette pistole per i MacGregor Juran 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057653 Einführung, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sette Pistole Per I MacGregor Abenteuer 1942-1953 254min. Robert Woods, Fernando Sancho, Agata Scheidungsschaden inklusive Koch Media 20.02.2014 Flori, Georges Rigaud - Dir. Franco Giraldi A.C.O.D. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057908 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins, Catherine Western 1965 92min. O’Hara, Amy Poehler, Clark Duke, Jessica Schwedisch für Fortgeschrittene Explosive Media 21.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057714 Alba, Jane Lynch, Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Alles Liebe) - Dir. Stu Zicherman Outtakes, Interviews, Featurettes Heartbreak Hotel Shaolin - Die Bruderschaft der Komödie/Drama 2013 84min. Helena Bergström, Maria Lundquist, Johan schwarzen Spinne (k.J.) Rabaeus, Claes Mansson, Erica Braun, Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2014 Tie Tou Tie Zhi Tie Bu Shan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057757 Christoffer Svensson - Dir. Colin Nutley Interviews, Trailer Tung Wai, Kam Kang, Carter Wong, Chea Kwun-Chun - Dir. Wang Hung-Chang Die Schlange im Regenbogen Komödie 2006 98min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 07.02.2014 Action/Eastern 1977 91min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057699 Intergroove Media(TB Productions) The Serpent And The Rainbow 21.03.2014 Bill Pullman, Cathy Tyson, Zakes Mokae, The Secret Village 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057884 Paul Winfield, Brent Jennings, Conrad Ro- The Secret Village berts, Badja Djola - Dir. Wes Craven Jonathan Bennett, Ali Faulkner, Richard Shark Week ... 7 Tage - 7 Haie Making of, Featurettes Riehle, Stelio Savante, Karin Duseva, Tobi Shark Week Horror 1988 98min. Gadison, Kevin Lee, Miriam Weisbecker - Patrick Bergin, , Joshua M. Koch Media 18.12.2013 Dir. Swamy M. Kandan Allen, Erin Coker, Bart Baggett, Frankie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057413 Trailer Cullen, Valerie K. Garcia, Billy Ray - Dir. Thriller/Mystery 2013 84min. Christopher Ray Schloss Einstein (Limitierte Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 Trailer Jubiläumsedition, 2 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057850 Thriller/Horror 2012 86min. Kinderfilm min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Universum Film(Universum Kids) The Secret Village (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057533 07.03.2014 The Secret Village 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057808 Jonathan Bennett, Ali Faulkner, Richard Shark Week ... 7 Tage - 7 Haie Riehle, Stelio Savante, Karin Duseva, Tobi (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Schmidt - Chaos auf Rezept, Staf- Gadison, Kevin Lee, Miriam Weisbecker - Shark Week fel 1 (2 Discs) Dir. Swamy M. Kandan Patrick Bergin, Yancy Butler, Joshua M. Lucas Gregorowicz, Julia Hartmann, Jil Trailer Allen, Erin Coker, Bart Baggett, Frankie Thriller/Mystery 2013 88min. Funke, Florian Jahr, Michael Hanemann, Cullen, Valerie K. Garcia, Billy Ray - Dir. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 Ursela Monn, Sila Sahin, Sophia Thomalla, Christopher Ray 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057892 Tayfun Baydar, Manuel Cortez, Valerie Trailer Thriller/Horror 2012 89min. Niehaus, Sarah Alles, Lisa Bitter - Dir. Alex- Sein letztes Rennen Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 ander Dierbach, Sebastian Sorger Dieter Hallervorden, Tatja Seibt, Heike 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057567 Komödie 2014 min. Makatsch, Frederick Lau, Katrin Sass, Otto Universum Film(RTL video) 28.03.2014 Mellies, Katharina Lorenz, Heinz W. Shark Week ... 7 Tage - 7 Haie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057815 Krückeberg, Maria Mägdefrau, Barbara (Blu-ray) Ein Schnitzel für drei Morawiecz, Annekathrin Bürger, Mehdi Shark Week Nebbou, Jörg Hartmann, Reinhold Armin Rohde, Ludger Pistor, Branko Patrick Bergin, Yancy Butler, Joshua M. Beckmann, Matthias Opdenhövel - Dir. Samarovski, Caroline Peters, Therese Allen, Erin Coker, Bart Baggett, Frankie Kilian Riedhof Hämer, Cristina do Rego, Margit Bendokat, Cullen, Valerie K. Garcia, Billy Ray - Dir. Interviews, B-Roll Christopher Ray Patrycia Ziolkowska, Peter Jordan, Artur Drama 2013 110min. Majowski, Stefan Weinert, Marc Sense - Trailer Universum Film 28.03.2014 Thriller/Horror 2012 89min. Dir. Manfred Stelzer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057660 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Komödie 2009 88min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057566 S.A.D. Home Entertainment 07.02.2014 Sein letztes Rennen (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057718 Dieter Hallervorden, Tatja Seibt, Heike Sieben Tage in Utopia Makatsch, Frederick Lau, Katrin Sass, Otto Die schönsten Klassiker aus 1001 Seven Days In Utopia Mellies, Katharina Lorenz, Heinz W. Robert Duvall, Lucas Black, , Nacht (3 Discs) Krückeberg, Maria Mägdefrau, Barbara Deborah Ann Woll, Brian Geraghty, Joseph Arabische Nächte / Ali Baba und die 40 Morawiecz, Annekathrin Bürger, Mehdi Lyle Taylor, Jerry Ferrera, Kathy Baker, K. Räuber / Das goldene Schwert Nebbou, Jörg Hartmann, Reinhold J. Choi - Dir. Matthew Russell Sabu, Jon Hall, Maria Montez, Turhan Bey, Beckmann, Matthias Opdenhövel - Dir. Trailer Rock Hudson, Piper Laurie, Gene Evans - Kilian Riedhof Drama/Sport 2011 95min. Dir. John Rawlins, Arthur Lubin, Nathan Interviews, B-Roll Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.03.2014 Juran Drama 2013 115min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057828 Einführung, Bildergalerie, Trailer Universum Film 28.03.2014 Abenteuer 1942-1953 244min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057671 Sierra Nevada Gunfighters Koch Media 20.02.2014 The Sorrow 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057883 Sette donne per i MacGregor Kirk Harris, Ryan Ballance, Michael Madsen Sette Donne Per I MacGregor - Dir. Vernon E. Mortensen Die schönsten Klassiker aus 1001 David Bailey, Agata Flori, Leo Anchóriz - Western 2013 86min.

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Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 So ein Schlawiner Schlott, David Schütter, Robert Alexander 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057849 Maria Sebaldt, Hannelore Cremer, Ricci Baer, Muriel Wimmer, Isolde Barth, Götz Hohlt, Karin David - Dir. Wolfgang Spier Schubert, Patrick Hoffmann, Tobias Sierra Nevada Gunfighters (Blu- Theater/Komödie 1990 101min. Priesack, Phillip Kramer, Livia Steenken, ray) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 31.01.2014 Walter Schuster, Daniela Schürger - Dir. The Sorrow 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057580 Gregor Schnitzler Kirk Harris, Ryan Ballance, Michael Madsen Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Thriller 2013 101min. - Dir. Vernon E. Mortensen Solo für 2 Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 Western 2013 90min. All Of Me 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057689 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 Steve Martin, Lily Tomlin, Victoria Tennant, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057891 Madolyn Smith, Richard Libertini, Dana Spionagering M. Elcar, Jason Bernard, Selma Diamond, Eric They Met In The Dark Silent Assassin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Christmas, Gailard Sartain - Dir. Carl Reiner James Mason, Joyce Howard, Tom Walls, Dongchangsaeng Komödie 1984 88min. Phyllis Stanley, Edward Rigby, Ronald Choi Seung-hyun, Han Ye-ri, Jo Seong-ha - Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Ward, David Farrar, Karel Stepanek, Betty Dir. Park Hong-soo 28.02.2014 Warren - Dir. Carl Lamac Action/Thriller 2013 117min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057825 Kriminalfilm 1943 87min. Splendid Film(Amazia) 28.03.2014 Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057792 Bud Spencer & Terence Hill (10 28.02.2014 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057607 Silent Assassin (k.J.) Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd / Die Miami Dongchangsaeng Cops / Die rechte und die linke Hand des Sputnik Choi Seung-hyun, Han Ye-ri, Jo Seong-ha - Teufels / Vier Fäuste für ein Hallelujah / Flora Li Thiemann, Finn Fiebig, Luca Dir. Park Hong-soo Zwei Asse trumpfen auf / Zwei außer Rand Johannsen, Emil von Schönfels, Yvonne Action/Thriller 2013 113min. und Band / Zwei bärenstarke Typen / Zwei Catterfeld, Devid Striesow, Maxim Mehmet, Splendid Film(Amazia) 28.03.2014 Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle / Andreas Schmidt, Christine Schorn, Bernd 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057766 Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen Stegemann, Marie Gruber, Paula Kroh, Andy Bud Spencer, Terence Hill The Slap - Nur eine Ohrfeige (3 Gätjen, Christina Große, Peter Donath, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Herbert Olschok, Enno Hesse - Dir. Markus Komödie/Action 1970-1985 1000min. Discs) Dietrich The Slap 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.02.2014 Interviews, Trailer Jonathan LaPaglia, , Melis- 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057659 Kinderfilm/Komödie 2013 80min. sa George, , Sophie Lowe, MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 25.03.2014 , , Julian Mineo, Spider-Man Trilogie (Steelbook, 3 tba BestellNr.: 20057517 , Blake Davis, , Discs) (Blu-ray) Jane Allsop, Steve Mouzakis, Gillian Jones, Spider-Man / Spider-Man 2 / Spider-Man 3 Sputnik (Blu-ray) Oliver Ackland, Dimitri Baveas, Eugenia Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Flora Li Thiemann, Finn Fiebig, Luca Fragos, Emily Wheaton, , Char- Dafoe, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, Johannsen, Emil von Schönfels, Yvonne lotte Nicdao, Peta Brady - Dir. Jessica Rosemary Harris, - Dir. Sam Catterfeld, Devid Striesow, Maxim Mehmet, Hobbs, Tony Ayres, Robert Connolly, Raimi Andreas Schmidt, Christine Schorn, Bernd Matthew Saville Action/Abenteuer 2002-2007 396min. Stegemann, Marie Gruber, Paula Kroh, Andy Drama 2011 416min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Gätjen, Christina Große, Peter Donath, Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.02.2014 03.04.2014 Herbert Olschok, Enno Hesse - Dir. Markus 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057684 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057963 Dietrich Interviews, Trailer The Slap - Nur eine Ohrfeige (3 Spiel um Zeit - Das Kinderfilm/Komödie 2013 83min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Mädchenorchster von Auschwitz MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 25.03.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057550 The Slap Playing For Time Jonathan LaPaglia, Sophie Okonedo, Melis- , Jane Alexander, Maud Der Staatsanwalt - Staffel 7 (3 sa George, Alex Dimitriades, Sophie Lowe, Adams, Christine Baranski, Robin Bartlett, Anthony Hayes, Essie Davis, Julian Mineo, Marisa Berenson, Verna Bloom, Lenore Discs) Lex Marinos, Blake Davis, Diana Glenn, Harris - Dir. Daniel Mann Rainer Hunold, Fiona Coors, Marcus Mit- Jane Allsop, Steve Mouzakis, Gillian Jones, Drama 1980 150min. termeier, Antje Schmidt, Astrid Posner, Rad- Oliver Ackland, Dimitri Baveas, Eugenia Studio Hamburg Enterprises 07.03.2014 ost Bokel, Simon Eckert, Therese Hämer - Fragos, Emily Wheaton, Tony Briggs, Char- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057934 Dir. Martin Kinkel, Peter F. Bringmann, Boris lotte Nicdao, Peta Brady - Dir. Jessica Keidies, Peter Fratzscher Hobbs, Tony Ayres, Robert Connolly, Spieltrieb Kriminalfilm 360min. Matthew Saville Michelle Barthel, Jannik Schümann, Maximi- Edel Germany(Aviator) 21.02.2014 Drama 2011 433min. lian Brückner, Richy Müller, Ulrike Folkerts, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057822 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.02.2014 Sophie von Kessel, Helmut Berger, Elisa 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057690 Schlott, David Schütter, Robert Alexander Starlet (OmU) Baer, Muriel Wimmer, Isolde Barth, Götz Starlet SM Richter (k.J.) Schubert, Patrick Hoffmann, Tobias Dree Hemingway, Stella Maeve, Besedka SM-Rechter Priesack, Phillip Kramer, Livia Steenken, Johnson, James Ransone, Karren Gène Bervoets, Veerle Dobbelaere, Axel Walter Schuster, Daniela Schürger - Dir. Karagulian, Boonee, Dean Andre, Liz Daeseleire, Dirk van Dijck, Ilse Uitterlinden, Gregor Schnitzler Beebe, Dave Bean - Dir. Sean Baker Marie Van Loock (Elke Wolters), Amaryllis Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer, Wendecover Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 2012 99min. Uitterlinden (Elke Wolters), Marie Vinck, Drama/Thriller 2013 96min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 14.02.2014 Michael Pas, Tjorven Vannieuwenhuyse, Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057584 Gunther Lesage - Dir. Erik Lamens 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057677 Interviews, Outtakes, Trailer Drama/Erotik 2009 88min. Spieltrieb (Blu-ray) James Stewart Collection WVG Medien(wtp) 25.04.2014 Michelle Barthel, Jannik Schümann, Maximi- Ein ideales Paar / Die goldenen Stunde / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057951 lian Brückner, Richy Müller, Ulrike Folkerts, Herrscher über deine Flügel Sophie von Kessel, Helmut Berger, Elisa Drama 1939-1942 225min.

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Edel Germany(aberle-media) 21.02.2014 Barnard, Darren Evans, James Morgan - John Laurie - Dir. Ralph Thomas 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057827 Dir. Marc Evans Bildergalerie Interviews, Trailer Abenteuer 1957 97min. Stormy Monday Drama 2011 104min. Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) Stormy Monday Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 28.02.2014 Melanie Griffith, Tommy Lee Jones, Sean 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057515 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057603 Bean, - Dir. Mike Figgis Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 89min. Switch - Eine Frau räumt auf Das Tal des schwarzen Goldes Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) Switching Channels (Blu-ray) 28.02.2014 Burt Reynolds, Kathleen Turner, Christo- Campbell’s Kingdom 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057537 pher Reeve, Ned Beatty, Henry Gibson, Dirk Bogarde, Barbara Murray, Michael George Newbern, Al Waxman, Ken James - Craig, Stanley Baker, James Robertson Stormy Monday (Blu-ray) Dir. Ted Kotcheff Justice, Athene Seyler, Robert Brown, Stormy Monday Komödie 1987 101min. John Laurie - Dir. Ralph Thomas Melanie Griffith, Tommy Lee Jones, Sean Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Bildergalerie Bean, Sting - Dir. Mike Figgis 21.03.2014 Abenteuer 1957 101min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 93min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057882 Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) 28.02.2014 28.02.2014 Symphony in Blood Red (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057616 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057572 (k.J.) Come Una Crisalide Thor - The Dark Kingdom Stromberg - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) Sharon Alessandri, Simona Oliverio, Anna Thor - The Dark Kingdom Christoph Maria Herbst, Lars Gärtner, Morosetti, Fabio Giovannini, Federica Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Kat Bjarne Mädel, Oliver K. Wnuk, Diana Carpico, Nikol Brown, Philippe Guastella, Dennings, Stellan Skarsgård, Sir Anthony Staehly, Martina Eitner-Acheampong, Ange- Tony Cimarosa, Gianluca Testa, Lorena Hopkins, Jaimie Alexander, Ray Stevenson, lika Richter, Maja Beckmann - Dir. Arne Strano, Marianna Rosati, Francesco Zachary Levi, , Ade- Feldhusen Pellegrini - Dir. Luigi Pastore wale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Tom Hiddleston, Audiokommentare, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Interviews, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Idris Elba - Dir. Alan Taylor Interviews Thriller/Horror 2010 83min. Fantasy/Action 2013 108min. Komödie 2007 min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 04.03.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Division(Spassgesellschaft) 14.02.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057556 20.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057917 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057430 Symphony in Blood Red (k.J.) La suerte en tus manos (OmU) Come Una Crisalide Thor - The Dark Kingdom (Blu-ray La Suerte En Tus Manos Sharon Alessandri, Simona Oliverio, Anna 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, Steelbook) (Blu- Norma Aleandro, Valeria Bertuccelli, Jorge Morosetti, Fabio Giovannini, Federica ray) Drexler, Luis Brandoni, Silvina Bosco, Carpico, Nikol Brown, Philippe Guastella, Thor - The Dark Kingdom Paloma Alvarez, Salo Pasik, Eugenia Tony Cimarosa, Gianluca Testa, Lorena Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Kat Guerty, Gabriel Schultz, Lucciano Strano, Marianna Rosati, Francesco Dennings, Stellan Skarsgård, Sir Anthony Pizzicchini, Olivier Ubertalli - Dir. Daniel Pellegrini - Dir. Luigi Pastore Burman Making of, Interviews, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Hopkins, Jaimie Alexander, Ray Stevenson, Komödie 2012 110min. Thriller/Horror 2010 80min. Zachary Levi, Christopher Eccleston, Ade- Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cine Glo- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) wale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Tom Hiddleston, bal) 21.02.2014 04.03.2014 Idris Elba - Dir. Alan Taylor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057802 tba BestellNr.: 20057523 Fantasy/Action 2013 112min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) The Sullivans - Staffel 2 (Folge 51 Tage am Strand GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail -100) (7 Discs) Two Mothers 20.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057442 The Sullivans Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, , James Frecheville, Ben Mendelsohn, So- Paul Cronin, Lorraine Bayly, Andrew Thor - The Dark Kingdom (Blu- McFarlane, Steven Tandy, Richard Morgan, phie Lowe, Jessica Tovey, Gary Sweet, Susan Hannaford, Michael Caton, Maggie Alyson Standen, Skye Sutherland, Sarah ray) Dence - Dir. Simon Wincer, John Henderson, Isaac Cocking, Brody Mathers - Thor - The Dark Kingdom Barningham, Rod Hardy Dir. Anne Fontaine Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Kat Booklet Drama 2013 107min. Dennings, Stellan Skarsgård, Sir Anthony Drama/Familie 1977 1250min. Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 Hopkins, Jaimie Alexander, Ray Stevenson, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057760 Zachary Levi, Christopher Eccleston, Ade- AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 31.01.2014 wale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Tom Hiddleston, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057709 Tage am Strand (Blu-ray) Idris Elba - Dir. Alan Taylor Two Mothers Fantasy/Action 2013 112min. Summer of Love Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, Xavier Samuel, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Hunky Dory James Frecheville, Ben Mendelsohn, So- GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Minnie Driver, Haydn Gwynne, Robert phie Lowe, Jessica Tovey, Gary Sweet, 20.03.2014 Pugh, Owen Teale, Steve Speirs, Aneurin Alyson Standen, Skye Sutherland, Sarah 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057441 Barnard, Darren Evans, James Morgan - Henderson, Isaac Cocking, Brody Mathers - Dir. Marc Evans Dir. Anne Fontaine Thor / Thor - The Dark Kingdom Interviews, Trailer Drama 2013 112min. Thor / Thor - The Dark Kingdom Drama 2011 100min. Concorde Home Entertainment 30.04.2014 Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057786 Hiddleston, Kat Dennings - Dir. Sir Kenneth 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057494 Branagh, Alan Taylor Das Tal des schwarzen Goldes Fantasy/Action 2011-2013 min. Summer of Love (Blu-ray) Campbell’s Kingdom The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Hunky Dory Dirk Bogarde, Barbara Murray, Michael GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Marvel Minnie Driver, Haydn Gwynne, Robert Craig, Stanley Baker, James Robertson Studios) 20.03.2014 Pugh, Owen Teale, Steve Speirs, Aneurin Justice, Athene Seyler, Robert Brown, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057658

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Horror 262min. Hoffman, Jeffrey Whright, Stanley Tucci, Thor / Thor - The Dark Kingdom Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.03.2014 , Willow Shields, Sam (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057872 Claflin, Lynn Cohen, Jena Malone, Amanda Thor / Thor - The Dark Kingdom Plummer, Paula Malcomson, Meta Golding, Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Traumstadt Bruno Gunn, Alan Ritchson, Stephanie Hiddleston, Kat Dennings - Dir. Sir Kenneth Per Oscarsson, Rosemarie Fendel, Eva Leigh Schlund - Dir. Francis Lawrence Branagh, Alan Taylor Maria Meineke, Alexander May, Heinrich Making of, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Schweiger, Helen Vita, Herbert Bötticher, Easter Egg, Trailer, Booklet, Poster Fantasy/Action 2011-2013 min. Action/Science Fiction 2013 146min. Louis Waldon, Martin Stepánek, Josef Kemr The Walt Disney Company (Germany) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment - Dir. Johannes Schaaf GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Marvel Germany 27.03.2014 Studios) 20.03.2014 Interview, Booklet Science Fiction 1973 119min. tba BestellNr.: 20057841 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057668 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- Tiefsee - Showdown unter Was- AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057629 ger Games ser (k.J.) The Hunger Games Dark Descent Tremors 2 - Die Rückkehr der Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Dean Cain, Scott Wiper, Biliana Petrinska, Raketenwürmer (Blu-ray) Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Julian Vergov, Maxim Gentchev, Ivaylo Tremors 2 - Aftershocks Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Do- Dimchev - Dir. Daniel Knauf Fred Ward, Christopher Gartin, Helen nald Sutherland, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Paula Malcomson, Willow Shields, Amandla Action/Thriller 2002 91min. Shaver, Michael Gross - Dir. S. S. Wilson Stenberg, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.02.2014 Horror/Action 1996 100min. Fuhrman - Dir. Gary Ross 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057664 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 13.03.2014 Featurettes, Scrapbook, Biografien, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Science Fiction 2012 136min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057503 Todesfalle Normandie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Red Rose Of Normandy Tremors 3 - Die neue Brut (Blu- Germany 27.03.2014 Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann, Claudia tba BestellNr.: 20057836 Crawford, Jack Dimich - Dir. Tino Struck- ray) mann Tremors 3 - Back To Perfection Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- Trailer Michael Gross, Shawn Christian, Susan ger Games (2 Disc Fan Edition) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 98min. Chuang, Charlotte Stewart, Ariana Ri- The Hunger Games Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 chards, Tony Genaro, Barry Livingston - Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057605 Dir. Brent Maddock Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Horror/Action 2001 104min. Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Do- Todesfalle Normandie (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) nald Sutherland, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, Red Rose Of Normandy 13.03.2014 Paula Malcomson, Willow Shields, Amandla Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann, Claudia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057504 Crawford, Jack Dimich - Dir. Tino Struck- Stenberg, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle mann Tremors 4 - Wie alles begann Fuhrman - Dir. Gary Ross Trailer Making of, Featurettes, Scrapbook, Biografien, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 102min. (Blu-ray) Action/Science Fiction 2012 136min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Tremors 4: The Legend Begins STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057618 Michael Gross, Sara Botsford, Billy Drago, Germany 27.03.2014 Brent Roam, , J. E. tba BestellNr.: 20057838 Torture Bleeding (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Freeman, Lydia Look, John Dixon - Dir. S. Madness S. Wilson Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- Andreas Vaehi, Idha, Victoria Horror/Action 2004 101min. ger Games (Blu-ray) Bloom, Anna Adolfsson, David Liljeblad, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) The Hunger Games Max Wallmo, Jonas Wiik, Tommy Wiklund - 13.03.2014 Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Dir. Sonny Laguna, David Liljeblad, Tommy 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057505 Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Wiklund Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Do- Thriller/Horror 2010 92min. Die Tribute von Panem - Catching nald Sutherland, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Fire (2 Disc Fan Edition) Paula Malcomson, Willow Shields, Amandla 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057615 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Stenberg, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Fuhrman - Dir. Gary Ross Torture Bleeding (k.J.) Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Featurettes, Srapbook, Biografien, Trailer, Wendecover Madness Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Philip Seymour Action/Science Fiction 2012 142min. Andreas Vaehi, Yohanna Idha, Victoria Hoffman, Jeffrey Whright, Stanley Tucci, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bloom, Anna Adolfsson, David Liljeblad, Donald Sutherland, Willow Shields, Sam Germany 27.03.2014 Max Wallmo, Jonas Wiik, Tommy Wiklund - Claflin, Lynn Cohen, Jena Malone, Amanda tba BestellNr.: 20057843 Dir. Sonny Laguna, David Liljeblad, Tommy Plummer, Paula Malcomson, Meta Golding, Wiklund Bruno Gunn, Alan Ritchson, Stephanie Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- Kurzfilm, Trailer, Teaser Leigh Schlund - Dir. Francis Lawrence ger Games (Fan Edition) (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2010 88min. Making of, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, The Hunger Games Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Easter Egg, Trailer, Booklet, Poster Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Action/Science Fiction 2013 140min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057601 Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Do- Germany 27.03.2014 Torture Porn 3 Movie Pack (Blu- nald Sutherland, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, tba BestellNr.: 20057835 ray) (k.J.) Paula Malcomson, Willow Shields, Amandla The Clinic / Cornered! / The Final Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Stenberg, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle Horror 262min. Fuhrman - Dir. Gary Ross Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.03.2014 Fire (Fan Edition) (Blu-ray) Making of, Featurettes, Scapbook, Biografien, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057903 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Action/Science Fiction 2012 142min. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Torture Porn 3 Movie Pack (k.J.) Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Germany 27.03.2014 The Clinic / Cornered! / The Final Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Philip Seymour tba BestellNr.: 20057844

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Schupp, Eray Egilmez, Tamer Arslan, Cetin Jürgen Tonkel - Dir. Joachim Masannek Trotta - Die Kapuzinergruft Ipekkaya, Eleonore Weisgerber, Anneke Kim Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 106min. András Bálint, Rosemarie Fendel, Doris Sarnau, Christian Kahrmann, Ugur Polat - Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kunstmann, Elma Bulla, István Iglódi, Tho- Dir. Cüneyt Kaya 27.03.2014 mas Mayor, Heinrich Schweiger - Dir. Jo- Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057509 hannes Schaaf Drama/Komödie 2012 108min. Interview, Booklet Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 Vater wird es richten Drama 1971 91min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057788 Father’s Little Dividend AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Dame AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.03.2014 Und nebenbei das große Glück , Don Taylor, Billie Burke, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057628 (Alles Liebe) Moroni Olsen - Dir. Vincente Minnelli Un Bonheur N’Arrive Jamais Seul Wendecover Sophie Marceau, Gad Elmaleh, François Komödie 1951 80min. True Heart Susie Berléand, Maurice Barthélémy, Michaël Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 , , Wilbur Higby, Abiteboul, Macha Méril, Litzi Veszi, Julie- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057826 Loyola O’Connor, George Fawcett, Clarine Anne Roth, François Vincentelli, Milena Seymour, , Carol Dempster, Chiron, Timothé Gauron, Timéo Leloup, Venus im Pelz Raymond Cannon - Dir. D.W. Griffith Bérénice Marlohe - Dir. James Huth La Vénus à La Fourrure Melodram 1919 87min. Interviews Emmanuelle Seigner, Mathieu Amalric - Dir. absolut MEDIEN 07.02.2014 Komödie/Lovestory 2012 105min. Roman Polanski 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057630 Senator Home Entertainment 07.02.2014 Komödie/Drama 2013 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057700 Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 28.03.2014 Türkisch für Anfänger - Komplett- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057754 box, Staffel 1, 2 & 3 (9 Discs) Unten Mitte Kinn Pegah Ferydoni, Adnan Maral, Elyas Kathleen Morgeneyer, Anne Müller, Luise Venus im Pelz (Blu-ray) M’Barek, Josefine Preuß, Emil Reinke, Anna Berndt, Grit Paulussen, Lucie Heinze, Kon- La Vénus à La Fourrure Stieblich, Axel Schreiber, Katharina Kaali, stantin Frolov, Christoph Letkowski, Ole Emmanuelle Seigner, Mathieu Amalric - Dir. Arnel Taci, Cristina do Rego, Bärbel Lagerpusch, Ursula Werner, Fritz Roman Polanski Schleker, Carl Heinz Choynski, Lilay Huser Schediwy, Tilo Nest, Jan Neumann, Daniela Komödie/Drama 2013 96min. - Dir. Edzard Onneken, Oliver Schmitz, Holtz, Alfred Hartung - Dir. Nicolas Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 28.03.2014 Christian Ditter Wackerbarth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057782 Komödie 2005-2008 1286min. Interviews, Audiokommentar, Komödie 2011 90min. Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Verdammt nochmal... Wo bleibt Filmgalerie 451 13.02.2014 31.01.2014 die Zärtlichkeit? 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057656 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057708 Et La Tendresse?... Bordel!... Unter Verdacht, Vol. 04 - Die Fil- Jean-Luc Bideau, Marie-Catherine Conti, Um jeden Preis - At Any Price Bernard Giraudeau, Evelyne Dress, Regis At Any Price me 16-20 (3 Discs) Porte, Anne-Marie Philipe - Dir. Patrick Dennis Quaid, Zac Efron, Heather Graham, Senta Berger, Rudolf Krause, Gerd Anthoff Schulmann Kim Dickens, Maika Monroe, Red West, Trailer Trailer, Bildergalerie, Kurzfilm Kriminalfilm 445min. Clancy Brown, Chelcie Ross, Ben Marten, Komödie 1978 95min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Dan Waller, Sophie Curtis - Dir. Ramin cmv-Laservision 24.01.2014 11.02.2014 Bahrani 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057623 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057798 Drama 2012 97min. Vijay & ich - Meine Frau geht Concorde Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 Unternehmen Pelikan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057449 fremd mit mir The Eternal Sea Vijay And I Sterling Hayden, Alexis Smith - Dir. John H. Um jeden Preis - At Any Price Moritz Bleibtreu, Patricia Arquette, Danny Auer (Blu-ray) Booklet, Trailer Pudi, Catherine Missal, , At Any Price Kriegsfilm/Drama 1955 103min. Jeannie Berlin, Moni Moshonov, Hanna Dennis Quaid, Zac Efron, Heather Graham, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Schygulla, Michael Gwisdek - Dir. Sam Kim Dickens, Maika Monroe, Red West, AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.02.2014 Garbarski Clancy Brown, Chelcie Ross, Ben Marten, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057642 Komödie 2013 92min. Dan Waller, Sophie Curtis - Dir. Ramin Senator Home Entertainment 07.03.2014 Bahrani V8 - Du willst der Beste sein 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057545 Drama 2012 101min. Georg Sulzer, Maya Lauterbach, Samuel Concorde Home Entertainment 27.03.2014 Jakob, Klara Merkel, Emilio Moutaoukkil, Tom Vijay & ich - Meine Frau geht 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057463 Hoßbach, Nick Romeo Reimann, Heiner fremd mit mir (Blu-ray) Lauterbach, Christoph Maria Herbst, Adam Vijay And I Ummah - Unter Freunden Bousdoukos, Mina Tander, Michelle Moritz Bleibtreu, Patricia Arquette, Danny Frederick Lau, Kida Khodr Ramadan, Burak Monballijn, Ilja Richter, Christian Tramitz, Pudi, Catherine Missal, Michael Imperioli, Yigit, Mona Pirzad, Sami Nasser, Robert Jürgen Tonkel - Dir. Joachim Masannek Jeannie Berlin, Moni Moshonov, Hanna Schupp, Eray Egilmez, Tamer Arslan, Cetin Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 102min. Schygulla, Michael Gwisdek - Dir. Sam Ipekkaya, Eleonore Weisgerber, Anneke Kim Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Garbarski Sarnau, Christian Kahrmann, Ugur Polat - 27.03.2014 Komödie 2013 96min. Dir. Cüneyt Kaya 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057486 Senator Home Entertainment 07.03.2014 Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057575 Drama/Komödie 2012 104min. V8 - Du willst der Beste sein (Blu- Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 ray) Vive la France - Gesprengt wird 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057762 Georg Sulzer, Maya Lauterbach, Samuel später Ummah - Unter Freunden (Blu- Jakob, Klara Merkel, Emilio Moutaoukkil, Tom Vive La France Hoßbach, Nick Romeo Reimann, Heiner José Garcia, Michaël Youn, Isabelle ray) Lauterbach, Christoph Maria Herbst, Adam Funaro, Ary Abittan, Jérôme Commandeur, Frederick Lau, Kida Khodr Ramadan, Burak Bousdoukos, Mina Tander, Michelle Vincent Moscato, Guilaine Londez, Franck Yigit, Mona Pirzad, Sami Nasser, Robert Monballijn, Ilja Richter, Christian Tramitz, Gastambide, Jean François Cayrey,

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Moussa Maaskri - Dir. Michaël Youn Wie beim ersten Mal (Alles Lie- Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann Making of, B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer be) Kinderfilm 45min. Komödie 2013 94min. Edel:Kids 21.02.2014 Hope Springs polyband Medien GmbH 25.04.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057862 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057454 Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell, Jean Smart, Ben Rappaport, Marin Woozle Goozle: Folge 4 - Außer- Ireland, Patch Darragh, Brett Rice, Becky Vive la France - Gesprengt wird irdische und Schiffe später (Blu-ray) Ann Baker, , Susan Misner, Daniel Flaherty - Dir. David Frankel Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann Vive La France Making of, Featurette, Interviews Kinderfilm 45min. José Garcia, Michaël Youn, Isabelle Komödie/Drama 2012 96min. Edel:Kids 21.02.2014 Funaro, Ary Abittan, Jérôme Commandeur, Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057863 Vincent Moscato, Guilaine Londez, Franck 07.02.2014 Gastambide, Jean François Cayrey, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057702 You’re Next (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Moussa Maaskri - Dir. Michaël Youn You’re Next Making of, B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer Wie Tag und Nacht Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, Wendy Komödie 2013 97min. Thomas Sarbacher, Petra Kelling, Vedat Glenn, AJ Bowen, Joe Swanberg, Margaret polyband Medien GmbH 25.04.2014 Erincin, Katharina Müller-Elmau, Olga von Laney, Amy Seimetz, Rob Moran, Barbara 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057467 Luckwald, Henning Nöhren, Matilda Tafel, Crampton, L.C. Holt, Simon Barrett, Lane Voll und ganz und mittendrin Nina Vorbrodt, Paul Faßnacht, Claudia Hughes - Dir. Adam Wingard Matschulla, Martin Armknecht, Justine Hau- Thriller/Horror 2011 95min. Run & Jump er, Guido Renner - Dir. Sibylle Tafel Splendid Film 28.03.2014 Maxine Peake, Will Forte, Edward MacLiam, Komödie/Familie 2012 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057465 Ruth McCabe, Michael Harding, Brendan S.A.D. Home Entertainment 31.01.2014 Morris, Ciara Gallagher, Sharon Horgan - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057717 You’re Next (k.J.) Dir. Steph Green You’re Next Drama/Komödie 2013 102min. Witching & Bitching (Blu-ray) Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, Wendy Senator Home Entertainment 07.03.2014 Glenn, AJ Bowen, Joe Swanberg, Margaret 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057546 (k.J.) Las Brujas De Zugarramurdi Laney, Amy Seimetz, Rob Moran, Barbara Eine vollkommen erlogene Ge- Hugo Silva, Mario Casas, Carolina Bang, Crampton, L.C. Holt, Simon Barrett, Lane Hughes - Dir. Adam Wingard schichte Carmen Maura, Gabriel Delgado, Jaime Ordonez, Terele Pávez, Pepon Nieto, Secun Thriller/Horror 2011 91min. Susanne Junewitz, Olaf Ernst, Brigitte Pe- de la Rosa, Macarena Gómez, Javier Botet, Splendid Film 28.03.2014 ters, Ekkehard Hahn, Lieselott Baumgarten Enrique Villén - Dir. Álex de la Iglesia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057452 - Dir. Gunter Friedrich Featurettes Trailer Komödie/Horror 2013 112min. Zaytoun - Geborene Feinde, ech- Kinderfilm 1977 70min. Splendid Film 25.04.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 17.02.2014 te Freunde 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057961 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057913 Zaytoun , Abdallah El Akal, Alice Wahnsinnig verliebt (Alles Liebe) Witching & Bitching (k.J.) Taglioni, Loai Nofi, Tarik Kopty, Mira Awad, Las Brujas De Zugarramurdi À La Folie ... Pas Du Tout Jony Arbid, Ashraf Farah, Ashraf Barhom, Hugo Silva, Mario Casas, Carolina Bang, Audrey Tautou, Samuel Le Bihan, Isabelle Ali Suliman - Dir. Carmen Maura, Gabriel Delgado, Jaime Carré, Clément Sibony, Sophie Guillemin, Drama 2012 106min. Ordonez, Terele Pávez, Pepon Nieto, Secun Eric Savin, Michèle Garay, Élodie Navarre, Senator Home Entertainment 28.03.2014 de la Rosa, Macarena Gómez, Javier Botet, Catherine Cyler, Mathilde Blache, Charles 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057763 Enrique Villén - Dir. Álex de la Iglesia Chevalier, Michael Mourot, Yannick Alnet, Featurettes Zaytoun - Geborene Feinde, ech- Nathalie Krebs, Vania Vilers, Sophie Komödie/Horror 2013 108min. Vaslot, Michel Bonnefon - Dir. Laetitia Splendid Film 25.04.2014 te Freunde (Blu-ray) Colombani 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057952 Zaytoun Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Interview Stephen Dorff, Abdallah El Akal, Alice Drama/Thriller 2002 91min. Women in Trouble Taglioni, Loai Nofi, Tarik Kopty, Mira Awad, Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 07.02.2014 Women In Trouble Jony Arbid, Ashraf Farah, Ashraf Barhom, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057701 Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Connie Ali Suliman - Dir. Eran Riklis Drama 2012 110min. Was geschah mit Adelaide Britton, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Sarah Clarke, Marley Shelton, Rya Kihlstedt - Dir. Sebasti- Senator Home Entertainment 28.03.2014 Harris? (2 Discs) an Gutierrez 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057789 The Strange Affair Of Adelaide Harris Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jim Harris, Matthew Beamish, Timothy Komödie/Drama 2009 94min. Zero Gravity - Antrieb Überleben Davies, Derek Francis, Jean Harvey, Aman- Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Astronaut: The Last Push da Kirby, Patrick Newell - Dir. Paul Stone 02.01.2014 Khary Payton, Brian Baumgartner, Lance Drama 1979 180min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057422 Henriksen - Dir. Eric Hayden Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.02.2014 Science Fiction/Drama 2012 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057657 Women in Trouble (Blu-ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 28.03.2014 Women In Trouble tba BestellNr.: 20057722 Wenn er in die Hölle will, laß ihn Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Connie gehen (k.J.) Britton, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Sarah Clarke, Zero Gravity - Antrieb Überleben The Challenge Marley Shelton, Rya Kihlstedt - Dir. Sebasti- (Blu-ray) , Toshirô Mifune, Donna Kei an Gutierrez Astronaut: The Last Push Benz, Atsuo Nakamura, Calvin Jung, Clyde Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Khary Payton, Brian Baumgartner, Lance Komödie/Drama 2009 98min. Kusatsu, Sam Shimada, Yoshio Inaba, Seiji Henriksen - Dir. Eric Hayden Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Miyaguchi - Dir. John Frankenheimer Science Fiction/Drama 2012 94min. 02.01.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Lighthouse Home Entertainment 28.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057437 Action 1982 108min. tba BestellNr.: 20057732 Explosive Media 28.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057633 Woozle Goozle: Folge 3 - Fliegen Der Zeuge und Mensch

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The Education Of Charlie Banks 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057497 ICESTORM Entertainment 17.02.2014 Jason Ritter, Jesse Eisenberg, Danny A. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057910 Abeckaser, Sebastian Stan, Eva Amurri, Zombie Fieber (k.J.) Gloria Votsis, Jeremy Schwartz, Gabby Zombi Kanikuly Zwei allein - Die komplette Serie Sherba, James Zimmerman - Dir. Fred Durst Anton Zinowiew, Alexander Efremow, Julia (2 Discs) Trailer Wolkowa, Mikhail Efremow - Dir. Kirill Max Riemelt, Maren Schumacher, Thorsten Drama/Jugend 2007 97min. Kemnits Nindel, Doris Kunstmann, Bernd Tauber - Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Horror/Komödie 2013 100min. Dir. Matthias Steurer 02.01.2014 Maritim Pictures 18.02.2014 Drama 1998 291min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057420 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057474 Edel Germany(Aviator) 21.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057823 Der Zeuge (Blu-ray) Zombie Hatebreed The Education Of Charlie Banks Plaguers Zwei Leben Jason Ritter, Jesse Eisenberg, Danny A. Steve Railsback, Alexis Zibolis, Bobby Juliane Köhler, Liv Ullmann, Sven Nordin, Abeckaser, Sebastian Stan, Eva Amurri, James, Noelle Perris, Jared Michaels, Paige Julia Bache-Wiig, Ken Duken, Rainer Bock, Gloria Votsis, Jeremy Schwartz, Gabby La Pierre, Erica Browne, Chad Nell - Dir. Thomas Lawinky, Klara Manzel, Vicky Sherba, James Zimmerman - Dir. Fred Durst Brad Sykes Trailer Krieps, Daniel Krauss, Jürgen Rißmann, Trailer Holger Handtke - Dir. Georg Maas Drama/Jugend 2007 101min. Horror/Science Fiction 2008 82min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Making of, Interviews Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.02.2014 Drama 2012 95min. 02.01.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057538 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057435 28.03.2014 Zombie Hatebreed (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20057719 Die Zeugen (OmU) Plaguers Les Témoins Steve Railsback, Alexis Zibolis, Bobby Zwei Leben (Blu-ray) Emmanuelle Béart, Michel Blanc, Sami James, Noelle Perris, Jared Michaels, Paige Juliane Köhler, Liv Ullmann, Sven Nordin, Bouajila, Julie Dépardieu, Johan Libéreau, La Pierre, Erica Browne, Chad Nell - Dir. Julia Bache-Wiig, Ken Duken, Rainer Bock, Constance Dollé, Lorenzo Balducci, Alain Brad Sykes Thomas Lawinky, Klara Manzel, Vicky Cauchi - Dir. André Téchiné Trailer Krieps, Daniel Krauss, Jürgen Rißmann, Drama 2007 10min. Horror/Science Fiction 2008 86min. Holger Handtke - Dir. Georg Maas Salzgeber & Co. Medien 28.01.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 21.02.2014 Making of, Interviews 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057734 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057573 Drama 2012 99min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Zombie Crisis (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Zombie Hunter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 28.03.2014 Descendents Zombie Hunter tba BestellNr.: 20057730 Camille Lynch, Karina Pizarro, Carolina Martin Copping, Clare Niederpruem, Terry Andrade, Cristobal Barra, Patricio Lynch, Guthrie, Jake Suazo, Jade Regier, Jason K. Sergio Allard, Jenny Cavallo, Nicolás Wixom, Danny Trejo, Jarrod Phillips - Dir. López, Patricia Lopez, Martín Morales, Kevin King Special Interest Rosa Luiz Ramos, Carina Vera - Dir. Jorge Horror/Action 2013 93min. Olguín WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Wendecover 25.04.2014 Beware of Mr. Baker (OmU) Horror 2008 77min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057962 Beware Of Mr. Baker Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Ginger Baker, Bill Ward, Carlos Santana, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057905 Zombie Hunter (k.J.) Chad Smith, Charlie Watts, Eric Clapton, Zombie Hunter Zombie Crisis (k.J.) Femi Kuti, Steve Winwood, Johnny Rotten, Martin Copping, Clare Niederpruem, Terry Simon Kirke - Dir. Jay Bulger Descendents Guthrie, Jake Suazo, Jade Regier, Jason K. Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2012 88min. Camille Lynch, Karina Pizarro, Carolina Wixom, Danny Trejo, Jarrod Phillips - Dir. EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 17.04.2014 Andrade, Cristobal Barra, Patricio Lynch, Kevin King tba BestellNr.: 20057755 Sergio Allard, Jenny Cavallo, Nicolás Horror/Action 2013 89min. López, Patricia Lopez, Martín Morales, WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Beware of Mr. Baker (OmU) (Blu- Rosa Luiz Ramos, Carina Vera - Dir. Jorge 25.04.2014 ray) Olguín 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057953 Wendecover Beware of Mr. Baker (OmU) (Blu-ray) Horror 2008 74min. Zum Geburtstag Ginger Baker, Bill Ward, Carlos Santana, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.02.2014 Chad Smith, Charlie Watts, Eric Clapton, Mark Waschke, Marie Bäumer, Sylvester 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057875 Femi Kuti, Steve Winwood, Johnny Rotten, Groth, Sophie Rois, Saskia Rosendahl, Simon Kirke - Dir. Jay Bulger Johannes Zeiler, Markus Quentin, Annette Zombie Fieber (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2012 92min. Lober - Dir. Denis Dercourt EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 17.04.2014 ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Drama 2013 83min. tba BestellNr.: 20057783 Zombi Kanikuly Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Anton Zinowiew, Alexander Efremow, Julia 14.03.2014 Blackfish (OmU) Wolkowa, Mikhail Efremow - Dir. Kirill 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057743 Kemnits Blackfish Horror/Komödie 2013 104min. Zur See (Steelbook) Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite Maritim Pictures 18.02.2014 Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Zur See (Steelbook) Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2013 79min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057498 Horst Drinda, Micaela Kreißler, Günter EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 27.02.2014 Naumann, Jürgen Zartmann, Günter Schu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057451 Zombie Fieber (Blu-ray) (k.J.) bert, Erik S. Klein, Jörg Knoche, Bernd Zombi Kanikuly Storch, Wilfried Pucher, Willi Schrade, Diet- Blackfish (OmU) (Blu-ray) Anton Zinowiew, Alexander Efremow, Julia mar Richter-Reinick, Friederike Aust - Dir. Blackfish Wolkowa, Mikhail Efremow - Dir. Kirill Wolfgang Luderer Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite Kemnits Trailer, Dokumentationen, Booklet, Hintergrundinfo, Klebe- Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Horror/Komödie 2013 104min. Tattoos, Blechschild Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2013 83min. Drama/Komödie 1976-1977 710min. Maritim Pictures 18.02.2014 EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 27.02.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 44 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057464 Dokumentarfilm 2010 93min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinostar) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057482 Chasing Ice (OmU) 21.02.2014 Nanuk, der Eskimo (OmU) Chasing Ice 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057801 James Balog - Dir. Jeff Orlowski Nanook Of The North Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2012 72min. - Wagner & Me Nanook, Nyla - Dir. Robert J. Flaherty Interviews, Featurette, Bildergalerie EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 27.02.2014 Wagner & Me Dokumentarfilm 1922 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057429 Stephen Fry - Dir. Patrick McGrady absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 07.02.2014 Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Chasing Ice (OmU) (Blu-ray) Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2010 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057631 Chasing Ice good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 07.02.2014 Sadhu (OmU) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057705 James Balog - Dir. Jeff Orlowski Sadhu Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2012 75min. IMAX: Space Junk 3D (Blu-ray) Suraj Baba - Dir. Gaël Métroz EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 27.02.2014 Dokumentarfilm 2012 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057440 IMAX: Space Junk 3D Dir. Melissa R. Butts good!movies(Arsenal) 31.01.2014 Freakonomics Making of, Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057706 Dokumentarfilm 2012 38min. Freakonomics EuroVideo Medien 14.02.2014 Slow Food Story Carl Alleyne, Zoe Sloane, Adesuwa Addy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057620 Slow Food Story Iyare, Jade Viggiano, Sammuel Soifer, Carlo Petrini - Dir. Stefano Sardo Jalani McNair, Andrew Greiche, Alyssa Meine keine Familie Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer Wheeldon, Amancaya Aguilar, Kellie Dir. Paul-Julien Robert Dokumentarfilm 2013 73min. Gerardi - Dir. Heidi Ewing, Alex Gibney, Dokumentarfilm 2012 96min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Seth Gordon, Rachel Grady, Eugene AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 18.02.2014 Jarecki, Morgan Spurlock AG(Mindjazz Pictures) 28.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057471

LASER HOTLINE Seite 45 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 46 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121412 25.03.2014 Animation 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121607 Bleach: Box Set 20 The Soul Reapers form an uneasy alliance with the Visoreds, Aachi And Ssipak Barnyard / Rango / Yogi Bear and the battle against the Espadas resumes. Barragan, the Aachi and Ssipak are two likable street hoodlums who scrape former ruler of Hueco Mundo who was displaced by Aizen, by stealing and selling „Juicybars,“ highly addictive blue (Triple Feature) appears to be defeated by the combined efforts of Hachigen popsicles distributed by the government in exchange for Kevin James, Wanda Sykes, Timothy and Soi Fon, until they discover him forcing open Hachigen’s human excrement, the only usable fuel in Shibal, a dystopian, Shiju Saimon barrier. Later, Ichigo is troubled that he can’t futuristic, post-apocalyptic city. Aachi and Ssipak hook up Olyphant, Sam Elliott, , Ray seem to use his Hollowfication to full effect. And with the with Beautiful, a blue-haired, wannabe-actress with a Winstone, Harry Dean Stanton, Johnny ultimate battle with Aizen looming, he’ll need every ounce of lucrative knack for making the Juicybars pile up. Aachi, the Depp, Andie MacDowell, Courteney Cox, power! Adventure, Animation, Anime, Boxed Sets, entrepreneur, exploits her special talent and Ssipak, the Alfred Molina, Danny Glover, Stephen Root, romantic, falls in love with her. Rich in Juicybars, the Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin, David Koechner threesome go on a rock star tear-up that makes them a target. Japanese, Television min. They are pursued relentlessly by both the Diaper Gang, an - Dir. Gore Verbinski, Steve Oedekerk Viz Entertainment 18.03.2014 army of violent blue mutants led by the Diaper King, and the Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, police. Aachi And Ssipak is a crazy, high-octane story driven 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121391 by a contemporary dubstep soundtrack by Mad Decent with Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, some of the most mind-blowing action scenes ever to be Movies, Triple Feature min. animated. Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies Action, Animation, Comedy, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121598 (DVD + Puzzle) Science Fiction 2006 90min. Oh, no! The Easter Bunny is (pardon the expression) sick as New Video DVD 11.03.2014 a dog. Is there anyone who can take over those basket- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121488 And Friends busting, hippity-hoppity Easter morning rounds while the Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, bunny recuperates? Well, there’s the Easter Funny Bunny - Family, Superheroes 89min. Bugs Bunny. But Sylvester, Pepe Le Pew, Foghorn Leghorn Aachi And Ssipak (Blu-ray) and a particularly pesky duck all want to get in on the act. In Aachi and Ssipak are two likable street hoodlums who scrape Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies, newly animated sequences by stealing and selling „Juicybars,“ highly addictive blue 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121731 weave together classic Looney Tunes cartoons (Including popsicles distributed by the government in exchange for Academy Award winner Birds Anonymous, For Scent-Imental human excrement, the only usable fuel in Shibal, a dystopian, Reasons and Knighty Knight Bugs) showcasing the wascally futuristic, post-apocalyptic city. Aachi and Ssipak hook up Bella Sara: Emma’s Wings wabbit and pals doing what they de best: Being funny! Alas, with Beautiful, a blue-haired, wannabe-actress with a Mackenzie Porter only one character can be the Easter Bunny’s replacement. lucrative knack for making the Juicybars pile up. Aachi, the Can you guess who? Have you ever heard a rabbit go ~~Emma’s Wings: A Bella Sara Tale~~~ takes viewers on a „Quack?“ entrepreneur, exploits her special talent and Ssipak, the magical journey to the mythical land of North of North, a land romantic, falls in love with her. Rich in Juicybars, the once filled with beautiful horses, but now a place where Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, threesome go on a rock star tear-up that makes them a target. earthling Emma comes face to face with the evil Ivenna who is Family, Holidays, Television 1977 min. They are pursued relentlessly by both the Diaper Gang, an out to destroy the herds and take possession of the land Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 army of violent blue mutants led by the Diaper King, and the herself. Now it’s up to Emma and her new friend Sara, to police. Aachi And Ssipak is a crazy, high-octane story driven overcome all odds, rescue the horses and learn her true 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121392 by a contemporary dubstep soundtrack by Mad Decent with destiny. some of the most mind-blowing action scenes ever to be animated. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Cat Planet Cuties: Complete Action, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Fantasy, Movies 2013 75min. Series - Repackage (Blu-ray + Movies, Science Fiction 2006 90min. E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121753 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) New Video DVD 11.03.2014 Kitty wants to play! She’s as frisky as she is curvy - and kitty 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121502 wants to play! The flirty fun begins when nice guy Kio has a Ben 10: Omniverse - Duel Of The close encounter with a sexy, alien cat-girl named Eris. She’s every nerd’s fantasy come true, and she and her fellow An American Tail (Blu-ray + Duplicates intergalactic felines are setting up base in Kio’s house. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Watch for almost two action packed hours as heroes Ben, Unfortunately, Kio doesn’t have a lot of time for heavy petting. Rook and Max try to stop Albedo from absorbing Azmuth’s Secret agencies and enemy dog-aliens are sniffing around, Dom DeLuise, Madeline Kahn, Christopher intelligence and taking over the galaxy in Ben 10 Omniverse: hoping to get their paws on his pussycat pal’s tail! The guy’s Plummer - Dir. Don Bluth Duel of the Duplicates. Featuring a 3 part episode story arc definitely got his hands full - but with Eris jumping in his lap From renowned director Don Bluth, this critically acclaimed plus two action-packed bonus episodes, Ben 10 fans are sure to purr in his ear, it’s likely Kio will land on his feet! full-length animated triumph chronicles the wide-eyed to enjoy the fourth volume DVD release from the Ben10 Aliens, Animated Animals, Animation, adventures of a courageous little mouse named Fievel. Omniverse franchise. Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Car- Journeying by ship from to turn-of-the-century International TV, Japanese, Television America, Fievel is lost at sea during a ferocious storm. toon Network, Children’s, Fantasy, Science 325min. Washing ashore in New York Harbor, Fievel braves the Fiction, Television min. perils and wonders of a strange new world in a thrilling quest 29.04.2014 Warner Bros. 08.04.2014 to find his family. Featuring the voices of Dom DeLuise, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121584 Madeline Kahn, and Christopher Plummer, it’s a rousing, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121514 heartwarming animated adventure for the entire family! Animals & Nature, Animation, Blu-ray, Bersek: The Golden Age Arc 3 - Chuggington: 4 Pack Family, Movies 1986 81min. Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Universal Studios 04.03.2014 The Advent Educational, Computer Animation, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121210 It’s been a year since Griffith’s imprisonment by the Kingdom of Midland. Once praised as the saviors of Midland, the Band Preschool, Television, Transportation of the Hawk has been on the run and is on the brink of 243min. Angelina Ballerina: Spring Fling breaking apart. Much to everyones surprise, returns to / Anchor Bay 04.03.2014 Spring is in the air, and Angelina and the mouselings dance the Hawks, and the search for Griffith begins! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121262 their way through spring traditions from around the world. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Dra- Animated Animals, Animation, Ballet, ma, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Japanese Children’s, Dancing, Family, Fantasy, girl min. Cuticle Detective Inaba: The power, Music, Television 84min. Viz Entertainment 15.04.2014 Complete Collection Lionsgate 11.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121389 In a world where half-human, half- chimeras live and work alongside normal people, there are sure to be a few bad 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121524 apples in the bunch. Unfortunately, criminals that are only Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 3 - half-human means there are often non-human clues that leave Avengers Confidential: Black the police stumped. That’s where lone wolf detective Hiroshi The Advent (Blu-ray) Inaba comes in. He’s literally part wolf and has the amazing Widow & Punisher It’s been a year since Griffith’s imprisonment by the Kingdom ability to extract critical information just by examining or When The Punisher takes out a black market weapons dealer of Midland. Once praised as the saviors of Midland, the Band tasting a sample of someone’s hair! Of course, that ability has with stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. tech, he inadvertently stumbles upon of the Hawk has been on the run and is on the brink of also resulted in Inaba having a little bit of a hair fetish, but a much larger terror plot under investigation by Black Widow, breaking apart. Much to everyones surprise, Guts returns to that doesn’t seem to be a problem for his two assistants. Well, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Detained by the clandestine law the Hawks, and the search for Griffith begins! at least the cross-dressing one isn’t complaining much. And enforcement organization, Nick Fury offers the Punisher his Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- it’s nothing compared to the strange tastes of Inaba’s nemesis, freedom in exchange for one mission; To work with Black the omnivorous, half-goat crime boss Don Valentino, who has ray, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, an appetite for green legal tender instead of tender young Widow and stop the terrorist group known as Leviathan. Japanese min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, greens! Inaba’s sworn to cut Valentino out of the criminal Viz Entertainment 15.04.2014 flock before the Don can wolf down more ill-gotten dough, but Movies, Superheroes 2014 min. he’s going to have to chew his way through a lot of evidence

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA to get his goat. Can sheer dogged detective work put the and knowledge of the Crystal Coconut are. However, when baaaaad guys behind ba DK misinterprets Inca Dinka Du’s advice and hands over the Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Crystal Coconut to King K. Rool, everyone, including the Easter Fun Pack (DVD + Puzzle) International TV, Japanese, Television Pirates, are now on a mad chase to retrieve it! Did you know that without the help of Santa Claus, there might Animated Animals, Animation, Based On not be an Easter Bunny at all? That’s the sweetly surprising 300min. Video Game, Children’s, Family, Fantasy story of The First Easter Rabbit, a fanciful, color-splashed Section23 Films 29.04.2014 tale narrated by musical storyteller Burl Ives. In Yogi The 90min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121443 Easter Bear, Jellystone Park’s Annual Easter Jamboree will Phase 4 Films 11.03.2014 be the most festive one ever -that is, if Yogi Bear and his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121662 buddy Boo-Boo can escape the Siberian Circus and rescue Cuticle Detective Inaba: The the Easter Bunny! With the vocal talents of the legendary Fred Astaire, The Easter Bunny Is Comin’ To Town combines Complete Collection (Blu-ray) Dragon Ball Z: Season 3 (Blu-ray) cherry tunes with stop-motion magic to teach kids fun In a world where half-human, half-animal chimeras live and traditions of the season. Hop into the spirit of Easter with this work alongside normal people, there are sure to be a few bad Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Interna- eggcellent basket of family fare! apples in the bunch. Unfortunately, criminals that are only tional TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Television Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, half-human means there are often non-human clues that leave min. Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Triple Feature the police stumped. That’s where lone wolf detective Hiroshi Inaba comes in. He’s literally part wolf and has the amazing Funimation 01.04.2014 min. ability to extract critical information just by examining or 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121577 Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 tasting a sample of someone’s hair! Of course, that ability has 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121396 also resulted in Inaba having a little bit of a hair fetish, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem for his two assistants. Well, Dragons: Defenders Of Berk - Part at least the cross-dressing one isn’t complaining much. And 1 Ebiten: The Complete Collection it’s nothing compared to the strange tastes of Inaba’s nemesis, Take one group of rabid fan girls with tenuous grips on reality, the omnivorous, half-goat crime boss Don Valentino, who has America Ferrera, Jay Baruchel toss out all rules of proper social behavior, mix them together an appetite for green legal tender instead of tender young Join Hiccup and his brave Viking friends as they battle in a basement with more twisted anime parodies and allusions greens! Inaba’s sworn to cut Valentino out of the criminal surprising new enemies in 10 fun-filled animated adventures than you can shake a schtick at, and what do you get? Well, flock before the Don can wolf down more ill-gotten dough, but based on the Academy Award-Nominated hit movie How To besides a recipe for disaster, if borderline delusional Kyoko he’s going to have to chew his way through a lot of evidence Train Your Dragon! Todayama is in what passes for charge, you get the to get his goat. Can sheer dogged detective work put the Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Asstronomy Club, where mayhem rules and the wall between baaaaad guys behind ba Family, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Television the real world and total fantasy shatters at least once every Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, 2012 min. five minutes! And as if things weren’t wild enough, let’s throw Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- in a „boys love“ fanatic who always seems to end up in 20th Century Fox 25.03.2014 sion 300min. her underwear, a maid on a secret mission, a ruthless arch 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121510 enemy whose goal is to have the club disbanded, and a CAT Section23 Films 29.04.2014 as the faculty adviser! And then there’s Itsuki, who 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121458 inexplicably still thinks this is a serious astronomy club. To Jeff Dunham: Achmed Saves be fair, some of the members DO seem to be robots/aliens and/ or from outer space. One thing’s for certain though: the Digimon Adventure: Volume Six America Student Council will most definitely Not approve of what Digifans, catch the final installment of Digimon Adventure: Jeff Dunham happens when the Insane-O-Meter redlines and freaky fan Season 02 in this 3-DVD set! The last 13 episodes of Season Jeff Dunham reaches new heights with his first ever animated girls run wild in Ebiten! 2 begin with the whole gang enjoying the holidays, but the movie Achmed Saves America. Watch as everyone’s favorite Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- festivities come to an abrupt end when control spires and evil dead terrorist Achmed finds himself face to face with the national TV, Japanese, Television 275min. Digimon pop up around the world. The DigiDestined split up suburban infidels. This fresh new series brings together the to tackle all corners of the Earth and save their human and wonderfully „“ Achmed straight to your Section23 Films 01.04.2014 Digimon friends from dark forces. When a new enemy appears home in a whole new and exciting way. Jeff Dunham has 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121438 the group comes back together and vows to restore the added yet another amazing project to his successful comedy DigiWorld back to its original state, ridding it of evil once and career. for all. Animation, Comedy, , Ebiten: The Complete Collection Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Movies, TV Movies 2013 60min. (Blu-ray) Children’s, Family, Fantasy, International Comedy Central 18.03.2014 Take one group of rabid fan girls with tenuous grips on reality, TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Television toss out all rules of proper social behavior, mix them together 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121196 in a basement with more twisted anime parodies and allusions min. than you can shake a schtick at, and what do you get? Well, New Video DVD 11.03.2014 Jeff Dunham: Achmed Saves besides a recipe for disaster, if borderline delusional Kyoko 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121489 Todayama is in what passes for charge, you get the America (Blu-ray) Asstronomy Club, where mayhem rules and the wall between Jeff Dunham the real world and total fantasy shatters at least once every Digimon Data Squad: Season five minutes! And as if things weren’t wild enough, let’s throw Jeff Dunham reaches new heights with his first ever animated in a „boys love“ manga fanatic who always seems to end up in Five movie Achmed Saves America. Watch as everyone’s favorite her underwear, a maid on a secret mission, a ruthless arch We pick up with our heroes and the challenges faced by the dead terrorist Achmed finds himself face to face with the enemy whose goal is to have the club disbanded, and a CAT members of D.A.T.S. (Digital Accident Tactics Squad), an suburban infidels. This fresh new series brings together the as the faculty adviser! And then there’s Itsuki, who organization created to conceal the existence of the Digital wonderfully „politically incorrect“ Achmed straight to your inexplicably still thinks this is a serious astronomy club. To World and Digimon from the rest of mankind. A boy, Masuru, home in a whole new and exciting way. Jeff Dunham has be fair, some of the members DO seem to be robots/aliens and/ becomes friends with a stray Digimon, Agumon, who escaped added yet another amazing project to his successful comedy or from outer space. One thing’s for certain though: the from and is wanted by D.A.T.S. Now fugitives on the run, they career. Student Council will most definitely Not approve of what encounter a matured stage Digimon, Kokatorimon, and a battle Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Comedy happens when the Insane-O-Meter redlines and freaky fan ensues. Satsuma, a D.A.T.S. commander, witnesses the fight Central, Movies, TV Movies 2013 60min. girls run wild in Ebiten! and recruits Masuru and Agumon into the organization to help Comedy Central 18.03.2014 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, protect the human world from the dangers of Digimon. Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121215 sion 275min. Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Section23 Films 01.04.2014 Japanese, Science Fiction, Television, The Easter Bunny Is Comin’ To 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121453 Thrillers min. Town: Deluxe Edition (DVD + Puz- New Video DVD 11.03.2014 zle) Eureka Seven: Part One 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121487 You can only find kids in kidsville. They make their own rules and run their own town. Every spring, all the kids - including Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Giant Doc McStuffins: Mobile Clinic Sunny The Bunny- come together to make Easter goodies. Monsters!, International TV, Japanese, Now its Sunny’s job to take all the yummy jellybeans and Science Fiction, Television min. Animation, Children’s, Disney, Family, painted eggs to town, a dreary old village where no kids are Funimation 22.04.2014 Fantasy, Nurses & Doctors, Preschool, allowed! The Easter Bunny Is Coming To Town is a cheery, tuneful production combining stop motion magic and the vocal 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121574 Television 90min. talents of another magical treasure, Fred Astaire. Watch Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 Sunny and friends win over Town’s meanies by teaching them 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121328 fun Easter traditions. Share this Digitally Remastered Edition Eureka Seven: Part One - Altern- - with all new Bonus Features - as part of your family’s ate Art (Blu-ray) Easter tradition. Donkey Kong Country: The Le- Animated Animals, Animation, Family, Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, gend Of The Crystal Coconut Holidays, Movies, Musical, Rankin / Bass, Giant Monsters!, International TV, Scurvy and the Pirates are back on Kongo Bongo Island to Television, TV Movies 1977 min. Japanese, Science Fiction, Television min. claim Scurvy’s birthright, the Crystal Coconut! In the Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 Funimation 22.04.2014 meantime, an unaware Donkey Kong is visiting the Inca 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121583 Temple in an attempt to find out what all the mysteries, powers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121395

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121454 ma, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Eureka Seven: Part One - Limited Television 325min. Edition (Blu-ray) The First Easter Rabbit: Deluxe Section23 Films 15.04.2014 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121455 Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Edition (DVD + Puzzle) Giant Monsters!, International TV, Paul Frees, Robert Morse - Dir. Jules Bass Japanese, Science Fiction, Television min. Did you know that without the help of Santa Clause, there Frozen might not be an Easter Bunny at all? That’s the sweetly Josh Gad, Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell - Dir. Funimation 22.04.2014 surprising story told in this animated family favorite from 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121581 Rankin/Bass productions that has enchanted generations. Chris Buck Academy Award winner Burl Ives narrates and Robert Morse, Walt Disney Animation Studios presents a chilly twist on one Stan Freberg and Paul Frees provide character voices in a of the most humorous and heartwarming stories ever told. Eureka Seven: Part Two fanciful, tuneful and color-splashed tale. Stuffy the Rabbit is a „Disney Animation’s best since The Lion King,“ (William Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Giant cuddly toy who magically comes to life and journeys to Easter Bibbiani, CraveOnline) will melt your heart. Fearless optimist Valley, an enchanted realm where it’s always springtime, even Anna sets off on an epic journey — teaming up with rugged Monsters!, International TV, Japanese, though it’s not far from Santa’s house. From there, the Bunny mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven — to find Science Fiction, Television min. hopes to bring the first-ever basket of Easter goodies to her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom Funimation 22.04.2014 children. But a cold-hearted ice creature named Zero refuses of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like to allow such happiness. If he has his way, he’ll freeze out conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121575 Easter celebrations forever! Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom. Bring home Frozen on DVD and Blu-ray - Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, featuring cool bonus extras with gorgeous animation, Eureka Seven: Part Two (Blu-ray) Family, Holidays, Rankin / Bass, Television memorable characters and unforgettable music. It’s dazzling Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, 1976 min. fun for the whole family! Giant Monsters!, International TV, Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Computer Japanese, Science Fiction, Television min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121449 Animation, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Funimation 22.04.2014 Musical 2013 102min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121582 Franklin And Friends: Polar Ex- Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121434 plorer Fairy Tail: Part Nine (Blu-ray + When Franklin’s Great Aunt Harriet’s heirloom key opens a DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) special Navigation Bar, the coordinates send Franklin and his Frozen (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital friends on an adventure that will take them to the North and Copy) (Blu-ray) Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, South Pole! With a husky Polar Bear Ranger as their host to Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic, the Arctic and the navigation bar as their map, they embark on Josh Gad, Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell - Dir. Television min. a mysterious journey, leading them to many adventures and Chris Buck incredible sights in this magical feature length film. Walt Disney Animation Studios presents a chilly twist on one Funimation 25.03.2014 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, of the most humorous and heartwarming stories ever told. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121255 Television min. „Disney Animation’s best since The Lion King,“ (William Bibbiani, CraveOnline) will melt your heart. Fearless optimist Phase 4 Films 11.03.2014 Anna sets off on an epic journey — teaming up with rugged Familiar Of Zero: Season One 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121673 mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven — to find Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière’s name is so long her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom and her spell-casting skills are so poor that everyone at the of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like Tristain Academy of Magic just calls her „Louise the Zero“. From The New World: Collection conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Louise’s humiliation only increases during an important One Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save second year test, where the other students summon up the kingdom. Bring home Frozen on DVD and Blu-ray - dragons and other mythological creatures as their familiars, Born into a world a thousand years in our future, Saki and her featuring cool bonus extras with gorgeous animation, and she inexplicably summons Hiraga Saito, a totally normal friends Satoru, Maria, Mamoru and Shun have lived their memorable characters and unforgettable music. It’s dazzling teenager from . Now she’s stuck with him and Saito’s entire lives in what seems to be a perfect utopia. Not only is fun for the whole family! stuck with the lousy life of being a familiar. Except, maybe their small idyllic community overflowing with clean rushing Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, there’s more going on than meets the eye, because Saito’s not water and abundant green foliage, but almost all technology prepared to accept the social inequities that Louise and other has been rendered irrelevant by the magical power of Computer Animation, Disney, Family, aristocrats consider the status quo, and he may not be quite „Juryoku,“ the psychic ability to materialize anything one Fantasy, Movies, Musical 2013 102min. as normal as everyone thinks. And the reason Louise is so desires. But when Saki discovers a long lost artifact from the Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 bad at magic might just be that she hasn’t figured out what past, the façade of their world is shattered and the cracks she’s good at yet. In fact, they might even have the makings of that split the foundation of their reality threaten to swallow 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121452 a great team. If they can learn to stand each other first, that them whole! Faced with a bloody secret history of how their is! Will familiarity breed contempt? Will combining two negati- world really came to be and thrust into a nightmarish new The Galaxy Railways: Box Set ves result in a positive? The answer will be spelled out, paradigm, Saki and her companions are confronted with enchantment by enchantment, in F dangers they never knew existed and a series of choices that (Repackage) may change the fate of every intelligent creature on the planet Adventure, Animation, Anime, Comedy, - human and otherwise! Yusuke Kishi’s award winning novel In the future mankind will venture to the far reaches of the Fantasy, Foreign, girl power, International becomes an epic new animated series as five young teens cosmos using technologically advanced trains, perhaps the fight to survive the shocking revelations that come From The least likely method of intergalactic travel. The fleet of the TV, Japanese, Romance, Television 325min. Galaxy Railways transports countless galactic citizens from Section23 Films 08.04.2014 New World! Adventure, Animation, Anime, Drama, one exotic planet to the next, protected by the SDF, the elite 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121440 force protecting the Railways Fleet against terrorists, meteor Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- storms, and malicious alien life. Manabu Yuuki dreamed of sion 325min. joining the SDF like his father and brother before him. His Familiar Of Zero: Season One mother, desperate not to lose her whole family to the infinite Section23 Films 15.04.2014 void of space does what she can to derail hid dreams, but (Blu-ray) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121441 Manabu is too much like his father, too stubborn to go back on Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière’s name is so long his word. He boards the train to Destiny Station, where his and her spell-casting skills are so poor that everyone at the own destiny has already begun. Tristain Academy of Magic just calls her „Louise the Zero“. From The New World: Collection Animation, Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Louise’s humiliation only increases during an important One (Blu-ray) second year test, where the other students summon up International TV, Japanese, Science dragons and other mythological creatures as their familiars, Born into a world a thousand years in our future, Saki and her Fiction, Space, Television 650min. and she inexplicably summons Hiraga Saito, a totally normal friends Satoru, Maria, Mamoru and Shun have lived their Funimation 04.03.2014 teenager from Tokyo. Now she’s stuck with him and Saito’s entire lives in what seems to be a perfect utopia. Not only is stuck with the lousy life of being a familiar. Except, maybe their small idyllic community overflowing with clean rushing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121240 there’s more going on than meets the eye, because Saito’s not water and abundant green foliage, but almost all technology prepared to accept the social inequities that Louise and other has been rendered irrelevant by the magical power of Guardian Of The Highlands aristocrats consider the status quo, and he may not be quite „Juryoku,“ the psychic ability to materialize anything one as normal as everyone thinks. And the reason Louise is so desires. But when Saki discovers a long lost artifact from the Sean Connery bad at magic might just be that she hasn’t figured out what past, the façade of their world is shattered and the cracks A roller coaster adventure about the race to save the last she’s good at yet. In fact, they might even have the makings of that split the foundation of their reality threaten to swallow beaver in Scotland, led by Sir Billi (Sean Connery), a vet by a great team. If they can learn to stand each other first, that them whole! Faced with a bloody secret history of how their profession who makes it his job to protect all animals. He is is! Will familiarity breed contempt? Will combining two negati- world really came to be and thrust into a nightmarish new of the Highlands. He is regarded as the ves result in a positive? The answer will be spelled out, paradigm, Saki and her companions are confronted with authority of the townspeople and looked up to by both people enchantment by enchantment, in F dangers they never knew existed and a series of choices that and animals in town. may change the fate of every intelligent creature on the planet Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, - human and otherwise! Yusuke Kishi’s award winning novel Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, girl power, In- becomes an epic new animated series as five young teens Movies 2012 75min. ternational TV, Japanese, Romance, Televi- fight to survive the shocking revelations that come From The Vivendi Visual Entertainment 08.04.2014 sion 325min. New World! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121471 Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- Section23 Films 08.04.2014

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Happiness: The Complete Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor & old friends and his new family. With a host of original toe- tappin’ tunes paired with a bonus DVD game, music videos, Collection Shugaku Toshi Keppu-Roku - and deleted scenes, The Jungle Book 2 has something to Yuma and Haruhi are both students at Mizuhosaka Academy, Season Four delight the entire family. but since the classes for magic users and non-magic users Action, Adventure, Animals & Nature, are kept completely separate, the odds of their ever getting to Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, know each other are impossibly small. But then a gas Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- explosion on Valentine’s Day renders the Magic section Animation, Blu-ray, Disney, Family, Jungle, unusable, leaving the school with no choice except to make sion min. Movies, Musical 2003 72min. everything co-ed. As a result, mage in training Haruhi and her Funimation 11.03.2014 Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 best friend Anri find themselves transferred into a normal 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121242 class with Yuma and his best friends Hachisuke and Jun. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121667 Although how „normal“ they are is debatable given that Hachi might be the world’s biggest letch and Jun prefers to wear the It’s The Easter Beagle, Charlie Justice League Triple Feature girl’s school uniform rather than the one for the guys. And there’s something about Yuma as well, something that Haruhi Brown: Deluxe Edition (DVD + When global catastrophe strikes, the World’s Greatest Super notices almost immediately. But is Yuma aware of it yet? Puzzle) Heroes answer the call to join Justice League. Justice Whatever the answer, the most magical year of classes for League works together as a team to overcome a dangerous both of them is about to begin, and the most important lessons Linus tries to convince everyone that the Easter Beagle will array of intersteller invaders and world conquering learned won’t be on conjuring or geometry. Gather up your take care of everything. But his pals don’t believe him and megalomaniacs. When the Thanagarians visit Earth, Hawkgirl schoolbooks, calculators and magic wands, as a boy and a they have too much to do! From coloring eggs to choosing new is forced to choose between loyalty to her people and love for girl discover the real secret to Happiness! shoes, the Peanuts gang prepares for the big day. Watch out, her friends on her adopted planet Earth. This is the one battle Easter Bunny, there’s someone new in town! He has floppy that could rip the World’s Greatest Super Heroes apart Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- ears, a funny nose and a basketful of colored eggs... and forever!! The galaxy’s ultimate crime-fighting strike squad, national TV, Japanese, Television 325min. looks all too familiar to Lucy. It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Justice League, continues its on-going battle against enemies Section23 Films 01.04.2014 Brown! And it’s an enduring family favorite newly remastered on the Earth and beyond! In „Paradise Lost,“ sorcerer Felix for improved picture and audio to be as bright and shiny as Faust turns Wonder Woman’s Amazon sisters to statues of 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121439 the prettiest Easter Egg. stone! Then, Superman is captured by the warlord Mongul and Animated Animals, Animation, Based On A plunged into a gladiator-style fight to the finish on an alien Happy Feet / Happy Feet 2 / planet. Now, only and Hawkgirl can save their Comic Strip, Family, Holidays, Television caped friend from the battle zone known as War World. Don’t March Of The Penguins (Triple 1974 min. miss these two, two-part episodes, as the world’s greatest Feature) Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 super heroes answer the call for help in Volume 3 from the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121405 animated series! Robin Williams, Hugh Jackman, Steve Irwin, Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On , Brittany Murphy, Magda Comic Book, Family, Superheroes, Triple Szubanski, Anthony LaPaglia, Elijah Wood, JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time Feature min. Nicole Kidman - Dir. George Miller, Luc MFV Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Jacquet The Justice League must stop Lex Luthor from going back in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121400 time to eliminate Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman by Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated changing their origin stories. With the help of teen Animals, Animation, Comedy, Computer superheroes Karate Kid and Dawnstar, the Justice League LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Animation, Dancing, Documentary, must face its biggest challenge ever - the threat of having Chronicles Educational, Family, Movies, Special never existed! Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, In Episode 1 - The Phantom Clone, the action-packed Interest, Triple Feature min. Family, Superheroes min. adventure begins when Darth Sidious unveils his plan to Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 create a new super-weapon - an enhanced Sith clone named Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121601 Jek-14 - to help him defeat the Republic once and for all. It’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121734 up to Jedi Master Yoda and his young Padawan students to work together and save the galaxy! In Episode II - Menace of Heaven’s Lost Property: Season the Sith, Count Dooku uses his new and improved Clone-a- The Jungle Book 2 Matic to create an army of Jek clones, but the original Jek-14 One (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- From Disney’s wildly popular The Jungle Book comes a wants no part of the sinister scheme. Now, with the help of ray) thrilling, all new animated feature film. The jungle is jumping some old friends and two familiar Droids, substitute teacher again as Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, and the rest of your Anakin Skywalker must lead Yoda’s Padawan class to Your wish is her desire. Tomoki’s life was normal until a favorite characters return in the fun filled musical adventure victory! wish-granting angelic android named Ikaros fell from the sky The Jungle Book 2. „It’s a work of such charm and imagination Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Computer and started calling him master! Of course, thanks to his raging it should enchant children of all ages“ (Kevin Thomas, Los Animation, Science Fiction, Space, Star teenage hormones, most of Tomoki’s wishes have something to Angeles Times). Mowgli (Haley Joel Osmont) has been living do with panties. And that makes things pretty complicated in the village among humans. His new life includes his new Wars, Television min. because one simple wish can lead to a rampaging robot made stepbrother, Ranjan, and his best friend, Shanti, but the man 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 out of frilly undergarments. One tiny wish can turn bloomers club still has that jungle rhythm in this heart, and he misses 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121719 into bombs capable of blowing up entire neighborhoods! If his old buddy Baloo (John Goodman). When Mowgli wanders Tomoki doesn’t’ learn to control his impulses around Ikaros, back into the wild for some swingin’ fun, he soon finds Baloo and be more careful with his wishes, the chaos will only get isn’t the only one waiting for him- the man eating tiger Shere Little Busters!: The Complete crazier. Luckily, even with such a dirty mind, Tomoki’s heart Khan is lurking in the shadows and planning his revenge. If he is in the right place. His hands, however, are a completely is to defeat his nemesis, Mowgli will need the help of both his Season Two different story. old friends and his new family. With a host of original toe- As if receiving enigmatic messages delivered by the cats Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, tappin’ tunes paired with a bonus DVD game, music videos, wasn’t odd enough, Riki Naoe’s world continues to grow even Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Robots / and deleted scenes, The Jungle Book 2 has something to stranger. Following the shocking twin revelations of Midori’s Androids, Television 2009 350min. delight the entire family. missing shadow and the fact that he’s the only one who seems Action, Adventure, Animals & Nature, to remember Mio, he’s determined to learn the nature of the Funimation 15.04.2014 Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, connection between them. Meanwhile, some of the secret’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121578 Haruka is keeping about her family are revealed with Animation, Disney, Family, Jungle, Movies, potentially devastating consequences, and Riki finds himself Musical 2003 72min. pressed into a completely unexpected situation when a Hidamari Sketch X365: The sleepover held by Rin and the other female members of the Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 team goes out of control. However, as overwhelming as all Complete Season Two (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121663 that seems, it’s merely the preamble to the drama that’s Yuno, Miyako, Hiro, Sae and the rest of the denizens of the unleashed when Kudrayaka learns that her cosmonaut mother most fascinating piece of surreal estate in Japan are back. is going to be sent into space! And in between it all, the Little And they’re still spurning the „A happens after B, happens The Jungle Book 2 (Blu-ray + DVD Buster’s first ballgame is approaching, even though they still after C“ pattern so prevalent in the rest of the world. In fact, + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) haven’t found a ninth player. Covert missions are run, long instead of just taking place after Yuno’s first year at Yamabuki simmering personal rivalries come to a boil and events that High, this season of Hidamari Sketch continues on both sides, From Disney’s wildly popular The Jungle Book comes a are literally out of this world will take an entire country by around the edges and in-between. Filling in the details in an thrilling, all new animated feature film. The jungle is jumping storm in the spectacular second collection of Little ever-expanding collage that’s both avant-garde and slice of again as Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, and the rest of your Animation, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Interna- life! And if the format’s not completely unexpected, we favorite characters return in the fun filled musical adventure guarantee that some of the things that you never knew about The Jungle Book 2. „It’s a work of such charm and imagination tional TV, Japanese, Romance, Television before WILL be in Hidamari Sketch X 365 - The Complete it should enchant children of all ages“ (Kevin Thomas, Los 325min. Collection! Angeles Times). Mowgli (Haley Joel Osmont) has been living in the village among humans. His new life includes his new Section23 Films 22.04.2014 Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, High stepbrother, Ranjan, and his best friend, Shanti, but the man 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121442 School, International TV, Japanese, Televi- club still has that jungle rhythm in this heart, and he misses sion 400min. his old buddy Baloo (John Goodman). When Mowgli wanders Little Busters!: The Complete Section23 Films 22.04.2014 back into the wild for some swingin’ fun, he soon finds Baloo isn’t the only one waiting for him- the man eating tiger Shere Season Two (Blu-ray) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121456 Khan is lurking in the shadows and planning his revenge. If he is to defeat his nemesis, Mowgli will need the help of both his As if receiving enigmatic messages delivered by the cats wasn’t odd enough, Riki Naoe’s world continues to grow even

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 50 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA stranger. Following the shocking twin revelations of Midori’s road. She’ll still have to live long enough to bring those really can come true? missing shadow and the fact that he’s the only one who seems memories before the court, and even that isn’t the end of the Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, to remember Mio, he’s determined to learn the nature of the journey. Rune’s search for answers to the questions that connection between them. Meanwhile, some of the secret’s haunt comes to a shattering climax in the exhaustive third Ghosts, High School, Movies, TV Movies Haruka is keeping about her family are revealed with volume of Mardock Scramble! 74min. potentially devastating consequences, and Riki finds himself Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Universal Studios 25.03.2014 pressed into a completely unexpected situation when a sleepover held by Rin and the other female members of the Japanese, Science Fiction, Serial Killers, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121214 team goes out of control. However, as overwhelming as all Television 69min. that seems, it’s merely the preamble to the drama that’s Section23 Films 25.03.2014 The Nadia Secret Of Blue Water: unleashed when Kudrayaka learns that her cosmonaut mother 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121251 is going to be sent into space! And in between it all, the Little The Complete Collection Buster’s first ballgame is approaching, even though they still The World’s Fair, Paris, 1889: a young inventor crosses haven’t found a ninth player. Covert missions are run, long Mardock Scramble: The Third paths with an enigmatic girl and her pet lion. Suddenly they simmering personal rivalries come to a boil and events that find themselves pursued by villainous trio intent upon stealing are literally out of this world will take an entire country by Exhaust (Blu-ray) the magical Blue Water. Thus begins an epic adventure storm in the spectacular second collection of Little Rune Balot’s struggle to bring the man who killed her to inspired by Jules Verne’s masterpiece 20,000 Leagues Under Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, justice continues amid the world of high-stakes gambling and the Sea. Join Nadia and Jean as they travel the high seas in International TV, Japanese, Romance, Tele- glamour at the Eggnog Blue Casino. The odds are stacked search of Nadia’s homeland and her past, their only clue the heavily in the house’s favor and even with the aid of Dr. mysterious jewel Nadia wears. Can they unravel the Secret of vision 325min. Easter and Oeufcoque, a universal item capable of turning into the Blue Water before it is too late? Discover Nadia, Secret Section23 Films 22.04.2014 anything and everything, Rune’s chances of winning are slim. of Blue Water, the animated series beloved by millions, and 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121457 But winning the golden chips containing Shell Septinos’ find out for yourself! memories is only the next step on a long and treacherous Adventure, Animation, Anime, Drama, road. She’ll still have to live long enough to bring those Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Looney Tunes Spotlight memories before the court, and even that isn’t the end of the journey. Rune’s search for answers to the questions that sion 975min. Collection: Volume 8 haunt comes to a shattering climax in the exhaustive third Section23 Films 04.03.2014 In this eighth installment of the Spotlight Collection series, the volume of Mardock Scramble! 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121247 classic Looney Tunes characters come to life. Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Serial Comedy, Family 210min. Killers, Television 69min. Nadia, The Secret Of Blue Water: Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Section23 Films 25.03.2014 The Complete Collection (Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121656 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121260 ray) The World’s Fair, Paris, 1889: a young inventor crosses Looney Tunes: Bugs Bunny And Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Min- paths with an enigmatic girl and her pet lion. Suddenly they find themselves pursued by villainous trio intent upon stealing Friends nie-Rella the magical Blue Water. Thus begins an epic adventure Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Mouseke-magic meets storybook enchantment in a charming inspired by Jules Verne’s masterpiece 20,000 Leagues Under Comedy, Family, Television 112min. Clubhouse adventure inspired by your favorite fairy tale! To the Sea. Join Nadia and Jean as they travel the high seas in surprise Minnie with a special present, Mickey and the gang search of Nadia’s homeland and her past, their only clue the Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 keep her busy with loads of chores until they pick out the mysterious jewel Nadia wears. Can they unravel the Secret of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121736 perfect gift. Tired from so much work, Minnie falls asleep... the Blue Water before it is too late? Discover Nadia, Secret and her dreamy fantasy begins. With a „Mouseke-doodle-lee- of Blue Water, the animated series beloved by millions, and do,“ Fairy Godmother Clarabelle waves her wand and sets find out for yourself! Looney Tunes: Daffy Duck And the magic in motion. Will Minnie-Rella make it to Prince Adventure, Animation, Anime, Drama, Friends Mickey’s castle in time? What will happen at midnight? Will Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- the slipper fit? With help from YOU - and the right Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Mouseketools — happily ever after is just a wish away! sion min. Comedy, Family, Television 411min. Sparkling with music, fun, three extra episodes and 10 bonus Section23 Films 04.03.2014 Minnie’s Bow-Toons, Minnie-Rella invites every little 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121296 Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 princess to have a ball! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121732 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, Disney, Naruto Shippuden: Volume 18 Looney Tunes: Spotlight Naruto declares to his friends his intention to take on Sasuke Family, Fantasy, Preschool, Television min. by himself, while the Elders of the Leaf make a serious Collection (Double Feature) Disney / Buena Vista 11.02.2014 decision about who will fill the vacant seat of Hokage - That’s right, go ahead and laugh at them. The silliness picks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121543 Kakashi! In Mount Myoboku, Gerotora, Fukasaku and the up where it never left off in Vol. 2 of the Looney Tunes Spot- Great Lord Elder debate whether or not to give Naruto the key light Collection, a joy-buzzer-to-the-world batch of more to the Tetragram Seal that Gerotora holds, an act that could classic animated shorts from the Warner Bros. vaults all Monster High: Frights, Camera, potentially unleash Nine Tails. Meanwhile, Tsunade recovers restored, remastered, uncut and never before on DVD. Two Action! from her coma and, having grasped the situation, issues discs. Thirty cartoons (two more than in Vol. 1). Plus orders to prepare for war! certifiably Looney extras. You’ll tawt you taw a puddy tat and When Draculaura is led to believe she’s the rightful heir to Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, more with Disc 1’s Tweety/Sylvester antics, Daffy Duck’s the vampire throne, she and her best ghoulfriends are Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Foreign, detective Duck Twacy and the surreal Porky in Wackyland. whisked away to Transylvania for a royal coronation to die Disc 2 unleashes an all-star, all-for-fun-and-fun-for-all array for. But they soon discover the hunt for the queen is not over International TV, Japanese, Science of Hollywood and show-business spoofs, including the great yet. The Ghouls must locate an ancient artifact known as the Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. What’s Opera, Doc? and more. Laugh yourself silly! Vampire’s Heart in order to discover the identity of the true Vampire Queen. It’s a fangtastic adventure that will lead them Viz Entertainment 08.04.2014 Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, from the Tower of Londoom, to a haunted river boat in New 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121404 Double Features, Family, Television min. Goreleans and finally to the glamorous boo-vie lots of Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Hauntlywood. Could this be the moment when Draculaura One Piece: Collection Nine 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121402 finally receives her vampire powers and discovers screams really can come true? Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Animation, Children’s, Family, Ghosts, High Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Looney Tunes: Tweety Pie And School, Movies, TV Movies 74min. Japanese, Television min. Friends Universal Studios 25.03.2014 Funimation 15.04.2014 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121184 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121572 Comedy, Family 105min. Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 Monster High: Frights, Camera, One Piece: Season Five - Sixth 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121740 Action! (Blu-ray + DVD + Voyage UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Mardock Scramble: The Third When Draculaura is led to believe she’s the rightful heir to Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Exhaust the vampire throne, she and her best ghoulfriends are whisked away to Transylvania for a royal coronation to die Japanese, Television min. Rune Balot’s struggle to bring the man who killed her to for. But they soon discover the hunt for the queen is not over Funimation 04.03.2014 justice continues amid the world of high-stakes gambling and yet. The Ghouls must locate an ancient artifact known as the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121241 glamour at the Eggnog Blue Casino. The odds are stacked Vampire’s Heart in order to discover the identity of the true heavily in the house’s favor and even with the aid of Dr. Vampire Queen. It’s a fangtastic adventure that will lead them Easter and Oeufcoque, a universal item capable of turning into from the Tower of Londoom, to a haunted river boat in New Pac-Man And The Ghostly anything and everything, Rune’s chances of winning are slim. Goreleans and finally to the glamorous boo-vie lots of But winning the golden chips containing Shell Septinos’ Hauntlywood. Could this be the moment when Draculaura Adventures: Ghost Patrol! memories is only the next step on a long and treacherous finally receives her vampire powers and discovers screams In order to learn the secret location of the Repository,

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Betrayus and Dr. Buttocks hatch a diabolical scheme that Hollow and joins forces with the scheming pirates of Skull catches all of PacWorld off guard. What ensues is a wild and Rock, who make her captain of their ship. Tinker Bell (voice wacky race against Pac and pals to see who gets to the of Mae Whitman) and her friends must embark on an epic Rango / Yogi Bear (Double Fea- Repository first! Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is a advdnture to find Zarina, and together they go sword-to- ture) (Blu-ray) big, bustling world of action, chills, chases and comedy, sword with the band of pirates led by a cabin boy named starring three unique and winning teenagers who will stop at James (voice of Tom Hiddleston), who’ll soon be known as Abigail Breslin, Isla Fisher, Stephen Root, nothing to protect their friendship, their freedom, and the Captain Hook, himself. Enjoy the laughter, heart, magic and Timothy Olyphant, Bill Nighy, Ray Winstone, future! thrills of The Pirate Fairy. Harry Dean Stanton, Johnny Depp, Alfred Adventure, Animation, Based On Video Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, Molina - Dir. Gore Verbinski Game, Children’s, Family 88min. Family, Fantasy, Movies, Pirates 2014 Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Double Fea- Phase 4 Films 18.03.2014 90min. tures, Family, Movies, Spaghetti Westerns, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121676 Disney / Buena Vista 01.04.2014 Western 187min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121226 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Peppa Pig: My Birthday Party 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121417 Peppa Pig follows the hilarious adventures of Peppa, a The Pirate Fairy (Blu-ray + DVD + loveable little piggy, her family, and all of her animal friends, including Suzy Sheep, Pedro Pony, Danny Dog and more. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Ranma 1/2: Set 1 Peppa loves playing games and making new friends, but her Tom Hiddleston, , Mae From the legendary oeuvre of master creator Rumiko absolute favorite thing is jumping up and down in muddy Whitman Takahashi, the mixed-up, madcap, martial arts romantic puddles! In My Birthday Party, it’s Peppa’s birthday and all of comedy Ranma 1/2 returns! In this definitive limited edition her friends are invited to her party. Other episodes include an From the world of Peter Pan comes The Pirate Fairy, a swashbuckling new adventure about Zarina (voice of Christi- Blu-ray collection, Ranma 1/2 is presented in stunning, exciting boat race, a school play, a train adventure, a costume uncropped 1080p high definition straight from the Japanese party and more! na Hendricks), a smart and ambitious dust-keeper fairy who’s captivated by Blue Pixie Dust and its endless possibilities. masters. Presented for the first time in the original Japanese Animated Animals, Animation, British, when Zarina’s wild ideas get her into trouble, she flees Pixie episode order, Ranma 1/2 has never looked better. Also Children’s, Foreign, International TV, Televi- Hollow and joins forces with the scheming pirates of Skull included are all-new extra features showcasing the sion min. Rock, who make her captain of their ship. Tinker Bell (voice phenomenon of this beloved anime series and a booklet with of Mae Whitman) and her friends must embark on an epic episode summaries and a manga preview. After taking a E1 Entertainment 18.03.2014 advdnture to find Zarina, and together they go sword-to- surprise dip in a cursed spring while on a training journey in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121590 sword with the band of pirates led by a cabin boy named China, martial artist Ranma Saotome and his father, Genma, James (voice of Tom Hiddleston), who’ll soon be known as aren’t quite themselves anymore. Now Ranma turns into a girl Captain Hook, himself. Enjoy the laughter, heart, magic and whenever he’s splashed with cold water, and Genma turns The Pet Girl Of Sakurasou: thrills of The Pirate Fairy. into a panda! Their new forms cause nothing but confusion at the Tendo dojo, where Soun Tendo is waiting to introduce one Collection Two Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, of his three daughters to Ranma - as his fiancée! Turns out The care and feeding of a pet girl is something only those with Disney, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Pirates Genma and Soun arranged the match long ago, but the girl, the most dogged determination should attempt, but Sorata 2014 90min. Akane, and the boy, Ranma, aren’t exactly crazy about the Kanda never really had a choice in the matter. Tasked with Disney / Buena Vista 01.04.2014 idea, or each ot keeping the acclaimed but highly dysfunctional and unfocused Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, artist Mashiro Shiina from forgetting to eat, brush her hair or 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121238 wear clothes, it’s been a long, slow battle to get to the point International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, where he’s reached a general understanding of her extreme Romance, Television min. quirks. Which doesn’t mean that Mashiro doesn’t still walk Pokemon: Black & White Rival Viz Entertainment 25.03.2014 out of the dorm half-naked. It’s just that Sorata now Destinies - Set 2 understands that it’s going to happen. Unfortunately, the 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121407 whys, wherefores and how-to’s of comprehending the Ash is rarin’ to battle Gym Leader Clay in Driftveil City! opposite sex aren’t going so well on other fronts. Misaki’s Then, on the way to Mistralton City, the friends witness a Ranma 1/2: Set 1 (Blu-ray) attempts to escalate her campaign to win Jin’s affections dramatic Pokemon trade and evolution. But the excitement has takes a disastrous turn, and Nanami’s going to have to learn just begun. Professor Juniper invites Ash and his pals to join From the legendary oeuvre of master creator Rumiko to come to terms with her feelings for Sorata while adjusting him in what he promises will be a thrilling adventure - and he Takahashi, the mixed-up, madcap, martial arts romantic to the third wheel that is Mashiro. And then there’s still keeps his promise! In Mistralton City, Ash discovers a Gym comedy Ranma 1/2 returns! In this definitive limited edition Sorata’s „problem“ of picking up cats that he’s not supposed Leader with an unusual battle style. And get ready for some Blu-ray collection, Ranma 1/2 is presented in stunning, to keep. Attentions stray, passions play and sanity frays as explosive action when our heroes prepare to participate in the uncropped 1080p high definition straight from the Japanese the housebreaking continues in the second insane Clubsplosion Tournament! masters. Presented for the first time in the original Japanese Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, episode order, Ranma 1/2 has never looked better. Also Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, included are all-new extra features showcasing the Japanese, Television min. Children’s, Fantasy, Foreign, International phenomenon of this beloved anime series and a booklet with Section23 Films 11.03.2014 TV, Japanese, Television 240min. episode summaries and a manga preview. After taking a Viz Entertainment 25.03.2014 surprise dip in a cursed spring while on a training journey in 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121248 China, martial artist Ranma Saotome and his father, Genma, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121406 aren’t quite themselves anymore. Now Ranma turns into a girl The Pet Girl Of Sakurasou: whenever he’s splashed with cold water, and Genma turns Psycho-Pass: Season One - Part into a panda! Their new forms cause nothing but confusion at Collection Two (Blu-ray) the Tendo dojo, where Soun Tendo is waiting to introduce one The care and feeding of a pet girl is something only those with One (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- of his three daughters to Ranma - as his fiancée! Turns out the most dogged determination should attempt, but Sorata ray) Genma and Soun arranged the match long ago, but the girl, Kanda never really had a choice in the matter. Tasked with Akane, and the boy, Ranma, aren’t exactly crazy about the keeping the acclaimed but highly dysfunctional and unfocused Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Crime, idea, or each ot artist Mashiro Shiina from forgetting to eat, brush her hair or Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, wear clothes, it’s been a long, slow battle to get to the point Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial where he’s reached a general understanding of her extreme Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. quirks. Which doesn’t mean that Mashiro doesn’t still walk Funimation 11.03.2014 Arts, Romance, Television 530min. out of the dorm half-naked. It’s just that Sorata now 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121252 Viz Entertainment 25.03.2014 understands that it’s going to happen. Unfortunately, the 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121418 whys, wherefores and how-to’s of comprehending the opposite sex aren’t going so well on other fronts. Misaki’s Psycho-Pass: Season One - Part attempts to escalate her campaign to win Jin’s affections Two (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Rio (Blu-ray) takes a disastrous turn, and Nanami’s going to have to learn Jamie Foxx, Leslie Mann, Jemaine Clement, to come to terms with her feelings for Sorata while adjusting ray) to the third wheel that is Mashiro. And then there’s still Jesse Eisenberg, George Lopez, Will I Am, Sorata’s „problem“ of picking up cats that he’s not supposed Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Crime, Anne Hathaway, Wanda Sykes, Jane to keep. Attentions stray, passions play and sanity frays as Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Lynch - Dir. Carlos Saldanha the housebreaking continues in the second insane Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Feel the rhythm... hear the beat... and let your spirit soar with Funimation 11.03.2014 Rio. This high-flying animated comedy from the makers of Ice tional TV, Japanese, Television min. 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121253 Age is fun for the whole family and features an all-star cast Section23 Films 11.03.2014 that includes the voice talents of Anne Hathaway, Jesse 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121257 Eisenberg, George Lopez and Jamie Foxx. Blu (Jesse Eisen- Psycho-Pass: The Complete First berg) is a rare domesticated macaw who believes he’s the last of his kind. But when his owner learns about Jewel The Pirate Fairy Season - Premium Edition (Blu- (Hathaway), Blu’s female counterpart in Rio de Janeiro, they set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Even though he’s never Tom Hiddleston, Christina Hendricks, Mae ray) learned to fly, Blu befriends a group of wise-cracking, Whitman Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Crime, smooth-talking city birds who help him find the courage to From the world of Peter Pan comes The Pirate Fairy, a Foreign, International TV, Japanese, spread his wings and follow his destiny. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated swashbuckling new adventure about Zarina (voice of Christi- Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. na Hendricks), a smart and ambitious dust-keeper fairy who’s Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Funimation 11.03.2014 captivated by Blue Pixie Dust and its endless possibilities. Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, when Zarina’s wild ideas get her into trouble, she flees Pixie 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121647

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Family, Movies 2011 96min. Do you believe in mermaids? You will - when you set sail on a Family, Nickelodeon, Television 186min. magical full-length adventure under the sea with Sofia The 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 First! After Sofia helps a little mermaid named Oona, Sofia’s Nickelodeon 29.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121507 amulet grants her the power to transform into a mermaid and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121687 visit her new friend’s secret underwater kingdom. But when Cedric (disguised as a sea monster: plots to steal Oona’s Robotics; Notes: Part Two (Blu- enchanted Mermaid Comb, danger surfaces for both worlds. Superman And Friends ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) With a little help from special guest Princess Ariel, Sofia Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, embarks on an adventure to rescue Oona and prevent a Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, typhoon before it’s too late. Overflowies - The Floating Family, Superheroes 85min. Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Palace proves that when families and friends work together, Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 sion min. they can weather any storm and save the day! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121738 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, Funimation 25.03.2014 Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Magic, Movies, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121256 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Musical, Preschool 118min. Disney / Buena Vista 08.04.2014 TMNT (Double Feature) Scooby-Doo / Yogi Bear (Double 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121638 Action, Animated Animals, Animation, Feature) Based On Comic Book, Double Features, Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Son Of Batman Martial Arts, Movies, Ninjas, Superheroes min. Double Features, Family, Movies 166min. Morena Baccarin, David McCallum, Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Giancarlo Esposito - Dir. Ethan Spaulding 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121408 Hidden atop a secret mountain stronghold lies the League of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121448 Shadows and its fearless leader, Ra’s al Ghul. Together with his equally dangerous daughter Talia, he oversees a trained Thomas & Friends: Spills & Thrills Scooby-Doo And Friends army of assassins with plans for global domination. But an Four exciting episodes from the hit animated TV series on the uprising from within the league now threatens to shift the The Island of Sodor is always bustling with activity, yet when Kids WB! balance of power and sends Talia and her young son, Damian, the engines try to be „Really Useful“ they often find Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, fleeing to Gotham City. With assassins on their trail, Talia themselves in some messy muddles! James tries to prove he’s seeks the protection of Batman, who, unbeknownst to him, is not afraid of the dark, or too vain to haul smelly fish, but when Comedy, Family, Mystery, Television 85min. the boy’s father. With his son in tow, Batman wages war he pulls the nighttime Kipper Express he gets more than he Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 against the villain Deathstroke and the League of Shadows, bargained for! Stephen’s need for speed and Salty’s need to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121737 all while teaching his headstrong boy that one can’t fight impress sends them both into some sticky, slippery situations. crime by becoming a criminal. With help from Gotham’s finest, Hiro shows Diesel that nice engines do finish first and Sir including Commissioner Gordon and Nightwing, Batman will Topham Hatt shows you can’t cry over spilled milk ... twice! Scooby-Doo!: 13 Spooky Tales - soon discover that his son and most trusted ally are one and It’s full steam ahead for Spills & Thrills on Sodor! the same! Animation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Field Of Screams Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Preschool, Stop Motion Animation, Televisi- When it comes to solving mysteries, Scooby-Doo and the gang are professionals. When it comes to playing sports, not Comic Book, Movies, Superheroes 2014 on, Transportation 66min. so much. While on vacation, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Fred, 74min. Lionsgate 04.03.2014 Daphne and Velma take in a game of soccer. Everyone panics Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121203 as a mythical beast appears and threatens to end the game. Scooby’s goal is to canine-kick his way to victory, but is he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121655 up to the challenge? And suit up for hours of fun in 12 more Tickety Toc: Spring Chicks Time episodes with Scooby-Doo and his tried-and-true teammates. Son Of Batman (Blu-ray + DVD + Whether it’s playing baseball, football or tennis, watch the Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, gang tackle demons, ghouls, monsters and more. Don’t be a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Fantasy, Preschool, Television 2013 68min. spectator. Get in the game and bring this winning collection Morena Baccarin, David McCallum, Starz / Anchor Bay 25.03.2014 home for the whole family! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121265 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Giancarlo Esposito - Dir. Ethan Spaulding Children’s, Comedy, Family, Monsters, Hidden atop a secret mountain stronghold lies the League of Shadows and its fearless leader, Ra’s al Ghul. Together with To Love Ru: The Complete Soccer, Sports, Television 286min. his equally dangerous daughter Talia, he oversees a trained Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 army of assassins with plans for global domination. But an Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121693 uprising from within the league now threatens to shift the They say that the bathroom is the most dangerous room in the balance of power and sends Talia and her young son, Damian, house, but when a beautiful, naked alien princess teleports fleeing to Gotham City. With assassins on their trail, Talia into Rito Yuki’s bathtub, it’s a definite case of rub-a-dub- Shakugan No Shana: Season One seeks the protection of Batman, who, unbeknownst to him, is DOOM! Having no idea that the planet Develuke even exists, the boy’s father. With his son in tow, Batman wages war Rito is completely unaware that touching a girl’s breasts - Repackage (Blu-ray + DVD Com- against the villain Deathstroke and the League of Shadows, there is how they propose marriage. Consequently, due to bo) (Blu-ray) all while teaching his headstrong boy that one can’t fight some slippery tile and some extra-prominent female crime by becoming a criminal. With help from Gotham’s finest, appendages, Rito’s suddenly on his way to being a member of From the studio behind Toradora! and Okami-san And Her including Commissioner Gordon and Nightwing, Batman will the royal family. Unfortunately, as hot as Lala is, this is one Seven Companions comes the iconic series centered around soon discover that his son and most trusted ally are one and royal family no one wants to become a part of given that her the heated bond and battles of two friends from the same! father, King Develuke, bears a suspicious resemblance to the two very different worlds. Wielding a blazing sword, Shana is Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On devil! And then there’s the little issue of the very nice human a fiery huntress whose sole purpose is to fight demon-like Comic Book, Blu-ray, Movies, Superheroes girl that Rito’s already interested in, who’s probably not going beings that consume human lives. To reduce the impact on the to be too understanding of his sudden involvement in human realm, Shana turns the slain into shadows of their 2014 74min. intergalactic affairs. Will Rito become the next king of the former selves. Once a flame that represents their remaining Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 galaxy? Will he learn the secret of the Big Bang? Find out in life goes out, they fade from existence. This should be Yuji’s To Love Ru: The Complete Collection! fate, but when he discovers he holds a special power that 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121664 ignites a newfound strength in Shana, they join forces in her Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, ongoing mission to maintain the balance between the ordinary Spice And Wolf: The Complete Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, world and the supernatural. Japanese, Television 650min. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Boxed Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Section23 Films 18.03.2014 Sets, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, (Blu-ray) 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121258 Science Fiction, Supernatural & Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- Paranormal, Television 600min. ma, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Tom And Jerry And Friends: Funimation 18.03.2014 Japanese, Romance, Television, Thrillers Volume One 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121254 min. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Funimation 15.04.2014 Comedy, Family 89min. Shangri-La: The Complete Series 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121579 Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 Action, Animation, Anime, Drama, Foreign, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121739 International TV, Japanese, Science SpongeBob SquarePants: Fiction, Television min. SpongeBob, You’re Fired! Funimation 29.04.2014 Tom And Jerry’s Giant Adventure Bill Fagerbakke, Tom Kenny (DVD + Bonus Disc) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121576 Has Mr. Krabs really given SpongeBob the heave-ho so he could save some money (a nickel!)? Find out in the special In this all-new original movie, Tom and Jerry are among the Sofia The First: The Floating double episode, SpongeBob, You’re Fired!; plus enjoy 14 last animals living in Storybook Town, a fairy tale-inspired other work-centric tales. theme park - „where dreams come true, if you believe.“ Young Palace Jack is desperate to save the park from the hands of a greedy Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, billionaire, setting out with his loyal cat and mouse friends to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA sell his prize cow for... some magic beans?! What follows is a John Leguizamo - Dir. Barry Cook journey up a beanstalk to a magical land ruled by a massively The gigantic voice talents of Justin Long (Alvin and the Winx Club: Season 1 - Volume 1 mean and hungry giant, and home to fun, fabled fellows like Chipmunks franchise) and John Leguizamo (Ice Age Droopy, Spike and even a golden goose! Will Tom and Jerry franchise) take you on a thrilling prehistoric journey the Bloom, Stella, Flora, Layla, Musa, and Tecna are six teenage put an end to their furry feud long enough to save Storybook whole family will enjoy! In a time when dinosaurs rule the best friends who love fashion, music and romance. These Town? You don’t need to wish upon a star. Join Tom and Jerry Earth, the smallest of the pack - a playful Pachyrhinosaurus seemingly ordinary high schoolers have one bombshell secret on their amazing adventure and find out! named Patchi - embarks on the biggest adventure of his life. - they are fairies with magical powers! Studying at the Col- Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, As he tries to find his place in a spectacular world filled with lege of Alfea (for aspiring fairies) in the realm of Magix, the Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2013 fun-loving friends and a few dangerous foes, Patchi will girls must learn to use their powers and become stronger discover the courage he needs to become the leader of the fairies in order to maintain the Magix balance of good and min. herd...and a hero for the ages. evil. Fighting villains is work, but with friendship and Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 Adventure, Animation, Based On TV Show, loyalty the Winx Club reigns supreme. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Fantasy, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121450 Blu-ray, Dinosaurs, Family, Movies, Television min. Prehistoric Times 2013 87min. New Video DVD 25.03.2014 Upotte!: The Complete Collection 20th Century Fox 25.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121491 Kiss kiss, bang bang! The arms race takes on a startling new 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121757 development when the arms come with heads, legs and very feminine bodies attached! Yes, at Seishou Academy every girl Winx Club: Season 1 - Volume 2 is literally a lethal weapon, and they’re all gunning for the top Walking With Dinosaurs 3D (Blu- shot at getting their own personal serviceman! Needless to At the college of Alfea in the dimension of Magix, Bloom and say, it’s going to be difficult for newly recruited human ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + her five best friends, Stella, Flora, Layla, Musa, and Tecna, instructor Genkoku to adjust to working with a living arsenal UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) are studying very important lessons: they are all fairies and of high caliber cuties with tricky names like FNC (Funko,) M learning to master their magical powers! The heroines must 16A4 (Ichiroku,) L85A1 (Eru,) and SG 550 (Shigu,). Justin Long, Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, maintain the balance between good and evil using their fairy Especially since many have hair triggers and there’s no skills, especially against their worst enemies the Trix, three John Leguizamo - Dir. Barry Cook evil sisters attending the Cloutower college for witches. bulletproof vest that can stop a really determined co-ed! He’ll PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which have to rewrite the operator’s manual on student/teacher is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Fantasy, relationships, and pray that his job description won’t include A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Television min. having to field strip and reassemble one of his cadets in the standard Blu-ray players The gigantic voice talents of Justin New Video DVD 25.03.2014 dark. But unfortunately (for him,) FNC’s already thinking Long (Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise) and John about becoming HIS personal weapon, and she usually gets Leguizamo (Ice Age franchise) take you on a thrilling 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121492 what she aims for! Get ready for explosive situations, amour prehistoric journey the whole family will enjoy! In a time when piercing rounds, cheap shots galore and one VERY shell- dinosaurs rule the Earth, the smallest of the pack - a playful Winx Club: The Complete Origi- shocked homeroom instructor in Upotte! Pachyrhinosaurus named Patchi - embarks on the biggest Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, adventure of his life. As he tries to find his place in a nal Season One International TV, Japanese, Television spectacular world filled with fun-loving friends and a few One ordinary day turns into a wild roller coaster ride for 250min. dangerous foes, Patchi will discover the courage he needs to Bloom, a seemingly normal girl, when she learns she has fairy become the leader of the herd...and a hero for the ages. powers! Transported to the dimension of Magix and the Section23 Films 18.03.2014 Adventure, Animation, Based On TV Show, College of Alfea, a school for aspiring fairies, Bloom meets 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121249 Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Dinosaurs, Family, Stella, Flora, Layla, Musa, and Tecna. The six fairies become best friends and use their magical powers to triumph over Movies, Prehistoric Times 2013 87min. evil. Together they’re strong, smart and heroic, using their Upotte!: The Complete Collection 20th Century Fox 25.03.2014 skills to save the world. (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121758 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Fantasy, Kiss kiss, bang bang! The arms race takes on a startling new Television min. development when the arms come with heads, legs and very Winnie The Pooh: Springtime New Video DVD 11.03.2014 feminine bodies attached! Yes, at Seishou Academy every girl 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121490 is literally a lethal weapon, and they’re all gunning for the top With Roo - Hippity Hoppity Roo shot at getting their own personal serviceman! Needless to say, it’s going to be difficult for newly recruited human Edition Yogi The Easter Bear (DVD + Puz- instructor Genkoku to adjust to working with a living arsenal Disney’s classic tradition of great storytelling continues with of high caliber cuties with tricky names like FNC (Funko,) M the all-new, full-length feature, Winnie the Pooh: Springtime zle) 16A4 (Ichiroku,) L85A1 (Eru,) and SG 550 (Shigu,). with Roo. This delightful tale stars all your friends, including Especially since many have hair triggers and there’s no Winnie the Pooh and his little pal, Roo. Every year Rabbit Greg Burson, Greg Berger, Charley Adler, bulletproof vest that can stop a really determined co-ed! He’ll plays Easter bunny... but not this year. No bunny means no Jeff Doucette, Marsha Clark, Ed Gilbert, have to rewrite the operator’s manual on student/teacher „hunny“ for Pooh, no Eastery egg hunt for Tigger, no basket Rob Paulsen, Don Messick, Jonathan Win- relationships, and pray that his job description won’t include for piglet, no fluffy bunny ears for Eeyore - and no fun for having to field strip and reassemble one of his cadets in the Roo. Rabbit expects them all to spring into action: scrubbing, ters - Dir. Robert Alvarez dark. But unfortunately (for him,) FNC’s already thinking dusting, sweeping and mopping instead! But Roo’s love and Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, about becoming HIS personal weapon, and she usually gets wisdom show Rabbit that special days are to be shared in Family, Holidays min. what she aims for! Get ready for explosive situations, amour special ways. Blooming with beloved characters, memorable piercing rounds, cheap shots galore and one VERY shell- songs, spirit and hope, Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 shocked homeroom instructor in Upotte! will delight and inspire one and all every day of the year! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121451 Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani- Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- mation, Children’s, Family, Movies, Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Four sion 250min. Preschool 2004 65min. Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, Section23 Films 18.03.2014 Disney / Buena Vista 11.03.2014 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121259 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121227 Japanese, Television min. New Video DVD 25.03.2014 Walking With Dinosaurs Winnie The Pooh: Springtime 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121497 Justin Long, Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, With Roo - Hippity Hoppity Roo John Leguizamo - Dir. Barry Cook Edition (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) Yu-Gi-Oh!: Season Four - Volume The gigantic voice talents of Justin Long (Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise) and John Leguizamo (Ice Age (Blu-ray) One franchise) take you on a thrilling prehistoric journey the Disney’s classic tradition of great storytelling continues with Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, whole family will enjoy! In a time when dinosaurs rule the the all-new, full-length feature, Winnie the Pooh: Springtime Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Earth, the smallest of the pack - a playful Pachyrhinosaurus with Roo. This delightful tale stars all your friends, including named Patchi - embarks on the biggest adventure of his life. Winnie the Pooh and his little pal, Roo. Every year Rabbit Japanese, Science Fiction, Television, As he tries to find his place in a spectacular world filled with plays Easter bunny... but not this year. No bunny means no Thrillers min. fun-loving friends and a few dangerous foes, Patchi will „hunny“ for Pooh, no Eastery egg hunt for Tigger, no basket New Video DVD 25.03.2014 discover the courage he needs to become the leader of the for piglet, no fluffy bunny ears for Eeyore - and no fun for herd...and a hero for the ages. Roo. Rabbit expects them all to spring into action: scrubbing, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121498 Adventure, Animation, Based On TV Show, dusting, sweeping and mopping instead! But Roo’s love and Dinosaurs, Family, Movies, Prehistoric wisdom show Rabbit that special days are to be shared in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Season Four - Volume Times 2013 87min. special ways. Blooming with beloved characters, memorable songs, spirit and hope, Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo Two 20th Century Fox 25.03.2014 will delight and inspire one and all every day of the year! Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121717 Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani- Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, mation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Movies, Japanese, Science Fiction, Television, Preschool 2004 65min. Walking With Dinosaurs (Blu-ray Thrillers min. Disney / Buena Vista 11.03.2014 + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) New Video DVD 25.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121239 Justin Long, Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121499

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The 400 Blows: The Criterion 8 Movie Family Adventure Pack: Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Volume Five (Blu-ray) Tanya Roberts, Robert Urich, Marlee Matlin, Film Albert Remy, Claire Maurier - Dir. Francois Polly Walker, Angus Macfadyen, Glenda Truffaut Jackson, Ursula Andress, Rip Torn, Jack 12 Monkeys / Children Of Men / Francois Truffaut’s first feature is also his most personal. Palance, Richard Harris, Pierce Brosnan, C. Repo Men / Doomsday Told through the eyes of Truffaut’s cinematic counterpart, Thomas Howell, Marc Singer, Nigel Antoine Doinel (Jean-Pierre Laud), The 400 Blows (Les Hawthorne, Jessica Chastain Chiwetel Ejiofor, Charlie Hunnam, Clive quatre cents coups) sensitively re-creates the trials of Adventure, Collections, Family, Movies Owen, Madeleine Stowe, , Mi- Truffaut’s own difficult childhood, unsentimentally portraying aloof parents, oppressive teachers, and petty crime. The film 844min. chael Caine, Christopher Plummer, Julianne marks Truffaut’s passage from leading critic of trailblazing Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Moore, Brad Pitt - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron, auteur of the French New Wave . 11.02.2014 Terry Gilliam Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Coming-Of- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121231 Adventure, Collections, / TV, Dra- Age, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, ma, End Of The World, In The Future..., French, Movies 1959 99min. Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. Criterion 08.04.2014 8 Movies: Psychopaths! - Volume Universal Studios 04.03.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121555 Two 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121546 Felicity Huffman, Billy Campbell, Mare 42nd Street Forever: The Peep Winningham, Angie Harmon, Dean Winters, 12 Movie Westerns Pack Show Collection - Volume One Dylan Baker, Keith Carradine, Thora Birch, Western 696min. Lisa De Leeuw, John Holmes, Annie Drew Barrymore, Jamey Sheridan, Barbara Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Sprinkle Hershey, Dale Midkiff 11.02.2014 Their place in history is undeniable. Hardcore 8mm stag films Collections, Drama, Movies, Serial Killers introduced explicit human sexuality to the public. Predating 666min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121230 every other moving picture home format, these inauspicious productions provided not only a window to a whole other Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 2 Little Monsters world, but also immediate relief for those not fortunate enough 11.02.2014 to make their fantasies into reality. Thousands of these 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121232 James and Carl were only 10 years old when they kidnapped underground movies were made between the 1960s and 1980s, and murdered 3 year old David McClendon. They were and sold in the backs of sex magazines or distributed to the caught, tried, convicted and placed in separate juvenile almost 60,000 private peep show booths located in adult The Adjustment Bureau facilities. At 18-years old, both are given new names and stores in most major cities. Impulse Pictures is proud to released back into society - much to the horror of the nation. present 42nd Street Forever: The Peep Show Collection Vol. (Repackage) (Blu-ray) They can have no contact with each other or with their past 1, a new, continuing series of salacious 8mm shorts, re- Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Terence Stamp, friends or relatives. The story follows the lives of these two mastered from original film prints. This collection features boys as they try to start over, escape the past and survive the fifteen classic loops with titles like Deeper Throat, One Hung Anthony Mackie, Michael Kelly, John growing outcry following their release. Low, Nurse’s Aid, Wet and Wild, Spice of Life and more. Slattery - Dir. George Nolfi Crime, Drama, Movies, Troubled Youth 2013 Watch for adult film stars Annie Sprinkle, Susan Nero, Lisa Academy Award nominee Matt Damon (the Bourne trilogy) 107min. DeLeeuw, and John Holmes in these raunchy rarities! stars in this action thriller about a man who glimpses the Collections, Erotica, Movies min. future Fate has planned for him - and chooses to fight for his Vivendi Visual Entertainment 01.04.2014 own destiny. Battling the powerful Adjustment Bureau across, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121470 Impulse Pictures 11.03.2014 under and through the streets of New York, he risks his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121285 destined greatness to be with the only woman he’s ever loved (Emily Blunt: The Young Victoria, The Devil Wears Prada). 20 Film Western Collection: Based on a story by the legendary Philip K. Dick (Total Volume Three 513 Degrees Recall, Minority Report and Blade Runner), The Adjustment Brothers Mike and Tre set out in search of better lives, trying Bureau is „entertaining and thought-provoking,“ -Katey Rich, Sam Elliott, Roy Rogers, Yakima Canutt, Lee to leave their demons behind for good. After being released Cinemablend.com. Van Cleef, John Wayne, James Whitmore from prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Mike’s only care in Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 2011 the world is to protect his young daughter from an unforgiving Action, Adventure, Collections, Movies, ex. But the justice that awaits him on the streets is far worse 106min. Western min. than anything Mike had experienced in prison. His older Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment brother Tre begrudgingly agrees to one last „delivery,“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121531 attempting to free Mike and his new girlfriend from the grips of 11.02.2014 the criminal underworld. What transpires is a wild 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121234 misadventure where multiple lives intersect, and where The Adventures Of Champion decisions are made that will haunt everyone forever. Barry Curtis, Jim Bannon - Dir. Ford Beebe, Action, Adventure, Movies 105min. 4 Film Favorites: Coming Of Age George Archainbaud, John English E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 Tim Meadows, Stacey Dash, Kenneth The Adventures of Champion ran for one season on CBS from 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121751 1955 to 1956. A total of 26 half-hour episodes were produced Turan, Jeff Craig, Justin Walker, Paul Rudd, by Armand Schaefer for Gene Autry’s Brittany Murphy, Donald Adeosun Faison, and directed by serial and western veterans George Wallace Shawn, Alicia Silverstone, Dan 666: Devilish Charm Archainbaud, Ford Beebe and John English. Familiar cowboy Hedaya, Amy Poehler, Ana Gasteyer, Jessica Morris, Darcy De Moss faces abound including Roy Barcroft, Glenn Strange, George When a cursed „devil’s charm“ bracelet shows up at a J. Lewis and Francis McDonald. 12-year-old Barry Curtis Lindsay Lohan, Tina Fey, Rachel McAdams sorority house on Valentine’s Day, each girl tries to make a plays Ricky North, who lives on Uncle Sandy’s ranch in the - Dir. Amy Heckerling, Mark Waters series of wishes, and each finds that unintended American Southwest near a herd of wild horses led by the consequences are the primary purpose of Satan’s sinister wild stallion Champion. Champ only allows his friend Ricky to Collections, Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, ride him bareback. The German shepherd Rebel helps his two High School, Movies, Romance min. strategy... Devils And Demons, Drama, Horror, Movies pals survive their weekly adventures. The characters of Paramount 11.03.2014 Ricky, Rebel, Champ and Sandy originated in a 1949-’50 radio 78min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121668 serial that became a comic book for Dell from 1951 to 1955, so Rapid Heart Pictures 06.05.2014 young fans were familiar with the premise long before the TV 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121465 series. 4 Film Favorites: Urban Life - Adventure, Animals & Nature, Drama, Volume Two Family, Horses, Television, Western 8 Film Family Pack: Volume Eight 599min. Taryn Manning, Tonya Pinkins, D.J. Qualls, Jason Hervey, Austin Rogers, Brittany Film Chest Media Group 04.02.2014 Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson, Robertson, David James Elliott, Rider 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121224 Anthony Anderson, Elise Neal, Duane Mar- Strong, Barry Williams, , tin, Bernie Mac, Tupac Shakur, Paula Jai Eugene Levy, Timothy Bottoms, Eileen Affair In Trinidad Parker - Dir. Jeff Pollack, Craig Brewer Brennan, Ernest Borgnine, Jason Weaver Alexander Scourby, Torin Thatcher, Rita Basketball, Collections, Crime, Drama, Adventure, Collections, Family, Ghosts, Hayworth, Glenn Ford - Dir. Vincent Drugs & Dealers, Friendships, Hip-Hop, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents 676min. Sherman Movies, Music, Romance, Sports min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Musical, Thrillers Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 11.02.2014 1952 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121654 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121233 SPHE MOD 07.01.2014

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121220 Apocalypse Kiss Austin High After Death Tom Detrik, D.C. Douglas, Tom Atkins Michael Wilson, Duane Chapman, Bill Wise BAFTA winner Martin Gooch wrote and directed this quirky, In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security In this hilarious and sexy stoner adventure, the blazed moving tale of four estranged siblings brought together by agent Jerry Hipple has been unsuccessfully tracking the students and faculty of Austin’s Ladybird High attempt to their inventor father’s sudden death. Seven years after killing city’s most infamous criminal - The Red Harvest Killer. When shake off their slacker demons to stand up for their lifestyle their favorite brother in a lab accident, their father was two nomadic lovers, Katia and Gladys enter the city the death and the eccentric city they love. engaged in a secret experiment that drained the family fortune count rises and are being credited as Red Harvest killings. Comedy, High School, Movies, Stoners, and ultimately took his life. Searching for clues to what Obsessive compulsive Adrian, the actual Red Harvest Killer, happened, the adult children discover that if they can’t becomes furious that the sexy serial killing duo are grabbing Teachers 2011 97min. overcome their differences and work together, both their media attention under his alias. Not only does Adrian attempt Distribution 18.02.2014 father and brother will be lost forever between two worlds. to reclaim his rightful reputation but he also decides to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121377 Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction min. cleverly aid his detective counterpart through the case. All Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 the while, killers and victims alike are unaware the world is about to reach an abrupt catastrophic ending. Barney: Happy Birthday Barney 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121269 Apocalyptic Future, Drama, Movies, When Barney’s birthday arrives the kids throw him a special Science Fiction, Thrillers 101min. party with an extra special surprise: all of the people he All Stars loves! Riff worries that his homemade present isn’t good Brain Damage Films 08.04.2014 enough - until Barney explains that sharing a gift from the Theo Stevenson 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121696 heart is the best gift of all. When it’s Layla’s birthday, Barney Two kids throw an ambitious dance show in order to save and Layla use their imaginations to explore more about her their struggling youth center. In the spirit of Glee, So You family heritage. Come along for all of the birthday fun and Think You Can Dance and the Step Up franchise comes a The Appearing surprises with Barney and his friends! high-quality dance movie that’s fun for the whole family. The Quinton Aaron, Will Wallace, Don Swayze, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, hottest dance moves, a sensational soundtrack, and energetic cast will have children of all ages tapping their feet to the Dean Cain, Wolfgang Bodison Dinosaurs, Family, Preschool, Television beat. After suffering a tragic loss, a city detective named Michael 64min. and his wife move to a small town, where Michael joins the Dancing, Family, Movies 103min. town police force. His first case, involving a missing person, Lionsgate 15.04.2014 Phase 4 Films 11.03.2014 leads him to discover that the town is plagued by a dark 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121755 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121671 supernatural force. Michael will have to summon every ounce of courage in order to fight this darkness before it takes everything from him. Barricade All Things To All Men Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Eric Mccormack, Ryan Grantham, Jody Elsa Pataky, Toby Stephens, James Frain, Paranormal 2013 92min. Thompson - Dir. Andrew Currie Julian Sands, Rufus Sewell, Gabriel Byrne Lionsgate 25.03.2014 Action, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2013 84min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121540 Wilderness 2012 82min. Screen Media Films 11.03.2014 Image Ent. 11.03.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121681 Armed And Dangerous / Blind 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121332 Date / Stir Crazy / Funny Money Ambush At Dark Canyon (4 Hilarious Movies Collection) Barricade (Blu-ray) Timothy Murphy, Ernie Hudson Eric Mccormack, Ryan Grantham, Jody John Larroquette, Eugene Levy, Robert When a daring bank robbery turns deadly, U.S. Marshall Thompson - Dir. Andrew Currie Loggia, Richard Pryor, Bruce Willis, Meg Duke Donovan is falsely convicted and sentenced to life in Action, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, prison. While behind bars, the disgraced lawman discovers Ryan, John Candy, Chevy Chase, Gene Wilderness 2012 82min. the real bandits’ deadly plot to kill his wife in cold blood. Wilder, Kim Basinger - Dir. Sidney Poitier, Duke must plan a daring escape, reclaim his trusty six- Image Ent. 11.03.2014 Blake Edwards, Mark L. Lester, Leslie Greif shooter, and stop the killers before it’s too late. What starts 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121352 as a race against time soon turns into an explosively violent Collections, Comedy, Movies, Screwball showdown, fueled by vengeance, treachery, and above all 389min. else, justice. Battle Of The Undead Action, Movies, Western 90min. Image Ent. 11.03.2014 Liron Levo Phase 4 Films 18.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121331 Action, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121675 Arn: The Knight Templar (Blu-ray) Zombies 93min. Screen Media Films 18.03.2014 Alex Wyndham, Julia Dufvenius, Gustaf American Virgins 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121682 Comedy, Movies, Romance 91min. Skarsgard, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Michael Nyqvist, Steven Waddington, Bibi Millennium Entertainment 18.03.2014 Beast Of The Bering Sea 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121367 Andersson, Stellan Skarsgard, Simon Callow, Vincent Perez, Jakob Cedergren, Cassie Scerbo, Brandon Beemer, Kevin Dobson, Jonathan Lipnicki - Dir. Don E. Amistad (Blu-ray) Joakim Natterqvist, Sofia Helin, Milind Soman, Fanny Risberg, Frank Sieckel, Mirja Fauntleroy Nigel Hawthorne, Stellan Skarsgard, Djimon Turestedt, Nicholas Boulton - Dir. Peter High Seas, Movies, Science Fiction, TV Hounsou, David Paymer, Matthew Flinth Movies 2013 86min. McConaughey, Anthony Hopkins, Pete Arn Magnusson (Joakim Natterqvist) is trained from birth to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Postlethwaite, Morgan Freeman - Dir. become a skilled swordsman. After being double-crossed by a 25.03.2014 devious nobleman, he is made a Knight Templar and sent off to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121435 Based on a true story, the movie chronicles the incredible the Crusades as penance for his sins. Fighting to regain his journey of a group of enslaved Africans who overtake their freedom, Arn battles fierce enemy armies and becomes a hero. captor’s ship and attempt to return to their beloved homeland. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Bending The Rules When the ship, La Amistad, is seized, these captives are Medieval Times, Movies 2007 133min. brought to the where they are charged with Edge, Jamie Kennedy, Kevin Weisman, murder and await their fate in prison. An enthralling battle E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 Alicia Witt, Jessica Walter, Jennifer ensues that captures the attention of the entire nation, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121596 Esposito, Philip Baker Hall - Dir. Artie confronting the very foundation of the American justice system. But for the men and women on trial, it is simply a fight Mandelberg for the basic right of all mankind...freedom. Atomic Hotel Erotica Action, Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Mary Carey 83min. Movies 1997 155min. Three couples receive a mysterious All Expenses Paid Image Ent. 11.03.2014 invitation to the exclusive Atomic Hotel Erotica where all your Paramount Pictures 06.05.2014 fantasies come true. Only trouble is the Hotel is run by a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121333 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121699 creepy group of Satanists! You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave! Atomic Hotel Erotica is Bending The Rules (Blu-ray) presented with the exclusive „Hooter Horn“, an optional Ancient Demon Succubi Interactive Viewer Controlled Experience. Curvaceous Edge, Jamie Kennedy, Kevin Weisman, Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies 2014 beauties Mary Carey, Sophia Bella, and Krissy Lynn star in Alicia Witt, Jessica Walter, Jennifer 70min. this laugh-filled sexy spoof from Retromedia. Esposito, Philip Baker Hall - Dir. Artie Comedy, Erotica, Movies 81min. Allegro Entertainment 08.04.2014 Mandelberg Retromedia 25.02.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121623 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, Movies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121191

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2012 83min. Warner Bros. 16.05.2014 Image Ent. 11.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121428 Blood Rush 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121353 When a small town is overcome with a blood lust the local Billy’s Cult witch doctor is thought to be the source. What they don’t know is that he has a different agenda. Five friends fight for Best Friends Forever Lou Martini Jr. their lives when there seems no escaping from the town and Alex Berg Horror, Movies 2013 90min. the virus that follows them. One by one the sickness tries to take a hold of them and no-one knows who is infected and who Dark Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Horror, Osiris Entertainment 04.03.2014 is safe Movies, Science Fiction 2013 113min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121586 Horror, Movies 90min. Kino Video 25.03.2014 Brain Damage Films 04.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121315 Black Beauty ’71 / Black Beauty 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121374 ‘94 : The John Nettleton, Peter Lee Lawrence, Ursu- Bloodlust Official Fourth Season la Glas, Patrick Mower, Maria Rohm, Walter Joan Lora, Wilton Graff, June Kenney, Ro- Roy Roberts, Ray Kellogg, Harriet Slezak, Mark Lester, David Thewlis, Sean bert Reed - Dir. Ralph Brooke MacGibbon, Raymond Bailey, Nancy Kulp, Bean - Dir. Caroline Thompson, James Hill Bloodlust! is a horror/ about a group of young adults who visit a tropical island only to become prey for a Donna Douglas, Buddy Ebsen, Larry Animals & Nature, Double Features, Drama, sadistic hunter. Filmed in 1959 and released in 1961, the film Pennell Family, Friendships, Horses, Movies was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000 in September Head for the hills! Follow the backwoods Clampett clan as 194min. 1994. Two couples (Robert Reed, June Kenney, Joan Lora, they strike it rich, load up the truck, and move to Beverly- and Eugene Persson) are on a boating trip when they come Hills that is! Experience the down-home charm of Jed (Buddy Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 across an uncharted island. They soon find the island is Ebsen), Granny (Irene Ryan), Elly May (Donna Douglas), 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121390 inhabited by a wealthy recluse and his staff. While their host and Jethro (Max Baer Jr.), as these country folk adjust to a is initially hospitable, the four investigate and find themselves new life of fabulous wealth and everything that comes with it. in the clutches of Dr. Albert Balleau (Wilton Graff), whose Along with hobnobbing with movie stars, millionaires, and Black Jack: 35th Anniversary Edi- hobby is hunting both animals and humans. He quickly reveals magicians, hilarity ensues as they deal with bumbling tion his true purpose: to hunt down and kill each of his visitors, as burglars, fend off unwanted marriage proposals, and get used he has done with everyone unlucky enough to set foot on his to life with bankers and butlers in this side-splitting fourth When an honest teenaged boy is forced on the run with Black island. season of The Beverly Hillbillies. Jack, a villainous ruffian, adventure and mishap are never far away. As the two enter a world of body-snatchers, private Cult Film / TV, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thril- CBS, Comedy, Family, Fish-Out-Of-Water, lunatic asylums and travelling fairs they find friendship in the lers 1961 68min. Television 1965 811min. most unlikely places. Film Chest Media Group 04.03.2014 Paramount Pictures 15.04.2014 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Movies 1979 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121636 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121463 109min. E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 Blue Crush 2 (Repackage) (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121750 ray) Natasha Alam, Elina Madison Rosy Hodge, Ben Milliken, Elizabeth Mathis, In this dark adaptation of The Three Little Pigs, Huff (Charlie The Black Stallion (Blu-ray) Sharni Vinson, Gideon Emery, Rodger Hals- O’Connell, The Bachelor) is an abusive stepfather to three Clarence Muse, Michael Higgins, Hoyt teenage girls living in rural Southern . Huff is on ton, Sascha Jackson, Chris Fisher - Dir. the verge of a lucrative drug deal that will finally allow him to Axton, Teri Garr, Mickey Rooney, Kelly escape his miserable life and retire to Mexico in style with Mike Elliott Reno - Dir. Carrol Ballard From the filmmakers of Blue Crush comes a movie about fun, his sexy mistress, Laci (Natasha Alam, True Blood). Huff’s When a shipwreck leaves Alec - a courageous young boy— plan begins to unravel when his battered wife, Lorelei (Elina friendship and a thrilling adventure of a lifetime. Dana, a killer and „The Black“- a wild Arabian stallion - stranded on a surfer from California, travels to the breathtaking coasts of Madison), sends her three daughters away with Huff’s drug desolate island, the two share a frightening adventure of money to seek better lives for themselves. This triggers a , determined to fulfill her mother’s dream of survival which forges a lasting bond of friendship between surfing the legendary Jeffreys Bay. With nothing but her chain reaction of violence, murder and rage-induced asthma them. Upon their rescue, Alec and the magnificent horse attacks as Huff attempts to locate the three runaways and mom’s journal as a guide and a fun-loving group of surf continue their adventures when they join forces with ex- fanatics watching her back, Dana faces epic waves, tough recover his money. He will huff and puff tear their lives down. jockey and horse trainer, Henry Dailey (Mickey Rooney). Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Horror, Movies locals and her own fears in this unforgettable surf odyssey. Recognizing the winning combination of The Black’s Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Friendships, 2013 92min. remarkable spirit and Alec’s unwavering devotion to his Movies, Sports, Watersports 2011 113min. Kino Video 04.03.2014 friend, Dailey takes both under his wing and prepares them to go head to head with the world’s best thoroughbreds in „the Universal Studios 11.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121310 race of the century.“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121532 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Dra- ma, Family, Horses, Movies, National Film Big Fat Liar (Blu-ray) Boardwalk Paul Giamatti, Frankie Muniz, Amanda Registry 1979 118min. Ruth Gordon, , Janet Leigh - Bynes, Lee Majors, Amanda Detmer, Donald MGM / UA 18.03.2014 Dir. Stephen Verona Faison - Dir. Shawn Levy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121634 Get ready for big fat laughs! Featuring Hollywood’s hottest Drama, Gangs, Movies 1979 98min. teen stars, Frankie Muniz () and Blast Vegas Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 Nickelodeon’s Amanda Bynes, Big Fat Liar is the hilarious 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121320 revenge comedy filled with nonstop action and laugh out loud Maggie Castle, Frankie Muniz, Barry fun! Fourteen-year-old Jason Shepherd (Muniz) has a Bostwick - Dir. Jack Perez reputation for stretching the truth. So, when big time Holly- Boardwalk (Blu-ray) wood producer Marty Wolf (Paul Giamatti) steals his class Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers, TV paper and turns it into a smash hit movie, no one believes Movies 2013 min. Ruth Gordon, Lee Strasberg, Janet Leigh - Jason’s latest tall tale! On a cross country adventure to set Millennium Entertainment 04.03.2014 Dir. Stephen Verona the record straight, Jason and best friend Kaylee (Bynes) Drama, Gangs, Movies 1979 min. devise a high tech plan to squeeze the truth out of Wolf 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121364 through a series of outrageous pranks, crazy stunts and big Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 laughs. It’s payback - Big Time! The Blind Side / Dolphin Tale 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121327 Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Movies, Revenge 2002 88min. (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) The Book Thief Nathan Gamble, Jae Head, Lily Collins, Universal Studios 04.03.2014 Sophie Nelisse, , Geoffrey Quinton Aaron, Tim McGraw, Kris 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121211 Rush - Dir. Brian Percival Kristofferson, Kathy Bates, Harry Connick Based on the beloved best-selling book comes this profoundly The Big Red One (Blu-ray) Jr., Ashley Judd, Sandra Bullock, Morgan moving story of a girl who transforms the lives of those Freeman, Cozi Zuehlsdorff - Dir. Charles around her during World War II, Germany. Although Liesel Mark Hamill, Robert Carradine, Lee Marvin - Martin Smith, John Lee Hancock (Sophie Nélisse) is illiterate when she is adopted by a Dir. Samuel Fuller German couple (Oscar Winner Geoffrey Rush and Emily The Big Red One, named for the insignia of the First Infantry Animals & Nature, Based-On-A-True-Story, Watson), her adoptive father encourages her to learn to read. Division, is the unsparing World War II saga of a handful of Blu-ray, Double Features, Drama, Family, Ultimately, the power of words helps Liesel and Max (Ben Gis battling their way from north Africa through Sicily, Omaha Football, Friendships, Movies, Sports, Schnetzer), a Jew hiding in the family’s home, escape from the Beach and Belgium to the ultimate horror of the Nazi death events unfolding around them in this extraordinary, acclaimed camps. Tearjerkers min. film directed by Brian Percival (). Action, Blu-ray, Military, Movies, War, Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 20th Century Fox, Drama, Movies, War, World War II 1980 113min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121413 World War II 2013 125min.

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20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 everything they know and love is tested. An intensely moving before her brother’s visit while she is confined to a mental portrait of a relationship from beginning to end, propelled by a institution. Shot in a real psychiatric asylum, Bruno Dumont 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121371 soundtrack of foot-stomping bluegrass, The Broken Circle brings together a supporting cast comprised of real-life Breakdown is a romantic melodrama of the highest order. patients and their actual nurses that, alongside Binoche, The Book Thief (Blu-ray) 2014 Oscar Nominees, Drama, Dutch create an emotionally intense ensemble - and a rare cinematic experience. While the camera rarely ventures outside of her Sophie Nelisse, Emily Watson, Geoffrey (), Foreign, Movies, Music, prison’s thick walls, the story of Camille Claudel’s 29-year Rush - Dir. Brian Percival Romance 2012 111min. confinement is in itself a tale of defiance against social norms Based on the beloved best-selling book comes this profoundly New Video DVD 11.03.2014 - and a testament to the power of creativity and fortitude. moving story of a girl who transforms the lives of those 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121509 Biography, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, around her during World War II, Germany. Although Liesel French, Movies 2013 95min. (Sophie Nélisse) is illiterate when she is adopted by a Kino Video 25.03.2014 German couple (Oscar Winner Geoffrey Rush and Emily Buck Wild Watson), her adoptive father encourages her to learn to read. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121317 Ultimately, the power of words helps Liesel and Max (Ben Comedy, Horror, Hunting, Movies, Zombies Schnetzer), a Jew hiding in the family’s home, escape from the min. events unfolding around them in this extraordinary, acclaimed Millennium Entertainment 18.03.2014 Casino Royale film directed by Brian Percival (Downton Abbey). 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121366 Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, , Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, War, World - Dir. Martin Campbell War II 2013 125min. Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 Buck Wild (Blu-ray) license to kill. But Bond is no less dangerous, and with two Comedy, Horror, Hunting, Movies, Zombies professional assassinations in quick , he is 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121387 elevated to „00“ status. „M“ (Judi Dench), head of the British min. Secret Service, sends the newly-promoted 007 on his first Boys Behind Bars Millennium Entertainment 18.03.2014 mission that takes him to Madagascar, the Bahamas and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121386 eventually leads him to Montenegro to face Le Chiffre, a Darrell is a well trained prison bitch looking forward to a ruthless financier under threat from his terrorist clientele, night alone in his cell getting jacked on the drugs he’s had who is attempting to restore his funds in a high-stakes poker smuggled in when a riot erupts on the floors above. To sepa- The Butterfly Effect / The game at the Casino Royale. „M“ places Bond under the rate the offenders, three of the inmates are placed in Darrell’s watchful eye of the Treasury official Vesper Lynd (Eva cell. Always up for a laugh, Darrell teases, flirts and annoys Butterfly Effect 2 (Double Fea- Green). At first skeptical of what value Vesper can provide, his new cellies, until a new boy is placed with them and ture) (Blu-ray) Bond’s interest in her deepens as they brave danger together becomes their prey. and even torture at the hands of Le Chiffre. The marathon Horror, Movies, Prison 2013 85min. Gina Holden, Eric Lively, Logan Lerman, poker game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising Music Video Distribution 18.02.2014 Eric Stoltz, William Lee Scott, Melora Wal- the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121279 ters, Ashton Kutcher, Malcolm Stewart, climax. Action, Adventure, James Bond, Movies, Ethan Suplee, Elden Henson, Amy Smart, Spies & Secret Agents 131min. Erica Durance, J.R. Bourne - Dir. John R. Breaking The Waves: The MGM / UA 21.01.2014 Leonetti, J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121742 Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Thrillers 206min. Katrin Cartlidge, Stellan Skarsgard, Udo New Line Home Entertainment 11.03.2014 Casino Royale (Blu-ray) Kier, Emily Watson - Dir. Lars Von Trier 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121525 Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench, When Bess, a nave young woman, marries Jan, a handsome Daniel Craig - Dir. Martin Campbell oil-rig worker, she experiences passion and physical Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his pleasure that she never imagined. Their bliss is cut short California Scheming license to kill. But Bond is no less dangerous, and with two when an accident on the rig leaves Jan paralyzed. Believing Spencer Daniels, Gia Mantegna, Devon professional assassinations in quick succession, he is he will never make love to Bess again, he tells her to take elevated to „00“ status. „M“ (Judi Dench), head of the British other lovers, convincing her that this will help his recovery. Werkheiser, Marco Weber Secret Service, sends the newly-promoted 007 on his first Bess is sent spiraling into a world of dark emotions she Movies, Thrillers 2014 91min. mission that takes him to Madagascar, the Bahamas and cannot understand. Remarkable performances by Emily Millennium Entertainment 25.03.2014 eventually leads him to Montenegro to face Le Chiffre, a Watson, Katrin Cartlidge and Stellan Skarsgard leave an ruthless financier under threat from his terrorist clientele, incredible impression on your heart. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121369 who is attempting to restore his funds in a high-stakes poker Affairs & Love Triangles, Art House, Blu- game at the Casino Royale. „M“ places Bond under the ray, Criterion Collection, Drama, Marriage Californication: The Sixth Season watchful eye of the Treasury official Vesper Lynd (Eva Green). At first skeptical of what value Vesper can provide, Woes, Movies, Romance 1996 152min. Madeleine Martin, Madeline Zima, Evan Bond’s interest in her deepens as they brave danger together Criterion 15.04.2014 Handler, Natascha McElhone, David and even torture at the hands of Le Chiffre. The marathon 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121557 poker game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising Duchovny the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying Hank (David Duchovnny) tries to collaborate on a rock opera climax. The Bridges Of Madison County based on his book with a famous rock star while taking up with his beautiful muse; Charlie and Stu compete for the Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, James Bond, (Blu-ray) affections of Marcy; Marcy falls under the spell of a seriously Movies, Spies & Secret Agents 1967 Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep - Dir. Clint radical feminist; Becca drops out of college to become a 131min. writer. MGM / UA 21.01.2014 Eastwood Comedy, Drama, Showtime, Television 2013 World-traveling National Geographic Photographer Robert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121709 Kincaid and Iowa housewife Francesca Johnson aren’t 341min. looking to turn their lives upside down. Each is at a point in Showtime Entertainment 25.03.2014 life where expectations are behind them yet four days after 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121197 Caution To The Wind they meet, they don’t want to lose the love they found. Drama, Movies 2010 90min. Academy Award winner Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood Allegro Entertainment 08.04.2014 (earning her 10th Oscar nomination for her work here) and Calloused Hands Clint Eastwood (who also produces and directs) bring blazing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121621 starpower and powerful conviction to the lovers chronicled in Daisy Haggard, Andre Royo Robert James Waller’s rhapsodic bestseller. 12 year old Josh is a mixed race boy and a promising baseball player. He is abused by his mother’s boyfriend Byrd, and Cavemen Affairs & Love Triangles, AFI Top 100, Blu- neglected by his mother Debbie. He forges his own path in life ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Drama, Movies, when his estranged grandfather insists he study for his Bar Skylar Astin, Chad Michael Murray - Dir. Romance, Star-Crossed Lovers 1995 Mitzvah. Herschel Faber Baseball, Drama, Movies, Sports 2013 Dean an LA playboy is fed up with one-night stands and empty 134min. relationships. With help of best friend Camilla, he’s forced to Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 87min. decide between seductive fantasy party girl or the woman 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121363 Kino Video 25.03.2014 who’s truly best for him. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121316 Comedy, Movies 2013 88min. The Broken Circle Breakdown Well Go USA 08.04.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121424 Veerle Baetens, Johan Heldenbergh - Dir. Camille Claudel 1915 Felix Van Groeningen Juliette Binoche - Dir. Bruno Dumont Elise (Veerle Baetens) and Didier (Johan Heldenbergh) fall In Camille Claudel 1915, Juliette Binoche gives a mesmerizing Cavemen (Blu-ray) in love at first sight. She has her own tattoo shop and he performance as Auguste Rodin’s protégé (and later Skylar Astin, Chad Michael Murray - Dir. plays the banjo in a bluegrass band. They bond over their mistress), and sister of the Christian/mystic poet Paul shared enthusiasm for American music and culture, and dive Claudel. Inspired by the correspondence between Paul and Herschel Faber headfirst into a sweeping romance that plays out on and off Camille, writer/director Bruno Dumont (Humanité, La Vie de Dean an LA playboy is fed up with one-night stands and empty stage - but when an unexpected tragedy hits their new family, Jesus) focuses on Camille Claudel’s struggle to find relationships. With help of best friend Camilla, he’s forced to understanding and recognition as an artist - and the moments decide between seductive fantasy party girl or the woman

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA who’s truly best for him. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121345 Confession Of Murder (Blu-ray) Comedy, Movies 2013 88min. In a city where murder has a statute of limitations, obsessed Well Go USA 08.04.2014 Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series detective Choi learns the brutal killer who eluded him years 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121431 ago has come forward taking credit for the crimes. Can justice 11 (Blu-ray) be served? Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Korean, Movies, The Chaperone Zoe Wanamaker, Peter Bowles, Sian Phillips, Harriet Walter, James Wilby, John Thrillers 2012 121min. Triple H, Ariel Winter, , Hannah, Elizabeth McGovern, David Well Go USA 15.04.2014 Yeardley Smith, Enrico Colantoni, Jose Suchet, Tim Curry - Dir. Dan Reed, James 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121432 Zuniga, Kevin Corrigan - Dir. Stephen Herek Kent Action, Comedy, Crime, Family, Movies, Putting his brilliant intellect and fastidious nature to the test, Conspiracy Theory (Blu-ray) Thieves 2011 104min. Agatha Christie’s famous Belgian detective solves the most , Mel Gibson, Stephen Kahan, Image Ent. 11.03.2014 mystifying crimes of the Art Deco era in these dazzling Cylk Cozart, - Dir. Richard 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121334 adaptations. David Suchet gives the definitive performance of Poirot and leads star-studded casts including Tim Curry, Donner Elizabeth McGovern, John Hannah, Harriet Walter, Siân New York cab driver and conspiracy buff Jerry Fletcher (Mel The Chaperone (Blu-ray) Phillips, Peter Bowles, James Wilby, and Zoë Wanamaker in Gibson) knows about the secret movers, shakers and these four feature-length mysteries. assassins who really control things. Trying to put Justice Triple H, Ariel Winter, Kevin Rankin, British, Foreign, International TV, Murder Department attorney Alice Sutton (Julia Roberts) in the know, Yeardley Smith, Enrico Colantoni, Jose Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2008 he’s run out of her office. Soon both will run for their lives. Zuniga, Kevin Corrigan - Dir. Stephen Herek The two stars conspire for suspense, romance and twists that 398min. click like a rush-hour taxi meter. A crackpot theory in the Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Family, Acorn Media 04.03.2014 newsletter Jerry publishes may be true. Cryptic Dr. Jonas Movies, Thieves 2011 104min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121361 (Patrick Stewart) and his men aim to quash it - and them too. „I Image Ent. 11.03.2014 don’t know what I know but I know that it’s big.“ Jerry says. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121354 What we know is that Conspiracy Theory is big Cold Blooded entertainment. William MacDonald, Zoie Palmer, Ryan Action, Blu-ray, Conspiracies, Movies, Chicago: Diamond Edition (Blu- Robbins Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 1997 ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Frances, a tough-as-nails female police officer, arrests cold- 135min. blood gangster Cordero for thievery and murder after his heist Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Colm goes horribly awry. But when Cordero’s bloodthirsty boss Feore, Lucy Liu, Taye Diggs, Queen puts a bounty on his head - offering any price to get it - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121383 Latifah, John C. Reilly - Dir. Rob Marshall Officer Frances must fight to keep both of them alive while Winner of 6 - Chicago is a dazzling preventing Cordero from escaping in the process. Continuum: Season Two Action, Movies, Thrillers 86min. spectacle cheered by audiences and critics alike! At a time Stephen Lobo, Erik Knudsen, Rachel when crimes of passion result in celebrity headlines, Phase 4 Films 25.03.2014 nightclub sensation Velma Kelly (Zeta-Jones) and spotlight Nichols, Victor Webster seeking Roxie Hart (Zellweger) both find themselves sharing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121677 Kiera Cameron (Rachel Nichols), a cop from the year 2077, space on Chicago’s famed Murderess Row! They also share finds herself trapped in the present day desperately trying to Billy Flynn (Gere), the town’s slickest lawyer with a talent Cold Comes The Night stop a terrorist group from the future before they can change for turning notorious defendants into local legends. But in the course of history forever. In Season 2, Kiera continues Chicago, there’s only room for one legend! Alice Eve, - Dir. Tze Chun her uneasy alliance with Police Detective Carlos Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Drama, As the proprietor of a motel, Chloe (Alice Eve) is in financial Fonnegra (Victor Webster) and grapples with the big trouble and has let Billy (Logan Marshall-Green), a corrupt question:why was she sent here? Meanwhile tech genius Alec Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Music, cop, take advantage of her situation. One night, Topo (Bryan (Erik Knudsen) struggles to understand the mysterious Musical 2002 113min. Cranston), a hardened Polish career criminal stops over at message sent from his future self and the terrorists, Liber8, Lionsgate 11.02.2014 the motel while en route to deliver cash to an unknown boss. becomes more strategic - and even more lethal. From its While at the motel, his car is impounded along with the cash stunning first minutes to its explosive season finale, dont miss 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121430 delivery. Using Chloe’s daughter as collateral, Topo forces the thrilling next chapter in Continuum: Season Two. Chloe to help him go after Billy, who has stolen his money Cops, In The Future..., Science Fiction, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Blu-ray) from the car. Hoping to escape to a better life, Chloe tries to strike a deal with Topo but soon finds herself in over her Television, Terrorism, Thrillers, Time Travel Dick Van Dyke, Gert Frobe, Benny Hill, head, and a series of double crosses leaves a cloud of 2013 min. Anna Quayle, Lionel Jeffries, Sally Ann mayhem and murder. Universal Studios 25.03.2014 Howes - Dir. Ken Hughes Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121520 Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls start your engines. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment You’re about to take an incredible ride with one of the most 04.03.2014 Continuum: Season Two (Blu-ray) wonderful family films of all time! Now celebrating its 30th 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121608 anniversary, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang has never looked or Stephen Lobo, Erik Knudsen, Rachel sounded better. Dick Van Dyke stars as eccentric inventor Nichols, Victor Webster Caractacus Potts, who creates an extraordinary car called Cold Comes The Night (Blu-ray) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It not only drives but also flies and Kiera Cameron (Rachel Nichols), a cop from the year 2077, floats as it leads him, his two children and his beautiful lady Alice Eve, Bryan Cranston - Dir. Tze Chun finds herself trapped in the present day desperately trying to friend, Truly Scrumptious (Sally Ann Howes), into a magical As the proprietor of a motel, Chloe (Alice Eve) is in financial stop a terrorist group from the future before they can change world of pirates, castles and endless adventure. trouble and has let Billy (Logan Marshall-Green), a corrupt the course of history forever. In Season 2, Kiera continues Classics, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies, cop, take advantage of her situation. One night, Topo (Bryan her uneasy alliance with Vancouver Police Detective Carlos Cranston), a hardened Polish career criminal stops over at Fonnegra (Victor Webster) and grapples with the big Music, Musical 1968 145min. the motel while en route to deliver cash to an unknown boss. question:why was she sent here? Meanwhile tech genius Alec MGM / UA 21.01.2014 While at the motel, his car is impounded along with the cash (Erik Knudsen) struggles to understand the mysterious 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121710 delivery. Using Chloe’s daughter as collateral, Topo forces message sent from his future self and the terrorists, Liber8, Chloe to help him go after Billy, who has stolen his money becomes more strategic - and even more lethal. From its from the car. Hoping to escape to a better life, Chloe tries to stunning first minutes to its explosive season finale, dont miss Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series strike a deal with Topo but soon finds herself in over her the thrilling next chapter in Continuum: Season Two. head, and a series of double crosses leaves a cloud of Cops, In The Future..., Science Fiction, 11 mayhem and murder. Television, Terrorism, Thrillers, Time Travel Zoe Wanamaker, Peter Bowles, Sian Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. 2013 min. Phillips, Harriet Walter, James Wilby, John Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Universal Studios 25.03.2014 Hannah, Elizabeth McGovern, David 04.03.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121530 Suchet, Tim Curry - Dir. Dan Reed, James 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121633 Kent Contract Killers Putting his brilliant intellect and fastidious nature to the test, Confession Of Murder Agatha Christie’s famous Belgian detective solves the most Action, Movies 2014 93min. mystifying crimes of the Art Deco era in these dazzling In a city where murder has a statute of limitations, obsessed Millennium Entertainment 11.03.2014 adaptations. David Suchet gives the definitive performance of detective Choi learns the brutal killer who eluded him years Poirot and leads star-studded casts including Tim Curry, ago has come forward taking credit for the crimes. Can justice 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121365 Elizabeth McGovern, John Hannah, Harriet Walter, Siân be served? Phillips, Peter Bowles, James Wilby, and Zoë Wanamaker in Action, Foreign, Korean, Movies, Thrillers Contracted these four feature-length mysteries. 2012 121min. Najarra Townsend, Caroline Williams - Dir. British, Foreign, International TV, Murder Well Go USA 15.04.2014 Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2008 Eric England 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121425 After a lapse in her relationship with her lover (Katie Steg- 398min. eman) forces twenty-something party girl Samantha (Najarra Acorn Media 04.03.2014 Townsend) to move back in with her overbearing mother

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(Caroline Williams, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2), things future... but life had other plans for her. After failed Salva seem to be at an all-time low. But the devil-may-care relationships, addiction and homelessness, Erica hits rock Nick Di Santo is tormented by his ability to touch someone Samantha soon finds escape in a one-night stand with a bottom when she faces a young mother’s ultimate nightmare: and see exactly how they will die. On his twenty-third mysterious man (Simon Barrett, V/H/S) who leaves her hung- the loss of her child. With nowhere left to turn, she finds birthday Nick is summoned by his mother (Golden Globe over, guilt-ridden - and infected. Uncertain of the disease or herself on the doorstep of a very special house. At this home, Nominee Lesley-Anne Down) to the asylum where she has the man who gave it to her, Samantha attempts to hide it from women can find shelter, a helping hand and, just maybe, a been institutionalized since his childhood. Nick is stunned by her loved ones. But she soon realizes that she is not just the second chance. Now, facing her most difficult journey, Erica her revelation that the father he thought was dead is really victim of an STD, but rather the host of something much more reaches for hope to overcome her past, open her heart to love alive and may know the origin of Nicks terrible gift. Nick sets catastrophic, and that she and those around her are in mortal and build a new life. out to find his father with his best friend Ryan and girlfriend danger. Part zombie film and part body-horror shocker, Drama, Family, Friendships, Movies, Religi- Eve. But what starts as a simple road trip to meet the father he director Eric England’s Contracted is a skin-crawling on/Spirituality 2012 89min. never knew soon becomes a horrific nightmare when it leads experience in biological horror. the trio back to the same abandoned mansion, a house that Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Image Ent. 11.03.2014 only existed in Nicks childhood imagination - or so he 84min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121335 thought. Finally succumbing to the will of the house, Nick becomes embroiled in a battle with a dark figure (Tobin Bell, MPI 18.03.2014 Saw franchise) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121375 Dallas Buyers Club Horror, Movies, Thrillers 102min. Kevin Rankin, Dallas Roberts, Jennifer New Video DVD 11.03.2014 Copperhead Garner, Jared Leto, Steve Zahn, Matthew 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121504 Francois Arnaud - Dir. Ronald F. Maxwell McConaughey Matthew McConaughey gives the performance of his career in Drama, Movies 2013 120min. this uplifting and powerful film inspired by true events. Texas Darkroom Warner Bros. 15.04.2014 cowboy Ron Woodroof (McConaughey) sees his free- Tobias Segal, Britne Oldford, Kaylee DeFer, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121542 wheeling life overturned when he’s diagnosed as HIV-positive and given 30 days to live. Determined to survive, Woodroof Elisabeth Rohm, Christian Campbell, Ron decides to take matters in his own hands by tracking down Stein, Michael Liberty, Birtt Napier Copperhead (Blu-ray) alternative treatments from all over the world by means both Michelle kills three of her friends in a horrific car accident legal and illegal. After finding an unlikely ally in Rayon while driving under the influence. After rehab, Michelle takes Francois Arnaud - Dir. Ronald F. Maxwell (Jared Leto), he establishes a hugely successful „buyers’ a job recommended by her counselor that lands her trapped in Drama, Movies 2013 120min. club“ and unites a band of outcasts in a struggle for dignity a mansion with three psychotic siblings hell bent on physical Warner Bros. 15.04.2014 and acceptance that inspires in ways no one could have torture to purge Michelle of her sins. imagined. Co-starring Jennifer Garner, Dallas Buyers Club is Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Torture 2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121552 „deeply moving. A livewire of a movie!“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) 81min. Countdown AIDS, Biography, Biopics, Drama, History & Phase 4 Films 28.01.2014 tba BestellNr.: 40121743 Drama, Horror, Movies 91min. Events, Illness & Disease, Movies 2013 Millennium Entertainment 25.03.2014 117min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121368 Universal Studios 25.02.2014 Dead On Appraisal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121302 Real estate agent John Dante is stuck with a house he can’t sell. Despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to overcome the Cowboys & Aliens (Repackage) house’s macabre past. This haunting anthology’s first tale is Dallas Buyers Club (Blu-ray + The Morning After. Following the party of a lifetime, a group (Blu-ray) of friends wake to find a nightmare in the form of a killer bug Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) invasion. John is horrified to hear the final story of Robbie, a Kevin Rankin, Dallas Roberts, Jennifer young veteran who returns home to live with his father. In Noah Ringer, Olivia Wilde, Paul Dano, Adam Father Land Robbie’s dark secret slowly bubbles to the Beach - Dir. Jon Favreau Garner, Jared Leto, Steve Zahn, Matthew surface. Then there’s Freddie Cooper and his band. Freddie Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford star in this action-packed McConaughey And The Goblins is a tale of how Freddie’s band mates try to sci-fi western from the director of Iron Man (Jon Favreau) Matthew McConaughey gives the performance of his career in ditch him only to be caught up in the singer’s growing that critics call „wickedly original, unlike anything you’ve this uplifting and powerful film inspired by true events. Texas psychosis. In a last ditch effort John’s girlfriend plans a party ever seen“ (Jake Hamilton, Fox-TV Houston, TX). A stranger cowboy Ron Woodroof (McConaughey) sees his free- to help raise interest in the property, but with disastrous (Craig) stumbles into the desert town of Absolution with no wheeling life overturned when he’s diagnosed as HIV-positive consequences. Will they survive the terrors that lie within its memory of his past and a futuristic shackle around his wrist. and given 30 days to live. Determined to survive, Woodroof walls, or will they become just another of the house’s many With the help of mysterious beauty Ella (Olivia Wilde) and the decides to take matters in his own hands by tracking down sordid tales? iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde (Ford), he finds himself leading alternative treatments from all over the world by means both Horror, Movies 2013 82min. an unlikely posse of cowboys, outlaws, and Apache warriors legal and illegal. After finding an unlikely ally in Rayon against a common enemy from beyond this world in an epic (Jared Leto), he establishes a hugely successful „buyers’ Brain Damage Films 08.04.2014 showdown for survival. club“ and unites a band of outcasts in a struggle for dignity 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121697 Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, and acceptance that inspires in ways no one could have imagined. Co-starring Jennifer Garner, Dallas Buyers Club is Cowboy, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, „deeply moving. A livewire of a movie!“ (Peter Travers, Dead Sea Western 2011 135min. Rolling Stone) James Duval - Dir. Brandon Slagle Universal Studios 11.03.2014 AIDS, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Auriel, a marine biologist assigned to investigate the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121533 History & Events, Illness & Disease, Movies mysterious deaths of marine life in an inland salt water lake, encounters a giant, ravenous creature previously believed to 2013 117min. have been the stuff of legend. With the local residents Crave Universal Studios 25.02.2014 terrified of the monster that dwells near them, Auriel is the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121322 only one who can stop the creature - that is, if she can Josh Lawson, Emma Lung, Ron Perlman, survive it herself. Edward Furlong High Seas, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction Aiden craves a better life where he can escape his gruesome Dark House job as a crime scene photographer, meet the woman of his 95min. dreams, and save the world from evil. As Aiden’s dark Zack Ward, Alex McKenna - Dir. Victor Phase 4 Films 25.03.2014 vigilante fantasies invade his reality, he’ll soon learn that his Salva 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121678 imagination is on the verge of destroying the life he’s risking Nick Di Santo is tormented by his ability to touch someone everything for. and see exactly how they will die. On his twenty-third Action, Movies, Thrillers 113min. birthday Nick is summoned by his mother (Golden Globe Death Do Us Part Nominee Lesley-Anne Down) to the asylum where she has Phase 4 Films 11.03.2014 been institutionalized since his childhood. Nick is stunned by Julia Benson, Emilie Ullerup 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121672 her revelation that the father he thought was dead is really Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. alive and may know the origin of Nicks terrible gift. Nick sets Starz / Anchor Bay 15.04.2014 out to find his father with his best friend Ryan and girlfriend Critical Nexus Eve. But what starts as a simple road trip to meet the father he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121716 Walt Sloan never knew soon becomes a horrific nightmare when it leads A 16-year-old web blogger on a mission to understand her the trio back to the same abandoned mansion, a house that Death Grip sexuality, a former internet millionaire on a desperate quest only existed in Nicks childhood imagination - or so he for personal redemption, and a dangerous sociopath killing for thought. Finally succumbing to the will of the house, Nick Eric Jacobus - Dir. Eric Jacobus love - all on the road to Las Vegas. becomes embroiled in a battle with a dark figure (Tobin Bell, Action, Martial Arts, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Movies, Mystery, Thrillers min. Saw franchise) min. Horror, Movies, Thrillers 102min. Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 Osiris Entertainment 11.03.2014 New Video DVD 11.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121270 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121587 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121494

A Cross To Bear Dark House (Blu-ray) Deep Roots / Starlet Nights Jackie Long, Malinda Williams, Kim Fields (Double Feature) Like every little girl, Erica Moses had big dreams for the Zack Ward, Alex McKenna - Dir. Victor

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Liz Renay, Tyler Horne comes Devious Maids: The Complete First Season. Meet five lives, their desires clouded by fear, duty, tragedy, and regret. women bonded together by their jobs, their dreams and the dirt As each story unfolds, the characters struggle to find the Double Features, Erotica, Movies 157min. they sweep under the rug: Aspiring singer Carmen; Rosie, courage to live for themselves, reclaim the relationships they CAV 11.02.2014 who longs to be reunited with the child she left back in have lost along the way, and make time for the things that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121290 Mexico; Marisol, whose outward identity masks a desperate really matter. hidden agenda; and Zoila and her daughter Valentina — both Drama, Movies 2013 min. employed by the delightfully unhinged Genevieve Delatour Music Video Distribution 18.02.2014 Deliverance From Evil (Susan Lucci). Before the season is over, illicit affairs will be revealed and depraved secrets exposed, as we learn the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121281 Angel Aviles - Dir. Eduardo Quiroz sordid details behind a shocking murder. Start your collection A couple relocate to , and realize there’s an with all 13 addictive episodes on three discs — plus „sin- evil presence that doesn’t want them there. Can they escape tillating“ bonus features — and relive the intrigue as murder, Doom / Pitch Black / Serenity / demonic possession or will they join their son in eternal mystery and mayhem collide amongst the mansions of Beverly Hellboy II: The Golden Army darkness? Hills! Horror, Movies 2012 90min. Comedy, Drama, On The Job, Television Raz Adoti, Keith David, Rosamund Pike, Music Video Distribution 18.02.2014 2013 547min. Karl Urban, Cole Hauser, Radha Mitchell, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121280 Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 Vin Diesel - Dir. David N. Twohy, Andrzej 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121289 Bartkowiak Delivery Man Action, Aliens, Based On Video Game, Cobie Smulders, Chris Pratt, Vince Vaughn Doctor Who: Series Two - Part 1 Collections, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction min. - Dir. Ken Scott Billie Piper, David Tennant In this heartwarming comedy, underachiever David Wozniak David Tennant (Broadchurch, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Universal Studios 04.03.2014 (Vince Vaughn) learns he’s actually an overachiever - he’s Fire) kicks off his triumphant reign as the Tenth Doctor with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121547 fathered 533 children via donations made twenty years these first seven thrilling episodes from the second series of earlier! David soon discovers that the shock of his life might the re-booted Doctor Who! Alongside his companion Rose just be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Along the (Billie Piper, Secret Diary of a Call Girl), he must help Queen Double Indemnity (Blu-ray + way he discovers not only his true self, but also the father he Victoria battle the Empire of the Wolf and battle an invasion of UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) could become. Also starring Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders - Earth from the evil Cybermen! Thrills, heartbreak, and and complete with bonus materials, it’s a feel-good movie that terrifying monsters keep Doctor Who are around every corner Edward G. Robinson, Fortunio Bonanova, really delivers. of this huge fan favorite! Jean Heather, Porter Hall, Barbara Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 105min. BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray - Dir. Billy Wil- Disney / Buena Vista 25.03.2014 Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel der 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121637 270min. Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray star in this gripping BBC Home Video 08.04.2014 film noir from Academy Award-winning director Billy Wilder. Delivery Man (Blu-ray + DVD + A calculating wife encourages her wealthy husband to sign a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121538 double indemnity policy proposed by smitten insurance agent UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Walter Neff. As the would-be lovers plot the unsuspecting Doctor Who: The Web Of Fear husband’s murder, they are pursued by a suspicious claims Cobie Smulders, Chris Pratt, Vince Vaughn manager (Edward G. Robinson). It’s a race against time to get - Dir. Ken Scott The TARDIS narrowly avoids becoming engulfed in a away with the perfect crime in this heart-racing Academy In this heartwarming comedy, underachiever David Wozniak cobwebby substance in space. It arrives in the Under- Award-nominated masterpiece. (Vince Vaughn) learns he’s actually an overachiever - he’s ground railway system, the tunnels of which are being Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To- fathered 533 children via donations made twenty years overrun by the web and by the Great Intelligence’s robot Yeti. earlier! David soon discovers that the shock of his life might The Intelligence’s goal is to drain the Doctor’s mind; can the Film, Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, just be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Along the Doctor sabotage the device before the Intelligences plan Murder Mysteries, National Film Registry, way he discovers not only his true self, but also the father he comes to fruition? Thrillers 1944 106min. BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, could become. Also starring Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders - Universal Studios 15.04.2014 and complete with bonus materials, it’s a feel-good movie that Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121725 really delivers. 150min. Disney / Buena Vista, Comedy, Drama, BBC Home Video 22.04.2014 Movies 2013 105min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121515 Downton Abbey: Season 4 Disney / Buena Vista 25.03.2014 , Michelle Dockery, Joanne 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121639 Dolphin Tale / Flipper / Free Wil- Frogatt, , , , , , The Depraved ly (Triple Feature) , Elizabeth McGovern, Nick Eversman, Nathalie Kelley, Max Riemelt August Schellenberg, Jayne Atkinson, Lori , , Sophie Looking for a unique adventure while visiting Berlin, Denis Petty, Jason James Richter, Michael McShera, Matt Milne, , Lily and Lucia join a small group led by a local guide through the Madsen - Dir. Simon Wincer labyrinth of mysterious tunnels beneath the city. However, James - Dir. Julian Fellowes when an accident occurs and Denis and Lucia are left alone, Adventure, Animals & Nature, High Seas, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period the twisted residents that lurk in the underground transform Movies, Triple Feature min. Piece, PBS, Television 2013 min. their fun urban exploration into a nightmarish fight for survival Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 PBS Home Video 28.01.2014 as the couple try to claw their way back to the surface. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121599 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 93min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121346 Phase 4 Films 11.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121674 Don’t Be A Menace To South Downton Abbey: Season 4 (Blu- Central While Drinking Your ray) Devil (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Juice In The Hood Kevin Doyle, Michelle Dockery, Joanne Bojana Novakovic, Chris Messina, Geoffrey Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans - Dir. Paris Frogatt, Brendan Coyle, Allen Leech, Arend, , Matt Craven, Barclay Phyllis Logan, Hugh Bonneville, Jim Carter, Jacob Vargas - Dir. John Erick Dowdle From the creator of TV’s In Living Color, this outrageous Penelope Wilton, Elizabeth McGovern, Trapped in an elevator high above Philadelphia, five people comedy hit had critics and audiences roaring with laughter! Maggie Smith, Laura Carmichael, Sophie discover that the Devil is among them - and no one can From block parties and beepers to high tops and high- escape their fate. This chilling, supernatural thriller from M. powered weapons, it’s everything that’s funny about growing McShera, Matt Milne, Lesley Nicol, Lily Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, Signs) will keep you on up in the ‘hood’...the Wayans Brothers’ neighborhood, that is! James - Dir. Julian Fellowes the edge of your seat all the way to a heart-stopping ending Marlon, Shawn (TV’s The Wayans Brothers) and Keenen Ivory Wayans (TV’s In Living Color) get together and deliver British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period with a truly wicked twist. Piece, PBS, Television 2013 min. Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2010 a series of hilarious situations that all move to a hot, hit soundtrack! Get ready for a good time, because there are PBS Home Video 28.01.2014 81min. plenty of laughs in this neighborhood! 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121362 Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Comedy, Crime, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121534 Stoners 1996 94min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Dynasty: The Eighth Season - Devious Maids: The Complete 11.02.2014 Volume One First Season 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121229 Linda Evans, Joan Collins, John James, William Forsythe, Heather Locklear Dania Ramirez, Ana Ortiz, Roselyn Don’t Pass Me By Dynasty, the addictive, primetime that quickly Sanchez became a 1980’s hit, returns to DVD with The Eighth Season, Sex. Lies. Murder...It’s all in a day’s work. From Executive A stirring story about regret, love, and second chances. The Volume 1. Explore the conflicts, passions, drives, and Producer Marc Cherry, creator of Desperate Housewives, story follows four women who sit at a crisis point in their tensions of the Carringtons, a powerful, rich, and greedy oil

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA family, as they struggle to maintain their position of wealth and Victor DiNapoli, , Ken Diego, The most provocative film from the 2013 Sundance Film power in the world. Steve Feldman Festival, Escape From Tomorrow should not exist, and yet it CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Dysfunctional does. Like nothing you’ve ever seen, Randy Moore’s Spring is here, and is celebrating with three B’s: Birds, directorial debut is a bold and ingenious trip into the happiest Families, Soap Opera, Television 1987 min. Bugs and Bicycles! With a dancing shade, a mischievous place on earth. An epic battle begins when a middle-aged Paramount Pictures 29.04.2014 drawer, a frisky television and a playful computer, Elmo’s American husband and father of two learns that he has lost his 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121684 World is the perfect place for preschoolers to learn all about job. Keeping the news from his nagging wife and wound-up the world around them. And Elmo has lots of friends, both new children, he packs up the family and embarks on a full day of and old, to answer questions like „where do birds live,“ „how park hopping amid enchanted castles and fairytale princesses. Dynasty: The Eighth Season - do bugs get from ,“ and „how many wheels does Soon, the manufactured mirth of the fantasy land around him a tricycle have?“ In Elmo’s words, birds, bugs and bicycles begins to haunt his subconscious. An idyllic family vacation Volume Two talk, and learning is always fun! quickly unravels into a surrealist nightmare of paranoid Linda Evans, Joan Collins, John Forsythe, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, visions, bizarre encounters, and an obsessive pursuit of a Preschool, Puppets, , Televi- pair of sexy teenage Parisians. Chillingly shot in black and John James, Jack Coleman, Heather white, Escape From Tomorrow dissects the mythology of Locklear sion 2002 min. artificial perfection while subversively attacking our culture’s Dynasty, the addictive, primetime soap opera that quickly Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 obsession with mass entertainment. became a 1980's hit, returns to DVD with The Eighth Season, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121398 Horror, Movies, Science Fiction 2012 Volume 2. Explore the conflicts, passions, drives, and tensions of the Carringtons, a powerful, rich, and greedy oil 99min. family, as they struggle to maintain their position of wealth and End Of The World Vivendi Visual Entertainment 29.04.2014 power in the world. Caroline Cave, Mark Hildreth, Greg 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121478 CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Dysfunctional Grunberg - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Families, Soap Opera, Television 1988 min. Action, Comedy, Movies, Science Fiction Eureka Seven: The Movie Paramount Pictures 29.04.2014 2013 90min. Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121685 Starz / Anchor Bay 11.03.2014 Japanese, Movies min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121263 Funimation 22.04.2014 Easy Money: Hard To Kill 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121603 Dragomir Mrsic, Matias Varela, Joel Enemies Closer (Blu-ray + Kinnaman Eureka Seven: The Movie (Blu- JW (Joel Kinnaman, Robocop, The Killing), the promising UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) business student who became an organized coke smuggler in , Tom Everett Scott - Dir. ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Easy Money, is serving hard time in prison and struggling to get back on an honest path. There are glimmers of hope in his Peter Hyams Action, Adventure, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, life: some venture capitalists are interested in a new piece of After a major shipment of drugs goes missing on the US- Japanese, Movies min. trading software hes developed, and while behind bars hes Canadian border, forest ranger and former Navy SEAL Henry Funimation 22.04.2014 made peace with an old enemy. This all proves to be an is plunged into survival mode when the drug cartel forces him illusion. On leave from prison, and back in contact with his to help retrieve the downed package. Trapped in the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121629 former gang, JW learns that once youve walked in the shoes wilderness with no communication to the outside world, Henry of a criminal there just may be no going back. finds himself face to face with Clay, a man with a personal Exit Wounds (Blu-ray) Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies, vendetta against Henry who has returned for retribution. Now, the two mortal enemies must make a choice: put aside Steven Seagal, DMX, Anthony Anderson, Swedish, Thrillers 2012 99min. their past and work together, or die alone at the hands of the Jill Hennessy, Michael Jai White, Isaiah New Video DVD 11.03.2014 drug runners, a ruthless gang who will stop at nothing to Washington, Bill Duke - Dir. Andrzej 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121508 retrieve their lost cargo. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Bartkowiak Movies 2013 84min. They should name a street or building after Detroit detective Easy Money: Hard To Kill (Blu- Orin Boyd (Steven Seagal). Instead, days after single- Lionsgate 11.03.2014 handedly throttling an army of political assassins, he’s busted ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121300 to white-gloved traffic cop. Someone wants Boyd out of the Dragomir Mrsic, Matias Varela, Joel way, someone who should follow this advice: call for backup. Steven Seagal and DMX kick it up a notch in this searing Kinnaman Enemies Closer (DVD + action thriller from producer Joel Silver () that has JW (Joel Kinnaman, Robocop, The Killing), the promising UltraViolet) them joining forces in a battle against police corruption. business student who became an organized coke smuggler in Andrzej Bartkowiak (Romeo Must Die) directs, fusing Easy Money, is serving hard time in prison and struggling to Orlando Jones, Tom Everett Scott - Dir. starpower (including Isaiah Washington, Jill Hennessy and get back on an honest path. There are glimmers of hope in his Peter Hyams Tom Arnold), firepower and road-burning horsepower into life: some venture capitalists are interested in a new piece of scenes that push the action tachometer into the red zone. trading software hes developed, and while behind bars hes After a major shipment of drugs goes missing on the US- made peace with an old enemy. This all proves to be an Canadian border, forest ranger and former Navy SEAL Henry Action, Blu-ray, Movies 2001 101min. illusion. On leave from prison, and back in contact with his is plunged into survival mode when the drug cartel forces him Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 former gang, JW learns that once youve walked in the shoes to help retrieve the downed package. Trapped in the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121384 of a criminal there just may be no going back. wilderness with no communication to the outside world, Henry Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Foreign, finds himself face to face with Clay, a man with a personal vendetta against Henry who has returned for retribution. The Facility (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Movies, Swedish, Thrillers 2012 99min. Now, the two mortal enemies must make a choice: put aside New Video DVD 11.03.2014 their past and work together, or die alone at the hands of the bo) (Blu-ray) drug runners, a ruthless gang who will stop at nothing to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121505 retrieve their lost cargo. Chris Larkin, Alex Reid At a remote medical facility, a group of seven strangers begin Action, Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies a clinical trial for the experimental new drug: Pro-9. As the Elmo’s Rainbow & Other 2013 84min. untested drug begins to course through their veins, Springtime Stories (DVD + Puz- Lionsgate 11.03.2014 unexpected side-effects start to take hold and several of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121293 volunteers are sent into an uncontrollable murderous rage. zle) British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Science What’s at the bottom of Elmo’s rainbow? A DVD full of your Fiction 2012 82min. favorite Sesame Street friends! There is a rainbow on Sesame Erin Brockovich / Notting Hill / Street, and Elmo can’t wait to show Rosita, but when they New Video DVD 04.03.2014 return, the rainbow has disappeared! Their friends try to re- Duplicity / Charlie Wilson’s War 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121506 create a rainbow with artwork, multi-colored monsters, magic, Gina McKee, Tim McInnerny, James and a fun science experiment, but it’s just not the same. Will Rosita ever see a real rainbow? Lean more about rainbows, Dreyfus, Emma Chambers, Hugh Fairytale: A True Story / Dream: seasons, and bumblebees with your Sesame Street Friends, Bonneville, Rhys Ifans, Aaron Eckhart, Al- Inspired By A True Story / Secret plus see the classic Cookie Bunny bonus video! bert Finney, , Julia Roberts - Dir. Animals & Nature, Children’s, Children’s / Steven Soderbergh, Roger Michell Garden (Triple Feature) Educational, Family, Preschool, Puppets, Academy Award Winners, Based-On-A- Maggie Smith, Andrew Knott, Heydon Sesame Street, Television min. True-Story, Biography, Biopics, Collections, Prowse, Kate Maberly - Dir. Agnieszka Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 Comedy, Drama, Independent Women, Holland 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121397 Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Romance Drama, Fairy Tales, Family, Movies, Myths & min. Legends, Triple Feature min. Elmo’s World: Springtime Fun! Universal Studios 04.03.2014 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 (DVD + Puzzle) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121548 tba BestellNr.: 40121600 Michael Jeter, Matt Vogel, John Tartaglia, Rick Lyon, Jim Martin, - Dir. Escape From Tomorrow Far And Away (Blu-ray +

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UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) reach safety. Horror, Movies, Zombies 2012 82min. Nicole Kidman, - Dir. Ron Benedict Cumberbatch, Carice Van Houten, Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 Howard Daniel Bruhl - Dir. Bill Condon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121379 Drama, Epics, Movies, Romance 1992 Benedict Cumberbatch gives a brilliant performance as Julian 140min. Assange, the narcissistic, polarizing founder of WikiLeaks, in The Fifth Estate. This dramatic thriller, based on true events, Four Seasons Universal Studios 04.03.2014 reveals the internet upstart’s quest to expose deception and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121206 corruption of power - turning them in to the 21st century’s Christian Keyes, Robin Givens, Keith most fiercely debated organization. After Assange and his Robinson - Dir. Christopher Nolen colleague Daniel Domscheit-Berg (Daniel Brühl) team up to Xavier Lamar is a 35-year-old man who is „almost“ ready to Farscape: The Complete Season shine a light on the dark recesses of government secrets and settle down with one woman, but first he wants to try the Three - 15th Anniversary Edition corporate crimes, they find themselves battling each other dating game one last time. He decides to date a different over whether the cost of exposing the truth to the public is too woman each season of the year and then decide which one he Virginia Hey, , Ben Browder, high. Riveting, smart and thought-provoking, The Fifth Estate will commit to marrying. His best friend Derrick, owner of the Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe poses the ultimate question: „Hero or traitor?“ hottest cafe in town, is there for moral support during his Four The third season of Farscape explores the wonders, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Seasons journey. possibilities and dangers of the wormhole phenomenon more Thrillers 2013 128min. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 89min. completely than ever before. Through more ominous, adult- Disney / Buena Vista 28.01.2014 E1 Entertainment 01.04.2014 themed tales, the series also peeks into the darker corners in the minds of Moya’s crew. In particular, Farscape Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121219 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121749 Three shows the dichotomy of John Crichton: from his volatile, passionate bond with Aeryn to his ability to at once Fighting (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Free Fall unite and divide the loyalties of the crew. As crew members embark on personal missions to deal with individual agendas, Zulay Henao, Channing Tatum, Peter With a promising law enforcement career and a child on the the stories showcase smaller ensembles, allowing each Tambakis, Terrence Howard, Michael way, Marc’s (Max Reimelt, Before The Fall) life is going character and relationship more room to grow. Before the according to plan until he meets the free spirited Kay (Hanno company reunites, lovers and friends are betrayed and family Rivera, Luis Guzman - Dir. Dito Montiel Koffler, Summer Storm). They start jogging together, bringing ties are ripped asunder. Old enemies become allies and dear Small-town boy Shawn MacArthur (Channing Tatum, G.I. Joe: a breath of fresh air into Marc’s life - and, for the first time, friends are lost forever. Some critics have called Season The Rise of Cobra, Public Enemies) knows firsthand that he develops feelings for a man. Torn between the life he Three the year Farscape matured into a „grown up show.“ every day in is a struggle to survive. So when knows so well and the exhilaration of this new adventure, Others see it as the year its creators’ brilliance was thrown scam artist Harvey Boarden (Terrence Howard, Iron Man, Marc’s finds himself in a state of free fall, unable to make into overdrive. In any case, now’s your chance to enjoy the Hustle and Flow) gives him a chance to be something more in anyone happy anymore - least of all himself. Free Fall is part continuing adventures of the Moya’s crew in Blu-ray for the brutal underground world of bare-knuckle street-fighting, of a new wave of powerful German cinema. Stephan Lacant’s unsurpassed video and audio quality. Shawn decides that he has something worth fighting for and first feature film tells the dramatic tale of a man who finds puts everything on the line to win. Every knockout brings him himself outside the clear-cut boundaries of his world. Aliens, Science Fiction, Space, Television closer to the life he’s always wanted, but also traps him in a Exceptional performances from Hanno Koffler (A Hero’s 2001 1060min. dangerous web he can’t escape. Welcome), Max Riemelt (Before The Fall, The Wave, In The New Video DVD 11.03.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Fighting, Movies Face Of Crime) and Katharina Schüttler (Sophiiiie!) provide a moving portrayal of what happens when life plans crumble 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121493 2009 108min. and there is no way left to fulfil the needs of the people you Universal Studios 11.03.2014 love. Farscape: The Complete Season 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121535 Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Three - 15th Anniversary Edition German, Movies 100min. Wolfe Video 04.03.2014 (Blu-ray) The Flesh And Blood Show Candace Glendenning, Luan Peters, Judy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121199 Virginia Hey, Claudia Black, Ben Browder, Matheson, Jenny Hanley, Ray Brooks, Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe Free Ride The third season of Farscape explores the wonders, Robin Askwith - Dir. Pete Walker possibilities and dangers of the wormhole phenomenon more A group of young actors take a job with a mysterious Liana Liberato, Drea De Matteo, Anna completely than ever before. Through more ominous, adult- repertory company to improvise „The Flesh and Blood Show“. Paquin - Dir. Shana Betz themed tales, the series also peeks into the darker corners in Their rehearsal space is an abandoned pier where they will live and breathe the theater. But in between impromptu In search of a better life for her family and desperate to the minds of Moya’s crew. In particular, Farscape Season escape her tumultuous relationship, Christina (Anna Paquin) Three shows the dichotomy of John Crichton: from his outbursts of acting, some of the cast turns up missing while others turn up dead. There’s a maniac on the loose who’s out hastily moves to Florida and enters the dangerous world of volatile, passionate bond with Aeryn to his ability to at once the high-stakes underground drug scene. She quickly learns unite and divide the loyalties of the crew. As crew members for flesh and blood! Considered Pete Walker’s first true foray into the horror genre, Flesh and Blood Show (1972) is that dealing drugs at the height of South Florida’s smuggling embark on personal missions to deal with individual agendas, heyday has its price. As law enforcement closes in on Chri- the stories showcase smaller ensembles, allowing each considered one of the early prototypes for the slasher „body- count“ films that would follow. It’s a must-have for true horror stina and her drug operation, she must find a way to salvage character and relationship more room to grow. Before the the life she has desperately worked to repair before it all company reunites, lovers and friends are betrayed and family fans! Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher 1974 comes crashing down. ties are ripped asunder. Old enemies become allies and dear Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 friends are lost forever. Some critics have called Season 96min. 86min. Three the year Farscape matured into a „grown up show.“ Kino Video 18.03.2014 Others see it as the year its creators’ brilliance was thrown Phase 4 Films 25.03.2014 into overdrive. In any case, now’s your chance to enjoy the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121312 continuing adventures of the Moya’s crew in Blu-ray for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121679 unsurpassed video and audio quality. Aliens, Blu-ray, Science Fiction, Space, The Flesh And Blood Show (Blu- Fried Green Tomatoes (Blu-ray + Television 2001 1060min. ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) New Video DVD 11.03.2014 Candace Glendenning, Luan Peters, Judy Cicely Tyson, Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121503 Matheson, Jenny Hanley, Ray Brooks, Masterson, Jessica Tandy - Dir. Jon Avnet Robin Askwith - Dir. Pete Walker Unites Academy Award winners Kathy Bates and Jessica The Fifth Estate A group of young actors take a job with a mysterious Tandy in a comedy/drama about family, marriage, friendship, repertory company to improvise „The Flesh and Blood Show“. abuse and murder in rural . This heart-warming film is Benedict Cumberbatch, Carice Van Houten, Their rehearsal space is an abandoned pier where they will based on a novel by Fannie Flagg. Step back in time to the Daniel Bruhl - Dir. Bill Condon live and breathe the theater. But in between impromptu sleepy little Southern town of Whistle Stop. This Benedict Cumberbatch gives a brilliant performance as Julian outbursts of acting, some of the cast turns up missing while heartwarming tale depicts the strength of the human spirit Assange, the narcissistic, polarizing founder of WikiLeaks, in others turn up dead. There’s a maniac on the loose who’s out through laughter, devotion, and a special friendship that The Fifth Estate. This dramatic thriller, based on true events, for flesh and blood! Considered Pete Walker’s first true foray defies all obstacles. reveals the internet upstart’s quest to expose deception and into the horror genre, Flesh and Blood Show (1972) is Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Mid-Life corruption of power - turning them in to the 21st century’s considered one of the early prototypes for the slasher „body- most fiercely debated organization. After Assange and his count“ films that would follow. It’s a must-have for true horror Crisis, Movies, Tearjerkers 1991 137min. colleague Daniel Domscheit-Berg (Daniel Brühl) team up to fans! Universal Studios 04.03.2014 shine a light on the dark recesses of government secrets and Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher 1974 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121207 corporate crimes, they find themselves battling each other 96min. over whether the cost of exposing the truth to the public is too Kino Video 18.03.2014 high. Riveting, smart and thought-provoking, The Fifth Estate Frightmare 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121324 poses the ultimate question: „Hero or traitor?“ Sheila Keith, Rupert Davies Biography, Biopics, Drama, Movies, Thril- Years after being committed to an insane asylum for practicing lers 2013 128min. Flesh Of The Living cannibalism, a married couple (Rupert Davies and Sheila Disney / Buena Vista 28.01.2014 An apocalyptic solar storm bombards the Earth with high Keith) are let back into society... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121200 levels of radiation. Shortly after the fallout, dead corpses Cannibalism, Horror, Movies 1974 87min. begin re-animating as carnivorous, oozing, blood-thirsty, Kino Video 18.03.2014 flesh-eating Zombies. A rag-tag group of survivors battle their 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121314 The Fifth Estate (Blu-ray + DVD + way through hordes of Zombies in a desperate attempt to

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Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Movies (Gomorrah), this transporting experience from the brilliant Italian director Paolo Sorrentino (Il divo) is a breathtaking Fuzzy Tales: Snow White And min. Fellini-esque tale of decadence and lost love. The Seven Dwarf Bunnies New Line Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Snow White adopts seven adorable dwarf bunnies. She cooks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121415 Foreign, Italian, Movies 2013 141min. and cleans and loves her bunnies, but notices something Criterion 25.03.2014 strange - everyday there are more bunnies. She gets so tired Gordon Family Tree from cooking and cleaning for 42 bunnies that she has to lay 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121419 down for a rest. Just when she thinks she’s had enough, Richard Karn, Corbin Bernsen Prince Charming arrives and is smitten with her. He invites Drama, Family, Movies 107min. The Andy Griffith Show: The her to be princess of his veggie kingdom and to bring along all Monarch Home Video 25.03.2014 her bunnies - where there are plenty of vegetables for every- Complete First Season (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121461 bunny. Andy Griffith, Frances Bavier, Ron Animals & Nature, Children’s, Fairy Tales, Howard, Don Knotts Family, Movies min. Gravity (Blu-ray + DVD + Down-home humor and an endearing cast of characters helped Phase 4 Films 25.03.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) to make The Andy Griffith Show run for eight seasons in prime 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121680 time. Widower Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) divides his time , Ed Harris, Sandra Bullock between raising his young son, Opie (Ron Howard), and his - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron job as sheriff (and Justice of the Peace) of the sleepy North Garden State (Blu-ray) Gravity, directed by Oscar nominee Alfonso Cuaron, stars Carolina town, Mayberry. Andy and Opie live with Andy’s Natalie Portman, Zach Braff, Method Man, Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), who serves as a surrogate heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and mother to both father and son. Andy’s nervous cousin, Barney Peter Sarsgaard, Ian Holm - Dir. Zach Braff unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Fife (Don Knotts), is his deputy sheriff whose utter Writer/Director Zach Braff delivers „an Oscar®-worthy Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, incompetence is tolerated because Mayberry is virtually performance“ (CBS-TV Chicago) in this quirky coming-of-age with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (Clooney). But on a crime-free. So wet your whistle, grab your fishing pole and comedy that has been hailed as „the seminal film for today’s seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is take a trip back to Mayberry! generation“ (USA Today). Twentysomething, emotionally destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone. Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Family, detached Andrew „Large“ Largeman (Braff) returns home to New Jersey after nine long years.. Now, as he tries to re- 2014 Oscar Nominees, Blu-ray, Drama, Senior Interest, Television 1960 915min. connect with his past, a series of chance encounters with Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers Paramount Pictures 08.04.2014 Sam (Natalie Portman) - a free-spirited who’s everything he 2013 91min. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121217 isn’t - sets the stage for a fateful, mind-blowing take on what his future might hold. Co-starring Peter Sarsgaard, Ian Holm Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 and Method Man, Garden State is „hilarious“ (Rolling Stone). 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121561 Harry And The Hendersons (Blu- Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Movies, ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Romance 2004 95min. Gravity 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Kevin Peter Hill, Joshua Rudoy, Margaret 20th Century Fox 04.03.2014 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Langrick, Lainie Kazan, David Suchet, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121237 George Clooney, Ed Harris, Sandra Bullock Melinda Dillon, Don Ameche, John Lithgow - - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron Dir. William Dear Geography Club PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which John Lithgow takes adventure to new heights in this big- Cameron Deane Stewart, Justin Deeley, is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. laughs, big-hearted, big-footed comedy for the whole family! A A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all chance car accident introduces the Hendersons to the real- Meaghan Martin - Dir. Edmund Entin standard Blu-ray players Gravity, directed by Oscar nominee life Bigfoot, who is anything but a ferocious monster and 16-year old Russell is going on dates with girls while Alfonso Cuaron, stars Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and quickly becomes a true friend to the family. They’re soon in a nurturing a secret relationship with star quarterback Kevin, George Clooney in a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you race against the clock to return „Harry“ to his natural who will do anything to prevent his teammates from finding into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock environment before the authorities capture him. The fur will fly out. Min and Terese tell everyone that they’re just best plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first in this feel-good romp - an Oscar winner for Best Makeup - friends. And then there’s Ike, who can’t figure out who he is shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky the whole family will enjoy again and again! or who he wants to be. Finding the truth too hard to hide, they (Clooney). But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster Comedy, Family, Monsters, Movies 1987 decide to form a Geography Club, thinking nobody else would strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky want to join. However, their secrets may soon be discovered completely alone. 111min. and they could have to face the choice of revealing who they 2014 Oscar Nominees, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Universal Studios 04.03.2014 really are. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121212 Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, High Drama, Movies, Science Fiction, Space, School, Movies 2013 min. Thrillers 2013 91min. Breaking Glass Pictures 11.03.2014 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Heart Like A Wheel: 30th 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121444 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121562 Anniversary Edition Bonnie Bedelia, Beau Bridges - Dir. Girls, Gangsters & Zombies Gravity: Special Edition (DVD + Jonathan Kaplan Being a gangster is a dangerous profession, and even when UltraViolet) Bonnie Bedelia - in the triumphant performance that earned you’ve escaped the scene of your crime, you need a place to her a Golden Globe nomination as Best Actress - stars as hide out. Someplace out in the middle of nowhere where you George Clooney, Ed Harris, Sandra Bullock Shirley „Cha Cha“ Muldowney, the young wife and mother who can hide with your loot without worrying about running into - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron defied the sport of drag racing to become the only female top another living soul. Unfortunately, living souls aren’t the Gravity, directed by Oscar nominee Alfonso Cuaron, stars fuel champion in NHRA history. But before she could reach problem gorgeous mob girl Maki runs into when she and her Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a the record books, Shirley had to survive an abusive first boyfriend Akio double cross his bosses. Oh, their triple heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and marriage, her volatile love affair with fellow racer Connie crossing partners don’t make things easy, but the Maki’s real unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Kalitta (Beau Bridges of The Killing Time and Norma Rae), a dilemma begins when their hideout turns out to be infested Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, horrific accident, and a sexist world that tried to stand in the with the walking undead! And while cops and other gangsters with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (Clooney). But on a way of one remarkable woman who dared to put her heart on die when you shoot them, zombies just look at handguns and seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is the line. Anthony Edwards of ER co-stars in this Deluxe 25th laugh. Well, they would laugh if they had any vocal chords destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone. Anniversary Edition of the film Newsweek called „one of the left in their rotted throats and any brains in their heads. But 2014 Oscar Nominees, Drama, Movies, best American movies of the year,“ now packed with all-new while they can’t fix the vocal chords, they certainly know Bonus Materials featuring racing legends Shirley Muldowney, where brains (and other yummy body parts) are on the menu! Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers 2013 Don Garlits, Connie Kalitta and much more! A getaway for the weekend becomes a flesh feast of bloody 91min. Auto Racing, Drama, Movies 1982 113min. horror and the dish of the day is gangsters on the run with a Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 side of mob moll ala mode in Girls, Gangsters And Zombies! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121545 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121713 Drama, Gangs, Horror, Movies, Zombies 77min. Section23 Films 25.03.2014 The Great Beauty: The Criterion Here’s Lucy: The Complete 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121250 Collection Series Toni Servillo - Dir. Paolo Sorrentino Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Lucie Arnaz The Golden Compass / Inkheart For decades, journalist Jep Gambardella has and Lucy’s back for more love & laughter in her top 10 comedy hit! seduced his way through the glittering nightlife of Rome. The legendary queen of television comedy, Lucille Ball, is (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Since the legendary success of his only novel, he has been a joined by her real-life children, Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, permanent fixture in the city’s literary and elite social circles. Jr., in her third long-running success. Ball plays Kristin Scott Thomas, Dakota Blue Ri- But on his sixty-fifth birthday, Jep unexpectedly finds himself Lucille Carter, widowed mother of teenagers Kim and Craig. chards, Freddie Highmore, Eva Green, Sam taking stock of his life, turning his cutting wit on himself and Lucy works for her brother-in-law Harry, played by Gale Elliott, Ian McShane, Daniel Craig, Kathy his contemporaries, and looking past the lavish nightclubs, Gordon, who owns Carter’s Unique Employment Agency, parties, and cafés to find Rome itself, in all its monumental leading Lucy into endless predicaments and hilarious hijinks. Bates, Ian McKellen, Nicole Kidman - Dir. glory: a timeless landscape of absurd, exquisite beauty. The Complete Series of Here’s Lucy (1968-74, CBS-TV) Chris Weitz Featuring sensuous cinematography, a lush score, and an gathers all 144 uncut and digitally remastered episodes Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, award-winning central performance by the great Toni Servillo together for the first time and features a wealth of special

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 64 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA features including vintage television appearances, interviews, Horror, Movies 2013 100min. Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence returns as Katniss behind-the-scenes featurettes, and much much more! Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 Everdeen in this thrilling second adventure from The Hunger Boxed Sets, CBS, Comedy, On The Job, Games saga. Against all odds, Katniss and fellow tribute, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121272 Peeta, have returned home after surviving the games. Winning Television 4320min. means they must turn around, leaving their loved ones behind, MPI 25.03.2014 and embark on a Victory Tour through the districts. Along the 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121422 House Rules For Bad Girls way, Katniss senses a rebellion simmering - one that she and Jay Hayden, Ami Dolenz, Nick Chinlund Peeta may have sparked. At the end of the Victory Tour, Becca has just arrived back to New Hope (a girls ranch) to President Snow announces a deadly 75th Hunger Games Home find that there is a new set of rules she is going to need to (Quarter Quell) that could change Panem forever. Tawny Cypress, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Danny follow. Action, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Fighting, Hoch, Victor Williams, James McDaniel, Joe Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2009 90min. In The Future..., Movies, Science Fiction, Morton Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 Thrillers 2013 146min. Jack Hall has suffered from mental illness for over a dozen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121273 Lionsgate 07.03.2014 years and over that period has been in and out of hospitals 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121730 and jail. Now successfully holding on to a steady job, he is ready to move out of his group home and into an apartment of Hugo / Spiderwick Chronicles / his own - all leading him towards the dream of reconnecting Inkheart (Triple Feature) The Hungover Games with his estranged son. While this would seem to be a simple goal for most, for Jack the stakes are no less than life or Chloe Grace Moretz, Sacha Baron Cohen, Tara Reid, Robert Wagner - Dir. Josh death. This time whatever it takes, more than anything else, Emily Mortimer, Ray Winstone, Jude Law, Stolberg Jack needs to find his home. - Dir. Martin Scorsese After Doug’s bachelor party in a rundown motel outside of Las Drama, Mental Illness, Movies 2013 112min. Vegas, our hung-over partiers, Bradley, Ed, and Zach wake Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, Family, E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 up in a strange room in an even stranger world - without Fantasy, Movies, Mystery, Triple Feature Doug. After meeting the spoiled and immature Effing and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121593 gruff, alcoholic Justmitch, our heroes put the pieces together min. and realize they are on a train headed for the deadly Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Hungover Games. It’s a fight for survival in the Arena as our Homefront 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121602 guys go toe to toe against various Pop Culture Districts, Kate Bosworth, James Franco, Jason including The District, The Middle Earth District, Statham, Winona Ryder - Dir. Gary Fleder the Puppet District, and the Johnny Depp District. Will Hugo / Willy Wonka & The Bradley, Ed, and Zach find Doug and get him back for the Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder and Kate wedding? Bosworth star in this action-packed thriller about how far one Chocolate Factory (Double Fea- man will go to protect his family. Widowed ex-DEA agent Phil Comedy, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 2014 Broker (Statham) retires to a quiet Southern town with his 10- ture) (Blu-ray) 85min. year-old daughter and discovers that the idyllic setting is Dodo Denney, Julie Dawn Cole, Roy Sony Pictures Home Entertainment riddled with drugs and violence. When a riveting chain of events forces him to face off with psychotic local drug lord Kinnear, Jack Albertson, Jude Law, Paris 04.02.2014 Gator Bodine (Franco), Broker must retaliate using the Themmen, Leonard Stone, Peter Ostrum, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121301 fearsome skills he hoped to keep in his past. From Denise Nickerson, Gene Wilder, Ben screenwriter Sylvester Stallone, Homefront is „an absolute blast! A thrill ride from start to finish!“ (Chris Parente, FOX- Kingsley, Ray Winstone, Emily Mortimer, The Hungover Games (Blu-ray) TV) Sacha Baron Cohen, Chloe Grace Moretz - Tara Reid, Robert Wagner - Dir. Josh Action, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Movies, Dir. Martin Scorsese, Mel Stuart Stolberg Thrillers 2013 100min. Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Double After Doug’s bachelor party in a rundown motel outside of Las Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Features, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Food & Vegas, our hung-over partiers, Bradley, Ed, and Zach wake up in a strange room in an even stranger world - without 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121519 Cooking, Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction Doug. After meeting the spoiled and immature Effing and the min. gruff, alcoholic Justmitch, our heroes put the pieces together Homefront (Blu-ray + DVD + Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 and realize they are on a train headed for the deadly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121414 Hungover Games. It’s a fight for survival in the Arena as our UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) guys go toe to toe against various Pop Culture Districts, Kate Bosworth, James Franco, Jason including The Superhero District, The Middle Earth District, The Hunger Games: Catching the Puppet District, and the Johnny Depp District. Will Statham, Winona Ryder - Dir. Gary Fleder Bradley, Ed, and Zach find Doug and get him back for the Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder and Kate Fire (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) wedding? Bosworth star in this action-packed thriller about how far one (Blu-ray) Comedy, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 2014 man will go to protect his family. Widowed ex-DEA agent Phil 85min. Broker (Statham) retires to a quiet Southern town with his 10- Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment year-old daughter and discovers that the idyllic setting is Jeffrey Wright, Lenny Kravitz, Elizabeth riddled with drugs and violence. When a riveting chain of 04.02.2014 Banks, Jena Malone, Philip Seymour events forces him to face off with psychotic local drug lord 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121321 Gator Bodine (Franco), Broker must retaliate using the Hoffman, Stanley Tucci, Amanda Plummer, fearsome skills he hoped to keep in his past. From Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Liam screenwriter Sylvester Stallone, Homefront is „an absolute I Love Lucy: The Ultimate Season blast! A thrill ride from start to finish!“ (Chris Parente, FOX- Hemsworth, Sam Claflin - Dir. Francis TV) Lawrence One (Blu-ray) Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence returns as Katniss Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Lucille Ball, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. Everdeen in this thrilling second adventure from The Hunger Games saga. Against all odds, Katniss and fellow tribute, Desi Arnaz Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Peeta, have returned home after surviving the games. Winning There’s more to love on Blu-ray! You’ve loved and laughed at 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121529 means they must turn around, leaving their loved ones behind, Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel for years - but you’ve never seen and embark on a Victory Tour through the districts. Along the I Love Lucy like this on glorious high-definition Blu-ray. way, Katniss senses a rebellion simmering - one that she and Classics, Comedy, Senior Interest, Televisi- The Horde (Blu-ray) Peeta may have sparked. At the end of the Victory Tour, on 1951 908min. Fedot Lvov, Alexei Yegorov, Vitaly Khaev, President Snow announces a deadly 75th Hunger Games Paramount Pictures 08.04.2014 Alexander Yatsenko, Roza Khairullina, (Quarter Quell) that could change Panem forever. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121218 Maxim Sukhanov - Dir. Andrei Proshkin Fighting, In The Future..., Movies, Science Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Fiction, Thrillers 2013 146min. In Fear History & Events, Movies, Russian 2012 Lionsgate 07.03.2014 Iain De Caestecker, Alice Englert, Allen 129min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121649 Leech E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 85min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121597 The Hunger Games: Catching Starz / Anchor Bay 11.03.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121264 The Hospital Fire (DVD + UltraViolet) Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, John Dugan In Fear (Blu-ray) Old St. Leopold’s Hospital has many urban legends Jeffrey Wright, Lenny Kravitz, Elizabeth surrounding it, but the residents of Bridgeport all agree on Banks, Jena Malone, Philip Seymour Iain De Caestecker, Alice Englert, Allen one thing: tortured souls roam its abandoned halls. The Leech mystery proves too much for a pretty young student who Hoffman, Stanley Tucci, Amanda Plummer, decides to investigate for her senior class project. Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Liam Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 85min. Unfortunately, she does not find ghosts. She, instead, finds Hemsworth, Sam Claflin - Dir. Francis Starz / Anchor Bay 11.03.2014 Stanley... serial rapist, murderer, and psychopath. Lawrence 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121282

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Action, Crime, Movies, Prison 2011 93min. Brely Evans, Denise Boutte, Lavell In The Name Of The King 3: The Image Ent. 11.03.2014 Crawford - Dir. Roger Melvin 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121336 Tina seems to have it all - a great guy, beautiful house and her Last Mission own business empire. But when her business manager looses Bashar Rahal, Dominic Purcell - Dir. Uwe it all, Tina is forced to reprioritize her life to figure out a way Inside Out (Blu-ray) out of her financial mess. When she turns to her ex-boyfriend Boll for help, her current man feels threatened and Tina has to Dominic Purcell (TV’s Prison Break) transforms from modern- Triple H, Parker Posey, Michael Rapaport, make a decision: should she make her next move for love, or day hitman to medieval warrior in this action-packed Bruce Dern, Michael Cudlitz, Julie White - money? adventure inspired by the best-selling Dungeon Siege video game series. Contract killer Hazen Kaine (Purcell) is Dir. Artie Mandelberg Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 determined to quit the business after carrying out one last job Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Prison 2011 80min. involving a European royal family. But the mission takes an 93min. E1 Entertainment 04.03.2014 epic turn when Kaine finds himself transported back to the Middle Ages through a priceless heirloom worn by one of the Image Ent. 11.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121589 family members. Now he must fight a vast army-and a fire- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121355 breathing dragon-in an all-out battle for survival! Je’Caryous Johnson’s Men, Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Interior. Leather Bar. Movies, Time Travel 2014 86min. Money And Gold Diggers James Franco - Dir. James Franco 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 Omar Gooding - Dir. Roger Melvin Inspired by the mythology surrounding the highly Caleb Peterson has it all - a great job, plenty of money, and a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121627 controversial 1980 film, Cruising, starring Al Pacino - in fine fiancee in former model Paisley Terrell. They’re all set to which, 40 minutes of sexually explicit material was forced to get married just as soon as she signs a prenuptial agreement, In The Name Of The King 3: The be cut out - filmmakers James Franco and Travis Mathews set but there’s just one problem - Paisley don’t do pre-nups! As out to re-imagine the lost footage. Assembling a mix of gay and war wages and trusts start to crumble, it turns into an all-out Last Mission (Blu-ray) straight men, including Val Lauren (The Salton Sea, Live from battle between Men, Money, and Gold Diggers. Baghdad) in the lead role, the result is a provocative Bashar Rahal, Dominic Purcell - Dir. Uwe exploration of the importance of the radical and transgressive Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Boll in society and the value of engaging with the unfamiliar. 75min. Dominic Purcell (TV’s Prison Break) transforms from modern- Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 day hitman to medieval warrior in this action-packed 2013 60min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121752 adventure inspired by the best-selling Dungeon Siege video game series. Contract killer Hazen Kaine (Purcell) is Strand Releasing 15.04.2014 determined to quit the business after carrying out one last job 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121711 The Jesus Film involving a European royal family. But the mission takes an epic turn when Kaine finds himself transported back to the Lindsey Wholey, Brandon Gilberstadt, Brian Middle Ages through a priceless heirloom worn by one of the Intolerable Cruelty (Blu-ray + Deacon - Dir. Peter Sykes, John Kirsch, family members. Now he must fight a vast army-and a fire- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) John Schmidt breathing dragon-in an all-out battle for survival! Based on the Gospel of Luke, the film starts with the Birth of Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Cedric The Entertainer, Richard Jenkins, Christ and follows his journey through pivotal events such as Fantasy, Movies, Time Travel 2014 86min. Edward Herrmann, , known miracles (healing, sharing of the fish), 40 days in the George Clooney, Geoffrey Rush - Dir. Joel desert, conflict with government/religious leaders and the 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 betrayal by Judas. Inevitably leading to the Crucifixion, its 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121635 Coen impact on his disciples and his miraculous rise thereafter. It’s comic gold as two of Hollywood’s most dazzling stars - George Clooney and Academy Award-winner Catherine Zeta- Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 1979 Insane Jones - light up the screen in Intolerable Cruelty, a hilarious 128min. From the film team that brought us the cult horror classic - romantic comedy about men, women, and everything that can Vivendi Visual Entertainment 01.04.2014 Evil Ed. Sarah is on a search for her sister who disappeared go wrong between them. Sparks fly when brilliant divorce 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121467 2 weeks ago on her way to a music festival. It’s the middle of attorney Miles Massey (Clooney) meets his match in the the night so she decides to find the closest hotel. The hotel beautiful but ruthless Marylin Rexroth (Zeta-Jones). From seems deserted but the night clerk is very hospitable and Academy Award-winning directors Joel Coen and Ethan Coen The Jesus Film (Blu-ray) accommodations are clean and affordable. But for Sarah the (Fargo; O Brother Where Art Thou), Intolerable Cruelty) also terror is just about to begin... stars multi-talented Billy Bob Thornton and outrageous Cedric Lindsey Wholey, Brandon Gilberstadt, Brian Horror, Movies 2011 87min. the Entertainer. Deacon - Dir. Peter Sykes, John Kirsch, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Dark Music Video Distribution 18.03.2014 John Schmidt Comedy, Drama, High School, Movies, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121683 Based on the Gospel of Luke, the film starts with the Birth of Romance 2003 100min. Christ and follows his journey through pivotal events such as Universal Studios 04.03.2014 known miracles (healing, sharing of the fish), 40 days in the Inside Llewyn Davis (Blu-ray + desert, conflict with government/religious leaders and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121208 betrayal by Judas. Inevitably leading to the Crucifixion, its UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) impact on his disciples and his miraculous rise thereafter. Adam Driver, Alex Karpovsky, Oscar Isaac, Iron Sky: Director’s Cut (Blu-ray + Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 1979 min. Carey Mulligan, Garrett Hedlund, Justin DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Timberlake, John Goodman, F. Murray Abra- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 01.04.2014 Michael Cullen, Stephanie Paul, Peta Ser- ham - Dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121482 An aspiring singer-songwriter navigates the 1960s folk-music geant, Christopher Kirby, Julia Dietze, Gotz scene in New York City’s Greenwich Village. Otto, Tilo Pruckner, Udo Kier - Dir. Timo Joe Kidd (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Drama, Movies, Music 2013 104min. Vuorensola Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, (Blu-ray) 18.03.2014 Comedy, Foreign, German, Movies, Science John Saxon, Robert Duvall, Clint Eastwood, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121666 Fiction, Space 2012 93min. James Wainwright, Stella Garcia, Don E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 Stroud - Dir. John Sturges Joe Kidd, which concerns a land war in New Mexico at the Inside Llewyn Davis (DVD + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121630 turn of the century, marks Clint Eastwood at the top of his form UltraViolet) as a western hero. Filmed in 1971, the classic backdrop of the Jarhead / The Kingdom / Green High Sierras, the top-notch acting skills of Robert Duvall and Adam Driver, Alex Karpovsky, Oscar Isaac, the rugged Eastwood as a „hired gun“ who takes action based Carey Mulligan, Garrett Hedlund, Justin Zone / Spy Game on his own particular sense of justice. And like a very classic western, it has gunfights, conflicts, and a slam-bang finale Timberlake, John Goodman, F. Murray Abra- Khalid Abdalla, Amy Ryan, Jason Isaacs, which has a locomotive being driven through a saloon where ham - Dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Jake Gyllenhaal, Brendan Gleeson, Stellan the bad guys are hiding. An aspiring singer-songwriter navigates the 1960s folk-music Skarsgard, Matt Damon, Chris Cooper, Movies, Western 1972 88min. scene in New York City’s Greenwich Village. Jamie Foxx, Greg Kinnear, Lucas Black - Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Drama, Movies, Music 2013 104min. Dir. Sam Mendes, Paul Greengrass 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121701 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Action, Collections, Drama, Military, Movies, 18.03.2014 Thrillers, War, War In The Middle East min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121657 Journey To The Center Of the Universal Studios 04.03.2014 Earth / Journey 2: The Mysterious 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121549 Inside Out Island (Double Feature) Triple H, Parker Posey, Michael Rapaport, Je’Caryous Johnson’s For Love Vanessa Hudgens, Josh Hutcherson, Bruce Dern, Michael Cudlitz, Julie White - Kristin Davis, Luis Guzman, - Dir. Artie Mandelberg Or Money Dir. Brad Peyton

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Action, Adventure, Comedy, Double Fea- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment season of Knight Rider blasts onto DVD! Buckle up with lone crusader Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) and his tricked- tures, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Science 18.03.2014 out sidekick, K.I.T.T., in all 21 digitally remastered high- Fiction min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121726 octane episodes. From ancient terrorist cults to a deadly New Line Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 bacteria outbreak, Michael and K.I.T.T. are there to put the skids on evildoers wherever they may be. Available on DVD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121399 King Kong Escapes (Blu-ray) for the first time ever, Knight Rider: Season Four includes a Akira Takarada, Rhodes Reason, Mie Hama, special great ’80s TV flashback featurette that takes a fun Journey To The Center Of the look back at television’s greatest decade, the eighties. With Linda Miller - Dir. Ishiro Honda electrifying guest performances by Janine Turner, Lance Earth / Journey 2: The Mysterious It’s King Kong to the rescue when a giant robot threatens to Burton, Shelly Berman and more, you won’t want to miss a destroy Tokyo in the gripping King Kong Escapes! The action minute of the thrilling action! Island (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) begins when the conniving Dr. Who builds a robot Kong in order to retrieve a highly radioactive element for his Action, & Motorcycles, Crime, Vanessa Hudgens, Josh Hutcherson, mysterious benefactor, Madame X. When the robot proves Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 1985 Kristin Davis, Luis Guzman, Michael Caine - less than reliable, the devious duo scheme to kidnap the real min. Dir. Brad Peyton Kong from his remote island home of Mondo. But interfering with their plans are the heroic trio of U.S. Cmdr. Carl Nelson, Universal Studios 08.04.2014 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Doub- Lt. Jiro Nomura, and Kong’s current crush, Lt. Susan Miller. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121523 le Features, Family, Fantasy, Movies, It’s up to them to outwit the greedy ape-nappers in this sci-fi Science Fiction min. adventure that takes Kong to unprecedented heights of Knight Rider: Season Three New Line Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 excitement. Action, Blu-ray, Giant Monsters!, King Kong 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121416 (Repackage) (And Other Large Primates), Movies, David Hasselhoff Science Fiction 1967 96min. Gear up for the unbelievable adventure as Knight Rider: The Junk Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Complete Third Season arrives on DVD for the first time. Join Jake Johnson, Kevin Hamedani, Brett mysterious lone crusader Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121702 and his tricked-out sidekick K.I.T.T., as they rev into action in Davern all 21 adrenaline-pumping Third Season episodes. From high- Kaveh and Raul are two B-movie co-writers who have King Kong Vs. Godzilla (Blu-ray) tech street racers to K.I.T.T.’s evil twin, K.A.R.R., there’s no suffered a bitter falling out. Kaveh’s lost his girlfriend, and one these two won’t battle in order to bring justice to the spends his days getting high in his apartment, while Raul is Ichiro Arishma, Kenji Sahara, Tadao treacherous streets. Including an exciting bonus preview off studying at Columbia University. But when one of their Takashima, Harry Holcombe, Michael Keith - episode from Knight Rider: The Complete Fourth Season, it’s films (Islama-rama 2) is accepted by a film festival, the two pedal-to-the-metal thrills for fans everywhere! ex-friends are forced to tentatively re-connect in order to Dir. Thomas Montgomery pitch their script to the mysterious producer, Yukio Tai The two mightiest monsters of all time battle in the thrilling Action, Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Cult (James Hong). Along the way, they will have to brave brutish adventure classic, King Kong vs. Godzilla. When an Film / TV, Science Fiction, Television 1985 bodyguards, cutthroat colleagues, inept agents, romantic underhanded pharmaceutical company goes to a remote 1067min. entanglements, prima donna actors, and the trials of their own tropical island to steal King Kong for advertising purposes, bitter friendship.. they get more than they bargained for when the gigantic ape Universal Studios 08.04.2014 Comedy, Movies, Stoners 104min. attacks an unsuspecting village and an enormous octopus. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121522 Meanwhile, far below the sea, a submarine crew unleashes Breaking Glass Pictures 11.03.2014 reptilian terror when they melt a block of ice and release the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121445 ferocious Godzilla from his icy lair. When both destructive Knight Rider: Season Two monsters descend on Tokyo, it’s a fight that holds the future of (Repackage) mankind in the balance in this knock-out film that was the first Key & Peele: Season One & Two theatrical release to bring its larger-than-life contenders to David Hasselhoff Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key the big screen in glorious color. Get ready for more explosive, edge-of-your-seat adventure in Critically Acclaimed Key & Peele: Seasons 1 & 2 give Action, Blu-ray, Giant Monsters!, King Kong all 21 Second Season episodes of television’s hottest crime viewers no choice but to laugh again at their hilarious way of (And Other Large Primates), Movies, show, Knight Rider. Ride shotgun with mysterious examining life in a provocative and irreverent way, through a crimefighter Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) and the combination of filmed sketches and live stage segments. From Science Fiction 1962 91min. baddest car on four wheels, K.I.T.T., as they chase more gangsters sharing a passion for Twilight, to Ice-T as a Universal Studios 01.04.2014 elusive criminals in each action-packed episode. Available on naughty puppy, or racist super heroes, Key & Peele 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121703 DVD for the first time ever, the heart-pounding Second showcases their chemistry, camaraderie and unique point of Season of Knight Rider packs in even more thrills and more view, born from their shared background and experiences high-speed chases. It’s full-throttle excitement with Michael growing up biracial in a not quite post-racial world. The King Of Comedy: 30th Knight and K.I.T.T. in the action series that left all others in Comedy, Comedy Central, Sketch Comedy, the dust. Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Action, Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Television 396min. Robert De Niro, Tony Randall, Sandra Bern- Science Fiction, Television 391min. Comedy Central 25.03.2014 hard, Jerry Lewis - Dir. Martin Scorsese Universal Studios 08.04.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121221 Robert De Niro, Jerry Lewis, and Sandra Bernhard light up 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121521 the screen in this unforgettable film by Martin Scorsese. A Key & Peele: Season One & Two funny thing happens to talk show host Jerry Langford (Lewis) on his way to the studio.... kidnapped by stand up comedian Knights Of Badassdom (Blu-ray) Rupert Pupkin (De Niro) and his wacky sidekick (Bernhard), Langford is forced to give Pupkin a shot at the big time by Ryan Kwanten, Peter Dinklage, Steve Zahn Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key allowing the struggling comic to perform his routine on - Dir. Joe Lynch Critically Acclaimed Key & Peele: Seasons 1 & 2 give Langford’s show. What unfolds is an incredibly funny and A group of costumed Live Action Role Players, dressed as viewers no choice but to laugh again at their hilarious way of poignant story about the darker side of comedy. knights, elves and other medieval characters, take to the examining life in a provocative and irreverent way, through a Comedy, Drama, Movies 1983 109min. woods for The Battle of Evermore. But when a make-believe combination of filmed sketches and live stage segments. From wizard casts a spell from an ancient book, purchased on gangsters sharing a passion for Twilight, to Ice-T as a 20th Century Fox 25.03.2014 eBay, fantasy becomes reality as a powerful demon manifests naughty puppy, or racist super heroes, Key & Peele 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121729 itself. Can these pretend warriors muster the courage to save showcases their chemistry, camaraderie and unique point of themselves and the rest of humanity? view, born from their shared background and experiences Adventure, Comedy, Devils And Demons, growing up biracial in a not quite post-racial world. Kingdom Of Conquerors (DVD + Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2013 86min. Comedy, Comedy Central, Sketch Comedy, UltraViolet) Television 396min. E1 Entertainment 01.04.2014 Shaoqun Yu, Geng Le - Dir. Wang Ping 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121748 Comedy Central 25.03.2014 In the early 13th century, when all the nomadic clans of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121235 Mongolia were at war, one man was able to conquer them all and unite them under one banner: his own. Genghis Khan, Knights Of Badassdom (Blu-ray) known for his ruthlessness and barbarism, built an empire that Kill Your Darlings (Blu-ray + DVD covered nearly all of Asia and cemented his place as one of Ryan Kwanten, Peter Dinklage, Steve Zahn Combo) (Blu-ray) history’s greatest emperors. Inspired by historical events, - Dir. Joe Lynch witness the rise of the Mongolian Empire. A group of costumed Live Action Role Players, dressed as Dane DeHaan, Elizabeth Olsen, Jack Action, Martial Arts, Movies 100min. knights, elves and other medieval characters, take to the Huston, Michael C. Hall, David Cross, Dani- woods for The Battle of Evermore. But when a make-believe Lionsgate 18.03.2014 wizard casts a spell from an ancient book, purchased on el Radcliffe, Kyra Sedgwick, Ben Foster, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121294 eBay, fantasy becomes reality as a powerful demon manifests Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir. John Krokidas itself. Can these pretend warriors muster the courage to save A murder in 1944 draws together the great poets of the beat themselves and the rest of humanity? generation: Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and William Knight Rider: Season Four Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Devils And Burroughs. (Repackage) Demons, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2013 Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Patricia McPherson, Edward Mulhare, David 86min. Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Romance, Hasselhoff, William Daniels E1 Entertainment 01.04.2014 Thrillers 2013 103min. Adventure goes into overdrive as the amped fourth and final 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121759

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Missi Pyle, David Kelley, Helena Bonham newly restored and remastered for optimal picture and sound quality! Plus, you’ll discover where the Little House on the Knucklehead Carter, Johnny Depp, Christopher Lee, Prairie TV legend began - with the original, full-length , Mark Feuerstein, Melora Hardin, Noah Taylor - Dir. Tim Burton movie that introduced the Ingalls family to millions of viewers Double Features, Family, Movies, Science around the world. Relive all the heartwarming adventures Dennis Farina - Dir. Michael W. Watkins from season one - from the arrival of Charles Ingalls and his Comedy, Movies, Sports, Sports Fiction 223min. family in Walnut Grove, through the building of a new home Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting 2010 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 and friendships, to battling for their lives against a vicious 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121401 blizzard - in this ultimate collectible for Little House on the min. Prairie fans! Image Ent. 11.03.2014 Drama, Family, Historical / Period Piece, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121337 Let’s Play Ball Collection History & Events, Romance, Television, James Wilson, Samantha Burton, Cole Western 1260min. Knucklehead (Blu-ray) Evans Weiss, Brett Kelly, Greg Germann, Lionsgate 25.03.2014 Big Show, Mark Feuerstein, Melora Hardin, James Earl Jones - Dir. David M. Evans 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121644 Dennis Farina - Dir. Michael W. Watkins Baseball, Collections, Comedy, Family, Comedy, Movies, Sports, Sports Movies, Sports min. The Little Rascals Save The Day 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting 2010 Valerie Azlynn, Doris Roberts, Greg Ger- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121511 min. mann - Dir. Alex Zamm Image Ent. 11.03.2014 The Little Rascals are back in an all-new movie! Join the fun 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121356 Jet Li’s Fearless / Unleashed / with Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat, Petey the dog and the whole gang as they are up to their usual mischief! The Smokin’ Aces / Assault On Rascals try anything to raise the money needed to save their Laverne & Shirley: The Eighth Precinct 13 grandma’s (Doris Roberts) bakery. The only trouble is - they just can’t seem to do anything right! From botched pet washes And Final Season Nakamura Shidou, Jaclyn Tze Wey, to terrible taxi service, they can’t raise a penny. Their only Penny Marshall, Cindy Williams Puthirith Chou, Tony Theng, Owen Lay, hope is to win prize money from the local talent show - but The final season of the half-hour situation comedy focused on Dylan Brown, Nathan Jones, Collin Chou, have you ever heard Alfalfa sing? Comedy, Movies 2014 98min. brassy, tough-talking, street smart Laverne De Fazio who, Jet Li, Bob Hoskins, Morgan Freeman, Sun along with her family and friends, continued to pursue making Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Li, Dong Yong, Harada Masato - Dir. Ronny all her dreams come true. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121641 Classics, Comedy, Family, Friendships, Yu, Louis Leterrier Television 1982 min. Action, Chinese, Collections, Foreign, Paramount Pictures 06.05.2014 Martial Arts, Movies, Swordfighting min. The Little Rascals Save The Day 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121688 Universal Studios 04.03.2014 (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121550 ray) Legendary Valerie Azlynn, Doris Roberts, Greg Ger- John Cena, Patricia Clarkson, Danny Little Big Horn mann - Dir. Alex Zamm Glover, Devon Graye, Madeleine Martin - Reed Hadley, Jim Davis, Marie Windsor, The Little Rascals are back in an all-new movie! Join the fun with Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat, Petey the dog and the Dir. Mel Damski Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland - Dir. Charles whole gang as they are up to their usual mischief! The In the small town of Sallisaw, Oklahoma, the Chetley name is Marquis Warren Rascals try anything to raise the money needed to save their synonymous with victory. This inspirational tale of a young Vivendi Visual Entertainment, Movies, Nati- grandma’s (Doris Roberts) bakery. The only trouble is - they man’s dream to reunite his family through amateur wrestling is just can’t seem to do anything right! From botched pet washes as triumphant as it is profoundly touching. WWE Superstar ve Americans, Western 1951 88min. to terrible taxi service, they can’t raise a penny. Their only John Cena (The Marine) is Mike Chetley, a former high Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.01.2012 hope is to win prize money from the local talent show - but school and collegiate champion estranged from his family. have you ever heard Alfalfa sing? Things change when his awkward, undersized, younger tba BestellNr.: 40121479 brother Cal (Devon Graye, Dexter) comes back into his life Comedy, Movies 2014 98min. with a plan to unify Mike and their widowed mother Sharon Little House On The Prairie: Universal Studios 01.04.2014 (Academy Award® Nominated Patricia Clarkson, The Green 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121648 Mile), but not without major setbacks. With the guidance of Season 1 - Deluxe Edition (Blu- Red (Danny Glover, Lethal Weapon), Cal learns that winning against all odds is worth more then he could have ever ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lizzie Borden Took An Ax imagined. Lindsay Greenbrush, Sidney Greenbush, Billy Campbell, Clea DuVall, Christina Ricci - Drama, Movies, Sports, Wrestling & Fighting Melissa Sue Anderson, Melissa Gilbert, Dir. Nick Gomez 2010 107min. Karen Grassle, Michael Landon - Dir. Mi- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Drama, Image Ent. 11.03.2014 chael Landon, Lewis Allen, Victor French, Movies, Mystery, TV Movies 2014 91min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121338 William F. Claxton Sony Pictures Home Entertainment For the first time since their original TV broadcast, all 24 08.04.2014 Legendary (Blu-ray) season one episodes are now presented complete and uncut, newly restored and remastered for optimal picture and sound 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121754 John Cena, Patricia Clarkson, Danny quality! Plus, you’ll discover where the Little House on the Glover, Devon Graye, Madeleine Martin - Prairie TV legend began - with the original, full-length pilot Longmire: The Complete Second Dir. Mel Damski movie that introduced the Ingalls family to millions of viewers around the world. Relive all the heartwarming adventures Season In the small town of Sallisaw, Oklahoma, the Chetley name is from season one - from the arrival of Charles Ingalls and his synonymous with victory. This inspirational tale of a young family in Walnut Grove, through the building of a new home Cassidy Freeman, Katee Sackhoff, Bailey man’s dream to reunite his family through amateur wrestling is and friendships, to battling for their lives against a vicious as triumphant as it is profoundly touching. WWE Superstar Chase, Robert Taylor, Lou Diamond Phillips blizzard - in this ultimate collectible for Little House on the Big Sky Drama Longmire is back with more murder, secrets John Cena (The Marine) is Mike Chetley, a former high Prairie fans! school and collegiate champion estranged from his family. and betrayals from Absaroka County, Wyoming. Season Two Things change when his awkward, undersized, younger Drama, Family, Historical / Period Piece, finds reluctant hero Sheriff Walt Longmire back in the saddle brother Cal (Devon Graye, Dexter) comes back into his life History & Events, Romance, Television, and dedicated to serving his community after coming to terms with a plan to unify Mike and their widowed mother Sharon Western 1260min. with the devastating loss of his wife. But storm clouds are (Academy Award® Nominated Patricia Clarkson, The Green brewing... Walt’s reign as Sheriff hangs in the balance as he Mile), but not without major setbacks. With the guidance of Lionsgate 25.03.2014 fights for re-election against rival (and his own deputy) Red (Danny Glover, Lethal Weapon), Cal learns that winning 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121650 Branch Connally. Walt’s right hand deputy, Vic Moretti, is against all odds is worth more then he could have ever visited by the ghost of a past she’d rather forget. Walt’s imagined. daughter Cady searches for answers about her mother’s Little House On The Prairie: murder, while Walt’s possible connection to the death of his Drama, Movies, Sports, Wrestling & Fighting wife’s killer threatens to sweep his loyal friend Henry 2010 107min. Season 1 - Deluxe Edition (DVD + Standing Bear into the mix. As the open skies darken and the Image Ent. 11.03.2014 UltraViolet) winds kick up, Walt and his deputies plunge head first into the storm - confronting the question: how will each react when 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121357 Lindsay Greenbrush, Sidney Greenbush, it hits? Melissa Sue Anderson, Melissa Gilbert, A&E, Drama, Television, Western 2013 min. Lemony Snicket’s / Charlie And Karen Grassle, Michael Landon - Dir. Mi- Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 The Chocolate Factory (Double chael Landon, Lewis Allen, Victor French, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121735 Feature) William F. Claxton For the first time since their original TV broadcast, all 24 The Lost Future (Blu-ray) Deep Roy, Freddie Highmore, James Fox, season one episodes are now presented complete and uncut,

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Sean Bean, Eleanor Tomlinson, Sam Claflin, Anne Crawford, Donald Sinden, Glynis fashioned this finely detailed, ahead-of-its-time examination of domestic life. In this heartfelt story of a housewife who, with Annabelle Wallis, Corey Sevier - Dir. Mikael Johns - Dir. Ralph Thomas the help of a wily nanny, turns the tables on her tyrannical Salomon Mad About Men is a sequel to the innovative little British husband, Dreyer finds lightness and humor; its a deft comedy In a world of jungles, deserts and primeval wastelands, an comedy Miranda. That film was about a mermaid coming out of of revenge that was an enormous box-office success and is isolated tribe of post-apocalyptic survivors fights to stay water and befriending every male she met. This picks up some considered an early example of feminism on-screen. alive. But when a race of genetically mutated, infectious time after with Glynis Johns reprising her role not only as Constructed with the director’s customary meticulousness and beasts attacks their small village, Amal (Game of Thrones star Miranda but also as stuffy teacher Caroline going to Cornwall stirring sense of justice, Master of the House is a jewel of Sean Bean), a mysterious forest warrior, must lead the tribe to sell her house so she can marry snooty Peter Martyn. silent cinema. in battle in order to save the human race. Comedy, Fantasy, Movies 1954 90min. Criterion Collection, Danish, Drama, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, In Vivendi Visual Entertainment 08.04.2014 Foreign, Movies, Silent Film 1925 107min. The Future..., Movies, Science Fiction 2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121474 Criterion 22.04.2014 91min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121660 E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 Mako Mermaids: An H2O 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121595 Adventure - Island Of Secrets Master Of The House: The Splash into the sequel to H2O: Just Add Water with 13 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + Lost Islands episodes of Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure Season 1. The Levis are a large, fun-loving family in early 1980s . Real-life mermaids Sirena, Nixie and Lyla are part of a DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) The father advises his children every day on the importance mermaid pod, living in the waters off Mako Island. Their job is Astrid Holm - Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer of fulfilling their dreams, while his wife preaches absolute to protect the Moon Pool and guard it from trespassers, but on the night of a full moon, the mischievous mermaid girls neglect Before he got up close and personal with Joan of Arc, the family loyalty. Their summer holiday is usually filled with Danish cinema genius Carl Theodor Dreyer (Vampyr) dances, flirting, and the playful hijinks, but this summer the their duties. Suddenly sixteen-year-old land-dweller Zac enters the Moon Pool and is given a fish-like tail and amazing fashioned this finely detailed, ahead-of-its-time examination of family’s idyllic life is shattered when twin brothers Erez and domestic life. In this heartfelt story of a housewife who, with Ofer fall in love with the same girl. The biggest box office powers. The girls must venture onto land and take back Zacs powers - or risk being cast out forever! the help of a wily nanny, turns the tables on her tyrannical success in Israel in 2008, this autobiographical drama husband, Dreyer finds lightness and humor; its a deft comedy features an all-star Israeli cast and provides an entertaining Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, High Seas, of revenge that was an enormous box-office success and is yet incisive look at loyalty and betrayal, and the power of love Television min. considered an early example of feminism on-screen. versus the bonds of family. New Video DVD 18.03.2014 Constructed with the director’s customary meticulousness and Drama, Foreign, Israeli, Movies 2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121495 stirring sense of justice, Master of the House is a jewel of 103min. silent cinema. First Run Features 01.04.2014 Criterion Collection, Danish, Drama, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121421 Mako Mermaids: An H2O Foreign, Movies, Silent Film 1925 107min. Adventure - Moon Pool Magic Criterion 22.04.2014 Love Battles Explore the Gold Coast and all the adventures that come with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121559 it in 13 episodes of Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure Sara Forestier - Dir. Jacques Doillon Season 1, the sequel to H2O: Just Add Water. Real-life Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2011 mermaids Sirena, Nixie and Lyla are still bristling after Zac - Memphis Belle (Blu-ray) land-boy turned merman during a magical accident at the Mako Neil Giuntoli, Courtney Gains, Reed Dia- 93min. Island Moon Pool - finds out their true identities. But after the Kino Video 18.03.2014 entrance to the Moon Pool suddenly closes with their friend mond, Sean Astin, D.B. Sweeney, Tate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121313 Evie stuck inside, they have no choice but to work together Donovan, Harry Connick Jr., Billy Zane, with Zac to set her free. John Lithgow, David Strathairn, Matthew Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, High Seas, Loves Her Gun Modine, Eric Stoltz Television min. Matthew Modine and Eric Stoltz head the dynamic cast of Loves Her Gun is a romantic tragedy about a young woman New Video DVD 18.03.2014 Memphis Belle, an adventure inspired by true World War II who flees violence in New York for the laid back environment heroics. Producers David Puttnam and Catherine yler used in central Texas. Once she settles into Austin she falls into 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121496 her father William Wyler’s 1944 film about the famed Flying the local gun culture and some of her same worries come back Fortress as inspiration. to haunt her. Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Romance, Tragedies 2013 Mapp And Lucia: The Complete Cult Film / TV, Drama, Military, Movies, War, 99min. Collection World War II 1990 107min. Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 Nigel Hawthorne, Geraldine McEwan, Warner Bros. 16.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121381 Prunella Scales - Dir. Donald McWhinnie The accents may be posh, but the battle for social supremacy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121427 is down and dirty in this classic British series set in 1920s Low provincial England. The indomitable Elizabeth Mapp (Prunella Ms. 45 Alice wanders the countryside with a dark secret. She is Scales, Fawlty Towers) reigns as Queen Bee in the seaside quickly taken hostage by Edward, a deeply troubled outsider. village of Tilling- until elegant Emmeline „Lucia“ Lucas (Ge- Zoe Tamerilis, Peter Yellen, Jack Thibeau, He becomes infatuated with her, determined to show her a raldine McEwan, Agatha Christie’s Marple) moves to town for Steve Singer - Dir. Abel Ferrara secret of his own. As the two of them embark on their the summer and decides to stay. As arbiters of good taste and harrowing journey, they discover shocking truths, hidden propriety, they are unchallenged by all but each other. On Action, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Music, Thril- secrets, and become entwined in a twisted form of therapy, battlegrounds such as art, marriage, local politics, European lers 1981 80min. one in which innocent people will die. connections, and a certain coveted lobster recipe, these high- New Video DVD 25.03.2014 Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2011 70min. minded adversaries clash in contests rich in intrigue, scandal, and antic comedy. Based on the beloved novels by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121565 Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 E.F. Benson and starring British acting icons McEwan, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121645 Scales, and Nigel Hawthorne (Yes, Minister), Mapp & Lucia: Ms. 45 (Blu-ray) The Complete Collection serves up all 10 episodes of the comedy classic proclaimed „positively delicious“ by the New Zoe Tamerilis, Peter Yellen, Jack Thibeau, Lust Of The Dead 2 York Times. Steve Singer - Dir. Abel Ferrara Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Movies, British, Comedy, Foreign, Television 1986 Action, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Zombies 2013 67min. 502min. Music, Thrillers 1981 80min. Allegro Entertainment 11.02.2014 Acorn Media 25.03.2014 New Video DVD 25.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121618 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121348 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121554

Lust Of The Dead 3 Margarine Wars Mr. And Mrs. Murder: Series 1 Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Movies, Ellen Muth, Doris Roberts, Robert Loggia - Fun-loving and flirtatious couple Nicola (Kat Stewart, Off- Zombies 2013 68min. Dir. David Rich spring) and Charlie Buchanan (Shaun Micallef, Full Frontal) run a cleaning service for crime scenes. They love their Allegro Entertainment 08.04.2014 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 business - and each other - and find that closing cases comes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121622 98min. just as naturally as cleaning them up. Their work leads them Allegro Entertainment 25.02.2014 to clues the police overlook, and their anonymity provides cover to follow-up on their hunches. Nicola’s intuition and Machine Head 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121617 Charlie’s head for arcane facts make them the perfect crime- Sharon Hinnendael solving team. With help from their straitlaced niece, Jess Master Of The House: The (Lucy Honigman), and the indulgence of overworked police Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2011 82min. detective Peter Vinetti (Jonny Pasvolsky, McLeod’s Starz / Anchor Bay 25.03.2014 Criterion Collection Daughters), they crack cases involving people from all walks 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121266 of life, from zookeepers to plastic surgeons. Intricate Astrid Holm - Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer mysteries and witty, romantic banter make these 13 episodes Before he got up close and personal with Joan of Arc, the irresistibly entertaining. Mad About Men Danish cinema genius Carl Theodor Dreyer (Vampyr) Australian, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Murder

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Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2013 parallel lives inevitably intersect, both boys being to discover break and warm your heat. a shared past shrouded in mystery. Featuring star-making Collections, Drama, Movies, Mystery, 599min. performances by Gordon-Levitt and Corbet, alongside Acorn Media 04.03.2014 Academy-Award nominee Elisabeth Shue’s moving portrayal of Romance, Thrillers, War min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121347 Neil’s free-spirited mother, takes the viewer Warner Bros. 28.01.2014 on an illuminating, deeply affecting journey into the delicate 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121741 reaches of self discovery. Mousehunt / Kangaroo Jack Art House, Blu-ray, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, (Double Feature) Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, Troubled The Night Of The Hunter: The Dyan Cannon, Christopher Walken, Michael Youth, UFOs 2005 99min. Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) J. Shannon, Estella Warren, Anthony Strand Releasing 18.03.2014 Shelley Winters, Robert Mitchum, Peter Anderson, Bill Hunter - Dir. David McNally 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121429 Graves, Sally Jane Bruce, Gloria Castilo, Animals & Nature, Comedy, Double Fea- , Evelyn Varden, Don Beddoe, tures, Family, Movies 187min. Natural Rejection James Gleason, Lillian Gish - Dir. Charles Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Natural Rejection is a Suspense/Thriller/Drama about a Laughton supposed „cure“ (Quinton Cure) for homosexuality that The Night Of The Hunter - incredibly, the only film the great 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121403 backfires and ends up killing off most of the female population. actor ever directed - is truly a standalone The main character (Vi) is one of the last surviving women, in masterwork. A horror movie with qualities of a Grimm fairy Murder, She Wrote: The the world and with an overwhelmingly male population left on tale, it stars a sublimely sinister Robert Mitchum (Cape Fear, the planet, this causes anarchy and chaos. The Friends Of Eddie Coyle) as a traveling preacher named Complete Eighth Season Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, Mystery, Harry Powell (he of the tattooed knuckles), whose nefarious motives for marrying a fragile widow, played by (Repackage) Thrillers 2013 81min. ShelleyWinters (A Place In The Sun, The Diary Of Anne Angela Lansbury Music Video Distribution 18.02.2014 Frank) are uncovered by her terrified young children. Graced Return to the scene of the crime as all 22 episodes of Murder, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121378 by images of eerie beauty and a sneaky sense of humor, this She Wrote: The Complete Eighth Season arrive on DVD in ethereal, expressionistic American classic - also featuring this 5-disc collectible set! Rejoin Angela Lansbury in the the contributions of actress Lillian Gish (Intolerance, Duel In season that won her the Golden Globe for Best Actress and a Nebraska The Sun) and writer James Agee - is cinema’s quirkiest Primetime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Lead Actress. June Squibb, Will Forte, Bruce Dern - Dir. rendering of the battle between good and evil. Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Writer/detective Jessica Fletcher (Lansbury) is always Alexander Payne uncovering clues, whether she’s at home in the charming town Noir, Movies, National Film Registry, Thril- of Cabot Cove, teaching in New York City, or traveling the From Academy Award winner Alexander Payne, the director of world. Along for the investigation are great guest stars, Sideways and The Descendants, comes the film that critics lers 1955 93min. including Marcia Cross (Desperate Housewives), John are calling „An American Masterpiece.“ When a father (Bruce Criterion 08.04.2014 Hillerman (Magnum P.I.), (: Voyager), Dern) and his adult son (Will Forte) embark on a journey to 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121556 and more. During its impressive run, Murder, She Wrote claim a million-dollar prize, what begins as a fool’s errand earned a phenomenal 41 Primetime Emmy Award nominations becomes a search for the road to redemption. Discover why and 16 Golden Globe nominations, along with innumerable Nebraska is „one of those movies I’ll watch for the rest of my No Holds Barred fans. Get ready for the best chapter yet! - Disc 1: - - Bite The life.“ Big Apple - Night Fears - Unauthorized Obituary - Thicker 2014 Oscar Nominees, Adventure, Comedy, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Fuller, Joan Severance - Than Water - Disc 2: - - Lines Of Excellence - Judge Not - Drama, Movies, Road Trips 2013 114min. Dir. Thomas J. Wright Terminal Connection - A Killing In Vegas - The Committee - When world wrestling champion Rip Thomas (Hulk Hogan) Disc 3: - - The List Of Yuri Lermen Paramount Pictures 25.02.2014 refuses to join a competing network, an evil executive creates Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121640 a new program, „The Battle of the Tough Guys,“ where rules don’t exist and men engage in an all-out brawl for money. After Interest, Television 1991 1072min. a murdering ex-convict by the name of Zeus (Tom „Tiny“ Universal Studios 22.04.2014 Nebraska (Blu-ray + DVD + Lister) comes out on top as the toughest man, an ultimate title 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121691 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) match with Rip is the TV network’s best chance for big ratings. But when Rip refuses the challenge and his brother is June Squibb, Will Forte, Bruce Dern - Dir. roughed-up as a consequence, the world champion has no Murder, She Wrote: The Alexander Payne choice but to teach Zeus a lesson in a final No Holds Barred Complete Seventh Season From Academy Award winner Alexander Payne, the director of fight to the finish. Sideways and The Descendants, comes the film that critics Action, Movies, Wrestling & Fighting 1989 (Repackage) are calling „An American Masterpiece.“ When a father (Bruce min. Dern) and his adult son (Will Forte) embark on a journey to Angela Lansbury claim a million-dollar prize, what begins as a fool’s errand Image Ent. 11.03.2014 Get ready for yet another chapter of television’s most clever becomes a search for the road to redemption. Discover why 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121339 series as all 22 episodes of Murder, She Wrote: The Nebraska is „one of those movies I’ll watch for the rest of my Complete Seventh Season arrive on DVD! Rejoin Golden life.“ Globe winner Angela Lansbury as writer/detective Jessica No Holds Barred (Blu-ray) Fletcher in the season that earned a Golden Globe nomination 2014 Oscar Nominees, Adventure, Blu-ray, and two Primetime Emmy Award nominations! With her at the Comedy, Drama, Movies, Road Trips 2013 Hulk Hogan, Kurt Fuller, Joan Severance - scene of the crime is an impressive lineup of guest stars, 114min. Dir. Thomas J. Wright including Patricia Neal and the iconic Jerry Orbach. This 6- When world wrestling champion Rip Thomas (Hulk Hogan) disc set includes the entertaining Bonus Feature „The Perils Paramount Pictures 25.02.2014 refuses to join a competing network, an evil executive creates of Success“ and a season highlights reel. Whether Jessica is 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121646 a new program, „The Battle of the Tough Guys,“ where rules partnered with insurance investigator Dennis Stanton (Keith don’t exist and men engage in an all-out brawl for money. After Mitchell), making her case in Nashville or even working to a murdering ex-convict by the name of Zeus (Tom „Tiny“ clear her own name, it’s no mystery why the acclaimed series Nicholas Sparks: Limited Edition Lister) comes out on top as the toughest man, an ultimate title earned 41 Primetime Emmy Award nominations and 16 Golden Collection match with Rip is the TV network’s best chance for big Globe nominations during its many years of broadcast. ratings. But when Rip refuses the challenge and his brother is Murder, She Wrote: The Complete Seventh Season: so good, Daryl Hannah, , Cullen Moss, roughed-up as a consequence, the world champion has no it’s a crime! Josh Duhamel, , Jay R. choice but to teach Zeus a lesson in a final No Holds Barred Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior Ferguson, Shane West, Robert Hayes, fight to the finish. Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Wrestling & Interest, Television 1990 1049min. Richard Jenkins, Blythe Danner, Peter Fighting 1989 min. Universal Studios 22.04.2014 Coyote, D.J. Cotrona, Channing Tatum, Image Ent. 11.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121690 Amanda Seyfried, Zac Efron, Adam 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121358 LeFevre, Cobie Smulders, David Lyons, Mysterious Skin (Blu-ray) Julianne Hough, Taylor Schilling - Dir. Scott , Elisabeth Shue, Hicks Norma Rae: 35th Anniversary Edi- , Jeff Licon, Mary Lynn There are as many love stories as there are people, and best- tion (Blu-ray) selling author Nicholas Sparks has the gift of capturing what Rajskub, Bill Sage - Dir. Gregg Araki makes each romance special. In this collection, Sparks’ Sally Field, Beau Bridges, Barbara Baxley, Bold, brilliant and infused with breathtaking honesty, director novels are brought to life by Hollywood’s brightest stars. A Pat Hingle, Ron Leibman - Dir. Martin Ritt Gregg Araki’s Mysterious Skin, „one of the best movies of the mysterious woman’s past threatens her new life with a In an Oscar-winning performance, Sally Field is unforgettable year“ () packs a powerful punch in its handsome widower in Safe Haven. A U.S. marine sergeant as Norma Rae, the Southern millworker who revolutionizes a tale of childhood innocence lost, based on the acclaimed novel searches for an unknown woman whose photo was his good- small town and discovers a power in herself she never knew by Scott Heim. At age eight, Neil McCormick and Brian luck charm in The Lucky One. In Dear John, war separates she had. Under the guidance of a New York unionizer (Ron Lackey both played on the same youth baseball team in their lovers who must see if their relationship can survive the test Leibman) and with increasing courage and determination, small Kansas hometown. Now, ten years later, the two of time. As a storm approaches, two inhabitants of a coastal Norma Rae organizes her fellow factory workers to fight for eighteen-year-old boys could not be any more different. Neil inn find strength in each other in Nights in Rodanthe. Two better conditions and wages. Based on a true story, Norma (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, TV’s „Third Rock From The Sun“) is a couples explore the mysteries of devotion in The Notebook. In Rae is the mesmerizing tale of a modern day heroine. Beau cold but charismatic teenage hustler, while Brian (Brady A Walk To Remember, a preacher’s daughter helps a revel Bridges co-stars. Corbet, Thirteen) is a nervous introvert obsessed with the find meaning. And a woman follows a heartfelt message to a Academy Award Winners, Based-On-A- idea that he has been abducted by a UFO. As these two grieving man in Message In A Bottle. Here are seven films to

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True-Story, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Natio- Thrillers 2013 104min. Lori Saunders, Linda Kaye, , nal Film Registry 1979 118min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 04.03.2014 Jump on board the Cannonball and join Kate, Uncle Joe, and the Bradley girls as they sing, scheme, and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121501 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121204 stir up trouble, all while running The Shady Rest Hotel at ! While Kate (Bea Benaderet) tries her Not Safe For Work Out Of The Furnace hardest to keep them all on track, follow this crazy family as Billie Jo (Gunilla Hutton), Bobbie Jo (Lori Saunders), and Eloise Mumford, Max Minghella, JJ Field - Zoe Saldana, Casey Affleck, Christian Bale Betty Jo (Linda Kaye Henning) navigate their way through Dir. Joe Johnston - Dir. Scott Cooper school, boys, and zany hotel guests - all while Uncle Joe From the director of Captain America: The First Avenger and From Scott Cooper, the critically acclaimed writer and (Edgar Buchanan) is constantly cooking up some get-rich- The Wolfman comes a psychological thriller about an director of Crazy Heart, comes a gripping and powerful drama quick scheme. Full of hilarity around every twist and turn, unsuspecting office worker, Tom Miller (Max Minghella, The about family, fate, circumstance and justice. Russell Baze Petticoat Junction is a laugh-filled destination for the whole Social Network), who becomes trapped in his office building (Oscar Winner Christian Bale) leads a dead-end life - he family! with a demented killer (J.J. Field, Captain America: The First works a meaningless steel mill job all day, and cares for his CBS, Comedy, Family, Television 1965 Avenger). As Tom rushes to protect those employees working terminally ill father at night. When Russell’s brother Rodney 687min. late, he soon discovers that his legal firm has been hiding (Casey Affleck) returns home from Iraq, he is lured into one of sinister secrets that could put thousands of lives at risk. From the Northeast’s most ruthless crime rings and mysteriously Paramount Pictures 15.04.2014 the producer of Paranormal Activity and Insidious, comes a disappears. When the police fail to solve the case, Russell 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121462 terrifying, psychological thriller where an ordinary office puts his life at risk in order to seek justice for his brother. becomes a twisted killing ground. This absorbing film features a knockout cast that includes Movies, On The Job, Thrillers 2014 75min. Woody Harrelson, Forest Whitaker, , Zoe Pig Universal Studios 15.04.2014 Saldana and . Rudolf Martin, Keith Diamond Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121689 Pig tells the story about a man (Rudolf Martin), who wakes up 116min. alone in the middle of the desert with a black hood on his head 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 and his hands tied behind his back. At death’s door, he is Odd Thomas discovered by a woman and is nursed back to health. Upon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121372 regaining consciousness, the man realizes he has amnesia, Leonor Varela, Addison Timlin, Anton and has no idea who he is. His only clue, a piece of paper in Yelchin - Dir. Stephen Sommers Out Of The Furnace (Blu-ray + his pocket with the name „Manny Elder“ on it, sends him on a Small-town fry cook Odd Thomas (Anton Yelchin) is an journey to discover his past. But things and people are not ordinary guy with a paranormal secret: he sees dead people, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) what they seem and clues lead to something bigger and more everywhere. When a creepy stranger shows-up with an unusual than the man could have ever imagined. entourage of ghostly bodachs - predators who feed on pain Zoe Saldana, Casey Affleck, Christian Bale Drama, Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, and portend mass destruction - Odd knows that his town is in - Dir. Scott Cooper Thrillers 2012 90min. serious trouble. Teaming up with his sweetheart Stormy From Scott Cooper, the critically acclaimed writer and (Addison Timlin) and the local sheriff (Willem Dafoe), Odd director of Crazy Heart, comes a gripping and powerful drama Kino Video 11.03.2014 plunges into an epic battle of good vs evil to try to stop a about family, fate, circumstance and justice. Russell Baze 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121311 disaster of apocalyptic proportions. Based on the best-selling (Oscar Winner Christian Bale) leads a dead-end life - he thriller by Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas is a supernatural action works a meaningless steel mill job all day, and cares for his thrill-ride from the acclaimed director of The Mummy and G.I. terminally ill father at night. When Russell’s brother Rodney Planet Of Dinosaurs Joe: Rise of the Cobra. (Casey Affleck) returns home from Iraq, he is lured into one of Harvey Shane, Charlotte Speer, Louie Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 96min. the Northeast’s most ruthless crime rings and mysteriously disappears. When the police fail to solve the case, Russell Lawless, Pamela Bottaro, James Whitworth Image Ent. 25.03.2014 puts his life at risk in order to seek justice for his brother. - Dir. James K. Shea 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121344 This absorbing film features a knockout cast that includes James K. Shea’s Planet of Dinosaurs (1978) represents one Woody Harrelson, Forest Whitaker, Willem Dafoe, Zoe of the last „stop-motion animation“ films to be produced prior Saldana and Sam Shepard. to the advent of the computer-generated affects which Odd Thomas (Blu-ray + DVD Com- rime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 116min. dominate today’s industry. Handcrafted in the tradition of bo) (Blu-ray) Willis O’Brien and Ray Harryhausen, the film exhibits a 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 plethora of prehistoric beasties on a far-off planet where Leonor Varela, Addison Timlin, Anton 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121388 space travelers battle for their very existence. Planet of Yelchin - Dir. Stephen Sommers Dinosaurs features James Whitworth (The Hills Have Eyes), Small-town fry cook Odd Thomas (Anton Yelchin) is an The Passenger but the real stars are the dinosaurs, expertly brought to life ordinary guy with a paranormal secret: he sees dead people, by animators Doug Beswick, Steve Czerkas and Jim everywhere. When a creepy stranger shows-up with an In the provocative new drama from the director of The Visitor, Aupperle. Celebrating the film’s 20th anniversary with a entourage of ghostly bodachs - predators who feed on pain sexual and moral boundaries are put to the test when a special collector’s edition, we are pleased to present Planet and portend mass destruction - Odd knows that his town is in handsome stranger begins to infiltrate the lives of two artists. of Dinosaurs in widescreen, culled from one of the last serious trouble. Teaming up with his sweetheart Stormy While searching for a condo in Berlin for his father, Nick remaining 35mm sources. (Addison Timlin) and the local sheriff (Willem Dafoe), Odd meets Philipp, a young talented photographer and a gorgeous Dinosaurs, Drama, Movies, Science Fiction plunges into an epic battle of good vs evil to try to stop a actress named Lilli. There is instant chemistry and both are 87min. disaster of apocalyptic proportions. Based on the best-selling easily seduced by Nick’s charms. Lilli and Philipp begin to thriller by Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas is a supernatural action explore their relationship with the sexy visitor, succumbing to Retromedia 25.03.2014 thrill-ride from the acclaimed director of The Mummy and G.I. their passionate affections for him which intensifies their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121569 Joe: Rise of the Cobra. volatile emotional and physical bonds. But what Philipp and Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 96min. Lilli don’t realize is that they are being lured into Nick’s manipulative..and deadly, love game. A Pony Tale Image Ent. 25.03.2014 Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Kristine DeBell, Johnny Whitaker, Jason 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121385 German, Movies, Thrillers 2013 70min. Faunt, James Lastovic, Dillon Olney, Max TLA Releasing 11.02.2014 Wilbur, Jenny Cipolla - Dir. Mary Crawford Oldboy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121198 16 year old Juliet lives on a ranch with her stepmother and Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copley, Linda two irritating stepbrothers. Since her father died the ranch has been struggling financially. In desperation, her mother is Emond, James Ransone, Josh Brolin, Samu- The Pawnbroker forced to entertain an offer from a businessman to pull their el L. Jackson - Dir. Spike Lee Brock Peters, Jaime Sanchez, Geraldine family out of debt. But one incredible secret just might save An everyday man has only five days and limited resources to Fitzgerald, Rod Steiger - Dir. Sidney Lumet the ranch in time! discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 15 Animals & Nature, Drama, Dysfunctional Classics, Drama, Holocaust, Movies 1965 years without any explanation. Families, Movies 2013 89min. Action, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers min. Phase 4 Films 28.01.2014 2013 104min. Olive Films 22.04.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121724 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121480 04.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121183 The Pawnbroker (Blu-ray) : The Complete Eighth Brock Peters, Jaime Sanchez, Geraldine Season Oldboy (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Fitzgerald, Rod Steiger - Dir. Sidney Lumet Timothy Omundson, Dule Hill, James Roday, (Blu-ray) Classics, Drama, Holocaust, Movies 1965 Corbin Bernsen Comedy, Detectives, Mystery, Television, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copley, Linda min. USA Network 2013 min. Emond, James Ransone, Josh Brolin, Samu- Olive Films 22.04.2014 Universal Studios 01.04.2014 el L. Jackson - Dir. Spike Lee 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121484 An everyday man has only five days and limited resources to 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121642 discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 15 Petticoat Junction: The Official years without any explanation. Puncture Wounds (DVD + Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Third Season

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UltraViolet) Red Hook Summer / American constructed drama set in a maximum-security penitentiary. Riot in Cell Block 11, the brainchild of producer Cung Le, Vinnie Jones, - Violet / Rain / Kidulthood (4 extraordinaire Walter Wanger (Foreign Correspondent), is a Dir. Giorgio Serafini Powerful Films) ripped-from-the-headlines social-problem picture about After returning home from a traumatic tour of duty in Iraq, John prisoners rights that was inspired by a recent spate of finds himself struggling with PTSD. What little peace he had Nicole Beharie, Ami Ameen, CCH Pounder, uprisings in American prisons. In Siegels hands, the film is at managed to build around him is shattered one fateful day when Nicki Micheaux, Clarke Peters, Spike Lee - once brash and humane, showcasing the hard-boiled visual he rescues a local call girl from a group of violent Aryan flair and bold storytelling for which the director would become Brotherhood pimps. Having killed several of the high-ranking Dir. Spike Lee, Tim Disney, Menhaj Huda, known and shot on location at Folsom State Prison, with real brotherhood during the rescue, John and his family are now Maria Goven inmates and guards as extras. the prime targets of Hollis, the ruthless criminal leader of the Collections, Drama, Movies 407min. Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir, group. Image Ent. 04.03.2014 Movies, Prison 1954 80min. Action, Drama, Mental Illness, Movies 2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121329 Criterion 22.04.2014 97min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121558 Lionsgate 11.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121539 Red Shoe Diaries: Season One Ely Pouget, Audie England, David Duchovny Ripper Street: Season Two Adam Rothenberg, Jerome Flynn, Matthew Quantum Of Solace (Blu-ray) Drama, Erotica, Romance, Television 1992 105min. Macfadyen Gemma Arterton, Olga Kurylenko, Jeffrey Kino Video 11.03.2014 Haunted by the failure to catch most evil killer, Jack Wright, Mathieu Amalric, Judi Dench, Daniel the Ripper, Inspector Edmund Reid is charged with keeping 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121308 order in the blood-stained streets of Whitechapel, Reid and Craig, Giancarlo Giannini - Dir. Marc his men find themselves fighting to uphold justice and the rule Forster of law; but always in the background lurks the fear of the On a nonstop quest for justice that crisscrosses the globe, Red Shoe Diaries: The Movie Ripper - is he back for another reign of terror? Bond meets the beautiful but feisty Camille (Olga Kurylenko), Billy Wirth, Brigitte Bako, David Duchovny - BBC, British, Crime, Foreign, International who leads him to Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric), a ruthless businessman and major force within the mysterious Dir. Zalman King TV, Mystery, Television 2013 480min. Quantum organization. When Bond uncovers a conspiracy to This sensual masterpiece tells the story of a mourning BBC Home Video 15.04.2014 take control of one of the world’s most important natural husband (David Duchovny) who finds his wife’s (Brigitte 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121517 resources, he must navigate minefield of treachery, deception Bako) secret diary after her untimely death. As he is and murder to neutralize Quantum before it’s too late! consumed with her story, he comes to find that the life they had together was anything but perfect. An affair with another Ripper Street: Season Two (Blu- Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, James Bond, man (Billy Wirth) had divided her heart and desires, leading Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers her into a fantasy she couldn’t escape, and a world she could ray) 2008 107min. not face. Adam Rothenberg, Jerome Flynn, Matthew Drama, Erotica, Movies, Mystery, Romance, MGM / UA 21.01.2014 Macfadyen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121708 TV Movies 1992 105min. Haunted by the failure to catch Londons most evil killer, Jack Kino Video 11.03.2014 the Ripper, Inspector Edmund Reid is charged with keeping 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121309 order in the blood-stained streets of Whitechapel, Reid and Rabid Love his men find themselves fighting to uphold justice and the rule Jessica Sonneborn, Brandon Stacy, Josh of law; but always in the background lurks the fear of the Hammond The Reunion Ripper - is he back for another reign of terror? The story is set in the summer of 1984 and follows Heather John Cena, Michael Rispoli, Amy Smart, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Crime, Foreign, Inter- Ross and her group of friends just after their graduation from Ethan Embry - Dir. Michael Pavone national TV, Mystery, Television 2013 college. We meet the gang on their way to one last weekend 480min. at a cabin in the woods where, unknown to Heather, her Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Kidnap- boyfriend plans to propose. They are treated to rumors of a ping, Movies 2011 96min. BBC Home Video 15.04.2014 wild bear that is supposedly killing hikers in the woods but do Image Ent. 11.03.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121551 not head the warnings of the local townspeople. Love triangles bloom as the campers attempt to follow their own 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121340 individual desires and the appearance of a strange Hunter in RocknRolla / Swordfish (Double the woods complicates things further as people start to The Reunion (Blu-ray) Feature) (Blu-ray) disappear... and die. Heather is forced to fight for her own survival and find out who is responsible for the deaths of her John Cena, Michael Rispoli, Amy Smart, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, Mark Strong, friends. Is it the jerk Adam? Her own boyfriend? The sultry Ethan Embry - Dir. Michael Pavone Vinnie Jones, Thandie Newton, Jeremy Summer? The strange Hunter? Or someone (or something) else? Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Kidnap- Piven, Tom Wilkinson, John Travolta, Sam Horror, Movies 2013 93min. ping, Movies 2011 96min. Shepard, Don Cheadle, Halle Berry, Idris Brain Damage Films 04.03.2014 Image Ent. 11.03.2014 Elba, Tom Hardy, Toby Kebbell - Dir. Dominic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121373 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121359 Sena, Guy Ritchie Action, British, Crime, Double Features, Reasonable Doubt (Blu-ray + Riot In Cell Block 11: The Foreign, Hackers, Mobsters & The Mafia, Criterion Collection Movies, Science Fiction, Thieves, Thrillers UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 116min. Emile Meyer, Neville Brand, Frank Faylen - Up-and-coming district attorney Mitch Brockdon commits a Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 fatal hit-and-run and feels compelled to throw the case Dir. Don Siegel against the accused criminal who’s found with the body and Early in his career, Don Siegel (The Killers) made his mark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121527 blamed for the crime. Following the trial, Mitch’s worst fears with this sensational and high-octane but economically come true when he realizes that he’s acquitted a guilty man, constructed drama set in a maximum-security penitentiary. Rogue: The Complete First and he soon finds himself on the hunt for the killer before more Riot in Cell Block 11, the brainchild of producer victims pile up. extraordinaire Walter Wanger (Foreign Correspondent), is a Season 90min. ripped-from-the-headlines social-problem picture about Joshua Sasse, Matthew Beard, Marton Lionsgate 18.03.2014 prisoners rights that was inspired by a recent spate of uprisings in American prisons. In Siegels hands, the film is at Csokas, Thandie Newton 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121628 once brash and humane, showcasing the hard-boiled visual A smart, complex, character-led thriller, Rogue revolves flair and bold storytelling for which the director would become around Grace, a morally and emotionally-conflicted Reasonable Doubt (DVD + known and shot on location at Folsom State Prison, with real undercover detective who is tormented by the possibility that inmates and guards as extras. her own actions caused her young sons mysterious death. In UltraViolet) Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir, her quest for the truth, Grace goes rogue and falls deeper into a forbidden relationship with Jimmy Laszlo, head of the citys Dominic Cooper, Erin Karpluk, Ryan Movies, Prison 1954 80min. most powerful and dangerous crime family. To stay alive, Robbins, Gloria Reuben, Samuel L. Jackson Criterion 22.04.2014 Grace must help Jimmy find the traitor in his midst, while Up-and-coming district attorney Mitch Brockdon commits a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121659 knowing he may have played a role in her own tragedy. Lines fatal hit-and-run and feels compelled to throw the case are crossed with devastating consequences for everyone. against the accused criminal who’s found with the body and Action, Detectives, Drama, Television 2013 blamed for the crime. Following the trial, Mitch’s worst fears Riot In Cell Block 11: The come true when he realizes that he’s acquitted a guilty man, 550min. and he soon finds himself on the hunt for the killer before more Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 victims pile up. DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121604 Action, Movies, Thrillers 90min. Emile Meyer, Neville Brand, Frank Faylen - Lionsgate 18.03.2014 Dir. Don Siegel Rooster Cogburn (Blu-ray + 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121295 Early in his career, Don Siegel (The Killers) made his mark UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) with this sensational and high-octane but economically

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Anthony Zerbe, Paul Koslo, Richard Jor- 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 everything in the city. dan, John McIntire, John Wayne, Strother 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121718 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies Martin, Katharine Hepburn - Dir. Stuart 92min. Millar Seal Team 8: Behind Enemy Well Go USA 22.04.2014 Two of the most popular stars in screen history are brought 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121433 together for the first time in the follow-up to True Grit. The Lines (Blu-ray) film returns John Wayne to the role of the rapscallion, eye- Tom Sizemore Shuffleton’s Barbershop patched whiskey-guzzling Deputy Marshall that won him an On an unsanctioned mission in Africa, a covert team of U.S. Academy Award. Katharine Hepburn is prim Eula Goodnight, a Navy SEALs is sent to locate a secret mining operation and Austin Stowell, Kayla Ewell, Danny Glover Bible-thumping missionary who teams up with the gun-fighter prevent the sale of weapons-grade uranium to international to avenge the death of her father. While in pursuit of the - Dir. Mark Jean terrorists. The stakes are higher than ever-and so is the body Trey Cole, a now famous singer, returns to his hometown to outlaws, a warm rapport develops between the rough-and- count-as Seal Team Eight must fight their way through the tumble lawman and the flinty reverend’s daughter. find Charlie Shuffelton, a small town barber who acted as a treacherous Congo in order to secure the uranium, expose the father to Trey when he was a young boy. Though Trey finds Movies, Western 1975 108min. unknown buyer, and defuse one of the greatest threats the that Charlie has died, he is haunted by memories of Charlie Universal Studios 01.04.2014 world has ever known! which seem to be encouraging him to face his past and make 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121704 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Military, peace with his estranged family. Movies, Special Forces, Terrorism 98min. Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, TV RU-486: The Last Option 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 Movies 2013 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121728 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 22.04.2014 Drama, Movies 2014 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121477 Allegro Entertainment 08.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121624 A Serial Killer’s Revenge Ryan is a small time reporter, his wife is a pharmaceutical Siberia employee whose company is making pills that will painlessly 16 reality-show participants descend on Tunguska, oblivious Schoolgirl Report: Volume 12 - If end human life. William is a parolee who has just been to the land’s mysterious past, to battle for a cash prize in this Mom Only Knew released from prison after serving time for killing his entire thrilling mockumentary. Strange events begin to occur, and the family when he was 12. William is willing to give Ryan the contestants soon attribute these occurrences to ruses set up Eva Berthold - Dir. Walter Boos inside scoop on the killings, in exchange for the pills that will by the producers, even dismissing the death of a fellow In this twelfth volume of the German exploitation classic allow William to end his own life. contestant as accidental. However, the contestants soon come series, the filmmakers explore erotic stories written to the Horror, Movies, Revenge, Serial Killers to the chilling realization that the strange occurrences are not editors of a high school newspaper. As the students read the 2011 95min. part of the show. letters aloud, the sexual vignettes play out onscreen. You’ll Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, be floored by the amazing (and eye-poppingly inappropriate, Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 even for a Schoolgirl Report film) story of the young Anne, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121274 Reality, Television, Thrillers 2013 484min. student secretly wishing to enter the mile-high club with her Lionsgate 11.03.2014 own brother, an older airplane pilot. During a class trip, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121643 Barbara and her young boyfriend sneak away from the Sesame Street: Being Green Forester’s Lodge for some secret forest sex, not realizing that (DVD + Puzzle) the entire class has exactly the same idea. The lovely Gaby is Silence mistakenly sent to a doctor on the wrong day, and ends up Elmo and Abby find out it can be easy being green when they with a pervy plumber wanting to check her precious pipes! stumble onto the Earth-a-Thon, hosted by Mr. Earth (Paul Masiela Lusha, Matthew Lawrence, Muse Then there’s the tragic tale of beautiful Etta, a nymphomaniac Rudd), happening right on Sesame Street. Telly, Rosita, and Watson from a troubled home who sinks into prostitution and drugs answer phone calls from children calling in An ailing former scuba diver, who faces extremely tough from her enabling boyfriend. And, in the final story, a family with pledges to reduce, reuse, recycle (and possibly send times, begins experiencing otherworldly incidents. Colby mistakenly brings a male exchange student into their home, cookies to Cookie). But what happens when Abby uses her (Jeremiah Sayys)suffers an accident that effects his hearing. only to have their daughter fall head-over-heels in love with magic to help Elmo be really „green“? This jam-packed DVD is The death of his wife causes him to become even more him. filled with songs, ideas, and suggestions from real kids withdrawn. He begins to hear things his family can’t. Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, German, around the world! Horror, Movies 2012 94min. Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Envi- Movies 1978 83min. Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 ronmental, Family, Preschool, Puppets, Impulse Pictures 11.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121275 Sesame Street, Television min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121286 Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121409 A Simple Wish (Blu-ray + The Scorpion King 3: Battle for UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Redemption (Repackage) (Blu- Sesame Street: Elmo And Friends Francis Capra, Amanda Plummer, Kathleen ray) Children’s, Family, Preschool, Sesame Turner, Mara Wilson, Martin Short, Robert Billy Zane, Ron Perlman, Victor Webster, Street, Television min. Pastorelli - Dir. Michael Ritchie When Anabel (Mara Wilson) wished for a fairy-godmother Krystal Vee, Selina Lo, David Bautista, Warner Bros. 01.05.2014 she never dreamed his name would be Murray (Martin Short)! Bostin Christopher, Kevin Ferguson, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121733 Before you can say „SHABOOM!“, Anabel quickly learns that Temuera Morrison - Dir. Roel Reine Murray is short on experience and long on excuses. As they Since his triumphant rise to power in the original blockbuster Sesame Street: Love The Earth! are whisked into a hilarious whirlwind of magical mishaps, The Scorpion King, Mathayus’ kingdom has fallen and he’s Anabel and the blundering Murray have until midnight to lost his queen to plague. Now an assassin for hire, he must (DVD + Puzzle) rescue her dad, battle a wicked witch (Kathleen Turner) and defend a kingdom from an evil tyrant and his ghost warriors recover stolen magic wands to restore the world to a place Elmo, Zoe, and Baby Bear venture into bear National Park where wishes really can come true. for the chance to regain the power and glory he once new. with Papa Bear in search of the elusive Blue-Feathered Starring Ron Perlman (Hellboy) and Billy Zane (Titanic), and Swallowing Swallow so they can earn their Bird-Watching Family, Movies 1997 90min. featuring 6-time WWE champion Dave Bautista and UFC star Badges. While looking for the swallow, they have fun Universal Studios 04.03.2014 Kimbo Slice, The Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption discovering beautiful things in nature! They also learn that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121213 takes The Mummy phenomenon to an all-new level of epic there are some simple things they can do to keep nature action and non-stop adventure. beautiful and clean: putting trash where it belongs, recycling, Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, reusing things and saving water. Sleep My Love Blu-ray, Fantasy, Movies, Swordfighting Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Envi- Claudette Colbert, Robert Cummings, Don 2012 104min. ronmental, Family, Preschool, Puppets, Ameche - Dir. Douglas Sirk Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Sesame Street, Television 2008 min. Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Mystery 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121536 Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 1948 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121410 Olive Films 15.04.2014 Seal Team 8: Behind Enemy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121319 Lines Seven Warriors Chinese villagers recruit seven brave mercenary warriors to Sleep My Love (Blu-ray) Tom Sizemore defend against evil invaders beset on stealing and destroying On an unsanctioned mission in Africa, a covert team of U.S. everything in the city. Claudette Colbert, Robert Cummings, Don Navy SEALs is sent to locate a secret mining operation and prevent the sale of weapons-grade uranium to international Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 92min. Ameche - Dir. Douglas Sirk terrorists. The stakes are higher than ever-and so is the body Well Go USA 22.04.2014 Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Mystery count-as Seal Team Eight must fight their way through the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121426 1948 min. treacherous Congo in order to secure the uranium, expose the unknown buyer, and defuse one of the greatest threats the Olive Films 15.04.2014 world has ever known! Seven Warriors (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121326 Action, Adventure, Military, Movies, Special Chinese villagers recruit seven brave mercenary warriors to Forces, Terrorism 98min. defend against evil invaders beset on stealing and destroying Smuggler

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Action, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies during the middle of pledge season. One of the girls (Ales- Image Ent. 18.03.2014 sandra Torresani) begins to get suspicious of the building’s 2011 114min. head mistress (Morgan Fairchild) as mysterious and horrific 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121342 Funimation 01.04.2014 events begin to occur around the campus. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121571 College Life, Horror, Movies, Supernatural Stacked Racks From Mars & Paranormal 87min. Two beautiful space aliens (Christie Stevens and Erika Snake & Mongoose MTI Home Video 11.03.2014 Jordan) take over the bodies of Earth housewives (Beverly Lynne and Sophia Bella) in an attempt to conquer the Planet. Jesse Williams, Ashley Hinshaw, Tim Blake 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121303 Stacked Racks from Mars is the latest sexy comedy from the Nelson fun folks at Retromedia and is presented in a 16x9 Action, Auto Racing, Cars & Motorcycles, Il Sorpasso: The Criterion Anamorphic Widescreen Edition. Aliens, Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Space Drama, Movies, Sports 2013 min. Collection 81min. Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 Catherine Spaak, Vittorio Gassman - Dir. Retromedia 25.02.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121714 Dino Risi 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121190 The ultimate Italian road comedy, Il Sorpasso stars the Snake & Mongoose (Blu-ray) unlikely pair of Vittorio Gassman (Big Deal on Madonna Street) and Jean-Louis Trintignant (Z) as, respectively, a Stalled Jesse Williams, Ashley Hinshaw, Tim Blake waggish, free-wheeling bachelor and the bookish law student Dan Palmer Nelson he takes on a madcap trip from Rome to rural Southern . An unpredictable journey that careers from slapstick to Mild-mannered janitor W.C. must learn to adapt when a Action, Auto Racing, Blu-ray, Cars & tragedy, this film, directed by Dino Risi (the original Scent of zombie outbreak is unleashed while he is cleaning the Motorcycles, Drama, Movies, Sports 2013 a Woman), is a wildly entertaining commentary on the women’s washroom. Aided by the voice of the mysterious min. pleasures and consequences of the good life. A holy grail of Evie, he will have to face his fears and use any means commedia allitaliana, Il sorpasso is so fresh and exciting that necessary to take down the zombified versions of his former Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 one can easily see why it has long been adored in Italy. co-workers in this outrageous and sexy zombie-comedy. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121727 Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Comedy, Horror, Movies, Zombies 83min. Foreign, Italian, Movies 1962 105min. Phase 4 Films 04.03.2014 Somewhere In Time (Blu-ray + Criterion 29.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121669 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121661 Jane Seymour, Christopher Reeve, Teresa Star Trek: Enterprise - The Wright, Christopher Plummer - Dir. Jeannot Il Sorpasso: The Criterion Complete Fourth Season (Blu-ray) Szwarc Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Connor Trinneer, Linda Park, Anthony Somewhere In Time is the story of a young writer who (Blu-ray) Montgomery, John Billingsley, Dominic sacrifices his life in the present to find happiness in the past, Keating, Jolene Blalock, Scott Bakula where true love awaits him. Young Richard Collier is Catherine Spaak, Vittorio Gassman - Dir. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Boxed approached by an old woman who gives him an antique gold Dino Risi watch and who pleads with him to return in time with her. Sets, Cult Film / TV, In The Future..., Years later, Richard Collier is overwhelmed by a photograph The ultimate Italian road comedy, Il Sorpasso stars the of a beautiful young woman. Another picture of this woman in unlikely pair of Vittorio Gassman (Big Deal on Madonna Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Televisi- her later years reveals to him that she is the same woman who Street) and Jean-Louis Trintignant (Z) as, respectively, a on, Time Travel 2005 1009min. had given him the gold watch. Collier then becomes obsessed waggish, free-wheeling bachelor and the bookish law student Paramount Pictures 01.04.2014 with returning to 1912 and the beautiful young woman who he takes on a madcap trip from Rome to rural Southern Italy. awaits him there. An unpredictable journey that careers from slapstick to 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121216 tragedy, this film, directed by Dino Risi (the original Scent of Cult Film / TV, Movies, Science Fiction, a Woman), is a wildly entertaining commentary on the Time Travel 1980 104min. pleasures and consequences of the good life. A holy grail of Star Trek: Enterprise - The Universal Studios 04.03.2014 commedia allitaliana, Il sorpasso is so fresh and exciting that Complete Series (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121209 one can easily see why it has long been adored in Italy. Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Connor Trinneer, Linda Park, Anthony Foreign, Italian, Movies 1962 105min. Montgomery, John Billingsley, Dominic Sorcerer Criterion 29.04.2014 Keating, Jolene Blalock, Scott Bakula Francisco Rabal, Ramon Bieri, Amidou, Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before James T. Kirk 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121560 helmed the famous starship of the same name, Enterprise Amidou Ramon, Bruno Cremer, Roy takes place in an era when interstellar travel is still in its Scheider - Dir. William Friedkin Sox The Talking Dog infancy. Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) has Roy Scheider lends his intense talent taut action-adventure assembled a crew of brave explorers to chart the galaxy on a from director William Friedkin. Set on the edge of a South David DeLuise revolutionary spacecraft: Enterprise NX-01. As the first American jungle, a desperate four-man team, led by Scheider, Animals & Nature, Family, Fantasy, Movies human beings to venture into deep space, these pioneers will must transport a volatile cargo of nitroglycerine over 200 experience the wonder and mystery of the final frontier as miles of treacherous terrain in order to stop a potentially 2012 85min. they seek out new life and new civilizations. disastrous oil fire. Enter into this potentially explosive mix of Allegro Entertainment 08.04.2014 Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Televisi- split-second strategy and jolting suspense set against an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121620 outstanding score by Tangerine Dream. on 2001 4560min. Action, Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Paramount Pictures 01.04.2014 Movies 1977 121min. Space Battleship Yamato (Blu-ray 557,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121236 Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121447 Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Science Stealing Roses Fiction, Space min. Josie Davis, Mark Famiglietti, Cindy Sorcerer (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Funimation 29.04.2014 Williams, John Heard Francisco Rabal, Ramon Bieri, Amidou, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121585 Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 Amidou Ramon, Bruno Cremer, Roy 95min. Scheider - Dir. William Friedkin Sparks Allegro Entertainment 22.04.2014 Roy Scheider lends his intense talent taut action-adventure Chase Williamson, Jake Busey, William Katt, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121619 from director William Friedkin. Set on the edge of a South American jungle, a desperate four-man team, led by Scheider, Clancy Brown, Clint Howard must transport a volatile cargo of nitroglycerine over 200 After a radioactive meteor strikes Earth, a genetically altered Stonados miles of treacherous terrain in order to stop a potentially group known as The Rochester 13 gain astonishing, super- Thea Gill, Sebastian Spence, William B. disastrous oil fire. Enter into this potentially explosive mix of human powers. Ian Sparks (Chase Williamson, John Dies at split-second strategy and jolting suspense set against an the End) doesn’t feel remotely super... but after his parents’ Davis, Paul Johansson - Dir. Jason outstanding score by Tangerine Dream. death, he throws himself into battle against the criminals Bourque plaguing the mean streets of New York. Teaming up with, and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, falling hard for, the beautiful Lady Heavenly (Ashley Bell, The Action, Apocalyptic Future, Disasters, Drama, Movies 1977 121min. Last Exorcism I & II), the unstoppable duo quickly decimates Movies, Thrillers 2013 88min. Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 the city’s army of thugs. But when they tangle with the Anderson Merchandisers 28.01.2014 nation’s most twisted arch-villain, they end up losing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121459 everything - including each other. Sparks’ rage-fueled quest 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121746 for vengeance ignites a battle that will change the world and Sorority Horror House alter his destiny, forever. Stranger On The Prowl Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Cameron Deane Stewart, Alessandra Paul Muni - Dir. Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Torresani, Morgan Fairchild Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Foreign, Italian, Sorority Horror House follows the girls at Kappa house Superheroes, Thrillers 2013 98min.

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Movies 1952 min. Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Historical Olive Films 22.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121222 / Period Piece, Movies 2011 101min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121318 Image Ent. 11.03.2014 TCM Greatest Classic Films: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121360 Stranger On The Prowl (Blu-ray) Wartime Musicals Paul Muni - Dir. Joseph Losey James Cagney, Jane Leslie, Frances Lang- Thor: The Dark World Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Foreign, Italian, ford, Irene Manning, George Tobias, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Ray Movies 1952 min. Jeanne Cagney, Walter Huston, Richard Stevenson, Idris Elba, Stellan Skarsgard, Olive Films 22.04.2014 Whorf - Dir. Michael Curtiz Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Rene 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121325 Classics, Collections, Drama, Historical / Russo - Dir. Alan Taylor From the Studio that brought you the #1 Super Hero movie of Period Piece, Movies, Music, Musical min. all time, Marvel’s The Avengers, comes another must-own, Swerve Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 epic blockbuster starring Chris Hemsworth as The Mighty David Lyons, Emma Booth, Jason Clarke - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121223 Thor. Worlds collide when a powerful ancient enemy threatens to plunge the cosmos into eternal darkness. Now, Dir. Craig Lahiff reunited with Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), and forced to Driving cross-country to a job interview, Colin opts for a The Terminal (Blu-ray) forge an alliance with his treacherous brother Loki (Tom shortcut and happens across a fatal car accident. One of the Hiddleston), Thor embarks on a perilous personal quest to drivers, the intriguing Jina, is shaken but not hurt, while the Tom Hanks, Diego Luna, Chi McBride, Stan- save both Earth and Asgard from destruction. other lies dead - leaving a suitcase full of money without an ley Tucci - Dir. Steven Spielberg Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, owner. Colin resists temptation and hands it into the local Academy Award winning director Steven Spielberg teams up cop, wanting to get on his way. But what initially seemed to be with two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks and Oscar Fantasy, Movies, Myths & Legends, a good deed prompts a series of strange events to unfold, winner Catherine Zeta-Jones (Chicago) for this critically Superheroes 2013 112min. where nothing is quite what it seems, and Colin quickly finds acclaimed comedy. after arriving at New York’s JFK airport, Disney / Buena Vista 25.02.2014 it hard to leave town. Viktor Navorski (Hanks) gets unwittingly caught in Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2011 86min. bureaucratic glitches that make it impossible for him to return 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121288 E1 Entertainment 18.03.2014 to his home country or enter the U.S. Now, caught up in the richly complex and amusing world inside the airport, Viktor Thor: The Dark World (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121591 makes friends, gets a job, finds romance and ultimately discovers America itself. Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Ray Swerve (Blu-ray) Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2004 Stevenson, Idris Elba, Stellan Skarsgard, David Lyons, Emma Booth, Jason Clarke - 129min. Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Rene Dir. Craig Lahiff Paramount Pictures 06.05.2014 Russo - Dir. Alan Taylor Driving cross-country to a job interview, Colin opts for a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121700 From the Studio that brought you the #1 Super Hero movie of shortcut and happens across a fatal car accident. One of the all time, Marvel’s The Avengers, comes another must-own, drivers, the intriguing Jina, is shaken but not hurt, while the epic blockbuster starring Chris Hemsworth as The Mighty other lies dead - leaving a suitcase full of money without an The Terminator Thor. Worlds collide when a powerful ancient enemy owner. Colin resists temptation and hands it into the local Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Winfield, threatens to plunge the cosmos into eternal darkness. Now, cop, wanting to get on his way. But what initially seemed to be reunited with Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), and forced to a good deed prompts a series of strange events to unfold, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton - Dir. James forge an alliance with his treacherous brother Loki (Tom where nothing is quite what it seems, and Colin quickly finds Cameron Hiddleston), Thor embarks on a perilous personal quest to it hard to leave town. Arnold Schwarzenegger is „perfectly cast“ (Los Angeles save both Earth and Asgard from destruction. Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2011 86min. Times) as the fiercest and most relentless killing machine Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, ever to threaten the survival of mankind! A „genuine steel Blu-ray, Fantasy, Movies, Myths & E1 Entertainment 18.03.2014 metal trap of a movie“ (), The 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121631 Terminator fires an arsenal of thrills, intriguing plot twists and Legends, Superheroes 2013 112min. heart-stopping suspense that „never lets up for a minute“ Disney / Buena Vista 25.02.2014 ()! In 2029, giant super-computers dominate the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121298 The Swimmer (Blu-ray + DVD planet, hell-bent on exterminating the human race! And to Combo) (Blu-ray) destroy man’s future by changing the past, they send an indestructible cyborg - a Terminator - back in time to kill Thor: The Dark World 3D (Blu-ray Janet Landgard, Joan Rivers, Janice Rule, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the woman whose unborn son - Dir. will become mankind’s only hope. But can Sarah protect 3D + Blu-ray + Digital Copy) (Blu- Grindhouse Releasing is proud to present the ultimate late- herself from this unstoppable menace to save the life of her ray) 60s studio-produced cult film, The Swimmer. In his finest unborn child? Or will the human race be extinguished by „one performance, Burt Lancaster stars as Ned Merrill, a man who mean hunk of mutant metal“ (L.A. Herald-Examiner)? Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Ray confronts his destiny by swimming home, pool by pool, through Action, AFI Top 100, Apocalyptic Future, Stevenson, Idris Elba, Stellan Skarsgard, the suburban nightmare of upper-class East Coast society. Assassins & Hitmen, Cult Film / TV, Killer Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Rene Based on the acclaimed short story by John Cheever, and directed by Frank Perry (Diary Of A Mad Housewife, Mommie Technology, Movies, National Film Registry, Russo - Dir. Alan Taylor Dearest), The Swimmer is a film like no other, a feature- Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Thril- PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which length Twilight Zone episode by way of The New Yorker. is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. lers 1984 108min. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Cult Film / TV, Drama, Movies 1968 95min. MGM / UA 21.01.2014 standard Blu-ray players From the Studio that brought you the CAV 11.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121720 #1 Super Hero movie of all time, Marvel’s The Avengers, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121651 comes another must-own, epic blockbuster starring Chris Hemsworth as The Mighty Thor. Worlds collide when a Testing Life powerful ancient enemy threatens to plunge the cosmos into Switch eternal darkness. Now, reunited with Jane Foster (Natalie Drama, Foreign, German, Movies 2013 Portman), and forced to forge an alliance with his treacherous Action, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Thril- 72min. brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Thor embarks on a perilous lers 122min. Allegro Entertainment 11.02.2014 personal quest to save both Earth and Asgard from Funimation 15.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121616 destruction. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121573 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fantasy, Movies, That’s What I Am Switch (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Myths & Legends, Superheroes 2013 Chase Ellison, Amy Madigan, Ed Harris, Mia 112min. (Blu-ray) Rose Frampton, Daniel Yelsky, Alexander Disney / Buena Vista 25.02.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Walters, Randy Orton, Daniel Roebuck, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121297 Thrillers 122min. Molly Parker - Dir. Michael Pavone Funimation 15.04.2014 Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Historical The Time Being 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121580 / Period Piece, Movies 2011 101min. Wes Bentley, Sarah Paulson, Frank Lang- Image Ent. 11.03.2014 ella TCM Greatest Classic Films: 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121341 Daniel (Wes Bentley, The Hunger Games) is a struggling Legends - Robert Mitchum young artist whose ambitions have pushed his marriage to the That’s What I Am (Blu-ray) brink. When a reclusive millionaire named Warner (Frank Richard Webb, Rhonda Fleming, Jane Langella, Frost/Nixon) purchases one of his pieces, he hopes Greer, Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas - Dir. Chase Ellison, Amy Madigan, Ed Harris, Mia for additional commissions from a new benefactor. Instead, Rose Frampton, Daniel Yelsky, Alexander Werner offers him a series of increasingly bizarre Jacques Tourneur surveillance assignments. As Daniel starts to unravel the Classics, Collections, Drama, Film Noir, Walters, Randy Orton, Daniel Roebuck, secrets behind the requests, he must determine if Warner is Movies min. Molly Parker - Dir. Michael Pavone out to further his career or ruin his life.

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Movies, Mystery 2012 85min. Elen Rhys, Claire Skinner, Charles Dance Drama, Movies 1994 109min. New Video DVD 11.03.2014 Trinity College has always been known as a playground for Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 the rich and powerful since it first opened its doors about 900 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121500 years ago. Now the college is about to welcome more 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121380 ‘regular’ ‘students. One of them is Charlotte Arc, whose Touch Of Evil (Blu-ray + father had worked as a professor at the university and is Unknown / Edge Of Darkness found dead just before the new term is about to get underway. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Charlotte decides to enroll at the university so she can (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Janet Leigh, Charlton Heston, Orson discover the truth about her fathers death. Bojana Novakovic, Diane Kruger, January British, College Life, Drama, Foreign, Inter- Welles, Joseph Calleia, Marlene Dietrich, Jones, Danny Huston, Ray Winstone, Frank national TV, Television 2013 369min. Zsa Zsa Gabor, Akim Tamiroff - Dir. Orson Langella, Liam Neeson, Mel Gibson, Aidan E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 Welles Quinn - Dir. Martin Campbell 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121605 Experience Orson Welles’ timeless masterpiece, Touch Of Action, Blu-ray, Cops On The Edge, Double Evil, complete and uncut with restored footage for the first Features, Drama, Movies, Mystery, time ever! This exceptional film noir portrait of corruption and The Truman Show (Blu-ray) morally-compromised obsessions stars Welles as Hank Revenge, Thrillers min. Quinlan, a crooked police chief who frames a Mexican youth Jim Carrey, Peter Krause, Holland Taylor, Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 as part of an intricate criminal plot. Charlton Heston plays an Natascha McElhone, Noah Emmerich, Laura honorable Mexican narcotics investigator who clashes with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121528 the bigoted Quinlan after probing into his dark past. A Linney, Ed Harris - Dir. Peter Weir memorable supporting cast including Janet Leigh as Heston’s All eyes on Burbank - Truman Burbank, that is. And you’ll Valkyrie (Blu-ray) inquisitive wife, Akim Tamiroff as a seedy underworld leader, want to join the masses in taking a fresh look at this marvel of Zsa Zsa Gabor and Marlene Dietrich as an enigmatic gypsy a movie from director Peter Weir (Gallipoli, Witness). Truman Carice Van Houten, Bill Nighy, , complete this fascinating drama engulfed in haunting (Jim Carrey) is about to discover just how abnormal his Tom Wilkinson, Kenneth Branagh, Terence cinematography and a magnificently eerie score by Henry seemingly „normal“ life is. What he doesn’t realize - just yet - Mancini. is that his whole life is a reality TV show, televised and Stamp, Tom Cruise - Dir. Bryan Singer broadcast for the world to see! The creative genius of Jim Based on the incredible true story of Colonel Claus von AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Film Noir, Carrey (Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events) Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise) and his ingenious assassination Movies, Mystery, National Film Registry, will amaze and thrill you in this groundbreaking film that also plot targeting Adolph Hitler, this engrossing thriller reenacts Thrillers 1958 111min. features Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Holland the daring operation to eliminate one of the most evil tyrants Universal Studios 15.04.2014 Taylor and Peter Krause. the world has ever known. Co-starring Kenneth Branagh, Bill Drama, Movies, Science Fiction 1998 min. Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp and Eddie Izzard, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121756 Valkyrie delivers pulse-pounding excitement from start to Paramount 01.01.2013 finish! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121563 A Touch Of Sin Drama, Historical / Period Piece, History & A „brilliant exploration of violence and corruption in Events, Movies, Thrillers, War, World War II contemporary China“ (Jon Frosch, The Atlantic), A Touch Of Twisted Tales 2008 120min. Sin was inspired by four shocking (and true) events that Sarah Butler, William Forsythe, Tom Hol- MGM / UA 21.01.2014 forced the world’s fastest growing economy into a period of self-examination. Written and directed by master filmmaker Jia land, Danielle Harris - Dir. Tom Holland 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121707 Zhangke (The World, Still Life), „one of the best and most Horror legend Tom Holland (Child’s Play, Fright Night) dares important directors in the world“ (Richard Brody, The New you to join him for nine nerve-shredding, totally Twisted Vegeance Yorker), this daring, poetic and grand-scale film focuses on Tales. Serving up a mind-bending assortment of the macabre, four characters, each living in different provinces, who are it’s an anthology fine-tuned to keep you on the edge of your Ving Rhames driven to violent ends. An angry miner, enraged by seat. A new drug offers users a glimpse of the future... with Action, Movies 78min. widespread corruption in his village, decides to take justice beastly consequences. A murderous husband is stalked by his into his own hands. A rootless migrant discovers the infinite own cell phone. A jilted lover wreaks satanic vengeance. The Millennium Entertainment 25.03.2014 possibilities of owning a firearm. A young receptionist, who nightmarish action then leads to worlds haunted by dark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121370 dates a married man and works at a local sauna, is pushed magic, demonic possession, vampires, witches and more in beyond her limits by an abusive client. And a young factory this seriously freaky festival of fear. Features favorite genre worker goes from one discouraging job to the next, only to stars including Danielle Harris (Rob Zombie’s Halloween), The Vikings: Dark Warriors face increasingly degrading circumstances. William Forsythe (The Devil’s Rejects, ), Set to draft off Season 2 of the hit series, The Vikings, Chinese, Collections, Drama, Foreign, Ray Wise (X-Men: First Class), Sarah Butler (I Spit on Your History presents a collection of films about the most ruthless Grave), A.J. Bowen (Hatchet 2) and more! men of all time in The Vikings: Dark Warriors. Now available Movies 2013 133min. Collections, Haunted Houses, Horror, on DVD! Kino Video 18.03.2014 Movies, Short Film Collections, Adventure, Historical / Period Piece, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121307 Supernatural & Paranormal, TV Movies History & Events, History Channel, Televisi- 2013 min. on, Vikings 135min. A Touch Of Sin (Blu-ray) Image Ent. 18.03.2014 A&E 04.03.2014 A „brilliant exploration of violence and corruption in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121343 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121202 contemporary China“ (Jon Frosch, The Atlantic), A Touch Of Sin was inspired by four shocking (and true) events that forced the world’s fastest growing economy into a period of Two Mules For Sister Sara (Blu- Virgin Cowboy self-examination. Written and directed by master filmmaker Jia Zhangke (The World, Still Life), „one of the best and most ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Bret Zeller, John Armond important directors in the world“ (Richard Brody, The New Clint Eastwood, Shirley MacLaine - Dir. Don The wild, wild, west just got a lot wilder as a naive country Yorker), this daring, poetic and grand-scale film focuses on boy and his prostitute girlfriend are pursued by a gang of four characters, each living in different provinces, who are Siegel outlaw killers. Featuring Liz Renay, the stripper-actress - driven to violent ends. An angry miner, enraged by Clint Eastwood is a hard-hitting high plains drifter who rides and girlfriend of reputed mobster Mickey Cohen, she also was widespread corruption in his village, decides to take justice into town and single-handedly rescues a local nun (Shirley sentenced to 3 years in prison for perjury - and beefy actor into his own hands. A rootless migrant discovers the infinite MacLaine) from a gang of attackers. After meeting a band of James Whitworth (The Hills Have Eyes), who appears here possibilities of owning a firearm. A young receptionist, who Mexican revolutionaries bent on resisting the French under the guise of „Cecil Baker“. Directed by film editor dates a married man and works at a local sauna, is pushed occupation of Mexico, the cowboy and Sister Sara decide to George Watters, who is better remembered for his work on beyond her limits by an abusive client. And a young factory join forces with the freedom fighters and set off on a deadly Bruce Lee’s Enter The Dragon. Virgin Cowboy is presented worker goes from one discouraging job to the next, only to mission to capture the enemy’s garrison. But along the way, a in a widescreen 16x9 HD transfer from 35mm film. face increasingly degrading circumstances. steamy romance develops between them when the soft-spoken Erotica, Movies, Western 1975 80min. hero discovers the nun is not what she seems. Ending with a Chinese, Collections, Drama, Foreign, violent climax at the well-protected fort, this action-packed Retromedia 25.03.2014 Movies 2013 133min. western classic cemented Eastwood’ status as a true 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121570 Kino Video 18.03.2014 cinematic superstar! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121323 Movies, Western 1969 114min. The Visitor Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Mel Ferrer, Glenn Ford, Lance Henriksen, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121705 Trapped Franco Nero On Laura’s 27th birthday, she and six friends are trapped in a In this unforgettable assault on reality - fully restored and closet by a psycho killer. It turns out they’re part of a twisted Twogether presented completely uncut for the first time ever in HD - game, where fans watch the murders live over an internet legendary Hollywood director/actor John Huston (The webcast. Nick Cassavetes, Jeremy Piven, Brenda Maltese Falcon; Treasure of the Sierra Madre) stars as an Horror, Movies 2013 87min. Bakke intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in A one-nighter between struggling artist John and battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl and her pet hawk, Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 environmentalist Allison leads to a Las Vegas wedding, a while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Multi- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121276 hangover, and a quickie divorce. When they reunite to dimensional warfare, pre-adolescent profanity and brutal celebrate their separation, they end up under the sheets avian attacks combine to transport the viewer to a stat unlike again, but this time Allison gets pregnant. Bound by the anything theyve experienced... somewhere between Hell, the Trinity: The Complete First blessed event but not by tradition, John and Allison juggle darkest reaches of outer space, and Atlanta, GA. The Visitor Season feedings and fooling around - but not always with each other. fearlessly fuses elements of The Omen, Close Encounters of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 76 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the Third Kind, The Birds, Rosemarys Baby, The Fury, and Bryan Leung - Dir. Dou Xiao Young even Star Wars, creating the most ambitious of all 70s Two strangers set out on individual quests for revenge, and Hannah Lee is a bright teen girl trapped in the dark Southern psychedelic mindwarps. Its baffling all-star cast includes when they cross paths, they discover that revenge lies with underworld of violence and guns, drugs and vicious biker Shelley Winters (Night of the Hunter), Glenn Ford the same man. Joining forces, it will take more than an army to gangs. Neglected by her angry sister Amber, her only refuge (Superman), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Franco Nero keep them from unleashing the ultimate punishment, even if it is her troubled uncle Donny, who is a drug addict. Both live in (Django) and Sam Peckinpah (director of The Wild Bunch). means sacrificing their own lives. fear of Uncle Frank Stinson, who runs the illegal family Aliens, Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, business with an iron fist, aided by his psychotic younger Science Fiction 1979 108min. brother Bobby. But when Amber falls in love with family rival Movies, Revenge 94min. Wild Bill, Hannah realizes there is no escape from the New Video DVD 04.03.2014 Lionsgate 01.04.2014 ruthless Stinsons, and cleverly schemes to pit one pawn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121564 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121541 against another in a cunning game of revenge. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Drugs & The Visitor (Blu-ray + Digital West Side Story Dealers, Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. E1 Entertainment 04.03.2014 Copy) (Blu-ray) George Chakiris, Russ Tamblyn, Richard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121594 Mel Ferrer, Glenn Ford, Lance Henriksen, Beymer, Natalie Wood, Rita Moreno - Dir. Franco Nero Jerome Robbins In this unforgettable assault on reality - fully restored and The greatest love story ever told... in the most acclaimed William And Mary: The Complete presented completely uncut for the first time ever in HD - musical of all time... is now on Blu-ray! Experience every Collection legendary Hollywood director/actor John Huston (The sensational song, dazzling dance number and magical movie Maltese Falcon; Treasure of the Sierra Madre) stars as an moment of West Side Story in sparkling high definition with Julie Graham, Martin Clunes - Dir. Coky intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in pure 7.1 digital sound - along with fascinating special Giedroyc, Jean Stewart, Stuart Orme, battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl and her pet hawk, features created exclusively for this 50th Anniversary Edition! while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Multi- Winner of ten Academy Awards, including Best Picture, this Sandy Johnson, Nick Laughland, Matthew dimensional warfare, pre-adolescent profanity and brutal electrifying musical sets the ageless tragedy of Romeo and Evans avian attacks combine to transport the viewer to a stat unlike Juliet against a backdrop of gang warfare in 1950’s New She brings people into the world, he ushers them out... but for anything theyve experienced... somewhere between Hell, the York. Featuring an unforgettable score, exuberant this unconventional pair, love is the greatest journey of all. darkest reaches of outer space, and Atlanta, GA. The Visitor choreography and powerful performances by Natalie Wood, Martin Clunes (Doc Martin, Shakespeare in Love) and Julie fearlessly fuses elements of The Omen, Close Encounters of Russ Tamblyn, Richard Beymer, Rita Moreno and George Graham (The Bletchley Circle) are the slightly jaded - but the Third Kind, The Birds, Rosemarys Baby, The Fury, and Chakiris, West Side Story will forever resonate as a true ever hopeful - couple looking to finally get it right in this even Star Wars, creating the most ambitious of all 70s cinematic masterpiece. addictive British dramedy. William Shawcross is a widowed psychedelic mindwarps. Its baffling all-star cast includes Academy Award Winners, Affairs & Love undertaker whose profession has kept women at arm’s length. Shelley Winters (Night of the Hunter), Glenn Ford Mary Gilcrest is a no-nonsense midwife who has little time to (Superman), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Franco Nero Triangles, AFI Top 100, Classics, Drama, muck about with romance. From the minute they meet, the (Django) and Sam Peckinpah (director of The Wild Bunch). Movies, Musical, National Film Registry, demands of family and their unpredictable professions keep Aliens, Blu-ray, Devils And Demons, Horror, Play-To-Film, Romance, Shakespeare, Star- things complicated. But they find that, like birth and death, love is a force that won’t be denied. This complete collection Movies, Science Fiction 1979 108min. Crossed Lovers, Troubled Youth 1961 contains all three series of the deftly written drama, nominated New Video DVD 04.03.2014 153min. for numerous U.K. television awards. Guest stars include 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121553 MGM / UA 21.01.2014 Michael Fassbender, , Saskia Wickham, tba BestellNr.: 40121692 Russell Tovey, and Miranda Hart. British, Drama, Foreign, Television 2005 Wadjda (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) 872min. (Blu-ray) When A Woman’s Fed Up Acorn Media 25.03.2014 A story set in Saudi Arabia and focused on the experiences of Larry Flash Jenkins, Paula Jai Parker, Ellia 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121349 a young girl who challenges her country’s traditions. English, Tyrin Turner - Dir. Jason Horton , Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Movies Taryln is a powerful and career-driven woman with a high 2013 98min. tolerance for her husband’s foolishness. When she discovers The Women (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment that her man has been unfaithful, she hatches a devious plot to Lucie Watson, Mary Boland, Norma teach her „better half“ a lesson he will never forget. Shearer, Rosalind Russell, Majorie Main, 04.02.2014 Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, Drama, Joan Fontaine, Joan Crawford, Paulette 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121205 Movies, Romance 2013 79min. Goddard, Ruth Hussey - Dir. George Cukor Phase 4 Films 04.03.2014 Be careful what you say in private. It could become a movie. Wanderlust (Repackage) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121670 Some gossip overheard by Clare Boothe Luce in a nightclub Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston, Alan Alda, powder room inspired her Broadway hit that’s wittily adapted for the screen in The Women. George Cukor directs an all Malin Akerman, Kathryn Hahn, Justin Where The Wild Things Are / female cast in this catty tale of battling and bonding that paints Theroux, Lauren Ambrose - Dir. David Wain Neverending Story (Double Fea- its claws „Jungle Red“ and shreds the excesses of pampered Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston star in this laugh-out-loud Park Avenue princesses. Joan Crawford, Rosalind Rusell, comedy about leaving it all behind. After George (Rudd) loses ture) (Blu-ray) Joan Fontaine, Mary Boland and Paulette Goddard are among his high-stress Manhattan job, he and his wife, Linda (Anis- the array of husband snatchers and lovelorn ladies. Norma ton), hit the road and wind up crashing at Elysium, a free- Michael Berry Jr., Max Records, Paul Dano, Shearer is jilted Mary Haines, who ultimately learns to claw spirited community of hippies, tree-huggers and the Mark Ruffalo, Lauren Ambrose, Chris without ruining her manicure. All the glamming and slamming occasional nudist. Featuring an all-star ensemble cast Cooper, Catherine Keener, Forest Whitaker, comes with a shimmery bauble: a fashion show sequence in including Justin Theroux, Malin Akerman and Alan Alda, - Dir. eye-popping Technicolor. Wanderlust has „more laughs than I’ve had at the movies in a Comedy, Drama, Movies, National Film Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Double very long time.“ (Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer) Registry 1939 133min. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 Features, Drama, Family, Movies 203min. Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 98min. Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121665 Universal Studios 11.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121460 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121537 Wicked Blood The Wonder Arnav, a graffiti artist and bartender, who lives near the Old The War Wagon (Blu-ray + Abigail Breslin, Sean Bean - Dir. Mark City of Jerusalem. Wearing a mask, he paints walls at night UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Young and hopes that Vax, his former girlfriend who recently „found Hannah Lee is a bright teen girl trapped in the dark Southern religion,“ will come back to him. But when Arnav sees a Keenan Wynn, Robert Walker, Joanna underworld of violence and guns, drugs and vicious biker mysterious stranger forced into an abandoned apartment Barnes, Bruce Cabot, Kirk Douglas, John gangs. Neglected by her angry sister Amber, her only refuge across the way by three bearded men, he becomes involved is her troubled uncle Donny, who is a drug addict. Both live in with a hard-boiled investigator, a gorgeous mystery woman, Wayne, Howard Keel - Dir. Burt Kennedy and the conflicted, mysterious captive himself. Wayne plays rancher Taw Jackson, who’s dead set on fear of Uncle Frank Stinson, who runs the illegal family capturing an ironclad stagecoach belonging to a cattle baron business with an iron fist, aided by his psychotic younger Drama, Movies, Mystery min. who stole his fortune and tarnished his good name years brother Bobby. But when Amber falls in love with family rival Virgil Films And Entertainment 18.03.2014 before. To pull off the heist, Jackson puts together a crew that Wild Bill, Hannah realizes there is no escape from the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121436 includes an old character, a half-civilized Indian, a young ruthless Stinsons, and cleverly schemes to pit one pawn drunk and a cocky gunfighter. against another in a cunning game of revenge. Movies, Western 1967 101min. Action, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Wreckers Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. Claire Foy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Shaun 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121706 E1 Entertainment 04.03.2014 Evans, Simon Onwurah 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121588 A young married couple moves back to their childhood village to start a family, but a surprise visit from the husband’s Warrior Assassin (DVD + brother turns their lives completely upside down. She can’t UltraViolet) Wicked Blood (Blu-ray) get pregnant so the brother offers to help and the couples Abigail Breslin, Sean Bean - Dir. Mark marriage is tested.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Drama, Movies 2011 86min. Dane DeHaan, Metallica - Dir. Nimrod Antal season. The schools have met only once before, with Clemson winning 17-15 in the 1978 Gator Bowl. The 2014 Discover Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 Concerts, Heavy Metal, Movies, Music, Orange Bowl includes the commercial-free game broadcast on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121277 Rock ‘N’ Roll 2013 min. DVD as well as the trophy presentation. It is a great addition Blackened Records 28.01.2014 to any fan’s collection! Zombie Dawn tba BestellNr.: 40121653 Football, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports 2014 min. Horror, Movies, Zombies 2012 83min. Team Marketing 25.02.2014 Music Video Distribution 25.03.2014 The Scene: An Exploration Of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121287 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121382 Music In Toronto The Scene: An Exploration Of Music In Toronto is a documentary film project that chronicles the lives of indepen- 2014 Rose Bowl Game dent musicians as they build their careers in the Canadian The 100th Rose Bowl Game presented by VIZIO will take music industry. With commentary from music legends, chart- place Wednesday, January 1, 2014. It will feature an exciting toppers, band managers, talent agents, radio personalities, matchup between No. 4 Michigan State and No. 5 Stanford. Music and industry experts, The Scene follows a trio of local rock Stanford is playing in its second consecutive Rose Bowl. bands as they refine their sound, promote their shows, and Michigan State will make its first trip to the Rose Bowl since God’s Greatest Hits: Ave Maria record their music in the city of Toronto. the 1987 season. Both teams have a very similar style of play Documentary, Music, Special Interest min. and neither team has allowed more than 28 points in a game Many composers have interpreted this musical masterpiece this year. These two teams were destined to collide in what is over the centuries. In this episode the Franz Schubert and J. Virgil Films And Entertainment 25.03.2014 sure to be an entertaining game with a very close ending! The S. Bach/Charles Gounod versions are explored, along with a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121464 2014 Rose Bowl Game presented by VIZIO includes the beautiful rendition by African American composer R. commercial-free game broadcast on DVD as well as the Nathaniel Dett and a newly created arrangement by composer trophy presentation. It is a great addition to any fan’s Omar Daniel for string quartet and soprano. Features collection! performances by Bobby McFerrin, the Cecilia String Quartet with Monica Whicher, and the Nathaniel Dett Chorale. Football, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports Documentary, Music, Religion/Spirituality, Special Interest min. Special Interest 2012 min. Team Marketing 25.02.2014 E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 100 Years Of Wrigley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121246 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121611 The ivy walls. The hand-turned scoreboard. The iconic red marquee atop the entrance. Wrigley Field - is a time capsule 2014 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl God’s Greatest Hits: Songs Of that harkens back to a simpler era. The Friendly Confines - In the 43rd Annual Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, AAC champion has been home to many greats, including Billy Williams, Ron Central Florida (UCF) Knights meet the Big 12 Conference Freedom Santo, Ferguson Jenkins, Ryno, and of course Ernie Banks. champion Baylor Bears at University of Phoenix Stadium on But the beauty of Wrigley Field lies in the experience. From January 1, 2014. The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl will be the first Swing Low, Sweet Chariot is a Song of the Century as named neighborhood fans lining the rooftops of adjacent buildings to by the Recording Industry Association of America. It is just BCS game for both UCF (11-1) and Baylor (11-1). It also will Harry Caray leading a charming rendition of „Take Me Out to be the first meeting between the two schools. Baylor fresh off one song from a rich, painful, and powerful tradition of music the Ballgame,“ the ballpark’s traditions are as numerous as that emerged from slavery. This episode features songs such an 11-win season and an impressive win against Texas, they are timeless. 100 Years Of Wrigley Field celebrates a secured its first-ever Big 12 title and third conference title in as Steal Away, Go Down Moses, Following the Drinking century of the greatest moments and best personalities of the Gourd, and Gospel Train performed by Eric and Leon Bibb, school history. UCF will be making a bowl appearance for the ballpark on Chicago’s North Side. fourth time in the past five seasons and for the sixth time in Dave Wall, Ken Whiteley, and the Carolina Chocolate Drops. Baseball, Documentary, Major League Documentary, Music, Religion/Spirituality, school history. The 2014 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl includes the Baseball, Special Interest, Sports 85min. commercial-free game broadcast on DVD as well as the Special Interest min. A&E 11.03.2014 trophy presentation. It is a great addition to any fan’s E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 collection! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121291 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121612 Football, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports min. God’s Greatest Hits: When The 2014 Allstate Sugar Bowl Team Marketing 25.02.2014 No. 3 Alabama meets No. 11 Oklahoma in the 80th Allstate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121243 Saints Go Marching In Sugar Bowl where the two storied programs will be facing One of the most common songs played during the distinctive each other for only the fifth time ever. Alabama is led by New Orleans jazz funeral march is When the Saints Go quarterback A.J. McCarron and will arrive in New Orleans 2014 Vizio BCS National Marching In. Originally sang as a church spiritual with with something to prove. Oklahoma and their powerhouse Championship Game imagery from the Book of Revelation, this song gained fame in offense pulled off an amazing win over Oklahoma State to the hands of Louis Armstrong. This episode features become BCS-bound. The 2014 Allstate Sugar Bowl includes Florida State (13-0, 8-0 ACC) and Auburn (12-1, 7-1 SEC), performances of When the Saints Go Marching In, Blessed the commercial-free game broadcast on DVD as well as the the top two teams in the final BCS Standings, will face off in Assurance, Down by the Riverside, and This Little Light of trophy presentation. It is a great addition to any fan’s the 2014 VIZIO BCS National Championship Game at The Mine by the Zion Harmonizers, Rebirth Brass Band, and Ken collection! Rose Bowl on Monday, Jan. 6. Auburn will be playing for the Whiteley and Friends. Football, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports SEC’s eighth straight national championship by outscoring Missouri 59-42 in the SEC championship game. Both teams Documentary, Music, Religion/Spirituality, min. feature Heisman hopefuls and explosive offenses, but Florida Special Interest 2012 min. Team Marketing 25.02.2014 State ranks first in the NCAA in red-zone offense which could E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121244 slow down the Tigers scoring. This will be the last time the top two teams will automatically play for the Bowl 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121613 Championship Series title before the implementation of a four- 2014 AT&T Cotton Bowl team College Football Playoff system. Jan And Dean: One Last Ride The 78th AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic scheduled for Friday, Football, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports Fast cars, surfing and girls on the beach - Jan and Dean’s January 3, 2014 features No. 8 Missouri vs. No. 13 Oklahoma 2014 min. music has the heart and soul of the California lifestyle in the State. Missouri brings in a prolific offense averaging close to Team Marketing 25.02.2014 ’60s. As one of the most popular duos in rock history, Jan and 40 points per game this year. The Tigers are led by senior Dean created infectious, energetic good-time songs that dual-threat quarterback James Franklin. OSU had huge wins 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121376 captured the allure of surf, sunshine and horsepower. Their over three ranked teams in Texas Tech, Texas and Baylor to best known hits, Surf City, The Little Old Lady from Pasadena, close out their season. The Pokes’ has the 13th best defense 30 Minutes To Fitness: Cardio and Dead Man’s Curve, are classics rediscovered by each in the country, led by Jim Thorpe Award Finalist Justin new generation. Together for the first time after years off from Gilbert and their offense ranked second in the Big 12 behind Quick Fix With Kelly Coffey-Mey- touring. Baylor. With these two exciting teams the AT&T Cotton Bowl Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special is one every college football fan should circle on the er schedule! The 2014 AT&T Cotton Bowl includes the 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Quick Fix burns mega calories Interest 1982 61min. commercial-free game broadcast on DVD as well as the in less time! This DVD has two calorie-blasting workouts that E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 trophy presentation. It is a great addition to any fan’s are effective, fun and easy-to-follow. Getting fit doesn’t have 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121615 collection! to take up a lot of your day! Each 30-Minutes to Fitness DVD Football, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports is designed to get the job done in less time. min. Dancing, Fitness, Health, Special Interest Metallica: Through The Never Team Marketing 25.02.2014 60min. Dane DeHaan, Metallica - Dir. Nimrod Antal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121245 Bayview Entertainment 11.03.2014 Concerts, Heavy Metal, Movies, Music, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121193 Rock ‘N’ Roll 2013 min. 2014 Discover Orange Bowl Blackened Records 28.01.2014 The 2014 Discover Orange Bowl will feature a matchup 30 Minutes To Fitness: Your tba BestellNr.: 40121652 between the 7th ranked Ohio State Buckeyes and the 12th ranked Clemson Tigers January 3rd, 2014. Both teams will Healthy Back With Kelly Coffey- bring in nationally-elite offenses, led by preseason Heisman Meyer Metallica: Through The Never Trophy contenders Braxton Miller and Tajh Boyd. Combined, Miller and Boyd have accounted for 70 touchdowns this 30-Minutes to Fitness: Your Healthy Back will increase the (Blu-ray) strength and flexibility of your back safely in the comfort of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 78 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA your own home. This program was designed by fitness profes- UltraViolet) phone. We’ll explore 13.7 billion years of history and ask sional Kelly Coffey-Meyer in conjunction with a licensed questions like: What is the connection between Egyptian chiropractor and practicing physical therapists. Research Lance Armstrong - Dir. Alex Gibney mummies and today’s ham and cheese sandwich? Was the reveals that many people suffer with mild to extreme back In 2009, Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney (2007, American Revolution driven in part by a biological thirst for discomfort. With continued use of 30-Minutes to Fitness Your Best Documentary, Taxi to the Dark Side) was hired to make a caffeine? And why does nearly every ancient civilization build Healthy Back, you’ll feel better as your core strength and film about Lance Armstrong’s comeback to cycling. The massive structures in the shape of a pyramid? Narrated by flexibility increases. This unique self-care DVD will guide project was shelved when the doping scandal erupted, and re- Bryan Cranston, this History series uses cutting-edge you through eight different exercises that simulate everyday opened after Armstrong’s confession. The Armstrong Lie picks visuals and graphics to show surprising links between past movements of your back and hips. 30-Minutes to Fitness Your up in 2013 after Armstrong was stripped of his 7 Tour de and present. Healthy Back can help you improve and maintain a healthier France titles, and presents a riveting, insider’s view of the Documentary, Educational, History & foundation. Also included is an abbreviated 15 minute mix to unraveling of the greatest deception in sports history. Events, History Channel, Science, Space, use as an add-on to your regular workout or for days when 30 Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, Special Special Interest, Television 442min. minutes are too hard to spare. This isn’t a lot of hard work Interest, Sports 2013 124min. that will bring great rewards in the future - this is a little bit A&E 11.03.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment of smart work that brings you small rewards daily! No 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121292 equipment needed. 04.02.2014 Fitness, Instructional, Special Interest min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121268 Bayview Entertainment 11.03.2014 Billy Blanks Tae-Bo: Extreme 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121192 The Baby Boom Years: 1952 Live Documentary, History & Events, Special Billy Blanks The African Americans: Many Interest min. Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Rivers To Cross E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 Interest, Tae Bo 65min. Written and presented by Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121566 Starz / Anchor Bay 04.03.2014 director Of W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African American 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121261 Research at Harvard University, this six-hour series explores the evolution of the African-American people, as well The Baby Boom Years: 1959 as the multiplicity of cultural institutions, political strategies, A Brief History Of Time: The and religious and social perspectives they developed - Documentary, History & Events, Special forging their own history, culture and society against Interest min. Criterion Collection unimaginable odds. Commencing with the origins of slavery in E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 Stephen Hawking - Dir. Errol Morris Africa, the series moves through five centuries of remarkable 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121567 Errol Morris (The Fog of War) turns his camera on one of the historic events right up to the present - when America is led most fascinating men in the world: the pioneering by a black president, yet remains a nation deeply divided by astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, afflicted by a debilitating race. By highlighting the tragedies, triumphs and The Baby Boom Years: 1966 motor neuron disease that has left him without a voice or the contradictions of the black experience, the series reveals to use of his limbs. An adroitly crafted tale of personal adversity, viewers that the African-American community has never been Documentary, History & Events, Special professional triumph, and cosmological inquiry, Morris’s a uniform entity, and that its members have been actively Interest min. documentary examines the way the collapse of Hawking’s debating their differences from their first days in this country. E1 Entertainment 25.03.2014 body has been accompanied by the untrammeled broadening of Throughout the course of the series, viewers will see that the his imagination. Telling the man’s incredible story through the road of freedom for black people in America has not been 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121568 voices of his colleagues and loved ones, while making linear, but more like a course of a river, full dynamically accessible some of the theories in Hawking’s African Americans, Black Heritage, The Bear Family And Me best-selling book of the same name, A Brief History of Time is at once as small as a single life and as big as the ever- Documentary, History & Events, Special In this absorbing series, renowned wildlife cameraman Gor- Interest 2013 360min. expanding universe. don Buchanan learns how to „walk with bears“ with Lynn Criterion Collection, Documentary, Illness & PBS Home Video 28.01.2014 Rogers, a pioneering biologist, to get as close as can be to Disease, Science, Special Interest 1991 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121747 these often fearsome beasts. Over the course of a year, the pair follow cheeky young bear Lily, her mother June and their 84min. new cubs as they emerge from hibernation in the Minnesota Criterion 15.04.2014 Alien Boy: The Life And Death Of Northwoods. The rewards are huge as Gordon gains the trust of Lily and June and captures the emerging personalities of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121658 James Chasse individual cubs to give a captivating insight into the life of the Alien Boy: The Life and Death of James Chasse is a feature- black bear. Brutal Bears length documentary film that chronicles one man’s struggle BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Special with schizophrenia and examines the actions of the police Interest, Television 2011 min. Welcome to Alaska in the fleeting summertime, when the officers responsible for his death, exposing a city grappling biggest gang of grizzlies on the planet gathers to gorge on with accountability in the death of an innocent, unarmed man. BBC Home Video 08.04.2014 salmon and to mate. The explosive action plunges you into the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121512 rough life of survival - defending your fishing spot with tooth Crime, Documentary, Mental Illness, Special and claw, and doing whatever you must to find a fertile Interest 2013 90min. partner. Beware: its not always pretty. Powerful players can Breaking Glass Pictures 25.03.2014 Big History (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) have their way. But life is harder for a new mother and her cubs, and for young males who risk their lives to rival bigger, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121446 (Blu-ray) older bears. The dedicated film crew takes risks, too, using The Big History DVD collection turns history on its head, the latest HD cameras and hi-tech remotes to put you right in Arctic Tale / To The Arctic (Doub- breaks down the walls between history and science, and tells the heart of the sometimes steamy action. the story of the universe from the Big Bang through today. Animals & Nature, BBC, British, Foreign, le Feature) (Blu-ray) Crisscrossing through time and space, each episode reveals the transformative relationships between science and history International TV, Television 290min. Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary, that you never knew existed. For example, most people don’t BBC Home Video 08.04.2014 Double Features, Family, Special Interest know that they carry the legacy of the Titanic, and even the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121513 136min. Big Bang, in their pockets every day in the form of a cell Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 phone. We’ll explore 13.7 billion years of history and ask questions like: What is the connection between Egyptian Codebreaker 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121411 mummies and today’s ham and cheese sandwich? Was the American Revolution driven in part by a biological thirst for Documentary, Special Interest min. caffeine? And why does nearly every ancient civilization build Passion River 11.03.2014 The Armstrong Lie (Blu-ray + massive structures in the shape of a pyramid? Narrated by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121304 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Bryan Cranston, this History series uses cutting-edge visuals and graphics to show surprising links between past Lance Armstrong - Dir. Alex Gibney and present. Dowsing: The Complete Survival In 2009, Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney (2007, A&E, Documentary, Educational, History & Guide Best Documentary, Taxi to the Dark Side) was hired to make a Events, History Channel, Science, Space, film about Lance Armstrong’s comeback to cycling. The Apocalyptic Future, Documentary, End Of Special Interest, Television 442min. project was shelved when the doping scandal erupted, and re- The World, Special Interest 2014 120min. opened after Armstrong’s confession. The Armstrong Lie picks A&E 11.03.2014 Allegro Entertainment 08.04.2014 up in 2013 after Armstrong was stripped of his 7 Tour de 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121299 France titles, and presents a riveting, insider’s view of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121625 unraveling of the greatest deception in sports history. Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, Special Big History (DVD + UltraViolet) Drawing With Mark: Good To Interest, Sports 2013 124min. The Big History DVD collection turns history on its head, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment breaks down the walls between history and science, and tells Grow / Life On The Farm (Double the story of the universe from the Big Bang through today. 04.02.2014 Crisscrossing through time and space, each episode reveals Feature) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121284 the transformative relationships between science and history Join professional illustrator Mark Marderosian on a creative that you never knew existed. For example, most people don’t journey as we discover the basic fun of learning to draw! know that they carry the legacy of the Titanic, and even the Drawing With Mark is a Parents’ Choice Award winning The Armstrong Lie (DVD + Big Bang, in their pockets every day in the form of a cell series that helps kids of all ages unlock their creativity. The

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DVD includes two 30 minute episodes: Life on the Farm sees Finding Bigfoot: Season Three who shows off her amazing breasts and talks about being a Mark and the gang visit a real farm with animals and we learn screamer. Luckily for us, she’s up to our cameraman’s to draw a barn and a cute pig. Good To Grow sees Mark The Finding Bigfoot team is back in Season 2 Vol. 3. They will challenge and proves just how bouncy her breasts are while return to the farm and we learn to draw a real tractor and travel all over the world and leave not stone unturned in their doing some jumping jacks! Check out just how much these sunflowers. quest to find the elusive Sasquatch! girls love hot tubs in Girls Gone Wild: Hot Tub Hotties. Art & Architecture, Family, Instructional, Documentary, Monsters, Myths & Legends, Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Special Interest min. Special Interest, Television 2012 215min. GGW Brands, LLC. 01.04.2014 E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 Discovery Channel 01.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121695 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121610 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121468 Girls Gone Wild: Naughty Drawing With Mark: Something Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed Slumber Party Jim Gaffigan Fishy / A Day At The Aquarium Our cameraman stopped by the Girls Gone Wild summer Jim Gaffigan is back with a brand new hour long comedy house one morning to find some very playful girls waking up. (Double Feature) special. Gaffigan’s infectious style brings you to tears as he Blonde beauty Katie and her cute friend Sarah, both 21, give Join professional illustrator Mark Marderosian on a creative talks about everyday scenarios that you can relate to. As one us a tour of the house before sitting down to answer some journey as we discover the basic fun of learning to draw! of the top comedians out today, he continues to raise the bar dirty questions on the „hot seat.“ Confessing to their Drawing With Mark is a Parents’ Choice Award winning with new material and of course, some bacon. naughtiest acts makes the girls horny, and before you know it, series that helps kids of all ages unlock their creativity. The Comedy, Comedy Central, Special Interest, they’re all over each other! Meanwhile, Jane and Leila are DVD includes two 30 minute episodes: Something Fishy finds Stand-Up, Television 2014 min. upstairs having their own sexy pillow fight... without clothes. Mark and the gang at Woods Hole Aquarium and we learn to Next we meet sweetie Emma, 18, who gets herself off not only draw a school of fish and a sea star. A Day at the Aquarium Comedy Central 29.04.2014 once but twice in the shower! Right when you thought the see Mark return to Woods Hole and we learn to draw a fun 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121686 action was over, all of the girls meet up in the living room for seal and a sea turtle. a sensual orgy. These girls love to have sleepovers, but they Art & Architecture, Family, Instructional, Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed (Blu-ray) love sleeping together more! Check out what else goes down Special Interest 61min. behind closed doors in Girls Gone Wild: Naughty Slumber Jim Gaffigan Party. E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 Jim Gaffigan is back with a brand new hour long comedy Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121609 special. Gaffigan’s infectious style brings you to tears as he GGW Brands, LLC. 01.04.2014 talks about everyday scenarios that you can relate to. As one of the top comedians out today, he continues to raise the bar 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121694 Earthflight with new material and of course, some bacon. David Tennant (Harry Potter, Doctor Who) narrates this Comedy Central, Comedy, Comedy Central, Grounded exhilarating adventure, filmed over four years with help from camera-carrying birds, drones, paragliders and remote- Special Interest, Stand-Up, Television 2014 Documentary, Special Interest 74min. control microflight planes. Feel your heart pound as you min. Passion River 18.03.2014 scramble with snow geese to escape the talons of a bald Comedy Central 29.04.2014 eagle above North America. Soar with cranes over Venice 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121305 and the white cliffs of Dover. Sail over South American 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121698 mountains, jungles and waterfalls with hummingbirds and Charlton Heston: Jesus Of Naza- condors. Circle with vultures high above African plains, and Genesis / The Passion (Double navigate a dangerous Himalayan pass with demoiselle cranes reth / The Story Of Moses (Double on their way to India. This wondrous aerial spectacle will Feature) Feature) make your spirits soar! Documentary, Double Features, Religion/ Animals & Nature, BBC, British, Gwen Field, Charlton Heston Spirituality, Special Interest 109min. Documentary, Foreign, Special Interest, Documentary, Double Features, Religion/ Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Television 2011 min. Spirituality, Special Interest 406min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121393 BBC Home Video 08.04.2014 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121516 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121394 Ghosts At Sea Earthflight (Blu-ray) Documentary, Ghosts, High Seas, Special The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact Interest, Supernatural & Paranormal 2014 David Tennant (Harry Potter, Doctor Who) narrates this And The Government Cover-up exhilarating adventure, filmed over four years with help from 75min. camera-carrying birds, drones, paragliders and remote- Allegro Entertainment 22.04.2014 David Icke, Whitley Strieber control microflight planes. Feel your heart pound as you The Hidden Hand is a controversial Award-winning scramble with snow geese to escape the talons of a bald 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121626 documentary that explores the possibility of an eagle above North America. Soar with cranes over Venice extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The film takes a keen and the white cliffs of Dover. Sail over South American Girl Rising look at a spectrum of topics like alien abduction, human/alien mountains, jungles and waterfalls with hummingbirds and hybridization, the military’s reverse-engineering of alien condors. Circle with vultures high above African plains, and Freida Pinto, Selena Gomez, Anne technology and the government cover-up of anything related to navigate a dangerous Himalayan pass with demoiselle cranes Hathaway, Alicia Keys, Cate Blanchett, extraterrestrials. on their way to India. This wondrous aerial spectacle will Meryl Streep - Dir. Richard E. Robbins Aliens, Documentary, Politics, Special make your spirits soar! Interest 2012 80min. Animals & Nature, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Travel the globe to meet nine unforgettable girls - striving beyond circumstance, pushing past limits. Their dreams, their Music Video Distribution 21.01.2014 Documentary, Foreign, Special Interest, voices, their incredible stories are captured in a film about 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121271 Television 2011 min. the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to BBC Home Video 08.04.2014 change the world. Girls featured include Ruksana, an Indian pavement-dweller whose father sacrifices his own basic Intimacy Spa: Delight Gift Set (3 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121526 needs for his daughters dreams; Sokha, an orphan who rises from a life in a Cambodian landfill to become a star student DVD + 2 CD) and accomplished dancer; and Suma, who writes songs to ESPN Films: 30 For 30 - help her endure forced servitude in Nepal and today crusades Collections, Dancing, Erotic Dancing, Youngstown Boys to liberate others. More than a film, Girl Rising is the heart of Instructional, Special Interest, Yoga a movement that is spreading around the world promoting this 210min. Explore the class and power dynamics in college sports powerful truth: Educating girls in the developing world can through the parallel interconnected journeys of one-time transform families, communities, entire countries and break Bayview Entertainment 18.02.2014 dynamic running back Maurice Clarett and former elite head the cycle of poverty in just one generation.- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121187 coach Jim Tressel. Both emerged from the working-class city of Youngstown, Ohio and eventually joined for a magical Documentary, girl power, Special Interest season at Ohio State University in 2002 that produced the 103min. Intimacy Spa: Sensation Gift Set first national football championship for the school in over 30 Docurama 04.03.2014 years. Shortly thereafter though, Clarett was suspended from Collections, Erotic Dancing, Fitness, college football and began a downward spiral that ended with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121486 Instructional, Special Interest 225min. a prison term. Tressel continued at Ohio State for another Bayview Entertainment 18.02.2014 eight years before his career there also ended in scandal. Girls Gone Wild: Hot Tub Hotties Directors Jeff and Michael Zimbalist examine the rise and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121189 downfall of these two men from the opposite side of the First we meet sassy Sophia, 22, and her gorgeous blonde Youngstown tracks. friend Marie, 22. Visiting from England, Marie confesses that Intimacy Spa: Sensual Fitness ESPN, Football, NCAA, Special Interest, she’s never done anything with a girl before. After completing a motorboating challenge, the girls move to the hot tub where For Couples Sports 77min. the action really heats up! Next we meet Casey, 18, and ESPN (TM) 11.02.2014 Angelina, 19, another international hottie from China! These Wellness and fitness are related, and in this program you’ll girls aren’t shy - and they prove it by masturbating in front of discover how to exercise the right muscles to develop 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121225 each other. Soon the girls are getting it on in the hot tub, and flexibility and endurance that can enhance your relationship. our cameraman spots a huge grin on Angelina’s face after Learn which muscle groups to strengthen for more satisfying Casey goes down on her! Finally, we meet sweetie Emily, 20, intimacy. Join three attractive couples as they demonstrate

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 80 Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) Januar 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA how you and your partner can work out together with easy to Instructional, Special Interest 105min. reputation as one of fashion’s most influential movers. Her follow, fun instructions. Keep your routines interesting with inner circle of friends includes Donatella Versace, Tom Ford, exercises tailored for various parts of the home, including Bayview Entertainment 18.02.2014 Karl Lagerfeld, Diane Von Frstenberg, and Alexander Wang. underwater exercises in the pool. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121186 Yet few people outside the fashion world have heard of Erotica, Fitness, Health, Instructional, her...until now. Romance, Special Interest 2009 60min. Intimacy Spa: Sensual Yoga For Documentary, Fashion, Special Interest Bayview Entertainment 28.01.2014 2013 93min. Couples E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 tba BestellNr.: 40121721 Yoga is a spiritual system with a physical component, explored fully in these intimate routines for couples. Making 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121592 Intimacy Spa: Sensual Massage the body flexible and strong while drawing clarity and peace into the mind and emotions, lovers will find their relationships Mademoiselle C (Blu-ray) For Couples resonating with a deeper harmony. A regular practice of Find out the secrets of sensual massage that will leave you couples yoga can improve your quality of life by bringing Tom Ford and your partner invigorated. Follow our couples as they intimacy to your relationship, and more pleasure to your bed. Carine Roitfeld ran French Vogue for 10 years, building a discover new ways to give and receive the intimate benefits of Explore these creative and sensual practices that add both reputation as one of fashion’s most influential movers. Her soothing touch. Learn with them about creating the perfect tenderness and power to your loving. inner circle of friends includes Donatella Versace, Tom Ford, setting, using massage oils, arousing all five senses, and Erotica, Fitness, Health, Instructional, Karl Lagerfeld, Diane Von Frstenberg, and Alexander Wang. relaxing the entire body. This is the best step-by-step pro- Romance, Special Interest, Yoga 2009 Yet few people outside the fashion world have heard of gram for couples who want to learn how to pamper and her...until now. pleasure each other. 90min. Documentary, Fashion, Special Interest Instructional, Massage & Relaxation, Bayview Entertainment 28.01.2014 2013 93min. Romance, Special Interest 2009 60min. tba BestellNr.: 40121723 E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 Bayview Entertainment 28.01.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121632 tba BestellNr.: 40121722 JFK: The Smoking Gun JFK: The Smoking Gun breaks new ground in the case of Nelson Mandela: The Freedom President John F. Kennedys murder by presenting evidence Intimacy Spa: Sensual Pole Dan- amassed by two highly qualified experts during multi-year Fighter cing (DVD + CD) investigations into Kennedys assassination. The murder of JFK is one of the world’s most shocking tragedies and yet his Nelson Mandela Sexy moves you can learn at home! Get a great workout while killing has been surrounded in mystery and confusion - until Nelson Mandela is one of the most influential men in the performing this seductive new style of dance. Experience now. On the 50th anniversary of President Kennedys death world. Mandela stood firmly as a public leader of the anti increased confidence in your body image and appreciate your (November 2013), JFK: The Smoking Gun presents a cold apartheid movement. In 1962, he was arrested and convicted feminine curves as you use your body to the max. Convert any case forensic analysis of Kennedys assassination. The of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government and room of your house into your personal pole dance parlor with documentary reveals what really happened that day: that there was sentenced to life in prison. An international campaign moves that will turn your man on and spice up your was a second shooter who fired accidentally and who was ensued and in 1990 he was released. In 1994 he was relationship! Watch real couples experiment with this modern really responsible for JFKs death - and subsequently one of appointed as the first black president of South Africa. form of seduction! The DVD demonstrates Enticing Positions; the greatest cover-ups in American history. Documentary, Special Interest 2013 70min. Seductive Tricks; Transition Variations; Sizzling Choreography Routines; and a Freestyle performance by a Assassins & Hitmen, Documentary, History Music Video Distribution 18.02.2014 Pro. This package also contains an exclusive Bonus Music & Events, Politics, Presidents, Special 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121278 CD containing all the tracks you’ll need to create your own Interest 120min. home performance. DVD special features: English, Spanish, French, German, & Italian language options, subtitles for the Docurama 11.03.2014 Moonshiners: Season Two hearing impaired, and a full-length bonus scene. Contains 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121485 Series dramatizes the life of people who produce (illegal) nudity. moonshine in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, Dancing, Erotic Dancing, Instructional, Lincoln@Gettysburg Virginia, and South Carolina. The series dramatizes their Special Interest min. liquor production efforts, law-evading techniques and life. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln proved himself a master of a new Crime, Discovery Channel, Drama, Reality, Bayview Entertainment 18.02.2014 frontier - not on the battlefields of the Civil War, but in his Television 2012 616min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121185 „high tech“ command center, the War Department Telegraph Office. The telegraph was the „Internet“ of the nineteenth Discovery Channel 08.04.2014 century, and it gave Lincoln powers of command, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121472 Intimacy Spa: Sensual Strip communications, and control never before exercised by a commander-in-chief. He used this new technology to connect Dance Striptease (DVD + CD) the country to him - receiving nearly live dispatches via National Geographic Classics: Capture his passion! Discover the art of seductive dance that telegraph from his generals in the field and sending out his works for every woman. Learn to strip your way to a better plans for the national faster and with more clarity than ever Super Predators body image, improve your physical self-confidence and feel before. The results of Lincoln’s pioneering experiment in From majestic but deadly big cats to powerful sharks and like a sensual woman anytime you want. The easy-to-follow electronic leadership would ultimately lead to the fields of stealthy crocs and snakes, National Geographic reveals the slow sensual dance moves, holistic body approach and Gettysburg. There, one battle turned the tide of the Civil War secret lives of the world’s super predators in this three disc seduction secrets turn every woman into an erotic sensual - and became the setting for the 272 words of Lincoln’s collection of classics. Programs include Ultimate Cat, Super goddess. Find out how to walk tall, proud and with confidence Gettysburg Address, the speech that recast the American Snake, Ultimate Viper, Ultimate Crocodile, The Whale That in your personal and business life. Follow Staci as she learns ideal as a national creed. Lincoln@Gettysburg unfolds the Ate Jaws, and Monster Shark. step-by-step how to get and control her husband’s full greatest turning point in American history, the rebirth of a Animals & Nature, Documentary, National attention... and a lot more. The DVD’s sections: Plan an erotic nation, and the dawn of the information age. Geographic, Special Interest 290min. evening at home; Lower and upper body moves; Become an American Civil War, Americana, National Geographic 08.04.2014 exotic seductress; Strip and drive your man crazy. This Documentary, Historical / Period Piece, package also contains an exclusive Bonus Dance Music CD 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121473 containing all the tracks you’ll need to create your own home History & Events, Presidents, Special performance. DVD special features: English, Spanish, Interest, War 2013 60min. French, German, & Italian language options, subtitles for the National Geographic: Best Of hearing impaired, and a full-length bonus scene. Contains PBS Home Video 28.01.2014 nudity. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121744 Nature Dancing, Erotic Dancing, Instructional, Journey across land and sea as National Geographic reveals amazing animal behavior and never-before-seen moments in Special Interest 70min. Live Active With Traci Fisher the wild with this best-of anthology of blue-chip specials. Bayview Entertainment 18.02.2014 Nationally certified fitness expert, Traci Fisher draws on her This collectible set features 3 miniseries: Great Migrations, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121188 training experience from serving in the United States Army to Untamed Americas, and Secret Life of Predators. design Live Active total-body workouts. Traci believes that a Animals & Nature, Documentary, National healthy body and mind, is key to YOU living not only longer, Geographic, Special Interest 2010 560min. Intimacy Spa: Sensual Thai Mas- but stronger - in the most active and vibrant way that you can. This DVD includes workouts designed to increase strength National Geographic 01.04.2014 sage and improve cardio conditioning, that builds a healthy body 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121469 Intimate techniques for couples. Thai Massage in its present and heart. The DVD also omes with a printable workout form has been practiced for well over 1000 years. Using calendar that provides a 12-week, easy-to-follow routine, Traditional Thai Massage as a foundation, this DVD will designed to work within your busy lifestyle, while building a National Geographic: Into The teach you to give your partner a deeply satisfying and sensual healthier you. massage. Couples who give and receive Thai bodywork use Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Cosmos Collection its loving touch as the gateway to shared peace, well-being, National Geographic journeys to the depths of outer space to vitality, and intimate bliss. These techniques teach intimacy Interest min. reveal stunning, up-close images of our mysterious solar through each hug and hold with touches and strokes that give E1 Entertainment 04.03.2014 system. This 3-disc set features Inside the Milky Way, Most your partner the gift of pure pleasure. The DVD’s sections 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121614 Powerful Stars, Stellar Storms, Hubble’s Amazing Universe, include: Experience Thai bodywork in practice; Discover Comets, and Cosmic Fury. your Sen Channels; Heighten receptiveness to touch; Learn Documentary, National Geographic, Space, warm oil massage techniques; Release your inner energy. Mademoiselle C DVD special features: English, Spanish, French, German, & Special Interest 2008 316min. Italian language options, subtitles for the hearing impaired, Tom Ford National Geographic 15.04.2014 and a full-length bonus scene. Contains nudity. Carine Roitfeld ran French Vogue for 10 years, building a

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121475 unauthorized immigrants that they will „self-deport.“ develop strength, improve their balance and tone all muscle Supporters call SB 1070 a common sense law enforcement groups alternating from a standing position to a chair or while tool; opponents see it as a dangerous infringement of civil remaining seated. Workout 1 begins with Susan standing next Noah And The Great Arc rights that would inevitably lead to harassment and racial to the chair while Jill remains seated mimicking her The truth behind one of the greatest stories of all time. This profiling. The State of Arizona follows the battle over the law movements. After the all-seated stretching you pick up hand collection of three documentaries examines the legend - and as it spills out to the streets, into the ballot box, and goes all weights and choose to either stand or remain seated. Weights the science - of history’s most famous biblical hero and the the way to the Supreme Court. By the makers of the award- are used to develop wrist and forearm strength in addition to Arc. Three stories include: Noah and the Ark: Voyage to a winning Farmingville, The State Of Arizona captures the bicep, shoulder, and triceps presses for total upper body New Beginning, Mega Disasters: Noah’s Great Flood, and latest chapter in the American experience in toning. While seated on your chair you will tone the major Mysteries of the Bible: Noah and the Flood. Documentary, History & Events, Politics, muscle groups of your legs. Seated ab-focused exercises follow the legs. Spinal twists and contracting movements are History & Events, History Channel, Religion/ Special Interest 2013 90min. designed to be fun while flattening your stomach. Workout 2 Spirituality, Television 135min. PBS Home Video 28.01.2014 continues warming up those stiff joints and improving A&E 04.03.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121745 circulation. In this section strengthening your biceps and triceps are performed while seated whereas the lower body 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121201 muscle building exercise section offer the opportunity f Swamp People: Season Four Fitness, Health, Instructional, Senior The Pervert’s Guide To Ideology In Season 4 of Swamp People on History, the resolute crews Interest, Special Interest 64min. face wild weather, a ticking clock and life-threatening feats. Slavoj Zizek - Dir. Sophie Fiennes While surrounding states are knee-deep in drought and Bayview Entertainment 11.03.2014 Following a theatrical release in all key U.S. markets, Zeit- dehydration, the people of south Louisiana once again wade 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121195 geist Films is proud to announce the DVD and digital release through the Atchafalaya waters as Hurricane Isaac hits on of Sophie Fiennes’ second collaboration with cultural theorist gator season’s opening day. Dropping temperatures spur superstar Slavoj ZiZek, The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology. One prematurely hatched eggs and early retreat for alligators. UFC 168: Weidman Vs. Silva 2 of most prolific and popular intellectuals of our time, Slavoj With the ultimate goal for bigger gators and higher profits, the Chris Weidman, Dustin Poirier, Gleison Zizek (also star of Zeitgeist documentaries Zizek! and hunters remain true to their resourceful Cajun traditions while Examined Life) re-teams with acclaimed documentarian Sophie employing newfangled and unconventional baiting techniques. Tibau, Travis Browne, Anderson Silva Fiennes (The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema; Over Your Cities Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Grass Will Grow) for another wildly entertaining romp History Channel, Reality, Swamp, Television through the crossroads of cinema and philosophy. With 968min. Interest, Sports, UFC 2014 300min. infectious zeal and a voracious appetite for popular culture, A&E 11.02.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 01.04.2014 Zizek literally goes inside some truly epochal movies to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121712 explore and expose how they reinforce prevailing ideologies. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121228 As the ideology that undergirds our cinematic fantasies is revealed, striking associations emerge: What hidden Catholic Talks About Nothing UFC: Best Of 2013 teachings lurk at the heart of The Sound of Music? What are the fascist political dimensions of Jaws? Taxi Driver, Rick Moody/One Ring Zero, Ken Burns, Johny Hendricks, Liz Carmouche, Dennis Zabriskie Point, The Searchers, The Dark Knight, John Fiona Shaw, Laurie Anderson, Brian Cox Bermudez, Carlos Condit Carpenter’s They Live („one of the forgotten masterpieces of Some of the world’s most active minds came to New York’s Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special th Rubin Museum of Art from 2010-2011 to talk about... nothing. Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 300min. Documentary, Special Interest 2013 136min. Two by two, they partook in probing, inspired conversations Starz / Anchor Bay 25.03.2014 Zeitgeist Films 18.02.2014 about universal questions: what is, what isn’t, and how can we tell? The concept of nothing is central to Buddhism’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121267 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121544 diamond sutra, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and countless more works of art, philosophy, Punk Singer science, and spirituality. So there was plenty for each pair to UFC: Best Of 2013 (Blu-ray) talk about. The Economist applauded the Rubin’s „inspired Johny Hendricks, Liz Carmouche, Dennis Carrie Brownstein, Kim Gordon pairings“: neurologist Oliver Sacks and blind photographer Kathleen Hanna, lead singer of the punk band Bikini Kill and John Dugdale; Shakespearean actor Brian Cox and Bermudez, Carlos Condit dance-punk trio Le Tigre, rose to national attention as the developmental psychologist Alison Gopnik; filmmaker Ken Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special reluctant but never shy voice of the riot grrrl movement. In so Burns and Tibetan Buddhist teacher Traleg Rinpoche; Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 min. doing she became both one of the most famously outspoken performance artist Laurie Anderson and Charles Seife, author feminist icons and a cultural lightning rod. While her critics of a book about zero. The results were unscripted, unlimited, Starz / Anchor Bay 25.03.2014 wished she would just shut up, her fans hoped she never and enlightening - food for thought from some of the greatest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121283 would. So when in 2005 Hanna stopped shouting, many thinkers of our time. wondered why. Through 20 years of archival footage and Documentary, Special Interest 2011 468min. UFC: The Ultimate Fighter 18 - intimate interviews with Hanna and those who were part of Image Ent. 11.03.2014 the scene, including music legends Joan Jett and Adam Team Rouse Vs. Team Tate Horowitz, The Punk Singer takes viewers on a fascinating 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121351 tour of contemporary music and offers a never-before-seen Mixed Martial Arts, Reality, Special Interest, view into the life of this fearless leader. The Tundra Book: A Tale Of Sports, Television, UFC 2013 800min. Documentary, Special Interest 2013 81min. Starz / Anchor Bay 15.04.2014 MPI 25.03.2014 Vukvukai Little Rock 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121715 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121423 72 years have passed as deer herder Vukvukai lives in the depths of Chukotka. He is an old man full of energy and wisdom - the ‘real man of the tundra’ whose life cannot be When Jews Were Funny Science Of Measurement seen apart from by the deer. His people take care of a huge Howie Mandel, Shecky Green Measurement is a story as old as mankind itself. Since our herd - over 14,000 deer. Their life is a non-stop struggle for survival and well-being in the most harsh weather conditions Insightful and often hilarious, When Jews Were Funny ancestors first began to count the passing of the seasons, we surveys the history of Jewish comedy, from the early days of have used it to help master and understand our world. But of Chaun-Chukotka. They deeply believe in the strength of tradition and so succeed in their struggle. The ancient culture Borsht belt to the present, ultimately exploring not just what is it that drives us to quantify and measure everything ethnicity in the entertainment industry, but also the entire around us with ever greater levels of precision? Generation of Nomadic Chukchi takes care of them, so they preserve and follow it. As far as it is now - their realm remains stable. unruly question of what it means to be Jewish. Popular after generation, why has this quest continued to obsess the comedians from the past and present provide an abundance of greatest minds of their day? Oxford mathematician Marcus du Adventure, Documentary, Drama, Special surprising opinions and witty humor. Veterans of the 1940s Sautoy (The Story of Math, The Code) explains how humans Interest 2011 105min. and 50s deny that their comedy reflected anything of Jewish have succeeded in reducing the chaos and complexity of the Virgil Films And Entertainment 18.03.2014 culture. For younger comics, their biggest influences are world to just seven fundamental units of measurement - the family members, fathers, aunts and yentas. Many bemoan the building blocks of modern science. Embarking on a journey 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121606 loss of Yiddish, while arguing about the quintessential Jewish around the world and back in time, the series shows how joke. Perhaps the movie’s real subject isn’t so much comedy measurements have shaped the course of history, science, and Susan Tuttle’s In Home Fitness: but what it means to be Jewish. It’s an impossible question to civilization - and changed every aspect of our daily lives. answer...but it’s also one well worth exploring, especially in Documentary, Science, Special Interest, Cardio Sculpt Intervals For Seni- a movie as funny and heartfelt as this one. Technology 2013 177min. ors Documentary, Special Interest 2013 89min. Image Ent. 11.03.2014 First Run Features 01.04.2014 Fitness, Health, Senior Interest, Special 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121350 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121420 Interest min. Bayview Entertainment 11.03.2014 The State Of Arizona 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121194 Winged Planet The State Of Arizona captures the explosive emotions and In this stunning natural history film, the 90 minute featurized complex realities behind Arizona’s headline-grabbing struggle version of acclaimed Earthflight series, you can see with illegal immigration. From ground zero of the nation’s Susan Tuttle’s In Home Fitness: what the birds see - snow geese dashing through Monument immigration debate, the film follows Arizona’s controversial Valley and New York City, with their 3D wing tips stretching „show me your papers“ law through the stories of Arizonans Chair Strength And Tone For Se- out of the screen ... scarlet macaws racing through the on all sides of this divisive issue - from those who wrote it, to niors rainforest as if it were a high-speed obstacle course ... those who supported it, to those who dreaded its wrath. vultures soaring miles above the earth, then zooming down to Frustrated with federal inaction and rising border tensions, Strength training is essential to avoid muscle loss and to scout wildebeest herds far below. Hold on for the ride of your Arizona lawmakers ignite a national maelstrom by instituting protect your bones and joints. This program is designed to life as you cruise just above the ocean. Great white sharks, SB 1070. The tough law is designed to make life so harsh for help the older adult increase their muscle mass and stamina, dolphins and whales leap up at you - so close, you can almost

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Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr John Cena Slaughter and more! WWE fans have long awaited another For 52 weeks a year, the WWE Universe is glued to their Warrior DVD since the controversial release of 2005’s The Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- seats for 3 hours of pulse pounding action on Monday Night Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior. Finally, with over 7 Raw. But what happens after the cameras stop rolling? Now, hours of matches from this larger than life Superstar, the und Feiertags (Baden- in this new DVD/Blu-ray set, The Best of Raw: After the action on this home entertainment release is truly Out Of Württemberg) bleibt unser Show, fans get a unique perspective of WWE’s flagship Control! Verkauf geschlossen. show, with never-before seen footage of Raw’s aftermath. Special Interest, Sports, Sports Traditionally, Raw has continued on into the night purely for Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE the enjoyment of the live audience. Now, no one is left in the dark as all the top Superstars in Raw history are presented in 540min. rare form. Get a heavy dose of WWE’s most colorful Super- WWE Home Video 01.04.2014 stars- The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, DX, John Cena - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121466 and more, showing off their larger than life personalities, often times shedding their on-camera personas for the sake of pure fun. From Austin beer bashes, birthday celebrations, WWE: Ultimate Warrior - The humorous improv, crowd interaction, and dark matches sure to please the hardcore fan, these are the moments that can only Ultimate Collection (Blu-ray) happen in WWE. Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts Special Interest, Sports, Sports He is one of the most colorful and intense Superstars of all Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE time, the Ultimate Warrior! Now for the first time ever, WWE honors his illustrious career with this ultimate collection of 540min. bone-crunching matches. Feel the power of the warrior over WWE Home Video 22.04.2014 3-discs, featuring battles against all his biggest rivals such 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121476 as Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, Ravishing Rick Rude, Sgt. Slaughter and more! WWE fans have long awaited another Warrior DVD since the controversial release of 2005’s The WWE: Best Of Raw - After The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior. Finally, with over 7 hours of matches from this larger than life Superstar, the Show (Blu-ray) action on this home entertainment release is truly Out Of Newsletter 01/14 (Nr. 336) John Cena Control! ISSN 1610-2606 For 52 weeks a year, the WWE Universe is glued to their Special Interest, Sports, Sports Credits seats for 3 hours of pulse pounding action on Monday Night Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Redaktion: Raw. But what happens after the cameras stop rolling? Now, 540min. in this new DVD/Blu-ray set, The Best of Raw: After the Wolfram Hannemann Show, fans get a unique perspective of WWE’s flagship WWE Home Video 01.04.2014 show, with never-before seen footage of Raw’s aftermath. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121481 Design & Layout: Traditionally, Raw has continued on into the night purely for Wolfram Hannemann the enjoyment of the live audience. Now, no one is left in the dark as all the top Superstars in Raw history are presented in Wyoming Triumph Assistenz: rare form. Get a heavy dose of WWE’s most colorful Super- Beate Hannemann stars- The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, DX, John Cena - Action, Adventure, Documentary, Skiing & and more, showing off their larger than life personalities, Snowboarding, Special Interest, Sports Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: often times shedding their on-camera personas for the sake of 2011 min. Anna Rudschies pure fun. 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